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Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York • 2

Buffalo, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ogwsao Mmt. AMUSEMENTS. Oaaaltiiu. JnrmVn Tlssu enntisngH Wheat to bettsr COMMERCIAL. MORNISe express opncK, 1 Bostalo, JnW SO.

1868. Hare at Bwhanaa Eeommiy. Th Washrngton ccn.s of thevKw San Fraacic Bulletin, Jtu 6. Sammary of Fortnight' New, i TBE GOLD FXVEn 1ST CALIFORNIA. I The Chicago Press and Tribuntian the follow MORNING EXPRESS orrioiiL'Piri of.

tbi cut, Salea lTyDOO boah at rot Chtoag spring; SIX a for Milwaukee en; and 111 tor very choice whits Oana MBIOPOUTAM THEATRE. ing admirable hit, npoa Judge Dow slab's favorite electioneering trump -card THOO. CASK Ooca arm, aad demand good. Sales 80,000 bosh at irj As during the fortnight previous, the last (- Ybrwa a fair oemaod Sat Flow Jaaterday eapedalry Fnsg 8aa Jfanaeer.M.a Kceesa. BUFFALO, FRIDAY, JULY' 80, 1858.

York Tribune, thinks "there, is no longer jan? mystery, misapprehension or misgiving, in regard the definite or specific appropriations madt teen cltys have been occupied almost exclusivelT Leaarr of Orchestra, T. Cook. Trsesorn (Be. for warm, aadJaeJbr hot. Kye arm.

Sams of 4.SSO bam Canadian at toe. Oats active. Sales 48,000 lasso The eensiA tables of 1850 exhibit a few peculiar far tha better gtadf, and tfcs) kit i Srw. Xbsas-p is United. Bales IfiOO bbes, at S3 SS tar soar; S3 T5 "by Frazervefmatters.

The new gold mines at facts. State of Mississippi contained 20,466 Republican Stem Convention the north have been in everybody smooth. 4 Toe Car superfine IHinois and Wleoaostn; 14 tO4 for good trm at 40. Canal Freight Have advanced at JSc ea floor, SJfc ca the last session. The Democratic Clerk ot the the House of Representatives has just issued the annual document authorized by law, which shows wheat aad oa oorn to New York.

Tun Arrsaio Doers epea at certain turn MS fW Puoa. Anaemic ivata Boxes S5, Dress Orel 50 eenta. Orchestra 8as 7t cents. Family Orris 23 team, Gallery cecta. Kxtia Nonce -A line of Csanrboseswm leave tbe Tbee press of the entire state has been almost monop lized by accounts and letters from there and every fine on the subject has been seized and read Late Imports to-day: Ha feor, Mt0 boah wheat; ssolattoes in I860, while the Stated inmois at the same date contained only and at the same date the State of Mississippi contained but 26,876 democratic voters or 0,511 more demo' cratatban aralattoes.

A mullato, as Noah Webser defines it, is- a person that is the offspring of white and black -The definition in (he Soutb to choica extra $4 tf far good choice extra and Canadian; S4 00 (or doa- blatra. lactate In the safe were IWfcbU opartae Indiana, frcria nev waeat, at S4 taV Wheat in saoderate demand for mil and market teedy. 8a! ea 1 J.600 bosh hot Chks spring at STe; 1b00 bosh leond de at an aggregate of $81,824,86 40, exclusive of the 4540S both rye; and SSOO bassi oats. wun ine utmost aviouy. iue exouus kwu uui-fbmia of emigrants for that region has continued Canal fceortis Ke.Sosor; 80,800 bosk wheat; 1S permanent and indefinite appropriations, amount tre every evemtg, eureetiy arsrr tbe pei loimsnti the charge af Mr.

B. stiller, for Cetd Snringa. Salt Pxtki wiix Explode 1 This was demonstrated at the recent fire on the London Docks, where 2,000 bags of salt petre exploded with terribly destructive effect. A C3? The case of Lady Lyttoa Bnlwer having been adjusted to the satisfaction of all parties, oo the special report of her ladyship's condition, she had been set at liberty- The East India Company has granted an annuity of 2000 per annum to Sir Colin Campbell, and 1000.1o Sir James Outram, for their services in the: Indian campaign. -j Mas.

Ctjkniiiohaii asd Mrs. Cunningham denies the rumor that she is married to Mr. Eckel, and states that he has not visited her house since the trfaL N. Post Jjr The Troy Times says great excitement exists at Bennington, growing out of the attempt of farmer Spaffard to poison his wife, child, and servant girl, by putting arsenic in their coffee. He has been arrested.

Mrs. S. is likely to die, but the others may recover. baah corn. uriabftted bteamers ana saiiirg vessels same oi ing to at least $5,600,000 more.

Mr. Cobb' esti- Aia Meeting of the Republican State Committee, li -la at Albany on the nli day of July, 1868, the 8th day or Beptembar wa agreed upon a the time for holding the next State Convention, aa will be teen bytbeB" lowing notice The Republican Electors of the Bute of Newyrk are requested to choose two delegate from each Aasenv My District to meet In 8TATB COS VKNTION In the CITY OF SYRACUSE, on WEDNESDAY, the KlOaTtt day of 8BP'lMBJCtt 13 tfcloek. iiood, for the purpose of presenting Candidate to be npportod for tbu Offices of Governor, Lieut Jovernor, tkual Com mUrtooer and Stale Prison Inspector, and MILWACKU HURT. Meodty, Jnly 8, 1838. mate for these items at the beginning of the ses T5c; 12,00 bush red wiater Indiana at We.

Cera ia fair demacd, bat firmness of holders of unsoand restricts bain "hot at fee. Booed seanse aad era States of the Union has been somewhat un proved by social and legal disti nctions as to the of the parent. A mulatto there Is always the former ol the largest class nave been cauea into requisition to accommodate! the travel, i Owing to carelessness or desiga of the masters ofvetwtls not entering the tuj! nnmberof their Tseisfiniam a i inosotal ins mil it sion, was $7,166,224 40. Add the balance of ap Flour, bbla. TS propria tions lopped over from last 9,773 782 btai nominal at Rye quiet and nominal at tOe.

Oats doll. Sale ifiOO bosh warm at Wbiakey unocrstood to have had a black Hence the inference that three-fonrths of i ths Demo Benefit or tme mnrl-ralrd Kermeata-au fc Actoar MJL i. W. JEKNIKFS, And his Trained Steed BLACK YCLTDIE. THIS EYMlTIlfe, JULY 0, 18IS, to begin with TBI SWA VP FOX.

BargeaJ McDonald Mr J.W. Jennings Beam Black Takare- 14,831 Oorn passengers on the custom house; books, it is im to Mr. Cobb's report, applicable to the present, possible to get at the exact number of those who Freights Unchanged, nominally. fljar Market oolet and exchanged. Ealea aflOQ bma La fur demand and mat kat Arm.

8aesS6 bbls at ISA amounting to $10,186,588 35, and the snug little crats in Mississippi are the parents or brothers oi one or more malartoes. It does hot destroy the jaave left San Francisco since the breaking pat of Isoplre Mills W.W. 00; So be Oonmltatiea MB aggregate of nearly one hundred and (ourmHHons lor the transection of such other bnsinsss ne may ezim at as (a, aae Deis congress Milts ao at force of oar logic to say that the merit of this Ca1i, FsjcsurTs Firm. -40c oa Floor, lie on Wheat, the excitement, lor the new gold region but it is variously estimated at from to 18,000 is produced. From this sum, however, must be aad lOJtfe on Oorn to New Torfc.

uui ui in. Wlml Deder, with price a trisH lower. We note tm toUewtng sates Good Ne 1 at 7-ec extra at 7Tc-, ens persons, all adult males. As yet, there seems to Te conefade with the great "Egniotilsn Drama of deducted whatever balance of unexpended ep gigantic job most be divided with the Whiga of Mississippi. Moat of them have since become Democrats, aad ia any event the need of missionary effort is not diminished.

We take it that SIXTIi STRING JACK. THI WHEAT CROP IK INDIANA. We saw and conies saa last evening with Mr. Wam, of eoe sot at xtaetusiaip tree downward, tt aatrre and arm. ua nt eon propriations may be carried into the next year.

be no falling off in the number who are leaving. The interior towns are being and ope Jack Kann Mr. J. W. Jennings A poor man in Eu eland sued a wealthy bas-s at T.eeo swab sotd en board at See.

That witt be best ascertained when the year has 11-s Nobis Steed Black miter Rom he Mia Alice Gray before the Convention, 1 MOKOAN. JAM EH B. MAMttKKK, JOHN FLOYD, A. V. STANTON, L.


CUUIK'HILL. the firm of Wads, York, who has Just returned from a western trip He states that he has travelled a early T. LITTLKJOHIf, O. LITTLE FIR LU, J. BRI008.

