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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 10

Louisville, Kentucky
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tadadlac awaday. ps rjafly. wittaat Bsaoay. Iwuv Cno-Jnaratl. sis asoac-.

-jMiTMiKKMnu, tare 'Tarae tune a weec. aay Cay Cesli. per tstcroay etltl. twelve page, per yes 1 7 aaadsr twety page, pee year 1 CO Baaday CswiMt-Jeaiaal. au ssoatbs Weekly, stag eabeertpUaas.

aoa r) 00 Wssklr. dab at thcwlth aapy a -etb icUae- tain espl aao 00 i aent Iie a may be mac ataar ay essxa. mistered leuee at, express. rim, sire east tlgaa addiaaa la toll. TO OtTT -fly.

aUaw. frta4ay axcaBd.araakSa art csUterea, kwbr po weskjai ADVERTISING RATES. ,1: BAXLT EDITI0K. Bfth aad eighth aacaa (aW.aaeH aaitoa) aeecaL BsUa. o-aearaU vttf raatoraa.

mopatetl Kaadla iaaUo; fceaparefl -Jtoaaias aattr. aaioo tat Wca. Bcasa. waata. iidtat.

Btaaaibaata, Marriaiaa. Scatha, BeU-in mo aMr Nlef 15V an ia ao aasna Eaaetal Jlatlera Baadiat atattar. BeaaaiaU Baadlar natwr. Bitaloa -Var fialaa. -Jteaca, Waata.

BaanHat. aanaboata. Macraa. Xiaatba. JW KMt i WKUT KDIXION.

OrllBaiy adrariix nfi Parlaaaa Hatteaa Keadtac awn, aianaiaH CoarierJoaraU Braak Ofleea. Kw TrlLlRMaa ft aod M. Xribaaa aiI4- lo. T. T.

MeTadilra. Maaar, Wartiactaa. D. C-N. 1M lav aadiataly asvta Ebeitc li O.

O. ktcalcy. Maaaaar. TPUBSDAY. 22.

1830 Te Truteea CeneUda Arraif eeat aa4 Select XaeaalejV Tkeater it i li tao Place, 'l ITuabet of Teachora Who Will SHotUjIeaaTB For Europe On Pinion Btnw Tbe School Board CoinmUtee' od' Hlu Scheoi CeaunenccmenU yesterUay after- Xoon' anaUe arrangrmeat eon-eeminc the 'final eterciaea choola and colored normal erbools. The rommlttee bee derided upon JIacaulcy'a Theater as. tiie piece for the commence ment, and the date are Jane. 13, 13 and If." The eonuhenrenieat of the Female llirh School will be nuueually luTert estina: aa well aa novel thia year, and will attract a laive crowd, ae nothing ef the kind in the way' et roaiiorwemeat eeer hce gi-en liere'. One" of the leetures will I en nddresa by iJr- "W'attcrlo'V' Besides, There -will tie two choruses, end ene eoneert eahiuitioa.

ia which the intelleetnal and elocution ary training will be displayed, followed by the presentation of diploma to the araduatee. ot wboni lie re wut wrouebiy be about fifty. The esereiars will five excellent op-Tort unity to tbe ronnx ladiee to dirolay thHr aecomplinhtaents and-the expert meet will andonbtedly prove a irreat socoeu equally with the participants and apectatorv teacher' ot the rarlou achools are taking a great deal of Interest 'in the meeting of tlie National Ivlurn. timal AsMcUtion, to be lield at St Taul, 8. Although it ia aotne time before i It akeeurs.

preneratione are brine Made by taaay who expert, to atteniL Some of the Loniaville teachers will take very 1 active narta in the convention. Profesor Bartholomew la manager tTiA Association fee Kentnetv. ami wonld "eie'tolad 'ta-farnish inforaiatien eoneera-1 lng the coming meeting to teaebera or to any one lntereated- in edneationaii trip ticketa will be enhr $15. and con-j acq aewtbrs -sir large attendance is antk4l i pa ted. The best educational worker of be -eeuntry well be there, and all who delight in mixing with intelleetnal tek eat will lie fully repaid for the long -I -r-irc4aeiot Dartholoroeef wil aflraxt thej will remain- ia thei 1 nnnaswi anring rue arasun lor recrei airs.

Belle TeTi Speed wUl thia sum- Taei nuke a tour of Earone, chaprTonint; a party ef ronng ladies and gntkmea Trom-rtiis -ty, Indian and Illinois TarV" conei-ta of Mr. Speed, of the female High School, Loukville; Jlieaea tltton and Smith, of Crawford. teres of Gen. Iew Wal-Isee: the Miami Shem or Mies 6teele, of Midway Misa liennett and her brother, of Kichtnond. and tev.

eraJ yonng gentlemen of the eity. "The party will riait England. France. Ger. tne ny.

Switzerland and Scotland, and wui witness ue -wonderful faasion Plsy Powell, a popular 'teacher of the latin Tisit to Japaa a enattner, and will probably be zDrqaa oianng tne entire eeaauo. and Misa Pllie Man- arrangemente le spend the iTaa.tKiu tcrjun at several of the lamrsi aratenng places ef tlie Aorth. svBirai jaissisHs neiic The "alsth annual picnic of Central Miasion will take place' at the XjenlaTiUa Sonthern Park, beyond Fituv erVme, twenty-alx mile aonth of iliet city, Taesday, Jane 17. Bound trip fan oaly entta. Thia park has a.

boata, pavilion, swings and splen Bid ahedo. Those who want te aid Mm iaanottant mission work should haee-1iRett whether they can go or 'Ticketa may now be obtained eC -'-air: Manneii. at Central Uaion. i fitiir street. Tbe -Board of IX rectore-want to clear at least flOO by t-naries mag's ArresU i famrlee King waa arrested at Tbir-weeattb and-Maple streeta yeaterday morn.

'Inr brotaeer Stepbena at the instance it Officer Knlow. of the Humane Society, who charges that Kin a- ar-ent his tine ia drinking while his wife waa eom- peuea to provide for the family-. ILJi A Tete ef Thanks. tie meeting- last night of Ledge Ko. 1 $atio4ial Association of Ma-eUnista.

a vote ef thank waa returned to the Mayor and General Council lor aae ox iouneu chamber. FOBA Lma toy ltanaiaa Pnxa 10 0 00 TSi 0 Una. 'afl is aa 09 1 ti THE FLOWER MISSION. Twelfth Aanuil Heetlng of tie Board of Manasera Yes- terdiy. I Aa Iatiresting Eetaion Attended Ej Nearly One Eiandred rail- antbropio Ladies.

i Eieonrtjlir Keporti Ee4 Bj the i i Secretary aa4 Trcuirer. Mr. James Bachaua. They Show th Orgiaisttioa Protwr log Saleadidly la In HsWo TH8 FACTS: FIGURES. The Iouvilfc Flower" Mlaiiott'LeU 1U twelft-h anoaal meuting yemteniay mora-.

