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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAGE FOUR NEWS APRIL 1.1, io3i THE BLYTHEVILLE COURIER NEWS THE OOURIEK NEWS PUBL1SI1E11S 0. R. BABCOCK, Editor H. W. HA1NKS, Advertising Manager Sole National Advertising Representatives: Tbe Thomas F.

Clark Co. New York, Philadelphia, Atlonla, Dallas, Sat Antonio, ban Francisco, Olilcago, ai. Louis. Published Every Afternoon Uxccpt Sunday. Entered as second class matter at the post office at Dlytlieville, Arkansas, under act ot Congress October 8, 1917.

Served by the United I'rcss SUBSCRIPTION KATES By carrier In the cily or UlyUicvillc, 15c week or $6.50 per year In advance. By mall wltliln a radius or 60 miles, J3.00 per year, lor six months, B5o for Ihrco inonUis; by mall In postal zones two to six, inclusive, J6.GO per year, -In zones seven and eight. $10.00 per year, payable in advance. Hou) Advertising Aids Return of Prosperity Advertising pays. Tluit has IJCOM ultcrcd so it is iilmusl a platitude.

From it has tonic the erroneous belief thai unly the advertiser bcnelits. It is far from the truth. It doesn't take into.consideration tliat advertising as a whole is overwhelmingly honest. You have a mill in the area in which you live, let us say. It employs 1000 in normal times.

Now only 700 are working. Why? Because there is not the demand for its 'ifroducts. That demand can be increased by advertising, and men will go back to The entire community, as well as the employer, will benefit. Producers will become buyers, and the welfare of the whole people, from millionaire to labor: or, -will be affected, i In 1929, $60,000,000 was spent to sell 6,358,000 cars, a cost foi' mlvorlisiug of car. Without advertising it is reasonable to assume many less cars would have been Thousands, perhaps millions, employed in the automobile industry wouldn't have had a job.

Steel workers, tire manufacturers, paint would have been alfecl- The analogy can be applied to department stores, other types of industry as a'whole. We Have our. teeth because we read of Iwnelits of using a toothbrush. We play healthful sports because we see sporting equipment advertised and recommended. We furnish our homes attractively because we see attractive furniture advertised.

We are educated how to live more fully by advertising. And creating demands menus that more men and women have jobs. Just now, in a period of depression, there is buying caution. People arc saving their money, in some cases bo cause they aren't working and earning more, in others because, of the fear of losing their jobs, is still others because they do not understand. It would seem, regarding the matter from an unbiased viewpoint, that, since the average citizen reaps ihe greatest benefits, he should buy from the cenis which advertise.

He should un- derstand that, it is one way he can help prosperity to return. And wise executives, realizing that advertising docs pay in more ways than one, insist on voluint advertising. It means business for them. It means more work for It means they are contributing something to aiii return of prosperity. Tliis Boy Made Profit on 8-Ccut Colton At any time, Arkansas would lx: proud to clnlm us a Mm boy champion collou grower of the South.

That II. Meadows, 17-ycar- old pupil In tlie vocational high school at Wilton, produced more llnl cotton on three acres last year than any oilier contestant 111 13 Southern suites Is the inor-l signal of triumphs because the dioulli lilt harder in Arkansas tliiin anywhere else In the entire cotton iK'lt. In producing 2.808 pounds of lint, moie than ono and faiir-fUllis bales an acre, on Ills contest plol. this young man clrHimistrutcil that If nny Arkansas grower pains to use (rood seed, apply feitlllwi' iif the tort in the necessary quantity, nml nlve his crop assiduous cultivation, he can gi-t ylekl In the lace of unfavorable conditions. He proved that Hi: extra investment Involved in Hiving a cotton crap such allcntlon Is a paying investment.

Tills boy wns caught In price slump. His cotton sold nl an average of only 8.H cents a pound. But because of (lie heavy yield, it cost him 0.7 cents. Even with collon fetching little more than 510 a bale, there was profit margin for him In the. price.

There would have been no profit- at double the price for the average grower, for the average yield in Arkansas last year ivns less than one-third of a bale per acre. Uorcniment on production costs show conclusively thai a third of bale Meld costs around 20 cents a pound to grow. Tim striking thing about the program that enabled young Meadows to find a profit lor him' self In' 8-ccnt-cotton is Us simplicity. Anybody hi Arkansas with a piece oi land lit for tollcn could have followed tlic Mine scheme. If it be said (hat not- every man could allord to buy good seed, apply high grade fertilizer liberally ami use so much labor on his crop, the answer is the difference ot almost 14 cents a pound between the, winner's Irnv production cost and' Hie high slate average cost.

