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Richmond Enquirer from Richmond, Virginia • 1

Richmond Enquireri
Richmond, Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TEK.US OF THE RICHMOND ENQUIRER. Kxqi irkr is published three limes a week dur, tat session of thft Slate ttcice a week u. tin rest of tUe year. TBRUS uF SUBSCRIPTION. Kn'o ami Three Italian for six ia advance.

to office may be (emitted per mail, ia good and notes, it the risk of the Editor; the postage of all r- pt'd postage of a liable letter is ji' any account to the writer. It is ttie accumulated extensive business, winch a tax upon will nay for nioo papers, annually, ihall have the i-r. i ADVERTISING. sixteen iiues, or less, first insertion, 75 cents; for iiwauxace, I'm a i must be accompanied with the advance rj itiifictory to iiuuro execution. e.ta whose ad vertis'rng may amount to per annum, a dis rill he male of 30 percent and lo $50, of20 per cent.

Yil Ji'tutries und from the nm! writing is uakupwn at this office, must he authenticated rlors ttioa of the Postra in the neighborhood, or they -ise that has been taken i ti insitions and quizzes, proved heretofore unavail -V" must, therefore, io a case upon the Ooiomuni. vmg oriitiad the name of lh? I'osimisiar. isriUru "a Lhi en 'f Ike let'rr Desirable F.IRM nrar Richmond at Auction 1.1, be on the premises, on SATURDAY, the fid day of November, it I-J o'clock, the I'AKiV, containing 140 cleared, now in the occupancy of Cooling, in ibe of about 5 miles from Richmond, one ni'ie io the Niirih of Deep Kun Turnpike. The are in good repiir? I Dwelling, Barn and with a well ol? fine cool water; the enclosure good, a vegetable garden of six a healthy situand good neighborhood. cult, the balance in equsl at 6and for negotiable, endorsed, and a deed vf on the property.

S.le conducted by Pl'NLOP, MONCCRE Oct It nf valuable Totcn Lots in Clarksrille. at auction he sold io the highest bidder, without reserve, on ihe tilth day of October next, from 150 to halfacre and acre I.u'?, in ihe now flourishing anil rabidly growing Town of Clarksviile. Mecklenburg county, Vh. These belong to a company. a id are chiefly io avoid tho perplexity in title, which would i from the death of one of tho company.

Clirksviile is situated ua the immediately at the confluence of the Dan ana and for co mnercia! facilities is unsurpassed by any upland town. in or any eouotry. location givi-s it the roiumand of large portion nf the tobacco trade of Cnrolitia, nnd through ihs Dan a id Simnion. which here meet, is received much af -e of Virginit. No plico in Virginia such in.

due-ments to the tobacco inufucturer, for the extent suit.ttilonesa of supply for that business. Mwny of mercantile hmm -as are now in full and -urcssful operation here, under the of men of entrrpuze, capital, and inteliigence. branch of the Exchange Bank of Virginia located here, sives cooremence to merchant, while the existence of two flourishing a mile female, indU'-'-ments to all to seek in We invite men of in pursuit of i siiuatio ati'l speculators in pursuit of a good for pr to attnnd this sale. Wo cannot the which 14 to found in of this sort, that thoproj -ry will go low; we tha' highly favorahlo location of I a plieeof will induce good prices for tho lota, "teat Terms liberal. S.

V. WATKINS, A. VV. gept -27. T.

CARRINGTON. Sale of Land on JS'amoune Creek. to a decree of tho Circuit Supetior Court of i Chancry for Oinwiddie, pronounced on the ISth o' e'. in the case of Aothony and asiiinst Ji F. and Edmusii Rives, the undersigned proceed to sell on the on Tbutsd iy, the 7ih lUy of n'sr if fair, if not, the nex' fair day, a certain Trnct of i led Ch lying on Naraozine Creek, in the county of 1 (iiqal.itlie, ind adjoining tbe ol Mrs.

Mary B. Tayor, p- vn. others', containing nbout 800 acres. Ftom to 300 re in woods. p-irt good Tobarro hind; about 180 acres gmuntU; a consioerable part of the old plantation well up with pine, and a dwelling house, that once very valri.b e.

ot' Iwing ni comforlublu without vory Thomas Hamlin, or Mr. Peter Vaden, living near the land, siiuw it to anv nersoa who wish to purchase. JOHN EARLY, ROBERT C. BOOTH, i Lom Oct It Trust Sale of Lund end Negroes I'NDER 'he provisions of a of Trust Irom Kit on G. Feild to io the payment of a gum of money due John d.

and transferied by him to John Speed John J. Speed, is duly recorded in the Office of Mecklenburg rnu shall on Thursday, the I4th day of November next, if if not. i be next far day, excepted,) sell to the high- ider. for cash, on that valuable I'ract of Land i on Feild at present lyirg on Butcher's Creek, mo of ana Randolph Micon College, and within 5 ti of CUrk-vilie, supposed to contain one thousand forty Th" Land is wet adapted to ihe giowtb of tob-cco, a i ttie is a dwelling house in good repair, sof- 1 for 'be comfortable accommodation of a large .4 mi the a saw and grist milt, together wiib all ne- jsirvou' ic. to purchase will of nine ib'- lend previous to the day of Mr.

Feild, cn the land ill shewthe same to any disposed irrl: s-. Also, at th" samotime and pltice, will be sold for i. 'enly valuable Negroes, consisting of men, women, I i is blacksmith, believed to equtl to my i ij i his criker, who is a very good blacksmith. The is l-ev. i to be good, but selling as 1'iuslee, I shall convey nn'y as is vested in me by Deed.

The sale will tut and without reserve. AM ASA P. WRIGHT, county, Oct. II Land fur Sale. losirnus nf residence have detormined to my so tracts Ian I in Ihe county of Cumberland.

The A-hmb side, 'wo miles below the Court house, upon inn mid. six hundred acres, with the o' a an I well built two story dwelling house, I uTtt with ill other suitable and conve IV ii lr. ('jioT h- rni is i good Granary ith a It md seve-al new loh.cco biros. A portion of the i mproved bv manuring, and is well ad ipted to tho inicco, and all of fiuit common .1 cuyi'rv. I'ha Hrook Hill lie.

upon the Appomattox mi'es lietaw tbe Stony Point and a few i (v Cow11 about a thousand iirj- ii of is bottom land of goodquility. iniveil with niw framed tobacco a grinury i i iif at'aehed thereto, witii in-iny comfortable for v. ig no persno will huy without viewing the a-ir'h i dnseripii in is deemed unnec. ssary. nbi.ence, 11.11 on wi show the lands to mv p- who msv call i n.

