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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 20

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

20 STOCKS AND BONDS Western Stone the Feature of the Market ACTIVE DEMAND FOR IT Company Said to Have a Post office Contract in Sight. List Qalet but la the Mala Baik ClrarUd for the Weefc. Western Stone the' feature of the local stock market yesterday. The (or the stock opened with a sale of a flfty-abare lot tt 45. was bid up four points between sales to 49, and closed at 61.

The last quotation, how ever, is open to some suspicion, as the stock could have been purchosed at the time that trade was made at 50. Total transactions on which this apparent advance of six points were baaed amounted to less than 100 shares. Bull points, on Western Stone were to be had In abundance. It was claimed that a number of very favorable contracts had recently been cured by the company, and that others were In sight. Among those coming under the latter ead It was declared was one for furnishing stone for the new Chicago postomce building.

Tbe company Is also said to have secured a $125,000 contract from the Pennsylvania Rail road company. Prices a Low Level. 1 western Stone at present quotations is on a lower level than It has been on In years. The lowest mark In 189S was 52. and In 1895 the bot torn was 59.

In 1893 the stock did not get below 65. There was some active trading In the stock during the early part of last year, and In May the price was marked up to 76. The condition of the company at the present time Is, If any thing, better than It was then, as its float Ids debt has since been entirely wiped out and the management is of the cleanest and most able. For several months the market for the stock has been very quiet. About a year ago It was taken out of tbe account list of the stock ex change, and since then there has been scarcely any trading in It.

Previous to Friday the only transaction in the stock this year was on May 24, when a sale of twenty-five shares at 4o was lecorded. Total sales from Jan. 1 to data amount to only 198 shares. The rest of the list attracted little attention. Prices were practically the same as for the day before.

West Chicago Street Railroad was traded In sparingly at 104 City Railway at 240. Diamond Match at 145. New Tork Biscuit at 49. nd Straw Board at 29ft. Chicago; Edison was up a point to 122.

with' one share selling at the close at 123. The bond market was quiet, but In the main strong. Gas Light 5s advanced a fraction to 102V4. thus making a new high record. International Packing 6a sold at 82.

and Metropolitan leva ted 5s at 44. Lake Street Elevated Incomes were off nearly three points from recent quotations, selling at 22. The earnings of the St. Paul road during the second week of July showed an increase of a a-L 4 h. A.llw alnM 1892.

The bulls on the granger stocks received fresh encouragement yesterday from the statement that General Manager Brown of the Burlington had Just returned from a trip through Iowa, Missouri, and Illinois, where he found such phenomenally large crops as to raise a question in his mind as to the ability of the railroads to furnish cars enough to handle the business in sight. Joy at Bsrbertoa. Tbe Barberton (Ohio) Leader In a recent Issue Jubilates to the extent of a column and a quarter over the commencement of work on the addition to the Diamond Match company's plant at that place. It starts out with this very significant declaration: "Chicago stock sharps may put the news in this and the article below it in their pipes and The smoking material which is tendered the Chicago stock sharps, and which is, of course, expected to be very consists of a statement that the Diamond Match company has decided upon the erection of "a four-story brick structure, 150x70 feet, to extend northward from and to? be like the present main building; si so for a brick warehouse about 60x40 feet, two stories high, adjoining the main building on the east. The new barn will be removed to another portion of the grounds." This addition will give the plant a floor space of about 150,000 square feet, besides the engine-rooms, warehouses, and presumably the new barn.

Following the story of the commencement of work on this addition to the plant comes the announcement that a Russian contract has been closed. The- Leader says: "During Mr. Barber's recent visit to Europe ho completed arrangements with a Russian company to establish a match plant In that country. It is to be a very large plant twenty machines. of which ten are so nearly completed In the shops here that they will be ready for shipment in about three or four weeks.

Mr. Josepn Baughman, who returned from Kngland only a few weeks ago, will sail from New Tork on Saturday next for Liverpool, and thence Im mediately to St. Petersburg, Russia, where he will meet members of the Russian company, and proceed to the new match factory. Its exact location has not yet been made known, but it will be not far from Rostov in Southeastern Russia. Altogether, the Diamond Match com pany seems to be entering upon a new and prosperous career." Chicago Baak Clearings.

Chicago bank clearings last week showed gain of $10,112,841 over the previous week, and a loss of $456,022 as compared with the corresponding week last year. The daily exchanges and balances were as follows: Clearinr. Balances Vlbnday Tuesday Wednesday Tlrureday frlday S14.HM.0UO.63 14.7W5. 717.31 13.4G1.412.04 12.495.1S0.0S 14.833.t64.63 12. 30.

143. 31.34.472. 49 l.t3.1T8.k 1.336.421.M 1.0O7.4St.4 1.04113. 78 Total for Cor. week last year.

37.7M.SS.1t Si. ao. C. IS Among the bidders for tha 3500,000 Kentucky stats funding bonds awarded a few days ago to a Louisville trust company were tbe following from Chicago: Farson, Leach 4fc Jointly with Blak Bros, of New Tork. 106.83; Mason, Lewis 4 104.43; Illinois Trust and Barings bank.

104.34; N. W. Harris 4V 104.23. The bonds were awarded on a bid of 107.47, which put them on a net net me basis of 1.12. Stock Eickasge galea.

Tfi following shows the rang of price on th stock exchange, together with the number of shares sold: Description Hlrh. Low. Clowe. Sales. W.

Chi. Street R. 104: CO 104 104 uo acet 104 Chicago City. Alley R. 42 1 aort 42 Diamond Match ..145 Doacct 146 New York Biscuit 4 American Straw 24 Chicago Edison ..123 Western Stone BONDS.

31. BOO International Packing Co. i.4 Gai Light im LOOa. Metropolitan tm (w Lake Street 100 lo to 10 44 a 4 3Z0 102 11 The associated bank dealing as tha viettufMl ell is In th United State yesterday and a werk ago were: July IT. JulyJO, 31O0.1I7.0TS 11474.783 13, US.

HI iO.474.443 Hew Tork ....41 lv4.0Sl.0TJ Boston et. Baltimore 13.W4.1U 30.013.343 10.313, 1JT 1101.044 443,443 Ksw TOk exchange. 40o premium. Foreign ex- Change as follows: Slxty days. Demand.

.47 484 48S 434 rterllng, terllng. Bieriing, rrancs. banker' Franca, commercial Marks, bankers' 4S(t 1S ..413 317 44 4-14 TELEGRAPHIC HJIAHCIXL. KKW TORK. KBW TORK.

July oa the stock ir rainr asvrgw, ant tbe market waa strong a a whol. LiqaMathio in ftugavr worked. 4 symoaet1 reijftun- la the enarkst for a abort lnm, but th advaao waa resumed before th by buying to cover, aad the sut prices in fnanv eases war th best. The granger were otablr strong, as being likely to deriv the tnoet Immediai benefit from the promised abun-dano of tbe crops. Bu Paul Rock lm aa-si.

