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Orlando Evening Star from Orlando, Florida • 1

Orlando, Florida
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)


SIGN OUT AT BAPTIST CHURCH. Sunday was a Bed Letter Day in the history of ttK- Uaptist Church of Orlando. Hoth morning and evening there were large audience, was case of standing room only before WASHINGTON, Nov. 1. HAR I lime of ihf morning se mdered Export-Auteri.

7:30, At slagel KreisK Our New Furniture Annex Hers almost unlimited possibilities for furnishing ow's home in a most attractive manner and fht rt slum a fi South co cry i noted rther rt 'tn tht? Asia. Import se coutiiiems shov ed full KNOWN EIGHT Dr. TOW 1 Wond of JKI' III 1 TO DEAD AS RESULT OF OCOEE RIOT ui one sur. to U12.I rope for the uion as compared with t-veninir thft opened whivbi August with a sons service the tike manv nvei- iif.i Th Imports from 291 compared oi ong rose and fell under the 1 1 .701 in August. This left The paths of happine, invariably lead homewarj and particularly in the autumn and winter season the home is the place where happy friendship and the various festivities, of the season are held charming little dances and other pleasant affairs-and how delightful the scene when the home is well and comfortably furnished throughout.

Our wonderful showings of beautiful furniture will be of considerable interest to you. Let us show you. 1-adershlp of Brother Wolslagel until every person in that 'vast anriiamu, a Balance or trade in favor of the I'nited States of approximately 1212.. xHARDING WILL SPEND A P' FEW WEEKS IN PANAMA AND TEXAS RESTING as responding. Thev sav the sins- Ptetnhtf JULY PERRY STRUNG FROM LIMB OF TREE AND SHOT TO DEATH AT EARLY HOUR THIS MORNING; NEGROES ARMED SHOWED FIGHT Exports -to South America in Sen.

ing could he heard for blocks. Mrs WolslageL played as a violin olo WM'Mi -compared I "0 August, while lantina, by Raff. Several musical ONE OF THE GREATEST REPUBLICAN VICTORIES EVER RECORDED IN HISTORY; COX JETS 11 STATES VOTE OF SOLID SOUTH STILL IN DANGER; STATES AND CITIES WHICH GAVE WILSON HUGE VOTE IN 1912 VOTE FOR HARDING. "ii- i.uinii I jti i vjiius laier pronounced tier work as WILL NOT RESIGN UNTIL GOV. COX'S TERM exquisite, and we iieoiJle sty comparad vvltb l'.

There. Amen. I thus was a balance of trade of ap-- Brother Wolslagel sang a solo Intimately In favor of "I Am Satisfied' With with Auierica during month. I SOLID SOUTH MAY EXPIRES TO PREVENT APPOINTMENT OF LEO BORGARD AND ELMER McDANIELS SHOT IN DEMOCRAT-WILL NOT BE ACTIVE IN SENATE THEIR TRACKS WHEN ATTEMPTING TO ARREST AS HAS STANDING PAIR WITH UNDERWOOD MOSE NORMAN, THE INSTIGATOR OF AFFAIR. BE BROKEN FIRST wuuueri.ll RinnR Shipments to Argentina and Brasil sjicnrelf aturflier increase in Septem- i 1i a exPOrtl to the lortner ho.

SINCE CIVIL WAR Dr. AdciK-k presented a strong me, sage fritm "tha text Who Ha to See How jcLhers Truly a personal nieseagc lo' eft one of th-: vast-solfeBtt lah ItPtwppn As the result of as compart I i'is1' -ti th -month before hoi to' Brazil belu'g 17.. iust.tl4.S20.291, MARION, Ohio, Nov. 3. No longer Governor Loses Home Precinct.