ROB P. HINDERSON. 'j 2ti-tf MuU'ravlis Trees ut 'i soil! for rea lv money, on Wednesday tKt -j. i roosunil Moros Multiciulis trr part of these trees mea-ure AfijrAl from II 1 ttt ence, mtar Ike ground, 4 I 2 inckes. They uperty rtich can recommend them to the grower, wn! s.

to tit purchasers, by the foot, tree, otlif-r meiho.1 Tho however, ill i from the wood, their wge giving them a conside? above th? ordinary production of the country, mine is if tne cultivator for nine years. Tlia ike to at the residence of Dr. 'ram tap City of Richmond, on the leading to DUN LOP, MONCCKt: CO. -7 I'aIuable Real Estate for Sale with the nf Ibe owners. I hereby offer tho tract of land which called ibe "RAGGED ISI.

belonging to ibe heirs of flenry Whitfield, dee'd. The aa lies in Isle of Wight county. on the i fiern snle of Hiver.about lour five from mouth ilampron Koads, of which it cooimands a full and perfect view. fains ilioot 3HU which are very fertile and well adapted i- growth of Indian corn, wheat, and a ytn'urr by any wiihin of coun'v. of at the 75 head of eaitle, 15 tniid for the raising of or if the purchaser to cngsg'i in and being only 2d Nuriollc ami 10 from Smithfield, (by water.) stock prnved tj i- very profi'ahle I'he finest Orunndj''' in the State i or so from inding" or the Creek, which boonds ni'be Souili and est, and which well calculated for the or of Oysters, ua it bas beon used for fuf many pist.

I i 'Dutch roofed) new, containing two aa throo ab ive. but la an unfinished no place 't-r'iori of country combines so many with d-s iilvtntiiges. Resides the referred to, the resilience delightful, paiticularly in summer, in of the breezes from the river which it conlri'iuling to health and to cumfort. wishing to or desiring further information io reference to of the Island, will make application to Mr. Samuel tVhit? 'ir to tho subscriber, at Smithli-ld.

ROBERT H. WHITFIELD. -tie'ifieW, Isle ol Wight Sept 24 40? il'L AI'LE 8 A lie wishing io Souih, offers for sale the estate ha now resides on, in King Virginia, situated immeilistely on the Potomac, miles from VVaehington pity. place, well know by ibe i. of Wgtsrloo, contains butwern eight hundred and one The soil, in point of ferti'iiy, not inferioi to any in lii? -ounty, and the limber on the estate of great value A i'v senie is been osed on the share, and a great abundance of tniglit.

and if moro extended means were there is no fishery would bo profitable. Thero have been continual nt.tions for the use a fishery The dwelling a brick building, and not inferior in workmanship tlia State; the other improvemouta are all extensive and to are invited lo examine the premisej, can make known the of sale. giv-a the expiration of tlia present vesr. AH to subscriber, et Hstnpstead Post Office, KingGeoigc i. will he promptly attended to.

31 NEOliA.M H. WASHINGTON. u. have received by the 'ateet arrivals from New I'hilid-lpbi i and 15 iltimore, a large and gen-ral i "Unf an I Domestic staple and fancy DRV GOODS, tbev iro pr-pared to sell cheap for cash, or lo prompt ctw? 1 hive never offered i I-rger or more desirable 's to the po'dic. Witliotjt making farther comment, they wishing to purchase either at tVBoUMK or Rctsil, i aid -tsinine for themselves.

Murus Trees. 'oatract to deliver at Norfolk. City Point, Richmond, or it1 the onib of November, 18-10, from five hundred thousand Muitienulis Trees, at five "'for all that ire thine feet high and upwards, including or disposed to ei.nlr'et, will "pplicatioit. Ample will he required. Address A MOS SLEDGE, P.

Pitiul, fa. I ahmblt Farm near KicJtmiwd fur Stile at Auction. W'LL he sold at auction on Thursday, the 24ih tlctulier.on the ai 12 o'clock, tl.e tract of land on winch I remde, on the Westham ro about 4 12 mile, from Richmond, in a and desir neighborhood, containing at.out 2iiU IsW in woods, and the balance in a good condition lor cultivation I ho building, arc in good order. having been lately repair. and commodious lor the accommodation ofa laige At the same lime will be sold 150 acrsa adjoining the acres in wood, and the hnlnncc hiahly in proved.

Immediately after the sale oi tho land, the or everv kind imdeon the farm, togc-her with tbo stock of cows, among Which there are tome good milch cows, nni hogs. Persons wubiogto buy Can apply (post paid) to Lewis IIiII Richmond, or to the subscriber, resting on the farm. JOHN F. MILLER. erins, one-hall and the balancc in equal payments, at one nnd two years for notes negotiable, satisfactorily endorsed, and a de-d of truat on the property.

The crops, will be koid oo a credit of 90 days for satisfactorily endorsed negotiable Sale conducted by MONCCRE ct Auctioneers. Sate of LOTS in Galveston City. 0N MONDAY' in December next, there will he held an extensive sale of one half the Lots remaining unsold in tho City of Galveatoo; tho first Mgsdst in Ajuil 1810, the residue will be disposed of. 'J he terms, as at present contemplated, will be five per centum to ba in advance on ail purchases, and the residue to secured by notes bearinj interest at tix per centum per annum, at lour equal instalments, with upon the property in each instance. To those who have any acquaintance with the rapidly importance ol Galveston City, and the greut advantages which it possesses as a commercial depot, over any and all other pl-ces oo the Gull i.f Mexico, it is oeedlesa to aav, that lo the capitalist, so lair an opportunity for profitable investment can only be presented once in an age.

I mechanics ofevory description, and men of business, it already oners the most encouragement; while to men of leisure and families seeking health in a genial climate, it offers attractions' not perhaps surpassed on the North American t'ontinent. LEVI JONES, gent for the Oalceaton City Company. 0ct all irhum it may concern. ON Sunday last, July Slat, our store neat tbo Market, was feloniously entered by some one, who broke open our Desk therefrom between eightand nine hundred dollars in notes ai specie. Among the notes were the following: lute four, five and ten dol'ar notes to the amount of about one hundred dollars on the Bank o' the Stale, and Bank of Cnpe Fear of North Caro ton dollar note on the Bank of Tennessee; one five dolhr note on the Cum.lon Bank or Sou' Carolina, one end badly torn.