ng tlie midcnce oC Mrs. Jobs Ihiacan. Si Juuit (Jbertaut ttu. About aeven y--fiv ladie were present and the meeting allowed rthat tt snsatest en. tbaaiaam andviaUrKat ia atill taken ia tlie woric A no mix of the niembers rts Jaiot oiQereuV esierieutca to Uluatntte the good tbat uk! been done from their effort.

ilxa. Jb Uuclianan aubnutted tbe fblktariaf "Ibe ireaaurcr a report I LjOUlaTlIIe rlower Miilm tut ue year Abril so, i aa tolU.w; Caslt jroeelvcd ta 3ls, f4t 15 in Juoc, 16a Hi Caa rwlved ia July. i ltf Caste nereoeC in August. IStiO 14 Hi t'ah raccivpa iu beirtmber, lfttttt a-j 'Jo l'aJ recoiCFO Iu Ocuibrr, SO CavU rerelrrd' In ldo9' Vaaa racclted lu DecaitHM.r.lSMr t. V5 ivn roreivea in Jacnar) i 7U ui caa rereiTed in February, lew 75 iu Ukkncrltl iUrru, loMi 27 Casa rccaived in.

AlriU 18W ltid CO Total 743 26 Casa on band -f t. -15 OO uu XMJVarv uviu tawrir uun uoai a HtiM' af Thltft 1 'turt-ilimn iserond Vrade Klgbth ward' school a DO High reboot (till -'r- 'MOW Want hciiOOt tX r. Maicotmb of Clovea- port, ay iiu-a li. Atrhixote, KHzabeth tews ft OO from Veotiwtoan An enknowti gvnueatao lrteud. IA Miss fcUtppel.

of Ui kusl Lutbee-- an chairs 100 O0 Cant. leataen. Mi OO tiara ao vCor Lee Atchison lo O0 Henry Whiter (Ui Mrs. ounKI XU OO Harry iclhawMi i Mr Jtdiua Winter, fir. lO OO Jr.

J. li. Albertoa iW kn. Julius Alexauocr no oo aUa r.s Mr. A.

J. Rrandd i OO Mite Annie Jones ltr OO haoalan Jolctnnn IS OO Vi-a Mary Lafan to a Uu ily 42 OO inner Inead larse aod auiaU 104 Dttdiurasd aa follow: Fur leut 9UO OO id oo For )acltra Fur coal For car far Fur TrstaanU and filblee 14 75 a ao F- fruit for tlty HoMHtal ia For aaovlnav'claabine rapalriag 11 OO Foe ataiuiM. bbiHets. atrr. etc.

Given fsdlviduaU for grorrrie 650 'M Taai arsa BatetTcl truss -First Frebjteria 1 rtuiivk. i arju (HI Serai ved from aecond frealiS terian rburch iaa iu Serelved from rvIler street Frts- bv terian churr 3115 Beralved from Central Presto terian chnrcb. in Received from Warren Memorial church ww BavlVfS imm Iliahland llebTta- eian cburrb OO Recelvad from Lutheran chnrcb 114 -15 deceived ttom Episcopal 13 S5 Total WS7 15 Mbti. JAMF-i tCCHAJiAS. ITeaMirer.

Tlie following ia tbe Secretary'a report Of Louisville Flower Mission for tbe year ending April 80, 18 BO: Aeaia I abaecr liefor' this Boaea this; 1 -U aiuivenary ot our organKar -report ia acrompivuea ut our MhMhw during the pat year. ve pave bad many and di.v i annolnlments. but have struggied Uirooh them all. and- bad great -success, realising that tbe ble-sdng of thir FaUier in Heaven baa- ever followed us. 'Without anv anneal to the punne or tbe biMlnea nien ot the rlty to sustain our munioa: we have siever tirrri witnoni money in our treasury.

kind friend have maauettod tU'lr sympathy ana sent in week alter weea. a coUKl a- more, and would like to inereav our Wn and give more relief, but ran only give as It la rtvea us. making tba bent mo Vuaslble of every rent of money and article of clothlna donated. we- aaouM usve more rnurcnea njwv sente1 on this Hoard: tbe few we have are doing well, and we sincere! thank beta and tbe ladles representing them, tor tbelr areat nortitv ana seal iu euiierting son- Hens tn their wn rongregatlous fur us. I feer more ana more impressed wun the wthdom.

that having tbe Vice Pienl- dents on this Hoard a Kptetentative of tbe churches. the best way to secure Tne mean to carry on this minion work. It no only briny eontrUiuiioti but fvrj uses our mauiicr wo-iung, anu rn new friends for it. I would recomnieot to Uil. Hoard that they now, at this meeting, form themnelveii Into denonrttm- tional committees to see to It tliat each church In tie rtlv has a representative.

I think Hie nature of onr work -H of mlsnndetstood certainly some ot tbe repoe- et tne preM give a very erroneous Idea of otir vMte to the reformatory instlr We are not a aentlmcntal ercan. IxarhHi -dMrfbittlne flowers tndlsrrlmtnate- Iv. but a-body of Christian women doing the Master axirk In Vlxiting the sick and tbe ptssnoer. feeding tbe autigry, clouting 1 relieving dlstres. wherever rouno, without 10 race, color or reunion.

It Impossible to give the correct number of visits over' S.OUO have uejn maile-fonr ladte. making ever bH of Ibid number, our average attendance was six teen. yearly d.OOO nai-ers. 4oO magarlne. and alghiy-two Ilibles- or Testaauenia hare been Most et -this literature as gone 10 tne nrv iiosniiai- Tba com mlttee that vhiU that Institution have never neglected -it a Ingle week.

Other instiru- tiate been visited' occasionally, but there were so Many families needing beta through sirknes and accidents that many of our numbers bad mure 11 an liter rotild do. We dlstribMted lJUrJ bomiueN." tbe iroKpttsF talents gettrng tbe largeat We sKo sent them fmlt eve week. Xo where are our vli-it more high ly- appreriaiea and THursday more eagerly looked forward to than In tbo ritr Tbe -same-ladle have dona thia auHmior I Work for several veer, and laa mImi Ihu jraiaeo Das proved great advaataje inn ii -mrr -v-. mitniia. t- "The Prison.

Day. Otb of June, yuiiin grown to great too great fur our local Flower II It. ton the bxlles of i the Woman' stian Temperance t'ntou have take ta. lea a and do most of the rutting oiiikmjo 01 uie rnj. Tbo iresh air xea noons were assistei liy our ladle, but the expenea were defrayed, and maoage- aneut of men eooouciea nv tha rvMin.

