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Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois • Page 8

Chicago Tribunei
Chicago, Illinois
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NO FORMALITIES THERE. When Any of the lMlexates Want to Say Anything, the President Fern Hot Keqalred There Wu ft Urely Time When Charge Was Made Against The Rev. W. F. The Proceed ings Annual Meeting of the Welle lie The Kentucky Conference of the African M.

E. Church which is going on at Washington Chapel on Dearborn street, near Twenty. ninth, is a most informal gathering. If preacher wants to say something he just gets up and talks without bothering about the formalities of: "Mr. rresmeni, juaies ana gentlemen." The delegates sit around in graceful and easy matures, or walk from place to place, talking in plainly audible tones.

This informality makes the meetings interesting when a good discussion is on. Yesterday the trustees of the Twelfth Street Church in Louisville made a charge against the Rev. F. Forman, pastor of the church. Twelfth Street, Louisville, is the rich church the district It stands in the African Church in about the same relative position as that of Grace Church of Chicago in American branch.

The pastor is paid $900 year. On account of the importance of the congregation there was great interest outcome of the fight, which was led by Thom as Cross, a little trustee. Mr. cross presented the petition for the appointment oi Mr. Waters of Zion Church of New York to the Twelfth Street Church.

4'H is true," said Mr. Cross, that sixty members voted for Mr. Forman, but that was because he was present at the time. One lady said: 'lam too tender hearted to hurt man's feelings by voting against him before bis 'Deed she did, brother." Mr. Forman arose to reply.

He is a man with whiskers, and his resonant fairly crushed little Mr. Cross. "I do not wish to stay any church where I am i wanted. But I desire to say that this vote not an honest one. The church wishes me stay in spite of the intrigues of the Board of Trustees, lney nave forcibly seized conference money they have forcibly seized Sun day school money they have forcibly seized It is so," shouted Mr.

Forman, shaking his fist under Mr. Cross' nose. "Money has been collected and it has not been turned in." Do you mean to say, then," roared Presiding Elder Smith Clarkson of Missouri. do you mean to say, sir, that the balance has "Say, Bishop," shouted an preacher. The Bishop did not answer.

0, Bishop, can't I speak?" I think you had better not." The excited nreacher sat down. Bishop, can't I speak, came from another you sit down, too." Everybody sat down except Elder Clark son, who reclined against the back of a pew and laughed hoarsely. The Bishop then stepped out and made a pacifying speech. He is a man of considerable eloquence and a fine education, and after he had produced quiet he went for the old habit of the African Church of voting for a pastor. It doesn't come from John Wesley certainly," said the Bishop.

"It is a bad practice. Any one can see that after a church has called for one preacher and another one is supplied the preacher sent is not likely to be Dleaaantlv received." "That's right," said a delegate: "I would sooner go out and eat hay like the Hebrew of 6u than so where I wasn't. nU Some of the reports were of a pathetic char ma EST. KB. WASHINGTON.

Then he would go on to explain thai the preacher couldn't go because the church was too poor and his family was too big. It's hand to preach the w'ud w'en dar aint no coon bread in de cubburd," said one old parson. Many ladies listened to the day's proceed ings and to the sermon preached at night by the Bev. R. T.

Anderson. MEETING OF THE PLYMOUTH CLUB. First Seaatoa This Interesting Snb Jeeta to Be Discussed. Plymouth Club held its first meeting for the season last night at the Plymouth Church parlors, No. 2536 Michigan avenue.

The club is jdrganized for the purpose of social inter course and study of the leading questions of the day. Mr. Bannister occupied the chair mcl Mr. Bums acted as Secretary. The meeting being the first of the season it was mainly social in its nature.

