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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 2

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FOREIGN HEWS. Two Persons Shockingly Stabbed at Dublin by Conspirators, One fatally. Terrible Eailway Disaster in Scotland. and Dire Collision in Ux Englulx Channel. Sections of German and Austria Under Water, and Two Tillages Entirely Submerged.

Accidental Shooting of Gambetta Burn ing of a valuable Eemdenoo in England. IRELAND. AX BX JUkOB MCBPEBEIX, Pet US. Nov. 27.

Dennis Field, a Juror itt th nw of Hynes, hanged for tba murder of th harder Doloughty, wa met in' Frederick street on bis way borne to dinner to-day by a ear con-taiaing two men, one ot whom jumped ad and stabbed Field aix times with a word. Field la dying; jteld's assail-asts drove off la the direction of Drumeordra. Field is stilt alive, bat his condition Is precarious. Ue rays tbe men stabbed hirn in tbe arms, cheat, and cheek with a sword-cane. He seized the weapon and broke it.

Tbe men then knocked bio. down and wounded htm la tbe back, alter wbicb they jumped on the ear and told the driver to "naive quick; roa jieates'8 bakk." Field complains, that several persons saw him as be lay on the ground, but did not offer to as-aist him. He staggered to a bouse, kicked agaiast tbe door and on belug admitted sank intrfa chair. He had washed away tbe blood from bis wounds by tbe time tbe doctors arrived." Itisdarkto-niabt. An additional military guard are at Dublin Castle.

ANOTHER BTABBISO CASK 'baa JuBt been A bailiff, named Thomas Halloa while serving a writ to-night to Gardiner this city, received a serious stab wonnd In the bead. Three arrests were made. A MOB ASSAULT. The mob to-night attacked the Jervls Street Hospital, where Dolxo, who snot and killed Detective Cox, lies, with tbe object, it is believed, of removing him. The mob shoaled and yelled and tried to break open tbe doors.

Tbe inmates wero throws Into a state of the greatest alarm, i Tbe police ware telegraphed for, and a large force arrived on tbe ground at lO o'clock, armed swords and when the mob scat- tered. lurklur, however, in the vicinity. The police are now patrolling the neighborhood and guarding the hospital. MOON'UOKTSBH RtPtI-SKD AKJ CAPTCRftP. Sunday ereniun a party of moonlignters attacked! a farm-house near Cashei.

County Tlp-perary. The oocupanta of tue house beat them off. and the 11 pursued and captured the wnole gang. THE COX TBAOEPT- Vive -more perwof were arrested this afternoon in connection with the murasr of Detective Cox. Dowting, or Doian, is progressing favorably.

lu tbe police court the men Devine, woodward, and ltytn were arraigned and charged with the murder of- Cox. Detective Eastwood -identified Devine. but not sure sboat the olbers, Tue prisoner were remanded. KOBSQUO OITH'IIUL At meeting ol tu corporation to-day a resoi-ntton was passed, on motion of Dssyer Gray, recording tne horror of the corporation at the Precautions have been taken to Insure tbe -aafetv of the soldier who assisted la the capture one ot the marderer'a friends. lewn Judges dining" in Mount Joy Equar passed tbe spot where tbe murderers of ive Cox bad been loitering a few minntest after tbe affray haitpeaed- It is thought the maxatarer Were lying In wait for tbem.

GEE AT BRITAIN. BAIL AT ACCIDEST IS SOOTLAXD. Nor. 27. A train on the North Scotland Railway from Macduff 4 o'clock tbla morning fell through a at Fyvle, Aberdeenshire.

Fourteen persons were killed and many Injured. The engine had passed in safety. All the carriages wers wrecked. The official report states but five passengers Were killed. POUBTEE2C PEOPLE DBOWNED.

The steamer Cambrouue, krlos-iug in Nantes, was sank by a collision in the Channel to-day. Fourteen persuu vrera tlrowtie CUUIMDOE VSIVKBKiTY tLECTIOS. At thVciose the poll ma to-Jay tiie vote for member of the Hornse of Coinmecs -for Cambridge University ood: Baikcs, Conservative, Stuart. X.2."o. CESUEXCB Clevedon Hull, tbe re.meuae of Eir Arthur near Bristol, was destroyed by are today.

A portion of tbe llbrarr, considered one of I 1 I 1 1 1 ujf muni iu i wa. wueuvu. HANKIBAX, HlJiU.1, United States Minister to Spain, and wife sailed to-day for New York on the fcervls. Hamlin is returning home on a urloagh. rSlJUB IN TBEJAXD.

In Parliament to-day Trevelyan stated that a conflict between the Dublin police and organized law.essness seemed to be tnaaeursted. The government was determined to use. ail tba re- source at its dwpoeal to put down the latest developments of uisorder. Trevelyan added tb at the number of aggrariaa orlmes in Ireland this month were under one hundred, which bad not been the case in any one month for tweotv-eight years. Trevelvan also said the recent speech of -eteduiond in Cork, in which be sdvocaied boycotting and revolution, was under consideration by the government.

PBAUCE. THE CHJSSEL TCXXEU Pakiii, Kov. 27. Two thoosand member of the French Trade Unions assembled yesterday, and extended a hearty greeting to tbe twelve delegates from tbe English onions, who came to Paris to represent the views of tbe latter bodies, In favor of eompietteu of the cbaunet tonnei. BURIAL -OK CBEMATION.

A bill has been distributed in tbe Cbsmber of Deputies, oontalning among the eignaturea those of Gambetta and taul Bccc, giving all persons tbe right to leave testamentary inatrue-tlous as to wuttaer their bodies shall be buried or cremated. DEAD. Bonnet Denvediere, the well-known Radical veputy irom amyous, is aeaa. THg MADAGASCAR AMB AH5AIXVIU refused the Ultimatum requiring Madagascar to recognize a French protectorate. The Ambassadors have started for London.

BAMBETTA WOPKDED. While handling a revolver to-day Gambetta shot himself In the band. BTSAGOOIE BOBBED. A Jewish Synagogue wsa robbed yesterday of Of article valued at 10,000 auacs. DTXAMTTE EXPLOHIOlflT AfOHACO.

Monaco, Nov. 27. A dyaamiteeartrtdge which pad been placed at tbe entrance to the Monte Carlo gambling saloons exploded, lastevenlug, causing a great panio and wounding an oilioial. An Italian baa been arrested for connection with tueauair. RTDW1VV RABOX atABTBUTFEX DEAD.

t3 1 -T Alk- uBiifu vbuv wan tenffesi a Prussian statesman, is dead, aged 77 years, la 1S50 he was Prussian Minister of Foreign Affairs, and In 1852 was made President of the Council of Ministers. He retired from power In 1853, VOIf 8CHWB151TB. BERLIN, Not. 27. General Von Rchwelnlta, tbe German Ambassador to St, Petersburg, ha returned from, bis visit to Bismarck at Varztn.

on bcnweimtz win not retire irom tne et ire' tersborg Ambassadorship. BISMA-BCK HAS BEJBCTED the preliminary uraiw prepared by the Minister of Finance, ot the bill abolishing tbe four lowest grades of tbe clans tax, and baa Instructed iuj Minister to recast the preamble. The intro duction of tbe bill will consequently be delayed. Jt i believed, however, the bill bas no chance vf linal adoption. no combination; The National party declined, on a proposal to coalce with tbe left wing of the Conservative, and porpos forming a middle party in tbe Diet.

SWITZERLAND. 1 THE CAKTONAZ. BCHOOL PrE'TrOX Ssv. 2. la potiuiiir vote iariiiri to eantOnal schools annals tbe decision of the Federal Assembly raquirisg the cantons te provide eompnlaory and adequate primary education, which, as far as the publio schools were concerned, was to be under the exoln.tve control of tue state.

Tbe -orthodox Catholic. Protestants, snd Conservatives disli ted be 8 tale con trot and the Infringement on cantonal sovereignty. EGYPT. irmiiA roe aid. Losdcx.

