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Catoctin Clarion from Mechanicstown, Maryland • 3

Catoctin Clarioni
Mechanicstown, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Professional Dr. Morris A. JBirolj. in on between Lutheran Oh. and Town Hull.

Thuumont, Md. Samuei. J. HERMAN, HI. SipeciallHl on Kc'i'raeiiuu on (lie EYE.

Who hus been coming to Frederick Cor the for lire pant year has now permanently located here. Office 26 W. Opp. City Hotel. Hours 7-S p.

m. Sunday. p. in. Hr.

Henry If add HI', 1U informs his customers that he lias located N- Market L. S. harness store. Frederick City, Md. After an experience of IS years, 1 guarantee satisfaction to all my customers.

A QKEAT REDUCTION IN ALL KINDS OF WORK. 1 will extract teeth by the new painless process for 15 cents will insert a full upper or lower set of teeth at from to $8. Prices for filling very moderate. Will mend all kinds of broken plates of teeth. Will clean a full upper or lower set for 25 cents.

For every tooth I extract I charge 15 cents cash and when 1 insert a set their place 1 deduct the amount from the price of the set. maySlf I HlVAItH III WI attorney-at-law. Frederick, Md. Milton G. Urner.

Clayton O. Keedy Hammond Urner. URNER, KEEDY URNER. Attorneys and Counselors at Law ami Solicitors in Chancery. Will attend promptly to all Law, Equity and Testamentary Business.

Street opposite Court House, Frederick, Md. apr8 All V. WATERS AND linORV L. COIILENTZ, Atlorneys-ul-luw, FREDERICK, MARYLAND. Mr.

Waters will be in Thurmonl EVERY WEDNESDAY. Will give prompt attention to all Law, Equity and Testamentary business placed ia our hands. niiKLEK P. LEVY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.

SUCCESSOR TO C. V. S. LEVY, Office on Court opposite Court House, Frederick, Md. Special attention given to proceedings in Equity tor the sale of Real E-date.

All business placed in my hands will receive prompt and careful attention. Local Items. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Frederick College Opens Sept. 3rd.

"Ladv Thutsday Night; According to the statements being pub- lished in the Valley Register, the two Valley savings banks, at Middletown and Myersville hold $378,650 31 on deposit; $243,501.03 at Middletown and $36,154.39 at Myersville. Personal. Lieut Geo. F. Landers and wife of West Point, N.

are spending the summer will) Mr. parents in this place Mr. John Henshaw home i a short time. Mr. Grayson Firor of Baltimore visited his mother in TLuirmoul tins week.

Dr. Howard White of Baltimore Is visiting friends and, relatives in this place, Mrs. K. Foreman and granddaughter, of Littleslown, spent a few days in town. Misses Ada Crouse and Clara Wolfe of Baltimore are at Mrs.

M. M. Crouse's Misses Mabel and Olive Ahalt of near Burkillsville visited Miss Grace Henshaw during the past week. Mr. Geo.

Kappes, of Shippensburg, visited relatives in this place during the latter part of last week. Mr. Geo. Gallagher of Govanstown spent i a few days of the past week with Custer Foreman, of this place. Mrs.

Dr. Waters returned on Saturday from a prolonged visit in Pennsylvania. The extreme illness of her mother called Miss Bess Metz to her home in Chambcrsburg, last Saturday. Miss Blanche Wisotzkcy of Baltimore is visiting her grandmother in this place. Mr.

Arthur Stocksdaie and wife of Hagers town were here on Sunday. Mrs. M. Parish spent several days in Hagerstown. OA.STOHXA.

Bean tie Kind You Have Always Bcugl i Go To See lew Adf'erilHcineiilH. Order of Publication. Notice to Creditors. Vincent Heboid. To Cure Constipation Forever.

Take Civscarcts Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C. C. C.

fall to cure, druggists refund money. Last Thursday the thermometer which hangs in front of this office, at three registered Festival. The Graceham Mite Society will hold fest ival on the Church Lawn, Graceham, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, July 121 13ih and Milt. Refreshments of all kinds will he served. The Qraceham band will attend on Saturday evening.