.1 tl. .1 hivTiiN Nov Cox, blaois anil whites last night at Ococe u'ul NEW YORK, Nov. 3 Naw York State went Republican in the election yesterday by the unprecedented plurality of approximately l.OuO.UOO voles. With the single exception of the contest for governor, which is still in HOW SOME OF THE STATES BALLOTED a party nominee, uui iirusmeui asm REAL SURPRISES COME FFOM TENNESSEE AND LOUISIANA; HARDING GIVEN A TREMENDOUS VOTE. FORMER ORLANDO RESIDENT MAY BE a pun oi a.

dav. Kroth ot the UnlUd States, Warren O. Hard- the defeated presidential candidate, 0 Borgard. of Winter Garden, and tJr? flnuht t.nvernor ieatiin? I sang for th? furrowing rgi tip of the church: Bible 8c: Baiacg Ctasx Jr Dept. an 1 P.

V. I The Home Coming Meeting' ATLANTA, Oa Nov. 3. A real thB actual rornnw imr Jijvrt' Argentina, however.) eas-d nearly the total it so that Argentina! a net (r.vde balance for the' ith i ap'iroximateiv it nairmA.4 ing turned ms thoughts towara resi touay wireu mo or ucotL tie aeaa in and recreation today before formula- Senator Harding, the president-eKcl tinderlaklng Parlors, while tion of his aduiinistration machinery pledging support as a eltlMO to the unaertaiting tors and pollcks. He plans to take a real executive authority in whatever t-m- sam Salisbury, a former chief of po- vacation tomorrow which will give igency m.ght arise.

lice of Orlando, John Turner and sev- tolm a two weeka Seclusion on the His message, the first act of He- other8 flsh wounds IN NEW CABINET surprise in the presidential election as the potential figures for the missius in the South has been furnished in, nnSTnv nvprnnr districts indicating the election of his Tennessee and Louisiana. BOSTON, Nov. 3. Governor Cool- ol)D0nijni Nathan Mil- Returns from 66 of the 95 countiea' Idge, called Senator Harding by long VWi.mup 111. ill -m Texas coast ana a weet 01 acowiinai ifa tauuiuam waj, icom.

ha.e tiqe come anUhear I fwm -Rnitil decreased more' In the spirit of America I a-pi which will not prove serious. JOHN WEEKS PROMINENTLY MENTIONED MUCH SPECULATION AS TO WHO WILL FILL HIGH POSITIONS. la the Panama Canal Zone. A tew tag ends of the campaign remain to be cleared away front his In Tennessee and newspaper estWljtence telephone early today and Senator Jamog Jr mates for the remainder of the coun- extended congratulations. I extend Republicani was eleclea by a substan.

ties give Harding a lead of 2G8 votes you my hearty greetings, said Cool- jgl pluramy OVPr Ulg Democratic op- the decision of the majority and ten- gjx negroes are known to be dead, ve having peen created in houses desk first, however, and he will de ana KepuDiican state leauers exprs iuge oonent. Lieut. Governor Harry C. vote the neTtwo or three iays "to The Native autiionty In which they hud congregated, while ed hope of breaking the "solid South' exiena me same to you, governor. Walker.

The Renublteans will con- Marion. 0., Nov. 3. Although noth- jtVtn the total -LLpij'ifr i eimntry.onnd pp tie month with a I of nail, a. million, dollar I r.Jasa'Btfe.'fhe' t'nited tStste.

I i i'vports tT Asia in September were' fel -vaiiied (rt :ffr.8T4,iS compared with i roundina out his affairs here. He la whatever emergency nug.T arise. one, July Ferry, met nig aeam at for the first time since reconstruction combination. Vv -tings, begfna 7 30 aj)d i proafptiy. at 'W nisht- the Church, was filled 'ami everyone enjoyed the it iW- Pt.

Aiccme and Brother Wolsl, sar.g a beautiful duet which From early last night the governor the Qf posge took him ing authorittative has pome from Mr. DemocraUe Governor Cooldge8 i nZT Zl a 'two thirdsToie no illusion auout ttie unai Harding or an yof his close advisors an(H th OV 1 (lanflrliinl (lint Intno iC1 1 Jlin CI rntU Fr had id for The Living Room Soft lamplight and festivity are fet'twes of one's living room in autumn evenings. So dp restful colored rujrs, comfortable and roomy chairs, embracing davenports, all. combine to make one's living room a desired place to live in. The beautiful settings now being shown for your living room illustrate exactly how the furniture and furnishings help to produce that desired charm to the living room.