It was on his extra expenditures of money nnd labur that, this young man ninttc his profit. Gazette. SIDE GLANCES By George Clark PASSING OK WAR LOAN On April 14, 1D17, the House of Representatives passed without a single negative vote a bill to finance the prosecution of the wav against Germany. Three (lays later the Senate passed the bill witli- nit opposition. The- bill authorized thcissuance of bonds to Hie amount of $5,00.000,000, of which 53,000,000,000 was to be loaned to the nations comprising the Entente Alliance; also the Issuance of Treasury certificates for $2,000,000,000 ultimately to be rael by ncreased taxation.

Tile bond ssue as proposed was the largest in the history of the world. Under the terms of (lie bill the president and secretary of the treasury were lo be unhampered In milking a loan of $3.000.003,000 to allies. The obligations of the foreign countries were lo be taken at par. "Me? coiildu been nutrriod years ago, if 1 hudn't always liuan thiiikin' of my carter." "I'd love to meat yon," lo a prosjiccllve customer. the butcher said When vacalinn time comes around home, as usual, will be considered as ICMJll.

igaiu las'. A dish-washing contest, held in a western city recently was won as were. by men. They cleaned up, No, Dorothy, a nun-hound Is used to track down bootleggers. "Guess I'll try my hand the fellow said at (lie dial telephone.

Kcllins a suit ot clothes, observes the ullicc sage, is a lining climax lor any salesman. "Ccrmak in Olticc; MM Lore Jobs." Headline. There is some truth apparently in the maxim "a new broom sweeps clean." California Seen as Population Center FRESCO, Cal. day California will bo the ec-ulcr oi tile' United States, according to Mayor John C. I'oitcr ol Los Angeles.

Mayor Porter made his prediction in a talk before ll'? American Legion luncheon club here He did not specify a date when his prophecy would be realised, bat said: "We now arc building Hie greatest, empire the world lias known." BE SURE YOU'RE RIGHT- KffiSSE OCXD WiD 10 THE IhVfiG 1ME CCWTRV. t-te PuU Hitf.N WPS 'JHICH CLfliMED IHOUSMDSCe HIS MEN. PGOPER TD LIFT BFeat is -CiiESlM JJST California Cat Contests Buffalo Cat's Title upon and receive more nnd more unlit lurther ix)St-war veteran paytin: War SM.OOO.OOn.Ott!) mfn i nl i lp to or beyond tile 1 It Serins Likely Thai livery lA-Solclicr Will Benefit 000,000.000 which the war already has cost. Willows Benefit Pensions for widows nnd orphans of veterans was one item on program outlined by O'Neil. iiv DUTCHICK NliA Sirvici; Writer WAS1HNGITON There is no lo suppose (hat tlie voter- These pensions made plenty of pro- is of the World Wnr will cease', gross i the last Congress and are icir demands on Ihe treasury mi-j sure lo be passed by the next.

They 1 lh? last one has passed lo his'are expected to boost the pension nal reward. bill another $150,000.000. Or that succeeding Congresses; There are those who already pre- fail 10 heed their pleas i diet that Hie loans made to veter- Pllstory, already hns begun lo re-, ans on adjusted compensation cereal Itself and Iho iissnrnncc that ic veterans hope lo cicceleralc that iinc-honcied process lias been in- icnUd by the national cominand- of the American Legion. Resting not on a noble record of ceomplisliment, including -soldier icniis the beginnings of a fusion system, the bonus itself other federal veteran expcndi- urcs excluding loans which will ubout SOOO.OOO.OOO next year, Commander O'Nril has outlined for further measures which will be presented (o the next subsequent sessions of Congress. t'tuisri-hs Is "I'Liision-Miiulcil" Afler each war it lias required a shorter period to persuade Congress to grant service pensions and to liberalize- their pro- SpanisH War veterans oi 1308 struggled until 1020 for first service than 3CO.OOQ men were engaged in ilia'.

war. whrrcas World veterans number more Ihtui and BUFFALO, N. (UP) Midge Gainey, the Buffalo, cat whose maslcr claims he is tile oldest cat tlie United Slatc-s at 20 years ol age, has a California rival, Mrs. W. W- Newman, of Route 2, Highland, read a United Press story telling of Midge Gainey, and immediately wrote ttie United Press Buffalo bureau pro' testing.

I have a rat named Winke" Mrs. Newman's letter said, "who 23, and is still able to hunt most oi his own feed." Arc then; any cats older? A man who thinks he is boss in his home lakes a little dictation every now nnd then. OUT OUR WAY Williams LificnLcs will eventually IK? forgive) Hie borrowers. No such demand nets yet, came from I he veterans nnd it wunkl be presumptuous to assert here lhat II will ever inartc, but it. can said some assurance thai i tlic veterans ever do get bchim such they will fnu plenty of enyer support in Conyrcsij! and peiliapr, enough to jam it through.

