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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 11

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

INCREASE OF EXPORTS Enormous Amount of Farm Prod uces Are Shipped Abroad. BULK GOES TO EUROPE United Kingdom Takes 65 Per Cent of the Aggregate Germany. Comes Second en theLIat of IlDjrn from This Country, and France la the Third. Special Dispatch to The Inter Ocean. WASHINGTON, D.

Jan. 14. Frank Hitchcock, chief, of the section of foreign markets in the Department of Agriculture, in a report on the distribution of the agricultural products of the United States says "The agricultural products exported from the United States during the five years 1894-1898 bad an average annual value of Of these enormous expotts, about 6P per cent found a market in the United Kingdom, nnd its various dependencies. The sum paid by Britain for American farm produce purchased during the period menUoaec" reached as hirh as a year. In the five years under consideration the United Kingdom alone took more than one-half of all our agricultural exports, the consignments credited to that country forming about 55 per cent of the total shipments, and having average annual value of S362.407.701.

"Germany, which ranks next to the United Kingdom as a market for the products of American agriculture, received about 13 per cent ot the exports for 1894-1898. the averag-yearly value amounting to $86,320,274. France, with purchases that averaged $43,983,790 a year, wis the third in importance. The exports to France formed only about 6.6 per cent of the total. "In the total value of agricultural exports there was an advance from in to $853,507,942 in 1898.

making a gain of Th- countries which contributed mostly to this increase were the United Kingdom. Germany, France, Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, Japan.ltaly, Denmark, and British Africa. "About 88 per cent of all the farm produce shipped from the United states during th five years mentioned was marketed -in Europe. The value of the shipments to Euro pean countries from 1S94 to lsss, inclusive, averaged $586,958,907 a year. In 198 It reached as high a3 showing an Increase of $195,588,939 over the value of 18'6.

which was The chief part of the retrain ier went to Canada, and the other North American cour tries, an average annual value of $48,725,257, and comprised slightly more than 7 per cent of the total. The records for the five years show only a slight gain. Ic 1894 the value was the following year it ftll to $43,733,619. and then slowly increased until in 1S9S it amounted to $56,716,764." INCORPORATIONS IN MICHIGAN. Kevr Companies Formed anil Several Old One Inereaae Capital Stock.

Special Dispatch to The Inter Ocean. LANSING, Jan. 14. The following corporations filed articles of association with the secretary of state during the past week: Saginaw Muslin Underwear company. Saginaw, Citizens' State bank, Benton Harbor, Eaton Drug company.

Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo Pure Food company. Kalamazoo. Saginaw Southern Railway company. Saginaw, Jerome B. Rice Seed company.

Detroit. Perfection Hand Stamp company, Detroit. Detroit Creamery company, Detroit, Central Implement company, Lansing, Northwestern Leather company. Saul. Ste.

Marie. Farm Advertiser company, JackEon. Automatic Machine company, Detroit. f20.000; Lansing Toutint Insurance company. Lansing.

$5,000. Non-Capitalized Companies First Presbyterian church, Flynn; Second Wesleyan JIethodi3t church, Wright; Consolidated Sportsmen's association. Grand Rapids; Cou-ccrdia Unterstuetzungs Verein, Frankenmutb. The following corporations increased their capital stock by the sums indicated: Citizens' Telephone company, Muskegon. Coo-cor's Creek and Clinton River Plank Road company.

Detroit. Detroit White Lead works. Detroit. Colby-Hinkley company, Benton Harbor, Owosso Carriage company, Owosso, Alaska Refrigerator company. Muskegon, $100,000.

A Plenaant Surprise. "My dear." eald young Mr. Marage, "what Is this dessert, anyway?" "It's called surprise pudding." replied the dear youcg thing. "I tried to make bread, but it wouldn't rise for me, so I Just made a nice wine Bauce for it. and made a dessert of it." Philadelphia Press.

DEATHS. FUNERAL, TRAIN Graceland and Calvary runerai train or tn Chicago. Milwaukee ana Bt. Paul railway leaves Union depot (Malison and Canal streets) dally at 12:30 p. m.

WILLIAMSON Dr. "John Williamson, aired so years, died Sunday morning. Jan. 14, at his residence. No.

3103 Calumet avenue. Funeral Tuesday. Jan. 1. at 10 a.


JAM ARY O. lOOO. Public notice Is hereby given that the rvles made and adopted by the civil-service commission for the purposo of carrying out the provisions of the law. entitled "An act to regulate the civil service of cities," 'approved March 20, 1K. a codified and adopted December 31, 1898.

have ben amended as follows: By adding to rule sections 19 and 20, to read as follows: "Section 19. TEMPORARY SEPARATIONS1 'AND REINSTATEMENTS ot common laborers. Who have been certified and appointed or transferred after January 1, 1S00. shall be governed hv rule except as herein provided. "Priority of certification shall be confined ti wards (districts), and to each group In each ward, so that seniority of service shall confer no advantage over anybody except those In the same group and ward.

"In case of transfer from one group or ward to another group or ward, priority there shall be trov-med by the date of such transfer and not bv the data of original appointment, the benefit of which will be lost by such transfer. This shall apply to all clvll-service laborers, no matter when appointed, as well as to hold-overs. flection 20. TRANSFERS. No transfer from one group to another group shall be permitted until II eligible In the group to which transfer Is requested have been reinstated or certified.

This shall apply to all clvil-rervic appointees as well as hold-overs." This amendment will be la force and effect on and after January 20. 1900. Copies of the above amendment to rules can be obtained at the office of the civil-service commission, room No. 406. City Halt after January SO.

M0. T. J. CORCORAN. Secretary.

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Telephone Central HC5. FREE ADVERTISING. Situations Wanted. Help Wanted, one timt free, not to exceed three lines. For additional Unas on above free offer.

1 cent a Word For additional Insertions on same the rate win be 1 cent a word. Such words as "To Rent." "For Sale." "Situation Wanted." together with those comprising the a street and number or care of Vhe Inter Ocean, will be counted aa part of th Advertisements wlU be accepted and charged for at oflice rates at any of our Branch Offices through sut the city. 8even average wm-ds make a line, cash ads. BUSI5ESS PEHSOXALS. I KRSONAL HYPNOTISM CURES NKURAL-sTia.

rhoumatisna. St. Vitus dance, epilepsy, dyspepsia, paralysis, stammering, morphine, and all Vicious habits. Why not get this power? You ran. Consultations and particulars free.

J. J. MESSAGE. Kit Masonic temple. UNTOYPB COMPOSITION Estimates furnished for linotype composition, In agate, nonpareil, minion, or brevier; 'any width up to 27 ems pica.

Terms reasonable; Address COMPOSITION. Box I23.Tae Inter Ocean. BI78IXESS PERSOSALS. COCKROACH KS ANL EllCUtjl'liS KXTEHMl. uUl( from your premises under guaranteed con tract.

FRKbERlCK PERKS 427 Slate st. highest cash price paid ros uluuold and stiver Jewelry In any shape. DEB te-finera. 7 Washington rocm 18. HALL A VD rOMMITTEg A DOES, tl F3 dos.


wlshea to change: only hou-es leply; statins salary paid. Awtixs 71. Taw Inter Ocean. SITUATION A NTKD BT MAN TO LKAHN ctoklrg. 78.

Th Inter Ocean. Bookkeepers and Clerka. SITUATION WANTED BT A YOUNG MAN OF 20 aa assistant bookkeeper. ar any other office wr.rk: firat-claaa references. Addreea 8 84.

The Inter Ocean. SITUATION WANTKD A8 BOOKKEEPER: no objection t.j tearing city; books opened and closed 99. The Inter Ocean. Trades. SITUATION WANTED BY- PRACTICAL MA-(hlRift: erecting ad operating engines' 10 year In this city.

8 tl. The Inter Ocean. Salesmen. SITUATION WANTED BY A FIRST-CLASS clothing and gents' furnishing goods salesman; wut go into me country, in? inter cccfc n. Musicians.