Some small notes on tho Chis ipeake and Ohio Canal Conipa of the denomination of two and three dollars. One Note negotiable and payable at the Rank of Virginia, c.tocuted in lavor ol R. Hill by Jno.G. VVu.le, nnd dated on ihe 21th day ol June, 1639, lor and payable 60 days after date. Also, in Scrip by the James River and Kanawha Company, I amoi.g which, the following are the only They are of the denomination of $2'J, letter payable to and endorsed hy J.

Pierce: N'os. 2724 2730 2735 O710 2725 2731 2736 2741 8726 27:12 2737 0743 2733 27H8 274-1 27-29 2734 2744 The Public are therefore hereby notified and warned, not 10 trade for or take the above described Note by John G. Wade, or to trade for or take the said sbove described Scrip, as measures will be adopted to prevent thesirne from being paid 10 other than the we hereby offer and hind ourselves to pay what I sh be considered a liberal reward for the above described money Note by John Wade and 3IOO for the apprehension' and detection ot the Ihief. HILL 4t DARNEV July 56 To Timber Getters. jjjJIvAI.ED Pioposals will be received until the 1st of Deomber next, fur the delivery of the neressary e.uamitv of Timber re quired lor the use of the Chesterfield Railroad for the cn.uing year, 35,000 lenisl feet ofheart pine, 5 by 9 indict, in lengths of 14 or 21 1,000 do do do 6 hy 12 inches, do 12 feet 1,000 do do do 4 by 4 do do 12 feet and 2,000 feet of merrl.anfable plank, 2 inchcs thick in lengths of 12 feet and upwards.

4,000 superficial feet merchantable plank, 1 inch thick, in lengths of 12 or 20 feet. 2.U0W "email reel or plank, 2 inches thick, in lengths of 12 nnd lb feet The pine timber, 5 hy 9, fo be sawed not less than (.10 side ncd edge; that of 4 by 4, to be sawed all four sides. The above timber to be free from knots, and delivered onefourth 00 the 15th of February; one-fourth on the 15th of May; one-founli on the 13th of August, aud one-fourth on ihc of November The timber will be received on the line of the Railroad and in- 1 spected by the Agent of the Company Proposals must be post paid, aud addressed to the subscriber at i Manchester Post Office. The contractor will be required to give bond and sccuiity for the faithful compliance of the contract. DAVID MOORE.

jlvrnt. IOO DOLLARS reward will be given for the apprehension and delivery to the subscriber, at Nnrfo k. of a hn-lit I mulatto girl. She is in her I6th year, well of her aje. "nd likely; black and eyes; mouth and lips miliar large; teeth somewhat dark and defective.

The endeavor may be made to ler for white. It is probable she was enticed away. -he was reared I in the subscriber's 'amity, who ow ns her tnotli' and si-ler. to horn she appeared much attached. She lelt the family nt Richmond, on Sund.y, 23d September, on th'ir return from th." Springs, where without doubt, the arrangement for her elopement wa? mude.

Tho above sum will be pud for her recovery, anil .1 -uilable reward for tho apprehension and conviction of tho person or persons who may have enticed or secrelcd CHAS. VV. SKINNER. Reference as lo her iduuity can be ide to Mr.

John Sausders, at Richmond. Oct 4 43 SILK To Fariturs JJ Cnn prove by actual results, that a hiajJ c-m produce 20 HuJiels of Cocoons in a crop in 30 and firr crops ran be raised in a yc.11 111 Virginia. Not however without a good orchard of trees and proper fixtures. A bushel worth $3, wound and twisted $10. It you want to sell your land to good adv.iataee, plant out tries liberally.

The cro-ikershave done their woist. do cot wait until the treasure gels in tli9 ham's of a few, an! piv high for them, but come or send early, and get thd Morus Multicaulis Buds, at market with instructions founded on experience for keeping them in order. Applv at tlo- otlkc of the Agency to Sept 20 J. n. one need expect an answer to their letters unless post paid.

Southern Boarding and Day School for young Ladies. Br Mr Vrs PKKSICO. duties nf this Institution will be resumed, as usual, on the first 01 October next. The success resulting from the division of this school iMo three distinct departments, is been such as to convince the Principal that a fourth is necessary lo obtain the full and beneficial effect of his system. For this end, he has erected a new room, which will bo appropriated for the reception of very toung PupiU, who form the fourth departtn-nt oft Mr.

Pcrsico 1.ikes this opportunity of un-tnunpinj to bis Iftends, 'hat by the new hutlding eo-neeter! with the house, he ia now enabled to receive 40 Vonna Ladies in his familv. For further information, address lo G. Persico, Richmond, Virginia. Sept 17 JQrThe Raleigh Star will please give the above eight insertions, and send its account to this office for collection. University of Pennsylvania? Medical Department 'THE Course of lectures will commenee on Monday, the 4th of November, and be continued under the following arrangement Practice ami Theory of Mudictne, Nsthamici.

t'HsrsuM, M. Chemistry, Robcbt M. Surg-rv, Gin-is, M. D. Anatomy, Willisvi K.

IIonmbr. M. D. institutes of Medicine, Sami-cl Jsckso.i, M. D.

Materia Medica Pharmacy, Gkobos B. M. D. Obstetricsand the Discasesof VVoraeu and Children, Hrcn L. Hnoct.

M. D. Clinical Lectures on Medteir.o atltl Suigery are deliver- regularly at the Philadelphia Hospital, (Blnckley,) nnd at tho Pennsylvunis Hospital, from the beginning to oil of the Session. W. E.

HORNER, Dean of the Medical faculty, Aug 30 Philadelphia. OT ICE I berulnfore drew two drefts in favor of a certain PIX A KR1? EDMl'N'DS, late ol Richmond, amouiinr.g to ab -tit hundred dollars, which were payable about ihe 5th iy of last, which were drawn for his own use and arcommod -lion and whereas, I enclosed him about the 1st of the month two acceptances and a Murk with my i.e in blank, to enable him to draw on tne totake up se.iddrafts. Now I hereby forewarn all and every person whatever, from taking, accepting or receiving said acceptances, or nny notn drawn upon said blank, in anv whatever, us 1 atn determined not to ihem. 3 FLOVD L. WHITEHEAD.