Beautiful lamus nnrl living room furniture in a rare assemblage. Whether it is rich mahogany or fibre you will find our showings of living room suites are verv complete and interesting. but he refused to make any stat ment. from me county jau ax an ear.y. uo probable cabinet selections i rn7 rt Deuaujr ana electea represen atives to His newspaper extra aiinounctn a this morning, carrying him to a point Ule administration, campaign toral vote to Governor rnv IU T.

a. 5" Heals Republican landslide, Harding whin norn vn tn? road leading to the gossip has included repeated mention O'J in August while imrorts I runU Democratic give niy regards to raH.srdi'aonly2' MILWAUKEE, Nov. 3. Vic-vvnile Louisiana apparently was' 'its fine of you to call me up. 'tor Berger, unseated socialist Democratic, the Size Of the Mm HarriiTUr will ar.nrM.lato vnnr rr8sman from the Fifth ltlatrict.

nJ add fresh- laurels to tbUrwonuerill and exceptional team of Christian. ''Hi? probably will leave Saturday morning not to return again until about mid-December. One of his tasks today was to read and acknowledge hundreds of telegrama of congratulation that had been pouring tn alhce the balloting began yesterday. During the night the Marion telegraph offices wera flooded beyond capacity and today the messages continued to come in. The aenator was not at hia office until Uta In, the forenoon, however, compared '7 J21 the month before.

with The y.teP0.U!diby.Hrd!,ng 004 wishes, the senator answered. a lead of 213 votes over Wm. L. Staf trid'. balance aaainst this mnntrv ford, with less than half the districts Hp1 "ISt 1 hope to see you before long.

nersonal expression hut otic at Country Club, where a rope was plac- of several prominent republicans for rw." ta he manifested ed around his neek. At 8:15 he was eablnet posts. In this current of un- Znreven1 1, Uiier and the last hour at his body removed after tt had been vie-w- are thoBe of Harry M. DoUgherty and office was devoted to comforting din- ed by a coroner's Jury. I John W.

Weeks, of Maasachusetts. consolated consolators. Ma never lost Mose Norman 6tarts Trouble. Throughout the campaign Mr. his smile nor did Mrs.

Cox. who spent Daugherty has been more closely as- -f '11 1 ,1 tn 1 hfiflrfl frfllfl fit 4 llrlncl. thltl I 1 i I HI I 1 1 L' Tonight E. L. Wolslasel and Broih er Henry Symond will sing i (Ju.t.

-Ra-fiecting His Glory, and" a treat is promised. wVloniTdl.Trlrter t.tlr2 C0D- time, Senator' Harding said The official count may be necessary gresstonal district and received ma-' a.ia Th0 'or the month waa. approximately (e.i'Oti.oOit. Japan cut her -imports toirt "this country in September tn in otpht n.t.n. it' unina i taKe a neeaea rest ior i-NfT 'ia while, i Berger, Stafford, 21,112.

having been kept awake until long liar rlv half those in Anniit the hi. niiont annRa with him. To all friends lne tW9m a PW" aoeiated with Mr. Hardlne than anv aoeiated with Mr. Harding than any dentiai unVlnn wt vnt ZzJei Tonight a results ought to brace! townsmen, who chose his lawn as the who came with condolence he added Mose Norman, who Insisted that he 0tner party manager, making many forum for a succession of celebrations these worda to his smile.

be allowed to yote after this prlvl- trips here and taking a large part In oer the. honor that had come to "I'm proud of your interest." Ap- jMhi i nlm on the thte formulation of the nominee leans alone was 17 090 to 31 402 for any one sai(i tne Bvernor. "Ij NEW YORK, Nov. 3. One of the Cox, or tnore than the total Hughes I do feel nne over most sweeP'n8 Republican victoriea received in th entire state tour' "''m at your service at any kind, in party history today stood recorded years ago.