SITUATION WANTED ENGAGEMENT RY up-to-dats pianist: ready render; fine accompanist; witn a flrt-cl4 amuement or foulness hfmse. Address Flat 1. Via rlty. kltaogiiirtt SITUATION WANTED BY STENOGRAPHER, correspondent, and ortice clerk: best city reference; valary tlfh Address S. The Inter Ocean.

Collectors. SITUATION WANTED BT YODNO MAN AS collector or other r-sponstlle position; references Address 77. The later Oc-an. Boya. SITUATION WANTED IN OFFICE.

BY YOUNG man. 17 years old: good penman; Al Address 4. The Inter Ocean. Miscellaneous. SITUATION WANTED BY SOBER.

RELIABLE man of 32. ni.t afraid of work, a job of any kind emplovini; him a II or part of the day. Addres Ocean. TUATION WANTED YOU NO MAN WANTS office work of anv kind: best of references. Ad-dieas W.

M'lXTdSH. N. Ix-avltt st. SITUATION WANTED NEWSPAPER MA seeks worn writing profirwetusea speeches, ttr. S.

The Iuit oean. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN AS chaperon mornings only. Address 7a, The Inter Ocean. SITCATIOX WASTED FEMALE. Domestics.

SITUATION WANTED RT GIRL. ATTEND-Init Wsst Division Hlh school, cor. Opden av. and Honore st to assist general housework out of school hours. ETHEL M.

HAWLEY. 42i W. Park av. id flat SITU ATION WANTED BY COLORED GIRL TO do general houyewjrk. or would ao cooking or second work: exwrienced; a stranger in city, from Near Orleans; Southern family preferred.

W. Th Inter Ocean. Uiantkrtttri PITI'ATION WA NTED POSITION AS HOUSE-ktvper. by a mlddle-aned Protestant lady, mhcre one ser'ant Is employed, or would care for in inv: lre: il.d lady; no oh jertlnru to the country. I.

S. 741S Honore Station Uh! Ad- cago. slrnsgrapbria. SITUATION WANTED EXPERT LADY STE-nographer" wants position; nine years' exiierince; thoroughly firt class: no objection to leaving city; references. 47.

The Inter Ocean. SITUATION WANTED BY EiXPERlENCKD Bt'-noicrapher. 34. The Inter Ocean. Trades.

SITUATION WANTED IN FIRST-CLASS stuilo by lady retoucher and general assistant: references and samples: can hustle, and not afraid tj work. Address. RETOUCHER. 2. W.

Sprinj-fleld. a v. Champaign. 111. Bookkeepers and Clerks.

SITUATION WANTED BY BRIGHT TOUNO lady as bookkeeper and cashier: experienced; good references. 57. The Inter Ocesn. Governesses. SITUATION WANTED BY RELTAHI.K rOTTNO lady, 5ust back fronvEurnpe.

a governess lady's rompeiUon; speaks French, Italian. Address 6 The Inter Ocean. arses. SITUATION WANTED BY GERM.AN MUSE girl and assistant. lived out before; references given.

Call 47 E. North 1st flat. SITUATION WANTED FRENCH GIRL washes, situation as child nurse; best references. MISS 147S Ne wport av. Dressmakers.

SITUATION WANTED DRESSMAKING BY th- tlay: furs repaired and lined. ti. The Inter Ocean. SITUATION WANTED BY DKES8MAKEU-tallor si'stem- perfsct fitter. 3S21 Cottage Grove av.

Lnundreasrs. SITUATION WANTEDLAUNDRY. sevlng plain i home or out: best work: moderate charges; tine rtarchd work a specialty; worthy American woman, four children: -work much needed. 440 V. Huron rear cottage.

Cooks. SITUATION WANTED AS COOK AND LAUN-dresa. or cooking alone, as 22d St. MIsrrlla neon. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG LADY AS cashier or clerk: five years' experience: good penman; best of references and bond.

If necessary. Adress I. E. ioi Concord 24th it: and Indiana a v. SITUATION WANTED BY EDUCATED young woman ns companion to elderly ladv anc children: refc-renres exchanged.

Address E. R. 147 7th Erie. Pa. HELP WASTED MALE.

Canvassers. when? Last month agent made 2m. WHAT? UanvnEsing self-calculating pencil. WHETHER? Yes. managers, mall order, salesmen make large Incomes.

WHY'? Because all deal with principal. WHO? Dewe3 Manufacturing Co. WHERE? 7S La Sallo Chicago. Solicitors. WANTED ACTIVE SOLICITORS: SOMS-OitnfT big commission: maks money while you wait.

The Inter Ocean. Salesmen. WANTED FIVE UP-TO-DATE CITT men or women. S. The Inte Ocean.

SALES Tratlra. WANTED DRUG CLERK. WITH good po- slticn. 24 arrea lri nat. Bookkeepers and Clerka.

ANTED DRITG CIJiRK WITH 10: GOOD pcsltlon. 24i Warren av. Musician. WANTED 20 MUSICIANS: MUST PLA string and brass: to travel; must be good sight readers. 10 Paulina pi.

Collectors. WANTED A COLLECTOR: CAIX A. M. Tue-day. Mi V.

North 2d tint, it. NEW MAN Boya. WANTED BOYS TO LEARN TELEGRAPHING In our and fill paying positions. U. TELEGRAPH S7 Washington, room 3Q8.

WANTED BOYS. TO LEARN TELEORAril-Ing. U. K. T-Kgraph 87 Washington loom CO.

Mlseellaneooa. WA.VTED-VEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; Join now and complete for spring rush: two months term completes; constant practice: expert Instructions: lectures; pin earn tuition with little effort: positions positively guaranteed; tools donated. Call or write at once, MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 43i Wabash av. Day and night class.

WE ARE PREPARED TO PRIVATELY TEACH by mall, practical advertisement writing; good salaries; big demand; fend for pro-pectus. The Page-Davis Medinah Temple. Chicago. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS CHEMIST TO take charge of manufacturing a fins soap, whlta or colored; stst terms and experience; will have full charge. 8 tS.

The Inter Ocean. WANTED TOUNO MEN TO LEARN TELE-graphlng in our operating-rooms and fill profitable positions. U. E. TELEGRAPH 87 room -let.

WANTED ABLE-BODIED v. MEN TO JOIN South African colony. Room 506. 234 La Salle WANTED TWO TOUNO MEN TO WORK FOR us on railroad trains. 6th av.

SITtATIOS WASTED FE5IALR. Domestics. WANTED GIRL. GENERAL HOUSEWORK, family wase Inquire In (25 W. st.

WANTKD GOOD GIBU FOR GENERAL housework. let West 47th st- WANTED NTRSE. $4. CHILD YEARS OLD. at Ind.

want neat, nice girl: exneri-enced. Apply 132 N. Clark. MATHEWS. WANTED YOUNG GIRL AS NURSE AND TC assist with housework.

4ol Ontario st. the RAiir iifTEU vctatx. Kairr mt JAisrunY .15.. 1900. ULP WAXTED-rEMAlX.

Uoverarutt, i WANTED A GOVERNESS AND COTJPAVTOr: for a girl 9 years ef a-- rru- oes cr -r --v Enrllsh. and French and -ro4--e satisfactory references Address 8 S3. The Inter Ocean. Csska. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL Tl) WORK on the broiler.

Restaurant. Its Uea.born baa. nienl. WANTSD-WOMAN WITH A CHILD I TEAMS old. aa housekeeper, at Walnut at.


CHEAP. FOR charity work. 1321 Vernonay Bookkeepers and Clerka. WANTED YOUNG LADY BOOKKEEPER AND stenographer; state salary. Addrets II, To lr.t?r Oc-ean.

Dress uiaUera. WANTED FIRST-CT. ASS WAISTMAKERS AT Cowen av. Call one week. Miscellaneous.

WANTED--LA DIES TO LEARN HAIP.DTtESS-Ing and manicuring, by mall or at college; we h'jrt arranged place eraduates In the best estaMtrh-ments In the ctty at top weges: our method thorough; 4 weeks' term completes. Call or address MOLER COLLEGIA. 43S Wabash av. Pay and night class. WANTED IP TO LEAPS TELEORAPH-Ing In our operating rooms, and fill paving posl-t-ana.

