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The Dispatch from Moline, Illinois • 7

The Dispatchi
Moline, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


CilltAUU, 1MC. Lfci-A. A xj 11 GOfXC WT. A M. So.

IS No. S.C.B., Mm. 4K.CHC 4 lS So. ft, C. H.

and iienver lt No. II. K. St. Jo akd tciiVer K-2S No.

IS, Kau-a-City No. I. Min K. and St. Jo 4 No.

11. Fast mail Ic ot act I 10 COIKQ ST. So. 2, From C. mall and I 311 No.

From H- A C-. ecejt KiiwiiT 12 3 So. From C. B. and Urnver 1 No.

IS, From K.C, it. Jo Denirer No. J. From Mm, K. C.

St. J. No. JSi, Ixacal pa-senger rru V. 14 All above trains illy esetrj-t Sou.

I aad t. No 21 does noltlop at the company's, is furnished free to alL Electric lights are in all the houses, and the charge for them is 25 cents a month each. There are no sewers yet. The House Owners. The company does rent houses temporarily, although it prefers in all cases to selL In fact, if it was willing to rent all that were wanted, a great number of the workingmen would be living in Leclaire.

But one of the chief objects of the town is the encouragement of thrift, and house renting is a luxury when house owning is possible to the poor man at least. Rents in Leclaire range from 6 to 12 a month. In spito of these inducements less than 15 men have bought homes in Leclaire, though there are 200 men now working in the shops of the village. A dozen men live at the clubhouse, not on the co-operative plan, but as patrons of a caterer. Mr.

Nelson says that he is satisfied with what has been accomplished. He does not expect to make a revolution in one year or many. He believes that his scheme has made some men happier and more prosperous and that it will help others. The success of his experiment is being watched by many who have made a study of social problems. Among these are Dr.

E. E. Hale and Professor "phn Fiske, who have visited Leclaire delivered lectures in the course wl is held in the schoolhouse every wii r. Gforue Gk Bain. jimp Cares Mrs.

Julia B. Fuss of Sciatic Rheumatism After Six Doctors Failed. Two Bottles of Munyon's Rheumatism Cure Made a Complete Cure After Twenty Years of Sufferings-All of Munyon's Remedies Act Promptly and Cure Permanently. Mrs. Julia B.

Fuss, Tam ja, have had a complication of ailments for the past twenty years, and during that time had six doctors and tried innumerable remedies without obtaining a cure. I suffered from sciatic rheumatism, pains in all parts of the body, stiffness of the joints, pain in the back and nervous prostration. Two bottles of Munyon's Rheumatism Cure have cured me completely. I am like a new woman, and I shall always recommend Munyon's Remedies above all other medicines. Munyon's Rheumatism Cure never fails to relieve in one to three hours, and cures in a few days.

Price 125c. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure is guaranteed to cure all forms of indigestion and stomach trouble. Price 25c. Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures pains in the back, loins or groins and all forms of kidney disease. Price 25c.

Munyon's Vitalizer restores lost power to weak men. Price $1. A separate cure for each disease. At all druggists, mostly for 25 cents a bottle. Personal letters to Prof.

Munyon, 1505 Arch street, Philadelphia, answered with free medical advice for any dis ease. Everywhere Men follow gre; OUR great leade Men follow great OUR great leader leaders. We commend to your attention in fine fashionable, serviceable clothing. The Lucky Worsted. It has already secured the admiration and patronage of the best citizens of the United States, and has but to be seen to secure YOUR patronage.

It Has come to the front through the genuineness of everything connected with it from the cloth to the finished garment. The best cloth, cutters and tailors are employed in its manufacture, and it is sold at Prices to Suit JIEWJIDVEB klaS HAIR BALSAM Cieawe and the lute, "2. Promote A luxuriant gruwth. -tej Never Fails to Best or Gray Hair to its Youtliful Color TTir Cures scalp die hair at Puip-flaa the times. THE LUCKY WORSTED CLOTHING stamp is sewed in every coat.

Come and see it. at H. T. Moss', 1623 Third Avenue we like to show it. There are many kinds of clothfng, but none quite so good as The Lucky Worsted.

CHICAGO MEDICAL INSTITUTE Drs. Walsh and Permanently Located DR. T.M.WALSH, Formerly Clinical Professor In Two of Chicago's Leading Medical College. Acknowledged by the Medical tress, Acicno wieaaea by All as the World's Greatest and Only Successful Scecialists In Chronic, Nervous, Private and CONSULTATION FREE. PROMPT AND PERMANENT CURE.

