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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 5

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MISTOOK HIS ACTION. Dr. Charles AAuna Grabs a Visitor by the NOT AFTER A REVOLVER. The Man Was Only Reaching for His Audiphone. Ancient Order of Hibernians Put Home) Rule Rsolu1fons City -lit Brief.

Dr. CberW Adams, ef Ne. SOS Twenty-elruth street, thiaka there 1 a re-vis loo needed ta the erdlnaaee reg-ulating the earrytar of dangerous weapon, aad that there are a freak aaaae thlng-s beside revolvers that eerbt to be taeladed tberela. 'A few evealags the doctor waa aeated la hi stedr readier aoiae tb paper coatribated to tb reeeat led leal eoeg-rese. SABS ID HTM TVS TSBOAT.

when bo waa dlstsrbed by aa anrvv sbeo-bsoos from th street door be 11. Th doctor, who waa deeply preoccupied, h-ped that somebody else would respond to the mevaar wbea peai ranf oat Ilk 4-11 Ore alarm. "What do yon waatr qnletly asked th doctor as ho opened th door, after rath-Irvaly tcariof himself away from hi liter-atsre. "Are yoa Dr. Charles AdaauT came from a Bgnre tb doorstrpv I am," said th doctor, aad rased ex-pee taatly at his caller, a tall, spare citizen with aa eager eye asd intent manner.

What do yoo, waatr a gala req nested the medical au. -Are yoe Dr. Charles Adamsf repeated th visitor. "I am," roared too doctor; "what do yoo Her ho brake off suddenly, for tho mysterious ooo accompanied hi last qaery with a motion, of tho right band which songht or something1 la a rear pocket. Now tho doctor is athletic, aad at one I mm twiLAD wbilx mouse, took a beautiful grip oa hi visitor's throat, with the view of intercepting bis ia vest! rat ions pocketward.

CA minute more be had back heeled his asaa onto the hard floor and dropped gentry, bat not too gently, upon him, still retaining that beautiful grip oa the neck. While the doctor was wondering' what be bad. better do next be noticed that bis caller, while emitting inarticulate s-argles, wss also smiling as though enjoying' some especially good Joke. lie almost unconsciously re leased hi bold oa the man's windpipe aad was rewarded with a friendly though somewhat faint: -Think I was going' for a revolver? I'm deaf. I was reaching- for my aediphone." It were well to draw a veil over the rest of the story.

There are things It were be Icier not to dwell upon. The making of the amend honorable and the reoalred pre-eeriptioa, the restoration of the entente eordiale aa well as the gentle man's hat, the offer of the olive branch of peeea sod the hand of friendship, all theve little details required by the code were observed. Still, look in backward calmly at the affair, now that the smoke of battle ha cleared away, a haa been said "by some one somewhere, there are people who think 8 60,000 Families 200,000 Readers THE INTER OCEAN OPENS THE PURSES OF SUCH A MULTITUDE TO ITS ADVERTISERS. ORE you getting your hare I of their dollars? Hire you borrowed the of these people? Have yon told them what you're to tell an where you're to be found and that you v-7 CAUTIOXI met, wU teiie 'itm. The Jirst mJ wiU timplj he the leader.

Jtemltx vill eUk is ttArrs. suits Mo it. re- 3 8 -a- that dt pallenua who wen aa endi-pboM should eot take It about la bis hip pocket, but rather bar It lighted by elec tricity aad carried around by a small boy. ajtcient oson or kubekjanb. Syasamibj with ta las internal loaal quarrel.

Adopted. Tb aeeoad seseio of the nineteenth ea-Bual State convention of the Ascieat Order HlberaUaa (Board of Erin) wu held la Sodality ball, corner of May aad West Eleventh atreet, yesterday. Tb Bute secretary's report showed a great increase ia membership daring the past year, new dlrisloas having- been formed la several roaatles. A corn manic lion waa read from th Confederated IrUh Societies, lavltlng-tb order to eo-operat with them ia th bomo-ral demonstration aad picnic, to be held at Al ten helm park Aug. 15.

The Invitation was accepted. Prominent Hibernians from Eastern cities will be invited to attend. Tb following resolution were edopvsd: Rmelwti. That we. ta icpicsentatlve of Ike Aac teat Orders Hibernians of lb MMd IU linoia.

la coaventio SMnskM. renew to tae people ot Ireland Ike nrnnce of oar continued support la taetr efforts to secure the blessings of boas rale, and tender to Mr. tad stone aad the English Liberal party nor hearty recognition of their determination to purao a liberal policy of Justine to Ireland and brtag about an amica ble aad sstl.f aelory Bettlemeat of a long- ataad-. That hail with satiafactloa th recent aaited art km of both section of the Irish Parliamentary party ta oopoalttoa to Unionist amnio latende to make the noma rale valueless to Ireland, and we earneaUy reeommead them to effect a complete amalgama tion oa the lines of th policy which, under Par- i spleadld asadershln. brought great Brit ish stateamaa to the adoption of home rule, and waste, seed wita nrmaeae and ludnmL affords I the only guarantee of th Baal triumph of Ire- aad legitimate demaads.

Mnmlwii, That we org upon Mr. Gladstone the eenaelly of meetlBw the reasonable wishes of the Irish people by rvlecliac Tory amendments deliberately framed to cripple and bring into east ta Irish legislator, which hi bill win call ml existence, aad to iclai aad ether Isnaes that the It tiiicomos law. may Indeed treaty of peace and a guaraaU of permanent good will between Ireland aad England Tb follow In officers were elected for the rasolof rear Patrick MeOarry, Stat Uclegate; James I tesry. State Secretary John banner. State Treasurer; John Illrane.

eooaty dele-rate of Cook conn I v. The eonventioa adjourned to aseet la Cht- car tea days after th adtoarnmeat of tb isallonal coo rent ion. which wiU be be Id ta New York ia Ma, ltX. COLORED rTTBIAIfS 1J IBWIOX. Many Important Qmliins to tho Clrsuad Ledge.

Tho Grand Lodx of Colored Knight of Pythias met la second annual eonventioa yesterday morning; at 10:30 o'clock U.tho Bethel eharch. Thirtieth aad Dearborn streets. Tho tiow wlU last three day. Ia his annul address. Grand Chaacellor D.

W. Dempcy reviewed tb work which had been accomplished daring- tho last year aad com listen ted the order on tho high Stand Lag' aad reeofoitioa it bad obtained daring' tho two year of existence. Keports from tho committees oa bylaws ftnaaee, credentials, and appeal were then read aad accepted. To-day new committees will bo appointed, officers elected, aad tb honor of rast Grand Chancellor conferred. Tho present officers of tb Grand Lodge are: Chancellor, I.