IJ. E. TELEciRAPH 7 Washington room WANTED ACKSTS. WANTED AGENTS: CHANCE OP LIFETIMT7: "Life of Moody;" full, official, authentic history of the great evangelist's life work: millions want It: sella at sight; highest commissions outfit free: freight paid: credit given. Write TODAY.

Chica go Bible House. 56 Chicago. AGENTS ON SALARY OR COMMISSION THE greatest agents' sellsr ever produced; every uaer of pen nand Ink buys It on sight; to tun per cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to t2o In six dsys: another $12 In two hours. MONROE MFG. 36.

Ls Crosse. Wis WANTED AGENTS SALARY OR COM Mission: $25 datlv guaranteed: 4 new patent everybody uses: sample free. URAHAM MFG. B. Clnclnnstl.

Ohio. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. MEN IXK1KINQ FJR WORK IN WHOI.E8AI.K houses, oftice wcrk. factories, watchmen, collectors. call St roup's Bureau.

19S S. CLnrk. TO BEST BOOMS. FOR FURNISHED ROOMS Or rccms with toarl tpply to Th: Inter Octzi Want Al. DepartincTit, Suite 410, Inter Ocean Building.

LARGE LISTS OP CHOICE ROOMS. FREE. North Side. SCI DEARBORN A CHEERFULLT FUR-nished front rooms; one with private bath; cozy parlor; private telephone: new; steam heated; aro large front UicmtDt room; very drstrable; witkins distance. il DKAHUCKN AV.

NEATLY FURNISHED fiont roonis; new. steam heated, warm house, coxy parlor, private telephone, porter service; every convenience; walking distance. TeL Dearborn 7SI. Ml DEAR HORN A V. COZILY FU1LNISHF.H front rooms, on with private bath: cbeerftil f-arior.

new steara neat; warm nouse: porter ser-ie; private telephone: walking distance: reference. Sfil DEARBORN AV. NEATLY FURNISHED front rooms; new, ateam heated, warm house, coxy parlor, private telephone. porter service; evi-ry convenience; walking distance. TeL Dearborn 73.

NEAR LINCOLN PARK Furnished rooms, m-lth board: steam heat: large c.osets; stationary washrtands reasonable. Tt) RENT SINGLE FRONT ROOMS; kU.EC-trlc lights and gas, lovely bath, hot water always. 141 Oak B. 1. W3 N.

CLARK ST. FRONT AND BACK PAR-lore, furnished complete, for housokeeplng: ateam heat. 12 DEARBORN AV. WELL-FURNISH ED room: hot and cold water In room: private family. 4fi DEARBORN AV.

TO RENT ONE AICOVEI one double room: electric lis-hts: steam beat N. CLARK ST. FRONT BOOM FOR TWO: small toon for laov; walking distance. SEDGWICK ST. FURS WH ED ROOMS, with or without board: reasonable.

7 K. SUPERIOR ST. NICELY FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping. Sooth Side. E.

mi ST. TWO OR MORE OETrrLEMFN or couple desiring clean, heated, light, quiet home, equal to first-class hotel: tile bath, new furniture: modern, new building; block east Cottage Grove cars: will not be disappointed by seeing two par lots and one square room: lady alone; very reasonable; call da; or evening. 310 AND 311 MICHIGAN AV. SINGLE ROOMS. to week; reading room: double rooms.

it to tJ-riO week; housekeeping allowed: sober. respectable on ly. S10 MICHIGAN AV SINGLE ROOMS $1.23. $1.50 we-k waim reading-room: double rooms. $1.56, 12 .5 week; housekeeping allowed: sober, respecta- ble only.

3TTH AND MICHIGAN FLAT POTOMAC Bldg. Newlv famished, rooms, with tath: reined people onlyJ! SOT MICHIGAN SUITE 2 FIRST -CL AftS. newly furnished, steam-heated rooms, electric bath. 4207 INDIANA A 1ST FLAT BACK PARLOR for two gentlemen, with or without board; very reasonable. CALI'MET 2D FT SEVERAL nicely furnished rooms: ateam heat and all conveniences.

52 14TH SOUTH FRONT dotiole rocms: alcf sirale pee. 21.56: gentlemen. 18S 40TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. nlth board $5 to $6 per week: table unexcelled.

2O0I MICHIGAN FIAT OUT-side modem furnished rooms; reasonable. S7il INDIANA AV. NICELY FURNISHED, steam-heate-1 rooms; all conveniences. West Side. 3 WARREN AV TO RENT SOUTH-FRONT alcove rm; also another larga ro-jm: single or suite; running water: furnace heat: with or vitoout boarU' in strictly private family lent table: reasonable; convenient.

excel- tan s. wood st. to rent four unfur- nished rooms, suitable for two married couples, employed; will cook and. cart for rooms It desired. TO RENT LARGE FRONT PARLOR; WELL heated, cheap, to cne or two Harrison corner Albany a v.

S. ADA ST. LARGE FRONT BOOM: RUN-ring water: IJ.59; suitable for two; board If desired. 11 S. Ada st.

S9 JACKSON BLVD. HANDSOMELY FUR-ntshed room, with large alcove; private family; rcaronable. 4 1001113 ST. I OUBLE AND SINGLE ROOMS, with board, good location: reasonable. 157 JACK SON BLVD.

ELEGANT FURNISHED room a. nicely located, near Aahland. 9 OGDEN FLAT FURNISHED STEAlt-heatcd room; suitable for two. ihl W. ADAMS ST.

TWO LARGE. FURNISHED rooms; hot and cold water. il TARK tenr.s 32 week FLAT STEAM-HEATED; 57 JACKSON B1VD. Furnished rocms. K2J AV.

VERY NICE FURNISHED rooms. nOARDI.AG. IOR IURNISHEI ROOTMS Cr rooms witi toari apply to Ths Inter Ocean Want Ad. Department, Suits 410, Inter Ocean LARGE LISTS OF CHCIC2 ROOMS. FREE.

Korlta Side. 41s CENTER OPPOSITE LINCOLN PARK Board, single rooms: steam heat, stationary wash stnnrta. large clcsetj; II to $3. lr ASTOR. NEAR NORTH STATE AND Division Room with board: walking distance: resl-dence neighborhood.

411 SUPERIOR ELEGANT ROOM FOR TWO-wnlkiiig; home cocklns; swell locality; grets nrs if dc8irel: i each. 3SJ DEARBORN AV. LARGE FRONT PAR-lor. with aleepine-rooui off. ruitah.e for three gents; hoard.

2S4 ONTARIO ALCOVE ROOM for three centleiiMn. with board; other rooms; ateam beat. Sf LA SALLE A V. FINE FRONT AND SMALL ream beet tabic board: reasonable. Sooth Side.

t37 LAKE AV. TWO HANDSOMELY FUR-nished rooms; steam heat; running water; two closets: table best market affords ir season; Central and boulevard trains: references. THE HAYDEN. 3iTH ST. NICE warm, newly furnished rooms, excellent board: plenty of hot jarater: terms moderate; coavenieot to I.

B. It. and cable. 254 PRAIRIE AV. SINGLE ROOMS- NEW furniture: evening dinner: terms reasonable; elc-al'l, electric, or cable cars.

LNDIANA AV. LARGE. WARM ROOM FOR two: hot and cold water; rlngle room; moderate; ex tt.b lc; ba th, etc. SSit V1NCEN.NE8 FUR-ntahed rwau: ateara heat: select table board; Srst Sat. lalltSUU I rmmfU -i Iv v- oArwnon rrm.FTr 3Md: rawn bl: w.dWs cntt.ies vr gea- a INFANTS'' CHOIOK POARDINO HOMri av.

Side. IM PARK A V. FLVPI.T FUPNSH: front room: also sunny back room: excellent board and service: rates reasotrslde rrr Washington rn nkai: 4th Pleasai2i room, hevt and Uaku iu private family. ttr eo.nle. with bsrd.

BOARD WASTED, WASTED BOOM, BOARD, FOR NEW EfJIO- trie seal Jacket; IX tusC 8 tl. The Inter CJCT-I1 HOTEL. ST BERNARD HOTEI-ie MADISON rooms, day or week: restaurant concerting: reasonable: also Royal. K. Adams Ilr.e.t European hotel cUy: 41 tn S3 per day.

