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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 4

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LA FOLLETTE AT WORK One of His lieutenants Visits Stephenson at Marinette. FIGHT' 'IN WISCONSIN Developments in Plot to Overthrow Republican Leaders Editor Xarpkr of the Sea'tlnel Talks ta "Uaete Ike Marderer Daaa Special Dispatch to The Inter Ocean. -MILWAUKEE. Feb. Protest sa may some of ths friend of Isaac Stephenson, lumberman, politician, and former candidate for United States Senator against Joseph V.

Quartos, they are unable to convince every on that he la not lending hie Influence, and- perhaps something else, to the La Follette erowd. which hopes to displace the Republican machine with ft machine made up of Populists and worse. There will be more cause for suspicion that "Uncle Ikd" Is helping the enemy when, it Is known that he has been for two days entertaining st his home In Marinette the chief striker of the La Fotlette forces In this part ot the state. This would not signify so much were It not for the fact that a.Stephenbon influence succeeded In having the presence of this La Follette henchman- kept out ot the Marinette newapapers. Mr.

Stephenson's visitor was none other than Jerre C. Murphy, ex-assistant railroad commissioner and "compiler of the state census," but who has for some time occupied the position of political editorial writer on tbe Mil- Develop mote ia a. Few Days. When Murphy was editor of a Democratic paper tome years ago Marinette ne aevotea "a great deal of space to "Uncle Ike," but the big lumberman did not indorse what Murphy tad to say about him at that time-. II Is Rarefy-possible, however, that Mr.

Stephen-m haa fore-otterr. these thruasi at least, he has probably forgives Murphy; Anyway, every one in-Wisconsin who-is Interested will probably know within ft few days whether the LaFollette crowd has enlisted the Marinette man or not. Then they will know more about Murphy's trip than they "do. sow. AH that la known at present is that Murphy and "Uncle Ika" had a coo pie of long sessions; that Murphy Is a LaFolIetto lieutenant; that he Is one of the editors of the Sentinel, which Is opposed to the" "powers" the Republican party to the state, snd that altogether "It looks very much as though the Marinette man was listening to the scng of the kickers.

The suggestion was made In the lobby of the Hotel Pflster today that perhaps Senator Stebbins was In the fight to gather up a few Totes In the convention to be turned over at the proper time to LaFollette, but the peo-- pie -who entertain this idea do not know tha man. he la a said one of his tld acquaintances." "he is for Stebbins and none else. He is not the kind ot a man tnal goes into a campaign to pull out the chestnuts for some one else." Another suggestion was that Stebbins was in the race, to head off Soofield. who la suspected by some people to have his eye on the Governor's office for another teim, and these people profess to think that Mr. Stephenson bad something to do with the announcement of Stebbins' candidacy.

"lacle Ik" as aa Asfl." Mr. Stephenson Is a man of vast wealth. being worth several millions, and when he has-been Interested Jn a campaign, he has spent money freely, but legitimately. La Fol- lette has nothing beyond bis law practice, and all of his lieutenants are poor men. With "lTnela lira" n.

the "unrfl" In thin affair the 4 La Kollerteff es would be apt to make somebody move" livelier than he has been moving recently. It is believed that Stephenson is the only hope of the La Fotlette men. and that without him the band of kickers will be tA fa rrr mit fh nla n. herein? nr dp- tailed. It takes money, e.s Mr.

La Follette has learned the past few years, to carry on a campaign, especially when the campaign is against men of means, who have behind them the bone and sinew of the state. If Jere Murphy was sent to Marinette by La Follette, to approach Mr. Stephenson on the question of furnishing the sinews of war for the Baumgaertner campaign in Milwaukee which campaign Is. of course, a part ot me scheme to capture the state for the Populisms he made a good choice, for Murphy is a good talker when it comes to the presentation of IIICD i'' UJfVDIllUH. u.

than 2t years of age. He Is 70, has had ex- nHinres with politicians of all kinds, and It has been pretty expensive, his campaign for theSenatorship costing rim a pretty penny. Republican State Committee Call. Chairman J. B.

Treat of the Republican atate central committee tonight issued a call to the committee to meet in this city March 44 to name a date for the convention to elect delegates to the Republican national conven- tlon. It is probable March 21 will be decided upon. The central committee also will decide whether the new state central committee will be elected at the delegate convention. It is customary to elect the central committee at a state Gubernatorial convention, but In this Instance It will probably elected by the Presidential delegate convention. Seat to Prison for Life.

n.vnlniF nrnrp(i JUUgtJ Vlll1TI lUlO mvi ui.B Harry Dunn to life Imprisonment in the penitentiary for the murder of Emll Lieber, a i mmA In SSIuou-acciJeT, ber. 18'JK. Dunn Is a degenerate, and was convicted as a result of his eagerness to pose as a great criminal. Shortly after the crime he showed a waitress a revolver and told her that he killed Lieber. Trolley Case la Sapreme Court.

The "battle of the ordinance," or the street-" railway fight, will be transferred. to Madison tomorrow, when Judge Ludwig will appear fcefore the Supreme court, by counsel, to show cause why be should not be proniDitea and restrained from proceeding to punish the clerk for passing the 4-cent-fare ordinance whiLa- the Srhwartzburg injunction -was in force. But the matter of the greatest tm- portan-e to be decided Is whether the courts have a rls-nt to interfere with the proceed ings of a legislative body. Jobs McCoy Serlonaljr III. John McCoy, a prominent, Democratic ''politician and tx-alderroan.

Is critically ill I at Trinity hospital. He Is suffering with diabetes, but his condition had not 'been rAiiciiianvl apHnua until within the cast few days. Extreme unction was administered to him last night. Chicago relatives have been summoned and. his wife Is at his Ledslde continually.

Hoar Wsili MeMssst' Bosk, "Some parts of "Private Joe" McManns' book "Soldier Life in the Philippines" contain reflections upon the military authorities. McManus believes that the army regulations were violated in the matter of cutting off the travel pay, and tells of the dlsap- pointment this move, caused among the fighters: but even this never for a moment caused him or any of his comrades to doubt that Justice would be done in the end. It was 'not "Private intention) to furnish Senator Hoar wita any ammunition, but nevertheless the Senator baa heard of his book and written for a copy of it- He will find nothing' in It that will give any comfort to of the book, jwever. may lead to an- lnveetl-, ration regarding the tea vet pay of the eoU dler. and if they are entitled to it they will -probably get It.

