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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 3

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

"-fTJCMdcnt et companji. lie ia a i i "young looking man te be at the head ef ll'. If IIITO LOUISVILLE. President Ingills Sayi He Expects lo Eofo Reach Thit City. nW '111 Kft Bt A rhstsasslra aiJ I Kw.

wt'l mrtiMxarapM fvlf, Ihe mcr-w ai ii oy taesapeaite ait i Kimmwu ran his dV wh. Onto ti.ectU., Which Will Redoes the Tlmt To East Points Se viral V-V Hoars. Two lie Bridg CompanlM At BU Louis CoaaolidAUd, Yftect. ire Ttrdy. LOW RA.TES TO CHICAGO.

lb won excursion to Newport lsw. tendered th shippers ot the Wee by the Chezspeake and Ohio Kailroad Compear, ham beea universally ammented a pa a r-y the press a most successful affair. It wa a hsrpy idea of CJteaapeake ad Ohio Bianagemettt, and the handsome Bkanner in which it was executed taade the roed many friend. The merchant were siren object lee- eta la the advantage possessed by the ewtncsny 's rail and saahip line aoh eould not bare been obtained in any other way, aad such as are eertain to bear rich fruit, Traffia Manager W. P.

Walker and Assistant General Paeaenger Aent C. to. Kjan bad chars ef the extortion, and their eourteou treatment their sueata -waa by the Utter upon the return Wet by- the ap-poiDtmeat of a eommiuee abundantly proTidcd with fnadvwheee duty it aeleot suitable and eostly present a testimonial! ot esteem. Sbne ef tlie efti-cers ef the road, however, made a more 1a atnar Irvtrv vi a I fMm that Mr. M.

J2. In sails, tne large raUroada of the eountry are managed with better judgment than those he preside over, and few ef tiM-xi asi popular executives. Aa rator and toast-master at' the Hygria haneuet Mr. In? lis was aa tnucn of a aueeeiia, be 1 in the bnsine Hia epeeeh, wnieh wa a review of the.progre ef iim ana U. road, waa an excellent one, and ia well worthy of reproduotion.

Cr. Iaaalla tted tv the v-ourievJoaml rTrinntaUve that he expected before long to have a line into lxuuville wtiioti weuld luaen the time te JaMtra poisaa cTer the and O. several hour. Kcn tiirlfr has already received aubetantiai Wfit ftorn the ef this line, and what the lYeeident of the C. end 0.y In if following addree will be reed with Interest.

The Courier-Journal of last SNnday eonuuned a r-jxrt of the inauKirral ceremonies, but Mr. In rails' peecli was not included, owing tn the Ute honr at which it waa io-livered. He said: It til my plwutur I welebme you here on bnhalf et the 1ieeape ant Ohio Ka)lwa mo paw whtrh I the promoter. In rooneo. tlrw wta ont F.nll friend, of thlti ateanv.

hla line, one of whee vessels we hav Inspected to-day. Thero are t-li ef.thero, ami re exper to have one call eery hi the srlr fnwe new on fioin this hifrt iw, ri iss a su i It Is with very great piessitrs we mee, so manv of sou serf that the opening this line is Sn ever-t, In onn.m.M-a nf the eountrv which tuilT insttses th troubl and time that la gives i. ih. etwniftletioa-sof one of the linha In th chain of commerce that ha been more than en hundred years In fore- lig. It was th rsrty dream th Brst settlers on this pnlnsiil that a great com- merrsal city snnusi oa icsmies on hi.

ws of the Jsmee river, snd threush It the eom- I roeec ef this pars, ot tne worm saonm oo CarrVd nn with foren eountrt-s. tircsnv staseea, unknows cause, Chan (red the ear'r rmirM of trade, and the dues snd hare -s of the north paaaea this IneaUtv la the raea or commerrial supremacy. Still, the hope, er dream perhaps you might call It, was never urea up. The Brut eolonlsts here He. y-ved that there was a rich and fertile country ryond the mountains, the trade wit which might be increased and should be cultivated.

On or th fli-st aU tempts to explore this eountry was bv Gov. -gpottswoed In 17l, ani nVn.wr atscl e. McX ml5on orssrrtsed eom mti at the flolde to which was given eair to tnose aoventu. tout spirits wno bsd explored th region bevond th Wiis Kldoe. Among the treasured relics of mmilies of Vtrciiuu to-day is the mdal which he had struck oft In com-ntemejatloa of the bravry or hardihood of tnose who had md this arlDg Jonraey.

These paths over the moonialns. however, wer unfitted for anv thins except the rods rnmmerce with tie India-is. later. was thourht that a war uizlit be found by steaits ef a csnsl slonirskle the dames river, and a rosd connecting the headwaters of that river with the waters ef the Kanawha, and ttienea Sown the and out to tlie West. I i Tlie Idea of unl and the Kans' 1oA Vahlnrton wh YCented wllh Tle idea ef Kanswita with uniting the waters of tus James oritnnateo wun tjeorys rhen whs a surveyor on tus Utter river, la 1744 ha w.ts stock In a coni pauy for Im- I Jri liig the Jlavlnulos of Jautes River, in VmsMerstion of his valuable service.

On Ms csnsl th 6tate ud Individuals spent, it ajid last, over teu millions of the vain attempt to srovide a cheap hlH-- ir between th East and West for coiu- iMiii. meantime. Stephenson, with his In. lentioa of hxotiiotive. hsl appealed.

And a new compeUtor wa entering the race. I- la-iA what Is; now the Chasapeake au I jlo isliwsy wsj first utarted as a branch. th- Rlck'mond aud Fred-ilcksburr rosd. In H'tO the ls-gi'latur of Virginia sided It with a donstlosi of ronds, snd the det bu-a-tlcn was mad upon width tho Mato of Vlnrtnla and it people have acied eve." since, that was Ihelr Uxed pollrv to Carry th road thioug th- Ohio river. The siaie sided It with larse diMtatioos, an-l when the war bnike put it was luilshed the essteru slojie of the All-ghitiies.

At end of that con let tt was aothlug hrt a wreck. It was turned over to a company who reorganized it. ami mrted-d. hi HH, In l-iduting Mr. and bis associates to ttXe up the itjrprl ami the ev-teuslm t.

Ohio river wis JJi she.1. It JTas completed hi Jai "ry. Twelve eti UUS-, the e-ileusiott Clntlnaatl was xrulrUkea by saiua psrdes snd psr-tliK-a completed. Fl Jtars afi, tlie P'" V-lo complete at devulop the lak a hadjueen eoncelveil so years lfore. an4 upon so stuch brains and moucy a.

kan rsasala4dl. You U1 r.rdoo i If I devole some I .1 Q1R t0 tUo lis)iaieak- und t-'blo rsiiwav. i It is a property of which we s.e lu- days of the te tensely proou, sua we uU-llnr it up la the Ut five sod believe that lt present condlllou prove that tn vaki. It was a broken down system l.d we have mad vLT- rxl-t. tmlv ni-rlois.

hAve adrwa rrlcd on'? mile for he "er Ju'-t emled. l.470.47,H- Salo of rpereest. The set.Be rsc arrj-d a srwi nn rnt. 1 hss Vlso come to Vlrmn to her cspiml. ts done witn ii tl.r.ush the nri" the P.nhs of llamp- a Ti'e Vrosth of the r.mTnerce of tor.

