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Fort Wayne Daily News du lieu suivant : Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 1

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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lite its ij ji ki Jhll Toib THE PEOPLES PAPER FORT WATNE TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 28 1886 PBICE TWO CEITS Anything in the Lino of Lubber Clothing OK mbrellas Unit lie licit at I0BBERS PRICES I AT IXLEYCOS 15 17 COURT STREET On nccounl of holiday my store nill be closed commencing to morrow Wednesday at Gpiu and continu inK until Thursday evening at ft ocloeVnfUf which liino I will Ihi glad to meet everybody in nerd ol Dry OimxIh nnil Ionia Furnishing Goods hAMIIKI UIIANKA 72 Calhoun Street rli liallliiioreOyalrrM 8 and Dust Stewing ran TV haige Fiying Oysters Select ik yi ran FHUIT liOUBK Tho congregation of the Second Presbyterian Church in requested to meet In tho chunk on Wednesday evening th 2nli jnst lKi in for the purpose of conferring together relitivo to extending rail fora paAlor It in IiojkhI there will be a full attendnm A 1oMer The papular Men hunt Tailor of No 15 UVtit Wayno stivrt in showing all the fill novelties in Gents Suitings con sitting of Cloths OHnsinieres mid Vest jrgs Mr Foxier has boon for many years a lender of fashions in Fort Way no and his anils arowornby many tfoui moat elegant and fnatiilioua gentlemen Now I III Time To buy your whiter real Kom now inti October 1st Nut Opal will lie sold by Wilding A Hon at No Ifti Calhoun street for pot Ion After Of tuber 1st tho price will probably JCV per toil and it will doubtless raixn to 760 during the winter ns ilm supply I short Wait for Samuel Ohnakos grand Clunk opening which will noon take plain And lie duly announced California Urm a and ream 1A Choice California Grapes per pound Largo California Fears each Jte Concord Grapes per Hi 4i Choice lY iulic per basket 4k New York Quinces per peck fiiV Fiujit IIouhk ale TrutiHlrrH John Dreibelbiss real osUto broker No KaslAfain street reports the lollowiiiK rftconlcd rnaloataletranaforsi Jacob I JicrRnn to John 8hallcrliy warranty lotC Sienioiia addition to Mevlianioihiirg Oerhard Friclrich to John Andrew Cfcluing by warranty lot 05 Bonds Al addition to Fort Wayne Charles linn king to Dorothea inv lxly hy warranty lot 100 William addition to Fort Wiiio 11 Ml iiit fieiilnir Chilly Thooeaaon haa arrived where a littlo iudiwrction may roault in loas of health anl strength Fall Overcoats are ripof and the Original Pete hag the finest utockof ft tjliith makea to be found In the city A viail to his popular eatahlishment will convince anyone of tho truth of this statement tlie stock is also rcnlete with a full line of Mens and Boys Clothing of vvery grade The grand goods ol the teMintled If Ammerslough are always aept on hand and irom them everyone can Buitod in a stylish ami elegant manner Mr Morganthnfer us also a splendid line of Gents Furnishing Goods in all the litest novelties Christ Kramer went to Indianapolis Hlay for a few week visit ift HAIIMtMIMtJM Judge 0 A 0 McClollau wsi In tho city yesterday 0 Edgorton Ss registered at tho Bates House at Indianapolis Wm Fduards ofthis city has been granted a pension hy he government James II Bmari professor at Tur duo Univeniity was In tho city yesterday llev Father Lang went to Bioton yesterday to conduct a misssion at that place Col It 1 lendlcloif who is 6u Governor Grays Ktatf was in the city yrdtordny Henry Fiker of 42 Wallace street is aick with typhoid fever and in not ex ppctnltnlivo John Franklin Yprk has sued Adam Harrier in tho Bupciinr Court on an iiccount of fftK lAiuis Fox hasm6Ved his cracker factory into the handcome new Fox hiiilding at the corner of Calhoun and Jrilcrson Tlio following marrlago liccnncs appear upon the record at the Clerks olllco Arthur Fattlson to Miss Martha 1 Irwin A suit in partition was brought in tlio Hopnrior Court yesterday by Alex ainjet Hueslis and ltfontgomery HatU jlton against Margaret Shell The County Commissioners were in session yesterday ronsiucrine the damage that had been done to bridges in various parts of tho county Wm Halm of tho Bostou Dry Goods Store left yesterday for Now York City to lay a large supply Of dry goods lor tall and winter trade Stephen Kollor who for several years past has been in business at Atchison Kan is in the city visiting Mr and Mrs DS Kcil on West Berry street A noisy Swede who was making considerable Uisiirbanco last night was arrested and confined in the lock up by Captain Diohl and Lieutenant Wilkinson Herman Hake was arrested yesterday on tho complaint of Ulrica Harper charging hint with selling beer on Sunday Ho had hearing before Justice Hyann ami was found guilty Next Sunday is the fifteenth Sunday after Trinity It goes on incroaa ing in this way until the twenty sec nml Sunday when Advent Sunday comes and then Christmas Is only threo weeks and