Othtr Senator may 10-tfrtsted In the chapter entitled "Some Sol-' ie? Trials," In which appears this statement: "Men who discharged, by favor at Manila that is. through icflueccta working al borne, which is usually the Senatorial chan-eel had little or difficulty la obtaining w1 mm- lhr la -a rlAltc In thit rmy regulations which expretafy states that dUchargad by favor ahs.Il receive travel pay. it being logically assumed that any man who caa wield sutScient innueoce to be honorably released from the service can1 also. Kduimaad, ample fund te-eay for a com-. lortibtoaasage homeward.

Th travel jjy, Mr.MCManus says, from Manila figures hp to an average ot more than J300 per man. Smith. eompany. Fourteenth- was. a-ttme'.

expired man. he rays, "with upward of ten years servtce; Private Abner Mcllrath, I company, same; regiment, was discharged by favor through Senatorial Influence, he claimed. The latter get his full travel pay and all other allewaaces. while Smith, the 'vet. bad to be satiefled with the month's pay that 'was com-leg.

to his clothing allowance, and his deposits. If he-had any." Heirs tm the Glyaa Estate. Spectal tMapatch to The Inter Ocean. I 1 FOND.DU-LAC.'Wls.. Feb.

1. The mystery concerning the two Richard Glynn, both claiming to be nephews of the late Thomas Glynn of 'his city- and therefore heirs to a share in his estate, has apparently been cleared up. A special Co the Commonwealth from San Francisco was received today giving Information practically establishing the Richard Olynn of Dayton aa thSTtghtful heir, as against the Chleago claimant. The news eumsx fram Mlsa Margaret Welch of San FrancUce, who says she is a sister of the Dayton Ia a statement made to her attorneys she says: t-, "The Richard Glynn who is the brother resides at No. 26 Oosictlo street, Dayton, Ohio, and Is 83 years of age.

He has been for twenty-flve or thirty years car inspector for the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton railroad." Thomas Olynn of this city died at St. Agnea hospital Feb. 8. 1899.. leaving neither a will nor any direct The nearest relative discovered was Richard Glynn of Dayton, Ohio, and his sister.

Margaret Welch of San Francisco. It was not until last July that this other relative was discovered, and some time in January Richard Glynn No. appeared on the scene, coming rom Chicago to visit his uncle. He was told that his uncle waa dead and when he found that there was a large estate left, he engaged a law firm to represent bis Interests. There waa a good deal of excitement over the matter.

Richard Glynn No. 2 claimed to be a brother of Margaret Welch of San Francisco. The estate amounts to $5,000 In cash. -y 5 Locomotive Jumped the Track. Special Dispatch to The Inter Ocean.

CHIPPEWA FALLS. Wis, Feb. 1. The Wisconsin Central limited passenger train, Xo. 3.

from Chicago to the Twin Cities, was wrecked today, near Wheeler, thirty miles vest of this city. The train was running at a moderate speed, when one of the drive wheels on the engine broke and the locomotive jumped the track. The tender crashed into It and both were completely demolished. The passenger were thrown out of their seats, but none were seriously injured. The track was torn up for several yards and traffic delayed In The Rot.

IV. M. Perkell Reslras. Special DUpatcb to The Inter Oceaa. OREEN BAY, Feb.

1. The Rev. William M. ForkeU, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church, has tendered his resignation and announced his withdrawal from the Methodist church on account of his renunciation of some of the dogmas of the church. His congregation was willing to have him retain his pastorate.

He will do independent evangelical work. He spent tea years in Northern and Central Illinois. To Ball a Coaaty Aaylam. Special Dispatch to The Inter Ocean. WAUPACA.

Feb. The county board in special session today decided to build a county asylum for the insane. The estimated cost of the building Is $40,000. The county has no bonded indebtedness, but will issue bonds for this purpose. Fire at Klkhora.

Special Dispatch to The Inter Ocean. ELKHORN. Feb. 1. The residence of J.

Lauderdale was burned here today. Loss. Insurance, $2,000. WANTS TO BE AN INDIAN. White Sqaaw Appeale to ae lalteat States Clrealt Special Dispatch to The Inter Oceaa.

GUTHRIE, Feb. I. The case of Mary Klmberlain. a white woman who married an Indian, and sued in the United States courts for a mandamus to compel the Dawes commission to enroll her as a Chickasaw, has been appealed to the United States Circuit court at St. WEATHER INDICATIONS.

Partly dowdy aad Warmer Is the Pre-dtetloa for Illlaola. Special Dint-ate, to The Inter Ocean. WASHINGTON. D. Feb.

I. Forecast for Friday: Illinois and Indiana Partly cloudy and warmer Friday; variable winds; probably fair Saturday. Ohio Partly cloudy and warmer Friday; fresh west winds, becoming variable; cloudy Saturday. Minnesota, Iowa, and Missouri Fair Friday and probably Saturday; variable winds. Lower Michigan and Upper Michigan Warmer with snow flurries Friday; fresh west winds; snow flurries Saturday.

Wisconsin Fair and warmer Friday; fair and cooler Saturday; fresh west to northwest winds. The following observations were mads at 1 p. Chicago time: Place Bar. Tr. Hi.

'W ind. Wthr. Pre. Abilene 3M.14 S2 SO 8. Clear.

Albnnr 14 18 N.W. Clear Alprr.a 2.S I W. Clear .04 Atlanta 30.2S 14 St V. Clear Amarillo 3U.IJK 50 66 N.W. Clear 30.

3t 14 19 Calm Cloudy BNmnrch 30.24 12 20 N. Clear Buffal'i W. Clear Boston .4 11 18 W. Clear Cairo 30.1S 3D 82 S. Fair Calgiry 30.

OS 28 40 E. Cloudy Charlott) 30.14 24 S.W. Cleax Cheyenne 30.11 38 48 N.W. Cloudy Chicago 10 Cloudy Cincinnati 30 14 18 S.W. Cleveland M.Ot S.W.

Clear Concordia ..30.08 '42 52 W. Clear 20 10 E. Snow- Denver 30.12 4 it N.W. Doa Moines 30 OS 32 34 N. Detroit 30.04 4.8 S.W.

