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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 5

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CLOSING ITS BOOKS Atlas National Bank Begins to LOMBARD IS THE TRUSTEE Clearing-House Chocks Take the Place of Cash. AJl LotMl, if Any Thar Are. Will Bo Porn by Stockholders of tho Institution. The work of IVaaldnttng the affair of ths Atlas Natloaal Bank eoajanesced with Lbe opening of the deer of that laatltalloa yes terday mors tag. OMtfUf 8m step taken ta thU direction vi the sppolatmest by Jolat action of ta Oearlag-dfousw Ass-oeUtlo aad the directors the Alias National of Isaac O.

Lombard preside at of to Cleerteg-nour Associativa aa trustee of la aaaet of ta bank. W. Oehlcy. formerly of th 1'aioa National Beak. wtll bo the active atiifer for Mr.

Lombard. Notice bar ba aoat oat requesting person having balasee la lb baak to elos their accounts speedily Duxiag tao day eevernl ibousasd doIUrs vara paid oat la tao form of clearing-boa check. No actual cash haa yet been paid oat over tao counter, aa It la dalr4 to flnt clean mp tbo work incident to tao shifting of accounts from one baak to soother. Customer whe wished to withdraw their depoetts for th purpo of transferring than, to aomo other baak were Instructed to check against Uo Atlae National, and collection would aaad taroach tbo cleartas-aooao, Tblaplaa mitlf facilitated business, bock for tke hik and natron. Tbero was bo omaiotloa or diet urbane of aar klcd la fl asocial circle.

Bnslaeaeat all the otter banka weat oa aa usual, aad ther wero ao e-urtse lodieatloa that anytblns oat of the ordinary had happened. No heaTy man da by depoaltor wero reported from any quarter, aad bin era wero confident taat ao serious results would1 follow the Atlas Incident. Tao liquidation of that baak at the tmnt time waa quit a era loosea upoa aa tbo wlaewt ate that could bo takea. There had bee a a heavy drain oa tke deposits of the concern for some time, aad by dollar the work of settllnc uo affair ess be facilitated and the loos la that way reduced lo a mlal- nan. The" itOS.QOd welch tho associated bank hare aareed to adTane to the Atlas.

for th parposo of closing op Its affair la equivalent to about 1 per cent cf their com bined eaoitai and surphJ. Each baak aareed to una that percentage of th burden. This amount, although a comparatively small on to each Institution. Beverthelera. as a whole.

Is sufficient to meet all claims, dollar for dollar. The Diane Hawlaara laatltatlea. There wss a rood deal of speculation on the street yesterday aa to th effect the Atlas National situation would bar oa th Dim Bank. Th two institutions were supposed to hav sustained very clos? relations. The directors of both banks are practically (be tare- W.

D. Granols. il ium hi. Nortwlck. R.

Clowry. and C. B. Fsrwe.l cf the Atlas National are all lacioded la the list of the Dim Saving Dash's boarl of directors, although la connection may be stated taat Mr. Far-veil denlta that be baa ever taken any part la the management of tb latter concern.

He aay that he was elected a director af th D-me Savings Back at a lime when be was oat of th city aad without his kaon-le'se cr content, and that he sever sisimed aay cf th re tponsibllltles cob aecl td with the position. lie even went so far to hand la hi resignation, bat claims that the board refused to tak any action oa It. Although the bank was the subject of a good deal of gssip. no great amount of alarm seemed to hav been occasioned among lb depositors. Quite a number of pecpl called at th bask daring the day.

bu: aothleg la the nature of a "roa" dtveloped. All casta-rer were Is formed that the bash wao.d continue to take advaa'-ag cf that clause la fis charter which gave It i he right to demand ninety day' aotlct cf aa Intention to withdraw depcalta, aad th officials tcifc pains to make It clear to all those a ho wished lo lucre se their bal serf, ef whom there wer quit. Bomber, lLat tBvir aepcaitB woaid mac subject tkia rale thai tf they expected to as thelf money ulthla lb next thre months they would da well to use It elsewhere. At oa time It was reported th bank had sus pended payment, but this was la all prob- Hit to th fact that th bask was ad her lag to th slcety-day rule. A secret meet lag of th directors of th Dim Savlagt Baak aed tbelr attorney was held late yesterday a ft em oca.

Not all of tie directors wer prevent, but tho who hav beea most active la tho massgesaent of the caak were, with th exception of William Nortwlck cf Batavla. 'The greatest secrecy regarding the prawedisgs waa maintained. There la good authority, however, for the statement that tho State Aadltor of Public Aceeuata. or on or his representatives, will arrive today from Springfield for the purpose or conducting aa lavesttratloa. There Is nothing particularly significant la this, for ibo reason taat in banks are aubject to aa examination of this kiad at aay time.

The last official statraseat mad by the baak bowed Its eoadttlaa at th conrmencemcat of ouslaes oa Nor. Zl. Sloe that tlaso the improvement la the general situation has beea euca aa would mass It fair to aisum that a statement at th present Um would mak- a Brack better snowing. taat Oaaetal Ilslenesl. The official report Bade to the Auditor of Public Accounts em Nov.

23 was aa follows: RESOURCES. Loaas aad diseoaat yn 14 Other beads aad stacks ay 3M.7S Ckecha aad other cask Items 74 J3 tf9 frwas tker baaka. U.T3X Cask head. 4.12.e raraHar aad fxlarea l.t7Vl Other real exat JM il CaJcage safety vsalts fUM-M LIABILITIEA. CapMal stork paid la L'a4ield hfiMu 1.SM.31 SavUgs depoetta, subject to KM.rtL2g Tke Dime Savlaga Back had a balance to Us red it la th Atlas National amounting to I29.08.

aad. af course, will able to recover th total sum. Included la I ta assets wereLLi aharea of tao AUae National Baak. Tho Dime SaTlaga Baak la one of th smallest savings Institution ta th elty. It capital stock la llM.Sas).

aad It has aa undivided profit ae-euat of ILaSd. It has only about savings accounta. moo of which ar large, ft aggregat amoaatlng. as.wlU seen from th abOToauumeat. to lets than Th bank eats a very small flg-ur la ta flaaaelal world.

It has. however, always IU own remarkably wall, having occesafally passed th rough thre serious flaaaelal crises sine it rgaauatloa ta IMS. aad always having palj all claims again at It, dollar for dolr. Llaal4ltiaa XFmm r.wmmim Th announcement that tb AtTaa Natloaal would go tat liajuidatioa cansed ao surprise la banking clrclea. Oa th contrary, there was expressed ta seta quarters a feeling of relief.

Tb Atlas ha avr ranked among the troag baaka of th city. Although lta actual solvescy has asver beea aeriooaly questioned, th coeecra baa sever seemed abla to make mock headway la th basis Is which It waa engaged, aad at tlaae wlthla th last few years has beea regarded aa aomthlsgf a xueaae to tbs situation. It bad Barrow escip la ISiX aad waa saved from auspenaloa at that tiave ealy by reasoa of timely assistance rsderdby th other baaka. it bad capital stock of rros.SOo. sad.

allhough organized la May. 1M. or more thaa tea years ago. bad beea abt to accuraalat a aarploa aad sadlvlded prodt accouat of only SUS.aU. W.

D. Oraaaia organised th baak. aad baa bs lta presldeat ever alnc. Bat la th last tew years poor health baa prevented TUB- DAttT IBTEB, OCEAN, TUESDAY MOBNlim, DECEMBER 20, 1800. sal gurtag a larg pcrtlos of tbo ttm th sctlrs maaagemeat affairs has nece tartly falUs spos hs Shotalders of aalaor offlclaU.

Pablle suspleloa was flrst dlrecUd toward tho Atlas Nstlouat bbest tea days are. whea It was ajaleUs whUpered ap sad dwa La SaUa street that th baak waa la cloo sar-ter. Thea cam tb aeamtloaal eloslag of tbo XaUoaal Baak af lUaoU. aad the klaU aad whispers regarding tho Atlas National developed lata epea dUcussloas of lta affairs. It waa quit generally racognlsed la clrclea that thai waa tb beglaalag of tb ad.

