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Chase County Leader from Cottonwood Falls, Kansas • 6

Cottonwood Falls, Kansas
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ONE OF BEST KICKERS IN MISSOURI VALLEY KANSAS HAFPEK1NGS I Chest Pains! CANADA'S IMMENSE WHEAT FIELDS THE ATTRACTION FOR THREE TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILWAYS. Last August there visited the Cana For 'the Hostess the rakes are cold line a charlotte mold with them and fill the center with tills custard. Tare, core and W- six tort apples, stew In a cup of water; when soft, rub through a colander and reheat. Stir in the well-beaten yolks of two eggs, sweeten to taste and cool. Whip to a froth the whites of the egjja mixed with one tablespoon of sugar and mix In tho apple sauce, rile this in the center of the charlotte mold and top with whipped cream.

U' xv TOASTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. Iforo'a to tho Joy nf iny. 8un kifti hthI wllh Hnvor. Vwion tif youth mi'l Th- of lilt) nil over. Oo hrvfjihe It in tht vtr.

Hpt' to tli hr-nrt that's nhvnvn tru, To pyi-i of hlii' or vrn of Min old or fi n-w To the ono loves, bo It me or you. I Iff wfv foiim! It. Av.A finlirkffi ninnnd It, Willi Us tniiny 1iumJ blUa, tiri'-fd tln-y in HtuHi ovwr, rov-r, Turn! them to Joys with a klfinl Of nil who dmiht find fear. And Ray to them "Ho of 150ml IoiiKfotluW. Thrn romp tin Wf-nttuT, Com sit it or ciini" nw.

V. wtll ntl'k by v.irh other. However blow. Ijoniifllow. To the housewife May her coffee and the slanders against her alike ever bo without ground a.

A Musical Contest. Perhnps this will answer the correspondent who requested pumn suitable for a niuslrnl hib. 1 found It In magazine and gladly pass it on: Onrp on a a lovpr huld Tk nwel1itnrt's ps-wyi'd to And whtHpt-r In her tr. "Vou hmi the to my hMirt, mjf The hnrt lord nnd fast l'or fer thin would nut Inst, Thin pretty ntiild whs mn-n nfrnl.l Whcm-Vr Iht beau would iu end shrewd whs her pfipi, lo srented roninntt from nfnr, On Ji1ht her pn rnm with a Fo tariff It mndn tin neighbor IniiKh. And when li knorkfd her lover The maiden shrieked.

"Oh, you thnt! I pray you Riant njo othi request. Then In a convent I ahull ua a short for snnm toknn. And the tmler ahull Boon be bro Tint up he sent her to her room. And left the lover to hln doom. Then around her waist stie a And noon demanded to her lord.

Next (Ihv they fumf her pa 11 "We're married." This was all she wrote. Key Time. hold, softly, key, beat, rhnp-ody. serenade, slmrp, staff, Hut, atop, rest, spaou, tlo. tied, i-hoid, note.

Apple and Nut Charlotte. Make this In a largo dish or In Individual molds: Klnnch olglit ounces of either hickory or walnut meats; dry for a day, then pound or break very fine. Heat the. whites of three kks to a stiff froth, add a pound of pulverized miar. stir in tho nuts and two tablespoons of orange flower water.

Heat until well mixed, then 1rop in strips on buttered paper and take in a slow oven. After this paste la set hut still soft, stick nut meats along the top of strips. When and Sprains Sloan's Liniment is an excellent remedy for chest and throat affections. It quickly relieves congestion and inflammation. A few drops in water used as a gargle, is antiseptic and healing, Here's Proof I have ed Slmm't Liniment for years ami can testify to lis wntvlerful eftK icm y.

1 h.ive tit-(i i( ftirir ihrnjt, croup, Lime biii.k ami rheumatism and in every casv it gave instant relief." REUKCCA AN ISAACS, Lucy, Kentucky. SLOAMS LINIMENT is excellent for sprains and bruises. It stops the pain at once and reduces swelling very quickly. Sold by all dealers. Price, $1.00 Robin Hood for Mine- To be assured of the best shooting results that science has made passible, nsk your dealer for Itobin Hood the scientific ammunition.