Clear Dodge City 30.08 N.W. Fair Dubuque 30.0 16 16 S.W. Fair Diiluth 298 4 8 N.W. Clear El 80.08 60' 4 W. Clear Edmmton 30.10 24 80 N.E.' Snow Galveeton 30.30 48 50 E.

Clear Grand Haven 29.M 10 W. Snow Ureen Bay 30.02 4 W. Fair Havre .....30.18 28 84 W. Fair Helena 30.12 40 42 S.W. Fair Huron ...80.18 18 30 N.

Clear Indianai-olia 80.12 14 14 W. Clear Jacksonville 30.28 38 42 N.W. Clear KansusCHy 30.08 40 42 W. Clar Lender ....30.24 33 42 8. Cloudy IJttle Rock.

.7... .30.20 40 4 4 8. Clear I.o Anrrelea 30.06 U' W. Fair Marquette 2S.M 8. Cloudy .80.24 32 84 8.

30.12 10 Calm Clear Montgomery 30.32 S3 36 W. Clear Montreal 29.83 8.W. Clear ......30.24 36 30 S.W.. Clear New Orleans 30.30 42 44 N.E. Clear New York 90 12 16 N.W.

dear Norfolk 30.14' 20 24 S.W. Clear North Platte. .,...30 14 40 51 N. Fair Oklahoma ...30.12 4 56 S. Omaha 30.06 34 38 Clear 2S.92 6 10.

N.W. Clonrty 30.22 .60 66 8. Clear ParkerptMirtt 30 18 14 8.W.' Fair Philadelphia .....30.06 14 IS N.W. Pittsburg 30.12 6 W. Clear Pueblo 30.12 44 52 Fair ....30.24 10 10 T.W.

Cloudy .01 Rapid 30 36 N. "Fair' Sin Franclaco 30.18 48 56 N.W. Cloudy St. 30.14 28 2i S.W. Fair PL.

30.06- 12 14 N.W. Clear Salt 46 48 N. i Clear Srult Hte. Marie.23.i)4 4 2 8.B. Snow Sprlna-fleld.

111. ..30.08 26 8 S.W. Cloudy .30.12 38 42 S.W. Clear Vlc-kburtr SO. 26 38 43 8.W.

Clear Waxhinirton .50.12 12 N.W. Clear' Whit? IS 4 Calm Fair Williston .30.28 8 2T N. 'Clear Wlnntpes M.2S 4 N.W. Cl-ar "Fraee. Vaaad Dead by the Readalde.

BpecUl Difptc to The Inter OceaaC JlicbM, Feb. On Tuesday night ins Cera Crase, 21 years old. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Crane of Brant Center, this county, went out to visit a neighbor about 100 rods from ber laome.

Not returning tn due season," ber parents searched for her and found her body in the ditch by the side of the Toad. She had Just recovered from dlph- theria and" death was caused by heart' THE 'INTEB OOEJLNV miDVX JIORNTN'G, JFUBIlUAIlir 2, 1000. ALLEN ATTACKS GAGE Senator Says Secretary Ma4? a Pretense of Peing Frank. DEALS KEPT SECRET to the Faulty Recollection of the Official. Kckrsikas toArnlta Jasjrala the Treai wry Chief at Today's.

geaslaa mt Ike Cpver Bssit. Special Dispatch to The Inter Ocean. AVA8HINOTON. C. Feb.

1. Senator Allen ot Nebraska consumed the morning hour in the Senate In analyzing the replies of Secretary Gage the Senate and House Inquiries regarding his transactions with the National City bank of New Tork. He sought to show that Mr. Gage had not been as frank with Congress as he had pretended to be, for be had evidently not made public all the correspondence between the department and the bank. Mr.

Allen quoted from certain letters of Mr. Oage and President Stlllmaa of the bank to show reference to other letters not made public, and to telephonic communications and conference of which the Secretary now claims to have no recollection. The Nebraska Senator will continue his arraignment of Gage tomorrow. Senators Al-dricb, Allison, and Spooner today followed Mr. Allen's speech closely, aa they recognise that some kind of reply must be mads by the Republicans.

Other Republican Senators paid little attention to the speech, as they are not interested, except as Mr. Gage's position makes the administration responsible for his action while he remains in the Cabinet. Illlaola Me sobers slleat. The Illinois Senators gave little heed to Allen's remarks, though other Senators suggested that they ought to be more concerned than any on the Republican side, because the Secretary Is an Illinois man. But Senator Cullom is reported to have remarked that It would be humiliating enough to hare reply to a speech of Senator Allen, or to defend Secretary Gage aa a Republican official, bar to be compelled to de both at one effort was more than should be expected of an Illinois Republican.

The Senator gave his attention to other matters during the speech, and waa most of the time in conference with Representative Rodeaberg of East St. Louis about matters relating to the coming campaign in The senior Senator has enough of Illinois politics to worry him without taking up the cudgels for Secretary Gageto add to his home embarrassments. Senator Mason listened for a while to Allen, and said he might feel called upon to defend Oage Just to show how loyal he could be in such an emergency, and also to demonstrate hU readiness to defend those who are unpopular, whether they live In 1111-inols or the Philippines. Flaastelal Bill Dlaeatied. Tbo financial bill was taken up, and Mr.

Daniel Va.) addressed the Senate. He said that the American people had always favored bimetallism, and that the Democratic party had been Its moet pronounced and consistent advocate. Mr. Daniel then went on to criticise the various provisions ot the bill. He denied that this was, as claimed tn the bill, a gold-standard country, and be mentioned six facts to prove that denial.

No respectable lawyer or Judge would advise his client or the country that this country was "now on a single gold standard. If he did so he would do it tn the teeth of all the official agencies of the government, of a statute of the United States, and of tbe habitual practice of the government and the people. "This country', he said, -eaa go on theJ goid- standard if tt wants to. but It la net necessary to sneak into tt by false pretenses. That he said, refuted the- preteaeiona of the pending bill that the eoaatry la now on a gold etaadard.

It recognised that the gold unit had been displaced. "And mark Its phraseology," he exclaimed, "it does not promise to bring about, bo to continue the use of both gold and silver as a standard money. that Is the word." Looking behind law te equity, Mr. Dan lei said that the equities were "all la favor of silver, and that creditors should be satisfied and glad to have their debts paid ia silver. tti Pavrty Plaltenas.

