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The National Era from Washington, District of Columbia • 3

The National Erai
Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

No. 669. to the connection of McGee with him, he aaked for his name. Upon being told that it was McGee," he broke forth in the moat bin or uent uciution of McGee as a Pro Slavery man in Kansas. McGee was forthwith diecharged.

McGee then went ont in pursuit of C. jk, and brought in many of the captured arms. 4c. Coppie Stevens, Brown had no to make, but justified his conduct the beginning to the end. i Governor aaked Brown if they had taken Government money.

He replied, with in oi that money wag not Ins object, lie tiO object hut to take slaves from their masthey had money in abundance; and they smirched a passenger in the train v. ho had in his possession $10,000, ibey oi J. not molest the money. 'I i.TL- inters found on Brown's farm showed lust n.surgents were in the receipt of money her parlies. Brown's manner to Gov.

was most dignified and respectful. He equality as to character and motive, co r.plainea throtfthoot of the treatment uj while humanity had governed 3 own conduct towards his prisoners, he had been treated as a ruilian and a brute. A CARD. Gir.ARD Hocsk, PniLADELrniA, October 24, 1859. While coming to this citv, on Saturday, I hrst read a telegraphic dispatch from Washington, saying that John Brown (the prisoner at Harper's Ferry) refused, in the prt-seuce Senator Mason and Messrs. and Vallandigham, to answer the question, heti he had consulted Mr. Giddings about his Virginia expedition." It is evident that the object of these gentlemen was not to obtain facts on which to prediiVe a charge of or of any immoral or dishonorable act. Had such been their object, they would not have published what was not but they proclaim their suspicions, and bv such innuendoes and insinuations seek to impugn the character of one who was not present. I do not feel called on to reply to such attempts to cast reproach upon myself. I say to these questioners, gentlemen, I am your pcei.

I have served my country as long, and I hope as honestly, as either of you; and you know, and the country know3, that any question you may propound to me touchiug the Government, its tu.t or on sent position, will be frankly, promptand fu'ly answered, to the extent of my knowledge and belief; -and I pronounce this attempt to uissi! me dishonorable, unworthy of your pesitious, unworthy of honorable men. uu iiu; cotapc IUC risibility of your conduct by thus 1: one who has for years cautioned you of tie results ihut must follow the of yourres and p-uyto extend Slavery, and your d. named purp se to involve the people ot' the free tho dir grace aud crime of institution which all honest and independent tarn of those repudiate. No mm of our nation has doue more than one of vc. to produce the results which have recently the attention of the people.

They am aud unmistakable of the of yourselves and party to establish Slavery in Kansas. Murderers there were rew ied by Executive to offioe. Brown's sons were the victims ot that despotism Tf.ii ur party exerted in favor of an inatitu' on which the people abhorred. These do not rest upon suspicion, nor jti the refusal of a victim to answer any question. They rest upon the records, and the history of Government itself.

No evasion, no reiversation, can change the enduring to which I And yon would belter subserve tne public good by exerting your influence and occupying your time in correcting the ycu and your party have brought upon the cuuc'ry, than by efforts to involve others -n crime- which you your associates ha.e committed. i'o the public, I will nay that Brown never suited me iu regard Ut his Virginia expediti-jti. or anv other expedition or matter whatT tv ir. J. IV.

UIDDINU3. MEETING OF THE REPUBLICAN ASSOCIATION OF WASUlNQTON. Rooms or the Association, Oc tober 24, 1859. At a meeting of tee Republican Association jn Saturday evening, October 22, the President. Maj.

B. 13. French, iu the chair, Mr. L. the Secretary, introduced the foilowing resolution, with a few Rtfiolved, That we tender our cordial greetings to Repel fellow-citizens iu all parts of tcc torn.try the glorious triumph cause ia Oho.

Pennsylvania, Iowa, ai Nebraska, as well as upon the itnportent gains which have been made in Calit.rt.i.r, and Oregon. T. resolution was unanimously and enthusiastically adopted. After vviiiah, Mr. I).

R. called attention to the false and malignant charges which a city journal has made against the llepubli urn ot Washington, and moved the appointmeat a committee of three, by the President, to take the matter in hand. The committee wiu app inted, retired into an adjoining room, where the following resolutions were agrped upon and reported. The resolutions i read separately, after some verbal amendments, unanimously adopted. They are as follows: i llaolocd, That the Republicans of Washington repel with scorn the imputations, in contu tion ith the Harper's Ferry tragedy, cast upon them by a reckless partisan sheet iu this citr, i-i interest of Senator Douglas.

Jitac-locil, Tliat the assertions of that pap? the effect that the Republicans of this city had any connection with the mad, wicked, at i absurd schemes of the handful of invaders who seized the Government Armory at Harf' i Terry, or that they had the laiutest idea that such plot was on foot prior to its occurr. 1 I cmi, 13 in Biiu au'i mainly with a view to manufacture 'Democratic Rescued, That the allegation that Brown naj eontf-derates or sympathizers in his trea't nble among the Republicans of Washington. is a slander for which the author should he with the heaviest penalties of the law. -t. Resolved, That tLe members of the Republican Association of -bington adhere to the platform of the party as adopted in June, 16du, at believe that Free -cm is national, and that Slavery is sectional or while they would restrict Slavery to it? present limits by Congressional prohi'v on, they deny all right on the part of the Federal Government to interfere with it in the States.

Bid Resolved, nevertheless, That we, as Southern men, by birth or adoption, claim the cct u'ional right freely to discuss Slavery, common with all other matters pertaining to the public welfare, and to urge upou our of the South duty aud policy of emancipation, hy wise, peaceful, and gradual means. 6. Rcolved. That in common with Jefferson, Franklin, Jay, and Madison, regard Slavery as morally and politically th at wc mean to maiutain these views, and uig.e them upon the attention of our fellow in pitc oi me nruiat ana cowaraiy ncr.ieos of the organs of ft spurious Democracy. Ruolctd, 'lliat we adhere to tbe Sta tell doctrines of Thomas and that ie.

with that great apoatle of Republican 'tv. we dislike Slavery, and will never ceaea for removal, we stand ready to winicate the right of the Southern to control all their domestic affairs for themselves, una-ed by Federal usurpation or by nifiiaa invasion. jfr. Junes Lynch then offered the following fv-; "ions, which were also adopted unanimously Rcsolctd, That the Republicans of Washington regard the imputations of the Douglas orgar, upon the Republican journals of this city false and libellous. Resolved, That we have observed with pleas- I sre that every Republican newspaper that has come to our notice has condemned, in the t'-rengest terms, the late outrage committed at Harper's Ferry.

he following letter was received and read by the Secretary: Silver String, Oct. 22, 1859. I Sir: The state of the weather will prwent me from coming in to the meeting of Association, in with yoar quest. I think the times auspicious to our cause. No reflecting conservative of any section of country can fail to see now the necessity of a recurrence to that policy with respect to Slavery which was adopted by the fathers of the Government.

