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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 8

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

GITYiNEWS IN- BRIEF Editor Sues a Contractor for the Sum 1.83. LETTERS ONLY A JOKE Arrangements Made for Second Trial of Luetgert afe Blower to Be Tried (for Hie Sanity -Gott 'Granted a Divorce. CONTRACTOR tED FOR lJi5. Aa-eTstbal-i McArtkar Says He "ever Heard ef roanplalraaw. Archibald McArthur.

president of the M-Arthur flro. company, contractors, mite No. 1410 Great Northern building, has been sued for -the trifling turn of $1.85. Justice John R. McDonnell of Hodtip.

Gary postofflee. issued the summons in favor of J. Bryan Good, editor of the Lemon News, Citing Mr. McArthur to appear btfore him on Dec 4. ttt show cause why ha shou.d not pay an alleged subscription for the Ntwa.

When seen by a reporter for The Inter Ocean, Jar. Mc Arthur said: "It Is a little premature for me to snake a tatetnenL I iiave wrltwo to the gentleman wta calls himself J. Bryan Goode. but, oaring received no reply, cannot even tell you who he is. The constable told me that the suit waa brought, to recover on subscription for the Lccnont News, a paper I never saw In my life." LETTERS WIWE OXLT A JOKE.

Frances Hens Telia Her Parewtn Wbx They Were Wrlttesw Frances Rens. whose disappearance from the home of Mrs. D. Green of No. 220 Oak street, was reported to the police, accompanied her parents to their home at No.

C028 Center avenue yesterday afternoon. Frances Is 1 yeara old. A fortnight ago she left her home-to board with Mrs. Green. Eke d.ppared from Mrs.

Green's house at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning. Several letters left behind Indicated her intesrtlon to end her life because of disappointed loTe. Ske says this was merely a Joke to frighten Frederick Cummlngs. an acquaintance, and that, she spent Tuesday night at the home or her uncle. Frank Pappa, at Fifty-First and State streets.

ARRANGE FOR LI ETCERTTRIAU Teanerrew Jmdm Gary Will laawe Vealre ter Jary. Judge Gary. and the stale's attorney completed arrangements for the beginning of the aeoond trial of Adolph L. Luetgert. Tomorrow morning Judge Gary will lesue a venire for a Jury, returnable Monday.

The taae will then rest until the first of next week. Bute's Attorney Deneen was at Judge Gary's courtroom in the county building yesterday morning when his honor made his appearance. After a few moments conversation the matter of transferring to another Judge the special assessment cases on- Judge Gary's calendar was arranged, and the announcement was made that a. definite settlement had been reached. Judge Gary made no objection to his selection aa the presiding Judge.

Luetgert-was apparently much pleased when told that his second trial would begin next Monday without fall. "That's good," he commented. "I am glad to know that I will soon ajrain he on trial. Judge Gary suits ma fur a trial Judge. As I said yesterday, he Is a man of mature years and long experience upon the bench.

He knows the rights of a prisoner at the bar. and I believe he is fair. I am satisfied' with the election made. My trial will not be more than half as' long as the first trial was. I think the expert osteology testimony will be shelved Any old nigger cook could tell the 4ury what those bones are.

What is the use of a lot of testimony about bones? The question before the court is this: Mrs. Luetgert is missing; Is site dead or alive? It dead, how waa she murdered? They may talk all they want to about corpus delicti, but the fact of the matter is no one knows today beyond doubt where my wife Is or whether she is dead or alive. I da not know yet whether I shall testify or not; but I think I will. In fact. I am pretty certain of It.

I believe I can convince a reasonable Jury that I am an innocent and persecuted- man." Attorney Phalen has not yet made his selection of the attorney who la to aid him in the defense. William Charles Is providing the money for the new trial, and it ia said he is experiencing considerable difficulty In collecting the sum needed. Charlea said yesterday that up to date the defense had spent alto-nether. In various ways, nearly 120,000 ha the buetgert case. WAS Q.CE A SAFE-BLOWER.

Colli Hoarkla Will Be Tried as 0 His Sanity. Collins Houchln, now confined in the detention hospital awaiting a trial as to hit eanity, says be was a member of a gang of eafe-blowers, which committed several robberies In Indiana during the latter part of October. The gang, according to Houchln, was composed of Mike Fraxer. Tom, or "Big," Mor-risey. Frank Miller, "Buck" Murray, and Houchln himself.

All of the men are said to be well known to the police of Cfclcagp. but they have not been Jn this city for some time. Captain Colleran said last evening that Houchln made a confession to him ten days Ago. "Since then," he said, "I have satisfied myself that none of the men has been In Chicago, and I have dropped the matter, yesterday. It appears, Houchln spoke of his confession at the detention hospital, and my attention was again called to tu" "If the men should come to Chicago they -would be arrested, as they are well known; feut I am making no effort to find them." COSS GRAXTEO A DIVORCE.

PlalatilT Is Also Glvea Castoay-ef Ills Chile. Judge Dunne has disposed of the Goss divorce case, which baa been before him for several weeks. Yesterday the court gave to Sanford A. Goss an absolute divorce from his wife, Goss. on the ground of Improper conduct -with Alfred L.

Links. Goss was also awarded the full custody of their daughter, Emma Goss, the court reserving the right to make a further order la regard to Mrs. Goss visiting the child. In connection with the" case Judge Dunne Issued commitments against Alfred L. Links on two charges of Links', who is the co-respondent in the case, has been a fugitive from Justice for several days, aa a bench war- rant was Issued for.

him last Coder the present commitments every effort will be made by the officers to find The court found that Links committed flagrant perjury 'while on the witness stand on behalf of Mr. -Goss. The! parties to the case have llve'd in Win- netka for the last two years. Goss is a balliif 7 on the sheriff's force, being attached to Judge Waterman's court. He left his home shortly before (she present proceedings were, giving aa a reason his wife's behavior.

As Links did not respond to the bench watv rant Issued by Judge Dunne, the latter made a final order In the contempt proceedings for perjury against The court found btxn guilty of three charges of perjury. A fine of 160 was administered, on one charge and ene of 1500 'and imprisonment for three and six months -respectively ta the other esses Judge Dun ns also Issued an Injunction re straining Mrs. Goss from making any disposition of any Interest she may have In real estate. DR. J.

S. ITOXB TO' Reeter of UU Jawaee Csiwreh Weal MiM Wortklagtss. The marriage of Miss Caroline Wortblng-ton of Doylestown, aflU -Dr. James S. Stone, rector of St.

James' church of this city, to be celebrated Jan. 4 In Doylestowa', la one in which much Interest la being taken. MISS CAROLINE WORTHINOTOW. Dr. Stone la not only popular with his congregation but has many friends In other cities, especially Philadelphia, where he was formerly rector of Grace Episcopal church.