W. Item pry vice unsa tosscviiiir, J. tx. yaeksoa; Grand Treasarer, William Foster; Grand Secretary, J. Jackson.

Tho lodres rep-resentrO at the eonventioa are: Pythias, No. Daniel, No. Trinity, So. No. St.

James, No. aad ngle- wood Star. No. 8. Grand Seeretsry Jackson, when qoee-tiooed yesterday ia regard to th trouble and reported eoeeneloa of tho two lodges, Damon.

No. 1, aad Chicago, No. said: "Some time a member of Damon Lodge named Lo Blanche died and the fJUJ endowment left by blm was claimed by his lodge, be having left no legal heir. Grand Chancellor Dempcy refused to pay the money, a be did not think th dead man's lodre was entitled to the endowment, which wss not created for lodfes. hot for widows and orphans.

In tho meantime a man named Bell, who was a member of the grand lodge, died aad a 1300 endowment was paid. This so angered tho Damons that tber at ooeo seceded, drawing- with them Chicago, No. 2, and these two lodre are to create lodge of their own. bee. F.

Thomas was suspended for reasons which wish to keep private. His trial will not com n'p daring this eonventioa, as neither be nor Damon lodre, to which he belongs. Is represented here. We have bad no trouble, as stated, nor do we Intend to have any. The wet low.

of onr Grand Chancellor was one which was recommended by good sease and Justice, aad the matter is finished, so far a our grand lodge Is eon- CHAFFS EK COVS COSDTTIOX. Liabilities Erss the Assets Tb Asalgnee'i by The Inventory of the assets and liabilities of Herman Schaffner A the insolvent bankers, waa filed la the county eonrt yesterday afternoon, by the attorneys for the assignee. It shows that the total liabilities, secured and unsecured, snout to 12,30,011. The total estimated apparently good assets are given at 1.KM.9G5, aad the bad and don btf a 1 assets at This makes aa excess of liabilities over all assets, good, bad and doubtful, "of 137,193. The report goes 00 to say that the valae of the assets Is given not as appear by the books of Schsffoer St but as near their present wrth as the assignee Is able to ascertain.

Mercantile paper, stocks, bonds, and real estate constitute nearly 90 per cent ex too estate. Toe present value of many of the ecu Lies Is said to be 60 per cent less than it was two months ago. Re-rardinr the dividend which may be yielded in a final settlement of the case. Levy Mayer, attorney for the assignee, said yesterday afternoon "Under the law three moot Us are allowed under which claims may be filed aralnst the estate, and at the expiration of that time thirty days are allowed creditor to file objection Should aa amicable settlement be made at that time the law allows tho declaration of dividend." CHICAGO THE FOLITICAI. CTXTCK.

rrosldeat Tracer osi tho geleetl of pwaUeaa CI ah Han da sartors. Presldeat W. W. Tracev, of the Nstloaal leag-ue of BepublicsD clubs, and Seeretarr Humphrey spent yesterday ia loolciaf for a location for the learoe office. Both were compelled to return to-their homes last ntjrbt, the former to Springfield, aod the latter to New York, aod they will not decide apoa choice of the locations offered so til their rets next week.

Epeakinrof Chlcaro for the leaj-ue headquarters Mr. Tracey said: "It la the first move ment to the recognition of Chlcaro as the political center of the United State. I firmly believe that with a few more year every political party In the country will have Its permanent headquarters ia Chlcaro, for ta no other place can the eatire country be kept ia touch with the carte. The repeated selection of this city for the Domlnstinjf cod vent loos Is an evidence to that effect, and I am glad that it was the most effective department of the Bepablie-aa party that ha been the first to discuss the future political center of the country." WAST CABS VOTED PROMPTLY. rain Merchants' protective After the Ballread.

Tho Illinois Graja Merchants' Protective association hel 1 a called meeting- at tho Graad Pacific hotel yesterday. jr. M. Pratt, ef Decatur, presided. Tbe member of tbe association have for some time been oojectisf to the treatment received from tbe railroads ia the slow movement of cars.

Many of the members report aerlous loss of business by failar of grain to reach it destination la time aad after a decline la prices. The aeseelatteo. determined to bring th roads ap with' a short tarn, and after several hoars discussion formulated the following Efoind. That It ia the duty of all members of this saaoclatioa to see that cars are fa mix hod by pitality. raiiroea companies of this (Slate to all mem bers of this a oclaUoa.

promptly, or within forty -eight boors aler being ordered; aad. further, that each cars shall be ia good- condition for loading, and shall be properly provided with grain doors and rood roof wbea sent to toe elevator: further, that such cars shall be moved out wiihla twenty-four hours after being; loaded, and promptly delivered to deal! nation. We hereby authorise the railroad committee to enter suit against any railroad company for damages from loan that may result from failure on the part of any railroad aompaay ta not for aishlns; cars or moving grain promptly. Ai BRIE MENTION. Osa iial rrwifht Aa-eat Rprlnof th Klekal- plate, A rata ladleted.

Service, has aei yet aeea had oa General FrelBt Aceat Bprurcs, of th Nickel-plat railroad, who was tadleted two years ago aad again by th federal grand Jury which has )ust adjourned, th charges la both eases oelng violation of Interstnts com mere law. When arraigned ttprbnrn will be proceeded against under the sod of amended Inter la i commerce laws, which the attorneys for th goverament believe wUl enaMe them to adduce i evidence which wlU secure convictloa. Th hearing of th eaa Is somewhat Indefinite, as nothing has been done toward rrtnglng Spnrg to secoont beyond the finding of the indictment, lie has never bad a hearing oa the Indictment returned two years ago, which ia the meantime has grown ruaty la the UUlrtct Attorney vnolta The new Indictment Is therefore renewal ef an old charge, strengthened la that la the meantime a new law has been enacted with a view to enabling the prosecatioa to secure more substantial results. Vegetarian enteral CalCAOO. Ill- Jaaa IS.

Te fas Xdlfsr. Th British commlssloa having yust avaated as a large wall spaos opposite oar exhibit la th 11b-eral arts dlvlaloa ef the Col am bias Kxpoaltloa show plctare sad diagrams Uluatrating th vital foods, rutin, aata, grains, and other wholesome products of th vegetable kingdom. I shall feel very grateful If you will kindly allow me I ask your readers if they eaa lend ate any pictaree or diagrams for this por-proe. We hope that aaaistancs will thus given to our efforts to spread a knowledge of the Value of natural foods wkone use will so greatly promote the health aad happiness of the people. NIT 1 STBS, Cooamt loner Vegetariaa Federal Union.

llsmsvs th Oarbauy. Km Ideals la th vicinity of Msaisoa aad streets are ssaklna load eomptalnts agalast ta health dennrtment for Its fail are remove a barrel of offal which has been Handing la th alley between Medians aad Monroe streets for ever a week. Who deposited tbs barrel lathe alley Is aoft knowa. It la said that the ward garbage eon tractor refuse to remove it, claim ing last a is merely required lo empty end not barrels. Th people la the vicinity ssy that 'although several complalsts have been to the health officers and to the street alley cleaning depart meal no attention whatever has bees paid lo them.