six days off Kcv Stewart of tho it Church leaves to day for conference nl Delphos Ohio after a pleaxmit nn profitable years service In this city He is accompanied by Mr Craw ford lay delegate from the society here John TrenlmanA well known and respected citizen of this city died this morning at his residence No 151 East Wayno street Mr Trcntiuan wss seventy eight yrarsold and had lived in Fort Wayno for lifly lhrce ears llev Kriete pastor of the tin lem Iteformed Church and Hoy lteltig the superintendent of the Or phans Honioof the Reformed Church go to Cincinnati this week to attend tho Central Synod of Choir church thoy having been chosen as delegates from this city Judge Hench received a lettrtryes terday announcing the serious illness of his father who lives in Pennsylvania Ho is expecting a telegram sum moning him to his bedside at any mo ment and should he receive ofie tho cases that are to be tried before him in the Superior Court will have to be postponod add court probably adjourn ol Home mean cuss has written to managers of fair circuits protesting against Judge Ifoadley entering races in a certain class on account of hit race in this city two or three years ago against Edith Gillen In view 0f the fact that Ifoadley didnt get a heat in that race which was a privato match to see which was tho best horse this action seems very contemptible Halloween occurs this year on Bun day the last day of next month and the good Sunday School boys are seriously debating in their own minds how ther can consistently lift rates ofl Of their hinges tie strings across the sidewalks throw cabbage heads at doors and do all manner of other tricks on the evening of the Lords Holy Day but they have got thirty three dy yet to decide qutstion Ml and Mrs Ff Qeller are visiting relatives in Chicago A physicians license was grafted to day to Walter Wynn BarnetL Joseph Pequignot a well knonn farmer hear Huntcrtown died last night Mrs Falk who lias been visiting her brother in Cincinnati returned home last evening In tho Superior Court lo dav Victor Ilugucnard sues Charles Cand August Pequignot on anote for fax Come to prayer meeting at the rooms of It A this evening at this 730 You are welcome Frank Falkcr and Fred Kimball go pt Chicago to morrow to purchase fixtures for their cigar store and sample room Tho marriage licenses granted today were Frank Gruber to Louisa Jtlmmermari John Housch to mma llaudi Con Sh tiler the popular mall carrier will soon bo married to a young lady fromNojwlcon Ohio It is 0 0 Leppcr Instead of Hep per as the types niade us say yesterday who haa purchased the drug store Of Frankenstein Ideou Jeilerson street Tho funeral of Mrs Gcrardin will take ulace to morrow inornlne at it oclock from the residence No 45 East Main street and at t30 oclotk from the Cathedral Nahcio Haley of Kennehunkiiort Maine is in he city the guest of his nephew Fairfield He leaves next week for Oakland Cat to spend the winter with his daughter flicknell of Garrett City Ind in visiting lys mother on West Berry Hlrcct Mrs Bickncll will this week sell her boarding house and move to Garrett City to reside with her son The Grand Uapida Indiana Itoad has applied to the New York Stock Exchange to list 1594000 registered and 2fiD0X coupou general mort gage forty year five per cent bonds Senator Ben Harrison was in the city lastevcning on his way to LaGrange whero he speaks this afternoon and at Kcudallvillc to night Quite number of Republicans called on him at the Avelino House Dr Tons formerly of this city but now located at Chicago is spending a few days in this city visiting relatives and friends The doctor was a a col logo Inatefbf a Nkws reporter ana we are glad to know lust lie Is enjoying a lucrative practice at Chicago Charles 8 Crane chief clerk in the Wabash ltailroad pasaenKer deportment at St Louis has been appointed assistant passenger agent ot the road vice Charlton recently appointed general iiasscnger agent of the Mobile A Ohio road Mr II Taylorwill succeed Mr Crnne as chief clerk iit the Wtibaah office at St Louis Ono who keeps well posted on tho nfliira ot the Indianapolis Poru Chicago road says he has information which satisfies him that when the date of foreclosure sale is reached it will be shown that Solon Humphrey and his friends hold enough of the slock and bonds to bid in the portion of the rood fying between Indianapolis and Peru and that they will iuin the jropertyover to the reorganized Wabash company The Wabash management is losing roputaton as a rate maintaining road For some months past on all sides it has been a matter of favorable comment that the Wabash was doing so well in this direction but of late they have seemingly taken a step backward and are doing just enough rate cutting to afford an excuse for other roads to shade rates and unless a halt is soon called a general demoralization of rates is imminent Henry Leonard the agent of Held elberg College of Tiffin Ohio