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The Berkshire County Eagle from Pittsfield, Massachusetts • Page 1

Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Berkshire County Eagle, PUBLISHED KTERT THUKSDATKVENING, I I Wurbauk Block, 21 North i'lttslleld, Mass. TcriUH oi Subscription. S2.00'ier year or, if paid strictly in advance, a ills- couut a( 25 cunts will be made. All subscribers out of tho County will be required to pay iu ndrnuco; all others within tbrce months, or it continued, the option 6f IU6 uublisUer, 3 ceufc will be charged lor every three- months delay thereafter, or S2 '25 at the cml of tUo vuur. As'uu inducement to our present subscribers to exert themselves Iu our behalf, any old subscriber remittiug hLnowu subserlptioa strictly iu advance, with the name, oue lie subscriber, will bo furnished the two copies one year lor $3 00.

Uvoor moro NEW subscribers will bo fur at year each. Au additiouiil 26 cents. IN ALL OASES, from our printed terms, lor papers delivered by Carrier. of not marked with the number ol laaortlouj desired, will be continued till lorbid, and charged accordingly. The space occupied by 14 solid Hues of the type iu which the body ol our advertisements is set, will constitute a gnuuve.J One diu.iro 1 week 60 csuta and each insertion cents.

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H. HANDING, Claim Agent, Leo, Mass. Application may bo made at Qamwell, Bowermau Adam's Law Office, in Dunham's Block, Pittsfield om3t5 E. H. DODGE, EALER IN BOOKS, Stationery, Sheet Music, Pamphlets, Magazines, Now York and Boston Daily and Weekly Papers, c.



PLUNKETT, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, "Walker's Building, No. 4 North Street, 2d story No. 1. E. Itt.

WOOD, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, jtxBush's Block, 5 1-2 North Street, PiUafie Mass. JP. 1,. JPACJB, TIORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office over Post Office.

-IStf A C. F. flALL, M. URGEON DENTIST, Post Office Block, 16 North Street, up atairs. 6m 30 J.

GAM WELL, URGEON DENTIST. Oflioo iu Goodrich Block. 63 North Street, 2d story, No. 2. WILLIAM M.

WALKER, EALER IN WATCHES, Silverand Plated Goods, Spectacles, c. Repairing done with care. No. (5 North St. 1 EALER IN SILVER AND PLATED WARE, Jewelry, Clocks, "VVatohes, c.

Jeweler's work done with elegance and promptness. No. 99 North Street. JAMES M. TAGERT, TVTERCHANT TAILOR.

Dealer in Foreign JjJL and Domestic Woolens, nnd Gent's Furnishing Goods. Dunham's Block', North St. 1 JOSEPH GREGORY, ERCHANT TAILOR. Dealer in Ready- Made Clothing and Furnishing Goods. No.

18 North Street. 1 C. T. RATHBUN, A RCHITECT AND STAlil BUILDER. No.

jfjL 3 Park Place. Architectural Drawings furnished at short notice. J. M. HOLLAND, IN PAINTS, Oils, Glass, Lime, Sash, Blinds and Doors.

House, Sign, snd Ornamental Painting. Calleuder's Block, No. 17 North Street. (1) IUTTON PJEIRSON, EALERS in Builders' and Manufacturers' Hardware, Cutlery, c. Also, dealers in Iron and Steel, Agricultural Implements and Mechanics' Tools.

Goods sold at city prices. No. 50 North Street. QEO. N.


C. DUNHAM. nHEACHER of tho Piano, Organ, Melodeons JL Vocal Music and Thorough Base. 1'iauo tuned. Orders left at E.

Dunham's North St. A. J. A A A TTORNEY AT LAW, RUG STEROF PRO- bate and Oflice at Lenox, Mass. LYOIS'S EWING MACHINES, for sale at No.

5 Fenn Street, Pittsfield, Mass. Send for Circulars. Cloaks and Sacks for sale and made to order. M. E.

H. GAGE, Ageuts. A. M. SMITH, IW.

AND PHYSICIAN. Office, 21 North St. Residence South St. Iy42 WM, WARREN GREENE, 31, J), 3 PHYSICIAN AND SUEGEON. FFICE in Basement of College at Matthew Butler's, South St.

Office hours from 9 to 10 1-2 A. M. F. NICKEUSON, HOLESALE and RETAIL dealer in all kinds of Salt and FrcsU Fish, Clams, Oysters, o. Fish Market, No.

7, Fcnn St. MISS U. M. FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER OOMS in Post Office Block. New Patterns received every month.

Pittsfield, March 12, 3m34 Pensions. OR Invalids, Widows, Children and Orphan Sisters, aiid Claims for 13oanty Money, Arrearages and Horo Claim, obtained of the Government. A. J. WATERMAN, 3m34 Probate Office, Lenox.