Uudei' that policy the conntry had uninterrupted internal peace and harmony for sixty years. The overthrow of that policy by the repeal of the Mjssouri Compromise and the adoption of of imposing Slavery upon oar own Territories and upon neighboring people, reaairing the reopening of tbe African slave trade, to give it effect has produced discord throughout land, and will surely, if continued, result, it was in tkp rliarti ntiAfi tkn nir Fortius reason, the fell spirit of- Nullification gloats over the civil strife thus produced, whether in the invasion of Virginia by the Abolitionists, or of Kansas by the Border Ruffians. The Republican party, whkhfia alike denounced by the Abolitionists ani die Nullifiers, was founded to defeat the common aims of both. Discarding the crack-trained theories of each of these deluded and dangerous factions, it seeks to restore the Government te the practice which during moret than half a century secured the safety of.oiir citizens in their homes, and raised oar con ltry to its exalted position among The strife which has followed the adoptiou of the mischievous vagaries of the Nullifies) has been on the contrary marked by civil dyicord, and is rapidly making as the terror of Cur neighbors. The great majority of the enlightened patriots of the country, whether slaveholders or nonslaveholders, are equally sensible of the dangers which Nullification rule has brought upon us, and every true man should labor to promote co-operation between them in the effort to wrest the Government from the Nullifiirs.

It is no time to indulge persoual predilections in tbe choice of agents for the work of safety. Self! denial, union, harmony, concession, everything for the cause, nothing for yhich was the maxim of the patriot Benton, should at this moment govern the counsels of tbe real Republicans of all sections of th? country. Yours, truly, M. Blxib. L.

Clcphant, Sec'y Repub. Association, Washington. I The following resolution was also nuanimoosly adopted: Resolved, That the directed to furnish the city papers a coprV these resolu1 tions. After which, the meeting adjourned. LONG CONVERSATION WITH BROWN.

The reporter of the Baltimore American furnishes the following interesting account of a conversation between Senator Meson and others and Brown, the leader of the revolt. We give it for what it is worth, as a piece of news, without confiding entirely in its statements. If it in any degree mis-states the conversation, its publication will be the best raea is of detecting the imposition. It is but just to say that Senator Mason demeaned himself towards the helpless prisoner with the courtesy a true gentleman, if the report He accurate-, while others, with high claims to respectabillt), were not thns distinguished. a CONVERSATION WITH OLD MOWN." While examining the Ariqory grounds, the scenes of action, and prosecuting our very general inquiries, we happened to fall in with an old acquaintance, of the editorial corps of New i i.

If i a urn. rniui uiui wc icaroou mat messrs. Senator Mason, of Virginia; ex-member of Congress Faulkner, of Charlestown, Virginia; and Hon. Mr. Vallandigham, of Ohio, were to have an interview with Ossawatomie." Of course we at once determined upou being present, and carried onr determin ition into full force and effect.

After some little delay, we were introduced into the room where Brown and Stevens lay. We found the former to be a six-footer, although as he lay he had the appearance being some six inches shorter than that. He a rather peculiar-shaped head, long gray Hair, which at this time was matted, the sabre cut in his head having caused blood to flow freely, the complete disfigurement of his face, which, like his hands, was begrimed with dirt, evidently the result of continued exposure to the smoke of powder. His eyes are of a pale blue, or cerhaps a sharp such au eye as 1 remember his 1 brother filibuster, Walker, to have. During his conversation, hereafter reported, no sign of weakness was exhibited.

In the midst, of enemies, whose home he had invaded, wounded, and a prisoner, surrounded by A small army of officials, and a more desperate army of angry men, with the gallows staring him full in the face, he lay on the floor, Ic reply to every Sieetion, gave answers that betokened the spirit at animated him. The language of Governor Wise well expresses his boldness, when he said, He is the earnest man I ever saw." I believe the worthy Executive bad hardly expected to see a man so act in such a trying moment. Stevens is a fine-looking specimen of the ptmu homo. He is the only one of the lot that 1 have seen, excepting, of course, the negroes, who bad not light hair. His1 hair and long beard are of a fine black his face partakes of the handsome and noble; his eye, though restless, has a sharp brilliancy; he, too, is a sixfooter.

A stout, strong man, whose condition, lying upon the floor, obedient to the last to the commands of" my captain," as he called him wounded with three or four gun-shot wounds, two in the head and one in the breast; certain of death I conld not but pity him. Several hearts grew sad at the recolWceion 0f his wife, far away, probably nnawart of bis sad situation, looking and longing for his return. He, too, showed a marvellous courage. Ever and anon groaning with excessive pain, he did not, however, forget himself for one instant, hot calralv. although in such oain.

listened to the conversation it progressed, on at least one occasion correcting a remark of Brown's. Both men seem prepared for to court it, under the idea that I they will be acknowledged martyrs, but more possibly under the conviction of having pertbrmed a sacred duty. However much the writer hereof may differ from them, there must arise a feeling of respect for them in their bold rashness. The parties present in the room during the conversation were Senator Mason, Hons. Messrs.

Faulkner and Yallaudigham, Dr. ggs, Lieut. Stuart, 1st cavalry, U. S. two New York reporters, and the writer.

There were a few other persons came in at times, to see what was going on. A preliminary conversation was had, which amounted to no more than inquiries about Brown's condition for talking, and his reply was, he would rather like it. His answers, at the time when I commence the full report, are all included in what 1 give. Sen. Mason.

How do you justify your acts Brown. I think, my friend, you are guilty of a great wrong against Qod and humanity. I say that without wishing to be offensive. It i would he perfectly right for any one to interfere with you, so far as to free those you wilfully and wickedly hold in bondage. 1 do not say this insultingly.

Mr. Mason. I understand that. Brown. I think i did right, and that others will do right who interfere with you at any 1 time, and all times.

I hold that the golden rule, do unto others as you would that others should do unto you, applies to all who would help others to gain their liberty. Lient Stuart. But you don't believe in the I Bible Brown. Certainly I do. Mr.

Vallandigham. Where did your men come from? Did some of them come from Ohio? Brown. Some of them. Mr. T.

From the Western Reserve? Of course, none came from Southern Ohio! Brown. Oh yeel I believe one came from Steubenville, down not far from Wheeling. Mr. V. Have you been in Ohio this summer Brown.

Yes, sir. Mr. Y. How lately Brown. I passed through to Pittsburg on my way, in Jeee.

Mr. Y. Were yon at any county or State fair these? Brown. I was not there since one. Mr.

Mason. Did yon consider this a military organisation in this paper (showing a copy of the so-called constitution and ordinance.) I have not yet read it. Brown. I did in some measure. I wish you would give that paper your close attention.

Mr. ll. You considered yourself the commander-in-chief of this piwriskwal military force? THE Brown. I iu choeen agreeably Co the of a certain document, commander-inchief of that force. Mr.

M. What did you offer Brown. None. Lieut. Stuart.

The wages of sin is death. Brown. I would not hare made such a remark to you, if you had been a prisoner and wounded, in my hands. A by-stander. Did you not promise a negro in Gettysburg twenty dollars a month Brown.

I aid not. Bv-stander. He says vou did. Mr. Vallandigham.

Were you ever in Dayton, Ohio? Brown. Yes, 1 must have been. Mr. Y. This summer Brown.

No. A year or two since. ir mr. mason. uoes ttus talking annoy yen at Brown.

Not in the least. Mr. Vallandigham. Have you lived lone in Ohio? Brown. I went there in 1805.

I lived in Summit county, which was then Trumbull county. My native place is York State. Mr. V. Do you recollect a man in Ohio named Brown, a noted counterfeiter Brown.

I do. I knew him from a boy. His father was Henry Brown, of Irish or Scotch descent The family was very low. Mr. V.