Quoting from the Republican, Democratic, and Populist platforms of 1892. ia which tbe three parties were distinctly placed on the double he said: "I object to this blU. in that it declares ia its first section that which is not true, either as a nuute- of fact or as a matter of law. If we want to go on the golj standard we have tie power to do it, but let us not go to the gold standard In a false disguise." He objected to the bill, also, because It perpetuated, enlarged, and threatened the "endless chain." Another objection which he had to the bill was its exclusion of silver; and who, he asked, could foretell the possible calamity which that might bring upon the world and upon tbe human race? There was nearly aa much silver money' in the world as gold. This bill thrust a blow at it that would be felt in all the civilised world.

It would knock the bottom out of that immense mass of silver-. He would be a wise man who could foretell what would happen, but certainly the tendency would not be sitch as to Insure the financial condition or continue the prosperity of the world. There was no bimetallism In the MIL It merely presented the dwarf, bump-backed, lame, halt, and blind spectre of bimetallism. Bimetallism was the recognition of equal rights in the two metals, equal legal tender capacity, and equal coinage rights. Those features in silver had been already mutilated and marred, and now, under this bill, they were to be erased.

After some question by Aid rich, who also answered some of Mr. Daniel's objections, the Senate adjourned until tomorrow. The Hoaae Proceedings. The latitude allowed In the committee ot the whole of the House on the state of the Cnlon, in debate on a general appropriation bill, permitted Mr. Sibley of Pennsylvania, to give additional evidence today of the fact that he Is away from his Democratic associates by making an eloquent plea for territorial expansion.

This, he declared, had been the policy of the Democratic party from the organization of tbe government to the close ot the administration of James Buchanan, whom he characterized aa the last Democratic President, and he Invited ills colleagues to return to It. He waa warmly congratulated by the Republicans. In the further course of the Mr. Shafrothvot Colorado expressed a desire for the United to intervene between the British and the Boers in South -Africa; Mr. Ridgely of Kansas advocated a change In the laws, regulating the lease of Indian lands; Talbert of South Carolina, Kluta of North Carolina, and Griggs of Georgia, replied to Mr.

LJnney's speech on lynching of yesterday; Mr. Cochran of Missouri. replying to Sibley, marshaled the objections to the annexation or control of the Philippines, and Mr. Gaines of Georgia argued that the constitution, under the decisions of the Supreme court, applied to Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Mr.

Sibley's Remarks. In the course' of his remarks Mr. Sibley said it had been charged that that' United States forces were' unjustifiably shooting rdown the Filipinos. Whenever, he asked. was liberty achieved- without tbe use of the sword and the hayonet? The United States was under obligation to maintain peace and order In those Islands, and since tbe ratification, of the treaty of Parts that obligation was sacred In the eye of the world.

Without the shedding of, blood there waa no remission of sin. Mf. Cochran I of Missouri In terjected. "What sins have the Filipinos been guilty of that we should shoot them ''Shall we bald the Philippines and Puerto Rico?" Mr. Sibley continued.

"Every foot-'No nation has a better title to any foot, ia its" territory than has the United States to these. Its title Is by conquest and purchase. And we shall Cuba, too. until clviyty aod-safety of life aad-property are secured. Who will haul' down-the flagt It waa ie-creed that that- lasd -shoulri pass from the house ol Saul to the house of.

David. Ood and American, valor gave us that territory." i CALLS ATTENTldN TO AN EVIL. Coaaat Fee, mt Baaabay, Ttalake Asaerl-essiAr Fraadalratly teat Special Dispatch tp The IdteT Oceaa. WASHINGTON. Feb.

t. Ia a dispatch to the Stale Department Consul Fee. at Bombay, India, "says that he Is Inclined- to believe that there is' a gang located id New Tork city who make a business of precur Jag men by fraudulent nieana. for foreign ships, and that la consequence of this many sailors are shipped oa erelga vessel who art utterly unfit and unjirtpared for such service, and who. when destitute in-a foreign port, are absolutely helpless.

He adds that a great number of stranded Americana present them-selves at his consulate or "These men. nalesa cared fer. must suffer untold misery ia their tramp life In India." Mr. Fee says, "by reason ot the low wages that are obtainable and the competition of native labor. A stranded American la destitute circumstance finds, himself in the.

face of starvation and the plague, and ia a wholly helpless condition." TO CONSIDER THE PAYNE BILL Heetlasr of the (lease Ways aad Xeaas CansBslttee Is Called. Special Dispatch The inter Ocean. WASHINGTON C. Feb, 1. Chairman Payne of the committee on ways and means today called a special meeting for tomorrow morning to consider the report of the special nbcommlttee on the Newlands resolution and os the Payne bill, granting Puerto Rico free trade.1 The Republican members of tbe subcommittee wUl report that the United States can make what easterns laws it pleases for Puerto Rico aad Hawaii and the islands, while the Democrats will present a report asserting that the constitution requires the customs laws of the United States to be extended over the tsUnda.

The Republicans will also report a substitute for the Payne bill, making a reduction of 76 per cent la the customs duties aa: between the United States and Puerto Rica. CUBA LOSES IN POPULATION. Paerte Rlee Galas, aa the Other Haad, Aeeardiag ta "Official Plsares. Special Dispatch Ta Inter Oceaa. WASHINGTON, O.

Feb. 1. General -Banger, director of census-of Cuba and Puerto Rico, has submitted to- Secretary Root the preliminary figures showing the population cf the two Islands. The following la a statement of the population' cf Cuba by provinces, and a comparison with Its census ot 1887: Cuba 189- Pinar del Rio Yll.mZ Havana 424311 Matansaa 102.462 Santa Clara 25C.U4 Paerte Principe. W.237 Santiago S27.TM 181 XS.B91 461.S2S J69.67S S64.12Z S7.7X9 ZTz.r7t Totals 1.CS1.C87 This statement ahowaa loss of S8.842.

The total of the Puerto Rtcaa population In 1899 Is estimated at against 0,708 in 1887. showing- aa increase of 150.300. DENIAL'ROM MERRIAM. Ceaaas Director 'gay. Ke Blanks Have Beea lasaed tm Polltlelaaa.