.1. WILLIAMS, BKUJE, a S. DIVEN, JAMES UHkflTH, ALFkKD ELY, DAVID RUMSEY. E.O BPaULDING, UORSHBIMER, rations parts of our mining country will for a time cease. Property in various parts ot Califor knave for the seduction of his daughter.

The suit failed by a noi through the negligence there is to day about one mulatto in Mississippi to each democrat, and that that one is related by saney in nur request at Kye-DaU, and quoted neaunnlly at BOo. JearM. eiDired and not before. It may be little or nia has neceasanallv depreciated. In ruanv Dla- th whole length oftke State of ladiaaa, and that the yield blood to a half dosen other Democrats beside his of bis solicitors.

The cost fell on the p'ainun MASOXIC FESTIYAL or arge." ct-3 tbe depreciation is unreasonably great; and three pounds eight shillings He was thrown in progenitor, either as brother, cousin, or nephew POUT UJf- BUFFALO, "It is now clearly seen, by these official figures, to' prison, where he remained 'seven years. Delany Lodge Ho. 8, A. But in Illinois, where there are only 2,500 muiat of wheat will aot be mom than one half what was expect, ed; fields that were considered good for SO bashelt to the acre, only yield 10 boabeta, and a good deal of that considerably shrunk, nils does aot agree with other leuoi is that these Administration organs and minions A. WUXKlKB, tl.

J. bnJtr toes, it happens that more than one-half of them EST A writer in the Kingston, C. News is Republican State Committee. AKJUVSD-VULY tt. perhaps a better timt, tr investing money propt-ably in property in Califoraia -never existed than at present Mining claims, paying splendidly, and real estate, having been sold by individuals afflicted with the 1'razer river fever," at less have resorted to the grossest misrepresentations at raa EAST PRESBYTERIAN CHTJBCH, are born oat of the State a fair proportion of ndignant that "a lunatic, a young married lady Steamer Arrow, Caveriy, Cbippesra 100 abnep shlaa 5 Rail Hoad Coeiaplracles.

for the purpose of concealing the true condition them aououess in tne south. Thus we see mat we have, bat we give ft as tbe experience or a g-enUema apparently wefl informed. On Homday 1. A 2, A. I 6858.

of respectable family and education, and whose connections have means and standing," should be there is just sixteen times as much need of earr skids nioes norses earner Troy, Squier, Fort Krie; 948 haea oats 145 bags wheat 21 kegs bolter ah AAreey; bbls copper 1 White. compulsory ends, are Conspiracies, looking to Ao Address on the nrlnc teles of Mneenrv. will be de than half of tucr reaj value. of the. expenditures and the culpable extravagance here.

It is true the subsistence for the Army in IMPORTS. tions against amalgamation in Mississippi aa in confined in the common jail with prostitutes and livered by REV. J. T. HOLLY, 8.

P. R. 8. aad P. G.

Our latest news from Victoria, V. I reach to Illinois And ahem we find in the little tri other vile chaiacters. Nice oommunity, that of The following are the principal artiolrs of import by Propeller Nile, Collins, Caieaga; 100 bbls floor 28 pkgs can rgw stewen, uonn. regarded in legal and moral ethics, as dangerous to the welfare of society. In this country, where aamisaioa 25 rents.

jySO-st aries Mew fork tne Kauroad: 4v bbls Boar 11 lun- angle called the District of Columbia 4.087 mulat Kingston. take at this port for the past 84 tours Utah is provided for eighteen months, but all the present indications point to the probability of its ne A co; 29 rolls leather 203 bbls floor 87 be es wool sal 28th June, and direct from the new mines to the 26th June. At that time there, were an immense number of miners on the banks of Frazer river, toes to a white male population of 18,404 thus Flour.buli 8,588 Wheat, euih 15tl 5gAt Philadelphia, Sunday morning, Jerry BO Fish. Corn opening a wide and growing field for Mr. Doug 1 the law thrown its protection broad over the af fairs of men, there no need of individual or corporate combinations to coerce a reform in any di UKANB BALLOON ASCENSION, Br Monsieur Gotlard.

FROM THE CIRCUS LOT, OPPOSITE Oats Dixon and Peter Miller, both negroes, resorted to a fight in order to settle some difficulty. The las 3 talents as a preserver of the purity of the waiting for the stream to fall, tt enable them to go to work on the bars, which are said to be fab stay in those remote regions, or to a more distant inarch beyond the Rocky Mountains. Hence there little prospect that the cost of supplies 31 6 11 Beef Bggi Pork OU white race. When we come to Virginia mother former was getting the worst of it, when he drew 18300 60.000 ulously rich. home dry diggings had also bigf feed 8 boxes sundries ptgt lead prpe tea 94 bbls 8 half bbls lard 8 hhla pork 1 store American Traas-portation Company; IS kegs lord Boopr 800 bbls floor Nason A Lord; 42 bales cotton Nile A Walker; 68 Oo hemp Central Railroad; 180 bbla floor 8 Hawtey eo; 6 eeas hams W8 King eo; BO bbla floor A Horton From Milwaukee; ltlSbbrsflonr 1 r'teTene; 805 do Cent Railroad; 45 de Tl bales wool bales carpet American Transportation Company; 18 tolls leather Boah ft Howard.

rection. if any is needed. If wrones exist if the American Hotel, corcsr of Main and CSinian ot -statesmen where all tne families are hrst a concealed razor, and literally butchered his op been discovered in the neighborhood of the river Beans ttree-s, on THURSDAY, tCGCRT 5, at 6 o'clock P. M. will be much reduced for the ensuing fiscal year ponent, who died in atew seconds.

The mur families, and most of them claim connection with the daughter of an Indian, we find the astonish Whiskey Hons ineene uodara.tbe celebrated French Aronaat but owing to the presence of a large number crime ia committed if trespasses occur if contracts are violated the law affords the aggrieved 8,700 T8 14 8 "There is no mode by which these inexotab'e ashes derer had not been arrested at last accounts. of Indians, not of the most friendlv disposition, ing number ot 79,776 mulattoes, or about seven Staves, No Bye Bacon, lbs Lard Butter Hides, Ne Pelta Horses, No Hogs Cattle Wool, ba es. Cotton, Flax Hemp facts can be evaded. They are not speculative KW George Scott, a gambler at Chicago, ad- the miners dared not extend their searches far a full and ample remedy. We are led to these 97 18 ...110,000 86,000 ...875,000 93 Propeller Old Concord, Langtey, Detroit; 24 bbls 51 half and Magician, member of the Academy of Arts A Sciences, ef Paris, chief mronaatof the Austrian army, and who re-eeiv ed a oirrer saedal at tbe New York Exhibition of the Industry of all nations, for i eproTomeota in srial and one baa crossed the Alps, the Carpathian Mountains and English Channel, and atoended to a height of 22,800 850 minisiered to his sick wile a powder, and she was from the stream, where the bulk of the whites or conjectural, like the imaginiry date and esti and one half times the number in all the free States together.

The genealogical tree of these mulattoes runs into a wilderness of ramifications remarku by the action of the late Railroad Con bbu nan a a a ooot; shingles Van Boxen; 1 box Bhingles Lomber, feet Tobacco, Tobacco, hhd. immediately taken with all the indications of pot were congregated mates of the President's papers, but we obtained vention at Cleveland. The New York and Erie 1.609 48 15 68 The town of Victoria, on Tancouver Island, met anove tne eatta, aad traveled re a stogie voyage the with the branches, boughs, twigs, and leaves, of son, and died. He laid her out himself, and had her buried within five hours after her death, sold 8 8 leather Hutchinson; 7 bars iron White; IS sacks rags Wood rod; 24 empty be la reek A eo; 89 bbls floor Ralney ft Wheekr; 8 do Daw A Ben; 240 do 6 8 Hasard; 18 caiks ashes 15 thingies 62 bales wool 7 bbH floor 1 bdl peli 25 pkgs sundries Western Transportation Com them directly from Democratic officiuls, who are Feathersac is Leather, Ruad has, for reasons of its own approval, reduced distance of 450 miles at the rate of OOmOee in 56 minutes. has sprung rapidly into importance, west spec all the hrst families.

The whole number ot democrats in the State at the same date was only bis effects, and was taking the cars for Boston. CANAL EXPORTS. not likely to take sides against their employers. Partisan sophistry and ingenuity may endeavor to ulations have bcen'made in real estate there. Lots which a few months ago were sold by the win sons susaoba 4UUAL ASUS if 8ION, with his magnificent and gigaane Balloon, THE LEVIATHAN, requiring 86,000 cubic feet of hydrogen Mcarbonic gas, and which will be Inflated ia presence of the spectators as the ofheer arrested him, to await an examma the rate of fare over its route, thereby affording the public the benefits cheaper travel.