Times and bufdeess firms of the city. Thanks giving ear was a loyiui oay to many tbat we made happy by eontribnthias from -The Main-street Tntlulng School sent a wagen load -of blind lev containing clothes atvt, the Flghth ward school S3 la nickels and pennies and many bundles of clothing and previsions. We took Thanksgiving ninner to thirty -dent families. Thrisun. we had a very oounuxul annvty of toys, candv.

cake, turkeys, and provitlens. beaits delicarie of various kinds for the sick- The eighth grade. Ninth-ward school, sent toy, fruit, groceries, shoe and clothing College-street Preabytea laa church, through Misa Gardner, aent the the Helninc Hands eocletv of Warren Memorial church. tMrtT-ona new rsrrpeots the glrU ot thejlick achooi, Firt-wnrd I and new awl nloa tee. tbe far In i I THE COUKIEII-JOUIIKAL: LOUlSVlLLuE, THURSDAY MOUXING, MAY 22, 1890.

OverMU school, rotor bundle of clothing and groceries; Third-ward school. SI .60 in peonies and MM toad sat beadle of provlslows and cloth'ng tbo-Mtua acd MmtulM-street school. hrm' naaiher of package Shelby and BR-adwav-acbool. tbe urn, The ladles of Broadeag Baptist church also mm loys. books anil clothing, the Ladle' HUiVmnry Society of An-cborege Presbyterian eburrb wot jorty -eight canton Banoel nuergartne i ami tne Klng'e Haughter Circle of Kngliih Lutheran cbrura, many new garment.

Tba tnmxlo tbat visited our city on th 27th of March, with tnch terrible destrue- lal VI AiafTH, 1IU 1 mi 1 iWIV wvava aa urtt.r Yeident tendarad aecviraa of this mia- to the Hoard et ratio Keiwf Upnm our offar a acrrirted. and all tna rlnthluir donated vif aeut for AVa called. tbrochVtbo papera. for rlotblnit. A pecil macttux j-waa bold.

tbirtj-liT hwllen aUrmied, and went to work witb antlntUaua. Tito Cab "and Curacy Company cave tbe nte of tbre eaba and a print watron to eollert aod distribute park- ace, wblcb we ueu for aeveri oaya. iaa funllle were homrlea. arattered ell ever cltT. had to be 1Hed aad auuplied with tioiliinc.

Tbe application for relief were cent by tbe Board of Trade Keuaf Committee, we eupplted the- elothlne ae aa po-uDle vlxitatl tbe Iwmluea aod re ported, to tbe romraUtee waat waa nKMt aeeaea. we witb luern in mis man ner eooitaatly for a aek. an plied aeven-t-rlno families or IndivkltiaH witb piece of rkthlnc tnoctlr aod fifty- pieces of bed riot Ida. For -the relief of thea rTrlooa sufferer wo bad eon- UibnUoaa front toe many Individuals to be Mentioned in this report ttber were punusaee the onriee-Joiirnul at toe timei. ana tbe 1 lei ping Hands Koriety of- Cbureh of Messiah: bea Hive Sorletr of Second Pres byterian leburrb: May Flower tsoctety toudk Kins: mr.

Kena'a oirtston oi mho mard acbool Prof McC.onathT'B FUth ward school Humphrey Band, of Collece-atreet Frasbytsrlan church Fast Baptist Church lui' cocietT itroadwav Mettioaiss cnurra Ladies CommunlcaUnc Circle of Kinc's Daftibters. tbrouch Mia Jeenle Bea- eeiri; aiua k. i Atunson. of r.uiaoeu town. kt.

a of ueorcetowau a-r. woman's Rxotiaeae and aaeny friend whe sent clottdoe to that plaee; a Iriend at K.Tanstou. 111. liakum JliilllU. of Cloverport.

Mrs. Bartlott Converfo. air, tionnyeasue and Mrs. Speed, of cree- eent 11111. We reeirad elotbine durlnr the year from IM person (not counting tbe echoolsl dlaributdd 3255 garmeata.

This include tboe civea toe CTclooe euuerers. We raixlcred assUtanca to 147 families (not Including those supplied witb clothe after' the evrlonnt. snauv ecltlns only a Cutbrtaias ThaukKglving baske; but aome were aoipi almost every, wees. nte, a Veiy little we gave at time, but We never let any suffer lor looa wuen tnetr want are uiale known to us. Tliese fam iliea' weie, without eiLceiiUon alinoet.

us to relieve bv the Cbarltv Onranlxation B-iclcty. after a 'thoret'gb invraiiratiott of then i tr aretits; war nioety oi tie faoiiiies or individual were new cases. ue'er ralieved bv us betnM. i Onr work I aa well known In tbe city that; re'constantly in receipt of notloea tui esse obsnnertnf, wtiKt si aiway in-S'eHtlfare. and rcliov as far as possible.

We have separated- from -tbe Chanty Utganixauoa Oociety. and chanced the lor tkio of our We were very loth' to Ao thK' bH(e in we could do mote effective worn be It was iaipossible, with- oM to act otherwise. witw num mmy vnc. ein. prsiw tba.

urgsH-tsiioi tor -tbe work it has rinr-e In flils eity. and pray Cod's blessing upon all its eitorta te relieve aunertog ausnauuy we Bits aeea rn-tacea la UiM work ovei twelve yer several of our -otriest ladle have rlvea vH-t of-ttetr time aod strancta sire' we know tbe best way to relieve caw annlvlng. and ate not easily imposed upon, nor ere we maaing paupers ui we ned means to Attend our ussrfulness. and ripe' tbat tboM -wbo bave an abundance of this wwrkT cnod. ami dlditc to go among tbe-soor.

or have not the time to do -visit ing; will givw the mopev to relieve ttoe hi- vie cwoir tase uwt --we wish to taana we can ana uurney rhmeariv for tbe use of a gnmey Thursday, aud often at other time, when in neeu or a carriage or wagon, iney aiauij and awnereosiv put one as our oispoaai. we also nrei iwrnr graieiui lo-ine piwi ef the city. Tbe- Courier-Journal teaimer- lal. Times and FOs have ever been wuiin? to accord all the spar we asked, and are unvarying 1 tber courtesies. We know ef amiv friend made out of the city through tbetr I r.stru mentality, i The Bortsts as, usual, given fiuwer when rhev enuhl ha spated but many week tht winter -we bad -to oo miw inem, sdly -mlawiig their cheerful, blight face, thtr lotat friend, llrs.

Cliarlea aesrs, of te envnty. bss eonitaiiea nrousn eninuer yew -ber leevlar-basket -of -eeui-ious nome frixle aalisaatM. gnariaa and flowers. Wurd etd aot thank bar for grat ircnerosltf and Ihotigbtruniesa. To air.

oi uie Sr Bakery, we are gnmUy Indebted, weet sttr wee tne large boxes of bread, crack-eer and douchnMt also to Mrs. CuIUiano tne mil every week, Mr. J. T. cor name aa proven a inras Indeed, by alhiwing ne to tree of rent.

a room In hi jeaersoa siree. belween Fourth and Fifth. lie has our aiu- thank. To the many, many friend, who have nt dotiat Ion some whose- aame we may have overlooked 1a eer weekly reports we would like- to aay: that they have a warm place la our hear, entf.iae rawer wbow eye Is aH-aeetug, knows or -laeir eiions to nerve Him by raruig tor tus auaenug. rau- dren.

can aot better close this report than by quoting from iTot. vrummoua iaia vnMta.wt.leh all 'of Us hll on day bear eound not -of tit color, but nf life not of cbtircbesnad saint. eui wt ws aiiiigry end the poor not -of creeds and dnctrines. tu ot shelter ana ckhutiii i and but oi cups ana rota water In the -newel Christ. Thank Cod.

the Christianity of to-day ia coming parer neaiH Uve to-haln on. Thank God. men hnnw better by a fcaWbretdth what rnttckm wtat tioa iv wow where Cbrlat U. neret Who eo shall tvcarlve Htl eniia in ray name reehwth And who are Christ Kverr ene the loveth born of Hod. And bow ahkleta faith, hope; love these Hire but tbe greatot of these I love.