Special Dispatch to The Inter Oceaa. WASHINGTON, Feb. Ju Governor Merrtam. director of the oeasus, characterize aa ensured the report from Springfield, 111., that blank commissions fer census enumera tors have been distributed among politicians for the purpose of tnfiuenctna- the RenublicaE county conventiocs to. instruct.

Senator vuiiom. Governor-" Merriarn that no commissions iot ehnir rators iuv been Issued, in blank or otherwise, nor will anr be issued be fore tbe middle of Tbe law provides ibm enumerators, snail oe commissioned by supervisors, but; only with the consent of the director. List of enumerators selected in each district must' be cnbmltted to him for his approval In advance, not later than Anrll 1. accompanied by satisfactory evidence of competency, imo omclal influence will be exerted by the director of the census for or against any candidate for any office la the gift of the people. ROBERTS REFUSED MILEAGE.

Hesse Caaaaaittee Rejects the Clataa af the ttaheraaea. Special Dispatch la Tbe Inter Ooaaa. WASHINGTON, CX. The claim of Brighanot H. Roberta, of Utah for mileage In connection with his eenteat for a seat In the House waa rejected- today by the House committee on mileage.

Mr. Roberta put In a claim for mileage irona Salt Lake City to YY.asningr.on. z.os? miles, and return, at the usual rate of 20 cents a mile each way, making a total of $1,038.80. Mr. Roberta waa net present today, and it waa understood he had gone to Chicago.

Cooper of Texas moved that Roberta. waa entitled to mileage, hut on a tie vote 1 to 1 this motion failed. -Aa a result of suggestions in the committee. Chairman Barham. will confer with the Speaker concerning the.

recognition of any member who may seek te secure for Mr. Roberts the $2,000 usually allowed In contested election cases. Mare Troable, for. Roberts. Special DUpatoh te The Inter Ocean.

SALT LAKE CITT. Utah. Feb; When Brigham H. Roberta, the ejected Congressman from Utah, step front the train tomorrow he will, in all probability, be welcomed by the sheriff of Salt Lake county with a warrant for arrest, charging htm with unlawful cohabitation with Maggie Ship Roberta, one of his plural wives. APPEALS TO THE PRESIDENT.

Geveraer Taylor Deakti Hls Power ta J. Coatrol the ititaatloa. Special DUpatch to-Tbm Inter Ocean. WASHINGTON, D. "eb.

JU President McKlnley has received a long message from Governor Taylor of Kentucky, dated today at Frankfort. Governor Taylor recites at length the situation In Kentucky, declares that -considers himself the legally elected executive of the state, and asserts that the condition ot affairs at the -present time la most critical. He, that a -riot mar occur at any time which will cause much bloodshed. Governor Taylor says that, he Is doubtful of his power to control the situation, and appeals to the President to end the. matter and secure peace In the state by recognizing him aa the Governor of Kentuckyw.

appeal Is very earnest and the aid of the administration la urgently requested. JOSIAH QUINCT- TO MARRY. TT Farmer Mayor of Beatoa. te Mrs. WtUiasn R.

Tyler. Special Dtapatoa to Tb Inter Oeean. BOSTON. Feb. 1.

Formal announcement that former Mayor Jostah Qulncy la soon to be married to Mrs William Tyler, formerly ot but now of London. England, has just been Although It la In general way a surprise, some Intimation was had long ago-by intimate friends of the plans of Mr. Qulncr. He inlands to sail for Europe on Wednesday of next week, and the marriage is planned to take place soon after his arrival in London, where Mrs. Tyler Is staying at the hoaae of John R.

Carter, second secretary of the: American legation la England. wedding will be simple and practically private. UeotyiW fcoaiposltieer "'Estimates furnished lor. linotype composition, either In sgate, ucripareil. minion, or brevier, any width up to 27 ems pica.

Terms Address Ccp box X2 The Inter Ocean. Vis-' BILL MAY HOT-PASS Ship Subsidy Measure Meets Op position, from the South. i jHILL. IS AGAINST IT Arguments of the Railroad Man CfciTT Great Weight. H'li Hew lelaes EiMinii thaa Caaaaetltiaa Betre Old Katsstss Ceaapaa Rather the Special Dispatch to The Inter Ocean.

WASHINGTON. D. Feb. I The prospect is not bright for the ship subsidy bill becoming a law during this session of Congress. The hearings have beea finished la both House and Senate committees.

The subcommittee In the Senate la expected to report 'to the full committee at the next meeting, but executive sessions have not yet begun In the House committee. Such amendments as have been adopted by the subcommittee of the Senate have been in the direction of conciliating the Pacific slope, where there Is more or leas opposition to the bill aa introduced. For instance, it is proposed to raise tbe classification all along the liae. providing that a vessel. In order to come under the first classification, shall have a tonnage of 2.000 Instead of 1,600, asd so on up to 10.000 tons.

Instead of 8.000. It is proposed by tbe subcommittee to begin the payment of extra bounties with vessels having a speed of eleven knots, tnstead of k'ourteen, the extra bounty for eleven-knot vessels being 4-l0ths of a cent, for twelve-knot vessels 6-10ths of a cent, and for thirteen-knot vessels 8-10th ri a cent. Provide Extra Beasty. "The bill, as Introduced, provides for an extra bounty of 1 cent a ton for vessels of fourteen knots, and thus by, degrees up to vessels of twenty-one knots or more, which are te receive an extra bountr or w-w cents a ton. in addition to the regular bounty of 1 cent per ton.

for each 100 nautical miles, not exceeding 1.500. sailed outward, aad cents per ton for each 100 nautical miles, not exceeding 1.500. sailed homeward, and 1 eent per ton for each additional 100 miles sailed. The object of these amendments, which it la believed, will be accepted by the full committee. Is largely te encourage "the ahipptng which enters the Tactile porta of the United States.

Under the bill as staada new those who are interested In the Pacific trade say that not a single new line will be created, and that little advantage, if any. will cobs to the Pacific slope; that two-thirds of the bounties to be paid will go to the International Steamship company, with its swift vessels, while the slow-going ships required for the long voyage across the Pacific, with the higher rates of tonnage, will receive no encouragement worth speaking of. Views af the" lesatsra. It is doubtful whether the concessions made will meet tbe objections of the Senators and Representatives from the Pactflo slope, who regard the bill as having beea drawn, primarily. In the Interest of the Atlantic seaboard.