rdsTlroiiw ot that cHy 11 I bsnklns tv any other In m-K-haiiU are VI cUlUe ax uiirivahtd, tu mcrtiauw ai-u In Immense rnU? to, th ves "endlnl JuueWI. he ear .111 It k2 rss'itnif a vim ni liar wr i i ef a In this country for 1nterrlty. caparuy, ana thev hive taken aavanv. of whatever facilities wo have offered tliem. Xowhera but In America could there bo such progress as this railway hts whown the bit Kve vesr: nowhere out In A mer les riwilit there he kih a change In th coimiTiimt or fommi'rre as Is aliovn in the last buy jeers, lnes the merchant, of MrjliU to Hie tiki-, rloddlnflt ennalUat up lie rivr.

nn4 the wagon road over the mtmntnlTis to the headwater of the jvtnawiia, an1 thence brat clown to duett, mut to mnt bU ronuueictai 'Oi respondents. Then, II he cotiW nmL," "Tne Journey a wwk be considered himself fortunate. tH our fuit express In the afternoon, eat lils dinner while cIskUii the frowning of Bine Ridge a dinner that his nn-ee-u-r w-ilA hu9 envle-l fckep lu a lux-urlons jo prfc In llw BHirntn ur Via rlunatl. the catewav ef si-eat rme'of the Wwt ai4 Norlhvr'. The e'lomiou freights of the Interior of this be IrwiKht here with equal frllll, and ex rhaOKel fot the aiunufurtumt of Richmond.

The meats, anit criln, aiid cotton, ami tiv liaeeo of tlie (ihln and 5Hslcppt valtevs can ls carried ont through this port arxt by this pteam-ihlB line of ours to all parts of) Korope cheaper ami quicker than ihrmtgh any other port on ths continent, and we hope there win be no ttme la the firtHre when the drafts which be receives la paiment ot his product Shalt be pavelrie In any ef other than in-h as la current In all the markets In the worM. better harbor exists In tlie world the InnRst of Rhlps can mate tn any sale that blows, an4 can lay alon(r-kle our wharf and receive and discharge their car pro, and can be furnrihed wit coal for their engines oi the be-t quality and at the ehcpe prtre. The opening ot tals line of steamshtpa marks new eta tn the com mere of tla country. The merehaot of Chicago, eb. tuls CTnclcnati or mrrraeatate cltle can te-day have his through bill lading of good tor London or uverproi pven to him by this line, and he can rely upon the delivery of the goods with as much eert.itntv a the port of destination as he eould it it was wlthla hundred mile ot his shlpprng point, lie caa tnae hi own Importations direct through this port without any ot the annoyance of the eustotn-honse of the larse cities, and without any ef the met or ex pense that aeceaaartly attends thes line.

I a flv year we have developed and tra-proved and built up this railway until It has rewhed tts present hlvh state, and we hav bean able, with the of onr F.nsllsh a-iSKii. to start this company wtt tx new toata, hullt with all tho tnodei tt ppUance and as "perfect carriers of freight as can be found. expect to strtrt thu line with a full cnr. tr for each boat. We also Intend lo maintain and Improve etir present steamship Sues New York and to New JEndand.

We baa In a short time to have a line of steamers estnblehed trom here to South America amt to the West Indies and If we have the Increase ef bnslness tn the next Ave years that we have had tn the last bva, and can Interest you ftentlemen In the earns, this line ours which fc now expected to run every week will hav to run every day. With your hep and co-operation and the develops meat ot the btxtnese this eountrv there are ao silts to the possihUltSea ef the future. The sails of our commerce may not whiten every ocean, hnk at leat the smoke ot our steamers shall darken every say. Br Maw Sea Wanted. Foreman M.

S. Kelly, ot the Pbenix Bridge Company. Is looking for men te complete tlie Louisville and Jefferson-ille' bridge, having at last receiver ordcra to resume work. It is bow an-nounerd that tlie work will be pusbext to and that there will be no more delays. TM will be ehecrimr new.

If it roves to be a fact. How lonx it will be after the bridge ia completed heicre it is operated can not be loretoKi. air. Lal Re-EJeeled. The annual election ef the Car Service Association was held yesterday morning at the offi'v ot the association, in the Columbia buildins.

Iber was a futl attendance. There was a lively coatee for the position of Manager, but Mr. J. ijooinht lal difficulty in beinig ax-tin chosen, th vote waa alterwant made unanimous. LOW RATES TO CHICAGO.

Central Traffic Lines to lienor Indiana Western Bed ec lien Cbicaso, Sept. Traffie Aa- oeiation roads have authorised a one- fare rate from all point ia Indiana to Chicago for Indiana day at the World's Fsfr, September 57. Ticketd St this rats HJ. b. sv-tember 26.

with, return -w. limit until October 5. Notice was given to-day by the Southern Tacino road oi its intention to make a reduction ot $13 in ot-e-way and tound-trip irst-clAss passenger rate from South-era California foint to th Musiouxi river via LI psso and FV Worth. These rate will become effective Monday next. aCl imr mu kw m-i'ij uw.

or through the Ogden la meet-ins tne rates, however, the Southern California road will apply tbem. to.Mojave, which will Lav ii -effect. of reducing tne ratea from san i'rsncisco J.lo. (Some days' sgo the. Southern Pacifio announced its inetntlon ot putting into eflect for the rernainder ot the present ancnth ana October from Los Angeles, Sf.n Dieaa and San Francisco a lwond tnP AUssouri tiver, the regu-r fate bem, 6o, and a rate sa, iaui auu Orleans, the regular rte being 0J.

Now it propose! to mako front Souther" California points to tho Missouri river a iHi round-triui ratise, KUf tcourse, tw S.iuta ul meet the rates ana toe jkw snd Western aad the Ltenver and Kiu GraitdV are import uiiing tho Sottbern I'acino to make the reduction aria Oudi-n. but that Would cnt its Francisco through late and all interme diate rates, ard tt is onwininx to do so. Eastern roads In Chicago have given, notice to their shippers and their western connection that tney wut nereaiter oe-clise to absorb any part of the switching charge made by Western roads for tho delivery ot West bound freight to any industries on sale tracks within tho switching limits of tho City of Chicago. All live stock car loads couiHKued direct to the Union Stockyards, will be delivered tre of switching ebsrirea. On all other, except bonded freight cou- mKoed to itulustries in tho Lniuu toctc I yartli a change I oni.le fur switci yartl a change of l.2l per car will be tliiuir ueuvny.

a 'IhU charge in all cases must be added to tlie through rate r'aruiess ot the original point of shipment, and allowed to the tertuinal road in addition to nronnrtion of the throuiih rate. On siiiHiieiits in bond in car loads conttlijued to the L'nion Stockyard extra charge of per car will be collected making a total charge for delivery thereof per car. On freight consigned to or front the uion Stock vards aud transit com pany fur use of that evaipuny charge of $2 per cnr will be tuude in addition to the freiglit rates to Clikago. Railioad Assessments Red need. i Indiana aoHs, Sept.

1 3. The Stabs tax comuilwiion finished its forty days session tills morning and adjourned. 1 he lust ten days lutve been given to railroads that desired. to be heard on the made during the Drat fifteen Hire or. tne roaus had their assessment reduced.

The Ctn-ciuuuti, Hamilton aud Indianapolis bad the rutin on its litain track reduced from J00 to and the side track fnn to utile. The Central hiul iis second min track reduced trout tl 3.000 to a mile. The main track of the Wabash, road was reduced from to Kl a uiile. The total Mil road aie-ment made during the soion ainouniHl to alSSJliS.SJj. Last year it was tl 60,.

Other property added to tit tax duplicate this, year. wa that of the telezTHpli, tcieplKine, express and sleeping car cuuijiaoiCTt. It amounted to 1,7 til, -3 'iX Coasolidation at hit. Louis. St.

Louis, Sept. 13. Tho consolidation ot the two bridge, com panic of St. Louis went into effect to-day. Colling stock of both companies was sent across both bridge.