Belationa of Labor and Capital at LeelaJra Tillage An Enterprise That I Being Closely Watched by Many Students of the Social Problem. ISpecLd Correspondence. St. Locis, Dec 17. Eighteen miles from the city of St.

Louis 011 the line of the Wabash and the "Clover Leaf rail roads is the town of Edwardsviile. the busy center of a prosperous agricultural country. Just outride the town limits of Edwardsviile, In what is tnowu as Leclaire village, an experiment is being tried one of the many experiments continually being made with a view to improving the relations of the working-man. Tte experimenter at Leclaire is O. IseLson, a prosperous Louis manufacturer.

Mr. 2feLsn is an enthusiastic student of labor problems. IS iue years ago he attempted to solve one of them by establishing a system of profit sharing in his factories. Most of the employees of the corporation of which JJr. Jselson is the moving spirit are shareholders, and they divide with their mpIoyer the profits of each year's work.

Four years after the adopting of profit sharing in his establishment Mr. Nelson began the execution of his idea for the stablishment of a community in which his employees could live more comfortably than ia the crowded city, and in which they could be encouraged to become the owners of their homes. A Model Town. Mr. Nelson's first step was to buy a farm of 125 acres.

It was located just outside the town cf Edwardsviile, so there should be no compulsion about living there. The workmen in the shops may, and, in fact, most of them do, live in the town. It was located beside the railroad track for convenience in shipping goods. It was situated between groves of thick green woods, and two well filled pc.nds guarantee a supply of water for the boilers. On this tract of land Mr.

Nelson began the erection of workshop-, moving his business gradually from t. Louis to Leclaire. About one-half his men are employed now at Leclaire. The place is csll- Leclaire village, yet it has no government except the laws cf Illinois. It has not been incorporated under any municipal scheme.

There is no iolicemaii to be found anywhere within its limits, and Mr. Nelson believes neither police nor sheriff will ever be needed It is. in fact, a community, but since it is styled a village, for the better rstaulim of rtose who A WORKINGMAX'S HOME. hear it spoken of, a village I will call it in this brief description. Between the shops and the community's tract of land is a high hedge fence which Mr.

Nelson regards with peculiar fondness. It is the dividing line between authority and independence, for the authority of the shops does not exist in any form io the community, and the people of Leclaire, whether they own or rent their houses, are entirely free from restraint at the hands of the company. Through a break in the hedge a cinder drive leads past the Tillage store and the headquarters of the Pastime club to a public parking, which is decorated with well kept beds of flowering and foliage plants. At this parking the road divides. To the right it passes the new scbool-house, a small building of the Grecian type, brilliant in its new coat of yellow paint.

To the left theroad leads past the clubhouse, which nice stood where the school ntw is, but which now turns its back on the school building. Opposite the clubhouse and beyond it are the dwellings of some of the people of Leclaire. There are others opposite and beyond the schoolhouse. On a crossroad which connects these parallel divisions of the main street are other dwellings. All are cf a modest type, built of frame, two etcries high, diVring one from another in style of architecture.

The lots on which the houses stand are all 100 feet front by ICO to 10 feet deep. The price charged for this land is $2 per front foot for interior and 2. 50 per front foot for corner lots, with interest at 6 per cent from 1S92. The company, of which Mr. Nelson is the head, builds the houses after plans mutually agreed on and sells houses and lots tqemployees on monthly installments of 10 to $20 per month.

The charge for the houses is the cost cf raw material and labor plus the average profit made by the manufacturing business. Bales For Payment. The rules as to payments for houses are not ironbound; nothing about Mr. Nelson's plans is. Mr.

Nelson takes a personal interest in each case and ad justs the conditions to suit it. For example, there is a neatly kept house in Leclaire occupied by a man who has been out of wprk for nearly a year. He was disabled shortly after he bought it. He has paid nothing on the house since he met with the accident, and the living expenses of himself and his family have been paid tut of the provident fund of the company. The provident fund and the educational fund are two features cf Leclaire which are worth noticing.

The provident and is an indefinite sum, appropriated to relieve the necessities of those who are disabled while in the employ of the company or those dependent on them, and to provide for the widows and flie orphans of those who die while in the company's employ. The allowance on account of disaoility is approximately $5 a week for a grown employee, 3 for a minor, 2 for an employee's wife or dependent mother, and 1 for each child. The allowance to the farm lies of deceased employees is 4 to a widow, $3 to each child under 14, and $3 each to aged and disabled parents. In addition to this, medical attendance is provided in some cases and reasonable funeral expenses are paid. Educational Work.