These festivals always attract a splendid patronage; let this one be no exception. Bo careful to return to tlie poslofficc mail matter not belonging to you, that you may receive through mistake. A new poslofficc rule that recently went into effect, is, that persons who through carelessness or from any other reason, lake mail from the office that belongs to who fails to re turn the same, aic liable to a fine of f'iOO or I one imprisonment. At the recent commencement of Uounake College, one of the graduates was Mr. C.

Gordon Lenllierman, son of Mr. Levi CL Lealberman of Lewistown, this county, who gardimted with honors and was the winner of the faculty medal in Greek. Mr. man spent three years at Roanoke College and during that time won two first distinctions and one second for scholarship, lie was also successful in an athletic way and in the recent field contests at I lie college won two silver medals. One was for hurdle, which he won in seconds, and the other for the running broad jump, ids jump being 19 feel, 4 inches.

Reformed Church Reunion. The eleventh annual reunion of the Reformed Churches in Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania will be held at Pen Mar on Thursday, July 19th. An excursion train will pass here at Graceham 9:01, Levs 9:00, Rocky Ridge and Double Pipe Creek 8:48. WcslofThurmont train No, 11 will take excursionists. Addresses will bv made by Rev, Dr.

J. M. Schick of Washington, 1). Rev. O.

W. Richards of Lancaster, Pa. and Rev. 11. Miller, Missionary, Japan.

Special music by Prof. Philip Bear and orchestra. Returning, train will leave Peiimar Park at 0:58 m. Best For the Bowels. No mutter "hat ails you, headache to a cancer, you will never gel well until your bowels are put right right.

CAHCARETS help nature, cure you without a grip or pain, produce easy, natural movements, cost you just 10 cents to start getting your health I buck. CASCARE I Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up in metal boxes, every tablet lias CC stamped on it. Beware of Junta- tilUlS. The towns along the line ot the V. elect! railroad are reaping their summer harvest from excursionists.

Thousands of dollars are thus spent annually and the I country gets a thorough advertising. In a number of instances reported to us, new val- lies have arisen along the line and souri es of income never thought of before 1 lie advent of the road, spi ing up and are developed, Von could not buy the privilege of disman tling the F. A M. V. electric railroad from! people along the route today for triple the cost of the load; it is too bad that our section may no longer hope for the enjoyment of these privileges, but such seems to be the fact at present.

The Great Issues. With the nomination of Bryan and Stevenson at Kansas City last week, the formu laliug ol issues was completed and the presidential campaign opened. While there seemed to be a possibility that by a re writing of that part of the platform relating to the free coinage silver, the eastern wing of democracy would Ire attracted from its semi-hostile attitude of 1896, it certainly surprised no one that the lull re- I affirmation of I lit; position four years ago was made at Kansas City. It could not 1 have been more Ilian a hope that the more conservative element would obtain control, i for at no lime prior to the convention had Mr. Bryan or any of his recognized mouth- I pieces ever given the slightest intimation that the silver issue would be ignored, or even modified, it would seem that the eastern democrats, failing to develop a new issue of sufficient strength before the people to usurp the place that the silver issue held four years ago, determined upon the policy of endorsing Mr.

Bryan, hoping thereby to get sufficiently near to him in advance of the convention, to be able to influence bun in a friendly way. An instance of tins, the most striking that we can recall is the recent attitude of the Baltimore Sun. In 1890 The opposed Mr. Bryan; not perfunctorily as though half-heartedly performing nn uiiplcas- ant duty, but earnestly, wholly and to the bitter end. During the six months prior to the Kansas City convention The Sun reversed its attitude towards Mr.

