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Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York • 3

Buffalo, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

.,1 4 ''I. -1 41 i I 4 i i AUC3I0N SAlaES. 0K)N1NXPBESS. PUFFALO.fcWEDlfESDAY, APML Report zi for Buffalo Morning FOR SALE OB TO EXCHANGE A NEW two Starr brick bona en tbe east side of Waab- LOCAL. LITXKIKY 4XIUSCXLLABEaf 3y A Jnsr TR jrT.

The fonowing extract 1MB tatter irhlea BFpeeltedto 3rof SettS-day, we Ink of raiBclant inures to ear reader to addMt 1 our colorant, and e.dcnce Out We endorse 1W KB UmenU: i -There are many beniTolent deed that deserve to be because they teacj lesions of lore ana nooieni of soul worthy ef more Imitation. One of these meritorious acta bat jtut 3me to my knowledge, and win, I doabt not, gratify youi numerous reader ai mafcb as It did me. Every one knows Bioraoirn, a rough dla: among ear wealthy men thtt Mate. Wen, Dba an orphan at fourteen yeaj of tee. Without meant orrele- tires to protect him.

A geftttieBiau by the name of 4n- 1 mm, then in aflfaent elrcHmeteaces, kix4ly tavitedf htm to kit home. Diuuf iaceepid taw offer, being dertirote of tbe neeettary cioiningto protect aim mm we apprweu-log winter. Thia bensveftat renuemaa furnished, hiro witt clothing and) meant tfj dlteharge obUgation eanse- qaent open too sicsness ti deatn or nu iatner. vn un opening Of spring; he foundjhlrEtslf Indebted to Mr. EiKX, about two hundred dogan.

Tbit amount oar yong 'I here propoeed to pay in which waa attented 4 Mr. 8., without fixing the Amount. Soch waa the enlrgy with which tie prosecuted fags labors, that at tbe end of the year If r. 8. settled hit accofcnt and allowed him the 1 of a man.

Ha not only discharged the debt, but tnri himaelf abont one hundred collars, with which eapltaghe, I' ia company with a young Ifcan abont hi own age, bo i ksttles, and commenced the business ef boiling fait at3a-; lina. Thia wa the flrat ttart fafbueipeea, and from fiat time DtA RKamoBB aefaoj to aeejoire petition and ejia- i raeter. that hat increased in imnorUDce mp to the prut time, where we find him poaeeteed or large political lnpo-ence. and commanding weiluA But I wiU hasten to faj itory- Mr. Hichmokd wat i lbany.

a few dayiilnee, fnd Incidentally fell in with bisld Mend and patron, Mr. gaitaxAjiD. The interrlewl at mut cordial ad tntereet. ing, and their eyea lannted yith teart at they recoup each other't tneoattea and dtppolntmenU. Ths yoon) nun bad been fortunate iafhit aocamnJation of wealth, aod the' elder one unfortunaO.

Iiriog upon a email farm tn one oi me lower eounnet ue ataie, ier woicu am I owed the turn of three huoettd dollara, aeenred by nW 1 mm. Aftar Mr. RioHMon nrrtad with hit old frienalJ 1 retired to hit hotel. There retiring a check for roar hon- tarea aouere xrom an iuuitmjw-m niuoii he. n.

win and enclosed the amount to "Mr. 8., with aa aturanee (hat it gare him great pleatnre to furniah him with meant to dlaetarge the claim Kgalntt hit heme. ii Thia it what I cat true bnerolence, and a. moat I TlnelDg proof that men are nofalwayt ungratefnL In the handt of thia elate of men it a bleating, for deaenr. log object! are liberally cared r.

In eonneetlon with the aboro, a friend related to me another Incident iri the early Bfe Mr. Rjchmcxd, which l-i Inatratea the nrat point made bjr him, and which gave hfin a ttrocg noia upon uie oonnaepoe euu rctpc vi ni i low eitiaene. A reel lent of llhitown, engaged In the lui Jber bntinete for tereral yeari.Sn the Ohio, waa taken aii feat Cincinnati, where be neuailf marketed hit hunber, trad died, learinra wife and twoleHldred. HU bntlneae beirjg In a rery loote eondition, reqiired immediate attention. could get no one tolge eo far away to attend to clottpg the eitate.

At length the made an arrangement 9 with Mr. RioueairD, then in th sixteenth year of hit age, toi undertake the boaineai, lie Started for CincinBeJI -where he found everything ia confused itote coanMsklL dbe, and a nnmher scattered atdiflerent points. Going work, howerer, with an Inbrfid determination, he tooo iolleeted the accounts and I tJldiff the lumber, and in toe mmhIui nf nine thonsmnd dollars, and burlne a horsi. tarted for home, where he arrived in safety with the md- ley to gladden the hoart of thewtdow. The whole ne igS--orhood nartook of the Jot thai had to unexpectedly tui- ounded the widow and orphis.

Tbe widow would eig- th care of thia monev to no one else, and Mr. R. iu- Teted Are thousand dollai s-ln ionds and mortgages, anil fj-etained four thousand doliarat a loan, upon which paid the wklow interest until heeturned the principal, With this money be was able Wengtge in botinets, whl proved tuoeessful, enabliog n'mV' return the loan wlthij pre years; This event in nu garcaim a potiaon Character for business, that opened tbe, door for 'bit futu The wavejng, irresolute, iooorl stent man, Is usually one of upiappy character. DoahJ eats like a oanker his energietjand destroys all healthjr the mind. He hear! in eTery.whitper of tlib irlnd some canae for mistrust, ad shuts hit ears and hearjt the truth for ho iritj be distrustful.

Vaccillatlon li lift ionstant habit, because he eafinot pat faith In what Met and. heart only one does not doubt, enj) hat Is his doubt. The doubtful tun can never be relic! Ipon he will fluctuate between doubts and his eonv sense, and almost to a certainty cling to the former) e.wiU not allow you to assist nor to advise him tor bit Suspicion changes you into a dragon come to destroy hhn Iis weakness becomes a crime lor it jadges men at onl ifjne shall Judge them, andi makfA a very hadea of a man's bosom. It makes Infidels, and scMsmi of 'torts. i WitLijM Wills bowh, of Boston, fori merry a slave amdog the Border gBumans of Missouri, wi gire a recitation air the new, laumable and highly rnteres ing moral drama In favor or Fi edom, written by himsel entitled "Experience, or how tefigive a Northern man Sack Bone," at Kremlin Hall, l-morrow evening, at o'clock.

Mr. BaowH't drama wi elicited univenal please in our eastern cities and' is highly spoken of an 0 Nw PrwuCAnoa'a. Thw Border Vflr-ttr Ewsaaoa Btwmrr 9 vela Daner. Philadelrhia T. a.

(Csrsasoa. jrl frjtsow Bammt baa boats of admirera who will buy od iid thia work with all the aett with which they have jUoMld Una thtceuh ari Ai mis of lermer cxdUrr the Border Berer ia to the Territory sipgaai, Mgintuttg at xaaepenoencer sussvan am iendiifg all aver the plalna or prairies to the Reeky ilounl-aiDs. It it full ef thrilling adventurst and hair I irtadib eacapee. lore, romance and humor, and the ehar-i ictortare trappers, traders, buntara, traveWa, guide, In- diansAe.Ae. 'p- VoHaato byT.

8. BML 'I', yersatjona, and Debating; with directions for acquiring a Grammatical, Easy and Graceful Style. The principal poluts of this little volume may be' briefly toteau follows lstf 'How to Talk" furnishes in a condensed form each eiptaftion of the whole" euhlcet of lanmiaire as! will en ible sf person of common lntellirence. a little appll dauofio study, aa'd moderate degree ofperseveraaee in praeuee, so aveia aaoet ex the gross errors wnicn mar tne peech of a majority ef people, and to use the noble English tongue with Correctness and elegance, Sa-rtt notes and corrects, In accordance with rulea nreviottaiy given, a large number or ice mott common er rors in peaing 8d Il rives useful and practical rules and hints on de livery in general, and on the kindred topics of eonrena- tlon. readioc.

and public spealdne in particular, illustra. tod by examples and accompanied by suitable exercises. ForsljlebyT.8.'HAWe. The tainndence His Masnncrailo rtv it vow New Tork Dix, KowAant Co. I mosectiarming romantic books, of the Marquesas, by uisjiii ainxviLLX, created a sensation, and gained him alrepatsllou upon which he has subsisted ever since.

Oknnooj find Typee were indeed readable books, nut from "Moby )ick" to tbit last, "The Confidence Man," we think he has sensibly declined in matter and manner. Wa confess have net read but fifty pages ef this book con secutively, although we bare glanced at different portion! of it; anfl regret to record our opinion that il is a queer medley, without force, but with 'ranch glibneai and with oat toteirjSst. ler aate by L. SAaTosni. -it 13 Lake Eeis C0MMAKHB.Y.

At the annual elUtlonj if officers of Lake Erie Oommandery, No. 20, held mommimc nau, xrauaio, apru leoi. uie following om- cars weft elected Joe. BSTrua Generalissimo. H.

K. Visl Caps. Gen. K. Prelate.

Fas. MSCaswa Jun, Warden. i. 11. Ausna TreaS.

1 rAKtamua Recorder. Thos. $. Hnarar Sword G. A.

gcaontjti Warden. C. 0. UanrroL, 1 ISLAQ aouovir. Guards.

j. wawj, pirn. Kiwsxr Sentinel. tH" IKaiLROid Innw. I.nrrft niisnt.itioe'nf ra Iroad ron the first of a lot of T.C00 tons -destined for th HUnflt Central R.R.

has! arrived by RaOroad. The iron Is the Montour Works, Danville, and it ef un isual Itmgth, the rails being 24 feet long. Also, 1,000 toi a of Ui same iron is expected to arrive for the Buffalo an 1 Lek Hard Railway probably for the track through tlx elty. ftWe are glad to notice, espedalry with reference to he B. L.

H. K. ao English Company that they fin 1 hongs manufactures worthy of comnetitien with f-L ploRTALiTT thb Citt. It appears from the frport of Dr. DavToif, -Health Physician, that there werS two hundred and thirty-five deaths in this city, dm ing the month 'of March Of these, one hundred and aix five Vere children under ten years of forty-five of vbompied.

of scarlet fever. This it an lnorease of thi over the month of February and one hundred anil twetfty-forr over March, 1868. One of the persons wh died, numbered in the foregoing, whs one hundred yei of age. THiaXOHETKICAL RECORD. The follow.

ng Is the Reguter of the thermometer, kept by Mathews an by them 'furnished to us, commencing at 12 P. bf Monday, and ending at 6 P. M. of Tuesday 12 25 degrees abort zero. A.M 22' 12 29 if.

