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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 2

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Bwy a poweto, la whWk kit off to iUinMjM af C'kieagw wii rair. The kaatod' sea ita, th rtla.l, hi a take Warfare sealag. groat wt. nAr4K JO alrwaf. wUl ho itov to trnUk IW mast.

A a spswUl htaaffar ta MfMl la the HOtXIM to rpuruK mt fLafl ttoa Ikaak aTta fltadl feaa. tkLa ton. a kU al rraktar. fatorty ttovar af Xom-taa, a to) kaa knaa atoato4 wiik yAiialkryU waak tW ataa 7 vara. Ha aa toa aa aa aS-UI, 1 toLkrra, al all Ito wavUI a aaaaaattoaa tuiylLif Ito a4 to kal akarr af tto Itaialaa Umimm wlmt faa4 la Waaktoftoa.

I (a aa a takly aaa to aa a ftnr waarta al Ito aaalafaf IkUaUy la wkWk Utrraallaatai kWfiikai a-Ul to aoa.iaarl Vf Ito aar- X. lUyt aa aiaataJ wttk a raaa4 af iryUw aa ta aavt4 tWar4 to tto nm af Ito pUttoraw Ita aaki 1 of ia mirw i eod I main ao to toa tooa kaa I trwsa. Um a of to eoasartoo aofurs Ito Ckraata aa Coar-Mto. Muaa J- I 'x arw. kta.

FOx. Hi I. la my ywle-asee It tod tta Oa fait aod saa-aat sprsiaaiiia la asos sf 5 rats, we, wy ki wiprama saawkia. ta as i I Ito dopsto aad aoaaa tto toaraaa mt tor etksrel aod rawatao stoo tto Bortr af aa kla aad afl tto ssrmaa aa tto an nt tt tt aod pawrtlaaffy eaaaprad af a SM tow sickly It wnoia) rawwiirfloalaa soataty eworywkoro. -Tto eaol tor lay sttnr eo tkysaaT." Wka analai I tor to ka tkte dlrta flow farvwtfal kaa tooa maaktod af tto subllsvs troths af tto brixksrkood sf ass to all tto Wtot tor assaal tto war to aa kiatory? Bo taa slii 1 ary of tto race too wrUVs ta blood an to tto inm mm iWtn 04 that all pr polio i th iu4 eaorw.

-umtv to tto to Ito kktot: 1 I WUI I a. x. rowrix. Th Ow Bs erf Sympathy u4 A mo; ItoUgt pte. rat af my sawosfc to ay law also, are as -i a ra ac wto a I oui Sr mt mmm taw mss of aaao mmmmx.

I tnurwM. Tto aauoioa tao tao wort 1 1 sad wilt at I af ra ioa fcao too. oa tao akoU austo tor ta rmwa I I aiowasloa af ma as tad la e-rwry 1 Ik kiokM nan quo In is. ao a ttovword aad ssiartod ta tto sirUs? Vm ae I kald ttoaa Ood tor tto daw af batterer -tkat tto I Mr. Ckairmaa.

Lad lea aad Own Uo ear tim ta raaala-. ay, to a aaad. wtoa a Mttoa I aaa aar wain tto smsiiip ar rial ally BwmIWatM4lklWr af sow-va. ft Wrtrwpolil. mt Alto, afiwrwhirk A.

X. Powell, af New York. was tatrodacwd I A -t 1 1 I Mm. Ji ia a.1naikr aataral ttol la larai aaa iikaa aa4 1 aJvamiy. araat irarUy.

bmt to rutoa ML tot It la ate linltn. to Ukn tratoa, ttot I tor kaa4 to aaiiy fraaviiy mmm ia ailua to ito Porta tto r'a t-i'bst tafwot witkoat I lis ii.tUi Ttot ttor to a Batty of relirtoa t. I IBo ilioillr af aslwanoo. aod lkml aa4 aialaa'iaa af a auaato apirtlaai tratkw intraia aiy itoaskl 1 1 ttot aa4 vary oa a 1 nu ta aa af ftalrattaa anay anlUff to Nta Tark. 1 aw ttol ftrtaa aa4 alanaaat aaa af Ito army, kf ra.

Baaa. to atoaa I to4 Ito toia ta af totrtoartaa af my (jaator fH idi, Tk-tto to (to kaaaar af Ito atliilia. ato aala. tora ana to aaatajaa: yaa a44 kitia ala aa a MM HUM a alia- Tto at ark to 1 BMa totaaaa ttoaa ta rary aU9arat Ito aatay tolailaalla aa4 tto jikara. la wttk tk tody, 1 1 1 1 11 1 toy I hod town with a ti 1lked BMf IS lor m4 of nag iitm af taarto attar lay.

I kad mtt to to trutkt ectooL My frtaad toot hWh ptaloa af to smb! aaaa a I toM. I Mpwoso KiwiMr rtteed. tto I to ia I tto htwoff of tto Wllr. I A Mlua 1 La tto avoratar. efW Jot.

VilU hf I vttad ntt to raw. la tto tim alioliad It I a aaaaafaa tto ritoa fanto. a day kaa I to tto a Mratiaa adatlitad Ctottiaa trwtk to I T. tal IM kaaat aate Brwy tto. tto too mt Ito I JJET tLTti awaiaaiaii, to tto traoat aad I aartk too ato xanptl ia of Ito afto mmm kt mem a to far af aaraaia I tto totolta.

tot tto l-artatlaa Waal ma toa rwa aa il aaaii mt raat aad I ary rnrnm nantl at la tto kictoM aad raawaty It ta ao aay part ta I tody mt I piaa I Hal af aU. ttotoarVtal diaiaa tmrw hilar lailad. kla- I Era tka aaoat atatar4 kar alwaya aanaauy. ananoat iry. mw mxmkamisy awaary 1 to to al I kto to a paaorta I fia liai mil Uimim ilawM saa.putod ta a awy niprak iaiti aa mt aaatiawat.

ad I roaily Cartaiioa Ilia. I aaar Ulaatrata to ito a. aorta af raua. aa ta aural ay kaa loara. mt draw to ito rrytora appaakj ar.

oa w. avry. If aaa at way aaiarty paaaaalanl. warm af atkatta aowa waa. totk Boat tor fa aad aiaatfatd.

aad aaa. karaiaia af tkia wtor aad aXwvy roaaaar aftay OaaV ta atoy aaa ilia, ruioa at to to raawcaiaad to aa af Ito aary aoaoUtaUaa mt aw at wttk ki aaattorkma waata af ito tody, aa far- fiCy aad a lailarftCy aiaita: af Ik rdRa to- I taUaat aad WVU aa mvm to Ito af ot-arai taw, aad to a aaatl ran it af Ito actuarial ato. af ttoaayta7 ml, mo af want toraaia aaartata to oau ao af a py ajaiaai dirtaa Tka tto Ifci law fca a tw fr Ito amrtl ratilia of ta artaaily ai 1 it Itoao lianlffil ad harm for tto rtaol rauatoa trwtto Ima a.1 of ttoaa tor toa a anawwrwd ay Ito drapory Meoi. wkiak awwtao tto sawttortood mt mil I tm oaabad aad CM aa Ito i- a taitor' I Pair womoT. toy wtoa I orirtoel aaaa.

tot to tod ee rallrlo. Tto ateUy replied. -Wtot at raligtoar Kow. will yoa allow aaa lo day to tok yaa that Wto la rllof Tto maa1ty Ulsk to a rww; 1 arh. 1 do I awk y-rt tao, tor It la I I at to bahaU af aa tto paaaltor twUgtoa I tsinw wto are iaalbto atotolr lor 41 Errw had tto aalvwrwoj away.