The educational fund was also a fixed fine time, but now there is an of $10,000 of the stock of T-'s educational fund is bestowed than the a beneficiary un- a man must have the company for "hrongb his und he need mploy cf the V3 -I'-jJ 23t 3J ve been laid Edith Sessions Tapper's Notes of Metropolitan Life. Special Correspondence. New York, Dec. 16. The fascinating Calve, whose hold upon New York has recently been renewed, has a wonderful personality.

Sho ia really more beautiful off the stago than on. She speaks very imperfect English, and an interview with her is conducted with considerable difficulty. Tho diva has no use for bloomers or women suffragists. She is domestic in her tastes, loving her farm life at Aveyron, France, her pets and her books better than anything else, save music. Her manner is charming, her smile dazzling.

She affects scarlet and yellow in her house toilets. I Sm told that it is the practice of certain fashionable photographers to drum up custom in this alluring way: They engage a handsome young woman, furnish her a coupe and send her to call on prominent clergymen, lawyers, judges and other professional men. She takes a sample photograph framed, which is worth 25. Then she tells them that if they will give the photographer a 15 sitting they will get a flue, big photograph of themselves thrown in. Novel, surely.

I find that the visiting card en regie just now is as thin as the first coating of ice on a village pond. It is so absurd a fashion that most sensible women refuse to accept it and cling to the old style thickness of pasteboard. There is an absolute rage at present among clubwomen for medals, badges and decorations. The more badges a modern woman can display the more admiration she commands from her ees Many ladies wear a sash of ribbon, drawn from the right shoulder to the left hip, on which their various decorations are hung, almost like the cordon of European diplomats. The Colonial Dames and the Daughters of the Revolution, the two most exclusive clubs in New York, have the right to wear upon the ribbons of their decorations a golden bar for each lineal ancestor.

I am told that the young lady who has the right to the greatest number of golden bars is Miss Fanny Pryor, daughter of Judge Roger Pryor. This young beauty bus blood from both sides of her house, the best blood of Virginia too. I havo discovered of late that it is absolutely the proper thing to-tell your frieLds and acquaintances the cost of -erythiug you buy. If you send flowers to a lady every day, you must contrive to let her know how much you pay for each offering. I heard one of the biggest swells in town say to a circle of friends and acquaintances, "These shoes cost 14," deliberately holding up her foot for the others to examine her purchase.

Tho trappings of fashionable babies grow more and more elegant. Tho greatest swell I have seen of late was a Seventy-second street baby out in its carriage for an airing. Its pillow was of rose silk, frilled with the costliest laces, and its lap robe was of ermine. It was an ugly little baby, too, not half so pretty as many dirty little wretches I have seen in the tenement district. The skill and grace with which Mrs.

Leslie Carter swings to and fro on the tongue of the bell nightly in "The Heart cf Maryland" is due to weeks of laborious practice in the Berkeley gymnasium, where she spent hours upon the trapeze. A craze for fancy waistcoats has seized the Chollys of tho town. A fashionable tailor tells me that the young man cf wardrobe who has not at least a half dozen of these fancy waistcoats is not in it. Corduroy is popular so is leather. Then there are the flashy cross barred things which look, with their lines and checks of green, red and blue, as if they had just been cut from a horse blanket.

The white silk waistcoat is the proper thing for evening wear. I hear that vaudeville drawing room entertainments will be more in vogue than ever this winter. Seriocomic singers, skirt dancers, jugglers and artists from the grand opera will help the elegant and wealthy kill time. It is now no uncommon thing for a hostess to provide this sort of amusement for her guests. Men, too, give vaudeville parties at Del's, or in studios, and introduce many clever variety folk to the Four Hundred.

Of course none qf these artists, as they are pleased to call themselves, ever expects to be treated as a guest. They are there simply to amuse, entertain, get their money and get out. There is a growing fad for the ugly and grotesque. Hideous idols, images, masks and pottery are taking the place of china, bisque, faience and porcelain in den and drawing room. On the desk of a well known writer I saw the other day a Malay creese, a Pueblo Indian god, a cross eyed Chinese idol, a bronze statuette of Death and a Japanese skeleton The mantel in the drawing room of one of the best known professional men in town is littered with the rudest and crudest pottery from the far west, old broken jugs from Mexico and Fiji warclubs.