Miss Worthlngton has been known prominently In society circles in Washington and Philadelphia, and has a host of acquaintances, friends, and admirers. She has traveled wide-, ly and is a good linguist. The arrangement for the coming wed- 4 dlcg are about completed. The ceremony will be performed at St. Paul's Episcopal church in Doylestown.

the rector. Rev. Mr. Jeffries, officiating, assisted by Rev. R.

N. Thomas of Philadelphia, For Ike falleat seeaaat mt feotball ftaanea today read The later Oeeasi Friday sneralasc. IXO.CESTS HELD YESTERDAY. Death of Hattle Vaa Hr4 Faaad ta Have Beea Aeeldeatal. A coroner's Jury found yesterday afternoon that Hattle Van Hed.

wbo died during the early morning by asphyxiation, had beea the victim of an accident. The young woman lost ber life In her room at. the home of Mrs. A. P.

Knight at No. S410 Indiana' avenue. She bad secured employment there on the previous day as a domestic and was known only as "Hattle." On rellr lng at the close of her first day's service she had been careless with the gas. with the result that her life paid the penalty. Subsequent developments brought out her identity, and It was learned that she made her borne "with her Aunt, Mrs.

Annie Griffin of No. 1952 State street. Other Inquests were held yesterday aa follows: William Todd. No. 95 Wells street, 40 years old, machinist; suicide by asphyxiation.

James Loftus. No. 85 Milton street, laborer; death from shock and injuries received by a fall. Trueman W. Williams.

No. 21 West Madison street, 5 years old, widower, illustrator; death from hemorrhage. William A. Raymond. No.

1979 West Madison street. 2 yean old. married, locomotive fireman; accidentally drowned. Charles Mlckkelson, No. 1177 Southport avenue, 25 years old.

clerk, single; death from injuries accidentally received. Frank Kveton. No. 276 Washburne avenue. 35 years old, married, shoemaker, suicide by shooting himself.

Mary Kveton, No. 376 Washburne avenue, 28 years old, married; homicide. WILL GIVE A CHALK TALK. West Side Coasjresatloaallats Be art a Serlee of KatertalBsaeats. Tbe Cortland Street Congregational church.

Cortland and Leavltt streets, will give the first of a series of monthly entertainments tomorrow evening, with Frank Beard, tbe distinguished cartoonist, Jn bla celebrated chalk talk. The second entertainment will beheld Dee. 23, and will consist chiefly ef a musical programme, made up by the Central Banjo, Mandolin, and Guitar club from tbe T. M. C.

assisted by Mrs. Pauline Slosson, and Mrs. Meta B. Henning, "the 'most accomplished guitarist In America. On Jan.

28 Rev. A. HIret. D. LL.

will deliver bis famous lecture, "Will tbe Coming Educated Woman Marry." On Feb. fT C. ftrinnv will vtnfrthut an IntfrMf. lng review on the World's Parliament of Religions, followed on March Za by a musical festival. In which more than fifty voices will participate.

WOrXDED MAX WALKS TO HOSPITAL. Al Eolllarrtea Shot Dartasr qssrrtl with E. Dalcey After' baring beea shot through the shoulder yesterday. Al Eoll lag-ton refused to ride In a patrol wagon walked to St. Luke'a hospital, where be is now confined.

EolHngtnn quarreled with E. Quke, at Duke's home. No. 65 Nineteenth street, over a debt of $25, and the outcome was fight. Finally Duke drew a revolver and opefled Ore upon Eollington.

who- fell at the first shot. After firing scaeral shots at hi prostrate victim Duke fled. Dr. A. Lane of No.

1924 Archer avenue, after dressing Eolllngton'a wound, advised him to eo to the hospital. While the patrol wagon waa being summoned from the Twenty-Second street police station the wounded dud fcurrledly left the place and walked to the hospital. There tihe bullet ws extracted from bis thouMer. and be was placed la tbe conwaleaoeot Tbe police are making a seareh for Duke. HEBJMAX STOCK His Relatives Fear It May Be Caae of Salelde.

Herman Block of West Chicago avenue, has been in fa lng from- home since last Saturday. His relatives tear Insanity or suicide. He bas been considerably of late over matters concerning bis property. Stock waa f5 years old, five feet two Inches In height, and weighed 13S pounds. He wore a dark gray coat and, vert, bkie-gray trousers, and black slouch hat.

Beyond earing for his "property Stock baa not, beea engaged la any business of late. mat" be B.ESESTEXCED. Casca of had Voraa to Bo Dta- nosed; Of Teaaerrow. Judga Bmkth wtllidUpene of tbe cases of ex-Pollcemen Michael J. Jfealy and Thomas J.

Moran tomorrow. r- These mea were convicted Augv 4 before DR. JAMES STOVE. TILE ''DAILTv raTJfiB QCJZJLN, THURSDAY MOBNINO, NOVEMBER 25, 1807. Judge Saltb of manslaughter, the Jury fixing their punishment at four years each la the penitentiary.

This- was the second conviction of Moran and Healy for tbe killing ct Swan Nelson, On the first trial the men were seat to the penitentiary for fourteen yeara each. They served seventeen months aad were granted a. new trial and seat back to tbe Cook county JaiL It ia expected they will be re-eeatenced the won Airs cxra. Has si Baalaeaa Meetlaac aad Armases a Seetal Caafereaee. The regular monthly business meeting ef tbe Chicago Woman's club was held-yesterday afternoon.

-The report of tbe committee of the reform department showed that two new cottages for demented patients had been completed at Dunning, one the Florence Hart Cottage for Women, aad the other the Moyer Collage for Men. The proposition to Indorse tbe postal bank system was referred to the board of directors tor approval. A series of social conferences, to be held during the winter under tbe auspices of the Forward Movement settlement, was announced. Amooghe prominent speakers who have been engaged are Jane Addams, Professor Graham Taylor. Mrs.

Mary H. Ford, and Rev. Jenkln Lloyd Jonee. Books upon social themes and discussions will follow the lectures as additional features la the way of social The first conference will be held Dec 9T 4. and 5.

both afternoon aad evening, at Woodlawn Caiversatlst church. Watch; the Madlaoa street wladewa The later' Oeeaa for report mt feat-hall gsara today. FREE8E MAY TESTIFY. State May. I'oe Hlat (a Eleetloa Freed Trial.

"AdoJph Ereese will be present to testify for the prosecution if the state wanU him they know where be la." remarked Attorney Hartaett of the defense In the election frauds trial yesterday. "The prosecution has this man confession and know where be Is. It they caa use him to advantage during tbe iriai ne win oe called, it not. he will prob ably not appear. State's Attorney Deneen' and Aulatant State's Attorney Barnes dented emphatically mat mey- anew anything whatever of the present whereabouts of Freese.