is in the city spending a few1 weeks with Eevs 0 Kriete and Bacher Mr Leonard is known all over Ohio as Tho Fisherman and to to him is due much of tho success that Heidelberg College hasattainodamong the colleges of the west The magnifi cent new college building recently erected there is the result partly of of his wonderful qualities in the way of soliciting donations he having divided the honors with the president of the institution Dr Williard THE ELECTRICAL RAILWAY Au Innovation luMreet Travel lo iMMutroduced lu Oar ftnbarba Mr Carnahsn esq has just returned from a busiucss trip to Phibv dclphia and othor eastern points the object of which visit was to investigate the practicability of driving street rant by electricity He comes back con vinccd that such motive power not ouly practicable but economical and reliable Ho is much gratified at tlio result of his investigations and it is now settled that electricity will furnish the mothe power to be used for pre pel ling cars On the lino soon to bo running from the city to its northern suburbs on Spy Ku avenue At the Council meeting to night that Jwdy will bo asked to grant a right of way to to the new company to flay ils tracks for short distance upon tho streets ot the city That the petition Of tho company uhould be granted there can be no doubt It is a movomentlo devnlop tho interests of tin city by bringing a largo territory of valuable laud intoinarkctfor residence property It will aflord rapid transit to a large part of our population between llu Ir homes and tho city It will bo a step in tlio direction of helping our city growth It will not require tho giving up of long lines of frequented tlior oughfarostolmpcdo travel as is tho case with tlio ordinary street railway but it will reach tho heart of tho city byi occupying only three or four squaics of tho citys streets For these reasons the right of way should bo granted lo the Riverside Street Hail way Company without a dissenting voice in tho Council The company is not a paper organization nor is it composed ot adventuresome strangers The gentlemen comprising this organ ization ate among our boat known and most responsible citizens They moan business If this courtesy is extended lo them possibly before the holidays and certainly beforo next spring nhnll bo far advanced there will ben line of plectiicrailwny extending from Alain and Calhoun streets lo the feeder canal bridge north of tle city on Spy Run avenue The Nkws will surprised if this project is not met with theaamn spirit of enterprise on tho part of our Cmincilnien that is oxhibiled by the gentleman propos Ing it A CARD JF THANKS Tfillic 1orl Wayne Kir Depart incut Gents We desire in this manner to tender to you one and all our heartfelt thanks for your intelligent and successful efforts in suppressing tho lire at our storo yesterday Tho fire had gained good headway and but for yourscrvices our stock and building and possibly much other proporty might have boon destroyed in a devastating conflagration We feel that not only our hanks are duo to you but wo also feet that tho city of Fort Wayne is to be congratulated in having departuicntofliccrcd and manned by a capable and efficient force Woollen hear it said How lucky Fort Wayne is in not having any bad fires We rather suy how lucky she is in having a firV department that knows how to extinguish theni Dr and MM Wagker EYAN6ELINE TJie Grand American opera IloufTe to be Given In Ibis City One week from lo nio hL there will bo presented at tho Masonic Temple tho grandest attraction of the season tho same being Ricos Evangeline which has been revived with th strongest company that overattempted its presentation Miss Irene Verona the ercat London favorito and Miss Susie Winner the bright American girl who went over to London witn Adonis and captured the English by storm have both been engaged by the jnanagcment The company wm arrive on jnonaaymorn inir bv sneclfll train niitv frtnr immr The train will consist of two drawing roonr coaches a baggage car and seen erv carl Anions tho ereat cast are the Misses Irene Verona Susie Winner Annie Summerville Kate Wart Leila Blow Claire Harley Annie Wynut Dolly Chase Nellie Wisdom Lanio Sherwood Ella Robinson and George A Schiller George Fortes cue James MafilU Edward Morris Edward Tarr Daniel Mason Charles Eosene James OUey James Jinn Fred Turner James Eeynolds Benjamin Miles Charles Odoll Mack Sherman vVade Edward Sinclair Kohule and sufficient ladies And gentlemen to make the total of slxty four Mr WTillot son is the manager ot the company and Mr Duncan Harrison is the business manager New costumes and scenery will bo the feature of the production hero The salo of seats will open at the box offjoo Thursday morning Manager Simonson fs to be con gratulated on having secured this great Attraction Judgo Zotlars returned to Indianapolis this afternoon John Dally who is employed At the uass machine works scalded bis right hand