Bryan and paid the warmest tribute to the excellence of his character even going far enough to honor him for the courage of his convictions upon the silver question, but all the time urging him to accept the gold standard as a fait accompli and to agree to the substitution of us the prime issues of the coming campaign. Tiiis policy was almost universally adopted by the newspapers and public men who represented the gold standard democracy of and it seemed to promise results in the line desired, the minimizing of the silver issue in Ibis campaign. Promising though it seemed, it failed in the main, gaining only the one point, that, not merely by inference but by categorical statement in the platform, another, imperialism, is recognized as the main issue upon which the party goes before the country, relegating silver to third place. It remains to be seen whether Mint conecssessiun will meet the requirement? of the gold democrats of 1890 and whether The Sun and those who have argued on parallel lines dur- 1 ing the past year, that opposition to Presi- dent foreign policy should be made the dominant issue, will accept, with "silver" in third place, a platform that meets their demand on the main question. A How Are Tour Dr.

Sparagus Pills cure all kidney Ills. Sample free. Remedy Cblcago or N. Y. Misses Ettie Gonler and Mary Cover both ot Baltimore, are visiting relatives in this place.

Mr, Wm. Metzger has bought the laundry industry of Mr. Win. Colliflower. He will lake possession on Monday.

Mr. Colbflower will remain with him two months to acquaint him with the business. Our boys expect to meet the Frederick tennis team on the Aurora Cottage Thursday next, July, it), Get down to practice, boys, and keep at it, as that is what you need to preserve your old record. Observe, that a bean winds a pole always from right to left. That a hop winds the opposite, from left to right.

That the common holly hock, so much abused, is the only flower in this country 1 1ml displays a perfect live pointed star. Pluck one and examine the centre. Last Thursday night a parly of about fifty young people called on and surprised Miss Naiior, of Sliarpsburg, who was visiting Mis Beall, on the southern edge of town. The young folks were liberally distributed over an acre of lawn and enjoyed themselves with social converse, and pleasant rambles. At eleven o'clock several of the boys passed around ice cream and was highly delightful.

This was one of the most successj ful enjoyable parlies held here in years. At midnight the guests departed. Fukk To experience of C. A. Snow fc Co.

in obtaining more than 20,000 patents for inventors has enabled them to helpfully answer many questions relating to the protection of intellectual property Tliis they have done in a pamphlet treating briefly of United Stales and foreign patents, with cost of same, and how to procure them; trade marks, designs, caveats, infringements, decisions in leading patent cases, etc. This pamphlet will he sent free to anyone writing to C. A. Snow Washington 1). C.

inrlJ A Booticshoro an says he takes otf his boots to hear ids cornstalk. This is because 1 Ids cornfields bad. But that is too much trouble; plant your corn in the I town Mail. Wind's the matter with Bro. Hamilton's cornea? he blows his cornet too recklessly.

We saw the same corueo ealccrous Cornishman with a corniculale cornice above his eye brow and a Cornelian ring on his index linger. enroule to Hagerstown. He came from Cornell and had a cornucopia filled with bets on Hagerstown's census. No, Bro. Hamilton such eornigerous individuals dont live iu Booneshoro, and smoke that in your corncob, i Times.

till of which we infer that corn whiskey produces some astonishing results i Clarion Muncy." A number of our young people have in the must painstaking manner arranged for the production this (Thursdaj) evening, of a really excellent musical entertainment, entitled "Lady The proceeds will he devoted to the purchase of a piano for the Town Hall: as this will not only become the property of the taxpayers, but will mean the avoidance in the future of the very consider- able trouble and expense of seeming a piano for siicli entertainments as needed our people should go a little out of their way to patronize this one. As it is the purpose to follow this one up with others, lack ofinler- est and a poor attendance upon the first will I he discouraging and may deter others ftom making the attempt. You arc but taking money out of one pocket to pm it in the other. En Houle to Europe. Steam Ship Manitou, ,1 uue 20, 1000.

The sight of land after ten days of ocean travel with its monotonous water scenery is most cheering and invigorating. The first sight that greeted our eyes tins morning was the chalk chtf of old i seas, flocks of white gulls and the welcome sight of land combined to render the first I view of a foreign shore, a sensation long to he remembered. The first land we saw was the Wolf light and soon after End. I We passed close enough to Falmouth to see with a glass, the houses and shore. The green sward reaching down to the brown dills reminded us of our N.