NATIONAL WABASH AND VAN Buren: vteam heat; all modern improvements The to tt 50 day; special rates. D. A DoOl.EY. -j TO HE.ST HOLSKS. ltT.

TO RENT-HOUSES AND APARTMENTS IN all oartc of the city, or full lift, paitlculars. acd call on BARNES A PARISH, 157 I -a Salle or Branch otnee. s3 e. 47th cor, Grand blvd. Foalb Side.

TO B7VT-1I TH NEAR MfCHI 3 AN AV 17-roooi houe: would make a line clubhouse or first-class Hoaraing-nouse. c'ien. TO RENT a-ROOM BOND AV. V. HECKMAN.

La Salle at. TO RENT-FURNISHED HOUSE: ROOMS; South 8id: cheap. Apply 543 Rosalie ct. West Slsle. TO RENT STONE-FRONT.

S-BOOM HOUSE: laree. light rooms: good furnace: hath. Owner wil! board with tenant until Mar. Will not leaae for leas than on rear Kent. J3.

House Vli S. Western av. atoorbiaB. TO RENT MY HOME AT TvV.RRS PARK TVN-tl May hardwood finish vail mlern improvs- mer.ts: nicely fonliheo. is.

The inter ocean. TO REST FLATS. Sooth Bide. TO RENT FIX -ROOM FURXISHED FT. A ra prairie 1st door: sooth exposure- furnace: sas rang; Inquire Sd floor, or H.

G. YOUNG lTn i.a sane. Tel. Main. TO RENT SI.

v-ROOM FLA T. 270 WABAKH. H. n. YOUNG 179 I Salle st.

Tel S.2' West Sid. TO RENT BEAITIFTTL NEW MODERN SIX- room flat: ateam heat: all outside rooms: oa Humboldt one south of Logan square ter minus Metropnlltit 'tevated. See lanltor. TO FLATS. TO TtEN-T FURNISHED FLAT.


SEVERAL OFFICES. SINGLE AND EN SUITE. ROOM 215. TO RENT A FEW CHOICE OFFICES STILL TO rent, low to good tenants, at 22 La Salle nortu- v.est corner vi asnmgtoa. W.

HECKMAN. Agent, Thone Main 211. TO RENT CHOICE FURNISHED OFFICE. with use of telephone, vault, and reception-room. psr montn.

Apply room a. ia sane st 1U 1 UKMt K. 1th telephone and vault. $10; also desk room, $5, Borm 7 Ia Halle St. TO RENT OFFICE ROOMS, CHEAP, at room So.

25J) Darborn st. CALL TO REST MAKIFACPXQ PROPERTY. TO RENT DAT LIGHT FLOORS: 50X16e FEET (will divide), with heat, power, freight end pas ser ger elevators; ten minutes walk of court house Apply on promises. J. HARLET BRADLEY.

3 N. Desplalnes 'Phone Ex. I4S. TO RENT FOUB UPPER FlyOORS. 60XW: elevator, heat, power If wantsd.

COOK CHICK. zoa ivinxie. net ween ntateni s. TO RENT BANKING' ROOM, St LA SALLE 22x72; ample light. W.

HECK MAN. tt La Ballast FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. City. FOR SALE (-BOOM BRICK COTTAGE; ON monthly payments. T.

F. WHELER. 175 Dear born st. Main K2t57. Sooth wltfle.

FOR SALE HERE IS A PER CENT INVEST ment: whv. loan monev at I Three-fiat. 7-8 rooms, solid atone and brick, detached both sides, east front. 2 entrances. Alley and 43d $1,454 rental: price 811.MU..

M'MINN A EVER ETT. Hartford bldg. SALE ENGLEWOOD STONE-FRONT, i flats: monthly payments) or to rent. 7 rooms; $20 tUl Green st. T.

F. WHEELER. ITS Dearborn. FOR SALEli.Ot)0? 12 WOODLAWN FLATS; casn JJ.i; rents net per rent will pay balance leng time; easy. F.

H. Brtggs house. FOR SALE 5-ROOM FRAME COTTAGE AND lot niTM street U4I sua sc. 1. 00.

WHEELER, FOR SALE SO FEET FRONT ON DREXEL near southwest cor. of Mlb sc. Address 27, The FOR 8A LE PROPERTY WIS DEARBORN 5T. cheap. 23, The Inter Orson.

West Side. FOR SALE GREAT BARGAIN: 50X123 FEET: on 41st between I4th and 15th for only $700; $1,200. TeL M. 227. 8.

8CHALL- masji st izui, 134 Washington st. FOR SALE MY VERY COMPLETE ln-ROOM brick home, near Ashlaid blvd. and Harrison IU.500 for quick sale, four owa terms. Address Till Inter Ocean. Sobarham.

FOR SALE FOR HOlES AT PALOS PARK 1-acre lots on wooded hUs. plateaus. $300; $10 cosh, balance fare 13c Monson. A 14 ia Bane. FOR SALE OR EXC1ANGB 110X200 FT.

IN Highland Pork; will trade for Improved resilience or sen. catty Plug. Oak Fa k. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN OAK PARK PROPEH- ty. srastus Bipperty.

g. ai4. 105 Washington H. Farist rroperty. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FINE 20 ACRES full-bearing gran vlnetnrd.

with good residence. gro-n-ing Aun-na ety; elegant climate; no cold winters: good Investment; price. tt.0M. ft.ooa. I Dear- rKAii tLKYhbAsi iierner, room z.

1M I born st. TO EXCHANGE FIRST-CLASS FARM. CLEAR. aim acres, unaer nira gate or cultivation; price. per acre: want -clear Chicago income.

M'MINN A EVERETT Hartford FOR SALE ACRES GOOD LAND IN beautiful South western Michigan: only very easy terms or port tradt coasldered. Kichmon. I ia aiie. i Western Lands. DAKOTA LAND CHEAPER FOR CASH THAN eny other man can sell It; test me by writing for I Miller.

S. D. -Atrcs. FOR SALE ID' ACRKt. COR.

40TH AND AR-mltage best and-rheapest tract for Investment or subdivision seam, electric, and elevated facilities. DELAMATgR. 88 Washington sc. To Eirhaagt. TO EXCHANGE UGHT-FLAT, MODERN, clear, Oakenwald ari want bustnees property: will assume or pay.

jash. fM.OUO. M'MINN 4k EVEREfT. Hartfon bldg. TO EXCHANGE MfBERX FLAT BUILDINO for small farm In Ulliois, Indians, or Ohio, up to (I.soO.

S. SCHAILMA.SN 1204. 134 Washington st. i WASTED tEAL ESTATE. WANTED FROM fWNER, BEST PMAIL home or 2-flat bldir.

Woodlawn that $AW0 to will bur: mut Ir near I. C. or Alley No attention will be paid to answers from broken. 50. The Ocean WANTED FOR SPO-'CASH.

MODERN 1-FLAT bulld'ng near Mars hit Id av. and 12th at. 8. SCH ALLM ANN St CC, 12D4. 1J4 Washington St.

REAL. EST ATE LOA5I. LOANS ON IMPROVED tAL ESTATE IN Chicago at eurr-rnt pices. THS EOCiTAILE TRUST COHPA.VT, Jtarborn and Madison sta HART 4t FRANK. AND 4 WASHINGTON aL loans on Chicago tal ertate and building kmaa ir.ade at lowest rates Drat mortgages for sale.


tVOOa. Boom 8. lit Lake tl. UOlSElOLD GOODS. i FOR SALE FIVE- XM FLAT.

Argyle noor. uxt s. last jocason. IICAL l.STiiL.i:i:.T. iiss Insny'h it has a-grestrr capac.ty -And Is mare durahls lLcn Any Otlicr Piano.

S.ild cn easy terntr. rianos Tatta in ticncaje fsltele tone) A ways lor si le sit bargain GEO. r. BHT, Ctlesrooma: Wt Wnt-arh Ave. Fact ry and aa'rrrriom: 210 gton BEFORE STOCK WHICH.