North-Wetem. and Omaha eil touoiied tiie btrhet point) in to present movement, and St. Paul Aad Omaha ekxed at tha ton, th former iesvl- iof th marltet In point of aotlvlty. Sugar was so.4 prerqr oteadlly aU day. thoogt.

awa ujaiay atwra waiiuia i uwi iam iwcas a XTOI flnaZy enat so tn eou-ln kk the Acnneasn wun- traoers baring pftiasoo bu th situation aytiaa IISlTr SI lil III TlS Slllllllnl Tt ra sotu uw to tnasvet naa twosea uku the news soty of 7i at of-the tteputtloaa member 43 43 43 43 14s 145 144 144 4 49 34 was received and tbe belief that Indefinite delay was Jkely to occur was prevalent. Loulsvil.e and NashvMe was a erong feature In the tradlner ana was bc-urht for London ao-eount as wet. The lvrooklvo Ruihl Transit se curities snowed continued strength on rumors nf alliances WHh other line. Bast River Gas was affected by the manlrestatkine of opposition to lite proposed eooeo.MaMoo on the next of Eaulta Me Uaa interests and lost H. but the preferred stock advanced SU Tlu avml ua-ka MIiil to show strength under the sum Influences that nave airectea them a-lweek.

New Jersey Cen tra, gained a point and closed at 83, the top unce aw toe aigneat it ne sojQ at since er.y In the year. The raturoad bond market was very active and ai.eo strong, sharp rains betmr shown br seme of the speculative Issues. The steady advance by alow stage this week should gratify such speculators as may hope to market securities on the anticipated rise when the business of the country naa settled down sifter ascertain- ins; oenir.teiy tne nature or penning wiriMuon. Of course these expected rises are often stunted by realization of paper profits. But at current hrgh quotations but little liquidation has materialised.

The week's most noteworthy Incident was tne rare combination or the extraordinary advance in wheat and ac the same time most ravoraoie crop advices. The apparently trustworthy foreign advice Indicated a diversified shortajre of crops that urom hi remunerative returns for both wheal erons. The grancers. which mil- benefit largely by this u. oi aiiKn, were umrormiy TM nscal year's exports rev bed unpreoendented figures and attained unequaled excess over imports, rvgard-ie of enormous imports antici()elory of tbe new .1.

LOT. Inert was an early disposition abroad to mag' niry the Importance of the soft coal strike. On Wednesday, however, London was a fair customer of Yanks, and while subsequently there was some selling from that quarter. It was of a hesitating character, showing a gradual realisation of me improved outlook here, and possibly a knowledge that there were efforts to arbitrate the miners and the operators' differences. Susquehanna and Western common prefsrred rose 2 and M4 respectively on vague rumors, which seemed to be reduced to tne assertion that there was an effort by parties of preDonderatlns: Influence In the coal trade to get control.

There was a rise In the local eras securities owlns to the anticipation, and the reports of the accomplishment of consolidstlon of same companies, Later came Indications of strenuous opposition, and quotations were shaded. The buovancv of Sua-ar durlne- H. rl rurt of the week was a sustaining influence on most of the list. The outstanding short Interest becoming nervous at Sugar's persistent strength, sought cover, carrying the price by leaps and bounds to 11774. which is above record price.

The suspension of a large brokerage house on the wrong ride of the market had but a transitory depressing effect- Waahlngton rumors early Indicated thai a schedule very profitable to the refining company would be agreed upon In conference. Subsequent advices showed a deadlock, with the House era Insisting on the Dingley schedule, and Sugar rectom on tne impression mat It was certain the nous conierenc would win. it nsd. however, recorded a net advance for the week of 44. Some kindly disposition waa dlsplsyed toward railway properties In the South and Southwest, notably Missouri Pacific, which waa better by 1H and Louisville JS- The vast amount of money awaitlnsr Investment waa accentuated bv the over-subscription of a local street cailway 42.000,- to oonas onerea witn applicants lor twenty.

nve times that amount. On the large demand for these bonds. Metropolitan Traction rose 1 per cent. The advances and declines, previously specified, of 2 per cent or over follow: Advances Tobacco. 4 per cent; Brooklyn Rapid Transit, East River tias, 14(4; ditto preferred.

7 Northwest preferred, New Jersey Central, Starch, ditto preferred, Pullman, Great Northern preferred. Hennsalaer. and Saratoga. Spirits preferrei, Brooklyn Union Gas, Consolidated Gas, St. Paul.

Rock ialand. Delaware and Hudson. KeadlnsT. first preferred. Canadian Pacific, and Chicago Great ana t-mcaero ureat Des Moines and Fort western.

1 ne losses were: Dodge. X. end Illinois Steel. The bond trading during the week was characterized by aggressive strength on extensive dealings, which embrace large number of usually dormant securities. Changes In these lines were usually attended by wide vibrations, more generally upward.

The demand for investment account was reflected In the rapid appreciation in values of the gilt-edged Issues, which is forcing more general purchases of the middle grade, and speculative mortgages which promise of a larger return in capital Inveated. Tbe plethora of funda at this center Is evidenced by the Increased animation in various outside and the high prices realised for munlc-pal bonds, which are much sought for. The aggregate sales were $11,027,000. The principal gains were: ocdea Short line incomes, series A. o'A: Denver and Rio Grande fives.

4Vij Galveston. Harriftbur and San Antonio firsts I in, 1 a i a nt Ferry, 1M, and Wllkeabarr and Eaatern firsts, itocaing vaiiey sixes, standard stop Incomes, and Peoria and Eastern firsts, Rocheste and Pitts burg consols. Chesapeake and Ohio R. and A. division first consols, on Worth and Rio Grand nrsts.

and Susquehanna and western refunding lives, I per cent and over. The declines were: County elevated firsts, 4: Hocking Valley sixes, and Flint and Per Marouette Huron division, 4fe; B. and O. nrsts, Parkersburg branch, Union Parlnc collateral trust sixes. 2ft.

and W. and L. firsts, 3. Governments were moderarelv a.Mv. mtA molted decided nrmnese.

state issue were promt Bern uu generally signer. NEW TORK. The following were tbe auotations and sales of stocas on tne Arv i org stoca exchange lousy sua (ne closing prices yesterday; -Closing rw American Sugar la.Mj 1344 144 las 1U4 1.4 V4 lo old Am. lonacco Am. Cot.

Oil pfd. Am. Kx press JW v)s aw lUSfe lus T.luu sx 77 77 7 1V0 Sty. 44)4 44 4 43 ix jj. lie ui Aoams express A tctuson Uo pfd Am.

opts. lo pid BkJn. Rap. Tran. tmy State Gas Lait.

a Ohio tain. Un. Oas Con. Ice Oo p(d C. B.

a C. a N. M. a St. C.

R. a cnea A St. at. a Cen. R.

R. of N. J. Con. Oas N.

Chicago Oas C. 11- V. A ToL CoL Fuel Del. Hud M. a FL Deu Oen.

Klectrlo IU. Cent Iowa Cent 14 153 163 7w 12 4.4UO Z-y 100 11 11 7M u4 0 -4 t.OUO 32V. 3)- u0 UH IZrt lot Hi U3V4 UK 12 II), ssis an, 113 li is ll en so 32M ti. 33 12 12 12 Vi 10 la a. iw is ii loO 111V4 llltt 111M.

111V. 1114- aw aTS -a SI1S iWI 9W SS sv as (.300 3344 34U U44 S4VL lu 1.40V U7 lLbie 11! llsa 117 fc4 so-4 sv4 44a 7.W0 7i 741 7SV. 7e4 I l'1 1 1'14 1J14 100 to ti (6 46 300 lm 48 klZ U. aT 1O0 Wt, 17H J47S l7" isvsi 1 feat Sa. ata.

aaiT a. i7 -a a-m rs 3 lo IT 17 l' 171 17 300 112 112 112 112 112 jw ui li-m "IS Uta 3W 31 31 31 31 34 44 3S IS 34 44 34 44 41 13 400 10 4.iO 100 loo lo 300 300 4 "A Lews, a Nash. L. 15. a Do pfd LaOde Oas Lm pfd K.

a Do pfd Manhattan 44 as 30 20 34 33 12J4 31 30 30 34 S3 43 Missouri Pae Minn, a St. Do 1st nfd t.7oO 200 30 340 43 N. Y. a E. R.