80 Btrriun April 1857. fi" CdAMPLia's XTLOPilLORiCM.i We have no hesitation, sayt the Batavia 'ifpiritef the Timet, in reci mmenaimr tins article as most valuable Tor ttrength-eni; ig, reltoring, darkening and perpetuating the beaut; of le hair, and for removing and: perpetually eradicating lourflnd dandruff. We preferable to any oh preparation far the hair. Give it a trial. Sold by H.

p. GeUmrua, S90 Main street. Barkis and Lake, two of our most iodefatigable police officers, on Monday last arrested John Keating, who lately made his escape froi i the County Penitentiary, in a house eh 'ana street. He will attain be incarcerated, and probably find, that it would been better to have served bis time out quietly. he! name of the unfortunate man who was killeia on the Central Road, on Monday, proves to be WiLLiAJt gStobii.

Ue has sometimes evincedVsymptoma of Insanity, fnd it Is not Improbable that he may have com mitted suwide In an irrational moment. Ha was a tanner by trade. And has recently worked for r. Gausses, at the Hydraulics. the St.

George's Society of Buffalo, an nounee ttteir Anniversary at the American Hotel on the 23d jinstaat The managers ure WnaiAiiLcrr, Willlui Boofais, JojI! D. Surra, Bihjahis PiiLEiaud Saxi7l ILut oaAka. For the information of house we give the Information that the wood stand, in wBI be oh the Terrace between Pearl and West Seneca strieti Oil I Isroat poucs Josnct drcllaid. '1 AprU Wunn Weeton was brought up oil a charge of com mitting a assault and battery on Mary Ann Messling He waivec an examinationand gave bail for his appearance at the neat Oyer and Terminer. i Jraneiii Greater was convicted on sr charm ot commit ting so ae9ault and battery en James and sentenced to ay a fine of to.

Fine paid. I Ellen Murphy was brought up on a charge of petit lar ceny. Oemplainant not appearing, defendant was discharged. I Ofthirbue JT. Perrv was sent to the Penitentiary for 80 days as a.vagranb David SFetcft was brought from jail for examination on charge Of committing an assault and battery on Abrani Tan Duaefc, Complainant not appearing, deiendant wa diadhargeC iHats! Hats! Hats THE fepRIa WTLES OS" OKKTT.KMEWS HATS anil OA P8 are now ready at COM STOCK'S.

I I Also.JuM received a large assortment of very fine FELT II AV3, all luruenis ana loutns. jBuflalo umbrella I bareT had- manufactured, Aad bare now hand for the Spring Trade, a very large assortment jaf the celebrated BUFFALO UMBRELLA, in extra fine Oingham Whalebone frames. Also, in fine Gingham, with the Pa- KBlsrisvB rramc. sw An examination ia solicited. I 'I M.

JJ JIDLUVA, (txf Ketchum A Comstockl) mhl9 f. SOS Main street. Dyspepsia. Cured. Bosroa, December 8.

r. ueo. 1. URKK.n Uear bit; in reply to yeut quesSon in regard to the action of tbe Ox jgcheted Bitten, 4 feel much pleasure in stating that from its nrorLnt aid decisive effect in alleviating and overcoming a severe tbd chronic case of tbdige ition and Dyspepsia in' my own family, and from a knowledge or Its wonasnui results In juring several attacks qui'e as severe in bther families omy acquaintance, I consider it a sovereign and! Infallible remedy In that distressing comph inti and would eerdially and earnestly recommend it to alii who may be thws afflicted. Beapectfully yours, ISA AC DANFOETH, it South Market street.

The abHre certificate is from a well known and highly rtmectabe merchant of Boston, and entitled to the fullest eorVtdenee. BETH W. FOWLE A 188 Washington Street, Bos ton, Proprietors, gold by their agents everywhere. apt-dAy-deod Falnable Medicine. We lume no medicinal preparation ever of- to tie public has been more thoroughly tested than PERRY PAIN KILLER.

ousaSdS of person, were; they called upon to do so, ehesrfully testify that they have used it ror various ith tile most satisfactory success, It is within1 our knowledge, that an immense amount ef suffering haa btei relieved by ft Ita proprietors save no pains orl ea-penie In eder to satisfy the public Being sti icUy honorable mejt, they tibserve the ntmoet uniformity in the of their celebrated Pain Killer. The material i of wUch it it composed are carefully lelected none bit the belt being By these means the high reputation whuhj the Paih Killer has long since ttme sustained. In view of these facta, we are by eant turprised fe learn that Meaara. Paris ft Son't are constantly aad rapidly increasing. ProvUUnet JdverUter.

3 Id by SOLLIfiTEE A ATIRACK, Buffalo. mh80eodcSw 'ittealth! Good health will be restored to all who fairly srr Uie eulat've powers of W. STU.IE'S LnmUTKlJ yeztftabld aLitliild Catlmrtl Thia gretS Family remedy 1 warranted to cleanse; the StoiIachfromaUoiJ. It wQlpeeitlvely aura thellee- a iertaia remedy larau Ajecaoneejwe ioer; wia re- aaote btinees, and expel all humor from tbe Willi sorely We vent and ear Fewer and Ami; Invi atei the dligestivs organs; restores Loet Appetite, and strengthen the whole system. Its us a requires no change of th appetite crave and that which it rellthed bet lathe proper food wh ill taking thia medicine.

Da loot getijliscouraged If it effestt are not perceptible aa ooh as yoft expect, butcasttinue foUow the directions npek the of the bottle and it operation will be found ara a w8bi Price $1 to. Prepared by G. W. d.H.stWiOtlM Eroadway, New tork, Agent for! the BtaU. Mala street.

Agent lor Buffalo. Mi mhodm ebntcr1 Oil store. I i Cssraelr: WttasUturtoat Street. If and Dealer in Machinery and Burn ing Ofla. Neat loot Ofla.

1" What noixAKDiEg THisa: or Berbatb's Ht laid Brrraaa J. QClliT'u. editor of tbe Sheboygan fwiclWl, in a letter dated Septetsber Bib, ISfd, thai retoaru: "Ymm will observe that I have pubUahed aeveral oerfifl Kates lately. These are ne men 'puji," bat liUrmlly true; and should yoa continue advertising with wet, yew may expect te aecwre urge oraera ma every atouaaa aetuement in the Cnitad fctatea." This is an eatraet from one of the many letter received from tfce Holland settlement. Surely when Hollanders recommend tbe Holland Bitten to warmlr, Americans may not hesitate in totting its virtues for themselves.

See advertisement. apeaciw Photsiz Kuex hi Scoi Tma BED-SON is already pre Mr-4 to rceivw orders for the 8pJUNG cTYLJC ofGEHTS' HATS. CaU carry ana leave yoor measure tor a rurejUaad tasty Hat, at 195 Main street, over ineaire entrance. w. u.

isaueun, i i mh4tf leader of Fashion! for Buffalo. '1 i 1 Wiotie Ef bkwgsI TounKraeiiiaesirui to make a profitable investment of the lone Whiter even inn. which will soon be unen us. are reminded that CRY' ANT AND 6T RATION'S MERCANTILE COLLEGE will be open for Evening Sessions on the first of October. This will give desirable facilities to thoee who are otherwise engaged dnrir the day.

See advertisement in another column. seSS ff lf.erca.aale intelUseBce Oaee-Hessrt, Bsvat A SraATToa have lately opened, in connection with their Mercantile College, an "Intelligence for the convenience of business men aad others who may be in want of Accountants, Salesmen, Agents, Cashiers, Collectors, Copyists, etc. Competent and reliabieiper- ons for either of the aboie named position can always be obtained, and generally thoee who have had several years experience, if preferred. Information will also; be given to accountants as to the beat method of opening and closing books, effecting partnership settlements, changing from tingle io doubly entry, etc. Address Bar- AiT A Stkatto, Mercantile College.

mrxetf PELlaSSIER KAGLAKB. A LAN A large and splendid assortment just opened at jaj. b. jsuttEKl'ts Hew xora uiotning Btore, 1 ocl 14 Main street. Velvets, Orereoatings, Cassimeres, 4c.

just received at J. B. BOG CRT'S, ocz New lork Clothing store, 164 nam Btreev IjASIKS ATTENTION I Hare rou seen those beautiful Raekng for Children at I JAS. B. BOUSKI'a, oeSt -ltd Main Street Coinmis8ion Xjumter Yard.

JOHN GARRICK, i CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. Consignments solicited of Lumber, Lath, Shiu- gles, to seueitner enoat or irom i aru. Office 96 South Water street Yard, Grove street, south or St. vnarie xiumoer Depot.

iiiimoii: G.M.Higginsen,Ksq.t B. P. Sutherland, Esq. 6. O.

Morten, M. T. Green, L. P. HilUard.Esq T.


Wharf, Butfalo, T. joaa rLamurr, johk jtlsxhabtv, jaJ Liberal advances made on all kinds of Produce for sale in Buffalo, Albany, New York and Boston. Particular attention paid to purchasing Frounce for Kast ern Market. 1 apCtf J. R.

BENTLKY ii FORWARDING at COMMISSION MERCHANTS ann Ascareor awirrsuBE lute of boa ts on tbe HVmON RIVER, He. IT Central Wharf, Bufalo. I jaws B.Bunav. CMAH.a.aaavnnn, -'aavaaaaou: il Jesse Hovt ft Adams ft Buckingham, Eawls ft Bey moor, liows, ouiteau, a iiariu irasis Sayles ft New York M. H.

Read ft Sob, A.Duraat 8. Hale, Grant, Armstrong ft Andrew wnite. Comme cial Bank, Albany. my 10 SID WAY S. SKI.VIVKIl MOOKJS, WHOLSaiXB AHD RBTXrL i SHIP CHANDLERS AND GROCERS, Ko.l Sidvmy Buildinge, long Wharf, Corner Dock and Water streets, KCKFALO.N.

Y. JOSiTBIS SlDWAT, I CHBBTBR tlOOsi, Oaviixa B. Skinner, PaANEua Smwir. Manilla arid Tarred Cordage, Anchors and Chains, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Putty, Blocks, Pumps, Sails, Ac, Ac. mr7tf Howard, Whitcomb Rom.

if7 Main and 816 Wsusnlngton ijtrceta, Wholesale and Eetail Dealer in SHiVTLS, DRESS GOODS, WOOLEN CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, HOUSE AND HOTEL FCRN1SHIJSG GOODS, AND DRY GOODS GENERALLY. See advertisement. 1 au22 ELIJAH K. BRUCE, i (Successor to Pox ABruoe.V SHIP CHANDLER, GROCER COMMISSION MERCHANT, MAtnu Anchors, Chamsi Canvass, Tarred and Manilla Cordage 23 ii 24 Cenxbal WHABy I'rime fcn i Agency of the Buffalo White Lead Co. Cash paid for Old Junk.

apl3-ly 1854. WASHINGTON DOCK. 1854 E. S. ALPORT, STORAGE, FORWARDING AND C0M3BSSI0B, Oltlo Street, near sftsoliigtoitqaare, Oppositethe Ship Yard of Bid well, Banta ft i FOR 10.U00 BBLS FLOUR.

