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The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 4

Washington, District of Columbia
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raffwwwyrgT ykJLTJ JSP jgssssgPPJ S8j i THE WASHMGTON POST STIOTY JUNE 20 1915 be TOlafibinaton poet Pennsylvania Avenue near Fourteenth Street TERM OF SUBSCRIPTION Delivered by Carrier In Washington nd Alexandria Pally Sunday included one month 0 78 Dally Sunday included one week 20 Pally Eunday excepted one month JO Peily Sunday excepted one week By Mall Postage Prepaid Dally Sunday excepted one year I 0 Dally Bunday Included one year Daily Sunday excepted one month BO Dally Sunday Included one month 0 Bunday one year i 0 All Subscriptions by Mall Payable la Advance Remittances should be made by draft Checks poatofflce orders registered letters or express orders payable to THE WASHINGTON POST CO Washington Entered at the postofflce at Washington as second class mall matter Foreign Adrtling Representative PAUb BLOCK SO Klfth Arenue New York Millers Building Chicago Tremont Building Boston SUNDAY JUNE 29 1913 LET THE POST FOLLOW YOU Waahlnftonlana leaving the city ihoold not fill to hire THE POST follow them la this wit oolr cn thejr keep fully Informed about iffilrs it the Capltil Addresses may be changed ts often a desired and the psper will come promptly to any part of the country Send ordurs to POST Phone Main 4205 Always fire old as well as new address and state definitely how long the paper Is to be mailed BuUcrlptlon rates above Mall subscriptions are payable la advance to The Washington Post Company ESPIONAGE OF JUDGES The action of the Iowa Bar Association in indorsing Judge Speers denunciation ofgovernraent espionage of the Federal judiciary and courts doubtless will be supplemented by every State bar association that may take cognizance of this novel and dangerous move toward government surveillance and supervision of court proceedings and processes Judge Speers criticism of the obtrusive functionary whose presence and doings in the courtroom ought to have subjected him to punishment for contempt of court is well bestowed Evidently an effort was made to create the impression that the judge was under suspicion and that the attor neyr and attaches did not know their business Bin whether or not it was imiDded degrade and discredit Judge Spcer the spying on the proceedings could only have that result The circumstances as stated by Judge Speer are admitted and the explanation is made by the government agciv in question that he Is conducting he periodical Inspection of the 1nlted States court As this is the first inspection reported it is gathered that the new work is to be prosecuted a a regular thing as to all Fedeial courts Has a system of espionage been set on foot that will present to the people the edifying spectacle of criminals on trial before a judge who is himself undergoing trial or examination at the same time Is his conduct of the case being weighed by a court within the court with the secondary judge performing his assigned task of taking note of everything thai might go to form a basis for impeachment charges Besides the personal view the practice of holding the rod Over judges tends to impair confidence in that integrity of the courts to which they are justly entitled as the Iowa Bar Association mildly sates the case the respect in which they are held by the people and it should receive the stamp of unqualified condemnation by the bar of this country higher and swifter in the morning than in the evening is pregnant with im portance This discovery alone may open a way to tha successful colonization of the tropics When the aver age atmospheric plane of mosquito flight has been determined lor every hour of the day man can disport himself accordingly There may be places of course where the range is large where complete immunity can be obtained only by going into a well in the early morning hours and taking the aeroplane at sundown Be that as it may Frederick is on the right track There seems to be every promise that he will succeed in making a government bulletin grow where none ever grew before And that in itself is no small achievement MODERN RESEARCH The present is preeminently the day of research Some perhaps would speak of it as the age of invention As a compromise it may be admitted that research and invention go hand in hand At that however research has slightly the better of the argument The only invention that goes on forever is perpetual motion But research never stops If memory serves right Thomas Carlyle complained In his day that men were searching into every cranny and doghole in nature or art Thus the breed is of ancient lineage and its modem exponents are equally busy and none the less inquisitive For invention and research combined it has remained to the Panama Canal Zone to outshine the Royal Society of England and make Heidelberg and Jena resemble yawning chasms of darkness The inventor is Frederick Quimby a name more suited to a Newport cotillion leader than a delver into hidden things The invention is a device for detecting the time anil flight of mosquitoes As every one knows the origin of iho mosquito is shrouded in mystery As regards his genesis the nursery rhyme of Out of the Everywhere Into Here seems far more applicable to him than to the lusty infant on account of his pervasive multitudlnous ness his ubiquity his unswerving tenacity of purpose his many other like qualities of heart and mind Whence he comes may never be solved Whither he goes is to be detected The description of Mr Quimbys machine shows it a marvel of simplicity It consists of glass plates set wiUi the cardinal points of the compass on a tripod The plates are smeared with castor oil and resin Upon exposure these plates capture mosquitoes The particular plates upon which the mosquitoes are found give a clew to the direction In which they were going A cerain squashi ness further attests to the velocity of their flight Already