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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 8

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE CITY IN BRIEF lncinki Is Acquitted and Lovers Are Happy. the MULVIHILL MURDER CASE Police Pinch an Alleged Burglar and Safe Robber. Argumont. in th Kceton A Union Sunday School Picnic Local News. Plucimkl.

who wss en trial for A wk lo Jadg Wlndes' court for lb aliesed nardcr of Adam Kstsskl. aa acquitted by Jury at 7:0 o'clock laft leg. Tne jury wat out te bourt aod a half. On ia Srtt ballot tea members of In Jury voted tor acquittal aad two for conviction. After several mora ballou aa agreement, of gulttal an reached.

Wbo the Jonr lot court Judge "Wlndes warned tba apectatora against making any Demonstration of approval or disapproval of lb verdict. Aflat Clara KaUikl, tbe afflaoced bride of luclntkl. and titter of tba nan ba killed. aa la a ttate of bytterical nervoutnett wbeo ho verdict of acquittal waa read. She could scarcely control bertelf.

She waa led out la a corridor of tba building where i he wat icon Joined by Hnclntki. Tbe coup 'a embraced, wblle teara flowed from tbe eyea of each. Tbe crowd that witnetted tbe aceno waa competed Chiefly cf friendt and aympathixera of pair, and they cheered them and congratulated Plucimkl on hit acquittal, Tba cate of Staaitlaut Piuclaakl cootalntd aausoal featarea. He It foreman In bit fcrotber lo law'a bakery at No. fog North Aib Jand avenue.

A year ago Michael Katarkl lived with bia family In apartmeota over tbe bakery. Plucimkl fell In love with Clara JCatiekl, tbe pretty daughter of bit neighbor, and In time they became engaged to be married. Before tbe wedding day arrived Plucimkl bad trouble with tbe parentt and brothers of hla Intended wife, and the wat aa order prcbibitiog him from calling at tba home. Tbreata were made by the two brothers of Mitt Katukl. Jotepb and Adam, and they told Plucimkl tbry would kill blm If ba did not cease bit attentlona to tbesr tit ter.

Miss Katzskl left ber home. On the Bight of April 15. which preceded tbe date et for the weddicg of Plucimkl and M.n JCatziki. Adam Katzskl and two other mm Attacked Plucimkl In front of bit own door. Plucimkl drew a revolver aod fired two abota.

One cf the bullet ttruck Adam, killing him. Plucimkl wat Indicted for murder. ut re etied on bond of S19.000. He and Mitt 11 be married. Jn a few daya.

FOR THE MILVII1II.L MinDEIt. Jadlelaeatt Vatra Aaalaat Pafflek nraa aaa Jaaa tkra. The Indlctmente yeaterday againtt Pat Tick Flynn and John Shea, accuaing them of the murder of boras Wolfe tone MulvlbUI. will bo returned today, and both men will be taken Into custody. 8bea la now at liberty on booda of (500 and Flynn la alto at large on bonda of 1.000.

The police will not aay that they have any new evidence In thia caae, and as far aa can Be learned the evidence la the aame tnat wat pretested before Judge Baker May 21. whea Attiatant State'a Attorney Bottum plainly told the court that a conviction waa Impotil ble on auctt evidence and If ha waa atked to advise the court In the premlaea he would tay the prlaooera ought to be discharged. At that time 8 hew and Flynn were before Judge Baker on a habeaa corpua proceeding to ae eure their releaae. and Attiatant City Prosecutor Dennlaon had charge of the caae. Attiatant State'a Attorney Bottum waa called in to aid tbe legal representative of tbe city.

Attorney Bottum made tha statement quoted. Atslatant City Proaecutor Ienniaon remarked to the court: "I don't propose to butt my head Into a stone wall If I know It. If the Assistant State'a Attorney la of the opinion that there la not enough evidence here to Indict these men there la no use in holding them. Alter hdi renecuon nur aaia that while the evidence waa not strong, yet he felt that the ease waa surrounded by a mystery that ought to bo cleared up. Tbe queetlon then aroae aa to the power of the court to discharge prisoners held by a coroner's Jury on a hatreaa corpua writ.

Thla point of authority waa dropped, when It was finally agreed by all tbe attorneys that the court could release tbe prison ert on bail. Judge Baker did thia, holding both men for Xurtber examination by the grand Jury. The case waa passed by the May grand Jury, because the police bad not completed further Investigation of tbe movements of Ebea an Flynn on the night of May g.when young jaulvlnill disappeared. 'ALLKGED AKE THIEK LOCKED P. Lswresee Galsss Caarsredl with Cewa alleltr la the learate Hskhery.

stlofr.cVat.dls.elle. fltbemJod the tbthbhbar By the arrett of Lawrence Gulaon last Friday the robbery of Christopher 8c rage at No. Ill South Jefferson street was again recalled to mind. Schrag waa old miser, who lived la small frame house at the above number. He as reputed to be very wealthy, and kept Ma gnoney la small safe ia the home.

Every on ia the neighborhood knew of the old man a aooaev, and that It was his custom to count it over 't very eight. Oa tb sight of March 24 two mco called and naked the old man if he bad any rooma to rent. left tb tafe epea and went upttalrt to tbow tbem tbe rooms. While starting upstairs tbe men seised and bound the old msa and robbed tbe safe of several bundred dollars In currency and nearly 10,000 in bonds. Tbe roboert have never been captured, although tb best ansa la tb detective department have worked aa tbe case.

Lett week man. noticeable by his great stature, called at the country treaturer'a office and atked for the comber of tbe Schrage bonds. aroused suspicion la be of tbe clerks, and tbe man was put off with an excuse. Detective headquarters were notified, and a detcrlption given of the man. Detective Sergeants Plunkett and Fay jeer put on tbe case, and at midnight Friday arretted Lawrence Guinoa at tbe corner of Twelfth ttreet and Wabash aveoue.

Tbe officers found one of tbe bonds In Guinon'a pocket whea he wat searched. Tb prisoner eras not booked and wat beid at the city ball. Me waa frequently put ia the sweat bos. as the police thlrk he la but tbe go between. Culcon resitted all efforts to get him to tell who tbe robbers were, acd tb police Intended to oId him for some time to indue him to tell all he knows.

Aa effort was mad by a writ of habeas corpus to hav the man released, bat Judge HatcblBsoB remanded tb prisoner give tb police tlm to take him before a lattice. jLRGI MEVTS IX KEETO CASE. Ztteraer Hardy Addresses th Cearl far th Prececal lea. Arguments of counsel consumed th entire day yesterday la th trial of Dr. T.

A. Keetoa la Judge Cbetlaln's court. Muck of today also be devoted to further arguments. Attorney Charles Hardy opened th argu ment for th prosecution, and maintained that th evidence rusts! a ed the charge of as sault with Intent to kllL Tb fact that Dr. Keetoa during th a aaa ft upon Professor J.