MTSH. JAMW obc y. Card Frena PreaUeat PatteraeB." -7 t-'Jrftiagtotii" wie Cottrler-Jonrnnl of to-day your i ranklort correspond -nt ittt certain opinions and espresstonn ot Lion. Hugh P. Cooper, in reference to tbe teVUntony taKen oy tne conuniitcc, of which be was a member, appointed, to lnvetdlptte the A.

and kL jqjw ICUrenc E. of aJUUin, MIC, irv took down tne testimony. -Judge BrecBr-i the chairman of the committee 4 O'l Vilio 1 nave repenieuiy eaiica urgo. ihe'ttcwttT ef a report, informed me no later than last Friday that he had teh phoited, t.ejrtaphed. and sent rite Seryeant-at-Arme to force Wal leer to semi liis etenoKraphie.

notes writtew out to the commit tee; tnot aner uie lapse of wetkA, he bad gotten only a pirt ot it. and that that part whicn COntainea ay icwumuay uuuer nir C-ooner's examination ha not bevu forth- ti. ictlnufjUon "nf Mr Coooer In your eorirspotident'a- report that sinister in rinence! had -Ijeen at work to anppres the report, ancms to include me as well aa the committee. How, 1 liave Ueir.l above all tliinge that Mr. Cooper's ex aminnllan of me should.

exmm lfore the i.i in If there lie one men In Kentucky more than anotlier vho wants tlie ftillcat nulilioiry given. to. my. icstimony I. am that wart.

'And 1 will add it Uiere be one man in Kentacky more tlian another. Who ought to Wisll It Wippression at. r'winer ia that mnn. -1 venture to any that wither Mr. Cooper nor.

any of hia friends -fluid care to we the examination. qaetiona and enawtrs ia I'. Walker ean tell why the wK iuit I of iiohody ele 1o dm. -Can Ullf If SO i patdeaed at the Prison Doer. GoV.

Buckacr yetiterday pardoned John TLeobald. who sentenced from Grave county tor maiming a. awn named Crutrtrtield. In Msvfietd. by striking him with a weiiflit.

The Sberitt orrived at Frankfort with Tlieobeld yesterday morn but before Ucing la urn inside the wails' a committee with 'his attorney and nnmber ef petitiens, west before liuckner and loid tbe case before him a stronsly that the Governor issued a pardon. I-ice a sod To tVed. Marriage' licenses were issued yester day to letcr uoeUuger- and ilizbeth Knabel. John Flynn -and Annie Kenne dy, Jwreace Vamer and Laura Warden. waa Boateaa Owe nsltatoa hsttsntly.

LOST Oil THE RACES. The Troubles of Frederick Knjea As Kclited Bj ntmr self In Coijrt. fle Admits His ideatity and WUl Bo Bent Back To New York For i Bait Ia'Iqaity Agilntt DoFtaw Uru Tartity, Tnutee, Uadsr William Ckarles tiartmaa Waata IIamaxm 0m leaat of ilom Swap. DO0SSTS 'SUBVXTZSS. The confestiioa of Frederick Bagea in the Circuit Court dock yesterday waa tbe proof of the proverb tbat be who dallies with bit employer 'a money must come to, grief Bugcn ia wanted in Mott.

York City on tlie eharge of grand larceny. lie waa solicitor and collector for a large whole sale bouse, and resided la Brooklyn witb bis wife and child, lie: is thirty-five years eld and is a native ef Germany. Having Come Here -when 1 about -seven teen, years old. 'lie la well connected, and waa known a an honorable. young man and respected.

Uu gen's yoae weakness seems to have been and'tbe race-eonrae and the betting stand proved bla bane. Ia an' evil hour, as he confessed, he bet aomo Of bis employers money, a will plunge to make good bla lutssea, be got $1,500 ia lie kept ploying in desperation till the first 'of the month, when be knew he must settle, and won back 1,000, nearly, all which waa lost agnja in a last plunge, to get the Si 00 more required to square hia. That waa the day before tlie 'first and? that night be' fled, with the gamUling fever still upon -That waa about alx or seven months ago," but be dhl not reach thia city un til about tbe'middlt 'wf February. 'Ilia kafing place was. tlie Turf Exchange, where he received "his haters addressed.

to -FraakBrowa." When he reached here he said be bad only 'S30: but be arer pn ia lies IlasVtm OIIJV 9aVa UU Bfi I 4, I still wore good riot be, a -neat hat and I Jsffewon areuit I names will acted upon at the next, meet-patent leal bet shoes. Now he ia te Jail a member if-. and In tbe three months he ha several times had to go hungry ta save money to make a stake. Again, several timea be has been on the point ot reacningine limit ei si, soo winnings which would aaake hint a free Bum and able to-settle' hia shortage, when the Itirfr wonkl turn, as be expreacd it ia gamblers' language, and he would leae alt 1 bave been a sporting man, to myi aorrow. ne saia.

i ine letter to rranit ltrown eom-pSBvd his capture. OBieer DeForrester found. him at the Tnrf rlianre day, eagerly scanning 1 lie bwekboard1 lor tire iuck to turn. Wiien aduresta'd by bis real naaie be at first told. the officer he wus naistaken, and then broke down and admitted that he was tbe man wanted iu New York.

He was taken into the- Circuit Coart resterdar to identify again he acknowledged the lie wa Kent icK to lal I to await the eon. in. of the Xear Vnelr end ephMexi the Lope there rUt bL iricnua wimlilre tana out ot bis trouble. I wa never arroted before. he Said, -aud rue bumlUalion la terrible.

I am net a thief, nor a I Uiturbt my employers knew that 1 did aot have any money, and so hoped that they wonld nr.t take tbe trouble to send after me and that I eonld soon tub enough to pay tbetn back. My only bope pow-is to act back home, make gvute arrangerncnta to eaneel debt, 'Jur I have It ie nils, and to Ji-aVa tit rif v'Sf lirooaiyn. my notne, eo mat no one who Knoee me tun ever eee my face. again." Agaiast De Paaw tr4lverlfy. Mesar.

