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Cassville Republican from Cassville, Missouri • 5

Cassville, Missouri
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THl'I'H'tVt tt iU. loT To all Members of The REPUBLICAN'S Staff of Correspondents CASS VII.LK RKPimUCAN IIKU IVd hash rw The Golden Helping Hand Club met UK HJt'ARK l.t II The Bo Square Club Viola met MMItKj (For Last Week) Mrs. Morion McQueen and tittle son are In Seminole, for a KKLlGMAtt 'night Saturday nlKlit wlta Lottie We wish the REPUBLICAN" force! Hay. and all Ha reader a very merry and' There will be church at falrvlew happy Cnrlatmaa and an unusuall." Saturday nliiht. Bro Crutehfleld wilt the Help One Another Club and their families and a few friends met at the home of Mr.

and Mra. Urover I'alteraon for a Christmas party and Christmas tree. 1' resent wero exchanged and lot of pop corn balls and candy for each one. An enjoyable time was bad by all. pivui.ii.

bi'U and oroaurroua New Year. Mr. and Mra. W. T.

(Son) Turk of Oklahoma wer here Sunday to attend the funeral of their dauiftiler, Mrs. W. I). DeForest. We believe both of Lhem am relatives of I ill ri.iiunlinl! anil nnrU Sun vautflullv WAVNK Cliff Nasi of Jenklni ww In Wyno Monday.

Mr. and Mr. Roy Btumuff motored lo Kansas City Humlay Walter Mitchell business vUltor la CmivIIIs Tuesday. County Superintendent Earlo K. Slubblcfleld wa Wayne Monday.

John Ilox bu been on lit lck Hat (or a few day but la aome better now. Mra. Bertha Lauderdale pent the day very pleaaantly Monday In the Jim Anile borne. Mr. and Mra.

Albert Wllllama and Mr. and Mra. Fred Pendrgrph helped kill bog at Lon Slubblefleld Monday. Mabel Hooton and puplla are preparing for a wonderful Chrlstma. The tree and house ere both decorated beautifully.

Mr. and Mra. Jame Lauderdale and daughter, Mary and Irene and Mra. Frona Erwln attended the Joint Installation of the Masons and Eastern Stara at Washburn Saturday night. seems guile feeble.

They lived west I fcrnesl Clevenrter and sons. Hu-of town for many fears where Iheyjberl and Dornian, visited at the B. reared their family, moving to'w- Henson home from Thursday un-Oklahotua nior (ban twent years Sunday, ago where thiy have alnce resided. Truman Burbrldge of Aurora Is We are glad to report that undo 'assisting bla son, Troy In building a Jlw Sons la gradually recovering roon 00 nl residence the past from an Illness of som week llon I Charley Wilson was called to fcira King Is now driving Mill Tulsa. Saturday, on account of Wllholru's school bus.

This bus goes the ssrloue Illness of his brother, down Sugar Creek Into the Muple Lee Wilson a wife. Grove district and south Into the' W. C. liurbrldge and family re-Uaylcss district. turned Friday morning for Callfor- SHELL KVOII (For last week! Mr.

and Mr. Alva Reding visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Stever and family. They alt visited awhile Sunday afternoon with Mr.

and Mrs. Claude James and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Wills of Ashcr, announce the birth of a daughter, Ethel Sue, weight 9 1-2 lbs.

Mr. and Mrs. Oren Melton, Mrs. John Mellon, Mrs. De-sale Copo and son, Glenn and daughter, Orrene.

were here to baptizing Sunday afternoon. Gale Cope and daughters, Norma Lee and Irma Jean, went lo Carthage Monday. Mr. and Mra. Ruel Stumpff, Mr.

and Mrs. Jess Ennes attended church here Sunday and visited In the afternoon with Joel Cottrell and son. Robert. Mr. and Mrs.

Wess liurbrldge and family returned from Oregon last week. They will stay for awhile with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim James. Mr.

and, Mrs. Eldridge Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Edmondson and family and Mrs. Sis Applegate all visited with them Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goodwin and daughter, Mary, attended church here Sunday, then visited her mother, Mrs. Folly Epperly. She seems a little better.

We've had so much bad weather for our meeting but have had fine interest so far with two conversions and baptizing Sunday Norma Lee Cope and Erma Fae Applegate. The meeting is to con tinue throughout this week. JACQUET gi ll's (For last week) Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sunimey spent Wednesday night with Bill Ellis.

Mrs. Bill Ellis spent Thursday at the Alfred 'Ellis home. Georgle Summey and Bill Ellis made business calls on Harry Bullock and Claude Hall Thursday. Curtis and Tommie Ellis spent Friday night and Saturday with their grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs.

A. F. Ellis. The boys made a OllhllieSM call at Orville Wolcotfs Saturday Ul me biio aie wu.miik lu av" bad luck the past week Clarence, Ellis fell and scratched las face up pretty badly and J. Morgan got hurt graven aim Wolcott celebrated their birthdavs together Sunday.

Guests included the Pearl Uolcoits, Mr. and Mrs. John Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Carroll and family and Orville Wolcott.