In the reception room of one of the most prominent society women in New York are broken and patched plates and bowls of Revolutionary days, and another great swell has the dirty old bat of an Alaskan thug on her drawing room wall among her silver and gold and china. Peter Conlin, the head of the New York police force, is a quiet, plain, unobtrusive man. He is the brother of the late comedian William J. Florence, and his manner, voice and smile are very like the actor's. He is popularly supposed to be quite under the rule of Roosevelt, the Man Who Grins, but those who know Conlin personally know also that he has a mind of his own.

He is not a rich man, though he owns a fine home in Harlem. He has a library of which any might be prcud, a feature being a complete set of histories of the civil war, in which he fought. Conlm is most courteous in his manner to his subordinates, giving orders almost as if asking favors. Edith Sessions Tapper. The A.

C. A. Officers. Miss Marion Talbot was elected president of the Association of Collegiate at its recent annual meeting in Cleveland. Miss Talbot is now associate professor of sanitary science at Chicago university, and dean of the women do partment, as successor to Mrs.

Alice Freeman Palmer. The other officers of the A. C. A. elected at Cleveland are Vice presidents, Miss Alia W.

Foster, Miss A. A. Cutler, Miss L. M. Salmon, Miss M.

W. Shinn, Miss K. H. Clag horn and Mrs. Jane Bancroft Robinson secretary, Mrs.

Annie Howe Barnes; treasurer, Mis. Mary Roberts Smith. The Vmbrella, To know how to roll an umbrella is fast becoming an accomplishment of the fashionable woman, for to be correct one's umbrella must suggest the slon-derness and symmetry of a walking cane. The ribs should be laid flatly against the Etick and the points held firmly in place, curving the thumb and forefinger of tho right hand about them, while the left hand does the tolling, revolving the umbrella in so doing. The right thumb should be loose enongh to permit the revolutions, while still holding down toe poluti.

Godey'i Magazine, ALEXANDER COLLIE'S LIFE LIKE A TALE OF ROMANCE. Made a Large Fortune During the Civil War Lost All Through Speculation. Fled From England and Died In Fo-erty In New York. Two men were the only mourners at the funeral service over tho body of Alexander a mini who a few years ago was known in every European capital. In the civil war lie was a noted blockade runner, who established quarters at Wilmington, N.

C. Under tho guns of Fort Fisher this blockado king carried on a thriving trade In tho contraband articles of war and exported the cotton of tho south. Tho house which he established nt Wilmington was an abode of luxury. Never did ohampagno flow so freely, never was hospitality more lavish than in the homo of the blockade king. There tho leadurs of tho southern Confederacy met to take counsel together.

Collie, whontonotiuiecould havedrawn his check for millions of dollars, died a few days ago almost destitute, and his funeral expenses were paid by a son of an old friend. Ho died nt tho Colonial hotel, in New York. But for tho fact that through some friends ho bad been ablo to collect it small amount on an old claim lie would havo been unable to pay his board bill. There Is no naino on tho coffin plate, for he died under tho assumed name of George McNeil. Wilmington, N.

was noted in the civil war for its blockado runners, and famous Fort Fisher, at the mouth of Cape Fear river, commanded then by a young Virginia officer, Colonel William Lamb, was the favorite gateway into the harbor. Among tho English houses who were engaged in blockado running and owning by far the largest fleot of splendid steamers was that of Alexander Collio the reputation and high commercial standing of which was at the timo world wide. Their vessels were tho fleetest, finest and bost equipped for the service for which they were designed, eluding the United States blockading cruisers. Alexander Collie's home in London, situated in Kensington Gardens, was one of princely hospitality. It was gorgeously fitted up, had a corps of liveried servants, and tho entertainments given there wore on tho most extravagant and lavish scale.

This grand establishment whs especially made tho homo of tho Confederate officials and friends of tho Confederacy in England, and Mr. Collio had often as his guests ex-United States Senator J. M. Mason, tho Confederate commissioner to England, and Mr. Slidell, tho Confederate representative to France.

In Wilmington, N. tho firm leased one of the handsomest houses in that city. Following their successful trado and speculations during the war Alexander Collie Co. went into the cotton and cotton goods trade, establishing branch houses in Egypt, British India, Australia and South America. Operations were begun on a gigantic scale, and in an effort to corner cotton goods in all tho markets of tho world, somewhere in tho early seventies, Collio made the largest failure known in tho history of commerce His liabilities above bi3 available assets were equivalent to $500,000,000.