This policy was offensive to other routes enjoying a pany; iv roiis learner i ooi on iw dims noor is eaii wool Cent Railroad; 850 bogs owners eo board. The following table shows the Exports by Canal for 413, and the whole number of voters only tion of the remains of his wife, which had been Hudson's Bay Company at $5ti, are now selling the past 24 hears Propeller Araxea, Watts, Toledo; 1M bbls floor 55 bbtf al- exhumed. 646. The prusumption is that every first family in the State counts mulatto sons, daughters, explain away the force of such arguments, but they are not to be disturbed by any such agen- at over $1,000. A newspaper called the Victoria conol strx sacks ell cake Williams; 106 bbls floor EflT Entrance to the Balloon lent, 25 cents.

Process ef inflation commences at 4 o'clock P. M. As Wheat. Corn. Floor.

Oats. Rye Barley. Jarger share of public patronage, and the N. Gazette, has been started there and an Ameri ggA man in Ohio lately cut down a mulber Cobb oo; 90do Fleming ft Emerson; 4 rolls leather Schoe'kopf; 89 bales wool 101 bbla floor 2 bxs 9 trunks cension takes place at 6 o'cicck precisely. Albany Troy.

brothers, sisters, by the score, and that every Democrat in the State is responsible for the "de 4.S08 29 564 18,778 1,015 Central and Pennsylvania Central, who were likely can steamer (the Surprise) is also running regu ry tree and split it, and the heart ot it found Utica Tieaets to be tiaa at tne entrance. jyso-ot -T" Commercial, Republic, Courier and Post, please Cent Batiroad; sis bead cattle 826 hogs owners on board. In the course of the next fortnight the List 8,404 15,027 837 8,960 25 9 to suffer bv this competition. aDDealed to the Rome terioration or the white race to the extent ot larly between Victoria aud ort Hope, which is one hundred miles above the mouth of Frazer a black snake. The wood was sound where the snake was lying, and there was not room enough Propeller Eclipse.

Pratt. Sandoskv: 184 bales wool 5,500 quarter's statement of the fiscal year which re roida of the west to combine and coerce the N.Y Monteamna. Rochester B.fOO lieabier, bs bbls floor Cobb ft co; 4 bales wool Ben-tly ft so; 1 box Whites; 880 bbls floor 800 bars hoofs lor it to turn round. Jbrom the growth of the one, or that the number of those who are not so responsible is compensated by the extra diligence of their democratic neighbors. cently terminated will be published, and then it river.

Merchandise of all desciiptious, excepting spiriious liquors, are permitted to be imported back from its new policy. A convention Lockport 6,100 ST. JAMES HALL. This beautiful Hall is now finished, and in timber, it was supposed thai it had been there Western Transportation Compear: 10 bbl oil 158 3,988 28,987 was first held in this city without effecting any Totals 46,472 38,094 10 ooils rope Taylor ft Jewett; le tes bacon Rood; 105 bbls flour Heimlich. Jr; 50 doj FieeheDr.

2C67 will be seen that the actual expenses of the first year of Mr Buchanan's Administration exceeded stylo and elegance will compare with any in thsooontry. free of duty into ictoria, by the Hudson Bay Company but this Company claims the right to some fifteen years. The snake was six feet in length, blind, and had no use of itself, except its thing. Then one in riew York City, with a aim Leaving tbe details, we fiud that there were in 1860 about 4 00,000 mulattoes in tbe Southern States, and 434,826 democrats. The coincidence seksoil coke Williams: IS trees barter New York CONDITION OF THE NEW YORS STATE BANKS.

the exclusive trade upon the over and in the in head. seventy-seven millions of dollars, exclusive of the ilar result. Then one was held at Cleveland, and It la Capable of Oonalortnbly Beating B30O Peroons. It ean be rented for Balls, Lectores, Concerts, fte by and Erie Railrsad; 1 box Pratt ft ear 1 do Warren; 15 scks flax 1 bx scales 92 eases tobacco 9 sacks leathers The following summary sjows the aggregtte of tbe Re The Bowmanville Coal question has at terior of the mines. Most of those leaving here for the new mines go by the way of Victoria, as deficiency of ten millions which bad to be pro the Philadelphia North American says the ar- sources and Liabilities of the Banks of the State of New 1 bbl shoe pegs rolls leather 1950 bbts floor tl bbls between the number of mulattoes and democrats is so regular as to lead to the belief of design or applying to TH08.

CARR, length been settled. The excavator, Mr. Bates, em 271 bares woo grindstone 1 cam door 4 dsxs run- York as exhibited by their reports to the Superintendent mhltf Box Office or Hetropotitan Theatre. vided at the late session. Our progress ex it is necessary tor the miners to go there to pro intention somewhere We will not say there is dries Central BaSroadt 40 bead eatte 800 hogs owners and his head miner havine quairelled, the latter, frangemei.t then entered into if that the several competing lines of road between two great points of the Banking Department of tbe Stats of New York of penditures is appalling, and is approached by no on ooare.

or was such design, but it is susceptible of proof a few days since, declared that he had purchased their condition on the morning jof Saturday, the 19th day To the Ladies of Buffalo Vicinity, Propeller Rocket, Doogjas, Cleveland- 10 bbls Uqoor ro'tt form of government on the face of the earth, ex that wherever you find a democrat south of Mason the coal which came out of the shaft, at a coal cure a license to dig in the mines. Strong efforts have been made to biing some American town site into notice, but with only partial success. Whatcom aud Seliome, at first, took the lead, as of Jane, 1858: or districts, shall cany passengers and freight at uuiforui rates, to be determined by agreement, or Toot Inspection is Hcspectfally eoHrtted. and Dixon's line, you find a mulatto. How he yard in Bowmanville.

The proprietor of the coal eesourees. Loans and Discounts S190.980.481 leainer do is neei is niaes bait skins 186 bbo Soar 6 do a'eohol 8 kegs batter 950 bales wool Cent Railroad; 100 bbls floor Williams; 17 bdls paper Jewet'; 15 kegs nails ADA Miller A co; 20 do Newbeold; 15 bale rain NUee ft Walker: 452 bbls floor Lee AWsad: cept the Corporation of New York. These same democrats who are now squandering one hundred came thet we wil' not pretend to say. yard is said to have corroborated the miner by the capacity of the shortest road, if no agree Overdrafts S4860 and 887,9 statement. The expose has cauied great excite Owing to the still uncertain state of the New it was believed a route could be quickly opened thence overland to the new mines Up to the Due and Banks 18,859,406 and odd millions a year, fairly yelled over the ex ment can be made.

A change of the rates so es York markets, the subscriber has determined pen open nt' iit and indignation among the good people of 59 bales wool Defhler; 81 bxs ttarch Oeoles; 96 Dr. livings tone at tbe Capo of Good Hope. Dee from Directors 296 888 Doe from Brokers 054.449 preseut, however, the road hss has not been ren ing the large and commodious state. Bowmanville. travagance of Mr.

Adams's Administration, when tablisbed entered upon by rny one line for des oais sour ucoo aco; xu tes ham Langdon ft Sears; bdls skins 25 bxs starek 4 crates ware Dole. dered passable, and Victoria -is rapidly outstrip Real Estate S25.000 and 8,484,041 From the Independent, S8d. A Southern Opinion of oi Northern "Na the outlay was twelve millions per annum. Mr tractive compet'tiou with others, or to compel Tag Leviathan, Sqoier, Fort Erie; passengers and lag- ping all ber rivals. We have news of "the safe arrival of Dr.

Liv No. 192 Maist Street, Uranlte Block, (Formerly occupied by E. Mar Tin,) Ob Monday, July lttt, lftS, Specie 86 404,058 Cash Items 16,928,50 Stock and Promissory Notes S8.228 965 gage. tional" MitN. The Richmond South, one of the Buchanan remembers that very well, lor he was withdrawal, abandonment, or unreasonable reduc On the 21st June a dreadful disaster occurred ingstone at the Cape of Good Hope, and of tbe Schooner Eagle Wing, Coyne, Chicago; 16822 bosh corn leading organs of Southern opinion, said last win at Vii-toria, by which some thirteen persons were ss nanne co.

tion on the part of other lines, shall work tb Bonds and 944 then playing fast and loose between the two par And continue for tbe apace of Fifteen Days, for the par- ter "We have ao confidence in any man north Schooner Zenotia, Wright, Chicago; 15,281 bosh wheat drowned A small sail boat, called the Alcat-az, isolation of the road undertaking it, and there ties, and, according to Gen. Jackson's testimony, Bills of banks Bills of Suspended Banks tl.299 and 5,774 warm welcome which he there received from his numerous friends. A public dinner was given in his honor, at which, in a modest speech, be explained the maoner in which he designed, in his a ftrnni oo. Schooner Convoy, MiGaw, Chicago; 16,624 bush HMK'naeftco. Lorn and Expense Account 1.635.526 shall afterwards be no co-operation with such of Mason and Dixon's line.