Have yon ever been in Portage oounty. Brown. I was there in June last Mr. V. When in Cleveland, did you attend the Fugitive Law Convention there? Brown.

No! 1 was there aboat the time of the sitting of the to try the Oberlin rescuers. I spoke there, publicly, on that subject I spoke on the fugitive slave law, and my own rescue. Of course, so far as I had any preference at all, I was disposed to justify the Oberlin people for rescuing the slave, because I have myself forcibly taken slsrves from bondage. 1 was concerned in taking eleven slaves from Missouri to Canada, last winter. I think that 1 spoke in Cleveland before the Convention.

I A 1, uu uuv iuuw uim uau any coDveruuon wun any of the Oberlin rescuers. I was sick part of the time I was in Ohio. I had the ague. I was part the time in Ashtabula county. Mr.

V. Did you see anything of Joshua R. Oiddings there Brown. I did meet him. Mr.

V. Did you consult with him? Brown. I di4. I would not tell you. of course, anything that would implicate Mr.

Oiddings but 1 certainly met with him, and had a conversation with him. Mr. V. About that rescue case Brown. Yes, I did.

I heard him express his opinion upon it Tery freely and frankly. Mr. Y. Justifying it? Brown. Yes, sir.

I do not compromise him in saying that. A bystander. Did yon go out to Kansas under the auspices of the Emigrant Aid SoJ ciety? Brown. No, sir I I went under of old John Brown, and nobody else's. Mr.

V. Will you answer this? Did you talk with Oiddings about your expedition here? Brown. No, sir! I won't answer that, be. cause a denial of it I could not make; and to make an affidavit of it, I would be a great dunce. Mr.

V. Have you had any correspondence with parties at the North on the subject of this movement? Brown. I have had correspondence. Tk-v wAn jv? kuta a movement? Brown. It is, in my opinion, the greatest service a man can render to bis Qod.

By atauder. Do you consider yourself an inI strument in the bands of Providence? Brown. I do. By-stander. Upon what principle do voa justify your act Brown.

By the golden rule. I pity the poor in bondage; that is why I am here; it is not to gratify any personal animosity, or feeling of revenge, or vindictive spirit. It is my sympathy with the oppressed and wronged, that are as good as you, and as precious in the sight of God. Bystander. Certainly; but why take the slaves against their wilt? Brown, (warmly.) I never did.

By stander. You did in one instance, at least. Stevens, (to the inquirer, interrupting Brown.) You are right, sir; in one groan from I the wounded one case, I know the negro wanted to go back. (To Brown.) Captain, the gentleman is right By stander, (to Stevens.) Where did you come from? Stevens. I lived in Ashtabula county, Ohio.

Mr. Vallandigham. How recently did you leave Ashtabula county? Stevens. Some months ago. I never resided 1 there any length of time.

I have often been through there. Mr. Y. How far did you live from Jefferson? Brown, (to Stevens.) Be very cautious, Stevens. about an answer to that; it might commit some friend.

I would not answer it at all. Stevens, who had been groaning considerably, as if the exertion necessary to conversation seriously affected him, seemed content to abide by my captain's decision. He turned over, and was silent Mr. (to Brown.) Who were your advisers in this movement? Brown. I have numerous sympathizers i throughout the satire North.

Mr. V. Id Northern Ohio Brown. No more there than anywhere else? in ell the free States. Mr.

V. Bat are you not personally acquainted in Southern Ohio? Brown. Not eery much. Mr. V.

Were you at the Convention last Jane Brown. I was. I want yon to understand, gentlemen, that I respect the rights of the poorest and weakest of colored people, oppressed by the slave system, just as mach as I do those of the most wealthy and powerful. That is the idea that has moved me, and that alone. We expected no reward we expected the satisfaction of endeavoring to do for them in greatly we would be done by.

The cry of distress and of the distressed is my reason, and the only one that impelled me. A 1 TfTl 1 -A Al ojf-sisoucr. uj uiu you uo Btcrruy Brown. Because I thought it necessary for success, and for no other reason. By-stander.

Yon think that honorable, do yon 7 Have you read Gerrit Smith's last letter Brown. What letter do you mean By-stander. The New York Herald, of yesterday, in speaking of this affair, mentions a letter in which he says, "that it is folly to attempt to strike the shackles off the slave by the force of moral suasion or legal and predicts that the next movement made in the direction of negro emancipation will be an insurrection in the South. Brown. I have not seen a New York Herald for some days past, but I presume, from yonr remarks about the gist of the letter, that I should concur with it.

I agree with Mr. Smith, that moral suasion is hopeless. I don't think the people of the slave States will ever consider the subject of Slavery in its true light until some other argument is resorted to than moral suasion. Mr. Vallandigham.

Did you expect a general rising of the slaves in case of yonr success Brown. No, sir; nor did I wish it. I exexpected to gather strength from time to time; then I could set them free. Mr. V.

Did yon expect to hold possession here till then Brown. Well, probably I bad a different idea. I do oot know that I ought to reveal my plans. I am here a prisoner, and wounded, because I fooliAly allowed myself to be so. Yon overrate your strength when you suppose I could have been taken if I had not allowed it.

I was too tardy after commencing the open attack in delaying my movements through Monday night and of to the time I was attacked by the (government troops. It was all ooeaskmea by my dee ire to Spare the feelings of my prisoners and their families, and the community at large. Mr. V. Bid yon not shoot a negro on the bridge, or did nek some of your party 7 Brown.

I nothing of the of the negro. (Hevwood.) Mr. V. What time did you commence your organization over in Canada 7 Brown. It occurred about two yearn ago.

If I remember right, it was, I think, in 1Mb. Mr. V. Who was the Secretary Brown. That 1 would net tell if I recollected, i bnt I do not remember I think the officers were elected in May, 1868.

I may answer incorrectly, hot net intentionally. My hood is a ERA: WASHIN little confused by wounds, and my memory of dates and auch like is somewhat confused. Dr. Biggs- Were you in the party at Keunedy'e house? Brown. I was the head of that party.

I occupied the bouse to mature my plans. I would state here that I hare not been in Baltimore to purchase percussion caps. Dr. Biggs. What was the number of men at Kennedy's Brown.

I decline to answer that. Dr. B. Who lanced that woman's neck on the hill? Brown. I did.

I have sometimes practiced in surgery, when I thought it a matter of humanity or of there was no one else to do it; but I have not studied surgery. Dr. B. (to tbe persons around.) It was done very well and scientifically. These men have been Terr clever to the neighbors, I have been told, and we had no reason to suspect them, except that we coold not understand their movements.

They were represented as eight or nine persons on Friday. Brown. 1 here were more than thirteen. Questions were now put in by almost every one in the room, as follows: Q. Where did you get arms Brown.

I bought them. Q. In what $tate Brown. That I would not tell. Q.

How many guns? Brown. Two hundred Sharpe's rifles, and two hundred is called the Massachusetts Arms Company's little under the navy sise. Q. Why did you not take that swivel you left in the bouse Brown. 1 had no occasion for it.

It was given to me a year or two ago. Q. In Kansas Brown. No! I had nothing given to me in Kansas. Q.

By whom and iu what State Brown. I decliue to answer that. It is not properly a swivel; it is a very large rifle on a pivot. The ball is larger than a musket ball; it is intended for a slug. A SPEECH TO THE REPORTERS.