Oa Do pfd Nor. Pac Do pfd N. T. Cent N. T.

Sua. 4k Do pfd North Am. a w. S3 3 3 te i 114 114 116 3u0 114 tOO 14 14 14 14 40 3, 4O0 40 40 40 4o0 103 1024 103 103 soo 11N4 1I4 II 13 13X4 L400 33 4 i3 34 304 34 33 34 33 200 10 700 300 100 100 16 35 Nat. Do Nat, Ogn.

Oa-n. I'bll. Lead pfd Starch 8. Line Impvt R. a A Read Mail 11 30 34' "4 4 os 13 13 43 10 1.300 700 33 14it 33 33 'B' 30 31 31 Pac Pullman 300 1(4 404 3 JOT 14 1 D.

a C. C. a SC L. Do pfd Phoenix Mining P. a R.

1st Do 3d nfd St. L. a 8. F. 1st.

Rio O. W. Southern By Do pfd So. Pac 8U L. B.

Stand. Texas Pao Tenn. Coal Union Pac V. P. D.

a U. S. Rub. Dfd U. B.

Leather Do pfd W. a L. Wabash Do nfd West, Union The following were th closing quotation on tne New Tork stock exchange for United State and stste bonds, express, mining, and other shares: TJ. S. new 4s Missouri 4s ma U.

8. new 4s Carolina 4.. 124 V. B. 4reg 1U'N.

Carolina 4a. Iu3 U. 8. 4s OOUD 1144 H. Car.

non-rund VL TJ. S. 4sreg 111: Tenn. new set. 4....

S3 TJ. 8. 4s coup ..1121,1 Tenn. new set. I pf.los TJ.

8. 3s reg 4Tena. bid 4s Paclflo 4s of Va. centuries 44 Ala das ioh' v. oererred 4 ,104 lAdam Express 1B1 38 I American 44 1U.

8. 43 44 IWells-Fargo Kx. 10s das elaaa currency La. nsw con, BOBTON. BOSTON, July 14.

Tb following shows th rang of price on the stock exehang, together 11 11 a Huiiiiw inaiaa sola Dorlptloi Ssles Otien TTIarh fy mMat American Sugar Do pfd Atchison iia-4 114 ze to 300 12 1,603 44 134 Do old Boat, tt Mont. Butts A Host. liln. 3.404 300 14 TOO 40 324 150 304 44 Bay Stat Oaa stall Talepaon b. a q.

lumet a Hecla Fltohburg Dfd Gold Coin Merced Mining Union Paclflo West End R. Wolverine Mining T5 31 3S0 11 isOkxibl Atenisoa .000 do ad. 4s 4.000 OSS 2d 4a. lih MONET MARKETS. NEW TORK.

July IT. Money en caJl dull at 1A 1 per eent; prime meroaotiie paper, pee cent: sterling exchange steed-v. with aetnilauiaaai 1. bankers' bUl at 34.7f4.3TUi for dernmnd anl a. 34.34.

Bar adlvee anU Msxlcaa dollars, 44. 6 tat bonds quiet; rail road uonos urm; government Doods nrm; newts, registered, 123; coupon, 134; ia, nglatered. 113; W4; coupon, i4i; regietered. 113; Km, 114; 4s. registered.

111; coupon, registered. 4: Paclnc 4 of 1493, 141. )N. Itua, July 17. Call loans.

13- 1 vaFv.a, iizvi; zs, rc BOSTON. time loans. 344. LONDON. July IT.

Consols for money, T12: do for tha account. 113; Canadian Pacific, 13; do first preferred. 34; Mexican ordinary. 30: St. Paul common, 37 New Tork Central.

104; Pennsylvania. 44; Reading. 11; Mexican Central, new 4s. Atchison, Louisville and 432- Car silver. perouoos.

Money 14 per cent. The rate of dstooim In tha nn mmJL ket for tore months' bills. 913-14 per cant. 21 3 3 1 400 14 15 14 14 13 100 42 42 42 41 400 3 4 3 3 LlOO 47 47 47 47 47 400 28 23 34 28 38 300 47 44 47 47 47 104 (0 40 40 40 400 3 4 4 3.400 39 34 39 25 304 1 14 14 14 14 100 3 3 3 3 300 4 4 4 300 11 11 11 11 11 "4 104 1 1 1 1 400 (3 13 43 33 104 V4 400 S3 43 41 43 41 ,304 4 4 4 1 1 300 14 14 14 14 14 304 44 34 44 44 44 1x3 4 123)4 10 10 10 12 12 12 36 15 ti 134 134 124 c5 f-'Sf 339 32 324 19 83 44 33 33 387 387 384 38S 40 40 43 40 4 4 4 4 3 j3 3 tl 11 31 31 11 ui 3l2 4V 74 THE SUNDAY' IN TER OCEAN, JTJlTJr BULGE-DID NOT HOLD Wheat Adranoed Early but Re acted After Shorts Covered. PROFIT-TAKING TOO LARGE Foreigners on Both Sides of Mar kflt, bat Ax Good Sellers.

Arrivals Xew Wktat an Lstrsreiw Cetra Cleseel Stroasj Hotter Baylsg sit fce XlmL There was ths largest trade of th week In wheat, with a sharp bulge early, which was taken advantage of by longs to secure A bulge of over Co in a week waa regarded as suSlcient for th time being, and ther was both local and foreign realising, which resulted In a sharp reaction and the clo was at a decline of on wheat. Corn developed mora strength and closed with a gain of e. Oats held steady and provisions were quiet, stronger, and 3c higher, It has been a bull week In wheat, th market being one-sided moat of th time, and waa largely Influenced by foreign advices. Foreigners havo bought more wheat than at any tint this year, Their purchases, however, wer largely overes timated, and many took their profits In Sep tern ber and bought December. Tb elos waa at an advance of 6c on July aad 4c on September over tne last sales or a week ago.

Corn dragged. but ranted at the laat and gained There wer mor oat on sal than buyers wanted most of tn wee, and they closed with a loss of Ue. Pro visions war strong and closed with a gain of 10c on pork. irc on lard, aad 12 on rib. The Earlr Balaje Was least.

Wheat had Its advance early. July selling un So and September lc above Friday's close, but coiiapaea owing to th shorts having covered. On neavy realising July dropped IWc. rallied le. and cioaea witn a net loss of e.

th Brat time within a week that It has -closed lower. Tha ranea waa 7 to 77 c. the opening being at T4e and tbe ciose at Tec There was good buying by Allen oner. Listmu; Uauon, and Weare. Barrett and Baldwin-Ourney sold heavily, not only of July, but also of September, and the haavv real ising that followed was too much for buyers to absorb.

The premium, however, at th close was July la about as much of a mystery as ever. 1 ne snort interest is scattered and bard to trace. Deliveries are being mad each i 75.000 bu being sent around in tha which circulated freely. Private aattlsment. alao been effected.

September has advanced this week, while July has gone op 8c. This a goou Duige. considering tha nniini. tna Ths business yesterday, ho waver, waa tha lamn us wees, i ne snort interest, so but, mt th. start, has been largely nutueM an .1.

nnuiwiuu cables came with sen- sauonai advances, foreign, local, and country uua were anxious to secur profits, and a break was us result. September onened at 7o7nu. sold to 71e declined irregularly to and closed at 4e. with a net losa of c. December was stronger than th other months j-7s, wiis net loss ox Freach I as port Daty to Reasaia ner waa no cnange In th character nf the xoreign news.