HENRY CHICKERING, LAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTER, and Publisher of the BERKSHIHE COUNTY EAOLK. Blanks, Writing and Fauoy Papers, Card Stock, always on hand. Office in JJurbank Block, 21 North Street. EMERSON A TTORNEYS COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Pittsfield, Maes. Offices, West's Block.

Prompt and particular attention paid to Collec- lions.f rials tbo Courts, Prosscutiou of Claims for Pensions, Bounties, Soldiers' Back all other Claims in the Departments at Washington. CHAELKJ N. EMERSON. JAMES M. BAUKKR.

Mr. Emeraon is Notary Public and Coinniis- uioner of Deeds, for New York', Illinois and Michigan. Our Baturning Soldiers. Tlio following poem by Robert Buvna iia not inappropriate at tho present tima, whon so many of our gallant and veteran soldiers aro returning homo wild war's deadly blast was blawn, Aud gentle pcaco returning, Wi' many a sweet babe fatherless, And many a widow mourning, I left tho lines ami tented field, Whore hxng I'd beeu a lodger, My hulnblo knapsack a' my wealth, A poor and honest sodgor. A leal, light heart was in my breast, My baud sustained vfi" plunder, And for fair Scotia's hamo again, I oheory on did wander.

I thought upon tho banks o' Coil, I thought upon my Nanoj, I thought upon the witobiug smile That caught my youthful fancy. At length I reached the connio glen, Where early Iifo I sported I passed the mill and trysting thorn, Wero Nancy aft I courted Who spied I but my aiu dear maid, Down by hor mother's dwelling And turned me round to hide the Hood That iu my e'ou was swelling. Wi' altered voice, quoth I sweet lass-Sweet as yon hawthorn's happy, happy may ho bo, That's dearest to thy bosom 1 My purse is light, I'vo far to gang, I fain would be thy lodger I'vo served iny King and Country lang, Take pity on asodger. Sao wistfully she gazed on me, Aiid lovelier now than ever Quo' she, a sodger anco I lo'ed, Forget him shall I never; Our humble cot and homely fare, Ye freely shall partake it, The gallant badge tho dear oockade, Yo'rc welcome for tho sight o't. Sho gazed--she reddened like a rose-- Syuo pale as ony lilly; She sauk within my arms and cried, Art thou my aiu dear Willie? Him who mado yon sun and whom true love's am the man and thus may still True lovers be rewarded.

Tho wars aro o'er and I'm com? hamo, And ft nd the still true-hearted Though poor in gear we're rich in love, And mair we'll ne'er bo parted. Quo' she, my grandsire loft me gowd, A mailen planished fairly And como my faithful sodgcr lad, Thou'rt -wolcome to it dearly. For gold the merchant plows tho main, The farmer plows the manor But glory is the sodger's soldier's wreath is honor The brave, poor sodger ne'er despise, Nor count him as a stronger Remocnber he's his country's stay In day and hour of danger. How inimitably graceful are children, for the most part, before they learn to dance Brigham Young's wives have tho military spirit. They call him Briggy-dear.

Do the "roota of words" produce "flowers of speech." A quiet and witty man combines the qualities ol two kinds of Champagne--still and sparkling. Je2. Davis has invented a new name for desertion. Lie calls it "le-tving one's post from mere restlessness and desire of change." What is passing in the heart of another rarely escapes the observation of ono who is a strict anatomist of his own. A young lady should tako heed when an admirer bends low before her.

The bent beau is dangerous. A rattlesnake was found pressed between the flakes of cotton, on opening a bale, Friday, in one tho Pawtucket manufactories. The Prince of Wales is guilty not only of the pernicious habit of smoking, but he smokes in the carriage when nding with tno Princess. Now we suppose every snob will be seen with his or meerschaum in mouth. I not offered you every advantage?" said a father to his sou.

"Oh yes," replied the youth "but I could not think of taking advantage of my own lather." "I do net like women to meddle with politics" Slid Bonaparf6 to a beautiful French woman. "Very right, General," replied she, "but in a country where women are beheaded it is natural they should liko to know tho reason." What a strange thing, after all, is a great aesemoly. An immense mob of per-sons who feel for each other the profoundeat iudiflor- enco, meet together to join iu amusements, tho great majority of them consider wearisome beyond conception. A man who claims exemption from tho draft because his mother needs his filial care, has iopt her colh'n iu tho houso for two yeara to remind the old lady of his tender regard. Tho beauty of women transcends all other 'onus of teauty, as well in the sweetness of its suggestion as in tiie fervor of the admiration it awakes.

The beauty of a lovely woman is an inspiration, a sweet delirium, Kentle madness. Her looks are love-potions. Heaven itself is never so clearly revealed to uaas in the face of a beuutilul woman. A drafted Irishman at New Ilavon, claimed exemption on throe grounds each sufficient in itself--but all three did not get it for him: 1st, that ho was son of his mother, a widow dependant upon him for support; 2d, that bis father waa aged and infirm and 3d, that he had two brothers ulro dy in the army. During the recent canvass in Kentucky, Hon.