Alexander Collie, the head of the house, who was held responsible for the failure, had to fleo from England, and he was spirited away to the private yacht of a friend, in which he sailed to Burcelona, Spain. His flight from England caused an immense sensation, and though pursued by creditors and detectives he successfully eluded them. From Spain ho went direct to South America, and in a few years reappeared at the White Sulphur Springs as a traveling artist George McNeil by name. Ha was thero recognized by George Peterkin Grant, a wealthy Englishman, who owns a handsome estate on which he built a beautiful residence about two miles from the springs. Mr.

Grant kept Collie's secret, and he remained in that vicinity for several years. He afterward went to Richmond, where, owing to his knowledge of finances, he became associated with the bite Colonel H. C. Pasons, James G. Blaine, General Butler and others in the Richmond and Alleghany railroad, whirl) corporation ac quired the famous Janice river and Kan awha canal, in Virginia, and which had for its roadbed the towpcth of tho canal.

Prosperous for a time, he projected other railroads, but misfortune seemed to follow hlni, and finally ho became again embarrassed and comparatively without means. One of the strangest things in connection with the blockado king was that although ho lived in comparative poverty in New York, his wife was living in luxury in London. As Alexander Collio, he was supposed to have been lost at sea. Ho evidently made some disposition of some property in favor of his wifo and went to a life of obscurity and poverty alone. New York Herald.

Huxley's Courtship. Sir W. Fowler tells the story of Huxley's courtship. When the Rattlesnake was in Sydney harbor, the officers were invited to a ball, and young Huxley among the number. There for the first time he met his future wife, whose parents resided at Sydney.

A few days after they were engaged, and the ship sailed for the Torres straits to complete the survey of the north coast of Australia, all communication being cut off for months at a time, and then she returned direct to England. After that brief acquaintance (not longer than a fortnight) it was seven years before the lovers saw one another. At the end of this time, on Huxley's appointment to the School of Mines, he was in a position to claim his bride and welcome her to their first home in St. John's Wood. Huxley's love at first sight and constancy during those 6even long years of separation were richly rewarded, for it is impossible to imagine a pair more thoroughly suited.

A Fresh Start. Of Mr. Arthur Coventry, the English race track official, this story is told. On his way to the milepost one day the official was accosted by a broken down but gentlemanly looking man. "You don't know me, Mr.

said the man, "and I don't wonder at it. I've come down in tho world. But I was at Oxford with you. My name's Tom-linson. "No, I don't know you," said Mr.

CL, "but what do yon want?" "Well, things have gone all wrong. I'm broke, and I want yon to give me a fresh 6tart." "Certainly. Come along here a bit." They went on down the course, and presently at the end of the "straight" Mr. C. stopped short, raised his flag for a moment, let it fall and cried Go Wasted Figure.

He Then everything is fixed, and we can be married in May, can't we? She There is only one thing I have not spoken of, and mamma insisted that I must. He Certainly, my angeL What is it? Bid me go through any trial for your dear sake, and I'll do it. Ask for the golden fleece, and if such a thing is in existence I'll get it. Aye, even though I must swim the seas, climb the loftiest peaks, or search in the fuming craters of mighty volcanoes, I'll do it She It isn't mnch, my dear. Mam ma said I must ask you how much yon intended to allow me a week for pin money.

He Dm er how much are pins a paper now? New York Weekly. Americans In London. A calculation recently made gives the number of Americans in England, more or lost resident in London, at 30,00 twice many as there are Frenchm four Umei ag many ai there are Italic PJTARRll Bronchitis, Asthma, early UH I rinnn, pepsla, Ecrofula, SSypbaiU, ease. 11 Suffering rem diseases of If lilt 1, exhaustion, 'palpitation of to the sex. should rail on the frreat speciali; mt Amama tLtU I IIIUI I I enel insanity.

lofS etc. the the of Kup tare, Plles.Flstula, Hydrocele and Varlocele cured by the latest pnecessf ul methods loo't Submit to a surgical operation without consulting us. Kemember. our Ion hos TBA1WS TO AVO THOU B.fYJ B. and Wastiluu 0, la-, L- Ar ceicept Sunday f.vp.n CHICAGO, BOBLINOTON QCIXCI'.

TUAIKS LIATB. 1 To Sterling, Clinton. Savacaa, Uubuque and Mlncesr'ait-' 4 To Clinton, Savannah. Sterling, Mendota and Chicago 7 10 To 1'eorla. Udblwn.

