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Lincoln Nebraska State Journal from Lincoln, Nebraska • 25

Lincoln, Nebraska
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Mrs. J. G. MeBrlde. Mrs.

CflEfflCAL' SOCIETY MEETS B. Myers, Miss Josie SulUvan. Reunion of The Perry Family was tat third in his class, due to short age and small size. Most of the other eteers tn his class were six months older than he. Double Sensation, the FAULTY OPERATION FATAL- FREDERICTON, N.

Jan. 22. champion Hereford steer, did not show as even or tidy a carcass as Scots Delight. Selling on foot, howeveri Double Sen Of Sears Elected and riana Msde for Aanrcsses on Cfcesaiatrr by Dr. Victor Leaner.

The ninety-fifth regular meeting of the Nebraska section of the American chemical society was held Thursday evening sation brought 27 cents a pound, the top price of the show, and about three tiroes i the market pricer This steer brought W25, and be had' won more than o)0 in Thlrtyfour Inches of surgical gause ieft In the abdomen of Hary A. Larleerot Perth, a world war veteran after he ttad been operated upon at Portland. a year ago for appendicitis, caused tiis death here today at the soldiers' civil re-eatabllshment hospital. Larlee failed to recover his strength after the operation, and returning to New Brunswick. chemistry hall W.

S. FrLsbie. state prises in tne jast two years, ne in If fmm CI figment Son of Ord. for $4. Eight other chemist, addressed the section on "Some steers sold by the college after the show, I Problems, Administrative and Chemical.

Food. Drugs and became patient at the soldiers' instltu- Including Scots Delight, averaged 18 1-2 of the of upon another operation and discovered the gauze. After It had been removed. Larlee failed to rally. The champion carcass steer, his He explained, certain of the laws dam and granddazn.

were bred by the col- of his department and the methods of en-leg. forcing them. He also discussed the var- The carcass prize increased the total ioua chemical analyses involved in check-winnings of the Nebraska college at Den- ing up on misbranded and adulterated ver to $1,030. the largest amount it ever tood. drugs, stock remedies, paints and other products.

won at a show. I The western livestock show this year was probably the best ever held, accord-, ing to Prof. H. J. Gramlich of the college of agriculture.

A large number of The Nebraska section has recently affiliated with the Chicago section in tne publication of the "Cemical Bulletin." a booklet appearing, monthly, and devoted extra fine animals were on exhibition to ditorii short technical papers and i nn noci aiauiarra tj iiiw ivin p. ex OJVTC HOJEST HOLDUP MATT. SIOUX Crry. Jan. 22.

There Is an honeat hold-up man here. This was learned when P. D. Hass. a railroad yard master, who was held up and robbed Wedneswday night, found the following note at his office: "I'm the fellow wno robbed you last week.

1 was broke and out of a job and my wife and kids were grolng hungry. But I got a Job here In Sioux City now and as soon as I get a little money ahead, I will return what stole from you." Hass said it he knew who the man was he'd give him "another 111 for being so honest' discussions, and to personal and profes tracted much attention and admiration. DEMANDS QUITTING SIBERIA Pata lt- Dfiwltira Party of Japan twT 4 -f ,5, 1 it, M-L I :j.jT3'- I -frtr self On Record. sional data relating to members of the society. Tho Chicago section is assisted in the publication of this bulletin by the Milwaukee.

Minnesota. Iowa, Wisconsin. Ames. Louisville and Nebraska sections. During the week of February 21-28.

Dr. Victor Lenher of the University iff Wisconsin will be the guest of the University of Nebraska. He will deliver a series of addresses on special phases of chemistry. He will speak before the Nebraska section of the A. C.

S. probably on February 21. The recently elected officers of, the local section of the American chemical society are as follows: TOKIO. Jan. 20.

Immediate evacuation of Siberia, universal suffrage and insist ence upon Japan's rights in the California question were demanded in resolutions passed today at a general meeting of the Kenseikai. the opositlon party of Japan. 'I The party held a meeting preparatory to the reopening of the Japanese diet ariitlnn ill-veil that the mainten ARMY BILL TO WHITK HOUSH. WASHINGTON. Jan.