Liverpool cables war to ld higher, July opening ld higher, but lost in aavance, aaa closed tha asm as while September closed with a gain of la! ran Z0 centimes on wheat and 1 fr.n. s4 iranca on nour. Antwern waa nn a trm. Uon. and late private cables Quoted a.

ai.a. oquai to ivc 1 here were no ahipmenta from uauiN, auu reneweu reports or 40 fer cent usvaua 10 ue uanuDian crops. The French caoiee aenied there was any prospect of the Import duty on wheat being removed, and said that the advance was purely speculative. Liver pool caoiee said that too shorts have covered, and they expected a reaction. Minneapolis millers sold 74.000 brls of flour, aad prices advanced 10c Heavy offerings of new, combined with increased receipts, and Indications of a large move.

meni next ween took tbe edge off the m.n Receipts ef new wheat here were I can. against last year, aaa ears are expected Man-day. Kansas City had 133 ears, against to cars last year, ana prediction wer 300 care Monday, auporui tor in weeg were 1.000,000 bu than th previous week. Ther was big general ouymg early Dy commission houses. On the bulge Baldwin-Ourney.

Barrett. Bartlett-Fra-aler. and Congdon were sellers, sad Baker also soia a mue. The seaboard at the close reportee xzu.uw ou taaen lor export. Tbe only business for shipment was 4.000 bu No.

1 spring Forelga Orders far Cara. Th strength and advance of He In corn waa mostly at tbe last, when Bchwarta-Dupee execut ed a forelga order in December for about bOO.000 bo, ana aiso oougnt September. Barrett. Pa-caud. and Comstock were liberal buyers of September, ana the shorts were given a little scare.

Prices advanced from 28c to 37c, ana closed there, showing a act gain of He The cash demand continued good, about 400.000 bu selling for shipment aad export, with charters for 110,000 bu. At the seaboard, after tbe close. 400.000 bu were reported sold for export. With drawals were 406,000 bu. and aea board el ances only 23.000 be.

Th weather bureau pre- aictea rains lor tne greater pert of the corn belt today. At the close, however, there were reports of higher temperature, th weather being a utue too ory in parts OI Kansas. Argentine shipments were only 132,000 bu. Arrivals bare were S10 cars, with 775 cars Monday. July oat were slow, aad declined while September held steady at 17c to 13 Armour and local shorts were good buyers, aad ther is still a rair-alsed short Interest.

The cash demand was sufficient to take the bulk of the offerings, aad charters were made for 485,000 bu. Receipts were 374 ears, with 350 cars Mon day. Withdrawals were only 4.100 bu. and sea board clearances T7.5O0 bu. Prices la All Market.

The prle ef th leading peulattv arttslea yesterday, oompared with th close the previous mavr, mm aaaa WflTI SS SOaaOWSS CHICAGO. Open. High. Low. 143T.

1447. 11S4. wneet July I .74 -1 -7H -iiX 0eot TO .71 -7134 29 -tf Dec. fnew) .71 Oom July Jttk fepL 34), Deo. 37 Oetaw .34 .24 .37 .37 .34 .37 J3 .24 -27 -njf -1T .17 I7'? -17 .30 .34 .20 gH T.fJH T.62H 4 mi t.44 T.4 t.47 4.45 403 4.03U 4.09 4.t4 3-43 4.13 4.075 4.13 ain 3.63 4.1714 4.J7VS 4.172 A12H 3.4t5 4.34 4.49 4.17 3.T0- 434 4.34 4.32H 4.33 3 4-4 4.40 4.414 4-40 4.4S 4.4 4.44 3.44 Ja.y Bept 17T4 May Jb Pork- July T.40 4.

July. 4.nt 4.14 4.17V, 4.23 Oeth.rili Riii-" iepuIII" 4.30 4.40 4.44 Oct TORK. Wneat Beol T4 .74 .77 Te TT34 .31 .314 .77 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .31 .41 -31 ST. LOUIS. Sept.

Wheat- July :85 .73 .24 .34 .71 PS Ti4 .34 Bent TM oorn 11 July 4epU .34 .3 .45 .24 3 TINNBAPOLJS. Whea4 July ,7 -47 744 T4 .47 aept .47 DTJLUTH. .71 .74) TOLJEDO. DETROIT. Wheat.

July .43 Wheat- July T5 .73 .744 .7 .7 .41 Wheat alspu .74 .74 Saw a Rye Arrive. .40 at Th first car of new No. rye arrived yes terday from Illinois, and sold at Kite, or 44 abov the first sales last year, which were on July X. The market was weaker aad to tower, with larger offer! nxs of futurea. and las.

cash demand. No. sold early at 37c and cioaea at 3c opened at 34V4C. and closed at 38c Receipts. cars.

July was about tha same as September. Tha latter sold at Me to S7e. opening at tha top, and closing at th bottom. ueeemDer sold at SSe and 8SV4C closlne at the Trading In barley was restricted by th small arrivals, only 13 cars, but price remained steady at 37c to ISc for feed, aad ZSc to 34c for common to fancy malting, Larger Tradlag la Flax. Flax seed declined for September, but re covered part of it.

Trading was active, with 100,000 bo sold at sOcJto Mtte. closing at MKe. December sold at t2e. 1 Northwestern. 0o to MUe.

No. 1 wxular. 7SH0 to 80e. Re jected. T4e to T7c.

mo grade. 70s to 75c Re ceipts, cara. There were no export bids any where near a working basis, and advices from Russia said that tha crop had been damaged. This, on top of tha shortage to tne Northwest- srn area, mad a banian feeling. Timothy seed -sold to a limited extent at t3.

to 32.74 for August and at 2-U for September. Trading In cash was light at to 33-75 for low grade to choice. Other seeds were inactive ana unchanged at fZ.M to- $7 for low grade to cholc Arsaoar Bars the Ur. Trarl.lnn mtmrm InKir with light trading. Th feature waa the baying of about 3,000 tea of lard by Armour.

Prices la Liverpool were td higher and this checked olfeHnra. The cash demand was good. 1.000 te gelling at M.OJHV September aoid at 14 u. ta 14 and closed at the out side with a gain of I2c Pork and libs closed with a gain of 2V.a after a small fluctuation. Packers sold moderately on the bulg.

Hogs wer higher and packers are figuring oa 38.000 for Monday and 160.000 for the week. The seven nolnts had 37.000. against 24.8O0 last rear. On th curb wheat-waa firm and privileges fairly active. Calls were preferred, selling at 70o to 71 and closed there.

Puts, 48 to t8t4. dosing at 6Se. Calls oa corn were la active request at. 37 a to 37 puts, to 26c. Estimate iweeToU lor Monday: wneat.

do ears; corn, 776 cars; oats, cars; nogs, head. Charters were for 210.000 bu corn and 485.000 bo oats at lc for corn and lc for oats to Buf falo and 2c for corn to Kingston. COMMERCIAL HOTKS. Deliveries on July contracU were 75.000 bu wheat and 15.000 bu corn. last week tb shipments of bams were equal to 20,000 tea.

and of sides to the South 108.000 pieces. W. T. Baker was credited with being a large seller ef wheat. He said that he was amy scalping In BO.