Octobcr 11 CLOTHING FOR SF.RVANTS. A General usaortment of Woollen and Cotton goods, suitable for Negro clothing, consisting of heavy Kerseys. Sattinets, Jear.s, Lindaeye, Cotton Osnaburgs, Blue for saieat the Penitenttary Store, 14th Street. One Hundred Dollars Heieard A BSCONDED from tho subscriber, at th-. Short Pump, about twelve miles above Richmond, the 8th instant, a likely bright Mulatto Man, SIDNOR; hn ia thick, well ael, aboul five feet two or three inches in height, and about twenty five years old: he has been living in the Tavern with me as a waiter and hos'ler for several years; hn has a grum look when spoken to he carried awav with him a while hat, brown and black frock coat, a pair of brewn striped cassimero pantaloons, and so'd watch he may ibly endeavot to set to a free State.

The above reward of IOO'dollars will bo paid if taken out of tho Slate, and twenty dollars if taken in tbo State, and all reasonable charges paid, if delivered to mc at the Short l'ump, Ileniico County. Oct II FRANCIS McGRt DER. Trcdfar Rolling Mills and Fottndry. Richmond. Va rjMiE 'l'redegar Iron Company leave to inform the public that their Rolling Mill and nri now in complete operat 'on, and thuy are prepared to execute, at the shortest notice, orders forercry dcsciptiou of liar Iron, cither hammered or roiled, embracing Flal Iron from 5 8 to 12 inches wide Round 4 do do Hoops.

3-4 totf 1-2 to box and lank Iron; RatlroirH hammer, 00 most approved plan, anj warranted; Splicing Platos for railroads, cut and punched to order; railr jad iron do. In connection with their Rolling Mill and the Tredegar Company have erected an extensive Iron arid Brass Foumlry, Smithing and Machine Shop In this department of their they are prepared lo furnish all descriptions nf Castings railioads, mill rearing, and other and to have the same fitted up in the very hest manner. havin? secured he sen ices the most experienced and skilful artiaans that could he obtained. Having entire confidence in their ability lo serve the public upon as good tern.s and with as good work as anv similar establishment in Tho L'uioa, thoy respectfully solicit a share of their patronage. FRANCIS PE AN E.

Jr. May 17 Prudent Tredegsr Jrcn BROGUES AND SHOES. AAA Pair heavy plai.iation Brogue. 000 jjhoca.o-soried, for servants. Alto a general assoiim-nt uf fine and Boots, at ihe Peuituntiary, and for sale at -bo Penitentiary Iltn Uet 11 1 0 Yes! 0 Yes! 6 Yrs! i persons interested in the Estate of Caroline find Mary Suttun.

larmcil; of Virginia, lateoi Kentucky, will plea.e come forward and reccivo tboir portions, or else hold their peace. K. tLLfc.IT, Mmr. Statkrille, Sept. 1 SCHOOL will he opened on the 15th ol January next.

in tlic lowerend of Lunenburg the neighborhood of Bnckland. This school is designed for Roy-sand oung Men who wish to prep-re for College; and to those who do not, a full Academical course uf instruction will be given; that is, its a course Ha is given by any ot' the the Slate. I tin rents and guardians it is nccessary to my, that lnesu.mcii.ier will pay strict attemion to the moral" of bis pupils, thinking this an essential The location is r.s healthy us eny every thing except can be obtained in the or with the who Can cccoin- miniate six, at 20, 25 and $30. One quarter of both board and tuition lo paid in advance. another at the end of the i fir.t term, and the balance al the end of the year.

Vacations. First, of six weeka, commencing on the laih Juno. Second, of three weeks, N. B. Should the number of Students make it necessary, an T-acbtr will be obtained.

4. Pept 27 i Staunton Line School. school for the instruction of young gentlemen in a syras partituUf tiilw ginal, and ol anample nuniberotcopies, () )hp Who enter sutRcienilj of r'igbt" and re sutV.ently of special th. or ictiee embraciii- the forms of procedure in ourls nl d-P of I would recommend an.) steady 1 hixen7J its cl inato. and las.

-hough Mas'. th" cho of Hs living- fee $00 nftvnMc in advmro. 'I who purpose attending arc Ik.k Staunton, July 19. i 'i'KUST t8 Uv virtue of a Deed of Trust cxecut.dby Al I b. rt A.

Jeter ami "wife, for certain purpose. therein met.HoiBed, to the and duly recorded in the i.Office ot Count, Cuuit of Biuuswick, 1 sell the highest l.idder. for cash o. the S8ihday oftietohr next at Couit house, It being Court day. ail the intcrea' Jeter and wife is entitled to.

in the estate held for life b) Mrs. I ar under the will-of'he tate BerMnmni Jone. and B. Jones, (s walls recorded in tl.e rSrexnsville and it d-ath to divide iiawj He- children This- state, iho consists thousand dollars in a very valuable tract or iand count of, known as the Ummoud tract. jn.lfram twflvii til tilieeii Negroes.

The inter- lobe I In He the or liiventh part, but Trees f.CO.OOO for Sale will be aold, at nblic Auction, at 1 nnce K.Iwaid hnu-e day of Slorus Mul.icaulisTrees and SOO.OiX) Built, in lou to purchasers. Mime itcaul count of thf? for all ovrr $100 nr.d undi-r n.a nt annuni allowed prompt of len enritv The Mail from Guyaodotte to Richmond lZ aiv'k of the place of sale; from City to Geo passe, hv the place of three time, a JOS. TOUD. for theproirrri. P.

If a fair pri.e be obtained, to tiie sale. Jiijt. TOUD, .4 for I tic g-rmcrrs. Prince II, TfU.t Is II flrtlce of Cumheiland countv. and dated IMon'u- th- tract of Land on hi.

Charl -s May. 1 "-1 ,,..,,,,.,1 the Appomattox river and --V a Mill within three miles allFa.n.ull- The flJ and 200 uf are Inw 'I ho L.nd call-Ill tor thn i. corn, wheat, and of guoil qualu "t'l 1 be on the pr. mia. on the I jth 01 iak? tK a.

only "jeb title I bo.d. er.ii? accon, and ABI.K. Trustee of Charles -M Shipper ton. 45? tds At rules hnlden in the Clerk's Of- 8 Vcc of the Lounly Coirt of Cb.rlotie, the 7th day of Octohcr, KO- Fiainlitf: Rowlnnd Anderson, Willi im and cnter.d Ins p. at The andthe Kol-s of thl.