22. The house resolution fixing the peace time strength of the army at 175.000 men by directing the. secretary of war to stop recruiting until the force is reduced to that sise. was adopted by the senate and sent' to the white house. In the usual coarse the resolution will be referred to Secretary Baker, who.

it Is understood is prepared to recommend to the president that the resolution be approved. President. Ir- Ernest Anderson, Univsra- ance of friendship with the United States ty of Nraaka. Vice president. W.

FTiabia. state Ham KIMDY A Patient Said oo be made a bajie policy of this natton ana also indorsed the league of nations and a renewal of the Anglo-Japanese ali-ance in the interest of world peace. The league of nations was favored by Viscount Kata, leader of the party but he regretted the fact that America was not a member. He approved of the plan for restricting armament bnt considered Japan's naval program as the minimum to be fixed for the national defense. Takeshi Inukal, leader of the Koku-mlnto or national party addressed a meeting of that organization, condemning Japan's policy toward America, China and Russia, declaring it was "sowing the seed for future trouble," SERVICE let.

Becretanr-treeanrer. B. B. Areaaoa. T7al-Termtr ef Nebraska.

Councillor. Dr. F. W. rrpesn.

tTalTerslty of Nebraalca, Executive committee Xr. H. O. Demlng and lr. D.

J. Brown. University ef Nebraska: H. A. Durham, Nebraska Wealeyaa university.

Nebraska editor, "The Chemical Bulletin." Prof. J. Frankforter. University ot Nebraska. Dr.

Fred W. Upson, chairman of the department of chemistry. In the University of Nebraska, spoke before the Ames section of the American chemistry society last week, on "The Life and Work of Dr. Neff." Dr. Neff was a celebrated organic chemist of tho University of' Chicago.

One of the most important things he worked out in the course bf his life-Ions' researches was that on bl-valency of the carbon atom. Dr. Upson was a former student of Dr. NefTs. Dr.

Upson also addreased the Iowa state bottler's association at Des Moines on some chemical and bactieroloacal problems in the manufacture of soft drinks. I "These Glasses are not 'as good as they were." The Glasses have not changed, but your eyes have. An examination will tell. 4 THIS- W. T.

V. MUSEUM. The University Place W. T. museum will be open to the public January 28 and 29.

Relics from the Mayflower and from ancient wars will be on exhibit. The University Place annual T. U. reception will be held January '28, afternoon and 'evening' at the city library In honor of the fourth anniversary of tho opening of the There will be a program and the public generally is invited to be present. This committee has charge of collections for the museum: Mrs.

W. Smith. Mrs. J. M.

Riley. Mrs. Draper -Kindy Optometrists Opticians 1137 Street Members of the Perry family held a family reunion at the horn of Judge and Mrs. E. B.

Perry, 1534 South Twenty-third street recently. In the picture are Mr. and Mrs. A. V.

Perry and their five children and eleven grand children, which include the three aons, E. B. Perry of Lincoln: C. A. Perry.

Cambridge: R. H. Perry. Hood River, two daughters, Bernice Perry Phillips, OambridKo and Eva Perry Wagey of Lincoln and their families. Mrs.

L. J. Fowler and Louise Fowler Park of La Grange, 111., who are also shown in the picture are guests at the E. B. Perry home.

Mrs. Fowler is Mrs. Perry's mother and Mrs. Park, her sister. A.

V. Ferry has been engaged in business in southwest Nebraska for forty years. He came to Lincoln from Cambridge in 1919 but still retains his interests in that part of the state. TO BE UNIVERSITY PASTOR STOCK MEN HARD PRESSED SOME OF THEM MAY BE FORCED OUT OF BUSINESS. C0B2T FOB NEEDY OF EUROPE Bcecst Offer of J.

Howard Accented toy Herbert Hoover. CHICAGO. Jan. 22. The recent offer of the farmers of the middle west to contribute surplus corn for the of the starving millions of Europe and China has been accepted by the Hoover relief committee and similar organisations, according to a message today from the New York offices of the American farm bureau federation, thru which the stocks were ofefred.

J. K. Howard, president of the federation, advised that the rellH committees expressed the belief that funds for transportating the supplies could be raised without difficulty. "Let us market' our surplus reliel and take our pay hi good will." is ths slogan adopted by the farm federation in Its drive for the holding's stock of farmers. I R.

rx Henkle. general secretary of tn American committee for the China famine fund, has written, president Howard that a cargo of 6.000 tons can ported from Tacoma in he latter part of February and expresses hope that tne stocks may be available at that date. CATTLE SELL AT A LOW FBICE Qnetation at Cieao th Loweat Cor Five Yeears. CHICAGO. Jan.

