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The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana • Page 4

New Orleans, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

em, kendall cow EDITORS AND A StBf IT. qaberrrpt'fm received for the Daity, twelve menths for tli) sveekly baif yearly and quarterly th asm me. vu KunHipuoii ia aavanc. mi MOICI, 6iC 1 TruarmDt Notices, not exceeding tea Una or Ui solid Pearl, having tbe ran of the paper, inserted for 01. for ta.

first, and AO cents for every cubs event insertion (bote of gieMr lenstb In preportieai fl stationary greater price will be cEwm Saond end third page advertisement wlU charged as new each day. advertisements published monthly; weekly, a a tot vakt, are charged at $1 per square tor each laeertloa. a Ubaral discount will be mad to too wbo advert! freely daring tbe year. advertisement not specified at to time, will be pabdeooa antdl ordered oat, eud charged accordialy and no adrertteenent or aobaertpti.n will be stopped an til an thoptl ef tbroprl Karriage and obituary aotlcrs art charged tl pereqasre, BATCBOAT SIOKMNU. MAY 14, 1839 "KKtricATUx.

The Pica jun issaed to day, contains twelve pages of reading: natter, original and selected, and mewl by mail and telegraph, published ia oar morning and afternoon editions since Saturday Copies, put up in wrappers for the mail, can be bad at the office counter, 66 Camp street, or at J. Morgan Cook store, Ex chance Place, next the Post Office. City Intelligence en Beeead Pace.9 SvircAT Picatdnc. To morrow's Picayune will laa Btarivio Kv a a4nh1aa, annnliirviAnf era irv BVVUUIawlVU UUUWJV nurpiIAtUV making twelve pages of reading and advertising matter presented to oar patrons. I To Advxrtisers.

Advertitera intending to favor onr Sunday edition, will oblige as much by tending in their manatiptsat an early boor to ESP The contents of yesterday afternoon's Picayune 'will be found on the in side pages of trt rlnv'a oitinn Far galea by NevMs J. A. Beard A and C. Glrardey eee blxtk Pace. E7" Thanks to the clerk of.

the steamer Diana for late river favors. The EeT. Wm. G. Howard, D.D., has vatntmarl ati irv ojwftli tris.

i nUnttrtn ef residing here. He has the reputation of an able and eloquent preacher. We are requested to say that he will preach in the Coliseum Place Baptist Churcbtat the usual hoar, on Sunday; Parish otPlaotjeiiikjss. Our corre spondent in this' pariah, writing yesterday, confirms the statement, published by us yes terdav afternoon. ot the doeing 01 tne ere vasse at the plantation of White Trufant, and the little damage done by it and he adds that there is not a crevaese remaining within the limits of the parish.

Changs or Hour. Tne mail line steamers for Mobile, and the Lake coast steamer California on Saturdays now leave the Lake on ice RTTiru vi tao clues, i ol. rout 'chart rain cars, instead of 3 Mi o'clock, as here. wiore. Southerk Pacific Kailroad.

Mr. Ful keraon, agent of this wishes to report progress to President Fowlkes, by telegraph, this afternoon and he calls on the etockhold era, who cave neglected to pay in their stock A HE UK MAH lUAI I MSieBUVai fa In ria AnntinnaA Arrnw anil KTnnla at. wry yi rvyi the Creole Course. The programme is pub mnea in our advertisement columns. TiT pleased to see again among our Vera Cruz exchanges this morning La Reforma Social, revived under the management of Sr.

'Jose Godoy, late editor of the Her alio, Mex ico. Sr. Godoy is a fluent writer, a true admirer of American Institutions, as evinced by bis having a Creole of New Orleans to wife, and twe unite with many waim friends in wishing bim success. Tinkers' Machims avd Tools. D.

C. Lowbor it id uaiup mkcvv, Mifmuu aruciee lor Whikby. Wm. Crawford, 25 New Levee, offers for eale old Mott, Bourbon, reeerve, and otber choice Firm Notice. Tbe firm of Peteak Millard.

Sc. Co. ia cbaoged to Collins Ic Noonan. SeFcard. FfeCH Mustard.

W. Morton. 3 Pcvriru tret lor sale, cheap, a quantity of good French mustard ia (lass jars. hi card. A IVklBIl I 1 UIUIUN UUIUIUU OI CO LiaV 'paper, will he found the card of Messrs.

Johnson Pope, attornems at law, in Little Rock, Arkanus. The; vive New Orleans refereueei. waft. .1 mja ft WftMJ. i ICUJUUtCb, At Bienville street, advertise for.

a Urge quantity of coal. ewnveraoie si ineieen mue romt, rig at bsuk, above this citj. Butter for the Trade. Messrs. Wm.

M. Bor rata fe 88 Oravier strest, near Camp, have made Tansements, a itnounced in their advertisement In another column, to receive, ever; week, direct from New York, a snperier article of Gobeu'batter, whioh 1 thev will sell to wholesale and retail dealers, in any siie packages, guaranteed as represented. The sample Bent us ia a toothsome article. TRAVEtnc TRimKS At No. it Magazine street, between Common and Oravier streets, will be found a stock of sole leatker traveling tiauks, bonnet trunks, valises, bsgs, India, rubber and oil clothing also, i waterptoor life preserving trunks.

Sea the advertisement. ty Ragnlar weekly sale of shoes to day at 10 o'clock at the auction room of E. Roger No 28 Old Levee street. The assortment comprises over 200 cases of boots, shoes and organs, for men, women and children, jutt received from the best mauafac turera of New York, Boston aud Philadelphia. Walton, aneUoneer, aells, ta day at nion at Banks' Arcade, fo irdweUiug houses, tbe brick store 'occupied by O.

Woodman, under a soadW. fire proof warehodses, under a good rent, and forty lots of ground ail in the Fir.t Di.Uict; also, over three hundred acres of well timbered land in the pariah of St. 'Helena, near Independence. See dve'rtiae roeat. sBerjamtn Kendig, auctioneer, sells, tb daytt noon, at Bankt'a Arcade, a large quantity of real es.

tate, in various part of the city also, field hands honse servant, tie. See advertisements tW Extensive sale of foreign aud American dry foods also, S3 bales damaged imperials, by Vincent it to day, at 10 o'clock, at auction rooms Xo. 25 Customhouse street. a 5. GF" Pslfrey auctioneers! sell to day insuranoe scrip and stocks, at the Arcade; also, the brick store No.