Tb bank' credit. It all limes a saoat seastUv thlsg. bad beea questlosed. sad lis cloeJag was cosldrtd to bo a fore goao eoa-elasloa. i Tbo statement mad by tb Atlas Natloaal to th Comptroller of tbo Currency Oct.

waa aa uBfavarsbleon. It showed a reserve acaarwhat below th legal requirements, aad It la said to bar brought forth a waralsg from tho Comptroller's office. Mr. Eckels, through Examlaer hfrXeoa, Is saderslood lo hav kept pretty clc track at affairs over slaee. Depoalta.

however. Instead of laereaslng after the report of Oct. was rendered, conllaued to fall off. Is.eomanoa with thooa at all tb other baaka. an til tho reserve, which should have amounted to S3 per eeat, atacd at per ceat.

rrom this tier waa sudda Jump aearly 41 per feat, sod oa tha date ot ta last oocial atalmeal It waa ami la ta aeignoor hood of 4. But tho Increase unaa mad ap very largely of deposit of pubilo fuada. which, ao far as a baak la coacerned. are gea eraliy a more tr lest ancertaia quantity. They proved to bo ao la thla case.

Tbo depcsite war large, bat were tbs aubaeoueat wlihdrswala. Immediately arte th whispers eoscrslag tb standing of th baak begaa to elrcuUt saor thaa i00.aow thla aoaer. was takea oat lo a lamp. Other Urge depositors also quietly withdrew their fuada. or a good port to a or them, ana wiiaa a week early Sl.OuO.aoO was takes from tb bank.

The last statement, mad oa Doe. 17. show aa Item of 1 100.000 blila payable. This haa slac beea Increased to These blli payable ar said 16 hav beeu glvea la orde to supply tha baak wltk funds with which to meet the demands, of Its depositors. Ctlsaaa la Stemeked.

blatters mi to have reached a climax at Saturday rooming Sons of th directors, aft' er a consultalloo with other bankers. Anally decided to call upoa th clearing-house com roitte to make an Investigation of th bank's affairs and report to what extent tbeaisoclat ed banks could reader assistance. Tho preliminary steps la this dlrectloa ar said ta hav beea takes th knowledge of I "resident Orson Is. The directors took wars lag from th fact that tho baak waa being cpealy discussed on tbo street, aad deemed It advisable to take, prompt actios. A delay aright, acd probably would, hav resulted la the Comptroller the Currency taking caerge.

aad tbe enormous expense cf receiver- ship proceedings would have beea Dialled. By taking matters lato their own handaaed their' affairs themselves the chances of loss to tbe stockholders wer great ly diminished. Stoekholdesw Staatd Each losses as will occur will fall eatlrely oa lb atockboidera. Th I600.00S advanced by the ataoclated will bo aufficient to meet all claims against tbe baak In full. Tbe astet.

It Is believed, wiu also pay out a band atme dividend to the stockholders, although it will probably several months before any. thing can ba realized oa some of them. Tb iBTeatlKatloa of tb erlna-boue commit tt disclosed a comparatively clean coudltlon of affairs. Nothing waa covered ap, there was ao evidence of pilfering, aad tb books wer In good shape. The only thing that was not lo accord with good- banking principles was heavy lean to ooeof tbe directors.

W. at. Vas Nortwlck. a banker and paper mill owner of Batavla. secured ao- advanc some time sgs of ISO, 000.

Jobo Norton another director. -alao owe the baak about tla.OO. Both loaas. however, are said to fairiy well secured, aad tbe prospecta are that nearly. If not quite, the full amount will la be realised.

The chief objection to the Nortwlck loss Is rot that it was made to a director of tbe bask. tut that the amount waa la ezeeaa of th law fcl limit. Th aatloaal banking law reads lost total liabilities to any (banking) aa- tcciatlon. of any person, or cf any company. cr Una.

for money borrowed, in cutting, la ins Uabllltlea of a company or firm, the liabilities of th several members it reof. shall at aa time exceed one-tenth part rf (he amoust of the capital stock of such as- socaUoa actually psid la. Tb capita I stock of the Atlas Natloaal is r7M.000.aad tha l.mlt of individual loans la therefor Died at S.oco. It waa stated by a member of tb cl-nring-hou committee that weat over tb aSaira of tbe Atlas Natloaal that, aald from tbe Ncrtwtck aad possibly the Nortoa loans. there wer aoa Is the baah that were open la ticltm on this score.

The SBDsanctnteot of tbe dwwsfail of tb Atlas created lesaexcllement thaa the closing of lb Natloaal ttank of Illinois a week ago. lb reasoa that lb circumstances auc-rcnndlng tb twoi affairs a re eatlrely dissim ilar la character. la th case of lb Utter tb bole thins waa made to tab oa a moat aes- tatiooal atpect. The failure waa wholly unex pected, the bank having always been coesld cred one tf tbe strongest aad most conserva tively managed la th West. Tb Atlas Na tional, oa th other band, bad been under sos-r-icloa for several days, sad tb public was la way prepared for tae announcement mad yesterday mora lnc Besides, there waa quick apprecUtioa of tb fact that liquidation meant simply that tho baak was golag oat of easiness, asd that.

amp: arrangement for. paying all rial ma had beea mad. Tb stock-' holders will compelled ta shoulder such aaee aa occur, aad tbe general public particularly concernea aooai taat. Jwha I. Norton of Lockport.

a directors the baak aad onepf Its Urgeat debtors, waa Is lb city yesterday. He staled that tb mUllng eotDpaay la Lockport. in which he was larger Ibietested. sad for which a receiver was ap-t pointed last Saturday, would reorgaala aad soon placed an a cash bails. He declare 4 It waa doloa; a business of SL2.SOS a moatb aad.

Id Drove a profitable Institution. He ss- serted that bla ooUgationu tbo baak woalg be paid la fsll. i roxftTltOLLKIl KCKELI TALKS. i Cloalatar o( tho At lata Xatloatal Eatlrely Volaatary Washing tea. TA C.

Dec iX. Com ptrollef Eckokt aald today that th closing of tbs Atlas Natloaal Baak of Chicago waa war tlrely a volsntaryt affair aad that tbs Informa tion bad received indicated that, all tb bank's creditors would receive payment lb full; that ao onw- would )o aaythia; by tb bank' liquldatioa. and) that affairs would ba settled verr protapUy. tf bad bo details concerning tbo matter, aad ibo last report af ho baak naturally aaowoa soca a ainerest state of affair than th bask' condition St thla Urn that it 'could throw ao light on tb present state of th bank's nuances. Mr.

Eckels aald tho creditor ox ta aims Baak woald paid Is full at owe through advances by tb Chicago elearioc-bous. aad In hia OBtaloa tha stockholders eventually would reallz 104 sor cent, thus losing nothing oa what they bad pot In. i Bsrtlaa; Note. El A. Tloloa ma eaaiaeer a sneetiag at Ovr la ad Park.

Xea ver. early ta the spring. The Nstiossl Trottlas AasoeUtloa has a prsewt membership af W0 aad a aaab balaace of 17.M7, Th Texad aactmt mare. WhIU. tnr Reno Deaaar.

la aaid lo be able lo pace hi Creadon wtll retarn to Esglano with Jem alac aad th pair will asahe a boxing tear el (h prevUees. i i I I straight Up comes fross -Tieshvnle that Jotin Carter will presiding fndg. at th Kasb- vUl aprtar meeting. I'hU Cilmea starter, aad B. A.

HUler eUrk pt ta scales. Joha ht sdaea hah decided to make Mobil. Abu. th winter headquarters for bla stable of S-rear-Ids. He has seat his aged horses New T-leani, her taay will race aatll spring.