All of the other Southern 8ald Governor Coolidge. "We've got for Senator Warren G. Harding, for States appeared todav to havo rni. real Job ahead and we'll tackle it president and a Republican congress. Dr Adcoek speaks tonight on th beia, g9.M4.MT for September ttae topic 5ft Who Was d- for August.

Japan Elated But Couldnt fake Hi, Stand." to'jta mm The meeting will close promptly at vahlM 9MMun compared with a.o, which will eib every one to 4 get the first of the election returns i 'S. ExigrtB and imports to the prlnet- Marlon and to their neighbor. They parently be mane good nis campaign campaign strategy. This close con- brought every variety of noise ma king aasertlon that for him the result was ground that his poll taxes had not tact thw tne senator's oft- device and both Mr. and Mrs.

Hard- Impersonal. Before midnight his been paid. Norman left the polls, repeated nralae of Mr Dauehertv's up the traditional maw. together, said Senator Harding. Tremenous and unparalleled Republi 1 ,1,,,, 1 1 a (' 1 I ran nliiralitiea heirlnnlni? with thft During the latter part of this month the dinine room cornea in for more than the usual share of attention 'IW Tne enjoys a meal there three times a day but at tSJw Ume it takes on greater signif icaw'e And of ing responaea 10 every serenum.

uy niuaaam mnt aia wwn returnee: later in me anernooii services has led to guesses in many w.n uemocratic leaders in lnBn uiu sain gooauye comtnig out and shaking hands unce wniie laiaing over me ul: i.m- in th. North Carolina claiming th. first count of ballots in yesterday's election continued mounting today. around. -wwr COunctm his olfice w.lD wn a anov 8 majority there in th, hlstorv of th.

r.AV r.K i l. Defeat Jn their fight hoth for the 1 national neaaquaners ai iew tomoblle and began to maKe mreais r-w whiio i 7i Whtlp tn mm. In awmm. mm 1 I ion ne BUBwmM enaiort namaaat a. ii.a Yot he Informed Senatorf Harrison rRfUaaa to allow a'- i a mwyar una refused allow uaa ueen ha Nov.

3. Ken-, presidency and congress was con- of MfaWslppi chairman of the Demo- those who jo ffientloea ag a poagMne choic9 tor abama and 0r.PMtan tucky gave Governor Cox a substan- ded early by Democratic national Witehas Congressional Return. Sattatied of his own sweeping vlc- cratlc speakers bureau, during tne nun 10 voie. auorney general. 1 nn A ual raajoriiy, re-elected Sena- leaders on' the basis of the crushing Mr.

Weeks, a former member of Xi X.r' tor tory, the new president elect care- campaign, that he was ready at any Norman waa knocked down when C. W. Beckham, Democrat, and Republican vote and despite the ab- fully watched the congrssional re- tim to go on a hunting trip to the hl8 UI1 He was the senate naval committee, Is men- had not mad anvVnnLiZt tn. on the face of returns chose seven' sence, even early today, of final and turn, to now great wouki senators home state, tiutside ttt- m.a hi. in the undercurrent of polltl- though the flehi In th.

uemocratlc and three Republican con official figures. be the parttUngth in senate and governor's newspaper plant there intercepted and finally made his get wlth the JElgM Ttj-jaaai in the Eighth congrea- With the presidency and congress nemorratln inrnmh.nt 1 slonal district, King Swone. Renubli- went loss to the Democrats of gov- house. Throughout his campaign he irathered a crowd to watch the re- away. From this time excitement be- ghln navv 1 1 A 1.

ju 1 ta VICTIMS RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uric arid troubles are most dangerous because of their insidious attacks. Heed the first warning they give that they need attention by taking COLD MEDAL names which are mm aw.wrou um uui. w. uui iv. wo, mxmn a.m intense was reported that Among many Brown, was close Full return had can incurabent, apparently waa losing ernors legislatures and other not been received from the eighth 8 Democratlc opponent, Judge "tate and local candidates.