Nicholas, Oeorge.VT. sod William V. Holmsa hare filed) a formal suit tn Chaneery here to get poanession of cer tain trnat estate left by William Holman. ileeeased. in trust to DePauw Cnivertilty, for the purpose of.

educating deseendents of George llolmea and Jacob Meek.i left a lot of vahiaUiei proa- frtv mn ftraolr this eilr. and where, but the income-1 bow suid tu lie. xtnlv a tew hundred- dollnra a rear. lie had no lineal deaeendenu, but bis bcirH-at-mw now number many and are widelT scattered 'throughout tbe L-nited Mates. Tbe pktintift state- that the quexiona involved are ef interest to many people and ton aa tlie trust waa were private trust, is contrary to nublie woliCT and be declared ILleiRiI and void, aa It hi lmnosnible of umilroenr.

Tlie plaintiff, tor -Hiems) solves aad tbe ether licit, claim, tbo tV they pro the owners and entitled to thej aottKUOB or tne eHiaie bimi wui 10 ims adjudged tbe owners. Adjndged Laaalcs. Dr. John C. Harbison" aged sixty-nine.

was' adjudged a lunatic in the Circuit Court yesterday. He las been inxane tot year, anu tor ten year u.u novaur of the bouse. IttegiPlng that be waa in too ill bealtk. -Finally, be waa peri snaded to mix with bla' frlcnda again. and -from bla former stote aooa grew to believe be bad an immense buslnr lie is now aaid to be hopclesaly iaii becile.

1 William Bced. a little colored boy wh la a native of Tennessee, and who-fo. some time has been confined in tlie House of Refuge for an offense cotn mitted here, waa also adjudged of unl sound mind. Ilia insanity ia from scrofulous taint, and hia chief delusion Is of a most droll character. lle.imt aginea that he has eMen two inuk-e, inf eluding the shots.

tail ears. Bet tore be become inMioe lie is said to bavf I been one of tlie brightest boys at tlif; siuuec i skciugr. Sir. IIaaai.ll Ammalataa B.M.t..' 1 Mr. Harry W.

Bunnell, the well-know a and popular young Deputy Clerk ot tlie Circuit Court, baa been appointed by tlie three constitutional and', common- law Judges the Secretary of tbe Jury Commissioner of Jefferson Thp act providing for a Secretary was rauised noma time ago by the Legislature, and tlie appointment wns made by Judge li. a vis. Sterling 11. Toner and lnmet Field Just before the retirement, of the former from, tlie bench. The Judges were unanimously greed thd Mr.

ltn Shell waa the man for tbe place, as lie has tor a long time done ail tlie' work of the potdtion without a cent of fay. The salary fixed, however. Is a amtu Aboet a Horse Trade. tiin Hartman, plaintiff in an action in tlie Law and Equity Court, common law side, charge in a suit Sled Tester. day that John Stoepler and Fred Miller.

uy laise auu irauuuicus iu inducing him to purchase a liorse for aiuo. itartman contends that the animal was worthless, but, when he ao atatcd, the defendants, as he allege, refused to trade back. In eonr- tjuenoe be naa to tntoe uie animal to a third person to get his money out of It. His customer diseovered also that the horse waa wortnieas and brought a law 1 'I salt, which cost him 50 in time and trouble. He therefore wnnts damagua ia the nun of and C100.

1 Johnson Geta Tire Tear. Umnrw -J nil il.irvT Ciia 1 WaA tried yesterday en two eounta. charg- Jrig that he" uttered forged orders or raised orders for. money given on the Ahrena and Ott Manufacturing Com. panr.

It was a hard-foaght case, but I waa the General opinion that John eon would, sro no on tne nrt count. The Jury held, however that there waa some doubt oi tus gum, ana uuBniseca him tn a verdict ot not guilty. Johnson won immediately tried on the eeeond indictment, and thia time did nut fare so well, for lie was sent nn- for two years. The trial took tin almost the entire day until 4 clock. 1 A beat Iasuraace Ilea.

C. JtcTrf ee ia tlie JcfTereon Court ot Common I'tcaa vesterday lilcd suit against I m- I w. li. aieaa, en ncooun oi services rendered, etc, iu the sum of 575. It seems, according, to the petition, that Mck.ce became Mead's agent for tiia Standard Accident Insurance Company, fn Mem phi, and McKee waa arrested en the charge of soliciting insurance for a eo tap any wnicn iad not complied with- laws of tbe 8tate and dis trict, ana was put to nn expense- of 9'li fax which, ae be etatea.

Mead ordered him to do. The other 150 ia llauned loc aeven dayr service. A Big Corporatloa. The Harry WetKwnccr Tobaeoo Coin pany baa been incorporated with a capital stock of and Harry Weia-ainger baa transferred all his machinery. stock, cuoaee, grounua.

to tne new eompany tor Si 2,000. Mr. ia lresMent-ot toe eompany. Legal Brevities. W.

P. Stevens has sued Harry Fuller I rr Chancery for a sale and division ot cer- ia property. Alex Keed was beld to answer under S0O bond in the City Court on the targe ot an attempt to rape. 1 a Ahm t1ianvrv nnnra. Thruston has sued ilarbara Thruston, i autre, for tlie sule ot certain property.

'Ed. D. lVatty and others bare pe- xittonea tne lor a saie ana division of property owned jointly with 1'ressly mar ana others. Mis Irene Uogere lias beea appointed aminer. otherwise onicial stenosraDher of -tbe l'leaa Court, after ex- amlaatlon by tnetnuera of the box.

1 "rrln tiie l-w and Equity Court tlie XiOuUvLLe Trust Company faaa a tutiuil pctiti'in asking that its acta aa executor el liarbara tusenriebs will be approved. -Edward and C. W. Hoke. ecu tor of A Hoke, deceased, want a settlement of- tbelr trust and a didtribution of the Caroline M.

Hoke and others lareanade I rrroceedinra la Coart Vesta rdar. -jumtlO. iim vs. lleary forgery; verdict guilty, and two year in penitentiary, haire vv. Henry Johnson, furgery; ius, verdict no guilty.

Same vs. earah 'Ptlioe. grand larceny law and tacts, gultiy W. IULI L-V twenty dava lu Jail. John Harbison aud Wiaism Keed adjudged Insane.

Common wealth Ta. bdward Cblesiaa, curttug cua suivej fo judo ij. trxeMamon Plea CoiiK. Rofenbaum vs. Wfikianua; Past back vs.

Kalin; dismisaed srdtMd. Vance rs. Coo rtc r-J ournal Co. a. iaud to.

May Hi. btuart, v. Mulbot- at.iA.m-: ahSitrneii i.i ucioicr ii. va. U4irvan; and gromds for new trial fcledr aud -ae for MMlU tin-L Weif'rtlntrrer vs.

awitneii October it. lxtomriiio Jegersonville Hi1 Co. VV OSTIU iiamilto. va. Fabry eommlatdoonn BMntited.

vevens Vs. Central Passenger KjMljaiaa lury. orauam ie Doner, llogei appointed an tUiumoawealUi vs Uoth. Gardner, ya. Heiiry, liopidua.

lioyd: di- misel settled. Icsjiw -and Equity. Court. Commonwealth wHaUi, dismissed settletl. Mrt.

