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The Atchison Daily Globe from Atchison, Kansas • Page 14

Atchison, Kansas
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Ate 4-A. Atchison DoUy Globe. Thuitdoy. Jcinuaiy 1959 Looking Back (Continued from Page Threo-A) seek other quarters, 72. Atchison Improvement bonds, a total of Aid' to Eisen Wackerle 01 h.ansus uty.

23. Atchison's Wilson Co. poultry and egg plant closed, 24. Deaths: SI. Sgt.

William A. Andre, rclirrd, native of Nor-loriville, in Fort Leavenworth hospital; Mrs, Albert Meyer, 56, route in Atchison' Atchison hospital. 25. Christmas babies at the Atchison hospital; Mr. and Mrs.

Ilobcrl Volk, jr a son, and Mr. end Mrs. Howard Martin, a oldest resident. Mrs, Jesse Star is, 35, passed Ethel Hope McAdow, C5, in I lie insurance business -13 years, dial after extended illness 2H. Victor L.

(Jrirfis announced purchase of the Midwest Machine and Tool ill Nortli Fourth, from the (ieorpc Dorste Deaths; Mrs. Anna 33, Klfingham; Nthcl tngnlls lllaiv, AO, widow til Ur. tv (i. Dlair, Kansas City. Claudia McCuirc, 74, at Moinil Si.

Set. alas lica convent. 27 Henry route .1, elected a member at the hoard (if directors of the fine Milk Pro (hirers association of dealer Kansas lily. 3S. Mrs.

Otis Gray, whose husband was a former pastor of Trinity church here in New York. 29 -I n. Hundley -jr some one biilchercd win id his inw.s in Ins nastuio near Dallies. HO. widow 11.

McKibbcn, died in a Kansas Cits- nursing home. at. lUg snow tins highway traf fie Ateliison men and slows New Year holiday travelers brave not to cancel Fred Donovan, 72, icliicd post in aster, dies. deaths; Hart Sclincll, retired employe anil Hoy I I lie A'belnsi u- 'lull, and Woilc Specially Co. ani.l:v nsitiou wilh investniei firm.

Hixon, manager of the (Irphciini theater, named In city commission vacanev created by resignation of A. C. Ferrcll, wliii was disqualified by moving outside of city limits. l.OYt: THOSE STAMPS n-iuTowiW s.D. bound to hapjicn in liii.s prrui ha IJurglars sorviee stntion here and look ivorlli of trading slautivs.

low-flying a tens spraying craps ticides brought a rush Ki.ig pulire Irom re Ilio.iglH the planes wi i Brendan St. Benedict's College) I SHOULD to pledge lo the people of Atchison all ixissiblc support In building a belter Alch ison. The flood disasters were a severe blow, but tin; spirit wild which Ilia people (if Atchoson have reacted is Tlicy are proving that Ihc term "disaster" is a relative onn, may mean hopelessness an the one hand, or opiwi'liinily for nc juiialcr aehieveincid llu; uthcr-depend-ini; iDioii (lie initiative and determination of the. iieonte involved. Atchison people are capable ot cil.islruphr r.Ui cjipur unity.

New fi-fi led those showing potei will receive inci'd fouiidiitions and sources, as well from government aid is shaping up liolarships for re fnil day ahsenre lie lissing; he'd jus ENTER I he Mother (Mount SI. SU-lioliistirii) KNHOU.MK.NTS in of all levels will eoiitliiue to nse for some years lo To help lliem meet the ehallenge, these sr-linols will receive increased financial aid. The public la.vsiippcrtcd schools will receive tlieir greater share from federal and stale vale, non-especially leadcrsliip, aid from feel deeply Rralcfiil to tlie Giver of all Rood, era I and faithful employes and to out- inminieraulu cttstor for Hie realizniiou tba tontintictl progress. Uncle Sam Cracks Down On Boiler Room Brokers lly 1'HTliH KHSON WASHINGTON (NBA) Securities and Exchange Commission under Chairman Edward C-adsby is slcppini: up enforce-incut activities against "boiler room" operations by slock brokers and dealers who use fraud or mis-representation in selling securities of questionable worth. The name "boiler room" comes from the din of their high-pressure offices.

lit tin; last mx months SKc lias SB "brokerage-dealer administrative proceedings" (o give (Item their formal name. This is double lite rate Tor the full fiscal year ending las'. June when actions were, begun. This increase is ronjtldercd a natural result the recent stork market boom When piiccs are rising, wants lo get in on the en nd floor of 'sure tilings." This makes it easy for boiler room operations. A promoter will rent barn (if-Nee space, install a battery of saml-up telephone bombs, hire -a Mali af -1 i 1 1 salcaiucn and Ins lori; clistaiice plume Toll charges run or mare, Names, addresses and panne iiuuiIjms ea; ers conic from 'sucker by whose business niripdc llieui.