P.KIetzlng In th Raven wood public school building April 26 repeatedly mad us of tb xperssloa, "I'll kill you." as testified to by witnesses, went to prove tb intent, according to th view of th prosecutor. Tbe attorney caustically alluded to tbe fact that Dr. Kee toa had appeared lo tbe courtroom oa several occasion a during tb trial wearing a button hole bouquet and aeemed to unconcerned about tbe charge against blm. Attorney Hughea will address the Jury this la behalf of th defense. Assistant th lb A all PMnea will close for the vxio srsroAr scHooi.

piotic. fchalart mt Three Ckarehet Gather at Barllasrtaa Park. Three Preabyteiiaa churchea of Chicago participated la a big Sunday achool picnic at Burlington Park yeaterday. They tbe Ninth Preabytertaa. tbe Porter Memorial, and tba Trinity Reformed Churchea.

It waa a great day. eepecially for the chil dren, who enjoyed ihemaelvea beyond meoturt. but toward evening there were many aleepy lltttle heada la the bammocka awinglng beneath tba big foreat treea that adora the park. It waa not alone the children who enjoyed themtelvea. The bigger broth ert and tittera and the fathera and mothera were there alto, and many a pleatant famly group aat on the green award under the hade of wide preadlog maplea.

to eat heartily of the aub ttantlal luncbeona prepared at home for thla particular occailoa. la many waye the picnicker enjoyed them tetvee during the day. Rome of them went Bihing la tba Da Page River, which the park for nearly a mile. Othera played bateball and football. There were racet I jr boya and glrle; three leered racea for boia aad egg and tpooa racea for glrla; tack racea Jumping.

and tuga of war. Tbe older folka patronised the bowling alleya aad the rifle allerlee. but tbe big attraction for the chil dren waa the merry go round. Tbe paatora of tbe three churchea partlcl pattcg la the picnic were preeeat. aamel: Kev.

C. E. Morae. Ninth PretbyterUa ChurcL: Kev. m.

smith of tba Porter Memorial, and Rev. P. Moerdyke of Trinity Reformed Church. Tba committee la charge of the picnic waa made up of W. 8.

Cumming. Alvla Baker, and Henry Wilte. The moat prom inent visitor preaent waa Kev. J. M.

Vaa der Hook, who It oa hla way to the Big Timber alley. Mootana. with a colony of llollaodeit Soma are fretb from tbe old country acd othera are from Illlnola. HOLD A I'HtTKHMTT DAXQIET. law Meakers.

Aa installation and banquet wat teodered at the Wellington Hotel Monday evening by the memters of the Lincoln Chapter of Delta Chi Fraternity of the Chicago College of Law. A urge number were preaent. and toaatt were responded to by Marvin E. Barnbart, University of Michigan, fH; Chief Juatice Bertrand Llcbtenberger. University of Michigan.

J. Wallace Cory. Chicane Coll of supreme Clerk J. Francla Tucker, i Diversity oi York. During tbe evening Hon.

Robert T. Lincoln ueiivrrea an address. Tne festivities were not over until 4 o'clock yeaterday morn 1 nr. The charter members of tbe Lincoln Chap irr oi ueitn ni fraternity are: June Wallace Cory. Chsrlea Earle Bartlry.

i narie r.rkler. Walter Eugene Iteebe, Frank ray rratt. Servalt Zark ttiiversparre. Henry SamsH tiensrhe. Frederick Wells Knltk llim Kobert Parsons.

John 4 a la Araoa. Jaaaet vuaries "ol.jr.. Lawrence Ileal nt Stringer. Hjward Co.lver. Whitney Thayer Lovell.

Robert Cunningham Sturgeon. Conns Wsltoa Kield Thomas Horace 8i.esoa. Frederick Fitch Mr. Ilgan. Victor Arthur Wliber.

WIIIUsb Herring rrew now rati. teorg aoairwl sitsire. Hon. Henry M. Shepard.

Hon. Simeon P. Shope. and Hon. Edmund W.

Burke are the honorary members. CHICAGO ASS OFK FOR EI ROPE. List Cahla Pasaeaacra ilalllasr a (be MaJeatleTaaay. Tba following cabin pattenger. booked at the Chicago office of the White Star line, aall for Europe on the ateamahip Majestic from New Tork today: If.

A. Velte. Harry Hellgrea, Oosla Hrlltren. Samuel flellxren. tieari llellsren.

Mrs. Htlma Uodia. Mist Lilly liodln. Mrs. Isabella Uawln.

nry Vilat, W. F. Keep, J. F. Boss.

Frederick Low. W. J. Johnston. Charles C.

Pond, Mrs. Pond. aster Bremer Pond. Mrs. L.

Loekart. Msrsball Field. E. P. Vilas.

Mrs. Vllsa, Charles A. VII ss. Franklin P. Fisk.

W. Halary. Roberto Ybarrola. Cecil Peers. Stanley C.

Clark. T. A. Edwards. William McConnelt, O.

Mead. J. V. Cheese. John Hod's.

E. F. Pearson. It. H.

rmtor, Kobert Slee. ICdmund Slee. Mrs. Alex, lietlgren. Mlsa Taotnasln V.Ua win, Mlsa Alice Camming.

Mrs. W. J. Piaskett. Msatsr Piaskett.

Mlsa Catherine Gunther, miss reran n. Duller, Miaa m. Ulna. Mrs. Emma Jensen, Mrs.

E. Hodxdoa. Mrs. EtrtweOe, K. 8.

Willard. Mrs. E. 8. Willard, Charles F.fer.

Miaa Adams. Miss Mary Foley. Mrs. M. J.

Burrows. Mlsa Nellie Georce. Mrs. Tbos. Brourbtoa.

Mr. aad Mrs. T. J. Qulna.

Kev. I nsries iiravea. Mrs. Charles Graves. TiARROWLT ESCAtTED A WRECK.

Trader ef a Faaertl Trala A I sweat Over ast Ewahaak sweat. The "funeral train oa the Northwestern road narrowly escaped what might have been a fatal disaster at o'clock yesterday after noon near Cnyler. Th trala lea yes Wlnnetka at 1 JO p. and at Calvary oa severs! cars filled wltb fuacrsl parties, from which It takes Its asm. Between Ravenewood and Gross Tark th tracks ar being elevated, and tbey at now for tbe moat part tortuous and uneven.

While running st the rate of twenty flee mllea aa hour over the highest part of roadway tbe front trucka of th tender left the tracks. Th engln was running backward, and th tender, after running oa th tie for tome distance, had Juat started down tb embankment when the engineer atopped tbe trala with a Jerk that made th passengers think there had been a collision. Had it nM ttopped at tb Inatant It did th engln. and perhaps th train, would bav followed the tender. After nearly aa hours work the tender wat placed back oa tb track and th trala core pieted th Journey more slowly.