An official of tlie 'irmiinal Association said to-day: Th U-uta need ao longer ba with- There own not This in ef and tlie K3 A of the ef i be -1 V- THE COURIER-JOURNAL, LOUISVILLE. SATURDAY MOKNISG. SEPTEMBER 16, 1893. held. The consolidation provides that business will he handled over the two in tlie manner most profitable.

is abfolutx'iy no competition existing now. it is said the two eonipuniee partial lines that under tlie laws can be rn as an associated enterprise. we deny and will Wave the matter the fieaeral Metes. Frtnlt "5. Keed, General Paseensf-r Agent of the Monnn, was in the city yesterday from Chicago.

Mr. Keed say spite of tlie hur.l time the business the road is holding, up wonueriuiiy, that the trains are always- crowded. Tlie Joint Kate Co-iiuiittee of the Central Tratllo Association has changed rulos sllowinK the rerorusimiuK of grain at Louisville and Cim intiHti within seventy-two hours to apply to sill points in Ceutral Trariic territory. KEY CASES AT ERUNSWICL Ceaaict of Aatherity Expected Be, ween the 1 ntioaal aad Local Medical Officer. Savannah, Ga- Sept.

IS. Ko new ease yelmw fever were reported at wick to-day. It Is expected that a sharp conflict ot authority may arise between national and local medical officers hi regard te the concealment of the ea discovered by the Marine Hospital sur geons. Washington, Sept. 1 Instructions have been issued at Ga-, to permit no one te leave th city without proper inspection, and, the railroad are prohibited from, selling ticket any points south of Atlanta.

It la not probable that the fever eould be carried north that point at this season ot th year, and there would, be ao danger from healthy passengers coming -north, pro vided their baggage was thoroughly fumigated. There will be a quaranuno camp established Just out of brunswick, and all nersnn leavinir the- eitv wilL it said, te required to pass through this r.aznn for inspection. Tne mails are now ina i ami gawd. Dr. iu -1.

Gadding who has been eta tinned at the Delaware breakwater, was ordered to Brunswick to assist -the force of physicians- sow on duty. The department ha received no word rmroboratinc the press report that etngtant from the Omrinent shipped to Grimsby, th cholera, infected district ot England, bad sailed from that port tor New York. Passed Assistant R. M. Wood, now en duty at Rotterdam, this morning cabled tiat in that city since Auxust 21 there had been thirty-six cases ot cholera and nineteen, deaths, two recoveries and fifteen cases under treatment.

Tne average number is two a day. TO EXTEND THE FAIH. Foreign Commissioners aad Directors I Discsss the Question Jla day Rtghu. Chicago, Sept. IS.

After a conference with a a umber of forcisa commissioners the World's Fair directors have called a special meeting for next Monday night to diaeuss the feasibility ot extendi nff the ijtpotition until January 1, lsBt. It has been understood for some, time among the managers ot the fair that it would be. kept open lator than October SO. the time fixed by Congress, it the attendance in the later month seemed to iiiHtifr such a muve. The heavy gate receipts and sudden Increase in the regular daily crowds gave too directors encourairemeot enough, to Justify serious consideration ef the The Director General was eon- sulwd, while he thought it tmpo stole to make aa extension lor anotuer yewc.

he said it might pay to postpone the end until the 1st of January. A number ot the foreijm commissioner took the same view of the matt when it ws presented to them. I hey said that, while a Dumber of exhibits had been sold for delivery at the close of the fair. October 30. it would be a- eo psratively eey matter to secure dupli cates from the nonie establishments and maintain their section intact for two months longer.

The paid admissions at the Fair to-day were SRIFFiM FOUND SUlLTY. The Schawl SsperiBtoBdest of Baiw tblsssw Cosiaty, Disss issed. Columbus, Sept. 1 5. (Special.) The trial ot the petitioners vs.

William Jv Griffin, County School Superintendent, praying for his di-mhsal before the-County Commissioners, terminated afternoon, with th brmguur in of a verdict of dismissal, as follows: The court now Huos for the petitioners tout tiie material allegauona in uteit Petition are true. It la tntretr-ce. couslcWed snd adjudsed by too cot rt, that the driradaiifc Is guilty of liumumlltv aud immoral couducU as ahartred In the Petition, and that, ha he and is hereby dismissed, fioia'tiie oflice of County fuBsrlnteadent of Hartbuloroew county. In tho.tat of InUisoa-" Under the law the Auditor will call the -Township Trustees together st oueo to seleet a new (Jounty KMipermtendent. Griltin and his attornet s.

However, sn nounce that ho will hold his olttee to the end of hi term, June 1, 18W5. a A Destractlve AtidaUhl Pir at Cya- thiaaa. Cynthlana, Sept. Fire at IS o'clock lust nifcht destroyed tlie livery stable of Monroe, Jeiferson Wilson, together with fifteen bones. Loss insurance S2.00O.

J. T. Martin's l. I. 1 u.f Alt1 I uiaciuiio Biiup, ui-a ui9uiii e-- Henry Cromwells niacliino shop.

loss $2,500 iunu ranee $1,000 and resi dences of Mrs. E. biiawhan and 0. h. 1 ho livery stable buildinr, tho dwelling occupied by Mrs.

E. Shawhan and also the buildinz oeennied bv J. T. belonged to K. II.

Willis. Bis loss is $3,000 insurauoo $4,000. Kaalacky CaUle Wiuoheater. Ky, Si. Durmn the pi- week W.

li. KCdd b-Js jdtipped for Lcli man Brue ot Baltimore, A export to Europe, bout sou rattle. average about pounds, aud nltich were boug'iit at pr'nss ranging from three and oue-lulf tj four and otie- fjUMli cento uvr pound. will pat, jn ircuistion stisMig tlie formers of Clark snd Counties over 'Bora Without Arms. Lafaiette, Sept.

13. iSpeclal.) To Mr. and Sirs. Frank Lee. of New Port land, has been born a veritable freak, of nature.

-The chlhl has no arms, nor even the alighlest indications of any, ami the shoulder are perfectly smooth. Neither hns it any bones in the leus. from tli hiss down to the knee. Olherwine it is. pif- lettl.v formed, healthy and fives fair promise of living.

Paducah Man In Trouble at Sioux City Sioux Falls, S. Sept. 13. Frank Randall, ot Paducah, and James Burke, of Hock Island, IU, were this af ternoon bound over to tlie United States grand Jury ia eaoh for roobing tho post-oflice at Kstiliue, S. D.

They are accused of robbing five post-offices in South Dakota since uly 10. Died ot His Injuries. WittoheHtttr, Ky, Sept. 13. fperial.) Jeorge Purasle.

who went to slp on the trestle and was struck by a pa-sing tra-la of tiie 0. end O. road, diud luat tnzat of iui injure. i City II lie tle rest for la 1 THE CFFICERS B. F.

Gividen and Ben Veactt Uis- charged In the City Court Yesterday. Judge Thompson Says Policemen Harding- end AJln Sid Only 7 Thir Duty. Tlie ease of B. F. Gl widen.

Sam Veach nd Ofiioer Allen were called ia i Court yesterday morning. Air- "iTl- don's case waa tried nn. sie ws ar- mumI a tii Yotin- nlaoe on secona street, next door to Yearn" livery stnble. wan ordered, outside of the. nny-moa limit by the officers, who claimed wist refused to g.

Mr. Glvafcn denied ssrenuouaiytha he bad been guilty or anrrhins. but Judse TJmmpaon, in lit address oattinuig th duties or et- fHissrs tti axmla sustained, the ar and required him to pay the fees ad east on the warrant. The esse ot Ben Veacb and Officer Allen were next called. According to Officers Allen, and Harding.

