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Fort Wayne Daily News from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 1

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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ftfViW SSKwffMB wr TTO Ti i i 5 She rt a Jfefekr tjBPBOnjrflPAf FORT WAYNE WEDNESDAY MAR0HJ9 1884 Cpkigtwo OWKNPlXLEYCO gell Thti Goodyear Sorgo Rubber Coat lor 4 Also soe tho Fairfield Patent Coat They are the bod in the market UMBRELLAS Babbl Israel Aaron Atheism oJ Morals Academy Musio Thursday evening March 0 Jcoorl admission 10 oonls 19 Go to tho Mas pieradu Saturday cvon lug at the Roller fckallng Kink Ircab jTsli dully at tbo Hobo Company A 30th Indiana Mombers of tho aWo company aro requostod their address to tho nndontgnod without delay Also word at to whothorthoy cart attend tho hrst reunion ot tho Old 30tb to bo held in tbli tity April 10 Wans Miicu Feuutive Cobw lor CoJV i Utiles Hno Kid Glove 45 oonta a pslr at Nostols Store KWBroadwny Onricr Tonic cures lloadacho pepua Oonsttpiliou Billlousnos and General Debility taking lunch with you tho Chicago Mcurslon of next Saturday can be mado for no pthor oxponso than the wet of our UckoU Train arrive about Boon and jou can return if you doslro at 20 in tho evening i his will glvo you noarlv twolvo hours in Chicago 184f in i 1 1 i i i i Fret Concert Grand I roo Conoort every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday pvoniogs al No 11 Wont Columbia slrool 3t Roller Coats and Circulars at very low prlooD at NoHtols Store ISOHroad 19 Jt QuakorTonlo euros all Disoaws of tho Etonnoh Lit or and Bowels GU UPPER Flour down 756 a barrel Standard Sugars 4owor lhflnjni wliro Esmonds Orffs and Bonds Hal hteaUlour Monnlnga Flour per bbl bll Back 91 82 i bbl sack C6e Cut Ioat Sugar Jo Fulvei frod Do GrnulaUd 8Jc Confoctionors A 8c Eilra to Kxtra Yollow 7o Brown Co Pio nU Hams l2jo po pmnd THE KEYTONC 240 Calhoun street New York Counta at tlio Ulobo HAPPENINat No Pollco Court this morning Duck shooting has bngun nhdllie fiiiuy in pniu tv uu nuuuuftuh City Attorney Colericlc lias rocovorod from hi locenl indlsposiUou Mr A Aurent is back from a plcasapt trip to Pennsylvania Jlio Itxiw giants aro now at Kohl I Middlotonn South blda museum Cilcago Capcjr Korn of Adams township is very 111 Ho Is Iho fatlior of Jacob Korn diputy county ciork Mrs A Kool will return to morrowmorrow from Now York Citj whore she bnon for Uio pail live wooks blnco his arroHt for killing ONiol or Cimty William Jkiylo has boon held in jail without any precox of law Mr Win Koougli returned last oyoa ing from a BUccoKiful business trip In tho tnteroHls of Mm tinuo Mower Com pauy It MHiaid by prominent Domocrata that tho nomination for horlff nest tlmowillgo toooino oal of town can diduLo Miss Wla Johnson oporator at tho Western Vplon 1 olograph ofllco in luito 111 and is under the tare of a physician Koliablo lnf6rmaltoh is to thooffoct that Councilman James Woulfo frcna tho 3d ward will bo urgod for tho place of CoUnly CommisHionor Ddunli tho saloon kooper was arrested again ostorday for violating IhoUquor Jaw JIo tookajLhaug ot cnuo to Justice Piorco of Washington township it Kiekos is engagod In painting a number of sconos for Hildebrand tuo ex convict and loolurer who has boon oarrying around tho pountry a lot of tlio worst daubs over Boon runic lilblor whoso doath occurred yesterday at his hohio west of this city will bo buried to morrow at iu cny tlmo Iho or Ices wlU bo noiaaimo Sotond lresbyterlah Church lostmastor tieueralroshamrocoiUly onterod Philadelphia oft tho samo train with a base ball club andwasmolon the platform as he alighted by a losal scribo with Short shop or catcher Dr lU McDowell has boon oort lined to his bod since Thursday last with a violent attack of pneumonia tirnvojapprehonslons aro foltlbat he may not livo no nns ooun uni4ui for wveial days pasU William Johnson tho fcllowwho was CRntond In the Craffmlllor boarding houso ft few mornings since wlllBpond thonoxttwo ars of his lifolntha States lrispn He ploal guilty to tho charge of grand larcony Noit month tho