C- VtaMscir vs. WaMoa-t Ulackhait vs. lioweU; post poaed' Satb. Howard vs. Jacob motion overruled, exhibit filed, and post poned to SMUi.

Calloway vs. Lips; answer fctad eontroverferl it reenrd. Murky vs. Ilaaru: Hall vs. Jones: adgumeat filed.

tortvr- va. Porter: order, tietuiania Saiety Co. v. Eiarman: agreeil order. Ion- taiiMi o.

Pttoe euardiiiB au litem hupoinled. Midler vs. faVuelsler; order revivor, aiuended mw aoa rross-neiition timi. Jtouite I Wahs Chad and auorored. Crawf tM vs.

iCiwwfotd: order Kotseil v. wiiuamsi anitiua ret faale aud a-Nlgned to MiUar va. Kmltb; answer Sled, controverted ui t-raeord aod sut.nilited. llenderatNt va. lievoerson: affidavit filed aod Judgment, liwin vs.

Davis report sile Died, order rule, a a a 1 iSixpouae Bled, and adjudged wiOichint. Grin aoJ.l V. lltinran; Cilliens-Aauonai iiauaa. same: nostuoned tasin. .1 Dcadiv Weationa Tbomaa Lilly T30 Kne Hi' thirty oar.

Antono iinum. Malicious bbuoiuig lioo tiiKgina. msj Ltd, n. tf.llnn.a I luuvawwM Aiaunvuiv I'tLwii ut peace. t'lO fine.

Mollle Taylor: amended to breach ot peace. 0O Dae. tell S'ial Slav rmklienrs Varan dismlmed. Kn r.h ot lm-e Hen Jarkaott: May SBth. Ixiiuk ami lilsorderix U.

a-runua. as jiuatieeton Pne. I TiMraerl Conduct Joe llsrtnour: S10 fine 0d aiO for six moniBS. v. m.

lunacy: Faanle Carter: g-'O ane. Ed unn Wm. ltllowav: May -u. laomss Kockdale: T20 fine and UW0 lor twelve 1 months, wm. uouriis, y-" I Jamie Overslreet.

Jonn am. UN. IWKHPn. ninr loacs. Martin Kelly; aimijii.

mum- 'lliss, Aajr l. coart t-aieaear Chancery Dceket To-day docket. Law end F-qulty Court OrdeiaEquity KLba-e-Ko unlet Law and F.uUMy Court jjorset lo-ujv yfc iftnman; Jone v. Mundy. I Jefferson tx.rt.

-Co iuiuuuua -Commonwealth vs. WilUaui Jotuison. murder. r- ivuivt tJ runmoi Plea. Klnkade V.

Al lea. efc. Van Roden vs. Knopman bcarce Strickle: ruiunolly v. tiunaser, isv rence vs.

llowts. i. '-Cvthlne Aa huh SJiw aim 1 1, i vw.iv-. Tiion law docket. Attest: JU1L u.

rauni a. Superior Coart. Frankfort, Ky, May si pecia etc, va. Nicholas; mtHwA Milt, ti inilfM. Walton, vs.

llcevcs. tieiniiii. SI- nmA wifh lllilUfflH. JohnsooJ admlnlslrstor. va.

vrapcr, tmf' arltr-tntNt. Blggerstalt vs. same, wauLsou; mraei. RL vs. llenulon.

Mcholas. aflirmed. Leather A Co. Kelllng- trustee. KT.rt t.

Mtveraed. Herbat v. Uairtner, ivouisvtue tueocery i WlllingtoM. v. rerona nauonai rt.nlr llarrlwtn: alBrmed With Northern Kank ot Kcnruray va.

niiry Kenton; nrvrcd, separate opinion by Jttilea llnwdea. LataeohoS v. appeal Brameoi in lower aourt dismissed. v. Eaiiwav company v.

Aive. Iletiileraon motion for appeal overruled. IlUnota Central Kauroeu company vs. tlrk. Carlisle; appeal granted to Court of A attest.

i coarby vs. Rogers. eteH Klcbola; petl- Hon for modilication bled. Kubeli vs. UufthnrlL, UiiiKvlllo Iaw and F.quilT Comraonwealth ue.

vs. Baxter, lslcbolas; Porter vs. Uowe, Ohio; pcU-tion for rehearing Sled In each case. Keynold vs. Kolaui, Laurel; transferred from Court of Appeal ana sur-mittra.

Manly vs. Ultaer. Christian: va. Byar and First. National liank-of Chattanooga vs.

rieben, eta motion for appeal to tba court of Appeals nieu in eaca caae. Arnold vs. browning, Pendleton; Owsley vs. Heat. Mercer: Kubmllteo.

Megular, Helm A Cov i peters, and Peters v. Mciruiar, Holm Rath agreement filed with parts ot original record and caukes sunrnitteo. Illnton, vs. Flmons, administrator, Fleming; mandate ordered on appeJunt's motion. Boone v.

evlna Flrtle vs. same Macaey vs. same; now an vs. itne; con tinued for oral argument by agreenienL K. A.

and Railway Company vs. Davidson. hhrJhy; argued by Pryor Force for aroeUee and submitted. 1 Shelby County Xrvist Qomgnj Vs. JSoard ty I i I 1 I I I ef Trustees of Ehelbvvtlle.

Ehelbv around anq motion to ejKmtft appeal, anrueq L. i Willis for appellee and J. Ueck-ham tor appeaai( and submitted- en motion aiia aseruo. Court adioarned until to-morrow at 9 e'clurk p. iu.

aud a ill then adjourn until I riiuay, iue uina ox iay. Coart ef Appeals DecUloaa. Allstate tn va TVot fo be reponedl Filed Mar SO. 1HU0. A- peal from c-ulaakl Circuit Court.

Ouinton of tbe court byby JuJgo lienneU, reversing: a niiarak in a ueea as to Tbe boundary of the land may be corrected even aa tB VftT v1 1 ho had notice of the mistake when be pur-1 chased. A urveror Of laud into two parceis preparatory to it I sale awtler decree of rouit, made a mistake In reporting the dividing line. Tbe court adopted the dlvidng line thus reported, and mo oeeus ta tne purr oners or tns rsspect-Ive wrcel followed the re per and plat wo surveyor, me lanst wm tact aota aeeoraiiig to -e ervwing 1100 as actually I iot for some time aware of tbe mUrakel I. Uta. tt.JM-tf-Ma Mti MMMMtfidAII.

I In tbe surs cyor's report and commission er's deeds. One of the purchasers now seek to have tbe mKtake corrected. Hi1. Tbat althouch the present owner ot tbe other parcel was' not the original pur chaser, yet he accepted a transfer of the purchaser bid with tbe understand! nt that he waa curchaslnr according to tbe I Mvldlng Hue actually rua by the surveyor. vie rai-tske in tn aeed may be corrected.

1 aiiaough tlie deed waa made te aim In ac cordance With the judgment of the court. O. II. Waddle tor appellant tV. A.