Kobt. Mallory, ono of Union Congressional was denounced as ua abolitionist by his opponent. The people, however, were not frightened by that appela- tion, Mr. M. receiving 2438 out of tho 3404 votes cast in hia district.

Jacob Straws the great Illinois farmer, of Jacksonville has collected one hundred COWB, donated by himself and neighbors, which are intended for our hospitals at Memphis. Tho matron ot tho hospital asked for these one hundred cows, and one farmer has collected and will lorwaid them. The new small-noto currency will bo out in month or so. Tho notes will bo uniform, and on thick paper, the size of the present tep cent notes. THE APPLE-WOMAN'S STOBY.

A SKBTCU OV liOSTON. 'Twelve cents n-pieco, sir, and well worth 'They "are very good. You may put mo up a dozen. Your cherries look well, too. 1 A good cherries, sir.

They came from trees iu my own garden. I know what they aro, und they wore gathered this 'Then you raise somo of your own fruit Put uio up 80IUO of tho 'Thunk you, sir. I raise all my ohorrica, and peaches, and apples. It's enrly for apples, but I sell bushels of red Baldwins. in October.

Muny a gentleman passes all, tho stores up town of noon to got 0110 of my Baldwins after his dinner. And all times of tho year my stand'swoll patronized, sir. I'm very glad and happy to say 'it ought to bo. I'ta ti very inviting place, aod a kind old fuco liko yours is worth stopping to speak to OECO ix day, nt least. Havo you kept hero 'Over thrco years, sir.

livery day but in tho coldest ot weather. Wouldn't you liko to look at those golden russots in thubnakotn, sir? They're prime apples. Thoro wits'once a young lady who used to say nobody had suoh golden russots aa Ttio young lady wasn't far from I think. But I've as much fruit as can well cirry now; I'll send for some apples to-morrow. Who was tho young lady? 'A real lady, sir? Sho lived somewhere near tho common, sir--and used by hero when sho walked down Washington street of a forenoon, drccd so handsome, and looking so pretty, bless her 1--And she'd stop every moruiug to buy a Baldwin or a rusbot ol me, sir.

'I've a little brother, at homo, who likes sho'd say, with pretty biuilo, putting the apolo in her roticulo or muff, and bowing and going along, leaving mo tho Imppior every day for tho eight of her. Oh, God blosa her! but where is sho 'Don't you know who It's a very unusual thing for wealthy young ladios to stop at im apple-stand tho street and buy fruit 'Sho was ono of tho kind, sir, that would do what they pleaecd, so long us thcro woa no Imim in it. Well I remember tho day when sho was buying ono of my ted Baldwins, and a young gentleman stopped right beside her. He was ono of tho aristocracy, I knew, the moment I looked at him. He'd a noso und daik oyes, and fair, wavy hair liko tho lady's, and when 1 eaw him looking at her, lialf smiling and half frowning, 1 thought 'twas her brother.

Such a start and a blueh is she gave, und then she laughed und looked up at him ttith tho prettiest sparkle in her oyes 'How do you said she. 'He took her hand ami put it on his arm, and turned away with her. 'Why, Luto, you little heathen, what do you mean by buying apples of an applo- woman on tho street ho baid. 'They walked on, and I couldn't hoar what sho said, but tho next dav she came to my stand, just tho same, and every day for months afterwards. Sho was not to bo put down evan by her handsome 'Then ho was her lovtr--tho young 'Oh, yes, sir! well I know it afterwards, poor you become better acquainted with her yes, sir! I saw her afterwards with all tho sparkle and blushes gono out of her face, and her cheeks as white as tho snow.

God grant she's forgotten that time, poor 'Then sho with 'Yes. I don't mind telling you, sir. You're mixed up with other folks, sometimes, bir. There was an artikt who used to go by hero every morning. Of course he thought nothing about mo, though he'd stop at my stand oomctimea, and buy a peach or an apple, but I always wu tclicd him they call a liko ino get to know thoso who go by them regularly, day by day, for yeais, and whim I first noticed the young man bo wore a shabbier coat and wont earlier to his woik than ho did after time had gone by, and ho was known, as ho is now, all ovor the country, oa a great artist.

I'vo not soon him of lute, sir; ho'n gone South for his health, they say. But ho paints beautiful pictures! 'Well, ono morning nearly thrco years ago, I sat here as 1'in sitting now. It was a pretty day, like this--sunshiny, and tho clouda sailing through tho sky, all flceoy-liko, I'd kept my stand nearly nix months, and know tha young artist well. Ho didn't atop often then, to buy i I think likely ho couldn't afford it, having a downcast, troubled look usually, as if the world wasn't all right with him. I saw him coining down tho street that morning.