Cotoael It P. Headier th Beaameat atnd haa aot quit th breeding haalnesa. although a sold his premier istai.los, imp. order, at IB Lexington sale far He la looking fee rued siallloa.

bat will aot make a parcaaa aatll dads thr hers he waa La. I Th Paaama track at JachaosvIS will the batii greuad wher Tom Lin to a. tbe feeder rt the world'a hear record, aad hU fellew cuntry-ataa. "Jirrasr" MlchaeL wlU '41e their ci as rvrsres speed at anpaced work. Ts ree lil ride tare races as ea aa ire miles ana iorva bear, ta aerua respecUvey oa Jan.

u. sad ZJ Brrea hf cClnaad asthorlxes the statement Ihst Ptiac Lied will not be entered la any of the big handicaps aext eprtag. He will be bred to seven ee ela sssrso aad thea ceadiUosed rer'tke la-'e saamer aaa UU atakee. Ta coil ka a-xtad teadea la a foreieg. The la Jury a 'he back teadea.w hich Ik Velarinariea cat abat eas-tbird thrsujBsu 14 thax Uadoas art YOUTH AND BEAUTY DomlnaU tvt All of Yesterday's Social Affairs.

1 DINNER AT MR 3. AUSTIN'S r. 'r- Annual Children's Party Is Giren i at tha Illinois Mfa. J. Q.

MeWilUam CntsrUins In Honor of Hsr Sort at Bournlquo's I Amstsur Musical Club. Qs of tb da I attest and most esjoyabl of tl4 many llttl entertainmeats glvea for tb yesag folks bom from school was tb dinner glvea last make by Mrs. r. Austin of No. 4) plac.

airs. Austin, who ectertalnments sre al ways attrsetlT snd well conceived, gav tbU dibser In honor of bar daughUr. atlas Marion Atstla. sad tbs tier's guest, alias Ann Bast af Gambler. lovely girls.

tec ha me from school, at Fnrmlsgton. and both showing certain devotion ts tb color of Vtle. Th tabl had as a center piece aa Immsns otlosg baskst wood violets, ssd about Xhis claatercd tenderly small bunches of yellow dailies, whll a Urge corsaga bouquet of Vlo-11 was pUeed st tbe plates of tb girl, sad nailer boutonnleres of violets at tb plat of tb men. favors war unique ssd srtlstle. being water-color paintings college Hie, In dainty pass part out frame.

Th. pictures for tbs girls bad ribbons of FWrmlcgton yellow across them, on which w-ro tho aamea of th goea ta. whll tb pic-tares for lb men bad ribbons of Tal blue, to tar th name of tb fortunate ones. Tbe young peopl were chaperoned by Mrs. Ausua snd her sister, Mrs.

Wallace Barker. Mrs. Austin waa la blu silk, with whit lire. Mrs. Barker wer pink silk, covered with black chiffon and tiolets.

I Miss Austin waa la blu crepon. with vio lets, whll Miss Rust waa attired In pink silk, with violets. 3 i Tb youag peopl present wer th 'uiiui I Enna Hast, artoa Austla, ervya Wlasloa. Messrs Charles Henrotln. CJve Ran a el la.

woeraerane Baldwin. Tdllh Brooks. 4 Its StonSer. bel Rlchardsoa. Geerg eVhrelher.

'Archibald Downey. L'barles Gliiett. Duakam. JMarold Letloa. After tb diaoer tb young peopl weat to tbo Yalo concert, and later to tke McYVU (lams danc.

TUB ILLINOIS CXIB. Ires lta Assitl Ealertal eat far tho Cklldreau Tb annual childreo'a party at tb IliinoU Club took plac last veulng at tb club- boua oa Ashland boulevard, and attracted bll tb avalUbl children of th married mem bera of thU popular and progressive club. Tbo affair began at 6 o'clock aad continued tin til it o'clock. First there was a Punch snd Judy show, which pleased everybody except on small boy who father carefully told him what to take and what to avoid, and this boy bid himself In la small room until lb abow waa over, whoa bo waa informed by a member wba wondered why tbo boy was play-log solitaire that Punch aad Judy waa not tb nam of a diiak.4 Tb decorations war appropriate, and consisted by Chris Una groans and bunting prop erty displayed. During tb evening there waa also a dog and monkey abow.

aa well aa an entertain by a' ventriloquist aad another br i magician, who astoaUbed tbo boya and girls so much that on of tho big Christmas trees caught tire, aad for a moment tbero waa a proa poet of panic, but a number of cool men refusod to lot tb child re a out of tb room, so ss to prevent tbelr being mangled on tbe stairs. Tb fir waa soon over, and then tha frightened orchestra resumed lta playlag of waits that ought to have continued through tbo scare. 1 Later in th evening there waa a aoppor for tbo llttl one, tbs young men of tbo club waiting upon tbo llttl guests. Of course there waa dancing nearly ail avealng. Tbo children present were: FUJU twlft XJIIten C.

McDrmaid. Aims McCtaltr, IHaarbe ht. Mc aiiltr, East Jrmn Mawa, Clara I Martla, I'eeele Upry. L-oua Ktronc. Adelaide B.

Bolbees. Imim St. Joba atvwtb. Clara J. Kkenard.

I nraos Mitchell. Alberts I. ftfoae. Mar)oe1 Meachaea. Mearham, CVertrede E.

Saada. Madalla N. kiwiim spry. Plorvnca D. OUdrs 9TT.

Ftaanor ttpry. 4 E4H Taibain. Eaara M. Tkoui, Lilian M. TuLhilL.

OefkevWve 11. TutkllL Vlra-tnla Titoa. Ethel MavweM. Adalaid MaaweH. t'rvula O.

Marshall. Elsie M. Mortlaov. -oe Marloa Martin. cue a.

klla. Losim Alice Mark. Aaa Ttcraeaor. Vtrtoeia optcka. Lvdla Mark.

Julia Main, Rials Mala. Ml hired MarH man. Kdtta Nlckeksoa. Htrn Karrln, KataeHae Keerla. Anlla M.

Haeiy, Cora B. Helm. J. Ajrnaa Hay. Etbvi H.

Hoidea, Marlon Holdrs. Alice Plaala Hanrer, Katnertae Plum lay, Ptorvnos Brett, IJIIlan Kmc. Olive Keeit. Mary Kin. Julia Holaaaai ItU M.

kra)oT, Henrietta Kelt a. Laura Ellen IrdUrd, Lra p. lanelng. Klale Veotci wk-ha. Clara Voptcka.

Jennie May Wallla, Kvvlra W. Wood. Margaret at- Wlillam- ix -vriuiam- Lola Petera. Marr A. Hiikia.

hutry Ovrtrude Post Cornelia. Pvtuboo. L' Carai It Price, Panllne Palmer. a Jeaneti Pyett. HtiwnM Isabel Kara.

Hath Rlpler. lna U. Klcholnaa. Marruertte Rossnb-lant. Ovnevlev Roescb- lant.

Carol murr a. iate, Klale M. A. Hawle. MarctKt K.

M. Rawle, Kllllra V. Ha via. Helen Ledaet wood. JaacDniae Ledrrrei Ktbel Roarrnoa, Janle N.

MwalUlto, Cora Mcllanoa. Aancs MrMaboa. Ante McMaboa. Sadie Artlna-atall. ume emrtlL 1 hath Stanford.

i Is Mebmaa. ClenavWve eMehnasaw Ully IX Oebattasr, I Jmn Sennott. leante fyotl Btamraa, omce V. MrCarthr. Mae af'-Cartnv.

UHle afctarthr. Lilian ArUagsual. Katnerlne Avary, Iieaai Aanbahl. Julia. iwe, i oaephla H.

Dole, Crystal Darrow. i Julia Itairow. Beta Uauor Dooah- am alia Amy Blada-ett. ertr, aale F. EltMt, 7.

el II ix. Uoele. Albarta Rropkr. Jennie La Bare. Matorle Rarr.

)Cthel Kdinoada, -r Alios Evast, Edits Eraaa, i Katli Evana. Aa-nee B. Bradahaw. iaaatha HlrkhofZ. Kunlca Erkhart.