it has been discovered that mosquitoes fly higher and swifter in the morning than in the evening It is further understood that Mr Quimby will continue experiments and that he hopes as he modestly puts it to dis cover something of merit We trust that Mr Quimbys most san gulne hopes may be realized The debt owed him already is great The sim pie statement that mosquitoes fly HOT WEATHER REFLECTIONS To the general statement that troubles never come singly there is an apparent exception namely the weather In the nature of things it is impossible to have two kinds of weather at one and the same time This of itself contains a crumb of comfort Climate of course is another matter Climate is the composite result of every and all sorts of weathers Consequently a man can boast of the climate of his particular neck the woods with a large ameunt of freedom and a great flow of gener alities for the simple reason that it is difficult to pin him down to details vBut with weather it is altogether different Especially with such weather as we are having at the present time The weather man alone Is untram meled In his statements on occasions like this To him only is it permitted to pose as the unchallengeable oracle Before his figures even the oldest Inhabitant must bow Yet his utter ances are not without saving grace nor do the figures which he produces tend to pessimism There Is never a weather bad that he cant more than match with a meteorological worse never a midsummer simmer that he cant copper with a dogday stew And then his explanations hes always there with the isothermal goods and his barometric curves put the Ho garthian line of beauty to the blush A hot wave to him is not sweat and fume and pother by no means It is merely a little matter of atmospheric pressure distribution seasoned with highs and lows He holds the jack up his sleeve You are the game Why worry The hot weather is here because its here It opens the pores It also brings thoughts of better days Think of the past and be glad Look forward to the future and be glad again Meteorologically considered the times are trying Statistically viewed you are finding men out How otherwise for example could you so well determine the number of gay and blithesome asses in the universe as under tha spell of a torrid wave that moves each long eared descendant of Bottom to ask In sprightly and original vein Is it warm enough for you Again the hot wave stirs local pride Chicago vies with Baltimore on the thermometer record while Paoli Ind sees Waukegon 111 9S and goes two better Then Jacksonville and New Orleans come to the front with statistics to show that nary a citizen ever died in either place from sunstroke Let the hot wave continue Thats our motto especially In view of the fact that it will probably do so anyhow fwill be developed which is to be sold at a figure regulated by the government Is this sordid pr Is it economical and in accordance with common sense San Francisco is trying to acquire and build its own water system It Is almost the only large city in the United States that does not own its system Differences with the private corporation now supplying the city have been adjusted and the rights of irrigation districts to water from the Yosemlte park have been safeguarded The people of California are united In favor of the project The army board recommends it The Interior Department and forestry officials approve it Mr Gifford Plnchot the chief conservationist of the country has personally visited the territory in question and has urged Congress to grant the use of Hetch Hetchy to the city Is it possible that all persons who know anything about the matter are united in a sordid conspiracy to raid the Yo semite and that the only persons who rush to its defense are those who know nothing about the subject TEAQEDYmHTEES KING QAVE HIS SONS THE HETCH HETCHY PROJECT Under the heading The Raid on the Yosemlte the New York Tribune packs into a brief editorial an astonishing amount of misinformation The Tribune protests against granting the use of Hetch Hetchy valley to the city of San Francisco as a reservoir site on the ground that it would ruin one of the most precious natural possessions of the race This destruction is proposed not merely for utilitarian but for actually sordid purposes Hetch Hetchy is wanted really less for potable water than for water power for commercial purposes There are other available sources for water for San Francisco some of them actually nearer and more readily available than this And so on If the Tribune were to express similar objections to the acquisition of New Yorks water supply the absurdity of its position would not be greater Why does it not fulminate against the destruction of the romantic Cats kills by the utilitarian and sordid persons in New York who are raiding one of the most precious natural possessions of the race There are other sources of supply for New York nearer and more available such as the Hudson River The Tribune understands the situation affecting New Yorks supply and therefore does not make itself ridiculous by opposing the acquisition by that city of a supply from a source that cannot be contaminated But it does not understand the situation affecting San Francisco Hetch Hetchy valley and Yosemite national park will be benefited instead of being injured by the construction of the proposed water system Roads and trails will be built without cost to the government opening up that beautltful country to visitors Hetch Hetchy Is now inaccessible even to Californlans and it is wholly useless to the general public The only change that will be made in conditions there is the creation of a lake in the valley and the construction of modern roads Is this ruin and robbery The board of army officers who reported upon the matter do not think so They have approved the project and have THE PACIFIC MERGER CRISIS President Wilson is grappling with the problem of dissolving the Union Pacific merger the Harrlman coup in railroad finance which so far