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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 10

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

10 DAWES MEll SEEK AID AT PRIMARIES Will Form Organizations In" Every Ward in City. "v- TO OPPOSE HARMONY Union of State and County. Dele- gates Is Feared. Harlaai Faye 1 Aid Meelels-al Vetera' Ui(ie la Alderaiaale Plan for forming Dawes organUaAJons In rerr ward la lb city will be completed within, abort Urn toy the political action committee of the Dawes Republican club of Cook county which waaorganlaed some time ago. It la probable that active work will be delayed until after the city election.

Meanwhile preliminary work la being done In the Tarloua wards. It seema to be the plan to form in eacK ward an organisation which will endeavor to effect the election at the primaries of delegate to' The state and Senatorial con rentions who will be favorable to Mr! Dawes candidacy. It Is not. contemplated at this nine, lb a uacneut vw untv -w Some time ago the Dawes people were saying that the state convention would instruct for Dawes for United States Senator. Now the Idea is that there shall be no instruction.

Interest of the Dawes-Sherman contingent in the state delegates is to have the convention so constituted that there will be no instructions for Hopkins, Although up to date Mr. Hopkins has no indicated that he wishes or expects instructions from the state convention. Mrc Sherman desires state delegates who will refuse to pay any compliment to Governor Yates' administration. HelD Soackt for Diirn. As to the delegates to the Senatorial conventions, the Dawes elub hopes to help in the election of delegates who will Instruct the legislative nominees to vote for Dawes, or at least will nominate men who will be favorable to him.

It Is proposed to make a contest in the wards akmg the lines followed In the ward club elections last November. It has teen suggested that there will be open contests for Dawes delegates at the primaries in words like the Sixth; Seventh, Thirty-Second, Thirty-Third, and Thirty-Fifth, and In such other wards aa ma Ka a.lnct.d lh. time the primaries came around. The talk of harmony among the different factions, so far as the county convention and county ticket are concerned, which "has been current- for some time, does not please some ol Mr. Dawes.

friends. --They seem to fear that harmony or the county ticket! might carry with it harmcmy among the eULte-dele- gates, and the legislative It ia proposed to fight such a plan unless' lb Includes conditions favorable to Mr. Dawes. Mr. Dawes's friends say that the plan of harmony, so far as tt has been worked out, does not include the state delegates and the legislative candidates.

But they are pre- j.riuB tor actum, in case me narmony lea-ture should carry those delegate. Fight oa CoBBBlaatloau The' Paweq t. do- not aiTuSflj1 Tif tnlvxrmoE on the oiuntr tlckerf km. tho insist that the state delegates and the candidates tor the Legislature shall not be mixed up with the county ticket. 'To prevent the avuiiiiuunii vi Buca a comiuBHion ine Dawes club will prepare to make a fight In the wards and districts.

If the plans now under const deratlos-are carried out there will be a lively contest at the Republican county primaries. The Republicans are paying no attention, apparently, to the amendment to, the primary election law under which the Democratic? state' committee proposes to call the ventlons in Cook county. So far as heard of. the Republican leaders have not discussed tho matter. The subject may be called up at the meettig of the Republican state committee.

It is not thought likely that the Republican state committee will attempt to Interfere with affairs in this county. Harlaa and Payae Take Part TaKh tit AMt will take part in the a'dermanlc campaign. It was announced at the Municipal Voters league headquarters yesterday that both will speak Friday night at meetings In the Fourth imd Fifth wards. The meeting places will be given out later. Messrs.

Harlan and Payne will attack thj candidacies of "Blind Billy" Kent in the Fourth, and Charles Mar- im in id niu wra. i ncj win also ipeai In other wards If it Is thought advisable by the league- They will speak In favor of the candidates who have been indorsed by the league. inree aiaermanic candidates withdrew their nomination papers yesterday from the cny ciers. omce. lnese are Leo sterner.

Prohibition candidate In the Tenth ward, who retired because, he said, lie Is only 18 years old, and his father Is a saloon-keeper; John M. A. Drzyclnski, Republican nominee In the Eleventh ward, and P. A. Hlnes.

Independent Democrat In the Fifth ward. Drzycinski's place will be filled by the Republican executive committee. Nomination papers for John C. Bearer, the Democratic candidate for alderman in the Seventh ward, have not been filed. Unless the Democratic county committee takes quick action In filing the papers, the ward will not be represented on the official ballot.

Pl 'wBfllCeiICt' "Major" John Sampson Is an Independent candidate In the Twenty-Second ward, and there will be a lively fight in that ward between Ganlt. Republican; Dougherty. Democrat, and 8ampson, independent. The Twenty-Third ward Independent Democrats, who are opposed to Herrmann, will meet In Garfield Turner hall tonight. Speeches will be made by Clarence S.

Darrow, Lawrence Dennis, and J. J. Cochran. Objections have been filed with the election commissioners against the nomination by petition of Frank Bouchonvllle In the Seventeenth ward. Daniel P.

Roberts was a candidate, and circulated petitions. After securing about 100 names to his petition be withdrew, and the petitions were turned over to Bouchonvllle, who used the names on the Roberts petition as part of his own Indorsement. It is held by the Municipal Voters league, which Is objecting, that the names signed to the Roberts petition cannot oe counted ior uoucnonviue. The men who take monev r.nanca elections have begun to figure out percentages in favor of and against certain candidates. At O'Leary's poolroom the odds are 1 to 4 on Cougblin, and 1 to 2 on Henry Wu)ff.

The gamblers seem to think that Coughlin and Wulff will win. Alleged fraudulent registration In the First Ward will be brought to the attention cf the yrand Jury today. Thomas A. Knight will go before the Jury and presect evidence which has been gathered by the Municipal Voters' league, as to perjury allegod to have been committed by lodging-house keepers with regard to the number of Inmates in their respective places. Jadgcs cf the Circuit court will meet this afternoon to consider successors to Joseph and the late John B.

Sherman as members of the South Park board. Among those who have been suggested for the vacant places are Arthur G. Leonard, Charles Counselraan, James A. Edwards. Charles L.

Hutchinson, M. J. Steffens. L. D.

Condee, E. C. Potter, George H. Hess, Republicans, and Lyman A. Walton; Theodore hue, and Dr.

John Guerln, SEES LAND-VACATION STEAL Limber Street Propositi) Caasea Alaersaaa Mlintgea to Protest. Alderman Minwegen has discovered what he regards as another attempt to rob the city. The BeJdler and Allen estates own the river frontage between the Allen and Mason slips, which lie between Morgan street and Center avenue. The sanitary district wants to cut oft 20,397 feet of tho river front property to widen the channel of the river. Owners of the property ask 60 cents a square foot and argue that their price is reasonable because the United States government paid 1 a foot for 12,054 feet a tew years ago.

In place of th land to be taken by- the sanitary district the property owners ask the city to vacate Lumber street, which Is 230 feet back from the river, and give It to them'for business purposes. The proposed vacation contains 78,000 square feet, for which the property owners offer $5,000, or a little over cents a square foot. "it's -a steal and a robbery If the city council permits this thing," declared Alderman Minwegen. "This property ts just as good 230 feet from the river aa it is on the water rroat, yet they ask us to pay 60 cents a foot for their land and then offer us 6 cents a foot 'for ours." "Mayor Harrison says It's all right." Inter posed Alderman Knns, who was listening to Alderman Minwegen. "He thinks 15.000 is all Lumber street Is worth.