IMentrrv Eekhart.f tiath Koebea, Marserr Frlla. 1 violet Prasae. I nmt urowa. Irene w. Buar.

Cornelia O. rVa-enc K. Booth. Clara Bond Bartiett, Jaa Ceokay. Hrmmle L.

CUrk. Haby Clark. vlah Clark. Martina Am bah I. rjorw mm r.

net Praaer. Kmlly Prake. -i tiladva Gnawald. Catnerm Prvocb Ora msb i rora f. Oiegety.

i Marv Heahr. Jteiiie u. Willi Millie tviebe. Trude wfcrete, Florence Wallae. Ktbei Weaver, Maoei J.

wrlrht. Xor4Ay WnUt. Praneva liearr. Vlrclnla Alalpt Grace ArtlMstall, aar anuigiwii, Masura Raymond P. STlliliam Ttann Inr P.

Heaneberrr. Dwlcht M. Bennett. -H. Karver.

Kenneth Brava. WDIlaaa Kent. Jtalpb Burke. Marshall Kent. Thomas 8.

Booth, Harold Holmea, i Henry CVmkey. -Ueorsa P. HMnaes. Walter P. Clark, Allen B.

Maiin. Kalph I. Clark. John Franklin I.ydtard. XVarren E.

Clark. Oiarlee L.tnnJna-ten, Jr4 HannliaU H. Edward K. Leonard. dler.

Robert W. Laxmard, tammuel Plrie Caraon. inn i. txonara, nuarn H. uurgla, anrtca M.

mscmiubb, una unrrow. Kmald J. McCarthy. Kmery H. Elliott, PjuI EckKart.

WlUlara Ray M. Poakett. Ueorss D. Foakett, Elmer Foakett, l. Roes Eraser.

AUea Praka. Frank F. Farrell. ilftoa J. MeOourtle.

leorse McCarthy. Nonnaa MacLeod. Arthur H. Mltcbeil, ay atasiit, terilns MaxvrelT. Harry MarvbaiL Jr- Gati'S MBllanev A.

Oa borne Moriinser. Prank P. Aatca. WUIlam H. Alalp.

r.vane a. uraaaua. Lee Oresory, Uv Henry (Iraeale, Arthur Aldrtch llalew Marquette A. Hamly, Italph B. Hale, Vlnoent Realy, Coltunbaa.Healy.

John Artlna-alall. -tnlel E. Avery. ram illnsham. lurk halt, V'alkae Rannlrta.

Kevin (suey Morrison, Robert W. Rtraker, rthnr SwssT Mot I laon. Carl H. Struker, Iwodore Mevla MorrU Anbor St. Jubn BootQ, mm.

Gurdam J. Stonav fiarene larold 1L Stone. laytoat afarm. jr Arthur J. Eton.

-force MaxltT. t). Ilarbert TaTle. Fooert Klckelawn, Kmlth H. Taylor, Marold J.

Newton, Kobola B. Tatham. I rv4sxlck Aa ISsBlotV iitmoa J. XbaUXUVS, vl AlberT billinga Rad- lienaon A. Talbot.

aoca. faraee Raa-Veish. -Hawtelck Warner; liandolph R. Haw la, Everett ftocvrswa, -Frank Rend. Sianord Htaaford.

-Joha tUehmaa. (tldney a. feVennott, 1 aar id Pyott Gears Ballatxiry. Harry K. dlevaaa, luba Bpey.

It hard a Tuthlll, riutisi i v. jum, (laroid Titna, JV II I lam O. Tlcheoor, Malcolm WTieeir. rvaJn i neeier. i Joaepk H.

Wood. JrJ sona A. wiuiamsc Cnaries Wlebe, i Warren M. WeOa, altar Wallace, FOR MOT ICnrVllXIAJIs, Fl Bssdrtd Townaj rewpl Dost. I On of tbo largest piivst dances of th saiaost wss given Ust rvenJag at Botxralque'o by Mrs.

J. O. afcWlUisats of No. 9sS Lake nvsano, tbo affair being got up In feonott of Mr. Roy MaWlMUma.

who Is a mmbr of the feted company bow bom from coHego. Holty sal palms wer liberally used ta lb decorations, snd Hand provided tbo mntio. Tb majority oC.ths young peopi who wero st tbo Yalo concert went to tbU oaoce later la th evening aad enjoyed tbo supper that was on Its feature. i Mra. ktcWIIllama wore pink broeaas, with garniture Venecia a lac.

i Th cumber of pretty girl was noticeable, aad aa sU of tboxn wer In tast. ful sllir. tbey attracted much attention. After tb supper, Mr. Robert McNeil of New 11m vea.

led th gcrmaa. 'I MRS, OORSICLLT'I TEA. CI vest lat Uastor of Mlaa Gorwaally atast Mlaa (FMearav. A tan was gives yesterday sfteroooa by Mrs. ft, PbUUp OormuIIy of No.

4M Dear- bora aveau la honor of her gueaa. Miss Oor muIIy of Ontario. Canada, aad Mlaa O'Meara. Th young lad! who poured wer tb Misses I Heiea Stewart. Emily Lyon, I Marlon ladeertedea, Alice Quae, I Kva JeSery.

Vlrgials Indervieden, Edith Key. Aaaie Shay, I Christmas green war ned la ai tbo dee- oral Ions, tbe ta belnsr ahso la green. Kins ley served. A company ot nearer. 300 was present.

HIUcaeEV. I Weddlati Takea Plao at Trinity Kplaw pail Ckwreli. Th marriage of Miss Lucia S. Oreea daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Jobs W.J Green of No. U54 Lake venue, snd Mr. Ruse 11 D. Hill wss celebrated Ust ventsg at Trinity Episcopal Church. Rev.

John Bouse performed lb oeremooy, Mr. George u. Emerson presided) at tb organ, Tb brldo was attended by Misa Orsc Giaswofd aa maid) of honor, aad Mlaa Grace Swift, Misa France Decker, aad Mis Louis Mldduetoa of Davenport. Iowa. Mr.

Joha Ailing. waa tb best man, and Messrs. Hugh McB. Johnston. Frederick P.

Boyocoa. and A. B. fiheldlng of Waablngtoa D. wer ushers.

I i A email receptloo followed the ceremony. Mr. aad Mra. Hill will spend their honey In th Bermudas, sad uponjtbeK re turn will reside in Highland Park. I- AMATELR MISICAL.

CLCB. Haa a Maralaar Cataeert Devoted Chrtalaaaa Maalc, There was a largs attendance at, th coa cert of tb Amateur Musical Club yosterday morning st Stelsway th hour having been changed from JO to 11 o'cloqk for this day only, II Th bsll was decorated with holly, over- green snd lilies. 'It Tb programme, mhich bad been, arrsegsd by Mra Frederic Ullman and Miss qoukh wis devoted to Christmas music, snd wao as folio ira: "The Holy Night" Dsdy Back Mrs. 8Uut. Cantlque de Noel Ad, Mr.

Frederick W. Carberryi i. Violin obllsalo. Mlaa Marlon Carpenter.) Romsaza' Schumann gplnnln- Mendelssohn Huncariau rhapaodle. No.

IS. ataaaiaanry anca-ii. al Chrlad BauasJ (at Btaaeoa. fcr LHa. illrten varaauiw Mra.

Samael H. Wrlzht. i I 'Good Lyaea Mr. Car berry. -Tha flyrlaa Sheoherda." a ChrUtmaat hrma iOUs Mrs.

Edward P. Oortea. Mrs. O. K.

JohA art a Mr. Carberrv. Mr. Brown. i 'Ibllelujah Mrs.

Starr. CUICAGO CtLTIRK CTLtB. Haa aa Iatereatlaa; Seaalaa I AItraaa. At tb meeting of tb Chicago Cuiture lub, bold yesterday afternoon, la Beck's Hsli; No, 1(4 Warren aveau. an Interesting progra mma waa presented.