I TT1 to xtouly I -uj kaT. Vw.J.U. Harrows. kolrm af Ito parti. I I from aa, Wa tor toe MoU partly frt-a ai4 ml mt kraal aablact.

la af awraV wM: -Wa toa tto af kar- I VI 7 TTTT I aaraaawrpartly rraaa aar aapartuioaa. priaatly SraiMiky aa4 Ttatoraily alila rUaal tkara aiaaa- tto tkfoawtoot tto Wa tora traaafarrto mmt fclarotry ta tka tally. Wa tor kladlad ttolr bl4ry lata a Baaia, Hal taar tor toa aa or giorU aaa aaarptioaa. I atoaM Ilka aot yoa la ar tkraa aaraaa frcaa aaa af yaar arm blatoaa: "A alatoa pilril af aaa tartly cllaitoa ap 1st a klk akarrk aiaapla ta to arr Uod aa ttol to aikrkt i i kla vr4 dort to tto paopla. Ia ta aakt.

"I anil drop It aerra Ua aa day ta UtoaM tc U4 aal4. -tot- am aad a la." aaa to artoJ aat fraaa Ito atavpta, "Wtora art ttoa. Lartfr aad Ito Lord rapliaa. tor aiiaaal aiy aappla." (Uraai aapaaaaa.) timrn. ato ar Oto aaepUT Waal rrlKtoa! Jartopa atay to ah ta arrfra al a aadall Ikk aaaillna If try tadlaoorvr aay aabjart to rarard ta af ttoararM ra axlracta Tto mrt word ar takaa rroaa tto aid Hb tol avrpaa la Ik ajellltaa of 1 mi aailk tto Lord.

I dallakl af tollnrlia ar af to-a-eata, Brtto to am nj aotatleaa: lac aaa la aa liaaalaatlaa at- ta. Caaaa da ml; laara wall. ak yadawl: TUt tto tot tto fattortaaa, alaad for tto Hmam Aawrlca. I riaM aaadfal wa ta da rlckt. All food ttoackta.

rrmm tk I oil to. I waraa. aad work load to paradlaa. Ail a ailar af kUaory ttot tto raktUoaa to- I ttoaskta. wwrda.

aad wwrka ta toll. artart la Ito at waav tor taia I TT7 I Caafarlaa wa a aatlaaa ta aa ataa alUra- 7. Caafarlaa wa a aailnaa ta ks ataa a altoa- aiatpta raajana. a a tor ttoa a tody af I aa Irr fiaaldral Uraati tZ-j 1 tay tlom ikvtr daty ttot to wow Id oatr lata a w. aaatapkyalaai aporaUlloa rarardlad tto prootoal a adatlatatrailoa ta lator of imakurtalily.

Wtoa qaeatloaod about. It to 1 1 1 "j1- rapllad: -I mm aot aa yot kaow wkal Ufa to. ZJl I aaa I aadorvtaad daatkr Tto wkoto duty laitod wtik ttoaa ladlaaa la yiahraaka atoal I te twl avaor. lioaaaot at. Jaaaoy.

1 1 aptntaal tkia. Ttoy aaaOd aalinml a bowl I ri. rJi.i... iaf kta lif. aad kla daalk to I Ttoy lanaaad wiik raa-ard to tto ant I tod nit rafaraaa to tto rattor.

tot I aot MBra Ikiaa. to Ito toto af ttolr aad sport rttt a 11 rail it Ckrlatlaa aalara. wttk ito rtrtaa af tto aaa. aaa cktaf paid to klau -Wa kaow aaowt Ito tattor. tot Ito aaa to aot tora laia way yrt A rnaa aad Mrtaat laaiaar af tkia aptnt ta lllaatratod to Ito rtoaaar ar aow wrttiaaT ao iliaiftfr tooaa- daallac wttk Ito Ckla wa aa twm 1 a- ail lannn at taajcaJo ay aaaaapat la A 1 ta Ito tatana tot tki kiiarrtaa ttol ttoy tor a rWkta wktrk wa ar n.

ar or raaiiaj araataaad vartod froaa ttoa dlatiaaralakad ropa.aaataitra af mtmmt nlW-M. tot wtot ara ay la taartr ai of owr nil aali I ay tao ataaaord of oar kWh tartatioa My. 1 at aa stat to did me, tsss ej use as tto I 1 wwmitjs af tai di oms. Asm ttoesalast to a a sa lir 1 pi isrirtja Par Ito toatrwrtl Jlow. tto raUs-taws eriplr aotowo Ikalr aass mw for.

a swaoral tsar war. 1 riira nor ttol ttot anal aa diasaitio. Krapwi sarrs aosso ssswoaaw. ,,,,,1,1 I wwartar msiiwd tolr IUsriii af 1 toa. 1 ekrV 10 a tao seas otto lllmirallaa saawa awwnl-waja a tto liaao kt on wwa partosafe aisi nairkasle ttoa mum CUt.

wkJak Pi sills 1 1 to Sara, la tto pre! Krwawr. It ta efiauramy epvallls; to klormuy I sad mail MM pne iksnn aad pruala haul ears ila wita I (Atpisnal Tkia aartlmal kaa laid vwry wwa etoJiod I trial lnsJal to Uttl ttor to af loyalty to Ito ealf. fww kaw aad atoy ta ktwf itotody aad aao anas I ssoad lull, aad Ito world II isprsaaaiellra of Ito rasa. Caa it to sea lad Ito. torts prftl low af Ood aad this tra aad era I tad taw satf.

ass Kay. don aad tka low mt Ito tool eery fatto aoawaooruy Imply a tawwef aa ta (MtoTtood af Ood torafraa tto brothw! -It moo soy. tow aad to la Ik kla krwtkor. ta a Uar." At, tto fcrwtksrkead af mm kad bare a dlrta tto ary sf a sailed aaa to aa Ito ar. la tto arUw ar tto fratarwat soallmsot attor ra ktto aspra arte tkaa to Ik aoratlr st af tto dlrta tfddtoT "Da aaa aaaa wtot id aot tor ttosa a aat cast to tka dlrta Ckrto tt toood amraaa- Urt aipreaalo to tto poottl word: Wka-aoe-rwr wwaid tkat asa skouid dtyadoy mt Mmm.

I tkia doetrta ta foaadod tto tratoraitto of IpmnU a wall a tto krtorkod of tod i rid sal nt. iibiIIbii (orawt tkat tto tedlrtdaal so atsada lor tto raw aod tkat tto law of sCartat. -Do onto ottor wkaXsoe-rer would aar tka da aat yoa." ta aa ktadlaar apo pwo-caaa. apoa tto arsTrawatioaa of ear to ttolr raav ttoa aad tolsiauaise wiia'ottor paopls aa It to a 90a apoa aaa as todlvtdaala to tk world. af leas aad pa ao arts aad otto tervaa mt rtleal.

"Xortawr paiaa oak ad. ao stortag tto toad, ao I poraataar attora. Iki 1 a naaria aoar I faarwwra ttot It waa htl I ska tto blond of peal, ttot all Itoy mmm aad was roaas fto. too. to law mm lad aa Ito for kta as tto so rrt rlrtao.

aor dtrt. aor tuasfc rr tto Toda wta cl a Aaa-or. dreahiaaiai. ory. dta- iilt sad aot ttoaoUasref tor V'w fraaa laa Ito toort.