VC-SE SONS PI ANO A IT AC ri HKKS, bar av. EXCELLENT BARGAINS IS UPKIGIiT PI- os: 1 Ar on upright $175 1 Schumann 1 Erlte upright 135 1 Fifhtr I ('bickering unrtsht 1 -i 1 Weber upright 2 I linnet Davis up. zJ 1 ATXaa upr.fuc. I Slc.nway Square pianos from to tSS. S'x opright pianos at $115 each.

Evtry Plann- fully guaranteed. Pianos t. rsrt: rnt allowed If purchased. KTK.1FR PIANO tliith cor. Jack son hlrd- BAl'ER PIANOS.

BAUER PIANOS rtautirul new styles In UPRI'lHTS and GRANDS. $140; Gabler upright. $I5: Kaiser upright. sir, Chlckerlng. In excellent anaoe.

And many others. On payments If desired JULIUS BAUER A ZU-ZX Waoabav. ADAM SCHAAF PIANOli ARK THE TJEfT IV tons and staying In workmanship and finish are perfect: warranted for ten years no fartcv frirea asked; terms to suit buyers. Established M7X ADAM SCHAAF. 147-141 W.

Madison cor. Unto-i rt. CLEARING BALE OF PEASE PIANOS. Purchmrere will find this a veritable eloslng-out re I- of pianos practically aa good i.a new at prices reg-rdlvee of profit. Sl-eclal linrcatt.s tn othsr flrt-class makes.

CLAYTON F. Sf'MMY Wabssh av. CLEARING SALE OF ALL PIANOS AND nsw and second-hand, this week. Pianos, in and up. Origin, $10 and op.

STRONG Jk LEIVKRT. KS Wabash 2d floor, representinr D. H. Baldw'n A Mfrs. GOOD 7 1-3 OCTAVE UPRIGHT.

ALSO Weft-nan. $14: HsIlM A Davis. Peate. 20: li others on easy terr-ssr rent. $3 and tl.

J. A. I-KYANT. 144 and 14 WaUaah. near Madlon.

2d floor. FISH Kit UPRIGHT PIANO. $1. ADAM SCHAAF, cor. W.

Madison and Union sta. VOSE Mc SKNS UPRIGHT PIANO. $1-5. ADAM SCHAA F. lt7-44 Madison sc.

UPRIGHT PIANOS TO RENT ON LOWEST terms, with privilege of applying one year's rent on purchase of an "EVER ETT" piano. THE JOHN CHURCH 200 Wabash ay WANTED WE BUY AND PAY CASH FOB second-hand pianos. ADAM SCHAAF. Comer W. Madison and Union sts.

EHONINGER. SCHAF.FFER. AND CHICKEK-Ing Bros, pianos are sold oncy by tha Tnoiupson Music 2( Wabash av. KHANICH A BACH UPRIGHT PIANO, $140. ADAM SCHAAF.

117-14 W. Madison St. SQUARE PIANt)S. $2) TO $45 EACH. ADAM SCHAAF.


cor. W. Madison and Union ktx. PEASE UPRIGHT PIANO. $S0.

ADAM SCHAAF. cor. W. Madison and Union sts. BCSISESS CBASCES.

WANTED RELIABLE PARTNER. CAPABLE handling largo sal ion. connection theater; big prolit; small Investment: must taka full charge; to open about Jan. White residence. 223 N.

Dearborn alter 7 p. call. ORIGINAL AND UP-TO-DATE BOOK LETS, pamphlets, and circulars are the money-making builQeas man's best allies; they are attractively and cheaply gotten up by the Western Ad-Literature 1(3 La Salle st. WANTED TO MEET RELIABLE BUSINESS man with $5,000 to extend established manufacturing business: references given and required. Address MANUFACTURER.

tUftt Ashland block. Chicago. WASTED PARTSERS. WANTED PARTNER A PRACTICAL wants partnsr; one Interested In the actenc-t preferred. Address t.

The Inter Ocean. LEGAL SOTICE. NOTICE OK BIDS FOR BONDS. The Commissioners ot Socorro County. New Mexico, will receive bids up to and Including the fifth day of February.

lsi. at ten o'clock a. for the sum of One Hundred and Sixty Thousand Dollars of ReXundias; Bonds of the said County of Socorro, which said bonds will be Issued by the Commissioners of said Socorro County for the purpose of One Hundred and Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars tn Funding Bonds of said County. Issued In the year 1SS4, and Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars of Currsnt Expense Bonds. Issued In IMS: the bonds to be Issued will bear Interest at the rate ot four pr cent per annum, and be redeemable after twenty years from date of Issue, and absolutely due and payable thirty years thereafter.

The right to reject any and all bids ls herein reserved, and bidders will be required to deposit with the Treasurer of Socorro County a certified check for the sum of One Thousand Dollars as a guaranty that the bonds will be taken ana the money paid If their bid is accepted, and to be forfjlted to said County In case they fall to curry ou! thler agreement. A. 8CHRY, Chairman Board of County Commissioners. Territory of New Mexico. County of Socorro I.

Abran Abeyta, Collector and ex -officio Treasurer within and for said county, do hereby certify that the outstanding indebtedness of said county on the first day of January. 1909. was ons hundred and fifty-eight thousand two hundred dollars of bonds redeemable, and twenty thousand dollars ot bonds not yet due. I further certify that the valuation of the taxable property of said county, as assessed for th year woe four million thrve hundred and twenty-one tnou-sand four hundred and twenty-three dollars ($4,221,423. Oil).

Given under my hand and official seal this fifth day of January. A. D. 1J0. ABRAN ABEYTA.

Treasurer and F.x-Ofndo Collector. CLOTUISG. GOVERNMENT SL'KPLUS GOOD IC.9G0 WOOL CAPS, direct from Navy Department, strltl all wool; cost government XS cents; for children, woman, or man exposed to the cold; nothn-c so warm or comfortable for three times the money; price ISc each. 0 U. S.

NAVY PEA JACKETS (OR OVETt-coats), finest dark navy blue waterproof cloth; double-breasteJ: wool lined, large collar: suitable for everybody a more serviceable or comfortable coat, with better aatufactton. cannot be had for double the money actual cost to government $12: price $7 each. p. S. ARMY CAVALRY AND INFANTRY OVEIt-coata, with long capes, from $1.95 up.

U. S. ARMY AND NAVY LEGO INS, heavy brown canvas; better than boots In snow; 5oc to 7ic p-tr pair. tT. S.

NAVY ALL-WOOL SOX: price 25c pair. U. 8. NAVY PONCHOS answers for rubber coat or hlankit tl. MILITARY TROPHIES FOR COZY CORNERS.


Nienaber and George J. Lans. under the firm name of Nienaber A Lans. also known as The Crown Pharmacy was dissolved on the Stn dsv of January, A. D.

llsiO. by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be received by the said B. J. Nleoabor.

B. J- Nienaber assumes and agrees to pay all debts and liabilities of sold firm, and the said H. J. Nienaber Is authorised to collect and setie all dsbts due to sold arm. B.


THlTlsKCXmTY'sA't ciko baa earned and paid every on of their depositors a net dividsnd of three (3 per cent every week for naarly seven years. Books are still open for nsw deposits. For additional information write or call room 17. 12 Dearborn st. BILLIARD ASD POOL TABLES.

FOR SALE SECONDHAND BILLIARD AND pool tables; we rent tablts. with privilege of The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co-. and 5 Wabash av. MACHINERY, ETC FOR A 1 1 TMOMOa ivn reliable make: fir -class repairing. SCHITBT-MAN HAYDEN.

138 8. Clinton sx. TeL ICS Mrttlsj DIIE9SMAKISG. CALL TODAY SPECIAL OFFER TO LEARN dressmaking and millinery; patterns. 60c verbal instruction free.

U'UOM ELL SCHOOL, State st. ELECTRIC FOlTsALT6----Al5lmCA7r batt-5ries: type N. C. No. 40 cmperes; 1 type ri-- atnpet-ie: very cheap.

STRONG A LEIMERT. 185 Wabash 2d floor. BOOKS. r. a i t- wr, oiAHUAitu hooks; bargains in reference- books; hooks and libraries purchased.