CLUDEXI I TUB TOILS. Arrested After Heldlagr a Maa Badly Waa ted. Officers Mshoney and' Weits of tb Des plalnet atreet police atatloa yeaterday ar retted George Cllndenln oa the Clark atreet viaduct and be proved to be a much wanted prltooer. At th time. It 1 said, he bad Jutt held op Charles Edwarda at Polk aad Clark streets and was trying to escape whea the officers saw him.

Cllndenln la said to have been a pal" of Cbarlee Daniels, who was recently aent to the Jollet penitentiary oa the charge of robbing Mark 8. Abrams, traveling man. from Cairo. 111. Election night latter waa relieved of 115, a diamond, a coat and vest, and hla overcoat la aa alley at rear of Tuck's saloon.

No. 9 West Madison atreet Daaiela waa arrested, but bis partner, who la said to hav been Cllndenln. escaped. Tbe prisoner la also charged wita robbing bia landlady. Mary Kilkenny, at No.

300 West Monroe street, of a quantity of sil verware. SPOILED. A KltE FEAST. a Sneer Sararlaed a Treap at Treat aa la at Baa Car. Monday evening a maa stopped at tbe bom of Police Officer McCauley, at Clark aad On Hundred and Fourteen tb streets, and atked for some coffee.

Ho carried a tla bucket and It waa partly filled by Mrs. McCauley. Th latter husband became suspicious and followed th mea to Oa Hundredth street and th Illinois Central tracks. There be saw bin enter a box car. Tb officer peered through th door of th car and saw four mea seated arouad aa elaborate supper.

There were fried chickens, roast beef, potatoes, aad such other edibles as tb mea bsd begged la th neighborhood. McCauley catered th car sad told tb mea tbey were noder arrest. Two sprang through ths door aod escaped, but th officer captured J. H. snd Roy Murphy.

They will be given a bearing before Jutt Ice Porter July J. TWESTY FIVB BARS OP Chleaare Atheaeasa laaaea Its Twealr Plfth Assssl Praepeetaa. Tb Chicago Atheneum haa reached the quarter century mark ia Ita work, aod the twenty fifth annual pretpectut, Jutt Issued, tbows Increased pretperity snd atefulaets la branches, trader th able management of State' Attorney prosecution. A ia a di Aa th of It a by TILE DALLY INTER OCEAN, WEDNESDAY MOHNLNQ, JULY 1, 1890. Superintendent Barrett and a Urge and ef ficient staff of teachers, tbe school la better equipped then ever before for giving instruction In aH tTa special departments it alma ta cover.

The proepctos Jus. Issued contalna tbe testimonials of many of Cblcago'a belt knewa business anea aa to Ita value la equipping young men aad young women for re aponslble bualneaa position a. The best testimonial to the good work dona la the fact that the Chicago Albeneum bad 1.302 atudents enrolled during the paat year. POLICE SPOILKD THE GAMES. Two Baseball Teaat Arrested, hat the Caatalaw Esesse.

Baseball received a bard blow at South Chicago yeaterday afternoon. Two rival nines, composed of boy a ranging from 10 to It years ct age. were arrested by the police Jutt aa tbe game which waa being hardly fought wat reaching a critical point, aad victory waa el mott within tbe gratp of tha South Chicago Emeralds. Tha opposing teams were the Touag Kosciusko Giants, a Polish team, and the South Chicago Emeralds, composed of Irish lada. The game aaa being played la an empty lot at One Hundred aad Sixth street and Avenue O.

Both tea ma have bee a aplrited rivals during the aeaioa aad victory meant the championship of South Chicago. Every time a borne rua wat scored, and that waa frequent, severs I hundred throats let out yella that could be heard for blocks around. Several persona la tbe vicinity requested tbe boya to atop making so much noise, but their efforts were fruit iest. Finally the police were called upon and oa complaint of M. Katymana of No.

One Hundred and Sixth street the boys were arretted for disorderly conduct. Sixteen were taken to tbe South Chicago police atatloa. where their parents balled them out a few boura afterward. The captalna of both teams escaped. The boya aay that when the police aad patrol wagoo made their appearance on tbe scene the rival ea pie las Joined ha a 6a and ran acroas lota aa feet aa their lege would carry them.

rOBIAKES BY HER RELATIVES. Laasjaelel faaat aa the Streets la a Kalatlasr Ceadlllea. Exhausted after walking about the city every day since last Friday Rose Longfleld. 19 years old. sank to tha floor In the Polk street depot yeaterday afternoon and for sev eral minutes waa unconscious.

The Harrison street police ambulance waa summoned and after driving ber about tb West Side for some time, took ber to the Harnaoa atreet annex, where ah la being cared for. From what information the police have been able to Obtain It appears the girl Is not wanted si ber borne. 8be waa formerly employed in the Boaton atore and lived with her mother at No. CSS North Wood atreet. The girt haa not gotten along well with her mother and when ahe loat her situation Friday she rented a room at No.

SIS West Vaa Buren atreet. At night time aba slept here, but all day walked about tbe streets, and alnce Friday has had but little to eat. Yesterday she became weak that abe started for a aeat In tbe railway depot, but waa unable to reach It I and fell anconecloua to the floor. She was first taken to the county hospital. but the told the officers she did not want to be placed In that Institution, and was then taken to the bom of ber mother.

The latter was not at home, and ahe waa then taken to the borne of her sitter at No. 708 Glrard atreet. but was refused admittance and waa then removed to the Harrison street annex. Tbe police say ber relatives consider ber a bad and wayward girl, while tbe girl herself says tba bss done nothing wrong. MRS.

TURK OT HIS TRACK. She Char era Her llaahaad, Frederick with Akassstaett. Charged with wife abandonment Frederick W. Turk. who la a member of tbe Turk Hydraulic Power Company at No.

29 Dear bora street, aad the National Water Meter Company at No. tit Dearborn street, was yea terday afternoon held to tb grand Jury by Justice Richardson. Mrs. Julia Turk, bis wife, appeared to pros ecute. Turk Is a falr'y well to do maa and well koowa aa an inventor.

He Is well connected snd originally came from Berlin. Can ada, wber bia relative ar well known. Turk was married la Berlin twenty yeart ago. and soon came to thla city. He waa la bual neaa her aa a manufacturer of machinery for twelve years snd then removed to Fulton.

N. T. Ia th spring of IKK his wife says he sent her oa a visit to friends In Philadelphia and failing to receive word from blm ahe returned to Fulton and learned that her husband bad left the city. Since then, abe say aba haa beea almost continually aearrblng for her husband and a few daya ago with tbe aitkatance of tb Harriaoa street police found blm. Turk Is S3 years of age.

and claimed whea arraigned In court that hie wife had left him. He admitted bavlog been away from ber five or six years aad that be bad not written to her or givea her any money during that time. CROWLET LOST HIS BEER. Aad Waa Paattaeled by Twa Tiegraea lata the Barsrala. J.