8tate's Attorney Deaaen pointed to the fact that he had detectives looking for the fugitive Judge of election tor over tnree weeks. Both sessions of Judge Waterman's court yesterday were barren of results in ao Car as the completion of the Jury panel which Is to try Hanraban. Purvis, and' Ferris is concerned. The later Oeeaa will haHetla there-alts ef the leadlaa: foot hall a-aaaea today. KAXSE AXD THE SCHOOLCHILDREN.

Reaewaed Xerwesrlaa at Po polar oa Satarday. At tbe Auditorium, Saturday afternoon. Dr. Naasen will entertain the school children of Cook county and Chicago and tb general public with bis. final lecture on tbe fro ten North, at popular price's.

It baa long been the doctor's idea that a popular-prlreeducaUonal matinee would meet with a quick response from tbe pupils of the public and high schools and others, but until the jtresent time be has had no opportunity of gratifying blmsetrja this regard. The price will range from ffto 25 cents is so material a reduction from the prices charged for the past two lectures that undoubtedly, the last appearance of th cIe- rated scientist will be witnessed In Chicago dj one oi tne oiggest auaiences he has yet appeared before. FIRE IX A COOPER SHOP. Early Blaae Bon. a Barrels oa Hastlasxa Street.

Fire which broke out la" tbe cooper shop of William Budge at No. Hastings street early yesterday morning caused a loss of $504 on the building and contents, covered by insurance. Miss 1 1 lord Makes Correetloa. CHICAGO. 411., Xov.

24. To the Editor. Tbe types make me say two things that I did not la my Thanksgiving address at Wlllard ball on Monday. Tbe corrected 'ezpresaion would be as follows: "The last glance of my eyes, the last pulsation of ray heart, the last out-going of my spirit la this world will, bo given to tbe principles aad purpose embodied in tbe W. C.

T. and of which the Tempi ia the outward symbol." FRANCES E. WILLARD. Open all day Thankiglvlcg. Stevens A Soa photographers, McVlcker Theater bldg.

The twelfth annual naxaar of th Ladles' Atd socletv of the Church of the Redeemer will ba tield in tbe.churfch parlors Dec 2. The Associated B'nal B'rltb lodges wilt rive their second literary and musical entertaiament at No. 78 Monroe street tomorrow evening. St. Bernard commannery.

No. 15. Knights Templar, will rive tbe Orat of a series of Wednes day evening, receptions at Masonic temple Dec. S. Tbe Old Tippecanoe club will bold Its regular monthly meeting In the clubroom at the Great Northern hotel.

Saturday, at 2 p. m. sharp. Hon. William E.

Mason, lotted States and Hon. Thomas Cratty will spaeh. A breach of nromtse mock trial win be heid at People's Institute Saturday evening Judge Richard 8. Tutaill win preside, nr. Frank Walker will be oouneel for Dlalotiff.

and Mr. George W. Plummer will be coonael for defend ant. Tne piatauri ia a young iay or nign social attainments. The defendant la a man of wealth and standing, and who will no doubt present a strong defense.

Told la a Paragraph. Lieutenant Rlenberg who baa charge of the life-saving atatlon on Lake Michigan, returned yesterday afternoon from the last trip of Inspection he will make this season, as all stations will be closed by Dec. 10. a The old-style crane. or device which Is fa miliar to neoely every one, that Is used by the railway mail department lor aellvering sacks of mail to trains while running at full speed, is now being rrplaced by th railroada as rapidly as possible by a device whichWill both deliver ana receive mall to and from the trains.

Tr. Harper, Trustees Cusack and Adams, and Superintendent Lane, the special committee appointed by th school management committee to report on tbe sub)ect of free lectures In the public schools, met yesterday afternoon. A Hat of schools selected by Superintendent Lane was adopted, and It was resolved to begin th lectures as boob aa possible. Postmaster Gordon holds a meeting with, his cabinet this morning at o'clock. A number ef matters of Importance will be discussed, chief of which will be the plans for apace ef the different departments la th new Federal building.

Judge Ball yetterday entered a decree of divorce againat Charles Rath man In favor of his wlf en the charge of cruelty. The court also allowed the wife alimony to the extent of Tbe defendant In this case Is the man who got into trouble some time ago by sending a $100 bill to Judge Freeman, before whom tbe divorce caae waa then pending. STARVING CREW SUCCORED. Schooner Elite Reeelvea Aaslslaace In i KoV. 14.

The British steamship Rossmore, wblcb arrived here today, reports baring sighted the schooner Elite, Hargrave. In midoeean Nov. 18. with signals displayed that the crew was starving. Owing to the heavy seas, provisions were with, difficulty thrown oa the deck of the schooner and the Rossmore proceeded oa her way.

'The Eilt waa bound from Cadiz, 8paln. to SU" John's, N. a eaaaam-o-a i i ii as aaaaaaooaaoadaaaaBh. ATHANKSGIVINO PROCLAMATION. On Thursday of this week the national bird will be stalled with oysters and chestnuts and roasted to a dark brown color.

With cranberry sail re. celery, and other trlmmlnga It will be served to thousands of people who are thanktm that prosperity has finally spread ever the wool country. Oa Saturday night at 10 o'clock the Midland route tourist cars will leave the Union patsenget station via the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paui railway for Omaha.

Colorado Sprtnga, Bait Lake City, Sea Francisce, aad Los Angeles, rnnoing through to th land of sunshine and flowers, where Is played all later." without chang ef cars. To be entirely thankful, sleeping berths should be secured la advance. Apply at city ticket of. flee, Nov Adams street. A DAY.

OF. PRAISE Thaiiksgiviiig Will Be a Joyous One in Chicago. AMONG THE CHURCHES Special Services to Be Held by All Denominations. Feasta Prepared; for the Poor Trls aaera af theCaaaty Will 'Be Dlaed. Churches, charitable organisations, and county Institutions will unite today In making Thanksgiving a day ef praise and tasting throughout tbe city.

Food will be freely distributed among tbe poor, and at many of the missions the unfortunate will be given clothing and provisions. The theaters will give special matinees, gad there will be four football games, as "baa been tbe custom for tbe last few years; so there will be ao lack of amusements. Business will be practically sus-peadtd. The depart menu of tbe postofflee will be closed, with few exceptions. Carrier and general delivery stations and.

substations will close at 10 o'clock In tbe forenoon, and there will be but one morning delivery throughout the city. V' At Ike Chsrckei. The custom of holding union services among the churches will receive greater recognition than la aay previous year. A union Thanksgiving service will be held by tbe ministers and their societies Interested in the fellowship of the liberal congress of religion, at McYicker's theater this morning at 11 o'clock sharp, at which Dr. H.