After th regular routine business! was transacted. Mra. James B. Maxwell, president of the club, presented tbo entertalsers of tbo day. Mrs.

Mary H. Ford gar lectors oa Oeors Meredith, His Poems SCO Mrs. Lilllsa SolU Hamlin ssng eeveral vocal elect Ion, kick, wer well received. Miss Winn II red Towssend entertained) tno cluo with a violin aolo, aa did also Mr. Frank A.

Flacker. i- Soaao Mlaor Kates, i 1 Mrs. Eamnel B. Raymond at present ta JDrs- dea. Mrs.

H. J. Willing eatertalaed at dinner last eveaiag. i Mra. Bdwia Walker st th Metro pal will give muatcale today.

i The Korma Club will glv lta secoad daac ar Klaaley a thla vsBing. Mis Anna Barker, daughter of Mrs. WSLace Barker, la aow la Dresden. i Mra. Charles H.

Cotfla gave a small dinner Ust evening before the Yale concert. i Mlaa Larry W. Alcora of Huston vine. visiting friends at the uotel lagrain. Dr.

Caalmer Prentice aad family hav left or thre months inn en tas Meoiierrsnaaa Mm. Bardea aad Miss Borden of Oroveland Park will eatertaia at a tea oa Batarday after aooa. I I Tke Forty Club will hav Its Christmas dinner at tbe Weluagtoa thla evening, beginning at a clock. Mrs. Emmons BUla entertained at dinner st eventnn- la honor of Mlaa Mary Dwlght aad Mr.

Turliagtoa Harvey. I Th aanoal New Tear's ball of ib Avalort Club will tak place Thursday evealng. at th club house. No. SMfl ladlaaa aveaa.

f' t- Mr. Robert L. Greenlee sad Miss Greenlee at No. Bueaa -aveaue. will be at home- Mew Year's day from until o'clock.

I Mrs. Harold A. Howard entertained at dinner last evening la honor of her slater, Mlaa Muri-J Byram, The company Uler attended the coacert. 1 Tha Kilo Assoc la tioo win mef Thursday after- aeon at clock, whea Mis Joseshln Locks I.I sneak on th "Decoration of. ta iioaton Ubrary," H- Th Sheridan Club haa Issued Irxvitatlaas ta lta annual childrea's to take plat tomorrow evealng (rem an Ul 10 o'clock at th clubhouse.

Mia Crawford entertained at danc last evealng at the home of her lather. Mr. Andrew Crawford. No. 10S Plae Oroya About 100 youag peopl war prose t.

i Mrs. Sarah Robinson Duff of the Charlevoix Ul give a musicals oa New Year' day from aatll 7 o'clock la honor of Mrs. Jams Clinch-Smith, who Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Charles Barnes ef Calumet avenoe. Mrs.

John A. J. Ksndig. wbo I nw In Rom, rites to friends la tbls city that there a truth la the report thot aba marry her courier. Sbe add that aha will aever marry gala, 4114 that she will remain In Rom until una.

Mrs. H. IL Honor, of No. JTQ2 Mlchlssn boulevard, eatertaiaed at dinner last evening la honor ef Miss Julia Grant. The ether (uaats were MIss Mlaa Jones.

Miss Gertrude Abbott, Mr. Bsbcock, Mr. Potter Palmer: Mr. Hoaore Palmer, aad Mr. Fargo.

The eat-acemeat la anaonneel at Visa EnM Marie 8mtth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur formerly of Chicago, to, Mr. Horace La Mont, mi of Mr. Charles Aj La Mont Park place, Brooklyn, N.

Y. Tks wedding will use piac la Brooklyn la Jun. 1397. Jssaary wilt be enioyed as follows at (ka Oskiaad Club: Saturday. cards, each re; Tnesday, Lt.

Udlea' Uformai; Saturday. IS, cards. waist Tuesday, is. waits receDtion: Tneada Is. cards, cinch; Saturday.

SO, childrea's party. Oa Friday evenings the literary sectlos meela. Th marr la re of Miss Allc Hawthera Brooks. daughter of and Mrs. Jamea C.

Brooks of No. as Dearborn aveaue, with Mr. George J. Farnsworth, wlU take plac Thursday evening at 1-M o'clock at the residence of tke bride's areata. A receotloa will follow tke eeremoa- Lmia nalil o'cieck, Mlaa dlih Brooks will STsMer Orerorr Radlger.

Tweeter Trieenaa, attend the bride sad Dr. Tally will set as best maa. Mrs. Joha Tews McAuley of Ks. MT OnUrts street entertained st dinner last evening for her daughter, Miss Harriet McAuley.

Tb guest were Miss Madeline Novas, Mies Marjorl Cook. Mia Margaret Beebe, Mr. Btewart Bbepard, Mr. Joha Winurbotbam. Mr.

Lawreao Pierpeat, ana sir. uaater btearna. Mrs. Cwea af No. 4t Goethe street csv 1aacboa yeaierday for her daughter, Mb Ida Bwea.

Covers wer laid for twelve. The guest were th Mlsaee Margaret Potter, Joaa Chalmers, rally L.yoa, Heiea Stewart, Marie Truesasie, Alio Adams. Lauls Foils. Marlon Smith. Edith Kay, Cora Priadlvilla, aad Marlon Strong.

Mrs. Joha Vaae Cheney read a naner resler- dsy afteraooa oa "Musi aa a Moral Force aad lta Effect Vpoa tha Moral aad Physical Maa" before ta ladle of the Eaalewood Womaa'l Club st their reguUr meeting held la Masonio Hall. Btxty-Ninth street aad Weatworta aveaua. Monday next the ladles will glv ta flrst of their regular club laaeaeoaa in ta ciubrooms ostweea UJ ssd I sporhno- news, TERRA ARCHER WIXS AT LOXQ ODD. Bkt ken Uy Is 1-dtr Jska id la laas Race at 60 to S.

New Dec JnV The weather was One and tbe track fast. Sunssnatiesi First Race Melllns: oa mile. Pet Kltrnen, poundat (iianj. et-vn. won judge steaoman, tt iHchaereri.

I la second: Laura Cotta. T. Haraa. to 1, third. Time 1:4.

Woodlske. A. R. lanaaa. Uo llnd aad Waterman aflro ran.

See-awl Racw SSaning: otte mile and a sixteenth. 14 (Kweeoty). 11 lei, awved: Farnser Letak. lot iHaMsi, to I. tnira.

iiiae-iruv wauMuaaua-, Henaior prnroae, and Marry tft. aiao ran. Thii IW, ei furluaura. shuttlecock. pounda fSuaser).

to A won; Penator Morrill. 11 iruvwooo). lo 1, eacood; Campania. IT. Burns), to t.

third. Time 1 Kamone, Ulurk. Ella Pan aa nee, and rMratkreel also ran. Fntarth Race Salllns: one mile and a furtotir. ttLanla-al- as BMMtnda tClavl IS to 1 won: Kew bouse.

S7 Utoraev). to second: ConatanU 11 Kel(r. la 1. third. Tiite FaaJa, Joke Hk-key.

C. Kamrlll. Cbugnut. Helen and Haw Karria ahrb ran. Ftfth Raoa elelllna; six furlongs.

Sauteroe. rNtnda (Kverettl. I to 1. won: Him lux tlart, te neorAd: iFt. Q.

Baa. 197 tcamobelli. i ta l. Intra. Tlroe r-r Blue, UliH-oSrur, 1' eat.

and Laura 1 feavia alao ran. Flslk Race rlelllng; neven fortoeta-a. Terra Archer, -pounds F. te to won drtv. Inar by a reck: Sir John, lit (Corner).

UltLi end: Majnte le tCajrnoodl, tot, third. Time 1 Willie Uaieaac. laaie Motuali. ana aiian ftowetc niao ran. Kntriea for IMnorrow rlra Race Heven-etahths ef a mile: sellins.

Mollle M. pounds; l.lllle Hilly, ss: wnin. K. M. H.