He says the ordinance Is Being held no In the council by somebody who wants to get something out or it." "Well, I'm the man who stopped action on tho ordinance!" shouted Alderman Minwegen. Alderman who Is chairman of the West Side streets and alleys committee, which had the ordinance before It for consideration, says real-estate men place a higher value on the Lumber street property than the owners of abutting property have offered for it. Louis A. Seeberger. the real-estate dealer, valued Lumber street at $16,000.

Another portion of Lumber street- caused the West Side streets and alleys committee to make a new record In vacation ordinances. It not only refused to recommend the passage of an order for the vacation of a portion of Lumber street, but directed the chairman to report an order for the opening of a portion of the atreet already vacated. WOMEN SCAN SPRING STYLES. Aaaaal Reeesrtletai Held at Canoa, rinr, sesri vo. a store.

The women who attended the annual spring opening -reception at Carson, PIrie. Scott yesterday sighed for warmer weather. The creation In dresses, suits, wraps, waists, skirts, and millinery, representing the latest and the finest In the cos-turner's art, caused them to linger In the different departments as if in the halls of some art gallery. Carson, PIrie. Scott Coa Is the first of the State street stores this spring to tender a reception to patrons.

It will continue through; today. The store is decorated for the occasion. Over the court in the center of the building, on the second floor, is a dome of yellow ribbons and electric lights, hidden by leaves of the same color. From the center hangs a large basket of daffodils. The drees Importations from Paris show that the antique sleeves and the plain habit backs are-again coming Into vogue.

Satin foulard, etamine, iron frame grenadine, and canvas cloths wUl be. the-popular materials this year. Wash linens In white, pale blue, and pink will again be worn. Is the half of the third floor 4s an elaborate display of silk skirts and shirt waists. "The newest In capes is the "frocks and frills." which nothing that has preceded It.

Blouses; three-quarters and full length, half-fitting and loose long coats, trimmed with laces and usually In silk, moire antique, or peau de sole, are shown in the cloak department. The Gibson waist Is matched by the Gibson hat. There is the' portrait hat of, Llnn Faulkner of Paris and the coronation hat, with its veil and trimmed with coition and pearls and duchess lace, designed by Esther lUULU Lai Ul 7'kfis this year takes the plaee of the GainaboroUKb. A Japanese with Venetian point lace, and a Heltz-Boyer creation with a gun-metal toque and thousands of Imitation bullets in its trimming, are unique piece of the millinery display. WOMEN SPEAK FOR "CO-EDS." Say Midway Girls Are Restricted fa VmlUtim.

Toung women of the "University of Chicago want to be athletes, but declare that President Harper makes this almost Impossible. The' Social. Economics elub talked of the co-eds' troubles at a meeting In Handel hall yesterday. "Think of it.rf said Mr. J.

B. Herron, "the girls have to walk six blocks in their gym nasium costumes, bloomers and the like, in order to get to the gymnasium. It is dis graceful to so discriminate against them. There are no lockers at the gymnasium, and the girls must either dress in their rooms and parade half-clothed for six blocks or stop physical exercise altogether." it is only another form of freeze-out." added a member. "One can-well see how Dr.

Harper regards women students. He Is determined to force them out of the institution." Mrs. Corinne Brown said: "They would have us believe that there Is one kind of education for men and another for -women. Women today are not asking for tld-blts In education." Mrs. Brown also asked why the board of education was renewing its fight against employing married women as teachers in the public schools.

Dr. Frances Dickinson. In speaking of equal suffrage, declared that she favored getting up a petition asking the election commissioners to put the matter before the people, and then to proceed in the Legisla ture. THEFT TO HONOR ST. PATRICK.

Boy Has 4a Get a Oreea Rlbboa lorn War-Justice Leaieat. Because he stole a piece of green ribbon In honor of St. Patrick, Walter Buckley, 17 years old, spent Monday night In a cell at the Hyde Park police station. The complainant was Mrs. W.

Blake, who keeps a notion store at 331 Fifty-Seventh street. In the Hyde Park police court yesterday morning Walter said hi friends told him that If he didn't wear a green rlbboa on St. Patrick's day he was disloyal to his native country. I never stole anything before in my life." he said, "and now that St. Patrick's day Is over, Mrs.

Blake can have her ribbon back." "The boy's effort was for a good cause." said Justice Quinn, smiling. "Bat after this when you want green ribbon to show your patriotism com to me. You can go without a fine this morning." DR. FENGER'S ESTATES! 10,000. Property Is Dlatrtbated Aaaoaa; Meaa bers nia Faaallr.

Dr. Christian Fenger, whose death took place several days ago. left an estate of $110,000. of which $100,000 Is personal property. In a will filed for probate yesterday the doctor distributed the estate between the widow.

Mrs. Carrie Fenger, 269 La Salle avenue, an 1 their son and daughter. Mrs. Fenger li made xecutrlx without bonds. Mabbell Baes for James G.

Hubbell, deputy city comptroller, has brought suit for $15,000 against J. Ramsey Flood and Sarah C'. Flood, owners of the building at 118 Fifty-Third street, where Mr. Hubbell was Injured Dec. 18.

In falling from a back porch of the building he broke his leg. This alt-nature la on T.rr bos nt the saaoiae Laxative Bromo-Quinine she remedy that eares a eeld ia day. TILE HTEIl OCHATr, WEDNESDAY ZlOKimTG, 19. 1C02. lie (Lycr 8 All, ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY.

Used by people of refinement for over a quarter' of a century. PAHMELEE- 0MP AIIY Railroad Station Transfer Concern Will Build Soon. ON 8162,500 GROUND Tyler Hippach Buy Clintn Street Property Glass Dealer Caateaaplate Ereetlea of Straetare Marka to Move Shoo Batabllsbaaeat. Negotiation have been practically closed by which th Frank Parmelee company will erect an extensive stkble and warehouse on Weet Adam street, between Halsted and Desplalne streets. Tho company' will ac quire a ninety-nine-year lease of the prop erty at No.

248-262. with a total frontage of 223 feet and a depth of 165 feet, running through to Qulncy street. John B. Spry, representing th Chandler Interest, owns 172 feet, while Andrew J. Graham is representing the Ray which owns 60 feet.

The negotiation, the terms of which have all been agreed to, are said to boon tho basis of an annual ground rental of $6,500, which, capitalized on. a 4 per cent basis, would give a ground value of $162,500. The detail of the building to be erected by ths Parmelee company have not been decided yet, but It 1 thought it will bo a four- story structure. It will be a thoroughly modern, up to date building and will be con structed with an eye to it ultimate use for automobile service almost exclusively. It has been understood the Parmelee company has for some time been quietly looking for a it for a building to meet the growing needs of Its businesa A few week ago it sold it property at 250-256 Fifth -avenue to the Metropolitan Blevated road for $300,000.

i Tyler Hippach, the glass dealers, have purchased, through W. D. Kerfoot St. Co. and Mead St Coe, 100 feet frontage, vacant, on Clinton street, between Fulton and Canal for $51,000.

It Is the purpose or Uie fiavchaeer-' to improve th property with; a arge v't'' A deed made a matter of record yesterday developed the fact that the real purchaser of the property at 163-165 Fifth avenue, title to which was taken last week by the Merchants' Loan and Trust company, was Clarence W. Mark. the wholesale shoo dealer, whose property at the southwest corner of Michigan avenue and Washington street was sold to Co. for $600,000. It Is undo j'-jauThat Mark' purpose is to raAve his butinesa to hi newly acquired Bertha Cockburn has sold to William A.

Hayne- th premises on Douglas boulevard, twenty-five feet south of Harrison street, west front, 75x82. with three -story apartment-house, for $36,000, the purchaser assuming an Incumbrance of $9,000. Mary Flschbeck has conveyed to Melvin 3. Neahr th premise on Qulncy street at th southeast corner -of Jefferson street, north front, 106x82 feet, for Caroline A. Britton ha sold to Fred W.