W. Thomas, Revs. White. T. B.

Gregory. John Rusk, Mrs. Cella P. Woollcy. William M.

Salter, and Jenkln Lloyd Jones will take part. A unloa Thanksgiving service will be held at Pilgrim Temple Baptist church. Leavltt atreet and North avenue, at 11 a. m. There will be reading of the acrlpture by George B.

Laird, prayer by Dr. James P. Tboms. an1 a sermon on "Civic Righteousness," by Rev. William B.

Leach. D. D. -Thanksgiving service will be held this evening athe Leavltt street Congregational church, Adams and Leavltt streets, at o'clock. The pastor.

Rev. J. B. Sllcox, will give bla lecture. "Grip and Grit." At the Fourth.

Presbyterian church. Rush and Superior streets. Thanksgiving service Willi be held at 11 o'clock; aermon by Rev. Dr. McPberson of th Second Presbyterian church.

John Merritte Driver. D. will deliver his lecture. "L'ltimate America Whither Are We Drifting, and What Will be Our Destiny at Western Avenue M. K.

church this evening- Tbe First Baptist church. Dr. P. 8. Htasoa pastor, and tbe South Park Avtnue Methodist Episcopal church.

Rev. William A. Burcb pastor, will hold unloa Thanksgiving services at tbe First Baptist church, corner of South Park avenue and Thirty-First street, at 11 o'clock. Mr. Burcb will deliver the address on the theme: "Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its "Way." Tbe following congregations will unite In Thanksgiving services la Christ church, Michigan avenue and Twenty-Fourth street; at 11 First and Second Presbyterian, Plymouth Congregational, Immanuel Baptist.

Trinity Methodist, and Christ Reformed Episcopal. The sermon win oe by Rev. Frank Crane, D. of Trinity Methodist church. 1.

-f A unloa Thanksgiving service will be held at tbe La Salle Avenue Baptist church, above Division strtet. this morning, at II o'clock. The congregations of the Grace Methodist and the New England Congregational unite with the La Salle Avenus The sermon will be delivered bv Rr.M.t 1 Robert Cairns, oa "Our Gratitude for Hcav- -enanip. Kev. Dr.

H. O. Sheets will participate in the service. At the Church of tbe Epiphany services will be heid today at 7. aad 10:30 o'clock a.

Thanksgiving service will be held at 11 o'clock at the California Avenue Congregational church, corner of Monroe street. A sermon will be delivered by Dr. A. R. Thaln.

Thanksgiving service will be held In the Third Presbyterian church. Ashland boulevard and Ogden avenue. Rev. Dr. J.

Wlth-row. pastor; Rev. Walter H. Reynolds, assistant pastor, from 9 to 10 o'clock this morning. The Eighth Presbyterian church.

Rev. Dr. D. Wallace, pastor, and the First United Presbyterian church. Rev.

Dr. W. T. Meloy pastor. wUl take part with tbia congregation in its morning hour service of praise and song.

At Riverside. Riverside congregations will hold Thanks. giving service in the Riverside Presbyterian cuurcn ai ii a. m. A consignment of food and clothing has been forwarded by the Sunday school of tbe church to the Pacific Garden Miaslon for distribution.

In Englewood tbe various denominations will assemble at 11 a. m. under the roof the Englewood First M. E. church.

Rev. H. ryancis t-erry. u. pastor or the Englewood Boptist church, will deliver the sermon.

The consolidated choir will render selections. At the First Baptist church. South Park avenue and Thirty-First street, tbe Home Congregation and South Park Avenue M. E. church will bold Joint services.

Rev. William Burcb D. will preach at 11 a. m. "Christian Citizenship' will be the theme upon' which Rev.

William M. Lawrence of the Second Batplst cburcb, Morgan and West Monroe streets, will speak at special service at 11 o'clock. Tbe church will be appronriatelv decorated and music will be a feature. Union Thanksgiving service will be held at. 10:30 o'clock at University Congregational church, Madison avenue and Fifty-Sixth street.

A sermon will be delivered by Dr. A. w. fatten oi nyoe rara al. ii.

church. Union Thanksgiving service will be held at 11 o'clock at Centennial Baptist church. Jack son boulevard knd Lincoln street; Fourth Aw mm n-. Jt M.Mw, ui i muu jueiiisa 3apiisT churches assisting. sermon will be by Revr Howland Hanson Fooa for Poor Children The Volunteers bave made ample preparations so give their annual spread to news boys, girls, and poor children.

The free' dinner will be served at Battery and the Secopd Regiment armory at 2 p. m. and all poor' children will be welcomed. Another newsboys' dinner will be served at Woolf clothing bouse. Madison and Halsted streets, at Cp.

m. The members of tbe West Side T. M. A. who are away from home are to bave their Thanksgiving day made especially gladsome at the association borne.

No. 642 West Monroe street- where they will meet this afternoon. The Woman's Auxiliary will "take them la hand at 2 o'clock by serving a real borne dinner, with plea "like mother used to make." A a extra dessert will be given these speeches The Land We Live Ia." Rev.W.H, Reynolds; "The Old Folks at Home." Rev. Frank De Witt Talmage; "Chicago's Greatness," Wll- Ham H. Holden; "Illinois, tbe Greatest State In the Union." TE.

D. Bradley; "The Y. C. Charlee C. Bartlett; "The LadieV' Thomas D.

Huff. George Eddy Newcomb will be toastmaster. Plates will bi laid for sixty. During the evening there will be -gymnastic exercises, zouave and basket-ball contests. A Feast for Prlsoaere.

The Inmates of the bridewell will be treated to a Thanksgiving feasL Superintendent Adolph Sturm has ordered an abundance. of gcod things. The prison chapel will be decorated with flowers, and both Catholic aid JProtestaut services held morning and evening. The men will be glvea a piece of chewing tobacco, while the women prisoners will be presented with aa article or wearing apparel. The usual elaborate -Thanksgiving day programme will presented In the county Jail.

Mrs. Florence Hay home Jewell, the school teacher In the boys', department, and members of. the Woman's club are. preparing it. Attorney Fowltr.

who la member of tbe stste board) of and corrections, will deliver aa address, aa well as Sheriff Fcaae aad Jailer Whitman. Mrs. Bradford Hancock will ling, and Miss Bo fur, wbo baa beea teaching tbe boys physical culture, will give a drill with on of ber classeal The room will be decorated with chrysanthemums from the summer borne at Geneva ef Mrs. O. Potter.

Mrs. Wm. Pnn Nixon aad1 Mrs. Perry Smltb will superin tend theinaer. Daniel Cougblia will furnish all tbe cake tbe boys cart-eat.

Will Mayo Ho "Parkey.J The Vegetarian club of Chicago university will give a. banquet. A feature ot the feast will be the absence of" turkey. Marquette-council. No.