The break, ninth and tenth North at. RalDtl w- Last unofficial even threatened to extend into the tric'but nd catfon. were hat fiBures from three-fourthi' rdar states hirtherto solid South rw. the votinir nr.Hnot. i with Republican gains in some South- Weak Stomachs find a friend in that easily digest ed, strengthening food of wheat and malted barley- Grape-Nuts At grocers everywhere canuiuaies would be elect-' n.

states laraer than anv since the ed. Hiriit Ullirao tunc WWB lU ur- uiMptTHVU IJflUre II' ill HiltT I9 aaoaa.aailaait aa n.KI publican congress to insure am ceiving little cheerful new. Not far the negroes were congregating in if JPilfiPi work in the federal government and dlsUnt in a nearly street anoth colored section. 1 2 he expreaaed gatlflcation today at the; throng stood about Republican head- N.oro oMn Fire 11, ES SSf assurance that the votera had re- quartera and made merry until the Nearoea Open Fire. of Henry CahoA Lodge.

Elihu Root, ponded to his appeal. early hour of this mornina. Its shouts Fing that trouble would betlr- phlladen C. Kx and Charlea Evans With particular Intereat he scanned reached the governor as he for red up by Norman, a number of Ocoee Haghea. Whether political history the reports of the various senatorial home shortly after midnight.

citlsens went to the colored quarters wU1 repeat itself In the selection of elections because of the Important; Dayton itself did not acctpt the gov- Will H. Hays, chairman of the re-part he expects the next senate to" ernor's candidacy with great favor. 10 arrest him. Sam saitroury, a war puDllcan national committee as post- rhan 65 000 Civil War. Senator Harding vie tory in what Governor Cox of Ohio, hla Democratic opponent, and other California's Vote.

Democratic leaders and many Repub- San Francisco, Nov. 3. An llcans balled as the solemn referen- Berger Defeated. MILWAUKEE, Nov. 3 Vic tor ia.

Berger, unseated socialist con. play In tne rormaiatlon of a foreign Me lost his own pr cinct by 12 votes started to enter ine nousu ma8ter general ia another question ill policy. It Is no secret that th? ma- but incomplete rp'urns from Mont In which Norman waa supposed to he gressman from the fifth district of apparently safe majority for 'Senator dum upon the League of Nations, waa Wisconsin, at noon today conceded bis i Harding the outcome of the senatorial impressive. In the absence of final defeat by Wr. H.

Stafford, publican, contest still doubtful and the antl- figures the swelling tide of hugh which the gossips have busied them selves. The name of John And your bedroom may be arranged with a view to distinction and unusual charm as our showings offer a wide variety of ideas for the arranging of happy, airy bedrooms. Whether you prefer the darker finishes or thfe light you will find an almost unlimited choice. And all our showings of furniture, rugs, and other home furnishings are supremely satis- 1 fying in variety as well as quality. alien land amendment seemingly Pluralities eariy toaay gave aim as- jor concern of the Republican leaders gomery County, Including the city was over the local fights made on a aave him a few hundred over his op-numbtr of Republican senatorial nom-, ponent.

Inees and Mr. Harding volcel in a measure hla delight that the outlook! The world's standard remedy for these will often Wtrd off these dis-eases and strengthen the body against further attacks. Three sues, all druggists, look lot the un Cold om nmrr and accept do imilatioa adopted were indicated in California trance 01 aes votes in me eieciunu returns compiled early today. REPURLICANS WILL CONTROL CONGRESS hiding. He was met at the door with a bullet which entered his left arm above the wrist, passing out just below the elbow.

Leo Borgard and Elmer McDanlel who were standing in the negro's yard, fell dead, the former being shot in the temple, the latter in the abdo college as against 127 for Governor Cox, with 75 doubtful inclusive of states where the Republican tide was running strong. The unofficial results pressaged a larger majority in the electoral college for Senator Hfrd- For president 1732 precincts out of 6154 gave Harding a lead of 141.451 votes Over Cox. The vote: Cox, Harding, 209,071. King, national committeeman from Connecticut, also has been mentioned for the post. Herbert Hoover, former food administrator, has heen talked about most frequently for assignment to the treasury or Interior departments.