1 sp kia Tkat ta tto rwlUrto mt tto ttowlksa" Aad to tto farwwoU addnos wakrfc to dWllrwrad to kia dUrlpsra to railed kU rno to tto nr. to ristww. -aad snU eall I to ta. taa tarn wenty es mi may ma aasr aa aad rwaasr I psrpslaatod lor tto rad aad kapataa of mm- I tto aaaa rfrct spok wtU. tt aot pro- I Cartat: -PJt wary mmm taat asywia aata ma.

iHod I "t-or. aaaa ior imtm ta isnis as I kaeraa. aat to taat aoota tao win a my raiarr. Mnasmms aa-eia tosa-at ta omiai sannw psaatlaT a aJas li 1 I as jwanarouoo wy www. wm af kamaaiaa vtoso.

ta Job ww kad ao this past- I osertorw: 1. ia raw awriy. is (orat rpimpa llaai. MrttodloM. Hepttota.

Pros- etabto to uoa. wi to lawsa taat totortoa. altartaaa. PraSowtoaia. Bad Caik- a.

a stow af party aad rrfuo tolp tto Urrn Ail Ikoo wwr Injii.i il is rami aswdr. a is aot ttot etrtto a Mow al aa af tto rwt ototarta to tto far to prayr lard ito mat or lo- ai xn sin af Cartattaa Ufa to Karopo otat ward Ito wswt. tot rtikUnemii ta of tkeea wto issrslstsd vie tto must lefsme sulsm mt peifoim tto cwrsaaata wklrk ttoy bar eora- elorwry of 1 i -1 1 aad rtrttood tto world as a to. Aad Ikla waa tto toarklay of tto karBoa. It a lata to assw Coropaoa row- fraol rlllooa looctora of Ito world.

IrVos. aad to Ita cfcamptaaa to Aasrrtca. wka KUlo Haro Cwjaagwd. tor sow ssahtasT ay ttolr pr sussai1lm Hot ttoaa old forma af rallcVoa ar tordly aow apoa aar tarvw wtllew. I rsswaraisabas.

Yaw kar ealy to raad barts' Italy of taiiinit I took mm tkat ilk lesa aad tka area I purr to wklrk wkal ka America ta mm Ikl liaar I iwereac kaa too mod, aad yoa will oa tow Amartr bto a loarfal 11 naslbiaty. Ttoazk I to mi air times ttor ta a wide departure (root at may aot bar tto artasl ays af (Mat I tto erts-tael laaddkiasa aad Mnksmmodsalam-. rsTaastlo. saU arosl a Cbrtottaa coua- I kowtorltoy tor dlrarrto from tto ortrisaiplaa try. aad yt to tkia tolarwd amr1na af aar to af I hair fattora.

aad tto earn to tru af Chrto- sor tkaa ao mm, uadrT ito operatlaa of tto tlaaliy. CkrUt touckt ao dormaa. Ckrtst told taw citad-aw af reassal." a yaar rlrlof dowa aa aysiaaa of earemoniollam; aad yet. year ta told sops bio af cwaosattoc to to ew wkal da Bad to CkrtatradomT ror eeaturle reia. (Of of Miet.

lain; It ta kia dlsetple earaswd to ito toroast roatre- a sksaia. Ira fold ikiai 1 appro! la pooUar reray orwr tto qaaatloo: -Wtottor kis anbaiaare for tear aad salty aavsaw iwltrloos pawpl lo totr tkat may to: yoa may kaow. but I tto awwrtkrow at tkia a 7 item to Ear a pa roua- doat) waa tto aa aabalsare of tto rattor or trtsa aad tto sora aad rdmptloa af mat wwa ory similar. Ttoy fourkt lis tint ore Ito frees ttta rkiaatic aril wkJek tkrsatoaa aa tor, toftoatloa of tto ry Prtae Peoco. Later oa I aaw aaaa la soot bar TrrdtadwtaT rvU.

tto Or1sladom was Uterally rent aaoodar mt tto prwtotar driak writ Ttor was aaotkto I qaaatloo of -w totker Ito Holy Ukoat protacded told tor la sao: It wa deal wltk I rrasa taa rata taa bo -waaierer taat may tto Ttaa af toismprraara. Wtot ta world to). Aad arty owa eburck. tto Churck of Ear. rrr4ly aaad.

to-dr ta ail rooarlrte Is prosier mad. kaa toe aad alill la la dancer of disruptioa simplicity la roossctio wttk tk rvltrtooa. life free tto aawtloa, of vetmto aad elottoa aad roparaad. Wa waat ta kaatsb tka Now tkaa metaphysical subtleties, tkaa aoea- aplrtt af wartdUaca froaa erwry toad wktck kaa tioaa of millinery, wwr started by tto ttoo- ty ckarckea aad laaos-a- I Katonsi taey anay aa waerui or ao. taa ta a af creator simplicity.

Tto artaal I msltsr of optnioo. but ttoy kad aot sine wkat- af Ckrtatlaalty la accords ar wiik Its ktoal may to riled to a seatewc to to tto poai-tlo of wwme ta aU laaoo. Horn aa kaa scribed aalratloa aa briar simply kermoatoue relattoasklp be taaa a Ood aad aaa. If tkat to a trap dosrriptloa of tto beoToaly aaadltloa aeod aot walk till aaa toyoad tto rttwr zperlcaca aoanwtklar of tto Tspurt of tk toy at aalratloa. Lmt mm bond lo rottor rrllrioo ma aad wumis of all assssa aad aalloasllitaa to briar about tkia rreoter kar-mony bate ao each ottor aad tofeea Ood.

tto rather of aa aU. Ttoa anally to all toads aad to rrwry aot tk low lies aa wall a tk kirk-sat. saay tkia aaar aad mor kou tk toyooa rsfrala af aack. "Nearer. My Cod, to Tto, sorer to Tto- (Apptes).

Aad thea Ito rrrat aadlntce aroto and aaf. Nrr, Mj Ood, to Tbc-a. kt ALTBEO W. MOBtrjtlJC mt ta alr-ldraeo af tka rr- II am aot of stsllrtsaa. Alfre W.

Momrrto. tk cwlebratoo prelate af tba Cbarck of EarUad, from Lomiam. waa tk st speaker. Dr. Momrrta to popalar wiik Ik aadlrncw wklck aaawmkl from day to-day ta tk Art Ws nimt caLtrscartTMATU.

rer ta wttk tka relirtoa aa rsUrio wa a. dsipluud by tba rrwatrat tooctors. tka tru r- llrioa wktck tto world kaa kad. Tkat ta a fact wklck ail tka rreet rellrloaa teactora of tto rkt arread apoa, tkat conduct waa 1 only Iklnr aeedfaL Bat It may objected tkat a rrttrtoa of conduct Bjotklar tot asorallty. boss paopl tora a rreot oatompt for morality, aad I aaa aot sai prised at It.

Ttoy ara accualosned to call wka reatraia ttomaeire from Joatt stoor rieor of tk Urorc so sit. Tkat ktad of asorslliy to a caa lomaUbto tklac. Tkat to aot real aaerelity. Ws should aadoritaBd by morality all around to seisiatd oaly by tow. spplooosL- Ttor to a daty of aatt-preaairattoa tto Importaat work tofor aa la aot aa arrack la aad la tkat trto aaaa ttor la to aack tktor to tto ttolr Mwai aaaa aad tto ladirtdaal ssaka Bar aerwp eoo ar tto ottor of tto rmrtoue aser aoraily; tottot trto aaaaa asorallty to- aotioa maw rea--alro.