Ho stopped at iny stand, looking kind ot ralo, and looked over tho fruit. 'What is tho price of these mud lie. coots said I. And tlion, because ho was as young as my son and looked sort of sad, eaid 1, You're not well this morning, sir? smiled a little bit, and said 'No and then he said he wished ho could change places with ino. 'And be an old snid laughing.

'Yea, if it would bring mo your (resh, cheerful ho answered. 'He bought two of tho oranges and was going uvyay, when up camo a gill. 'Give me QUO ot those said sho to me, laying down some silver. 'I'm burning up with 'The young artist turned and looked at her. Ho seemed struck.

I knew very well what uhe was I'd scon her often, about that tiuie. Yoiuig she but been pretty, only sho had such wild oyes. She WIVB in tho streets all tho timo. 1 The young artist spoke to her. She looked up at him, bold enough, but I could see that ho only pitied her.

Sho saw it, too, after a moment, and turned ho stopped her. 'If you'll corno to my etudio and aifc to mo, I'll pay you for said ho. aro said sho. 'Ho told her his namo, and sho said aho'd come. 'llo wont down the street; tho girl stood just at the corner, back of mo, eating tho orange.

Just then my young lady came down School atrcct, who but hor handsome lover They crossed street, and cnrno noar wlioro I' eat, and juat as she passed by, tho lady put out halo loved band and dropped some silver ito.iuo, know very well thatuho'd call for some fruit tho noxt day, so noildoil and smiled back to her, and looked after, hor na sho wont down tho street, and prayed God to bJosa hor. Just then tho girl slipa out from behind mo and goes down tho street, too. Sho wont right behind my young lady and thu gentleman. -'Surely, 1 thinks 1, 'sho won't bo so bold aa to speak to I'd BOOH hor speak (o mon in tho street many a time, but novor to ono who had lady with him, JuBt then some customers oamo up, and I oould not watch thoin tiny longer, but I kept hoping that tho girl had done nothing to innko tno young lady to notice her. It scorned a pity for hor, BO bright and innooont, to know thoro wore aucli low, bold women in tho world.

"My young lady didn't como tho uoxt day, I thought 'twas because it wasn't a very ploamuit day, butiv wook of nice, sunshiny weather wont by, and 1 saw nothing of hor. Then ono day sho wont by tlio in Uio atrcct, walking fiibt, with her voil dow and not seeing ino at nil not oven giving mo tho little siuilo oho always gave mo when sho didn't stop to buy. Tho young artist was coming down town, and whon thoy mot I imw him i his hat to her. I didn't know boforo that they knew oaoh other, tho noxt day, about noon, it began to rain. I'd promised my.

BOH who mado my stand for mo, that I wouldn't ovor sit out in tho rain, HO 1 put tho cover down ovor my things, looked it, and was just going to tlio houso of A friend near bj, whon up drove a carriage, and what does tho driver do but, down and say a lady inside wanted to speak to mo. I went and looked in, and those ant my pi otty young lady with a little, young baby in hor anna. Can you leave your stand rmdcoino in hero for a fow eho said, loaning forward, all palo and crying 'I will pay you for your timo and 'God bless you, my dear young lady snya 1, getting in. Tho driver jumped his box, and away wo rattled, and rodo around around tho squares, 'She asked mo whoro I lived, nnd whaf my namo was, and who 1 loft at homo when 1 camo to tend my atand. I told hor I Jived just out ol town a bit, mid my eon, who wna i milkman, brought mo nnd my in mornings in his cart.

And Judy I loft at liomo to see after tho houso and ugOod child sho waa my grand-daughter, sir. She's married now. 'And says she, lifting up the little baby, 'I want to ask you to board this child for mo. I aak it as a very great favor to myself. Can you possibly do it I could do it, but 1 looked at her and didn't inow what to euy.

She'd dropped her head down over tho buby and was crjiug aa hard as sho could. I thought to mysoli, was she married, and was it her child Th on 1 bethought mo that sho might not bo married, nnd it was her child just tho baino. It would lavo been the last thing I would have thought of her if things hadn't been just as thoy but 1 was an old woman, and I knew iuman nature all tho world over with rich, and poor. 'There sho sat looking at mo-- BO young and so distressed-- and 1 thought of nil her viiulnuiti to mo, and what JCMIS said in casting tho first ptone, and the cruel question 1 wna going to ask died away from my lips. I put out my arms for tho baby, nnd sho gave it to mo with a little Bob.

'Bo kind to said sho. '1 will pny you well, and novor ibrgot tho 'She guvo mo a roll of bills, for sho said tho baby had no clothes but those it had on, aod sho charged me not to Jet it want for anything. Sue mud fc ho should como out and bee it, and she would pay mo for its board every week. 'It had stopped raining, and she got out of the carriage on Trouiont street, and puid tho driver to tako mo and tho child out homo. 'It was a little, weak baby, rrot uioro than eix months It didn't cry, but it looked puny und ailing seemed stupid.

