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Fort Wayne Daily News from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 1

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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lie dk UU ton 4 lam Brit AudJ PK7rv 5 ff 1r fe Jott wfawtte Mm rag PEOPLES PAPBB3 WB Mil wtm i rH FORT WAYNE SATURDAY AX7UST 20 1887 PBICE TWO CBIIS tain iku ttik Him tot WW Utri OOM iBfioyueju for an Umbrella tbat fill bs least become disabled in service 1 iiicly to rehire surgical treat for broken or dislocated ribs isilt car assortment vnlch embraces Trletles and Styles in sills Giog ti Aloaea Waterproof Cloth Etc Kot Prices fide to 800 ixley CO 5417 COURT STREE1 HclM tiiiut Wlaltelealbera W3mt Dowry hydrant At 1202910 ED3IE a total owl of Largeatand mdsl popular JJuainoss Shorthand School ia Northern In udi Best instruction by practical LrheniM Jtook ketping Shorthand Writing Penmanship Arithme ftmmerijal Law Business Forms Utr Writing Mechanical UraWlugt IHng Practical Oram mar etc indents may enter at any time Un ited facilities for assisting compe students obtain situations rmitnost moderate consistent with iWiigb Instruction Write for cir ilwind Information 1924 Xlgut Hcliool Opeim Heptn A Hlir Xtxcurolora Ike 11 Ki of will run a big ex ma to Huntington on Sunday 3u JSSlli the train leaving the atb depot at 3 a The1 encamp raltilf beAin sewafon there and Uleafirifttilay 1 ha trip Is well Mth gping to Cblcaico hiiI Hclurii tI titer raanlar Nickel Male Oulysj Oo the occasion of tlie grand meet ol tho German warriora and the iiholtc Benevolent Association nia wilt leave Fort Way no on 8atur if September 3 at 2 in and on awliy September 2J20 a ni On undiy cxtfurnlon train will leave littgo at 7 80 TjickcU good to tura lor ten days Por Jctter or further information ply to Butler excursion man ner Cleveland Ohio orJP II Barnard gent rort Wayne Are Vou fjoluar The UtkeU for the It of rcnraion to Ifuntington are going pioiy Be one of the number and Wdy at the encampment The wlu been fixed for Sunday Aug HMiit Smole Blaira Whlto Clqud Cigar Tr tor a Portrait of yourselfjree 1omH Calhoun street wr i i Creamery Butter 2Co lb New York Stato Cheese 14a lb YANfcKR OliOCKHY ftloCWttJuiiihe Hlckel Plate Mirdij September 3 and SnndaJ Not September 4 Train leaves at 200 ru Snnda morn 20 Reinrnlnj leaves Cblcauo i pm Round trip 300 i 8lttl I enturop prtatt mi tramolreoto one In alxwho WinOtOg at Tnnp 41 flalliniln ilrect Jiour Crawford Peaches ldo basket nlih Beauty pWra 76q paaket utmc Molona So and lOo each Watermelons 15o and feOc each MMina Lemons 25o dozen Yankei Orocxby I7PWfhaed large bankrupt UfframMll iisi lll my cuttomera and throw Vii fjPWwwi of yourself or fr end W1U1 Calhoun treot iOSTX III HOTOQIUMIEB 1 iave bo lloweS i rs mrough the Kerr Agency to kit ri uoerian Ehrman FllJThomMi nj Mipier uro The History of Oar Water Works by Ex Ofllclals How 200000 Were Saved by Defeating the Lane Plan The Cook Plan Provides More and Better Service at Half the Cost It is well at thi time to briefly ro vfew fhc history of our waterworks Especially Is thli liuo when it i con aidered that great number 6fiur eitizena are unUmlliar wiih that history Nothing iaoriAn be gained by tlieexceie adulation or detraction showered ipon llio owners of one proposed aourco ol water supply Neither is it merited It tlm itniv of citiicn Ux pj era and those who repieient or claim to irptencnt them to acquaint temetc4 with all the facts connected with the growth and development of our water work feys torn they will do this ihep may liitolligem action be anticipated otherwise not hi tlio spring of 1J76 trie Common Ckuncl decided to esUblUh water works In Iho city of Fort Wayno Mr Moses Lane1 an hydraulic engineer was engaged to prepare and submit pUnaand specifications These were suhmlftod by him and referred to the proper committee to report thereon Before his committee reported the cana owners presented a proposition in the form of a carefully Written con tract to construct watcf works under the Lane plan This proportion required the expenditure of 36000 for the construction of 21 1 miles of pipe And the erection pf ft stand pipe five feet diameter and 500 foot in height Uuder this plan It was proposed to furnish J78 ordinary Are hydrants one engine and one turbine wheel Tho majority of the Common Council aa then constituted was in favor of this proposition Without in icsttgation or advertiiingjor competition Thereupon ccitaln citizens obtained a temporary restraining order and before Iho final hearing of said cause an election was he1dkand tho issue presented in the several wards of IheVity was as to the adoption or rejection of the Lano plan Not one candidate who favored this plan wai elected On the contrary they