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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 5

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

HtATHKVM.LG, (AUK.) COU1UER CLASSIFIED ADS Two cents word lor first insertion and one cent a word 'or each subsequent Insertion. No advertisement taken Jor less than 60c. Count ihe worth and send tlie cash. 306 FOR SALE FOR chicks. Pay this Sou us about plan.

Marilyn Hatchery. SXJ-TI- FOU SALB-Cood, dry cook wood chaiian Coal Phono 107. 11P-CN FOn five and si; loom residences, also a furnished house. Dr. J.

A. Saliba, Phone 418 FOR cotton No. 1 First year from Diecdc U. S. Agriculture.

Test 857 Germination. $3 CWT. I). F. Sum incrour Half and Kali First yea jjinued An 1030.

Test Germination $3.60 CWT. C. E. Fiik, Hisll- vay 01, State Line. P-K-10 WARNING OKBKU 3HANCERY COUKT, CHICKASAWBA DISTRICT.

MISSISSIPPI COUNTY, ARKANSAS. Archie E. Harper, Plaintiff, No. 4837 s. Haltle Dora Defendant.

The defendant, Haute Dora Har- ier, Is warned to appear within hirty days In the court named In he caption hereof and answer the of the jilalnUft Archie E. Hnrper. Dated April llth, 1931. R. L.

GA1NES, Clerk, By Harvey Morris, D. C. Sam Manatt, Atly. Ad Lltcm. 13-20-27-4 PACfi fflVE FOR bushels yellow feed corn, 75 cents per bushel at crib.


No. 4930 vs. John Kimtircll, Defendant. The defendant, John Klmorell, warned to appear within thirty days in the court named in the captain herof and the complaint of the plaintiff Mary Kim- In ell. Dated April llth.

1031. R. L. GAINKS, Clerk, 11 Harvey Morris, U. C.

.111 Manatt, Ally. Ad Lilcm. 13-20-27-4 BY One of the most Important Horns in the proper and I'voii-jrnk-al operation of ilic motor ear is ih.u true wheel alignment. This means the selling ol (rout wheels so that they nuuuaiu proper la each oilier, us originally built by the nunm'ac- Hirer. It means nlso the assurance of rigid yet e.isy besides the quality oi e.isy inv-'r- Ins.

Recent research by ft commltU: of the Society of Automotive Eu-jl- neeis brought out the fact that great majority of tlie 100 cars under test failed 10 ihe orig- al settings specified tlie wlieslo lev the car hail been driven 1080 lies. Only few, which had strong nssnnblies. held tile settings more than 1000 miles. The parts most alfected in lac 1000 miles, this with that of (he wheels, a I of alxjut two devices Ironi Hie vei- I lea I. Tlie puvpcb'j of Ihe from wheels is to bring the pomi of contact ol the tires with lliv road almost directly under the lot aligned properlv is uneven ll11 01 1 sl ilcc nore than usual wear on the IhVi ullsets I wear on Cunslilmtio.1 staikl b- made (ll Irom while (he fuel that the average a lc a slopes downwind twoard die ri'-ih; I tlc a whee.i, at and that theretore the rljlil B1 1 would wear more than the left, to Ihe greater of tlie ear on I lliat tide Further to bring Ihe bottom of But'inking that Into 1 ci 1 lion, the wear on the tires shouh! ls be even nnd even rh'li' tin-- CilsU of llle om rllli shouw wear il xt rj FOIt RENT I-X3B room house and garage.

Newly papered, on pavement. Garden planted. 512.50 per month. L. Fowler, Phone 4.50-J.

FOB room furnished flat garage and coal house. Cal' 618-W. TC-TI FOR five and six room residences, also a furnished house. Dr. J.

A. Saliba, Phone 410 FOR in Ingran building. Sec Parkhurst Com pany. iHJ-Tt FOR room modem apart inciil on West. Maul Arcol heat.

Phone 417 or 470-W lOc-kl FOR of the Mille Apartments at 10th and Walnu hot and cold water, Arcola hea Enrage, shade trees, pretty lawi Apply to Ike Miller. lOc-t FOR room apart nient with bath. 810 West As street. Call 510. ck-1 FOR five room fur nished Call pk WANTED hand Baby Ca riagc.

Mrs. C. G. Redman, Phoi -101C. 13C-K POULTRY pr ces, any quantity.