The regular study for this year will be the "Influence of the Various Parent Countries Upon the History of the United States," taking up in consecutive order the settlements of the French, Spanish, Dutch, Pilgrim and Puritan, Cavalier, Quaker, and the African, with a final evening on "Modem Immigration Problems and America for Americana," Alter, nating weekly toe subjects for open discussion will be the Siberian Question," Effect of Higher Education on Politics," Nihilism and Education," "College Settlements," "fWm Kannan." "Africa." "CftlfWiMUMM Schemes," "Stanley and Livingstone Com pared and Contrasted," Public Dr. Gillette. Superintendent of the State Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, stated that the reports he had received from the three churches in this city for the deaf and dumb were encouraging, and showed The Chairman stated that next Thursday there would be a general meeting of ministers at the Union Park Congregational Church to consider the matter of calling the Bev. B. Fay Mil In, an evangelist of New Jersey, to hold revival services cago.

The Rev. J. M. Thobum, Bishop of India, gave an interesting account of bis mission work in India. The speaker referred working inuependently of conferences, which, he thought, was not so productive of good.

The Presbvterian ministers ranimml their weekly meetings yesterday. Considerable time was spent in disposing of the routine every Sunday at theBridewelL tobe isters' Association visited the meeting and in vited tne cooperation oi tne rresDyterian isters in making for a The Bev. Dr. Montgomery presided at toe day. There was a fair attendance.

An inter estine account of the nrocress made in in structing and civilizing the Indian youth by Gen. Morgan, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and a resolution was adopted pledging the aid and indorsement of the association to the work of improving the moral and intellectual condition oi tne Indians. "Board of City Missions." The Christian churches oitv hum formed a society to be known as the "Board of City Missions, Church of Christ." The same will be incorporated under the laws of the State, the object beinc to foster three mis le on the South Side. The soeierv will tne nrst Monday or each month at 1 :45 p. m.

The present officers are A. A. Devore, Presi A PUBLIC BENEFACTOR. William Radam, the Inventor of Radam's crobe Killer," in the City. This is preeminently the age of great dis coveries and wonderful inventions.

A few years ago the steam engine, the steamship, the telegraph, the telephone, the electric light, and various other inventions were unknown to man. The discoverers and inventors of all these things and everything else that has been of great value to mankind met with the strongest opposition and had to perfect their inventions in the face of persecution, calum ny, and misrepresentation. Admitting that the scientists and roicroscon ists and all the leading minds of the century have been actively at work battling against ignorance and superstition that they might give to the race such inventions and discov eries, they have never been able to conceive of anything that would successfully combat and destroy the innumerable armies of microbes varm in the au we breai. we drink, the food we eat nay which infest every being and which carry down to le nee, and flood combined. This has been the great need of the to dis cover tne cause oi tne many ins to which mankind is subject, and likewise an effectual cure for the same.

It has well been said that God's best gift to is the only stock in trade we have, and since it has been demonstrated beyond the possibility of a doubt by the patient and thorough investigations of the leading scientists of the world that microbes are the cause or an diseases, it will ireely be admitted that a genuine Microbe Killer, in action death to microbes, would be the grandest discovery ever made by man. The world is indebted to none other than William Hadam. the subject of our sketch, far the invention of a genuine Microbe Killer due only to his patient, persistent, and labo neiu oi sciennnc researcn. He an American, and his name will on down tn future ages inscribed upon the scroll of fame far above that of every other inventor or hon. ef actor ot his race.

In early life an ordinary florist he has for many years made a study of nature's laws and of her operations in bringing about change and decay in organic formations with the result that he has been able to define a close parallel between animal and vegetable life in the cause and cure of every digression from a standard health. In his investigations he has advanced far beyond the line of theory. Long ago a steady watch on the oi nature led mm to formu the idea that cerms or microbes immediate cause of every health disturbance but he did not rush into print with it. He tested its value, and only now, when thousands and millions of persons throughout the country can testify to it, does he offer to the world a complete and exhaustive history of his important discovery. It simplifies disease and the treatment of disease.

It clears away the mysteries with which medicine has enshrouded, and points out a plain, well de uueu way oy wmcn neaim can be sustained, and consequently life prolonged. The magnitude which the business has reached can best attest to the success of his great enterprise. There are already fourteen factories and laboratories established for the manufacture and sale of the Microbe Killer, located as follows: Factory No. 1, Austin, Tex. No.