SUbbed by a Befgar. Frank Caberassky. a Pole. tJ years old. Is confined, in the county hospital Buffering from several knife wounds la th back.

At II o'clock yesterday morning as he was leering his home St No. aft Meagher street a man named Ceorve Majtklati approached him and begged for money. Uaberamky retimed, wberrupoa th man drew a kalfe sad stabbed htm twice la the hack and alao badly cut both of his shoulders. Msjtklstis wss arrested aad locked Up at the Maxwell street station. gv ear rated the Pacer.

Deputy Coroner MsNslly conducted aa Inquest yesterday oa the body of Joseph Horwich. the 14-year-old boy who was shot aad killed by Substitute Patrolmaa Peter M. Smith, of the Maxwell street station. Sunday afternoon. The officer elated thai he waa rhneiug a pickpocket named Henry Martin, and fearing that he would escape, he Bred two bot at him The second shot wss fired Just as Msrtla was rounding the corner of Union and Fifteenth streets, the bullet striking Horwtch la the forehead.

The Jury relumed a verdict exonerating ta officer from all aletde atOeeww HoteL H. D. Church. of Charleston. W.

was found dead la his room at Gore resterday morning- On the washstaad wss a aalf-emptled bottle of laudanum, nnd it Is thought that he committed nvlclde. Tbe body wna removed to at j. rs mriaw George Pay. chairman of the reception committee which made the srrangemeats for th entertainment of the delegates to tb recent eoaveatloa of the' International Typographical onion, was' presented with a beautiful gold-headed ran Saturday sight ia recognition of hts efficient services la behalf of the visiting delegates. It eras largely through the efforts of Mr.

Day and his associates oa the committee that the entertainment of the guests wss carried out ia a manner characteristic ef Chicago's hos Rev. B. Fay Mills will lecture at 11 o'clock this morning ia Moody's Institute, No. Institute place. Ex-Governor John P.

St. John, of Kaanss. will speak la 11 lard hall, the Temple, to-day from lo I o'clock. The snnnsl commencement exercises of the Cook county normal school will be held la the Normal school building. Englewood, next Thursday morning at 10 o'clock.

Dr. Jonathan Wright, of Brooklyn. N. will deliver a lecture at the Poat-rraduate medical school this evening, toubject: Lesions of the None aad Tbreak' A patriotic entertainment will be give 'under the auspice of the Friday Night Young People Society la the Ha in led atreet church. No.

rm Sooth Halstcd street, this evening. The headquarters of the Illinois Humane Society have been removed to No. teo Wsnaah avenue, where com plaints or cruelty to child rea and dumb sstmsls will receive proper atteatioa. A mass meeting of rati road employe will be held ia L'hlich's hall. Nob.

XT aad a North Clark street, st clock this evening, under the auspices of th American Railway union. Eugene V. Lwt and others will speak. J. X.

Stevens A Son Photographers. The Lincoln park Board of Commissioners met yesterday afiemooa. aad went into secret seesloa to consider the plans for the building of the Academy of Sciences, but no action was takes. Have year summer suit dry cleaned and repaired at Cook A McLais s. No.

80 Dearborn Thomas Motyneaux. 14 years old, was drowsed while bathing laths river st the foot of Union street yesterdsy morning. The body eras recovered aad removed lo the boy 'a home, So. 17 Clayton street. At the Inquest oa the body of Stephen J.

Leahy, who committed anlclde at his boarding-boose. No. SU1J Michigan avenue. Saturday night, the Jury returned a verdict of death from aa overdose of morphine taken while temporarily The body of aa unknown mas was found la the lake st the foot of Pearson street yesterdsy morning. It was removed to Slgmund morgue.

No. IM West Chicago venae, where aa Inquest was held without developing anything which would lead to the ides illy of the asaa. Pearl Smith, the colored woman who dragged Edward Brown Into a hallway on Dearborn street, near polk, shout a year ago and robbed him of Jeo, pleaded guilty to the cherge of robbery la Judg Kwlng's court yesterday aad was sentenced to five years ia the penitentiary. A Jury In Judge Stela's court yesterday found Emanuel waue, a coiorea man, guilty of criminal assault and recommended his punishment st sevea years la the penitentiary. Wade was cbsrged srith hsvtng broken Into a bouse at No.

E7 Wood street, oa March ZS, and tirltlng Katie O'Shea, The Geaeral Board of TJaited State Ap-prAisers, composed of Chsrles H. Ham. chair-maa; Oenersl George gharpe, and T. 8. harrel La.

which has bees la seesloa since last Friday, devoted yesterday's session to the ciasaiacatioa of. value, xo-oay appeal win be heard. BROOKS' A CLARK'S FILTERS. PASTEUR A Total loss of Sunday's Fire A Kew Btoclt of niter Now Ready for the PuUla fire Sunday morn In haa practically made a total loaa to all. tbe firms in the six- story bulldlor, corner of Wabash avenue and Congress street.

Among the firms who were la the building' were li rooks 6t Clark, No. 84 Cong-re street. Their entire stock of Pasteur Filter, of which they are the exclusive licensee, has been destroyed, lying broken in the basement covered by tbe debris of the roof. Brooks At Clark Immediately rented an other store at 833 Wabash avenue. Just south around tbe corner.

They wired for a complete new stock ef Pasteur niters, which will be la their new quarters to-morrow win alar- They reeerresaud promptly fill all new order aod are doing busines the same as though no fire had occurred. The old Chicago spirit of Tl comes to the surface whenever there is a fire. CLIFFORD WILL DO Trainer Tucker Bays the Colt Is a Cracker. HE LOOKOUT. For Buck McCaan' He Shows Great Many Dorby Horace Now In the at tho Track Racing Corrtmorrti Tb Seoggaa Brothers' horse, th best large string hat haa yet arrlrea at Wsshlngtoa park got ia yesterday from Cincinnati, la charge of Trainer Orr Tucker.

They Include Buck MeCaaa. Helen aad Buckreae. oil owing to list Fnek MeCaan. e. Boehanaa-Holii MeCaaa.

lun Chief, a. h. King Bau-Wigwam. Helen 4. T.

Bucnnnan-mirnianq lihadow. k. t. BK-hiian-Hiinllrhu ie Hoy. e.

yalMto-UHMiMM. Cora T.vlut. S. Lendotav-Ollena. bueepnalua.

It. g. uriuua-laU Walker. TOCW. I.

Borkreo. f. UuchsnSn-Irene. Ueorge berk, 11, toiwKlnnry-PmL. v.