Prickly Ash Hitters nsn Ball Club of SU LouU will play ft friendly gamo of Uaso pan wiui uw tort Wayne club at Uaguo Park Ihe plajors aro all employed In different capacities by Moyer Brothers Co Tho telephone Is often put pecn llariwos Alwiycauoa up to day to say that her child suffered severely from tho croup Tho doctor told li6r to havo tne cnim couKu tolophono Tho doctor board and pro scribod a toaspoonful of lpeoacuanha syrup Special Notice All parties contemplating ft trip to to wcbI during the month ot Marfh aoold take advanUgo of tbo auporior fwiliUos andlnducomonUoirorod by tho Miekel PUto routo Pivssongers by this oate always mako close connootlon ith a roads at ChWago Through tickets to all points aro always on sale for furthor particulars maps or Information please call or write lo not jurohaso Uckols botoro calling upon Baiimabu Agont It SU Uy Co CADIUI or MOTIO BlWMJlltninrnn IOMOeS nWooowoia Manaue WEDHJSDAY MAECH 19 1884 Ltmls Allncli anfl Chas TTaisloe Allll Ihnlr flutuiri NlapCnniDSDT MV Partnec itk by naitTtvr campubu ibMii7thtisitiMUnior4u author UV An4wtl6h II lonawld the MtpUjAiDrleuiiirethat herhn vnuaDoatoj New xor ttof ThistuprnlogMr irogory Vlgoant 1 tMtm architect OI Miru nw i riiuroh mot tho liuiiuing Commlltoo at tho ofllce Of tho Fort Wayno Poorla Galosuurtf Railway and had a general talk on some details of tho plans that had not boon before expUlnodtothocommltteo Therowas a full ftttondanco vno coiumwf Thorels Ulkot putUng now train vt 1tno this Iho Oi city at 6 oclock In tho morning xnak lag close connection tor iur at Munolo ana rowirniuR Fort Wayne at about oclock at night This train would be a groat con nlnnoa and would giyo round trip passenger seven hours In Indianapolis Pf UogoMt car tracer of the Pennsyl vania Company linos woolu past hoen looking up cars In the flooded I dlstrlcbLPt Ohio and Wast Vir iW Car 8262 he found lodged Inn HKmearlbe Cwndon c6al mlnes cr J8 ho foundln fl wlloLrrof ft Ye reporio unut 1 Shoemaker Sir Knight Com msudtr of tho uniform rank of KulghUi of Pythlus of tiflln Qblo Is In tho city Tlirchlf ot police Inoonfldont that tho robbery of Hacks store in tho work of some boys The Job was a very bungling one but successful tor aU that Indianapolis Journal Wm I Schiofor ot Fort Wayne a prominent iermail being urged to bocome a candidate for tho Republican nomination for SocroUry of Stole Mr John A Maier goes to Chicago on Saturday From thoro he goes to Stillman Valloy III to moot two old friends and arrange for a return to Tuoson Arizona to locate Capt Powers traveling paSBon ger agont of tho Wabtuh arrived from SU 1uIk to doy Tho Captain has boon unusually successful ot late id so curing parties for tho west over tho Wabash road Captain 1 Lawronco of Utlca Nebraska Is In tho city tho guest of Snporintendonl Finis Carlwrightof the II 1 Olds Wagon Works Caplaln Lawrence will represent tho Olds works in Nebraska Stoubon County Journal Tho Ko publicans of Allen county dculro tho soloctlon ot Oscar Simons as a delogato to the National Convention at Chicago He Is ono of Indianas representative businoss men and a man who would go desiring to do what would best promote tho Interests ot tho party No mistako will bo mado in selecting Mr Simons An Interesting story originally print ed in the St LouU JHspatch concerns the romarkahlo foat 7f llfondip in watktng a ropo Htrotohod across Ni agara river Just below tho cataract The story is grounded upon an inter view with Signor Natalia Ilia man Mho rodo across on lllondins back and is of Interest horc only bocauso Harry Colcord tho portrait palntor alway claimed to havo boon that man Col cord resided In lort Wayno for many months and used to thrill his listeners with woll told accounts of hlsadvoiw lures with Rlondin on that torrihlo ropo On Monday afternoon tho Lindon wood Cometery Association hold a mooting of considerable imporanco at tho lort Wayno Xalional Bank A contract was lot to Stewart Co ot IJloomlnctoiir Ind for 1700 foot of Iron fonoo to bo placed ajong the front of tlio proporty and the nrm ot Wing CO was directed to proparo plans for a