Ml AMMUNITION Nol MadebyaTrusf excels In speed, accuracy and penetration, because of the progressive combustion" feature of our smokeless powders. All the force of the powder is used to propel tho shot the explosion is forward, not backward. The more progressive dealers sell XI. II. If yours is not supplied write us.

S'nd for our catalogue today. HODIN HOOD AMMUNITION' CO. fith Sw-Hotun, Vt. METALLIC HEELS AMD COUNTERS Furnith Shoe Insurance to Miner, Quarry men. Farmers and All Men Who, Do Roujh Work Stirtei fitted with meullii: heeli la it twtrt ai lon(( tii)ir'tci trii tliDfi.

litltii witli lliesa her la ou ti iy aitnea ready yotir colibler can quukly in them the nhora you re now wearing. Kimef lluri If your drU-j ittu't tupf, UcJ, writ ua Vum inquiry b(iiK booklet. UN mi) SHOE MACHINERY CO. BOSTON, MASS.

The Army of Constipation It Crowing Smulleir F.very Day, CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS not only give relief they per ma A Carters KITTLE i L'llVER 1 pills. if nenllyt-tuvCoB' tipatiun. Mi! lions use them for fjr lodigcitioo, Olck HetiUcbt, 5llow Skm. SMALL IMI.I, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICB Genuine must bear Signature 1 5 7' ''jj I 'ij Horse i if Addrert i'TV ar' Sloan 4i Believes in Flying. Although In Die flying only two months and having ben the victim of six aeroplane, fnllrf.

Arch Wood-lief of Ottawa is aitm hed to the sport and is going to follow It again next season. Woodlief (b the young pupil of M. JienolHt, who has had a class at St. Louis, Woodlief is visiting tho home of his father, and Is nursfiiR a broken bone In his left foot, received In a full at Chlllicothe, Mo. Woodlief was a conductor on the K-e before learning to fly.

lie will go bark to the rails for the winter, but he will fly again next year, She Sues To Be a Lawyer. Miss Anna Parreit. of Topka and Fayettevtile, has brought a suit against the board of law examiners of Arkansas to compel that body to let her take the bar examination. An kansas is behind Kansas in that it has no women lawyers and lis ollicial bodies frown upon the activities of women In professional and public, life. Hut Miss I'arrett is a lawyer and proposes to practice in her na'ive state.

Pellagra Alarms lola, It has been decided by Iota physicians to urge i)r. S. J. Crunibine, secretary of the state board of health, to visit lola at once to assist in the strHy of the cases of pellagra under the care of local doctors. Two persons have died with the malady and two more have been stricken.

One patient lias been sent to the hospital and the other, a woman, is beinpf cared for at her home. Remarry After 27 years. After a separation of 21 years, Ira Brown was married to his former wife at Seneca, ho having satisfied her during that period of probation that he had overcome personal habits to wbich she took exception when they seperated, and that since then ho has led an exemplary life with a view to becoming her husband again. Will Check Babies. Arrangements are being made In connection with tho Immense tabernacle now being built for the "Hilly" Sunday meeting, at Wichita, to install a nursery to be used in caring for babies duritiK th time Mr, Sunday Is talking.

An announcement that Mr. Sunday cannot or will not talk against crying babies has caused this step. Early Day Editor Dead. West K. Wilkinson, who c-nmo to Kansas In 1870 and for 2l years was editor of the Seneca Courier, died at bis home in Seneca, of typhoid fever, Mr.

Wilkinson was tt widely known nowspnper man In the tarly daya and was a contemporary of Sol Miller and John Martin. Dodged a Car, Hit Women. In attempting to dodge a street car, J. H. Smith, formerly of Kansas City, made a vhurp turn of his motor car, at Pittsburg Kansas, hist control of the machine and It plunged Into a crowd of people walling for the car, slightly Injuring two women.