000 bu. Recelnts of wheat at Dulnth aad Minneapolis for th week were 1.775 ears, against 1.601 cars the nrevtous week, and 3.041 car last year. Beer bo hm cabled that world's snipments 01 wheat would be small, aad tha English bioces would show a large Increase. A heavy reduction on passsga Is also expected. Receipts of flour and grain her for tn wees wer 4.338.000 bu.

and snipments s.u.wv ou. For the same time last year receipt were 3.874,- 000. bu, and the shipments 3.7S4.000 bu. Purchases of new wheat te arrive were over 150,004 bu at about July price for No. 2 red and I September for No.

i bard. Bates of corn were 600.000 bu. At the seaboard exporters bought 120.000 bu wheat, 400,000 bu corn, gad 175.000 bu A Buda-Pesth cable to Schwerts-Dupe says Pros Dec ts of wheat crop In Hungary are for a small yield of poor quality. Austria for a crop below an average." Counselmaa aaa cerim cabl sarins Russian crop prospects wer fa vorable. Bull ocean freights." eeld Frailer, "that the thing to bull." Exporters last year nulled them good and strong, and some of them wer able ta resell at a handsome profit.

Una agents renorted Itchier booking yesterday than for several days. A freight agent, at New lorx reportee saw. contracts for wheat had been maae ta Jan. 1. 1338, for Mediterranean ana asnsui 1 uicy nut go ta tn Deneactane ef dead mem-ports, where no Americaa wheat has gone for a bers, the company having so legal right to re- a.

I torn suck moiwn at. af ik.i I. al.ra tesn. h. railed to aar now uics had been booked.

reports Iron outside points were in mor aa increased movement of now wheat this week. Tha delay has been in to th fact that barrsst 1. two wLkTutl and that farmer, hare been too busy In th Held tn thrash and make dellv riea. Last year th heavleat receipts ot winter on the eros were 46 ears on July 21. and tbe wheat did not begin to move freely until about th middle of th month.

It la claimed that private settlement have been made In July wheat. Parties who ar cred lted with having effected them, however, deny that anv such trades have been mad. Com mission bouses who have bad wheat sold to ta leadlnc longs and found It impossible to settle were able to ring un th trade yeateraay alter noon, and It 1 claimed that SO per cent or ta July wheat oa th sheets mrlday nignt was aettled yesterday. rumors of settlements wer sprang on the? market prices aroppen in a short time. Barrett offering it from TSe to 74e without aBectina tb.

irade. There wer a few sale to some parties on th way down. E. H. Phetpa, who returned from Europe Thursday, where talked -with many ef ta Lam grain merchants of th United Kingdom and the continent, says: "If their predictions are correct, they will be very large buyers of American wheat this crop year, giving as a reason that the supplies from India, Australia, aad Argentina are cut all; tb crop of Ftaaea about on-thlrd short; the English crop only moderate: the winter wheat crop In Russia short.

and the outlook for' th spring wheat crop ef Ruusia unfavorable, and np to ths present writ ing no Danablaa wheat has yet been enereo. At th same Urn then foreign grain merchants ssy that they understand that America will rals from 660,000.000 to an ot wneat. ana. ot course, on that basis, will well am to supply thlr wants-; Oa this theory at present they ar slow buyers, awaiting farther developments ef th maturing of th crop In Europe aad Amer ica," There la no doubt of returning prosperity In commercial circle, and as an evidence of this fact th- Daily Trad Bulletla presents an exhibit of ths sales of actual property oa 'change at Chi cago during th week Just dosed, as collected by Its corps ef reporters exclusive of ta specula tive sales tzetpt where a few lots of seed wer sold ahead for country shippers. At th same time It must understood that all cash transactions on th board of trad are not mad public Tb record of sale aa collected were aa follows? Flour.

3.470 sacks: sntllstnffs, IS cars; winter wheat. 130 ears and 340,000 bu; spring wheat, ear and 333,000 bu; corn. 1.S&S cars and J.7JS.0O4 an: eats, 1.443 cars and 321.000 bu; rye, 13 cars and 16,000 bu; barley, (3 cars and 37.000 bu; hay, 143 ears; straw, I cars: timothy seed, SM baga aad 20 cars; flax seed, St cars aad 300,000 bu; pork. SM brls; lard, 4,300 tea an dl. 060.000 lbs; meats.

S.12S boxes. 1.270 tea. and 4.136,000 lbs; tallow, 104.000 lbs; elee-stearine, 360.004 lbs; lard tierces, 4.160; and pork barrels, 2250, Th charter for th Ink grain movement aggregated 30,000 bu wheat, 2.3&&.000 bu corn. 084,000 ba oats, and 16,000 bv rr. But this week's business Is only introductory ovsrtur.

caicago aaercaaata will reach out for business la all directions, and It Is anticipated that a good percentage ef th new crop and th usual supply of llv stock wUI be secured. Country shippers should watch ths Chicago market closely and keep thoroughly posted oa the actual business transacted on th Chicago board of trad. HEW YORK MARKETS. NEW TORK. July IT.

Flour Receipts, 14.433 brls: exports. 4.327 brls; market arm but autet. There ha been aa advance of 4015c for the weak on actual sales. Minnesota patents. 44.30444.44: Minnesota bakers', 43.Soe3.40; winter patents, 44.30 4-45.

Rye lnoar Quiet; superane, 41.asrx.23; fancy. 13.304x3.34. Com meal Quiet: yellow Western. 400. Oraln Rye Firm; Mo.

1 western, ste: ear lota 4042e. Barley Finn; S3o. Barley Malt Quiet; Western, 436 54c Wheat Receipts. 3.2-4 nn; exports, on; spot onn; no. rso.

advanced on local covering, but later declined under realising Induced by large receipt at Kansas City and reports of reselling of wheat at lndon: closed irregular at oli.c net advance. July. 42tmvyc. closed S2ie; September. 74 14-it 1 uvaru i.t vwu ncvriyu, OH; exports.

17,374 bu; spot, quiet; No. 2, 31 Mar- a qui.i. J.V. .1 ssar with tne lunra In Hot yielded to tine crop news and closed it a0 net nianer: neDtemner rineed 111.. I 1.1.

IK? I spot, quiet; no. a. zzo. Market moderately active ana steady, closing nncnangeo. juiy- closed 311 September closed 22c.

Hay Dull; snipping, too; good to choice, 974c. Hope Quiet; state, common to choice. 134S crop, use crop, ssrsc; t'acinc coast- 1484 crop. 344c: lk4 crop, 44f loo; London, Hides Firm; Caivestoo. 144f lac; Buenos Ayres, at nvuv.

xeaM, It ac; ijsuiornia, lOVC ieatner eirm; nemioca aole. Buenos Ayres. Ugbt to Heavy weights, lllc; California. -Wool Firm; fleece, ltftitc; pulled, Provisions Beef Quiet: famllv. ti.liuhi m- mess, I ov uen nam, SaOj- pacKet.

SH47V.M. Cut Meats Quiet: pickled bellies, 437Vtc; pickled shoulders. t(r4c: pickled bams. 3i4Sn- T.r Steady Western steamed. 34.30, nominal; refined nrm; continent, 4.ev; tvoutn American, 34.34; compound, 3.4o.

Pork Steady: old mess 37.761 famllv. tt.3oiS.74. Tallow Quiet; city, lcj country, 3o aa to rtroieum mill unitea. no market. Rosin Uulet: strained, common to ennd tl oa Turpentine Quiet; xevzsc Rice Steady: fair to extra.

4H4i2e: Jan. iu atoiasses steady; Ktw uneuit open kettle, rood to choice, 3362SC. Freixhta 6 irons': held hishar: eotina. tnr 13c; grain, by steam, 3d.