Antiquarian. -U Kaat Van Buren st PESSIOSS. PENSIONS AND WAR 23. lfj dolph rt. O.

B. BARBER Attya ItOOFISG. GRAVEL HOOFS" RKPA 1 IcEDPROM PTI city or country. Atlas Hooting Six W. Msdijja MEDICAL.

DR-'WetRROIJU OLDEST E9TAHMSHED SPECIALIST i IK CIHO.t'W, TRKaTT'! Diseases o'Hen I In need of extt-ert medical tre-ctment. go to a pbystclaa who Is skilled the ntaaawement of yonr ailment, one who bos mastered a aingle class of direasea. Carroll has had 23 years experience la hospitals and private i Specialty: Bljod. skin, nervro. and prtrate 41s.

eases. Including Mood poison tall s-taa-es)., swelMnea. dlrease a- I I'-der, kidnera, and orlnarv varicocele, hvdroeste. and all reneeeal diseases.

Acne, eczema pimples, enrea. Nervous debt I1 ly Inwt vigor, nnnatural discharges, drains, and all ores wasrinr dls from aeerlert or vinlattnn the 1-wa of h-aif "teHe and rrmaiiei-il nn4. guaranteed It sl cases accepted for creatr.w-T.t. Consuita-tlow free. Hooiw.

IS a. re. 7 m. fwrrars. I MS m.

If vow rannoe ealL writ. Address Dr. Wm. Car-rel SMr ie -n st. DISEASES OF' State Medical Ohse-mr.

T6 SU Near StaU. direaaes of mew. ss in. 1 r-vite er e. sttd "sobs rop-tihiintic te mstlon of W-dder e-irtttt).

arrvs.t. rnd ped'trent. vsrlco-cele nervou-nsss. of hrsrt. ru-b of hw-od to the hesd.

deeponder-ev. l-o-h I nervoos exhat--toi. rhvs-lesl deenv. eiirs.1 litis rlcv1 ilon "-t rapidly ellmlaated from s-j-stem. On r.

1 iim to a. m. te e--elnr: Snrd-v. is tn if A'rU- for a en.stiw tiet v-. k.

a st hwe a rrs" t'l. DR. RCsTrssr.VTE ST. NT UATIFt! nh-tinate or llr-etlne dlree-e are suf-fe-Hne wltk. consult Him Iv alwnit it fc-v ve i bes been the reltshl and trn-mriT-t-iv exnert la we e- oitinr excesse.

or vlolst'on of liw of Veeitb ----f-ts onlcs- rmslttve. e-d permanent cures dela-. eo lon--r but call or" hi, or ccnsc'ltatlon free. Htnrs. 9 to Su-dav.


Expert specialist cures under guarantee all dls. eases of men or women, skfn Mood, and srvwi dlso-d private sccommodatlons fo nat'ents In nero or oor rr-ecisl -nr. Free eonsultstton end crrespomlenc Mrlc-Uy. confidential. Hours t-C; l-2.

DR. MANitFTFI.D-S MONTHLY RFOUL.ATOR hi. a bnuaht hsnnlness to hurdrs-'s rt aex'cus women: have never had a rir! fsl'ure: lor.Tt csss relieved In two to five days wlhut fli: pain: dinger no Interference with work: ty ail or le'ters truthfuliv answered. The MansH-IJ Rymfly 1C7 Pea-brrrt t. r.

Cl-L PREVENTIVE. TIIE GRKATP" ANTIFfTIC and germicide known: cures air fftmals trcuhl-. no woman safe without It: send for booV "Woman. or call at our offices and consult c-nr Udv attendant free; arents wanted. RsnncJ Drug 157 1 Salle rt.

19a STATE SUITE VS AND CPP. FAIR. DR. MARGARET SIMMONS. Graduate of Northwestern university: rkillful treatment of all diseases of women; elegant private accommodations, with constant and perscnal super- hilon of the doctor.

'Phone. S51 Athland. DR. LOUISE HAGEN0r7. licensed physician: female new rc-ientiflc.

painless method: no operation: euol rc-sults; expert 2S years; private home. IS) E. Divl-sion near Wells. DR. EMMA HELL WIG, GRADUATE PHYSI-cian.

Berlin. Paris. 3S1 Wells, rorn-r Hill Ir-eeirularitles a specialty: Paris pairlesa. without operation or bad results; success guaranteed; prtvatehome: hours. 10 to 4 and to A.

BT.OD POISON PRIMARY. SECONDARY. OTi ertlar; no matter how long standlnr: perma-nenUv cured In to davs under absolute gutrantt-e; stricture, removed by electrtcltv in one tre-itment IIL Medl--ll TMspensary. 11H. 114 Dearborn VARICOCELE OR ENLARGED VEINS CURED In on treatment, without pain or detention from business: nervous successfully treated.

DR. J. H. GREER. al Dearborn Chl-cego.

MRS. CORNELIUS. W. VAN BUREN near Ashland ladies' private home: confinement; experienced physician: trained nurse; I n-fants adopted: 12 years' experience. Write or call ViRS.

HORTA FACSTMAN. SSI WELLS I -est care for ladles before and during confine-ment cases; terms reasonable: 1 year' ex perience. MRS. TANNE. 25.

WABASH AV. PR! hem for laoles before and during cotifl-x-wien -best, of care; skillful physicians: Infants adopted. CURE DR. SIMMONS. LADY PHYSICIAN.

WOMEN Diseases, obstetrics, confinements, etc. 810. Private hospital. 27S W. Adams st.


Milwankce. Wis. DR. THOMAS GRAHAM TREATS ALL Female troubles for $5. 114 Dearborn room I'D.

ISSTRl CTIOS. LEARN TELEGRAPHY WITH COMPANY IK corp-waied 1: capital. tSS tss); established 1VTS. U. E.

TELEGRAPH CO. AVashlr gton et. Apr-lv room TEACHERS. TUTORS. AND rfXVERXRSSF3 supplied schools, college, and homes free: cand'- dates wanted.

Interstate Teachers' Agency. 12 i asningtoa sc. cnH-csn. DAY AND NIGIIT SCHOOL ALL YEAR nights. $10.

Jones Bus. College. Washington st. (IVATCHBS. JEWELRY.

OLD GOLD. ETC. OLD OOLdIxD IlTv rT" RCI I A CtTi ATT quantity from dealers and others for spot private turtles can save dealers' profit selllnr their eld Jewelrv and other articles of gold or silver direct to us. THOS. J.

DEH A re3ner ot precious metals, 7 Washing-ton R. SPOT CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. OLD gold, and silver. BREDT A main once, room Ml. 103 State at.

Rednery. 87 Washington St. Diamonds and Jewerly valued and appraised. ATTORSET AT LAW, BANKRUPTCY PAYS YOUR DEBTS: OOM-petent attorney obtains discharge for $5); particulars free: no publicity; easy pay meals. Ad-dress 83.

The Inter Ocean. BANKRUPTCY RELEASES ALL DEBTS: total cost $50: all other law bualnass attended to. R. CARKOLI, 94 Washington. SEWISG MACHISES.

you can all kinds of maciifn-f from AKAM. 2 Adams Pullman wholesale yricee: new silver-plated Singer. $10; 812; new Wilson. $10. Examine before yoi buv.

RAILROAD TIME-TABLES. CMcatro Union Stanon. Bnnsylvania Lines. A flam Canal and Madison Sts. Trc-g bt Omega at SUttoa and st 24S Clark Strost.

aorner season, and at Aaditoriaia Bote! iBaoDoa Taaora atra as vouows kt Cximuii. Tr-taf Daily, Daily, exospt Suadax. Pbjom Comcaoo ro u-Ara axarrsj Mansfield and Pittsburg am 7:5 am Indianapolis and Louis am pin Deyton and Cincinnati. ana 5:1) pm The Keystone Express. ..10:30 am Columbua and th East ....10:30 am pm Halt I mors and Washington.

am 3-eo pm lHladelphla and New am 5 (V) pm Mansfield and Pittsburg pm pm Baltimore and Washington 3:00 pm 9:45 pm Philadelphia and New 3:00 pm 45 prm The I'ennsylvanla Limited pra am Pittsburg and Washington 6:33 pra 9:00 am Philadelphia and New York 5:30 pm am Indianapolis and 8:15 pm 7:15 am Dayton and Cincinnati 8:15 pm am Columbus snd the Eaat 8:15 pm ana Youngstowa and New :30 pm Pittsburg and the East pm am BURLINGTON ROUTE. TEL NO. SSJ1 MAIN Berths and tickets at No. 211 Clark and Union Psssenger station. Canal and Adams sta.