E. coast. One point, especially reminds me of Whitehead in Fortlaud harbor. Many boats arc in night, large I steamers, a schooner, looking like a stately I bird, with all sails set and moving shoreward, innumerable small crafts with red canvass, 1 making a picturesque bit of color against Hie bine sky and sea. So in the molly procession we move up the shining track.

On our way we passed the Manacles and saw the masts of the ill fated Mo the way, our stewardess, who is a cute little Englishwoman, was on board this vessel when she was wrecked, and was one i the few who weivsaved. Our voyage is beau a Very pleasant one, especially pleasant to me as I did not experience any of the annoyances of seasickness. The table was excellent, In fact we had so many good things to eat that one could not diet yciy well, cacti meal served with four or five courses. Plenty of fresh fish and fresh fruit. Each day our stewardess prepares a salt bath for us which we enjoy and feel that they are strengthening and helpful.

The diningroom, boudoir and music room, with smoking room are all on the second deck; Hie upper deck is taken up almost entirely with steamer chairs, while the lower deck is devoted to promenading. The ship is complete iu all its appointments; and one can be as comfortable as in a first class hotel, that is, providing they are not sea sick. The mascot of Hie Manilou is a black and white cat. The sea this morning, onr eighth day out, is so calm that we feel wc are on the shit) described in the idle as a painted boat upon a painted ocean." It lias been cloudy most of the voyage and Hie wild waste of water looks like a vast gray plain, bounded only by the gray clouds of the i horizon, Just now ship is passing ns and we feel we arc not entiicly alone in the world. The weather is very pleasant with light winds.

I have my winter underwear and heavy waist on and feel quite comfortable, though it is not cold. One day on board ship is so much like I another that there is very little to chronicle. Occasionally, however, we have a game of whist, or some other pleasant amusement is indulged in. Having some desire to see the machinery of the ship, I went down into the engine room, twenty feet under water, by narrow, i slippery staircases, and here saw the great engines that have carried us safely across the sea. They have three triple expansion gines of 5,000 horse power connecting with a single screw propeller: Here, too, was the dynamo which generates the electric light.

The stokers stirred the Ore and the cavernous depths of glowing coal might have served Dore for a picture of Hades. The sea water is pumped into a boiler and the steam generated is used to run the engines and the fresh water pul into the boiler, i There arc 317 head of horses, 201 head of cattle and 117 passengers on board. Some of (lie horses, I understand, arc Intended for South Africa; others are racers, and from the 1 way they munch their hay we are led to think they accept their new position philosophically, Wo had hoped to reach London today but 1 we find we will be one day late, still, under a bright blue sky and over sparkling waves out good ship Manitou faces on her eastward way. Tills the last day out is an ideal and as the dark blue waves crested with white foam, lifted and tossed, and sunk a train into miniature on her bosom the ship with a precious freight of humanity I ami its valuable cargo of live stock. Apropos, one of the horses had to be thrown overboard last night.

We bad a concert last night which we all 'attended diessed in our beat attire. The: I talent was composed of the passengers. It was very nice and wo all enjoyed it very I much. As we are now nearing the great city of London, will close, hoping to tell you some, thing of what I see on land in my next. E.

A. Mathias. I Additional Locals on 2nd page. I MARKET Corroded Weekly by KO. niLLEK, General Commission Merchant, 11 1 S.

CIIARIiKS STIIKKT, UAIiTI MOIIK, Ml). Tuesday, July 10,1000. Choice Milling Wheat, 80 per bus No. 2 Md. Red Str.

No. 2 lied Rye, free of Garlic Oats Prime Yellow Corn I White Yellow Ear Corn $2 10 per Mil White 40 Wliile Potatoes Prime 50 per bus Second ill) Choice Timothy Hay $lO 00 per ton No. 1 $l5 00 No. 2 $l3 00 No. 1 Mixed $l2 (10 No, 2 00 i No Grade 00 i Live Fowls, 11 cents per lb Turkeys i Ducks 8 Spring Chickens Besf Wool Hmry 11 I Green Hides 00 7 i Salted 7 Choice Creamery Separator Rutter 00 22 Choice Creamery Rutter i Dairy Eggs lor nearby strictly fresh 13 per Veals, Calves 0 per lb Lumlis 0 Business Locals.