Marrow for appellee. Vendor and VenoVe Treoa CounterVl eiatm eosu ot appeal. Appfcraon anmin-latrator vs. TrtppetL tN'ot to be reported). nea may wvo.

Appeal rrora law- rence Urctiit Court. Oinion ot the court or Juege First Ia this eeUon to juuovet the pur' I enase pnee of isod. the court properly allowed the defendant, by way counter claim, uaiusirKs tur injury resulting rroa tbe tearing down of hi fence In tbe exe-1 cutton of a writ of noesession nroeuied bv piainun eu neiooaan caving re aet tne I fence tbe plaintiff was not liable tor dam-1 age retailing from a Reeonn tearing down of the fence, there being nothing to show I tuat aa waa ia any way mfcswioie tners- ior. eeeond Matter In reference to the swn- tee-eUlm was property stk-Uen from the rejoinder as It ahould have Leea est un in the answer. Thud The appellee havuiK been he real appellant should pay tbo cost of appeal.

Alexander Lucker for- avnenan: w. M. I riiiaeraon lor appeiiee. KEW MEMBERS RECEIVED. The Cammerclal Clab aad Board of I Trade Add Mere Haaaea The Directors of the- Boord ot Trade met in regular seaaion at neon yesterday.

After the transaction of the usual roa tine business, tlie following were rec ommended for Tuenibcrship Judge Ben. F. ltuckner, Tbe leerleea Manalaeturlng The La pp-Guklsinith and eVUta I Tleix Caruenter, Annear fc Co. of the wa granted etcive ot absence for' a beriod'-of Tonr-'-months. Mr.

Barkhonao stated tbat be was a boat to leave oa an extended trip to and did not expect to be back before Tbe Board of Ii rector ef the Down town Club beld ita-rrgtilar meeting yes terday afternnonr at tbe rooms ef the Commercial Club. Only routine business was transacted. President Hubleia kaa announced the foltuwins aa- fit reaoective eonimittxes lor the eowung fl.lh.UKf Enter. year: rinance. uwen uatnrint; x-mer-1 tamment, feyton ciarse; I 'I'- It K.t.

i A amis, aivb s. rrrji tbur Kobinson City Development, A' If. Allmand State Development. S. S.

I Waters; Mercantile aiauiacturing jnter efJtai Jolin S. Alois) sv Thomas J. Batman; lress. George Brad, en; Public Policy. McUermott; jmaBixraliapi: Fraulf; Building, Tisy CnderliTll.

The cltabrmen of the difierent conimiUees will appuint the rcwainUef of tho members and hsnd them in at the next meeting of the Director, at noon next Tuesday. The following gentlemen have bet elected member of the Commercial Club Meesra. F. 1L AInistedt, J. w.

Ib 1). Blak.C; J. JJaanar- Allen farter. l.O-: CoX. JJ.

XaniTir. J. Jacqueoian; Ueorge and 1 liomas I'. i atte. THE PQ.T-UmCE riOHT.

Theodore Camrnia Thinks ma t--j Agaiast Hint An Appwlnt- saeat Expected Te-Uay. A dispatch from "Wa hiagtoa ia an tftKM atatelt Tl'lv. J. iBaicofcionSr-wexe now. lUiiksiA vvub Mrre.

wooei un PPuiii, ov bnt that it ndcrntood that Mr. Cummins name was written on a bundle ot na per a few days age. for the ap pointment, since' wiucb time develop ments had rendered bla prospect less eheouragtng. Sir. Cummins was seen by a t-ouruf-J ournal reporter yesteraay alternoon.

lie said: I liitve no new from tvaidiinztoa at all. It tNsenis. Jthat some ene baa trnmped up a charge agniniit nie, but 1 Lave no ideuk Tb wloit it can be and could not learn' ualee aliould tell me. Some time ago a charge was tiled against me that Louisville waa not my post-oflice ana mat i oiu no live -in tne oily. -ew me train wtr matter ia that I do bnatnea here 'and receive all my mall at my eflice on Fifth street.

I do live just outside of the city limits, ia only a few yards. The ether candidates are concentrat ing their forces against me, and are sending ont telegram tnn mavtrra arc in my favor so tbat tbe lorcea may. be ttrnnha ta brae en me. Aa for myself. I have thrown no mud and do not in- teed to.

I look tor tbe appoinunenv te be made to-morrow. f. IT WAt WILLFUL PURSER. 6o Say the Cereaer Jary la the Case of John Hurray, Wit Hit Killed To.sdar. Coroner-Mailer held' the inquest oyer the death of John Murray, colored, yeaterday afternoon at 4 o'clock in bla of fire on the corner -of First and Jefferson streeta.

The following; jury waa impan eled and sworn in Messrs. E. B. Green. wakl.

C. Jone. JuUus Jabn. Frank nidge. W.

F. Black aud Charles Ferr.U. 1 hree witness? were uroducud. tbe prin cipal one being the woman, Julia Lewis, who was -present wim worn Smith shot him. She testilled that the klllinff of Murray was unprovoked, and that Smith had threatened bla life several tintea When all the evidence waa In.

the tiry waa given tlie and ia a short time filed tlv following verdict: We, the Jury, find that John Murray came to his death- on the morning ef May 39 from a gnn-ahot fired by ill lata Stuith. We farther find that the attack waa unprovoked, and that the shot was fired with murderous and malicious intent to kill. Smith, the negro who did the killing. surrendered hixnseli yesterday aa o'clock to Turnkey Lmvis at the. jail- Smith stated when Been yesterday af- ternoon that-the aUot fixed ia sell- defense.

Arrested Oa Sasplciea. Ed. JeweL- eolored, waa arrested yea terday afternoon by Officer Sheckler and Grainger, charged with being a sus pected felon. He ia thought to Lave atokn a pistol from easier, a salooo- teCaVer at junnvi ana vircca atreexsa PIANOS. Largest unci rncxst 5ntfirfstiTii? KtnnV nfTXnnn.

1110 west now on exhibition ill REDUCTIONS OH Several slightly soiled and rViWl t- V.o- ftj 1 uwi. uaio Half Criin'll CITCe to Closa OTlt. 236 Fourth AYcniie, So Id liSWJ bet. BANK miTE WESTTIEiY SITINGS BINE AND BUILDING 1 JL C0M place to deposit tout savings, place ta bay bone easy terms ana! cheap. This Company, so loej snecessral 'as a Balldla; Company and dealer la Real tale, kaa jaat bad aa ameni meat to Its Charter which en-ables It to act as Sayings Bank.

Its paid-np Capital Is bow $170,000. This will be Increased to $200,000 dariaj rersoas dea Irons of obtalala; stock nay mate application at tbe OOce, No. 249 FIFTH STREET, bet. Jlala and XarkeC Price par. As a Balldla; Company this corporatloa has beea a remarkable success.