Its clothes were pooi, but it was wrapped in white thibct blanket us nice ua thu young lady's own clothes. Well, wo kept tho child and took good caro ol it. Tho young lady camo to my st jid twice and paid its board, but, oh how shj was altered. Sho was aa wan and pale aa chalk. She looked as if sho had oricd nil hor btrongth away.

But 1 asked no questions -only did my duty by tho child, and pitied tho young lady with all my lunrl. 'The third timo she came sho stood jimt whore you do, sir, in tho shade of tho tveo. She'd just given mo money, when tho young gentlcinnn tlmt I know ns her lover, 8 tupped up. llo had altered almost ns much ns her- solf. Ilia fnco wna palo, and his cyea heavy arid bloodshot.

Uoctum: up to her and tried to take her hand, butslin druw buok, though bhe faltered, und I thought nhu'd (nil. 'If you treat mo Haid ho, 'I will kill inyfclf' 'I havo told you not tospoak to mo, 1 sho said. 'And I hnvo sworn that you ahull not (lib- card ho answered. Luto, why will you bo so cruel and drive mo to iniulncbs 'llo looked terribly. I pitiod i though 1 did not know what it waa all about.

looked at him minute, hor beautiful oyes swimming full of learn. 'Do you tiiink I do not ahe said. Do you think it ia nothing to mo to Bond you from mo forever, whon I lovo you hotter tnnn my i you do it, then aaid ho. 'Because thero ifl anotliov woman in tho world to whom you aro bound by God's law, nridovpry day which you live ununitud to hor, your living a "You would hnvo mo marry her "When ho said that ho looked BO scornful unary that I wondered sho wasn't frightened. But eho just looked into his laco and said "What she is, you mado "Then she turned away and went down Washington street.

lie ground the atones under lua loot and BWOIO. Thou ho whirled around and went awny. "1 had told tho young lady that day tlmt the baby was unwell, and sho'd butter come ind see it. The noxt morning sho oiuno in a' carriage. It was Sunday.

'I knew tho baby couldn't live, but! hadn't told her tio; but tho moment sho miw it sho soumed to know. "Poor little she said, stooping down nnd kissing it. Then sho asked ino for Bomo letter papor, wroto two little notes with a poncil, and sent the driver back to town with, tbo carriage. Than sho eat by tho crn- dJo, watching tho baby. It hardly brcnthod, and its little pulso was nlmostgono.

I pitied tho little thing so that I ma crying, but slio sat palo and us calm ua a stone. 'In loss than nn hour tho unrringo cntno jack. Two people got out of mnn and i woman and cumo into tho houso. Ono was hor lovor. Tho woman had a black veil down I could not sco her face.

My young ndy got up. i aho looking at them. 'Wo will leave you alono with it. 'She put her hand on my arm, and wo wont out of tho room. 'Tho oiitdido room wna tho kilohon.

My young lady down by tho window nnd cried aoftly, with hor hoad resting the Icdgo. All wna still in tho other Thoro WUH no sound for an hour. Then wo could hear them talking. By-and-Byo tho door opened, and tho young man cnmo out. Will you Bond fon a said to hor.

'Sho soomod what ho meant, and snid yea. I sent iny son John for Mr. Avory, the minister of our parish. Hocamoandwe wont into the other room'with him, Thero lay tholittlo baby, stono dead, and thoro, beside its orudlo, thoso people wero married-- tho young man and tho strange girl--for when aho put her veil up I saw it was tho girl tho young nrtist had asked to ait to him --tho niisoriiblo giil who had walked tho streets. 'They lott money with mo to bury tho baby, nnd all wont away in the carriugo together.

'Tho noxt day but ono, tlio young lady came to my stand and rold mo that ehe waa going South for her health. She was so dreadfully pnlo that I believed in mv soul she would never como back again, and I couldn't kcop from crying but sho pressed my hand nnd smiled as cheerful aa could bo. 'You think I shall not got sho said. 'I am sure that I shall; and when 1 como back to Boston I will come and sco bless you for your and she wonfc awny. 'She went South, and I haven't aeon her from that day to this: but I pray God aho is happy.

I can't think aho'a dead. Perhaps I ahajl BOO her again BO notimo." 'What became of tho people who wero married 'Thoy went to Francc.tho young lady 'And the 'I Imvou't scon him this many a how 'Two you think you would know him again if you Woie'to ece him 'Perhaps; but hardly, sir. I forget faces whon I don't eeo them for a long if ho should come back from the Soufh, tanned, and with heavy beard, and should coaio here and buy fruit and talk with you, you would not recognize 'I i 'I am vory sure that you would not. 1 will send (or some of thoso apples to-morrow. Good 'Why, how long you wero buying your i tho lady in tho carri- tho corner.