Talles the-property at 4337-41 Evans avenue. 54x119 feet," with three-story- apartment building, for $18,000, subject to an incumbrance-of $9,000. C. L. Wilson ha sold to May C.

Bo am the premises on Oakenwald avenue, 1.145 feet south of Forty-Fourth place, east front, SOx 83 feet, for $11,600. The conveyance of the Columbu club property, 45-49 Monro street, from Zeno-phlle P. Brossean and others to Katherlne S. Adams, for $275,000, was made a matter of record yesterday. Another sale reported on Sunday, that of the premise 14-16 Sherman street, by Mary A.

Steele to Willie Kent, for $150,000, was also recorded. With the conveyance was filed a trust deed covering the property for $92,000, three years, at 4 per cent, given by Mr. Kent as part purchase price. Lenora S. Dillon has sold to A dial T.

Ewlng 00x241 feet, east front, on Paulina street. 161 feet north of the west fork of the south branch of the Chicago river, for REAL-ESTATE TRANSFERS. Th followlnr reaj-eatate transfers ware Hied for rcord yesterday; Monroe mt. premlwi 43 to- 49. 60x107.

and all Improvement; March 1 Zenophil P. IBroaeeao, illiam A. Amberic. and Uavld F. Brcmmer to Katharine H.

Adams of Wheaton. 111. Subject to certain leaf tram Z. Btohuu el al toCharlea Jona-ho and other, dated Nov. IV, IhjO, and ex--plrlna- April ll: aobJot to mortgage riven by ciae lepott Co.

th N. W. aviutuai ur Inauranca Co. of -Milwaukee. I.

to ecur th pay- meat of bond for S1SO.OOU. dated Oct. 26. of which ther la unpaid babutc of which xruiut imihh and ajtre-es to pay a part of th consideration (revena. $13f 25) 3273.000 Eh-rman at.

premises 14 and Id, GOxKiO; i Fob. 24 Ma.rra.r.1 A. Steele to William Kent 150.000 Bin av. praml. 1SS and 4tx90: March 17 (Merchants t.Jl and Trust Co.

to Clarence W.Marks 000 Douiclaa blvd. 23 a of Harrison at. f. 7. KiHv; March 6 Bertha Cockburn to William A.

Hsynea (incumbrance. Ht.OOO).... 30.000 Qulncy at. a cor Jefferson at. of.

lxn2: March IS Mary Flshbecx to Melvin J. "N'eahr 28.000 Clinton at 0 of Carroll av. f. OOx ISO; Tr. S.V-Estate ot Frederic Bronson to Louia A- Hluoabch 27.000 Evans av.

premises 4337 to 4T.41. 58.88x1 10: March 10 Caroline A. Brit tan to Fred V. Tolle (lncumtirance. (O.OUO) 18,000 Oakanwald av.

1.1-15 a of 44th pi. f. SOx 83: March IS L. Wilson to May C. Boorn 11.500 Milwaukee av, premise 041 to 047.

60x127: March lo J. Kits at al. by M. In C. to John A.

Orb 10.2S3 State 20O of 45tb t. f. 23x1l: March 14 William T. Woodley to Ber- tram M. Winston flncumbranco, S.Vttoo).

10,000 (lirt l.V) of Prairie av. f. i.7SrlO; March Charles Uaversaat to Ttieo. Pioner 10.000 CHfton Par a v. S41 ot OeMen av, f.

i.xl26: March 17 el. O. Usher to An- drew 1. Olson flncumbrance, a.AOO) T.200 Wlnihroo av. '2jM of Gienlak a v.

f. COz 154; Feb. 27 E. F. Iuc to Martha B.

Do T.000 Fraocleco av. Sf)5 of Humboldt blvd. 81 '4x125: March 4 A. H. Maaek to 811- ma, a.

Anoeraon nncum crane. u.x"U... O.uuv Ait. 1.1 I a f. 60x121; March (J.

sjenurs et al, by M. In to John A. Orb 4.000 Huron at. 815 of Center av. 4x110: Marrh iV.

Nlederacher to John TrU-b. S.000 PERFECT Pg PLANS WAREHOUSE i mora-or fees: -March 1 Stanley McCorv mlck to W. O. Allen Mftt. Co 12.S33 Urln av.

118 of Humboldt tr, f. March 12 O. Johnron to HuJda, M. Johnson (Incumbrance. 2.000i...

8,500 Grand av. 42 of Lesplaine st, a 24xiK, more or leva: March 11 F. Hund et al to -Anna Lev.ron 2.360 Bt. Iula av. cor W.

lth St. 4Axl'25; Feb. 24 J. GUeilr to Vaclav -Salat J.080 Harvard at. 2Vi of Campbell ir, 25 124: March 14 A.

HaUbauer to OartruUe M.her 2.000 Miller st, 823 a of Taylor at, 25x100; March 17 M. Blue to Rocco Sclnto 2.000 Division at, 13 of Irvine av. a 24x124; March 11 S. Naet et aO. by M.

la C. to Mnrlts Freytss; 1.000 Paulina at. 11 a of fosa: of aouth branch of Chlcaso river, f. March 14 lienors, 8. PlUer at al to AdlaJ -T.

20.000 Whipple at, 227 of 23d at f. 2flxl2; Fb. 1 A. Kapler Iski to Mary Jackowaki (inrumbranca, f8.5i) fl noo Honer t. cor 7th at f.

J2Sx IK4 4.VKO: Jan. 1C1 Arthur B. Cody nult- cl.tms to Jamea M. McConahey (incum- ranee, fl2.0OO: revenue. fl.TS) 8 000 7 S-h at, lot ol Adanui av, i.

2SxXai 7.500 0,000 4,000 19.252 5.000 8,000 12.975 VKl; March 1-John L-irkln et al. by M. In C. to Howard t. Kdsle av.

115 of 24th at. 2xlia, March 15 Jooef Kolar to John Leavltt at. MU of 2.1d st. t. 2--.

March 1 A. tVelchhnHl to Lu' 24th at, 145 of Indiana av. a iiarch 11 S. Nat ei. by In C.

to Moiita FreyUf .77. iv.v Moepratt t. premlfK-s, 8814. 124 5-100; March 15 W. Saypex to Ictor Szyuaklewlca BITTLDIVO PERMITS.

Ttie followina buiKlina; permits were veatarday AIrrt Trmr-ki. 1-rtory brick cottage 1CO0 Pacramento av J. H. MrOorkK o-story brick warehouse. 2Nf-9 Canal H.

1. -kr. two m-etory frame cottage. 70O5-7IV4) Bond Mm Sanpe. two 2-tory brlcH nata, 221)1 N.

Achland av M. Ktscnberr. 2-story brick etor. 108 Cua- totn-HuusepI M1m Emma Fl-rher. 2-story brick addition.

4510 Forrestvilie av "ilXSA H'Tirv Werner. 1-itory frame cottaae. VXaa Musttesri ar 'AL'lLl Edward W. Vandr Veen. 1-s'ory frame cot tajre.

428 WiU pi 1V. W. 8. Harbee. 5-story brick addition, 2I WaNa.h av Jo Niemann.

8-tory brick flat. 6TI w. 84th st William Straunr. 8-story brick apartment 422-24 Oraiid blvd Strombenr-Ca-liion Telephone Mfs. Jo 3-story brick addition.

70-b W. Jackson Mr, ri'. 'h. 2-etofy'brlcs; addition. 3223 Indiana av Falrbanka Cannlne; 2-story brick tank hou-e, 43d and Justine at Falrbanka Cannlna- -tory brick glue house.