Nov. 27. Wilfrid Blast -appeals to the public for help to defray tbe cost of the defense of Arab! Pasha, as bis trial baa assumed tba character or a great state Inquiry. BED HBl TECtlTllM. Constantinople, Nov.

27. Turkey re fuses to rdeogmse the eesaioa ot Masaamoa. or any territory on tbe Bed Sea, to any person, BELGIUM. TBI PELTZU TBIAU BBCBSaXS, Nov. 87.

The trial ot the brother Leo a and Armand Peltier, for the murder of Ber-nay baa The court-room was crowded. Many ladies were present. Tbe Peitxer were well dressed and wore gloves. They appeased perfectly self-possessed. RUSSIA.

STUDENTS SHOX BY. TB0OP. St. Peteksbubu, Nov. 27.

Of the staJents engaged In the recent demonstrations 180 bsve bee a arrested. The troops fired Into a crowd of Kaaars University student, killing three. BOXTSCAKZA. A MAX OT TBS rKOPLS. BUOHAKIST.

Nov, 27. Bowanul Zsucoff, x- Premier, was arrested on returning, bat the people uemanded bis release, and escorted him In triumph to bis residence. spain, yBEE-TBADB AGITATXOX. Madrid. Kov.

27. Twenty-five hnndrsl persons assembled at the Alhambra Theater inaugurating the agitation throughout theooontry In favor of free trade, FLOODS. ZXTBAOKDIHaBY rNl'DATIOX. wrgSKADBX, Nov. 27.

The Neckar. Main, and Moselle Rivers are bringing down a great body ot water at Frankfort, Mayence, Coblentx, and Cologne. Cellars In tbe street along tbe water Iront are submerged. -Tba boat bridges at May enee and Cologne have been secured with double anchors. The tnaiu valley forms cue great lake.

lOXAOtS MUBMBAttlEiA Vienna. Nov. 27. Tbe Elbe Vsiiey la flooded. A wo villages near are almost submerged.

ABOUND COLOGNE. COlOGm. Nov. 27. Tint river Rhine Is still rising, and tue rain continues.

Communication by railroad is becoming more and more difficult. THE RAILROADS. THE WAS. THK KXD IB BEBS. The prediction of Tils iimut Ocsav that the railroad war would be terminated this week seem to be in a good way of being verified.

During the early part of yesteraay no new de velopment were Warned, and It was naderstood that tbe managers of tba warlike roada were resting their- claims tor laoreasadJtraftto spot the merits of tbe respective linefe-No new cot were announced, but it waa noticed that the number of paasxngers coming from the Nortb-wes was as targe as ever, and tba tha liocX Island waa selling a great many tieaete to various points la Miuaesota. Tbe ens to Cedar Kapid bad, for obvious reasons, been undrawn. yaoauefs xeettno. The report that cvaaiiuiouir Midgley bad called a meeting of the (Southwestern Hallway Association, the Chicago Traffic Association, and the Iowa runic Line Association to be held here to-day did not seem to nave any effect upon tne war. It waa known that Jay Ueuid had been telegraphing here for several days, trying to Induce the toe aid of Interested, to can a meeting to settle existing trouble, and wa hinted tnat II tne meet- lag were a stop might be pat to the war.

were but the lacs that nose of the above-associattens are -direotly iotereeted Is the-- war was lost sight of. that none of them bad auythtng to do with ft. Paul passenger or Ireight bosiness was overlooked. Mr. Cable nam that lie would attend the" meeting tne Interests of the boothwestcrn trafhs ot nis road, but would not be dictated to in reference to a settlement ot tbe tit.

difbcolty, wane Mr. Merrill, who arrived here snaaeoiy from Mil-waakee, staled that be wontd attend toe matt-UK. but aid act expect to be ol any service there. It was later nnuerstood that the dllh allies attending tbe southwestern lumber pool would be considered; that the notices ot withdrawal from the booth western passenger pool of tne Illinois Central and Barllngton would be discussed, and a number ot other matters dla-Dosed of. Mr.

Alar via Hughltt, ol -the Norta-western Bond, being in New York, will not bo able to attend, so that Mr. Wiener. will reuresent him. Ills understood that Mr. iioehitt leit New Yurk last evening, and will be here tomorrow morning.

EACg orFEBTHoa. Early la tbe evening the beet new of tb promised peace was beard here. It was learned that Mr. Albert Keep, President of the Northwestern Hoed, was using ait hie influence to effect a settlement in New Yurk, and. ilka a sensible man, waa acting with laatto and discretion, Mr.

Keep is to be commenied for being toe man A3 proves peace, and la case of a final settlement, no little ef the credit is to be tendered bim. Tbe following Is his PROPOSAL FOB PEACE: (CopT-i New Yob, Nov. 25. id32. Juuua Wads-Wusih, Est Vice President Chicago, Milwaukee and tit.

Paul, Ball way. Dearbirtl propose that a restoration of the tariff be ordered to taa'e oSect on the 2tfth Inst, between all polut on ail ot the line now la tae present contest; that a meeting be called at Chicago at an early date to aettlr, by agreetaeat, if possible, and by arbitration if necessary, ail matter lu dispute, aud peuding the final eettiement within thirty day irom date, no deviation from established tariff shall be tolerated oader any circumstances. I bave addressed a similar communication to Mr. Dow, Vloe President ot tbe Cbieagq, Rock Island and Paclflo Railroad (as Mr. Riddle.

President. la not in tbe city); also to Mr. Porter. President ot tne Chicago, b. Paul and Omaha Railroad Com DMT.

ALBKBT K.E8P. President Chleaso and Kortkwniera Railroad. 2MB. WADaWOKXia BEPLX was at follows: CHICAGO. MfLWAUKIB AXD St PAUL RAIL WAY.

NEW YOBS, Nor. 27. Albert keec. l'resi uent, etc. Dear bir: 'i'he commanicatloa re lating to tne settlement or to.

prevent railroad com Dlieationa. dated the 25th. is received, and the terms ot adjustment auggested by yon bave beeu consldereo. and I am authorized. In behalf of tola company, to say tnat tha proposal meet with our approval, and this eompaav I ready to orumDuy carry we same into errect.

tery re- spectiuiiy, rfuurB WApawosTH. ViceiPresident. There was considerable Interest manifested In the result of Mr. Keep correspondence with Messrs. Dowa and Porter.

After waiting here anxiously for some time, a telegram was received by a disinterested railroad man, that Mr. Porter had agreed to Mr. Keep'a mode of settlement. Mr. Cable had nothing to feay In regard to Mr.

Dowg reply, intimating that be did aot Know of any attempts at pease-maAInc inally, it was secured in a roundabout way that Mr. Dows had assented to the proposition in the interest of peace. According to Mr. Keep' all rate on all line In interest will be restored to-dav, and arrangement made at once to bold a MKBTTSO CHICAGO at an early day. when the terms of a final settlement will be discussed.

In case of a disagreement, the matter will be left to arbitration. Of course a good man will be necessary for arbitra tor, la case one in needed. A manager said last evening that he thought a good arbitrator could be fuoud easily. Me tbought that Mr. H- K.

gar-gent would be a good man, aa ho is acquainted wun tne Aorthwestero business. Is oat ol railroads, and la a fair-minded, honorable man. CAHU KPtAIA During the dav Mr. Cable waa as iced to make reply to theatatement of President Mitchell, of tbe Chicago, Mi' waokee and bu Paul Road, that tbe latter line had proposed to Wave the diCereuoes to replied: Tbe difference to wbicb I suppose Mr. Mitchell all odes related to the division ef the south-bound business from Minneapolis and rib.

Paul between tbe Milwaukee and Su Paul line, tbe Chicago and Northwestern, and tbe Omaha lice, and the Minneapolis and Louis, barllngton. Cedar Rapida and Northern, and Rock Island Una. The laat named line demanded one-third the freight- business from Minneapolis and 20 per oent from St. Paul. Tbe other lines named have steadily refused this demand.