They cannot be our li iends and be honest. The interests of the two sections are. antagonistic. The northern man while conveyiiig au overload 01 passengers from the steamer Comodore to the shore, was capsed and precipitated some 34 into the water of whom Add for Cents road on the part of other roads, in any form what approached him with a corrupt proposition to win over Mr. Clay.

At the same ratio of increase the expenditures would be -two hundred millions Schooner Live Oak, Simpson, Haroa; SO staves Frink; 3 second expedition, to follow up the the discover Total Resources $802,588,858 ever who goes for ur interests necessarily goes against the interests of the North his country ar.d we les which be had made in the first. oois pork xuu lbs namt master. Schooner Mary Booth, Parkhih, Dank irk; 185 feet lum-bar Booth. 18 were drowned. STATE MEWS.

LiabOttit. Under this arrangement the New York and in less than ten years, under a democratic despot Capital SU4.690A41 can have no confidence in a traitor, no matter Uttorts have been made tor centuries to get into the interior of Africa, but, unfortunately, they Schooner Manning, Lynn, Erie; 75 feet lumber Circulation 26.1.9SI ism and its corrupt practices." pose oi closing oat nix large ana wsu oe-eetea PARIS GARMENTS sons or Richest ever Imported into this Conmtry, axd MiisrAcmn) bv Celebrated Parisian Artiste, Jena de lo Malr, coniaisiso nt rAT RICH CHANTTLLT LAOS MANTILLAS, RICH G1MPCRE LACE MANTILL48, RICH PUSH KR LACK MANTILLAS, RICH CAsBilA LACE MANTILLAS. Also, Silk and Laee, Lace and Velvet all Silk, Ousters, how high his price." Farmer ft Scatchard. The bunday law, passed by the legislature at its last session, has been declared by the Supreme Erie road is to be debarred from all business con nection ith the roads represented in this con Profits 14,747,694 nave always been attempted through the unheal Schooner Pine, Morris, Donnvllle; 60 cords wood Noyes. Doe Banks 86,409,081 Court ot Calitornm to be unconstitutional and void thy parts near the coast O.i the southern part Bcaooner at not, Koe, rolnt Abino; CO eords wood The Exprvta says "During the past six Capt.

de Riviere, while in New Orleans, wisbed Mike Walsh to aid him in liberating Nic Due Individuals and CorBorationa. other than vention utter Monday, the 26th inst. It does not Schooner Oneida Chief, Gotham, Toledo; 00 staves moQiha the Engineer on this Division of the CaDal became This law had excited much indignation among the ot the country, Dr. Livingstone hrst expedition Banks siojsoo Clark. Due Treasurer of the State of New York 8.1SUJS8T encountered tne Kalniuan desert, and the expe convinced that one Contractor on his Divison was doing his work imperfectly, and sot in accordance with the foreign residents ol the state, and the Hebrews Scow Valley, Fredabaogh, Coaneaat: 115 feet hnnbr and its abrogation by the Supreme Court has Dae Depositors on demand 105,764,187 Amount ana.

not inclnded tinder either of the dition which was sent out from Cape Town under Dr. Smith, was prevented from penetrating tbe in terms of his contract, and hence the officer withheld his estimates. Charges were preferred against this Engineer, Campbell. CLEARED JULT 29 etamer Arrow, Caverlr, Chippewa. been hailed by them with great manifestations of aragua.

Mike asked how much it would take De Riviere replied $50,000. Mike said the idea was a good one, and advised de Riviere to open a restaurant and get the money without loss of time. This sc enraged de Riviere that he would have called Walsh out, had it not been for one above heads 1,718,984 Add for Cents 515 ana he was suspended. A trial was nad betore tne ton joy. Our iudge3 decide that such a statute is in Steamer Troy, rquier.

Fort arte. Propeller Wenona. Huff. OhJcaeo. contravention to the constitutional guaranty of iracang Hoard the was acquitted rjis conduct in withholding tue estimate? Justified, aud he was reinstated." Is not tne Xseprtss mistaken as to the time ot this Total Liabilities terior irom tne same cause.

The unhealthy coast presented a barrier on both sides; and the desert presented an obstacle on the south; but Dr. Liv ingstone and his companions succeeded in passing v-ircuisrs, jtagiaas, isimss, ex in narage, crape, De Marat, Ac, Ae. hee goods will te offered to the Ladies of Buffalo 40 per cent be ow the cost of lDiportatlon, in order to close out the entire stock by the 1st of August next. perfect religious liberty. Albany Journal.

transaction? We axe not positive, bnt our impression is, Propeller Comet, Watts, eieTeland. PropeUer Potomac, Gebhard. Chicago. Propel'er Euphrates, Long, Tot ao. Two men, named David Switzer and Thomas Flovb A OaAia Stoks nt Chicago.

The amount Myets, were instantly killed at Selby's Flat, Ne arouuu it, ana louua a new and well watered thing Walsh threatened to pull his nose if ha attempted anything so foolish. Cpeniug a restaurant to obtain funds to carry on a war "is good." Tag Leviathan, Squier, Fort Erie. of Flour and Grain in store on Saturday last, July 24th, SHOT11R, agent. Branch Store, 5t9 Broadwty, N. T.

country beyond. now appear probable taat successiui resistance can be made to this organized effort to bring the Erie managers to their senses All the greater roads are fully committed in this convention, and there is none left of sufficient strength to upset it among those crossing the State of Ohio at least. The line froai Cleveland by Toledo to Indianapolis and the Michigan Southern, do not appear in the final proceedings, and the roads from Richmond, Indiana, by Terre Haute, to Alton and St. Louis, are also among the absent This absence does not necessarily imply hostility to the arrangement and if it did, neither of these connects eastward with a road not in the arrangement. We do not -etiooner unema Chief.

Gotham Toledo. that the Engineer in question was suspended by sta'e t.n gineer Seymour, and reinstated, anally, on hia motion In the Contracting Board, then consisting ol three Americans and two Republicans. If we are correct in this, the point attempted to bs mads by the Ksepveaa falls to the groucd. vada county, on 2'2d June, by the caving in of the bank while working in a narrow cut on the compared with the amount stored on the same date in When I passed into that country." he says. 185T, a reported by the storehouses Law.

MARRIED MAN, WHO WRITiS A Sir Colin Campbell is "down" upon the "I had not the smallest idea that there 'was such Schooner Grapeshot, Cnandier. Chicago. Schooner Mary Booth, Pal thill, tihtabola. Schooner Collingoed, Bonner, Chicago. -Schooner Collins.

Van Patten, loledo. uawrur. July 24, 1857. A Victoria Cross. He writes to the Duke of Cam a want of cotton as I found to be ihe case whenl good band, and is accustomed to the cuties of a We think not.

The Engineer in question may went home to England. But there I saw the cot Flour, bbls. 8,010 980 Wheat, bush 704 955 20 26 Corn, bu-h 824,056 666 669 Oats, bash 146,065 tot. growing wud and almost everywhere, and that have been suspended by Mr. Skymodr, but we still think it was by Richmond, on charges pre Law uffioe, wisEea to meet with a pereanent sftaa-ion aa clerk.

A small salary is required. Satisfaotoiy references can be prtduced. Address (postpaid) to Cooner Buffalo, Y. JiK lm Reward. sugar was colleCbed all over the country.

Rye, basb 448 Barley, bush 6.1C4 bridge that since the institution of the cross, ad vantage has been taken by young staff Officers to place themselves in prominent situations for the sake of attracting attention. To them, observes Sir Colin, life is of little value compared with the gain of public honor but they do injustice to the officers in command of the regiments, and are no new expedition is to proceed first up the schooner Manning, Lynn, te. Schooner Walls, Pearee, Toledo. Schooner Eclipse. Dunbar, Huron.

Schooner MusUegum, Pennington, Cleveland. Scow Nebraska, Kc time ad, Stanley. Soow Valley, Fredebaugh, Fairpoit. Scow Jane, Blair, Detroit; 160 bbla salt. PORT OF CHICAGO.

AREIVtD JOLT 27. Press Tribune. ferred against him by a Contractor, whose estimates had been withheld for reasons that were river Zambizi, the Portuguese having given full permission for the exploration. The liver is very STRAYED FROM THE SUBSCRIBER see bow the Ntw York and Erie can sustain itself on Connecticut, between Twelfth aed Thirteenth large, being equal in size to the Thames at Lon in a bad cause against an organized purpose to useless to the soldiery, who are unacquainted with streets, a small BLACK MAaE, havirg a kusby tail aad mane, white hiod feet, and white apo an one at colder, scars of ring bone on forward feet, about ten or ele ren bring it to terms, such as has now been entered don Bridge. It was not formerly known to be a I large river, on account of its being separated into five or six branches at its mouth before it reaches them, and look to their rejrular leaders.