22 -Fat cattle today were Quoted at the lowest prices in nearly five at the union stockyards here. thT range was S7 to S10.75, as compared to aead of 17.25 1 to $10 80 in April 1C The average price of beef steers for the week was about said. Recent heavy receipts and a big reduction in beef consumption were said tobe responsible for the general depres-sTmTm IhT market. I Retail Price, were said by an official at the yards noto have folowed the trend of the livestock market, and this was a factor. FIGHT A BLOODLESS DUEL BUENOS AIRES CHIIISTIAN piURCH PROVIDES FOR WORK AMONG STUDENTS.

served and the Kirl adjourned to the gym for an hour of dancing. The True Courage giris entertained the students of the Teachers' college high school Thursday morning with a program. Miss Esther Rogers presided and introduced Miss Kathleen Iinrtunek who announced the numbers. The program follows: t'uet. "Lullaby Land." by Virginia Allely and Mildred Niflonger.

Violin solo by Virginia Cheney, accompanied by Esther Itogers. t. J. W. Hilton Hu Alre4y Entered Upon Ills New Duties at the L'niieraitT Pampas.

Mnny Ranchers Unloading; I mm a tare Stock en Market oa Account of Tight Moner Market. Pending, "In tlio tfame Line," by Ida m-t aCrr Flarter. Hiawatha Melody." by Florence Snln, Klein. The stock men of the range country are hard pressed financially and a "Cushville Hop," by Jeannette Heading, Shaffer. siderable; number of them may be M.

Wassermann, Manager Piano solo by Ksther Rogers. PLAN SCHOOL OF JOUAnSM Foretafn Language Preitn of Clilcago Co-operatins In Movement. CHICAGO. Jan. 22.

The foreigr language press of Chicago is joining th? English press in promising cooperation with Northwestern university in establishment v. i MOM PAY out of business if conditions do not take a change: for the better in the near future, according to Prof. H. J. Gramlich of the college of agriculture, who attended the national western livestock show at Denver last week.

Many ranchers have found it necessary, lo market a lot of Immature stock and some of them have even sold considerable breeding stock. The stock raisers' troubles started a year ago this winter when severe- weather brought about big losses of stock. Ths financial stringency "plus the big drop In cattle prices' followed. Professor Gramlich saw 100 carloads of feeder cattle sold at auction at Denver last Thursday. Prices averaged between 7 1-2 a bf the Joseph Medill school of Journal altercation between the two men in the chamber yesterday when Ferreyr.

ism, recently announced. Tho school is made possible by Col. Robert R. McCor-mick and Joeph Medill Patterson, editors of the Chicngo Tnihunc, and at the time of the announcf-mont of the project, practically all the Chicago dailies promised their cooperation. Instruction w'H begin with the spring semester February 7.

with classes In the school of commerce, which is downtown; but the campus classes will not be organized until next September. For the first semester, Chicago newspapermen, lecturing onft night a week, will handle the technical courses of the new School of Journalism, under REV. J. O. LEONARD.

cents The champion carload. which were J. Leonard who begins bis pastorate two-year-old Shorthorns. denounced the rt tn.inuat- REV. J.

W. I LTON, Who resigned the pastorate of trie East Lincoln Christian hurch, to become university promptly at 9 a. m. we place on sale 75 Plush and CBoth at the Drougnt rll cents Kast Lincoln Christian church. Dound.

nnrt Twenty-seventh and streets, today i serve champions, a carload of Hereford started his career as a minister scv- caives, were purchased career as a minister scv- purcnased fbyTSrsiwno were profiting S-T of public in-terects. by A. ago in Colorado. About four bchmeckle of Cozad, for 1J 1-2 cents era! years pounds The man who sold them man and directed the lesson on "Modern Tendencies in State Governments." Mrs. E.

Collegg had charge of the lesson on Nebraska citizenship and Mrs. Anna P. Boiaot led the round table discussion on community houses. had the reserve champion carload at the show last year, but his stock then aold for 126.25 a hundred. The champion Hera-ford steer of the show, the property of the Nebraska college of agriculture, sold for 27 cents a pound, and the cha ECZEMA hvtfmA CAN CURED TO STAT, I say cured.