UurL and Oulucv to St- Brl. A IS To St. K. I Dckt THAI 1 St. Paul, Dubuque, C-iaum and Sterling 7 Si Savanna.

Sterling, Clinton, Chicago and Mecd.ta 8 Bd-l audOmiLa .11 li 17 St. louls mall and 1'eorU 16 49 St. K. C. and Chicago 40 Trains an'l travel via oairur Yates CUv and Canton.


II If A OB7HWAMI. No. a. vt No. 4 iz p.

n. Colon depot, Moline. TBAIKS UtAriSG CiATESrOW. No. W.

for On ford and Montlcel'-j a. ta. No. for Oxford and Moniineliu IE. No.

43. lor Uelmar and Kiqiio-keia No. connects at Oxiord for Marlon and Cdar Kapld. CE.DAB RaPIItS A It. Time card at tavenjort.

Paj-nroger No 41 tf 4 JSp-m rreist-tNo-ii Lv j. iu r-oic surra. Pisnenrer No. Ar 10 is a. n.

Freight No. Ar t.Sp.ri. Freight fi leaves from West Daieror All tralnsdxilT except Scodar. BOCK ISLAND A PEORIA RAILWAY. Depol Foot of anh liand.

MAIN LINK. AHHIVt Eastern Lapre-s, "The Triil.v,- 4 rr Ti 13 -rlcnatl A St. Cuu mail and express dn am (' pin Peoria. Iii'lian i.H. A Cln- rinnaU expre.

I 4S ptn 11 1 in Peoria accoaiuiod.U-fii 1 jm C4BI.E BKASiH. Cable (via Sherrarrti accom. am Cable am Cable accomuidaUon 3 3pm ic All trains thus marV-d a'edaiiy. Ailolh-er trains dailv exc-pt sundav. Trains leave R.

I A. I line Avenue Depot. Rock I-laiiJ, live cjinute earner than given above. ITETW" ten Service ingtt APRIL tTTHE Rock Island and Peoria Railwav TU TH It EAST Lv Rck Inland. Ci'per Lt lnia.n-1...

4 (f am ff'im 1 40 j' ta 4 l' an t- (fi Ar Peoria Ar Hi'mlnim. Ar Indiana Ar Ar t'ini innall Ar Davt'in Ar rv.lurot.'j Ar Ar 0 am I pin Tiplll pia lOSu 7 ra pin lu.Vjam am i ta pa am 7 1:1 js am IS 'n a ii ia e. r. vi is.

j-ra Sf IU IT I''" ArSi. td-ui" To- Ar rairi 'Arlvcatur llftiatn ArMaltn I j.rn Ar Kvarn-viMe rn Arlecatur ArTrrre Haute Ail train rxeetd sun.lar THROUGH CAR SERVICE ROCK ISLAND TO ST. ICUIS Train leaelnc Koclr Inland at a. m. cur- rie tnrwteh ca J-aim jiaxiije Ibrnupb i'ekin.

Hivitj. S'l -field and Utcbneld. Line Kattof I-'rii carrv trxi.t'i coach. and sieepitig car fit traioh pnp clpaJ cities. BETrKMJfli.

LrSt. Louis Le Sjirircte'd jiin Lr Jack-'nviiie I in Tiara la am 1 1 am a 111 Ar Kocfc Iiand I is ia I 2 I'ta Tbroueh coach Iw-iwreen RKk Mand and St. Luuioon train learinc 1-iatid at fe 06 a m. arriving 0 j. tn.

R. STOCKHOUSE, Gen. Ticte-AFeiir Depot foot of Twentieth t- Ru lslaaa. FLORIDA THE LAND OF Sunshine, Flowers and Fruit, Is easily reached by taking ST. LOUIS AD CAIRO SHORT LIE, THE "HOLLY SPRINGS ROUTE." FROM ST.

LOUIS. Fast time, low rates, literal limits, through! Pullman slef-f -ers. Ceo. E. Lary, Gen I Pass.

Ail, St. Louis 1 i ONC-HAO 6 Zt OF BOX. pozzon rs COMPLEXION POWDER! I ha been the nandsrd 1 i popqtar than erer retr. j.nj:liful atxl hbrrr.l'?.

ryac Uie tmtm. Willi tftevat fflil'a I'l BOX -1 Ir of etiaricvw 'at; FANCY ETOtES. mm TlOthCT Strons point iOAK) or thc CHARTER OAK, adiitifo to It rrert erwrm-A tion and ta tht it eM poaciblc aactite oi lud. HOST STOTE DEALERS SELL TIIX3L, If yonn does sot, 'trite Wr "ST. ICUIS, HO, pital experience enables us to sive a life where others fall.