lodgo house to be olaeod at the south side of tbpgate Iho building will bo ot atono and will coatilyo or ix thousand dollars It whhcontaln a room for tho use of tho association another for tho sexton and irate koener besides various closets and nilmr caAvonioncoii IUhIJos the lodge houso will be tall bolfrv nhtch will contain boirbyWhlclrtuomtonHr his asslsU ants may be summonou to uiogaio from thoir rosldoncos or from distant portions of the cometery The coptraci for this building will bo let as soon as tho architects can prepare the plans and specifications and proposals can borocolvod It is tho intention tho association to erect noxt year tm the opposto or north sldo ot tho gate a beautiful chapol Persons who aro acquainted with many beautiful cemeteries Day that In natural boauty Linden wood is excooded nownero in mo coun try It was slated a few days ago that a portion ot tho cometery had been sold to tho congregation of the Hebrew people Tho portion ao disposed of Is known as soctlon and cm braces two acroi Tho prfco paid was 3000 The rules and regulations of tho Linden wood association will etlll govern Us management This is by special arrangement made at the sale DAYTON NUTTMAN Nutlmft Ir EMnlr Lat Eveolag ftt Denver Colorado vor Colorado reports the death of ills THE BOYLE MURDER Th Bo4f OIUierre1 kut Uf fmtmi Butlvt la Nat FMl A telegram to Oliver Hanna esq This morning Sheritrhchiefer Deputy last night from Nuttman at Den Coronor Dinjoen and Prosecuting Attorney Dawson wft to Monroevllle only son Dayton Nuttmau ho has and disinterred the body of Kiel or been critically ll tor some weeks of Casey which Lad boeu buried in the consumption and whoso doatu had boon Cat hollo oowotory after the original expected tor Iho part forlhight jjosI wdriwioiamlnatloniiad loonoon coasodvWa3 born Tit Wocatur Adaln eluded Hj Invitation of Dr Du county this sUte April I85S wher iiou Dr Charles A Loiter who in hU early years ho attended sohooh attended the wounded man was Afterwards he was associate I with hS present to assist in the aooond examl father Jn tho banking buslnosn Ho as uatlon which vrni mado at fho InsUoce a keen ehrowd financior had nthop tho Prosecuting Attorney for the oughknowlolgewf the genemllansot oxpross purpose iff llnding tho bullet legitimate banking andcomUiJoe kept and tracing its course After plying himself continually informed upon thoir knives for a long time and mak slock bond and produce quotations Jug many incisions the doctor wore and was ono of tho but uuthonties on unable to find tho bullet though they market fluctuations in tho tityj bo waiuld locate it track with always considorod honorable and cot rod In his businoss llfn and although from his reserved life ho had but good deal of cerielat The Proso cutor was much isapolntod at this unfavorable conclusion of their labors liltlo acpiaTnlanco iir lhaoclatBTrdttrbtdfwaTloworod again into world tho businoss conununiiy will mourn his death as the loss ot an active menibor from among their circle Dato had boon manful baltllbg with tho dread diseau that has for two ears boon threatening him tho summer months of last year and tho year botoro he has spent in Mackinac Petofii key and olhor northern ports extracting what Comfort was powlblo that tho exbil araUntr air afforded Lately ho iought tlio mountains of Colorado but thoro was no relief It was but question of Uino and that tlmo endod for poor Dato at 13 40 to yesterday aur roumjod by his parents who for Ui past ton days havo hoen oonstantl by his bod side During bis trying sick ness at Denver ho was tho solicitous object ot eer attojttion upon tho part of Mr Haney Lowrie together with Mrs Lowrio and daughter and Jenison who have easod his Ing da a and faithfully ministered to his eery wanU Tho remains will bo brought to this city tor Intt rmont In Llndonwood where rests his two sisters Mrs Pcltit and Miss Julia Notice of funeral hgroaflor tho earth poinlbly bo again disinter rod Muring tho progress of Do leu trial The party returned to Fori Wayne thu afternoon and Boyle now being gh en a preliminary examination in Ry an court