44th and Justin ata 'Sil' P. J. Hamler. 2-rlory brick reaidenoe. 1184- 86 Garfield blvd Vj'iVi' Ertal of Huh T.

nickey. 1-rtory brick addition. 40 Dearborn -ViiJ Nela Peterson. 1-Mory frame cottage. 2251 K.

Tmr et 'V "i Jorenh 8-etory brick flat. B4 Llll Pi A. H. Hill l)s-aoTT frame cottaxa, 2510 Drake av liiLlXl'Wii E. McDonald.

2-story frame reaiaeoc. 131 Prairie a Amanda Johneoa. 2-etory brick store. 1808- 1100 K. Clark Amanda Johnson.

8-tory brick apartment 1171-73 Sheffield av 8,000 lamed Ctoat. $1,000 M.000 1.5O0 10,000 T.500 1.200 1,000 1.400 60.000 2.400 SS.000 18.000 2.500 80.000 80.000 12.000 18,000 1,000 2.8O0 1,800 S.000 12.000 14.000 APPELLATE COURT DECISIONS. Elevea of Tweatr-Three Oelalea Affirm Itwtt Cowrt Twenty-three opinions wsro handed down yesterday hy Judges jrreeman, ivrau my a Rhen.rd the branch Appellate court. Is eleven. of which the findings of the lower courts are amrmea.

iney are ma TH John F. Water, va West CblcaffO Street Railroad Company; reversed and nmandeS. Vlwi Con sreaa Conrt ruction company Ubby for we. etc: aiBrmed. P724 Arnofa Schwlnn Co.

vs Uuatav Horn; re-veiled and rtananded. 'n, t783 Uermaa EvanreHoal lAtberaa Bt. Piwinvntlon of Harlem, etc, Uhelmlna Schmidt al; tfflrmxl in part aKl revecsea a 1 a at Inhn'. Rrlll Lutheran Church: affirmed la part ana V78l'uiu' Doosddeon vs William Copelani. writ of rror: djamta-ed.

B740 John ti. unmn. mirw, flii. next friend, va Chlcaso 4k V. eatarn Railroad Hiiiama.

for ot John OHvr and William O. Oliver, vs Wert Chicaao tre Railroad uompanv. ru am. nia. Wllllama: a'nrmeu.

wa-m 0755 Cornelli a Uennlckefsl vs John P. EkoaHI et at: revemeo ana rmiA. 750 Charlee Counwlman va Jeremiah BulMvaa; and remanderl. B72 8arah C. Warren va Frederick H.

warren; reveraed and reroajHled. o7RA Maria Shtrnan vs City of Chicago; af t7ji-Herman Bruromer vs llUnols Central Railroad Company: aff1rml. wit V784 KeHoss-McKay-Cameron I-llam8chmidi Rakins Company and Ullam C. Hill: afllrrned. i.mJ U7KV John ri.

1 oust on xviv n. b.lUCurraS. and Keorxe E. White: raveraed and remandro. with airecuooa li.

1T7H7 Nicholas Hansen va manismu. Stanislaus Maiicai; re-vere uii t7U tirand lodge. Ancient United Woodinen bt llUwila Jennie UoBBaa aa wsm), man H.e:ioron; amrmro. oMr Isle, admlnlatratrlx ot HlT1tta Packman, dceaaed. va Kate Ommby: amrmea.

97U0 K. b-wiir va ivan nenjj Chicaso va the of the Btabeofliuiuna utih carter ituriiwn. nTh v.ani-Linoeckl McHeie. or tre of Anguau Wehr- helm, vs Darragh; rveraet and remanaea. COURTS OF RECORD.

j. 1 1 Coart Calls for Tadsy. Jaare aooawiiv--irirsx oait. now. -'i elusive, from Gibbons calendar: trial call Iaw.

1201. 1283, 1515. J853. 14. mo, SIOHH.

213a. 21H. 21t2. 243J, 2R1U. 2Ha2r2VV), 2V.

2754. 224. Soli. 3043, 8244. BITS, 8372.

8449. 8472. Iud Horton Juds Tuley Trial call law). Noe. 2457, 2141.

20I-2. 2-(12. 2U26, iU31, 2V42, 2U71. 2VJ5. hiui a.iirfi 4.iia k.l.l.Tr,l Haw.

ffoa. 18008.. 131 Itk tn-TT iftnaa 8010l 1.H314. 13131. 133X-1.

18400, 13W.J. HOfxV 1301" lOOuS. "61- 1 una rianeci 1 najcaii iiawi. i. ier 4ri4aiTii.

UUfCV Ullllll 1 I lata vv. 'Y'l'T 67U5, 8677, 231, on trial. No. bW3; wtt V. lUtk 1,, 4.

mi front Trial e-all flawV Noa. 171 87. lraiT 1724, 17275. 172M1. 172U7, 1731I.

17362. Juds Burke Trial call (law), Noa. 1803, 2170. 17311; No. 17338 on trial.

Judae Maker xni can iwi, nam. nt Judir Hrentano Trial call law). Noa. 424. 4720.

444. 2o82TA. 4tr. filO. I.IOI.

S2S. B61. 4bt. 0UO, 002. al No.

844 on trial Judge Hutcmneon mat can tiawi, rsum. po7. arts. w4, tuna. 13S4.

6007. iu62. u-oa. ui; No. 4546 on triat Jufite Chytraus Trial atl ehancery.

Nos. 8139. 21KW44. 2-H074. 218W5.

SW. a-rTttta, l.3- Judz Btcin Motion new trial. No, "41; trla.1 call OAW). Noa. 1275.

:71, 8M5, 1HV5, 6121, ir u-n nn ajtra a.7ik 1-J. ri i. it, vi 06O1; NO. 1227 on trial. Dure nivn vww a HufCVV nLlltJ-'U a la veaaa 723.

1H64: No. 41 on hearinr. Juaare unetiain nai can tcjiy vmwmr, il -8009, 4062. W. 4148.

M53. 42S8, 424. 4241. 42441 424U. 4H.M.

4354, 4MO. 440O, 4U1. 4406, 8261; No. 85J0 on hearlns; Jucae Vlcnera rai can tiawi. nm.

io. i i. 80(17. 4014 34 1. Mai.

Urr 357! 1301. i3C4 201. 4oh3. sail. asjo.

S424, 3377. 3ja. Judge Gary trial call Nc. KW. 67X bSSa.

tA-ta. 404, 4U76. 4M4, 8760; No. nn trial. jreoarai rmi 1.

CtH'NTY COURT. Judire Tjovext -ity r.wmi itwrao.i Not. mi: lecal objectlona and benefits In calendar. a 11 tl in 1 ei fei: Icral eblectlons only In Noa. .23 and 24.

jiinea waxier aiinn ui CRIMINAL. COI RT. Judge Ball (bram No. 8) Call not extended. Judo Dunne tbranch No.

4) Call iiot Jnira Smith (branch No. 5) Noa. 277S. 2774. 294, 2802.

2K3. 2W1, 2Srt. 2S34, 25. 2832. judira Kavanaa-h (brunch No.

6) Call not ex tended. nru utin JUairA r-atrori rti-, t-t Mfl. 5630. frlT-d. W.

6Tf, WI79. 8772' WUl. There will be a first call of calendar No. 6. from Noa.

701 to 80O. lnclusiv. Friday at 10 Judae Bishop On trial. No. IVSVV 1 PROBATE ultlnr Jury in eexatea oc juim.

1 tw n-ke. Jacob OeooU Lottla Opnenheirmr. Rftl Horn: atMrof Thomas Doorley. Andre Erlckron. En.tly J.