has baffled the skill and ingenuity of the wizards successor as head of the great system and the best legal talent in railroad employ While the theory is held by some that the genius that enabled Harrlman to contrive the merger would also let him find a way to undo the entwined parts of his master stroke the fact that he left no formula for such a proceeding rather militates against the validity of that claim Still Harrlman may have regarded the work of unlinking the Pacifies as a simple matter and so It never occur red to him in his last illness that he was leaving the financial world a heritage comparable to the riddle of the universe The matter of urgency that has caused President Wilson to abandon his plans for a few days greatly needed rest at his summer home and devote his energies to unraveling the merger is that the last day of grace granted by the Supreme Court is about to expire and unless a satisfactory plan of dissolution is immediately evolved the courts will issue a receivership order a step much to be dreaded in the present condition of affairs financially The prolonged uncertainty has had a demolarizlng effect on the stock market and contributed heavily to the bear argument that has shaped sentiment measurably during the long pe riod of weakness Although it is not to be apprehended that a receivership would result disastrously in the end it is felt that the sentimental effect of such a great property being tied up indefinitely would unsettle values generally Within the last week the government and the railroad officials who have been seeking a way out of the difficulty hit upon a new plan thai seemed to meet the Supreme Courts requirements and it was understood that the Attorney General was ready to signify his approval Now however the Presidents sudden change of plans owing to the imminence of the merger question suggests a new hitch in the negotiations that calls for his participation lest a solution be not arrived at in time to save the day We take It that President Wilsons good offices will not prove unavailing Gennarro Perotti a Harlem barber Is on his way to a dukedom carved his way no doubt There Is a growing Impression in California that her alien laws fail to reach all kinds of undesirable citizens Tokyo cant even have an earthquake these days without San Francisco being seized with a simultaneous disturbance Gen Sickles at Gettysburg is probably enjoying a brief period of peace for the first time since the late unpleasantness Messrs Lloyd George and Isaacs seem tn have done what they could for the relief of two honest workingmen at least Briefly stated Wall street appears to have been long on rumors but exceedingly short on senators when it came to delivery His political enemies are still claiming that the Colonel never finished anything but whats the matter with the bull moose party Seeing that the cotton crop of 1912 was the largest ever produced the boll weevil must be about as harmless as an Insidious lobby Vice President Marshall could probably avoid all that glare and glitter of hotel life by having the grape juice sent up to his apartments Some people spend all their time and money in search of climate but If you wait long enough all the climate you want will come to you About the only consolation some benedicts get out of the statement that married people live longer than single ones is that It Is better to be married than dead Former Ambassador Straus expresses the opinion that former Secretary Knox is not of International caliber but Charley Crane of Chicago found that out long ago Most Tennesseeaps are satisfied with the verdict of acquittal for a Memphis woman who shot her husband but a few hold out vindictively for the full limit of five da ys in jail Senator Mark Smith urges the seizing of Lower California as a reprisal for Mexican outrages but It is doubtful whether even Secretary Bryan would be willing td go that far in returning good for evil The provisions of a will that deprive Miss Dorothea Ballard Smith of 1000 shown that Hetch Hetchy is the most00 in case she marrIs elther of the tw Sedley boys naturally render It impossi available source of water supply for ble for her t0 decide whleh tnfe two San Francisco Water power can and I sne will choose King Albert has now under consider tJon the problem of dealing with the titles conferred by his uncle King Leopold upon the latters two natural sons by Caroline Delacroix Baroness Vaughan Leopold bestowed upon the elder the title of Duke of Tervueren derived from the chateau of Tervuerem at some distance from Brussels where Queen Henriette resided before its destruction by Are He created the younger hoy Baron Raven stein a diminutive of the title of Count Ravensteln which he always used as an incognito when traveling abroad At the same time Leopold bestowed armorial bearings on his boys that of the eldest being sahle au chef dargent charge de deux losanges gueules The coat of arms of the younger Is appropriate to his name and title of Baron Ravensteln being dargent un eorbeau sable au vol leve There Is no bend sinister on either escutch eon Leopold had rro authority to bestow these titles without the sanction of his authority and he had so violent a quarrel with one of his premiers who declined to ratify the grant of the patent on the ground that Tervueren had always been a royal dignity that the statesman fell dead at his feet of heart disease It Is probable that the matter will be settled by means of a compromise according to the terms of which King Albert will create both boys Counts Ravensteln permitting them to preserve the armorial bearings betsowed upon them by their father the dukedom of Tervueren being dropped Being born In France of French mother not legally united at the time to their father they are French citizens and It will be necessary for the keeper of the great seal of France that is to say the minister of justice to regis ter their titles as foreign honors If the Belgian government makes any difficulty about ratifying King