He will undoubtedly bo bound otcr to answer at the Criminal Court Tho testimony of Messrs Honor Johnson and Long conclusively fixes upon Jloyle as the men who wan soon to run jMny from Iho upot where the wounded man was found and ids own anic tiwrlcm statement will go a long ways with a Jury who dont liko thieving tranips anyway It is itnporlanU however to note tho fact that thoro was no witness but tho parties themselves td the actual shooting Said Hahash Conductor Ill bieri Genuine Molasses HOME MADE JJyj4 mm now on wl woodwofin jwr 55jUM ITOTTBRICKS APBttFATTBH8 AM BhetUftudJ ThaFsrrtiU In Chicago lnUHXanl Mr Rile the Indianapolis party with the brilliant tax collecting scheme Is still on the ragged edge Tho County Commissioners who were first so anxious to award him ft contract to crow rich at the public expense still dally with his proposition Yesterday the Board discovered that ono of tha main points ulegod in favor of the scheme namely that there had boon a freaCtldcreMO ot lateMnHhe tax list wiuLuntruo lhe Commissioners should do thetr doty by the public tmdhpufMrT Itlley out othli misery at once tw FfttiitHtiiTimAwy Death ol Mr a Samual SlophUI DipdatSU Paul Mintf mtorday lh18lh1nsU of general dobiliyt Mr Mary btophlot relict of tho late Judge Samuel Stophlet and one of the pioneers of out city Her age was sixty live This aad Intelligence will more pocS ally InUsrost tho older cltions of iorl TTaynowho will remombor thW Chris tianladj She ftrst mado her homo in the old wooden Hock 1 ort as oarlr as 1833 Her husband filled many positions of honor and trust among them Judge of the Alton Circuit Court and subsequently became a moiubotoflho 1 ndiana Legislature Doceasod was from her early youthnaTovoted and consist ant member of tho fi Church She will be gratefully romombored acllvo In eVory phllaathrdplc work connected with her denominallen and foremost in evory entcrpnso having for its object tho upbuilding and elevation of her fellow creatures Hor immediate co laborors havo gone before and aro now enjoying their reward But few of tho clllzons of hpr oarly1 lifo here aro lefU and tho tow aro drifting Into tho sere and yellow leaf Of life whoso steps are unsteady and eyes aro growing dim Doceasod leaves her survlng four sons scattered lo tho four winds all ot whom It Is thought will gather at this their starling point lo pay the last aad tribute lo the one of all others they loyod so welL Mr John 11 Stophlet her oldest son is connectod with the Fort Wayne post office Mr Frank Stophlet is a resident ot Kansas City Mo Mr Joe Stophlet livos al Falls City Ponn the youngest son Samuelu with his mother and will accompany the remains to thli city whoro they will arrive either Friday or Saturday The obsequies will occur in all probability from the Wayno btroot Church due notice of which however will be given hereafter DanULoary wlUmanago the Cincinnati Unions next aoason Ho will play In the out field The matters of the Huntington and Liberty MillsgrvoLrotiwiilifJth Holmos road have been appoalodfrom UjoCdnaiBiltslonoi Court to tbe ClH cult Court ymmtmmmmm to Ladies gratti BE HITS lChluar DcralLj 1 have boon running a train for thir ty years aaid a gray haired conductor on the Wabash as ho sat down by my side and sorted out his tickets and coupons I alarted In on the New York Cinlral hate been on tho Lake Shore Pennsylvania and throe Cs and hero 1 am on the Wabash Did you know old VandcrblltF Did know hlntf Well he used to loop a pretty close watch of everything loll jou and there wasnt much going on along the road that ho ddnt know about One tlmo I got myself talo box At Albany they brought a corpse onto my train and nobody had bought a ticket tor it according to rules At first I refused to carry It but the station ngont said it belonged lo aome of iho railroad folks and the charges would bo paid to mo in New York When wo got to NeW York no body called for the corpse 1 was in a hurry to go homo but 1 walled round for my fare aa I knew Id be held roponslblalor Ju JJoboiy came atad nobody at the depot know any thing about It 1 his vexed me a good deal