214. Kntgbls of Columbus, will bold tbe first of sv series of Informal receptions this' evening at North End Masonic temple. No. 416 and 417 North Clark Dancing will be the feature of the evening. Each patient ot tbe county hospital will bave a special Thanksgiving A number of church societies will present a programme of song and music In the Inmates at Dunning will consume 2.700 pounds of turkey, and kide dishes in proportion.

Tbe Chicago Charity hospital. Twea-tyNlntb and Dearborn streets. Is also arranging for a special feast. A minstel and vaudeville entertainment will be glveq this evening under the auspices of the Morse Cycling club. It will end with a Thanksgiving cake walk.

Yesterday Marriage License Clerk. Salmon-son Issuedlcenres to 141 couples, wbo desire to be united In marriage today. Tuesday be Issued 106 and Monday over seventy were given the necessary papers to wed. From incidental conversation with thorn Clerk Sal-monson, is convinced that nearly all of th applicants will be married The rush to the marriage license window Is customary' at toe Tnanksgiving holiday, and there will bo a lull In the number of applications. -Teaterday at the Sehoola.

The thanksgiving holiday was commemorated la tbe public schools yesterday by special exercises given by tbe pupils. Ia some Instances Joint programmes In the aa-J eemoiy Bans were held. Ia the greater num bers oi cases the programme was held by each class In its owa room. Readings, recitations, singing of patriotic songs, an-1 remarks by the teachers were tbe feature. In some ot the schools the teachers were jiven Dinners oy tne parenta of the children or tne scnool district.

Ia some instances taev held Informal loaches among themselves fol lowing close of the sehoola. A special feature of the day was the dls-' irioution oi supplies contributed by the children for the poorer class of pupils. Ia this way many a one waa furnished with a Thanks giving dinner. It Is claimed, who would other wis have to have gone without. Potatoes.

apples, flour, fruits, preserves by the kaa-ketful were among tbe edibles contributed. A collection was also Uken Tor the benefit of tbe Children's Aid society. Tbe funds secured In this way are distributed by Mrs. W. H.

Tyler of the Chicago Woman's club. Both the day and evening schools will he closed today aad tomorrow, and no further exercises will be held until Monday la any of the school buildings. Laot Mht at Moody's Chareh. Tbe Thanksgiving eve pound party which Is an annual feature of Rev. D.

L. Moody's Chicago avenue church was held last nigbt-Tbe members and frienda or the church piled up about 800 baskets of food, from cold turkey to angel cake. The provisions will be dis tributed this morning to the poor of tbe vicinity. The church bas been elaborately adorned with green boughs and autumn leaves for the annual dinner of the students at noon today. Mr.

Moody wljl conduct tbe services this morning from 11 to 12 o'clock. For the falleat small of football a-aaaea today read The later Oeeaa of Payday Baeralaav DOLAN BECOMES PRESIDENT. Mlaera la Coaveatloa at Altooaa, ra. Eleet Hiaa for a short Tens. ALTOONA, Nov.

24. At the miners convention tbls morning National President Ratchford said he was wrongly quoted as advocating another general strike and tie up of all Industries. He did not waat to strike when the last strike was forced uponthtm. What he meant to say was that the only completely successful strike would be one la which all the 150,000 miners would take part. Then, he said, they could tie up all the country's industries.

Patrick Dolan. president of the Pittsburg district, and William Warner, secretary of the same district, were elected president and secretary respectively, to serve until the next general state convention, to be held not later than Feb. .15. when permanent officers will be elected. Several delegates were nominated for vice president and George Hams of Punxsutawney was elected.

J. T. Kline of Barnes bo ro was elected treasurer ot the state organization. It was decided to levy a per capita tax of 8 cents a month. 2 cents to go to the state and to-tbe district organization.

Where there is no district organisation the cents shall ben paid to the state treasury. GLASS WORKERS COMPROMISE. Effort to Be Made to Settle. Troohle Betweea Warrlaaj Faetloaa. PITTS BURG, Nov.

24. A secret meeting of tbe executive committee of tbe Window Glass Workers' association was held this afternoon. The announcement Is made tonight that the object of the meeting waa to bring about a settlement of the troubles between the warring, factions in tbe association. The result reached was a proposition which will be planed before the members at large for ratification. It is an offer bv tbe blowers and gatherers to cempromlee their differences with tbe cutters and flatteners to divide the funds of the association, (about 3100.000), on condition that the latter faction withdraw their suit from court and leave tbe organization as a body.

SECRE.T SOCIETIES. orikstal Consistory. 8. p. r.

xo meetlns in the preeeptorjr this week. The Orat ot th series of entertainments for the aea-. son occur In our apartments Thanksslvins night. Nov. Si.

OIL W. -BARNARD. Grand Marriage licenses. The TothwtnaT marriage licenses wes issued yesterda-. Are.

Oeorge H. Clancy, Margaret PulllTsn.v,. IS Patrick Alcoek. Mary M. A.

Ga lias to ft Frank Hodous. Emily Peters II Charlea T. Dock. Mabel Sparrow S) Austin C. Armstrong.

Minnie IS Geor w. Kuhimao, Amanda Lnn 42 1 Robert T. Davidson. Vlaraaret Tully 1131 Lfiula Fischer. Bonn I Thormann i 5- Olaf 1 Levraon.

Darney B. dsiri iijson. iarsen. 39 JO John Foley. Marie 27 Weeley Pernsar.

Masai Hammon WlJIIam A. Mary A. Calvin W. Howe, Christine 21 William G. Tawse.

Dora La Flare ...27 I William Autheriand, Carrie Retterer. Clarence a. Colarove. Christina Martin. i Richard A.

Kimble. Lula MdDoucall 23 tl John O'Brien. Delia F1tzsraI4. 24 Frank tu. t-mlth, Motvla.

Ktinkel. John Johnson. Maria O. 24 Michael O. Behnke.

1) Fred H. Hallgren, Josephine Burr. 17 John Wlrka. Kesie Benes Albert Karslen, Mary 253 Edward Q. Pfelfer, Hattle M.

Craver James Mack. LI I lie Bowes 1 Reuben Maurita, Grand Raplda. Angelina de Bey Joseph T. Scott, Mary Horan th 9 Fred F1ood -Msrasrf 21 Michael Lanneaa, Amelia ...17 IS John H. Nelson.

Ella Hawkina MZi Carl Hahn. Mary R. Allen Anton Mengler. Annie 1'rs. 27 IT John Oronln.

Annan Flynn ttH Frank L. QJlmor. Elgin. Morten- io Is John Hart man. Mattle.