This Propeller Chicago; barque Great West; schooners Yankee claim ot Alatuewson Co. Ihe deceased were both from Williamsvil'e, New York. The people in the southern counties of the state are Ftill busied with hunting out and hanging the membcis of a band of banditti that lias long infested that region, and committed numoerlcss murders and robberies. These miscreants are principally Mexicans, headed by a famous Ameri can desperado, called Jack Powers, (seven have been already captured and hung, and others have been driven away. cut.

A terrible accident occurred in this city on the 22d June. Mrs. Regan, a lady much respected here, while engaged in hanging out some clothes on the roof of her house on Montgomery street, missed her footing and slipped through a skylight, cutting her leg so severely with the glass that she died tiom Iocs ot blood the same night. The best medical skill was' unable to afford the unfortunate woman any relief. Mrs.

Regan was the wife of a well known confectioner in this city Roman rebuke is marked by the stern good upon." years old. boever wul return said mare to above place shall receive the above reward. Jy94tf- O. H. PRESTON.

sense of the veteran Highlander. Here the public is advised of a conspiracy, or combination oi roads, against the New York and 100 Railway Matter The Kilkenny fight. Military Excnrion to Falcoawood. Biaae, Mammon CLEARED JCLY 27. Propeller Adriatic, Snow, Bulla 14,400 bosh wheat bbls whiskey 16 tons iron.

Propeller Troy, Warren, do; 10J27 bush wheat. Barque Canada, Hawkins, do; 80,000 bosh oorn. Brig Mechanic, Fnsham, do; 14,000 hash wheat. Schooner Hurricane, Scollay, do; 14,000 bash corn. Erie for what oumose 1 Why.

to coerce it to sustained by investigation. The charges, however, were duly and patiently investigated subsequently, by the Contracting Board, consisting of two Democrats, two Americans, and one Republican, and the result was, his unanimous acquittal by the Board, and prompt reinstatement in office. He has subsequently been suspended on the plea of economy in the Engineer Department, but for the reason, no doubt, that he bad wade himself obnoxious to the contracting interest. The Buffalo Express continues to battle the New York Central Railroad Company with boldness make the public pay an increased price for tra Con 74th Resriment, SPECIFICATION OF GK4IN SHIPPED AT CHICAGO, JULY 26. Name of Vessel.

Amount of Grain. Prop Oriental 15,000 be No 8 sp wheat Bark Shepard 6,691 ba rj corn Brig Mechanic 9,000 bu No 2 sp wheat Schr Wii slow 4,400 bu No 1 corn Schr White Cloud 14,000 bu No 1 sp wheat Schr Comet 10,474 ba Mo 2 do Schr Eliza Logan 4,950 ba No 2 corn ALBANY LUMBER MARKET, For thb Wnl endui WaunsiMy, July 28. But little Lumber was received in the third Canal week in the month on account of the breaks, bat this week it is coming in freely of all kinks. The quantity on band is large, and the assortment never was better. Sales have been dull, though we note some large transactions for foreign shipment.

There have been also some shipments to Richmond and Washington. Prices are not altered, though confined mostly to oar lower range of quotations. Shipments hare been light. The receipts by the Erie and Champlain Canals, from veling. This iB a direct war upon the pockets of BUFFAIiO LIGHT DRAGOONS A.

SLOAN, OoaHunuaT, The resignation by Mr. Cass of the Presidency of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, and Chicago Kail-road, and the election of J. Edgar Thompson to the post, is regarded by the Cleveland Herald as a virtual amalgamation of that road with the the people, and deserves to be met by popular sentiment, in a manner that will bring prompt Will irive their first Excursion te Falconwood. en the Steamer ARKTV correction. It gives the pub'ic mind a warning PORT OF MILWAUKEE.

ARRIVED JULY 24. Schooner Hans Crock or. CLEARED JULY 26. Propeller Adriatic, Snow, Buffalo; 4T9 bbls floor 15 brick. the sea.

Dr. Livingstone found 250 miles of the stream navigable without a single obstruction. A large coal district was found above it, which the traveler describes as "seeming to contain the ele ments of future civilization." This region will be explored by the expedition, after which further explorations into tie interior will be directed according to circumstances. A Case or Pinino to Death A few months ago, a gentleman residing in the interior of the State, returned from California, bringing with him a little prattling Indian girl, a sweet, interesting creature, as ever proved a "well spting of pleasure" in a household It was rumored that the mother of the child was an Indian woman, and the father a white man. How that may be we know not such, at least, was the suspicion.

The gentleman, for some reason, did not care to have tbe child remain in his family, and brought her to this city and placed her in the Orphan Asy lum, and promised to caH often and see her. of what may be expected of the Railroad power of the country, so fast as it finds itself strong Charles an attorney at law, widely known in this city, was thrown from his buggy and killed, in Oakland, on the 27th June. Mr. Strode went from this city the same evening with Pennsylvania Central. The i'ennsylvania Rail road now has a direct line under its exclusive control from Philadelphia to Chicago, with the exception of a short unfinished gap at the western end.

In time it will also swallow up the enough to take an open and hostile position nirainst oonular interest or sentiment. It is the MARRIED. At Stiver Creek, Wedreoday morning, July 21, by Rev Wm. Waitbe, ef Ripley, HENRT MONTGOMERY, Esq. and Miis HELEN LEE, both ef Saver Creek-.

I 1 first time that we recollect to have noticed any his wife, on a short pleasure excursion across the bay. While riding out, his horse took fright and the opening of navigation a July 23, in the years named, Oaptein Cavsolv, on Wedaeaday, Angnt 4th, 1858. The Beat win leave the Dock at 9 o'clock A. M. and i o'clock P.

M. Leaving falconwood tt 6 o'clock P. M. A Brass and String Band is engaged. fW Family Tickets tl Single tickets 50 ctr.

jy2i5 EXPRESS BOOK-BIKDIKG ASD RULING ESTABLISHMENT T. F. COLLINS, secession re cotxna) a ourr, Blank Book Manufacturer, lo.mjt- Hsla Street. Full sets of Books for Banks, Railroads, Insurance Offices and Merchants in general, mace upon tbe small roads between Rochester, and Cincin thing like a conspiracy of numerous interests to ran away. Himself and wile were thrown out, were as follows: In this city, on the 7th by the Rev.

J. 8. Martin, and both seriously injured, Mr. Strode died the uuabi ii. axnu to atiss suKABErsI w.

TALBaKT nati, the C. P. River Line from Rochester to Steubenville forming the only obstacle at present. punish one that revolts against what ia regarded for the interests of the whole. In this, public no Staves, Bs.

same night. i all ef tbis city. It is estimated that live tous of strawberries tice is given that a combination is formed to force 69,960,000 84 816,809 84 010,438 With the completion and absorption of the lines running into Indiana also, it will then form the Important Annooiicement have been brought into this maiket daily for the past three or four weeks. One garden in Oakland 88,841 147 Boards and Scantllnir.ft. 1850..

..90 611,970 1851... 109,271,928 1852.. .186,469,261 1858... 170,007.627 1854. 1855....

85,691,265 1856.... 88,742,981 1857. ...88,119,402 1858... 119,298,161 Shingles, Timber, M. C.

ft. 38,795 18,696 21,959 88,980 19,422 62,218 18,576 4,005 12,651 4,707 29,768 2,180 17,400 8 710 80,601 14,815 12,583 68,785 the people to pay higher rates of travel than those now charged by the New York Erie, and produces by itself over a ton daily. Some of For a few days the life surrounding her seemed to furnish sufficient entertainment, but it was most gigantic railroad monopoly of the country, The Herald says 89410,782 19358.H7 these berries measure from five to six inches in and vigor. Its charges against the Company are not unlike tlnse adduced by the Erie papers during the pendency of the war with Lake Shore Railroads. Alienated as it was at that time from our oommunity in interest and feeling, it yet took lessons which it Is turning to present profit.

Erie Oaettt. The difference between the Gazette and tlie Express is, that we appeal to law and reason to redress the wrongs of which we complain, while our cotemporary counselled violence and a total disregard for law and good order. If the Gazette had confined its efforts to a discussion of the difficulties that existed between a portion of the people and the Rail Road, with a view of correcting the evils of which it complained through the action of public sentiment and the laws of the land, it and the Express would, no doubt, have been friends then. But it did not, and hence we were alienated from its policy. Amerioo Vkspucci.