Alberts wishes In the matter he can easily get his kinsman the reigning Duke of Saxe Coburg as head of the Coburg family to which the reigning house of Belgium belongs to grant these titles just In the same way as the Duke Ernest of Saxe Coburg bestowed the titles of Baron Eppinghoven upon the illegitimate brothers of Leopold II Appointed to Ancient Post Lord Valletort the eldest son of the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe and heir to his extensive estates in Devonshire and Cornwall hat just been appointed by King George to the office of deputy warden of the stannaries and of deputy master forester of Dartmoor The stannaries were formerly courts of law In Cornwall and Devonshire In olden times and until the close of the reign of Queen Victoria the tin miners of Cornwall and Devonshire enjoyed a sort of autonomous administration of justice and instead of being amenable to the ordinary tribunals had courts of their own dating back to the reign of King Alfred and which were known as stannaries the name being derived from stannarla which is the Latin for tin mines When in the twelfth century the heir apparent to the throne of England became Duke of Cornwall the fief being vested forever In the eldest son of the sovereign the presidency of all the stannaries within the boundaries of the duchy and also In Devonshire were placed In his hands and he was endowed with the title of grand Justiciar From that time forth each Prince of Wales in his capacity as Duke of Cornwall and grand justiciar has delegated the executive presidency of the stannaries to some peer of the realm who bears the title of lord warden of the stannaries During the last two decades the mining industry of Cornwall and of Devonshire has rapidly waned and inasmuch as the stannary courts were closely associated therewith they too fell into such desue I tude that shortly before the accession of Edward VII they were abolished But the title of grand justiciar of Cornwall remains and also that of lord warden of the stannaries Lord Balfour Lord Warden The office of lord warden of the stannaries is held at the present moment by Lord Balfour of Burleigh who Is no relation of Arthur Balfour although he was formerly secretary for Scotland In Arthur Balfours cabinet His patronymic is not Balfour but Bruce and his Scottish peerage which dates from 1607 comes to him through the distaff side of the house namely through the marriage of Mary daughter of the fourth Lord Balfour of Burleigh to Gen Alexander Bruce a cadet of the house of Bruce of which King Robert Bruce was a member and of which the Earl of Elgin is the present chief The peerage was revived In favor of the present Lord Balfour of Burleigh by Queen Victoria after the passage of an act of parliament in 1S69 to remove the attainder to which it had been subject for the previous 150 years The fifth Lord Balfour of Burleigh while still master of Burleigh had formed an attachment with Mary Gray daughter of a schoolmaster His father in order to cure him of his infatuation sent him on the grand tour of Europe The master of Burleigh left Scotland but before taking his departure he paid a farewell visit to his lady love bound her by the most solemn oaths to give her heart to no other man and made a vow that If she married any one else he would cer tainly kill her husband While he as away traveling on the continent Mary accorded her heart and her hand to a young schoolmaster of the name of Henry Stenhouse of Inverkelthling and duly married him The union removed all Lord Balfour of Burleighs fears of his son entering upon any mesalliance and thinking that all was safe now he sum moned him home On the master of Burleighs return and on learning that Mary had married Stenhouse he pro ceeded to Inverkelthling and after call Ing upon the schoolmaster to defend him self shot him dead Saved by His Slater Pursued arrested and convicted at Edinburgh of the crime of murder the master was condemned to b9 beheaded by the maiden the Scotch equivalent and prototype of the guillotine at the cross In Edinburgh But with the assistance of his sister Margaret to whom he bore the most startling resemblance and who was devoted to him he managed to escape from prison on the evening before the day set for his execution by donning her clothes and she his This was in 1710 Instead of showing any gratitude for this he joined the Jacobite insurrection became one of the pretenders principal adherents and having meanwhile succeeded to his fathers barony was attainted fry act of parliament in 1714 as a traitor He iysver married and his elder sister Margaret to whom he owed his escape from the death of a criminal likewise died unmarried the remaining sister Mary becoming the wife of Gen Bruce of JCennet Her great grandson was the late Robert Bruce of Kennet inember of parliament for County Clack mannan It Is his only son Alexander who In 1868 obtained a reversal of the attainder MARQrilSE DE FONTENDT Copyright 1313 br the Brentwood Company MEETS BtOTHER DTMAUH00D Man Kidnapped When Two Years Old Sees Parent FirsV Time Since Infancy Ban FrtncUco Cil Dispatch to Nrw Tort World Christojiher Daniel Saunderson known in San Francisco as ehrls Ward was one of the passengers on the liner Moans from New Zealand He Is returning to California after having met his mother for the first time since his Infancy al though he is 24 years of age He also cleared up the story of his life which had been sealed to him through his boy hood For five years Chris Ward was a street car conductor on the Kearny street line Then through Thomas Westoby of 717 Sycamore street Oakland he learned that Ward was not his name and that he had well to do relatives In New Zealand That was In January He took passage on the liner Tahiti and in New Zealand met his relatives His father he had known because his father lived in Call fornla under the name of Charles Ward until after the San Francisco fire when he died Family differences were the underlying cause of the mystery of Wards or