I mean just what pd vOien i sy and not merely years ago he went to Cotner college where he has been engaged in more extensive preparation for the ministry. During the last year and a half he has been at the head of the department of expression and has demonstrated his ability to develop successfully the talent for public speaking In others. His students have been taking high rank In this art In their public work. Mr. Leonard has successfully ministered last year, also owned bv th NehrnVo college, sold for 40 cents a pound.

Not onJy have the western cattle men The program given at the last meeting of the Inglesid club was in charge of the home economics department. Mrs. J. O. Ross was leader.

Mrs. J. F. Zeil-lnger outlined the cold pack method of canning vegetables. Each member of the club was asked to give a favorite recipe.

Mrs. J. Ira Duncan was hostess. the direction of Dean Ralph E. Heilman i of the school of commerce, Appreciation of -what the new srhool jean do toward raising standards of the newspaper profession and increasing the I understanding of American problems 3 they relate to the foreign-born, con-stained in recent letters received by Tres-lident Walter Dill Scott of the university.

'As a doctor cannot practice ani os an atKimey cannot be a member of the bar i ii bout his diploma. I cannot see any reason why a msn should become a niMst without having proper qujtlifica-Itions of the profersion. which is-considered one of the most vital in the twen th. i i I for a while, to reiurn 'r- suirerea great losses, but shep feeders, are re losing heavily. Profes- tnan before.

year, id. There are now about broad sement after putting ten year. lur me cunrKaLiuiiB vi ine viu imu 1 gor Gramlich sai 1.UU0.000 head of sheep on feed in Colo- Jr" "ntlme a quarter of a rado. The movement to market. Just be- JSJTSSm dreadful disease, gun.

shows heavy losses for the feeders. Uji I dT not care what all you have With the Y. W. A. Uev.

J. W. Hilton, who resigned recently, from the pastorate of the East Lincoln Christian church, has already entered upon the work of university pastor for the 'hristian churches of the stats and will he found in the Temple building of the University of Nebraska among other pastors after the opening of the second semester. For the present his work will be under the direction of a church council composed of paators of downtown churches. He will be assisted upon the campus thru the organization of a university cabinet made up of a group of members of the Christian church, selected from the faculty and student lody.

Mr. Hilton was welcomed last Tuesday into the organization of university pastors representatives of the V. M. and Y. W.

C. A. The East Lincoln Christian church adopted resolutions on the resignation of Mr. Hilton, expressing the deepest appreciation of his remarkable period of service, and also containing a tribute to Mrs. Hilton and the family.

"As a friend and pastor, Mr. Hilton is hold rn the highest esteem by evfery member of the congregation." states the resolutions, "and as a citizen and Christian gentleman, he has exerted a wide influence thruout the city and state." It 'was in 1895. just twenty-five years ago. that Mr. Hilton, then a student in Cotner eollege, was called to serve the congregation.

The church was small then.but the energy and devotion of the yo-augi student minister brought new life and courage under his leadership. It was during those formative years that the devotional life of the church was emphasized and a deep spirituality developed as a foundation upon which UK preserit church bis grown. Called from his labors to become financial secretary of Cotner college, at a time when that school property was til i'ut lost to the church, Mr. Hilton spent two years raising the necessary money which the college property was redeemed from Indebtedncus. after whith he was called bark to rt-aume his labors as pastor of the East Uncolri congregation.

Two yars later he was cfilleii to the pastorate of the University church in Betn-aiiy. and later to a prof csooi ship in Cottier college. He served in thtse two capacities at Bethany for period of ten years. In the meantime th: Est Lincoln "hurch maile little progress and in 1910 appealed to Mr. Hilun to i.gain become its minister.

Accepting this call, he led the congregation in his last pastorate for a period of ten years. During these ten years the membership hue grown steadily until it now has a membership of 460. Plans hnve been completed for a modern church building. The congregation has moved from the old frame building to the basement of the new church home. The church is out of debt and iDout Uj.000 has been subscribed towards the completion of the new building.