Marilyn Ha chery, 210 S. Fourth St. 8C-T AVA11N1NG OIIIILU E. M. Skipper, Mrs.

E. M. Skip- antl Hornersville Mercantile ompuny arc warned to apiKiir in le Chancery Court for the Chick- sawba District of Mississippi ounty, Arkansas, within ays from this date, and auy.vcr complaint of the plaintiiis. Aired A. A.

M. Kingade, as Trustee. Vitness my hand as clerk of sala court, and the seal thereof, oi this 13th day of April. 1031. R.

L. DAISES. Clerk eid, Evrard Henderson, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. 13-20-27- Another sign of misalignment xhus. in order to assure oass steering, the ncccs- driving nnd steering, mid cwn of holding the steoilng wher! Oll UlcSi "Knnber," "caster" am down to (he left or lisht In "loc-in 11 nmst be perecl to keep the car on straight i Many service slallons are e.xnp A ear with equally aligned wheels 0 Kk lhcso reoiilres imtciu-ally nu id be at" 1mm the steering wheel when IriiviMhin n-ery 1000 miles of travel.

'Ihe stratfihl ahead. uc vLsticcI aim whenever th far lias bumped over a seveie the frcnt wlieels arc align- the Ironl wheels h.ivc Ixv iiinj, tlie kail ert, they arc lar from parellel. They at i'iins otiicr re- out springs, ted parls. The result cf such luisalisiuiieni unusinil wear of the wab- liiiS wheels and shinnny, and h'artl leering. tmb or by b0 1K OU; aie iliehlly closer at Ihe vehicle, A sharp buinp Tvll'f ilirj than at the feature callal Un: wheels out of nll OUR BOARDING HOUSE By Ahern I nooi'i-E is A SPAR-TOM I POESM-r WrllME Q(JEK A 5PRAIMET) Ci(J Vod PLSRIMG BOER AM AMBDLAMCE PRWER, WAS (, BY SrlRAPMEL IM BOTH ARMS 7 "THEM LiSELESS Wf i -pRovye Bn'r-ftE BA-ffLE-WAS MB BACK -A.

MOMrTbR VQUR THUMB S-TAR-TED VELLIU UMTH- AM IHiDlAXi A6EMT CAME OVER "FROM. 19 Af4 SAID To VOLi BECAUSE- by the engineers. Aiul. they are also sllalilly closer lojelli- jn l.iw' er in Iron! than in ihe i jKi 1 50ili) the engineers call "toe-in." In ail- a yusr. In tlu- uv.

rd nn-! dition, the steerinj iiua: crop oi suirli cuses is jbjul A sign thai- the front, wheels are spindles are "camtcrcil" to confonu POULTRY WANTED Mark prices paid at C. L. Bennett Feed Co. 210 N. Railroad west of courthouse, J.

E. Fisher, Phone 04. 24C-TF WANTED Gravel haulers from Burdettc to Clear lake Farm. F. A.

Rogers. Koutc 2, Box 81, Clear Lake Farm. C-K-17 PERSONAL THE CHANCERY COURT FOR THE CHICKASAWBA DISTRIC' OF MISSISSIPPI COUNTY, AH KANSAS. ilisslsslppl County Building Loa Association of Blytheville, Kansas, Plaintill, No. 4929 vs.

Harry H. Brown, Annie J. R. McDanlels. and Ml lain McDaniels and A.

G. Lilt Defendants. The non-resident defendant Harry Brown, Annie J. R. MCDanitls and Miriam Daniels are warned to appear in thus court witru'n 30 days ami answer the complaint of Mississippi Connty Building Loan Association seeking to foreclose a mortgage on Lot Eight; (8) and the 8 feet of Lot Seven 11), and ihe West 8 feet of Lot Nine (0); all In Clock of the Richards Addition to the city of Blytheville, Arkansas, as per the recorded plat of said addition at page No.

4 of the Plat Book at Blytheville, Arkansas, i and to recover judgment against Harry H. Brown. Annie Brown uud Dr. J. R.

McDanlels, Jr. Witness my hand and seal as Clerk of said court on the 4lh day of April, 1931. B. L. GAINES, Clerk, By Elizabeth Blythe, D.