Crowley, a lineman la th employ of tbe Edlsoa Electric Ligbt company, waa a victim of tbe long nnd abort men yeaterday. Crowley waa eating bis lunch la tbe alley off Poik street, between Plymouth place aad Clark street, wber be was repairing a wire. can of beer and a "red hot" reposed at the tide of tb electric light msa. Tb beer was sort of a positive pole to a tall negro who waa attracted by tb cooling liquid. Tb negro aelxed th can, surrounded th content! with one mighty quaff, and then grabbed tba red hot.

Crowley ought bard lor bis ssotsge. and would probably have regained It had not bia antagonist beea re en forced by a short, fat negro. Betweea tb two tbey nearly beat tb life out of tbe electricity man. Tbey grounded blm, nearly brok hi circuit, and then ran off wltb on beer can, a "red hot." aad a hard boiled egg. Crowley reported bis loss to ta Armory a few minutes later.

He told Sergeant Kelley be wss sure tbst on of tb mea wss a transom scaler, and tbe other fellow a booster. Tb police ar looking for them. JAIL FOR ITHAW BAILERS. Twa mt Theaa Get Plfteea Daya mm Par ISO Eaeh. Judge Tuthlll yeaterday dealt severely with two "straw bailers' who admitted their guilt his court.

Hs fined them 1150 each and the coata and aent them to Jail for fifteen days each. Th mea wer William Navlgato and Joseph Clancertilo. These mea on April 24 became bondsmen for John O'Keefe, who was under indictment on charg of larceny, th bond being $700. Nav lgato tcbtduled lots 4. 20.

and 21. block J5. school section addition southwest quarter sec tion 1. township 19. rsng 14.

snd Clsncerulo scheduled lot 2. block X. la J. Johnson's sub vision of section I. township 40.

range It. Investigation by th state's attorney dis closed that neither of thet men owned th nrooerty described. Whea arraigned foefor Judge Tuthlll oa a charg of contempt of court both acknowledged that whea they swore to schedule In Judge Freeman's court they knew they wer swearing faltely. Judge Tut hlll Imposed tbe fine and term of Imprison ment mentioned and th tnea may also Indicted on charges of perjury. HE rED A SHERIFF'S STAR.

Erast Welaherar Cksrged with I suae eeaatlaar aa Sneer. Deputy Sheriffs Spears and Lang arrested Ernst Weinberg Monday night on a charg of Impersonating an officer. When taken Into custody Weinberg had pinned to his vest a regular deputy sheriffs star which th prisoner says a found la th street about two weeks ago. The msn. it Is said, ha been swindling owners of small stores la the southwest division of the city for a month past various amounta of money.

Hla plan, it alleged, waa to represent himself sssa official of tbe aberlfra offic and show bis ataraa mean of identification. Hs would atk for hil.e. it Is asserted, to collect, saying he charged nothing for hla work aa be wat paid the county. Many persons, it kt tald, gave af th at th th his ha bin accounts to collect and bo failed to re turn. Lltst OR DEALERS IX SKSSIOX.

Ceaveatlea of the Fleet District Meeta far Bstlaess, The sixteenth annual convention of the First Dlttrlct Liquor Dealers' Protective Association opened yeaterday afternoon at 1 o'clock In Grelfa Tbe vice prealdenU W. Reicbam. called the convention to order, and the following temporary organisation waa formed and declared permanent Chairman, ex Alderman Fred Robde; secretary. Philip Kastler; attlstaat secretary. Charles King.

The following committees were then appointed by the convention: Resolutions M. R. Hsrrts. Wllllsm Burke. Joseph BmeUkal.

O. L. Woreack. Joseph Srld aerk. Kinases Philip T1eder.

S. W. Clute. Fred Ool hardt. A.

Anderson. F. Leber. Constitution lie Bv Laws Jsmes. Ceewle.

P. Ganger. Thomas Grief, 111 ward Kelt. J. Rokoa.

Re port a of the officers were then read. The president. Auguat Mette. reported a prov peroua year for the organization. One of las resolutions adopted Rewlved.

la view of tbe fact that some of tbe represaolallvea of tbe City of Chicago la lb, last General Assembly eblained the support of the liquor dealers upon tbe plea that they would oppose sit vicious aad aumptuary laws worklaa a hardship spoa the liquor Interest aad proved rccrssnt te their trust and pledges aad used their position la aa attempt te extort money for work aad votes; therefore we vigorously protest stalest the reaomlaaUoe by aay party of all such as we consider them bad la principle and daagerooa la position, fa particular, we protest aaalnst tbe rvaomlaatloa of Joseph B. 8cbwb for membership In tbe Legislature of the Stale of Illinois aad ask tbe ehslrnsaa of tbe convection to appoint a committee to wait upon tb political parties la protest againat all such men aa eandldatea. MME. BOSXEFOI MAY BE RELEASED. Peer Health the Reaaaaa OsTerea la Her Behalf.

Melane Bonnefol. who was sent to Jollet Msy 14 by Judge Orostcup for Inducing two French milliners to come to Chicago under alleged false pretenses, will probably be dla charged from Jail oa Monday next, on order of Judge Groaacup. Yesterday ah filed a petition with the court, declaring that ber health was very poor. Several physicians testified to her repreeentattoa. Tbe Judge made an order discharging her, providing abe paid ber Sr00 On by Monday next.

If the fine Is not then paid tbe woman will hare to serve out ber sentence, aa tbe Jurisdiction of the court over her caae expiree with tbe opening of tbe new lercn oa Monday. Immigration Inspector Bradsby received a letter from tbe two girls yesterday, announcing their safe arrival In France, they having been returned horns at tbe expense of the government. THREE PASRRXURRB MJtRED. A liars Car aetata the Track, Shakiest Ihe Oeesrasls. An Adsms street horse car Jumped the track at toe bridge yeaterday morning, and three passengers wer injured.

Tbey vers: H. BASKIN. No, tl Waller atreet; cheat Injured. MRS. J.

FRITTZ. No. KA West Adaoa atreet; left hand and It ft knee Injured. C. 11.

KIMBALL, room Chamber of Commerce balldlng; tooth broke out. Tbe car on tbe Adams street and Center avenue line waa going east, and Juat aa the top of the approach ef the west aide of tbe bridge waa reached part of tbe harneea of one of the horses broke. Thla frightened tbe horse nd tbey started on a run over the bridge. All efforts to stop them by the driver were ineffectual, and when near tbe center of tbe structure the car left the track and struck the supports of the bridge, throwing the pa sengcrs forward. ADAMS GOES TO JAIL.

Frask Berswa, ladleted with Hit Released aa 93,000 Ball. Georg Adams, th alleged reel estate swindler, was sent to the county Jail yeaterday morning from the Central police station. He It under Indictment on two charge of conspiracy and one of fortrrry Louisa Castle Greenfield and Andrew J. jQreenfleld filed a bill In tb Circuit Court yeaterday aaklng that a deed through which Adams claimed property belonging to tbem be canceled. Frank 8.