Howe, John P. Jameke. Michael Jung. Charles M. Keller.

Charles Ken- Hlchlsraat taprrmt, Special Dispatch to Th Inter Oesan. T.ANSINO March 18. The Supreme court dlrpored of the follow! rasea: a fflrmMl Mtv of Iiciroit -vs Tllade: rVrhael va City of Iietrolt; Calkins va Orerne; Meech Wlloer; liumnev va jetroii ano jivouoa i.iun company: 4teadman Keets; Rollo va Marvin: Kruif FHeman: Dorenbers va Ockerman: Sallott vs Wllllama; Macklen va Fales: Farr va Ucbmaa: Fowlea va Hayden: Glebe and Ruta-ets Flr Ineumnc company va Jmea: Russell Wheel and Foundrv company va Hammond Standloh A Co. Traverse City Gas company va Traverse City: finviiM va Neah Iiivr va l'alms: Brown vs Cltv of 0mw Travis vs Parks: Loudon vs Carroll; Walterhotw va Walterhouse. MacK va trie ctm 01 t-oie: vt iiaoa va Terry; Rreen va Hyde; Pirle, Scott Co.

va Fincher: Butter Halt and I-umher company va Voa-el; Marvin va Harta; Zlbbl va Orand Rapids: Waters Union Trut company: Hutchinson va CiESUEB imriiEs A title examined by the at torneys of the Chicago Title and Trust Company and guaranteed by the Company is rested for all time, and subse quent guarantee policies are issued for very small premiums. This economy is possi ble because the repeated ex aminations of title usuar under other systems are entirely eliminated. March 17 F. to rcnjamln Toar. rem wool av, a of trth t.

ox J41S; 15Fmll itadwensel to Maria K. MdLconiuer (incunibrance, VVV; Commercial av ltu, KM 121- March 13 M. K. Macomber to EmU Radwenael Ocden av. 9 mr

at. a 1, 1'- THI3 czl TrnstGcqpiag CURES WEAK MEN FREI las area Leva aatd Happy Ileane for All. How any man may quickly cure himself after rears of suffering- from sexaal weakness, lost vitality, nlsht loaaes, varicocele, and enlarga small weak orrans to full size and vlror. Simply send your nam and address to Dr. Knapp Medical 1827 Hull Detroit.

and they will siadly send th free receipt with, full directions so an man may easily cure himself at home. This Is certainly a moat generous offer, and the folowlng extracts taken from their daily mail ahow what men think of thir seneroaity: "Dear Sirs: Please accept my slncare thanks for yours of recent date. I have given your treatment a thorough teat and the benefit has been extraordinary. It has completely braced me up. 1 am lust as vigorous aa when a boy and you cannot realise how happy I am." "Dear Sirs: Your method worked beautifully.

Reaulta were exactly what I Deeded. Strength and vigor have completely returned and enlarge ment is entirely satisfactory." "Dear Sirs: Yours was received and I had ne trouble in making uae of the receipt as directed, and can truthfully say it la a boon to weak men. I am greatly improved la slse, strength and vigor." All correspondence Is strictly eonfldentlat. mailed in plain, sealed envelope. The receipt la free for the asking and they want eevry man to hav ft.

Supervisors of Ionia county; Curry va same Health va Koon. Fpraa-ue va Moon waa modified and remanded. Mandamua was denied In Warner va Auditor General: Pounard va Fraser, Judg; and la John- vn va ceecn. vircuii Juuge. Petit loan la Oaskrayter, T3JJ2 Frank J.

Crocker: Habit, $660; no assets. o. wtuil T3tl3 Jjhn M. Cunnlnr: llabU. 26.

700; asset. x-imer Aaimn, atty. 734 I-o-jU and Marjraret Wlta: llatll, $3,400: IK. Nathan NeufVtd. attv.

7tf5 David Strausa; ltabll, $20. 7oO; aaeata, (20O. mi neiaman a enortie. attya 7.6-Ler Uabii, 8SOO; a east (100. Beach A- Beach, attva.

7367 Valentine O. Hansen; Ilabll. tSOO; ao as- ww. t. twi 11.

aiiy. 738 Hnry Butriea: llabll. 82.800: ao aaeete. C. H.

Soelke. attv. T-lmln H. Amyot; Ilabll, $1,800: no aaeata. 1 Tr-i'rr rnmii, any.

MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licensee were Issued Ara Clarence J. Col. May O. Dohney .2021 Herman Pfotenbautr.

Annie M. Jure en-sen. 2424 Peter Hansen. Bet-thin Petersen. 32 2J1 John Mundt.

Mary C. RandelL.A II lu Oeorr H. Trry, Delay 3-21 yiinen nauacn. Anni CHamploa 2 J-urnan tshepardl KaU A. lliiam A.

l'resa. llla Bauaenbach 32J Max fctelnmann. Mary Lanafeld 252:1 John Anderson. Caroline Haneted 3129 .1 II, Charlra Jam ell. (ielma 2s 20 on a c- ritzireraia.

atary T. .3 ynaries l. ay. uussi 8 John occo. Lizzie Bchroeder .....2 27 Harry Hall.

Mary R. Chalupaka 23 1 Charles A. Rohler. Frida Alt 2S 25 Frd W. Lnedtke, Minnie H.

Luedtk 2 27 Fred Stlnes. La areas. 111.: Lauretta Walter, ram 27 IS Phllln eal. Berwyn. III.

Guesle 20 7er.rse I thaw, Bortha 2H 20 govA. Nevlll. HolUa Shaw 2120 r.rr-V"' -atyon. rtaxtle M. Onr 24 19 William Boas, Prairi View.

UL; Helena flchus 8749 Haakon H. Rei setter. Lee, Annie J. Orvsdal, same 8227 Edward Hunt. Hammond.

Ird. Annl Can-sard, same 221 Charles H. Meyer. Barrinaton. rtha K.ichow.

same 9 Arthur M. Dobba. Jean Stewart 22 cuijio. aianna Mimeareroet 2419 Clinton F. Nlebergall, Poooa City, Francea M.

.2954 Ourtav Ellefsen. Martha D. 20 nrnrj A-fl'a. r.lia AmUMWII ........2620 Irvinr E. Tatrs, Cora A.

I'ndcm 2119 Charles L. C. Maaa. Lulu M. Mathews 2121 Oeorre A.

Oever, Mantaret Duffy 2221 Hyman Borland. Harriet Thorn peon 2324 Arthur C. Rlehter, Frieda C. 2h 23 Oacar H. Ida Doremua S3 Carl Anderwa, Dortha Jnsen ...24 2.1 onm.

itneimine T.lorsen .22 21 John Baker. Baas Lek. Louisa ,....2 55 nennaaen. jaartna tirrnm 2121 Carl J. BorireeoTi.

Anna Peterson 4-S3 DEATHS. TNERAL TRArV aramlaint r.w--.. Funeral train of the Chicago. Milwaukee 4 Paul rallwav leaves Tnion 1 uu.i.- Canal suecta daily M.

12:80 p. mi-, 5B7TM5B Mary j. Pebble. "vrMrrar Vkl 't. t2 onmwi reupin, in oer year, ru neral Wedncaday.

3 p. at 837 Erie street. Oak Parle. UNDERTAKERS. J.

HITHER BfFTX'M (20 TEARS WITH THE lata C. Jordan) and A. B. PERRIGO, nnder- laacrs. n.j y.