FOR RENT-Two bouses on West Main St. Inquire at juUtf CLARION OFFICE. i tW" FOR crop standing in the field. Apply to Polk Miller, who will take slock to pasture after crop is removed jul lif CHAS. SHIPLEY.

tST" pastured by tlie month in well watered fields cither in the Bottom land fields or in the western section of Thurmont. There is in those Bottom land fields, nl together, more than 33 acres of pasture! Apply to malOlf T. P. MILLER. If DWELLINGS FOR houses in Thurmont: rent favorable.

Anply to CIIAS. E. CASSELL. may 10 tf tW" FOR in my office building on W. Main St.

rac29lf Du. M. A. BIRELY. tW Just received a fine line of table dami ask our prices, AT A Full line of W.

Biuehes just received from factory, AT ROOT'S. Carpets, Straw Malting, Oil Clollis, Window Shades, inch 1 Clf AT ROOT S. Men's heavy shoes $1 00 per pair you liaye ever seen for the money, AT IW WHITE WASH LIME ALWAYS on hand at Coal Yard. June 3tf ,1. W.

CREEGER. SMALL PROPERTY FOR RALE fine properly buildings miles of Thurmont. Apply at d2ltf THE CLARION OFFICE. tsr DR. HOWARD WHITE is now lo' rated with the "United Slates Dental Asao- ciation," No.

1 N. Charles Baltimore, Md. i I Jan 20 6mo. July 12th. FOR SALE--A house and lot in Thuriuonl; the terms arc such that the rent of the property will meet three fourths ofthe paments.

Look this is an exceptional opportunity. Call on or address CASSELL WATERS, nivSltf Thurmout, Md. JJviv Vincent Scbohl. Attorney-ill-Law. office in Thurmont with John Jones, J.

opposite Rirely Rank. I Every Thursday. At Park Hotel, Couit every Monday and Tuesday. At his office in the Sehold Building, Eminilsburg, every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Prompt and careful attention given to all law, equity and tcstamentaiy business.

July 1300 Notice to Creditors. rIMIIS is to give notice that the subscriber C. Elizabeth Ogle hath obtained from the Court of Frederick County 1 letters of administration on the estate of JACOB 11 IIINEA, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased arc hereby warned to exhibit the same with the voucher i thereof legally authenticated to the subscriber I on or before January Lilli, 1901, they may otherwise be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby warned to make immediate payment.

Given under our hand this sth day of July, 1900. C. ELIZABETH OGLE Coblcntz A Waters, Sol. Administratrix I Chan. C.

Waters, "1 Ifl No. 719. Equity, mortgagee of Catherine Handley. In the Circuit Court and I Jacob Handley, Frederick Connher husband, I ty, sitting ns a Court Oil Petition. Equity.

The object of ibis publication is to give notice to the non resident heirs at lew of Catherine Handley, deceased, of the object and substance of the petition filed in tbe above entitled cause by Charles C. Waters. Said petition alleges that the real estate sold under the mortgage referred to in said cause sold for a sum largely in excess of the mortgage debt, interest and costs. That the said Catherine Handley in connection with her hn-bmd Jacob Handley, was in her lifetime indebted unto the petitioner, Charles C. Waters upon her promissory note I bearing date May 2nd, 1592, payable one year after date for the sum of one hundred and 1 forty five dollars, and that there is still due and owing said petitioner on account of said note the sum ofone hit ml rod and eighty three dollars and forty nine cents.