AsYraooir warfar reUrtoa af tto wwrtd aa ta ladoe tkosa tm lto rallrlo. xtaayarasaaaotaad I am sutol a snamtoaioa of sows rtekt aad (talma accept rt-tea to a bread aad aalraraal era. fr" tokaatiaoBfaoaaiekeoorlef arMtratioa rwa. fAtiiasss iweoraittoa Ood. af T-Tf' iu an tao asiioaa toa ao bono to mm mmt I Tkia lesooa mm aar nerar aar shall.

1 I ibbi itor wwr aatsMl.asd.aad ttor win I baoo. loock stowwbwr. ao Ikal from tto Usli of I fl toplaaattaa af taa arrstorvsa sf xitop. toawiasiiaaod a ao earry any a fctak towrt I torn mkos as a 1 1 sue It will spraod aad epread I afcatk rsuusf eiae caa topwty. tatoraoiisa il artritrattoa tao wtU tar do Ito I tod spread.

eaU) a laot It furlil tka Una- I ktsolf aassd TarwawSj lira taw, tka wrq eraaaad eo eiy tto taw. tt to- I aat limits sf tka kehttebto floe. Ttor to a I Bwt sipUdt rocorsttloa of Ood Is aot the to- aod sry to ito twk of manias? tto I esas-y toad of avaa af a tkootorlcal sort sf Great I rtokf af rsllrioo. Tkat to ao tk Brst wklck pudratl- aoow. ta aotioa tto ehoa nfss I Brttoto, to tto trims north of Biol a ad.

whose I la pptrltmU. tot tkat wklck to aataral. aad to tao taw wut to ea aw tie la tto I epae-tol pa-to was ttot ttoy wwr tk boss pamii I ward that wklck ta spfrttaaL If a maa lore aot wor-it. Wtoa taat um sto-irnsii tto twlwa af I ears at iMtmislUlaa Hut ttor was a p-rad- I kta wtosa to totk sews, tow caa to low 1 1 fa waiakew truly toaarodkSikapBetikiii I ei falUar away free ttolr ranks mill ttor I Ood. vtoa to totk aot seeaT No to aa zpliell prtoacy aasa rraea auaay toads to araaTiod I were tew sf ttosa tort.

A pwatlrmsa raltad apoa I ruscsjaiuoa of Cod lka eaaeae sf raUrto. Who jo- I toe tkia f-artiiaiaot af ktoitoa wul I aa sad lady day aad to aired as la tk pwasr- I shall data 11 nn af rrlirlooT If ma pay fra 4 army wrta artetta boaao-rs toarta I rao of taat ratirto. Pto tool aim that a boo I that to toiea Ood aod kalotk kta brwttor. to ta a on ta h-k iiatoosf tto 11 in aod all I aa I sore wso toft of tto pats Puerto la eosa- I liar. It ta by tor of ma ataa tkat rallrlo en erm-wue tho rawraawmt ratWtaat and kimnlty I maarty wwa -mrasff aod Josk" isasaalar tor I to saaaifaatad.

TWIm sf yaaa to tto easier aod an pawwo fo all ta aamaa lfgisoa I koaaoodi -aod I am aot eo.rwry sore af Jace I of rvltrioa. Kallsrto may to tocktar to aarta-I tto day to st hood. Lot so ro ao aad tkrwa at aa tim tery mar coincide! I ekralr! romptatisim; It mar to torkiar to It asay to tooklac to it; ft may to tecktag to to leaking la bvwttorty Tto aaaaatlaJ tkla-tola rfckt aaadaet. ttora. for It folio- ttot -tor avt ba latpUett alUoaof Ood.

liatlyoa ttor laaairaaa ar vrtaa awalttac aoaaa af aa to tto vraat toraaftar. Wa akaU diaoorar ttot asaoy ao-oallad attoiata ar. aflar ail. awra raHaiow tkaa oaraatraa. Ttot I toy varaklpad.

ttoaak ttoy kaw It ttoaa toyoad tto totaaUoa of tkalr tkotwkt, Paat bayaad tto jaaala of ttolr a-UL Tto wkoto tkla kaa bora naatd as oar aad for? ia ta torm mt a few Itaaa. aitk arklrk. a vtu allow ta. I will eoaelada: "Abo Boa Adtoat" (may kla Uiba torraaaa) A wok aa aWkt rroai a daap draueof praoa aw witaia taa asooaiiaat ar au rooaa. Makta II rick aad Ilka a lily la biooat, Aa aaa wtUd a book of cold.

Kxroodla- poaoa kad paada Uea Adtoai bold. Aad ta Ito praatiaoa to kla rooai to aald: Waal wrttaat Ikoar Tka vUioa ralaed iu kead. Aad. vtik a look aaad of all a wart aeeord. Aaawrd: Tto aaaao of ttoaa who lor tka FAXXie PlAkaUKK WU.Ma.jf a fpitti mt fa ttotla-laa Afriraa II aaa.

mt Ikf Faaai Barrlrr Williams wa tatrodacod bjr-jokla LI yd Jane. Mrs, WUltoatt atU: Tka atrana-tk aad wwakaaas of Ike CkrUtlaa rellirtoa aa tottorvd. praackod. aad prartlcwd to Ik L'altod SUtaa, la aptly Ulustratcd la Ita nonet aa a drtllzlB-. aad adocatloaal forra aaaoa tk colored paopl of tkta eouairy.

Tka aagia waa broorbt to tkia rows try by Ckiiatlaaa. for Ito aa of Ckiiatlaaa. aad to kaa erer alar tooa iroatod. aatlasatod. and rtarxl by waat callad CkrUtlaa Idea of rlxbl aad Tk acwro kaa bora Aat rtca ao loo-.

aad toe a a twanptof etj tsotatad frota arerrthlaf thai Is lorrlra to Aarrirta aottoaa aa to wkal la roan pa 11 14 wiik Ckrlatlaaliy I bat ka anay to flttlacry aald to eatiraly ito product of Ck rial la a tofluca. Tto rloa and rlrtaaa of tto Astortraa aecro ara tto aaaaa ta ktad drwra aa Ikoa of tto taaa aad woaaoa frooa waosa ka kaa bora tearalaa; by prarept aad asapla all tkat to kaow of tiod aad komaalty, Tto fatlrkas aad erjpduloa of tka Dark Coo-tlaoal tor loor awe caaaad to ba a part of bis IU aad ckarartar. Ila la by Srcry aaaxk. lot aula, aad toplrailoa aa Aawrtraa tarlatlaa. aad ta tto Aaasrlraa rhorrh toloaxa tk credit aad raapoaalbUHy af all that to ta aad Is to'ba as a asaa aad rtUaea of Ikl rr public Itollcloa.

Ilka vry ottor fore to America, was krat aaad to aa laatraaaaat aad aarraat of alarory. All allBpU to ckrUllaalaa Ito Xewra wrr llskllod by Ito Import! (act tkat proporiyofa raluabl aad proallar. aort tkat ito proporty ralua aaoat aot to dlatartod rira If kis aoul wr lost. raltorloa la tVoarklaa. Cartatlaaa aaldr "Lot tto wold tart' ba -ar- raats atoy yoar saaaarra, Tto oaly aoaeop- Uo af Ood paratlttad ty this ktad of prwarfc.

1 www to a laot lka ail 1 1 1 1 MCa I ww a sum ioa wmmmim mwa I aw. auatrr. What Cartatata atr wa to tto tUrr. aack was Ood ta aU aaaaklad. Hla rklof ralaUoaaklp to as aU aa ttot at a dim si 1 rrwarda aad puatak- ta.