Mr. Brown here made a statement, intended for the reporters of the Baltimore American, Cincinnati Gazette, and N. T. Herald, who were present, as follows: If you do not want to converse any more, I will remark to these reporting gentlemen that I claim to be here in carrying out a measure I believe to be perfectly justifiable, and not to act the part of an incendiary or ruffian but, on the contrary, to aid those suffering under a great wrong. I wish to say, further, that yon had better, all you people of the South, prepare yourselves tor a settlement of this question.

It must come np for settlement sooner than yon are prepared for it, aud the sooner you commence that preparation the better for you. You may dispose of me very easilyf I am nearly disposed of now; but this question is still to be negro question, I mean. The end is not yet. These wounds were inflicted upon me, both the sabre cut on my head and the bayonet stabs in the different parts of my body, some minutes after I had ceased fighting, and had consented to surrender for the benefit of others, and not for my own benefit persons present denied this state ment.j Brown reumsed. I believe the Major here, (pointing to Lieut.

Stuart,) would not have been alive but for me. I might have killed him just as easy as I could kill a musquito, when he came in, but I supposed that he came in only to receive our surrender. There had been long and loud calls of surrender from loud as men could io the confusion and excitement 1 suppose we were not heard. I do not believe the Major, or any one else, wanted to butcher us after we had surrendered. An officer present here stated that special orders had been given to the marines not to shoot anybody, but when they were fired upon by Brown's men, and one of them had been killed and another wounded, they were obliged to return the compliment.

Brown insisted, with some warmth, that the marines fired Brat. An officer. Why did you not surrender bofore the attack? Btowd. 1 did not think it was my duty or interest to do so. We assured our prisoners that we did not wish to hurt them, and that they should be set at liberty.

I exercised ray best judgment, not believing the people would wantonly sacrifice their own fellow-citizens. When we offered to let them go upon condition of being allowed to change our position about a quarter of a mile, the prisoners agreed by vote among themselves to pass across the bridge with us. We wanted them only as a sort of guaranty for our own safety; that we should not be fired into. We took tbem, in the first place, as and to keep them from doing any harm. We did kill some when defending ourselves, but I saw no one fire except directly in self-defence.

Our orders were strict not to barm any one not in arms against us. Q. Well, Brown, suppose you had all the negroes in the United States, what would you do with them Brown (in a loud tone, and with emphasis.) Set them free, sir 1 Q. Your intention was to carry them off and free them? Brown. Not at all.

By stander. To set them free would sacrifice the life of every man in this community. Brown. I do not think so. By-stander.

I know that I think you are fanatical. Brown. And I think yon are fanatical. Whom the gods wonld destroy, they first make mad." Q. Was your only object to free the negro? Brown.

Absolutely our only object. By stander. But yon went and took Col. Washington's silver and watch. Brown.

Oh! yes; we intended freely to have appropriated the property of slaveholders, to carry out our object. It was for that, only that; we had no design to enrich ourselves with any plunder whatever. Q. Did you know Sherrod in Kansas I understand yon killed him. Brown.

I killed no man except in fair fight. I fought at Black Jack, aud at Ossawatomie and if I killed anybody it was at one of those places. The surgeon having at this time arrived to look after bis charge, and the dinner bell having rung, the visiters left him and his companions to that gentleman's care. Items Telegraphed from Washington. Washington.

Oct. Greenwood, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, has returned to this city after six weeks absence, daring which time he made arrangements for treaties with the Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi, and with the Kaw Indians of Kansas. He also visited nearly all the Indian tribes in Kansas and Nebraska. He expresses gratification with the result of the numerous interviews held with them, and savs they are anxioos to adopt the pnrsnits of civilized life, as they can no longer depend upon the chase for subsistence. The sloop of war Vinceonee, having been absent on the African coast for two Tears, has been ordered home.

Onr commercial agent at Monrovia haa again addressed onr Government, urging Executive action, under the law of 1824, to aboliah discriminating duties upon tonnage, and upon articles imported into the United States in berian vessels. These vessels were purchased in the United States, and the trade is rapidly increasing in such important commodities as palm oil, cocoanut oil, ivory, sugar, coffee, 4c. it is stated that the Liberian Government levy no discriminating duties upon oar vessels with their cargoes, but place them in the rank of the most favored. There is at present in the city a largo delegation of eminent professional gentlemen from Maine, urging the pardon by the President of Captain Holmes, lately convicted of'murder upon the high seas. Latxst rmoM Henna's Fsaar CnaaitsTowx, Jtftrtm Oct.

Charles Campbell, of Chambersburg, and M. W. Mauser, arrived here on boreebacjc, from Carlisle today, and bed an interview with Andrew Banter, assisting i the Commonwealth's attorney. They informed him they had captured and committed to i lisle jail, at two o'clock yesterday, one of the fugitive insurgents, who they think is Cook. i They hod an interview with the prisoners In ioil, who nay the man's is Haalst Old Brown refused to talk to them.

Mr. Hooter dispatched an application by moil, under charge of Mr. Prioe, mail agent, to Gov. Wise, for a requisition on the Gov. of 1 Pennsylvania for the arrested party.

The Gov. i bee alee been telegraphed. GTON, D. 0., 0CT0BE1 The prisoner, fcfteyeus, is still living. CopCnow sayg he had an elder brother with him, does not know what became of him.

Old Brown gaee the sheriff an order on Murphy, paymaster of the Harpers Ferry Armory, for the $305 taken from him, to purchase comforts tor mmself and tbe prisoners. Harper's Ferry, Oct. W. Chambers, Recorder of tbe town, is now tbe acting Major, and baa been appointed bj Col. Craig, captain of the Armory guard.

It ia conjectured From certain developments that to-morrow night was the time originally fixed for the general attack. Patrol companies have been organized here, and at Bolivar, and Camp Hill. The evidences are daily accumulating, that the insurrection was baaed upon a widespread national organization, and that many persons in other States, whose names are prominent, bad complicity with the conspirators. The two men from Ckambersburg, who captured an insarCt, state that the negro, Fred Douglas, bad there within a tow days of the attack, holding secret meetings with the Abolitionists. THREE DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE.

Halifax, Oct. steamer Europa arrived here this afternoon from Liverpool, with dates to the 8th inst. The steamer Kangaroo arrived at Qieenstown on tbe 6th. The steamer Ocean Queen arrived out on the 7 th, and the Perisa on the 8tb. It was reported that tbe steamer Great Eastern was expected to leave Portland for Holyhead on the day the Europa sailed.

Italian affairs are uucbanged. There waa great agitation at Naples, aud numerous arrests had been made. Later advices from India had been received. The discharged European troops had consented to go to China. The ship American Congress was ashore in the English channel.

It was expected she would be saved. The United States frigate Constellation and steamer Sumter were at St. Vincent's, September 23d. The ship American Congress got aground near Cowea light, but got on and was towed to Spithead. The ship Cano, from New York for Rotterdam, was ashore at South Pampus on the 4th.