Saun dersons life When he was a 2 year old and living in New Zealand he was kidnapped by his grandmother and brought to his father in this State Westoby the Oakland man became acquainted with the father and the grandmother several years before they died They told bim the stor of the growing youth life After they were dead Westoby lost track of the young man the separation being incident to the confusion caused by the fire of 1906 Once the New Zealand relatives found a trace of the lad but he changed his em ployment and they lost the slender clew they had to his whereabouts Saunderson or Ward as he is known in California met his mother Mrs Christine Saunderson near Auckland He has a brother In Auckland and another In Wellington New Zealand On his arrival In New Zealand all of his people turned out and there was a great family celebration over finding the man of whom they had lost trace as a child of 2 years Saunderson Is not yet certain whether he will remain In California or reside in New Zealand PAJAMAS IN PABADE Newlyweds Greeted by Young Men in Airy Costume Pittsburgh Fa Dlfpttrh to Cincinnati Commercial Tribune Twenty five pretty girls their sleeves rolled up wearing big aprons and each carrying a washtub and 25 young men dressed In light blue pajamas each carrying a squawking doll lined up at the Homestead depot and extended a most hearty reception to Melvln Crawford and his bride Mrs Elizabeth Arthurs Crawford when they stepped from a train after having been quietly married In this city Although startled by the washwomen and night riders the newlyweds were game to the core and Informed their friends to begin the march as they might as well have the ordeal over with Wiith a ealathumplan band preceding and another one bringing up the rear the procession marched through the principal streets of Homestead to the amusement of thousands of people who collected along the line of march The noise of the calathumpians was often drowned out by the squawk of the pseudo babies and the thumping washbollers The police were forced finally to break up the parade as the crush of onlookers threatened to cause trouble AEMY ORDERS Leares of absence First Lieut WILLIAM Mc CLEAVE Fourth eld artillery two months Lieut Col HENRY RIPLEY Is refleyed from duty at Springfield Mass and from further duty on recruiting service The following officers are detailed to enter the next class at the army war college and will report to the president of the college August 15 for duty Mai WALTER GORDON Inspector general Maj EARLE DA PEARCE coast artillery corps Maj EDWARD ANDERSON Twelfth ci alry Maj WILLIAM SNOW Held artillery will proceed to Tobyhanna Pa for duty as an observer at the Held artillery camp of the organized militia The retirement of Capt EBEN HILL medical corps Is announced The retirement of Capt WILLIAM FATTEN Infantry la innounced The following officers are detailed to enter the second year class at the mounted service school Fort Riley Kans and will proceed and report to the commanding officer for duty Capt LOUIS BALL Sixth cavalry First Lieut JOSEPH TAULBEE Second cavalry First Lieut 8TANLET KOCH Sixth cavalry Second Lieut SLOAN DOAK Fifth cavalry First Lieut LEROY COLLINS Fourth field artillery FlrBt Lltut WALDO POTTER First field artillery Capt WILLIAM VALENTINO quartermaster torps wHl proceed to points in Oklahoma and Texas and to Monument Mex on business pertaining to the Inspection and purchase of public animals First Lieut HAROLD JOHNSON Third cavalry Is detailed as a member of the board of officers to meet at Fort Sam Houston Tex for the mental and physical examination of candidates for admission to the United States Military Academy vice First Lieut BRICE DISQLE Third cavalry First Lieut FREDERICK FOUCAR medical corps will proceed to Fort Logan Roots Ark ami report to the commanding officer as a member of boards of officers to meet for the examination of candidates for appointment as second lieutenants First Lieut EDWIN BUTCHER Infantry will proceed to Skujwhegan Me and make the annual inspection of fhe company of Infantry organized mlllilaof Maine Second Lieut GEORGE PRICE Philippine scouts will report to the commanding officer Columbus barracks Ohio for temporary duty and will then proceed to San Francisco and thence to Manila I August 5 and upon his arrival at Manila will report to the commanding general Philippine department for duty FRAHKmrS OTJ SHOP Jersey A Turns Poor Richards Ancient Printery Into a CTubhoase Burlington Dispatch ttr Xtw Tori Sum Benjamin Franklins old prist shop In which hiN turned out currency for the colonial government of New Jersey has been opened here with elaborate ceremonies as the home of the Ennls Stockton Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution Mrs Harriet Pancoast of Palmyra regent of the Ennls Stockton Chapter presided and Mayor Mount welcomed the giaests John Merrill of Trenton president of the New Jersey Society Sons of the American Revolution presented a big flag to the Daughters The history of the old house as it appears on the county records and the traditions attached to It were related by Henry Haines State surveyor general The principal address was made by Mrs Charles Yardley of East Orange State regent or the A The Ennls Stockton Chapter by todays exercises becomes the first saclety of the A In New Jersey to purchase and own Its own historic headquarters The Franklin cabin Is one of the oldest buildings In south Jersey having been erected over two centuries ago It Is near what was the end of the New York post road In colonial days where the Philadelphia boats tied up at the old Burlington wharf In the history of his own life Franklin tells how he stopped In Burlington as a poor boy while en route from New York to Philadelphia He missed the Philadelphia boat and awaiting the next passage stayed at the home of an old woman who advised him to open up a shop In the town but with only a few copper coins In his pockets he could not finance the project and went on to Philadelphia