In the English Cyclopedia, conducted by Charlos Knight, London, 1858, may be found says the Boston Post an interesting account of this much maligned Amerigo. To shortest notice. yielded reluctantly to by other competing routes xtusx, asgravmgs, ana renod soon apparent that something was lacking to sat circumference. bound to order. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad is pushing This condition of things opens up to the eyes of 64,051,829 60,758,185 Ihe shipwrecked Japanese seamen, who were isfy her mind entirely a void which could only be filled by the presence of some one whom she itself torwara as a great route liom the sea-board Buffalo and Fort Rowan, the people an imperious necessity for the enact brought to this port by the' British ship Caribbe The following are the current prices at the principal BENSON HARVEY, to the fcouth-west, and by means of the Cincin And Intermediate Porta.

had learned to ca'l "papa." She became listless mpnt of another law for their protectioa. In an, were carried away again by the same vessel, nati and Chicago Railroad, will eventually come and melancholy, and the sports of the children THE PROPELLER STOCK- in as a competitor tor tbe Chicago traffic. $37 00 a 27 00 tailed to please or interest. Visitors to the Asv MAN, D. i.

MoALTOe, Master, will ply the Captain of which and the English Consul assuring our Collector that they should be immediately conducted to Japan, on tbe above Route for the balance of The New York Central is working hard for the Canada route to the West, and for the Southern No. 198 main Street, yards: Pine, clear, 185 00 4th quality, )m 2500 select box, 20 00 Chemung box, 16 00 box, 12 00 clear, 8i 00 4th quality, 26 00 lum petted the little "Pocahontas," as she was called, bnt their attentions scarcely ever rallied the sesaoo, as lollows Seven of our city police i have resigned their trade figures by the Sandusky, Dayton, and Cin ner spirits, constantly upon ber tongue was the commissions being desirous of proceeding to the cinnati Railroad during the summer. When the name ot "papa." She grew weary and tired, and Are offering their entire Stock of view or these Tacts ana circumstanceo, iue pcupic of this State should require of the next Legisla- ture the passage of a law to punish any corporation in this State whose managers shall conspire to coerce another corporation in joining with them to monopolize business, or to put up the price ot passengers or freight. Such a law, involving as a penalty the forfeiture of their charter, new Frazer river mines There were over thirty Leaves Biflalo EVERY TUESDAY and FRIDAY EVE-NINB, at 7 e'dou. Leaves Port Rosran EVERT MONDAY and THURSDAY M.RNlKG, at 8 o'clock.

For freight or passsgs apply on board or to f. P. FORTIER, Agent, Jy29tao5 Canada Dock, Buffalo. graauany laaeo, like a flower ol ber own moun Cincinnati and Toledo (Dayton and Michigan) Railroad is completed, it will seek its winter select, 18 06 box, 11 00 applications for their vacated places. The vacan cies have all been filled.

Pine Floor Plank, good, IV inch, each. 00 20 tains in Autumn. There was no apparent disease, but a perceptable wasting awav of the natural 2d quality, 00 IT 22 00 17 00 15 00 88 CO 28 00 20 00 18 00 00 26 CO 20 00 18 00 18 00 16 00 22 00 13 00 16 00 10 00 10 Melantine Oirautt, the woman who stabbed al SUMMER DRESS GOODS culls. 00 09 9 energies. The gentleman who left her at the most mortally, Mons.

L'Galley, her seducer, has business from the South by way of Detroit and the Canada lines The interest of these three great lines from the East to the South west is diametrically opposed to the interests of this city and the railroads passing through it, because in Asylum had never called to see his little charge, and although she was nourished and cared for been admitted to bail on her own recognizance. Mons Galley, has kept himself out ol the way to avoid appearing against the woman, and she is in AT should find an early place on the statute book, to protect the public against such a conspiracy as is now at work against the New York Erie Road Pine Apples. IF YOU WANT GOOD BIRDS EYE PINES, for preaerrisg, 70 to TEDDER'S, NO. 344 MAIS STREET, wbers you will a't) find a variety of FRUITS AND VE3ETABLES, and everything seasonable and luxurious. Jy2-St with all the tenderness possible, she slowlv drooD this route there is a rival in the Y.

and Erie, ed, until a few days since, when she died with 00 12V 00 15 00 22 00 17 00 11 00 08 00 08. 00 9 00 22 oo t-evfia whilst eacu road has a monopoly by its own an advanced stage ot pregnuncy. OREGON AND WASHINGTON TERRITORIES. the last fleeting breath still murmuring the name to produce a higher rate of travel and freight routes just marked out. of "papa, as she had frequently done in her 00 10X dreams.

Cincinnati Gazette. This question appeals to the serious consideration of every citizen, and demands the early, earnest We have dates from Oregon territory to the 26th June, and from Washington territory as Spruce Boards, Floor Plank, Plank, 2 inch, good, Pi ae Tally Beards, good 2d quality, calls, Hemlock Boards, Joist, 8 by 4, 4 by 6, Wall Strips, 9 by 4, Clap Boards, Pine, clear, 2d quality, f( Ash, good, 2d rate, Oat, Maple Joists, Black Walnut, good, 2d quality, inch, Sycamore, 1 inch, Lost. 3 STRAYED OR STOLEN, A SCOTCH nt" dog, about 8 months old, brown Directors of the Railroads centering here probably know their own business best, but we call their attention to the above s'ate of things. The dilemma they are now placed in arises, in our .20 00 Humboldt belongs the praise of rescue from the infamy'which has been attached to his name for a long period of time. It seems that the narrative of Vespucci's Voyages was printed without his knowledge and consent, and tiat it was undoubtedly the publishers suggestion that the new continent should bear the name of him who served, in the capacity of astronomer, in four expeditions.

Without assuming that he belonged to the class of heroes and men of genius, the writer in the Cyclopedia says, He appears to have been a skilful astronomer for his age; an able manager of the commissariat department an enthusiastic adventurer in the career of discovery a warm hearted, honest man." and sincere action of the next Legislature, to pro late. The news is very important, inasmuch as we are informed of a general gathering of the .11 00 .25 00 color, ears cot, tail not cot, and answers to the name Party ok Board ths City or Clivilahd. The City of Cleveland having remained here over night, the Captain and officers gave an elegant Seppo." A liberal reward will be paid tor his return to opinion, from tueir false step in acknowledging Greatly Reduced Prices In order to make room for AUTUMIT TRADE! BERAGES, SILKS, ORGANDIES, Indian tribes in that part the world, our No. 18 Johnson Place. iy29-St vide new safeguards for the public interest.

in this behalf. We have no doubt that the people will take hold of the matter with an efficiency that the arbitrary rules 01 tne nrst Cleveland Conven northern border, with the evident intent of pro tion, a mistake which has led to their second and ceeding to hostilities. The number of our deeper error of participating in the action of the people who have left Calilornia lor the new mines. PLASTER, MARBLE DUST, Water Lime, Sec. The undersigned keep constantly 00 band second Cleveland Convention causes us here to regard these movements of the Dan ana supper to our citizens on i riday evening.

The splendid saloons of the boat were elegantly decorated, and speedily filled with all the beauty and fashion in our village. We counted upwards of sixty couple who chased the glowing houts with flying feet" until morning when a supper, which we repeatedly heard described as the best ever set in Ontonagon, and certainly overflowing In alluding to this matter we speak the opinions savages with the utmost anxiety. The govern 00 07 22 00 17 00 28 00 18 00 80 00 IT 00 45 00 28 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 45 00 80 eo 48 00 20 00 18 00 6 00 6 00 8 00 4 25 8 75 8 00 2 60 ot ourselves ana numerous outsiders, who have ment should lose no time in- despatching to Wash seen with regret the course taken by our railroads JACOXET3, ineton and Oregon a large military force. The ...15 00 ...28 00 ...16 00 ...40 00 ...25 00 ...85 00 ...28 00 ...28 00 ...40 00 ...20 00 ...42 00 ...28 00 ...14 00 5 60 4 00 2 00 4 00 8 09 2 00 2 25 in the late convention in this city. We care commander of the Pacific Pivision has been hur- large sopp'yof the above named materiala.

from tbe be maaufaotories in tbe United Stat which they are pre pored to sell, 3'the by wholesale or retail, lower thaa any other estmblsb meat In the city, for cash. The undersigned having had long experience in tht erection ef boildtngs, are prepared at a'l times te make and faWU eontrac s. and furnish all kinds of boildinv nothing about the alledged faults of the Erie road, ryine thither all the troops. at his command but The London Times and Daily News pub wuu an me delicacies oi tne season, was served BRILLIANTS, GINGHAMS, CHAMBRAYS, Abundant evidence has been shown that all of their number and equipment are wretchedly in inch, Cherry, good, 'ate, 1 White Wood Chair Plank, linch, X-incb, Shingles, 1 st quel, shared 24 ii ti i. conmon, 1st quaL sawed, ad common, 4 sawed Hemlock, 1 Albany Evening Journal.

up in the saloon. As we have been somewhat profuse in our des the "four great lines" have violated the absurd adequate. A small armed steamer is also much materials wi-a promptness and on tbe shortest notice. needed for service against the Indians in th.9 Purtiee dV suing sewers nojtt wu 1 nna it to their adrsn- rules of last year's Convention, either in letter or spirit, and the proper course seems to have been VALENCIAS, ge to grre as a call. te efl northern waters The Light House Department steamer, the Shubrick, now there, is far from cription of another party on Monday last, we shall only here add that a better or more happy party never graced the saloons of a steamer than that on board the City of Cleveland.