Tliwhanan-Hirh Under -Becky B. fioiMMw I It. 0. Peylonia. 3.

c. Blase funnyCovliigton. riiapeeoae. Mrry hi u-urann Ml 3. f.

Burbanan-AdiUe Two by Buchanan-Orsiiaw kNiasom. The horse all arrive -in- good sbspe. aad are quartered la stable M. at lb southeast corner of the track. Thorpe, one of the premier Jockeys of the Weal, accompanied the stable here, and wiU ride Buck McOsaa la the Derby.

Mr. Tucker, whea asked regarding Derby horse, said: "I will poaitivety atart Buck Mo-Chan la the Derby, aad Thorpe will rkle him. I consider bis chances second to no Western horse except Clifford. Ke has sees out of form this spring, and ha aotOoae' himself justice. Is order lo run well he must have a dry track, although he had no trouble to beat Boundless for the Latoola Darby ia heavy going.

Ail of th Sooraaa string are-well emras-ed In the Washington park stables, aad I expect the stars and stripes to make a good showing this year." -What do you think of Lookout for the Derby You ought lo know, as you hsve been bucking gainst him rirht along this pring." I don't think Lookout will be in the huat at sIL His mice ought lobe -ariaeteadof tol la the betting. He la not Beer-the horse he Is gives credit for being, and is sa un tractable aad unreliable performer, and bexldos I understand he la at present low la flesh. His t-y ear-old form was nothing, and what he has dose this ysar ia 00 lest of Derby fitness. Although be beat Buck McCano twice this year, be cannot do it agala under equal conditions!" -What is your choice for the Derby? "Cliflord. by all ateaaa.

I Son thiak there Is a horse ta tbs. country can. beat him. He was worked the Derby distance oa Sunday at Cincinnati before I left the truck and went the mile ia 1 the mile and a qosrter in and the mile and a half The track was con sidered a trifle slow at that. He Is a big bay horse of splendid with a great night of speed, aad outclasses Lookout aad all other horses that I have aeea at all points.

Besides, be has never been beaten, as the race which be did not wla was lost through aa accident. Bob Kose Is sole owner of the colt, but Eugene Leigh, his trainer, stands to win tS.Ouu against F-5 which he bet 00 him last winter st loo to I far the Derby. Clifford will be shipped to Chicago from Cincinnati Wednesday evening. Th other Derby candidate now at Cincinnati, such a Plutus sad Decapod, will not start ia tb race. Clifford and Buck MeCaaa will be the only starters from that quarter." Michael Dwyer's candidate for the American Derby.

Doe Aionxo. arrived yesterdsy at Washington park, aad along with him came Nomad. who was nest as tae Doe companion workhorse. They will be sent back to New York Immediately after the Derby race nest Saturday. They are In ehanre of Trainer Hardy Campbell, and are quartered ia stalls adjoining Dr.

Knapp O. W. Johnson la the asm stable la which th Keeae aad Daly horses will be housed. Don Aiooso is a handsome bay horse, and looks bigger I haa he really la owing to the length of his lose legs which makes him stand high la the air. Johnny Lambley.

Dwyer's ockey, will be here Wednesday. After the Derby Is ever Trainer Campbell will go East and bring out another batch of Dwyer horse for Washington park events. "Hraedchurrh, the Kentucky race critic, writes follows regarding Derby enadidstea: lt strikes me that ia the Faetera eealingeetC h) Jrkw of perforaaaaeaB Oarlaa the pant few wee ka. there la not a really formidable cand idate. I Judge Chorister must be the best of the lot, but even he would stand a very poor show with th two leading western caadidates.

u. w. Johnson may aa well remain 1 the ast, sad the same msy be said of Kaiabew and sumo others mentioned la connection with the Derby. The Kng-glish caadidates msy be classed as coming under the head of uncertain quantities, hut th echoes from their work would susvest thst the foreigners will sot be In It. Ia the California contingent Floodgate is considered much the best, but a his work is not deemed anything extra, there ia no special reason to believe be will be a vital factor in the big race.

"In the Western division Urvre ate two Candida lev that overshadow all th caber. Lookout and Clifford, ana their pronounced superiority Is based oa th crucial test of public form. Lookout has woo all his races this year fa very hollow stylet and he has gee the Derby rout In th most Impressive style, as witness bis grand performance In the Louisville Derby. Then his victory ia the annual stakes at Hawthorne the other day only served to enhance his real merit, no thnt. outside of Clifford.

It Is useless to men tion nny other Western candidate la the same breath with Lookout. Buck MeCaaa will be a starter la the American, but Lookout can lose such a colt as McCsnn. and at that It ia quite safe to say the latter will beat more Derby starters than will show htm their heels. Prince Deceiver is nothing more than a respectable selling plater, and rsnat us seems to be but little better. Tfte Keeper started here once and by no means came up to Derby expectations, and neither Plutus nor Sabine is up to the Derby standard.

Bound less. In the same stable with Lookout, has gone the Derby route at Louisville, coming -In third, and It would not be very straag soon Id come la for third money. "The remarkable performs sort of Clifford a mile and a quarter In have already been referred to, and the real question in. are they good enough to suggest a formidable rival to Lookout? The deemed drift of opinion here is that they are. Whether or no.

should both of those colts retain their form up to Derby dny It will be useless to look for the winner outside the pair. And so that last sentence gee as my prediction for the American TACBTS ADHJC A2TD GRACE. wttat. Slchi i Aboard Arrtvela tbe Harbor. -Two trim steam yacht arrived yesterday, one anchoring la the basla oC Vaa Burea street pier aad the other taking ap her quarters ia the slip at the foot of Randolph street.

They were the Adele of Muskegon, owned la Grand Rapids, aad tb Grace of Detroit. Tb Adele is a handsome yacht, with a black hull aad natural wood upperworka and cabin. She carries two mast with sal la. aad bas water-tube boiler and triple expansion engine. She Is eighty-five feet keel, and quite beamy, although developing quite a little speed.

Her cabins are rery spacious, aad are finished In mahogany, with blue plush upholstery and silk curtains. She has one state room, a comfortable walk is left bet wee a the side of tbs cabin aad the rail and tae stern-deck Is surmounted by aa ewaing. Very roomy, comfortable seats in the ci lot-house make that apartmeat a comfortable lounging room. Th following party ia ou board: Ed Lowe. John A.

Covode. Edwin F. Sweet, George P. Waaty aad Moiand. Low.

The Adele will 4m ia the barber several days. The Orsee is a comfortable steam yacht, with a rakish bow. and Carrie two spars. She Is owned by Vice-Preside Mills, of the Michigan stove works and balls torn Octroi ta Mr. Mills has a party of friends oa his boat.

The party will remain oa their craft while doing The Fair. The Grace is said lo be a good sea boat with fair speed. "He was a horse of high degree. "Lord Jyre. Morello, tbe master of motion.