25 Carocdelet street, the Touro Iuflrmsry, aud a resldtnce on Terpsichore street. See advertiaemeuta. ccTioHRE's Notice. The attention of lawyers uua to tne continuance or tbe sale of law book, at No. 123 Chartres between St.

OT The attention of eaprtaiiHa and ow' leaders 1 10 xtensrvni. of Co, at Banks's Arcade, commencing at 12 o'clock precisely. Their U.t compri. ebuihed locations, stores, dwelUn bUdin site? i 1.

tiful sqQMe. i HartsViZ ffoI ig the CarroUtoB Bauroad 1 of the whole, giving fuU partleularsT will u. rioted at the sale. We a it v. be without reserve.

7 Ti Judsh Tuoro, Capt, BuUer, Uaves at 10 for ted fJver. Asenr; T. B. Smith. CZ" The steamer XI.

W. Powell, Capt. a aior iiireveport aua intermediate landings. JJiise ents. Nat C.

pt. Leaders, leaves at 5 for i Vu. 3 aud i rmed ate coat landings. Ajents.D. S.

1 S3Car. t. i. ni.ruir, leaves at 5 for Bed Eooreu As. flasek Ero.

5 i I Prospects of tie rope aa' War, i The long expected war in Europe, though no blood has yet been spilt, would now eeem to be fairly began, and the political worjd is commencing ta count the chances of the conflict Austrians certainly have the ad vantage of tbe move, and unless some unforeseen event occurs may reasonably expect to see ber have her own way the first month ortwe of the war. French have not vet arrived in great numbers on the field. while the few who hate arrived are said, and probably with truth, to be badly equippai sfnd but poorly supported by artillery. Large armies like tbese necessarily move slow, and it will probably be some time yet before the French are in a condition vigoyusly to aasume me onensive. in tbe meantime Sardinia will be left to defend herself, as beet she may, and if she protects her beautiful capital against tbe invader, it is all that can be reasonably expected of her.

Bit it is not only in the move that Austria has the advantage. She haB that of position and preparation also. For more than two years now, she seems to have looked forward, with her usual sagacity, to the great conflict approaching. And as her prey knows best of all, she has not in that time been idle. Every advantageous position, over which forced to their utmost tension, gave her 'dominion, has been seized upon with a penetration that seemed to foresee the future, and fortified with all the skill for which her engineers are proverbially distinguished ia Western Europe.

The great fortress at Pia ceuza, in particular, which towers so threat eningly over the Ticino, is said to be a perfect wonder in military science. But this ia not all. Ever since her passage of the 'Alps, Austria has had but one encampment in Italy. For half a century now a discontented, conquered people have kept her on her defence, and her dominions in Italy, Lombardy in particular, may be considered one vast fortifi. cation.

Austria, too, is rich in the resources of a vig. orons war in Italy. She has already an army of men on the Ticino, and, by means of her vast system of railroads, she might easily! long before tbe French arrived, have as many more in the field. And in equipment, horses, artillery, they, have no superior in Eu rope. It will be seen then tbat the advantage all lies with Austria, unsupported, in the Nor do we consider the general disaffection of her dominions, or the hatred of all Italy, much against her.

This she has known and counted on from the beginning. No more do we think this is to be considered any special advantage to Sardinia. We read, indeed, that Victor Emanuel has inscribed the Independence of Italy" on his banner, and that the people are flocking from every direo tion to it; but without arms, without disci pline, without any definite Idea as yet of wbat they want, they cannot be considered very efficient allies to the one party or very formidable enemies to the other. We should not be surprised, then, unless recalled by danger nearer home, to see the Auitriaus overran all Northeia and perhaps Central Italy. That sbe will ultimately, however, be driven back, lose iu fact all her Italian do.

minions, we do not enterr a doubts Though deliberately p. ovoked in her mad ambition, the conflict will as certainly prove ber over, throw, as ic will unite the civilized world against her. Aside from tbe sympathy we all naturally feel with a down trodden nation ality, there is nothing in tbe war she pro. claims calculated to enlist the support or tbe sympathies of those who wish ber well. It ia a war on her own account, aud that not a very jnst one, for her own benefit, aad for none otber.

On the other side, however, there are two great powers, the only really great powers of tbe world indeed, individually and directly interested France in Italy, and Russia on the Dauube. UnleBs 1 Tightened into it by some such alliance as that re. ported to have been formed, it is not probable that England or Frusoia, or any of the little German States, will assume auy other than a neutral position. Austria will, therefore, be left to fight it out alone, and however great may be her advant ges at first, she cauuot fail to be nltimately defeated aoii driven out of Italy, only to find her dominions contracted on the Danube. C7" A.

Beard auctioneers, sell tday, at noon, at Banks'a Arcade, improved lots in Carrolltou brick atore. No. 10 Old Levee; lots aud improvements at Noa. 210, 211 and 212 Poydras street lots and improvements, corner of Jackson audNew Levee half aquare on Nayadea street, Jefl'ersou City build. ing lot on St.

Charles street, opposite Lafayette Square; brick dwelling on Pliilippa street, ahuve Canal, and building lots lot on Magazine street, opposite the market; lots and houses on Magazine, between Race and Orange streets; brick dwelling and store house on lapaziue, between Delord aud Poey. farre atreets; dwelling coruer of Prytauia and Eu terpe in Jefferson City; lots aud houses un Pbilippa, between Poydras aud Hevia; lots aud dwell ing on St. Peter, between Oravier aud Perdido cot tage residence on Laurel, between Felicity and St. Mary Citizens' Bank Stock. See advertisements.

Steamship Departures. For Key H'ett. The Galveston, Capt. Hutching, on Sunday, at 8 A. Agent, C.

B. Payne, 57 Cimp atreet. For Vera Cruz. The Tennessee, Capt. Forbes, on Tuesday next, at 8 A.

M. Same agent. For Tcxat The Masnolia. for Galvetou and In dianola, to day, from Berwick's Bay, on the arrival of the Opelousat cars from Algiers. 'The Charles Morgan, Capt.

Lawless, on Sunday, at 8 A. for Oalveston and Matagorda Bay. Ageut C. B. Payne.

17 Music, Capt. Brown, leaves at 10 for tbe coast and Lafourche. tW The Aline, Capt. ISeal, 'eaves at 12 for Ope. Iouars, mm Plaquemine and intermediate luudiugs Agents, J.