C. GENUINE DUCO Authorized re- finisliiiii; station. C. T. Shamlin with Denton Chevrolet Main at Franklin.

3P-K24 COMMISSIOXEU'S SALK NOTICE is hereby given lliat the undersigned commissioner, in compliance with the terms of a rendered by the Chancery Court lor the Chickasawba District of Have your shoes rebuilt at our True Mississippi Comity, Arkansas, on Blue Shop, 322 East Main. work guaranteed. 10 SEE YOUR HOUSE AS OTHERS SEE IT People Arc Judged By The They Keep. To your and intimate friends you may be an ideal i'amily but others may pause and look at your Jiouse and misjudge you by what they see. Do Not for Clcan-Up Week to Come.

You can save money by doing- that little repair now. You will also be helping the unemployment situation in Blytheville. your HOME allows of decay. If it- is beginning lo have Unit run down unueur- riiONii 100 and Iv. 1).

KEHGUSON "Tlie Doctor of Homes" will be right out, or will five you a prescription for the trouble. BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES WHAT Til' ouov.Y i vvtF'RO TIVEKE vr ts By Martiu All NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AI'PIA' FOR ORDER OF SALE. Notice is hereby given that ihe undersigned, as administrator of the estate of Catherine Royal, deceased, will apply to the Mississippi County Probate Court for the Chickasawba District, on the 23rd day of May, 1031, for authority to sell the following lands belonging to said estate, or so much thereof as may be necessary, towit: Lots 3 and 4, Block Ii, Barren l.lly Addition; to the City of Blythevillc, Mississippi County, Arkansas. Said sale is to be made for the purpose of paying the debts of the estate. W.

II. STOVALL, Administrator. Frank C. Douglas, Attorney. 13-20-27-4 the 23rd day of February, 1031, wherein Equitable Building niiri Loan Assn.

was Plaintiff, No. 4883, and Kcginald Sears, ct al, were Defendants, will sell at public auction to the highest and best, bidder, a credit of three months, at the ront door of the Court House, be- ween the hours prescribed by law, the City of Blytheville, Arkansas, in the 27tli day of April, 1931, the 'ollowhig real estate. Eo-wit: Lot 2, Block 5. Highland Place Addition to Blytheville. Said sale will uc had to satisfy said decree in the sum of $1906.41, vilh 10 per cent interest from Feb.

23, 1931. The purchaser al said sale wiil Ije rcxjuired to execute bond with approved security, to secure Ih; payment of the purchase money, and a lien will retained upan said property as additional security for ihe payment of such purchase money. Witness my hand and the seal o' said Cotirt, on this, the 23th day of March, 1331. 30-C-13 n. GAINES, Commissioner in Chancery FAY O.DAVIS Kent Dealer Phone 421 ID SfOtC SXNYT TCUMB SO 1'U.

ttfME SOME CttMJCE vAV NO WHAT NEXT? Bv Blossti! HAD TV.C eewssioKi HIS PABEMTS, TV1B THIEF, US MISSSD STEEL BY WR. STESLS is OM MIS VAY 70 Invest With Safety paid quarterly on full paid stock, and tip. Guavanlced by first morlgage loans on homes jn Blylhovillc. Secured and Insured. SlythevilSe Building Loan Association W.

M. Burns, Sac. Orleans Cotton NEW ORLEANS. April 13. IUP) closed steady.

Open High LDW Clcvc 1030 10-i! 1020 1012 July 1052 lOtiT 1045 1007 Oct 1088 1101 1076 1009 Dec 1108 1123 UOO 1122 Jan H14 1124 1114 1124 Mar 1138b lloib Spots steady at 1018. up 10. New York Cotton IF THAT IStJTJUST 1 SOESS ITS AU- FOE r.1 AfJD JvJSTT VJHEM 1 ALL FOR ID MIX) STtxE "iViAT Co BY OM? HecToc SOT i S'Pose I'LL. WASH TUHHS NEW YORK, April 13. Cotton closed firm.

May 10M 1046 1022 1046 July 1055 1069 1015 1053 Oct. 1087 1104 1070 1102 Hoc 1100 1123 1102 1124 Jan 1110 1110 1135 Mar 1HO 115Q 1132 1151 Spots steady at 1045, up 15. Courier News Wont Arts Pay. SlLtMru-i, 1UECWWS BECilUS Vj iW. 1 TKEIR PEtXQ CoMRAPE.


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