With sir are you shod, or with flrer Compelling each sportsman's More supple more swixt haa your sire. umoeo lute a leopard, aad chalnlea Your soul a the surge of the sea. Tour eyes are aa tender and stainless As gray as the dawn, and as free Morello. th tamer of distance. As keen as a hawk oa the wing, Father Time offers little resistance As hard oa his traces you spring.

The cyclone presaging disaster Is laegard to you lo your flight, -The miles that you measure and master Ar trophies of prowess aad might. Morello. tbe monarch, you sseasur Your field as the eagle bis prey. For to cope witb your rivals is pleasur. As they strain and tbey strive la tbe fray.

Tour hoof-beau are musical meter As they scatter the dew from the grass. And the swing of your stride is far sweeter Than dreams are or visions that pass. J. A bttUm. Thereagbbreo Be Beti West.

LxxrsoTOn, June JVpsefciV Trlerr. carnsai ot tnorougnbrea vs. T. property of W. 8.

Barnes, H. F. Hes Ljrne, the Edge water stud, tbe Fleet and other Kentucky breeders, left h' teraooa for Chicago, where they wUi Gerfleld park June 14 and tn. There are about one hundred la all, the ret of such sires as On ondaga, bptingbok, Audrain. Outcasts Faustus, Blue Kyes, Vonao.

Leonstus. Ellas, Lawrence, Duke of Montrose, Imp. Deceiver, and Hanover. Aurora Election Coat. Acboba, June 19.

Svtdal TtUanm. Th long-looked-for answer to the notice of a contest hied by James Battle, the defeated candidate for mayor ef Aurora, some weeks ago, was Hied la the County court to-day la the shape of a plea in abatement. The counsel for Mayor Murphy alleges defective service of summons sad i claims that tb County court has no jurisdiction w.w 4isuw ue mayor elect, ILUMQ18 CENTRAL. Evening; Train for Buffalo BUI'S Wild Wss Shew. Illinois Central World's.

Fair express trains will leave the city for Sixty-third atreet throughout the entire evening on dava when The Fair opening evenings: 00 other evenings they will be run until IU n. m. from the citv to accommodate those wishing to go to Buffalo Bill's Wild West show. Beturaine trains ever aven ue woes. BUSINESS NOTICE.

Fifteen thousand families are using the Broth erhood Wines. They are sold to families aad ciuna direct from the vineyard. the ex hibit In the south end ef horticultural building ana try ine rare OH vintage. Manv aches and nalna vie Id Paaasa's tiisoaa Toato. Trv it.

Peter Ismert. Kmrns Von Baloa WalteWeutseL ClsrsSirey Albert Brown. May IHlberl Flora Hall. Ollrer Veseua James Dunne. Mors hlulvlblll.

tieorre Spanier, Marrunte Kurn. ThorvaMTougL, Julia Msg Slekler. Gertrude Slrhtaler JakeGokiane. Sarah promptly to ranjiBa'a uaim BaubaM will save your TbeJollowlae htlls were filed yesterday: hair. W.

"Octa." -S hat tern oc" A lther style IX you wear a low collar. Mrs. Wlnslow Soothing- Svrue for children teething produces natural, quiet sleep. cents. ,1 jJ XJCENSK3.

1 -The following marriage license were Issued Daniel Jfottelmaa. Oirlatlne Dokwelter. bridgemaa. Bridgeman. Age.

neiius urnirnu, atary rerkowies ....2 in nirau, ail Ueorre M. Lela F. Kael Ullaka. auanda oi Kurhola Aueona, Mlchlla 17 rreo n. Aim, bnu at.

'fl rr JsaBladle, Barbara Marenlc Joseph P. Morta. Minnie M. Lawrence. KeawenrRodooskl al Carl Pederaon.

Caspars Christiansen. 2477 Carl Johanneson. Martha Klels R. Joraanson. Jamie Hsffer I 'JO Theodore Kraseman.

Heurleua sonnedlledt. .60 Joseph Kvaclk. A una Mwo Louise Joaylowits, Bessie Tec ha wits 'JO John Meyer. Annie Burk 1 9 Barry Jones. Laura 8c web.

VI K. Beal Mrera. Alts J. Anderson a I rrank vrbu, alary Strobel VI Anion Boiiaha, Jennie Hronee. 22-19 Cliarle Wnple.

Haute Johnson 2491 Abraham Braodwatn. knrlu 19 Mlcbsel Mslune, Sarah Uu board. 3J Klltou Luse, Belen Common ..............36 3 Oncw Bunrnvo. Annie Carlson. Id Oollteb fpesaerll.

Verena Leonbll ...2 V9 Conrad Wl lem. Mary Petersen. 1T3 nomas Harris. Alice Ilwsm ............81 VI ohn Nielnndee. Corndia V-rdurt 17 Wllllaui Blanrhard.

Mary 23 ueoorsno ona, so Frank Folk. Catherine Egan 2H 27 Peier Campbell. Ed mere John Hayward. Kalle Zander .........2721 Alpuouae DaOunlnck. Maris agnler i 1 Elmos Shipley.

Winnie Bound Abraham 61. Mary Atorm 'J 4 Guatav CMirwian. MaihlUtsPeuemoa curie Laponl. Annie Mori Isle. 19 rfames rouses, noun 2-20 ...47 'JH .4 0 SS Julia Schaad.

Meenah Wakemao. Charles Dalilberg. Annie It! tviuiam lawiey. Hay Wilson VI William Carson. Annie Henderson.

Jl "JO Joseph SnelL Kate Barber. 21 18 Honiara In Boch. Kitlle 24 24 Mas Miller. Fannie Wolf son .25 21 Fred Lange. Augusts Kerber ...........2419 Joseph Barklay.

Agatha Voo Joseph Feist. Snsan Mcintosh rveu Mits, rreoericse i.l Joslf StrubeL Anna 2:1 'Jl Anion Jeltnek. Fannie ..2519 William Boutton. Louise Hubbard 2S 21 SrvartS. FsaUaaon.

Hsnnali Olson 27 Robert Dlurleo. AlherUna Kesc h. SO V5 Henry Lolsean. Linie SO Frank Lemmens. Mary Harvey Skinner.

Fannie Holltm. ...25 21 Charles Flnek. Julia Marecek 22 John Ksrak. Mamie Woodreyka 23 Feedlnand Marcindek Ksztmlcra 17 August schata. Frtda 28 Stewart Quacbenboah.

Ea Dldsoa Vtl Varlar ROuclilouskl. Msrv 21 Henry Milbeeach, Clara 22 Frans Korotny. Anna Doula. 2 21 Johann Jensen, Elisabeth "1 20- Eklred Baker. Kettle .157 -M Frank Lerv.