I S50feetDock for Steamers, Propellers andSailing Vessels'. Also, Dockage for Railroad iron, Lumber, salt, t-oat, Water lame, etc jelti HOUSE FURNISHING EMPORIUM JAMES W. DUNNE No. 4rd East Seneca Street, j. fOPPOAITX THS uraAJffKXlN HODSR." Inform their friends and the public? generally that they have opened the above store with the choicest collection of STOVES, of AEilV KINDS ana PATTERHSf Also, Cutlery, fluted Ware and general House jntrnian Ing uoods.

And we are prepareu to do ji.ll JLinds ot Jobbing, In CoBDer.Tin and Sheetlron on the shortest notice j. v. LioKsa, vmiu w. a. Burr te Co.j Bankers, KO.

9 0 MAIN STREET, BUFFALO First floor Marine Bank Building. Dealers in all kinds of TJncui rent Money also purchasers of erood business Paper and Bonds and Merti gages. Will discount time Drafts, payable in New Yorkj Albanr. Troy and Boston, eight Exchange on Troy, Aij bany, New Ifork and Boston upon 'the most favorable erms. mys-iy RICIWOIiD CO STORAGE.

FORWARDING COMMISSION BoaiHSSft UHIOAOO. ILLU OIB They will make advances on property for shipment and sale East. I Thomas Richmoud wDl give special attention te Vessel Agencies will buy and procure cargoes. Orders for the purchase of Wheator other Property receive promptattention. niatest.

myiuti WIT.T-T.A9I 8 ING. PROVISION, FLOUR, GRAIN; AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE BROKER, Office, fustom House Build inics. liiTTirFAT.O' Tff Cor. Llovd arid 2d Ooor: x. rw Cash advanced on all Consignment when re-j 3 Reier Philo Surfee, Geo.

W. Tifft, MUel Jones, Black mar A Gilbert, Bagnall A Dobbin. i jai-iy 1856 CURTIS MANIf I8BO PRODUCE, COMMISSION FORWARDING MERCHANTS. Proprietor of the i RAILROAD and CANAL LINE on the Erie Canal. Also, Freight Agents for the connecting Railroads bei tween Troy and Boston ana Bcnenectaay ana Boston, g3ey jrreignt laaea as tow aa oy any otner nouw irui Buffalo to Railroads from Schenectady or Troy.

Consign to Isaac T. Alia; Troy i Ira BaowitaiXyatheriectady. my24-ly7-j JSO. F. LOCKWOOO, BANKER AND EXCHANGE BROKER, ij 151 Main.

Street, Buffalo, -AT, 'Buys and sells Gold, Silver, Uncurrent Moneys and Bills of Exchange. Collections on all parts of "the United States and Canada promptly made, remitted for on the day of payment, at the current rate of Exchanged without extra charge. myl i BTJEl.Li AC WILLARD, PRODUCE. FORWARDING AND COMMISi I SIGN MaUUnAai'S, i Also Dealers in Sal Water Lime and Plaster. Near foot of Lloyd street, opposite Buffalo City Bank, J.

8. Boaix, 1 i feotf Jab. M. Wiujb) BXJFFA LO, Jf. T.

John la. Tatleott 5l Isaac W. Themvssa ATTORNIES AND COUNSELLORSJ No. 80S Main ttreet, JSuJfaio, NT Are tabs found at their office, and will rive prompt atten: tiento any business committed to them in the City, in this uoiKQawetiinnfisiuiuirciuivuiuw. tea ISAAt; tllf AtAiU WAX, DXALXS I MEDINA AND LOCKP0RT SAND STONEj FLAGGING, CORBINU, FLATKOKM8, Tnar and Window Can and Silie.

Steve, tie. KV Office and Yard corner Michigan street and the: i r. a 1 I uainana iiamourgn uuw. i Tr- JOHN CRAWFORD, A BLE I ORES, NO. 84 NIAGARA STREET, TUtwee'n Mokawk and Huron, BUFFALO Monuments, Tombstones, Chimiey Pieces, ab-; net Blaba, Wash Stands, Ac.

i i GECIIGK IV. BUSH, FORWARDING COMMISSION MEROHA AND INSPECTOR OP PORK, BEEF AND FISH, "BUFFALO- CnY WAREHOUSE," Corner Canal and Lloyd ttreete, Buffalo, N. T. Constantly on hand and for sale fork, Beef, Hams Lard, Smoked Meat, and Fish. I saylO JAMES C.

EVASS Ot PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND i FORWARDER, Jftricr Street, near tie Ship Cong, pIS I I' I BUFFALO JtllS US SALOON I IN DEPOT, DUNKIRK, I BY 8MITH GOFP. Passengera on Lightning Express west on Lake Sbara Road dine at this ttation. I l-tr w. B. CUTLER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, PROCTOR ADVOCATE IN ADMIRALTY, pyoffice over O.

Lee A Co Bank, Sd story. Kntranc en Exehangestreet, opposite the Mansion House. Jaotf T. D. BID WIG Li, JUSTICE OF THE Has' opened his office at 147 Main street, over Hones Telegraph Office.

I la8tf II. IIAUAR CO. I Wholesale Bealei i ra 1 a GROCERIES, WINES AND! LIQUORS, Ne. TO Jfoaw ttreet. mrSO GEORGE HIKSOIt, I JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, In the office formerly occupied br B.

Bear, jT NO. 3 1 TERRACE. ftf CEO.iW. ALXKrT. COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, Ome over Rinaon A Bank, Comer of Mam We Seneca StreeU.

mrl T.AW SOTICE: GUSTATUS A.SCBOGGS, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor at Law, reactor and Advocate In Admiralty. AlBmMe.leaMmla streets.unatsirs. JalSM CHABJUES 1. ieOUXOJX, A I OBNE A AW a. aaa JKAunr street.


aAoarv bnc i i xciuage Broker, Mc Terrace SO AA A-f-A PARTNER WANTED WITH VUV a capital of which will be secured by real estate, to eeoduct the business of an established Hotel ia the City iof New York. The mae eontaining UO furnished roots, loeated in a central part of the and conducted on tbe European plan, ia now doing a good twmsess. too proprietor wuningto re tin from the management, would take a partner with the above capit or, If mora desirable, would treat for the aae of the lease, (which has several years to ran.) tat ether with tbemrai- tan. Address 110TAL, Poet Office Box No. 4179, New ap-l BOARD WANTED BT A YOUNG GEN deman and his mother.

A private family pre ferred. Add res Box 823 P. O. sp2 lw WANT Dl stands gardening i A MAJT THAT UNDER- eninr andtakisa care of Horses. An.

ply at McHENaY'H Grocery, frot of alaiatret, orCapt m. nAaKiP. ANTED A SITUATION" AS HEAD aiouseaeener ia a nrttetaas noteL bv an mwH. rmxa aaenns taay woo naa aaa nrteen years experi-ence in some of the beat botes la the United States, and can give satisfactory reference to character and abil ity, inquire at wiuaAHb' JnteUigence Otaee, apl-lw Ne J9 Maia-aL, opposite the Theatre, 00D COMMERCIAL PAPER WANTED ai uuajs. w.

sail we, Banker and Broker, felStf Corner Main street i nd Terrace. and Warrants wantfd at the A-I highest market rates, fl B. A. MANCHESTER, S3.000L GENERAL FUND ORDERS wanted, felltf B. A.

MANCHESTER OOK-KEEPER A PRACTICAL BOOK aJ keeper o' tone experience who Is at oresent disen gaged, would inform businces men whose books mar be out oi oraer, uiai ne would pest, examine and balance uooat, either oy Hobble or single entry, en moderate wa. vi roicrcnccs given jauuresa oox xyi r.t u. feStf MUItlY CUMMliNG rE NOW RECEITING THEIR SPRING STOCK OF KICII AND DESIRABLE It GOODS. Now Spring Silks. Beautiful style.

Althourh much ad Iranced in price, we are selling them as low as ever. MURRAY CIMJII5G. Bich Silk Robes. Kew and elegant stjles MURRAY A CUMMINO. French Brilliants and Prints, The choicest and latest patterns, Impor-' ted, and without any advance in price.

MURRAY CUMMINO-. Printed Delaines. The very latest styles a' large loi at One Shilling peryard. The cheapest and nasi goods ever onerer in this market. 1 MURRAY A CUMMINO.

Real French Embroideries. A large and elegant stock of the latest importation. A so, a full stock of FarDisbing Housekeeping Goods At; extremely low prices. spltf MURRAY CUMMINS. Michigan Central Railroad Line STEAM EliS.

gg Buffalo to Detroit and Chicago. Tbe new and magnificent Steamers Western World, Plymouth Bock and Mississippi, will form the Line tne i nsuing season, and commence running immediately upon tne opening oi navigation, at lonowt WESTERN WORLD, Job 8. Riohakdb, Commander, Leaves Buffalo Mondays and Thursdays. Detroit, and Saturdays. PLYMOUTH ROCK, P.

J. Ralph, Commander, leaves -Buffallo Tuesdays and Vridays. Detroit.l. Mondays and Thursdays. MISSISSIPPI, I a.

G. Commander, Leaves and Saturdays. Tuesdays and Fridays. These Steamer arc all new and of the largest ing about 2.21HP ton each. The Commanders and Officers are gentlemen ofgreat experience and capability.

Iher are fitted up and furnished for the convenience ot passengers in a atyle of comfort and luxury entirely unequalled; aod are in all respecls conside-ed the safest and most de- irabie steamers tbat sau upon tne western waters. -For the ti anportalion of Freight the Liue will surpass anything ever before offered to the public, having arrangements with parties between Boston and New York, and ail points east of Buffalo to St. Louis, which will enable them to forward Goods and Merchandise with greater dispatch than has ever yet been attained. Shipper of merchandise from the East, should mark packages to the care ei C. L.

SElfMOCR, Freight Agtntof the lin. i Passengers will be able te purchase tickets to all points West, at ail the principal Railroad and titeamboat Offices in the United EtaUs. CHARLES NOBLE, apC-lm Gen. Ag't M. C.

R. K. Line, Buffalo. NOTICE THE COPARTNERSHIP HERE-tofore existing between the under the name of 11. G.

LJCAS A CO is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due to tie firm will be collected by II. G. Lucas, and all liabilities of the firm are to be paid by him, the asset of the firm having been transferred to lUUAS, FRANCI8 RJWE, GEO.

L. NEWMAN. The undersigned having purchased all the rltrbts and interests of the above named Francis Rowe and Geo. L. Newman, in tbe partnership existing here under tbe name aad firm of G.