and each of them were defeated by majorities rangingfrom 70 to 193 This facf was regarded by the Council aa the command of the people and the Lane plan was dropped On the 15th day of May 1879 the Common Council moved again in the matter of water works by authorizing the Trustees of tho water worts to employ any competent hydraulic engi ncer whom they might select They emptayed Dv Oookl ofToledo who on th6 0th day of July 187i submitted plans and specifications The Water Works Committee and amsjorttyof tho Council opposed the Cook plan because it contemplated the construe tlpn of a rescopir The question as to the adoption of thdCook plan was on the Hit day of August submitted to a popular vote In order that the people miIit vote lnteligeniiytticTiF on tho plan waa printed and published in pamphiet form in the German and English languages and a copy given to every Voter in the city The Cook plan Was adopted by a majority of 2633 The official statement of the vote is as follows orriciALVoiK Wnt di Vat Agalnit Ml Total I Vote rim wuro rropiMtid ool uiidar tba bant plan IlmytK I IltUbUflth Pui Warn railway companies40 that utllwt Actual oarmtrurl Inn ivu1 iinHav iIim Wok jihu loaale V3ZVW water supply for all purposes from the icily own and opeiato tho works them flflMTJ JTBfTMrYl city He presented letters from theelv They should ftplsh them It wv can be done at cost of less than SO rrft nim than thi even rhinf engineers of the Wabash aud the Dlfrertiicela UVorof UeOooU pUaSI170T0 The pipes msde under tho COok plan are made to withstand direct pressure Thdse contemplated Jrt tho Lane plan would have been for stand pipe pressure only To withstand direct pressure pipes must be Of greater weight and strength than thbse to withstand standpipo presiure only and the cost of the former is about ono third greater Our present pipes cost 1131503 It is therefore evident that if pipe had been used of the same weight and strength a proposed under the Lane plan it could havo been done at cost of one third oIort 84503 less 44830 wh ich quals 8672 But wo ijiavo eight miles more pipe now than Wai proposed under the Lsn plan One mile of pipe oosts IC1 and the additional eight miles cost 177104 In the comparison of the two plans it Is only fair deduct from the cost of tho present works tliesiim expended for the additional strength Ad milo age of pipe STATEMENT Out tt AfltiKU ucllon proper to data THO IA rrai lor aiaiiKinai ftntiu of IiIim snd jiddlllonal mlltai of lle i 81 estimated that this would increase the income of the city to tho amount of f5000 or 10000 per annum Tb Water Works Trustees fearing that a prolonged contest would defeat tho construction of water works reported at follows If water works are not built by the city now they cannot bo for many years to come on account of a constitutional amendment wtiich will be adopted next year They will bo built however by a private company of some ippiying only a limited portion of the city for a company will only as iu mi 473 8 135 2W Ml 40 imi 87S Ml Wl Hconl Ward 184 Third Ward loiirth Ward Hflh Wnl 874 until Ward JM Heventti ward 87S Hjhtli WarrtiJH NlntUWard 227 Total 3KM 5W MJ five Common Council ratified the decision of tho people and ordered the construction of the water works aa we noW have them except aa to reservoir and aunnlr Wo now have Total rwt under tlift Ilie Under tbe Oook plan jMMi3Hiim Having In favor of ihotuok plan tiwtulo This tlearly shows adiflerenCQ bo tvsccn the twp plans in fflor of that of Cook Jn the sum of 1WQI0 It msy be shovin in another war TropokodiVrnt under the tan plan iX0 Con i for aodltloual atrcDttlcand mileage or pip iu HIOIO Total coal under ths Iina plan Willi arialflnnnl fnllwuIrM tknlt trnuUiof1po IIOlOlO Total count oonatrut lloo toda undertook plau i ii BUW extend bipes where they will be most proniaoio leaving wo city oniy partially protected from tiro and forwhlch limited protection the citv will have to pay high tribute at tho rate of tw per hydrant In Tcrre Haute bavin only ioUrleen milca of pipe the city pays a private com piny 15000 per annum for city uses A demand of mxxi per annum is now made upon our City Council for water from the canal Can we expect1 the Pituburg llailroad Company will continue to eive ua water for nothlntr aa in tho punt for two thirds of the water that supplies our cisterns now lurniaura tiv tms company Mr uwka Pan will furnish an abundant supply The rcnervoir of earth la imperishable All the money expended expt tor pipei can be paid to home labor and if th would complete the rtaervoir permanent supply and filter basin The result would bo pure water for all purposes and a largely Increased revenue OllAB McCuLtOT IlBNRY MONNfi H1 ExTrustecs HkttUr 8 Bash Ex Wk Com Fort Wayne Ind Aug 20 87 YERY IMPORTANT Tbe QucmIIoii