All were delight- the abolition of the useless rules themselves in Orders box BBf, win meet with prompt at- lish graphic descriptions from their correspondents, of the cruise of the Agamemnon, showing the fearful peril that vessel was in and the Times says in its editorial remarks on the subject, that the Agamemnon is clearly unfit to lay the Atlantic cable. If the suggestion of the Great Eastern is not thought worthy of notice, or if the pro JsO-ly TIbDEN A CAMPBELL. stead of tbe attempted punishment of one out of sufficient. Local Order Wanted. the many delinquents But time will show who The recent election in Oregon terminated in the TRAVELING DRESS GOODS! FRENCH EMBROIDERED COLLARS AND nTTS, RICH LACE EMBROIDEBED COLLARS AND SETTS.

NEW YORK 29 Btparlrt bribe Morning Snorts. "ITTHOLE ROLLS TAKEN AT THE BIST rates by MANCBETE. a RICH eu, anu toua in weir praises or uaptain JLnndy and his officers; and in the name of our citizens we beg to offer to these gentlemen their grateful acknowledgments, for the splendid entertainment, and to express a hope that the City of Cleveland Flour Market opened heavy and drooping, and elosed is in the right. No arrangement can be come to between the three Eastern railroads as to the rates of freights to be charged. All three are determined to punish the N.

Y. Erie; the Pennsylvania Central and the New York Central hav got into lively Biding School prietors of that ship are not ready to lend it1 for that object, let a ship be built for the purpose at once. Whether it succeeds or not at the jfirst THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RESPECT -fully announce te tie e'tssns ef BoaTak, that hie nnn with more export demand. Sales aggregate 12,000 bbls, at S4 054 10 for superfine state; 4 S5jM S5 for extra state; S4 16 for superfine Western; S4 254 75 for common to medium extra western. Canadian Flour election of the following offiers Governor, John Whitaker Congressman, L.

F. Grover Secretary of State, Heath State Treasurer, D. Boon; State Printer, Asahel Bush. The people of both Oregon and Washington are considerably excited by the recently discover ed gold mines. Several of the small towns on Puget Sound and the Gulf ill Georgia have sud denly sprung into importance, and attracted to them eager speculators in real estate.

competition ana quarrel between themselves as trial, it will find sufficient occupation eithejr in renewing the attempt or in laying down addition steady. Fa es of 400 bbls at (4 405 25 for common RIDING II Will be re opened ea TboTufar, tke t9th daf of Juljr, win ever receive tpat patronage and support which the elegance of its arrangements and gentlemanly conduct of its officers so amply merit Ontonagon Paper. Advance and Scarcity of Misers' Tools and Hkrchandisi The discovery of gold in the Bri to choice txtnu Bye Floor, small sale at S8 00018 75 MANTILL1SI M1NTILLIS BELOW COST! al cable hereafter. to freights; and the Baltimore and Ohio is work -ing against both But little freight is going forward, and there is no established rate over any of the through lines. Every lot of freight has a special rate of its own.

For an those who may wish oa aeoAire a ktseMn UKinr Wheat firm, with better export demand. Sales tbe art of ITiirssmaaslifrr. Mo oxperse has seen spared 60,000 bush, at for unsonod Milwaukee club; tut red winter western; 110T18e for white Ca tThe discovery of gold in Fraser river, says in reflttlng torn eattbUsbjneot aad in dewir. tish possessions, and tbe consequent exodus of the Albany Journal, is a proper time to remind nadian. Rye steady at TOjhrJOc Corn is l2c lower fbr p'aee 0 resort ior ladies aad gentlemeo.

A eke co i action ef HORSES, SADDLEav'k-raiDIKO HABITS, the people of the fact, that it is included in the Linens and Domestic Dry Goods hot. Sales 60,000 bush, at 61.K&64C for hot mixed west miners and mining implements, has create! great activity in business circles. Some articles have risen to an enormous value, and others cannot be obtained at any price, the market bavin" been ern; 75S9c for cool to good mixed western; foT Oenetaatly 00 hand-and gp Oraasaly attendants ever ready so watt ewa tapes mbeny Invar this Boheoi with A Floating Islakp in Lake Ostabiq! We learn from the Wayne Democratic Pressthat, a few days since, a large object was seen in Lake Ontario in a northwesterly direction from Pult-neyville, gently floating to the eastward. It ex yellow southern; and 10O106e for whim do. Pant steady at 4547c for state and western.

th-tr patrennga. territory within the rauge of 64 40. The Democracy started out blustering declaration that they should have t'ae territory or a "fight." But the South murmured and as it was conceded that N. B. Persona of an rmoroper character whl not be VERY I at.

r. entirely drained. We are informed that the sup ply ol Ames's long handled shovels has been ex hausted, sod the price advanced, within the neat PaOVisun Pork less active and unchanged. Sales of admlttta. ThUrole wlBbestnctiy eelmeed cited considerable curiosity, as it appeared un OHA0 W.

SaLtSBTJIT, JyOTtaoS MiUer Meek, Bufaie. like anrthiDg ever seen on the lake before. As few weeks, five hundred per cent. The article of 800 bbls, at $17 O0Q17 75 for mem; 00Q14 SO mr prime. Beef unchanged.

Ltrd steady at UXQWi-Batter and Cheese quiet. No. 199 Halo Street. BE48QM A HARVEY. Ageata.

will bring success. It should be looked to in the coming election. Important Decision. We learn from the Albany Timet that the Supreme Court has just decided that a railroad does not become a nuisance from the fact that its locomotives may endanger life by running through the public streets. The Court holds that the pub lie streets.

The Court holds that the public high ways belong to the people, and through the Leg islature the people may devote them to such uses asjthe public convenience requires. Their authority is supreme, and they do not have to ask any one's consent to such use as the public may desire the highways to be appropriated. To build a'railroad without authority of law, would be a nuisance which a Court of Equity could prevent, but when the Legislature gives its sanction, it is no longer a nuisance, and no equity can interfere. The Court says that a railroad built by authority of law ia not a nuisance, and therefore can work no legal injury, either to the public or any private individual. It may occasion inconvenience or loss, it may depreciate the value of property and render its enjopment incommodious and almost impossible, yet it is no wrong which the law can redress It is essential to a nuisance, either public or private, that it be a thing done, or suffered contrary to law.

IjfeA legitimate deduction from absolute dominion of the State, says the Court is that the Legislature may authorize the construction of a railroad along the line of any street. When thus authorized the road cannot be denominated a nuisance, and neither the local authorities nor any individual to whom it may work special inconvenience, can successfully interfere to prevent its construction. We apprehend that there is some mistake about this decision. It does not appear credible that the Supreme-Court should seek, by such a decision, to abolish all local law Or control over the avenues of a city. If this decision holds good, oar Main street might be filled with cars and locomotives, the safety, comfort, and business of the people destroyed, and no remedy would exist therefor.

It looks very much as if the judiciary was yielding to the seductive influences of the Bail Road power, if such is the decision of the Court. Michigan is the first to inaugurate an Agricultural College. As yet it has only accommodations for one hundred students. At the commencement of the present term there were but 28 vacancies, while 03 applicants appeared and were examined. iySO all had a desire to.

know more abdut it, several young men, in boats, started in pursuit, and af F)R 8 ALE A VACANT LOT 40 BT Hi Blag-era gti sst, new Corelmo sweats hsoaieed Kussia iron has also advanced three hundred per cent, and the supply is quite limited Ban slavery could not go there, it was finally determined to surrender what England had claimed, without a Democracy never deems it worth while to fight; for any territory not adapted to slave labor. For Cleveland. Wbeulkt Sales 400 bbls at S4roc. Moxrr Plenty. Can mans at per cent, and abort best ter a sturdy pull with tbe oars, it was at last brick sewer, gee end sroi to ponos, ortll soB cheap aad gtre mag mst tssprerwo.

overhauled some five miles from shore It was THROUGH WITS OUT IABJOMO I. paper at 4 per cent, Allen and Park Also, sew TkAiaa Exccunos Dull and neavy at ivXsiovii. Stocks Don and lower franexsco Bulletin, July 5. A COOLBR TO HI FSAZER RlTR if AD." Mods" Dubroca, merchant of this city, proceeded recently to Victoria, and returned this morning by the Panama. He pronounces the whole affair Asm, SSI steadily wending its way down tbe lake, impelled by the current at the rate of three miles an hour, and when overtaken, presented to the astonished beholders a no less novel spectacle than on Jeff.