No proposition to arbitrate bas been rnsae by the other lines to tbe Minneapolis and Pt. Louis or to the Hue of which it forms a part. They bave not, to to knowledge, ever named the proportion into which they are willing tb business should be divided. THOBB FAST TBA 1X8. Thk Inter Ockan caded attention to tbe fact Saturday that in case no settlement could be arrived at the Northwestern and Cnicago, Milwaukee and Bt.

Paul roads would put on fast train a betweea her and St. PauL It eaa be said at this time tba1. In cee tha war 1 settled presently these fsst trains will aot be rnn, bat If the war continues will be pnt on at one The schedule iy; iazi much valuable time Mill be eat 4 id Ibtr ax Beaded, At pres THE DAILY INTER 1 CE TXTESDA1T UOKiZTXG XOVE3IBEK 28, ISSH. ent tb Chlenvo and St. Paul train for Sc.

Pant leaves here at 11:30 and arrives at hu Paul at 6:15 o'clock the next morning. Tbe schedule that baa baea prepared atioulabua that ths trains will leave here at 8:30 In tbe morning and arrivo at bt- Paul la the evening at o'clock. This arrangement would ssve the passengers much time and no sleeping cars would be needed. In case of peace snob traina will be put oa next summer. Mr.

Merrill waa sees, laat evening and expressed himself heartily in favor of peace, tie did aot like to put anv blame opoa anybody at but when peace seemed aear at hand, but be felt nn-ooasclous of having been te blame lathe matter of war: he only followed the othera when It became necessary for him to fight. lie also added that while the company had expected great losses from tbe cutting of rates, lb earnings repotted ot late did net show as great reductions as be bad expected. Another thine that pleased him waa that his road haa sold onlv limited rebate ticket, good oa a certain train an a certain aay, ao that no war ticket woald torn up hereafter In aealpcra office. To-day will be an interestiag on In tb rait-way world, on account of the nteetlnce to be held here, and the peace negotiation going on In Nsw York. Tbe report that tbe rate on freight to St.

Paul and Minneapolis from Chicago and Milwaukee had beea eat to 12 cents per 100 pounds, without reference to Classification, Is untrue. All rates from her and Milwaukee to bu. Paul and Minneapolis bav been solid throughout tha wsr. Tne report that lumber rate from Chicago to Missouri River point were being out to 10 oeaia per pounds could not varibed, J-BOM S8W IORX. 1r-f-Specisl Telegram to ill Inter Kbw Yoke.

Nov. 27. The prospect of tb war among the railroad leading to the Northwest out of Chicago waa the main topic of talk In Wall atreet to-day, and tne chance of conference or no coaler. noe waa discussed la all its bearings. Many in the day it was announced that there waa an agreement to go Into a conference looking toward a settlement of the difficulty, and that the mattor had been agreed to by the officer of the Northwestern.

RocK Island. and the St. Paot eomDaniea. but that President Porter.ot tbe Omaha Company, was not disponed to enter the council of pesos. Later iu tbe day came aa announcement very circumstantial and presumably very direct that President Porter bad sent a not to tbe other Presidents asking that a meeting be held la this city oa Wednesday, and aoggeatlag that every question of whatever sort that mlgbbarise ssoutd be made the subject of arbitration.

It was siguihoant. however, that this bit of Information waa set art oat rn the gossip breeding atmosphere in Wall atreet last la time to get Into the Stock Kxchang, and send tb closing prices to tbe bigheet point ot the dsy. The gossip bear having aecoiupllabed hla mission and tbe room leadera having made their dally profit, tbe trnthtul enronioier came along, and then Mr. Porter repudiated the idea of his conference where It was. It waa ei Deo ted that tbe fry fact of entry carried wttb It a stoppage of oat rates and a restoration of the high ti i while railroad Preaideal talked and talked.

THE UUB8TION OF BATE wa the one line toulc for a conference to take up. and If that waa to be crushed at the outset there might be any quantity of talc on irregular topics, ana all the time tbe etieot of a aeeisive rate war would be lost. Omaha, be declared. did Bet mean to walk Into anv auch meanly baited trsr as that, and when tbe other road managers aated and talked add fought like men. be was readv to meet tbem.

Thia evening at tba Windsor Hotel tberewae a great gathering of tb Wall street company ef railroad men and specoiators, and la the private rooms upstair all aorta of proposition were made and rejected by the managers of tbe interested roada. It was intimated to them tbst both Jay Gould and William H. Yauderbilt wished to see tbe rate war end. bnt each Presi dent wss willing to ead it according to his- notion, end there were aa many eolations ot tb railroad snarl a there were President bere- Betore an hoar bad gone by ail effort at a con fereuce were seen to be futile, and that event was declared to be "off" for the present. "This fast and loose plsy looks to me, said one prominent operator and oflioer of tbe Stock 1.x-change, "aa thouga tbe rsuroad men were TAT1NO IfOttB XO AFTECr THK PRI KS In the mar Aet Man to raa tueir roads oa basi- aem principles.

Kvery way it is looked at there are Indications that somebody, whose intimtnee and consent are wanted to etfect a settlement, ia not prooerly fixed to take advantage of tbe advance in rates when tbe war It baa been an admirable bear movn- rn an bat there is saeb a thing aa depreoeloa down to a panic point. The market Ju.t now la not in a mood to endure toe much sqneelasv and if these war stock conld be separated from tbe restot the market, 1 have no doubt a half dav woald see them io enough to satisfy the moat pronounced "bear' director oa the board of any ot the roads, bat til era will soon be such a line of covered ahor.a that the market will be seat no despite tbe railroad war. and if these storks are but left It may be a long time before tbey will fail Into their proper plaooTagjlo. XntXZAPOLia.

MraXEAFOI lK, Nov. 27. At tbe Omaha Company's headquarters lata tbla evening the opinion was freely expressed that president for-ter will not agree to Keep'a proportion for the restoration of rates and a conference looking to arbitration, bnt will require that certain preliminary agreement as to division shall be mad before a truce Is dee la red. The opinion waa also expressed that nnles a truce waa agreed to to-morrow west-bound passenger rate would be cut at Chicago Wednesday, probably to ft I. No change, la rates auaouaoed by any of the roads to-day.

TEE SIGH JOINTS. A circular baa been received her from Com missioner Fink giving tb proceeding of tb meeting of tb standing committee of tb Joint Exeeutiv Committee, held la New York. Wednesday, Nov. 22. Tb following resolution were adopted at that time: "Urjolrxd.

That so far as tbe application of tb new rule regarding tbe delivery of flour is con cerned, all flour on band Dec. 1 shall be consid ered aa having arrived on that date. it having been stated that in maklog tbronsh ratea to foreign porta, rami agents dropped frac tions otners retained them, tne following resolution was passed with a view to securing uniformity of practice. iietourea. lhat la making np through rate from interior point to foreign porta, the Inland and ocean rates, with aay fixed charge, shall be added together and tbe exact sum thereof, including: any fractions, shall be ouoted and entered as the through rat in the bili of lading." DB.ESSED BEEF RATE3.

Commissioner Thomas Moor bas Issued a new tariff of live rates on live stock and dressed beef from here to tb East. The only new elans la tbe tariff 1 the one giving the following rater on dressed beet: To Erie, 271c: Dunkirk, HDc; Buffalo, Suspension Bridge, Pittsburg, heeling sod Liellaire, 35c: Albany. 5fVi; Baltimore, 61c; Philadelphia. 62c: New York. 64e: and Boston, U-lo.

All dressed beef will be bit ed subject to a minimum weight of 20.OGO tba. Exeesa will be charged tor at tbe same rat per loo tbs. These rat will lake efiect Dee. 1. A DENiAL Mr.

Allan Maurel. General Manager ot tb St. Paul. Minneapolis snd Minnesota Road, returned to St. Paul laat evening.