of jiIiik Mialural tian lo bo CbualderccI At tUelluMlncnx Meua lixchanire ou Mondajr MIkIiI On Monday evening pext4 wll be held ono of the moat Snipoi ttmt meet ings of our Business Mens Exchange that has vet bom held In this city Tho special subject to be considered fltthattlmo is tho desirability and practicability of piping uatural gas to Fort Wayne The discussion will be of intense jntereBttd every citizen of Fort Wayne for it involves possibly i pes can Imj made at home thev will the question of cheaper fuel for our preferred homes and manufactories The at Thereupon the Water Works Com tendance should be hmre and the mat mlttcorccommendedthofrubmissionofi tershould be carefully considered in COME JAtfEY tJOMEJOmK Dont Yoa Hear tb3 Fchool 11 BONG 1 Wo Have and Are Ready to Show the Greatest Assortment OF SCHOOL OUTFITS Having la favor pfUXik plan IVRU0 Tolhis balnncoof mi10 in favor of the Cook plan must be added 8000 expended inlaying the eight miles ad ditfonal pipe and f2800 expended in the purchase of the 61 additional hydrants making a total Of U7VO which added to tho saylpg oiy010 makes a total saving Of 1210710 favor of the Cook plan The am6unt which would have been expended for glandpipc etc under llin Innn ttlan wnn 111 urutlit fnill thn amount which baa been expended in the construction of the reservoir and therefore fs omitted from tho foregoing compaflaon HKASoKB VOU APOrTIKO DIRECT I Bfc The Lane plan as stated before con template tho erection of a standplpe The plan was rejected by tho people and wisely too The only pressure tbat could hate beon obtained would have been the weight of a column Vo feet in diameter in a tower allowed by the city about ICG feet in height This pressure would have beon insum cient for fire elevator sprinkling and other purposes With our present system of direct pressure any number of elevators can bo operated power aupplled forsmall machinery ff dJ sircd and in case of tire streams Can be thrown to the tops of the highest buildings without the aid of the steam fire engines For these and other reasons the direct pressure pipes were approved TIEKEflKROIR Tho majority of the Common Council and a majority of the Committee on Witer Works were decidedfy opposed to the building of a reservoir For thpurpos6 of obtaining informa tion rejati tq water orks those opposed to the building of a reservoir vial tod dlflercnt titles At Columbus Ohio they found the Holly system of direct TTTTnrTTru iyantl an plfiSBCd Were they with its work that upon their return they favored the adoption of direct pressure without tho reservoir The chairman of the Committee on Water Works lo whom was referred the report of IX Cuolt called in the Waterworks Trustees and imlted Mr Cook to meet with them Mr Cook complied and at the Interview reiterated theretsons for the reiervoir given In his printed report and urged a additional reasons that there would need be no pumping at night and but eight or ten hours of pumping during the day and computed a saying to the cliy from this in tho way of coal wages and In the resting of machinery But the chief benefit claimed by him the whole Cook plan to the people who noted in faor of its adoption aa here toforo stated We believe that tho reservoir should be completed as speedily as possible Its completion will increase the water works revenue about ICC0O per annum and wtuld materially prolong tho life of the machinery THE CANAL FKEpKR The surplus of tho canal feeder aa a source of supply was included In the Lano plan As her tofore shown the people wf re practically unanimous in their Opposition to this source of sup ply This opposition arose from sc oral causes the most potent por haps being the quality of the water itself and the Uncertainty of a supply Those icasOris still exist ft is an undisputed fact tha water supplied lo luis city turougu teed er canal would pass with sluggish current over the accumulated filth of half a century The peoplo ol thja city have alwas rebelled against receiving their water through such channel and open canals have been abandoned elsewhere because of the repugnance of consumers to accepting canai wafer Dut even this argument waa not regarded with so much weight aa the Uncertainty of a supply depend ingfor its maintenance 4iponjtn old dam and the oft breaking guard banks of the canal And when to this is added the interest of many farmers in haying the St Joe rf er return to its original channel that they might enjoy the use of lands overflowed because of the dam the purchase of the feeder canal by the city becomes a dangerous experiment and not the less danger ous because the title of the property is even now instigation and might in volvethe city in endless and perhaps unsuccessful law suits It is also now a matter of history that