Lonn. Ueil of Ford ham. lot Mlaa Perkins. 104 Theodora Ramona, turn. Kacood Race Tbee quarters of a mile snaldena.

Judate liryant. ive pounds; l. 1, joe; pop txxoa, ir: Muaarcane. lu: Fred OraR. 1W0: Jaaoer.

lu Miriam 14.. hd; Lott. US: UeneltC LltUe Buck. ftqutre OH lam. 103; -Klkla.

IUS: Pom- ma ry. ixtrd Falrfaa. IvJ Oldnam, ioS Ulola. Tbe Parrot mouthed. IS.

Third Race Kallin; on mil and twenty yards. laooriquet. si rntiMis; Koaallnd 111., si; May A ah ley. fi: Jim Maddoa. Klla iToverh.

lw Little Tons. He); Princess Rose. Kjv: Cotton Kins, la: Trilby, lot: Tcm Havre. 102; Marquise. luJ Moater hYed.

hH: Freak Jauuert. 106: Uoose. 107, rourtb Rate Handicap: aeven-etarhths of a mile. hLamt CaMan. i pounds; Chappie.

Vrscount. si: ttay It, ss; ttenaae, ss; tiiu aiiuy, sz; tiicaa. ire. hifth Race Helllns: three-ouarters of a mile. Laura Daela.

immumIb; Ida asner. Haa.) gad. John Karlna. W. Peanuts.

Mr. itaytuo. Twelv Fifty. SS; Little Frank. 14; Hailowcea, tut.

Math Ree fWlllr: three-quarters of a mile. Cumberland- nounda: Atlanta. Fmma Lee. Harmony. Jud Bullock.

102: Lay On, lot; Nellie uatKH-ne. lot: t'aaini. lot; xenocntti la a. Roal Prince. -CI.

Additional Dates Aassssred. New York. Dee. xu Th Jockey Club aa- oaace today the following additional racing dates for the season of 187: Brighton Beach Association First inly Jt Inclusive, except July 7 aad secoad meeting. Aug.

to zs laciaaiv. Saraloca Association Jsly ZS to Ana. 21 In clusive. Queens County Jockey Crab Spline meeting. Apru zs te May 7 inciuaiv; summer meeting, Jaly to XI inclusive; fail meeting, Oct.

4 to inclusive. FtTtHK MOTOR CYCLE Msssfselsrers tVIU Be Circa aa Oa. aartaatty ta Kaalblt at Xaaleh. Motor cycle maaulatrturera will be given an opportunity ta display their war abroad at the motor and machine toula exhibition at Munich la VOt. Tb exhibit will be under th patronage of u.

R. H. Prince Lultpold. regent of Bavaria, Th circular wer received yearterdatr and an- vaata in soari or mreciora. witn tneir inter sting title aad position aa follow: Honorary presiaent, sis exrelleacr.

Bsrea Max a Fetlitxsch. lord la waiUne. Csuaetllor of State la Ordinary, Minister of the Interior; hon orary vice preauoenT, v. uneim voa uorscht, mayor er aaaicn: presiaent. Max Nastier, master book binder, member of th municipal coverament of Ma nick, aad ckalrmaa af tbe General ladustrUI AasoclaUoa of Munich; vie president.

Georg Ledb. maa tar carpeaUr. member of the Monica Kjcaj ooara. and deuty chairman of ta Gen eral Industrial AasoeUtloa of Munich- deputy vie presldeat. Egbert voa Hoyer.

royal profes sor aaa surecior oi in lecanical Mlgn scnool. la dtatrareeL San Francisco, CaL. Jc ZS. There Is a pos sibility that th New Year football gam be ta Butt and tb Olympic team may not be played. Charges of professionalism have been preferred against Hall sad La swell af Butte, aad ta uiyauptca win not piay wit the nil la the Butt Captala Keaaol of Butte says la will aot play without tb protested men.

Lae wen aaa already beea declared a professional bicycle rider: and President Humphreys of tha PaciHe Coast Amatsar Athletic AasoeUtloa says aaa curect pro, taa. xi ail la a proiessionai. Cyellasr At a nseetins af the Maceabbe CvcHa Clnn Friday evening the following officers wer elect- vat preeldeat, O. M. Weeks; vie presldeat.

Robert Say la; secretary. A. James Kellv: an. Blatant secretary. O.

J. Board man: treasurer. F. Matthews; director. Thomaa Drohan; captala.

John Allison: I ret lieutenant. Adoloh Win. trrmyer; second lieutenant. Frd Astling; quar termaster, j. at.

uyer; aouse commute, Jo Beer hard. Joshua Bullla. Max Holla, and J. Soreneoa. Thea offlcsrs will be Installed Thora- oay, Jan.

T. IXDOOB BALI. CLCB DIRBAXDS. Lack af Iaterwat aadl Aotlaa af Direc tor AaTexrta Chleag Atkleile Toaaa. It was rumored at th Chicago Athletic Club yesterday that th Indoor base bail team had dis banded, it waa known that th club had can celed a data for a gam to be played thla week with one of the pirate teams.

The captain nor any of tno team could be 'seen yesterday te confirm th rumor. Th cause is said ta ta refusal ef th direct-- to grant athletic Bsemaersnin ta non-members arho were nine. Ing oa the team. Lack of interest la the games also said to be to blam for th action of th otnciais. Th Yale Glee aad Banio Club men visited tha club In the morning aad spent a half hour la the swimming tana, coijeg men, bom for tb holidays, hav been thick around the A.

A. bouse th last few days. a. venaevme snow will be given New Tear's re assist th members te while mi tha hours wall wstchlsg th old year out aad the lew year ID, Th first af th midwinter awl mm In ennieaia for tbe Howell medal will take nUca tomorrow evening. laaTaar Ball Note.

Tb Crystala wtll meet tbe Bart. Oslo a- r- Indoor baseball team tonlsbt at O'Cailahan'a HalL Llacoln atrsat and Grand aranue. at a 'clock. Th Sarwa defeated the 8L Stephana he a SCOre Of 11 to g. The hattere tar tha Kavwa.

HugneJet and Broad; tor th St, Stephens, Sullivan aad T. Lynch. Kenny went la ta niich la-th ssvssth inning, Sulllvaa belnc knocked Th Lake View Cvelln Club Indoor Than team will meet -the at Kadhth's Hall this aveaing. Tb Lake View line-up will be as follows: Qulgley, cstcber; McDonald, pitcher; Rsffeo. flrst baae: Corey, second base; Weih.

linger, right short; Wescotf, left short; Quitson, right Held; Ogdsn, left Held, Th Western Indoor Baae ha II rrinfc haa ganised for the season with the following pUy- ers: Mcuonsld and Rvsn. nitchera: tf Rri Qulgley, catchers; Clark, first bate: Hayes, sec ond base: Reedy, third base: Morrison, la-tat hort: Ahern. left short: MrTih, i.rr a.u. risht field. They would like haae from all clubs, the Sagwas preferred.

Addreaa challenges to Charlea Morrison. Xa. lta wt Randolph street. M'COY W1AS CHAMPIOXSHIP. Aanerleaa Mlddlr-Welght Defests Dwberty at Jotkaaaeabwrsr.

Johannesburg. Deo. 2S. (Coprriaht. 1S9 by th Associated Press.

Delayed In tracsmls-tloa.) Kid McCoy, th American middle-weight. eteated BUly Doherty of AustraUa this evea lng la nine rounds for th middle-weight cham pionship of the world. Th nght was to be twenty round and wa for $5,000 a aid and a dlvlsloa of the gate receipts. Ltoherty. who recently de feated bar ran for th champlonehip of South Africa without getting.

scratch, was completely outclassed by McCoy In cleverness. Th men cam together at 158 pounds, with the Australia a sllsnt favoiiu Is ths betting. McCoy. who satis for England aext Sstardsy. has chsl- lengta Tea wnti ta mas a match at 12.500 a alc HOLDEN IS NOW CHIEF New President for Illinois Com- mercial Men's ANNUAL MEETING HELD Satlslactorr Reports Receired lrom AU Oillcrs.

i Question of tho Interchang. able Mileage Ticket Comes Up I rfor. Consideration. t- Tcstrfdsy sftersooo tbe Illinois Commer cial Hen's Association beld Its snnual meeting st tbo Masonic Tempi, snd. with eharac terlstio bustle snd posh mad a number of tmportaat amendments Ho constltutloa.

rckcted others that were proposed, -refusod to cbsngs Its nam to tbo Illinois Traveling hi en's and elected tb following officers lor ins next yesr: President Oeorge H. Holdeo, cotton good hrakar. Ktrtt Vice President Georgs Smith. Mar shall neid a to. Secretary-Treasurer R.