Annie Iror. Jrt 4 CassluaGranUs. Mae Rsrsiood. 43 3l '1 honias Kellx, Lixxie 1 to Tie. a Adolph Reek.

Ltule 232 1 Harry SlagU lj-ills Page Jame Strohl. Joale Ptaeek ........211 it Hairy Seymoure. Sadie Brad we 11 ffil fi-J DIVORCES. Dora against Theodore, for desertion. MVORM1CK -Robert against Jemlm or drunk ei HEWTOlf Emma against Tabor for cruelty.

BATRS-Sarah A. against Marc, forsdulterv. KALE Cornells against John J. for adultery. The following decree was granted; EAUFMAN Frank M.

from Mary, for desertion. DEATHS. rrXKRAL TRA lit Dolly on CUieage aad Orsad Trusk Rai in ay Street depot, lo Mount Greenwood ami Mount Hone st 1 i mT Mount Hope Cemelory City oOlee. Pnoralx Biiildlng. earner of Clark sod Jackson streets.

bracelaiHl and Calvary-Funeral train of the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway leave I nlou depot iMatliso and Canal umisj aaUy at CALLTRAK Jnne at 6 o'clock p. at Mercy hospital. Kale Call! ban.

bora In County Kerry, Irvland. g0 21 yearn, Flitter! from No. 259 brvrtue street to-day to St- Brldrel church, high mass, theneaby carriages to Northwestern depot and by cars to DAKKS June 17. at Decors h. Tows.

Newton Sit-tic Uanks. sged 1 year I month and 1 day. Funeral service to-day st o'clock p. ax. from Std- ney court.

Burial private. DAM90N June 1. at his residence, Walnut avenue. Austin. Edward Danson, aged 78 years months snd IS davs.

Pnneral to-day at 2 o'clock at St. Paul a church, thence by carriages lo For-eat Home. EHRMANN Emms beloved wife of Albert A. Khnnann snd daughter of Fred and Fredericks Khlert. aged Tl years a months snd 18 day.

Funeral to-day at 1 o'clock from late realdenee. to St. Msthlas' church, thence by carriages lo Forest Home. FTTZGERALD-June IS, at her residence. No.

843-J South LaSalle street, al 11 :30 a. mT. Han-ors (nee eary. beloved wife of Patrick Fita-gerald. native of Feenaugh.

County Limerick. Ireland. Funeral notice hereafter. FrrZQERALD-Juoe 18. Sister Msnhew Fltt-gerald.

al Lady of Lourdea convent. Forty-fifth snd Wallace streets, r- Funeral Wedneaday at SM o'clock s. to St. Uabiisl carriages to Calvary. HKLDslN-June 17.

at bis residence. No. 408 Twenty-fourth street, Weorge Heldman. Funeral to-day from late residence at ill o'clock a. to St.

Bonlfaee cemetery HENNRSSY June 17, Michael Heanessy. pro-feaalonally known sa Barry Grar. formerly a member of the Nineteenth Illinois Volunteer ln-fantry. Funeral from his late residence. No.

SS South Balmed atreet, to-day, at 10 clock a. m. Interment st Cal vary. KEEN AN June IS. John, beloved husband ot Ellen Keenan (nee Burke), aged 9S years.

Funeral to-day, at o'clock a. from No. 10 Wash-burn avenue, tovjesult church, thence by M. A St. P.

R. R. to Calvary. XENNEDT P. husband of the late Mary B.

Kennedy snd father of the late Sister Mary Louis snd Sister Mary Ludlrlcs, also one ofthe-old Onarda, sged 3 years. Funeral from his le residence- No. M7 West Fonrteenth street, to the Holy Family church, Wednesday at It) o'clock a. m. by eaniages lo Calvary.

KEN NELLY June 18, Martin, beloved husband of Kllen Kennelly (nee Culhane), aged 63 year. Funeral to-day at 8 o'clock s. m. from bis late residence. No.

P7 Twenty-fifth place, to All wnw Faaren, iiiwm vj cni so vaivarr VIS 1 M. and St. P. R. R.

KERPKN Jnne 18 at 1 o'clock a. John A. Kernen. Funeral to-dav st o'clock a from No. 271 Cleveland avenue to St.

Michael's church, thence by carriage to 8U fioolfac cemetery. LKCONTE June 18, Augusta Leeonte. aged S3 year. Funeral to-day from No. Archer avenue to St.

Joseph's church, Brighton park, at HO o'clock a. thence by carriages to DON ELL Ague Mary, beloved wife of Charles McDonnell, aged 41 yearn. Burial today at o'clock a. m. from late residence.

No. ftojd South aisled street. MCMSELET-Jone 17. Mabel Pearl, enl or vtiiiism anu Aitneiaaioiseiey. aged 12 yea montba and 17 oayn.

oners 1 from parent resioence, aoicomo son neimoui avenues, atay-falr, to-day at 3 o'clock p. by carriage to Union Ridge cemetery. ITKVI! June 18, Catherine, widow of the late fatrtck Nevln. aged ex years. Pnneral front er son's residence.

No. 1012 Superior court, Wednesday at 9 o'clock a. m. to St. ColumbklU's church: thence by earrtagee to Calvary.

A TJ June 18. John, beloved husband of liertna rauiy, ageu ynara. runerai to-Oay at 1 o'clock from lite residence. No. 9 Fry street.

VJ carriages to Waldbei 1 PHILLIPS June 18. st ber parents' residence. No. Union sventi ritie, ttnei, beloved dsughter of Harold aod Nora Phlllloe (nee Crowley aged 1 year ana monwis. unrmj lo-oay at HQ o'clock a.

m. by carriages to Calvary. ROGERS JtinelS, st his sister's residence. Mr. Michael warn.

xo. 4J1K nooa street. James Rogers, brother of Mrs. Jame Hisrhea. natlv ef Countv Roscommon.

Ire. snd. ard KJ vesrs. Funeral to-day at 10 o'clock a. m.

to Church of St. Rose of Lima, thence to Forty-ninth street and Ashland svenue depot uv cars to Mount rOER At bis parents' borne. No. SSS Center enue, Dnrand, beloved son of James snd Ana i r. sirea jrmrm wwiini i tiitys.

u- il from hla parents' home Wednesday at 10 oca. Montreal papers plcsss copy. DEATHS. 8CHBOEDER Jnne 18, at No. aH6 Melrose street, Louis tM-hroeder.

sged 4 years and months. Funeral to-day at a o'clock p. m. from bis late resldenoe by carriages to Uraceland cemetery. SCULLY June lx.

at bis residence. No. IS Henry 1 snn, ouu. oeioreu nusoana or staryEK'UJiy (nee Msgtnnss) and brother ef Mrs. John Ktee.