His employer later received an order from the government of New Jersey for a big Issue of paper money and Franklin as a trusted and expert foreman was sent to Burlington to set up the print shop and print the currency HANDLING THE FAT Berlin Scientist Has Method for Put ting It on or Taking It Off at Will From the New York American Prof Franz Nagelschmidt of Berlin Germany after pointing out the poisons that lurk in all antlfat panaceas declares that he has for nearly two years em ployed an electric battery for the reduction of superfluous flesh This electric battery produces a foradic current which sets the little fibers and strands of your muscles In rhythmic regular har monlc vibrations Theee muscular move ments are attuned to the normal rhythm of a resting muscle In such a way that the muscular motions occur without fatigue to the hulk of huge flesh Briefly with this new kind of electricity Prof Nagelschmidt Is able to exercise the muscles hidden away by clumps of fat in Buch a manner that even the laziest theatergoer baseball fan or lobster palace diner fails to feel tired Furthermore the circumambient flesh ceases to dangle as an obstruction to the blood supply the heart or the other vital tissues With this novel treatment for obesity the breathing Is undisturbed the pulse re mains normal and all the bodily activities remain unaffected Even a fraction of the same muscular gymnastics under the old methods for growing thin such as rolling crawling punching the hag and walking Influence the heart action and the pujge unfavorably This latest plan prevents all of this does away with that tired feeling and eliminates the oleaginous ex cess Fat then according to this NageJ schmldt electric current can be turned on and on at will You may take on adipose or eliminate as much as you please The only question eeems to be one of submitting to the battery Another method of reducing fat to a minimum available for many who cannot be placed In touch with this new electricity Is to artificially produce a current of electricity In your bathtub Although It Is not so reasonable nor yet absolutely explainable upon our knowledge of the Impenetrability of the human skin yet It Is a well proved fact that if Epsom salts or sulphate of magnesium Is added to the water of your full bath In the course of a few months from 15 to 30 pounds will be eliminated Whether this Is a mysterious electrolytic action that is set up between your skin and water or merely a powerful assault of the salt upon the usually Imper vious skin has not been positively deter mined The fact however remains that Epsom salts In the bathtub aids materi ally in reducing your avoirdupois It Is evident from these two procedures that corpulent persons need not expend all sorts of money upon every published antlfat remedy It Is far better to apply these certainly harmless cleanly and nonfatlgulng methods discovered by medical men of acknowledged training than to pick up every catchpenny panacea with no other support than the emblazoned words of an advertising writer EXAMINING THE LUNGS NAVAL ORDERS Commander eT BEACH detached navy yard Boston Mass to duty connection fitting Vestal and in commind when commissioned Lieut lunlor grade 9AUGHMAN detached Colorado to navy yrd Puget Sound Wash Lieut Junior grade CUMMIVGS to navy yard Boston Miss Lieut Junior grade LAMMERS commissioned lieutenant Junior grade Lieut Junior grade WILLE missioned a lieutenant Junior grade Lieut Junior grade SMITH Jr missioned a lieutenant Junior grade Lieut Junior grade CUTTS missioned lieutenant Junior grade Lieut lunlor grade THOMAS missioned a lieutenant Junior grade Lieut Junior rrade LATHAM missioned a lieutenant Junior grade Lieut Junior grade GREIG commissioned a lieutenant Junior grade Lieut Junior grade HlLINGS commissioned a lieutenant Junior grade Lieut Junior grade JAMES com mlssloned a lieutenant Junior grade Lieut Junior grade PATKE commissioned lieutenant Junior grade Lieut Junior grade DONAVlN missioned i lieutenant Junior grade Ensign KITTEL to Missouri com com com com com com Moyements of Naval Vessels at Arrived CaW Guantaaamo Hopkins San Diego Ala btma at Baltimore Eagle at Portsmouth Patuxent at New Tori navy yard Puldln and JtttU it Ntw Roche le AJajt at Shanghai Sallefl Maryland from Chlgnlk for Iniskln Bay Alaska Hopkins from San Pedro for San Diego Denver from San Diego for Guaymas Sterling from Kej West for Norfolk Iroquois from San Diego for Mare Island Patapsco from Ntwport fB0e lZrVZcZ irS I Ut th train wont start HIT JaUUy i4iuiMf via ui for New Rocnello I Physicians Can Perform Rare Operations With the Bronchoscope Philadelphia Dispatch to New York Tribune An Instrument known as the broncho scope has been introduced at the Medico Chlrurglcal Hospital to slid In the exam Inatlon of the lungs and to remove for elgn substances therefrom The bronchoscope Is shaped One of the legs Is hollow and Is surmounted by a small mirror and an electric light To remove a foreign body from the lungs the hollow leg Is Inserted In the mouth and permitted to pass down the throat until it reaches the vocal chords With the aid of the mirror and light on the outer end an examination of the lungs Is then made and the foreign substance located This done a small steel tweezer Is passed through the hollow tube and the offending particle removed Dr Sklllern and his five assist ants In the nose and throat department of the Institution are skilled In the manipulation of the bronchoscope and have been performing some rare operations Such things as collar buttons screws safety pins chicken bones nails and dried peas have been removed The Instrument affords specialists an opportunity of looking Into the lungs of tuberculosis patients A Hint to the Wise From tbe Kansas City Star Madeline Dont come up to the house tonight Harold Harold Why not dear Madeline Pa had a puncture cracked cylinder and abent steering wheel today and Im afraid hell Wreak hlft vengeance on you Sufficient Guarantee From London Opinion Traveler