Euan. 24 Leon Bessie. Eva 1 Ouetaf Plerrcn. Helen Anderson. IV r-, William C.

earns, Sarah Aykrold tii Charles E. Welshau. Streator. 111., Alice M. Morcaa 9 Michael J.

Kllleen. Pot-hie Remele 3633- Jahn F. Fleea. Ida SJ J. Krederik Adolphaen.

Johanna Hansen. ...16 12 Thoraaa Kehoe, Mary A. O'Neill. ....2771 Airide R. Oerber.

Jeanie Renaon Patrick Chambers. Wsry UIUenite. 4 Jamea-B. McCarthy. Jlatle A.

Mora 20 Thoraaa E. Bates. Junte 73 12 James Cheney. Louise .14 Nela Win, Th neaiim ride 3t 2 Patrick Whelan. Margaret T.

22 Samuel A. Vnyder. Kmma 44 P.naard Era her. Mamie rr Conrad J. Freeh, Rose Grimm .......22 IS Frank A.

Sllter, Margaret Parrel! .,.2914 George Thomaa, both of Boston, Mass 27 Isadore Hlrschberg. ,.21 2 Mark A. Edson. Alice Flnnefmrk 2--e Edward H. Ricke.

Genevieve Hamilton 2121 Edaoa O. Ray, Helea 11ARHIAOE LICENSES. Charles E. Snow. Ottilia St.

John Jacobson. Christina Clausen Anton Becker, Catherine V. Hansledeh 15 It Jame F. Barnhlll. Elisabeth A.

Burke. 1422 Aus-uatua O. Crowley. Mary tycoon 11.... 26 23 Nela C.

Mellng. Nellie M. 2421 Georse Rayer, Katie Crook .2 24 Nels 13. Keller. Belma L.

Johnston. ..24 2 James- F. Fltaa-eraid. Katie .36 IA Patrick Daasey, Catherine Ryan, r2 Charles J. Hennlncer, Madge 2 Rlalnald H.

Mason. Maude B. Clarke 2S 22 Herman Lakentarker, Emma Boehik. 17 24 It Ic hard Renan. Kate Dusoa Anthony Rerahaul, Bertha Edward Conway.

Jwli Hastings 25 Ricnard Tenneratedt, Marl Thompson. Julias Hoffner, Emllfe Lorrh ..21 Robert T. -Mueller, Deana Heyer 21 S3 John P. Jonea, Helen A. Snider 44 Jeawpa Itrandt, Sebina Harkneea 24 2t Jula-e Merrill Miner.

Km ma M. Beal ....2121 Thomaa Bambrtck, Margaret 22 Jame J. Lynch. Katie Divers Nell P. Pedersoa.

Jennie M. Jacobsoa 2721 Martin Johnron. Mattle Kerber ...2 Ss Herbert G. Ward, Grace D. Mc .....21 II James Hls-a-lna.

Tlille J. KJnebera; Henry J. tielntaer. Emma Trapp. 2.V 23 Charlea W.

Goeta: Nellie I- Johnson ,...21 Is Jame Flood. Nelti L. Johneoa 25 ft Oscar Masnvaon, Irene K. Johnson. 24 21 Harry Bee lee.

Maud Thompeon. 2721 Barney Aronson. Mary Frank J. Klrby. Maa-sle 2222 Henry Butler.

Eva Hewitt .13 i Frank 1. Prean. Marlon Thornton 24 IS Albert H- Lewis. Jennie McDonnell 2r John Fleck. Alice Gardner ..2 21 Edward Kaehney.

Freda Knapp 2720 Henry C. Hattle A. Kam 24 Theodore C. Peterson. Annie 22 Henry Reese.

ftert ha Dunaen ......2 William Ammons. Rae Duke 17 John Mel lin-. Bertha Schmidt 331 William Jrlisaerald. Mattle Horrtgaa 2 2J Arrlile D. Jones.

Mae Wolf ....21 UU F. Smith. Emma L. La Duque. 0 Frank- Karle.

Adelaide 2t William K. odder. Maybelle B. Tlussell. 22 Chara W.

Bate. Anna K. Coney ...29 1 SutcHIT Oowtber, Elisabeth Merrick It it John Lonerg-sn, St. Louis. Mary 27 John J.

Mary E. 1222 Fdward F. Spat holt. Lena Trick .....24 William Isaac. Elisabeth J.

21 IS Joseph Wintertck. Iura Freel 2222 Frank J. Mora wets. Milwaukee, Franc LetKngwell J) Anion Prenael. Hedcwia; JaegeV ,,..274) John Morgan.

Bessie C. 2414 Oeora W. Lnrke. Annie ........27 2 Myron Wlleoa. Eliza Rocket 12 Andrew Jackaon.

Charity 2 John-A. NefT, Andrew Imbiorskl, Roel .57 SS Mathlas J. Walsdorf. Anna Cornelius ShOrden. Minnie 2121 Henry Schnltsier.

Emma Pink Humphrey. Lettle Bundv 212) Adam J. Ambers. Amanda R. 25 14 Jamea Richmond.

Alice .29 24 Laurene McHale. Mary Axel Peterson, Carrie Kelson .2 24 Matthew J. Hubs. Mary C. 2 21 Joseph Cochran.

Winnifrel FrssTi Georse Lee. Msry deroule. 2S 29 Oeorse F. Muiliaan. Anatolia J.

-Kllleen. ..2323 John Kloskl. Rom Wanthal .21 II John Longan. Minnie 2 2 Georre H. Welcome.

Clara L. 21 IS Ray C. Wlsa-an. Josle M. 21 1 Edsar Alice Wea.

2111 Georse A. Jetsam. Luclnda 1 Fred Paulren. Arnes Knoll .21 It DEATHS. rtNERAL TRAIN and CaTalfy Fn-neral train of tbe Cblcaco.

Milwaukee and IrU Paul railway leavea t'mon depol iMdison and Canal streets! daily at m. CALLIXAV Ella Calllnan. beloved of John Calilnan inee Rrosmn and sister of Mary Hrusnaa. died Nov. at No.

Cut Waiian streeuare 2s. aatlw of LlauiweL Counrr Kenr. Ireland. Faner-sl at IS: a. m.

to Nativity tMS't to ronr-! iintn atreet depot by rara Mount Uiivri, nursoay. i OT. za. KiXOHUE-Novi. 24.

1W. Mara-aret' Donohue. widow of the late Michael Donohue. at her No, 4 Broom atreet. Funeral Fridav.

a. to St. Columukill's cburcb; by nmirn -to Calvary. LEAHT Catherine Leatry. beloved wife Timothy Leahy, aaed 47 years .10 muntbs.

ftinenu from late residence. No. 25 Burllns srreet. TDurMar, v. za.

at a. to sl Vincent's church, thence trv earn to Ca-i vr-v LOKTCS James Loftua. beloved husband of Trel-tatet (net Coyn- and brother ot PatrHa ljotxuM, 'TsewUy, Nov. 23, residence No. 83 aiiiton avenue, uneral notice aerearter.