Court, ancc, according to the A Court thai l.e .) noi an and It apj-e ring -othe of thf roun.cli dn app-nr here on the nr.t it I it and answer Munilay in IWrtnber nex p(. forming the deciee of the bill, in" be tn son.e the that i copy months sticce. '-ouniy- A Copj c. Oct Nottoway County Court, lember Term, William Pnddler and Susar. his John Wm.c.

wife, lormerlv Kichaid S. Marshal, and Ins wile. for.n. yOver on, Joe pluint.tls: jence hi. wife, formerly Overton, ngain-t i hi.

wife, John Jennings Thm. Overton, Rf shrr.ff of Amelia, and tntl Mary hi. w.le,Jobn T. Ilea ring, and W'th Atfonxo. I'ameli.

I'homas DeMruig and children of Dear-. Harriet Hearing? the laat lour Defendanis. ma. nverton Richard Jones nr.d t-all) his Hie defendants. hi, wife, not entered -if-, "jVr.vcr^cc.tritt.

necording to the ret of A.s>-ni heir appe an I sec ng (atl.rart0ry cm and the rules of -otii t.o|-J,,,, it is or tint they are not der. .1 that the deftnclan 5 Pi -h December Term, Nru Kichn.on.l EnTiirer 4 copy of nod that another copy be at the A FIT7.GERALD, C. IN pur.uanc.. of I. by declare make Cni.eU Mates of M.seouri, at the periods hcrciaafter des of.eeion 15, on the left of the 41 and ibe Land Office? a u.epubi.c lands lying the lor tne oias a.H prinZipal mtrAcn.

Townships eighteenth Jey of Id, uM? ljrmg,? to-wi i.iterivtr, ol SO. h. iaw for or land, the oner. exp.iat'on oflhe two weeks. Waih ngton, tWstwertieth of11 M.

B-V On.cral Ur.d Cff.ce. he to th- nloper L-ndOffic- and cln he adjud.cated a-fer jn due time, prior to the day hv th Ifice" agreeably 3nd poottedfor.hoeommeoc-.nen jja V.i adi- known and i Octl r.i A vounr ecntleman, h'd ponjit.Br*-! a. -n in.Iriiciiir of youth, inn -n nn so loj. Soicktrswilc, Loudoun couuty, irgima, attended to. 5 NAILS AND -PIKES Nailt and Spikf-.

Callow" sndSUtinr do nufartiired tit the Penitentiary, and lor at the I oni.ea.iarv Ptoro, II commuted Ihr Jul June Inat a Nero woman, between 60 ami who call, hera'elf MCKF.Y, and tl.ul she. the property ol Dr llaniel Tl.n ownef if to come fi.rwiifd, i or she will lie ih'txlt with the property und take JONES, Jiulux. Imw Luncnburs county, 30, IN rilAXCBKY At a Circuit s-uperior ourt uf ami Chancery and held for at the, the lltb day of Apnl, 1.39, ait. "jnhn ich and admr of hi. former wife.

Elk-hath Wra. touch, allmr. of Aim Couch, dee'd, PldW.fli, Coleman, executor rf John Darrn, dee'd; vv. Gilmer, executor or administrator it bunit vun or in other way or the eatateanf (. nriatopln-r nJd.nn.

d'C'H, anil Wm. Walker, and Nat. Anderson. dee'd, and Nathaniel Ander.on, executor or ai.m.n.atra.or, heir or hul-" of aaid Nathaniel Ao.lera deeeaaed, nr i.ny pre- I ten.ioe 'he eState Na.h.n.rl, who Anderion, Thom-a Palle.nn and h.a wife Sarah. Price a- tharifT and a.lmr.

dr boms of Samoel infrrj, reaaed; Price Perkin. in own right, John An- of parties, Roh-rt w. a Commioioner iiiChancnry nf thu Court.II in thi- place ol John I required by the order in cause, on .1.. 15tl, day ol September lust.

Copy C- B. C. t'ommutioncr's Oftce, Ruekinjham C. 1839. i The n'rtiea interested in f.iregoinjde.-rf e.

will pleaselotake I no iee I have appointed Ihe 14-h N-vemh. next, to curry in.o I he deer. nnd will eontmue ihe frnm day to day dnliVeompl'-ied The par-e- plj-aae aueml he nrec.a.ry voucher, and Court papera, by -glJ C4mmiMlljnfr, Or, 4 i3- w5Z II a.NCEHY?Viauisia.?In Nottoway County Court, Anthnny R. njami.i Overton Rirhard 9. JI.MhJll and Prodrnce ifr.

fo.merly Prud -nee Overton John Overton. Win. Mar-hull and l.uc da v.fe, formerly I.uc n. Miiiii. 11 I'eilua t'athariue T.i? wife, Ca'l' Mflier, B.

MilUr. J-errj. A. and PoMy im fonni-rlv Miller. John, iili'nn, J'xUh, Anthony 0.11*; John Overton, aud Ann merly Afin TIiohi'im W.

Atkinson, Juni.iu" Atkiii.on, rnn of iaul Faniiv Aikiniion, daughler of who ha. Anoibcr daughter of Thorns, who non.c not liirh- 'and roZr Overton. Anthony 'Vh KK.Atk!nsoo, djosh.erof who Sst Kicl.arn jnn John ami 'Mt i Lhony and iPolly hi. wife, formerly I a entered their I hi. act of Aa.eml.ljT and of thia Court, aud it appenrin- hv evidence inli ol ibis it nnlerc il.

thai th.y notl. oflh. Sa TV rf thia order be forthwith in.ert.-d in the Riehmnnd Knqinrer LPiwo montiw fly. -nd the front ufthe of th.a county. A l-OUV? I Or.

4 c. w. FIT7.GERAI.D. C. kind.

sale low WATSON, 1'enitentinry. I in Oct la RAILROAD NOTICE. To formers and others concerned. THE public 13 lierHiy i-formfd ihat i8 not nnd will nol hold liable for or other properly, 'ha-y have passed of the pos-ea- Hon of lhi- of the Company returned I from the mills to Hie depot, will be fnwarderi as wiihont c-untinr; nnd the C-mpany as.utnea no re- porta.bilny lo Ihe number. All persmts inotinn lespect.itff tranaportat.on by any .1 the tra.ns, or relation lo lavage, will Siiperintcndant It.