Teigpnone South Xf3. BURIAL VAULTS. "BURIAL VAULTS." 1ha Cfhlcam Rurlal Vault la ma Am MuWlnM. the be-t Portland cement and sand; easily set up: Is air and water tijrbt when cemented together and becomea a eoild aa atone, which malcea it nnnnf against grav robbery and rodents: la vastly su perior 10 any oincr ounai vault on tne market, ana saucn cneaper. nte ior a 1 rClAL, VAULT M'l W.


221. THS UTTER OCEAN. A Comfortatle UrVag for Fifty Years. A thorough Investigation will convince you that a few dollars per month Invested for aiz years In th Montezuma riantation win ansoiuieiy secure iu Rubber and ausjar. th great ata plea which never fall, ar be In a- Dlanted.

The manaainc company has aaaeta worth 2.0ta,00u The plan la th per- lectloa or eo-ope ration, uver two years wora, coatlna haa been dona. The tjnicaro 1 me ana Trust Tnmet. Sir Thomas Upton says: "For aura, lanre. and permanent returna nothing equals a well-manased troplcnl plantation." Over 4n Intelligent peopls own share. It Is aa safe aa life Insurance, several time more profitable, and cood for life.

M'lNTE-Zl'MA PLAXTATIO.V.ll"7 Ashland ANDREWS LOAN BANK. We have a few select unredeemed sealskin Jackets at treat baryalna; alterationa free of charse a tins line or oiamonos. watcne. ano jewels, buv old cold, dlamonda. and ail kinda of lewelrv: orders by mall promptly attended to.

Money loaned at the lowest rate. Andrews Collateral Loan Bank. KSt mate opposite tna-ress st. All Diseases of Men. Fxnert arieciallat.

twenty-five years" experience. will conault and examine free. Best curative methods. Call or write. JJK.

kemxeht, Sd floor. North American 1U2 Slat a. w. cor. Monroa at.

DANDRUFF AND FALLING HAIR Posi tively and permanently cured in one week; send lco for formula that haa cured thousand, and never falls; does not Injure th acalpand produces a luxuriant srowth; costs but 2c to make, ture guaranteed. Th J. Verttr Htnrualc. Mien. PERSONAL OUR LADIES TURKISH AND electric bath In connection with our halr-dreasina; and manicuring establishment makes our ator th moat popular In th city.

E. liUKNIUH. TO and 72 State at. TUMORS. CANCERS.

AND ALL SKIN Disease cured without pain or knife; If you have any of llood. akin, or nerve, call on or addreaa DR. DELLA.VO, 2134 Mlchlan av. Hours. IP to ia.

a to 4. MARRIAOE PAPER BErST PURLISHED. CON. t.inina hundreds of "neraonal' advertlrtevnaota rf marrlaa-eab; neoole: manv rich: rnaOd. seeurely se a Ie5 1.

in r. 1 uiruu. t'hiu, A NEW DISCOVERY WK REMOVE GLOSS from garments or no charse; shins entirely removed. UNION TAILORINO i.a nanqoipn rnerman pou. WE ARE THE CHEAPEST MAIL-ORDER house In the world; send for ca.taoaue atrial convince you.


lellle. lemonace, and flavor, to mak cheap: each Oregon, 111. READ "AUDREY." FIFTH BTRIVQ." Richard Calmady," or any lata novel for 10 cent. Liorary. 104 La fall at.

PERSONAL RHEUMATISM SUCCESSFULLY treated by gwednh method. HILDA MALM-QUI3T. 82a La Salle flat' D. COCKROACHES AND BEDBUGd EXTER1U-nated from tour under fruaranteed con-tract. FHFDF.RirK A 42T State st.

LESSONS IN PERSONAL 11AGN ET1S Quick method. HAI.KEL. Persian Bclentlat. 270 Mien Iran av. HIIXtA ANDERSON CURES RHEUMATISM and nervous diaeasea by Swedlah method.

181 N. Clark at. ALL WHO VALl'E HEALTH AND A GOOD flirura writ th uiaa riupport Cleveland, Dept. R. LADIES" OR GENTS' CU'THlNil ON EASY moDthly; payments.

CRANE'S Wabash av. MAVTTRr? AND ELECTRIC TREATMENTS- fl.iWKXOR KIMBALL Wabaah rulte 2. CHI.Nf.SB CHOP 6UEY, ALL OTHER ORIF-N- tal IfS RandoUih at.i auleUy teapvclabl. CUSir.ESS CHArXES. rcn UttB-OXP OF tub finfeh FQUIPPET and teat amlton and lunch room on he met prominem corner In I he fx at bulnea- manuf city or in America: ivw- ia per year.

with the bt. class of trtde; reaaons for svlliry. want to retire from the I.iihI-Beas; onlr those with nut or equivalent I apt town. lo. RRiaHT.

Pt'PHINO TOTJNO MEM WITH SOMTJ acouaintanceahlp etudenta. school teachers, and nthera can make rood money In spar time. Ceil baULKDSLEY, lue Monro at. BRANCH OFFICE MANAGERS FOR LAR1E cltiea; aalary. expenses, and commissions paid: must carry VH stock; aliw) ayenta for imtilt town on commllon.

CONTLN' KXTAL CASH REGISTER 85 Ieerborn Chrcaso. WANTED PARTY TO ASSIST E8TARLISH- TO ln branch factory here: small store or basement required to start with; caah orders. every month: little caah renuired. Call Dearborn room 45. JAMIFSON, WK HAVE AN ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITION to uCar Investors.

In which money Is rvctrred. CIUCAW LOAN ANO TRUPT 1M La sail trri'caco. FOR SALE CHEAP. A FINE CORNER CPO. C.l 9 foe-'cah: estabU.hed IV years; aood order trade; Invemla-ate.

2tit) W. Randolph au. cor. fanramon st. FOR 8ALE R0 4.T LINE.

CONSISTING OF s-aaolln and row boats, on Lak Mmiewaaka. Ad- dres KAEFOD ar AUNE. Glenwooq. Minn. BUYS COrsfl RIUHT VALUABLE PAT- entr baxa-e nronta.

juun uuiuu.i, BpnajrneM. JHTUATiq BOOKKEEPEBI A9TD CLERKS. SrTTTATTON WANTED BT A TOTTNO MAN OF food character and a-eod penman aa bookkeeper or once won can rumian us oeax ot nitri. Address JOSiifM HttHT. iw It.

swtn at. SITUATION WANTED WX1KKEEPER, THOR-ouahly experienced ia lumber; city reference; accept position out of city. H. E. CURTIS.

4H35 vs asnmrton av. SITUATION WANTED EXPERT ACCOUNT-ant and booklueper deelrea permanent position a 1th respooatbl bouse. Address 357. The Inter twan. I1LESMEV.

STTTTATT rrN WANTED I HAVE TO LEAVE Chlcaco on account of throat trouble; will locate in California permanently; nave sold encceaaruiiy arnsa. pure wmta leaa. atrupa. preserves, and am an Al anapl airup ealasman; best or reterencee xurnianea. aaartat jr.

4. uii swnr.eston city. TRADES. STTT'ATTOV WAVTTTV-BT TOrVO MAN 27 yaara ec as, as machinist; any kind of work ac- cepti: rair education. Aqars sa an EHSTROM.

TQ37 Channcey av. SITUATION WANTED CARPENTER FORE- man desirea poattlon: under. tanda plana thor oujn ty. AOdrese 400. to inter ocean.

SITUATION WANTED BT ENGINEER: 12 years experience: well recommenaeo. at. (shirk. ot.i e. aiman it, SITUATION WANTED RT CUSTOM CUTTER 14 years' experience.

Address SM. The Inter ocean. COOKS. UTTrTATION WANTED BT COLORED MAMAS noua wore; raxereoeee. Auareaa SITUATION WANTED AS PASTRT COOK: rood references.