No. 4 Washington boulevard. Funeral Friday)' itov. ss. at 11 a.

m. isew xora popers pit-are vtn. GIBBONS Thomaa Glbbcns. hosbarfil of' Mar- faret Gioaons nee -Burkei, ana father or John Jamea Winnie Gibbon, and Mrs. Mary A.

O'Connor. Funeral Thursday al o'cl-? front late residence No. SS Ontario street. 40 the Cathedral of th Hcly Name, taeac by cac-ntsei to calvary. Mt'RfHT Hnr.

34. Mrs. Ellen Murphy, wife of Jnba Murphy, aaed 74 rears. Funeral Frav. Nov.

2. at 11:30 from th residence of her 1 daue-ttter. Mra.E. E. Lee.

Xo. West Monroe atreet. Services at St. Cotumbklll'a church at 11 a. m.

earclages to Calvary. Please omit flnrsl c-fTerlna. MIKKELSEX Charlea F. Mikkelsenr aged eara. son sf Mr.

and Mrs. Albert J. Hlkkelsen. accidentally killed. Funeral from residence cf parenta.

No. 1177 Sovthpoct steiut, 1 o'clock. Mount Olive. James Joseph Nash. Xov.

24. at home cf Jits parents. No. 7S Myrtle street, son of Janiea and Serab E. Nash tnee Kaset.

a red months ennd at days. Funeral at IS o'clock Friday. Suv. xa. Detroit fallen.

papers pleas copy- O'Hern died Nov. 24. ISST. at bla home. No.

1024 Flfty-Flrst avenue, aged R2 ears; native of Newcastle West. County Limerick. Ireland. Funeral SViffar. Nov.

34. bv Chic ago. Milwaukee and, St. Paul train to Cal vary. FR I I I.LE Nov.

28. 17. Thomas PrmlviUe. aged 47 yeara. beloved brother of Edward villa.

Mrs. W. H. Bartlett. and Mrs.

Daniel Wakefield. Funeral Thursday. ia. fr. ni residence.

No. i-a West Monroe street, to St. Maiachy's cbnrch; thence by carriages to Calvary cemetery. PERIOLAT CneVr Xov. 23.

aged 1 vers beloved husband ct Maria Periolat tnee Tly. Funeral from late residence. No. S4A Fulton street, Friday. a.

to St. CoinmbkiU church: thence by carriages to Calvary cemetery: kindly omit Sowers. Joliet and Elgin paper please copy. Qt'IKLAN Thomaa beloved husband of Alice Quintan. Funeral Thursday.

Nov. 23. from th reeldence of her sister. Mrs. William Gebhardt, at 2Xt South Peoria street, at o'clock sharp, to Jesuit church; thence by carriage to Calvary.

RT AN Maggie, daughter of Annie Ryan tnee Walrtronl. niece of Mrs. Mary Funeral Fridav, Nov. 2. at from her lata realdense.

No. West Fifteenth atreet. to Jesuit church; thence by triages to Calvary. BHERIDAX Xov. 24.

1W7. at her residence. Xo. 23C2B Parnell avenue. Mary.

tekved dauehter nf Mrs. Thomas Sheridan and of the late Thomas Sherilan. sister of Tom and John Sheridan. Funeral notice hereafter. THORN BERG Nov.

23. 17. Howard bViored son of laa and Christine Thorn here, seed 29 yeara. Funeral Friday. I p.

from residence. No. 440 Foster avenue, Sammerdale, to Roee U1U. WALSH Willie, beloved eon of Vr. and Vrs.

James Wairh tne Keefe). died Nov. IS. at No. 414 Gordon atreet.

aged 12 months. Funeral Thursday, to Flrty-Nlnth atreet depot, by cars to Mount Olivet. NOTICE. Thomas Svansa died at the Cock county poor-hrtis. Nov.

Unless frlen'ts call for the remains a ithln five days the runt shall be disputed ot aocordlns to law. A. X. LAN'GE. uenenii rupenntenoen.

02EAT NORTHERN THEATER. jtunday Afternoon at Xov. 2. First Chica-o Concert this easaa BR03JCE FAMouf Chicago Marine Band. Greatest Popular" Music Band In the World.

Soloists Sibyl Simmis. Ekfprano, Anton Pedereon, piccolo, Jaa. D. Llewellyn. Cornet.

This Special Concert 25. aV 73c. Cewtral Muale Hall. Monday Xiarht. Xov.

89. TestmoBrlat to vrelcom Brooke's return -after months' concerts South and East. The press everywhere praised this Chicago organisation aa THE KIN EST tXXCERT BAND IN AMERICA. fceaia now on sale at BoxOmcea. CYCLES SKATING.


Aglnton. the Monarch of Skaters: Bud Snyder. Premier Trick Bicyclist: John Davidson, Canadian Champion, vs. Frank Delmoat. World's Cbampkm.

2-mlle race tor tlwl a side: also Polo Foobbali on Skate. Turkey Races. Relay Races, etc, etc. The Birrest Shew ia CbJcara, Say aad Zrealar. Admlselon 4eentemen.

24 cents, Ladles. 16 cents. lafTbe tTO-norse. which we give away a nrst prime at our Carnival, ta now on exhibition at the Rib, UUietiAllNUalH OUSE TONICHTI Extra Thankagivn.r Matinee. v.

oav HOYT'S "kVzZrl Saturday. Otis Harlan aad Perfect Cast. LAST HT8-H LEY'S GALA B0U9AT fAATWEE TODAY AT Mt wn.ii.cnflE iM.A'vreaiNu C(JURTSHJP Uor. 2 Sol Smith Raaell lei- A Baehelor Botnsace. Scat and box aal now opea.

GREAT NORTHERN THEATER Rref real Main entrance Jackson bet. Dearborn State. Mil. vju Manager.

75c 50c Tonight at, 8. iThnnkaglvlna Matinee Today at S. BOSTON- LYRIC! STOCK XX In OOHEMIAN GIRL; 25C A I 1 Kext huauay-tJWON-GO-MOHAWK. i THE AUDITORIUM. tonight! TonlgRtt m- ROBERT O.

IXHMtATEiT AND UitmATasT SuFFOJlT. Thanksgivins Sormon. ABSOLUTELY NEW. Prices. 25c to fl.BO.

Boses seating six. tit. THE Two Holiday Performance Today. ATI NEK AT S. SVkXING AT 8.

V7HIRL" TKnTOVlfrJ 7 WHlRLTNa ttS LAST WEEK. Monday, Nev. 2f The Triple Str A mince. LILLIAN RUSSELLlFOX IDE Is flange and JCdwarda' Comic Opera. THE A7EDDKIG DAY.