Trains Leave. Arrive. Local to Oalesbura- 8:30 am 10 pm Ottawa, Streator. and La Salle.t 8:10 am 8:10 pm Rorhelle. Rock ford.

Forreston.t 8:30 am 2:15 pra Local point In IIL and Iowa.ll:30 ara 2:15 pm Fort Madison and 1 pm 2:23 pm Denver. Utah. 1:30 pm, 8:1 pm All points In Texas 1:) pm 2:35 pm Galesburg and Qulncy 1:80 pm 1:3 pm Clinton. Mollne. Bock 1.0 pm 2:15 pm Ottawa and Streator 4 SO pm am Sterling, Rochelle.

4 pm tin ts am Omaha. C. Bluffs. pm 7:00 am Kansas City and St. Joseph.

...10:30 pm am St. Paul and -M pm 23 am Kansas City ar.d St. Joseph. am TrOO am Omaha, Lincoln. Denver "is pm 8:2 am Qulncy.

Keoknk. Ft. Madison. 10:3) pm am Salt lAke. Oed'n.

California. pra 8:24 am Deadwood. Hot Springs, S. D.1:S0 pra rOaro St. Paul and ..10:5 pra tlO IS pm Paily.

tDaily. ex. Sunday. tDally ex. Saturday.

WABASH RAILROAD DEPOT DEARBORN station. Polk and Dearbtrn sta Ticket offices, 97 Adams st. and I Michigan av. Telephone City office except Sunday), al. 11: depot H.

75S. Daily. tEx. Sunday Leave. Arrive.

St. Louis Vestibule am 4:55 pm Peoria and Sprinnfl-ld 2 30 pm pm St. Louis Limited am 7:20 am Peoria and Texas Limited 11:0.) am 4:55 pra Peoria and Texas Express pm 7:24 a in Forrest 4:35 pra am Mnntpelier 7:05 am 55 ara Detroit, N. Falls A New York. 3:15 pm 9 80 pm Detroit.

N. Falls A Boston pm 7:15 am Toronto, Montreal A Can. Ex. 1:15 pm 9-30 pro Continental Lira. N.

Bost.12:02 n'n 2:40 pm CHICAGO ANT) EASTERN ILLINOIS RA1L-road Ticket ofTlcs, 1SS Clark street. Audltoriuri Annex, and Dearborn station. Dearborn and Polk el-eels. Dolly. 4-Ex.

8onday. Leave. Arrive. Terr Haute and 8:00 sra pm St Elmo snd Marion am pm led. Mln.

Sp'gs and T. Haute. dtll05 am N. Orleans Florida 1:50 pra drl5 pm Chicago A Nashville 7:00 pm d-S- am Trre Haute and pra ant dDlnlng cars on these trains. MONON ROUTE DEPOT DEARBORN STA-tltn.

Ticket offices. 233 Clark sc. and principal hotels. Leave. Arrtva.

Irdtanapolls and 2:45 sra 12:00 n'n Lafayette and 8:30 out Sr6. pm It dlanapolla and 8:30 am SS5 pin It-dianapolis aod .11 am 8:4) pm Ipdianapolta and Cincinnati pm Lafayette pm am Lafayette and 8:30 pm am Indianapolis and 8:10 nm 7 am Dally. TEx. Sunday. ISuaday only.

A III! 11 RAILROAD TIME-TABLE. CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTER! RT -T Tiekrt offire. ml Clark sc. Express 721. Oakley av.

and Wells street stat.on." EfTectlve Jan t. IM. Leave. The Colorado uocll Blnffs. On ahs.

lwrer I 1r an 13 nm Omaha. BlulTa. Salt Lake. t-t pm 4:34 a. FranciM-o.

port- -n 7:4 t- l-ind. Maims, st I 10rS0 pm su Cedar Rarlds, Des Molnee rfim Dixon. SKrilng. C. Hai 7 s-m- pir: Blac Hills end Desdwood 10:31 nm 7-5 sir t.

PsuL 50 pm ljsrr Pu'ulh pm 7.M am Pant. Miaaeanolia, Madi- pnt pat ail I e-r-t am liz am Jj incna. 1 Cr-se. -C9 am r-4 pnt inona. I.a sad 1 I am t-i piw Western Minnesota pm t7- am Nili.I.)M aod tbe 0) pm Tvf- am "JouxClty pm am Fond du Lac, Oshkmh.

Nee- Hum ptn- nxh. Apr-letnn. Grern Bay. I til Warn u.n Oshk.T-sh. Appleton Jet pm Green B-y and Menominee 3 ttpn Aslilana.

Hruli y. Ilexetmr. l-Man I-onnood. and Rhinelander I rt pm a r- Oshkosh. Gr.

Menominee. a am pots M-rHr-t. and L. S-mperior pm 7 rtl am Kocarord and Freeport Lv. a.

a. tlO.J :32 p. p. rn. Belofl ard Lv.

13 a. a. a. tl i7 p. tl p.

m. Jin-sville Lv. p. p. "TO p.

"fl p. m. at lnankee Lv. rt e. ft a.

tT a. a. tn-3 a. p. 3 p.

5. P. p. m. Dally.

tEx. puoday. x. Sat. aDai.y to Menom.

kDally to -Green Biy. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE AND ST PAULRY Ticket sA Adsmstt. Tel Central. Uaioo Paje-n-rtati-m.

Canal. Adams end Madison sta a I--ave. Arrive Beloit 8:2 am S.S5 pr.i twaiwee st Paul Mplr 9 ra am pn- U-lSar Wsussti. Tomahawk, etc ro am pr-s 'tl and Wet.tll:S0 am -00 pr-i OZii telr 2 pm 1:45 pm 2yr nu'J I lPe WV l-no pm 8:4 pra waojt-e Portage 1 (v En pm pn xt ror1 "''o't pra im. P.

tin Chien A West.t So nm ItlA.m v. '0 pm I bp, "V- c-aaota-i tt pm Rorx'ord and B-I Mt i pra Blur-. wx pm -ul-Mpls Gsir'r7fi 8 25 art 9:85 an 9:35 ar.i, am 8:18 ata Th. rZZL ZZh 118:30 pm sra i onnrr Coun'rv L'm I Paul pm T- ant 7 am 1 am Ced.r Rail.K. 'ty nm Dakota.

1 10 -Z. pm O-nshv Bluffs. im-tz t. nTi iU ir- cssnver pm I trr Mon ISun. onl aw.

CMIt AGO. ROCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC RY. Van Buren. near Clark sc. Cite Trai-T xaams ana 1-eartKjrn ftc t- i.eave Arrlv i.7- tn IIW am Ill nots sj-d Davenport am Des Moiiej and Iowa UaU am 1 em i mn1 am Kxprees.

I am i pm br ft an, Hlrrr polls 4 -on edar iUnids Sioux pm leru Accommodation 5:30 urn Kan.Cltr.stJcephI.-v' worth. Atchlsoa. Colo. A Texas Exp. pm iTi Moires and Omaha pro Local to Davenport .00 pa Bib Five to Denver.C Spr-iTies.

Pub-i. via Omaha and I-ln-ccm. Comnosite library fcuf-fei car Dining-car service. pm Snl- tSt 1 4 :45 pr- 7:51 pt-i 2 re pt 2rsl :45 pn. p-r.

am 7:58 am an 9:53 ar. 4 :45 pnt 200 pra pm I 7:00 au 7:00 an Kan. City. St. Jo, Des 4 wio.mi:ji; pm Peoria and Davenport 11 pm ii i 1 1 1 "Dslly.

jKx. Son. tEx. Sat. Ex.