Gen. Leonard Wood or Oen. John J. Pershing ma ybe asked to take the war portfolio, according to another rar the retention of a party ma-j Jority In the upper branch of con-' greaa The vacation trip to be made by! tie new president elect and his wife will have as its purpose not only rest and recreation but avoidance of many MijlM anaail annoyances that aJ-1 Returns from 1220 precincts tn the Governor r. deficit for paste months more than 200 million IN MAJORITY Senatorial contest gave Northrldge 3J3 SETS lng and his running mate.

-w IF, .1... men. When theory in circulation FURNITURE ANNEX this neas spread hundreds LEADERSHIP ANTICIPATED. FURNITURE ANNEX 435 for President Wilson in 1911, during the Republican "spilt." The Republican congressional swing was as strong Increased majorities in both wfa fell to the lot of a coming chief executive. Office seekers already tkaaaav th.h- itlt of tha auc.

The California anti-alien land amendment which haa been the subject of diplomatic exchanges be- YoweLL-raEwfe NEW YORK, Not. S. Republicans a. fc 1 nauvuw 11,011. luuouonoa ireijueni- mshed to the aid of the few men who connectloIl wth tne attorney were caught In the negro quartera.

generalship Is that ot former Senator The district waa surrounded and the Geo. Sutherland, of Utah; George W. houses riddled with ballets. Ju Wlckereham of New York and Sena- senate and house being marked up. control for another two years with tween the IT.

S. and Japan, had ceaaful candidate and in Texas hej WASHINGTON, Nov. I The rail-hopes to get away for a from roads sustained a net deficit of IV M.000 during th. six month, period lug for him. Point Isabel, lead ot slightly more than two and Early today victory for virtually all 01 more "an two anu tuany toaay victory tor vinuauy au an Increased house majority and majority ana aone ah, QQ6 Th ToU from 353 ntteen Republican senators for re- prospecuve increase in the senate was: For adoption, 19,225 1 turn was spelled by the returns, while I perry the negro who waa lynched 7 Brownsville and the Mexican border.

Kealdea this sum the treasury must htvg one nmtl have been talked ul to be his vacation ground and pay them $406,000,000, the amount of nere' to tohMe 0n: secretary of war. was a major part of the election aeainat 7.114 about a half dozen of the 19 Demo OI tne OOys. wnue nruij rw Becreiary oi agriculture, tienry sweep. A net gain of 20 votes in the house was shown with complete! Harding Going. aohnni (ca.

h. hi to have Wallace of Iowa and Senator Ar cratic candidates were battling against Republican leads. The first trial of woman suffrage contributed largely to the Republican majorities and also was a factor In The COLUMBUS, Ohio. NOV 3. fired the bullet which killed the other.

been I I suggested. Representative John J. returns from 17 states, bnt with most of the Democratic strongholds re- noon tabulation on the Ohio presiden e-r Ue tranapo, remains there. jUtloa act. Part of the deficit is After that be will maate the voy-j charged to lacreaaed pay granted to gt fto railroad worker by the railroad week about the canal famlliartxing UMtat With the detail, of govern- board meat administration aa well as the' When the period of federal guar- tial vote showed Senator Harding il countries in Set temher

re: -1 tember ailroad. ha. been a through service South that ha. bm offerod delaying the count in many states. Perry just oerore ne mmi um Ech Wisoonsin.

is one of these denied that he had done the shooting suggested for secretary of com- porting. Eight of the fifteen Repub- leading Governor Cox sy 258,946 on. Tnmiilions of women's ballot, also 14 of aginea, baggage cars, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY liritain 42.48.-. 08:: but accaaed Spate. Th men turned merce din general speculation have appeared the names of Senator Al Aa.

having Orlando p.m. also carry through cars to St I'ftirsbiirg and Tampa. The trtla will ye i comt-lMe nw (wiul kmwnt swelled the popular vote recorded beyond all records. Senator Harding accorded his victory without exultation, stating that ik-an senatorial candidates had come rPlurnB lrora precincia oui oi 1 7145 1 nthe state. The vote was Hard- tn winners today, the seven others mg Cox 551.800.