A few other amendments In matters of detail will also be recommended by the subcommittee, but it does not appear that any of them will materially modify the effect of the bill. The proposition, for Instance, that the bounty- shall not be paid on the tonnage of vessels, but on freight tonnage. Is combated by former Senator Edmunds with the argument that it would be contrary te the agreement of existing treaties; and the Senate committee is net yet ready to assume the risk. President J. J.

H1U ot the Great Northern railroad haa been urging tbe Senators from the states of the northern tier and the Paclfie slope to hold, out against the bill, la Its present form, on tbe ground that. It. does not aiTord sufficient encouragement to the Paclfie trade. He haa prepared a long argument la support of his contention, which is now In the hands of all Western Senators and and which carries a great deal of weight. Mr.

Hill contends that subsidies, if granted at all. should be to encourage pioneer lines to open up trade with the Orient and South America; and that this caa only be done by giving help to tbe ships that will be put Into service to carry freight without so much regard ta speed- WssM Batsarsce Krw.Llsra Those Senators who have been looking at the question suggested by Mr. Hill are inclined ta argue with him and insist that the bill, if It is to- become a law, shall be so framed as to encourage new rtnea to new fields for American commerce, rather than to encourage competition with old European lines on tbe Atlantic. They say that, while Germany la granting large subsidies, she Is giving these to ships in the trade with China and Africa and South America, and not to ships on the North Atlantic competing with English and French lines for our fast freight and passenger traffic between Europe and America. Ten Western Senators and Representatives are willing to help pass a subsidy bill if it Is to encourage building a merchant marine on the Pacific to China and Japan and to South America, where, the trade opportunities of this country await development.

But they are not willing to vote for this new departure simply to encourage the steamship companies that are competing ior the coming trade on the Atlantic between this country and Europe. There are Other Senators and Representatives in the Interior who doubt the wisdom of legislation in favor of subsidies at a time when the country la to be thrown Into another national campaign, and organised labor la opposed to It. AFFAIRS OF BROADWAY BANK. H. W.

Chaalala Gives His Tlews af the Bostoa Iastttntien. Special Dispatch te Tha Inter Ocean. BOSTON, Feb. 1. When H.

W. Chaplain was asked this afternoon what he understood to be tbe actual facta la. the Bread-way National bank. In view of Keen developments indicating that depositors will be paid In full, he said that he had no Inside knowledge, but the close connection of the bsnk with the Squire affairs made It necessary for him to look, carefully into the situation. Mr Chaplain explained that the Broadway bank bad.

prior to it suspension, a surplus of $225,000, and the total amount of Squire paper that could be- presented for payment was only SISO.OOO, Therefore, if the hank had been permitted to go on, it would have had a surplus of $75,000 at leasts after wiping out completely tae squire paper. FOUND GUILTY OF MURDER. i -Jury Declares That J. HIllyer Killed Cars. Peters.

Special Dispatch to The Inter Oceaa. LEWISTON, 111., Feb. 1. J. C.

Hlllyer. an old soldier, has been convicted of the murder of Cora Peters, and his punishment fixed at twenty-five years in the penitentiary. The girt was found dead Dec. 23 at the south end of the' Burlington and Qulncy rail road bridge, three miles south ef this city. Wounds on her head.

Inflicted with some blunt instrument, caused her death. Hillyer was last seen with her. He said she was killed by a train. He was almost broken down, by the verdict, as he expected acquittal and maintained his Innocence to the last, ONLY FIVE JURORS SELECTED Slew FYSHgrrss BeiasWade ta the Car- tervllle Rlet Case." Special Dispatch ta The Inter VIENNA; Febv 1. The long delay in the selection of the" Jury for' the celebrated riot "ease" has nof as "yet been trokea.

'and evsrjr 'indication 'points to a continuance for several days Many rumors are afloat tevaccountor.tbe fact that five days -have elapsed sine, a Juror waa swore. The most probable, an one that see ma to receive the greatest credence. Is the absence of five Important witnesses for the prosecutioa who have suddenly disappeared, and wboeo whereabouts are at preseat unknown. Tbe attorneys for the defease caused Mr. L.

O. Crala to go to err la tonight to tf possible." the parties wasted and thereby hurry the progress ef the trial. So far SS4 talesmen have been -examined, and only five Jutrers IMPORTANT TO MANILA Clrealar Isaaed hy General Otis Hew aaavlasj Ma ay Rest rlet teas. seoial Cable Dispatch ta The later Oceaa. MANILA, Feb.

i General Otis Issued an taapcrtaat circular today, which was countersigned by Colonel Barber, -who succeeded Lieutenant Colonel Barry as adjutant general. The circular removes restrietioas en land trade, aad provides fer the paaslag through military lines of persons presenting permits or a certificate from tke commanders la outlying towns. It is believed that this circular win have the effect of reducing the high prices of commodities in tbe Manila market, aad will also promote prosperity ia the interior. List ef Casualties. Special Dispatch to The Inter Ocean.


General Otis has cabled tke following list of casualties to tbe War Department: "MANILA. Feb. 1. Casualties, ktlied. Twenty-Fifth Infantry.

Janv 29. sear Subig, Luson. First Lleutenaat William T. Schenck; K. Tevls Bronson; L.

Hillard Pooae. William Shannoa: wounded. Thirty-Eighth infantry, lirth. at Taal. Edward H.

Chapin. thigh, severe; Elmer EL Lessor, face: Benjamin N. China, arm; Thomas chest; Edward Weaver, shoulder, moderate; Harry Buchanan, leg: Thirty-Sixth Infantry. 22d. at Ballncagulng.

F. Ira Allen, chest, severe; G. Lewes Wyles. thigh, slight; Preston, A. Lloyd, foot, severe: Nine-tentb infantry.

8th. near Cebu. B. Alfred Berry, corporal, neck aad face, severe; K. William E.

Beil. leg, severe: M. Charles William Staler, arm, slight; I. Henry W. Sumner, corporal, tbirfb.

moderate. OTIS." First Lieutenant William T. Schenck of the Twenty-First infantry waa born, in Baltimore. ML. Dec 21.

132, and served as private, corporal, and sergeant of the. First cavalry from November. 1S3L to "November. 1894. when he was appointed second lieutenant of -the Tenth infantry.