Mon am ILLINOIS CENTRA I ALL THROUGH TRAINS from Csp.trti! station. 12th st. and Park row. Trains rr the South (except fast mall) can also ba taks at JSth st. Hyde Park, and 6-'d at.

it-tiona Tickets at city office. 9 Adams and Auditorium hotel. Trains Leave. Arrive. N.

Orleant. Memphis 8:30 am 9:2) pm N. Orleans and -mollis Uro. 5: pm 11:25 ara Mcntlcello. and riertlur.

pm 11:2. am Sc. Loula Diamond Special 9:10 pm 7:15 am Ft. Louis Daylight Spscial Ml-H) am pm Srrlnrfield and Decatur MUM am Cairo day train 8:15 am 7:00 pm Springfield and Decatur 72 am Fast Mail Memphis Ploomingtan and Chats wort h.t pra Scutbern Express $:4 pm 7rO0 an G'lmin and Kankakee pm -00 an Rc-ckford. Dubuque.

Sioux City, and Sioux Falls Fast 8:80 pm am Roekford. Dubuque. Sioux Cy.a!l:4i pm :50 ara Rockford I'asrenffer 2:20 pm 10:00 am Rock ford. Dubuque, aod Lyle.tlO:)') am 7:2) pa and Freeport Ex :30 pm Dubuqua and Rockford Ex -Jn pra a On Saturday night runs to Dubuque only. 'Daily.

tEx. Sunday. illCIIIG AN CENTRAL. N. Y.

C. 11. A A. Nlacara Fi A H. R.

VD lacara Falls iioutc." Tlcift offices, 119 Adania St. and station, Utth ft. and larit l-ow, rui hi xan be, livuo rarg. bt. Km.

19. l-aa. Leave Arrive vtaH and Exprras 4 45 am t-aospm Grand laDida aod Muskegoa 4 7. IS am. 1 SO pus It New Tork and Boston bpc-dal sto.anara 8.00 pra HJOOn'a S.CVMa S.u) pm ASS pra crmna rapMis xircs aai Eascera Exprus Kalamazoo Acotoiniodaiion Grand I tarsals Ex'W-esa Dnrott Nltrht Exprcaa Atl-intle Aixpreas Saginaw and Bay City Sleeper pw S.u) pm 9.3S pra pm tU.aOpra ll.fOpm ril.W flOSI) an pa t.50sa 1 8.80 ata t.raisa iapsia r.x press 7.03 ara Mnslrra-on Pk-ener.

1II.S0 nra Bally. Ex. Sun.lar. lKx.SatcTd.y. i Ex.

Monday, XIXUytr.TIK IMILIIOAK. boc Michigan Central time table. CHICAGO AND ALTON UNION PASSENGER station. Canal si between Madison and Adams streets. Ticket office.

11 Adams street. Daily Ex. Sunday. Leave. Arrive.

Exrress 4 1 pm 1 -CO pra Kansas City. Denver Cal pm 45 ara Kansas City. Colorado Utah. pm 8:0 am St. Louis Day Local am 9: IS pm The Alton Lltr.i;ed St.

Louis. .11 am 4:30 pm St. Louis Palace Express pm 7:15 am St. Lnu'S Midnight Special 11 :30 pm 8:00 9m The Alton Limited for am 4:3 pm Peoria Fast Mail 4 pra 10 pra Peoria Night Express 11 Sfljin 7:15 am Joliet Express pm 745 pm Johet A Dwight pm 10:9 am ATCHISON. TOPKKA AND SANTE FE RT.

Trt'ni leave Dearborn station. Polk and Dear-born. Ticket effle. lf Adatca st. 'Phone 2027 Daily Ex.

Sunday. Leave. Arrive. GaiestHirg Ft. Madison 7:28 am pra K.

City. OklahomawTexaa 7:28 am Streator. Prkin. Monmouth 1:00 pm 412:53 pra Stre-itor Joliet 9:50 am I-emont. Lcckixirt A Joliet 4 5:08 pm 8:42 am K.

City. Utah. A- Txaa. :00 pm 9:30 am K. City.

California. A Mexico. pm pm Th California Limited leave Tuesdays. Wednesdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays 8 p.


A A. Rys. Station. a Buren street and Pacific avenue ton elevated loop). and 22d street.

City ticket office. lf0 Clark street. No. Datlv. tEx.

Bun. Leave. Arrive. No. Day Express pra 7 Limited Fast Mail 8:30 am 7:50 am 2 10 N.

Y. ft Bos. Special. am 2:00 pm 1i 14 Eastern Express 3:00 pm 9 -co pm 21 23 Lake Shore Limited 5:30 pm 4:30 pm 1 17 Elkhart Accom 5:43 pm am 175 28 N. Y.

K- Bos. 9:0 pm 7:10 am 37 S3 Fast Mat! 2:00 am WISCONSIN CENTRAL RT. CO. CITY OP. flee.

2S0 Clark st. 'Phone Harrison 357. Depot. st. and Park row.

'Daily. tEx. Sunday. St. Paul.

Minneapolis. Osh- Leave. Arrivj. kosh. Eau Claire.

Ashland, 9:45 am Ironwood. ft Pacific coast. :15 pm 11:3 pm DiUuth and Superiors :15 pra 9:45 an. aukssha. Fond du Lie.

am I -in pro Oshkosh. Nenah I pm Chippewa Fa lis Eau am pm Waukesha IrMcn 9:49 am CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RY. MAPI. IS I-af Route lirand Central station, tth av. and Harrison at.

Oifice, KiAJlnuiL 'Phone 23S0 Daily. Ex. Sunday. Leave. Arrive.

Minneapolis. SL Paul. Du- 8:45 am tli lipm bunoe. K. C.

St. Jorcrh. 31 pra 9- pra D. Moines. Marshalltown.

pm pm Brcamore and Byrcn Local pm 10:25 aat NICKEIj-PLATE THE NEW YORK. CHICAGO and St. Louis R. R. Depot.

Van Buren near Clark st on th loop. All trains dally. Leave. Arrive. N3W Tork and Boston am 9:15 pm New York Express 2:55 pm 4:4 prt New York aod Boston 10:15 pra 7:20 ara City Ucket office.

No. Ill Adams stL and Audl-toriura Annex. 'Phone Central 2-i57. ERIE LINES tCHICAGO AND ERIE RAIL-road) Ticket office. 242 Clark Auditorium hotel, and Dearborn station.

'Phone Main SS5. Dally tEx. Sunday. Leave. Arrive.

Marion Local pm pm New York and Borton pra Srse pm Rcehester pm am Njw York and .:6 pin 7 ra Cclumbus and Norfolk 9:20 pm st-i BIG FOUR ROUTE DEI-OTS 12TH ST. A.Vli Perk 2id S9th. and 3d sts. Ticket of- -i. -s iki-b: sru.

ana auaiianum no-re I. Dally. 'Ex. Sunday. Leave.

Arriva Ir.dianapolls and ara pm lafayette and Ixuisville Cincinnati and cm 9.3A pra Lafayette and Louisville pm 7:15 pnt Indianapolis and 8:33 pm 7:13 am BALTIMORE AND OHIO DEPOT, GRAND Central paaaengsr station: ticket office, 244 Clark street, and Auditorium. Ko extra far on lirelte-l tains. Tt-oii-o Dally. Leave. Arriva.

N. Y. atd ash. vest, limited 10:20 am pra Wash. Pit is.

vest 1:30 pra ara Columbus and Wheeling 7:00 pnt 7:30 am Cleveland and Pittsburg exp pm 7-S am LAKE STEAMERS. GOODRIf LINE STEAMERS FOR MILWAtT kee and p- m. daily. Fare. Ticket otWce and docks, foot Michigan sv.


Shortest and most convenient route to T-widfna Excellent connection-! to Paris. PHlL.ADELPHIA-UEEN--rrOWN-UVERPOOL Sailing every Saturday. RED STAR LINE. VTrn vodv n-i-T, vi-t-t s-r, ftalllng every Wednesday at noon. INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY.

i rirnnrm. emr mi. I ua -faiie st. R9 CURE CO PAY DR.KEHN The Baalnent Special Pkyalda Estanlisaied IS6-. IS? SOU! LA.K.


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