I'- Oct 8 I Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia October Lectures a.II commence I uesday.the I H'h inat. The Regular Course will begin as usual on Monday in November. Prtf' blnrp I ali.enn, of Medicine? Revere. U.

In.i.tutea of Medicine and Materia l)iaence9 of Women and Ch.ldreoR, ihe it M. Hnst-n. 1). Forgery? Joseph Pancoast, V. will be daily under he Profeaaor of Anatomy, and Dispensary daily at 4 o'clock.

1' M-j under Ihe I'rofeesois or burgery anc Attendance at the Philadelphia Almshouse by the of Institules and Materia Medica, on Mondays and Fridays. Dutn Oct 8 4l-6i the Railroad Hotel, Petersburg, at muAT valuable and well known property called ll.e Hotel will he sold a. Public Aoctmn.on ThiifeHflv the of November, at on the premises The Lot is spacious and conven.entu i 11 xtens've and ct.nimridiooB?and the fi'mmediatelv at the l)fpot of the Peier-bnrg and Railroad) oneoi the most eligible and ThiaCHote present a very nnd under jodic.ous management t.tQ) be exceed MVr PJohn Jarrait. the prrsrr.l occupant, will show the S-uthwest of Lawn- of which there are Dwellings fnmili-'S the other one is unimproved Tunis-c- l'-2 and 13 months' en dit. from the first 11nn'-irv nest tai which time ponsesmon will be given the nropeny ihe payment BHoivNLKV.

Ailm'r if Tinman Moss, dcc'tl. 8.1, conduct.J by LEA 8 1 S'lTnN subscribers ow nintf bet ween three 1 l.ur il.ouS,nd ncreS ,1 land lying I urkey r-. in Ihe c. unty of ond are dispwd or sell a portion ol .1 contain inrxbattslihle quantity of ore. Inch lias nuhly tested and ascertained to be ol the beat cunihv.

There IS ail abundance of timber upon ihe land and a bold stream running immediately by the Thoae disposed to purchase or lease are invited In examine the premises. which will be shown by Messra Morgan, Mahnn.and near tliere. Ihe subscribers' address i- Goochland Octobrrl P. GL ERRANT, TEACHER subenbers wish to engage the service, of a Teacher (one of several experience would be prefrrted) for Ihe ensuing vear 10 take charge ot a school twenty six miles west ol Petersburg A gentleman who is a graduate some iJr.irprsitv cnn lurni-h Gre."?.

bc.ncl?-.?r.n Edoe.ltm, Off-, WILLIAM (JRF.EN tUWI) ALLEN. HENRY SPAIN. W. HOHBS. W.Y1.

TH WE ATT Oct 9 Real LstnleJoY Sale. owner wishing iTTimgrate to Kentccfcv sl.H-O.W'f Farm Thi, county, four miles Irnm Lynchburg, and con acres of land which, in p-'int of fertility, are none in county The dwelling 4 story bric bu.ld.nsr, and comforta Je. necesfary out houses. Also my household and kitchen stock, Any ashing lo purchase, can examine the premises, and in the events a sale, can have in time to commence seedingI Terms will be made accommodating i July 12 JOHN E. t.X It ACTS.

A Letter id published ndoy's Whig, written by "A 1 raveller, nn board (he verpool Steamer. Oct 8," which contains ijiteypting facts and speculations We have no the we must limit ourselves to the following m06t important and relevant passages "It is now ascertained present crop of Great Britain is a short one. The rains which nj. terruptej and injured ihe harvest in the more southern counties, have la'ly been incessant, aod are thought to Iwye destroyed at least one half of the crop in the noitljern portion of (lie United Kingdom. 1 have been in Counties of England.

and I have cotne to this conclusion, both from personal observation and the opinions of. those in whose judgment 1 had confidence About then I have no doubt. The price of corn must crtWffyipntly, be sufficiently high to invite the impor tatiuri tif foreign grain. Every one knows that the duty on foreign grain is a varying one, and falling ae Ihe price rioes. it becomes merely nominal, or about cents a bushel, when thp average price throughout the King dorn amounts to 7(1 shillings per quarter, which is equivalent to gi'J It) p-r bushel It must, however, be borne in mind, that this relers to the imperial bushel, which is abuut a aid part or nrar 3 per cent, more than tl.e old Winchester bushel, which is the bushel ol the United Stales The aver-gp price, when we lelt Liverpool, was 70s 9d per quarter, and as the market iiad been gradually rising to this point, it seemed not improbable it would rise yet higher would be hazardous, at present.

to make purchases or shipments founded on the expectation of such use or even on the con'tnuance of the present pricps It has been strongly in some of the public journals, recomniended to the English farmers to send in their worst wheat first, lor the purpose of reducing the general a veragp, by which the duty will be proportionally enhanced, and the profits of importation be in the same degree diminished Should this recommendation be extensively adopted, it will, for a tune, produce its intended effect ol lessening, if not of preventing, foreign competition for some months iit 'lie same degree that this selfish policy lowers the average price at hwi it must raise it afterwards, when only the better qualities of wheat remain to be sent to market, so that its only effect will be to raise (be price nest year oh much as is depressed in this. Our grain growers it they are prudent, are pretty sure of getting a good price for their flour, and now that, happily both lor themselves and England thut they have made a good crop, rpceive some compensation tor the several Lad harvests they have experienced of lateyears "The probable state of Foreign Exchange is'y to make a small further advance on the pi ices ol exportable breadstuff's The bills of the Bank of the United drawn on a great banking House in farts, the Hottinguers. to ihe amount of m-arly 7 livres, or more than a million and quarter of dollars, were refused acceptance It is understood that these bills were drawn on the credit of American sin' ks and securities remitted by the Hank, and for which there no longer being any sale, (the Eur-'f ean market being glutted with tli'-m,) the Bankers did not find it safe or convenient to make so large an advance. "The dishonor of these bills by the Messrs. HoftingiiPin gave a great shock to American credit in Europe, and it was even said that the Government Treasury like common shin-plasters, were offered in London at a of 20 per cpnt I do not believe this report; but that it should have obtained any currency whatever is some evidence of the great temporary injury done hour national credit tl was currently rep rt ed that Rothschilds had made an arrangement with Mr.