Veach, wboy stable Is next to the poSs, bad been dis orderly all morning. He had been re peatedly warned to keep in hia stable. was talkinr to She election ofneers. The ofOcer testified ht be wa drunk ad had been yelling. He was stand ing outside of tit stable on the pave ment when Officer Allen ordered bun back.

lie resisted and a scuffle ensued, which the poViceman struck htm. Judge TWpenn said that he though th. ones responsible tor the trouble ia this case were tho who had located the polls la such a way that Veacb's stabla could used as it ewidentSy was. Every body wa excited on eleetdon day, he said. and everybody imputed tbe wore possi ble inuKtTea eTrybody "ease.

1 air, Veach waa disotisrgrKi, as wa Officer Allen. Hie Judge, however, sustained tlie policemen, saying ttmt they had don their duty as they saw is, Judgment in the Givsdtcv ease wa suspended Judge Thompson sasMng that it was mereiy hi to sustain hue PICKED UP. Cobert Tbx. a ehareoaLwagoa wa drlvtns; along Xarkst street yesterday afternoon, sod Floyd ssreet an eleetrto ear struck the wagon. Fox was thrown out, and his toe wa broken lie was taken to the CM Hospital.

Officer Tom XutverbUl la quite TH st Ms horns on West Walnut street. In wishing an arrest ssversi. ntgttta ago strock his lbew ea an Iron fane and sidnnad K. sine then the arm has bgun to swell, nnfll now he Is nnabl to as lb The doctors tear that blood poisoning baa set In. at Boyle sod -retries Jowrswrn, the Lotd- vUle tnen rreited in Jeflorsoovtlle for the aHeged then ot a sratci and tn from Policeman Joha En low, ef VM Eighth street, in wiat etfy.

were brought back yen tcrday by Detective Eutsen Daily. They not amaad th fonnalKy of requhs- -Th reriaene of Mr. Edward B. Cslea, hrhteenth and eouthanie streets, ma eo- tered by asirglars hst Tnesday and ransacked. Ths family bad been srwmy far a few days, nd wbn they returned, yesterday tli bur-tary was draoovered.

A qianfttey ot etotbins; snd uverwar ace amosg th snlsstng entries. o. iir tt i arrived in th city yesterday on Jils was to th asylum at Lakeland. Hs had In Tlioros V. TuMle, once a well-to-do farmer.

who was convicted of lunacy at the last term of court. TuttJe aprnt th bight at the Jail, and aim ishoria Collins will leave tor the asylum Ui-s morning. Services at fit. Andrew's Protestant Brd. copal church to-Crofrow at tl oVaock a.

m. and 8 o'clock p. ax. 6unday-aeboot a lien's Bible Cbtasat :30 svnv The ev. Lewis W.

Burton. Abe new, rector of 9L Andrew's ehurca, wiU astso. ebanre ot ah parisli Sunday. Ootober 1, and will conduct both morning and eveutog services en tast aate. With nerves unstrung and beads f4 ach nsso women proa, oeitasw RIVER a Y.HATKEH F.EF0.1TSa LATTTTTBS alt lOMtTVBB IXSJBWrUJl, LaUUida, 88 15'.

Loaaituda, 86 ty wswwaBwawawaa, LOCAL RIYE8 XITEB AND EAEiFALL. Opt IS, 7:17 s. BC, 18BS. vr" tlsswof riser. Uanw.BUull 5.7 0.0 .00

S4 0.S- rlrntoa SD 1 WbMhBa'. 1.4- 0.0 .00 4U -04 .00 4.4 1S.7 7 M.LcHiia 4 Scniua 1.4 fo.s 0. -HI. 0.1 0.i 4.1 Mt JIM rtsieoa. s.i .00 AM Vlc-ksOont 1.8 sine last report, i Tr'-; liiTROtinr ivitr'if.

svcAsn lOCncuu as.ll.Viua. g.sM bept. 16, 1601 a. m. i frssMtse.

S.wit 7B.4 Dsw tit tirsctiia ot s. Velocity ot Is -a dear, AND PHECIPITATION. SOJtSTAKTS xoaaatak LocianuA Eept, IS, 1S99L VaxSmum S5.0 Mesa ralaUr ho- Miu'biuw uudUy MS Cbar ctar of dav. ar Total prscipttauo NoraiaL. isPb fur Jar Haaa hormai A Iwpt.

i or day 1S.0 Lept. for Vetartura tiacs Starch 1 i Prssaiiuic wtodSu a. w. Dvpe lor Depsrturs auiea Aarui ABRIVAL8 AND DEPARTCHB3. 8tesmers.

f' From. To. Telegraph. 51 k.aiiawBa..M......t-arrcSUM...CvroUua.' J. lalis DUAT3 LEAV1NU Till i Bonansa, CapU Breaaait, for CtncinnaU at 3 p.

m. Big Kanawha, CapU Fearn, for Camill- ton and all way landings at 4 m. ti. Kagoa, CapU Fella Hawkins, for Tell Kot kport, Uwensboro, Evaosvllle and. all way lauding at, 4 p.

bi. ftiVEB, BCeiXESs AXD WEATHEH I The river was falling last evening, wHh 4 feet of water lu the canal, 1 foot 8 inches Oil the lulls, and 3 fret 8 Inches at the-foot of th locks. Business good. Weather clear aud warm. DE1F1 WOOD.

The drouth over. The low water sesjn Is ended. The hUinavha put out 1,000,000 bushels. Capt. Uaaklns flag, hip for Evaosvllle to-day.

i The Falls City left tor Frankfott 1. evsulug. apt. E. R.

Perry, ot New Orleans, was la the city- yoierday. 'The John Barrett and tow 'bound for Cincinnati is due up to-duy. Ths John Jerry Odll left for Evansvllle with goou trip last eveuing. i The Lee Line boats at Memphis sr preparing to resume their regular trips. Don't forget that the Clnetnitsrt boat leaves at soon oo buudays.

Instead of 3 p. m. Th Telcgtafh did, a hig way business dniv the run aiouc can are lor iw iu mine. by aiMt pilot. work is of men of rait Th st It in a coming down ycsUtdar.

and had a good trio The Rlir Kanawh Is fnuh and ck-au as a Ca-iit. J-'eru Is a ifwmu, The Mackeuils Is seonnlriv mtifl nut nt canal and dumbiuz It lu rim hirtwr in bark apiln. -The dredze boats are srooninp muit nn 1 ill- aiiart so that ttosts and in'tn effect a luiiJIng. U. S.

Local InKpectors Thomas and Rlctrles miiKiUK tne lwt lor eitht new holler the new Uiw steamer now being 'Ot. John MfCrlr at ihm Rlr Cnil, Packet at Cliiclniiittl, didn't want lo k. me rir aioue so lie tuoK a Drule along urip mm are it an. Toe ate hex, blows ashore near I'laqne- I some time siro, was rotten atloat tlie turs B. D.

Wood and Ella Andrews. leaves Sew Orleans for Vir'buig today. CapU Dan Varble. the well-known fulls Is home aeaiti. Ue will do tiie falls during the coming tcason for the Mem- pacKets and Siew Otleaiit boats.

Dan a good one. CapU ilose Irvln. of Vew Albanv. one tlie oldest, best and moat popular boat In tlie country, is an applicant for the poxitioa ot Assistant TrafUe ot the canal sere. upt.

Irvln la weU Indorsed and fully competent. rbe next meetlnr hf the National Hoard rJteara Ksvlgatlon Is to be held In Cincln. one year trom this month. W. J.

Wood, of Pittsburgh, was ejected Treasurer, suoeeediBg Capt. Addison woo has scm to position for years. Cant. 8. F.