LUCAS A would now respectfully say, that he is prepared to carry on the business of Brewing; and Malting in tbe City of Cleveland, at the old establishment known-for years as Ives' Cleveland Brewery, and at the Malt House en the West elide, known as the Forest City Malt, House, and takes this opportunity of kindly iaviting the interest and continued support of the numerous friends and customer of the above well known Brewing and Malting business. All orders and communications addressed" to the subscriber will be promptly attended te, and all moneys or accounts due tbe late firm, are requested to be paid to him, who alone ia authorised to receive them. i H.G.LUCAS. Cleveland, April 1st, 1S5T. apt'-8m TAYLOR Jr.

JfEWETT, Bio. 4 and Marine Block, Ohio Street, BUFFALO, N. Y. Ship Chandlers and Grocers, DEALERS IN PATENT CORDAGE, ENGLISH CHAINS AND ANCHORS, CANTAB, BLOCKS, Oakum, Packing, Naval Stores, Paints, Oils, Ac, 4c. TISSKL8 furnished with complete fit-out of Riinrinc, Sails, Chains, Blocks, Capstans, Winches, Windlasses, Patent Steering Wheels, Patent Ship Logs, Compasses, Telescopes, Furniture, and Stores.

oAlu AHA AUIiitirSJlW MMtTTS. Complete suits ef Sails and Gangs of Rigging, ef the best materials and on favorable terms The work done by experienced Riggers and Sail Makers. Constantly on band the most approved styles oi Duck, Russia Bolt itope, ac. i VJilSSEIi tit STEAMER SIGNAL LIGHTS. Sole Agent for "Gillilsnd's Dioptric Lens Steamer and Teasel Signals," In relation to which, at a late Convention of Underwriters held in this city, the following rule was adopted tlThat all Vessels navigating the Lakes be provided with a set of Dioptric Lens Signal Lamps, one of red and one of green stained glass, aad the other of bright or clear glass, of sufficient site," Ao jalC-ly Furniture Block.

Cabinet, Chair and Upholstery ABEHOUSE gv ON THI" CASH SYSTEM, A A I ILAKGEDl HAVING ADDED STORE No. 201 MAIN street to thia Establishment, it ia as formerly th largest of the kind in the State, and the undersigned thankful lor past favors.invites the attention of the public to Uie Largert, Cheapest nd Best Assortment oj Plaoi ao Elssast NEW STYLE CABINET FURNITURE Ever before offered, embracing almost every article that can be named, all of which will be sold at prices that cannot fall to suit those who wish, ty paying Cash, to obtain a GOOD ARTICLE at a very LOW PRICE. Every article is warranted. Having largely increased MANUFACTURING FACILITIES, Furniture will be Madb to Oanaa, and Repairing, Boxing and Packing done, as heretofore, in the best manner and on tbe most reasonable terms. gar All who wish to tee good Furniture at nnprece-dentedly low price, are invited to call.

i ISAAC D. WHITE, mylS i 801 and 808 Main street. Palmer'ar Patent Marine Pumps. THE UNDERSIGNED. HAVING PUR-chased Caps.

Palmer's interest in his Pnmps connected with the Laaea, severally loeated at Buffalo, Detroit, Mackinac and Chicago, is prepared to r-eive order for the ue of tbem or to attend in person with them, on wrecks or other uses. The well knoen capacity and re liability of these Pumps in discharging large' volumes of water without being Choked with grain, render them of eat service in recovering sunken grain oaded vessels, and all other vees-ls where Pump If large capacity are required. AM orders1 addressed to the uadersigned at his office 38 Central Wharf, will receive p-ompt attention. mh2Stdel gtuncj iiiLk Notice. A MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF the Buffalo Starea Factary wUt be held at the offire the subscriber, in the oily of Auburn, VONDA Y.

the 18th day of April next, at two o'clock P. to elect Trus tees of the Buffalo Starch ractory ror ise ensuing year. OHRIBTOPHER MOaGAN, I President and Secretary. Auburn, March 185T. JElre Insurance.

NIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE 67 Wall ttreet, New Tork. Capital $300,600. LOBILLABD FIRE INSURANCE 8 Wall street, New Terk. Capital liOO.OOO. MARKET FIRE INSURANCE ST WaU street, Sew Tork.

Capital 1200,000. MERCHA NTILE FIRE INSURANCE CO. 65 Wall street. New Tork. Capital 8200,000.

HOPE FIRE INSURANCE 83 Wall street, Hew Tork. Capital $180,000. MONARCH F1BE INS. OF LONDON, -1 waaa su, near era. uap sat s5r For File Risks la the above well known, reliable Companies apply to the subscriber.

eev. w. Kuvairwiip ach wh3T-tw 1 151 Main street, tmffalo. ICE! NIAGARA ICE OaBea lttrX Main Street, K. 1 CrasUta Black, A RE PREPARED TO SUPPLY FAMILIES during the season with PURE LAKC ICE.

AkeJ Motel, nteaasBoats, s-ropouera, awana, wanting a superior quality secure during the esU weather ia JajMars. will please call at trie owica. i i J. HALS. snhM-Sia 4 P.

B. WATERMAN. GOPARTNERSHIP THE UNDERSIGNED have thi day formed a Copartnership aader the nam and Ira of N. O. POWELL vita the intention of carrying on the Wine, Liquor aad Cigar bonnets at No.

45 East Seneca (tree opposite Franklin House, where they wiB be happy to see their friend and euato- i S2.000 apT-ln. A li or by ia on L-hers, B.njliMI-rs& Stationers wbousal Aan aarsu. aaAtasa a JJbbAty. School and BliacelLatseoira Books. 4.

188 MAIN STREET, BTJEYAIO. i sryr. tn new worst received at teoa at published, and fcr sai at the towert rates. i UlilORI OF HEW KNGLA5D from the Dis-overr af the Caatinent by the Northmen, A. j.

the Dcciar- ii uj bum. ww, i-jueti OVO. fr: MILD 1 n. eiijtuiia Krodie, Vice President of tbe Royal Society? BAf PATH A Tale of NewEaeland Colonial ife At FHINNET A CO "8. es.

i wr th vrr i Artrro ia Fm ww ra as as rv 1 LGFELIJOW'S PROSE WORKS 2 COif WALL'S DRAM AT1C PC EMS, -t PiillNNKT A CO. '8. IT IT lrrTn vr fif. rrrr xt T.a a am aii rill, av TJS'lgtECErirED AT PUIS NET NKW BOOKS MAT.IPIIIJEABY 189 Hala Street. feyilAU AND COTTAGES -A series of Designs vre.

ajredjjpr execu ion in the United Stateiby C. Taux, late Eawnfag A sux.i 800 engravings. I MX eSS.ON AND CAPlUaE OF WAflHI.IGTON, by lehn CsWafiams. I iqsma RICHARD THE THIR? tniform edition by SjfbSbbott. ABijf RIGHT AD WRONG by Abbott Docharty' wspmairry, pju.

a. uucnartj, ii.ui. nih Ki i i Jiiitt Pfpiwirl ifcifSf Tai-Plngl-Wang, Chief of the Chinese Insurree-; IV J. Milton Mackie. 'j WO first volumes of Waverlv Novels ftTaverlvV- 1 IV lsnyr new nousenoid edition.

anu ut renaee rales ana ttetcnes.Dy jcmne Hgveeire. -1 i ffSrerjee end the Greeks, by Ev About. I firaise and Vt.Tm.ot. Plants I'hii it. Flint A a new supply of Dr.

Kane's Arctic Exploration, i At rniNMiY a op. lba Main st. A PIIIMEYdiCO. Have iust received one codv HANSARD'S PiRUAHtNrARV DEBATFc, from June. leSl.

25 vols 1 vot. half Russia aod 18 la beard- A scarce work efi eina library. For rale cheap f-lTTf MRS. SIOOURNET'S NEW BOOK. plea from tho 18th aud 19tb Centuries ror sale by mh5 I PHINNEY CO.

itrT RECEIVED AT PHlNNEY COU book of memories. SJUpiiAXD IN UTAUy Maria Ward. ap8 PITNA INSUHAINCE I IIAllTFOsf I), 'lacorporated 1819Charter Perpetual. Cpl'al T. K.

BRACK. FRKBIDBNT. ItGRIPLity, y. iWL, A. A 1K A NDKB, Sec, Director.

'jfe Ripley, JBWsnl, Pratt, I luuham, ii Davia, Brace, Tudor, Church, Buell, A Tutlle. Mather, ID Hlllyer. tT A Alexander, Keney, h'owler, A Bulkeley, Assets January 1, 1857. Qtwli in hand and in l'tiienlx 4 63.T33 80 Josti on special depcelte in llartiord v'and accrued interest Gush in Agent hands, balauoea Money due, secured by mortgage Itnl Rstate, uneocufn bored Hil Is receivable Banks, 00 124,800 08 6,751 08 47,65 01 20.109 88 72,000 00 4,500 00 saortgage lionda, 6 and 7 ct. y.

income dodq. i to Jersey City Water Bonds, 6 Tfi ot. 10,200 lu narirora city rionas, Milwaukee City Uonda 10 10,000 uo 6,000 00 60.000 00 6,250 00 00 II, 250 00 6,160 00 6450 00 1,872 00 81,400 00 27,000 00 10,016 00 31,200 00 10,000 00 10,060 00 89,808 00 12,000 00 1,51,0 00 10,800 00 10,600 00 28,400 00 16,200 00 23,600 00 24.400 00 III, 200 00 00 15,000 Oo 11,000 00 23,000 00 10 000 00 11 907 00 22,000 00 13,062 00 2 1,600 00 22,800 0(1 600 shares llartfard and Havsn RR Stock. 106 Hartford I'rov H.H stocky pred. Boeeon and Woroeeter Kit icltock.

Conn Kiver a lock BiBllord Biink Htock I Citizens' Block, Watarbury. Kagie Bank Htock, Providence PhiDQix Bank Blocs, Hartford Far. fc Mec. Bk titock, Kxchangp Bank Stock, Utute Bank Stock, Hartford Bkof Htfd Co Bk Stock, Hartford. Conn Kiver Bank Htock, Hartford Hartford Bank Htock, Hartford Charter Oaa Bk Btnok, Hartford 107 60 60 86 800 200 308 ii40 100 im 100 15 aieo.

ec irao. bk BtocE, JN Jiereey 200 i Merchants Kx Sew York M0 North Kiver K00 iOO 200 Mechanic' Bk of America Bank Anirioa Bank liepubtio Com'h Stock Bank of Tork Broadway People's Union Hanover I Ocean i Metropolitan itohere' land Drovers' Iniporterei and Tradera' Kxill'k Htock. Amer Kx jBauk Bcrip Morchauta' Market 1 i City i Natieau Manhattan Co l'hcnoix I Phojnix rights Trust UeStbck i. I Trust Co at'k Ohio i 00 leO 40 401) I0O aoo 418 200 200 133 3,881 47 410 27,266 00 16 600 00 3,255 00 160 28 120 12,960 00 139 9,621 00 6,700 00 200 00 10,800 00 21,000 00 19,200 00 250 125 100 150 200 $1,857,903 42 iClabllttle. Unsettled Claimi not duo $166,609 15 Risks taken, Losses adjusted an promntlv naid.