Shall I have time to gel a drink Conductor Yes sir Traveler Can you give me a guarantee Conductor Yes Ill take one th ybuT STOU3 HIS ANOEOB Ice Boat Captain Says It Weighed 1000 Pounds but Gang Took It Anyway rrom tha Nev York Globe Capt Henry Vivian of the Knickerbocker Ice Company boat Court moored at the foot of East Ninth atreel ran up to Patrolman ouyhlln of th Union Market etatlon at midnight and puffed out Officer theres been a robbery a big one down on my boat Capt Vivian began to run back and the policeman followed The captain reached the boat first and brought up Loughlln to a halt when he pointed to a broken cabin window yThen he lead the policeman to the stern where he pointed to a spot about 8 feet in area Theres where It was when I left the boat this evening And now Its gone For the love of Mike ejaculated the policeman What is It youre talking about Dont you see demanded Capt Vivian its the anchor thats gone and the cables gone with it Whom do you think got It asked Loughlln after he had elicited the fact that It was a 1000 pound anchor Capt Vivian then said that three members of the Dry Dock gang a few nights ago attempted to hold him up for a pint of beer I am an English subject I told them said the captain and I refuse to be held up Be off and they went away I think theyve stolen It for revenge Loughlln reported to the station and Detective Snydecker was assigned to investigate the case Snydecker went to the boat and looked over things He believes a diver could locate the anchor quicker than a detective He Is looking for he gangsters who he thinks pushed the anchor overboard PRAYER From the London Chronicle At times I wonder If I ought to pray Beyond the greatest prayer Thy will be done For less than this I would not dare not say And all my prayers are gathered in this one What prayer of mine can alter His decree What fool would speak the prayer which had that power If He the track and haven cannot see What sight have 1 to steer where storm clouds lower Yet steer I must and will with might and main Come storm or sunshine forward will I go And sing or sob as maybe this refrain Thy will be done the only prayer I kno A FA NCI her her By Austin Dobson The Rose In the garden slipped bud And she laughed In the pride of youthful blood As she thought of the Gardener standing by He is old so old And he soon must die The full Rose waxed In the warm June air And she spread and spread till her heart lay bare And she laughed once more as she heard his tread He Is older now He will soon be dead of But the breeze and found That the leaves of the strewed the ground And he came at noon that old And he raked them gently under mold the morning blew blown Rose Gardener the And I wove the thing to a random rhyme For the Rose is Beauty the Gardener Time HAD DEATH WARNING Business Mans Premonition of Coming Fatality Verified on Way Home From the New York American John Hueselmans superintendent of a lumber yard in Harrison started home after a day of intense worry through fear of Impending disaster His premonition caused several of the workmen to deride him John Bissell of Newark led In the scoffing As Hueselmans was passing a 40 foot high pile of heavy timbers Bissell who was at work on top uttered a warning cry and leaped to the ground As he did so the great bulk of lumber swayed and toppled over Hueselmans was burled beneath the mass and was instantly killed Bissell by his leap avoided the crumbling pile and landed Just beyond the timbers The fall however resulted in his receiving numerous fractures and he was removed in a critical condition to St Michaels Hospital A crowded trolley car was passing the lumber yard at the time The passengers many of them workmen on their way homerushed to the spot and began moving the timbers It was half an hour before Hueselmans mangled body was extricated WHICH TWIN HIT HTM Assaulted Man Identifies Both as One Who Committed the Offense From the New York World When Martin Kaides of Perth Amboy was assaulted last Sunday he rushed to the police With a complete description of his assailant Detectives arrested the Sutch twins Peter and Stephen and locked them up In the county Jail at New Brunswick As soon as Kaides saw Stephen he smiled and said Ah Thats the very man Then Warden Hildebrand let out Peter and Kaides scratched his head and exclaimed But thats the man too After picking Stephen twice and Peter thrice Kaides gave up and the police say their twinshlp will probably save the Sutches from further connnement Even if one of them did confess how are you going to tell em apart after ward asked couldnt Warden Hildebrand The Kind That Oughter From the Chicago Record Herald Raymond according to a recent story had been playing hard all day and came to bedtime thoroughly weary In fact he was so sleepy that he wanted to omit saying his prayers But dear his mother remonstrated vou must be a good boy and thank God for all His goodness to you Just think what a nice time youve had all dayl playing and remember all the other Httle boys who have no nice nome or nice clothes or mother to love them Raymonds eyes opened a little drows ily and out of his relaxed mouth came this protest But mother I think tnems tne tellers that oughter do the praylnT Keeping Tib From th Chlcajd Tribune What Is the name of thla statlon Blue Island sir Thanksrmay ask Why Its called Blue Island when ts neither blue nor ah island I donCknow sir unless Its Just because It Jiad to have a name Youre No 1373 Jg CHATS OF VISITORS TO THE OAPSiE Americana who seek investinenta in foreign countrlea are taking chancesjtnat they would not have to take in their wn country in the onlnlon ofC Herbert JDo Fosse a financier of WorcesteritMaas who is at the Willard JCc It does not take otie long to appreciate i the advantages arising from iayeitlns capital in ones own country If condf tiohs are compared said Mr Derosse In the first place a maq who Invest money In his own country places It where i he can Watch it in America he is Invest jf ing it In