As a Sat Lags Baak It offers to the pablie the stronrest posxl ble Indemnity aad the atmost safety. Its capital Is In-rested la real estate which eaa aot take eato itself "wings find fly away." Oflee epea to receive deposits from Tato dajs to Fridays lacltulre from 9 ta Saturdays aad 3oc-. days from 9am, aatil 9 p. m. Fall laformatlaa glrea oa applicatioa.

W. T. FTXK Presideat UFSXIS LOKO. First V. Pres.

N. O. aOGn. beooadT. rYsa.

UiXl. M. CSAWFOHA, Caab g. lls i ft i ESTAB1 B. C.

Peters I wisca ciw Shingles S. P. Extran Piao per 1- P. P. Leonard's Tine Shiatle, per flNo.

1 Cypress Shlarles, a-ia. wide, per JNo. 1 Cypress Shingles, 4-Ia. wide, per No. 2 Cypress Shingles 5-la.

wide, per 4N0. 1 Piae Lata, per li As.1 epiar no. 5 ropiar ya 810 gayaxlne SW hetrsth aad S. PiEIJCn LICK SPRItIGS IIOTEL Is now open ready for guests. ODD; STYLES.

odd styles of Pianos and jIZTH wvuuuuacu uuwa 10 one Main and Market. and Lath. tne springs, nenty or nice rooms, good Hunting and fishing. The French lack Springs Co -Brill operate the Hotel this season, -with. W.

S. MILLER, Manager. Gus. Siebert's Orchestra has SU Clay LoofajviU. lanutaetnrer Baaflpg.

Kaady Kooflag. Bat Rooting. 'and ail lUtfo RADAr.VS MICROBE KILLER. The greatest diaoovery ef tbe age. Old las.

k.ass lwaa kaw anl ataaaitl MJM sSJ Wa9 VUV MMMVLJ WLkAJ mWOMmA 4tieovred. Kead what those say who bar tried It. RHEUMATISM. Hudson. Deo.

lfi. lhSai Wm. Badam Microbe aolicg Co. Ucar bus Havmar uied every ana- gested remedy for rhumauara tor wm lhan twenty rear. I was dubious a to the efficacy of your Microbe Killer.

But am frank: to admit a cure after talc lng not quite two jug, and I earnestly trust permanently. Yours respectfully. 3. U. lAAWIi DYSPEPSIA.

I have beea a aufferer from dyspepsia for several year, i Lave aaed Microbe Killer tor two months aad eaa eat any thing I wish. Have gained tea pounds. My neighbors bare beea using with. penencuvi My post-cfPce address Is Topeka, Kaa, UBS. 5.

J. SWXSGELEY. Topeka, Kaa. CATARRH. I have suffered from caUxxU for over fonr years, and have tried every reme.

tly nnde the sua without finding re aet. Four months ago, at the recommendation ot a friend, 1 commenced nsing the Microbe Killer, and am Bow completely eared. I eaa not. speak too highly af your medicine. Tottrs tmly- tan v.i-t rittj.ei9 Cathler Bee Hive, Chicago.

Send for free ptnpblet, IHatorv at the Microbe Call on er address SKION: Ni-JONES, X- SOLE AGENT, J- Cor. Second and Mala .1 Cer. first and JetTersoa Sts. LOUISTILLE, KT. Beware af Imitations.

Look ott for i oar trad mark. GOOD COOKING. All who desire good rook lag la their L1EB1G' COMPANY'S EXTRACT of BEEF. A slight additioa pi res grtat streayth ana oar or to rjoapv Ntaces aaa Had One rxraad la anual to fortr DOends ef bran beef, et Mi vlu of bo S7.att oenuiaeealy with faOslmll of J. Tea Liehls.

slraatur ia bias lak acrous th laheL J7; Mo in our salesrooms (seven W. V.CiJ' JtX Plat Shlairles, per $1 Si i LLi anv mna naiaarica. srer jo. 2 40 2 7. Oo 2 0 2 00 2 Ji 2 4 2 CO iaitL, per at Xsita, per a 9th.

LonlsTllleCy. Telepheao 45o-2. May is a good time to visit been engaged lor the season CarragaUd Iran Basdsg aad SUIag. AlaeGravel klads ot Ooal Tar afstarlsl. DRY GOODS.

Birgaiiu-u. llkite CoojliW Sbe-r Pbdd JodJa Linens at Ve, 12 White Lace. Etripe. SO Inches Pe, reduced from 13 1-tJe. Check Nainsooks, 6c a yard.

Plain Black India Linen, fas dye, IS 1 5n, French Long Cloth, aa Inch, 121-Sc. Cream Hunting. lOo a yard. White India Linen, wilb Leno ISO a yard. White lietn-stltebel Lawn.

25c, 30c, 37c, 44c, HOC. hwh Flouncing at cut rate. 4S-iuch 8rh Ajabroidered Flounslng. a m. I Km las Oe.

swisr; Rmbroidered COc, worth Flouncing. 73e. worth loO-iard bpool bilk, ia dark coiorx. 3e a spool. Kiaca: twTsi.

ic, Mack Velvet Directorie Eeits. 45e. tttlv er lteita. lor. Ladles', Fancy Cotton Hose, eolored clocks, 1 1 -ac, relueed' from S5c.

Sletal Dies Battoas, 3 1-9 a doc. Ivorv Dress buttons, 1-iio a doc. I Jet Buttons, l-'Je a doc. -iBlack and Colored Crochet Cuttoea, 10 ladles Balbrlgyan Vests. 30c.

worth TSc Ladies' Jersey Klubed Yeats. Be. MU-W Kl'hcd Jersey Vests. 6e. Inlantx' Ribbed Oouoc Vest, fie.

Black Haml Chant illy Lace, 3 Inches wide. 14c a yard, worth 30e. The same, 0 inches wide. Sir. worth OOe.

Large line of Black ChaoUlly. 1 to 7 Inches wide, at cut rales. Black CaaoUlly Laca Flouncing, all tCk. (1 a yard. Mark Chaatilly.

Lace Fmcaeing. Sl id a yard. l.lack ChantHlr Lace Fkmnrfr-g. tli, tiAo. ei.eo, HJKI.

ei0. KAO. Black Spanish Hand-run Flouncing, 42-Inrh. f3.50, wacth a yard. Black Spanish Hand run Floueclng, 64 Inches wide, V.

worth 10 a yard. Black Drapery Nets. 45-iBcb, 40c, 85c. 1, 01.15, C1.40. Normandy Valeaclenno Laces, So, Te, PC, 12r sod 14e a yard.

r.oo I'leces all-Unen Seville lace, Se, fie, 4c, Nc. tie, Te a yard. AU-linen Torchoa Lares, Ice he wide, wltU rtck-rsrk ed-e, 3oe a doa- Fine tsnyrna and Medici Lace at cut rates. PIANOS. SIHNWAY MD SOHHER PIANOS.

ffarerooEU 320 W. llirttl ANNQUNCEMEelTS. Of Paris, Is a eaadldat for Ssperiar Coart fJadse. PIANOSF i y..

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