'I was buying something else, Lute. a 1 Knowledge of 'Of the reason why you broke your engagement with my brother Hector, and ho sailed lor France with a atnuigo An intense silence. 'Then she is tbsro now 'I wanted bannnas, but I wanted to know moro. I will go and seo her to-morrow. She told you nil?" 'Sho told mo a long story, but sho failed to lecognizo mo us tlio artist of her romance." "liow htrangely things Jiappon Josu BILLINGS INSUKKS HIS Poughkecpsian has tho following "I kuui to the conclusion lately, that life wax so oiibartin, that tho only wa for mo tu titand a fair chance with other folks, wnz to git my life insured, and so i kallcd on the Agent ov the 'Garden Angel Iifo insurance answered tho following questions, which was put tu mo ovor the top ov a pair ov goold spccky, by a slik little fat old feller, with a little round gray head, and nz pretty a little belly on him, as enny man ever owned: IXCREASK Or THK IRISH Boston Pilot exults over tho increase of Catholics in tho State, but it might havo done it without using such false and foul language as this "Thug runs tho current--the Irish stream flowing in with great health, vigor, strength, nnd purity and the old Puritan race slipping rapidly away under the impulse of foul vices.

This ia a startling fact. It is impossible to deny it. Our people came here with nothing look nt the grip thoy have to day on the soil! The settled Puritan and his vices arc melting away before tho emigrant Irishman and his virtues. We aro now greatly predominant in births. -How long disappearance of the Puritans are proceeding swiftness." 1st--Aro you mail or fomail? if to, state how long yu havo been so.

2d --Arc you subjeo tu fits, and if so, do yu hav more than ono at a tituo? 3d--Whaf. iz yuro precise fiteing weight! 4th--Did you ever have ouny ancestors, and if eo, how much 5th--What ia yuro legal opinion ov tho constitutionality ov tho 10 commandments? Gth--Du you ever hav onny uito mares? 7th--Aro you married and single, or are yu a Bachelor 8th--Do yu Deleave in a futor state? if yu du, atafo it a aro yure privato faontiments about a rush of rats tu thu head can it be did Huceesafully lOlh--llav yu ovor committed suieido, and if BO, how did it neom to oflcct yu After answering the above questions, liko a limn in thu confirinatif, tho silk littlj fat old fellur with goold specks on, ccd I was insured for Iifo, and probably wud remain BO for a term ov years. I thanked him, and smiled ono of my inosto pensive smilea. A SLAVIC. Wo tuko the following from tho VJokaburg correspondence of fclio Mithotui Democttit will relate an incident, which occurred this mot ning.

at tho oxpomoof gallant young Boldior. llo was prospecting around town, whon hin attention was attracted to a stable of very fino horses. While admiring (heir lino points ho was surprised by tho ap- pcunmoo of vory fnseiiutiug young liuly, fts emerged fiom another apartment of tho lioreo-houso, nnd bowing politely, smiled kilhngly upon him. Ho stammered out something liko an apology for his scorning intrusion, luixing up tno words 'proclamation' and ended by asking who was tho owner of that pUoo? 'Dr. replied tho lady.

'And you you are hie wife said tho soldier, tiiid Uio lady. 'Then his this was said very smilingly. 'No. 1 'Ilia noicc, endearingly. No no relation, that 1 know 'Then a liuiy friend on a not that Well, thon, may I bo permitted to ask who you are? replied tho lady, who had enjoyed thu soldier's discomfituro with relish.

l(im his The soldier gave one long, last, looL, and with a low whistle, departed. OAUTIQN TO COKUESIPNDENTS. By a vory harsh rule of tho Post Oflioo Department, which perhaps is justified by tho letter of tbo law, if the amount of tho poatago stamp upon a lottor does not fully prepay it, duuble the amount of tho deficiency ia charged to the receiver. Formerly only tho amount of the deficiency waa charged. Thus a letter weighing tho merest fraction ovor half an ounce, if prepaid with but aHingloatamn, is 'burdened with an additional postage of six con (a, Which tho receiver must pay.

WKATHKR OF AUGUST Win. B. Loayjtt of North Grantharn, practical astronomer, baa prepared tho following weather calendar for tho Manchester Mirror: "1st and 2J days. Sudden showers, high winds, with thunder and hail in places. 3d.

Changeable and cooler. 4th. No weather 1 'angles formed, but wo should judge that yesterday's angle still operates (cooler.) 1 5th. The moon influences dry air. Oth.

Drying 7th. The atmosphere disturbed by a union of tho two magnetic forces, showeru and thunder. 8th. Extreme heat, high winds and accumulating olouds. Oth.

A full of temperature. 10th. More heat than yesterday. llth and 12th. No planetary angles formed with tho earthy aucli as to create any change in tho atmosphere, but tho moon's alono influence is cold and moist.