No particulars. The ship Lancaster, from San Francisco for Australia, foundered off Malaki, July 10th. There was nothing further known as to the proceedings of the Zurich Conference, beyond the general assertion that some progress continued to be made towards the signing of a nf TXIOAA Tfr thn trootn will ka complicated, and will leave Austria with the door opea to quarrel with Piedmont. The Paris ConstitutionneL has an article by the chief editor, stating that the preliminaries at Villafranca had rescued Italy froai every foreign intervention, under whatever name aud from whatever power. France confines herself to giving the Italians proper udvice, which, if followed, would have insured the prosperity of Central Italy but having in vain offered advice, she cauuot dictate orders for Italy.

The latest reports say that a treaty betweefi France and Austria will probably be signed on the 10th or 12th inst. Austria has consented to sign on all questions belouging to Loinbardy. The British official correspondence relative to the Peiho affair has been published. Lord Russell fully approves the course taken. lie says that preparations are making, in conjunction with France, to enable the forces to support the Plenipotentiaries in their instructions.

Minister Bruce's letter expresses the opinion that the Chiuese will not make difficulties about exchanging ratifications with him, as the condition under which the Americau Minister is i ftlnna tn vintf Anntnin fensive to the Chinese. Mr. truce acknowledges his indebtedness to Mr. Ward and Com. Tatuali, and concludes by saying Mr.

Ward's position is one of considerable difficulty, nor do I sec, after our unsuccessful attempt at Peiho, that any course was open save the one he adopted." The Xevt ci'y Rrticle of Friday eveuing says the demand for money has increased. The Timet says the fuuds are quiet, with a slight tendency towards an increase iu the demand. Accounts from Pari9 of Mr. Mason's funeral on the 5th at the U. S.

chapel, say the foreign Ministers were all present, and numerous other distinguished persons attended. The body was to be sent immediately to America. The Paris PcUric says that a special corps of fifteen huudred men will go to China, via Egypt. The fortifications on the coast of France, from Havre to Ca''ii, are beiug carried 011 with extreme rapidity. The London Herald's special Paris correspondent says it is strictly true that Napoleon baa a secret understanding with Austria and Sardinia, which enables him to command the whole Italian seaboard as far asCivita Vecchia, and another step in furtherance of his scheme is an expeditiou to Morocco, as the Mediterra- nean squadron which sailed from Toulon, with ten thrAisaud men, for Morocco, would command the African coast from Algiers to Centa.

The Timet correspondent is assured that six steel-plated frigates have been ordered, and twenty large transports, capable of conveying fifteen huudred men each, are building or ordered. Accounts from Italy say that at Modena. on the 5th, Auniti, the President of the late Military Commission of the Ex-Duke of Parma, was discovered to have arrived at Parma in disguise, having gone there to get up a conspiracy. door of the guard-house where he took refuge was forced by the pqpulace, and Anniti was killed. Perfect tranquillity bad subsequently prevailed.

Another versiou of the affair says he was merely passing through the city, and was dragged through the streets, buffeted, and finally that hie head was cut off and carried in triumph. A vague rumor was in circulation, that the Prince Carignaud had accepted the Regency of Central Italy for the King of Sardinia. It has been confirmed that the dardiuian Minister at rlome had received bis passports. The Government of Bologna bas adopted the Sardinian customs tariff. Mauioi has addressed a letter to the King of Sardinia, frankly renouncing his personal opinion, and promising to support the democratic partv, if the King can ana will make Italy free.

Tne letters from Naples say there is groat agitation there. Fourteen persons belonging to the highest families have been arrested, being accused of holding meetings for the discussion of political affairs. The Government was taking active precautionary measures against an apprehended outbreak. The Pope has informed the great Power3 that he will not give up his temporal powers, and wilt, if necessary, call upon the Catholic powers to support him. xxvsvivmo uvui ahi an.j biiow vutui i chief of the army of Bagdad, has been deprived of his command, because he abuses hia authority.

The reported appearance of the plague at Beyrout is denied. From South America, accounts say that the negotiations initiated by the American Minister had ended without any result. Mr. Yancey was about to embark for the United States. Preparations fur war between Buenos Ayres and the Argentine Confederation were being made with activity.

The London says that Mr. Yancey failed because his demands were tantamount to requiring the naconditional surrender of Buenot Ayiet to Urquizs. The force to he sent to India would number test thousand men. Disturbances were imminent on the coast of Katty war. Chine dates to August had reached Bombay, bat nothing important.

THREE DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. Arrival of the Anglo-Saxon. Farther Point, Oct. steamer AngloSaxon arrived off Farther Point at 8 o'clock this morning, on her way to Quebec, bringing dates from Liverpool to the 12th inat. The steamer Nova Sootian reached Liverpool on the 12th.

The steamer Great Eastern had started again, and reached Holyhead, at very moderate speed. Her performance was, however, regarded as successful. Doubts are now entertained of her England this season. The peace negotiations have made but slight progress. The Peace prolongation of the conference on Italian affairs it anticipated.

The difficulties are unadjusted, and it is considered doubtful when the treaty will be signed. The three plenipotentiaries hell a conference i 27, 1859. on the 9th instant, and oouriers were dispatched to Vienna and TariD. The Paris correspondent of the London Tivia says that the delay is attributed to Austria. The Vienna Cabiuet is doing all it can to win France to its vie we, while, at the same time, it is reported as preparing a coalition against Napoleon in Germany.

The Great Eaitem. The Great Eastern quitted Portland at 4 o'clock on the afternoon of the 8th, and anchored off Holyhead at 4 o'clock on Monday afternoon. The distance run in forty-eight hours was computed at something over 560 miles. The average speed of the whole trip was but little over thirteen knots per hour. During the greater part of the time, the engines were not at over half speed.

Her paddles averaged ten aud her screw thirty-eight revolutions per minute, working at a pressure of twenty pouuds. The greatest speed was over knots, or nearly 17 miles, which was accomplished without sttecial cxpr tious by the engines, but with considerable canvass spread. The weathsr was squally, aud at times a long and heavy ground-swell causing, according to some authorities, a good deal of' pitching and rolling. Others say that the motion was at all times most slight, and the ship under most perfect control. It is reported that she will remain at ten or twelve days, and then proceed to Southampton to have her boilers thoroughly repaired, according to the requirements of the Board of Trade.

MaftKfTS. Liverpool, Feb. is firm, with an improving demand. There had been no actual advance, out fair and middling is quoted by of the circulars at an advance of Sales of the three davs 28,000 bales, of which speculators took and exporters 6,000. market was firm, and nil descriptions have advanced.

Flour has ad vanced Gel. to Is. per barrel and sack. Wheat is firm, with an advance of 2d. per ceulal.

Corn is firm, with an advance of 6d. to Is. per quarter. quotations are given in the The news by the steamer Persia caused the ad- vance, and business was consequently checked. is steady.

Pork is doll at 50s. Bacon is dull, aud lard quiet and steady. Tallow is unchanged. Pot and pearl ashes ar? steady at 27s. 6d.

Sugar is steady. Coffee quiet. Rice firm. Rosin steadv. Turpentine dull.

London Market, Oct. is firm at an advance of Sugar and coffee are firm. Tea is firm. Rosin is firm. Linseed oil 3d.

Money securities are unchanged. Consols closed at 96. The money market is stringent. ONE DAY LATERFROM EUROPE. New York, Oct.

the steamer Ocean Queen, from Havre, via Southampton, we have dates to the 13th, oue day later. The ship Quebec, of New Oneans, was wrecked on Eddvstono light house, on the '11th. Robert Stephenson, the celebrated engineer i and inventor, is dead. The Zurich refuses to diminish the arnouut of debt she claims from Lombardy, and as due to her from Sardiuia. France aud Sardinia propose to submit the point to arbitration.