2, New Orleans, No. 3. New Xprk City; No. 4, Philiidelphia; Pa. 5, Cmcmnatju 0.

No. 6, Nashville, Tenn. No. 7 Chicago, HL; No. 8, Su Joseph, No.

9 Denver, Cola No. 10, San Francisco, CaL No. 11, Toronto, Canada: No. 12, London' England; No. 13, City of Mexico; Melbourne, Australia, with headquarters for wld at No.

813 Fifth avenue, New York N. Y. North American Mr. William Radam, the inventor of Rad n's Microbe Killer, is in the city and will main only this week at the office of fidim'. Microbe Killer, Owings Building, corner Dearborn and Adams Streets, oivina fnu 8Copic exhibitions.

The sick and afflicted are cordially invited to call. Wife Murderer Meea to Hang. Sent. k. overruled tho motion for a new trial in the of Geonre W.

Mobs, the tenced the prisoner to be hanged. THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1890 TWELVE PAGES. in Various States." Citv Politics: Relation of the Mavor and Police Force to the Law as on the Statute Books," Americans on Police Force," It is the intention of the club to have no orchestra, but will have vocal and instrumental music. New literature will also be reviewed, especially bearing upon the topics considered in the course of study. After the work of organization had been completed the club listened to an address by Dr.

Gunsaulus and departed to meet again upon the second and fourth Mondays of every WELLESLEV WESTEKX ASSOCIATION. The Wellesley Western Association held its ninth annual meeting at the Grand Pacific Hotel yesterday afternoon. Officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows Miss Est elle Cook, President; Mrs. Annie L. Clark and Mrs.

Edward Jewett, Vice Presidents; Miss Carrie Williamson, Corresponding Secretary Miss Hat tie Stone, Recording Secretary and Treasurer all of Chicago. At 2 o'clock the dining room doors were opened. While dinner was being served telegrams of congratulation and good wishes were received from Miss Helen Shaf er, President of Wellesley College, and from Mrs. Pauline Durent, wife of the late Henry Du rent, founder of the college. The address of welcome was delivered by Miss Marion Ely, which was noticeable for its earnest tone of cordiality.

Through some misionune fliiss Adams, wno was expected to make the address of the day, was unable to be present, and her place was filled by Miss Clara Cooley Becker of Chicago and Miss Mary L. Bean of Philadelphia. ine attendance was somewnai smaller than it was last year. WEEKLY MEETINGS OF MINISTERS. Baptist, Presbyterian, Congregational, and Methodist Ministers la Session.

The regular weekly meeting of the ministers of the M. E. Church was held yesterday in the main auditorium of the Methodist Church Block. SISTER KOBE GERTRUDE RAISES A ROW. She Threatens to Resign Unless Certain Altered Wrongs Are Corrected.

Sax Francisco, Sept Honolulu advices say Sister Rose Gertrude is the focus of a storm in Hawaii On her arrival from England, instead of being sent to the Molokai leper settlement, as was intended, she was placed in a receiving hospital at Kalihi, two miles from Honolulu. This is where all persons suspected of leprosy are examined, as are also some of the lepers selected by Dr. Lutz, a specialist lately arrived from Germany. Recently the, community was surprised by an announcement in a morning paper that Sister Rose had stated to are porter that unless certain matters were remedied by the Board of Health she would resign the same day. Representative W.

Earns, a native member, moved in the Legislature for a select committee to investigate the complaints made by Sister Rose against the management of the hospital. He related that he took this action at the request of the sister. The committee was appointed and took the testimony of many witnesses at the institution. It has been announced to the House by the Chairman of the committee that owing to the importance of the subject the report of the committee would be printed before its presentation. The sister's chief complaint is that Charles Kahaljkili, resident overseer of the hospital himself detained as a leper, has interfered with the affairs of herself and the doctor.