The- flagship Brooklyn arrived at Hong-Kong today. She will return to Manila on Feb. 10. It la supposed that she went to Hong-Kong to dock. 'Admiral Watson -is aboard.

JOLIET SALOON MEN DEFEATED. Ceart Saetalae Mayar Meaat la Hla BaUac Special Dispatch to The Inter Ocean. JOLIET, Feb. Mayor Mount won another victory la hi fight with Jollet saloon-keepers by a decision handed down from the Appellate court today at Ottawa. The decision affirms the ruling of Judge Dlbell of this circuit court.

Soon after the mayor waa inaugurated, the saloons were closed oa Sundays and after II o'clock at night by order of the mayor. The strict enforcement of the law made the salooa men angry and they carried the fight Into the council, where they had the sympathy of a majority of the aldermen. but not the necessary two-thirds to pasa tbe measure over the mayor's veto. They adopted a new plan a reduction ef the license from $1,003 a year to $iO0 by resolution. The mayor refused to entertain tbe motion, whereupon ai was taken from his ruling and the resolution waa passed reducing the license to $500.

Aa a creed case waa taken late court and Judge Dibell sustained the contention of the maytr that tbe license could not be reduceu except by ordinance. The saloon-keepers appealed to the Appellate court, which now as tains Judge Dibell ia his ruling. In the meantime the salooa proprietors paid the ti.000 ttcens? fee under protest, and $47,000 waa ret aside la the appropriation bill, ae protect the ninety-four dramshop keepers, la the event of their side winning tn the Appellate court. It is not thought that aa appeal will ha taken to the Supreme court. Tbe Iitigationi haa beea 'closely watched by the brewery interest throughout the state.

Judge Dlbell, who Is on both the Circuit and Appellate benches, took no part in the consideration of the case in the Appellate court. MRS. EDITH QUICK TESTIFIES. Saye She Did. Sat Aid la Polsaalas; Her Special Dispatch ta Tbe Inter PERU, Feb.

1. The state rested this evening In the case against Mrs. Edith Quick, and the defense win finish Friday. Wits eases were used by the defense today to testify to the good repstatioa of Mrs. Quick for morality.

Mrs. Quick was on the wttaess stand over two hours to testify In her own behalf. She made a complete denial of every point brought out by the state's witnesses. She said ber married life was happy, and she did not aid la poisoning her husband. Ia rebuttal this afternoea the state used Professor Stone aad Professor Huston, instructors In chemistry at Purdue university, to support Dr.

Hurler's analysis of the stomach. "NATIONAL GUARD -i i Fearth Iafaatrr Eleetieas Heaeraale "Dlscharsjea. Special Dispatch to The Inter Oceaa. SPRINGFIELD, I1L, Feb. Adjutant General Reece today Issued aa order confirming the elections of Wilber E.

SatterHeld as first lieutenant of company F. Fourth Infantry, and John Hutchlngs as first lieutenant and Charles F. Gravenhorst as second lieutenant of company O. Fourth Infantry. Honorable dlschara-ea fmm tha service ot the stats have been granted Privates Aorman T.

Jetts and Walter D. Cummlngs. company C. and Privates Harry L. Hastings, Alfred Larson, and William H.

Sinclair, company I. First Infantry. DOWIE HAS THE CASH. Will Pay at Oaee fer Lake Cesiaty La ad far Hie Zlaa City. Special Dtspatch to 11m Inter Ocean.

WAUKEGAN. 111.. Feb. 1. Dowie's agents have 'bargained or the immediate nm of all the land In section 21.

town of Benton. and will pay for It as soon aa the titloa tv been examined. This land had previously own tougni on aererrt-a payments, but is wanted for immediate use. hence the change. Tbe sum of $122,750 will be paid, of which Mrs.

Joseph Dunkln will receive $50,000 for 237 acres Kelaon fvla 1V1 rxwi tnw 9ha John Simpson. $12,500 for 100 acres: 8L means, js.ow ror 60 acres; Mrs. O. Carman. $9,000 for 60 acres, and James Carman.

for I'H acres. Braail" Street-Car Liae Sola. Special Dispatch to The later Ocean. BRAZIL. Feb.

1. Today the Brazil Rapid Transit street-car line, reaching from this city to Harmony, three mile east, was sold to the Terre Haute Street Car company tor $50,000. The Terre Hante company Is building a Una from Terre Haute to this city to connect with this line, and probably cars will be ia operation between this city sad Terre Haute hy April The line will be eighteen miles long. The. Brazil Una- was owned by Chicago and Brazil capitalists.

Supposed Case ef Saeallpex. Special Dispatch to The Inter Ocean. BENTON HARBOR. Mich, Feb. What Is believed to be another case of smallpox has appeared Mrs.

Clark, who lives tn tbe Hulburd block, was taken down yesterday. The health officer has made a report to the state authorities. Itebher Frlahrtenea hy at Trala. v. Special tMspatch te The Inter Ocean.

MEXICO. Feb. Word from west of Mexico, says that robbers entered the. Chicago and Alton depot there, and were robbing the safe when they were frightened, by the approach of. a freight train, dropping $500 ia gold as they escaped.

Wha the eppc rteeity Is efferee why svat' DECODE: A HAH la HSALTH. VIOOR. see MAKLT STBItNCTH fast. Is every war welch the word bnpllee? Do T0 tblaklaatsaahathlof tor roe ia lapoeeibleT Why eOM to sock aeoeeiedoBeaUl roe hare hearoareaae eaajelaea if tae eaalaea epaelellat els has i ao aiaay tap a nrti of wl caietT Ke or win etaera wnm pl euai aula a. Toe pletelf ta let (Taea Ko letter If iSrouf I la- StaereUone la oathore.

is after Ure roar ir.tea at eoDleer ahattered brvkea down, so to tee eae anaa wke a Sara eea a eyeteaa af traetaaeaS entirely ertalaal aad aeeailar ta hlaneeif. a. s.ateaa of IiuimiI wiiea has haae tab aeaaa of aavlaa thaeiaaSi ef etkiia, aad at res will omlf hue wui ewceir yea WHtK OTHSKI TAIL. CONSULT DOCTOR SWEANY Who has lone hstd the weUi ItfOeef THE ACKNOWLEDGED LKADUTO AXD tfosT occessfol sraciAXJST IWlamiilx sad pevaaaaetat ease of alt -NERVOUS, BLOOD AND PRIVATE of saea aad waaaaa. He dose eaSneMtaher exeoaa tae mbm ot aaileata.