The demands of Austria are not only resisted by Sardinia, but do not receive the support of France, who has proposed to submit the disputed point to arbitration. No answer had reoeived to the proposal. news from Italy is important. Numerous arrests had been made at Parma, and the priucipal authors and accomplices in the death of Auviti were in the hands of justice. The city was tranquil, and the disarming of the populace had been ordered.

It was surrounded by Modenese and I uscan troops. Geueral Garibaldi had issued a proclamation to the army of Italy. He says Soldiers, the hour of a new struggle Hp'- preaches. The enemy is threatening, and will 1 perhaps attack us before many days are over. In addressing my old companions of Lombardy, I am not speaking to deaf men, and I kno-v that it is enough to tell them that we are going to fight the enemy of Italy.

I shall look to see you there form in your ranks." Dated Bologne, October 5th. The Pope was to have an interview with the King of Naples at Castle Gendolfo, where he will prolong his stay on account of the agitation I reigning in Rome. After his departure from i Rome, a demonstration took place in honor of the Sardinian Ambassador, and a crowd of per- sons, estimated at ten thousand, left their carls at the Ambassador's residence. The French gendarmea preserved order, but ibe effect 'the demonstration was profound. The Ambassa dor was to leave ou the 10th, when another si- lent demonstration was expected.

clared bis intention to any force necessary for their protection. An outbreak bad occurred in the California State prison, which waa suppressed after three men had been killed and twelve wounded, including one the overseers. The schooner Bolmas, lying at Quarry Point, was the soene of the affair, 150 convicts having 1 attempted to escape with her. Salt advices had beet) received to the 21st ult Carpenter, a prominent merchant, had been killed by the Dauites. Rumor said that several parties of emigrants bad been plundered by Indians on toe northern route, and several killed.

San advices say that notice was postedon the wharf, that the United States revenue laws are in force in all the islands east of Haro channel, and property or vessels landing will be seized ana confiscated, if the laws are not complied with. A vessel which landed liquor 1 had been confiscated, and the owner fined $500, and sentenced to one yeur's imprison- 1 ment, 1 The 3m Francisco markets were doll, and Ihe Ureucn Uovernment wishes the arrears of the pension Moute Napoleon, and all iu- demuity for the coat of the late war, to be in- eluded in the settlement of the debt which will hate to be paid by Austria and Piedmont. France. The Emperor was expected at Paris on Wednesday night. envoy of the Sultan had arrived at Alexandria, bearing an order to the Vioeroy of Egypt, to oppose the continuation of tho work on the Suez canal.

The foreigu Consuls had immediately assembled. from Madrid state that the Emperor of Morocco had ratilied the arrangement concerning the frontier line of Melila, aud expressed readiness to give Spain all the satisf.ction ebe demanded. Turkey. Additional discoveries had been made at Constantinople concerning the late conspiracy. It is asserted that incendiary machioei had been discovered, which were destined to be used in burning tne European part of the town.

The Grand Vizier had tendered his resignation, but it had been refused. It was evident, however, that a dissolution of the Ministry was inevitable. The new loan bad been contracted under heavy conditions. On the occasion of the funeral of the Bey of Tunis, the Moors assailed the Jews, wounding many mortally. Some Christians were also wounded.

A 'Minister of the new Bey came to the rescue, striking and killing many on the spot, and causing thirty Musaulmen to be arrested. Tranquillity was Snallv restored. Nn nr nrnoietAn markets have come to hand. Liverpool Cotton is in (rood request at extreme rates. Sales for two days, 18,000 bales.

From York, Oct. The steamer Baltic arrived tbits evening, bringing California dates to 6th. She briugs $.1,800,000 in specie. The Baltic's mails and passengers have made the trip from Francisco in nineteen days and seven boars. The Golden Gate connected with the Baltic, and left at the same time with mails for California.

The Goldeu Age, with Gen. Scott on board, sailed from Acapulco on the 0th. All well. The frigate Roanoke left Aspinwall for Greytown on the 17th. The sloop Preble sailed on the 16th.

The store ship Relief was in port on the 18th, when the Baltic left. M. Crane had died of apoplexy. Col. Washington, Collector of Frunoiaco, had entered the field for the United States Senatorship.

Advices from San Bernardine report a serious row between Mormons and Gentiles, in which several persons were wounded, but none daugeroasly. ictoria dates to 27th ult, had been received. There were no new developments iu the San Juan affair. Captain Porter, of the United States ship St. Mary had made an authorised protest against stone's exnulaion from Snnnm.

and do. Mil 'jnywt'WW1 i 'Hum it iinitil without improvement. Money was unusually stringent. Central frigate Saranac left Panama on the 6th, to protect the transit. The revolution in the State of Bolivar attracted attention.

Advices represent the National Government declared in a state of siege. Rumor said Government forces were defeated at Mompias, with loss of sixty killed and two hundred prisoners, and that the revolutionists had taken up a strong position to prevent forces from descending the river. Minister Jones had presented his credentials to Costa Rica. Minister Dimitry had reached San Jose, Guatemala. The British boundary treaty had been ratified.

Valparaiso dates had been received to the 16th ult. An expedition of two thousand men was preparing to chastise the Arancamen Indians, 4who were in entire possession of the island. Forces to act against Ecuador were embarking at Callao. President RoWles had left the country. From to Orleans, Dates from Galveston to the 20lk instant represent the fever as unabated.

The Dailas Herald publishes a rauior that Major Van horn had been attacked by the Indians on Coucha river, and had lost forty men killed. One hundred Indians were killed in the tight. Sair Fired Oct Morton, of the ship Arlington, of Hallowell, reports that, while passing the Straits of Gibraltar, a thirty-two pound shot, lire-l by the Spaniards at Tarifa, passed entirely through the snip, striking just under the main channel on the starboard side. MARKETS. Carefully prepared to Monday, l.

5M, Baltimore" market. Flour and was an active damaud for super Sour this morning, and buyers offered for Howard Street and Ohio, but holders generally demanded $5.25 per bbl. Transactions reported were as follows: 400 bble. Ohio extra at 50, 400 bbls. choice Howard Street do.

at 5 $6, 200 do. family at $6.50, 150 bbls. choice do. super at $5.25, and 150 bbls. choice City Mills do.

at per bbl. We ouote Howard Street and Ohio super at 5.12$ $5.25, and City Mills do. nt $5 per bbl. Hxtra is firm at 5.50 Jj.t>24 tor Ohio anil Howard Street, and 5.87$ per bbl. for City Mills.

Corn meal and rye tiour are unchanged in price, and the stock of City Mills meal continues very limited. The offerings of wheat were some 15,000 and with a fair demand prices advanced 2 3c. per bushel, common to medium white Belling at 1.15 $1.25, for fair to good do. 1.30 $1.40, and prime to choice do. 1.45 $1-53 per bushel; red brought 1.15 $1.23 pvr bushel for fair to prime.

Of corn, 8,000 bushels offered, and white sold at 94 90c. measure for old, and 80 85c. do. for new; yellow sold at 95 97c. per bushel measure and weight.