Funeral lo-day at 10 o'clock a. m. to Hol Kaoi I ly church, tueace by M. and sU P. to Cal- vary.

tJEfiLKHRSmt June 19. Ben. beloved husband or Jonophtrx) Zodleaud son cf John and Ell sgea -ia years. Member of M. P'rlc-k's Court.

Ko. 12. O. Funeral Wednesday at 9X0 o'clock s. m.

from Ko. 19 j.onn Bangacaoo street, by Carriages 10 Calvary. WALSH Thomas Walsh, native of Olenene. County Limerick, Ireland. Funeral to-day from 11.

Coulter atrset. 10 St. Plus church, at elock, ilH-nee bv ears to Mount Olivet. Glenene (Llmericki papers please copy. tANZI-BUnea Solarl Zansl.

Funeral to-day from No. 175 West Six tuto street to the Church of nwuiuHiun, inenee or cars via u. a. w. railway to Calvary cemetery.

rrjNXKAX. NoncEi. O'LEART KolthO Lenrv. sged 1 A months, dsngb- i5r o' Dnnw-l and (hire. Leary.

of Ko. A ja Marshfleld avenue, was burled Sunday. June la. RICHMOND-The funeral of Holland M. Richmond I will take plsee from hla late resldenoe.

No. 1043 North C'lsrk street, at 'J o'clock this sttemoort. Friends sre lnvlu-d. THE HAYMARKET Will J. Davis.

Principal West Side Theater. The largest aad hsndsomsst In the city. Visitors to tha tYorld't Fair will atamany of iha man, but Eatsro nobltst works of I baa only ona ox- blbit la tha city of bar ooblast work tha parfact physical man, James J. Corhett, CDAXP10.N VF THE n'0U), appaarlna; avary olht la his naw barbie drama GENTLEMAN JACK. Tba raat rln.contast at 10 avary night.

Rut waak I2r. Corbatt will spring a startling aansatloa. OXLT MATINKE vTKPNKPAT. TROCAOERO. namuel J.

Workmann. Anuln I gWSW-s JeremUh Sullivan, Annie 27-Kt I Hi Wt fl sf4 1 A B-r--zh I Ru Gv FHedertck KLs wilier. EoilUe 111 h2. AsswT f- llVwl Haver HchmklL As-sths, Xuusflur 91 I Sas 'ar' rrtedertck Klawltier. tail lie Frank 2ft 4 Haver nchmklt.

Agstbn Kunswelier V6 21 urges Kantaurkss. Warelsiana Zarsnksie. 'M seua i nnewskl. Mry ZJrujewskl 27 IU MICH 1Q AW AT. Alft MOVROR ST.

See the New Features. Paquerette. the Paris Benaalloo. Amann. Europe's Greatent Mlmle.

-sTVeev dsv sk "Vi rA Prices 60c, 75c and jl .00. Boxes ft, 00 and tS 00. HOOLEY'S TH EATER Price 25c to $1.50 evening (except Sunday) promptly at 8. Friday (only), Matinee at MR. E.

S. WILLARD Thc. Professor's Lore Story By J. M. ESQ.

THE AUDITORIUM To-night. TemtoKlnff. Atwan IVmI am! Am m.ahU Thronging of all Nations to seethe Workl Fair ana imra sarauy magmncent spectacle. APHEKICA Abbey. SchoeSel A Gran, Ptoos.

aad Mgra. pIbxessSCHAFFERS Mm. LCCTE PEUCOT. Fedalla Planiate. Keserved Seats SO.

75e. 1. tl Boxes, tlO. Gea'l Admlaaion. Owe, Branch Office Inter Ocean.

Secure Seats in Ad ranee. CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE Fireproof. Mr. David Henderson Manager. very Vlght.

Matinees Wed. and Sat. AM EK I CAS EXTsUTAGANZA CO. toe CrusH. atNlsbt.

a ttaiiei or jeweia. of I Tine. Or MorjiaBA and the 40 Takres. Get Seat Easl lyf Cnarseter OnadrlUe. and Avoid I BiiooJIng WaierfaU.

rnwnwic rajei, A. Grand Trsnsformatioa Scene. Seats secured weeks shesd. Admission ftOe. COLUMBIA Monroe and Dearborn.

Every evening (except Sunday) at 8. The LILLIAN RUSSELL OPERA COMIQCECO. la Leoooq's beautiful opera I KOFLX-G LROFLA. JbUgUSU. remaining performances.

GRAND OPERA HOUSE. HARRY T. HAM slsnseee Eighth Week. Cmwded Engagement gi ih amuwiu uwieiuaa, sr. Sbl.

SMITH RUSSELL In Clyde Pitch's Delightful Comedy, WEATHER Every Night. Matinee Saturday only. THE ALHAM BRA IL R. JACOBS. 7th -Tel.

S. 142. Sole Manager In a grand production of M0MKC4IST0 JK. PEOPLE'S INSTITUTE Vsa Burew sad Oakley. john McNeill Mr.

J. R. Preache every Night at 8. BURKE sings. DON'T FAIL TO VISIT THE' LIBBY PRISON TBXGEE1T S1TI0NAL W1R MUSEU1L most Interesting and wonderful exhibit America, upra irom a.

m. to Sunday. Wabash between to ACADEMY H. R. JACOBS II BALL OPERA Presenting West Side Captured.

Crowded Nightly. 10 p. m. dally and 14th snd 16tb sts. OF MUSIC.

-Sole Manager BUELLSQUiJ CO. ARCADIA. West Sunday The Rambler from Clare. EMPIRE THEATER West Madison Opposite Union St. LAST WEEK Evenlnrs at 8.

I MstlneesatK. Last week m. b. leavitt SPIDER AND FLY. Matinees Wednesday, Sstur- day and Sunday.

CHICAGO AV. CHURCH Wednesday at 7 :30 p. m. Immaaual Baptist Thursday at 8 p. rl RevrTHOS.

SPURGEON of London, preaches. Mr.T. B. Towner sings, Tickets free of charge st 160 M'-n st- and SO MOORISH PALACE Plslsanee. World famed Csstan's Panopticon from Berlin, labyrinth, wllh harem, palm garden, devil's cave.

charming dloramie aoenes of his tor lion. Marie Antoinette execution, on ory. fable, ne- oririnal gutllo- I tine. Lincoln's a nasi 1 nation; scene at rord' iiirMcr, i ausoiuieiy iiieuae ug-ures; optical Illusion theater; magic art display; wiinuuiiH hou. Luncerui ail nay.

NANA 219 STATE STREET. HAS AGAIN TAKEH CHICAGO BY STORM. Sochoronrakv's Superb rimunr. nanx. a.n dlenees view It entranced and enthralled.

On exhibition from a. at. tall b. m. Admlssioa V3 cents.

NO FAIR VISITOR 6HOULO FAIL TO 8Et Tbe Barninz Lakes of KiUuea, the rreat HawalUtn Volcano, Midway PlalsAnce. CHARLES Assisted br THE Jf AI STRING QUARTET. 5 62D AND 63D STS. Opp. World's Fair.