the froshet of last spring so generally threatened the feeder dam that the purchase of the Cramer farm by the owners of the canal became necessary In order to satisfy Mr Cramer for tho damages incurred and that the soil might be used in making repairs WATER Syl I IV Oooks plan which waa sounaui mouslv adopted by the teohle Pro YidfcT that theWfltTTTnpTly eluil bii derived from thred sourqes a wells Spy itunj 8t Joseph Iliver above tire French brewery We have now two wells ono at the pumping house and the other near the St Joe Hvor above tho iron bridge and the yield of these two wella is sufficient to enable tbe city to dispense with the Use of Spy Hun If the water works are1 completed according to tho Cook plan and the water taken from tho rivpr iherein proposed there wijl be no scarcity of water at any time A canal bank may break a culvert may rot a dam may wash out and pass awaybut the river flotvs On forever INCOME FROM WATER WORKS The income from the water works last year was over f2V0Q and lhe all its bearings Let there bo a full turn out of business men and ciliens generall A SUCCESSFUL SUCCESS The ICmploycai or Hits euiinyl vniiln Company do Ike Ixcur iluiiUi nrowut A glitupsoat thojardsof the lltts burg railway this morning would give reason to believo that something had happened The usual number of pas sengerf poaches were conspicuously absent and tho tracks wre clca as though a cyclone had basscd through town taking all the Pittsburg companys rolling stock with it The causo for this strange appearance is explained by tho free excursion tb tho employes of Iho company which went to Warsaw The sccno at jibe depot was a lively one a pci fect jam When the first section consisting of two baggage 6ars and eighteen coaches pulled up to the platform there was a rush for Keats In llvo minutes tho train was filled when tho socond sec tion pulled up This consisted of two baggago cars and twenty two conches Jack engines hauled the crowd When the two rains pulled put of the defwVlulIyjSOO jveopla vjore on board the forty coaches Warsaw novr before entertained so bigs Tort Wayne crowd as it did to day and it can be safely said that the eatlnhousos there will have to lay in new supply after our crowd gel through with them ncutli lteport Howard MillerO ycarschQlera fnfan turn Jolin Uennjugham 03 years heart dinoasoj Franc Tiieg 1 jear summer complaint Mary Ann Quinn fiSyeara typhoid fevtr Edard Brush 2 years railroad accident Her njsn Schr4tert 22 years typhoid fever Unknown man railway accident Sarah Crosby 73 pars paralysis Stewart five days convulsions Mrs Harmiller 40 years nervous dis easqjjpseph Moran 5 months chOlerA infantiiniClinalHhnhousc2mOnths spasms George Fehllng 1 ycArcholera Infantum NWIr Btitl void as resulting to the city from Ui con OOO intllnnni tnaftrvnfr waa Im ff ah i i ntna iA Mifim that In that caaa the different railwav nromise for this vear is to considerably hydrants of which twenty tour we companies would take their whole increase that aura The Jcopl Of the Know all men by these preents hat tho numbers having won the Fine Custom Buggy and Grand Parlor Organ if not presented on or before September 1st 87 will be treated ki null and voidand thd above prises will be again drawnwith the valuable City Lpt on September 1st and presented to the holders of the tickets drawing them Sam Pete Max Fort WftVne Ind Aug 20 87 20 I eacbea for Halurday liveulusr Free stone Peaches baskes 40c Fresh Georg ia Wa lei melons each 16c Choice Nutmeg Melons each 10c Choice Mcsiinft Lemons doren 25c Nice Gjppcs pound 8c Vvmit Hodk Best Jean Pauts sizes 0 years to 12 years at 35C Best Percale Bblrl Walsta at 20c Best Everlasting Stocking ai 25c HardKntick School Sufts zea 6 years to 13 years at fl 50 ft New and Durablo llaUNew Shapes atOOc SSrOur fi5 floors packed from cellar to jrariet with the most tOmplete stock of Men 4ind Boys Clothing ever isCij in Indiana bought nud made up before Uiq rtcont adNairfe in prices Sam Pete Max 400 Ticket Fully that number of tickqls bayo been fold for the Kof excur sion which Will go to Huntington ou Sunday August 28th Procure onq and enjoy a day at tbe grand encampment Jones will give jou ft line enlarged Portrait 6f yourstjf in elegant frame free Call at 41 Calhoun utroei Too Xale for ClaanlflcHtlona tirAWTKU rTo buy a lreh mlloli cow VY Apply to JaniPR A lj llly Walton avenue Jt DO WeitAtalnttreet mal family I all at lip WAM1BP A girl f6r llibt chamber or aocond work ample and Jirompt it eo noma and ptraaknl nit nation or tuo right kind ot jwron AliUk Max Mnui iNOKK 2Ml it el lrr aireet SPECIAL BARGAINS ts Foot Wear All the week at the Cheapest Boot and Shoe Store in Indiana MASSACHUSETTS 3 Keystone Block 16 Calhoun street hn tiih.

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