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Orlando Evening Star from Orlando, Florida • 7

Orlando, Florida
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aupper for tbe Philatbea class of the Presbyterian Sunday school will be served In the dining room of the church. These suppers are very delightful and are much anticipated by all who are privileged to attend. DUKES, HOSTESS 'OF tbe winter and that they were not the car to be a "bootleg car." Buth-fceld 'under, lock and key, at night. Davlea and Mlley, of toe police de-lie was not satuned, he said, but partment, aald today they bad be feared to run away because of been watching that car tor months the possibility that he would be 1 the belief that sooner or later returned to prison to complete wM be-caught writh the good, serving of his life sentence. The, belief on the part ofthe Throughout the time he was on the officers' that Richardson changed plantation, he' aald, he was given th Pn his clothe, and food.

Asked by the tB Wrct U.t which government whether Mr. Catt. had WM the -vehkl, this morning. Tie firing was new, and I 7 MWle4 with as -though he gave him one dolalr on one oe- had lmM Deea a4Jugted. son was elected la He then bad bis hair cot, sitting on a big stand on Orange avenue, the spectacle Attracting hundreds of people, i But wore It short bat for a few Incidentally tew ot his trtenda recognized' him.

Soon It grew' again, and it has never ngain been triqimed. He is aurvlved by a son, Joe Hilt who, lived with his father, and married dsUigbter, who oncfe was known in tnia commnn-ity ae-Queenle" but who Is now "MICKEY" BAUMHERNS, IS MAKING GOOD AS A TAR HALF-BACK WHIMLET CLUB Mrs. Earle Dukes was this after 0. E. S.

HOLDS INTERESTING. MEETING The, Orlando Chapter, No. 131 .0., E. 8. held their regular meeting last night at the Masonic Hall, And as this was the second meet-ing in the month, it was planned to have nn iniiation and social, but as tere was no inlatation the evening was entirely devoted to a "good time," The, chapter was honored by a visit from one of tbe Grand District Deputies of New Jersey, Mrs.

Hidden, who has come to Orlando with Dr. Riddel! to make her home. She gave a most interesting telling ot her work In the Star, and of her own chapter as well as the other chapters in New Jersey under her jurisdiction. There were several other present and past matrons and patrons present last night, all of whom were Introduced and made delightful addresses. "The entertanmen onmniU with Mrs.

H. Ht as chairm planned a most-entertaining pi gram which was given' immedist ly following the close of the reg lar meeting. i i The fjrst number waa a readu by Miss Laura -Robinson. "A.Tei..-to tbe Mason's Goat." Thia most amusing and caused mu laughter. Mrs.

JC. a bride of the evening, gave a most enjoy al riano solo, "II Dcsiderlo." Mr. Frank Hill, delighted tha large gathering of members and visitors of the chapter with two vocal solos. Mr. Hill has a very fine voice and is always very pleasing in his selections.

The last number, was very amusing play, "The tmlrlia; He" which was very well played by Miss Laura Robinson. Mrs, Self, Mrs. T. P. Rebinson and Miss Miltmore jnd a number fi.

chapter as. college girls. lr, cmiuii oa mm. tnun, wue A nnmher noon hostess to, the Whlmlet Club entertaining at her apartment in of the car began with numbers 5- 0, whereas the license now married aad living In Alabama. the Kaaetenah.

Mrs. Dukes used many polnsettas and fern in her appearing on tbe car is Itl-Mi, North Carolina. ROLLINS COLLEGE, Winter, Work on the improvement of tbe Park. Fla, Nor. (Special)' game of the fclue and Gold Among' the 'Tar candidates who Held annait halm ttnuuui hu NURSES' DANCE AT ELKS' CLUB decorations, and served marsh- Thebody of the slain man was hat, A PRfcTTY AFFAIR.

mallow salad and sandwiches with coffee. allowed to lie where it fell in the JContinuefl. from Pan Five.) road until tt was viewed by a cor There were two tables ot play er and the guest prise was a bud have shown op well thli year to week and tbe Stetson game ihould "Mickey" Baumberna, the aggros- tee a great Improvement In the slve halt back of tbe regular Tar general efficiency of the, Tar back, ground gaining aquad. Tbta lad Two houra each afternoon this balla from the Buckeye state and weak and for the first three daya came to Rolllna heralded as a of nett week will see the locals vase of art glass. I oners jury, wnlci brougnt in a verdict to the effect that Mr.