M. Johnson It Co. CW The Dick ISasb, leaves at 5 for Lower Tensas, Bayou Maeon, aud intermediate laud' ings. Agents, Pollard Putuam. CW The Saline, Capt.

Miller, leaves at 5 for Upper and Lower Tensas and intermediate ittrfdiiigs. Agents, Muse it Bro. C7" The T. D. Hiue, Capt.

Atkinson, leaves at 3 for tne Attakapas Biver aud intermediate laudiugs. Agents, Hall, Bodd tc Putnam. IST The E. M. Bickuell, Capt, Gwsrtuey, leaves at a lor tbe Tallahatchie and 1 azoo rivers.

Ageut, T. B. Smith. The Ed. Howard, Fowler, leaves at 5 for isumugs on tne uumoerisna river B.

Duflield, agent, corner of St Charles aud Peridido. ver. lido. The Robert J. Ward, Capt.

Miller, leaves at aim lnieuiedijt landings, Thoma Kfeire, 25 Gravier "street. Agent, tr?" fhe John Ay, Capt. Bayhonp, leaves at 5 for uuacuita wia oueui uu uower Uuacuita via river ana lntei mediate landings. Ageut, T. B.

Smith. Th DefeniW r.nt Pk.j 'clock ui vmguuiiu ma intermediate points. agent. White, u.ouaey, leaves at 5 o'clock for Cairo and St. Xooie.

connertina at xeuuu ana ax at. Lionls with tbe Ohio and Mississippi railroads. C. O. Wayne.

MTIft.Ml tthftA iqonl ftt i 5 u' ey, a.u. vsoip oj Commereial Alley. J' Ducutroui Fire and Lots of Ltfe. The Black Biver Woolen Mills in Wateriown, NV were burned to the ground on the 6ch inet The fire originated in the picking room, and before the operatives in the third and fourth stories con i be warned, egress was cut oil by the flames. Some were rescued by ladders, and others toave themselves jumped from tbe windows.

Two were killed, thirteen seriously injured, and two fatally. A num cer of others also received slight Eeveii.1 are reported to be missing. There were sixty persons in the building at the time ite brc la .1 insnri 1 TELEGRAPHIC INTmiGLNCB, Special lev. the New Orleeuu Ftcavyaae New York Marketa. By tbe Soethera Line.

New York, May 13. Ta tbe cotton market prices rule in favor of the bnyer. The sales to day amount to ,1100 bales. MiddJ'og Uplands 11 "4c? Sterling exchange is dull but firm. Uolaeses are active and prices have ad vanced.

The range of quotations for New Orleans in barrels is between 44c. and 45c. Rice has advanced Vi. Tbe lower grades of flour have likewise advanced. For Ohio the market is whanged in every respect.

For mess pork there is a large speculative demand, and prices have advanced. Bat the market is excited and so unsettled tbat accu rate quotations cannot be given. The range of prices is between $18 25 and $18 50. Tbe demand for lard is active, and puces have advanced 4. Quotations 12o.

The Late Fire at (Baltimore. Baltimore, May 13. The loss by the burning of the engine house of the Philadelphia and Baltimore Railroad in this city to is estimated at $70,000. Five of the largest and best locomotives were destroyed. There was full insurance on the whole property.

The French and Austrian ministers. Washington, Afay 13. The French Min ister, Mr. Saitiges, and Austrian Minister, Mr. 11 ulseman, have both received, from their respective Governments, leave of absence.

Mr Tl. goes borne immediately. Mr. S. will re main for the settlement of the French Con sul's difficulty at New Orleans.

Destructive Fire in Ohio. By the National Line. Marietta, May 13. Our city has to. day been visited by one of the most disas trous fires we have known for years.

It broke out in the midst of tbe most active business portion of the city, and twenty of the largest buildings were consumed before it could be arrested. Death if Prof. Olmstead. New Haven, May 13. Prof.

Olm stead, of Yale College, died here this morning. Louisville markets. Louisville, May 13. The mess pork market is very firm, and holders are askng higher rates. Quotations $13 the bai.eL Tbe demand for bacon is active, and price? have advanced J4c.

Bacon sides, clear, are quoted at llVic. Sales of machire rope to day amornt to 2,000 coi's at 7MPc. Cincinnati markets. Cincinnati, Afay 13. In the floor market to day, the demand has been fair, and have advanced.

The range of quotatioas is between $7 40 and $7 50 the barrel. For mess pork there is an active speculative demand, and prices have advanced. The range of quotations was between $18 and $18 25 the barrel. It is now held at a range of $18 50 and $19 the barrel. The demand for lard is active, and pilceB have advanced Vi.

Quoted at 1 Hie. The bacon market iirvery and holders are asking higher rates. bulk' pork, also, tbe market is very firm, and holders demand higher prices. The demand for whiskey is active, and prices have aiivanced 3gc. Steamboats Passed Vlcksbnrg.

Vicksbcrg, May 13. The Red Rover paseed down at 6 o'clock this evening, aud tbe Grand Duke at 8. DIED. On Friday morning, at o'clock, RICHARD MAT. a native of Belfast, Ireland, aud fortue last twenty years a resident of tbis city.

On Fridsy evening, the 13th at half past 7 o'clock, SARAH ANN, only daugh'er of Richd. B. and Eljza Lawrence, aged ten months and thirteen days. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend tbe fnneral, from the residence of her parents. 310 Baroone street, between Calliope and Clio, Tun Evening, ac 4 o'clock.

At Pass Christian, on Friday, the 13th at 6 o'clock A. COTHBERT MAUNSEL, only son or Cathbert Bullitt and Eliia White, and grandson of CoL Maunsel Wbitr, aged twenty yeara W. A. WILSON. 88 Canal Street 88 FINE WATCHES, JEWELRT, SILVER AUD PLATED WARE, SDNS, CUTLERY, ice, Ureat Annual GERMAN MAY FESTIVAL, To be held On Sanday and.Monrlny, May 15 and IS.

PROGRAMME. Tbe Frocesaisn to the Creole (formerly Union) Race Course, will start fram tbe corner of Canal aand Rampart streets, each day, at halfpast o'clock, A. precisely, in the following order FIRST DIVISION. Th. Binning, Grand Marshal.