Surgical operations performed at your home, when desired. Abdominal and brain surgery a specialty. The praises we hate received for our remarkable skill In curing rases given up a hopeless by all, has compelled us to use this means in order to give the people, as weli as the medical profession, the benefits of our knowledgeot medicine and our Inimitable skill in the art of Surgerv. Remember your familv physician Is always welcome to set us operate. We are willing to spread our knowledge and show our" skill, and we leel Justly proud of the daily congratulations we recetve from the medical profession for the advanced medical and serglcal literature we have written.

COLONEL W. F. CODY. Some of Hia Varied Money Schemed, Making Special Atlanta, Dec. 10.

A few days ago it was my good fortune to run across Colonel W. F. Cody in the corridor of the Kimball flouso here, and I asked him to tell me something about his various enterprises. Colonel Cody has so long been familiar to the public through his vast outdoor entertainment that it is not generally known perhaps that he is identified with numerous other money making schemes. The colonel is aging a little; there are gray hairs in his mustache and goatee where none was noticeable a few years ago, but his figure is still erect, his eye bright and his skin as ruddy as that of a boy.

He said "As you may know, there were thousands of acres cf land in northern Nebraska which were almost valueless by reason of a lack of water. Several years ago ex-Governor Thayer of Nebraska Paxton, the Omaha capitalist and hotel man, and myself got a few New Yorkers interested in irrigating this vast waste. We formed a stock company, and, as a result, now have the satisfaction of seeing big crops growing where before cactus could not subsist. We get the water from the Platte river. All this part of the state is now settled largely by ex-New England farmers.

I also partly own the stage line which runs from Sheridan, through the Black Hills country, a distance of several hundred miles. It pays big money, although the railroad and the iron horse are slowly encroaching on our territory. Our line goes right through what was the seat of the great 'rustler' war of a few years back. The Burlington route has its terminus near Sheridan. I put up a 40,000 hotel at that place, and even now it is regarded as a superb structure, although there are stables in New York which cost five times that amount.

I had George Gould and Colo nel John A. Cockerill out there as my guests some time since. "Then up at La Crosse, Dr. Powell and I own and operate a coffee factory that is, we make imitation coffee, and call it fecn Powell is an old scout whv vmhejndinns used to call 'White Bj'lHg 'mayor of La Crosse tfy lT XT Ii malt' is not a hirt i mt it is all right, I 'slum gulliouL 1 1 II the ells v.ny lur-1 1 amship vith 'tan oout my- I own and thinks enough ana navy ncspitax jails nisn some oi tne trr ik. a lines, circuses and corl as malt.1 I don't want fV, self too much, but since 7,000 horses at North Pim am constantly shipping -to the markets of tho east.

I am also part owner of a daily newspaper published at Duluth." Cody is wildly extravagant or he would be worth a great deal more than he is. Ho lives like a prince. He did not say anything about the "Cody Sani tarium" at Duluth, but it is a fact that he endowed that institution with Ad. Vance. Gladstone and Disraeli.

A singular story was once related by Mr. Gladstone with reference to the late Hon. Mrs. Francis Stonor. Mr.

Gladstone was asked during the seventies how he was able to bear without irritation the fierce political attacks cf Lord Beaconsfield, then Mr. Disraeli. He replied that Mr. Disraeli's onslaughts had but little effect upon him, for he remembered the following incident When Disraeli was assailing Sir Robert Peel, he was invited to a dinner party, at which Mrs. Stonor, then Miss Eliza Peel, was also a guest.

Mr. Disraeli happened to sit near her at dinner and endeavored to enter into conversation with her. She met him with marked coldness and replied to his observations in monosyllables and with averted face. Mr. Disraeli persisted in bis attentions, whereupon Mrs.

Stonor turned angrily upon him and asked him what he meant by persecuting her with his distasteful society, having regard to his conduct to her father. Mr. Disraeli replied with the greatest nonchalance: "Really, Miss Peel, I am surprised that yon misunderstand me. I am a man of the world. I mean no tmkindness to Sir Robert.