13th. Cloudy and rainy. 14th. Win'dy and cool. 15th.

Warmer. 10th. Heat and thunder showers. 17th, Sudden changes, and a sudden fall of tho thermometer, indicating frost. 18th.

Tho temperature rises during tho day 19th. Serene air; white woolpack clouds. 20th, 21st, 22d, 23d, 24th, 25th, 27th, much fine temperate weather; becomes quite dry'on surface of the ground. Farmer, improve thoae fino days push forward thy business. 28th.

Windy and squally. 29th. Heat increases. 30th. Fair and fine.

31at About the'same as yesterday. Remarks. Tho weather angles for August arc twenty-one, and of a varied and complicated nature to tho 18th--after that to tho end of the month tho weather more evsn." PRETTY good story is told of a wealthy copperhead in the interior of Ohio, upon whom Morgan, during his raid, quartered himself ono nighc. Iu tbo morning his host, who had expressed very friendly feelings --making a virtue of necessity--presented Morgan with lour of tho eight horses of whioh ho was owner, and asked his advice as to how ho should save tho remaining ones. Morgan told him his rear guard would bo along in about ten hours, and if he wished to keep his property ho must then cheer for the southern rulers.

At tho appointed time tho troops of Gen. Hobson, the Union leader (who Morgan knew were following him) came alone, and Mr. Butternut began to cheer lustily for Vallandigham and Jeff. Davis. Hobson could not see it in that light, but took tho old man along us prisoner and confiscated tho balance of his horses for the benefit oi Uncle Sam.

STKAMKR the night of tho 4th the steamer Ruth was burned on tho Mississippi a few mites balow Cairo, boat and cargo being a total Iocs, including two and a half millions in Government funds. Paymaster Grecnwall and threo clorku wcro lost, and several other Paymasters barely cs- capod with their lives. Tho funds lost wore for the payment of Gen. Grant's men. The loss is uufortunuto lor tho sotdiera who will havo to wait ujittlo longer for the "greenbacks," but that is nil.

Tho cost of the two millions and a. half to tho Government WUB only tho price it paid for tho paper and printing ink. By the bye, a paymaster who has match about him, if captured, can always save tho loss of what funds ho has ab'out him, by simply burning them, when the government will bo but little the worso for tho capture and tho rebels none tho bettor. "TiiK FUST friend of oura who has just loft tho Union Arkacsas troops tells many curious incidoats. Hero is ono of thorn: Private in First Arkansas Fust "What?" "Tho Fust Ureoters." Tho Arkansas soldiers pointed to tho horses aod at last rnado our friend understand that he belonged to tbo First Arkansas Cavalry.

It is further eaid that tho infantry boys say they belong to the "walking regiment" and tho artillery men are "eaiinou Leavenworlh Conservative. RKINJUKCEMENT thousand conscripts day already join tho Army of tho Potomac. Soon the number will bo greater. They go forward in excellent spirits. Substitutes aio ofleriug themselves at very cheap rates, both in Philadelphia and Washington, as well aa at other points where drafting is going on.

Prices rango from ono hundred to two hundred dollars, and cases aro reported where persons voluntarily and freely oBer themselves as substitutes for their dratted friends. A daring and successful robbery was perpetrated ut Northampton, Wednesday night. Tho post ollicu there was broken open by expert and every letter iu it was stolen, i'ho Now Haven and tho western way mails were rilled uud considerably booty was taken. It is of course impossible to state the precise amount of the loss, but iu ttio largo number of letters stolen io must bo large. 4Su8picions of foul play in the recent burning of the steamer Ruth on tho Mississippi rivor are entertained.

It is alleged that the largo amount of money presumed to bo OB board for the payment of Gen. Grant's army could not have been burned, and it is sue- peotcd that tho money was not there, and tho boat was destroyed to conceal an. enormous robbery. Tho matter is to be subjected to a rigia investigation. For the Eagle.

Wheat. Mr. Editor My recent range through your State and particularly through Berkshire County, gives little or no evidence that your farmers attempt to raise winter wheat. This is tho mora surprising, as almost every farmer raises his Winter Rye and tho wheat is as hardy a grain as tho Rye and vnll yield as many bushels or more per acre on tho sflmo land as thesame cultivation. This is susceptible of proof in your good old state.

On tho high slopes of Berkshire, wheat should be sown in tho last week of August that it may get a good depth of root which insures against Winter kill. On the Connecticut bottoms, two weeks later sowing would mako it as early. The writer bos known on rich, strong land in Esses county a casa of a bushel ol winter wheat, and a bushel of Rye sown side by side. From tho wheat, eighteen bushels were taken, and not a single berry of Rye. Tho gentleman was about to sow two bushels of Rye.