Hill met hia desgi by being strck with an automobile, to ing driven at a high rate of speed, by parties tbe governor had given him 50c at' another time. James Ortnond, employed as a convict guard at Sanderson, told of the appearance there of Town-sell and the governor the day Rogers nnd Brown were discbarg- Townsell testified at length concerning the treatment received by the negroes while on tbe Catts plan tation and sab) all the laborers were given' half holiday on Saturdays. This was the only statement in conflict with the testimony of Rogers, the negro aald he never had a Saturday half holiday but worked "until aundown." One Incident during TownseliV cross examination by Seuator John RHODES-PERRY ENSAoEMENT ANNOUNCED. Tbe remains were brought to BUFFALO, N. Nov.

18 (Special.) Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Rhodes, ot Freman street, North Tonswanda, J4. near here, last fleers of.

th Orange County Nurses' -Association, Miss Premd, president, assisted by Miss Rem-ekesvMre. Ellisv-krias-Mary Allen and. Miss Grant Miss Virginia Allieon was in cbarge of the punch table, and graciously served a particularly good punch the ntire evening. The club rooms were very charming In decorations, many green vines 'being artistically placed, and on the tablea and mantel plate were many pink rosea and asparagus fern. All tbe doctors In tbe city, with fleet and adroit half back, and ft dUnlaying their wares on the local can only be eatd that the lad has gridiron In preparation for the come up to hi recommendations, Turkey Day grid classic.

After a for he easily placed bimaelf among week of rest the-Blue and Gold the more promising of the back- wears of the moleskin aje Mt-field candidates of the local squad ting their old stride in the wsy of at the opening fof the year. being put through the mill in tbe The regular 'baekfleld men. of (line of practice period. Concen-ttae Tar aggregation vie with each tratloa oa the development of a Orlando and placed at the Carey Hand mortuary. It was announced at the Hand establishment this morning thst the funeral will be evening, announced the engage ment of their daughter.

Miss Ma rie A. Rhodes, to Calvert C. Perry held tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock, burial to be mpde at Apopka. Stoken, leading counsel tor tbe bit more 'aggressive- offensive fight Code Hill was one of the best known men in Orange county, of highly, picturesque and Interesting their wives, were speclsl guests. oerense, caused an uproar.

State Sea ate Smokes handed the witness pansmamlc photo pt the buildings on the Catta plantation aad naked him to identify them. Town- other as to their football prowess. Either combination used by the 1 Rollins College athletic mentor of Seeds, Baumberna, Tews and Thomas or R. toltdo. Hoefliag, Seeds and Thomas have proved to be good ground gainers this year.

the objective of the locals and if the good work' continues as It' has the pas! two days It Is a certainty that tbe Hatters will run across a snag when. they tackle tbe Tars Thsnksg'ving Day morning. linZZZZ IV' the dancing young men of tbe effects of bis advanced age. 1be pity were invited and were peeaentn gratifying numbers. Tbe sell pointed out the house In wblchJ Country Club erehestra gave very of Orlando, Florida, tbe marriage to be solemnised in at the borne of the bride's parents, in North Tonawanda.

HOME BUILDER8 TO HAVE A FANCY WORK SALE Tbe Home Builders are a class, of young matrons of the North Lake Sunday School. Those Home Builders aw to have a sals' ot fancy work and aprons on Thursday and Friday of this week, which will be held at tbe store formerly used by Urbsn Hardware on Court street. Tbe lsdtas announce tbey wil have such an attractive' stock of articles on sale he resided. The attorney then In Inspiring music and the dancing Selling used cars is a part of our business and like all other departments is handled by. ex-t: perts.

If you are in the market for a used car and want one that is in perfect condition at the price you to pay, then" you wflf want to see our offerings. terrogated: "And this, way down here, is the house' tbe negroes occupied." The witness adjusted hia SIDNEY J. CATTS ACQUITTED OF lasted till a late hour. WEDNESDAY BRIDGE CLUB TO MEET glasses carefully and repMed: can't sir exactly it looks like it PEONAGE CHARGE BY FEDERAL COURT but. It seems to be turned nround The Wednesday Bridge Club will meet with Mrs.