and 0 1 mado up my mind something hail to be done I aeni word over to the medical ooJIege there was a stiff at tho Central depot for sale A doctor came right over and 1 sold him tlio body for just enough to pay the charge1 entered that fact on my report and wont home Next morning 1 heard the body was that of a relative ol old Vanderbilt himself Audi had gone and sold it to a medical col legel Well I wont straight to the bid mans office to got my discharge I knew my tlmo had come But would you believo it I wasnt bounced The old man took It very cool AWbatdldhoaayr Ho said he had got the body back all tight and had Inquired Into all the circumstances Then ho raised toy wages 100 ft year4 A Bail Crowrtf There are traveling along the state line between Adams county Indiana and Van Wert county Ohio ft band ot rascals that need the ImraedialeTrttoTn Hon of the authorities Their ostenst In Gallon Jugs 120 Colore the United iotatos T3ouru tlae man an old gentleman named John Hart residing la Jnm township Adams county one of their victims rrumbjm thoy succeeded In obtaining a note made payable at a bank in this city anoTfortEo auta oT 22e When the Indiana officers get after those follows they cross iho line into Ohio and thei continue their operations Ono of tho men the advance swindler traveling In a buggy obtained at a livery aiablo at Mouroevllle Hart Is willing to pay handsomely to get his note back and if tho follows can be sent to prison many an innocent farmer will rejotoe A Caatt Color BlladaeM Railroad Superintendent Yea there Is avacanoy on one of ouF passenger traiu will you try itf Applicant Oht gladly ir Superintendent Tory well but you will iavo to be examined first Tho brakeman who hold the position before you had to bo discharged for eolor blindness AppUcantOolor blindneajf Superintendonl Yesi be allowed a black mau to get Into the car roamed for white passengers ble business lathe selling of roofing palnU One fellow goes ahead aid makos contracts with guileless farmers and the rest of the gang follow on In a day or two and begin applying paint Before the work has progressed 1 iAw FEMALE MAIT0D0SI Lottie Beaumonts MunstrelaatOrinaa Opera House DuriliwUMi Standing room only should have been hung In the lobby at 0 rimes Opera House at 8 oclock last evening at which hour every seat in the houso including the gallery was occupied It was one of the largest aodienoes that ever assembled in tho hall Jt was a sort of a conglomerated one too nearly every element of society having a representative preaonu The younger boys and street hoodlums war packed in the gallery like salmon and they succeeded In making thoir presence known at frequent Intervals during the the evenings Tbo bald heads wei quite numerous too and each was provided with a double barreled opera glass There is certainly an abnormal condition ot affairs a malformation in aociety when an entertainment of this character exercises such an attractive power There were gray haired mon reputable cJtiaeas with grown eons and daughters and busi noss men young men of all grades of society and all there to feast their minds laden with carnal thought upon the display of female anatomy The performance It can be said would pass as a good one In ft variety theater Tha performanoe consisted of salacious songs Jokes dancing and ft display ot femaje forms Some of Ui features were meritorious Intherofeolvea notably the Impersonatlqp of ft Jtw aid ft sketch by two darkles Tho perform anoe concluded with an operatio bur testjue extravaganta11 that was as absurd as anything ever seen upon the stage The audience seemed wall ldnUWU Ull JUgUl CUIt IUIV a Kj doubt was but displayed bad Ute Wi Wild Dock at the Globe far they demand pay for the Job and unless they get it frighten the farmer BtoJIejfagAbjAJhMW andtakan to IndUnapolislo be tried wm NOTICE Just rftaiv APRIL PA1 ftadSUattr Fashion BhMli JTa fti li rtL fiSShJd iS MW AtktMWi style HBSMT1 jft ftftd OUfceew Btwtyit mmmmmmmmmm i HfelVI MnflhJltiL Me luff flMtMtT av tfifcfci iAh AV jss tiS jrfWw jr iLt.

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