Dana. President of the bell. Creek Coal Comiiany, Is here cou-sultlng Ed. Howard about the boUdlng of a new steel bun towboat for the Companr. contract hav alreadv been awarded.

Hod the work on a. splendid boat has been Neartv on hundred annrlcatlnna tiara been tiled for the position uf besd engineer the Cufctom-houke. An examination of the applicants was commenced before Local inspectors Thomas and metrics vestcrdav. is hard to test Into which bat Ue plum 111 fall. Pittsburrh coal men feel a good deal ex ercised at the report of another coal boat rise too anawha ana no prospect of a rise for them.

What Is still more annnvtuir Is that the Kanawha river Is free, while lolls are exacted on all coal shipments oat ot the MononRabela. Hteamer Rescue was tied un for awhile yesterday morning by the S. Unrshal, nein iiDete ov capt. Frank Myers, or Now Atnany. woo was oi toe doss ror s'line time.

The Captain's claim Is for alia for repairs to boat, and for wages. The host rave bond and went out as usual. The eass comes up next month in the U. b. (Hirt.

RIVER TELEGRAMS. 7 Wheeling. W. Sept. 15.

(Special.) niver 10 Inches, falling slowly. Weather clear and warm thermometer 00 at 2 p. m. fhnrleston. W.

Sept. IV fSneeisl.V- Flv-r at lllnto fl.5 feet, fnllintr: Kanawha Hills. 7.S feet, falllns: ChaLMTrm. 8 feet 7 1-3 lliche-s, lulling, liul, Priclitrd and Iten Wood out loaded. Tmnl-m.

Sept. IS. (Pnertal.V-Cltv oft Vevy np at 6 p. m. Onto due down at 1 1 p.

ra. Jtiver 10 feet incnes. rinttis slower than last evening. Fair weather aad warmer. r- ''alWtsbure.

Sent. Ohio river 9 feet 7 Inches, and rtslnr. No lsMts to-day. Locals on time. Weather sdtwr and warm.

Frankfort. Kr- IS. ffwiedal.l River reeS) 5 fere, on on inches Beatty- rl'le. XactesMon en the lventurlcr is su peridot untu the lth rw repairs at lock 2. Cincinnati, rVpt, 15.

(Rpeetal.l lllv- rers, ana on a mm, tsear ana not, only moderate. Bormx arrtvel 7 s. m. a ts lp. snd returned at 1 p.

m. 1 sHln arrived frnrn LouiviIle. Fred rrTi.n, Herk on Televmrh. arrived fersrt che Wor I sir. snd will lim his boat here to- nfirrow, F.

Pan, of Csmpbeirs Creek t'mimnr. and Caet. Ed who will comniaod a new boas- txwnz built for ompsor 4 Jelfersonville, see at Louis, s-i le on business eounert-sd with the boat. P-l-'s csvarlie Osw, IJens Trumiels end Al rrltchsrd left bv rsll to-dw tw MesnybU to o'sne back wp toe river on a posifng srip. FeaTvllle.

Sept. 15 (Speclal.l Cr snd very warm wind, smith: ter-iwnwht etrhtv to ninety-two. Rlrer lad. tivn feet thic inches on gauge. ert river 7 It sutloniiry; cioar aj'd very Mcmnhlv Tenh- Sept.

fSThs river Is stmlmiary at 3A feet on the gsPe. The wsHiner is cieer sna warm. in. wnan-boat arrived to-day from Mound City, where has been on the way for repairs lor some weeks. rell Press a Train.

Vrtinville. Ind- Sept. 15. fSpeclslJ Pnilip Todd, a stockman of Peopack, J-, fell from tho Inuianspolis snd vincenne twin yesterday, while it was crossing a hizh trestle. He was icked ur several hour later in an onconecious condition, -we is prooatMy istauy in ured.

AFTER -TBS GRIP mr to eonvaieareno from pneumonia, fevers. or other debilitating diseases, your quickest way to get flesh and strength is with Doctor Plercs's Golden Medical Ihscovery. That rives purity to your blood, plumpness to your body, and put every function into penecc working oraor. it wmuniur ileotiv vwry natural means of repairing and nourishing your system. For paio.

pony, scrofulous cnuuren, especially, nowmg aiiproache it. It builds up completely their fiush, their strength, and their health. The Discovery is the only guarantied blood medicin. In th most stubborn ttcrofutou. bkia or Healp lnssases, n-sema, rWt-rUoum, and svsry kindrod aduant, if it doesn't baoefit or our, you hav your mousy back.

fta matter bow bad your ess. Dr. Sage's Baniady will permo uci-uv curs your Catarrh. PROPOSALS. Proposals for the Public Furnishliis tStalioncry for the COmmOn WetUtll STr VI a SEALED PKOPO-iALS wltt be received at the oflice ot tiie ejecretwy of State, lank-ft-rt, Ky, Isttuntay.

tho -2Uf day of October, lr3W3, at 12 o'clock for tua bilidiug. llthOKiaphlllB, bluuk booh and for Hie Kiperand supplies tor same to be used by tlie Comiuoii-aealth ot Kentucky for a period of to years from the ftr-4 Monday In January, All neces-nry hitoruiatlon will fur-Plshcd on apiilh ulton JOI1M W. 11F-AD-LEY, -Secretary of btale, Frankfort, Kj. By order of the Ccramlxsifners of Pablla Printtnn, JOHN YOfXO BROWN, Governor, and ex-oftlrio Cltulrraan. Notice to Pump Contractors.

Office of tJ Mayor, Louisville, Sept, 15, t-Csied proposal will received at tills ofliie urtil 1-J Satuiday. Heph-mber tSis for clfsiilng the pnbhe wulls. and re puting an.l iu refiair an ui ptinips and ait thereof, urrtll S-ptem-bcr 1. le-4: alsa tor repairing and keeomvr i-i rcrair all galvaiiUed iroo tuba wells until 1, lolis, and lr duv-s-niug old 'hallow wellu during tiie same penocL This work must Ik, 'tH ill anortlaiice wiih the ceneral ordinances reg.ilaling tie and tla, aootllicalijus ou bie iu tui CillC.O. Ito il.

with spprove.l secttritv. an.l separate IihIh ou the blank, fuu.lslied by las Health officer ar; leioiivd for this work. lhc Ify seises thu. reject any Slid all bids. llFNIi fe.

1U.EU, FOE SIE. improved A'so onttnprossd propsrt. latjuir 7A" .4 'iv fourth Ssi4 ouiec AND City, line, land. troo Van you cy to. at ua st 1 WASTED- MlaCEIAWTOTTw.

iaveniMTnenu under this head IS 1-20 alius, ioilung ttk.c fur less than 30i n.UMrw UK UIUl" llic urc- 1 men. oetwe-'ii um I ifa rsar iej4 pBT7 ciuiiioifs 1 I in'-. i a vs. iiutiuvr, ui 1 1 uv Pfvticed to lurnlsii evirirni'; as gi; chrsrtei- sn i hatiils.

Amsr at -11 ax-e liuLivUle, K. WANTED To rent half of tte, most looslel riire lu for nunUliins or Iwu preierred. Adtlreut L. Ui. WAS TED SAXJESICEN.

AverumeUU Ofr Te? sorib uuca iwr jca maa iva WANTED Reliable men and women ti represent a muticy-muKiug and honorable bu.incss. For teitnx partiuulars au a viiluaols book FliKK addresa VtiBK. L0MX). KUXTMU A2i. KaUaa Mo.