Agents appointed. C0lelioila made and General Hu- of Inland and tire Businoee ititended to by li r. i I I 1., Agent. BAONALL 4i. 1X1BB1IN8.

Amenta. Custom Honne Bulidinir, near cor LJqyd i rime ata nunaio, rt. i juarcn iv, ioo. mow IOME INSURANCE OF jlCEW YORK. OFFICE KO.

4 WALL BTKEKT. Cash Capital j.SSOO.OOO OO. Absthict of the Bemi-Annual Statement of the Affairs ana condition of the Horn Inscriscb Compinv of i ne jny oi ew orx, on ine nrst or anuarv 167: i I Asaets. Cash, balance in bank I $80,692 57 Bonda and mortgages bulag brst lien on real estate, worth at eat SH6.000 466.500 00 ijoans paaoie on aemana, murKot value of securities, i 1 278,660 00 Heal estate, Ma 4 Wall street, the office! of the Company i 1 6S.4I0 02 Bills receivable 1 01 Interest due on 1st of January, 1857, which mis since rjeen received 13,767 t2 rial ance in hands or AgenLs and In coursn of transmission irom Agents on 31st of December, of which $9,170 36 has aincebeen received 1 1 11.135 '18 remiuuis aue ana unooiiectea on policies is sued at office 2,816 68 $87Z828 31 Liabilities 98 Director. Charles Marti 1 4 William Lambort Oeorire Collins A A Lawrence 5c C6 Sherman 6i.

Collins Wells, Fargo Co Pree't of Importer Sl Trad Bank, Firm of Messenger Claflin, Mellen 4, Co OB Uatoh Co Dan ford inoiot nopeins Thornas Messenger. William Charles Hatch i wateon null Haskell, Merrick A Bull Atterbury. Jr t. i AllertMiry, Jr A Co 1 Coman, Lothrop ic Co Stone, Starr A Co Barney, Humphrey A Co Oeorge Pearce A Co Ward A Work A Bon James A SLow A Bon I Frothingham A Co Bulkley St. Co Norton, Jewett A Busby Morgan Sz.

Co Bowen, McNamee A Co Doan, King A Co WUlard Vood A Co lno, Koberta A Co A Barnes A Co tleorge Bits A Co Look wood A Bon Nelson Sc. Co Cooke, Dswd A Baker Morton A Urlnnell Condlt A Noble Uowe A Co Btephen Paul A Co Baldwin, Btarr A Co Hli, Bowen A McConnell Lacieu 1 Coman Homer Morgan LeVi'P Blone (.. amea llutnporey ..1. Oeorift Ward A Work i- a'TiMR Low 1. lefiae Frothingham.

Charles A Bulkley.4- Cepha Morton George Morgan neooore neon Kieharn Blgelow Wood J. Amos Eno 1 Alf red doors Bliss i. Roe Ixsckwood. John Nelson Lymart. Cooke j.

Levi Morton ohn Hutchinson-. Btephea i. Charlel Baldwin-. Gilbert Ely Amoa rr Dwight Htbry-A Trowbridge, Dwight fcCo owirc, Hurl hurt u. uo Jeeee Hoyt St.

Co Blurgia, bbaw A Oo Ford, Rubber A Co Woyt-. Wm Btiirirts. Jr John it Ford Dldney Mason A Thompson ueorge-u eteoman. 8 ted man. Mavnard A Co.

CHARLES J. MARTIN, President. A. F. W1LMARTH, Vice President.

Smith, Secretary. I Th i Company ooutinuss to Insure tiuiluings, mer chandi je, ships in port and their cargoe, household furniture and personal property genera ly, against lose by lire, on 'favorable terms. Bitf ipiesee equitably adjusted and promptly paid. ew-Jork, January 22d, 1867. I 1 D.

P. DOBBINB, Agent, Buffalo, N. Y. Officioorner Lloyd and Prime streets, (Custom House 2d floor. 1 i Wii-taa 8.

Kim, Burveyor. mliaoijel Lanier Fire losarance Company. 68 WALL 5T B. T. j.

(Ait rain $200,000 00. I IncorMrmted tn 1897. Hhs is nrepared to insure Bolldings. Mer- chabd(2i, Vessels on tbe stocks and in port, and their Cargoes, iiormehold urniture ana porsonai property genf aLM, uauiim, ive imuo uxw; If St, Wmtoii dward AntbonV, I IT.othingham, A A tfliw, William Nichols, Geo Oault, Kd ward Ko we, I William Poole, Wm (Sterling, Jeromus Johnson, Mathew Armstrong, John Davenport, Geo Kead, Wm Webb, Wm Gary, Eff'm Nichols, A 8 Footer, John Gould, Wm Dtla, Wm Bee be, Curtis Noble, John Laid law, John Davol, Jaa Bhapler. KdWln Brawn, Oalisn Banger, Hotaling, Uha'BXtitle, liouMis Ballard, Krt.n Aikin, BR3reden, Parmalea, Bfajnar.

i Ceiltn-, 82 Wall ienj yi aruweii, 4 I bot -H Nonia, 8 N'avis, Brjrd Knapp, JohwiW Harner. Jolilj t) Voorhleaj Wlkims Howlaod, CTiOA ea Connolly, EDWARD ANTHONY, President. BRADFORD KNAPP, Vie PreaideoL 8ri Joaa, Beeretary. 'JJ: P' ar4 in the above first class Company ii ANALLfclKlBBiNB, Agenta, Boffalo. O-ffloe Custom Hoot Building, earner of Prima and Uoyastreeta.

2d floor. 1 1 1 WtaMa 8. Kiaa, Bnrreyor. I mhappel 1 1 i to WttrsaJHgnieii. AlW THOSE! WISHING TO PROCURE will do well cU at the office mf tbe subscriber ra ha a (Teat variety arf Houses of sB sias aotr prcyrea, to be fin ashed by the first of April, which he will sell aa very liberal terns, varying fro MS to IKOO for ths koase and let.

Also, bourse number of vacant Lt which ha wFl sea yea jij credit and advance twsnty-fivoperewatof the valu Aim Improvsmenta made thereon, la cash or hunber, fryeL4rea B.Y. Mm WATSOK atMbni 'i Comar of Bvsa aad Kiliookt Mrt. GAGES FOR SALE TWO OF $2000 B. AI MAHCMaKKS, 1 i fjpaaldiryi nrhrg' jPfjj mm aU wads. iwiflF" I EXTENSIVE SALE OF TIKE' GOLD AND silver watches ad jEWautr AT AUCTION.

Sale commencing Mo sat, April oth, 1857 at P. at. and eoanase at 1 and t.H. each day an til tbe stock is disposed of, at the Store ef the subscriher, No.63 Mala street, itslnf abont makins; a rhaare ia his boti-aese will dl pose at his Mock ef cooes at labile Auction eon-it tins in art ai Vine Ge'd aad Silver Watches, Veh, Guard aad Teat Chaiaa. Vine Gold Bines, Breast Pine, in Oa'aeo.

Meaaie, Gold Stone, poinled and set with BriliiaaU. Stones. Ac Gold Stada, Sleeve Baitsaa, Peas and Pencil, Gold Braeeleta, AI uaical Works and Snail Boxta Accord eons and Clocks, Which wili be disposed of withoat reserve. 13tr Sale commences at and 7 V. U.

So. 308 Mala Street. t3F" Every article warranted aa represented. THOMAS DICKINSON. L.

K. PL1MVTON A VALUABLE PRIVATE tlBBABY AT AUCTION, PLIMPTON ot WELCB-HA Mom Swset. Thurbdat, April 9th, at 10 4'elock A. will be sold the private Library of th Rev. Seathard, tontaininf many choice and waraahfe Theological, Oiaasi' eel.

Scientific and Miscellaneeaa Works, In good order AMTne Library Case, Ac, Ac t3r Terms Cash, current spt L. K. PUMPTOS Aeorioasaa. BOOTS AND SHOES AT ACiCTION SO CASUS C0NSRE8S WORK. BT PLIMPTON el WELCH, No.

60 Mam Street. Satcrdat, April 11th, at to o'clock A. wiU be told to pay advances) 10 cuet Cloth plain tiptacd welted Congresa Gaiters. 6 1 ot. Patent leather ve top, plaia and apt cloth Congress Work.

Alto e'er aeconat ot Whom it may concern to easertfcinrress Boots and Shoes, Ladles' and Genu' wear. Terms uasn, surrent mnds, ap( ATJCTIOK 8AIiEl. MAURICE VAUGHAN, will seU at Auction, at hit A actios aad Commissi en Booms, adjoining the coj. a afam and Quay streeta, en SATURDAY and TUkS DAT next, at o'clock A.VM, a (eaeral coileetioa Household Purnitnre, Merohaaaiae, Ae. tST" Terms, Cash.

i ATJKirJjYAUGHAN. Auctioneer. BuSalo, Milwaukee and Chicago. 1857. rymk Tbe foUowin First Class Propellers will ran daring the seaaosXof 1S6T, between BUFFALO, MILWAUKEE aad 0H1CAQO, touching at intet mediate porta.

Lea-, vinf their Dock foot of Indiana street, Kvery Welofcstajr sad (ataidsy Ewenlnfr. RACINE. CapLBaarr. T. V.

Haa srr. PITTSBURGH Baosrwna. WABASH ACME (New Propeller Diocaoa. For Freicht or Passage apply en beard or to WILLIAMS, TANNER fool Indiana or 0HARLL8 ENSIGN, Mariae Block BaOaio. mhiS A GOOD SIGN Is a Standing Advertisement! Always before the Eye of th Public! F.

B. SCOTT, SIGN PAINTER 1818. Ko. 3 SOUTH DIVISIO.T-ST Is prepared to execute everythintr in hi line. from PLAIN BLACK WHITE to th aiORKT CA RTED AND GIL LETTER SIGN, on reasonable terms and short notice, Window Shadet for Storet Lettered ia a saperior manner.

mhtT Clark's Extension Table, PATENTED JAN. 6th, 1857, 18 SUPERIOR in all respects to the old fashioned Slide Ron Exten sion Table. It is stronger, cheaper, more portable and less Rabieto get out repair than any other axaensien. These advantages ag secured by Rant hinged together In combination with arms firmly Died to the bed of the Table. These Runs extend the Table to different lengths, and when extended is firmly held in lit place by "Powers which enter tbe fixed arms.

A common break fast Table it thus extended without additional legt Iron 6 to 8 feet, involving bat little extra expense aLd superseding the common, heavy leered ninr Tsble. The un aiaa Table encloses a series of Buns which esfend It from 10 to Is feet, and is adjustable to several different lengths. These Tables can be made to eatend indefinitely, according to width of "Bed." They must be durable for the wear and st-ain is mainly on the iron hinges, which wiu biwiji vvn cuiix. lairctn oemsaeoiany lorm and site, ornamental or otherwise, which render them desirable to all families. Boarding Houses, Hotels, Steamboats, Ac.