I am only thinking of myself. Yes, said Mr. Gladstone, "I bear in mind that Mr. Disraeli is only thinking of himself; the knowledge is an antidote to irritation." Westminster Gazette. Lonsdale Has Outdone Scott.

Sir Walter Scott rendered himself ridiculous by once seizing on a glass out of which that respected monarch, George IV, had drunk, and retaining it as an inestimable relic. Lord LoDsdale has outdone him. The German emperor was good enough to pay him a visit, and subsequently to invite him to return the visit Says Lord Lonsdale of his imperial friend "He is doubtless one of the greatest men that ever lived I cannot imagine that Bismarck is a greater man but, if I must make a comparison, I would place your monarch at the side of Moltke." His imperial majesty is, I gather, the equal of Moltke because he defeated one cf his own generals (clever general at a sham fight, and he is the greatest man that ever lived because be was able to tell Lord Lonsdale the names of all the sculptors whose works were in the imperial palace and the pedigree of all the hi irses in the imperial stables. "It is incomprehensible, observes his lordship, when dwelling on these evidences of genius. Simple youth I London Truth.

Only Curable Best of references and credentials. If you Office Hours 7-12, 7-8. Sudays. RUFTJS WALKER HINDERCORNS. The onJT fuie Cure turCorni.

btup al pain. Ensure OOQW fun to iho ItxW Makes vaisjog easy. Ifeu. at Liruuu. GRATF.FUL COMFORTING EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST SUPPER.

"Bv a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of dices-tion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the tine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided for our break- last ana supper a aencaieiv navourea oever-aee which mavsave us many heavy doctor's bills. It is bv the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever tuere is a wean point. We may escape manv a fatal shaft bv keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette.

Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in half-pound tins by grocers, labeled thus: JAMES EfPS Ltd Homecrpathic i nemists, bonaon, cngiana. If your Tailor DOESN'T KEEP SWELL, RELIABLE, NEW YORK Clothing MAKE HIM GET IT Their Celebrated Si Mellon Oni wears like steel, and Is sold by every prominent Clothier in the state. None genuine without Ham-merslough Bros', label. The Crystal Restaurant (Formerly Fourth Ave.

Hotel.) LUNCHES AND OYSTERS Served in a First-Class Style at All Hours. Also a Full and Complete Line of Choice Confectionery, Soft Drinks, Fruits, Cigars. Pears Bros. 1410 Fourth Avenue. To be just right Requires a good fire, ond that necessitates the use of good coal.

It is ths latter which we desire and are abundantly able to furnish in large or small quantities, but always of the best grades and at moderate prices. Has it occurred to you what a splendid gift a ton of coal is to a deserving and needy family F. L. NATT Cor. 3d Ave.

and Uth St. 'PHONE 3009. Young Co. 23d st. ave.

FIRST-CLASS HARD WOOD Btwc to store lengtUs. Ttlephons, tili 1 rXneg Walsh, Specialists. in Davenport, Iowa. DR. J.

E. WALSH, La4 of Chicago, Formerly Chief of bt. Anthony's Hoopiml. Profession, Acknowledged by the Surgicel Diseases of Both Sexes Consumption Rheumal.m, Neurll. and, all other biood, liver and kuner ois womb, ovaries, bladder, kldners.

rrous heart, dTspepsia. or any diseases ixculiar and get an opinion on her cae free of charee. i .1 will noser, mental deltiMons. sleefileMine Cases Taken. eannot call, write.

Hundred enred by mail 124 WEST THIRD STREET McCulIODgh's Building, Davanport, Iowa. F. B. WALKER Manufacturer- Agents ana lobbers In. WROUGHT AND CAST LEAD AND SEWER PIPE.


MUFFS. TRIM- MINCi SCABFS, CAPS. GLOVES, EOBES, KUUS, ETC. Every Piece of Fur Reduced An opportunity Seldom OHereo. T.

RUFUS WALKER SON fcr Dealers in i Hard and iC7 No. 415 Sixteenth Moline. Telephone 2030. THE DAVIS CO. Plumbers QaS and Steam Fitters CONTRACTORS FOR LAYING WATER SEWER PIPE.

FIRST AVENUE. ROCK ISLAND-DAVIS BLOCK. MOUNT I ot only the are kept in and sup-use. Cin-and there as far as have running uiSfrQtn l. bat by th I om the I er the fc wnlfca V'S extent.

to all th I flijtillat. In the fourteenth century the slaughter of women and children after a town or castle had been taken by storm was one of the most common occurrences of war. AY i 77-.

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