Pig Iron Quiet; Southern. 33.3tsei0.40; North-m. 3144V12. Metals Conner Steady: lake BfYiVar HI a in r.ain oarety ncauj, Amo -uiossq atrongl brokers'. 42.34: no exchsnse flsmres.

CeJXee Opened barely steady with prices 4 points higher; following favorable European 'sables and moderating receipts at Rio and Santos, and small runner oecrease la American visioie Trading was slack and chiefly local. Closed barely steady, net unchanged to I points advance. Bales, ilia bass. Including July, 4.74c; September. 4.44S He.

fcpot Coffee Rio steady: No. 7, invoice, 74e: N. 7, Jobbing. 7t mild steady; Cordova, ttlCUo. Sagar Raw, flrtnj fair refining.

Hie: centrifu gal, as teat, s-sjo; irnan sieaoy: stenaara 4o; confectioners' 4c; cut loai aad crushed 44c; grmnuiaieo, Butter Receipts, 4,070 pkgs; market "quiet; state dairy, irni4c: state and western creamery IXQ Aac; Allini, lor, i ac- or cneese Jteceipts. pags; market quiet; state. targj pan aaims. I Eggs Receipts, pkgs; market quiet; stats ana s'ennsyivania. iiitvuc; western, uguc.

FOREIGN dUOTATIOXS. LIVETRPOOC JuVr IT. Oraln Wheat Na. 1 raj spring firm at 6.1. corn American mixed snot rew steady at 3 4'4d; do oM quiet at Is iod; July steady at fs 3d; August steady at 2s 3d; Bep- temoer sieaar at is 10140.

Flour 8t, Louis fancy winter firm at Ta td. Hope At London. Paclflo coast steady at 464J Provlelon Beef Extra India mess steadr 14s; prime mess steady at 45. Pork Prime mesa, fin Western dull at 45a; prime mesa medium Western dull at 42a 4tL Hame Khnrt ni steedv at imxe mfaoj it so: snort rioa aieeov at 34s: lone clear mldHLee s. long clear middle.

heavy, steady at 3Sa: short clear middles, heavy, steady at 34s 4d; clear bel les urm at tea. smoulder taouera steady at 25au l-avrd ppoi, jum. Cnee American finest whit sad colored dull Tallow Prime dty steady at ITs 3d. MISISG SHARES. NEW TORK.

NEW TOR Jul. 17 Clln, aaat.HMa. Chollar 1 71 rtni.H,, ex sa .1 opDir Coo. Cal. and 1-1 Plymouth Keadwood 1 oouid a curry .40 Ouicksllver 1.0 nai a .1 Homestake Z4.a;Rtandard 1 Iron I'nlon Coa .84 Mexican 28! Yellow Jacket .43 BOSTON.

BOSTON. Julv IT. Closlne onotstlone- Alloues Mln'g Co.3MI.0 IFranklln 414.4 Atlantic 22.00 iKearsarxe 18.44 Boston a Mont. ..144 2 Butte a 11.15 lOuincy .11 00 Calumet a Hecla.XU.e 'Tarnaraetr US sa Centennial 7 1ZH Wolverine U.37V4 Ji va Mtgnw tTsasasMt Massaekasetts Beseit Ltfe. BOSTON.

July 17. fipeclal Telegram. td chief topic in Ufa Insurance circles Is the situation la th Massachusetts Benefit Lif as sociation. The publicity which baa been clvee to the company's need of funds. Its peculiar man- aacment ana plan, aaa tromenaoue falling off In business has been enough te kill any ordinary company, and the fact that It still lives is evl- im dene of th.

wonderful Unacity of lif. an tasur- company na. over a week ago tbe extra call waa sent out, and ever sine the president's mail oas sets niiru wita letter ot iduu.i item policy holders. They want to know If tbev nay SVient. 'whVt urc" whether others will pay.

and If there la not suf there I that there will not be another extra call soon wny tne emeraeacv tuna not and what will hapoea te them if tke comnanv 'aula. Te all tnese questions the president has prepared, a circular letter, wnlcn deals very fully with th questloas, aad which Is a mors important document than the letter which accompanied tee extra call. The circular letter will aay that 1 moneys once paid la to meet death claims cannct 1 be returned to the people who paid them, aince 1 I claima as thev arise, end thmwm mii 1 repetition ex accumulauons of death ckalm. Th. I emergency fund cannot be ail used at this time, Jr represent the moneys which policy holders lvel premium loase would be to put It 4 a us for which It waa not intenaea.

ana where it Iom nm ts really tbe advance navmenta m.rf. k. aueiaioexeaiip. i ne president says taat tn case the company ahonld not be able to continue he will be abl to offer policy holder excellent Inducements In another company, the large number of them maklnn It very noaslble la ar.t good term. lie reiterates, however, his belief that he can save the comnanv mi e.ll a vuiicr suiurn is aiana oy in company and help to- pull It out of the dlflenlt ana 71 iw iw tee army ot people who are still looking up to It for protection.

The unn, oral baa turned over to the district attorney or the state the work of looking Into the financial dealings of the old management in order that If there can be found proof of Irregularities the grand Jury can ba called nnon te see -th. Uict attorney haa heeun thia toe present ana old managers and of- aawie iw ana bu i ii-i tain books. The grand Jury of Auaust will deal witn tn matter If there to anything found to eusr vrawrora. tnecomnanv'a anan. ager ror in south and West, to here.

The major i ann ran mwea us preaiaency or tne FY. ealsnatlon of George A. uiusciv. aaa aaa many oners from New York companies, but so far has ant rlnsi wi.k any. and sava he will a w.

n.Mmcxiusciui ttenent nerore at- Muupunn io uuiicr a policy bolder elsewhere. Caaeeralaa; th Meaatala Pleld. A gentleman Conversant with affairs In the mountain field contributes the following anent tn situation there: "Montana and Ctah have always been under th ear of coast men. When the Pacific Insurance onion dissolved ta it. cwn corruption the local aaents.

who are men ax- character and Intelligence, protected their busi- ese Dy a 1004 organisation from the raids ot ueur own superiors. Alter two vear. or slon thee 'aupertors' are again in the aaddle. ana without saying, 'thank or 'by your leave." with otter lack ef diplomacy, they again aw ui. rvuis matter Of course.

--Every one Is familiar with the government ot Colorado. Wyoming, and New Mexico. Nominally under Joint control. It te nail, innniu. uupoimir 17 tne union, tb rules.

aircam.Lr commissloa rule, receive scant eoeervaace irom some of tke union enmnama. and most of th coast general agents. The former evade and- the latter openly violate. Largely because coast men do not conceal their xoess commissloa arransrementa. bet nrefar ia act openly.

It Is proposed to giv them eom vt weir own calcine in Montana, and the law 01 retail uon, which should be left to the ftvl. lowers of Moses and state Insurance commis sioners, is invoked to cure one wrong by creat ing another. The solution doe not consist In etaliatlon, nor Ja a general reduction, nor even uapeasien 01 rates la voloraaa. advocated he man who ought ta knew better. Nor will plae- wua-w us rmee ox -exceptea Clllee, as demanded by the local gents of that point.

Im-rreve matter. A Denver man called hia states battle-ground' where warrtne fought for A flght now betweea the neugung uevia 01 in coast aad the senile ana decrepit aollath of the Middle West would be were not ror tne grave business interests involved. youth aad oM age ought to evenly matched. Th compact r.iem. wild government at long range, la obsolete.

It will soon be abolished by law la all the state, aad If both the Lars-e end alaw.moVr bodies wer to abdicate now they would but anticipate. The agenU are capable of conducting tb business. Montana haa demonstrate. 1. Colorado will.