Visitors at the Alfred Ellis home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellis and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ellis and family of Jane, Wayne and niiHuno cnimren oi r.u.s, speiu nigni at the Alfred Ellis home.

Leo Summey and Harley Ellis enjoyed Sunday turkey hunting in the White River vicinity. They say they followed tracks all day buti never caught ui) with the turkeys. Maybe the hoys needed to get an earlier start. They both took supper with Harley's brother, Jeff Ellis, and family of White River. Mr.

and Mrs. W. C. Ellis visited Sunday with the husband Mr. and near Soligman.

former's sister and Mrs. Roy Still of i I We were aorry lo hear of the death of the little grunt grandson of C. C. Foster. Mr.

and Mra. Lyman Hamilton visited Sunday with Mra. Bessie SuillA and daughter! wner ny UKCn since last spring Mr. and Mrs. Joe England spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr.

and Mrs. Everett Henson and sons, Ralph and Freddy. There will be a Xmas tree and program at Falrvliw Thursday night also a Xmua tree and program by the children at Cato Friday night. Those who spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

'Everett Henson were: Mrs. Lois Burbrldge, Mrs. Lei a Burbrtdge. and little daughters, Mrs. Allle eleven Ker and son, Cedrlc.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Burbrldge and family visited Sunday night with Mr.

and Mrs. Lyman Hamilton and Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. E. W.

Henson and family. Quite a few folks listened at the radio at Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wilson's Saturday night. Those present were: Herbert Wilson, Ralph Henson Lottie Ray, Thelma Schrlener, Mr.

and Mrs. Joe England and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Henson. MINERAL SI'RIXG We are having plenty of rain.

We hear some talk of Santa Claus but have as yet seen no sign of him. Some from here attended the basketball game at Cassville Tuesday night. The cool rainy weather the past two weeks has been hard on feed and wood piles. Clyde Loftin and family of South ern Oklahoma, are in for a Xmas visit with relatives. Fred Ennls and Francis Woods who have been in Minnesota for sometime, returned home last week.

There will be a Christmas program and tree at the church Friday night. A pageant will be presented by the young folks. Claud Sizemore and family who have lived on the Bert McCluer farm the past year have moved to I'urdy where he is employed. We take this opportunity of wish ing the Editor and stair and all the RKI'l'BLICAN readers a merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Mr.

and Mrs. Truman MeCluer of Exeter and Raleigh Ennis and Pauline Cope were Sunday afternoon guests at the U. C. McCluer home. ROCKY COMFORT Merry Christmas to all readers of the REPUBLICAN.

Mrs. Floyd Gaily night at Powell, spent Friday (J rover Davidson is on the sick list this week. Mr. and Ross Cole visited In the Bill Biggs homo Sunday afternoon. Mrs.

Fannie Bennett of Soligman is visiting her sister, Mrs. Vesta Dabbs. Floyd Clifton, Theron Mel'hail and Glesnor Goostreo are all on the sick list this week. The Sunday schools are preparing programs and Christmas trees lor next Sunday. A very interesting program was given by the senior class at assembly Monday morning.

Mrs. W. B. Sampson and Miss Ef-fie Lauderdale were shopping in Joplin Thursday. Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Bidding south of town, announce the birth of a daughter, December l(i Dec. 9th, wlih Mr. J. D.

Couch. Owing to tho very cold weather and also to sickness only sli mem ber were present: Mrs. P. II, nice, Mr. Earl Curry, Mr.

Karl IIIe, Mr. Sulla Loftls, Mr. C. M. McKee, and the hoste.

We bad five visi tor: D. 11. Hire, J. D. Couch, M.

Standlee, Pauline Hula and Wllma Itlce. A covered dish luncheon wan served at the noon hour. After the regular program, presents were taken from (he tree and distributed. Mr. Hire gave each member a lovely Christina wrr.uh.

We hope Mrs, Wlllyard, who Is Just home from the boHpllul, ran be with us next month. We made a scrap book for a former president, Mrs. J. V. Sweet who Is now living In Idaho, but she always remembers I ho dale of club meeting and often sends a letter to be read on that day.

Reporter IIORXEU IIOKXETS The bountiful new home of Mr and Mrs. O. W. Hwrner was the scene of much merriment tho evening of Dec. 16, whin the Horner Hornets, their families and guests held their annual Christmas party.

About SO were present. The following program was given: Opening by all repealing the Lord's prayer; Silent Night was sung by Mrs. H. C. Sands and Mrs.

Earl Lew-Is; Frances Sands sang a "Christmas Star Christmas story by Mrs. n. Lawrence; joy to the World was sung by all; Musical reading by Turner, Mrs. Lewis at piano song, by Mrs. C.

C. Sands and Char- lene; Solo by Lavona Melvin. Mrs. Harrold announced the club had received standard of achieve' menl for 1937. Croup singing by young folks, La-vonna Melvin at I'iano.

Games were played. Then Santa arrived (or one of his boys) and the many gifts were distributed, after which refreshments of sandwiches, pie and coffee were served. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Gus Turner, Dec. 30, Mrs.