A. R. Bogue, on He as this year rounding out fifty years of residence in this section, having lived all those years on what be called a ranch, a short distance from Lockhart, where he was killed. The fact was recalled today that Mrs Hill, hi wife, had been burned to death at Lockhart 'some ten years ago, from having her clothing catch fire wall -eooklag Recently Mr. Hill bad tskea part In the production of "The Itruai Road," a new film Play made here.

He aad Misa May Allison, tbe heroine of the piece, became faat friends, whlia the jemuf women was r. Mr. HUl'told the not Wednesday three. O'clock. -r MISS -H08KIN8 "Look at it ibis way then," said back of the Witness aad motioning bim to look over his shoulder.

Townsell turned bnlf way around 'in hta chair, looked a mcfaeot -and remarked with all they hope Orlando will give them be again objected to alguing it nnd tbe governor ssid "well, we'll Just kettle it right now," The negro thep affixed his signatures ipWln-ing that he did not want to ausa any trouble. TownsatL who Fas aitaess to the eon recast Ion and l'KNSACOLA. Fla Nov. SO, (By the Associated Press) Sydney J. Catte, former governor of Florida, was acquitted by a Jury in Federal Court here late last night of a charge of peonage.

The Jury 'was oat only nine minutes. The testimony of as the outstanding feature of the evi I posUlveaess: 1-V Miss Louisa Honkias la one ot the three brides of' prominence In Orlando for whom many function are being given. Misa Bess OwlaaTas aaaeunoed a bridge Party for November tsth for this eharming and much-feted bride-to- vuj, imi a it: i rocug-hfs now," Mrs. Townsell testified as to the conversation between tbs govern the signing of the cost set prjM vionsly had testified 'that ukger-i more Una two days' ago how .1 ki 1' or sad Rogers concerning tbe la (hs pictsra. The u'n.

hisw a liberal patronage. CLASSES MET LAST NIGHT The classes in millinery under tht direction of Mesdames Belle Stokes and M. Mlmms met last night at the Old High School with a full attendance In each claas. Much enthusiasm is being shown and the teachers report a very Interesting meeting. They also say that the prospects are good for Instructors to be appointed for the two other classes that enrolled.

Ouly flfeen to a class are taken, aad the enrollment waa sixty, tbe first enrolling forming tbe classes now organised. ORLANDO CADHiAC'CO- Phone 672. 903 North Orange Are. ernor told the negro tt he did no! sign "tbey might come to the term aad take him bs Asked a ho the ''they" Townll COatEY SULLIVAN sinning of the contract nnd told of tbe treatment accorded the ae-croea while on the place, had said there was no.fsrthf-t" i-J torse wss galled by the Jllnt po pie, aad delivering th aalmal in nersun la Mlas Allison be said to her: "if yoa bav likewise gofeome ase to put an old mas ilka ana to, all yeu have to do In to command "they" was used sh Roger admitted that bs'eaa Brown west fusing on' Sundays, went Into DefusUk luss bn Saturday evenings, that tar we4 ttl treated and that tfcey irem rot vtder cased. rputftd that he aad Brown wen tftren te stime food nrovidVd f-ir the 'Iwnsull family and other workera and pre Mlas Eva Sullivan and r.

i. B. Cortey war married in Ban ford, Tuesday. They are receiving the congratulations of their msny friends, all Sullivan was th dsughtnrof Mr. IV.

H. Rulllvaa of Kinaimmaa. DATE 'OF SOCIETY WEDDING NIT TO t6 CHANGED It tan Sec Vied that It is beet to keep Jhe announced date of wedding which will -to aolemntxad at the Sorosla house Mondsy, Nov. I7U. Tbe marriage ubJim some of tbe leading soetety lights of the rity.

and will pryve an event ot great Interest to nil who attend. dence offered by the government during the afternoon session. The negro who was sentence to life imprisonment at Kimalmme, It years ago at the age of elghteea for the Border of another during a gambling row testified that epos given a conditional par don la Decern ber lX. be Met Governor Catts aj Sanderson, where he had been working with a road gaug. a few mlaates after bis formal release.