That for the purpose of securing the pay- ment of the said promissory note the said; Jacob Handley and ids wife, executed unto said petitioner their deed of mortgage, hearing eyen dale with said note! conveying certain real estate in Frederick County and that said mortgage Ims been foreclosed under proceedings in No. 72M Equity on the docket of said Court and that after payment of the expenses of said sale, there will accrue to said petitioner us pay-j ment upon the promissory note aforesaid but a small sum of money, if any, and that Ihr greater part of said note, or perhaps all of it will still remain due and unpaid. That the said Catherine Handley died in 1 or about the year 1891, Intcslate, and that said Jacob Handley was appointed her administrator ami that ho settled his first and linal account in the Court of Fred eriek County, but nothing was distributed unto said petitioner on account of said prom- issory note in said account or to any of the other creditorsof the said Catherine Handley, That said Catherine Handley left surviv- i ing her the following children and heirs at law, namely: Nicholas J. adult son; Emanuel Carhaugh an adult son, whose name is Mary; Anna Baker an adult daughter, whoso name is Baker; Julia A. West an adult daughter i whose husbands name is Cornelius West, all of whom reside in Frederick County Mary- laud; also Frank Hollingsworth, surviving husband of Mary A.

Hollingsworth a deceased daughter ol Catherine Handley ami the following children of the said Mary A. Hollingsworth, namely; William Bollings worth an adult son whose wife's name is Hollingsworth; Howard Hollingsworth an adult son whose name is Maggie Kline an 1 adult daughter whose husbands name is William Klh.e; Mary Ferguson an adult daughter whose husbands name is Thomas Ferguson and Emma Hollingsworth and I Uinta Hollingsworth. Infant daughters all of whom are non residents of the State of Maryland and reside in the stale of Pennsylvania. The object of said petition is to have the said surplus proceeds of sale of the real estate of the said itherinc 11 indley after the payment of the mortgage debt, interest and costs, or so mneh thereof as may lie necessary applied to the payment of the claim of tin; said C'lias C. Waters and of the claims of all other creditors of I lie said Catherine Handley who may come in and contribute to tlu expense of this proceeding.

Said non resident defendants aic therefore warned to be and appear in the Circuit Court for Frederick County, Maryland sit- 1 ting as a Court of Equity, either in person! or by solicitor on or before the 27th day of i August 1900, and show cause if any they have why the relief prayed should not he granted, provided a copy of this order of publication 1 be inserted in some newspaper published, in i Frederick County once a week for four sue- cessive weeks prior to the 10th day of An- gust, A. f). 1900. DOUGLASS HARGETT, Clerk of the Circuit Court lor Frederick Co. True Copy Test-DOUGLASS H.

Coblcntz Waters, Sol's. ju 112 Of 1 i 1 (jm LWif F. C. CORSETS MAKE American Beauties, KALAMAZOO SOLE MANUFACTURERS. L.

13. Kelly. We want You to know Us i fy not only makers of the NEW ROCHESTER, re THE STANDARD LAMP OF THE WORLD, (g ftgp but as headquarters for nil lamp information. We will heer- JKi fully supply it gratis, whether pert lining to Rochester poods or rot. motive is not entirely philanthropic.

We want you to i if' think ROCHESTER whenever you think Rut we don't want you to consider, as so many do, that any centre-draft lump is a Rochester. The name is not that of a class hit of a par- tii ul ir lamp. And every lamp that has not tint name stamped on It UR' I "A Is not a real Rochester or NKW ROCHESTER. If the dealer far .3 soils or offers it as such he is trying to defraud you. Deware of Whatever you want to know about lamps, yi Whenever you want to know it, ask g) THE ROCHESTER LAMP 38 Park Place and 33 Barclay New York, If you want good syrups try our 30 iiiul 10 cent grades, AT Order on Kalcii.

Xo. 7131 liquify. lii the Circuit Court for Frederick County silting in Equity. July Term, 1000. In I of'tlie Report of Sales, filed the Old day of July, Janus Crcegcr and Martin Creeger, trading as Jas.