Whil admitting that Messrs. Stephen and Hilt had gone to New York on business, he denied the troth of the following statement telegraphed her from St, Paul yesterday: "That Mr. Hill will be absent two weeks, and It ia stated on good authority that bl visit Last with President Stephen i the result of tb favorable termination of tbe conference which has been beld relailve to the future relations of the two railway. It ia also stated that negotiations are in progress which will undoubtedly end in an agreement upon one of the moat important developments ia the railway bne yet attemDted in the Nocthweet. It la reported that the relatione of the Manitoba and Canada Pacific will be mcoa mere closely allied than ever before, and that they will join in a common Interest of vast Importance and lasuring the beginning of a of magnitude.

The character of tbe cheme ia ouly known to select few, and they decline to give It up." Ue said thia "waa a cock-and-bull story, started for some foolish reason," RAILS AND FARES. Mr. O. W. Cuggtes.

General Passenger Agent of the Lake Shore Road, ha returned from New York. Mr. H. W. Hfbbard.

General Freight Agent ot the VandaiiaLine, was in the olty yesterday. Tbe morning train of tbe Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Road, that formerly left here st 9:05 o'clock, now leaves bere at 7:40 o'clock. Mr. B. F.

Horner, of tb who ac companied the bemud Ina via excursionists to iNew xorx, will return to-aay. General Manager 8. IL IL Clark and General Passenger Agent J. W. Morse, of the Union Pacttio Road, left for Omaha iaa evening.

The weekly meeting of tbe Chicago Committee of East-bound Freight will held at Commis sioner Moore office to-day. Commissioner Fink baa issued some circulars giving new rates on live stock from Cincinnati and bu Loots to New York. Commissioner George L. Carman haa ap- nointed Mr. E.

F. Lalk in charge ot tbe department of the pools under bis charge with the title of Auditor. A meeting of tbe Northwestern Traffic Associ ation will be held at Commissioner Carman's ortice next Tuesday, at which time general business will be transacted. Mr. riloao.

President of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company, deale that there are any negotiations between that company and tbe Wabash system for the construction of a new line between Buffalo and Toledo, Mr. Sloan farther remarked that arrauee- ment have been made with the Lake Shore N'ickle-plate, and ail tbe roads at International Bridge, for exouance of business at Buffalo ia ntlr harmony with the trunk lines. General Manager 8. R. Calloway and General Solicitor E.

W. Meddough, of tbe Chicago and Grand Trunk Road, left laat earning for Montreal oa buslnee. Tbey will absent about week. Mr. J.

F. Goddard, General Freight Agent of tbe Atchison, Toneka asd SaalB Fo Bos d. gives notice that all stieoial rate nr special arrangements, of whatever kind, at variance with published tariffs ot that eomDsriy, will expire Dec. 3 L. Application for renewal of special rate abonld be made aa early aa possible.

The October gross earnings of the Reading Road were 42.2l2.512.i;j; expenses, gross receipts of aud Iron Comoaay, $1.512. 217.47?' expenses, net receipts ef bo(b, 1.271.50o.8B, aa increase of $2:19.235.10 over 18141; total net of both oomoanles sines JanC 4.11,651,553.10, an Inoreaa ot 4f5b5.lil0.22 over last year. Sir James McCullough, of Melbourne, Australia, is In the ottv. Ue Is Interested greatly In Australian railroads, and laeoaaldenag the pur-chat of auumberof T.any refrigerator oar, to be used iu that Tb Baltimore and Ohl offlolala, who left here Sunday evening for tit. Louia, arrived in Cincinnati yesterday.

They- are more than pleased with tbe result 'Of their inspection, everything oa the line being in arst-ols condition. Mr. W. G. Swan, General TrafHo Manager: Mr.

J. T. Clark, General Superintendent, aud A. V. IL Carpenter, General Passenger Agent of tbe Chicago.

Milwaukee and bt, Paul Road, have gone to California. Mr. bwau. who was accompanied by Mrs. bwan, goes tor hi health, while the othora will devote their time to business matter.

Mr. George 8. Griscom. who cam here soms months ago to become toe General Manager of tbe Chicago and Western Indiana Railroad, bas rsaigaed that position to accept that of General Superintendent of the Cincinnati. Hsmiltos and Daytoa Road, at' Cincinnati.

Ue la an able ofllclal, and has shows hi ability ia number of positions. Ue waa formerly Division Bnper-intcodentof tbe Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Road, at Pittsburg. On and after Deo. 1 tb Union Pacttio Road wiii be open for business to Los Angeles. Than following will be tbe rates from Omshaor Kansas City to Los Angeles or Intermediate pvlnrs: First class, $111.

fto; first class limited, $100: second class, $7d: Immigrant, From Kansas City or St. Joseph to baa Francisco the rales will be the sam aa from Omaha bow. Tbe rates from St. Looit tp 8tn Francisco win be as follows: Firsc class, Irl05.ei5; second elasa, $42; Immigrant, $52. Tbe Chicago and Alton Road earned ul daring the week ending Nov.

23, against in 18a an increase ot $44,942.10. From Nov. 1 to Nov. 23 tbe earning were $570.. 107.70.

against an increase of 3itiO.610.2X Tbe earning from Jan. 1 to Nov. 23 amounted to against in lSgl. an increase of $539,834.47. Cnrcmisslooer Midgley give notloe that all tariffs, circulars, or advioe of tbe rioathweetern Ktnway Association, Iowa Trunk Line Association, and tb txilorad Train Association issued prior to Jan.

1. 18S3, naming classification or rates on trsfUo embraced la either or all of eaid associations, except California business, will be Bull and void on and after that date. Tb tariffs, circulars, cut. to be issued taking effect Jan. 1, IPfS.

will contain all tbe information necessary la regard to the rates, alassificatioa, to be applied oa blpmnt mad on snd alter that date. LIFE-SAVING SERVICE. special Telegram to The Inter Ocean. WASHrsoTOX, Nov. 27.

The following ia abstract of tha annual report of tb General Superintendent of tb Llfe-Savlng Service Tbe establishment embraced at the oloee of tb fiscal year 190 station. 145 being on tb At las tio, 87 oa the rake, 7 on tb Paeifio, and 1 at tbe rails of the Oulo, Louisville. Ky. The number ot disaatera to documented veesela within the field of atatlon operation daring the year was 287. Thar were 2.208 person on board the vessels, of whom 2,250 were saved.

snd only 12 lost, Tb number of tb ship wrecked who required succor at tba stations waa 450, and to these 1,334 Jays' relief, la the aggr gate, acre afforded. Tb estimated value ot the Vessel Involved lq these disasters waa 830, sod that of their cargoes mak ing the total vain ot property Imperiled. Of this amount $3,099,537 wa saved, and $1,058,355 lest. Tbe number of dla- aster in roll ing the total destruction of vessel was 07. In aduitioa to tba foregoing there have been 64 instance of di -aster to smaller craft, aa saii-boais, row-boaut tuuea which were 12e) Dersoaa.

all of whom were saved. Tbe property Involved la the latter disaster wit $7,870. of which $.470 was aaved. and $1,400 Mat. The results of all tbe disaster la tae scope of the sorv.oe aggregate, therefore, aa follow: Total aumoer of 345 Total value ef rjroDvrtv $4,765.70 Total valoe of property saved 3,100.007 Total value of property 1,050.755 Total number of persons Total number of persona 2,34 Total number of person lost 12 Total number of ahlpwreckea persona soceored at Total timber of daya' aoucor Nnmoer of vessels totally 450 1,334 OT There war tweuty-nin person rescued in addition to ths toregolog Ithey having fallen from whsrve.

piers, etc.) wuo would have certainly been drowned bat tor tbe assistance ren dered by life-saving crew. The Investigations haid la each eat anaw that ths twatv person lost daring the year were entirely beyond the reach ot human aid. Although there ware forty fonr more alaastere than aoring any previous ywar alooe the general extension of the service. tbe loss of His is smaller, witn on exception, thsn that Of any year preceding: The assistance rendered in saving vessels and cargoes ha been very great tela year, 294 ves sels having been worsted off when stranded. piloted out of dangerous place, repaired wnea damaged, or aasisteo.

in umiur ways ni tne station crews. Thar war besides seventy-six instances where vessels running into danger ot stranding were warned off by the night signal of tne patrol, and tnaa probably saving moat oi 1Mb from Dartial loss or total destruction. On portion of the report 1 devoted to a de tailed statement of the service rendered by the ercw. la every instance of actual or threatened casualty. The report record the fact that tb life-saving service bas now been in operatioa under tba preseut system for a complete decade and glvee tb results la tba subjoined taois.

it snouiu be remembered that daring tb first year ot tbe decade the service was limited to tb coast of Long Island and New Jersey, and np to 1S74. to these coasts, and that ol cape cod added, wbile since that time the development has bea gradual ovev other portion of the sa and lake coast. It ahould also be considered that In tbe number ot live lost as given below, the service is ialrly entitled to deduction of 1S3. bemg tbe number lost at th wreck Of the Huroaand the Metropolis, on oa of whiaa oe- caBloas the stations ware eiosea aauer tue isw, and oa the other the service ws impeded by distance, to which the attention of Congress had been repeatedly called, and which was-aabse-aaeatly remedied by the establishment ot intervening station. Number of T.C92 Value of property involved $29, 278,249 Value of property saved 1 8,004.902 Value of property lost.