There are li-, I le who have hit on earlier motion schemes. There also sc'ienlleathtr; ividoivs who have "ad SaO.OtW up. High pressure sa' natural pal I of I (ion The storks a ally hargiiriv," doctors, law face (be future coiifitiettl of LEVIN-HANDKE FURNITURE APPLIANCE MANAGEMENT and EMPLOYES Werner It. I.ovln Raymond Xnlntid HaroM Vandcrlno William Ijillln Ceelal Vonng Walllse Midtliell filllicrt C. IIbikILu HtcTiard HIiiIiiii IadInc Bohh.v llick Hargrnvi 3mtni Cnvc llanilke F.

I.evJn II Go.nn Kniteii Percy Hoffman Philip as alt-i-lly iuhe SEC gels wind of Ihose things through complaints of people who have been defrauded. In a few eases, boiler rooms have made the mistake of frying lo sell HKC employes. Usually the bailer room Is a one-shot operation. The Operator will try lo sell one block of a particular slock, then vanish. Tho job of enforcement Is lo move in on the boiler room while It's still going and pnl 11 out of business.

SEC; operates under the general fraud and broker-dealer licenslr.c sections of the Securities Acl of 1MJ and the Securities 1" x. -change Act of ifrji, TJipy arc jn. tended to prevent fraud in Hie purchase ami sale or securities in interstate eominorec. SEC proceeds against a i rooms by seem ing com I ijiiisc-linns, by re vacation of iirakcr-dealci- licenses or by referring eases lo JJep.irljiieni of Justice foi- criminal prosecution. I'ourleen broker dealer license revncalian cases were begun Ihis year, resulting in to losing tlieir licenses-.

Twenty-five Infimrlion proceedings were filed against boiler rooms in calendar IQIiB. Only a few alleged fraud. Actions were based an other charges', more easily sustained, so as lo slop llieir operations daring criminal prose-cation. Eour boiler room cases have been naVcrred to Departn I of Ibis ynar. An irtlicl inenl was returned ill one ease Three others await presentation to grand juries.

Twciily-fliio other cases were referred to Department of (his year Manv Involve the ivferenee lo Justice is on oth- M-IInu; irom SI ei (barges. a aliare. i are in pi al ICseri tiling j.s pnomisiul. Tliere) The dollar rill be a big rise in price in thellhese eases is ear lutiire because of ins s.ei la is si il us- sener elaiuis ni-uie Or il is claimed there will lug dividends sorui because of ome Invunlinii or now product bout lo be marketed. Often there i fraud or niiti.

iilailnn Sf EVERYONE "A Word of Appreciation Our Tinii riilors iis IS licen tried unci pt'ovotl r.l-.u (li- depths oT stnunnlion to llir heights nf stiprypi'otliK lion, big fact that emerges from Hie mnss or iituwlniiity and like a beacon on tho roetd nhciul of us is flint lite United ica is Hie best ami safest place on oarlli in vvltieb to live pave- llic tilmosl coilidei! ot only in our i-ottiii't cniistriietioii frc slicds ils liglH ftttcs of Anicr-nnd work. We setttel Aflcr In far! nc Keilh limy hcenvilte, of II .111 id to be Hut tin npos three eases closed this year ran from to apiece. Details on how pnme of these typical liuiler- rooms apcrated will be reviewed in another article Tranquilizers May Cure Those Problem Children miiulizers, how ever, many ot these youngslers calmed down lo (lie extent that (hey developed a real interest in their studies and started making holler grades, Others, whose con duct had tempted teachers'1 to start swallowing pills themselves, suddenly dei e.leil in behave, In furl, it's repotted thai uffi-j rials of one school lins'e become i so the ichdhiliialivc merits of the drugs iliat Ihey have I made ti li ea.i.ncut one id Ihc reipiirenicuts for lelliiii! I expelled kids, return lo class. Most doctors, however, are far from being this ciilhiisiaslic -lout labeling the drugs as a classroom cure-all. First, they point out dial llierc Is relatively little known about how lianipiiliv.ers actually wovli and why Ihey don't have Ihc same eftects on everybody ihes mem.

illM of the noisy kids, lied in the reports Ihey swallowing tin 'Im! la I frruiijiiiliruui. st learning ability, doctors are afraid happy pills might dull the senses so much Him kids lake litem, might grow up with a ituu'l eive -vl very out that most tranquilizer studies have been made for only short periods of time. They explain thai long range, highly detailed studies must be completed before the pros and cons or using the drutrs ehilr be fully dclcr- The Public Health Nn-Imiial Institute of Mental Health lias recently stal led such projects al Nebraska's Psychiatric rnslitnle In Omaha and at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Raltimore, Md Roth studies arc concerned dli a ii oinling the actual effects i nana miners un einutinnallv sturbeii eliihl': learning ability. located al Mrs. Kaff and lier son Albert Kaff.

will go lo Houston, lex. this weekend in visit Mr. and Mrs Wurley Kaff. Albert is bureau manager for (he United Press-International al Taipei, Formosa. He is his first visit to Atchison, Ins borne town, in four years, lie was transferred to Formosa last Apiil when lie was transferred there from SaiRon.