If given an opportunity. This la the only permanent solution, aa Jealousy win prevent a closer union between the rival power. The premium Income involved la small, but the profit large In proportion, hence the contest for prestige everybody wanting th larger halt of Iha ala Oladstoa Klevater Cass Es4ed. MINNEAPOLIS. July 17.

Special Tele gram. A decision waa Hied today by Judge Smith of tha District court Anally concluding th llti- gatloa which has been In constant action since tbe time Of the famous Uladatone elaeatoe flea. In 188 L. The auit haa been appealed twice to th Supreme court, the auction artslne beinz whether the Home Insurance comnanv should he merely a contributing company with th ether companies aoiding risks on th grain stored In th elevator at that time or not. The second trial of the case resulted In a verdict for the Railway company and aa-alnat the Insurant company for half ths loss.

It holding a policy of 360,000 insurance on ths property and tha ether companies holding a ilk amount. Th loss amounted on the grain to 3oS.4SS.te. and th Judgment granted against the Home amounted witn costs to 937.soO.ll. An application for an Injunction aralnst collectina this lndtnni denied last year, but on condition of payment vt juusxneui 11s boo waa restrained rronr dismissing the suit acalnst tha eleven ether eom. panies.

to reason for th Homo's asking this was the allegation that th railway had entered Into a conspiracy with th eleven ether defend ants, with th single exception of th Fireman's insurance company, to secure th full amount of Its policy. 864,000. If possible, and If not the full amount as much aa possible, with Interest and cos is, ana mat tn other companies should have th benefit of any collection, and that what waa secured might be applied to their policies. Court bolda that the Home haa failed ta make out a cause of action agalnat the defendants, or either 1 tnem. aaa mat Ui defendants are entitled to a joint judgment against th plaintiff, dismissing tuis acuon and disc barging th restraining order uu tor tueir Coats and disbursements herein A Stay of twenty days aecomnanied tha order.

News fraae Jtew Eaarlaad. BOSTON, July 17. Special Trlerrsm in Law union aad Crown has applied for ad mission to no business In Massachusetts. It will probably be represented by J. B.

Hollls a Th BaJole of" Basle has also a Doited for as. mission. Mr. Kennedy ot Weed A Ksnnedv ts I THBT Wm STARS OF THE SUBURBAN FIRMAMENT. They Lead Chicago in Progress and Enterprise, ie 1SE ODOoo oLiiUULnUuStu Grand Opening Sale Of tOO new and beautiful loU in rhia Ideal Suburb.

DAUPHIN PARK, Sunday, 18. DOUBLE-HEADER Over th Illinois Central Railway. Free Trains leave ttandoipa st. aepot A 1 2 P. M.

Flopping at Van Buren. 22d. list. 39th. 43d.

47th. 43d. 47th. andCSdsts. Traapor.atloa will be haaded yea at tralsv A bLAUl Il-UL ART SOUVENIR Any lot in either of these delightful suburbs is a preferable home-she to the highest priced lot on any dusty downtown avenue or city street.

Attend one or the other of these great I I jou ever oiu in your 111c oy sccurins' one oi tnese beguntul lots. I PRfrKS 49 Jl oa iiBiusns. SMALL CASH PAYMENT; BALANCE I C. Yi Df.CC I KVelaDp, emiaiaf leaf "Sere tn snnolnt am aeent. se many companie ana eo little nusinese just cow that It ia understood anv one cen haw.

this company who can give th assuranc of a good business. Litigation for ten years has been rotng on between tbe town of Westerly and the Westerly Water-Works company, and a dectsloa has lust been given by tne Appellate court of Providence. which gives the town th right to buy or build a water-works of its own. The Insurance end ot this comes In. In that tbe New England lnsur- ce exchange rated Westerly property very high, because It has ne protection In case or Bre.

and there haa been a gi ft effort made en the part of those Id teres ted In th Westerly water-works to use the exchange to bring Influence on the town. Westerly years ago entered Into a contract with the Westerly water-works for water and afterward did not fulfill Its nan of the contract, so that when the town dealreei to build water-worka the water company aakea an Injunction restraining It, and this case, begun ten years ago. haa lust ended In the dla- mlstal of th complaint against tbe town. lid ward Atkinson of th Boston Manufacturers' Mutual haa gone to Europe for three months. Sltaatlea at Milwaukee.

Managers ar becoming very apprehensive oier th condition of affairs at Milwaukee. The meal agents are stubbornly opposing the rate reduction oa dwelllnga aad contents, and tt la said th local board will not adopt the new schedule," The Milwaukee companies, accord ing to some, threaten to open rates on all classes of business. It Is aald that three conditions nrewnmable uicusieu oy tne rxortn western lsstiooat. presented to th Milwaukee board on Friday aa th basis upon which th three local companies would remain In the board and consent ta the adoption of the union cut In rates. These condi tion were first a cut In rates on ail classes of property, except dwellings, of one-third of pres ent rates; second, unlimited commissions; third.

no limit 10 tne number of solicitors, of course ther was no expectation that these conditions would be accepted by tbe board, and considerable disappointment was displayed on the part of the local companies because action waa postponed for a few days. But th presence there vester- dsy of Secretary Eheldon of tbe Rockford and Secretary Trembor of the German of FVeeDort. and the consultation between them and the local companies, appears to Justify the delay. The board meeting, a full one. being polled.

showed that no one present had a yet shaded a rat, and all promised to maintain present rates until due acuon. oy ins ooaro. Orear I After C. D. Cox.

ST. LOUIS. July 17. Special Telegram. The Charles D.

Cox agency ot Chicago la now having Its troubles with tbe Missouri insurance department. Circulars have been sent out by this agency to Insurers tn th state of Missouri. advertising the assets and "maximum lines" of the New Tork Fire. Colonial. Empire Cltv.

and North River of New Tork city. Schuylkill of Pennsylvania. Merchants and Manufactur ers of Maryland, and tbd North German and Transatlantic Superintendent Orear of th Missouri Insurance department wrote these companies on Thursday aa follows: "I inclose herewith copy ef the circular which has been forwarded to me by a citizen of this state, and which, I am reliably Informed, Is being circulated la Missouri by one Charles D. Cox of Chicago. 111.

You ar duly licensed by this department to do a fire Insurance business In Missouri, and hav legally authorized agent through which to do this business. Prom this circular it appears that yea have authorised the writing of Insurance in this state through an unauthorized 'agent. I have, therefore, to advise yea that if I can obtain Information ef the Issue of a single policy by your company throueh thfs aa-encv or any other that la not licensed by this depart ment 1 win, witnout a smgi moment ne nation, revok your Ucens to do business in Mis souri." Sal va are Cerwe Kaoeked Oat, Th Minnesota Supremo court has decided neither ot the salvage corps at Minneapolis la entitled to receive fund from th per cent tax on Insurance companie. Th Supreme court affirms the decision of the lower court in that It Places tns two boarda on equal footing, but goes further aad declares that neither Is a board of underwriters within the meaning ot the law. aad consequently neither la qualified to participate In the tax receipts.

Tha court holds that tbe first vital defect ot the two boarda ia that In neither case Is there any provision aa to th oualiflcatlons of members, or for any on but stockholders to vote or hav any Will In th proeeedinca. The court sets up three qualifications that are abso lutely essential to th eraanLzation ef a Ar underwriter legal within the meanlne nf salvage law. Tha first is that 1 h. should bo composed exclusively of Insurance men. Tb second is that ther must be only on.

board la the city. Third, averv Are nnd.rweit.. or Insurer is 11a bl to assessment under the law, to be entitled te membership, or what ia the same thing, a vote la the proceedings of the board. It shown ther Is no provision In th articles of Incorporation of either of these Minneapolis board that th member must be nre underwriters. This same opinion may knock out the present St.