I. Von Slootea, A. Hirarnel. D. Michel, Aids to Orane Marshal.

Grand Herald, Music. CoL Bettinger. President of Committee. Slembers of Committee. May Queen, assisted by 24 Young Ladies In Carriages.

Decorated Car, with Children, fancifully attired. Invitfd Gar ts in Carriages. His Excellency Bobt. C. WickliOe, Governor ef the State.

Hon. Gerard Stlth, Mayor. Dr. Mass aud Thoa. J.

Durant, EiH Orators of the Day. German Singeis. Decorated Wagon for the conveyance of KINO GAMBRINCS. The German Vjrreins" of the several Districts. Dcorated Wagon, conreylug the Delegat.ion.from Car.

roiltuu. Second Division. Dr. Bcliupptrt, Vice President of Committee, and Aids. Masic.

Lonisisns and Orleans Turner Societies. Decoratid Wagon of tbe Society of German Baker. Members of said Society Invited Guests, and all others who wish to join the Pro cession on horseback. The signal for organizing an starting the Procession will be a salute of twenty one guns. For the conveyance of members of the diSerent Soci eties on foot, a sufficient number of omnibuses will be in welling at the corner of Claiborne and Esplanade streets.

The Pioceaion will form on the north side of Canal s'rret, and will move up St, Charles to Poydras, down Puydres to Csrr.p, do an Camp and Cbartrea to Esplanade, oat Esplanade to TJalon Race Course. The kadership of the Concert Mntlc in the German Nay Festival will ba ia tbe haads of Mr. M. HOEFisER. The Dance Music underthe leadership of Mr.

J. V. GES3 NER. myU Sdpit TH. BRUNIKG.

Grand Marshal. frederick knapjej. dentax, sciigeon. CANAL STREET, HEAR BAROltWII v. gr Office hour from 9 A.

M. nntll I F. M. myia tdpltaitWT i Oar Cemmaniry Kzcited. A plessurabls excitement ba been created thmaghooV the community by GAYETTY'S MEDICATED PAPER for tbe water closet.

Everybody pronounces the great eat of blessings for those sick from piles, aad a grand laanryand preventive for thase who hare nt yet contracted that disease. "Depot. 41 Ana street; New lark. For sale by all druggists. of lsaitatlonst Sold st tbe Great Southern Depot, by JAMES 8YME, 1M Canal street, (Toaro Boildings,) lie Orleana, Genrral Agent for the 800th.

myl4 dplt Poattiem Pacific Bailraad. AU persons wdo held the stock ef the a. P. RsHlroa bo have not as yet made the loan of anc per share of f5.nrf by them, bat who intend aid in carrying eat the Utt compromiie by mnkiDg the loan, are esrwjtiy ri qnesteatodosoby 8ATCRDAY EVEIIN9, the IUa as I sbsli then report progress bv telegraph to the Irrrsidentof tbe Comnnny, that he msy bow far the tew Orii ans toc komrrs will sid and sutsin Lira in the prtsent 1 hislLformaion Is h'sli'y important to him, asliis nesotiatioti and caiu urwa atnekboden at other points must to tome extent oe eraed by it H. a FCLS.En.SOrt, agent, mylS stiltE 84 Common atreet 'I SANQS'S This RMnarl11ftt Iim Imm ovtAnrmmA hw tha mftlnl acnlty a mQd, safe and effective aperient and alter.

alive. To extend It usefulness, all tbe scientific fcppli ancea modern cbeaolstry have been pot ia reqnlsitloa by Messrs. SANDS, to a pare extract of lta medi cinal properties. Combining tberevrith vegetable pro ducts, they are enabled with confidence to oner to tbe pnblic snre and certain remedy for all disease arising from Imparity of tbe blood, or derangement of the biliary functions. Prepared aad sold by I D.

SANDS, Drnfaists, 100 Fultan street. Hew Tort Sold also by J. WRIGHT r. P. DOCOHOE, aad H.

1XHHEDT, New Orleans and by aragflsta gener ally. myM 6UdpltW ALFENIDE WARE. We inform onr friends and customers that we have always on band a fall assortment of AJ.rEr Aliens lAniftC wake. This reiebraud Metal, worth as much as Silver in rerard to brilliancy, color, weight and duration, and can be used aa long as Sliver without alteration. ror tne Last six years we nave aoia tat AUeniae ware, and tbese who bought It have been always satisfied with it.

rieaae call son see oar Aiieuine ware. G. COFtfENS Bale Agents, ltadp so Chartres stree. (old No. MADAME OAPRELL, THE GREATEST CLAIRVOYANT, SEER AND SPIR ITUAL PHYSICIAN IN THE KNOWN WORLD, Will leave soon for a short visit to the North, and all those who desire to test the efficacy of ber wonderful art of healing, or have the future unfolded, with its event, accident, successes, disease and destiny, should secure a WRITTEN HORO8C0PIC CHART.

Prescriptions and medicine sent to all who desire, and nothing but the name and age of the person Is required. ROOM, NO. Ii7 CUSTOMHOUSE STREET. myl4 dplt UEK1UAN MAY FESTIVAL. DEUTSCHES YOLKS FEST Will be continued, at the CREOLE RACE COURSE, on 8UNDAY and MONDAY, the loth and Kith of May ia'9.

Tbe Procession will start on SUNDAY, the 1.1th inst, from tbe corner of Canal and Basin atreets, at half past 8 o'clock, A. M. For particulars, see programme. Price of admission. Si each day Ladiea and children, gratis.

F. A. BETTINGER, Secretary. tT Omnibuses, during oiks Fest, will run from Canal atreet to the Creole from 10 o'clock, A to 11 P. M.

Fare for grown persons, 86 cents; for children, 10 cents. myl3 Sdptf IT J. B. SLAWSON A CO. Louisville, August 15, 1857.

Mr. B. F. Williams: Desr Sir My boy Horace being badly affected with errofula, and his piiysiclsns failing to cure bim. a friend recommended me your 44 Compound Syrop oi aarsaparil'a and Iodide of Potassa." It baa made tbe boy fiorace sound and brarty I think your Compound the best remedy tor scrolula 1 nave ever knowu.