Mowing Machine Hits Child. Etuuiet, the ir-year-ohl son of Mr. and Mrs. I'. A.

Connelly, living near Wichita, lost his left hg when he crawled IhnwigU a kaillr corn lidd and got In the way of a mowing machine the clillds fatln-r was driving. Two More Bankers Paroled. The "bankers colony" at the federal prison at Leavenworth lost tfo more of lis "stars" when Hairy I'hner of Chicago, and E. X. liexter of Fort Wayne left the prison on parole.

Farmers Identify a Negro. Thirty fanners tiliunt Hahetha have hhTllltli'd the pli lure of a nero held In Kuhh.ih City ux Hint of Oavld Wood, wanted for tin murder of I'eutirri Casey, a lonely t'nrmer, three years uko. The neuro was arrested there fur attempting to pawn a stolen Watch. The Kansas City pollre sent his photograph to C. II.

Andrews, sheriff of Nemaha county. Celebrate Golden Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. A.

(I. Conwell eel-htated their golden wedding auuivers-isary at their home lu Oneida. Their seven children, with sons and daught- cts-Iii Iuw anil giuntl children, wero all present. Many of the friends and lieleliliors were Invlled for the oo- caalou. Business Man Drops Dead.

J. H. Mi'Cauley, former secretary of the Wichita board of trade, dropped dead of a heart affliction nl his homo In Miilvane. lie recently retired from (he grain business lu Wichita to engage In the niercan'llo business at Mulvaue, Rifled Purses In Mall Boxes. Seventy seven filled purses and pocket buoUs weru loiuid during cam Ival week by the postmen of Wichita They had been dropped Into mail boxes, as the robbers did hot care to tnko chances on pelting caught, with tho goods on.

No Fratornaties. The temporary Injunction against the KmporU bird of education, brought by tho members of high school sierel oiganl.utlons, has been revulit'd by Juduo Mecsel. dian west the vice-president of tho largest Individual hardware company in the United States. As his firm huvo turnover of millions, and deals ex tensively with farm Implements, this man took a deep Interest In crop conditions In Canada, and on his return he embodied his findliiRS In an article for the Hardware Reporter. This article should be of special interest to farmers.

The writer speaks of the Importance of the spring wheat crop of Western Canada. He might also have spoken of the Importance of the oat crop and also of the winter wheat crop, as well as barley. Winter wheat during the past few years has been a ureat suc cess, and experiments have shown that it can bo grown with success In almost any portion of the three provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. But apart from this, the spring wheat crop is the one generally grown, and all who know anything of grain, anyone who has had anything to do with markets, knows or has heard of the high character of this cereal and the splendid yields that are annually produced. Reproducing from this article: "In a land of such great sweep, and of such difference in soil and climate, there are many resources, but none are at present of the same overw helming Importance as the spring wheat crop.

In the Interminable pri.lrle stretches of tho northwest provinces It Is the one absorbing topic of Interest and of conversation during Its growing and its harvesting, for upon Its success or failure hangs the weal or woe of a large part of the Dominion. Its Influence extends' far down Into the United States, drawing thousands of farmers northwards with the lure of cheap lands, but likewise beyond the great lakes, even to the easy going marltlmo provinces, calling the flower of their young men to its opportunities. Development In these prairie provinces goes on at high pres sure for everything; hangs on the out come of spring wheat. Success has emboldened the raisers of this one all-important crop, and each year there Is further Incursion Into those northern fields that only a short time ago were regarded as Arctic wastes. The Canadian Northwest seems to be one of those modern agricultural examples set forth to drive the final nail in the coffin of that ancient Multbuslan delusion that population tends to outrun the means of subsistence, since the only fear now among Canadian economists Is as to the danger of overstocking the wheat market.