Juuthm take op these bills, ami it is certain, that as to a portion of those which had been remitted to them, those H-inhers, hy omitting to have Jh? in protested non.acceptance, made themselves responsible; hut it is also true that a portion of these have been returned ptotes'ed. and are now on board this ship "Ihe Maine question is still unsettled, and I fear is likely to remain so tor some time Candid Englishmen have admitted to me. that the letter of the Treaty of is Wi ll lis; but they say Great Britaincould not L-p supposed taha ve consented to that boundary hxli would Inve allowed a rcijrn country lo intervene between lu-r provinces r.f New Brunswick and Lower Canada. tfte rqiiity of ease, "rowing out ot their ignorance of tin" facts, is with "'u rn But Ihis plea, howt-vt it may lurni-h ground for further negotinto and new tieaty does, on the principle of international law, virtually cede the present ground of controversy '1 hough I beite7e that the British Government has no stronger ground to occupy in this contest. I apprehend it will acl though it had.

and post p. ne decision that will so probably be against litem The present ministry are supported hy so small a majority. tnd they are so r'u n-siii'edby their old opponent m. li their new recruits that I hey will not risk, by the io-s of the disputed territory. giving to their enemies a new point of attack.

English people wsre never mure sensible of the value of our commercial intercourse with thein than at present, and they seem already to have forgotten the ef fervescencp to which the Maine question gave occasion in Congress. 1 had a striking proof of this friendly feeling at the meeting of the British Association in iiiingh mi. At a great public dinner, the speech of the American Min-'ster, on his health being drunk, was v. loomed with the cordial greetings, was accorn ied by bud and frequent cheerii and followed by to. most deafening applause.

Your townsman seemed to be quite as much at home as it lie had hern addressing a jury Ilie Hustings ol J.z:.? was well warranted; for. to say the truth, though tin other speakcrsppoke sensibly and there v. but one of them who was gifted with any power of decimation, or grace of elocution. Mr Sievpnson, indeed, acquitted himself very well, and was universally admitted to have made the best spe- ch of them all. Ou subject, I cannot forbear to mention what lias long lo ali persons of either experience or refl-ct: inadequacy the salaries paid to our Mi a broad that is.

to (hose sent either to London or The n.ggardiy sptnt ot our Government in this matter, is in every Englishman's mouth; anil every American Minister sent to the Court of St. must, if tie is not rich, be subjected to a course ot economical shifts and eipejients, and numerous other mortifications, hich th- policy of the nation, no less than its dignity, ought not to permit His time, which ought to be devoted to diplomacy, is taken up tn exr-rctsing tiie function of a financier. We seem lo require in our all the attributes of the chamehon. and to per not only they shall wear a guy livery, which they mud change with the various hues of all they approach, but be able lo live on air It is. however, but jus-, ttce to Mr to say, that, inadequate as is his compen-.

sation, when Le does entertain, he does so very handsomely Moii' was confessedly unusually scarce in England and the Bank, in com-equence of the extraordinary re-' iluetion of its has tieen induced lo secure credit with the Bmk ol Frr.nce to th" arnr.uut of two millions sterling Sin u'd this credit be used, while the expedi cnt may mitigate the evil tor the time, it may aggravate it afterwatds; and should the Bank of France want its ttev before exchange on England has taken a favoraiiie turn and much gold lie sent out of Ihe Kingdom for was the opinion of some of their best informed men, that the Bank of England must suspend cash fsymenis "There is another circumstance which may affect the specie r-t both in England and ihe L' Enoland annually receives from India about th'ce millions sterling by way of tribute, and on account of remittances made from the savings of individuals and ihe States She purchases tens and other ds of China to about Ihe same amount By means of opium which, though pro bunted in China the English and Americans have for niany found no difficulty in smuggling into that country, the several which India owed England, England and the (J owed to China, and China lo India, ive been discharged without the intervention of the pre coos aN. If the Chinese Government are determined to put a slop this illicit trade, as some aff-cl to doubt, but which their late vigorous measures seem to provp. ihe tr-rio in teas, which habit has now made a of iife, must be carried on as formerly, ill do ars, and further increase the rise they have alreadv experienced from Ihe falling off in the pro duce of the Amsiican mines for the last thirty years The grpat increase of paper currency in Europe and America during the century, has tended to con ceal this fact from the the etTect r.f the ie doriion will be ifeater for basing retarded India may in lime find substitute for opium adapted to the Chinete rr.atkot and it is said she is now cul tivating the finer kinds of cotton, or she may succeed in the culture of the tea plant, which she is also attempt hot pilhpr of these remedies wit! require time, and cannot avert or even miitga'e the present demand fur silver, if the Chinese refuse lo receive opium French Government have recognized the independence of Texas, by making a treaty with the new Republic. The terms were agreed on ihe 10th of September, sod waited cnly for the King's return to Paris for hi? signature "Allow me. before I conclude my liticaf and gossip, congratulate vourcitv on the aliorded ii by the success cl' your worthy townsman, I Col.

Hetii a negotiation. He has made a conditimhl iSier.) his valuable mines near Manchester to a compt ind if the bargain should be confirmed by the favorable 'eport ol the agent who now accompanies us in the Liverpool, as I have no doubt will be the case, a large capital, united to thorough practical knowledge and ex? perience, will be immediately employed in raining Punl and making it will be the fault of her own citizens, Richmond, thus amply piovided with tin the most valuable of all minerals, on unlimited power, and a navigation both to the interior and ihe Ocean, does not become the great manufacturing wu lor which seems to have destined her. Uui paper warns me to conclude." Bank of London Sun of ths 2' ii September says: "The interest at present taken 111 no. nc-tarv will make the public read witii account which appeared in our evening edition, if half yearly meeting of the Proprietors of the Bar. of England We have only one remaik to make.

t.ile the country is suffering, the Bank seems to he dividend was declared to be 3 12 per and the rest, from which future dividends may be taken is ini crease.I by 000j The spirit which dictated tbe oi lien to gilt ol to the Church ol England, while somp gentlemen of the Jewish persuasion reprobated the objection, is instruction. To have an anti Church feeling manifested in the money corporation is the effect of the many efforts made to excite a factitious regard ai.d support lor the decaying Church of England. The London papers announce tbe death of the Earl of Lauderdale, in the blst year of age. I he King and Queen of Belgium left London for their own kingdom on the 20tli of September. Tlinr visit does not appear to have resulted in any arrangej ment for the marriage of Queen least tiie papers make no allusion to any such event.