Number of penayus involved. 14, HO Number of person Number of Demon 407 Number ot htowreckd person succored st 3.000 Ncner of days' succor 8.3S4 Not much bas beea aone toward the establish ment of tbe new alattoas authorized by Coo frees. Owing to the late date at which tb appropriations were made. A station, however, haa beea boiit at Peaked HMi Bar, cap Cod, aad another Muskeg 1 aland, coast of Maasachaaetta. Three other are also aadar construction tbe coast of North Carolina.

A TBIBUTE 1 paid by the report to the late Lientenant Wal ton, who bad beeor connected with tbe service aitnosr from lta foundation a an assistant inspector, and vtodwd from disease resulting from exnoeure while oa duty. Appropriate ounce is also taken of the deat ot Mr. illiam R. Garrison. President of the Board on liife-aaving Appliances, who.

it will be remembered, was killed at tbe Parker' Creek railroad disaster near Long Tbe General bupenntenaent mares to note worthy statement that statistics show that since the general extension of the Life-saving Bervioe to all portions of the ooast in le7o. the iosa ot life from marine dlKanter bas bean reduced nearly 75 per cent that is to aay, that while In 1 876 and prior one person was lost out of every twenty-nine oa board mesela suffering disaster, there has been a constant decrease, until now there 1 bnt one person lost out ot every 113, and thia result, be state, ts ehown to be almost entirely doe to tbe aguncy of tffe life-saving station. The condition of tae ienrir is pronounced to be better than everbetor. The object for which It waa erected, the rescue of life imperiled by shipwreck, the saving ot marine property, aud, iccidentallr, protection ot the revenue, have beea greatly promoted by the receut legis-latlfla oC Coagress, wrUch hs lo does muva for the morals ot tbe corps by providing amp.e pav end a.Tcrdlag recompense those wbo ruav be iDjurod In tbe iioe-cf duty, and relief to mir wldowa and orphans ia ease vf death. Au even better selection of met bas bea placed at tha command of tbe service, snd this seleotton has been made, as It ever baa been in this service, solely npou ground of fit new, to tae absolute exclusion of political or other considerations.

Tbe Board oa Life-Paving Appliances, which Is advisory to the Aencrst buperiuu-ndent. baa he'd two meetings dunni; the yr. i.s reports and recommendation accompany the a usual report. DIED FOR LOVE. F.

F. Smith, Old Enonga to Hare Known Setter, Perorates His Breast. In a 5oU ne Laye It 111 "One Woman Deceitful Lore." to Another Eelf-made Corpse la Pound Ding ling from a Humboldt Park Tree. SUICIDE FOB LOVa Unrequited love, or, as the suffering party pnt It, "On woman's deceitful love," wsa tb cause of aad sulold yesterday afternoon, the self- murderer being Frank F. 6mlth.

a young man about 27 year old, employed aalesman In Shourds Storey' jewelry store, at No. GO South State street. For two month hs bad been rooming with Dr. Palmer, st No. 73 North State atreet, snd seemed well plessed with hi new quarters.

Yesterday morning, on entering tb store, complained of pot feeling well, snd. though tb room waa quite warm, aald ba wa ao- luallv chilly. Tb otbe of hi room matsi being across tb street, be called on htm aa tha doctor auoposed to consult pim about hi health, 'i'he symptom were similar to those he had experienced a year ago. aad the doctor ad vised him to go' bom aad rest himself. Tbe young man is parting waa quite but pressed ulinsvtt Intimating hi Intention to tbe effect that he did aot think be would get over it.

'in doctor placed no significance on hi remark, thinking he referred to the return ot the cuius. Returning to the store. Smith, who looked ill, readily secured permission to go home, aad left Tola wa about lo dock a. m. On his way home he steppea into tbe beratoga lauadry near his boose snd reauested that hia laundry work be ready for him in the after noon.

He then went home, and evidently at ouoe proceeded to destroy all letter sod Ooou- meuta lhat would xnoee any of tb BOXAStCga ob axc-BET of bla life, aa uumo were touad as far as known alWrward. Ue went oat aooat 2 e'oiock la tbe a clgarjitors oa State street, near Michigan, be porohased a cigar, re mark rug "This will ue tue laat cigar 1 11 ever smoke." The dealer supposed that wa going to swear oa a oomuoo habit among smokers, tue swear. lag-off period lasting, generally, about a month, aud sometimes a week, tiburt.y before 3 o'eiocX he called at tue laaadryr aad oa leaving bid bis friend, Charles bohiood. good- by, "Thia will tue last time yon will see me. Charley, he said.

Charley tnougut be waa goiog to leave town, and now that be has learned what ne meant, regrets hie failure to noaerstand him. as be feeis certain that watch mg him aad diverting hi mind It might bar aved him. btnith went home and to hit room shortly aft erward, locking the door after him. Uia room mate came home shortly beior 5 clocg, aad ou opening the door found nl comrade lying in bed under the clothe. HI Aao nau a ueatuly paiior, aad, sailing help, he went to Investi gate.

bmnU waa la and turning back tue tu ttutbs was aunareat. riieanirt was blood aad powdcr-marxed, anl by bis side lay a "Ceatea- sial revolver carrying 32-callbrv bullew A B0LK IN THE LETT BMAPT naar the nipple, from wuiob tne blood slowly uvsed. told the tale ot aaictdaw Death already calmed lie victim. From the situation tue man Bad evidently nrod the fatal snot nailer the wvd-oiotblug, wuicu drowned tbe reoorc. About o'clock Mr.

AiksB, the landlady, heard a mumed sound, whlca. however, aut attributed to ner hasbmad. who ws getting some ia tlie iMsem.ot. 1 his souaU. nowever.

wa without do not tue motfled report In putltu' room. To cause of. tbe suioid waa Indicated In the brief atnoe aclbOted on a blaoA eoveiope. wuich lav oa a tabic aear the bM. lui sen teuoe w.a; "Oa woiaaa'a decelttoi love ceased me to ao thia.

There waa a -letter near uv di rected to Dr. Palmer. That note tae Aoctor iw lased to give ap except to the Coroner, tuuaga he inf ormea 1 BE l.VTEB OceaX reporter taat it meotioacd notain aa to tae cause of lb suicide, 'the note, ao tue Doctor nays, sim my requested tne packing op of bl effect aad evad ing tnem ail to hta sister In Cambridge City. laoV, except his seal-saua cap, whlca be wanted tb Doctor to accept in remembrance of mm. Tu Docsor haa ao doubt bat killed liliw If- va count of seme woman, batdiiaimd ail knowl edge of who wa.

bom of ni mead ininlr. to WOMAX IX THB CASE live In Cambridge city, baaiag tueir theory oa hi changed appearance aiase hi reiora Irom a vlail home two moutus ago. Ue weat ooaaider-abiy it? to society, aad aaa a large oirete of lady acqoaiotaiicee, to several of woom he waa quite etteatlve. Wiiuuat positive evlucaoe, it woald be great Injastlo ta paolisb any of them a tb deceitful woman. though tae reporter aarmise tuat a eertaia Poatu blue lady catgut be interested it not seriously distressed at ber friend's aateiasv 'i'he suicide wa a lata aooat 27 years of age.

snd has been employed witn Shourds dr rltocy tor two or ture years. He bean aa exeelient reputation aiming hi aasooiatea. om( whom. nowever, now remark that he uip.ayea looiisn traits if not symptom oi a weax miud at times. Rwcenuv, on ot a suicuie, buaita re marked to his room-mate: Weil, i 11 never do tnat.