a country which is thamoat rapidly progressive country in the worldjf i in a country of the freest spenders initg country where the average honestyof business men is above that of any Other country on earth in a country where Jhe banks record larger profits and xfee failures in actual money loss than In any1 other country on earth and Anally each time he Invests his money in hia owrf country he adds to his business and the consequent accruement of profit whereas If he Invests abroad he is placing his money at work among people whose men tallty Is little understood by him whose cupstoms and habits are foreign to him and who naturally will seek to protect the people of their own country first and the American investor afterward It has been found on investigation ihat the average revenue from Investment abroad of all classes made in so called new countries and in foreign countries on the part of this and other nations has failed to average in the aggregate per cent whereas investments In the stronger industries of this country have rarely if ever failed to show a profit of 74 per cent when the Increase in the value pt assets good will and stock dividends li taken Into consideration Coupled with this Is the fact that taken on a haslsot per capita population our bank failures for the last fifteen years have averaged less than those of any of the great Wm merclal nations This of course does not include the failures of private bankers stock brokers and speculators With the rapidly expanding foreign business of this nation there seems to he no reasonable excuse for the investment of American capital abroad except to establish selling agencies for our products We have ceased to export our nktf ural products to a great extent and our1 exports In the future must be confined to manufactured products By exporting manufactured products we increase the wealth of the country without depreciating our natural resources While our banking system has many defects it would seem that this country has prospered more In a financial and commercial way under this much criticised regime than have other countries of the world under their systems If the root of the pudding Is Its eating it would seem therefQre that we have no very great reason for complaining a3 to American financial methods In view of the fact that we have and are still showing better results than the financial methods of ether nations can show Egypts Greatest Wonder To me one of the most interesting sights of a tour around the world which I have just completed Is the tomb of the bulls In Egypt said Dr A Thompson of Andover Mass at the Raleigh After a camel trip of 15 or 16 miles south of the Pyramids across the Sahara Desert one comes to the tomb of tha bulls where In ancient times the mummified remains of the sacred bulls which were then worshiped by the Egyptians were entombed After passing through a tunnel half a mile long tinder the desert one comes to the rooms where the bulls were formerly burled After digging out the rooms Immense granite bowlders 18 feet long 8 feet high and 10 feet wjde were dragged to these rooms by some power of which modern civilization knows nothing The center of these huge granite bowlders was then hollowed out in the form of a vault In which the mummified bulls were laid away with religious ceremonies There are 47 of these tombs In all and I visited 27 of them How in the world these great granite pillars were put Into place or where they came from nobody knows but these immense tombs are one of the most marvelous things I encountered on my entire trip The bulls have all been removed from the tombs haying been taken out during different wars The Sphinx is also a wonderful work of art with Its head of a woman and body of a Hon A temple has only recently been discovered In the head of the Sphinx but I did not visit it Next to the tomb of the bulls the catacombs at Rome are probably the most Interesting tomfcs in the old world They have already eic oavated 675 miles of catacombs and are still excavating New Zealander Admires Washington It requires a visit to the great pig United States for a resident of New Zealand to appreciate what a wee mite of a country ours is said A Mather a banker of that country at the Raleigh Yet we have a pretty good country ahd have nothing to complain of My wife and I have not stopped looking and wondering since we landed at Vancouver a few weeks ago We had not planned a trip to Washington but the Canadians were so insistent that our visit would be incomplete unless we did come here that we took the time We are mighty glad we did for I must say that there is ho city on the North American continent so far as I have knowledge that can compare with Washington I have been In some Eurppean cities but even with the natural leaning of one for the mother country I have never seen in England nor In Europe a city with so much promise as the Capital of the United States Australians regard Washington iWjth sd much favor that the government is planning the rw federal capital after thla city Since coming to this continent we have heard a great deal about the high cost of living and the possibility of Australia and New Zealand supplying you with beef and mutton In New Zealand we have been losing a large part of pur meat supply because of the demand abroad Australia has always supplied us with our meats but England has Increased her demand for the Australian beef and mutton to so great an extent thatwe have been limited In New Zealand with the result that the price of meats has advanced considerably with us AVe used to get the choice cuts of beef for iJ cents a pound where now we pay as high as 25 cents a pound on occasions Ours Is a market however that tends to high prices and there is no questoln that if the people of the United States want Australian meats they can get them cheaper than they can buy home products that Is if the prices quoted to me since my arrival here are correct tefi tejr.

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