Bermtt, Indict ad with Lawrence, Adaroa. and Kimball, cn a charge of conspira cy, gave bond la th turn of 15.000 yeaterday afternoon before Judge TuthilL Anders Andersoo of Sixty Third atreet and Princeton avenue and Michael H. Hogaa of No. lii Gladys avenue signed the bonds. HIS RECORD SAVED HIM.

Jeai mil Arrested far Jsaslss aa Street Care. Jcha Mills, who sell 1 papers oa Randolph snd State streets, was arretted Monday for Jumping oa tbe street cars. Mills baa been located at th Central Music Hall for th last tea years, and baa for bis customer som of tb most prominent merchants on State atreet. When be begao the business be waa a newsboy. Now be la a newaman.

about 20 yeara old. Officer Talbot cf tbe Waifs Mission appeared la Justice Richardson' court yeaterday morning la behalf of th prisoner. He said was well acquainted with Miller, and knew blm to be a good boy aad a keen busl n. Th defendant was dismissed. IU1RF.D I A COLLISION.

Wagea Drlvera by Charles Del ver track by aa Eaglae. Teaterday morning as Charles Dolver, employed la Charlea Frits' bakery at No. 8M0 Commercial avenue. South Chicago, waa driving acroea th Baltimore and Ohio Railroad tracka at Forty Second atreet aa engine ttruck the rear end of I wagon. The veh icl was partly demolished and Dolver was thrown out.

Hla left ahoutderhkade waa broken and he was badly bruised. Dolver ssys the gates were up. and he received ao warning of the engine's spproach. IT WAS "JIOI IK" THAT DID IT. Mre.

Matthews Waa Prlahteaeel by Oae Ward la a Teleaheae Message. A woman, giving the nam of Mrs. Matthews, called at the Armory yesterday afternoon for a warrant. While th blank waa being filled out tbe waited In the operator's room. Operator William Mahoney was tending his daily report over the police le'ephon to th "sub" stations and waa giving th description a moute colored hort which had been stolen.

He began: "Lock out for a mouse Jutt then there was a fortissimo screech In high as Mrs. Matlhaws gathered her aklrta about her and Jumped oa a chair. colored horse, continued Mahoney. The woman turned red. climbed dowa from chair and left th room.

VAX PRAAQ AFTER DAMAGES. Th "Deystr" gay He Will See the I City far 10,000. Motet Van Praag. arrested on a charge of accepting bribes as a deputy South Town collector, ssys ba will so the City of Chicago and W. A.

Parker for $10,000 damages. He was discharged by Justice Richard too yesterday. Farker swore out th warrant on which Van Praag waa arrested. Jutt before the case was called for besting yeaterday city Prosecutor Tatge carefully looked over th statute and found tbst th law did not cover the case of Vaa Praag. It states specifically that the word "bribe" mean when a public officer ac cepta money.

Vaa Praag Is not and waa not the tlm th alleged bribe was givers a public officer. BBCKMA TRIAL OPE5ED. easBBBBBBwaa Prlaeaer Is Cksrxed with tha Mareer mt Bia Wife. The opening statement of the counsel for prosecution waa made yeaterday ia the case of Hugo Beckman. on trial before Judge Stela, charged with the murder of hla wlft, Marguerlt Beckmaa.

Th Jury panel was completed Juat before noon adjournment. Attorney Todd. In ope a I dc remarks. Informed th Jury that would ask th death penalty la thla case. ia to D.

which ho termed a deliberate, coolly planned murder. The prosecution will attempt to prove that Beck man choked hla wife to death, and then tied a rope around her neck to make It appear that she had committed suicide. The defense will try to ihow that tbe woman dlad from heart dlaeaae. and that the cor oner'e Inquest demonstrated this to be the fact. W.

F. Meyers, Janitor of the building No. 1005 2007 8lata atreet. testified yesterday afternoon that he had beard Beckman threaten to kill hla wife in November or October, 14. She waa known at that time aa Mrs.

Maggie Binder. Carrie Meyers, who lived in the houae. said that at one time aha heard Mrs. Beckman crying and calling for help. She went to tbe woman a room and found Beckman whipping hi wife.

Similar testimony waa given by other wltneitea. XATCHED HER BLOOMER PICTl RE. Beajatala Bell Held ta the Crlaslaal 9 11 dJ fatan gSefs 1 Vo Benjamin Bell waa arraigned before Jus tice Chott yeaterday on charge of larceny. Tbe complainant was Lulu Cohn cf No. 47 North Union street.

Mlas Cob told the court that the prisoner bed seised, stolen, and lugged away a photo' graph of herself. I wouldn't care so much." tbe explained. "only I waa poalng In bloomers when tbe picture wss taken. In view of the circumstances tbe prisoner was held to tbe Criminal Court. POSTAL STATIOW DEDICATED.

Soath lea ate Baalaeea Mea Celebrate the Eveat. south Chicago new postal station was dedicated last evening. There waa reception to the public at the new quarters, followed by banquet at Beck's Music Hall la which all the prominent manufacturers, merchants. and professions! men of South Chicago, srith their wive and daughters, took part. The new station la In building owned by Jenkins Jt Crear at No.

SO 10 12 Commercial avenue. AaaoeaeeeaeBta. A novel aad unique exhibition will take place at glxUeath and Hidgewood avenue. Cicero, on tbe line of tbe Chlcaao aad Northern Pacific Kail road, at o'clock oa the afternoon of July 4. Two blah speed lialdwla locomotives, welt nine forty tons each, with a train of gve box cart and a caboose attached to each, will collide.

Tbe Hussar Squadron of Cfclraao go Into camp at Paw paw Lake. Jaly 1 to la. Tbe squadron consists of Troops B. and about mounted men. Tbey leave by boat.

City of Milwaukee. Graham A Morton dock, foot of Wa ossa arenas, jaiy at a. m. Best oa earth IS cabinet photos, three styles. j.

meveaa, jacvicaer Tnealer building. Tald fa a Paragrask. Watchman Samuel T. George wat held to the criminal Court by a coroner Jury yeaterday for Ike abool.BC of aa wnldeatlSed thief ia the yards of the Westers Indiana Railroad, near Slsteenth street. Sunday night.

Knglneer II on rasa of tne Wabash Road tes tified that he saw the man walking biiakly away from George, who. when tbe man wat bat eight or ten feet away, drew hla revolver aad snot bias. Burglary and assault were tbe charge which rout rooted John Erirkson yesterday lo Juatice Kersten's court, and be wat held to tbe Criminal Coart. II 1 bond waa Sxed at llO.OuO. Erica son le one of the men whom the police caught la the bouse of Mrs.

J. Dean. No. 25 Chestnut street, Saturday sight. George Erlanger.

a well preserved German 73 yeara old. took out a license yesterday afternoon to marry Frledertka litng. Tbe aged lover Is aa old resident of Chicago, having lived oa the West 8ide a quarter of a century. Th bride to be is C4 yeara old and lives at No. 101 Souih Wood ttreet.