J. M. COVINGTON. This valuable preparation Is for sale bv ail drusgisu. For saie bv O.

O. WuOimi.l, my 13 SdpetAltW Cor. Magazine and Common ata. HALL OF MECHANICS' FIRE CO No. 6, New Orleans, May 12, 18R9.

At a meeting of the above Company held this day, the fallowing preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted Whereas, It bas pleased Divine Providence in His supreme wisdom and mercy to remove from oar midst oar late and lamented President, BERNARD W11EELE HAN And whereas. In losing aur President we have sustained a loss, and a vacancy occur in our company which few can fill and none anrpass in competency and faithfulness. Bis sole aim was tbe advancement oi this his favorite Company, being nearly the oldest member amongst us. When first organized, Mr. Whet It ban was a member; shortly after be became Foreman, and aince that period.

and under his instructions and control, tbe Company naa attained to oie of tbe first class companies of our honor able and praiseworthy Department. Be it therefore resolved. That we condole with the bereaved widow and orphans for tbe melancholy 'oss they have suttained in the departure from them of their protector; but they have tbe conso'ation of believing tbat he has been transferred to a happier and a better world. We, his brother Firemen, aasure bis worthy family and personal friends that our loss is only secondary to theirs, in conMqoenceof tbe demise of our worthy aud lamented bntther. Msy he rest in pence! Be it further resolved That the Secretary be and is hereby iuitructtd to publish the loregoing preamble and resolutions in the ricaynne, Delta, True Delta aud Crescent newspapers for the spare of oue week, aud that a ropy of tbe sune be transmitted to the family of tbe dtceefed.

A true copy from the minutes. myl3 idp it J. McCAFFREY, Secretary. JOL'VIN'S AND ALEXANDER'S BLACK AND FANCY KEI em. VE AT ONE DOLLAR A PAIR! N.

MONTROSS er of Common and Magazine Streets. myis 3dpt rSuimuer Clolhldg AND FURNISHING GOODS, FOR MEN AND bOYS. Call and see the styles and assortment at 4 ALFRED MUNROE A CO. 'S One lr1ce Store, mj 12 sdpfit 34 Magazine atreet. Superfine nnd Ordinary TRAVELING TRUNKS, tr VALISES, CARPET BAGS, Ac A magnificent assortment now ia atore, and for aale at lets prices than usual, by ALFRED MUNROE ft my II SdpSt 34 Magazipe street BHIKTf I SHIRTS 1 SHIRTS! BUY THE BEST! THE PATENT YOKE SHIRTS ARE THE BEST I ALFBED Irll'NKOE df 34 Magazine Street, Eave a magnificent assortment, and all sixes, for MEN and BOYS tS A FIT GUARANTEED.

mvl dpfit CLOSING SALE Of SPRING GOODS. HAGGERTY BROTHERS, (TOURO BUILDINGS,) 128 Street 12S We commence THIS MORNING oar Annual Clearing Sa'e of ALL GOOD8, and respectfully Invite an exam ination of prices. RICH SATIN TLAID BAREGES Half Price. VERY RICH DOUBLE SKIRT BAREOEJ, Half Price. FRINTEDGBENADINES At a heavy redaction.

FRENCH LAWNS, ENGLISH BAREGES, LINENS, SHEETINGS, DAMASKS, NAPKINS, MARQUISE PARASOLS; SILKS MOURNING GOODS, With Heavy Itock of Goods. A I A E.S. y. y.yAT TREMENDOUS tat Furcbaaera are requested ta eee ear Stock before purchasing. i myla gdpm HA8QERTT BROS.

HartweU'a Patent Omameatea The meat gracefoi, spacioa and Hoaqnlb Bar. Manufactured and sold by RUTGERS J' 61 Warren atreet, New Tor. Als Patent 'Netted BISHOP'S SKIRTS, The beat skirts made. CLAEKS0N, Sole 61 Warren street, New York apl4 tdpeodlme II GREAT SACRIFICE i Of Snperfiae Doable Skirt Barefee We commence TO DAY to clear Eajttre Stack of RICH R0BEI, at One Half Price! 17M adpUt HAGGERTY BROS. SB, J.

nOSTTTERS BITTEKS. Tbese Bitter are universally acknowledged to be a sure nreventlve and cure for fever and ague, flatulence, neavi. neas of the stomach, or any other like aBection. Their effect upon the ay stem is most miraculous they give a healthy tone to the system, remove all morbid matter. and.

In fact, thoroughly cleanse tbe system of all lmpun tiea. Tbe proprietors, in presenting thia preparation to the public, assure tbem that in no single case, wnen it naa been used according to their directions, ha It been known to fall, bat on tbeecontrary, new virtues nave been discovered in lta use. To those afflicted with any of the above Ills of the body, tbe Bittera are offered as a apeedy and certain cure. Try them, and form your own opinion. See advertisement tf For aals by druggist and dealer! generally, every where, end by HOSTETTER A SMITH, Manufacturers and Proprietors, 68 Water and 68 Front streets, Pittsburg, Fa.

For aals tn Hew Orleana, wholesale and retail, by J. WRIGHT A SI and 161 Chartres atreet, myll MdM General Agent. RICH JEWELRY. OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES, and FIXE8T MATERIAL. E.

A. TYLER, 110 Canal Street, Haa constantly on hand, at his well known Estab lishment, the most beautiful assortment of FINE JEWELRY, GEMS, And Watches, Ever brought to this city, consisting, in part, of DIAMOND, RUBY, EMERALD, OPAL and CORAL SETS PLAIN GOLD SETS. ETRUSCAN SETS. Ladles' Gold Watches, Bet with DIAMONDS, PEARLS, or ENAMELED. Gold and Silver 8PECTACLES, with finest Glasses, Eye Glaaaea, Opera Glasses, Bouquet Holders, Watch Chains, Fine Cutlery, kc, tc my8 6t3dp Lea cfc Ferrlna' WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE.