She charges him with advising the patients not to take the prescriptions, and counseling them rather to trust in God and of practicing some of the arts of the Hawaiian Kahuna or medicineman. It is complained that Charles made patients work when the sister as nurse, under the order of Dr. Lutz, as a physician, prescribed rest; also, that, although a leper, he ouslv is Sister Rose incensed, however, over the offensive remarks that the overseer is reported to have made among the inmates about the sister going, out for airings with the doctor. His gossip having got beyond the hospital into the city increases the offense, es pecially as a iormer minister, wno is also an ex member of the Board of Health, told the Roman Catholic Bishop that it might be necessary for the Board of Health to demand the sister's resignation. The cause of all this talk is that the sister and doctor have sought recreation from their unpleasant duties in jaunts selves bv amateur nhotncranhv nn t.h« wav Sister Rose demanded of the Board of Health the summary dismissal of the overseer.

board was the midst of an investigation of her charges when she complained to the Legislature. The only counter charge made by Charlie is said to be that the sister threatened that if patients did not testify against him she and the doctor would leave the place, which would break up the institution and necessitate that they all go to dreaded Molokai Not Ready to Take the Pled re. Omaha Bee: A reconstructed member of the Mississippi Constitutional Convention ruptured tne peacerm plans or tne uourbons by the following amendment to the bill of rijrhta "This State shall aver remain a member of the American Union and the people thereof a part the American Nation, and all attemntt to dissoli the said Union shall be resisted with the whole power of the state." Of course the propositi was promptly shelved, but the mere suggestic that Mississippi should proclaim itself insepar bly wedded to the Union brought out a sufflciei number of Brigadiers to crash the vnniw nntrir Doubtless his life was spared on giving bond for Mr, H. A. Wales, the inventor of the Sound GEO.

P. G0EE 200 202 Madison st TODAY AT 9:30, OIL CLOTHS, INCLUDING Special Peremptory Sale I UUUlVUlUj And New Consignments of Linens, Knit Goods, Hosiery, Underwear. Wednesday, Sept. 10th, 9:80 a. WW MUVVMj MAAJJJJUlWi INCLUDING An Attractive Bankrupt Stock And new consignments of Fine Rocnester Mafle Goods, Thursday, Sept.

11th, 9 :30 a. Gents' Furnishing Goods. ALSO To Be Sold Peremptorily a Very wioice canKrupt stock, Consisting chiefly of Oyeralls, JnniBers, and Carfiigan Jackets. IN BASEMENT, LARGE RTfVTR China Tar. Dinner and rhamliA.

China Caps and Saucers, nanging Lamps, Uurners, Shades, etc Friday, Sent. 12th. 10 Fire Salvage Sale of Ci gars and Tobacco. GEO. P.

GORE Auctioneers. BY POMEfiOY, SON TODAY AT 10 O'CLOCK, BIO AUCTION SALE Of Household Goods, Carpets, Parlor Furniture, Chamber Sets, Folding Beds, etc JfUMKBOY, SON Auctioneers. TO RENT IntlieTriliuiieBiifldiiig Third story offica Apply to CHAS. W. BARNES' FALL STYLES SILKS AND DERBYS Correct Quality Bast.

223 dTATE ST. TOo POISONS FREEMAN'S Face Powder. Medicated. Free From POISON. Harmless as Dew.

Don't Bub Of. Purest sshf perfect beautificr. W.rort.rjiCa^co'r.! On Wabaak Xie. Ml; LaMi, 1 i' Blood'i, SuutmanA, MS; Oa Aretar AtT: Wraail Boralty, KM; Qraontrt, Mil; Pox's, HOT: Coltsta't, 1169, ilia RuMattal'l, Mtj T.R.Bahr*»'i,«tl,alaoeor.Caaali On W. Hit; Lwi' Drajf 149, 161, 158 Stete stk.

Walter Proby SUCCESSORS. Dull Dongola Top, Genuine Hand with the Celebrated Bullock Back Stay," AAAA, AAA, AA, and EE, 2 to 8, Opera and Medium Toes newest all new goods. Trustworthy" Shoes for Women. $3 Ei(t Bnttoi anl Laco, Unequaled by any other Shoe in Chicago. Bilt Mpla, Dull Dongola Top, Genuine Hand Made.