Albert a been in 11 i Asiatic division of United i'ress since W2. Last August he viewed (ieneralisslmo Kai-shek on what his attitude would be toward a proposed Big Four conference al the for-cicji ministers level within the organization of (he United Kalians to discuss (lie Middle Kast crisis. One of Ihc things Chiang said at the tine was that the western nations, particularly the U.S., arc not aggressive enoucli in dealing wilh Ihc Communists and must undertake counter infiltrnlion lo give some support lo Nationalists inside China, who are prepared. Chiang claimed, lo overthrow iWc Communist Chinese government they got needed assistance. said he was convinced that within a time tho Communist government In China would collapse from lack ot popular support, The first step would have been him and lie couldn't get.

a plane, knew he'd spent most ol bis money at 'the World Fair in fiel-gium and I was afraid the Yugoslav Chess Federation wouldn't go on paying for him after the tournament had ended, "I went lo flic YdifOjlnv Embassy but sveekeml and I couldn't find anyboilv. I tried lo call Hobby, but llu-v said he had lcfl by I rain. "I was really worried, I keen he was loaded (town with books and I didn't see how lie could manage, lie doesn't speck I'm I could just see him sleeping in a train station somewhere and people stealing everything he had." Hut Bobby used his tournament prir.e money (o gel to where lie found plane space homo. Chess is nDt a popular game and lucre are no tunrJa to send long one if Charles Ziebartis, 40, had slopped out tho left hand door inslcnd of tho right as his truck perched cm tho edge of the old Krie stone quarry following an accident. Ziebarth's truck col-liucd wilh car just west ot Wabash, then 'skidded out of control lo tho edge of the quarry, tho bottom is 80 feet straight down.

Three outnopplngs of rock, conveniently located, kepflhc truck from tumbling Into the oil. Raising A Genius? it's Not NEW YORK 'cr have coping with your teen -low would you like it if he genius? nol easy," says Held Fischer of Brooklyn, tor 15-year-Old son, Bobby, is a li cllCy; lie (Still I United Slates championship at 1-t and -beeanie the yjimgest interna tional Maslee in history Ihis summer. His one dream is to snatch tho world chess eisjwn from Hie present champion, llussifds Mikhail Uotvinnlk, One ol Mrs. Fisehor's definitely "nnt easy" moments came this summer when Hobby appeared lo be stranded lu 'Yugoslavia atler his first international tournament. "He had a round Irip ticket, but nobody made any reservations for American champion fa to n-cuts.

Hobby won Iwo tickets la Yugoslavia on a television pro gram. His 21-year-old sister Joan, took the second, "Bobby doesn't like the idea of iu; mother going around with liim (o tournaments. Ucsides I figured il would lie better for me to be here in case anything w.i; needed money, She laughed euefidly a slend er, dark-haired woman with smiling mouth in a gamine lace The Fischers separated wher Hobby was and Mrs, Fisehci her two children on hci or nings as a nurse. "I don't discipline Hobby, lie's too big. Anyway, there's not much In rr.i.ics liuui ear his jiuse in a chess book, stops to eat.

and lie back again ur.t;: it time to go lo bed. 'Bobby's, one of I he ones who play for blood as; tltcy say in cnesj, HQ serious, no tins to study all the time; The countries pubish pamphlets and book; at A great rale new openings always being worked out. "He's not interested in girK yet they don't play chess, Ho doesn't smoke or drink, He does chew his nails' down to the btsne, but I'm afraid to make him stop. I don't knosv what he might take up. "Some of these chess players twitch all over.

Honest. They start wilh an eye and twitch down to their feet and start again, I'd rather he chewed his nails," "The only Ih'mg I do is nag him to get some fresh air. This year he's joined the and says he's going to gel in better physical ape, used to be svomterful at sports in fact, ho himself itscd to say ne wauled to be a uaseuan plaver. "I don't know thing about chess, In fact, 1 tried lo him stop for four years. But I've DENTON MRS.

ED DENTON and Mrs. ltoy Iloberls and Arabella, Portland, visited his parents. Mr. and Nor. man Roberts, ltoy is Business manager for St.

Vincent's hospital. They will return through Texas and California, airing a G.OOO mile trip, Mrs. Hlnncho Smith has recovered from her recent illness, ness. Mr. and Mrs.

John Slaudeji-nuier and family have moved from I he Harry Ware- farm north of Denton to their new home cast of St. Joe, Their address will be Easton, Mo. route 1. Mr. and Mrs.

Jack Winchester and sons; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Seliriner and family of Topcka, and 'Blanche Smith were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Schriner. Mrs.

John Roland, Wichita, has been visiting her grac-cer:, Mrs. Daisv Dcnlou and her mother. Mrs. Ralph Graves. Ralph is in California visiting bis father this vacation Builders class of the Methodist Sunday school will hold a supper al the church Jan.

to. WSCS will meet Jan. 11 at the nome of Mrs. August Seiiolt with Mrs, Ivan Schok and Mrs. Pelra Hammers mark assisting hostesses.

Wishes For We wish to tliank you all for trie confidence you have expressed in us during 1958 through the increasing use of Sunflower Creamery products. Our principal aim in 1959 shall be to continue to deserve your confidence and patronage, )t is our sincere wish that the New Year will bring to you and yours all that is gaod. CRIAMBRY.

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