Hoar wMh Ita aaapaatobaa plorta lor ta rood, aad toll wttk Ita aaaitorabi fcorrora 'or tto tod. war tto aaatirr for koldia taat to Ito twrlattaa lalta. wck waa tto fata, pwralrtoaa. aad drawral- Utaa awnol pr aot kid to tto Aaaartcaa lUrt for I two kaasnd yr. Wtoa aaattor aaw ttolr aactloa btork to of ay day ay tkta a lailirfWI aaniam! ta aot I aT aaa aao a wor owt sa aaire- I to forwkra taada: wtoa itaww I ttaa law kkmswlf wrttow tto astolotta mt I tMM- mm9 wmtw crtatmao I toiiow stood to-day at tto dlrUlaa mt tto I prtaat.

Im mmm to bo I ewwrytkasc forUadea to tto do. wai a. sod taw in ill 10 La rhrltM ao ttoro I mrw "T' mm I ttomw aow. aa 00 mmm also ad 11 1 ta, ItUJhUai a ibiiIimo af tow I poawaaawo awu saa I taws Ml raao. I rkvrv.

la I I atsrat taowaa fus tk amatioa tto arts waJak a I son ad a anoor aaa) dfrtdo rto Maaasf laRM vaaaaasa a )toa rartloasoat mt BU-t aay aalawrwal black Cbrts-opealy do when. roa Id era. krone- rtay to all tkirlrtumpbat erwry where. Is It aot If aorfc people ksre aay rrllloaa parti toe af fkrlattoalty A wide pea ttibta. witk koowaC reJtoaal.

aad Ira Inter-arwlsllaa of Ita eoateata. aad wttk da ompkaais aa Ito moral old, would kar ctoarrd for Ito tottor tto atota ias ed Amertro klstory. ad tto sasrs Is day weald to fully edoralod to tto li iatl fwJrssows of rood ctltseaoktot. ran It Is aot aoawy task to wnlrsra rwllrtoa 'to fieetov -atoy yjr snaators. aa4 satasswd.

by all Ik ussl to- 1 of otavwry. aad by Ha IsBorore Ito relnrrd prnple wwr Bkado tk mnat rained ale ta tto world. Tto paopl ho. ba Arrtc. rsoiBiad with arrrtaoa coura.

all tensions 'of Ito wkll rare toraat thraorh Cbrtatiaaity Ito saost dorlto aad of serraata. Tto peapta wka tora saost proSled by tbl ttolesmaabyartloa at tto aerro a nshUns quall-I taa ar aow tto arat lo toon I ktm wttk tk bores of coward! aad todlgr rPx lo liberty. Wea Jlo roeed WaattasT. Ttor was a aocaMe period ia tto history of IkUrouiry wtoa the asoraj (ore of ito aerro rkarartrr was tasted to aa itraordlaary exlrnl aad to ess aot loua4 waatlar. Wtoa tk roua-try waa tora asunder by tto peas ions of ctrll war aad ererybojy thirsted for Mood aad rarest ta erery loirs form, vh-s to rarer aad kill was tk sU-controlllnr paasloa of the hour.

ike aerro opportunity (or mrlbotioa wss ripe aad al kaad. Tto me wko derraded Ito race aod were risk- tar rrylklar to contiao tkat derradalioa brft ttolr wlr, their daurktar. their mother, wwallk. aad all tto precious Interests of kom ta ttokecpiarof a race wko kad rece It soaaef moral reotrslnt- Tk prwud cklralry of Ito South all Ita treasure of lor. klasklp.

aad beauty lo tto keeplar of woeaea to chains tklrstlar for liberty: It tot tarn lo aay ttol tto aerr raoa waa loyal to that trust aad responsibility. There to yet snot her aotsbl example of the ssoral heroism of Ike colored American In spite of kis lack of real rslUtloua Instruct loo. Want those kirns brothers aad sisters of all tto Proteataat wklt ckarckea besraa ta mark or tto dark cor- aers aad rsileriea of all kousee of worship (or tto ae pecs i aad exdusire as of tk black Ck rial leas tto (urttor reUrious easlarrmeat of taa raoa waa beroa. Tk Afriraa Methodist Epiatopal churck. with Ita mlilloa membrr.

raat property to rhurrkes, ackoola. Beads to. pabUcatioaa. aad learned me aad womea Is aa adurinr moaument to the firhleous protest of colored America Christians arstnst the attempt of wklt Ckiiatlaaa-to tabllsk the mean sentiment of cast to relirtoa aad erred lo i footstool position at tk line of Ckrtetlaa worship. The colored rkurcbe of all denominations la this country ar aot erldenoe of aor aaataewi for rellrioua quality, but taey ae ao many rrldoaces af tbe aefu relleious heroism aad self-respect tkat would ao brook tka caattor aasrUoa of lry aad.

superiority of those who could ara tk err oaly as a alar whether 00 earth or to kear. Btadeof of tk Blbl. Tk aerro ka written on Important chapter fa tk klstory of rellfloos freedom. Though tk Bible waa aot aa open book to tk nerro before emaaclMtloa. thousands of the ens la red aaea aad womea of tk nerro raoa learned mora than was toorkt to (kom.

Thousand of them realized tk deeper teeanlnr. tk sweeter con sols Hons aad the spiritual awekaalnr that are a part of tk raltoloua axperienc of all Chria- tlana. In )ustincailoa of ttfl ckurck It must be aald tkat there hare always been a foodly number of heroic men and saintly women wko bettered to the maa hood aad womanhood of the aerr raoa, aad at aU time tkm tk benefit of tk best rallrtoua teaching- of tk time. Tk colored people (ladly acknowledr tkat sine amaaclpa tioa the ckurches or be country kar almost redeemed ihemaetYe from tketr former aia of complicity witk starrer. Tk churches saw these people wttk bo kom or household orraaitattoa, no aoclal order, aa churches, no schools, and In tk midst of paopl wko by tralnlnr and Instinct could not recorula tk manhood of tk race.

They saw tk ror-eraasent air tkaa peopl the certificate of freedom aod cllUennhlp witkoat tellinc them what It meant. They aaw politicians' count tkaa peopl aa to many rotes, and touched at tkea aa mea ptooilftir for school of learalnsj (or their children. Thry aaw all tka rreat business and Industrial orrnJxktlon of tka country traorinr the peopl as karln-kay poeelbto rrLs.Uousa.lp to tba pro-doe Inr sad consumlnr force of tk Katlon. They aaw the wkold wklt populatioa look lnr wltk Is amst aad coatempt npoa ttoa men aad wwmoa, aew bad untried to tk res poo-si bill Lie of elrtl Ufa. "Wall tto oolored people of Americ wer tka (rlendl and without tatu of aay kind, tto CkrisUaa churches came tostaatly.

torolcallj. and powerfully to tto rea-caa. Ttoy brraa al ooe not only to crrato a eeaUmaat farorabto tn uprtsiar of tkeaa people, but brraa tto all-Important work of bwlldlnr ehooto aad ekarcto. Ttoy aroused the pailasthropt Impato of tto a mart ran po-pto to each a a ire that Mlilloa sf asoaey aad aa army af aad womra kar corered the kit) of tto Soutk witk arwactoe af twrrweraUoa of tto wkll aad black alar af tk Soutk. Stat tkat kar bee boat lie ta tto Idea af aalraraal laUlUraao aad tkat at oa Um mads It a arlmlaal oBeaaa to taack blask aaaa aad womaa to raad aad wrtta ka ra aadar tto Mnsssd Innasaaa af tk aalaalooary work of tk ckarctoa toa wood erf ally ooorertad aad ar aow maklac appropriations for- tto edocatio of eolorad eklldroa.