The governor told htm. the negro said, that "when yon make a year, yonll be tree." Asked br Assistant District Attorney Hoffmaa, what be meant by "making a year" the negro replied "a year on the Catts farm." He liter eiplatnei that the year was to be made la nay meat for the pardon Issued to him. D. F. 1 low ell.

of the naval stores fum of Brtaaua. Earing aad How The way he came to wear long hair, which characterised him; was this: la 1. wbaa Bryan first ran for the ifeeency, ha made a wager Uat it ttryaa was defeated he would not rut -his hair agata BHeHIFr CERTAIN MEN IN, riponiblc for OF COOE MILU Continued from Pegs One) hare been made by contact avJta a maa't hip. The car as washed rleaa that Ployd PL deputy sheriff, sfler running hia bead over the eurface of It lotted It to be practically dustieas, whjch lends to the belief that It was thoroughly waated Both the city police and officials from th sheriffs otflc, declare until another democratic president pared by Mrs. Tpwnsall that they came in.

at their meals la the hltchen Tuesday Wednesday-Thursday Bo that hia hair grew until fell upon his shoulders, and so ha the overseer's home, that tht wore it. a distinguished and proud had eomforable Quarters -wrti wood hetier, for wsrsntb dastng looking man, aomethlag after the imMH 0 Mid-Week Specials 1 ra ell, at Sanderson," Wme interest-, eif In the aeero endamaged. Mr. Howell testtQgft to.pal.wual IV tinker fee tor Royera la an effort, to obtain a pardoo. Rogers, Mr.

Howell testified was te rn the firm oilier In -rash tabor, wbkh ever would be moat convenient If ha anceeesrnl iri obtsinlng a peydosL The firm tM the fee, Rotors vsa and thee, aerordtnc te Uowell, tbe negro went' to tbe Cstts plantation Instead of report Is to fclau Howell eoanmanlcated with the governor who Informed bias that at voId gle his personal ne tor at eight per coat Interest, aad par ft as tbe negro earned It rhs plantation. Roger and Ed Brown, who the government (la another Indictment charges Mr. aCtta aba held la a ataU of peonage, released from the prison csunp the nam ta 3 Pork Chops lb. 22c fr9m YounB Corn-Fed Florida Octag bar 3c i Soap on Six Bart to a Customer day and went from lusxiemot te Drfuolak SoHaga. 8.

B. Toss Ills charge of the plantation, having gone to Sanderse to arranga for their transportation. The negroes made the Journey in the second clssa coach while TowneeD was la nnother ear on tbe train Rotors testified he did net see Town- C3 Extra Fancy Eating sell aata lust before the train ar rived at Defuniak Bprtnga, tight or ntna hoars later. The governor cam the plan r3 Add es doz. 29c ts Uoa aeveral dsva later.

Rogers testified, aod told htm that the firm which Roeer owed ESI presslag him (Catts) for It The governor offered a contract Is' de nies nrovldtng 'that Rojrere wfcnld remain on the plantation Uneeda Biscuits pkg. 5 and work until January Wt. aad continue to de so thereafter nntflj the and Interest had Six Packagtt to a Customer' 'i lr Id. Rogers declared he objected Jims pawmge r3 f4tgalng the contract because he thought It too much. Ha axptslned at this point that It would mean SPECIAL SALE AT REDUCED PRKB I Better i he would work a year to pay tor his pardon and a longer period until he had paid back the.

admitted on croa examination that the governor had told him he did not want to defraud htm aad that the governor returned the following day. he said, and presented nnoher contract along the line of the first document. Roger aald I The tliree great problems of motor lubrication are, Buffirient cuantity, best miality and proper grade. Get the habit of raiing the hodof yourcarv ber evcf yoU have gasoline put into your tank watch lubrication gauge and keep your motor filled with (r STAN COLA SS Goods' EotfkttdVj! el nukkly reltevsa Celde and La man tie bestr bet Grloofc Constipation, Blllouwaees and HeedsoHea. better tka tie re.

I i 7 Try Our Firie Cheese With Uneeda DUculi Such care guarda the quantity, the Stacocola trade mark above, guards the quality and the Stanocola chart of reccinmendatiocj wul Ull yen just Tvhat grada cf oil pour motor requires. toTH0LAlui relict from tor- VVhcadachc "-VI rftnt Tr jt Minn' rif trf r()tsrTf ff rrft try ft rft tfT I rt ri rl Ht-t itm fcf i a'.

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