Patrolman Richard Maloney of the Desplalnet street police station wat suspended from tbe force yesterday morning by Chief Badenorh. He la charged with hsvlng beea Intoxicated wail ea dwiy. He will be gives a bearing at tbe police trial aoar seat Tassday afirrsooa. The police have aotlfled tbe residents of Lake lew that their water supply will be greatly eimiaiabed tor a tew day, aa tbe order went ou: from tbe commissioner of public works that the water be shut off from tbe seven foot tunnt at clock last evening. Tbe associated alumni of the Cnlveralty of Chl ago held their annual banquet last evening la Cobb Hall.

Tbe affair waa a big success, at both sinusal et the aid university and new were present la large number. The dinner waa held st so clock. A mass meeting of Itsllsa eltitent waa held last night at Garibaldi Hall. No. 137 Ewing ttreet.

10 protest againat the manner or the civil service commission In the iavestigatloa of tbe charges Blade against Victor E. Magl and James raaaarwiia. Whea the esses against Banker Anthony Kozel were railed tor trial la Justice Sabath's court yesterday morning; tbe attoraeya representing the banker requested a change of venae and all 01 me cases were taken before Justice La Bur. Teaterday a beat waa too mark for George Mctjuire. a awitcnmaa.

and be aat overcome. Tbe Harrison street police removed him to his home. No. I roe street, and lr. M.

M. Rt ter. wao attended him. aays he will recover. E.

J. Johnsoa and II. Kaln. while repairing trol ier wires yesterday, were tnrown from tbe ersi foid of tbe wsgon by tbe sudden starting v' ine aoree an oota mea were injured, Johnson receiving rosea leg. ctiza if on man.

a widow, as years committed suicide by saphyxiatloa at No. SB Ros eoe airvet Sunday niaht. The woman had uaill recently been In the poorbouse. and waa unabU 10 procure work. The Chicago police yesterday received a bi: poster notice issued by tbe London police offering fj for tbe recovery of Jars.

Langtry's Jewe. stolen from a London bank by meaaa of a forged oiurr. Justice Porter will today hear the rase of Rev. Thomas phllllppa. who la accused of selling llquot witnout a urease at tne farkside Cricket Club, oveniy irsi street ana oipp avenue.

CLEVELAND REPBXTS TOO LATE. With Ceaveatlea la Sight He Apparently Beeaaaea Veterans Friend. Washington. D. C.

Jne JO. Special Telegram. President Cleveland aaa gone to the defense or the old soldier end Is aow his friend. Hav ing spent much of ble time during tbe seres aad a nan yeara of hla occupancy of tbe President's chair la vetoing tbe claims that Congress and ita committees or statesmen said were Just, Mr. Cleveland aow seddealy becomes tbe friend of the soldier.

Hundreds of pension claims, which were declared good by Intelligent member of Congresa aad by that body Itself, have been ruthlessly set sside by him. Hundreds of thousands of dollars to which old aoldters aad their families wer said by those tavestlgatlag lb eases to hav bee eatltledl have bee refused to them by Mr. CleveUsd through bia autocratic power of tbe th. but at the last moment, with a national rlerUoa la sight, he bss suddenly become the soldier's friend. Today ine marnine ai ine noose, wnicn furnishes Just such material to the presa as it thinks Judicious gives oat the following: The President acted upon a number of pardon rases before bis departure tor tbe summer.

The applications for pardoe. In the cases of Andrew J. Kooka Of Georgia, Paul Marce.leno ef Mexico, and Stephen O. W. Brandon of Texas, convicted of flenses againat tbe pension laws, were each denied.

Ia the caae of Mar celieno. the President said: Thla convict was guilty apparently or nearly all the crimes and frauds denounced by our pension laws. He seems every way possible to have cheated and swindled I a noes nt pensioners sad Imposed oa th government. Tbe punishment meted out to him was well deserved, and I cannot yield tbe unthinking and irresponsible appeal for his pardon." la regard to th Rooks caae, the President wrote: This convict personated a dead soldier snd through that means procured a pension snd robbed the government. He waa Justly dealt with by the court and should suffer all the punishment awarded to Tbe indorsement on the application on Brandon's case waa aa followt: Denied.

I am unwilling to pardon those who. la violatloa of our pension laws, overcharge applicants for pensions for the services tbey reader la substantiating tbelr claims." Tbe eld aoldters ef th country will not be fooled with this sort of stuff. Tbs mere fsct that Mr. Cleveland refused to pardo thee mea who had been caught swindling the soldiers will not take sway a single one of the haadredt of casea ta which he aalocratically set aside clalma which committee of Houae aad Senate, aad tba Hons and Senate themselves, had aald were Juat. Keaeall Cessly Teaehere Meet.

Torkvllle, 111 June JO. Tbe Kendall County Teachers' Institute, ttadsr ths management of County Superintendent A. D. Curran, opened here yesterdey with a good attendance aad much Interest. Superintendent Frank H.

Hall of Waukearaa, Miss Phebe Gardner ef Aurora, aad Profsaaor Richard Hevward of Torkvllle are the Instructors, HALT RATES TO WASHINGTON. D. Via B. and O. R.

B. Jnly S. and th. Baltimore and Ohio Rail road will sen exearsloa tickets to Waaaingtoa. at rat of 117.40 for the round trip, account Toons People's Society Christian Endeavor convention, Stop overe will ba allowed at Deer Park, ths popular summer resort of tbe Al ias hen Irs.

For further laformatloa apply ai city Udtst amc. I lax treat. WILL VISIT SOUTH AMERICA. Ualteel Statea Maaafaetarert Start aa Their Tear Teelar. New Tork, June M.

The American liner St. Paul, which aaile tomorrow for Southampton, will carry among her passengers a delegation of leading manufacturers and businessmen the United States. whose ultimata destination la South America, and wboee object la the stimu lation of reciprocal trade relations between tbe two continents. Mr. Theodore C.

Search, a Philadelphia manu facturer, la at the bead of tbe enterprise, and among the promleent manufacturers who will make the trip, under tbe aarplcea of tbe National Association of Maaufacturera. are T. Stewart Wood. J. M.

8ludebaker. J. M. Studebaker. Frederick Stearns.

Heart D. Johnson. J. K. Kl.

bourne. F. L. Wagsr. Samuel Bacon.

John A. Johnson. Henry K. Gilbert. W.

T. Adams. Miuiam narper. ueorge W. Fi ah back, T.

I). raimer. and M. O. Maiaom.

Tbe route takea will be from New York te Bouinampto by the St. Paul, thence by one of the Royal Mall packets to Pemsmbsce. In Ifaence down the South American roast. Tbe voyage la usually made la twenty two days. It Is expected that tbe party will call at the Argertiae legation in London and pay their respects to tbe Minister of that republic a jwiy wnicn Is tne anniversary of the Ar gentine iBdependence.