Davis, Ben. Hallett, Johnny Apple- ACER t' A A1TDBOB. Chicago and Bock Island nra Mwi Fast, Leer Pressors Bteamet pply ae Land A Ccbe tor Consumption. The French physicians are at present much interested in a new treatment for consumption, introduced by Dr. J.

F. Churchill, an American physician in Palis. Dr. Churchill's theory of consumption is, that it is owing to an undue waste or an insufficient supply of phosphorus in tie system. To supply this want he administers the hypophos-phates of lime and soda, intloses of from five to twenty grains daily, in a small quantity of sweetened water.

In a paper read by him before the Academy of Medicine at Paris, he gave an account of forty one cases treated in this way with success. He insists that the cure of consumption in the second and third (at a period, con -sequently, when there can be no uncertainty as to the nature of the disease,) can be obtained in all cases by this treatment, except when the existing lesion of the lungs is of itself sufficient to produce death. He also says that these substances have not only a curative effect, but will, if used wherever there exists a suspicion of the disease, prevent its development, and thus act as a preservative with regard to consumption, just as vaccination does with regard small pox. It is already extensively used throughou the whole ot the Continent, and favorable results have already been obtained in Germany, Italy anil Spain, as well as at St. Petersburg and Constantinople.

In consequence of Dr. Churchill's discovery, the manufacture of the hypophoep hates in Paris has already attained a considerable de Agents Be 1 Harvey aonArng, Swan street, set ner ef Main. JyL "a grand humbug," and says that thousands of -Q-BI V. BsmtBoar'w Island covered with luxmient vegetation It was about five rods in length and nearly of equal ton and a D.umber of local Postoffice and Cmitom House hangers on of the Administration, he a meetinsr Portland.

Me reeentlv to devise Illinois Central nu Iluneei Central Michigan Southern and N. Railroad 'yeTrnlnU Reading Railroad WH1 leave for Cteroland Toeadava, Tiara. rpBBII DOLLAR FILTERS PACKED with eaarooal, gravel, Ac warranted to rbsrge too IS alt st water into a pur and bealisy ttootd -ran ee re-parked at any tfase for oeveaty-erre eenta. Made and oesd coly at JEOJETTS Housekeeper's Empermnv aayo ana rwnrusrs, at IS esc P.M. breadth and had probably been formed in some quiet nook of a river or bay, upon some timber or brush that had become stationary under the surface of the water, till an admixture of earthy and vegetable matter had accumulated, sufficient Tickets thronek an Hums Aw a End sot amd Misssurf sixes LeCreosesmdMUwaofcoe Miehiean Central i mi i Oovemad Steamer.

v. 1 means for reconstructing the "national democratic party" In that State Their movement Jiad the effect of arousing the people, who will undoubtedly send in their report at the ensuing Fall election. T8K 46 86 49 tH 4 64 109X 87 29 Hi ,17 90X TT 4 22X Passage from Boaale oa OevomaeV-Ooado sa, Panama Railroad Oalenaand Chicago TEH CENTS OXLY FuR A THREE FOOT Bale-, anieo artless to carry to the pocket: ever 1. to nourish vegetation, such as is peculiar to Cleveland and Toledo Railroad persons are at ictoria doing nothing. On his arrival at Victoria he was surrounded by hundreds of speculators who-offered him lots, suppos ing that he had plenty of money.

Sao Franci co Bulletin, July 5. SraiscML July The President, Miss Lane, Miss Bright, daughter of Senator Bright, Sir Gore Oualey, lady and daughter, and K. M. Magraw, of BalUmere, hrre arrived at the Springs. The President is to excellent health.

It is supposed that will resnaia two or three weeks. rs i NetUeto. body ebsejd bare one. swampy locations. These had grown and fallen 4tsAiri ssooseKcvperw- nimpswass.

$25 SEWINa-llOHlNE. lion- u-" in main through a long succession ot years, until the whole had become matted together by roots and CAKES WHAT CHEER 1 HOP Bra Hudson Ditriw. Mississippi and Paetfte MaB cow. Brie 8d mortgage bends Hudson 8d beams La Crease and Milwaukee land fibers so as to give the whole mass a firmness rTHB CITIZEN OF BUFFALO ARE JIH-l MmensBlaatbmktarvraBed Machine. It sews and Yeast.

Cakes, beet in toe world, the ibe. mefchw a doable wek stMeh. which -J1WB11 leaniHwom tsm smij I sins 7 JySS' all Milt ket. Machine and tehte aotrto and sonnet ssw-priead Machine ia eotm. for S5.4 the 4 the riariem 1st skortgaxe ponos 0UX BOiilXIOS C0FJI-3 P0I-1T Do 2d agency, NO.

164 MAJ.B kt Bktf, a.kt- StJ tySOtf IS" MARINE tiE5S. A 8K05 B0A1D. table, girt mm effee from tbe Oid Dominion Ceaes Pot, Btoets at fha Becond Board daB and heave. I gree of importance, whereas before thf were up-plied to no use, and were only to be found as chemical specimens in the laboratory. Springfield Republican L4st9)l fieward.

BETWIEJr BR0W5P8 BUTLDIXQ, 09 002-ner of Sooeeaaad Mate soreem, and the terrace, a atd at Jlttni Stsosroorpers a-mporvsm, at; stain street, iSyli the matter of Jonathan Peel Britannic Majesty's Secretary of State for th War De partment, against James Sutton Elliot, charged with embezzlement, Judge Ingraham, of New York has decided that the right of the plaintiff to prosecute is unquestionable, and refused to dis-harge the defendant. Th Gastctjh Cas. Judge Sooth erlatul has directed the record to be am.ended ao as to show, that a juror was withdrawn. This will probably bring the whole case np to die Court of Appeals a second time, and as there sef.ims to be no doubt that the withdrawing.of the jfurorwas informal, Oaucerni will have another trial granted him by the Court of last resort. 4anaSwAuT0.

of Vsseu naastbg ht and wot of the Lock of Ooleage aad Beck Ialaad Ilnnom Central Raih-ead i T4V and tenacity sumcient to resist tne waves, and a specific gravity that enabled ft to float, The late rains increasing the volume of water where it formed, elevated It from its bed, broke from its moorings and sent it off on a voyage of discovery. The whole island was covered with such plants as are sees about Irondeqnoit bay, and had much- sech an It was sufficiently firm to bear up a man as Dr. Beardsley stepped on shore and took possessionjin behalf of Uncle. Sam. The island was not wholly nn inhabited, as several Bmall birds were seen.

The highest points of the novel island were about five feet above the water, and the plants stood firm and erect, rigorous and healthy. OLD rXiiUMGii rpflE orfSsaAm asi. any one earing mane tne sua win IDA POT FOS nrtnchyle as the Oaf. 4 making black tea, eo tbe Judge Sidney Breeae, of Belleville, who eane aneia sonata, or osBVUkg -a me veoating af obis op Jyt stew xera Beading 4Jf Mawoneeo and Mtrarkoippi i IT JEWgfrS Hcosekeeis.T- irferm. jVSA tlf a wwt i "7 I the Weuand Canal at tarnished by the Lock Tender to J.tjebbinonuiiilor oftb Board of Ioa TJaderwrisotaui' fcow Bono Trim iThTj 28 tVhcwner Oriotv, On fho tOth Hone.

t'ritliJi'' 1 Bnrrgnltirr July 28 Schooner Montesama. Oa tat 2ta Schooners Motisy, North Star, Champion, Ooba, FT Barney, aoobllean, 1 86 Tf THE BTAUJTCH UPPER CABEf miiTiiT 0LOBB. Aaes Pbai, Master, wis COAL. GiiAli- A U.i TAEXOR was in tbe U. S.

Senate from 43 to '49, and a part of the time colleague of Douglas, is brought forward by the administration men of Illinois as their candidate for. the Senate, thus making a triangular fight between Lincoln, Douglas, and Breese. at rreaPr rntwt pnees, at JAWAIf Bsot--'r'a Jsrpertom, b.i Msm sureet, 17 ealanaaad CbJcage BaOrood Mlcharsa Central Bailroed Erie 1JX LaCTisooaail Mflwaukso BaHrood Mad grants. Ware tne met ef Osmmoreioi street, ior the above per, ea FRIDAY. EVEN LSd, July SOth.

at e-etook. rwrMfMoa-kwnarrrwWrd. Jwt-U inr.BBwWi.

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