Wtotarwr may to our Just rriaraaoaa la tka Boatbara Staaea It la flttlac tkat wa ao kaowloda tkat ooasldortns; ttolr porarty aad past ralaUoaaklp to tk aecro raoa tka Sooth kaa doaa remarks biy well tor tka oaaaa of duration taoaj as. Tka moral foroa that rouctod for tto ipodltur of aaarty kM.000.000 yoJaatarlly rlra for aducallooal and ckurck work to tto Soutk duriar ta last twenty-Bra years to splaadld teattmoay of tka Lota rest felt by ta Aaaartcaa people ta tk cause of tka total-' tactual aad moral derelopment of tk aoyro raoa. Beariac to mind all tkls good work dooa by tka ckurrtoa alaos amaaclpatioa. It la proper to ask what oaa rellaion further do for tto colored peo-ptaf Tkat tkr to mar prof ass toa tkaa rellcton. mora ao-eallad church work tkaa reUrioua seal ar ckaraetorlstle of tk relUrlooa Ufa of tk Aaartoaa paopl reneraUy aad of tk Souther people parUoalarly.

Mora of rwUrioa aad leas churck may be ao orptad aa a caoeral aaa war to tto question; What eaa roll-loo tanker do to adraaoa tka oadlUoa of tba colored paopl In the South Only aaea of moral aad meautl fore, of a Patri otic rerard (or tk relationship of the two races caa to of raalsemee as minimi re to tka Soutk. aaa should kara tk analtflcattoaa of a laaekar. Ik aelf-acrlBctn splril of a true mis sionary, aad tb aaUuslsam of a retormer to do Book rood as a preacher ia tka South. Leas ttooiory aad mar of kumaa brotherhood, lea dec tarnation aad mor com mo eeas aad Iowa for tratk must tm tk qualilleatiooa of tba aew ministry. Tto home aad social 1LT of tkosa paopl ar to uryast aaad of tka puiifylnr power of ratlrtoa.

Aftor tokaowlodrlar aU tkia there Is some- Ula mors still naedad. Ws do not yet suffi- taatly apprectato Ok fast tkat tka heart of vwry aoclal rrll aad dleorder am one tka colored poopt. aapaelaUy of tka rural Soutk. la tk lack of tkaa latoreal moral potencies of home and family tkat ara tto well prises of all tka rood ta kmaa society. Is aotklnc waa elarery ao aarar aad ao reVsatloaa aa la Ita attempted dawtrwrtlo of tka (amity Instincts of to aerro to A ma rira.

ladirtdoala. aot families. atoltora aot koaw. kerdins aot marrtarea. war tk cardinal etna to tkat system of horrors.

Wno irer expraaa la soar or story tk petketl ktatory of tkia raoe of oafortaaata people wkea raadosa cam, rropiar about for their scaturad was. psjrxia a. wtLUAMa. offspriar wiik oaly Instinct to raid them, try-tor to halt lorettor tto broke tier of family klasklp raaalty Krlstlaosklp, Itellcloa saoold not lear tkea peopl aloe to V-ar from bird aad beasts ikes Messed nr of asarrlar. mottorkood aad family.

Kalirtoo a boo Id aot utter Itself oaly once or Iwic a week tkrocrk a minister from a pulpit, but ah on Id open erery cabta door aod ret 1mm- dtato restart witk tkea who kar aot yet ta traaalat lata terms of eoadect tto prwmptlar of reiirtaa. Ttor aeede ao rt- daar to show that Ikal unfortunate peopl ar readily- susceptible to ttoa kicker aad purtfy- tor to flue area of re lie loo. Coma from what y. Jaw ar Goaftto. Jrotostaat or Catholic, or from tkoee wko profess no rellcion.

bat who. lajdeed. ar often Ito moat rellrwus. tto eoiared peapta ara rer to learn aad kaow make men and womea mor ally stroar aad responsible. la pleading (or onm organized eSort to lm- proT tto borne life of ttoa peopl.

ar ask-Inr for Botklar but what to rcoriaed erery-wtore aa tto aecnoary protect loo totk homes of ail clrlilaed peopl. Wtoa tto roapel lore of kumaaliy shall make ridiculous all rac aati pat hies, wtoa tto term between people of different plexiooa will surrest duties raihrrtkaa oppreaalona. and wkea tto term par aad toatkea shall become meanlnrtaae la tto romiar rospet of Ik brotherhood of aaan. ttoa conditions will ba farorable (or men and woeaea of ail rare to realise tk kirk poealbUl- tlr of tbelr sal Icy. 1 Wltk tkea rreat kopes as aa aspiration wa come to tkia free altar of lore lor all souls witk our tribute of faith In the fatherhood of Ike one Cod.

wltk oar tribute of hope (or a wilder re Ira of a kumaa reUrtoo, and witk our tribute of fellowship to the aoleful spirit of fraternity tkat kas sstoe tto roldea rule th aweet refrain of all tto harmonies of tkia rreat Parliament of Kelicloos. THOMAS J. SEMMES. latoraatiaaal Arbttrattoa XIV. r.

raiAMBOLla. Ptar eased la aa Abto Pa per. Tbontas J. Semmes, professor of law la tba University of Louisiana, waa Introduced and discussed tba subject of international arbitration aa follows: During six and a half centuries, from Noma to Augustus, the tempi of Jsnus was closed only aix years. Roman civilization waa characterized by a lad sin (or human life until It became a sanguinary thirst.

It was (or them a toy to cause tbe death of others. Bene their hatred to tke Christian religion, altnougk eo Indifferent to all religion: tk manner to which the Chris tians regarded things, human and divine, was essentially opposed to the Bomaa view and Inspired a profound antipathy. It Is, no doubt, true that in proportion aa the intellectual fscul- ties develop mea learned to appreciate their superiority over the material element. The worship of fore to established under the sme of glory or patriotism; thea are only rn for Jupiter and Hercules the object of the worship Is the same. In the beginning of Bomaa domination Inter national law had really ao existence; ths Bomaa world waa la fact a federation ot peoples, under tk same ruler aa sovereign arbitrator; tka allies aad confederate of Bom wer subjects wko preserved tke sppear- eaca-of liberty.

This union of states did aot re semble the society of free aad equal states like that of modem times; tt was a society of states, equally subject ta Bomaa power, though the ma of subjection were different. At a later period appearance were abandoned; the territories at allies, confederates, and kings were divided Into Bomaa provinces, subject to the imperial power. Then cam Christ, wko, uniting la kis person Ood and man. revealed to- the world tka doctrine of charity sad the liberty of The church atone, in tk midst ot tkia world of desolatioa. waa completely aod powerfully organized.

Tke various states, conscious of their weakness, voluntarily sought poatlncal ln-trrreBtiona until tribunal became tke resort of peoples and princes (or tke settlement of their coatroversle a principles of equity aad jostle. Tto oldest treaty now oa lot oid. made by aa EngUsk king witk a torelga power, waa arranged by Pop John IV, A. D. lots, aad drawn ap ta kla same.

Ia IS Boniface VILLasted as arbllrstor bet wee Phil Bel and Edward Sine tk rreack rsvolntioa tk conditio of society has changed; slavery kas been abolished tkrooA-koat Christendom: th liberty as as tk equal spiritual rale of all mea lr established; tka lenity of tabor to reeoralaed. aad a aew society, commercial and Industrial. been bora, wklck teaches that tk earth Is only fertilized by tka dews of sweat; that work to aot a malediction bat pehabllltoUoa: that earth Is only truly cursed by Cain, to whom "God aaid ska shall refuse her fruits lo thy labor. This society, notwithstanding the philosophers ot taa are. la fund amen tally not paraa, (or paraoism defied force, duty, pleasure, aad it beliersd tk nnfortunat deserred the anrer of God.