EXTENSIVE FRAUDS. Th enly medal obtained by the Jury of the Hew York Exhibition, for Foreign Snares, was awarded to LEA A PERKINS for tbeir WORCESTERSHIRE BAUCIS the world wide fame ofwhicb having led to numerous forgeries, purchasers are requested to see that the nainea of LEA a PERR1NS are upon tbe wrapper, label, stopper and bottle. Lea A Perrlus will proceed against any one Infringing either by manufacturing or vending spurious gaace, and have instructed tbeir correspondents in various parts of the world to aovise ttiem 01 any ininngementa. Sola agents for the United States, JOHN DUNCAN A SONS, 406 Broadway, New A stock always In store. Alan, orders received far dire hipment from England.

si 4. it tdplyTuTbASa Honsea are Cleared of Vermin, And gardeus preserved from tbe ravages of insects and worms, by LYON'S MAGNETIC POWDERS AND PILLS. Farewell to sleep when bed bugs prey. Or rats and mice (coufuand them) play. Professor Lyon found a plant in tbe interior of Asia, tbe powdered leaves of which is certain "death to garden Insects, ants, roaches, bugs, Heaa, ticks, moths, Ac A small amount of this Powder will preserve a garden of plant, and rid a honse of all these annoying pesta It ia free fiom poison, and harmless to mankind aud domestic animals.

It is more va'uable in preserving crops than guano in making tbem grow Many worthless Imitations are advertised. Tbe only genuine is signed E. LYON. It can be ordered through auy merchant. Powder kills all insects in a trice, But Pills are mixed for rata and mice.

Sample Flasks, 15 cents regular sizes, no cents and SI. BARNES A PARK. New York. aWAlso, the celebrated MUSTANG LINIMENT. apl sdp dAW eod 1m QUERY.

Why la It tbat CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE th BEST IN THE WORLD? Because eminent chemists aay so. Became it contains no caustic compound. Because it wears longer than any other. Because it operates inctantaneously. Because it does Dot stain tbe skin.

Because it nourishes and strengthens the Hair. Because it corrects tbe bad eflects of other dye. Because ita presence cannot be detected. BECAUSE IT NEVER FAILS Sold everywhere, and applied by all hair dreasera. CRISTADORO, my! SdpodWlm 6 Astor House, New York, Glass Preserve Jars.

We have Just received an entirely new article of GLAS8 and TIN PRESERVE JARS, which we 1 recommend as tbe only reliable Self Sea Ing Jar in the market BOWLES A JUDSON. 17 Camp street Patent Ice" Cream Freesera, ICE PITCHERS, WATER COOLERS, FLY TBAFS, and other aeaeonable articles. BOWLES A JUDSON, 17 Camp atreet. ap3fi zdpTuTh 8a BufcWtf KEir SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING F. STRINGER 33 Camp Are receiving a large assortment of FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, suitable for tbe season.

SILK MIXED CAS8IMERE ENGLISH TWEEDS Super Black French Merino COATS. Single Milted Cloth COATS. and Colored Alpaca Light Cass'mere, French Merins SACS. PANTS. Colored and White DRILL Fancy Marseilles VESTS.

Undergarments. Gauze Meriao, Lisle Thread and Silk UNDERSHIRTS. Linen, Muslin and Lisle Thread DRAWERS. Liaie and Cotton HALF HOSE. Shirts.

Colored Muslin and Jaconet SHIRTS. Wbite Muslin and Linen SHIRTS. pl tdptfeod WINES I WINES I Tbe undersigned baa on hand a supply of G. H. MUMM A CO.

'8 celebrated Champagne Wines. ROYAL ROSE, CABINET, YEHZEWAT. Also, a SUPERIOR CHAMPAGNE, recently landed ea Ella A. Clark and Baden, from Havre, of the following oranda CREME DE S1LLERY, (Fruity, fEIL.DE FERDRIX, (Dry,) GOLD LACE. (Very Dry.) and IMPERIAL BLANC (Deacate.) Also, large assortment of Cruse A Fit re res' BORDEAUX in oases and casks, at vataou prices, from (S to Viper dozen.

A fine assortment of SHERRY, OLD PORT aad BURGUNDY, consisting of Clos 'Veugot. Chsmbertln, Po mard. Mr. A Bberml disconnt allowed to the trade. MURE, vv 38 Carandelet street nrytwadp atawtf Warehouse, No.

a Gravier street. El.ECTRlClTyr XB; Jr 'AZ MEItRILl 'y 1 Would respectfully aanounce tbat he will leave New Orleans for the North on tbe 90th as Jane next Tfaeae afflicted with Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, and any form of Nervous Disease, who may deslie avail themselves of the advantage of Dr. MERRILL'S new system of employing ELECT I I are eernett'y to make ear'. aypMcatioiL Abundant reierence farcuhed to prominent fu 'Mm ia New Orlean. Reception Eeoma anys idpot CARONCELET DRY GREAT REDUCTION IPT PRICES ere ottering the balance of war 8 FEINS lib PORTATION at a GREAT REDUCTION IS PRICES, and would call the attention af those in want of Fancy mad Staple Dry Goads, to can and examine onr stock before purchasing, aa they will find It one of the LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED IN THE CITY.

A JAMISON, IMPORTERS, my8 ad put i and 18 Chartres street. ENGLISH FINE GUNS. We are Jnst receiving as extensive assortment ef Sportsmen's Fowling Pieces, which we call tbe attention of the public Damascus Steel TWIST BARRELS, Laminated Steel TWIST BARBELS, and other fine qualities of which we warrant as to tbeir quality. ar Wholesale and retail. TAYLOR A CHURCHILL, Hardware Dealer, aplff adpam Magazine atreet.



TURNER, 107 and CANAL 107 and 109 Anticipating an early departure for Europe, for tbe purpose of selecting and ordering my FALL ANO WINTER UPPLIES, I will, from this date, aeU the balance of my present stock at considerably reduced price. Ladiea, contemplating a renewal of their wardrobe. With FRENCH EMBROIDERIES AND REAL LACES, will have an opportunity of doing so from an entirely new and super assortment In addition to a stock already complete in every department, I have, by recent arrivalsfrom France, received further supply of Paris Made Sprirfk Bonnets, LOWERS, BARBS, COIFFURES, HEAD DRESSES, LACES, by the yard and In ta, of Yalenciennea, Point Applique, Brussels and Cbantilly, Black Lace Mantles and Boumoua, Embroidered Mas tin Capes, Embroidered Skirts, Black Lace Veils and Embroidered Linen Chemises, Bind and Yoke, Infants' Embroidered and Yalenciennea Cape, Embroidered Robes and Skirts, Embroidered Hemstitched aid Severe Handkerchiefs, Fillet Mitts, Corsets, Fan, Parasols and Hoop Sktrta. all of which I would respectfully Invite the attention purchasers. MRS.