Kclicf for wives and children oi veterans in hospitals and in- crrasc in hospital facilities for veterans who will need treatment in the future, nlso expected by Commander O'Nci), presumably will coma right along. PIOIHJSU.S Increase Then Ilicrc's tlie rommanrler's prcpcsal lor incrcnsing the disability compensation for World veterans to the level allowed to veterans ot other wars, on the theory the veteran of one war is entitled to as much monry as the veteran of another. Spanish War veterans' monthly snrvicn pensions now rim up to $00 a month on a scale tcok them 32 years to achieve and when the World War veterans achieve a similar scale, disability payments will increase tremendously in cost. demands Eventually there will be ati ulii- tiave raised considoriible stir butjiiiate general pcn.sicn bill for every no bicrtusr cvrryor.e veteran and Congress will pass it has cxpcclcd thai vctoraiis, unless it reverses all previous licr.cliiin?; Irom which formances. Ttiat, presumably, will PHILADELPHIA.

IU1 In little known Massiland, East Africa, til? worship snakc.s, Charles Wellington Furlong tok the Society ol Philadelphia. When a youtli ot any the tribes wishes to wed, he inus first introduce his Intended bridi lo his tutelary snake, Furlong dared. CHURCH EXCUSES tty George Mother and I called Joe in on? mean to use the tone she used. So day last week with the idea thai Joe told her to go right ahead and would try and find out jusc! settle it. and thai got Mother start the difference was in his ed and they argued for about two ilnirch and ours.

Now, I told Mother if she let me do the hours. That is. Mother did and poor Joe did not get to say much talking and her and Joe keep still lor every time he would start lo I felt sure we could settle the mat-1 answer some of her arguments she ter and that Joe and I would to in would tell him to wait until she the same Church. Mother said not say'one word unless called upon. I don't know now and never saw any reason for so many had finished, so he finally got up and told her when she had finished her argument to send for him.

think he is with his Mother now, churches, or rather so ninny differ- but Mother says he will come back ent OIKS. To start with I knew that we differed on the question oi Baptism, or at least 1 supposed we did, for I knew that he often spoke of bringing them up out of I tlie while my Church be-1 licved (or ai least Mother said we I did) that a whole lot of water was not necessary. as soon as ho gets cooled off. I started two or three times to tell Mother lo give him a chance to say something but when she gets started 'to talking about her Church is no such thing stopping her. Of course, she feels like since I married Joe and brought him into our family he So we were all ready when Joe should listen to her and do as she came in and Mother lold him thai says.

She really feejs like I could we were ready to f.cule the Church have married to belter advantage question, and I'm she did not. had I taken her advice. consequently arc able to bring ail Ihe more pressure. So Ihe latlcr to wait but 12 years allowance Congress granted lor disabilities whether the disabilities were connected with war service or not. Commander lias cnaud the largest Mndc bur- rcpsr.scnt the I I den en the trca-Miiy.

would watermark of America's expenses. FLOORWALKERS- IN-PRINTi inviting- you to "Step this way, please," the advertisements in this paper are floonvalkers-in-pvint. They show you the way to merchandise that serves your needs, and saves your mon- " and Sinkers," Diet, of Poor, Is Not Sufficient V.V lilt. J1OKHIS rlSHHrilN Ibi- U-al ntld of cein. the llc'iitli M.i^azin.^ In times ol economic many people are vonie from work, it Kiev to bicacl to provide them f-jri '-what are technically kn .1 houses" as a plaec ol 1 I-'or years the standaid bread line ha.s been c.i:!; i-inkcrs.

Unfomnwlrly of the word a dirt. a live on a dirt til Miiko.s some li- promptly to tiir Of of MIJII-J ol Tims it Is already 'the Inhabitants ot HcbKiv apiieariiii; in the clinirs ol pellagra. As has r. a dirt iieier.l in vitamin i cf is io m.iiiiii'.-talif L-, ni TI thf standard rrn IK- 1.1 amount cf nun if tiie colfee replaced by a'. lr.i?t a half-pint of many of these disturbance would be avoided.

Unfortunately the members of bread line have learned to love their coltec and sinkers. They like the stlmulalteii of the coifee. the. sweet taste and tlic niling elTect of the (louchnnts. Whether or not Ircy can be rriu- catcd lo eat Hie more sisfuclonl thai lave been mentioned is a prcblrni the social workers who are r.inrerncrl largely wilh the rare of tlic Here is ci'i'Uinly evidence that an apple a d.iy ci .111 orange a day wil do much to keep tlie doctor away Fersnns the infliifncc alcohol easily tint according to til Berlin Institute of Research- Typewriters Adding Mu Hililmns Adding Machine Kolls Aclon (lo.

TyiH-wrilcT Drpt. I'liotuj 10 ey. Do you read these advertisements every day? Make it a regular habit. Do not skip a day or an advertisement, lest some priceless opportunity be lost. Kead even tlie smallest advertisements and the smallest print.

Gems of rare worth are often buried where you have to dig for them! Size alone is not an infallible guide to value. Kead the advertisements every day, with pencil and paper at hand, to list those things you wish to look up when you start to the stores. It is trite but true, that this method saves time and saves money. Read hv (ulvcrliscmen Is. Read them and heed them.

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