These Tablet are now being manufactured ex- entirely by the proprietors for the trao'e. Address all orders to FEKIiCSN A CLARK, Mt. leastnt lewa. As signees ef.the Patent, or to BENJAMIN CLARK, General agent, unsicaor fails, onewta N. I.

DANIEL CLARK Blioatt street. Buffalo, la A rent for Western New "York Sampi can be seen at ISAAC P. WHI lE'S, of this city. mhl Bcerhave's Holland Sitters. THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REM ELY FOIt DYSPEPSIA, Disease of tit Kidney, Liter Complaint, Weal' of any kind, lever and Ague, And the variousaffections consequent upon a disordered ETON AO OB LITKR Such as Indigettion, Acidity of tbe Syomacb, Colicky fains.

nearumrn, asa oi Appetiie, aretponaency, t-oatiTeneas, Blicd and bleeding Piles. In all Nervous, kheumatie and Neuralgic Affecliooa, it haa ia numerous instances prored highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. litis is a purely egetaiMe compound, prepared cn strictly scientific alter the meaner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Bcarhave. Because of iu tree success in most or ine auropeaa states. Its Introduction into the United States was intended more especially for those of our fatherland scattered here and there over the face of this country.

Meeting with great success among them, I new offer it to tbe American public, knowing that its tmly wonderful medicinal virtuee must be acknowledged. It Is particularly recommended to those persons whose constitutions may have been Impaired by be continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of pation. Generally instantaneous in effect, it finds its way directly ta tbe seat of Uie, thrilling and quickening every nerve, ratting up the drooping spirit, and, in fact, lnfusiug new health and vigojf in the system. None. Whoever expects-to find In this a beverage wilt be disappointed but to th" sick, weak and low-spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of sio-golar remedial properties.

E3a7 CAUTI0S The great popularity oft aVfeht-fui Aroma haa induced many imitations, which should guard against purchasing. not persuaded to buy anything else until you have Bmrhase's Holland Bitters a tmfr trial. One bottle .11 eooTiace yoa how infinitely superior it is to all these Imitations. Sold at tl par bottle, or aix bottles for AS, by the Solo Proprietors, a UKKJABIIK PAOE.JR. AXuVAortraoie PHARMACEUTISTS AND CHEMISTS, PITT8BURGB, PA.

T. W. Dyott A Bona, Philadelphia Ballet A Park, Kesr Tork John D. Park, Cincinnati; Barnard, Adams A Co. St.

Louis; and by Druggists and Merchants generally throughout the United States and Canadss. HOLL1STER A LATEEACE, 0. B. ANDREWS rnyftt 16 stain ttreet, Buffalo. PEACE! PEACE! PEACE! GOTHIC HALL of Fashion anal Low Pricaa, NO.

153 MAIN STREET. WE RESPECTri LLY INFORM OUR NU-merous customer! aad the pabiic generally, that oar immense atova of Spring and Summer Cftottiing, all of oar own manafactaie. It bow ready tee iaspeetloB at ear nswal low prices. We have great care In Ibe selectioa of this stock and In the manufacturing of the same. We employ none but the beet workmen, aad therefore pledge ourselves to give general rstisfaction to the purchaser, both in style and quality of (roods and ia price.

Persona wist 'ag to save TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT wifl do well to call and examine oar immense Stock of READY MADE CLOTHING before purchasing altewt e. Gentlemen will also find a foil aad com Plata aseortsaeat of PU'KAliiHINtt SOOfiS. Our Cttatom Department la admirably stocked with the beat aad rarest Qetha of English, Prenca, 6ermaa aad American saanafaetarers. Wa particularly call atteaiioa ta. our eartvalied and matchless Plai-i aad Fancy Caaeisseret for f-aata, aad oar Silt Marseilles and Cashmere Patterns for eatings, tbo whole form tna; owe of tae choicest selections nt ttwods ever offered for sale la the eity.

la thia Departaseat truf" be found Mr. J. W. NARES, Cutter, whoso arbsti skiU aad taste ia the wonder aad adaviratiaa of all who favor as with a call. Purchasers wishiag to save tS er eeat are asraia ro.

quested to visit Gothic Hall, which may be literally termed the GREAT UNITED STATES REPOSITORY TOR READY MADE CLOTHING. apl CARLAWD A BK1EXK, 1 Maht-at. Marble Head, Ottawa Onio. FOR SAIaE. riHia VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, CON- JL taialng lut SS-106 acres, titaated in Its and IT.

Sectloo 1, Ottawa county, this, will be red at Pub'ic Sale, at the suit House inEaaduaty City, ea the 11th day of May, A. D. 1SS7, at the hoar of test o'clock A. U. of said day.

Th abeve prsmiaeo have beea long knew a aa containing tbe best and meat accessible I isiasl si quarry oa Lake Erie, from whnb haa been takea stena a large namoer of pant'e ksayirovessenia in tms aod other 8'atas. TutMS aw Saus One third eaah. and tbe remainder in ote and two years, with interest, secured by esortcage ea tbepreauses. AAKvn w. raaai.

Receiver of Mechanics' A Traders' Branch Bank, Cincinnati. 8. B. Persona withinr furth-r in wrtaaaoa, eaa refer to A. P.

PrJtET, GEO. BKKER, SaBdwsky City. tabJ4dae4aiy Fa ran fear tale. THE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE ROBERT Watts, containing abosrt sixty aerea ef laad, titaated ia the town ef Cheek tews ra, 4 atOoa froea the Coast House, aeaasoe alreet raasung Uroagb tbe sisddts, and boandes oa the osath by Bataria out at and tba Central EaJread. Tkers is ea said aarm a soad bi rk hoaae, with wood hoaae, bara, weU.

orchard, Ac tor particulars caqairo of PHILIP WATTS, adjoin tag said farm, or of WM. If. EENNaTT, Exeea'ar. Uiesatowaga, starca as, iboi. aabedAeX: Heellral Card.

DR. GIBSON, PHYSICIAN SURGEON, AetMtehewr of the Rotaada Leiae-sa HasaitaL Dab- la, inform his forttsr oabesta aad friends tbatba haa raaoraed (rosa Eprope aad nawsaod the practice sT the prsisttiea ia aaaato. Dr.e.taaT bsssaaauteddaJIrakhla awaw tba Kris Ooanty aarlagt Bank, oerae of North Stvawaa aad Maia IW Office rntraBfls oa Herth Mvtaioa-tt. yyl-ly GEOBGE B. UClsLEV'8 A8SORTMXKT OP COBEIrlQ ITOVEs, PAalliOM rrOTES, Oi ICC ITOTB) hall rrorES, ske.

FOB WOOD OK COAL, Ia eaosiderwd th moet eomploto in tba eitr nr kiwi a u. aa MAIM STRXS.T. Wood Parlor Stores New Stjles. DINING BOOM STOVES NEW BXYLE3. PLATE STOVES-NErf STTLss.

COAL PARLOR STOVES NEW STYLES, rretUvarlebT.sTealeby waaai pvia mmj essaa MY TBE MORSE LINE. i Tester ay ATterwsott'a Report. I WAimrxmviw AnrTI IS Capt. XL A. A-dams bus been ordered to take tba place of Capt, Striiighani, in thi present na- Tai Boara or inquiry.

One of the new; courts meets here orx Vonday next. It consists of Captains W. lleEeaa. John Pope, and O. jJ Tan Brant, frith Charles Albert, Esq of Washington, ea Judge Advocate.

ine taira court will be selecteu in aday or t0. I i if The sale ot the Deleware Trust landgAhe 23d ds.I of June, will take place at Osawkeej Kaa, in evoaa 01 Lecomptoa. i. April 6 Mr. Stanton kit to day for Kaisatt, having completed all hi arrangement.

Mr. Walker haa prepared an adjlrefe to the people of Kansas to be pnpiiahed av'poin as Mr. Stanton arrives there, which address will iore- sandow tbe policy he intends to pursto. Mr. Walker leaves on the 11th of Hi.

Rodman M. of New JeraeyJ proba- Dly wi'i succeed Mr. lorsyth as Minister to Mexico. "SI ine fctato llepartment is constant! receiving letters from our Ministers, Consuls, asking to be relieved. I Mr.

Owen, Minister Resident at Naples, desires to return nome immediately. II-. The President has made the folio wiig appoint ments: 1 J. Revnhart, Iteceiver of Public moneys at vice lioyt, resignedj Wm- T. Galloway, Register of Land Office and Noel Byron.

Brydon, Receiver of Public i Monies at Anclaw, Wis. I The President has appointed the following as 1 oeunaster 1 Thomas Young, Saratoga, vice Mr. Close, com mission expired. John M. Talbot, Indianapolis, vice Mr.

iclc, commission expired, DrTEOiT, ApnL 7, Tiiis city gives 200 democratic majority for Judges ot tne Superior Court. Twoi wards to near irom. 11 1 The returns from the interior of the State are scattering, ana maicate mat dui a small rote wts poUed. I I I Hartford, April 7 The Union party hare re elected Clark and uean to congress. ooarun in tne 4ta district, is beaten by about The election in the Ath district is in doubt.

From present indications the Union party elect tneir state ticket, i The House and Senate have both been carried against the Democrats by a go workmg major UT- I Cleveland, April 7. At the charter election to-day the Democrati ticket was elected by 200 majority. Nw Oklkans, April 0. The entire American ticket for District Judges ih probably elected. ine uemoc ratio nominee lor Associate uage U6f Superior court is undoubtedly elected.

The election of Judge of the Superior Court, 15 counties have been heard from, Roberts, dem ocrat. 200 ahead. i i The election in, this city to day forj Judges passed off quietly, but returns are not yet re- I ceived. The steamwr Black Warrior, with Havana dates to the 3d iust has arrived here. Tlie.

Mexican question continued to be the general topic of conversation. Nothing further official known re garding tne movements oi Spain. Two Dutch ships with 700 coolies op board, had arrived at Havana. I There had been copious rains throughout the Island. i Our papers from Texas are to 2d inst.

The crops were in tolerable condition but were suffer ing from want of rain. i' Boston. April 6, The large woolen mill and dye house at North Adams. Massachusetts, was destroyed by fire on Thursday night. Loss $100,000.

Insured for 90,000. i Duskier, April 7. The snow here 'is 18 inches deep on a level and still tailing fast. Em ira, April 7. bnow 10 inches deep liavst JSwentne's Repsn, PniLADEtPHiA, April 7.