He alwars rluiouied the etuciUe that cam nauer hut observation, an a ir. Palmer says It waa th lasajnin tnat Be had ever expected from bmith. The fatttee of the deceased wa telegraphed to aad informed of hia son' deatu, aad Is exoected tut moraiug. The boa la the meantime is being prepared by feiton, the under taker, lor shipment, after tne Inquest to Cam- uriugscity. HANGED ETJUSELI'.

About 8:15 o'clock yesterday mors in Mr. Anyiat Loaders, of No. 337 North Paul ins street, foand the dead body of an nnknowa maa hang ing to a tree la Humboldt Park. It wma evid.atly as of suicide committed soma time during Sunday Bight. Th suicld had evidently climbed into tha Ire witu the rope areata bis neek.

After tying one end eacnreiy around ins limb, he dropped uewu ana was strangled to Nothing waa found oa the person ot the deceased by which he could be identified. Ue til a maa about 65 years old, 5 feet tt inches tail. with blue eyes, light complexion, ranuy mus- tacae and eaia wniaker. aad dark tiair mixed wita gray. ne wa ciad la a ahort, brown ovar- eoat, two Daire of paataioen.

a gray woolen shirt, drawers, and atocxing, buck. snows, aud black cap in th pocket ot bib ciotues were found 12 cent in cash, a toool ot thread, a thimble, a scissor, two pocket-knives, sad calico handxercntef. bnt ne papers. The de ceased had apuareutly been a taiioc Tbe body wa uuteu to the ana ap to miueigut bed not been identified. THl'RLOYY WEED ON MASONRY.

ltesialnlacesieew of tb Manrast autoiteaasatA TbruMt nt Um OnliT. NEW To EX. Nov. 27. Tb Buffalo Esprtt of Monday morning publishes a letter of tb lata Thurlow Weed, under date of "New York.

Sept, 9, 18S2." snd attested by Spencer Dot v. notary public of this citv. as that ot Thurlow Weed. The letter was aa answer to aa invita tion to attend tbe unveiling of tbe monument to Captain William Morgan, and is ton by the Erpret: "Tbe following Utter, dictated by the lata Thurlow Weed, bat short time before bis death, contains bis sworn statement of bl knowledge concerning tbeabductlon aad alleged murder of William Morgan, aad form a cuoMt interesting obapter in relation to th sensational vent which In their time caused so great a social snd political eoovuisioa." WEED'S LETTEB. Weed begin by raying: "The occasion Is on that recall an event of startling interest, arousing deep pobalar feeling, first at Batavi.

Leroy. Canandalgua, aad Rochester: then pei-vading our own and other State. Alter reading th proceedings of tne meeting st Batavi. with th David E. Evans presiding officer.

I wrote six-Hue paragraph for tbe Rochester Tflforop't, in which 1 stated that a citissa of Batsvia wad beea spirited away Irom ba home and lam nr. aad that after mvslerious abaee or eaveral dava a village meeting bad beea ana a committee of. citizeua appointed to invjatigite lo matter, adding that aa ft waa known that Freeoiaaoa were interested la this ahoro-lion. It benooved the frateraity. whose good name waa auh'sring, to taks a iaboclu- oar in I e-stoi lng tue last man to hi libertT.

That para-grapu brought dozen of our most Influential clt zens. grestly excited, to oaf omce. stopotag the papec and oisoontiuuinn vaeir suvertise-meaia. I inuuired ot my partner, Robert Mar tin, -hat I hud don to EStSPKHATB SO MAST OP Ol'B rkrENDR. Henroaabt me a book and airveied my ttehtUn to in.

obligatioa invoking severe pena'tie a a puniebnieet tor disclosing the secrets of Masons, lunuiring wbst. I thongnt ot the maa who, alter taking soea aa obiucailou. violated it I replied Ididuot tww auy t-aulalimeali tou viir tor acta perjurer. Th discontinuance of th pa Per braced so 'lsrge a aomber of Its patron. 1 saw that my briaf asd.

aa I supposed, very harmless paragraph would rulo the establishment, Uawilline Lh.t mv nan nr ih.nld naffer. I promptly withdrew, leaving tbe establishment in tae naud of Mr. Marti. Tb paper waa do. in wen, ana until that paragraph apoearea my bnslne4ature waseti I could desire.

At that time an editor wa wanted at t'tica, wber I bad formerly worked, and wbar I bad many friend, but my offer to go there wa de- enneu. a waa equally nu fortunate in my application for adltoriai esnnlnvnient at TrnV- Objeotioa la both esse wa that I had been too bosytn getting ap exeltentent abeet Morgan." A CIXWIBU TBBUST. Tb latter elose thus: "I now look- baelr through an interval of fifty-six years, with a conscious seas oi saving neen governed iirouzh tb Anti-mason ic xcltemat' by sincere desire, first, to vindicate th violated law of my country, and next, to arrest th great power and dsngeroua influences of secret societies, Ws labored aader -nous disadvantage, Th peoni were an willing to believe that an Institution so ancient, to which many of oar best aad most distinguished msa belonged, was capable of not only violating tbe law but of sustaining ana protecting the onenawg men or the order. A vast majority of th American people believed that Morgan waa con cealed by oar committee for oolitieal edeet. Whil we were being fiercely denounced as Inoendiary spirits.

Judge Enoa T. Tbroop, ia Charging tb Urand Jury at Canandargna, dpok of antl-Maaenry aa bleed eoirit; spirit which hs hoped "wonid not rst until every maa Implicated ia tb obstruction of Morgan ws tried, convicted, aad paalsaad. AMUSEMENTS. HAVHiXYTS. Th Romany Bye" la th last of tb sensation melodramas, snd bop it will retain that dis tinction for a time.

Mr. George Sims Is peeially fecand ia the staking of plays, p3 lng tb faculty enjoyed by Dickens as s. novelist of crowding vast sad perplexing number of locldeat and cbsrscter into clrcumsorlbed limit, sad yet giving to each pom color of terixl on IX not of actual importaue. Ia tbla way Mr. Sun scatter hia foroe la a way to weaken the interest Id tb central theme, snd leave sa sadieoee rather uncertain ef the exact r-lemcuts of enter tainment tnat most affiled It dortng the prog- res of th play, la some respect this la an advaatags.

for tae kaleidoscopic view tend to create a varied interest, by which the acted and painted pictures of one division may be offset or compensated for by tbe more drsmatie or aosn-Icaiiy attractive views which preceded or fol lowed. But tt la also aa unfavorable symptom ia the dlagaeei of piaywrlgbt'a eiaim. slnoe it teada to the Introducttoa of aa excessive Quantity of superfluous aud wholly irrelevant stun, araggea in lor no other purpose than to produce those effect which have come to be regarded a th bar sinister of that worst of tueatrlo iniquities, the modern melodrama, so-called. There Is a surfeit of mere writing, and aot always good wrlttog. ia "I'he Boioany Rye.

and tbre by ao means tbe co herence, oree ia ion, aad cogency of motive, char acter, aad eveat within this play posslbi to be secured were it brought under th regulating pen that refashioned "Lighta London into a harmony of dramatlo form, if nothing better. Mr. Sima construct plan aa a maa teeming with a multitude of idea, good. bad. and mail ferent, no one of which ne I willing to sacri fice, lie therefore makea a place for every oit of imagined ebaraoter aud every episode of possible effoet that roll oat of Bla fancy.