Tkia society bellered tkat Jess cam to solT tto problem of tk misery of the poor and wished to scire It by voluntary poverty aaa tee renaouiiauoa ot labor. Tkls society, animated by tore of humanity, constitutes on brotherhood which, insensibly Inoreaslnr. would end- by embradar all tbe pso- ptea ot to earta. in mis society ttor ar many patriots of humanity who believ tkat lore of country may be reconciled with lor ot humanity. Wltk treaties of arbitration commences the Judicial status of nations, and statesmen think that International wars will disappear before the arbitration tribunal of a mor advanced dvtllxatlon.

Durtnr the present century the United States sine 1818 kas aetttod by arbitration all of Its coa troTcrsles witk forclrn nations. The Bjkrinr sea controversy wltk Enrland, settled a lew week aro by arbitration in Paris, brines to mind tk Interesting; (act tkat urine tto century from I7M to I8B3 there have been nfty-elrht International arbitrations and the advance of public opinion toward tkat mod of aettUnc national controversies may be measured by tbe rradual locreaae of arbitrations during-the course of the century. The United States and other American Stales wer Interested tn thirteen of these arbitrations, tbe United States, other American states, and European nations were Interested to twenty-three. Asiatic and African states were Interested tn three, and European nations, only were Interested to eighteen. The most celebrated, the most deli est and the I moSt difficult arbitration of the century, to that which at Geneva adjudicated the claims of the United States against Great Britain, (or noo-coti(ormaaoe of Ita duty as a neutral power dur ing tne lat civil war.

Tor tTalvwrsal Pa co. The most interesting arbitration of the century was that la which the klgnest representative of moral force la the world was acceptedia 1883 bj tbe apologist of material force to mediate between Germany and Spain. Pesos league and -international conferences and associations (or tbe advancement of social science have (or over thirty years endeavored to elaborate aa International code, with organized arMtrstion. Tto French opened to the world the Sues canal by aa analogous phenomena. Is borers grouped themselves into unioss and hold their international eongreseea and substitute ik patriotism of class (or ike patriotism of people, and form, as It were, a state In the midst of nations.

A natioa Is aa organism, created by language, by tradition, by klstory and the will of those who 00m pose it, hence all couh tries are equal and tore equal rights. War. aa was said by the King of the Belgians in kaa become terrible, and those whom it takes by surprise are lost. In tto next war armiea win aot be confronted but aat Ions aad tke conquerors, exhausted by their victories, wi 1 contrive to fore rer extin-guiak la tka conquered tke Idea ot revenge, lien os Europe hesitates at tke perspective of tkia supreme shock, aad la the year 1891 one of Italy' statesmen, in a public discourse, gives warning to kia countrymen that tto certainty of victory aad tto certainty of acquiring glory will not compensate (or the Infinite injury of toe disastrous conflict. at ABB! JOSEPH SILVERMAN.

II Trto ta Prove That Christ Wa Not Cru cified by the Java. Rabbi Joseph Silverman was Introduced and spoke briefly, after which the parlla-eat adjourned. The distinguished rabbi said: Oae of tto keeaeat and moat injurious evils tkat caa befall a maa or a peopl is to misun derstood perhaps worse to be misrepresented. Tke Individual who kaa experienced both knows tt vital euSeriaga tkat were kia. To worship tratkand to of false hood: to be relic lousiy virtaous aad be charged wltk vice? to as pire to he Ten aad by the world be con signed to purgatory; to be robbed of one's Ideality and be clad in tne garb of another Inferior being: to see one's principles distorted, every motive questioned; one's words misquoted, every act misunderstood one's whole life misrepresented, and to be a caricature tn tke eye of all men.

without the power of redress, is 10 suffer ail tke unmitigated pangs of mortification. The very tact tkat tbe Jews once formed separate race, and a distract nation, and still maintain themselves as aa independent religious community, has created prejudices from which kave grown np also many errors regarding this people to other directions thsn those already mentioned. Rabbi Silverman then went on to point ont some of the speclne errors which ex isted in the popular mind concerning' tbe Jews. Be aald ther were accused of ex- elnsivenes and clanlshncssness, whereas they are tbe most gregarious and broadly social the only remnant of elanishneas be ing that which waa compelled by the con duct 01 tnose wno either purposely or irnorantlr persisted in this misunderstand lnjr them. The Jew waa maliciously repre sented as a consumer, as distinguished from a producer, when by birth right be was a tiller of the soil, aad bad been compelled throujjh centuries centuries of persecution to become traffickeir in moneys and remt, "And not withstanding tbe ape of the persecution the Jew was 'to-day found in all departments of agriculture and the mechanical arts, while his contributions musie and art and literature were notable.

Tne same char acter of error concern inr the Jew extended to bis religious faith, and this largely because of tbe prevailing' error that the Jeers crucified Jesus of Nazareth. Rabbi Silverman concluded his paper as follows We deplore and condemn the crucifixion of Jesus of Nsxareth. He was without doubt on of nature's noblemen, pure in sentiment aad 1 tton, a great leader and reformer ot men, and aa suck (ell a victim to the fanaticism and jealous power of Rome, His waa the execution of innocent man. When the truth Is once known and tk Jew is placed la tke right light before the world wa believe prejudice will be removed, errors corrected, and persecution will cease and love prevail. We are worshiping the same God.

the creator and preserver of us aTl. In the words of Mala-chl, "Have we not ail one father? Has not one God created us all? Why shall we deal unjustly one against the other?" May truth prevail, may love reign supreme. May that brotherhood of maa be speedily realized In which there ahall be no distinction as to nationality or creed. AFTERS OO If SESSION. Hoary H.

Jaaanp, IX IX, Makes an Eloqaent aad Instructive Address. afternoon session In the Ball of Columbus was presided over by Bey. L. P. Mercer, of the New Jerusalem church.

The first paper was on "Tbe Religious Mis sion of tbe English Speaking People," by Henry H. Jessup, IX of Beirut, Syria. It was substantially as follows: The great English-speaking which hare furnished a Moffat, a Livingston, a Stanley, and laacksy to Africa: which discovered and mapped tta provinces and its people; which kav drives tk slav trade from the seas, aad hare partitioned the. dsrk continent (or their owa future commercial pro 01 surely these are aot so imnotent and nerveless, so ignorant of tke appalling facts, so wanting in conscience aa to consign kelpiees nuum ot aaea to toe savage rapacity of these traders in blood and tears, ia destruction and death. While we thank Ood for tk rreat insurrection of the human mind la tka sixteenth century against spiritual absolutism: for our legacy of liberty.

Us principles, its maxims, and Ita glorious results; (or our pure and psnceful homes; for our sacred day of rest, instituted by God himself, konorod snd kept pur by oar forefathers, reverenced and enforced by Washington and Lincoln In the critical emergency of war: tor the dignity aad. honor witk which our women are crowned: (or the growing, abhorrence of wan for the spirit ot moral, and social reform and tor the divine call and opportunity logo (orth aad bless ths nations, let us all resolve that our Natioa and people shall no longer be compromised by compllelty tn these accursed forms of sordid traffic. Our mission Is one of peace. VoaMoltke sur- veylndils army of a million panoplied warWors actor war. to to a divine Inatitotioa: sealoof enthusiast may call for aa Anglo-Ameriaa all lane, which by its armies aad nsrietsould die Lat taws lo ths world; but ar eafed toa propogaadlsm of amity and peace.