Only about two and one-half per cent of possible amble lauds In the northwest provinces Is now under cultivation, and this year the crop promises to be close to 200,000,000 bushels, so that your Imagination and your arithmetic can easily supply the answer as to the possible or even probable outcome." During the months of July and Au gust the weather was unfavourable and tho production of a 200 million yield of wheat will not likely be realized, but even with this, the threshing reports coming to hand show that the crop will be a splendidly paying one. Literary Criticism. They were discussing a certain au thoress nt dinner, and a well known critic rahsed a laugh by remarking: 'Well, her hair's red, even If her books are not," Tho mild young man In the corner made a mental note of the stilly tor future use, and at another party shortly afterward he carefully guided the con versation into literary channels, Tit-Hits Informs its readers. Portuuutely, some ono mentioned tho desired name, uul he triumphantly cried out: "Well, -he's got red hair, even if her books haven't!" More English Humor, The first nlfcbt Waller Kelly, known to vaudeville as the "Virginia Judge." walked up the Strand he complained to his Kngllsh companion that thu fa mous street in London was dark at nine o'clock. said he, "at this hotir Broadway Is as bright as day.

There is ono alone, 'The Chariot lu which there aro electric lights." "Hut I say. old top," said bis Lngllsh friend, oils?" Important to Mothorn Kxamine euiefully very bottle of f'AiSTOHIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Rears tho Signature of In Use For Over 30 Vents, Children Crv fur Hetcher's Custoriti Nearer. "I see where some folks are going to the ocean to get gold from water." "The ocean? Why so far? Why not go to Wall street?" Tlmuffin'U of count rv people knowr th vfiliio of Ihnnliri Wiiiid til. th.t bot fumilv in ciixe of ncculcnt. or iliuc, 1-or the sutVtyt of your fiuinly buy a bottle now.

lie thnt dmh a bane thing In zeal for hie frienda burn the told-n thread that tiea tlifir hearts together. Jeremy Taylor. lr. lVrott'n I'll; na nt lYilrU first put tip 40 mint ftyTo. 1 nuttiie nud invm-uiutt slotiuK-li.

liver and In.weU. hual-coated uny grumiif. It gomeilmett happens thnt man who never even bhw an alrahlp tiles Just a nigh and fulls Jubt as bard. Pretty Costumes State Abbreviations. Tho answers to these questions are all abbreviations of the Btates In the Union, Whlr-h of tho stages would he the moit sen worthy? Which of tho states Is tho best for th miners? Which of the states Is on good as a mile? Whirh of the state do we far the most Whirh stnte does the InvalJr wend for? Whirh stato Is tho head of the, family? Whirh state Is worth tho Wast? Whlr-h state a munl'-itl tone? Whl'-h do we think the most of? Whirh state do tho Chinamen flo to? Whirh I the relltrlous? Ore Pa; O.

Mass. MA HA MHHRI. Tho Orcek line la the dominant coiffure Idea. llpavy bs well as light laces art fanhlonuhle. Suit coats nre finger tip length or shorter.

The use of nntlijue fringes Is a new Illume, of fringe fashions. Complexion veils of white or tinted mallne, wllh or without chenille dots, are worn. The deep collar, either Square or pointed. Is still worn. It In niunr cases reaches to tho walut line at the hark.

The full explanation of the continuance of tho narrow skirt is that, with the continuation df the oriental Idea and the development of design taken from tho dress of the Moslem countries, it must remain. Whlta Crochat Buttons. Bmall and largo buttons mads of white cotton thread coarsely cror.het-ed are now In first fashion. TUey are placed on hlouses, on one-pluce frocks, on top wraps, In every slzo. They are used on blouses instead of pearl buttons, and on white linen skirts.

pin t. The eoat Is semi fitting and wrapped seams continuing the lino of panel; the rovers are faced with Un white cloth; Ovo cuffs tire to match tho collar, and straps on cults are of black satin. Dray Tagel hat, trimmed with rllfbon to match the costume. Afleruoou IhesH. Orchid mauve silk crupoHiui Is used here; the- bSgh-waisted fcklrt baa a wide fold laid on at lower part, It is trimmed with narrow straits of black satin, each Unlshed by a button.