WASTED Sellable men. already traveling salesmen, to carry onr lubricants as a Klue MAfcUFAo'lUJitflUis' OU, Cleve O. WAJS'TED-eaiesmen to scU Baking Pow-der. We put our tcoods In gias rouitig pins, moat snd expensek, or eommiMdoa. CillCAUU UAK1NU POWDUt CU-.

7li7 Uurea Chicago. WAJfTEP-AOiarTS. advertisements under this head an cent a ward. oUiing uita lor ices than loa, WANTED Will 1500 betp you outt If SO ran have it I we otter you toe sole ein- lor an article tost Is wauteit in es cry home and inuUpensaiik) an every olSte, souio-tidiiK that sen. at shint, uiaor arUckav sell rapiuly at dJuLle the price, though not an-swertug Ute puiftohe haul so Wt-IL You can make troia eOO to (Too in three mouths, iiiti-odurai; after which it will brlug a tteady, Ulssrai ltuxrae.

It properly attended latuiea dn as well ss men, iu town or conHtry. Don't miMi this chance. Writ once to J. W. Manager, 6prU-He'd.

lihlu. WAifTED AGENTS Wo masantee yoa ean make 670 to a moniu working for la. auy locality. Will pay salary or oominisst.u, as preferred, and expenses. Money deposited In bank to cover nam when started.

If yoa are out ol work we have something entirety new to offer, and If yon Inuow our. lux ructions your success ts sure Tb people will hare our goods, no matter bow bard the times. Big sales reported everywhere. AU required of you Is a UU1 pluck and push. We JuruUh sample outdts free.

Write to-day for particulars before ad valuable terrltorv Is taken. Address MAS- P. O. BOX Boston. WASTED MALB ZLELP.

Adyenisemen amder UU head sue cent a word. taksB for less than WAKIED AuKNTS Saku or commts-lon. The gretot luvtnUon ol the age. Th New cuemicai lua cjastuB remu. on eight.

Works llko Buuiic. AgtoU are siskin from ei to 12 rer week. For further iMi tKuksrs writ toe MuNUoL FEAii-R QI-, 8, La Crosee, Wis. WANTED A good strong boy about is or 19 years old to do light pjrter work. Apply oiK-a to PiiAoLki-CAL'UiiaiX CO sd.a W.

Main st. WAMTSP THS TJLaVPXS. ldTertiseiaeiita as der this head a cent a word Bothia' takes for less th ion. WANTED WOW-fSlON PKINTriBS-To send name and as dross to Bo ol, lndiao- polis. Ind.

CaiOAOO HOTELS. AdTrrtiMmeata antler this head 12 l-2e a lis, iiothiBg uea lor leas than 30c CHICAGO-WOBLD'8 F.MR 3 or 4 large, rvom, to Su privato home, Fngiowood, near the Fair; electric car di rect to maiu eutrance iu 15 minutes i near rood w.uraii'B, at modersm prkes; rates Tie to each: children half price; breakfast it desirui. Caii ur addresa HU H. KBslKU, 43 Fcotia st, l.rleoi, Li. Monon and Wabash Oepots near.

roa estate. AdverUaeniecU nnder this htxul 1' 1--C a lius. taken lor lesa voan aUc. FOB BALE -Owing to failing heslth r.rlglit's oiMase and epdepsv 1 now oiler niy slnrehouhe and stoca of goods at a My house is -iix70 ieet, with slue room 10x30. Adlres or csU on J.

W. llaidyvUle, Hart county. Ky. "OBSALE HOCSK-7-room 2-tory brick, t-reuMt st, eeotrairy loca'cu. re-nni i.t sll W.

A. KLtaisatN-DOllFF, o. b02 s. w. cor.

Fourth aud (iKta sta. 1 FOK SALE Beautifully and newly fumUh- I iea; term stu imnwiKr. Apply at 17W iiroos at-, or iam cwsw yoa WEOUS. vera mai BeaurlfuL Lich lot In Mead ow bt asik. too vretUest and aUuiUon on ths market, located jut stuits of ileech-mont snd east oi toe Uraud boulevard, only ti to 15 per front ft.

terms, one-tenth cash, b.Uui tin a monta uradauea street, tiexagon tile walks, eaectrtc street cars, bullduiK reKtrictiuus. For a home or an in- veatnteut can not and its equal, ii, AC PCDOB, Manager. 1 700 Commurce. FOR SALE American Motor and Manufacturing Co. stock, thirty shares.

Box tj, ban fool. Fla. Full bALK Lot in Cave Hill Cemetery, Centrally located. Address this offioo. JOB, BJM-iasX8CTIXABOTra.

Adverusemenu under this head it -lt a line. Nothing taken lor less than 30c, FOtt KENT REisIDENCE An ehtrant nearly nw modern o-room yiteen Auue lioure, etaoie auu iutko loi, ss, nihju sve. Is one ol the irsstest and vJteapes nt In tne ritv. oit'v io isjr mottto. W.

A. KLElSShN DUicFF, 0. VXi s. W. cor.

rourth and t.reen sis. FOB 11 ENT Two -story brick resldenc of 0 rooms, all modern conveniences, situated on Second street, between Walnut snd Green. Appty to PHATHtB ZANONE, Courier Journal Counilng-room. "fob. EJ-VsT Modern two-aid a-1 a dwelling, eight rjome ami KO Hrst i tak st, hardwood tiiiuh, natural gas and wreens; rent SUi per montii.

Awiy to T. JB. AitMsTKUNO. iil7 Fourth ave. BENT A 3-story house, nortbWest comer Fir-tt aaa Hroaaasy.

appij i. Ul- 47 W.Jetlern. or to E.CLLFF NKriKLTON. W. Jefterson si.

corner Fir aad Broudaay. Apply to W. T. FOR BENT Elc patt hoose, biick, Ii rooms, kwse 1 to s-ti seres. 'Iwei'ty-sevenih and Cane Hun rosd.

inquire 'J-it "1'OK 1AENT sSTUBB No. 44, east rorth of Market at. 14 CHAN AN ii boN. 40O W. Main sL FORWENT! OFFICE 'BOOMS'- In Courier-Journal Building, An.

Iiy at Counucg-rooiu. st-aicsoats. roa CIJCtNNATI F1HF. olDKWHiviU. H.FCTIUO-LIBMT aXRAMUt.

last, asi.y s-av ssiaaarati m. Ss. luwai up i. ia. iluauia iw 'ms bert sua peases; ssod saui sard.

Coni.K. at Uutiiujaii Mil a awrauag irB and so-tlvsr "It, 8ANDY BRTANT. FLFKlVoOB B1UM AM. Obgd mu sis aa both hosts. MADISON AND CABBOLLTOM PACKET.

B1U A.ANAWHA a. S. EAKN. Bast DaJy at 4 B. m.

For frsutn; ar TS pasaars apply to C. C. uiiae. Aeui on to Thomas binali, As-ssU. It? 1-ourth asv FKANK, WILL HAT8.

Psss. Assot. LOCISVILLB EVA5SV1LLE MAIL CO. kur OwsasOora. raa siiis and Lewat ta sod iss.rsdiy, 4 B.


As jOrLUaNCfi TO-hluai. nTM rtriIir I fi LU 0 If. EPFCATED 1 EQUIilE 1 Lm I I I fl I tlOlititH. DO ETERYTinSO IT T1I PARADOX Is a Doat fail to bring the chlldrca. EAHR1S THEATER.


Outcasts cf a Great City. KELLY 1SD C0BPA5I. Sert smek SID -TRACKED. BASE BALL CHAMPIOXSmP 0 AMES. LoniSi'ille is.