In addition to this valuable contribution to the growth of the East Lincoln church, the University church, and cotner college. Mr. Hilton has generously assisted in the building of churches in other flelda. The Havelock church was started with the assistance of the University church during his pastorate there and when the Tabernacle church was organized, he led the East Lincoln church which, together with the other churches of the gare valushle assistance In the estahiii hment of tat churcfi at Seventeenth iv.) streets. aho sneep went into the reed lots st an nor bow many aoctors rme ci a useu, ''v i cured v.

at, mi MfteQ TluT wvw of about not be cure ti average 12 1-2 cents a pound and you that you could an I are nonr r.t, tho V. i 4.i chance tO ahOWyOU that I are now; going on tho market tieth Cf-ntury," wrote P. P. Lombms, ediioi- of the Greek Star. 'We hope ttio School of will breed better knowledge of political his- tory.

gi -ignphy. and ethr.rgraphy of oth- er countries, Europe. among know what I am taucing e-iwui. wiU write me TODAY. 1 will send you a FREE TRIAL of my mild, soothing guar-that w.H convince you more at around 10 cents.

Wool is not moving and ths companies that advanced money op the wool crop are asking for at least a part of it back. The Nebraska college of arrtciiltura values up to $49.50 in a day than i or a "SL" dliuntsted and cnurcn ai rain uraasnHw arm uiuiter. and comes to his new position with great enthusiasm to help the East Lincoln church carry to final completion for tho of a modern church plant. The plan anticipates gymnasium and baths, an assembly room with stage for progran.s. a Bihle house with two floors for church school recitation rooms besides a Urge bfie-tnent rooYn for social gatherings and further church school facilities.

The auditorium will be beautiful and commodious offering facilities for all kinds of church and community meetings. It is the purpose of the church to plan for community Interests thru its building. It is believed that Mr. Leonard's enthusiasm and ability as a leader will open large opportunity to young peo pie of the university and schools of the city to find inspiration and help in his ministry. added another championship prize to its discouraged.

1 dare you to give me a list when the stock exhibited at th 1 -LTrZL i n. nrove my claims. By Writing tional western livestock show at Denver me today you will enjoy more real corn- Tuesday, January 26, Clinton Utrl fceserre club, 3:40 p. in. 'T.

party for p'r1 leaving- school. p. V. W. r.

A. Wednesday, January 26. High hocl con-ferPtH-e committee mwt intc, p. in. Whittler pirt resttrve club.

4 1) p. N-hranka business college club. T. F. A.

William. 4 p. in. Thursday, January 27. Bryant girl reserve club.

3:30 p. m. Kveretr pir-i reserve ciub, 3:40 p. m. Annual baimuor of Y.

W. T. 6:30 p. 'Plymouth church. Friday, January 38, Wlilard Kirl reserve club, Z.Z0 p.

m. Park girl reserve club. 3:30 p. m. this Wer TV i VOQ had Ver WlOUgllfc American Journ said R.

.1. editor of the nnily Svornost. Oscar Puraote. ditor of TVItalia. wrnte at kneth o'i th vnl'ie he could see in the nev school oi Journalism In promoting a better nnderstandtng among the newspaper men of the worth mid real work of the foreign language element of the nation.

holds for you. I Just try un ocots Delight, purebred Angus steer, was ni aee. I am telling you the truuv 1708 Court Blk-. Dr. J.

E. CannaOay. 'Reference Third national Sedalia. Mo. declared the best of the show.

This gave the Nebraska college its seventh championship prize. The college also won fourteen first prizes and a large number of seconds, thirds and minor placlnga The championship carcass steer on foot BaCo-ldSytu1do a better act than to -end thiWnollce to some poor sufferer or Bwae-ma? Advertisement. GOOD ROADS I SOUTH DAKOTA. Adrian Newens will be the sneaker st SIOUX FAI.L.S. 1

22. the social hour Sunday at 4 p. m. Miss Dakota's highways will come in for violin Verna Casford will play two accompanied by Miss TRAIN NOW Winifred numbers Trine. share of ltgislation at the pn sent ses- Ldiar and Lieutenant McBride, of com-sion of the state legislature, it is expect- pany M.

Alabama national guard. te ed. But whether the law-makers take ac- courtmartlaled as "unfitted" for their tlon or not. something is expected to be posts. Indictments charging murder in don." by th state early in the year in the connection with the lynching have been way.

of providing for the construction and against nine members of com- returned pany M. FOR A BIG PLACE IN BUSINESS Skill and knowledge acquired now will rei.u.n ola Or. idends In the future. ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE COURSE. LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE maintenance of good roads.