and arm quite seriously yesterday afternoon At 2 oclock this afternoon John llomli was married to Miss Emma Hauch At the residence of the brides parents south of the city in the pres ence oj va very tew relatives This afternoon two of therwhels of the delivery wagon belonging to tho grocer A Martin broke down and left the wagon a partial wreck on Calhoun street near Wayne Two wheels and the two axiea were broken but the driver was unhurt Tho itiuerant peddler Bender who was arrested for provoke Saturday liad a hearing before Squire Ryan this morning and wss fined 11325 and Bender then had the grocerymau Goldstein arrested for selling beer on Sunday and ho was fined by Squire France to the tune of 1425 Last evening a surprise was tendered Con Shuler Our opular mail carrier Ho was scrensted by Gust Smith the Wabash yard master with a choice selection of his own composition Con Is 25 years of ago and feels proud of tlio gold walca and chain presented hint his parents An enjoyable iiido was nan Chaa Jahn who is tho father of the boy who was shot on Saturday an account of vl hichwas given in yesterdays Nkws called at the Office this morning Ho desires us to state that he knows that the shooting was not accidental but was done by a boy who was about 160 feet a way Mr Jahns boy William And another boy named Ed Keifer were out gathering walnuts and whilsj returning home seated themselves on tho Grand Eapids rail road track to rest themselves While they were sitting there the boy In the ueia pointed me gun at tuem And fired inflicting the wound on young Jahn and from his statement it could not have been Accidental Mr Jahn says the ball was a twenty two instead of a thirty two caliber The News made brief mention in yesterdays issue of the sudden dissp earance of Mike Wicklifle and to day we lav beforo our renders wliat further particulars there Are in the affairs of tins man whose career has already lecn thoroughly tcntiratod In1 the papers ot thiacity His former escapades are easily recalled how he do netted liis former wife left a lucrative position In the treasurers office of this county fled for parts unknown And subsequently married notorious prostitute of this city And settled down here And now he adds Another chapter to his already checkered career After hjs morrhige to Mrs Lew Clark they purchased the Oliver H6useand ever since then they have been conducting a house ot ill fame at that place By the conditions of the purchase of the Oliver Uouse woiv erty about 4000 wa left unpaid and this was to have been liquidated within the next sixty days Twelve nundred dollars were lying in the Old National Bank for this tmrooaa and yesterday Wicklifle checked out Die entire amount and with two gold watches And chains about fCOO in money belonging to his wife and 50 to a sister left At noon yesterday on a train going south on the Muncie1 Where he has crone nobod wmi in knowbut he will turn up somewhere in his wicked career and as long aa he continues to be Actuated by the motives that novr prompt him hU1u7Tw111 continue to be wicked and vicious and theVeople ot Fort Wats will not loc tyvrj TsluaMe citiwn TO FOR MORROW We will offer 025 INDIGO BLUE PRINTS jflLT ojCKPelva WWOHo NOTICE Thursday feplembcr SO our storo will bo closed on account of Holiday COMMON SENSE The Article Not Yet So Absolute At Many Believe No Need to Jake a Magnifying Glass and a Lantern to Find It in Fort Wayne Itrbsr the bent proof ol tbe truth of the aWaanM nioiucan be found ty railing UisliOMlarMlKMHioiw and exMnlnlog I lie trim of Ldlm Kln HIiom ofteri 4 for the Fall and Wlnn ruiula Tlientronialy tilth hnrli and narrow torn have given placs in tlicOnuininn HetiM Irt lu msiiy foriim and Ilia rxinltUn combination or alyle comfort and durability tiever before atUlunl in flue Mioaa a lie I jtrgeal Hlock and Iall Htrlee can alwaj I found at THE HOOSIER Calhonn St wpposlte the Court Mom A beautiful lreaetit The Virein Bait Co of Now Haven Jonn to introduce Virgin Salt into cvery Umilyaro making this grand oflrr A Craxy TAlchwork Block en Ameled twelve beautiful colors and wsuuning tne tAvest uncy eUKnes on a large Lithographed Card having a beautiful gold mounted Ideal Portrait in juie center given away with erery 10 cent nickaeo of Vinrin Salt Virein Salt has no equal for household pur poses It is the cleanest purest and whitest salt ever seen or used Ra mcraber that A large package costs only 10 cents with the abova present Ask yoiir grocer for it 10 2Ct Wait for Samuel Chaskas irrand Cloak opening which will soon take place and be duly Announced I 1 i I I I I Uraad nuslneaa Cliauce For sale a Furniture etockof from 4000 to 5000 In a thriving city of dMO tr000 lntxaWtnl ilt country trade in western Illinois knly one otner lurniture stock in the city Will be sold a tsusain Call or addma rafo Fort Wayne Ind FM rfrftasHftr rtfMittJi ItfAl Atolj ia fvttmiwj mk fiXwk.

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