A. Cavaaaugh, Frank lin Mac veaga a ve, IHrecOM-a For two rears, K. F. Coulter, Wel.s av Nallleea-- R. Blum.

Blum H. B. Smith Standard Oil Company; John Furlong. Lord, Owea tt W. W.

Hinckley, Seariee A Ha rath; for one year. Oeorg B. Bobbins, Faulkner Swrn. Tb meeting was called to order at 1M clock by President K. J.

Thiele. wbo mad a address, congratulating tbs assocUtloa on tbo credltabl showing It bss mad la tb past year of depressed busl- neas conditions. He referred to tb prompt manner In which all payments of insurance bad been made, and aald that bo thought tbe up-hill road of tbo sssocUUon's butory nad been passed and that next yaar's report would show tbs Lllnoie commercial Men's Association in ths front rank of traveling men's or ganisations. An- sd dress was also mad by tbo medical examiner. Dr.

piston H- Montgomery. Th leerelsry't Reseri. Tbs secretary's report, embracing the time between Dec.22. 1895. snd Dec XI.

showed tho total membership to be C.453. a gain of 237 members for one year. Tb number admitted In th twelv months wss 55, ssd those dropped for non-payment of dues smonnted to 388. A balance in tb treasury of was announced by tbo treasurer's report. With little discussion the amendment proposed by Fltsmaurlce.

providing that th secretary an treasurer must reside in Cook County, wa carried, but W. F. Botcher's a men men t. Including In tb residence restrict loo th offices of president, vie presi dent, snd tho directorate, waa productive of a lively debate, in which almost all th mem bers took a band. C.

T. Healey of Aurora. 111., said that it ould bo serious mistake to make tbe organisation a Cook County affair and Ignore the other parts of tbe state. James Donnell announced that th man wbo proposed giving cook: county everything in signt wss repre sentative of an oil company, and wasn't to blsms for wan tin a tb earth. Finally, it wss discovered that tb wording of the smendment wss Isulty and that If adopted It would make only residents of Chicago eligible to member ship, so lt wss unanimously sgreed to lav it on tho tabic.

Aa laaaartaat Aaneadaneat. Another Important smendment, submitted by Mr. Fltsmsuiice. snd sgreed upon tbo convention, provided that the secretary-treasurer shall devote his entire time to the duties of th office, snd shall receive as core pm nation SO cent per member each year, based on th membership In good standlnc at the end of etch fiscal year. If sny help Im Deceseary to csrry'on tbe duties of th office lt shall he paid tor out ot in as me? runo.

B. Prentiss offered' an smendment which provided that ssy member wba failed to cay bU asaeaameat should be dropped frem th amf should forfeit all rlghta and privilege. On the advice of tho attorney of tbe icUlion. however, tbo forfeiture cUuse waa dropped, and th amendment adopted as changed. Tbo power to determlc whether or not tbo cbang of a member's business or vocation to one that Is more dangerous affects bis benefits was given to ths board of directors in an smendment proposed by Willis Young.

In ess tb member does not elect to receive th benefits sllowed by th board shall forfeit bla In tin with thla amendment wa one which mskes calglbl to membership salesmen wbo sr engaged In selling thrashing machines, harvesters, snd other farm Implements snd machinery, and wbo wore formerly ruled ouL Jamea O'DonneU ma die a strong speech for tbe adoption of tbU amendment, saying that tho man who solo machinery to grangers was in no more hsxardous occupation than- one wbo drive a team of bronchos acres the pralrl or scorches on- a bicycle. The amen d- metat was agreed to. Paver a X-Ceat MUeanre Rat. Tho foUowtnc resoiutiOD was unanimously sdoptod: Whereas. Th wester Passenger AssocUtloa baa refased to Issue 000-mile interchangeable mileage tickets: be it Resolved.

That we. as an assocUtloa aad as IsdivldaaU. pledg ourselves to use oar Influence to bring about such legislation as will provide tor a rat of 1 cents a mile. A letter from C. hf, Sotbera of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.

Psul Railroad was read, In which waa offered a new 1.000-mlIe ticket. costing $30. with a $10 rebate. Before tbe secretary couM finish reading It, bis vole waa lost la tbe chorus of derisive yelU which greeted1 the letter, out motion of Mr. Flts- maurico It was decided to retarn tho letter to the company.

Another resolution offered by J. W. Rad ford was sdoptod, snd Is follow: whereas, Tb Central Passenger AssocUtloa hss Disced aa sale 000-mil inttrchanreabi mileage tickets; be it Resolved. That this assocUtloa reco mixes aad appreciates said action and pledge themselves to do all la their power to maintain the rules aad regulation under which said ticket Issued. Tho election, of officers wss tho next busi ness, -ssd was preceded; by tho declination of H.

B. Smith, tbo founder snd secretary of ths asaocutlon, to allow tils name to be sub mitted for re-election. A vou of thanks was tendered him, aad a present to cost $100 wss voted te hlm an apprecUtlon of his serv ices. The same action waa taken In the re fusal of President Thiele to be a candidate tor re-election, and a similar present, will be given him. lb question of providing a Chicago bead quarters for tho association wss Uunched by D.

K. Klin. tecreUry of tbs Traveling Men's Association, who suggest ed co-operation, between tho organ lxatioo-s Invth matter. On motion ot Mr, O'Doan-eU, th nw presidcivt will sppoint committee to consult with a similar committee from the other or ganisation, and report st so early date. Ths meeting lo secepted ths UrTiutloa of Mr.

KMck to sttend tho "smoker" to be given by tbe North est en Traveling Men's AssocU tloa st the Palmer House tonight. The committee appointed to select assistant vice presidents, reported ss follows: Phillip Jenkins. Detroit; E. J. Thlefe, Jsnesrille; E.

C. Ssndford, New York: E. S. Mills, Dal- la. Texas; W.

H. Gray, Mason City; F. R. Burtoo, BeKidere; John T. Aurora; W.

F. Murdoch, Fulton Otto Lange, Du buque; H. 8. Blum, Council L. B.

Slyder. Pontlsc; H. V. Potter, Byron; Guy Osborne, August Qllck. Su Louis; W.

F. Fflenger, Milwaukee; C. S. recent. Davenport.

lows; W. O. Taylor. Den ver; K.Crelgh. Seattle; IS.

W. WentwortA. Marshalilown; Burt C. cooper, Butte City, Mont- "--V The directors wbo hoWofflceontn next yesr srs: James Maus te. VL G.

Murdoch. R. G. Murdoch as C. Filxmaurice, Reed, Walsh dt Lasge; G.

H. Hutching, the- O. H. Hammond Company. NEW TRAIN CHICAGO TO NEW ORLEANS.

Th Loalsvill and Nashville Railroad Is now operating through cars between Chicago-, Mobile. New Or.eana,. and the numerous Gulf coast points. Train leave Chicago daily at 18:40 a. ana arrive at an me above points eany the next This is absolutely th only through car line between Chicago and New Orleans via tke above eiUea.