Returns had substantial leads, while In ten from $676 precincts gave former Gov-other states ell of the Heimhllcan I rnor Willis a lead of 158,368 votes dlnfng cars and Pull mans, and will he equal to the beat In the country. DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED COME EARLY TOMORROW WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD THREE-HOUR SALE ONLY 9A.M TillNoon, and 1,30 to 4,30 P.M AMOSKEG CHECK GINGHAM Pink, Red, Copen, Navy, Black, very fine 0fjc quahty, Value $1.00 per yd. Our price per yard SERGE Finegt money can poMibly buy, regularly at $2.50 per yard J. QQ Per yard, our price 0 I STRIPED SATIN To line your Coati, Suit, Etc. Very fine quality.

None better, regular $3.50 1 CO quality. Our price per yard WHITE SILK REPP Wonderful Heavy Quality Silk PrtD Cil'ID TO practical physical working of the aB(N earning, to the road, ended waterway. He probably will land on th return trip at New Orleans De on September 1. the Increase passen- DANCING IMt; in.ports $34,231,801. compared Arri JackaonvlUe 1:10 p.m.

ith S43.4t4.C7S in August. Waahlngton :30 p.m. Franco: Eijorts com- eveint. Boston the folio, inc he was more given to prayer to God cemhar aad on the 5th he is to ger and freight rates granted by the entrants were reported in the van. tr'XL, Ml.WT opponent ior unitea states senator av Perry oer to Sheriff Gordon, who rushed htm to th Orange General Hospital for medical attention, and later removed him to the county Jail.

Negroes Show Fhjht By this tun th aecroea had shown a determined front Havlag twew ctin th at a celebration of tha order ha Th.a. da. of Klk. at Hedford. morning.

The Atlantic Coast Line I (signed to lneraaaa the groaa revenue DANCING LESSONS 01 van Sy GRACE QUILLE 22 East Pin street. Prwna 104 gainst fUMtf nas finally competed arraugemcnts to do this of the carriers by $1,500,000,000 anna- Mr. Harding remains a member ot th United 8tatea Senate bat aa hla plans no shape ap he will probably not make more than a short visit, at Wm: I trapped in their CCe, WM: next vice president, he sent the fol-Wlllls, 537.14; Julian, $78,796. Iow1lig message stating: "We've got a real Job and well Maryland For Harding. i tackle It together." BALTIMORE Nov.

3 Virtually Governor Cox also received his de-complete returns from Maryland give feat without untoward show of feel-Cox 1TS.1S8; Harding 124.201; Deb, ing He withheld any com meat after 404. Senate. Smith (Dt 161.222; Wei- remaining at hti newspaper office ad lers (R 178,106. Oaly 21 precincts, narton Ohio, until slmost midnight ll2.3S4.g7t in August. Italy; ExiMtrt $5 lared with imiwta in Aovust to the national capitol before fir oa the crowd ot men who were WWW I 374,773 com-1 On December 1st, the new tMin ta August: known the KvergUdes Special mpared wlthjl make Its flrat trip.

The train have th. at ion day. He has a standing I bent oa caatartag th marderer of bert B. Fall, of New Mexico; Myron T. Herrirk.

of Cleveland; Walter 8. Brown, of Toledo: Raymond Robins, of Chicago, and Senator Smoot, of Utah. The possibility that a woman may sit in the cabinet before the next administration Is over haa been suggested yt he senator's proposal for a new department of public welfare Secondary to the cabinet gossip, and of the aam Indefinite and unauthoritative character la tha speculation as to who wttl have tha Important post of aecretarY to the new president. Geo B. christian Jr has hoan Mr.