Brooklyn Twa Game Oao Admission Tolar, 2 and 4 p. bl ADMISSION, 13. A5D TS CESTfk SAXLB0AXJ TX2EE-TABLE3, QUEEIl fiienESCEIIT ROUTE. Liuo iu itorida and the South. City TKlEBt OOles, 21 eurt stress.

Hm tsbl ia tuuKt Bepwiuoar lb US. fioutoura ikxprsss, oUt-Ti nuJ. Lrfiinlt, Venatlies (lliass.y sua trourgeiowa ounoay t. Lcainsiou, lcauuuviue, lUMiysini, Dsuvilie, JtLtttuoa City, cnamnouna. way tbs CaraondS sod buuta, lsrs at i i arrives at p- m.

buna tma LouUvtllo to Lento icwh. oireouy cwiueeuaf aita thruuga PuUnsva ear ssrvtcs ta Meriiiisn. urleaus, AtlaBta. aud vurvata sleeucr Otiat-iaasoga I Jackwa, Vlcas-bsrg aad bhrevepwt. Iui.ville ana LeslBftos Eipresa, baelby-vliis, Lawreareoarg, Uariuilsbuis.

Bvrgia, er Ssi. les, Jliawa), (iSormvasB, Lexiu(UkU. Nicn-oiaevUle, Danville, JBitcttoa CilfS leaves st 4 p. arrives 11 a. m.

cotecUag at Lexinxioa wiia vesutmies trsiss snd tarausa miimma car wws Oil HHBU IjaOlSSlUS SO IXIH lit Burgia. loaves at 4 as. and arrives i tin a. av TiaOy. 'fMiiiuji I Aioft tceiCAso Trains arrive at and dnyart tnns Calaa Sts.

Ua. Tout and Broadesy. City Ticks oSiuS aorthwess eoraer Fvartb aad Msrket sta, LOOibVILLK TO CUICAUO. Mfct Ms Its. 4 Daily.

Daily ex. Daily. tJoiivTils pt cw Alhsay--7 Ji ps li it-JwlL -ssa iBj afans BlossUBtwi. as lZ.Klsoi CrMrSvlliS. -I SO P- :0 pia 22 iXraesue 1 :1 tCTiir Chict 4 pm :40 pm 7Mta cScat lOUOp- 7: UUCAliO TO f.

No. Daily. Loses CM''m 9 .0 ssa fc. DUy. SjiIt X.

bst aay. 7 :40 pis 11 pa 11 pi. I-AtaTue 1 1 im a 1.14. a sis 1 7 sis 1 sis Ii Kxtcmntboo. hes AU'sny- 7 pa 6 Mi aut 7:10 am 10 tKsia I a.i.ji 1 1 n.

NO. IWKinr Louisville I. Chicaso. No. 8 Partor ear, HimS ou, ladies ear sad Mvaea osisbrated day cuacbea Loui.viUs Ch 4 Pullman sleepers sad Mocoa blgh-Dack ena-hea Itsville te Cbtcaso.

Me. a Farlsr ear, dlains rar. ladtss ear and Oar eosrhes Chics to Loolssille. Ms. S-PnUBB sleepers, ladles' ear aad ocafhes Clnrso ts Louisville.

No. v-Pllnisa sleepers, Men Sirs -back oatng cmr vfuitw 1 4V I 'HThT" tAH-iua tas CHESAPEAKE da OHIO Osloa osatavM, astOa aaa anasar. dVJ Tiri ti Vilwas, avuisa skaaua. TVsislti uomu, Jnaisiiwuniia aad Vhw lo. VessaouM.

laintleo i ij' auUiia trs4ibaie osssna ssi vMa to Ian S. ii'SS aiiiu Vimiiuaui, ruuuut to NsW Xara. via i.xii. Stwi tuisuaa oinUig oars. Otuy sue uit sst, Axsai tats la euoot nocSiuOwr lovi.

aawwbeuisi. Dau. V. T.v. iuuiskiOs.

Ceo. bu. lims. jtouia Ar. bue-iustuu, Cu.

MO. AA Custiouii, ecu. but. 'lllns Ar. bstiaur siinua, C.

Xluss. 4 avaia Ar. Ci-iwu Aunts, vsut, aid. XiBM-. Ac.

bisstton. a. tors OilJaia Ar. CMavt.vtSVUM;4 hlwrfll 'Ml. Ar.

Vsanuiua, r'siasra a U0)as Arrlys nuumwrs. a a Ar. Piuiaasivoia. tss 'lis, ml Al. lurs, lAturs Hus.n..n.c:a Ar.

lUchmuua, Kssiera 'i'lais ajfya Ar. Old I'-uu Csuilotk hjsMera Xltne. stioois Ar. Norfolk, r-jK-ta Ax. NasunU Ar.

LjutiitMirg, riera .11 Uilsn a r- iAniiir. a.mra 0 Ar. -ri" i-tsjro. Ar. lliKB Ar.

Carloita 1 il i.m Ar. lUi.e-u, x.ius... ivif, Itrtariuns ois V. vesubuis spetlsd arrives asuy truia Ute Yerk, Wssaungtuu. Utriiaiuea, VI14 Pwat Comrnrt ana Wis s( -ov p.

Cunnecun st Rir.ruuswd wit Atlantis Cess -7 I'nlnt and Norfnlk SIM st stiip'te WasBingte-, iialuawr au Saw lark. LOITI STILLS CSIOTf BTATI0W, mljennsylvania Lines. Jf a auu sty. co, ijatsrpo aa. Ti wrlcKai ss iuud oasts, a vt as csmu sun tiaraet tuwia, Tlirsu2h Trains run as Ivilvws by ceaUsU tins 3 Isata bt, aad Mr sad way.

Dauy. iDatly, caccpt uutuy ilVle40Jf. Loavs. Arnv. sSiaia.

basjpia VIA UIU11 From Luulsvuis ws ljsliansiioiia aa coicsy. -a as. -s ix. pia liaiia pulls aiMt Cbiraira 1 AS! pia K' .40 in ami i. in 0.

city sjpis li u.4 put Indiana polls and Chitsoi 0i 7 sis Vis laableV. B. AT o-a. LIN Philadel. aa Mew sSOpta lAspss liiuurs aiul Wasb-ivu-w-li Cuiuuiuua aud llUbui a 1-biiaiiMlia aad Near Intv Itsl'uiuors aul Wa-liinstoa- 11 Uiwsta Coluiuitus suA i lt.e a pniisdei.hii sod Vsrlr, "i 11 naiusiurti sal WmMiicWis-, rsoaru CSMuaibus an Pitt.Outk..

Mumu 11 UVirW 'I, si 'J Xicsix, uuiwas No. A.arut avsuua, vuioa Dcvos, scvcuwi aul lsi er llii. 7S -p. a. Arrtva i a.

is. Ta lm4lifai fn. polats. Deusrs 7 aw a. av Arnv trj2ABEr HTOWX p.

as. Arrlvs :40 a. Bv Daliy. isaiiy, buwj, KL.NJ.UCKT KAILWAT CD Ksauitua A. Keaa.

Kecelvor. Wluttsr a-j City p. m. Arrivo Ltioiuu luiut 51 p. i Jack "tWng West Lcavs Jackson at fM a.

L-uuwr cycty lass bu: Win-aeaier ai. a- as. Atnit Liu.iua 0 trains betwecs Leslngioa sod Jscasoa. T.SWM! at W. aod l.

Jun Urn sua incAea-r and BstvI1 tor neatly. ill vnA i- w. J. lt. PalLLirri, trsa.

svupt. as i I eseeaea, as -sfif i I 1 rts I s- ifiwri ar- orJE OF THE FirJEST I 3 i opportunities that Louis. vills folks ever had for J1AK1.MJ money br saving it is now offered in the "movistr-back" sale at I.KTTS'. The idea is to clean up, as nearly as possible, the Temporary Quarters, SSI ET MAKKKT. befor goiotc back to tba old corner into the new 'house.