Crcegcr Sou, vs. James 11. Estcrlinc, 1 1 OHDKUEI), That on the 27th day of July, 1990, the Court will proceed to act upon the Report of Sales of Rial Estate reported to said Court by Charles C. Waters, Trustee in the above cause, and filed therein as aforesaid, to finally ratify it ml confirm the same, unless cause to Ihe contrary thereof be shown before said day; provided a copy of Ibis order be inserted in some newspaper published in Frederick County, for three successive weeks prior to said day. The Report states tin: amount of sales to he Dated this 3rd day of July, 1900.

DOUGLASS M. HARGETT, Cleik of the Circuit Court for Frederick Co True Copy; Test, DOUGLASS 11. HARGETT, Clerk Cobleutz Waters, Sols. julo ll OriliT A' is i on Audit. Xo.

71 sti liquify. In tlie Circuit Court, for Frederick County, sitting in Equity May Term, 1900. In the Matter of the Auditor's Report filed the gfSlli day of June, 1900, Robert Higgs, Trustee vs. Thomas Anders and Amelia .1. Andeis his wife.

ORDERED, That on the tJOth day of July, 1900, the Court will proceed to act upon the Report ol the Auditor, filed as afoicsaid. in the above enure, to finally ratify and confirm the same unless cause to the contrary thereof be, shown before said day provided a copy of Ibis order be inserted in some newspaper published in Frederick county for two successive weeks prior to said day. Dated this 28th day of June, 1909. DOUGLASS II HARGETT, Clerk of the Circuit Court, for Frcdeuek Co. True ASS It.

ju 5 111 ATisi on Audit. Xo. 7107 liquify. In the Circuit Court for Frederick County, silling in Equity May Term, 1900, In the Matter of the Auditor's Report filed the 20th day of June, 1900. Ida Weddle and Joseph A.

Weddle her husband vs Eugic Rouzer and Daniel R. Rouzer her husband el nl. ORDERED, that en the 1 8th day of July 1900, the Court will proceed to art upon the Report of the Auditor, filed as aforesaid, in the above cause, to finally ratify andconfiim He same, unless cause to the contrary thereof be shown before said day; provided a copy of this order be published in some newspaper published in Frederick county, for two successive weeks prior to said day. Dated this 30th day of June, 1900 DOUGLASS FI. HARGETT.


WIDE WHICH WE HAVE LOW PRICES ON. GIVE US A CALL. RE'Piff "I FULLY i joiisc. iv iron are wine: You will not trust your ryes in 1 he hands of inexperienced men, but go direct to an expert who has devoted 15 years to this business. Lye (Hasses and Spectacles of A1J Kinds Examination and Consultation Free I All work Guaranteed! F.

K. Mayer, Graduate Optician, Parlor in Rupp KnRdiug, Room 11, Iiorits 0 to 13 a. 1 in ,1 to 5 7 to p. m. Inquire at Hotel Central as to dales of my visits to Tburmont.

nov 3 13mo PRIVATE SALE SMALL FARMS. Tbe undersigned offers al Private Sain her properties located near Mill, on lira road leading from said mill to Lewistown. The (arm on the west side of the road contains 50 ACRES OF LAND, and is improved with a good bouse, 3 stories conveniently and all necessary outbuildings, and a blacksmith shop. This is an excellent location for a blacksmith, aa the place has been successfully operated for several years by a blacksmith. There arc several springs of water near the door ami plenty of fruit of various kinds on the place.

'I'lie property which adjoins the. above contains fit ACRES OF LAND. The buildings which arc comparatively new, consist of a dwelling house, stables and outbuildings, good water, fruit, etc. These properties are pleasantly located and in a good neighboring convenience to railla, schools and stores and arc worthy the attention of persons desiring homes of the kind. For further particulars and terras, call upon the subscriber living at Graeebam, who will give information and lake pleasure in allowing the premises.

SARAH MARTIN, feh33 Graeebam. Md. a Womlrrfnl Discovery. The last quarter of a eentnry records many wonderful discoveries in medicine, but none that have accomplished more for humanity than that sterling old household 1 remedy. Tron Bitiers.

Tt seems to i contain the very elements of good health, and neither man, woman or child can fake i if deriving the greatest benefit. I Iron Bitters is sold by all dealers..

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