A collision occurredUvesterdav between two -i freight trains on the CMumbia Railroad, our cars were demolished. JJyhn Huston was killed. tr i -i ISEW lOrR, April 7. The Sachems of Tammany Society to day adop- ted resolutions making provisions lor holding a Convention to reform our primary election sys tem, and to arrange tor tbe election ot ia new Democratic Committee shall lairlyj repre sent tbe united Democracy oi the city, The recommendation of the meeting of (Satur day last to form the basis of The ship New Hampshire, from went ashore in a storm last night on Jersey ileacli, Long IsUnd. No A schooner gone to her assistance.

I The steamer Clyde sailed for Glasgow this and the Quaker City for Havana. Thii latter took $300,000 in Spanish coin. Boston, April 7 Ibe case ot the lie v. Isaac Kalloeri was given to the jury to-day at noon after a Charge from Judge Sanger, which occupied an hotir and a ball de'ivery. At 6 o'clock this evening, the Jury hid not agreed.

A recess was taken until 10 o'clock, when if no verdict is decided upon, the JuJ-y will remain in session all jQight. Cakakdaiqua, April At the charter election here to day, the Amer ican candidates for Justice of the Feade and Supervisor, were elected. Portland, April 7 Our municipal eleetion to day resulted In the choice of William Willis. Republican, tor Mayor. The vote stood, Willis 1955; Cummings, Citizens Candidate, 1030.

The have a majority in the rjity. Albany, April 7. Senate: The evening session was occupied in debating the Schuyler Co. bill. Assembly.

The Canal appropriation bill is still under discussion. No nominations of importance rent in te day St. Louis, April 7. Incomplete returns of our city election yesterday, foot up for Mayor: Wimer, Emancipa- tionalist, 4331 Pratt, Democrat, 3080 jLane, American, 1626. A large number of Americana voted for Wi mer.

His majority will be about 1500, and majority of the Emancipation ticket is probable elected. COAL AND JRON. LAWSOlf RUSSELL, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Goals, OIHco No. Hart, Ohio Street, SHIPPING YARD Buffalo Silo, eppwute foot Michfpan-si RETAIL TARD Evans Ship Canal and Erie street opposite the Niagara Falls Depot. 1 Orders may be left at either place, sent torough the Post ornoe, or lert at tJ.

B. DUDDEi Main Hare on hand and are now ready to deliver or ship" PUI HAZLETOW, SHAMOKIN, I LEHIGH LUMP, EGG aad STEAMBOAT and EGG, 8TOVE, LITTLE MOCNT'N LUMP, GREEN RIDGE LUMP, HARTFORD LBMfl AND EGG and STOS, EGG, And other pare and gen nine Coals. We will fill ordert for the Sbamokln, and Columbia brandt of Pig Iron. Those metals are soft and fluid and much superior to Scotch. Also, for the Collins Iron Co Blooms, Lake Superior and the Soiled Iron, made from the tame by the Wyandotte Millt, at Detroit.

Also, for the Eureka Pig Iron made at Detroit irom Lake Superior ore. F. W. Lawgoa, anlft ly R. W.

Roseau. Tax 1'airra otitic I tVerso-ns who HAVE NEGLECTEtl to JL pay their Coanty Tax for 1866, are informed that the County Treasurer baa returned tbe same to tbe Comp troller at Albany, and it can. not be paid nil nest Au-rust. No interest will be added until Auinst 1st. 187.

On or about the first day of July we will begin to send to Albany to pay said Tax. All who are desirous of psying may do so tarongb ot st any time. Lf ON A Land and Tax agents, sp2 Erie Land Offtoe, No. 1 Brown's Buildaof. 2f otice of Asgiffisment.

TOHN KORTZ HAYING THIS DAY MADE Oj aa assignment; of all hit property, accounts arid hi Is receivable, notice is hereby given to all parties Indebted to the said Korta, to make payment to ths at I the Store o. iB Mam street. i. 8. B.

MOORE, Buffalo, March 30th, 1S5T. apltf SALISBURY PIG IR()k. FOR CAR WHEELS FOR SALE IN tOTS to salt purchasers by mbiy in SKAai mc uuitniaw a Albany. tbe Charm Parlor StoreT A new improvement in Coal Parlor Stores.

Con sumes but little CoaL and is the beat Stove te be had ia market. We have taeas now on sale at oar Wareroosat, ana tnoae wtsntng tne oess aracte, ana tae saost aopnaw leal are invited to cad and examine theso. I DUDLEY A BUIXj se34 Sole Agenta far this eity, 9i Main street. Steel Fire Setts and Stands. A fine assortment aad entirely- new pattern, att reeeived at I usxj.

ulilkits, ecSter -i Malw erasot. a To Iset. Of JACK SCREWS TO LET, SUITABLE TO Au AJ ngm Tllrl esayttatraem, arutiuin OI I oeo-ly C. BAMTHOLOMEW, Ml Ei-wt. CoalEodal CoalHodsli COAL SEOYEtS AND COAL SIFTERS.

eetStf OEO. B. DTJDLET, MS Mala ttreet. Biickwheal Flonr. "eloub oo.J Haaover tt.

T7L0UR, A2D BUCK WHEAT FLO JL or oanal varserrat deck wrleoa. I VAJsaUMO. VAJI DaU St VW. I Haaovi TaOKEX BANK BILLS THE HIGHEST X3 Drice naid for Ihe bills of Beak ef New Gastlet Kile Crtjr; La-caater, Bank of Beplo- jt i a apl BpaaUting's Exchange. OAA BUSHELS HICKORY NUTS iFOR I iiJJ aaie at He.

Leoyd ttree. I I I I ingioa. Bear High street, with lot 80x100. Ooad wall aad sistera. Ttrsoa easy.

Price tMdO. i mfaSt II CRITTENDKW A PRFSBRET. mFOR SALE TUB USD R3IONK1) DK-siricr to build on hi let an Premeet Hill. eSer for sal hi house on Xiaeara strtet. It has ea aad wa err, gwed or liar, three aod trap tinea, with new tan ittaenx.

Teraui uvwran. sahx7 I- I O. H. PRESRR1T. MFOR SALE A BRICK HOUSE IN GOOD repair with lot fort, on Edward ttreet.

Pea- session giren May 1st, Price tSSOO. apply to aoazt CRlTIANftKN PRESBRir. MFOR SALE BRICK HOUSE CORNER of Tenth and Connection! street. mhxl CRITrtNDEN A PRE8BRET. OT ON PALMER STREET, BETWEEN ueorria ana ijarenna ttreet.

for tale: lot WxlOO. "hl I CeUTTBfliDSN PRE8BRCT. OT ON HURON STREET, WESTERLY as irom morgan, lor saie low; let DOxlvO. mhtl CRITlKyDEN A PRESBRET. FOR SALE OR TO RENT FROM 1st If AT BaaV next Mouse on Huron street, near Morgan.

mdil i I CR1TTK.VDKN A PRKSBRKT. TO KENT FROMi THE 1st OF MAY next A II story heuse, 811 Kast Keel at $200, Enquire of mm umnnNUES a FREHBRa TO RENT AT A BARGAIN FOB A term of yeark 1 story frame dwelliac and barn. with acie of land, well stocked with choitx fruit, situate en Brecktbridge near; Niarara stret t. mnf i CKinawKKJ' at-mgiB'ttai. LOT lOxlloXCOBKBR OF MAS8ACHTJ-setts and Teata streets, for sale low.

mho I CRITTENDEN A PRESBRET. IFOR SALE 2 STORY BRICK HOUSE on Seventh street, between Virginia and Maryland sifeci. nta; CKlTTalUKN i FOR SAlJ: OR TO REST FROM THE 1st day of Hat next, a two ttorv briek house on Kd- wara near iwiawar street. mh3 i CRimfNDEH PRXSBR1T FOR SALE A TWO STORY FRAME boase on Huron near Morraa street for sale. Lot ,125 feet.

feaij CRITTKNUEN A PBJSBBXT. CHOICE LOTS 200 FEET OF LAND ON the highest ground on Niagara street wili be sold ia lot to tun purchasers. Jf era. EIG tell CR1TTEMUUI rKfionKKx, rmirn npKTiJpTCtr trnjpo ivn it hwcim-d ir New house aad barn on the premises. Kent 2o0.

fe7 1 CBiTTli.sDKS APHKBRKr. I -OT 26 FEET FRONT, ON GENEbEE by about so rest on Terrace, ror aaie low. Rnqulre jaH a pkrsrrex. Wi FOR RENT--A NEW FRAME COTTAGE Siaa. on Fifth street, in the Grove.

Possession riven immediately, sent aixo per annum. Enquire or jao UKiriSKVK rKJCSKKST. OT ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF EX- 1 change near Bydraulie street, 60 feet front bv 110 deep to BteuDen ttreet, lor sale on lone; time. aull I CKilTEjtDAM A- KBSBKKT, FOR SALE. A CHOICE FARM OF 60 acres in the town of Clarkaon, Monroe CoN.

T. lere ia a fine orchard, and a reneral assertment ef selec ted fruit on the premises. Dwelling house is nearly new, with rood out-baildinrs. Price $76 per acre.on favorable terms. auHS 1 CRITTKNUEM rliaSBRJKT.

OR SALE A I NEW COTTAGE A. with kitchen and woodshed house conveniently ar ranred. Situate on Pifthatreet in tbe freve near the Work House. Lot ij 25x100 Price 11500, with easy pay ments. anuire ot 1 je9 CRITTENDEN A PRESBEIT.

3 FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS SIX L. acres of fine land for rardeninr purpoaea, lust over the Iron Bridge on White's Corners plank road, opposite tree's Tavern, inquire or vmli CRITTENDEN A PRESBRET. "'OR SALE ON LONG TIME 2 1-2 ACRES of land ou ferry near Jefferson street. au5 i CRITTENDEN A PRESBRET. HOUSE ANDILOT ON SEVENTH NEAR Vf rslnia atreet-rLot 4'J feet front br 139 dun- house some 4x70 in good repair; A Lao.

to be sold with above a lot adiolninr.SS feet front on Virginia street by 130 feet deep, both highly cultivated. Also, io ieet iron op Midi ttreet by 11U feet deep in same block. Will be loud low aad part on time. oc5 CR1TTKNDEN A 1'KjESERTT. FOR SALE.f-TW0 DWELLING HOTS- ei anu a i annery, wita Ji acres oi choice land in tne village oi aurora.

mil oe sola at a Bargain. En. quire of lau2SI CRITTENDEN A PRESBRET, Edacatioil. BOARDING AND DA SCHOOL FOR fOUNG LADIES, No. 41 South Division Street, Buffalo.

THE mSSEH HITCHIXSON CONTINUE TO RECEIVE YOUNG LADIES into their Establishment, to Whom in addition to tbe comforts of a home, they will undertase to impart a tola, and superior English Kducatiou, together with the Anciert compitshmn usuaiy aaugui in i.auiesr rcnoon. Reference are kindly permitted t. the Right Rev. W. Heatbcote De Lancey, Bishc of W.

n. v. Bhel- um 'Ler- 8 Sootnard, Rev. O. Btarkey, Buffalo; Rev.