The reason why It wss decided te cross to England lo get to South America la that the steamship service ia vastly tnperlor from Southampton. The idea of tbe expedition originated la the United Stales legation la Buenes Ares. snd wss tutmitied lo the Argentine government for its approval, la that republic the party will be received aa guesta of the nation. wi.l be isaes) is a specisi tram over Iba vast raliast systems, up through the grest wheat belt in ihe Provlares of Santa Fe aad Entre Rios. From tnere tbey will go further north into the Province or iroova.

where tne long carpet wools come from and In which the national observatory la located, uoder the direction of Ameriraa scien tist, thin to Tueumaa to visit the sugsr re series, ana tnea further north to the or Mendoza, Tbe object of the trip to show to repre sentative mea of the Lnited Slates the area! aod many opportunities offered la Che Argentine mat sets to American trade. Whea tba project waa arst epoaea oi tne Argentine goreromeci expressed a willingness to tubtldite a tteamihip line from Buenos Ayrea to New Tork upon the Biisniesi encouragement from tne American Kress, and to grant a charter to an American tank upon conditions not enjoyed by any European institution. After completing tbe stay ia the Argentine riblic a viait will be made to Uruguay and then up tne coaet, a tnousano mues lo Klo Janeiro. About three months wi.l be required for tbe round trip, allowing one month for tbe visit in each country. COLOR MARKED WITH BLOOD.

Fatal Quarrel Over Adatlaslea af tra Chlldrea ta Pa bile He heels. Guthrie, June 10. In a quarrel over the admission of colored children into tbe white school, ten miles esst ef J. H. twain.

negr school test her. was shot aad killed by W. II. Arnold, a white school director. ArnrK gave himself up.

He claims seir dererse and I eauws seversl knife cuts said to have bten. in flicted by Swsin. COLORADO AND YELLOWSTONE rARK Tour in Private Pullman Palase Cars, A series of lours through tbe wonderlands ef I tbe West will leave Chicago via tbe Burlington Route at Intervals curing July, escn under charge of an experienced special sgent. Price of ticket Includes all expenses. T.

A. Grady. manager tourist department. No. 211 Clark atreet.

atrtet. BUSINESS NOTICES. I'te Lettuce Cream tor tunburnt. rati, bllet. and tbe skin generally.

Lettuce Cream Soap. Lettuce Cream bhavlng Soap. Be sure and use Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup tor your cnihirea wnue teeming. MARRIAGE LICENSES.

Tne following marriage licenses wern laruel yesterday AST. Ansiut A Rost, run Menrv k.niclnn. 1 un It ttr 29 Kobert T. H.trt. Mssie K.

WIIImki 1113 Joseph Hauler. Emma 34 7v Oeorwe T. Vetolt, Mary L. Morgan 14 A K'lward Uleaevn. Kittle Cochran Xz flon1erson iTake.

Uou E. Snvder 23 William W. Warner. Harrtrtl W. Ml I lord Si WlaJt ataw allelewekl.

Maalalena Jaka 2S 21 John R. lunnlngrtaan. her ine F. Ityan JO Frank tiloa, Annie L.aa Andrew Kuia, Km iinineka. .33 AMen lioyir.

Macgle Soully .21 nry rale. Barbara E. Ppence .......4 IS Emll Pfroaumer. Minnie Hurkhart. .17 1 iiiLam J.

l.aaJoa. 4Ulte tll Joseih Hans, llarnara Oratt Andrew Tnlaa. Siinlibm SHzl Kaamterm Waloaak. Vfarcvanna Kuiawlak ZS IS An.lrew J. 8trora.

Mary Larson .....14 Henry Fernherir Annie Person 11 Frv trrtc Van Huben. Hmniu fS. Helns i John J. Kadie Mralahoa John Kan. Maraarvth llrown airl IkjITv.

tiadle K. Coughnour 44 H.thrrl J. Wlccins Maria J. t'oniev Auguat Shlmmrl. Nieta Harms It Monf.ied Hinwk.

Beatrice IK land. Larwn. Marie 2C nsries J. rnhlmin. Ella 2121 Frank J.

flirt. Annie (Ie. rce 1721 lieorce FTie ierivka I'a mall. Mary Kennedy S4 Martin Momv. arrle irneu 1921 Oliver H.

M.itin. MayCantway ...........21 Jl Franis nleitner. Ixuiee ..44 S2 ink un on Tenle AnOffimn. 24 2 Jamea Xortim. I'alhartne Imnn .........21 It Joavfh J.

BeranhoM I'lsra Mayer :.2 1 Severia Johnson. Tlilie Anderson ......2 23 I Itelnharifr Itla harda. Sarah Plowrlght 21 1 rank llv hies Ira. Irtoria Oorkn. 4harl lln.

Mary Allf KullaiKter. Lottie Bel Tarle W. (urr. Alma Boehm It Aleiander Belerkln. Mary Olson 2 MMinr A.

Alius. Jfirr Lnldr litnrk Hughea. Katharine O'Malley will J. Bell. Charlotte I.

Ingram DEATHS. Ft'NERAL TRAIN Itailr Chicago snd Crand iruna nanway. oik eireel pf, to Mount and Mount Hope at 12 ra. and falvarv Funeral train cf th Oik ago. Milwaukee and St.

Paul Railway leave I nin oepot latadlsoa and I. anal streets) MAMSH Mnodav. June 29. at No. UO Wsehlncr avenue.

Harold H. eldeif son of Charlea A. Marsh, aged It years. Funeral Wednesday. July i.

at iv a. m. irom wit resilience. COLISEUM QARDENS. TONIGHT! TOfllGHT! Wednesday.

July 1st, ana Every aucoewoina Might. COLISEUM GARDENS 3d St. and Stoay Island A v. Asnphltaealer HeaUsg I S.OOO.Artlfleal Lakt lOO.OO Gallaaa ar Water. The gtupe odoua Tdidaummer Pyrotechme aud Baliet Soeclacle.

AFJ11EIRICA Same aa Work! a Pair Production. SS la th Caoran S3 Vaudeville Acta SO BssaUfal Itallet Uirls 4 Preaaler Daaaeaaas r.R WW ITORTH OF IMPORTED OOSTTT ri.iNKi USED NIUHTLT FOK. BKILUAKT FIRR WORKS. Tbe Moat Uorreoua Spectacular Pro ouctiua Kver Matin In America. Music by thai ranuus ri 1.

1. at if. roouiar rnett Mic sua m. ova oeata, st w. TOHIGIIT, G2UIDOPERII8 9 A GREAT GREAT VAUDEVILLE NORTHERN ROOF DILL.

GARDEN. A.i,.i,.. Jacks sL Beservexl Seats al Extra. Phe Onlv Onen.Air RmI flinlMi in PKImm HO STAIRS TO CLIMB. KLKVATyHS KUS VlSHTlX) THI HAaUEll.