EVERY DAY, RAIN OR SHINU (Sunday Included), at a and J0 p. m. BOfflLOBILL'S wil.d West AND COHGBEH OP RorilH KIDR OP IHB WORLD. to All VOTED A WORLD-BKATEK. 1ft mo nests rvMMii a-mA mmw -t.

Buffalo. Wild Steers, and bucking Bronchos. Allev I. milMlUrjMtr.1 Cn 1 uw I Cars all slop at Ud st. entrance.

Admission. CO cents. Children aundsw leu years. SA cents. lest.

fwilft Mu Comfortable Besort In Chtcaro. Mo mud. no dust. Beat place 10 go on rainy day; 2U foet from ail 1 aV s. Ko umbrellas needed.

CENTRAL MUSIC HALL. THURSDAY EVE'WG, JUNE 22, at 8:15 Km Appearance of MIXJE. sua. stKSZIg GORDON tTenor.) MISS A LM EDI A BANKS (Elocutionist. MR.

FICREN9CHER jPlsnist.) 1 tS? Pm' itlersl eests ftoe. 75. TATTERSALL'S 1 6th and State st. iiu state st. or Wabaah ar.

Cam. IVrilitcary ou, a t. THE GRANDEST MILITARY SPECTACLB IN THE WORLD. gJrery Evening at Snnrlnvs St80. A 1M Hi Anon RK11S Kn ri Reserved seals.

Sl-OO and l.oO. Boxes, sn 00 to FA), at Mclnloah'a wth i U. corner State and Monroe ats (telephone anal at Tattersall'a. Tel. MJ South.

GROTTO. Every Evening and Mstinee Saturday and undar. nu star vauof-viue. lehv Music. taVKEE ANNABKLLE'S WEW 8tlN DANCE.

Refreshments. Open Till Midnlrht. 1- Second Regiment Military Band of Forty Piece. Best Reserved Seats 25c. 80c.

7 3c. Bos Seats $1. SCHILLER THEATER TO-NIGHT. FOTTRTH I Every Evening Except Sunday. WEEK Matinees To-morrow and Saturday.

1 1 I FROHMAN'S STOCK CO. THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME. By David Belaseo and Franklin Fylea. BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG. Do not fall to vlait the rrand Panorama of the BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG It has been before the nubile for the last tea eonaecuUva years.

Opened dally from 8 clock a. m. until luao p. fiundaya included. OLD VIENNA Midway Plaisance.

Blstortcany true reproduction of the Grsbea, a It appeared 200 years ago. From 12 to 4. Concert by the celebrated Hungarian Band. "Hasai From iAi to Concert by the fsmooe Hoch nnd Deutachmeieter Military Band, under tb leadership of HofkapeUmefter C. M.

tithrm H. R. JACOBS' Clark Street Theater, Msttnee Sunday, Thursday, Saturuay. S.tfinor ranh ic atnsenns ihiblUna nl is Industries Indoor and garden restaurants. accommodating 8.

OOO people, managed by first-class German caterer. Grand oneerts faily by trerman iafanlry and cavalry bands la full uaV form. n. at- Mivm, now Manager. DAN MCCARTHY xn True Irish Hearts.

Mext Sunday, the Orel Burlesque. ARCADIA. HAGENBECK'S ZOOLOGICAL ARENA, Midway Pis Isaac. WoDderfully trained wild anlmala, LIONS ON HORSEB7ICK. etc T-SJ si eolleetlan of iai.

soakm and Four perform snces dally. ass i At sast ruruLAB FBiCES. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. There will be no Matinee on Derbv Dav. Same- day, June 84.

but lustead the management have oecratn lo gire a special souvenir Msttnee Thure- day. June2-J- On which occasion every lady av-teudlns will receive a lilndnntiM rstilne PhniA. graph of MISS LILLIAN RUSSELL, McVICKER'S THEATER ai Exits. i lAst Week Bat One Tb worid'e Fair Oreatest Suooeaa hfust Bay Uood-By. Eugene Tompkins' Wonderful spectacular Revelation The fieranna wl Town Hall-lnterestina SAM T.

JACK'S OPERA HOUSE. Madison bet. 6tie snd Dear bora Tel. Main Coolest house In I aVanrfsassssasw-: rhlxaen dii, "i- Vlzf Every nlrht-Matlnee IL 3Kw- Wednesdav and Satnrdav I naa Sa-AtV sou uirni. Seats now on sale for all the I nignt.

Sj, no. Erery day at 2. every Marie Sanger Royal Bur- vouia c-istern monarrik beauties nrleht he'd throne and camp here day i-rioea: atav. xe sue. ELECTRIC SCENIC THEATER, Midway Plalsanee A DAT IN THE AT.PR.

From earlv dawn to snnrtoe. briliiaut davlurht. thunder atorni. twilight. Alpine glowlnr rise of i tbe moon, to night with sparkling stars.

Wonderful light effects unknown In otlier lands. Themost Intellectual sneetaele on Midway Piaisance. AoW- mission 2oc. Performances every half hour. HAVLIN'S iearStthstl CYCLORAMA.

Telephone South U7. The Home Theater of the South Side. Every I Return of the great success. THE TORNADO. Next Sun.

Hopkins' Trans-oceanic JERUSALEM. A most besntlful and Interesting Cyelorama of Jerusalem and the Cruclfl Ion. Open every day and evening. Don't solas It. Wabash sv.

snd Hubbard court. HAVERLY'S CASINO Eden Muse. Wabash a near Jackson st. HAVERLY'S MINSTRELS AND WAX WORKS. General Admission.

25c. Performances Dally al snd 8:15. ANNOUNCEMENTS. TTEALING THROUGH FAITH IN I continuous dally misalon throughout Th it The II 1 I JESDSA r.l. win ue coouueieu in uon lanuruacie.

Vol 6Jd at, near o2d st. entrance to World's Fstr. by the Rev. John Alex DowleandMrs. Meetings dally exceot Saturday, Id JO, a .30, 7-30.

AU seats free. All are welcome. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. VV ANTED GOOD SECOND VV Wooler tiotel. yw) HMh st.

COOK AT ONCE. The Inter Ocean always the Boys friend has bought a lot of Fireworks of the Consolidated Fire- works Co. You can get your share of them for a little work. Here's how: Oiler No. To any boy or sir! who will ail out the "Free Fireworks Coupon," oa page with the name of one subscriber for three mcaths, or three of th coupons with tbe name of subscriber for on; month each, and mail it as directed with 3 25.

we will make a present ef a fine box of firework, costs aing twenty four large pieces, which retails ia any store for 6. For other offers of Free Boxes selling for from $1.37 to $7.00 read elsewhere In this paper..

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