I induced him to BOW one bushel of Wheat. Tho Ryo made a heavy start but did not fill. Tho beat yield of wheat', I have obtained from exhaust ed mowing land. you havo it and plow in. The stubble or second crop often makes a good coaling of sod being full of inverted ro )ts answers the samo purpose of manure, as they rot, and sod land, makes the best wheat.

From such land, I have raised forty bushels to the acre without manure. 1st, sow 1 3-4 lo 2 bushels to Ihoacre, lost week in August. 2d, soak seed iu salt pickle to kill insects or (heir eggs, How do we account for tho weavle, unless imported in the grain, perhaps tho eggs drilled into.or placed on the surface of the berry. Salt pickle, say 4 fjuarts to 5 or of water, grain to stand 12 hoursj'then rako it in wood ashes. 3d, sow and harrow in 88 deep as possible and every berry will come from a depth of 3 to 4 inches.

Drought will not prevent its starting it will show itaelf in 4 to days. Early sowing gives root. 4th, a heavy roller is good topacAand even tho surface--IK especially good in a dry lime. 5th, slopes and sideling lands are for all grains, less liable to inildow and rust. The writer had six years ractiec in Essex county Massachusetts and practiced on tho above principles.

His yield of Winter wheat was 25 bushels'to theacrofor six onsecativo years. Your farmers can raise wheat at a dollar a Winter wheat IB safest and makes tho only good bread; but with both crops, Spring and Winter, tho former will havo no occasion to buy flour. Kroin every farm that is firm in Now England, I will come under bonds to grow with good success and it ehnll yield double tho value of anv other grain crop per acre. Four bushels of wheat-to a lamily, worth a barrel of Hour. I beg to say to your farming readers, that I speak upon this subject from actual experience and positive knowledge.

Tho beautiful hills and slopes of Berkshire were made for the farmers of the present day to grow their wheat. No obsolete prejudice should deter them. When you are told that the soil has lobt its wheat growing properties, confront the fallacy by preparing your seed and sowing it and manuring lands. And when you havo learned that Ohio gives less than twclvo bushels, and Wisconsin but sixteen bushels per acre for a series ot ten years, you will wake up I (rust, to the experiment, and find it to be no idle dream, or labor lost. Brooklyn, Long Island, August 3d.

HENRY POOR. DARTMOUTH Trustees of Dartmouth College have published a statement relative to tho resignation of President Lord. From this document it appears that at a meeting of tie Trustees, on tbo 23d of July, certain proceedings of the Merrimac County Conference of Congregtional Churches in June were- brought before the Board for their consideration. They consisted of a scries of resolutions and report thereon by a committee. The resolutions declare that it is tho duty of tho Tr jstees of Dartmouth Collego, view or tlio prejudice existing against its President on account ot his avowed peculiar bontiinents on tho war, to enquire if tho interest of the College do not demand a ctiaugo in ifcj Presidency.

Tito resolutions were referred to committee of the Confer- once, who reported that it was not expedient to present the resolutions to tho Trustees, but recommended that they be printed for a circulation. Tho resolutions therefore appear to hava been brought to tho notice of the Trustees indirectly. They adopttd a series of resolutions declaring that Dartmouth Collego sympathizes heartily with the Government in its efforts to put down the rebellion, and rejoices to do honor to tho many eons of Dartmouth who have engaged in the war. Also hailing with joy the prospective destruction of slavery and appealing to the churches of New England to stand by the College. Upon the adoption ol these resolutions Dr.

Lord resigned hid both as President and ono of tho Trustees of the College. TUK DRAIT AND following extract taken from tho timely speech of Senator Wilson, dclivcicd at Boston on tho 6th inst: Ihere is a duty to do this hour, to uphold the President and enforce tho proclamation. We must iill up ranks of that effective agency, our army in the field. If wo hai men more at this moment, I believo the rebellion would bo crushed out by tho first of January. All good citizerw should support that draft that is intended to supply thego men.

Tho very pretscs and persona who are now denouncing, a year ago wcro denouncing me and the government for not giving tho country such a measure. The Illinois Slate Register, for ono, demanded tho drafting of a million of the New York World and the Albany Argus called on the government for a dr.ift. And in obedience to their demand, wo pafesoj tbo act.aud in doin-; BO no made it lay as lightly as possible on the poor man, and r.laced within its power all tho elates th it weie before exempted from by state and nalwjul wa 1 insisted on putting into tho act a provision that should exempt immature young men--those under twenty--lor I had seen them perishing in our hospitals by thousands.overborua by Tho $300 clause has been denounced, and into tho credulous ear ot ignorance has been hissed its injustice. But I tell you there is not an honest and intelligent poor man who would vote'to cut it out ot the bill. It is against the country, but in favor (f the poor, ot the laboring, toiling millions.

A "Saratoga letter, says: "The new style of carriage blanket that is now all the rage is made of crimson velvet, lined with satin and edged with gold lace." SPAPFRf SPAPFRf.

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