LEO 8TROLKE. Pastry Cook. iitrriiiea nuusMtt. MI9CELLAT4EOIS. STTTJATION WANTED A9 CORRESPONDENT ruoceesfui mall-order man.

Scandinavian corre apondent, and typewriter. oiiAur. wo rtoria av. SITUATION WASTED BT TOCNO MAN private family, or Janitor; I am well acquainted nouxwnri or janitor, ana can tnve city reierencve. n.

aa. wi sutts n. SITUATION WANTED RT A TOlNO MAN A3 unver on an expresa war on or a ell very war on. Addreaa MICHAEL JACOii. 23 Wlaner Chl-caro, SITUATION WANTED IN- WAMnmrau.

com experience in packlnraood box mailer: not afraid of hard work. Address P3. The Inter BrrUATION WANTED TO AriSIBT WITH housework or do odd jobs about the house. "SCOTT ag.ajj, 010 ptaie 11. SITUATION WANTED BY TOUNd MAN IN rorne wholeaale bouse; not afraid of work.

417. The Inter Ocean. ilTUATION WANTED BY GOOD RELIABLE bartender. Adrtreee 41. Th Inter Ocean.

SITUATION WANTED FEMAU BOCIEKEEPEBI. Sf SITTTATION WANTED AS HOUSEKEEPER by eood. reliable, thorouKhly competent woman; Well experienced tn hoil m.nA MRS. WALTON, 4125 6t Lawrence av. SITUATION WANTED BT HOUSEKEEPER In hotel or roomins-hoo; 4 years' exparlenc.

4022 Cot Use Grove top flat. SITUATION WANTED AS HOUSEKEEPER; ITJ1 i JT oa try state Wax a. Addreaa 4.i. Th Inter Ocean. -domestics; rrTTTTATTOrT WANTED AS NEAR HERB A3 eoeeible.

for fhoroua-hiv trustv. honest vouna- a-irl: esairt all re neral housework: neat, capable: can care ior very aman cnna can cays or write particular, waxes, and number of family. TM W. Chic ax av. SITUATION WANTED BT MIDDLE-AGED ioy.

at Housework In a family of two or three; a-lll rive the beat of reference-. 55 VIncenree nv. HISCELUXEOll. SITUATION WANTED SHORTHAND TEACH- er will rive individual Instruction renin as at reaaonaDt rate. Aauresa 1 uu, 1 ne inter ocean.

SITUATION WANTED TOT "Nil MAN. 22. brlrht, enerretlc. would like to learn retail shoe bnaineea. Address 4.12.

Th Inter Ocean. SITUATION WANTED WORK BY THE DAT; renaoie woman. 413M cottare tirore nat o. HELP WANTED MALE. SALESJIEX.

WANTED CTTT AND COUNTRY SALESMAN; tilUHiKAll MAN ONLY. WHO CAN earn JO per week. Apply, with references. Room 9u3, Adam Express bldaT. WANTED CHICAGO REPRESENTATIVE OF French kid clove manufacturer to cover surround- Inr one with experience and trade pre- lerreu; atate pamcuiara ano rererences; commies Ion.

DOMESTIC. P. O. Box 1172. New York city.


HYGEIA MFG. 3 Dearborn at. A NT I CO I -NT SALESMAN: MUST BE experienced bicycle sundries, ta Lake st IRAUCS. WANTED PRACTICAL AWNTNO-MEN WHO onderatand hanatrur awnlncs; aalariea from SIO to IS per week: plenty work and eteady. Ad lress at oa 1 lain 1 cv.

A ja.v..-u vv'Vi. ft. Sd St. Louia, Mo. WANTED YOUNO JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER ana (manner.

Must oe soner ana rename. uinAiuin-uifli, jl l-one, ina. WANTED FIREMAN. ONE DES1RINO EN- flneers license and position. Addreaa 31.

nter Ocean. The SOLICITORS. GOOD SOLICITORS. MEN OF ADDREftS ANT) education, can bear of money maker nwrpaper nrorwiuooj or eppowa navnjni.r.x. auo-aau aionree sv, DOTS.

WANTED BRIGHT. NEAT POT OR OIRL TO pass half rare, to travel wita blind man. UK W. Msdlron. Room 2.

MISCKLXA EOCS. WANTED TOUNO MEN AND WOMEN TO write for our free booklet. "Are Your Handa Tied? It tells how have helped thousands lo support tnemeivea wniie we qunneo mem for hlirh-aalarle'l position in Enrlneerlns or Architecture. Write the International Correspondence Schools, Box 1043. Scran tun.

or call day cr venlns at the Chlcaso QfHoe. Manhattan Bld. WANTED YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN TO write for our free booklet. "Are Your Hand TledT It tella how we hav helr-ed thnueands to support themselves wnii qualified th.ra for hirn-aalarld powlttona In EnKineerina" or Architecture. Write th International Correspondence Schools, box 1UH.

Scran ton. or call day oryenlns at the Chicago olrice. Manhattan bKi. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN EVERY where, to sell, durable, and easy writinr fountain pen to buaincrs people at 1 each; hustlers coin money. For 36c will send one sample pn (only) 13 persons willing to represent us in tneir vicinny.

ium. WEST EI K.N P. 167 Dearborn Chicago. WANTED FAITHFUL MAN. GOOD LOCAL aiandtnar.

manaxer olllce buainees Chlcaco; similar opcnlna-s h-adlnx points e.tern and r.ihKli ltatr; commercial house; larv. raouroe; e.Lab-tl.hed over twenty years; a- l-clt in olllce duii-s wholly; salary $1 year: share nux furn'i-h to caah: aood reiereocea. 14 St- Paul bJi.jC.ncinnatl. Ohio. WANTED A FEW MEN POPULAR WITH emplovea in ofrU-ee and factories 10 f.

rm ana niat-kintoh clula: will make yuu a fin auit trv. invealik'al. A wl. Th luiar Ocean. HELP "ALE.

MlSCtLLAMiulS'. WAVrrrArnVK MAN TV ltrPRr'rVT R-sporiaibl manuracturlnc comrany In reiui.nt and m-aftiy alH r-cr e. a rl n. fnaea. payable wrekly: absolutely no canva-sinf.

lrmanrnt p.itl.m: ii (wruinuy it aa vancemenr. Hrfrrrncrr A r. a Macu f-cturer. Chctrin phi ladelj-h n. I t.

WANTED MEN TO LEARN NAKKa'K ThAO Special Inducementa to appUcama from tiiatancea for thlrtv davs; can earn -hoMrhip. board, tool, and transportation: only two months r. CUired; poettlor.a ruarantee.I. Writ today, RA RPKft I.I.K;:. 45 Wehah av.

WANTED CIRCULAR AN I SAMPLE I't tr butors; S5 per pay advanced exprlrn -e unneceearv; iermAnent: Indole eta rv MtLi I'lTiUbUHNU W. 24th New lrrk Ity. POSITIONS FURNISHED IN ALL I.lNE.-tl Btroup's Bureau. Itftf 8. Clark rt. for year, WAN-TErv-STOCKPAPER CUTTER. APPLT Armour Prlntinira Worka I nlon Stock Tarda. HELP 1 VVANTEDFEMALtLJ DO MKST ICSk 'r WANTED A NEAT. REFINED ELDERLT" woman for re neral work In email family: want one wlliins; to do any work In a plain home; not onede ririn; place aa companion or man a err of servantat work la easy; eteady place, rood ware.

Call forenoons only all week; women wlta children not wanted. T3W W. Chlcaa-o lat flat. WANTED EX PERI EN'CED GER AN-A ERI-caa sir! for a. neral houeework.