TURNER, 107 and 109. 107 and 109 myS sdptf PILES! PILES! PILES! WHAT IS IT? HOW CURED? Thousands ef persons have Piles sutler for yeara with the disease yet few know wbat it is, or now it Is cured. Every case of Piles, whether manifested in the form of external tumors, frequent bleedings, or tn violent itching and irritation, depends sentislly upon congestion of the abdominal venoua circulation. This produces tbe en gorgement, dilation of tbe veins, formation of tumors, hemorrhages, pain and suffering and tbe disease can only be fundamentally cured by medicinea which, taken inter nally, relieve this abdominal vrm ua congestion. Hence ointments, washes, and even injections, are so Ineffectual.

HUMPHREYS'S HOMEOPATHIC PILE SPECIFIC, a simple sugar pill, taktn two or three times a day, care the disease oy curing tbe condition upon which thedisease depends. Hundreds have been cured by It, even of the most obstinate rasee. All will be promptly benefited by It Piice 60 cents a box. N. B.

A full set of Humphreys 'sHoinenpathic Specifics, vritb Book of Directions, aud tweuty Remedies, In larae 3 drachm vials, and morocco rase, aft do. in plain case, faro ily case of 15 boxes and book, i. These Remedies, by the single box or full case, sent to any address, by mail nr express, free of charge, on receipt of the price Address Dr. F. HUMPHREYS ft No.

662 Broadway, New York. Sold In New Orleans by J. WRIGHT A and by all droggirts. nW adpl it Inherited Maladies. There is a specific blood poison which may be and nften ia transmitted from generation to generation.

Such la the virus of Scrofula. Sj pbilts. Cancer, Salt Rbeiim, and of many other Glandular and Skio. Diseases. Tbis terrible hereditary and constitutional taint has been supposed to be beyond reacb of medicine, and in many royal and noble families of Europe it has been a dugusticg uelr loom for centuries.

But for all tbe developments of tbis fool element of disease a cure has been discovered and applied. Tbe proofs are indisputable that RADWAY 3 RENOVATING RESOLVENT removes not merely the symptoms bat the source of Constitutional Disorders cares not rnlyte disorganizing Cleers, Eruptions, Swellings, decolorations. Pains, and otber bodily evils, resulting from the inherited taint, but actually revolutionizes the constitution itself, and enables It to throw off forever the trsnimltted cause of these fearful visitations. Radway's Ready Relief and Regulating rills are to all Acute Malarious Infeciinns, Inflau mator) aud Congestive Dirtases, what the RESOLVENT is to chr nic, Scrofulous and Contitutinal Maladies. For classes of Fe vers, Small l'ox, Measles.

Influenza, Rbeamaism, Neuralgia, all Pains, Aches end that afflict mankind, these Remedies will quickly aud forever cure. for sale in New Orleans, wholesale and retail, by J. WRIGHT A CO si and 161 Chartres street mj8 SdrJtAltW General Agent. OPEN! lAULIs CLOTHIERS, Corner of Camp and Common Streets (UNDER THE CITY HOTEL,) Are now receiving by every arrival their usual Na Varied and superior assortment of i SUMMER; CLOTHING aiarraCactcred expressly for tbe SOUTHERN RETAIL TRADE, embracing all descriptions of STAPLE GOODS, together, with all the latest Novelties of the Season as now worn In the North and Europe. COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, of all materials and fabrics.

Among the former call particular attention to the Turn O'Shanter Coats, nowjort offered to the public Also, an unusually Iargs stock SEERSUCKERS, and all other descriptions of Quods ADAPTED TO THE SPRING AND SUMMER 8EA8ON. Their stock of SHIRTS will be also found complete, being constantly in receipt arge additions from tbe North. LINEN CAMBRIC BOfeOM, FANCY LINEN CA'MBRIC; FANCY LINEN, WHITE LINEN, WHITE COTTON, Made in the latest style entirely by handpriUi BOLUS STANDING and GARROTTE COLLARS. Gents1 Farnlahlnc Goods! UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, HALF nOSE, TIB GLOVES, CRAVATS, HANDKERCHIEFS, TRUNKS, CARPET SACRA, UMBRELLAS, In every variety ef Style, Descaiption and Prica. Br" Cell and Examine.

NORRIS, MAULL A CO, corner Caaop and Caramon, (under City Hotel) snyts tdpt Per A large, complete and well assorted atock of FISHING TACKLE. at the lowest marret prices. w. a. wilson.

SS Canal It. B. Additions to tbe above Stock will be received by every steamer from the North. apM edplaa 'i efEWEiatY AT WBOIsESAlsK. henry' t7 53Riaas i AT THE STORE OCCUFIXD BY JOS.

HUFTT, 80mm aspectfarij, eaUg qm tt3itis ths ptUknlarg fltnckof aTowolry 'aOCIITI, CHAIRI, vfhlck as baa taken great pain ta aelect with a view to sust th Afwir" of kit frlenda, castoraera aad dularg eeaenUy. EXXSY T. BRIGGS, apl adwtf Canal street. BIU GLOr.GI V7. CHITU.

C' riivfng resomed tj a cd to prof jJLo" I aur. nrs I Ciij ssreet, 4v OPENING SPUING G3Cr MRS. (BD8CE SS OR 0 8. AN 13 Ha received and Is now epening herSFRiXG ST; bon'n bt i i ftlBBONf y'ff; WUch will be ready ta show oa MONDAY. aplT Sdptrn Great Redaction la Prices, AT 1M CANAL ITRv Opening of asrf assortment er NEW 1 (BOOBS Selling lea than Coat of Importation c.

lis a large assortment of Dress Goads, fine Ormna DreaaeajRobek Lee, Robe Marquee, Bob Reuiutm large assortment of French Lawns and Swiss Goo caseaof Frrnch Lac Shawl and Mantilla, ta Cl Lace, Poucber Lace, Cambric and Braaaela Lac. atwortment of Parasols and Marques Lac Veils, and Dress Trimmings; Fancy Lace Capes, ef every large asaortment of Imported French Benaet; tu Fancy Chip and Crap Bon net IS taisa of Leghn F.nsjUsb Straw Bonnet 1 10 rases marry nair au.i Colored Straw Bonnet 1 one case of Barnooa Boaxw case of Misses rancy uair ana aaww an, The ladiea will pleae call and examine the goads i purrhssing elsewhere, at 1M Caaal street WW Country orders punctaally attended mbac i.ip3m Mr. J. STTLf SIIVERWAJiE. 8AM KIRK A SON, (eatabllshed I81T.) Man rers of ELEGANT SILVER WARE, Ns 11 Ba! Street, Baltimore, Maryland.