For full Information apply at tbe passenger department of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, Me, Rookery bulldina. city, tWT TT fTITT Tl TTrlTaTT TtriflfTl UHLI IQG YM I DUbl. Taat la the Adylee fVhtca the Leadlatr Paynletaaa af the Lssd Give. I Thousands of people at this time of th year find themselves Is" a low Ut of health, and many ar now asking ths question, "How can, I regain health aad strength ssd feel a I sughl tofeeir For th beneflt ef people who ask this question, may be stated that some of the beat pbyslcUa la tb Und say that Nat re require aaaistane, ta aiaggisn oiooa needs stimng up, impurttle driven from the system, snd the great tae afr vbuvww wua new lur. rir- producing thaa effects no stimulant haa ever equaled pur malt whiskey, providing it really' par and free from adulteration.

Eminent phyaicUns throughout th world agree on thU pctBt. Dr. 8. Welr-MltcheH. Philadelphia, says: -I adhere to tb belief, that pur whiskey th least Injurious, safest, and best alcoholic Dr.

Frank H. Wade, Pittsburg, "After many rears ct careful study. I am firmly eon. viBced that whiskey th least Injurious, therefore, the aafeat and beet of alcoholic Hnnara for people to uae." YS-VII, I. I uue mi, atwTv carry wcikdi till eonvictloa.

It must be remembered the erdlnars- wblskey cannot depended upon, and wilt uaoaily do more harm thaa good. What peopl -in weak, run-down condition neV3 a pc medicinal whlakey and PC lit eoBdiuoa nee-rls a ptr" Daffy's 'Malt tn oaiy wnisaey tasw baa rer answered description I COSVICTEO OS CHARGE OF. ARSON. Isaac Zaeker Faaaat Gallty af Seftlaar rire ta Hia Stare. New York, Dec 28.

haee Zucker, wesMby real estate owner snd mssufscvurer. was toclgbt oonTlcted of arson la she first degree In csuslng bis Dt vision street store-to bo set on fire, and himself aiding la tbe arrangement for lgnklnc It, ft was clslmed: Ik, lima tlnn tTi Vh.Itm ti I i of th gang of firebug whose gigantic opera-; world, aad Morris Sctioanbols, servisaj a lorty-year -term in sing sing tor aar connection with tbia gang, was brougfat from prison to testify against Zucker. The District At torney, however, failed to make out a rood ease until Zucker on tbe stand hlmaeif. He was wretched witness for hU own Interests, acd msdo dm lotion that destroyed Afaaa, Ilia enMna SaaA knl', nfft 1 a RusaUn, 49 yArs old. He cam to Amer ica la 1863.

and treat loto ae cloth leg busi ness in New York. bU suncess enab-ing biM to open branch Storeo In PltUadelpivl and Newark. CONDITION OF TAKOALU ROAD. IsdUBspIU Broker Lint Its Beads aad Pah-Una Stateaseat. IndUnapolls.

Dec, i8. Campbell, WBd it Co brokers of thi city, hav listed sll tne oonas ot tae vaauaii system anw bits -given, out a statement of the condition cf. th road and all lta branches. Tb Terr Hants and IndUnapoIU Company owns eighty ni at rrom laAtiBiMiu hi iiiuuiu raie line, snd forty-seven miles of coal branches. Th ciDltal atock of thO a aharc te honoa are-- e-irav noneara.

ai econa monrsgr-, oow.vw. All dodus veavr per cent Interest. The first mortgage 1925 aad -was issued la 1885. Xh secoad mortgage was Issued in 1892 and Is due tho- aama aa tha flrsr In IBS? S4O0 AOS of Der cent equipment notes wers issued, payable a month. Ths Terre Haute snd In dianapolis road lenses the Terre Hsute sad Vandalia and Terre Hsute, miles; Indl-.

ana asd Lake Michigan, forty miles; Terr Hsnte and Peoria. mi lea- Raat Leuln and Carondelet, thirteen miles, a total of CS5 uutra, immmmn Antat-IDV aarADr, a no a an a anvvaw. Prefesser Easaaael Schaala, Columbus. Ohio. Dec St.

Special Emanuel 8c mid died at No. 41 South Grant aye- na today from the aTecU ot a atroke of per-" nlysls received a week ago. Professor Schmld was oa of th leadlag member ot th Lutheran Church In Ohio, aad held the cbalr ef Greek and Latin at Capital t'aiversity tram ISA -until the tim ot his death. He waa bora at Ana', Arbor, In 1S35. HU lather founded the Lutheran Charch in that dty.

He waa gradual- ed at Michigan University la 18S1. and a few- months later went to Germany to study theo leery at TuebUgea. He returned to Mlchtgaa toss-, sist hU father sod cam to Columbus la liit te -accept the chair of Unguages aad the pastorale ef struggling enureses, lie nad nues tne po- Mlons ef secretary of the faculty aad associate editor of the Ire ben Zettung for many years. Two oaugnters, tnree brotners, ana four alater survive him rede tick. Ana Arbor; Nsthsslel.

Manchester., RoseUnd, 111.: Mrs. Louie Vols. Buffalo, N. Mr.

Mary Mack and Mlaa Soobla Schmld. Aaa Arbor, aad His. Kirchhofer, Manchester. Mica. M.

Lattav. La Grange. 111., Dec 231. Special Telegram. Tbe funeral ot J.

M. Latta, oneof the best-known -restdeata of Northern Indiana, took place at Goshen today. Mr. Latta died Saturday. He was bora la thla state la 1B33 and entered th army at the breaaUag out of th war of the re-' bellioa.

After th war he waa appointed legal advisor of the tax commission of Florida. He aleo aerved a term of year as civil provost marshal of Georgia, Boats Carolina, and Florida, la 171 a visited fcurope aa a apeclal commissioner te the Vienna exposition. Ha was idea lined with -extensive business enterprises la Chicago and the -West and was widely known for his benefaction to th Episcopal Church. Captala IVilllaaa P. Barlow.

SL Loala. Dec 28. Cantata WUIlam P. Barlow, secretary of the Ex-Confederate Home AssocUtloa ot Missouri. dead.

He was conflate to hia bed less thaa on week, refualns to lira or th business demand upon him until artrickee 'with uuconscioursiess at hU desk. He area bora -la New York City ta Jane. 183S. He fought la tbe Confederate ranks during the civil wsr. After tb war he was oa th editorial staff of tbe -Mobile Register aad waa prominent la politics la that city.

He returned to St. Louis in 187. 11 waa appointed secretary of the Ex-Con federate Horn la 1SSS aad bald th position until his Funeral services tor WlUUm Sharp, who died Ust Saturday evening, will be beld st o'clock this evening from No. S3 West Madison street. Mr.

Sharp was a member ef all the several or-, ganlxation of th Masonic fraternity, the lade- pendent Order of Odd Fellows, and Knights st PjihUs. Members ot WlllUm B. Warren Lodge. A. F.

and A. Fort Dearborn Lodge, and Escalator Encampment, I. O. O. Madison Lodg and Fort Dearborn Council.

Knights of Prthtaa. -will attend la a body. The remain will be sent-'-to ToroiKo, Canada, tor A. B. Weldta.

McLesneboro, UL, Dec. 28. Special 2 A. B. Weldin.

aged 77 years, died at hi real- -deace near this city this morning. Mr. Weldia cam to this county la 184 sad lived coatUaou- ly on th aame farm to tb tim of his death. had held Important offices In the county.had beea a ruling elder in Cumberland PresbyteriaA Church for over fifty years, and during ths Ul war conducted a newspaper In this city. tVUltasa rtersoa.

Ottumwa. Iowa, Dec. 2. Special Telegram. William Pierson died at th Ottumwa Hospital He came to Ottumwa in 1S7S as treasurer of th Union Cosl Co pan one ef the first to -work mines In this district.

Aftenrrsrd he was a member of the firm ef Kieer A Pierson, larg flour millers hare, Wllllaa Oltrer. Bloomlngtoo. lit. Dee. Telegram.

William Oliver, ss extensive Und owner ot Empire died at Roy Ust night, aged He cam her from Rosa County, Ohio, la David Batebeller. 41L, Dec. 28. Special Telegram David Batcbelior. aged S5, prominent cltlxes ef Ottasra.


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