Hard tng'a awretarv since 4 entered thtj aenat. hot so some of hla friends have stiggetted that be might prefer to take some other place tn the att administration Reeleos his name, those of Fred Stark, ot Ctocla For the 19 Democratic Senate seat? nine of the minority party had boon returned winners all from Southern 8tates while la the herder and Western States the others were fighting an nphill battle. The general Republican landslide would seat several more Republican senators waa predicted confidently by Repahllcan campaign managers, whose claims included a majority ot 8 to 10 la th next senate. Both th Republican aad senatorial with Senator UnderwooaV TOR SALE-Oraat SU In good coa dltlon. Apply 8an Juan Oarage R.

fit Shop. 1124 the Ihmocratk: aeaate lead ofthe 821 are missing snd these are sad seeing his own paper lass aa and Ha friends say that unless le emergen. arise he Hi let widely scattered. TILL COUNTING THI BALLOTS two comrmdea Finally th house, war set oa tire, aad It laaUsjataS that from thirty to forty The inspectors aad clerk, ar at 1, busy la Prectact No counting th ha I Int. naal In lh.

mlarilii known 1' Hth-r killed In throuirh car from Boaton to the ATLANTIC COAST LINE INAUGURATES NEW SERVICE arrange a. cm protect the Rei uh early extra edition recounting hla defeat Senstor H.rding. Governor Cool Ilcan majority tn the St Potcraburg Go. Rapvblican. 8T.

PETERSBURG, Nov. 1 month. Ob January 1 when eiecOoa idge, WUI H. Hays, Chairman of the YufiCI and tH. amaaaMa m.m that will Harding carried all seres precincts or met death from the LAI Ual For many year the dream of rail r.

wl man.r. of north and south UTtr.or. Plt tally asttl about 9 figure, tndloate that win be ia a ani svati WJ aa Uianuj VI rath, thaa lae tha ballets other Republican leaden this state by Tkl. la I- .1 o'clock tonight The atnendrajt AZ IT' "ZZI telegram, of cwirratulatlon. Harry Davis.

Mr To negro women oa aad 10 tn while Sen ticket, presidential tickets were reported early today aa sJaaad ha California Nerada, Missouri. Colorado. Soath Dakota Idaho, Ohio aad Wash- RHEUMATIC PAINS iwwb Krpaauvaa ruajw. iaa j. u.

SBkaat w-- w. iwu. Harding commended Sir. May a poll Harding probably WtS Worth $3.00 per yard ator FVtcber ateou to ha fi 00 oatl. and Richard Wa.hharn Child, of wtfa of Ml Tim, U- other aaM to a Cat rratA swaawMd to aw aJetely oatdlataocod Jadge go Republican.

Of at ma Otir nri MMa lamassfcal Nw York, hare been mentioned BUILDING OF ALL KINDS WE ARE CONTRACTORS Opt-rations now under construction by as: STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD oUits who ffJSfS uriea. two MM Uttt he wo expert htm to -play a fall pan the com lag Sloan's Liniment, kept handT HiwthwtHhtputoi tbiaai SI05HlNGiSSd-ii and thea-the dreaded rtu-nuK fl but tut long wbta Stoan Lunment i put on the oW BONO AMENDMENT AfPARrNTLY publican admisfrtratlOB The lm Rp- Reh Ortaeale. Oessa At a aacaajat IS DEFEATED. No nmi ri rfrnq a.kut rMi roofing Elccrile proof is in the root Made of topping good material. Don't pot off putting Erectile on.

NOTICE TO EX-SERVICE MEN: ami. rj ajaamra a tjatiof55 aa'te ThU m.SJ s4rils are dotaed sad nmr thaoW tatnily fne-J pmetratu 'L'UB T0" breithe ad haipadnT, Airf frwlT becaoae of a or catarr- cteirty. too WMaa. oo I-sS a U1 bottle of Ely. cW or cgg3 mm Miswy's resi-ifrro and twn other Houses on Lake Lucerne; Csptain Ayere requests every ex-service man JJJaaH mil possibly do so to re pon at police headquarters in uniform at seven o'clock TONIGHT.

Cause is TAFFETA All colon. Fine quality. Regulat price 3.00 ti CQ Our price per yard'1, 33 SATJNS AH tbadevebu, mko Other Wonderful Valoea, Come up and Look Around. I JMLOR RISSK CfWlie and Oraage Watkin, Block Bldg I FLIGHT UP mm No. 30 Roo.No.30 rta' UsJBsw Ota lar Van 0H.

(Cmisai I Pa Fuller H( BjmMim Sloans i WILDER A MOC aJdUJlMi.

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