And the cleaning-op ia going on at a livery rate. And why not? Who wouldn't bay a $10 suit for $5, a $15 suit for $7.50, or a $20 suit for $10? Three lots now take in th whole ot the Men's Suits stock CHOICE OF THE I101SK FOR .10. HOTS' xl'iTV PANTS HATS and ILRMSU-I ii all joing same way. Go there and fret 'em or send a cash J4A1L ORDER; money refunded I' 1. if goods fail to pie RATT.TLOAT) TT2ES-TAELX2L SHORT LIIII tlusi in hnmt uuiitii: uua.

LAlAo Lfiiviiiu UliioM bXalAOa. Xa-ailil AJja ofUia-oMavX. swat Aiiis It sot. Ko. daily, at a so a ai, sMspsf st Clasu.

sou, tsouwsmns tus tui puna aaa as. -lwwiraias sr. i e. it (. a 4.

uauy, UUiMf, aw, st.itss ts t4i cJnntMl, euuiMscUug tot aatnra sua wit a. liiMs. K-virtaas arnvos at i IX p. av ls 4. asujr, iav p.

Bv, slaB4 pasl car to Ciacuoaia, csmacuug Wiu. ssi I ins Jtcturalna aiuvos at 11 a. as. u. aauy, 1 At a.

iscai ta Clndnnal Beuinuua arrives st Ua bj. AolW.i)inr, tamiis tola Una East CluciausU ai-s aciivswa vlumi tan. iMput or ieaasylvsau Csatrai oioHob. as as. No.

l-Ol daily. O. snd Ot Battao sleeper ts Vraaauaatoa. heKirning anlvss FOA THE SOUTH. ho.

1, daily, at 4 p. aiesps to Ms, puis, ASS) ttjlosuu, u4 Issuy vumimcu at oviI.a lur s- -bsuussast. Kimajiuiis daily a i- u-kus. 1 u' 1 -v. a- si i s.

ixx. holt, 1 sita ss V- Uritu. lor i -So. Ssv.j., us, car Naaavloe. i uuuing arrive, sa i p.

m. No. 4auj t.t,,t buiMisr, 6 i. BwsUag t.i9 vmiirgiistjiisir alii, rn 1 1 1 a rive, at 10 a. ju.

No. ossiy, M4 a. Cumbartoon ti. sail, iieturumg arrlvsa at 4 -iw p. am.

Jvo. 2a, Sauy, p. KBwsvuis dlv1sl expiesa, slecucrs to Kooxville sua JaaixoMats. li. uirsung arrives at a.

an. 41, daily saocpt bunoay, 4 -OS BanUteoa aud aiTVHfrrsstlslii Ja turiaua arrives at a sv at. No. 4a, daily ext-epi, banday, no a ta fsrao. sits npriii.tiosi a to asiqs Itoa atw tttralBg arrives st a.

as. IIOM 1TUUT WKX SXATiOSt. M. lo, aaity uespt tMUtoay, as. La grans stsssi iHOrtawsi Wstnrsing ssitvo 1 av ta.

No. 12. Laarsnra aceomsasdstki, dairy etpt, Suattay, a. a. Iteuuiuuu airivss a 4 lO, Wl EWHr UimcU.1 sud ceoUal keutacky puiatw Av tunutul arrives st 1 19 osvu.

No. dsily exwpt Surly, S.S0 p. ta. Lsatuglu express, itcturamg atrivss at 4iA Nst tM. daily sseer tsumtay, 4 :10 p.

is, Frankfort acassaiouausB, laotuBiuag sfftv. at 6-U a. as. oJ. asuy, p.

owiojraii to nijuiootuil astt-OTBMklatsoa. itsturulog. saoeiM arnvsa a a. ov. ssuittay avrivoa al 9 a.

at. No. 4, daily eaeept bonsay. a. Shvihyvills east Hlooiuiiel socstaitanrta' las XiA tunuus arrives at p.

as. Prspses trains, dsuly eaoeid Boasay. leave a. a a. si, I p.

A p. Sasoaj soir s. ra, 1 :40 p. m. Jteturnin.

Saiiy is atuadsr. srnve 7 ytS a. lo a. 4 p. p.

bv; tsaaaar saiy 4s a. as, aos B. m. RAILWAY. ClnciaasU aad St, Loult Fast Lis.

A as of oa.aais a4 XiM ssxa. -as nn. iiMiast bantu. a. oaiast waio SUl arrive.

a' UJ i I. una, blWv fcS SS irts lOAS. as, aud arnvos a. jam uU ieaiea at aaS er-i a -a Kl 1U1S E-1SVM, MOVBS St "I am a. BO arrives a 'i sj Louis LAftess, haavss at UA p.

as. as rtatK- Aprv.t, iftr6 liWriOtaw -Ml s.ii 4a4 th sM tpic-, sssvs a as a. aa, oaa srTivw. a -1 HO a. bv 1-ari i cars ooa pnilaais ears from Loui.vilis to CitiilsitSM aul as.

Luuis alUastt ackfSwBvosaasa. leaves dslty, say eapt iauislao-, A p. bv, ea arrives St 9 ss, THROUGH rn'tss I II aV ll IXBIaAaFOvL. sad Vi ciliCAOsj UXfc. vu Iraans ks sud arrive as LsulvSi rm Lvui.viils to Lesvs.

Arrtva. lavnaisaoolla aud chles 7 isoss 7 li.iiau-l. sad S.lpai 7 jtwiauO. SH-P- yiip 411 a siaa Ailu-slns arrive aod aetsart bam Ualea Aieust, bevsata aod Water strssas. IUlAVli- 0'L'jU IS AND Tl-VAS Atlf, i i aw.

Ssstas euscs aauo is, lOisii tiluva lAlAJk bevruik sua Wlb AtUCND. bo. Me. ft Dally. Dally.

Lssv Lonllvias ju lyavs Stlisra 7 Ltav lrm-stoa a Lta.s 10 Leats ick 1uhs 1 llw.ville,...... 11 S'lsia Ixr iv, Arrivs StiiSU, Mu. A3. MO. AO.

OaUlv. lsaliv- Leaso Hendersoa. 7 OshiIi -Jt-itat Cesvs Msse.vlll.. Liav flovonawt. s-iaia Lcss lO 4 a a :l.ia I7VS lllu- S), Iira.l?rilufg 11 -o-w at 7 ni-'t" Arrive LouisvUi ....12 Am vd 'lrsins Nns.

ii aii 6-' -n-s4 eanasruon at trvlnclow daily evpt Stu4y wtoi trains and trass iiartliasUirg aad saMoavtu Umuc. ai. Luc la Al it 1.1 -Nil (Ixuisvtiac, vaa.iiio ai.S M. Louis Uusiu-. Ostrd lialirusd Cnaisuj) W.

llnrs and Msis i4s. Depot ina. Btaiiuo. rorw-r ruurv-vrtth sod Main sta. 'jtu i'-ava sua arm st lonsviim Louis Vcubuis.

Icavsa at Xaa ao arrivo. s4i 7 p. as. bt, Louis Ltuuicd, ieaves Bt 8 24 p. as.

ao arrives at :1 a. av and Isavss at XIS a. in. aud arrlvr. at p.

ss. 1-il city sad Caiiacltaa, faiovos at 304 a. as, aixt arrives at 7 p. to. KvaiwrllM snd snwlloa.

leaves at 4 i SI a and arrlvsa st 1i a. jo. Daliy. IDally, sxcept buassy, rT i ls. I 1 i i.

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