Comparatively. South Dakota Iips not. In the past spent any great sum sf money for highways. fn the Black Hills, where highways be carved out of solid rock, approximately 25 miles of highway have been built at a cost of $50,000 per mile. One of these roads leads from Dead wood to Lead: another from Deadv.ood to Spearfish; and various sections of other highways tunnels, cuts etc.

make up the total mileage. BrCH ALCOtlOL IX MEDICINE. LA CROSSE, Jan. 22. Sale of wine of Pepsin, known as a medicine, for beverago purposes is a violation of the prohibition law.

Federal Judge I.andis ruled today. Louis Wodzynkl. a saloonkeeper, was found guJty on charges of selling the wine which the government alleged contained 23 per cent of alcohoL Commercial Schools Uncoln, Nebr. by Nat'! Ass'n of Accredited 14th A Sts. Accredited Bldg.

Two Hour Sale of Georgette und Crepe de Chine The annual banquet Thursday at 6:30 at the Plymouth Congregational church promises some treats in out-of-town speaker. Mrs. H. W. Peabody of Boston who is in Lincoln for a missionary conference will lead the devotional.

Mias Marion G. Janes, acting field executive for the north central field will speak of the national and world wide outlook of the Y. W. C. A.

Miss Eldie Jedlieka will sing Bohemian folk songs in costuma. There will be no meetings of the federated clubs or of Q. F. C. club Friday night on account of the annual banquet which the girls will attend.

More than fifty young women 'were present at the annual meeting of the members1 council Tuesday evening in the Y. W. C. A. club roomy.

The following "tc elected to the com cd for a two year trru representatives from the general Tnumb. rship of the association. Christie Ida Drown, Itlanche Ksstx. Margaret Lewis. Clara McDermand and Kuth Warrick.

They replaced Ruth tiuit-5 enlay, Frances Fickee. Margaret Hughes, Eva Pierce. Katherine Schnell and Coral-le Witterdiclc whose terms have expired. After the election the following program was given: Vocal solos Miss Effie Hemingway. Readings Miss Lulu Moore.

Oeflo solo Miss Jennie Olaon. Musical readings Miss Fleda Graham. Miss Lillian Leonhardt. chairman of the program committee took charge of games after -which Ught refreshments were THI-5 WEEK ONE-FoUR-TH DI-5- COUNT ON'OUil EN-f 0 TIRE org B3LOUSE RIGHT TO HfcUlLATE RATES. WASHINGTON.

Jan. 22 A test case involving authority of the interstate commerce commission to supervise railway rates within a state as well as states reached tho put rrn yrnurl tO'ia? Wisconsin. Consn! for the statf railway commission fil.Tl -in pi at from an injunction granted the Chicago, Burlington Quincy railway, which would restrain th- state commission from interfering with the filing of new; tariff schedules authorized by the federal commission. Advancement of argument to expedite a final decision will be asked. BLOUJEJ.

I YOUR. CHOICE 9 to I a. m. Values up to $3,95 OF Modern Cleaners 1 ssssssssssss sssssssw sw sssssas mmtm imshbi BlMBMMMSBsiVBMM Are you getting the service from your garments they ought to We are sure our method of keep-. ing jour garments free from soil and spots will keep them new looking all the time.

Try this service. Phone F2277. Dick Westover, Sec'y Leo Soukup, Mgr. THE CLUBS. (C'-'Til from imge 2-C) The w-ifar movKncnt that is growing In Kearney was endorsed by the honi.

economics department of the Nineteenth Century club at its last meeting'. Mes-dames Bindley and W. O. King led the general discussion on "The Emergency and "Impromptu Serving." "Tentative plans for raising money to aid with Improvements on the city park were made at the meeting of the civic department of the Gothenburg woman' club. Mrs.

D. L. Thompson was leader OUR WATS FOR. $10.00 I RE JER.VED I "The Specialty Shop" Q. LESHEF COMPANY 239 So.

14th. Phone B1024. Lincoln mtlBY I. LTXCHISO CASE. JASPER, Jan.

22. A transcript of testimony was being prepared today for Governor Kilby as a reeult of the recommendation of the srecral grand Jury Inquiring into the lynching of William Baird, a miner, January 13. that Captain.

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