In small American family- references required; wasee au. J3 4u nai. WANTKD-COUlHKn GIRL FOR GENERAL hourewurk: must be neat, wl 111ns: and ohiiainr; lamlly of flee: wares ti rreekf.C.a avj WANTEDGOOD STEADY OTHL FOR GV1N-ral waxes 10CONOMY. eta Lad-ated St. CRIES.

WANTED NURSE GIRL FOR CHILDREIf I referencea. 4215 Prairie av. cooks. WANTED COLORED WOMAN AS COOK ANTJ laundress In private family. 62 Bellevue pi.


manlcurinr. facial maeaare, or chiropody; only four weeks required: year of apnreDtlce.hlp saved: free clinic: expert Instructions, practical xprlence; positions ruaranteed; toola preeented. Call Or write. MoLER COLLEGE, Waba.h it 1S WEEKLT MADE AT HOME. COPYING, writinr.

representlns us; either sex; no can-vasslnr: 2 stamp with application. HAWKEY al MERCANTILE Clinton. Iowa. WANTED LADIES. EVERYWHERE.

TAKH orders for rug-a make from eld carpets: rood pay. ARTS RUG FACTORY. 8. llalstad. Chlcaro.

WANTED FIVE LADIES MAT EARN ABOUT. ait oopjini letters- noma; a stamps vita application. Lakesld Mercantile aas'n. Ch Icaro, WANTED LADIES AND GENTS TO REPRE-srat th Elkhart Toilet Co. Lock.

Box lutt. Eav nan, ido. LADY TO TRAVEL LN AND OIT OF CITT: 15 weekly and expenaea. W. BLU NK.

N. Clark. WANTED EXPERIENCED LADY BILI4 clerk, with referencea: atat aaiary. 4Je Lak at. EMPLOJTJ THE STATE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Or thla city can furmh yoe rood, reliable help of all kinda Tlieaw omce are under stale control ar.

absolutely free. South Side ofjlr-e. and. al Wabaak telephone Harrisno 140. GEORGE W.

GEART. gopt. CHICAGO EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, BTH branch otnc 8453 Indiana av. Headquarters for hotels, restaurants, domestics, and factorieet female help. Tel.

(M Mala. JANTED3- WANTED AGENTS FOR THE GREATEST IN-aurance novelty ever offered: Sl.Uoo accident and health policy, weekly Indemnity, accidents or Illness. 12 per year. TRAVELERS' GUAKAJsTr Columbus. Ohio.

20 A WEEK STRAIGHT SALARY AND EX. penees to introouce oer poultry food tn country pay comes weekly. Addreaa, with Blame badger fxxo 00., M-iiton. wia WANTED AGENTS; FEMINOLOGT. BEST rubcription book proposition of tbecebtury; wrlre for terms, Florence Dressier Pub.

Gladys Chicago. un.M& Afn A Ml I Li rlr. I DL 1 nees: oonducted by any one, anywhere: partloularw. for stamp. Central Supply Kansaa City.

Mo. 1 WANTED AGENTS: PER WEEK TO HEM- with rlirs to introduce our New Cream F-paralor. r-eopie a nrpriy uept. i. fvansaa city, aio WANTED PORTRAIT AGENTS: NEW Reposition; bhr money; road and cltx.

AUDITOR! Lit ART. 406 W. Van Buran st, RoonriG- GRAVEL ROOFING: ALL WORK GUA8AN. teed; eeaimaiee furnished free, and work attended -to promptly; send Postal: will call. Ofttce.

1T Dearborn st room 0U3. 'Phone Cent. aaU. Of See and yards, 7' 'IS Cettar Grov av 'Phone urexei n. iii 1 in Rfv.nN:.!.

CO. J. H. Ripley tt Son. ALL KINDS PREPARED ROOFING ANZ bulldine; papers; tarred felt, pitch coal tar.

root Coalin-. asphalt, black varnish, cheap. Factory, eahland av. and 1SU pi- Store, 21 La Sail at. FORD MFG.


r. 410. Tel. Central 63 3 leaka repaired, srravel. tin.

slate, or shingle roofs. eav troughs. GRAVEL ROOFS REPAIRED PROMPTLY city or country. Atlas Rooflnr S51 W.Madlson, PHOTOGRAPHS. TODAT AND TOMORROW GREAT SPCnir.

offer: Fifteen beat cabinet photograph, platinum finish. In atylea. Including larg eval panel la water colors ana on targe uonaon panel, all toe fJ. BT EVENS at McVlcker-s Thesterblda-. BUILDING MATERIAL tsvm Rll.r ntrip irTRTj nni una tiu.

hers, lO-ton scale. Call corner Indiana bridge and Kingsbury tt. Office and yards, 47th and Loomis. FOR SALE 50, CLEANED BRICK. 2543 S.

Halated st. Telephone 15 South. OPTICIANS. MURINE EYE REMEDY CURES EYES A Nr. eyelids; make weak eye strong; a help to those who wear classes; brightens dull eyea; a home eye cure: acid by druggist and opticians.

years' xperience. F. MORGAN. Madison at. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY.

ouTtTf fect ftttlv and sf Tt2.if pat terna for buslnera or horn dressmaking makea light work; cut from your measure only Ail brandies of dretsmakinr and mllllnarv lioihL Enter now for spring and summer atylea. M'DoVY buuuiiu otn noor, is estate at. NOTICE. ILLINOIS STATE GRAIN INSPECTION PE. part ment Not Ice Established.

Rule 2, Un-cleaned Spring Wheat Sprinf wheat, under rule S. giving dockage aad rrade If clean, if wanted. To take effect in or beor April lsU J. Iw BTD-W1LL. cnief Inapactor.

STAMP COLLECTING CURE FOR INSOMNIA; beginner's outfit, 67c. P. WolaieBer. aa Madison. WANTED STAMP CCLLECTION MUST, iiil cheap.

1220 Maaonlc temple. LaTN THE WARINO COLLECTION AGENCY-COL. lects all claims without advance charges: labor clalma our specialty. Iu2u Chlcaro Opexa-Houaa. 'Phoo Main BTOEaCUTTING ACADEMT.

TEACHERS OS-ladle' and gentlemen's cutting, grading, and designing garmenta of all deacrliitlona; pattern, of all kinds cut to meaanre. STuNK's CLTT1NA ACADEMT. 104 and lk La Sail Chicago. SAFES. THE SAFEST PLACE TO BUT SAFES.

SAB. ath Safe 158 Fifth earry th largest and most complete stock of second-hand and new safes: repairing, and moving. Telephone Main 27iKA. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. CASH REGISTERS BOUGHT.

SOLD, AND Exchanged and highest cash price paid for old regie-tri Cash Register Exchange. la Madlaon si PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES. Ttti iluRDI N. 464.1 COTTAGE GROVE AV.l lumbers' and fitters' auppiiea of every de-cnDUoa: Akrun aewsr pipe; will nay run. Us acriDtioa aet my rrWa PICTURES, FRAMES, ETC.

iPTITUiBFRAXTrEilTj oen Cx. til aLaah av cor. CocgTaas. Tai- 1L, lo7. OLD GOLD, SILVER, ETC.

SPOT CASH PAID FOR OLD GOLD. SILVER, diamonds. nd dui itoate we Jinjr j-rtrrnt trct- af CUaUUriltlM. AAVi.4wr A WVJ Ba. Ul aWSSv K.

Mi. CARTEa AND EXCHANGE. TO Ol A KG F.VERAL OP MER ctindfr (t-r iivr.rcve-i or unimproeU luruuiiX ldUaii. etXJX avlJe r.iAju.orte 4Uei.

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