Paul corps unless It Is reorganise KmpiiMi stoca. tnus giving every agent in th city a vote ia Its affairs. v. C. F.

Howell's Sketches. Tha sketches of underwriters and Insurance companies, as wsll aa th general situation, covering th leading cities in the Northwest, that ar appearing from time to time in the Argus, aawua ui, yvu v. tu.i ira noweii, ars log much Interest and favorable notice from in- 1 sumac men. ins current issue contalna an Lumiraoiy written account of St. Paul and its taeurano Interests.

Mr. Howell Is a clever and finished writer, conservative in hia eomnven-t but liberal la view. He Is a Princeton man- has a rich fund of knowledge, aad his work on lb Argus Is a prominent feature of thst innr. aaL Mr Howell's pleasing stories that appear la print -in the secular Dress are also well worth perusing Fraakfoi-t Getting- aea Bastaeaa, Th liability companies were prone to msk tight of th Frankfort entrance into th Held it tha beginning, sad declared It was cutting no figure, but now It seems It Is securing- large number of elevator risks and several other good lines. It waa reported yesterday that -he Union Casualty had ordered its agents to meet th Frankfort's rates, but Manager Beards- 7 ssum statement in to to.

The Plate-tilaaa Sltaatlea. Chairman Adolph Loeb ef th local plats-glass will likely call a meetlne Tui.e I I mm NiilV iUt-UKbAN xLbclKlC KY. 8th Anniversary Sale Of 300 choice residence lots In this Monarch Suburb, WEST GROSSD ALE, Sunday, IS. FREE EXCURSIONS Ovsr th B. Q.

Railway. Free trains leave Union depot, Canal and Adams streets, AT 2 P. Stopping at lth at. Blue Island av and Western av. '7PrtatJea wUI be haaded tit train.

TO EVERY ONE IN ATTENDANCE sales and do. the best ihine for woar- wefu rrxri um Iff EASY MONTHLY INSTALJ-MENTS. MS. 07 M.soak Te.ple, Cwer State ah. Edldglp.

Slreets, CkkdJ. I I 0 IIH.ESHEIITB CUcigo Gold Mortgages. I 50 I 9y0 6 For Sale. Peauody, Kcughf eling 164 DEAkBORN T. OHN5 At low rates on Chicago Real Kstats.

E. A. Cummlngs Co Cor. Waahlag-tea aad. Dearbora Sta.

It will be decided whether th board can be reorganized Jrith the Central Accident of New Tork as member. The Metropolitan still holds out for 2 pee cent commissions, and declares It will pay that sum even If all the outside companies would agree to come In on a 20 per eent basis. The Union Casualty Just as emphatically -contends for 20 per cent commissions. The other companie will agree If necessary to a 23 per cent basis, and an effort is being madeite draw the L'sion Casualty- to the 1 Xaat Make Separate Statesneata. It seems that Munger.

Ebbert -A Co. ar en deavoring again this year. as last. tot persuade the city collector to allow them to make the returns for all their companies tn a bunch on which the 1 per eent tax la to be- paid. The collector, however: rules that an agency must report each company'a pre miums separately.

Up to date S4L34S.eS in tatxea haa been collected, but several companies hav not yet reponea. Cosanslttee Chairman 8. A tm Meet ToMsrrow, Rotberme! -of the committee of the Chicago Underwriters' association ta confer a to what can be done to keep the local board intact If tne Merchants of Paewark begins a rate war. has called a meeting for tomorrow. It is generally believed that, whatever the conditions are- outside.

Manager Garrigue will tncderate and conservative as to Chicago aad will not throw a firebrand Into the local camp. McXall Eaforces a Parntest. Superintendent McNeil of Kansas haa issued an order requiring the Travelers' Insurance company of Hartford to pay the contested claim of R- 8. Fastman of Meriden. for 3130.

Mr. Fastman Injured hia leg by falling through a broken sidewalk and made a claim for accident Insurance against the Travelers which denied liability and declined to pay tha claim. East man then appealed to McNeil. Isssrasre Mateo. B.

W. French, Western manager of thcOrient has withdrawn from th Western Union. Leo A. Loeb of A. Loeb A Son leaves today a aa extensive tour among the Eastern lakes.

R. L. Pollard, chief clerk In the Texas Insurance department, has resigned to accept a special agency of the Tburingia. President EV it. Teall of th Chicago Under- writers' association has gone to his farm Bear Stock bridge, to spend his Superintendent Tan Cleave has licensed the Alliance Assurance company of London, Eng- land do a fire insurance business ia Illinois.

Suits hav been Instituted against the Traders and Liverpool and London aad Globe for each to recover insurance on th Peoria boas ot Peoria, IiL Max O. Hunter, formerly special agent for th North British and Mercantile, haa been appointed by Manager Dargan of the Imperial special agent of the company for the whole Southern field. Oklahoma. Indian territory, and New Mexico, heretofore reporting to ths Western department of th Orient, will now under the Jurisdiction of Tresevant A Cochran, general agents, at Dallas, Texas. Th semi-annual statement ot th United States Casually ahows: Assets.

reinsurance reserve, reserve for undetermined claims, premius in course of collection. cash in bank. This shows an Increase of la assets aad $20,600 in surplus since March Th New England Accident association, for which William B. Chandler is Chicago agent, is issuing a new in comestible policy providing for Indemnity for actual loss of time, whether th disability be partial or total, and in addition te the usual Injuries it covers sunstroke, freesing. poisoning, hernia, orchitis, suicide, sleepwalking, racing, overexertion, and the like.

Tse Ktre Record. ST. LOUTS. Jury 17. Special Teregrsnl.

Fire yesterday evening In the four-story brtck building No. 2JM North Kleventh street, owned by Tfrcmaa Warren and occupied by Charles Mauil Macerett company, -small loaa oa building; mora: ai.v...iMi Insurance on stock and machinery: Hartford Nw Hampshire. .30 Merchants'. N. TM Westchester 730 HROT.

N. July 17. Fire has destroyed th Interior cf the three-story building occupied by the Troy Northern Budget and owned by Charles L. McArlhur A eon. Loss, 40.404.

EAST ANGUS. Uuehee. July 17. The sawmill nulpmlll, blacksmith shop, and 100,404 feet of lumber belccetnsr 10 the Roval Paoer enmraanw were destroyed by (Ire today. The lose Is placed ,1 wnn coosiueraoi insur- arc.

Tb waa running day and night H4uu vmvte ir ids American ma rzet BrtaraaAagre Baanpaat la Gre Brigandage I rampant at th present moment In Greece, This 1 accounted for by th dls bandment of largo bodies of volunteers, who, owing to th stagnation of trad and Industry, hav no employment or mens of livelihood and hav taken to highway robbery for the prrpoee of avoiding -starvation. Most of them were permitted to retain their arms when dismissed from the service, and are now putting these weapons to private account. Spain Mae a Moaepely for ale. 'Th Epaetsh government has Just published a decree at Madrid establishing a state monopoly for th ssle and manufacture of gunpowder ta th dominion ot King Alphonso XIII. Th monopoly will be disposed of to the highest bidder after being submitted te public tender, and tho minimum offer which will be considered I that ef ICO0.O0O annually, paid quarterly to th government..

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