Performance Give Rain or Sbtao. LITTLE CHIP. JOHN WILSON, HKKTH A A BIHQ. K. JOsK.

ulbOfaOIK FAkKKR, NKTTIK BLACK, I titisat UEHKur, aaa DSL LEO S0MERS WHITE HUNGARIAN BAND MASONIC TEMPLE 42 Feet Hi s. srvary digni aaa natnraay Maune. ROOF GARDE. A PROGRAMME. Cash maa Ualeaaaa.

Maahattaa Casaeay a. Kekertgt Hsek, LiiUe LaareL Malvey lamas, Tba Galdaa Trio, Siegfried, Traly Shattaek. Aad Other Artlata. GKXX a. FA IK, Mgr.

Asalsat 0ly 5oc NOTHING EXTRA. Obaervatory open 8 to 6 o. m. So Cnicaxo ana its i suouro. ncaets goo, M'VICKER'S THS HOVKLTT TBI SKASON.

LOST, mm AY ED. On BTOLBN. BRILLIANT COMEDY WITH MUSIC atvery Niglii at S. MaUoee Saturday. July 4th, A Hit." Th "Fuii never atoos." Keeord.

"Una of toe moat enjoyable musical Ooaiedie presented lor years. KrsDiaf ttp WASHINGTON PARK CLUB. N. W. BREEDERS' TROTTING am PACING RACES.

THIS WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. Koeee called promptly at 2.30. 2:30 Pace Side Wheel Stake. 2:24 Trot Lakeside Stake. 3:00 Trot Foals 1894.

2:20 Pace Calumet Stake. Tomorrow. Thursday, the Pacing Kings. John R. Gentry and Joe Patchen PACE FOR S3.COO PURSE.

Friday and Saturday will be added CHAMPION BICYCLE RACES Under auspices ILLJMOIS CTCUSQ CLUB. GKMHRAL ADMISSION. Willi el in Grand QUI DOLLAR Ilff. Illlaete Caatral R. at Alley Elevated, aad State and Cottar Urate Cable direct to tee Cleb Orea ids.

SCHILLER KA LA MUTTK. Lyso A Manager, f'oewe Where ICTf BKstKZCS SLUW, ftrw OEPAKTUaX Wert ef Oesrs for TSc Krery Ev'r at 8. Sat Mac Onl. BOCCACCIO UlrectiMe ef Mr. Uavld Headeraoa.

5tragest Ceaspaay 5eea la Five Years Aad 60 ef a Caere. fS CP" F0t frFSfrVEB SEATS TO WTT CO KtSS AN UftEX4ULE PKOOtCflON OF IUSK, WR. 6076 CENTS FOff WESEffVEB SEATS Of THE LOWE. ROM Or Tlte fsAJtgSOJieST HEA TH in chicaoo Three Rn Orrttevi rs. tl.

Doa Sesta. (Lis. 8rM Marail Two Woell Au4. A MKW lll'KKA KVCKY WKKK, KEXT SI'NDAT. JULY PINAFORE FOR A GOOD TIME Take ll.e Paiare ri Stanrw City mt C'liiesro' asxt Ttiv of Miiwawkee" le M.

Joe ana Hrsisa Hirber. Mlrli, Leavo oaiiy hi tum tontri Xiwtla! Male to All I'oiaia la IkdlSMS, i ami crr ci HraM ih ae Mill SIIJilr ill I ll 1 Clftrk lirlOge Julv tn 3Sm July Mr. S.30 s.m. ia ri.NituutAUTiur. COMMENCING Til PAT.

JUNE Is. Only Exclusive Cxcarsioa Stcaraer kale hack Christopher Color hut, for" Milwaakee, At la. m. FuDdayv at 9:30 clock sharp. Re turning same day at It p.

m. Ulcyclea free. Dock nh end cf Ruah at. bridge. Hound trip.

tl. Mali oflico. 1H and 1J Kialto blJr. J. G.

KEITH. Oeoerat Agert. PAIN'S WORLD'S FAIR FIREWORKS ARE THE BEST. Known tbe world over for their excellence. PAIN'S STORES: 117 MichlganAvenue.

le Clark tste ce e. Vsn Ouren tStt eaC, COME EARLY. Shefl leld Race Track. Sheffield. Ind.

Five or More Racea Dally, rain or shine, be gin ning at 1:11 p. m. Admission SOc Ladiea 25c Concert by Ilartks Crerier's Orchestra of 23 pieces. srciiai. inaifls.

Pittsburc and Fort Wavne Kailruad leave Union drn l. stopping at Archer 41 ft and Engla wood. at 11:14. 1:20. and lOi P.

m. Regular trains at 7:30 a ra. aivi n. m. Illlnola Central R.

R. leate Randolph st, denot, rt offing at Van Buren. 12th. 22d. KHh, and Od t.

at 11:13. 1:10. and 1:30 p. m. free trolley cars from trains to grand stand.

All specials run direct to the track in 35 minutes. First train oa P. ac F. W. returns to city at 4:0.

Round trip. Xio. Electric cars cunnect with Alley a. at stta sc. n.1 with I R.




GHJoPffJUSE tX)NTIMOl8 TAI'DEVILLE. rvderk Hallen. Molly Fuller. Gigure a Uoyer. t'irra Scott.

Tiuwers' 1 "of Circus. Joe Hardman. Kuril A Laughlln. Troraleri vuartette. Joe Cawthorne, The Two Iola Mitchell.

Uafcer Lynn. alter tteeo. Manet isson. Th. ldrl1grs.

I Reynolds Rrotbera. PKICEH IO. SO. ao Cr NTH. Cor.

RideeUnd andav. 1 6th Cicero. RAILROAD JULY 4th, Kouod trip, including admission. 76c. rauu stand.


Gams called at HOOLEVS Tonight 52fJ TIME eTHK taas. Tha Jolly Caawsr, ayParisiahs. Ria Week of this Great SneeAaa. Xvery Night at 8:30. Saturday Matinee at 2:30.

North Clark st. and Wrijhtwood av. FERRIS UllEEL PARK Open Dally fron IS to 11 p. BRIMIKV DU KEUMK.XT IIAU Matinees. Admlaaloo.

Including ridea on wheel, lioc very afternooa except Saturday aad Sunday. SAM T. JACK'S. Madison, near State. TeL M.

SIM. Only Show in 20rssdferlsrsusotafcvary Day I kt. Sam T. Jsck'a Orange liloswmi Co. in The Miek a Doo.


MaUneea Wednesday and Saturday. Sailinta July J4 aad 4th. tl nO iLe ave endsv WllUU TRIK IJp.m. 1 Leave Saiurdar a. 10 ryyyyyy'jejoo a 7 o.

llMlp. m. Leave SubJajr 10 a i 1 Ui Jl on any Inp July a and oof m. inn ly Good tor yurn ii tr 4 a no ii ta in 1 liiM.c 4 Jnljr. l7.

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