A. A. Bollei. 1). CleTelanii.

Ohin- 8tarns, Medina, N. Rev. II. Piatt, Lockport; Jo- nius A. Smith, listeria; Mrs.

O-rill, 8 Clinton Place. N. and E. Banker, Wall-st New Tork I etf GEORGE B. DUDLEY, (sccoastoa ro jmit a.

nui,) 943 lOmst the Clarendont Offers for sale a choice selection of STOVES, OP ALL KINDS AND VARIETIES. Parlor Grates, Iof Newest Styles, no cum1 Keeper's i census or sUl ivlnda. Including PLAIN TTN AND JAPANNED WARES, WOtlDElf WARE OP VARIOUS KINDS. ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN KITCHEN HARDWARE, CHEAPEST, AND IVORY TABLE CUTLERY. Elegant Silver Plated Such as RICH TEA SETTS, BWINU KKTl'LES.

CufrlCE URNS, AO. CAKE BASKETS, CA37 0R8, PITCHERS, SPOONS, PORKS, Ac, in splendid variety BCHOOLBrS PATENT Self-Ventilating Refriecrntors, ICEBERG WATER COOLERS. fcC. AC. lyio uiuwi b.

uuiiuet, X48 Main-wt. Parties Intcreatetl take Notice Carriage, Hardware Trimmirjgs, AND FTJLiaflgHIKGS. fTHE SUBSCRIBER HAVING LOCATED IN A. Buffalo, on the corner of Ivans street aad Terrace, at tbe old stand of Root, McKinstry, Jr offert to Manufacturers and the Trade generally, the largos and best seiectea scock oi i Carriage, Hardware Xrtmrntngs aad Furn 1K1 ntra. Ever before offered in this market, to whieh an examine tion is respectfully solicited before purchasing elsewhere, una kis ra aa stiller Block, lp4lf Corner, of Evans street and Terrace.

KIHK.LAASLK MA RISK. Canal and Hirer i Insurance of Hartford, Conn in miv ta capital xsou.uuu. Asaeta over January tS7. Homo Co-, ad Mew Tork City. Inoorporated la isw.

tjaan wrn tai assets over January 1st, lh7. Lamir sfVtwTork Cltw-. Incorporated ia jaoi. uud tapiiai, an. paid in, ijw.uw.

Stair Co of Oardensbmrtr, W. Y. Incorporated In io3. capital giou.uju, paia up. Assets over 251,610 January 1.

1(457. Mereh ants' Co of Fbllndelphla, Pat. Ineorro rated. In 1855. Capital $300,000 A see Is over January inoi.

15 AGN ALL It DOBBINS. Ae-eota, Buffalo, ft. T. Office. Custom Bouee BuUdinar.

earner. Lloyd anu t'n me streets, eooon a noor. i illiam o. alio, surveyor. mnaoir Heavy Plate Cook Stoves, Of Berne Manaxfactssro.

If yoa wast thd very beat Cook Stove, bar eitber tbe 'I Harm. Home or Rojal Oak, THREE SIZES OP EACH. i WARRANTED SIXTY DATS Perfect In operation and not to crack. The prices are as low as the thin plate Eastern Uteres, while the quality it fifty per cent higher. Depots ror oale or taeae btovea AT 31 AND 17 MAIS ITRXBT.

At the House-Keeper's Emporium, til MAIN STREET we hare in great variety Silver Plstted Goods, Ivory Handl'd Ctttlerw, HARDWARE, TIN WARE, Brittannia and Japanned Ware, Wood Ware. Tea Trays, Brushes, Mats Refrigerators, Water Coolers and filters. Freeaers, Toilet Eetts, Kira cages, ac. Alto, a spienara assortment of Parlor Coal Grates. JsstTTt DAT, Manufacturers and Importere.

mhl9tf xj and 1T Main street New rirm Hew Goods IUBBEL, RUBINS CO WAX MEKCHAMT TAILORS, 109 Main St Just above Use Theatre, Have jmt opened an; entirelj new stock of SPRING GOODS FOR GENTL HEN'S WEAR. They also have a very choice stock of GEN rURNiaaiNG OOOM of every descriptaea, which they inTrts tbe r.nhl ir. to i CHkS. A. ElBBaXJUte ottheana ot w.

A. Ccets A Oo. I1K1T Vl-Miua 1 lilDI, TT vtB.lf UtawUtTUi Or MM nA1' MUSIC! MUSIC! PROF. C.iG. IJEGEKHARD HAYEfO RETtRKED TOi THIS CITY, IS prepared to gts iastrwetion est the PIANO FORTE and muuii.

Also, wtsuat. sttituui Psrsone who wish te have tboreach inatraetloaa oa the Piano (which inanrasaent lie sMatVae sleeted) woold de weH to make appucatiea to Mr Deaeatard, either ettae Musm stores or tbroogh tae rost omco. tar He also oOert his serTices as Pianist for variwat trsjaieaeri 1 Casio: oceasicnt. Silrer Plated rs, Spoons, Forks. AiX, eke.

Hotels. RestanrSBta land private fiuniliea rdr- Biahed with ceenpiete Sett ef TabM PwrBitare ee abort O. srusisjjx. oeSitf i The Belle Coal icle fin Cookio: A desirable) article for tboee who wish a pood Coal Stove tor Oooking. Hwuse-keetxrs are invited to oal at aw wararaowiau.

Oil LEY BULL, Maiw I The McGregor i Coal Cook Store. Used extensiTeN in Few York citv. It Iaraa atalerjtsosseonrpletalB sJIrrslenlars. Ear tale by eve vmuimi tuu. ao atata The lIcGregor Coal Stove, FOR PARLORS.

Of EICES, Ac- all aitttsf at ocM wSO. DGDLST-B, Mara An by the Press. The kidnapping ana redaclnf toslarery of a Boston D.D hit 'experience in the tlav quarters in company with Sard jjind Dinah, the recollect tions of hit famous Boston terijfionB In favor of alaver "his refusing to work, and beinght in," form a part drama. Xiet ererybody hear forthemselres. Go early lj order to secure teats.

Boors opsin at 7 o'clock. I 1 I rsss- GakAi LaaS Sunday, at Roche; er, a tipsy man fell over the prsipice below the Sutpen lion bridge, and although he fcU about 150 feet, was alln 'at the last accounts. He was taSten up bv tome person Irho saw him fait and brought to a saloon on 8k Paul street. Just east of the uspenslbn Bridge. There was severe wound upon the head, frdm which the blood flowed, freely, leaving a trail from the prace of fall to the saloon! The injured man was insensible i portion of the time, aacj at others wae deringed.

-He said his was Peter Mc but the rest of the name was lost He alto drew from hit) packet a wallet and offered it to pi r. Johnston. The waif let contained $180, which was pa back in his pockets and jpinned fast to his clothing. i I tST Fihhkn's Etscripifi At an annual elec stton of officers of Engine Company Ne. 1, held on the Evening of the th instant, the Mlowlng named gentiemeri grere elected I g- Foreman Jam fa yf.

Alu. 1 ITom Captain WiLLUM Secretary Chasleb N. Biaioiv. Treaaurer SmcLAia CoUedor WM. 'J.

WHrrwsui r3T" Rtkmboat Baoino on ihb Mississippi. propotiuon on lew gwi 041 grauu iww)hmm imKM Ion the Mississippi river, betwee the steamboats Alvin Adams, Telegraph No. 8, JacoS Strader, Natchea and eUnee. The boats to ao from Now Orleans to ana tne nrst uti reasnes uia koki to nu tu ydnehange Paper tost of the soeed and safety esrjeclallv safety of the boato named but, we conceived would be only right and beeper to exclude the the pataehgert from the risks of (he collision', "firi or wreck Which may be the retu't of; the fun. A BtiFTALO FiRit lit JSkicaoo.

We learm AhatMr. Lavi J. CousuaBr, who in some year hat been With E. K. Bacca in this city, has? engaged with Mr.

Jotra 'BTAiroan, also formerly of this clf, in the ship chandlery business at Chicago. Mr. Coucfva'taany friends will rejoice to know or bit prosperity iille they win regret the absence of a "right good fellowand man of poubtleae his numerous lake ff'ljnds will patronise' him a his new position, and we hop' our Chicago neighbors yiUdeso also, I' jrg" A South Common Coun- jil, at its last session, determi ild to open a channel Into Buffalo Creek, on the site of th Dibble CanaL" Thi is an Important and feasable plaW for our harbor its benefit will be reafhy seen when we remember the crowded condition of our Creek In the busy season. The city paid about $80,000 for this object once, bat the contractor, Mr. Dnsai.c, failed ttfore bis work was completed.

We hope, this good wrk will "not be allowed tot nag. iHTERESinio. We tare been shown a design for a Marriage Certinoe, gotten up by Messrs. Ciarr-, Matthiw it for Pramav A Csn which surpasses anything of thai sort we have aVer seen. It haa a pretty lithograph scene at the altar, a4 it beautifully illumlna- ted In Indeed, the certificate looked ao tempting that we Incontinently filled up the blanks with our name ad 'a, to ea how it would ppear, and were tatttfled at the reanlL Those requiring fjem, can procure the cer-' tifieates of Messrs.

P. A Co. Ii 1 rar Amcbkm nt this Evikiso. The Bnffa- to Viele Guards gire their last soiree thi lesson to-night at Military Hall, (formerly Buffalo Muaeum) on Washington street. The jfomier assemblies of Company have been very pleasant affairs, and understand -that pre-- bar been made to gie the last one additional o.

'I pThe exhibition of Public School Ko. 4 take place this evening at Kremlin Hall. View oi have seen a fine lithographic winter view of Niagara raUs drawn and pab. liehed by Mr. E.

WHrrarmn, which he proposes to exhibit to our citiaens and obtain subscribers for. The pietara tal qjite' truthful, and being well executed, is an ornament toi agy room, xne view taaen una' tow jimoriraH stae at! ltle to the right of the stairway on the rising ground, and ymm uw wttvtw rnii VI UJO sua uw un bftwwi' i Share, Inesuding the CUItoa House aad It ea rlnma, 1 tSfSP1 inclemency of 0ie weather prevented. a large ndejber from attending Mr. BAaaow exhibition on Monday nigW We are taformed that aa attentive aadH ance wa prsaeto, ana th exhlbitton wss one te be mcmbered as a model one. t3f" General att, Trareller, ete ia in Uti ea.

The Albany; Tranepripl imyi: "What a blessteg Wjiald be to this wandering could he End a restlrn p'jace In the excellent asylum In that elty. I B. Aeon; in the Clarendon, has receiret Bon Ton, for April. AHA, a new aupply of Vivis by taraiSMRBWOBTH. i VtarLoit.

on Swan statei. a fine wail. flndar will btj HberaDy by staring; at thi ATtOBNET AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW aarl aVHOUAWB. --i I 'IS fll i ill a mm 4 II.

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