About 8,000 bushels oats offered, and Maryland and Virginia sold at 38 and Pennsvlvitiia at 42 44c. per bushel. Of rye, 1,000 bushels offered, and Maryland sold at we quote Maryland and Virginia at 83 and Pennsylvania at 92 93c. per bushel. notice a sale of 150 bbls.

Western mess at $15.50 per bbl.j we quote do. prime at 11.25 $11.60, and rump at SI 1.50 per bbl. of some 75 hhds. shoulders and sides at 8fc. and (a) lOfc.

per also, some small lots plniu and ftney hams at 11 124c. per lb. Lard? We quote prime Western at in bbls. and 11 for butchers', and (cp 14c. per lb.

for refined. contiuue to quote clover at 6.25 $5.50, and timothy at 2.75 $3 per bushel. NEW Floor has advanced 10 to with sales of 20,000 closed with a declining tendency, State 4.90 to $5. Wheat declined? white at $1.50. Corn 27,000 bushels white at $1.03.

Prime pork advanced 5 to at $10.93. Lari declined sales at rillliAl'tLrUlA MAKE.ET. Flour Market firm, witli sales ranging from 5 to $5.50. Wheat is active, with saUg at 1.30 Oj, jl.4U lor wliiie, and 1.25 for red. Uiru is active, with au advancing tendency? sales of yellow at.00c.

Oats are dull, and declining. CoilVe is firm at 11 12c. for Rio, with a stock of 2,000 hags. Sugar is firm, with sales of Cuba at an 7c. Pork is firm, with sales of uxess at 10 (a.

$16.50. Bacon is steady. at (a) 12c. Whisky is steady at 29c. CLOSE OF THE MINETEKXTH VOLUME.

HARPER'S NEW MunTHLY MA6AZINF. NO t'XIV 1 CONTENTS THE RICE LANDS OF THE SOUTH By Addison ttirhnrdi. Wiui Eighteen Illustration! from Original hy itir A nhnr THE VOLCANOES OP CENTRAL AMERICA. Wuh Twenty lliu.irauon* from Onginsl by Miu-h'oclr. TEA it! TURF.


OF DREAD. By Fill Hogb Lodlow IK VIRGINIANS. By W. W. Thackeray.

(Coa c-Uitfsl 1 Sir Oeotfe, my Lady, aod their Milfcr I wo Head- Ciorrm XCl. Ptnri-m CuariKs XCII Under Vn.e and Fig-Tree. F.Ff IK CAMPBELL. monthly KK.COKO of current events. LITERARY NO I ICES.

EDI I OR 9 TABLE. EDITOR'S easy chair ouk foreign bfrfaIT RUUPOKM UUWKa FROFE8SOR FROG'S ENTOMOLOGICAL EJCPE RlENCES Siaiern Comic by Be Mew FASHIONS FOK NOVKMB. R. WtJi Two IlldstratiO'S by VoigU The present Number closes ihe Nineteenth Vo'oire of 'W Monthly Marszine. In thy Inlroduc ory Norice It fixed to the Nenafeor, the Publishers ani onneed their lntaniiou to a," which no one who the slightest relish for iniseeliaarons rrading, or tlie slightest wish keep himsc informed of the progress mid results of the literary genius of own are would wil be without.

And they intend to publish it at low a rate and to given a value mueh beyond ita price, that it anal! make ita way intot hands of 'he family c.rcle of ovefy intelligent citizen of the United Sita ea." How iar they have succeeded in carryine out their design. the 114 nunv era of the Mhcbxhio already publia ed wilt aliow. these contains as much matter na an or.ii imry 'avo of 4Ot. oa-ing. If illusira'cd in the sty o' the Magazine, at lesat three The Nine teen VoUi ot rhe ne are thua equivalent lihrarv cl'more than a hundred tries, comprising the productions o' the (oremo-t Nory tss, Historians, K-aayi'ta and of the day.

With ut entering into a comparison with other Amencan p'riodtcala, the Publishers may bepyrniitted in my that Harp. r'? Maaaztne roittama 75 per cent, more than Uiai ood's, asci's, or the Dublin Univeist11 Magstine. Wh slvn.r place to of the Ireai produc iorsof F.uropeao Novel rls and Essayists, Har Ma east regularly a larger u-t of original maiter than co " any other lar period eal whether European or It ha? pub It-hed articles from more than two hundicd Aiarr can writers residing in every a ction end in almost every of tne Union. By thus welronil ii riba ions from every part of lii eou Publishers have e(T et iliy pr- vented (he Magna ne from assuming a sect onai or becoming ihe organ of adiairaoon clique of party. 1 an 1 Magazine, Harper's ia wholly wiihnu: a riv-i.

Th? volaip-s sl'ead) piilill-hed have cob tuned IBOS' MX Knsrsti in utrd in he hi Iwm of the art from One mm Drawings hy Dopier, Hitchcock, Kred.ricks, VVnlini. Thwtnee. ilopp Curia, Loating, VoiglU. Hriiew, MoLe-nan. rother, oprr, Dalils, ami oil.

Arti ts For the the Magazine hat pn no? lets ihan one hu idned and iwi-mj thou and dollars Tae Cutt of tuemry contributions hat ron-ni. rah ax -ded ibis amount. ll.rprr's baa fberef re, in lent 'ban tail jtin. paid more than a qsart.r of a million 01diolail to AmrlCtn and An. f.

The gra'efu ly ackuowrirdae taat thie large nu' a- been rrinuiierM ne, their moat sargaiiie exueriatiOiia Tb-y hoped from the firm dial the Mm zine 'make it- way into tbe or the fnmt circle of ititelligei emzeii of tbe United 8iun-? bat the numi three proved f.r area er than ifiey anurip led 'I hey believe that tbe circulation 01 tbr Magazine a ill continue to incitese with ibr growth and popula'ion af tbe rouot'tf. For the spirit and man ner in wi, eh it wilt uerraA La conducted, tbry can oif. no better guaranty than the conteuu tfcc Vonuacs 1 already issued. TERMS. One Copy fcr One Year 1 R3 00 Two Cop.t-a for Ona Yrar Three or mora Coptre 'or One Year (qach) 00 And an Extra Copy, gratia, for every Cub of Txa See scaiasaa Magazine and Harper's Weekly, together, jite year, S4 00 HARPER BROTHERS, PuWUbers, Franklin Square, hew York.

lMFElDlRO CB1IU. THE remtukabie book entitled Impttding Cam qf Ue South Mm it work the wide eiieaation of which will have an bearing en the Pres.detial Election of 1(40, and which ia ttrongly reeoaanended by tbe best and highest anli-aia very authorities, le bad, and retail, at tbe Bostgm Offlrt h' Sanouai Kre, HI Preiennt street. Pnoe Sen; by mail, free of postage, for the price. Addreae GEO. W.

LIGHT, Betien A'ra, ill Treiuwai at, loa. 171 THE NATIONAL ERA. WASHINGTON, D. C. G.

BAILEY, Editor and Proprietor, D. It. Goodlox, Assistant Editor. J. G.

Whittim, Corresponding Editor. VoL XIII. January, 1859. The National Era is about to eater upon its Thirteenth volume. 1 Twelve years ago, when the Discussion ot I the Question of Slavery was practically pro- 1 hibited in this District, the Era was commenced for the purpose of asserting and defending the Rights of Discussion, and of giviug fair exEression to AnU Slavery Sentiments.