The uncertainty that hung over the state of the English harvest, when the British Queen left England. not entirely removed by the arrival of the Liverpool i '1 he weather had been extensively unfavorable, and it is not to be concealed that the of the advices is verse to the expectation even of an average crop; but still there was room for hope, in Ireland, however, the question was considered settled. The crops there, of i grain well as potatoes, were unquestionably far below the averago. The weather had been fatal to tbe toes Elections were in ptogress, or had taken place, in several parts of the kingdom. At Manchester, Sir Murray, the Tory candidate, was defeated by a majority ol Ai Cambndge, Mr.

Gibson, the liberal was unsuccessful. Mr. Wyse, liberal, was elected nt Waterford without opposition. Also Mr. Shiel, re elected, at Tip per a ry The Maiquis cf Hastings has published a very i communication, fortified by letters, extracts and documents, disclosing ail the facts relating to the bis sister.

It discloses nothing of interest that was not known that the Marquis had diali lenged Lord Melbourne. The blame of the affair see-ins to be thrown pretty clearly on Lady Portnian and Sir James Clark. 1 he government ha9 instituted an enquiry into the conduct ofthe Birmingham megistralea during the riots, i 1 he investigation commenced on the 18th of September. A woman, named Margaret Moyes, killed self the 19th September, by leaping from the top of ihe Monument Ol course she was dashed to Pecumaty distress and apprehension were Ihe as was supposed Only one other instance of suicide in this manner has occurred; it was in 1810, when a diaj moiid merchant, named Levi, threw himself from the top ol the Monument, and was shattered to Mr O't'onnell was in retirement at Darrvnane, arj ranging his measures for a Iresh repeal agitation, Among the passengers in the Liverpool are Major Hull, secretary to the Governor General of Cansda; (Jej neral Hamilton, of S. Mr.

Vincent Nolle Mrs. i Ftizwilliam. 1 He exportation of the precious metals from the of London, for the week ending on September 4, was, in bars, to Hamburgh. 500 oz do. in coin to Sr.

Peiersbnrjr. 230 nz Mauritius, silver, in to Hamburgh 3 700 oz C'a'catta, 20,000 oz in no, to Mauritius. -Ii OOf) Hamburgh, II in Njw York, 23 250 ox; British West indies, This reiurn exhibits a large increase in the exportation 1 ol silver, both in coin and bars. France French government, according to Commerce, has acknowledged the independence of vR9. and has entered into a treaty of friendship and merce, has been signed at Paris by de Pont' and the Texan envoy.

"It appears," adds the journal, "that ihe ability shown by de I'ontois in negotiating this treaty has had an influence in procuring his nop.u| nation to the important post of Ambassador at tinople." The National slates that the treaty of alliance commeree between France and Texas is not snd that ihe delay is to be ascribed to the omission the draught of the treaty of an article stipulating for tho freedom of conscience in favor of the French residents in that republic. The Curies? Calatrava has been electcd Pre'id- of the Spanish Chamber of Representatives, by a hardsome majority. An address to the Queen, signed members, was laid before the House, September 101', eulogium on the courage, taienN, prudt nre and love of the constitution displayed by the 1 'illustrious" General Espartero, and then proceeded to assure her Majesty, that not only would the Congte-s recognize, if necessary, the rank and offices as stipula1 led in the t'onvenlion of Bergara, but that it would cuss previous to all other questions, the project of respecting the fueros of the Basque provinces, "inclini (1 1 the Chamber was to grant ihose provinces every ihing that might contribute to their 1 those concessions were not contrary to the constitution of the kingdom The House, on being consulted by the President, took Ihe proposition into consideration, 1 and no member rising to oppose its adoption, it wan voted by acclamation, and immediately carried to the palace by a deputation composed of guy. Cais'rava, Estrada, Amat, la Calle, 1 lie Castellano announces having received a letter 1 from Cuenca, mentioning that Cabrera had declared In readiness to enter into a treaty with General Donnell for the pacification of Lowpr Arragon and Valencia. The speech delivered to the Queen Regent on the c.ti 1 by Mr.

Eaton, the American Minister, in the name of I the corps diplomatique, was written by M. Drcyn de Lhuys, the French Charge d'Affairee. Switzerland revoiution has been cariied int effect in the Canton of in the over! throw and expulsion of the Executive and Grand Councils The trouble was of a religious character. lit ssia widely extended conspiracy is said to hav.j been discovered in a Russian 00 ilk march to Poland Five hundred officers are declared to have been 1 arrested at one blow, and others subsequently. Two hundred of thein weie confined iu the dungeons of War.

saw and other places, and the rest were degraded to II.o ranks The object of the conspirators wau to seli? of forUeasea in Poland, and ta stir up the Pol's 1 to a general insurrection, while a large portion of Rusiian armies was at the grand review ai Borodino. This same review appears to have been closely watch' ed by the European politicians, and with a good deal interest. The number of troops assembled was nearly 140,000, and the command was assumed by the Emperor in person, and subordinate commands were given to i 'ieir apparent and the Duke of Leuchtenburg. Doubts were entertained whether this great body of men was brought together merely for display, and it was rumored I that otders had been given for marching a large portion of them to the southward. If these rumors correct, however, it is probable that the orders were occasioned by the necessity of reinforcing the armies in Circasuit, where the war was carried on by the insurgents witU un 3'fri courage and activity.

Ten set great progrew seems to have brer, made towards an adjustment of the I between the Pscha and the The sul'an, or rather his ministers, had addressed a letter to the representI lives of the mediating powers, urging an immediate settlement, and expressing a desire that conterences might 1 be opened at Constantinople. His note was considered, by some, as a renunciation of the treaty of Unkiar Ske. 1 lessi, which constituted Russia the sole protector of Turkey Lord Poasonky and Admiral Ruussin are said demanded permission for the squadrons of France and England to enter the Dardanelles, and it is farther that the Russian minister gave notice to the Porte, that if the demand were complied with, he ahoald call for his i.asaporis. The demand was not complied on 1 the contrary ihe British and French envoys were toI uested to withdraw the squadrons to a greater distance, The answers of Lord Ponsonby and Admiral 1 tattiis request are said to have been couched in very terms. The Pfw? ihi'.

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