Opera andCommon Sense Lasts. All Sizes and Widths that are made. All the above cost to manufacture more than any Shoe offered at same price in Chicago. Chas. Gossage Co, State and Washington ets.

OPENING SALE HANDKERCHIEFS, To inaugurate this season's business we will show an Unequaled Assortment at Prices that Cannot be Duplicated in this or any market: LADES' EMB'D HANDK'FS AT 12K. 15c Ladies' Fine Linen Lawn, In Limitless Designs, 50c. Worth up to 86c. GENTS' H. S.

ALL LINEN COLORED BOEDER HANDK'FS, 25c. Worth up to 50a LADIES' HANDK'FS, h. a. BEV and LACE 1 25c. Worth up to 60a A SAMPLE LINE OF FINE FRENCH AND BELFAST HANDK'FS, $1.00 to $2.00.

Not More than Price. GITS' H. ALL LINEN HAND EMB'D INITIALS, 25c. A BARGAIN. This will be an opportunity to purchase a supply of Holiday Hdkfs.

at prices that will not be duplicated this season. CtoflPlHEaGa Wabash and Adams. IMPORTANT BARGAIN SALE OP I Afar typtoq I 250 Pieces 42 inch Extra Fine MOHAIR CAa BRILLIANTINE, well worth 75c 200 Pes. 40 Ail Wool Silk (Ms, Slllc Weaves, OC never sold lor less tnan $1.00 to $1.25. 156 Pieces 46 inch Extra Fine Silk Warp 00 Henrietta, regular price $1.35 )v AGE I pmvA OPTICAL CO.

e.WA»HINOTON IT UnanhTTlMajutfUinitt 1 a II Every Pair Warranted. JtU EBjjpl Perfect Satisfaction Guar anteei lfl Wabash av. and Adams st. FALL DRESS GOODS. Sixty five leading shades for Fall and Winter Dress Goods were adopted by the syndicate of French manufacturers.

Every one of these hues can be found in the new Colored Dress Goods and French Pattern Robes displayed on our counters this week. We name the prices to give you an idea of the money value of these superb goods. 38 inch Broadcloth Plaids, 50c yd. 46 inch Camel's Hair Cheviots. 75c vd.

40 inch Henriettas and Granite Cloth, twenty colorings, 75c yd. wmcn nenneua 20 colors, 46 inch Foule 15 colors, 42 inch Imperial Cloth 16 colors, 44 inch Camel's Hair 12 colors. 46 inch Invisible Striped Foule. $1.25 vd. 42 inch Imperial Serge and Royal Diagonal, $1.25 yd.

1 Embroidered, sroidered, Altlo Astrachan Trimmed, UNMADE E0BES Hair Tufted and Braided, tided, I Applique Camel's and 1" We bring our Dress Fabrics from Foreign points of production with every possible economy, and sell them at LOWEST POSSIBLE yKL only oneIhoe stobe Only Shoe Store Domestic "Selling Hanan's Men's Pine Shoes." Fall Styles now ready. Pit better, wear longer, and are more comfortable than Shoes made to order is the verdict of hundreds of gentlemen now wearing them. DE 150 STATE ST RUGS. "Lowest in Price," 1 Addrew C. F.

GCXTHER, infect ioner. Chicago ODELL DousleOase TYPEWRITER own ms wBnia Make no mistake, our number is 150 State sL DEMUTH4C0. ww mm isfloe House TELEPHONE! 6171. I Chicago doing (strictly one price! Chas.Go$sage Co. State and Waabington eti TPAJJLi, 1890, IS.

We Call Attention to Our Perfect AXMINSTERS, WILTONS, M0QUETTES, BRUSSELS, INGRAINS. Oriental and and cash business. Fin Made oocxia in the city. Get prices competitors; then come to and be convinced we are lower than the lowest First Claas Furniture. We alto sell Andrews' New "Gem" Folding Beds.


CI Gfihta, tonight Jnterjng on.

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