hut earea theaiaad keepe ail ala proreaitiiaal neallaga etrtrtly eoasOenUal. His eeallaaa are fair aad booeat. Hut ehod aad treatment are aeaUne and far la adTaaee of thuee weed Sf ear otaar sbralelaa oe- taetttaiiea ta tae world, haieil aa taar are ipsa aeir years of ea-perleoea aad dee feearoh inie the rati rial of aaadictoe aad aazcarr. Hla lucuiil has beea ao aaae-veioaa that aa ta a cae be See nwileitahes eaa be reeorne anluH bis. Tbe foikwta are aaaoae tbeiealaltira la wbaca waaa be aadertakaaaeaaaae Gtiaranists Proatpl ass Psrfcl Carts.

na-nts. MKRrRajrrs airo htKJf lit TUB CITT. CATARRH cSJoarSoltlarS Liear. Heart. KleTneT.

a.aildee aad all. eoaatltaUoaai and Internal troaMea; aeo Bay tare. Files. FUtaia. Hhauaiailim, Kearmela.

aa BLOOD SKIN piea. Ecrornta. Talata, and Aeqnlrsd Blood thoroachlr eradieakM Blood rnwi. Prtauur or Beeoadarr. taoroacaly erarlieated.

leavtna tbe ayataaa la a etrocx. pare aad asalikfui sosdiUoa. si pnumio nrnn itv all fta as lirHIUUA aJPUll-llI tandlBa aUnteaia mm mm mr mr mm mm mm die and aad aid an. The awfufeireeta of ue apt re i or haavoseiir treated saias. prodaetrMi lack of vitality, eheat pains, an i ninnaai.

aleeplaaaaaii, waaa-aeei of bodf and brala. Slulnaaa, aiiine aniaiui f. lack of eueiar aad eonSdenre deaeoodeoer, evil oreood-lan. Umldltr aad otber Sail rea las ariapiniai feaca eaaaa If Beateeted lead to preaiataja aaau and fleet a PRIVATE or every aatera, al.e brero- oraaas, strletare. ELECTRICITY OejTaale aad fare- nnoauy foreM ta all be of beaeatlaa wtta sa small DS.

STTEAIY'S EUOTRIC BELT WRITE IJjSH bene traataaeat known, aad taoaeaade trbi able to eall at hla oatea have beea eared at th Haalta." atailrae. Ceil or 9.1. fWEAXy, SI. IMStata SL. a Ofsce boera.

a. bv p. aw aad SJS as a av i aad bolidara. IS a bl te I a. aa.

BLAMES SENATOR PETTIGREW. Geaeral Otis af Las Asgeles Talks of la the Phlllaelars. Brigadier General Harrison Gray Otis of Los Angeles is at the Palmer house, oa hla way to Washington to attend the foaeral of Major General Lawtoo, whose body ia now on Its way to the national capital. General Otis said last night that he agreed exactly with Senators Hawley aad Sewell. who in the Senate oa Wednesday denounced Sena Ur PetUgrew of South Dakota aa a traitor an aceouot ot.

his utterances oa the. Philip, pine question. I believe that the utterances of aien like Senator Pettier, la the Senate have had as much to do with prolonging the war in the Philippines as any one thing. said General Otla. "and I agree heartily in the statements of Senators Hawley' and Sewell in charging Senator Pettlgrew with responsibility In the death of Geaeral Lawtoa.

Had it not beea for the encouragement which men like Senator PetUgrew have given the Filipinos the war would have beea ended long before this. The Filipino afablal. who has been captured in the Philippines, was the brains- of the insurrection, but he believes more in a -destructive government than a coastraetiva govern meat. However, I think the war is practically ended." General Otis said that the state of California is now principally interested in the special session of the Legislature that haa been called for tha eleetioa of a I'nited States Senator, and that the leading candidates for that office now are; Daniel Burns, Iviag M. Scott of the Union steel works, aad Thomas R.

Bard, BRIDEWELL COOK ON TRIAL. Clvll-Servtew- Coaasalaalea Ceaeddera a Charae ef laisherdlaallea. Thomas the cook at the bride well, waa tried by the civil-service commission on the charge of Insubordination yes terday. The case was based on Bowen's making charges against Deputy Superintendent Paul Dasso without first communicating them to Superintendent Sloan. Attorney Starr, for the Civic federation, appeared for Bowen and" said that this act was not sufficient te warrant the cook's dismissal.

Ex-Superintendent Sturm and others testified In favor of Bowen. He said thst Dasso had abused the cook. and. next to himself, the witness as serted that Bowen was the moet abused man at the institution. The.

commission decided to sustain Superintendent Sloan and recom mended that the cook he suspended thirty days or until the superintendent decided to re employ him. air. Sloan at once made out a requisition for a cook with uowea name on it- Texas Farsaer Is Aaaasalaated. Special to The Int-r Oceaa. FORT WORTH.

Texas. Feb. James Jar man. a young farmer living near Mansfield, this waa called to tbe door late last night -and assassiasted. The murder s-aa committed with a rifle aad the ballets pierced the man's body, killing him instantly.

The assassin haa not been apprehended. Jeha W. Jehasea Appelated. Special Dispatch to The Inter Oceaa. TERRE Feb.

1. Internal Revenue Collector Henry todsy appointed John W. Johnson of Princeton. successor to G. R.

Stonnont of Princeton. deputy collector for tbe Evaasville division of the dis trict. Mr. Stonnont has beea appointed conv- meadaai of the I sodas a solalers' boose. ELECTRICITY CURES honest doctor will deay.

Klee- tricky is the only 'aataral restorative, the euly certain means of curing ailments ot a nervous' and debilitating nature. The only difficulty has been ta the manner ef application. Experience, com-Maed with study and a reasonable aaxxiat ef biteUrgeoce. a 1 maestri aaT mi the proper application ef a curative agent. af life haa heen laat la this work.

The result is my Uaproted method. It is a greet success. call aad see It; or ret me send yea say booklet deacrlblog it, area, OR! M. XTiMcLAUaHUN, tld StttS ttr Car. tjalaey.

CMesta. (km i JffltehsJ.

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