In the I. louse of Representatives, John Quiucy Adams and Joshua R. Oiddings alone gave it moral support; in the Senaie, it louud not a single well wisher; while outside of Congress it stood 4 here, solitary and unsustained, under ban and menace. A conflict which an excited populace uudertook to suppress it by violence, but it resisted the storm, maintained its position, and ftpra that hour the Liberty of the Press was established in the District of Columbia. Twelve years have passed, and to-day, the Era finds twenty the most distinguished members ot the Senate, elected to carry out the Principles it wa8 instituted to advocate, and the House almost controlled by Representatives, with whom it can consistently and hearuly act as a co-worker.

While the cause it has advocated has advanced so rapidly, 1 am constrained to say that the Kra, since the advent of the Kepubhcaa Party, has suffered somewhat in its circulation. Influential newspapers, once iu opposition, but now united in the same movement, and an extensive Local Press, upholding kindred sen- It timents, naturally engross a large portion of Republican patronage. This was to be expected, but still I think there are good reasons why the Era should continue to be sustained. It was the first Press i to raise the standard of Freedom in the Capital of the Republic. For twelve years it has been identified with the Anti-Slavery movement, and especially represents the Anti-Plavery 1 element of the Republican Party.

Although independent of mere Party organization, it was the first paper to advocate a general uniou of the Opponents of the Kanaas-Nebraska Act in 1854, in a Party of Freedom; took a leading part in the formation of the Republican Party, and, while holding itselt at liberty to blame what it considered blameworthy, has uniformly vindicated it as true to its Principles, it has never been a burden to its friends, uever solicited, oqt at any time would have been willing to receive, any kind of official or congressional patronage, has always been self-sustaining. From iu friends, then, it asks a subscription that shall enable it to retain a position gained by so much effort, and to continue to wield an influence which, 1 trust, has not been exerted for evil. The coming year will be a critical one for the Republican cause. Strong efforts will he made to demoralize it, and accommodate it to the views of those, who, unwilling to supjiort the Administration, do not yet appreciate the true nature or obiects of our movement. ter Sovereignty, Know Nothingism, Conserva- I tiara.

National Whiggery, are all working to- getber for the const ucttou ot a I which shall be excluded the Anti-Slavery Idea? that very element wliich gave birth and gives vitality to the Republican Party. Can the Era be dispensed with at such a (teriod 1 Able contributors have been secured to our columns; and with pleasure we announce that we have engaged as Assistant Editor, R. Goodloe, ol North Carolina, one of the ablest writers in the Country on the Q.uesuon of Slavery. The Literary Department of the paper will be carefully attended to. The two Stories now in course of publication, Herman" and "Jasper," will turnish a rich entertainment to Li our readers, for several months to come.

The Era presents weekly a Summary ot General News and Political Intelligence, keeps a careful record of the proceedings of Congress, and is the repository of a large portion of the most interesting speeches delivered in that body. G. BAILEY. Washington, D. 1, 1858.

TERMS. I Single one year Three copies, oue year Ten copies, one year 15 I Single copy, six months 1 Five copies, six months 5 Ten copies, six months 3 Address Maroaret L. Bailet, Proprietor I National Era, Washington, D. C. CHARLES H.

BRAINARD, PRINT PUBLISHER AND LITHOGRAPHER, 122 Washington Street, Boston. LITHOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS. Drawn in the highest style of the art by eminent artists, and evrry description of executed lu us best style, and on res onab'e terms The following portraits are included arr.onr these issued I Charles Sumner, $1 Theodore Parker, Salmon P. Chatty I Gamaliel Bailey, Ralph Waldo Emerson. I William H.

Seward, 1 Nathaniel P. Banks, 1 Stephen A. Don a las, 1 John P. Hale, I 1 Henry W. ivngfeUov, I John man, 1 Rtrtk Charles Lowell, D.

-2 JOSHUA R. OIUOINOi, with extract from a speech, p' 50 rent. SUMXlT.R, with closing paragraph of his last speech in ibe Senate, 50 cents CHAMPIONS OF FREEDOM. A ptiiu coutaming the portraits of Chares vU ner, Joan Hale, Horace Greeley, Salmon I' Chase, Wi Seward, John O. Whituer, and lleury axvl tytecber Price, SI 50 A ij HERALDS OF FREEDOM.

A companion print to the above, containing Ike pee. traits of William Lloyd Garrison. Th odoie Parker, Wendell Phillips, Samuel May, Joshua Guldn.g*, R. a Oerrit Smith l'rlce JUST PUBLISHED, a magnificent l.itiiojraj hic print entitled I AMERICAS' IS'DEPES'DES'CE. This print measures, exclusive of margin, 16 by IS 1 Inches.

The design is entirely th llSfllltl I fully equal to tha specimeusof Krcneh Lithosra, Uy. In the foreground Is a family group neiisisiing of nine figure The Isndscape iu the background is elaborately and drawn, and picture as a whole, it grauBrs a love of art. poweriully to Bap s. ntl- mrn(o( patri ilism It parncu ariy adapted io Grecian 8 painung. Piicc, SI I IN PREPARA HON, print, of the portraits of two female children, drawu (rem by T.

Johnston, entitled STARLIGHT AID SUNBEAM. Price IVkllnT N. B-Oi reaseip'j-ot the puoe copiee of the oro priute wilt be teni, fueol to aty part ot lb? United Sla ea C. Bramard, oeinpln correspoiidenre th the prltv oipai publtabiiig houeea in F.urope a i prepared to anawrr ordara for Kngrevinge, n.inga, and all otbor of art Addreia CHARLES U. BRAINARD, 007 SU Waaliiiigiou traet, Hoaton.

THE WESTCHESTER ACADEMY, I A' rbeater, PaaatylTaila, II raaaiue the no 'n of tlie Wmct IVrn (fall tee aiontha) Uie In of Norrmlier nrxi. 8) einn of laatracuon and i rawUeal. Comae of atuuiea varied and amber of a'udrnt. from roeentT to ninety ee awn. O' der iho charge of nine tear bora, laclud ng the Fr.ncipel.

For Bataloauee, apply to W. F. WYERS, A. 1 60S Wreiebo ter. Fcna.

TWO WORKS VALUABLE TO THE SICK OR WE'LL, Sent by mail, no pay expected until received, read, and approved. I SIX LECTl KM oo UlC prevention, ar.d fluii of I.UH0T rhrrtbt ani) Sim and Male and Female eorup a.ue, Om ike rui dc Pre- terviui? Heaub Hundred JiO agrr, XV eiigravingi. fnce tf.y eenta, to auver or poti cUioe ad A work Ike Caaaa and Care W' Die? a a oI the lleart, Stomach, Liver, Boar la, and kidieya, an Ftity, aad wfty we prow vl and what raaee- diaraaa. 134 euftiarinaa Fnoe 3d cenla Say wbica book with, vug itaice, tula, eoonty, towu, anil poat ftre Addrraa Dr. 8.

S. fftch, 714 Krnadway. New York. the southern plaifoem. The SOUTHERN platform, (rag I Ike wntiufi of aaunent SoaOteru men aeaifitt Slavery.

By Daniel R. (jttdltt. Firtt eduioa 14 eenu par sopy, free of poatage. Second ediuea, emargrd by the addition ef aitttii pagat, and punted en ftne paper. J6 L.



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