SILVER DISHES and WATTES BEENS, SILVER TEA aad COFFEE SETS, 8PC and FORKS, manufactured order, of the most able sty lea aa TURPENTINE TOOLS. W. BBTCB ds CrArBTated Cart Steel TURPENTINE TOOLS, of description used In th business. Coopers Tools, y1 of every variety of th above make. uJ' To be had of the principal Hardware Hsases hi alb' apS7 ttdpm Chaniod rrom 17 to 13 aad AS Royal A supply of CREME DE BOUZT CHAMP AS 9 Z.

anarta and pint, continually ea band, which I equ th beat that comes to this market Alio, other branr. Inferior quality. TOPAZ SHERRY, CABINET SR BY, SIERRA SHERRY, GOLDEN SHERRY, GORDON SHERRY, ANCHOR SHERRY, SPAREXi and STILL HOCK Old and Fin FORT WINE, 1 DEIRA and SHERRY WINES. BRANDIES Sau of tbe vintage of 1796, 1T9S and 1806, and other brai WHISKEY, ef all dripttona Scotcb, Irish, By 1 Bourbon. ALE and PORTER, sin ta and qiarta, I on band, my nanal asaortmant of th beat Wines utt Iilaaer In the market, which will be sold oa as reasonable Bras any other boos la the city.

SEWBLIV T. TAT JalO 60 adplv and IS treet. H. P. BUCKO.E watchmaker; No.

CAMP STREET," Haa recently received addition to hi new stock, ecu listing of Fine Gold Watch ea, For Ladles and Gentlemen an SILVER H0.TX1. LEVERS, GOLD CHAINS, BREAST. FINS, RINGS, FINGER RINGS, Ac; a large atock p. Cola SILVERWARE. A complete asaortment af PEBBLE SPECTACLES, to salt every lght The whole is offered at feawni' price.

Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired and warrants ds gdatf l'i HOUSE AND LOT FOR 8 AUG, Kiated Mi Magasins street between Estelle and Edw ttreeta. The honse is a two sty brick bollding. a. roofed, with verandah anaeutb aad east aide, stands ba about forty teet front the street, with garden la front 1 space for a vegetable garden contain two p'ariors, dm. room, four bedrooms, kitchen, servants' rooms, washrao storeroom and outbuildings with carriage way to th re buildings.

Altogether, a most ellgibl residenc fat moderately sized family. The whole will be sold cheap and ea favorable tens. For further particulars, apply to D. D. LOGAN A MURRAY, mho tdptf eoTMerCmpmoa and New Leve NEW BAREGE ANGLAIS.

I have Just received tbe a mock demanded new t. BAREGE ANGLAIS for Double Skirt, which are ready now for aale. Hsvi bought to day a large lot of LINENS at auction, I a sell them at a small 410 GENUINE PRINTED LINEN LAWNS, At cent, worth 60 cent a great bargain. At TH. ANZIGER'S, Cor.

St Philip and Royal street, SIS and tso, apw ddp Branch 186 Rampartlats Circa atreet REDUCING In order to reduce tdj stock for th simmer, I sst oflering my large assortment of 1 WATCHES, FANCY GOODS, Ae, At Very Low Prlees" and assure purchasers that they will find It to tbeir Inter, to examine them before purchasing elsewhere. 'y A. WILSON, apftt tdptf Sg Canal stree' CHARLES'S. LONDQN CRDIAL OBIGINAL ANB ONLY LONDON GIN IMPORTED This Gin. distilled in London from auubd Barley, u.

tbe aurveillance of tle British Exelw Laws, is deiicai flsvored with a tincture af tbe Italian Juniper Berry some of the most valuable restoratives af the veget kingdom, rendering it in tbe opinion ot tbe most emu medical men, tbe purest and safest stlmalant or dir drink in use. To females, whose suffering, are peril, aevtre. It Is Invslnable, aa aleo to planters and otbe corrective of tbe evil effects produced by tbe ws the Southern and Western rlvera. For aale by all druggists, grocera, Ac. E.

C. CH A Agent, 40 Broadway, New Yark. uolesale ageuu u. Orlean O. O.

WOODM kU, Corner of Common and Magazine stret G. N. MOB (SON. 19 Magazine un irya tdplm JAMES SfMe. IS4 Canal street.

Persona of Sedentary Habits, Wbo ere generally aSected with Vertig Laagaor 1 Exhaustion, Nausea and Headache, nave InBCERHAV HOLLAND BITTERS a grateful remedy. It strength and energy to the stimulates digestive organ, and correct acidity of th stomach. would caution tbe public against purchasing ar. tbe many imitation of this delightful Aroma To vent imposition, be careful to ask fur Buerbare's Hv. i 'For sale in New Orleana, wholesale aad retail, by I.

WRIGHT COL, v. ij and 161 Cbartre itrr wiyg dpStAUW General A gr; LETTERS. OF CREDIT. omcB 9r CONNEB S0: v. WCarondelei (treet Binkera Traveling Letter of Credit tod Cirr Note, available throughout the United State, and rj.y H.

aio FOREIGN TRAVELING CREDITS, available tL out Enrope. To be bad oa application as above. my? Of th 1 1 1 1 A I A "7: A 2ai HOI I. BI AST I rV AT Vv A ttl Ri constantly ia receipt ef fall amortment i 8ILrZBWARE, from tb meat manufactories la try. Bis price ar low, and terms my otadp 'y' 1 Kennedy's Medical Discover'.

It can now be said with tralb that tbe grest been found tor the healing of tbe nations." tne twelve year tbat this medicine has be a pnbUc, tt ha cared enough person to nee State and a healthy one, too, for not a pan. would be found to all their veins. There are who, ta use tbeir own words, are "never they wifl not believe that It ansyb humor their feelings, because they have not so snocb si en their body. All this aoay be true, snd 1 burner be canceded la their veins. hoM sense a thia acconnt, however, for covery, we can assure tbem will mate it a particle of humor about them.

Far sals ia New Orleana, wboie i J. Ellin! I and 161 anyS rtdaAitW, Hoor Cl tioi 1008 Eols Oecked; White, aud Fancy A If re: 1 nr ti 1 icfS

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