SEATS NOW ON 8 ALE. COXTTXVOCa VAIDKVILLE. Charles Wayne. Chas.T.ElUa, C)ara Tatoor La Hmrrlngtoo. Kl Zobedle.

Richard Pit rot. Sam and Kitty Mcrtoo. Porte Slaters. M. Hall.

Ray L. Hoyc. Carroll aad Xealy. Barton and Ashley. Adrtenne Andon.

Lorraine and Fanaon.CourtaeyAFansa KeUey and 6u Clair. Tbe Kanette. 1090 StJCKSTs. CONTINUOUS TACDEVILLS7. Helen Mora.

Mclntyre and Heath. Williams -and Charles R. Sweet. Th Five Cast 11 'a nr. street Arab Sextette.

Tbe Prince. Satsuraa. Mile. Tumour. Morton and Hoealey and Lee, Ella Morrte.

Tbe Dixie Trio. Murphy and Murphy. Kembie and Helene Mora. PRICES IO, SO CC5U HAYraAKKETT- Pertormane Every Day lttSO te tOiSO. John 'Kernetl.

Lizxie Evans end Harry Mills. Llliie Western. Eckert and Berg. Neuvllle and Ha to we. Alburtue and Bartram.

I'antser Trio, Vai -1 Vousden. Boyn Brothers, Bonnie Male. McDonaia Brothers. Louise LeMay. Dzan.

and other. ConUntMBS Vandevl lie Pnera M'VICKER'S 7 MATINEE TODAY AT 2. 3- teturoayMatine and Might. JOSEPH JEFFEKSOH; RIP VAN 1 TONIGHT and Friday Night. lead Me Five Saiillars Cricket a thaVeartX.

Sun. Night--At "Plney Ridge. V' Seat Sal Today. 1 M'VICKER'S EXTRA FRIDAT AFTERX'X. Nov.

I. TESTIMONIAL le L. L. SHARPE. The great comedy Mil will Include: JOSEPH -JEFFEFtstJN and Company la "Lend Me Five WM.

H. CRANE and Company hi "A Virginia THE WHIRL OF THE TOWIt.f Company, with specialtlea bv Ijols Wesley, Caih- artne Llnvard. David WarOeM, Theresa Vaughn. ua Mme. Catharine Bartlre: A BLACK 8HEEI Company will present tbe First Art ef this Farce -Cbmedy.

Seats and Boxes Now on Sale. A REGrLAR NEW ENGLAND THANKSGIVING FLAY. Matinee 2:15. Evening at 8:15. WfL A.

BRADY' 3 BiSacctaa, WAY DOWN fnndav Matinee ROO KT FAMOU BAN IX Mme. De Marion. Francis Newberg A Clara Bunt. SrNOAY MUHT-A BIG tlS. THE ISLE OF CHAMPAGNE.

With RIIBAKB OOLbcN and KtTHEtlNE GEKHAlME. Seats and Boxes Ready Morning. AUDITORIUM. Great LXUCETICXSL PUIIE Satardav. Nee.

27. 2: e. sa. In Hlta Lcc lure FARTHEST; HQRTH TaJ-Ullarly IUastratei. Popular Prices made by special direction Dr.

Nanaea. (l OO. Ifte, BOs. 25c THE SPECIAL PROOIavIME. Aw.

imiiwineH and euter. nrle especially adapted for ladlea and children. The living- doll Chlquita. the tiniest mlt of humanity that breathes. OOi tbe marvelous human.

brained Chimpanzee appears in a special reception for tne uttie ones. "BnecaHo the Bold" and the Thrtjllng- Lloa Hunt and Fight. The CXrnlvor Fed Pally at 4 p. m. and p.

Michigan V. and (Madison at. Hourly exhibitions from 11 a. m. to p.

m. One ticket ad-mita to alL Admission. Ii cents; children. lOcentm. CENTRAL nVitC HALL.

EurfonlloImesLecfures tFlfthTear). FRIDAY at :15. SATURDAY MATINEE at 1:30." CITIES OF THE' BARB ARY COAST. Motion Pictures of Golf and Polo Matches. fBueat, YEUOWSTOHEgS.di' r'r- Reserved Seats, tie to S1.60.

YISIOIIS OF fiRT BROS. D1KM. Fox and Allen, and Others. The Great Comedy. OUR STRATEGISTS.

AUDITORIUVI. CHICAGO ORCHESTRA IEjU)KS TH iNAi Conductor. as Helen Bnekler. -Soloists mw kho Harrlnrton. Ladlea Ckorusof the Association.

Friday Attarnoon. iov. 2H. riven 1 or. Nov.

27. 8:15. Ticket at Box bl-rVce, Inter and Lyon A Healy' a. CENTRAL MUSIC ii ANTHONY HOPE," Anther of Yhroeo." "PrlEoner of Zenda. etc.

Theae Readings Wednesday. Dec 1. p. Toes-day. Dee.

7. p. Tnursday, Dec. t. I p.

m. Tickets. to tl.SO. On salt now at box offlcs and Lyon at Healy'a. -1 CLIFFORD'S SAVOY.

All Week The Burlesque. "A VOYAOE TO SARIS." and Bill n( SpecialUe. Ic 20c atlaees daly. at SM. CLIFFORD'S GAIETY.

All Week The Roee Hill Enwllsh Polly Company" In "Oay Grass "The Wicked City." BUI of Vaudeville Acta. 10e.26c.SOc. Mate, daily at BATTERY and 2tt Re gt. Armories. BICYCLE SHOW now open 16 a.

m. to p. m. BICYCLE PHOW rooks' Second Regiment Band. BICYCLE PHOW Nov.

20 to 27 Emminga Orch'lxa. BrCYCI.E SHOW Bwltaer a -Indiana. BICYCLE KHOW W. Newhouse. Illcvc! Expert.

BICYCLE SHOW Bee the '7 and Models BICYCLE SHOW MHllon Dollara In SHOW Ad. 2Sc: gentlemen, S0v Commutation tickets, I admission, BLACX PATTI'S Come ever the river aad see the Best Shew ta Tswa for TaaakaxiTlac TRCUSADOIUS McOlntj- the Spoyt openg Sutylay Matinee. Sam T. Jack's Opera-Housa Madison a.

netr Stata. Tel. M. lUi, -9, Martian M. Stata Tel.

M. lt AeSBr- 1 n'v Burlesque Show in Chlcai "a Grand lerforinanons Every Dj i a and 8. i 2- HAMT. JACK'S niOC'. I KaKiA'A.

KAT1MA. "J.ITTL1 l.llH.-iU9, LITTLE MOUF.U" and Stellar BaauUea. CflE.

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