The result must be detrimental to tb artistic qualities of tb work, since there 1 necessarily disturbance of the coasocullve proportion that make up th assure and bal ance of a strong play. matter how well arranged these variance may be, thsT detract from tbe dramatie nmtv of the rday. and tot- Vort it Inte a vehicle for 'the representation of mere tableaux, that are or are not pertlnenv the burDese ol the storr. a the Jobber mar se lect, -it would be uoiuat to deny tnat Mr. tHiu a hows skill la toe adjustment of bla normal and anomalous and that he succeeds woadertolly well in deceiving te audience lth the pretense tnat hi extraneous expedient are indispensable.

He is a plausible dramatist at any rate. let one-fourth of the dialogue ot The Komaay Rre could be cut out without being mled. and greatly benefit the play by fetching relative incident Into closer noitsu, and by removing moea taat ntaaers the principal action of its systematic course. There Is a quantity of. superttuon matter la the cond.

third, and lourtn acts, uiuca oi it riulcniou or trifling, none ot tt beneficial la any respect. Tae play eoaid be redaesd to four sets, ooeratea a it Is by the method multi plied, without aay trouble whatever, aad witn a poaittve gain of atrcngtb and It pres ent dilution oftea readers It tedious. ft. unina slalma something of orhrtuailtv. Botwitbatanding it.

Zxeuuent auggestioa of tnlngs familiar, and. bas not a (aw exce.leoees of invention. Yet in axeat part it I common place and rambling, with toe anc borate only of charming acesery sad twisted story that pursue so many devloua ways new expectation is awakened with each soeae, tcouga tneiuinii- ment la aot at all timee adequate, it woe id re quire too much space to repeat tb plot la lta many ramification. ine main iaea is mis: Pnllin Rovston is In postessloa of rich estate. of which be became seizsa oa tne supposition that Paul Roys ton.

bis eider half-brother, was dead. Paul ia tne sou of Philip' father bv a gypsy girl, to whom be waa duly roamed, bat or wuom he afterward becam ashamed and cat ad rut. Paul grew to man' estate, knowing himself to tb hair of Craigsest. bnt. bound by a pledge to bi mother, refralna from any act that will aerve to gain bis rights, an I remains, a member of the Romany tribe of gypsies.

But Philip beget a passion for Lara Lee. a prettv gypsy girl, aad when it I perceived that Ber rain is likely to be tb outcome of to controversy. Paul, to save tbe girt, declares his identity. and announces uis inten tion of asserting bis title to tbe estate, Ue find a further incentive to this coarse ia his lovs for Oertte Ueckett. a pare blossom of the rough quarters ef London, and who, being an heiress in fact, Philip desires to secure.

The Durrjeee with Paul ia to establish nie laenitty oy obtaining tbe record of tae marriage of bis parsats and bla own birth, and the eoonter-ptot ia tae scheming of Philip to remove tuese evidences, or, failing tnat, to procure tae assas sination of PauL Abe conflict of these two plana ot right aad wrong constitute the interest of the play, aa it leads to the exercise oi a great aeat ol sensational Ingenuity, including the.wrecxot tbe steamer opoa which Paul aad Uerlls, after their marriage, had set sail for America, wito the aingniar Intention of there Baeatiag prooi of th legitimacy of. Pant. lam (ffecta are atroBglr portrayed, and. a a matter orcourre. eventuate in th.

complete trlnmph ot Paul add the undolug of -Philip. Mr. Sima deemed it desirable toVntllix thirty-two chsr- aoter la th development ot in is sim ple ides, and found it necessary, in order to keep in motion the mul tiplicity of ideas suggested by a fevered dream over a bottle or naif and half. Some of tb incidental character introduced are admirable creations of a low order, that of Boss k'nlvaLt. a sort of Idea Hied Arum especially good, and Is capitally acted by Mr.

Charles n. untier. in roieoi rim uojatvu ia aa excellent one, and Mr. Robert Manteli play a it la a meaner that prove htm oossesssn oi nae nniiitiisuu amor. A charming performance 1 ts Gerti Ueckett of Ml Emma block man.

an actress who used to very popular ner when ah did such creditable work aa th lead-lug support wita Mr. McCullough. It is one of the most pleasing character studies in the piece. Xhe lateness OI toe sour prwetauee m. rmm mastinsr aoeoiuo n.uoa vi iw other mamberaof th long east, though ws do not wtsn to slight Mr.

Rockwall. Mws Forest, Miss Octavlay Alien. Mr. Everham. or other wbo worked bard and creditably to make tb first per forma ace acoeptabto.

Ia scenery there was tb utmost beauty of design snd execution. beveral set wer really fine, and th last las work of superior mechanical aad bosom merit. Th play will, uoubt not, meet with fair show ot favor from th pabuo. THS OLYICPia Thar ws a great crowd at this house last evening to witness tb opening performance of the Leavltt Glgaotean Minstrel Company. The entertainment met witn we greatest buvw ot i proval.

and ws really deserving the favor in most resneeta. It Will mcniionea taouw Urn in detail. GENERAL hTENTTOM. Andlences of good six assembled at tbe GraB.L to seethe minstrels, and at AioV lexer's, to Ou- joy "Johua bltcomb last evening. The constituency ot the Halated Street Opera House tbla week bave eentlmeutal satisfaction in witnessing the production ot "East Lyu ne." F.

Glllett. ia th Interest ot Mr. Aobev. ar rived in this city from New York hast evening. He will perfect arrangement tor th Miaaoa concert at Central Mtuls Mail next Tuesday evening.

Tb wonderful business "boom" still contin ues at Kobt Middieton Dime Museum. Tbe wild mil ot Borneo, tbe bearded lady, and tbe many other living curiosities, tegeto.r with a change ot entertain meat in tbe to posse unlimited power of attraction. Mr. Charles Wvndbam will give a double bill the first week of bl engagement at Hooiev'a. beginning with farce entitled limb ko- maace snd followed wits- rourteeu xays.

which had a two years rat in London, thus in troducing hi entire Londoo company. Vr rnlwili lalemBha thst tb general term of the Supreme Conrt of tbe Stat of New York have, on anneal, affirmed Judr tiswrene a ae- cisiva ia tie Colvilie ft McDonoogh case, np. bolalng Samuel Colvllls purcnae oi xaxeo frsm Uf" Coieiil is therefore inalsnutablr reoognixd sa sole purchaser aad owner ot th drama. Tna Criterion Thesuz thU Mttt Open It performBo with aa elio Including Master Fraukte Jobes. tb versatile young man.

in imitations of popular actors: McGiooe and Ltev. In Irish sketch: Areda Maxwell, in Juggling Keating and Le, In plantation songs and daoea. The dramatic terminus is provided la the torilling drama. "Snspected, or tbe Mysteriout Robbery." '1 be atoog company fid the rolea ia style highly satisfactory to themselves. The Lyceum Theater aa asoal preseaut a lar and varied bill of atlraetlsns for lbs edification ot It patronA Th pewormance commences witn an absurdity emitted 1 Do Dearly Love tbe bust-oee." enlisting George Reynold snd J.

K. Donoagh. Mr. Reynolds woald appear to much: 1 better ad van tar III tit plaatatloa apeoialtv, than in tb stst bowling of hi, borletta. Needbam sad Kelley came next In their Irish omicalltie.

eoneioo- in with burlesque boxing matc.i. Eugenia, that Very expert character daaeer an 4 rapid changer of costumes, came loforalary share of applaoss. Frsnk bar 1st then gave kta wonderful feats of light and heavy balancing and hi equilibrist! ptetore, "crystal pyra mldsf following came bepplana bagi cim la their-vary pretty Tyrolean warbling. Their' work met wttb appreciation, and several encore. Charles Young, 1st of Billy Lice's minstrels, next cam forward in songv joke.

improperly billed as new. Marsh Adam snd Sosl Wild mad the next appearaaoea to pleasing advantage la tbetr plantation sketch, Tbe Washerwoman u.m- onltiea," Liszt MnHnsw aad Alice telle. Premier clog artists of America (i-aglnex- oeptedi, appeared with great success in tbeir various song sod dance. Tooack aad Steele, a pair of to most remarkable break-neck wot and daaee da oa tbe etaae. appeared next in the programme, and made tbeir nana! auccee aa tb hit of the evening.