Tho bodice in on the Hues of a bolero out Magyar; the yoke and undo! sleeves aro of piece luce; and the front Is cut out lu a square through which laco Is lilso seen; small satin straps and buttons form trimming; the sash la of satin ribbon wit tubselwj emift. on the University of Missouri Tea. Too many coaches at Princeton? "Chick" Evans continues to golf It. Ho whom a paragraph offends is Indeed of tender skin. While the other coaches were shouting Stagg was thinking.

When the frost Is on tho pumpkin It Is also on the famous game of baseball. Occasionally a football coach varies the monotony by displaying a gleatu of optimism, Eootball promises to kill more In its few short weeks than baseball did all summer long. Evidently Pennsylvania docs uot b-ilevo In shutting out her football rivals this year. Death has begun garnering bis 1011 crop of football players. No country can afford this kind of waste.

Even more excruciatingly funny than tho review of football is an Engl Minimi's review of baseball practice. When bowling, semi pro ball, football and a few others all come at once, what chance Is there for wrestling? "Doc" Holler says the outlook for this year In tho mat game Is better than ever. Ho docs no claim to be an optimist. One would have to go a lot further than eight Judges to find a dissenting voice In the matter of Cobb's supremacy In the American league. A great critic comes out with the announcement that Stagg Is coaching his team so that tt can score on opponents.

First time In the history of the game. Crsinus Is making a holler that a referee's mistake cost them the Pennsylvania game. The little college with only 200 students defeated the Hed and Lllue last year. Coach Hammett Is said to be contemplating the use of lights at Northwestern. If was thought Hammett was troubled with too many lights and wanted few heavies.

GOPHER TRICKSARE STUDIED Stringer Brooks of Yale Football Team In Minneapolis Conferring With Coach Williams. Stringer Hrooks. assistant coach of Yale university's foot null squad, was In Minneapolis recently the guest of Coach Harry L. Williams of the Mln nesola eleven. Hrooks two years ago distinguished himself among the Vale players ut left end.

He arrived In Mln neapolta to study Minnesota forma tions, and will carry them to the lUue squad on his return to the east Captain Hackney, One of the Veterans BADGER'S "COME BACK" STAR "Keckle" Moll, After Rest of Year, Resumes Position at Quarterback Better Than Ever. One of the sensations at Madison this season was the return to the game of "Keckle" Moll at quarterback. The little fellow's rest of a year Booms to have been a great benelit to him. He has come nnck with a determination and willingness to work that has indicated a conception of that WO if1 1 "Keckle" Moll. about which so much is heard "tho true Wisconsin spirit," He has lost none of blH old time accuracy in passion and buotlni; while his endurance la better than It has been since the days of his freHhman year.

DEED FOR ANDERSON TROPHY Bowl It Formally Presented to Amer. lean Automobile Association for Use In Olidden Tour. A deed of gift formally presenting the Andeison trophy bowl to Die American Automobile association t) be used as a prUe iu the CllUtdeii tour, was executed at Anderson, 8. the other day, and the bowl was forwarded to lloluu't II. Cooper, president of the association.

It Is provided in the deed 'of girt that the winner of the trophy, which Is to be awarded for Individual excellency, shall furnUU a bond of to guarantee the care of the trophy during the time It may be in hta possession, and until It may be awarded after the tour of the following year. The trophy bowl was designed by a ipLlu jeweler, and cost I 1 I r. i-a A i' i 1 i CO HI I'M K. Molo-i colored velveteen makes a most attractive costume in this ntylo. 1 no imwil una a hcuiii in upper lurt of center the hliaped added idece at lower part being laid under of upper part.

Tho coat Is cut to carry out the lines of tho skirt; has a large collar and deep turn-up cuffs; a fold of slik Is laid Inside upenlng of front and also eilg the top ruff a. Mole colored stretched satin fiat, trimmed with gray luh pink Ctoib Costume. Quite a simple costume thiu in judo green face cloth; the jsanel at front of fcklrt terminates aev-vral lushes above the foot, it Is laid on with a wtll wrnpped seaui, also Is the npi1 ptirt over iixtt added lor.

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