We a to raarantee to our sons and danckter of Lotions full dsyTVest In seven: aa equitable adjustment of ail aoclal and labor questions that tay arise; tto protection of our child rao from lb gilded tempting cup which at last "bltetx like a serpent and. atlagetbv like sa an not to be ashamed of that divine book which ha made tke difference between North and Souk America, between Great Britain and the Spaash Peninsula. This flea Is our misaion: That we who ar made lnthe image of God should remember that all men ire made In Go is Image, To tkls divine knrwledz ws owe ail we are. all we nop to be. srwe hope (or.

are rising gradually toward fnat image and we owe to our fellow-men toaldtkemlnretuxaingtoittotk glory of God and the beauty of It to a celestial privilejv and with it eome akigb responsibility. Bosalta af Fidelity. Prom this respoisibilltf there is no escape. It we are true to it ve shall stand wp for liberty, truth, and rtehteoomess. we shall be pure, wa shall be peaceable: we snail use our wealth, otr moral and political power to root out wrong aad aln from our none, our pubiio ajoundls.

oar land, and commerce, ao that wherever our Bscs msy Best neither storery nor tbe drink traffic. legalised Importy. aor Illicit trade can lift Its head. To ignore our hlch mission, to shrink Into the narrsw shell at self, to prostrate the celestial party of Goca day of rest in the eyes of alt nation for ths sske sf paltry gain, to arrest ths weftward and southward tide of Christlsn tnfla- eare, would insure our own stagnation and moral oath. The pride of wealth, the eonsjiousness of lr- ttsistible military power on land and sea, would won tivnsfornToar two great nations from being twin sisters of lore and justice, truth and peace.

Into a double-headed monster of war aad ambition, consumed with the insatiate greed of universal dominion: ad we should st length deren-" erst into that frightful Hindoo Ideal of the nasi age of the world, "the age of progressive misery tan Bu-prevatuug woe. Where AU Me Ar Brothers. In the palace of Behjeb, or Delight. Just outside the fortress of Acre, on the Syrian coast, there died a (ew months since a famous Persian sage, the Babi Saint, named Be ha Allah the "tilery of God" the kead of that vast reform party of Persian Muslims who accept the New Testament as the word of God and Christ as tba deliverer of men: who regard all nations aa oaa and sil men as Three, years ago be waa visited by a Cambridge scholar, and gave (Iterance to sentiment so eoble. ao Christlike that we repeat them aa our closing words.

That all nations sh mid beoom one in faith, aad all men as brothers: that tto bonds of affection and unity between the sons of mea should be strenglnened: that diversity of religion should cease and differences of race to annulled. What harm is there in this? Yet ao it shall be. These fruitless strifes, these ruinous wars shall pass away, and the "most great peace" shall come. Do not yon in Europe need this also? Let not a maa glory to this, that he loves bis country: let him rather glory ia this, that be loves kis kind. THE ARMENIAN CETBCH.

Ohaa Chataehaxoyaa oa too Mtostoa of th Ancient IsaUtaUoa. "The Spirit and Mission of the Apostolic Church of Armenia" was tbe subject of tbe following; paper Ohannes Cba t-schumyau: According to the general testimony of historians Christianity was Introduced into Armenia ia the first century. In the year tt A. D-. the Apostle Thaddeus went to this country, sod in the year 60 A.

D-. Bartholomew (ollowea. They preached the gospel and were martyred. These apostles were therefore the founders of the Armenian church. Besides these two other apostles, Simeon and preached in Armenia.

But Christianity did not become the established religion until the year SB A. although during this Interval thousands of Armenians became martyrs to Christianity. In that year Saint Gregory Illuminator enlightened the entire Armenia nation, and Christianity became the religion of the king as well aa of the peopl. tk Armenian languag to means to "Christisnire." Whether, therefore, we date the establishment of Christianity from the first century, or at the beginning of the fourth, the Armenian church remains the oldest Christian church to the worid. Because of its past It has a peculiar place among other churches.

While the churck to only one element ia the lives of other natloas, an element sometimes strong, sometimes less strong, in Armenia it embraces tke whole life of the nation. There are not two different Ideals, one for Christianity, tke other for nationality. These two ideals are united. The Armenians love their country because they love Christian ity. Churck and fatherland kave been almost synonymous in their tongues.

lodepandeat aad KattoaaL The construction of th Armenian ckurck is simple and apostolic. It to Independent aad na tional. The kead Is called tka pat riant catholics of all Armenians li whslerer part tt the world they may be. He is elected by Ue representatives of the nation and clergy In Etchmidzln at the foot of Mount Ararat. Any Armenian, even a layman, caa become heal of the church if tba general assembly finds worthy of this high office.

Slnoe Armenit kas been divided among the three powers Ttrkey, Russia, snd Persia the election of the catholics Is confirmed by the Tke bishops are electeJ by the people each province and are anointed by the caiaolicaa. The ordinary clergy are elected by eachparish. The parish Is free la Its election, and neither bishop nor catholics caa assign a prtest to a parish against its wish. Each church bang free in tta home work they are all bound with one an other and so form unity. The people ahar largely in the work of the church.

Ail assemblies which have to decide general questions, even dogmatic maters, ar gathered from both people and clerry. The' clergy exists for the people and not Ue pro fie (or the clergy. The Armenian clergy have always teen pi- aeers ia the educational advancement of tke nation. They have beea the bringers-li of European civilization to tbelr people. Froa the fifth century to this very day, young men intended (or the priesthood are sent to the Occident to study.

la order that Christianity and civilization may go hand in hand. The owes etery thing to its clergy. They have. been first la danger and first in civilization. The spirit of the.

Armenian churck Is tolerant. A characteristic feature of Armenian. eva while they were heathen, was tkat they wewj cosmopolitan in religious matters. Armenia ia early ages waa an America for the oppressed of other lands. From Assyria, as we read la the Bible, in the book of Kings.

AdrameUk and Landssar escaped to Armenia. From China, Hlndostan and they went carrying their religious thoughts aad their Idols which they worshiped side by side with the Armenian goda Christianity has entirely changed th political and moral life of Armenia, but the tolerant spirit has ever remained. For more tkaa fifteen hundred years she has been persecuted for ker faith and (or conscience's sake, and yet -she has never been a religious persecutor. She calls no ckurck hetoroaox. Th tost Catholic, ktslcar th First said one to ms: ily do not eall any church heterodsx.

All churches ar equal, and everybody Is a red by his owa (aitk. Every day in our churches prayers ar offered (or all those who eall oa the name of the Moat High In sincerity. The Armenian church doe not like religious disputes. She kas defended the Ideals of Chrlatiailty mor with th red blood of her children that with big volumes of controversies. She has always insisted oa the brotherhood of all Csrtstlans.

Kerces. archbishop of Zanmbron, CicLicle. who called the second Apostle Patu, la the twelfth century defended and practiced the very ideals and equality of all churches and the brotherhood ot all thea, which the most liberal clergymen of this century believe la. yarlf yljig The Armenian church kas a great literature. especially ia sacred lyrics, which has had a vast Influence over the people.

But the purifying Influence or our church ap pears chiefly in the In no bind Is the family life purer. For an Armenian the family is sacred. Ethnologists ask with reason: "How can we explain the continue 1 existence of ths Armenian nation through ths Ore and sword of 4.000 years? The solution of this riddle Is la the pure family Iff. This Is the anchor by which the storm-beater has beea held. It Is a singular (act that Armenia never had, even 1 her heathea times, either polygamy or slavery.

although always surrounded by nations who fol lowed these evil practices. Women in Armenia have always had a dls-.

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