Annie Hindi, a Btit impersonator, concluded tb oil. Patrick Nee-son' "Irish Jostle" finished th aveniag' fitenlev's Triple Alltaaee. a carious combina tion, opened at tue-Acs 1cm ot Music last evening. To ealrutlamt wa inaugurated with tb "Australian Minstrels in drawing-room en tertainment entitled "Fred Douglas' R-cep- tion," the appropriateness of such Aitle being known only to the Inscrutable mind of the management. It Droved to be rathsr a ra-lan- eholy affair, replete wuh obsoiote wit and ancient puns.

music, however, lulled the aadicace torest ia the hope of something better to follow. Tne olio that followed was the bright, commendable feature of the evening. It opened with Fraulin Malms Renuer. who sung lyrolean songs with eonsadarable sneers, and baa a hue stage presence, bh ia aald to be from th Ring Tnaater. Vienna.

John and Lea Peas- lev were the next candidate lor favor lu their refined olio sketch. "Sparking In the Park." Mis peasley's good look, aerve to coas-terbalsne her lack of voice. Bert feature waa Horace Wheatley and Ted Trainor, cue ot the cleverest and best Iriau team thatanas been seen In thia city. Ther nn-t with deserved access. Ia tara followed the Coid-stream Grand Echo Sextet.

(Messrs. Bon-In son, Godfrey. Jarvla. fetoae. Arthur, Th gentlemen used solid silver in strument, and their playing was highly edifying to the gallery.

The Horse-shoe Four 'Ella aad Josle Eove. Franc B. Carr. aad J. J.

Qaialaa welt known to Chi Cairo audiences, next presented their burietta. 1 he Actor a amily. It dispisys their versa tility to advantage, aad amnsed tb audience. Ia ueses8loa came Barney Fagaa aad Uoraca nhestiev lu challenge dance. 1 be pair bave remarkably well educated feet, aad eome uu-kaowa party seem to bsve each faith fa their ability that he "offer $5,000 to produce toeir-superiors." Where are Mulvey and D'Eatb? The entertainment conclude with a comedy entitled "All Fool' Day." enlisting the services of John Oil bert, John Bartiey.

Nellie Robinson, and til reel of the company. A SERICUS FIRE. Merc at ArtlT firUirw Irame Tartory on WmI Lnbe Statrt Hadl Sivindied Lat MUt. Th alarm from box 332 about laat evening Was caused by th dlacpvery-ef a fir la a two-story frame structure at No. 347 aod 349 Weat Lak street, occupied by Iljri i-Artley a picture-frame snd molding factory.

The department responded promptly, but owing to the lnnaanmabl a alas of th content the fire badobtained considerable headway. One-bsrTof th building wa enveloped la flames. and second alarm was taraed In by the Marshal. The. effect of toe extra streams was sood apparent and tbe Pre couhned to the portion in which it oririoated.

Tbe building ia about one hundred feet deep by fifty feet front, aed two lories ia The boiler-room snd drr-klia wer located in tb rear of ths baudtnic Tne fir originated in th boiler-room, from some nakuown cause. Th factory clpsed down at 4 o'clock, aaa it ia aoppcsaa that a spark from the boiler, alighting among some chip, smoldered till nna ly tt bnrst into The watchman, H. Bartleit, aald he passed through the boiler-room a few moment previous to the discovery of the flames, and cannot account lor the originof tha blaze. Tue less i estimated at $0,000. on which there is tbe following insurance: Fireman'Sj of New Orleans.

Scottish Cnloo and National, of Edisburgn: Homeu of New Orleans, and Coder writ, of New York. eacu. and Frank, of Boston: Fireman's, or Chicago; boa. Mutual, of New Oriejai; Heela. of Madiaoo.

ana Nsw England, of Rutland. 500each. SUIT FOR CUTTiKG FARES. Kansas Cxtt, Mo. Nov.

27. A ease of violation of tbe "low joint" agreement by a ticket broker came np to-day, the broker sold lour Alton ticket to Cnicago with rebate ot $0 st St Louis, nuking a cut ot 1 an $3 far to St Louis. Th Rock Island preferred a charge aralnst the Alloa Bo 3- The broker pleaded Innocent and waa let off upoa the payment ot $-C, twice the amount of one ticket to Chicago. 1 weuty-seven tickets ot the sain kind over tue Missouri PsetBc have been discovered, regarding which ao action haa yet been taken. White aome think that these Bew case will make trouo-e.

yet it is generally believed they will be amicably adjudicated, and that no break in rates wal result. THE VOTE OF EW YORK. ALBAXT, X. Y-. Nov.

27. Th complet Tot for Stat officers as eaavasaod by the County Supervisors 1 as follows: For Governor. Folger, Rep received 841,523 votes: Cleveland, Dcau, 535,347: Howe. G. IL, Hopkins.

Prohibition, 20.COG.' or Litertenant Governor. Carpenter. Retx, re ceived 337,494 voter, and Hill. 534.2X For Chief Judge, Anurews. received 4il.l.-Oo'l.

and Eager. 442.724. For Congress- man-at-large, Carroll, received 391, hi' votes, and biocum, 490.555. the vote lor the tree canal amendment was 495.993, aad the vote against For be judiciary amendment tne vote wa 249,9.1.. snd th vote against it 79,293.

aH EMPir FliTOL. Special Tulegrtm to Tbe Ocean- KKW Yobju Kov. 27. Charles Scoville, a lea bar dealer, 30 years of ago, of No. 122 Second place, quarreled with nia weetheart.

Alary E. Fanas. of No. 74 Hanson place. Brooklyn, and nearly frightened th girl oat of ber sense by drawing a six-barreled revolver and threatening to kill her.

bha "screamed, and the servant fearing a tragedy, ran out aad brought ia tnoer. wbo took Soovlll laio custody. hea bis pistol wss examined at the station it was found to be empty. He eaid be only did It to frighten th girL They, bad bad soma angry words. CONGRESSMAN UPPEGRA.FF-WtTEEI.rxtV.

W. Nov. 27. Congressman Cpdegraff. for montu past seriously sick at his home in Mt.

Pisaaaat. la now com toi table aud cheerful, and it is confidently expected he will recover. Saturday Professor Voa Webber, th noted llthotomlst, and Dr. Klnsey, of Cleveland, aced Updegraff under the lutiueuee of chloro- -form for two hours aad held sa examination, making the aisoovery that stone In the blander was the eaoae ot the trouble. About a week will elapse before tbe operation, during which bla aystea will be toned np.

Several celebrated bones nave been pre served by taxidermy, say the tvrw. Sheridan's war borso Rvenst, which, carried him to -Winchester, twenty miles away, may seen on Governor's Island. Sher man' famous borso Teoumseh, wbicb bo rods 'from Atlanta to tbe so in tho University Of Wisconsin, at Madison, and General Robert Lee's war horse Traveler is ia the museum of tud Waahinjrtoa and Leo University, tirfnnia. an famous runner Lexington was reoenUy exhutued on Alexan der's breedingr-farm in Kentucky, and remodeled from a sketch taken daring life. As heboic ded ot tho knijrnts ot oldea times was that nobl aot of two banters, who walked aad carried a woman who had broken her leg eighty wiles.

and stopping pat twice on toe rood to eat. until she was brought to a plaoe where a surgeon could attend ner. She is now trettlnr alone; nicely at tho Commercial Hotel in thia otty. IqwMoh Journal. BCRNETT-s COCOAJXE, Tb best and cheapest hair dressing.

It kill If. dandruff, allays Irritation, aad promot a vig eron growth of the hair. Burnett's flavoring extracts are invariably acknowledged th par Bd best,.

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