Curtis Sands leader. The roll call will be a new way to use apples, cabbage, milk, potatoes, or eggs. Reporter. A paying Investment an ad. 4 Olen Stumpff AUCTIONEER Large or Small Sales.

Write for Pate. A graduate from American Auctlou College it i i Know Values and How to Get Them. i CATO, SKI. I DR. 0.

L. SMITH OPTOMETRIST from Springfield, Mo. will bo in Cassville, 2nd, iiid mid 15th nnil Kltb of Each Month. EYES TESTEP GLASSES FITTED Prices You Can Afford. At -H' stoisao Mrs.

Clllver, Ijidy Assistant Horine-Culver Funeral Service P1IOXE 5 CASSVILLE. MISSOURI 0C3OI IOE30I Office at the Itonin of Mrs, Arthur Stever, Dee. 10. Light netubor wer pros- ent and onn visitor, Mr. leorge Stover.

The homo was beauuiuuy decorated with Xmaa decoration. All day orvtre wer held and a very tasty luncheon was served which everyone greatly enjoyed. Each member brought a covered dish After luncheon a Xma proicrain was given. A ong. "Holy.

Holy, Holy" wa ung by all. followed by a acrlpturo reading, "The Binn or Christ," by Mr. Arthur Smvor. rcdlng by Mr. Bill Dryani, prayer by Mr.

T. II. Weddlngion, reading by Mr. J. P.

Weddlngion and ong by all. After the program Santa Clau visited alt and left aome very beautiful and useful gift. Tho play. "Fifty Year Ago In Tunkln' Holler" will be given at the Golden chool house New Year F.v. Dee.

31. by the club. The next meeting will be held Willi Mr. Dorsal Stile Jan. 6.

Itepor-er. cluck COLDS FEVER LIQUID-TABLETS 8r alvb. hose vaon HcudiAc, 30 mla. tEry "ta Dm Unb-Ma EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby given. That Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Emily J.

McNally. deceased, were granted to the undersigned, on the 2 b. day of November. 1937. by the Probate Court of Barry County, Missouri.

All persons having claims against said Estate arc required to exhibit them for allowance to the Executor within six months after date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such Estate, and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of the granting of such letters, they will be forever barred. Ora McNally. Executor. Attest: D. II.

Meador, Judge of Probate First insertion Dec. 2, 1937, 25-2S TRUSTEE'S SALE Whereas, default having been made in the payment of the promissory note secured by deed of trust, dated March 22nd. 1934, executed by C. N. James and Clara James, his wife, recorded in Book S7.

at pase as 9. in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Harry County, Missouri, and Whereas, default has been made in the payment of the interest and principal of said note, therefore, I. the undersigned Trustee, at the request of tile legal holder of ai will Friday, the 2Jtli day of December. 1937. between tlii- hours of 9 o'clock a.

in. and o'clock p. m. at the I'ost Office Door in town of i'urdy, in the County of Barry and Stale of Missouri, sell at public vendue to the hichesl bidder for cash, for the purpose of satisfying said deed of trust and cost, the property in said deed of trust described as follows to wit: All of the Northwest Quarter of (he Soul beast Quarter. Section 13, Township 21, Range 2S, containing ll) acres more or less, lying and being in the County of Harry and State of Missouri.

Malone Con, Trustee First insertion Dee. 2, 1 7 2S-2S ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE WITH WILL ANNEXED Notice is hereby given, That Let ters oi Administration with will annexed on the Estate of Harry II. Charles, Deceased, were granted to the undersigned, on the ISih day of November, 1 937, by the Probate Court of Harry County, Missouri. All persons having claims against said Estate are required to exhibit them for allowance lo the Administrator with will annexed within six months after dato of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit or such Estate, and if such claims be not exhibited within one year from the date of the granting of such letters, they will ho forever barred. Attest: D.

Meador, Judge of Probate R. K. Mcl'herson, Administrator with will annexed First Insertion Dim. 2. 1937 25-2S 666 visit with her mother and other relative.

Eunera Stever. a C. H. S. student, re-entered school Monday, following a week absence from Illness.

Mrs. Blonnle Brown and Mr. and Mr. Earl Brown were Monett visitor Tuesday, Mr. and Mr.

Ermal Stever, Mr. Bill Bryant and Mr. John England motored to Springfield Suturday, Mr. and Mr. Clyde Allwood had a guests over the week-end.

Mrs. Allwoods mother, sister and brother from North Missouri. Mr. All- wood and little daughter, Joan, accompanied them home for a visit. Our school basketball team ac companied by the teacher, Morton McQueen, wero in Cassville Satur day for a lew practice games, pre-parartory to entering tho tournament.

Following some good work they were taken to the matinee by their teacher. The revival meeting continues with good attendance and Interest. hollowing are the announcements for Sunday. December 19, Sunday school. In oclock; morning service, at 11.

by the pastor. Verdayne Dod- son; evening sermon 7 p. in. Every' one invited to attend. JOLLY IIOMEMAKEHS CLUB The Jolly Home-makers Club held an all day meeting with Mrs.

Gene Bishop Wednesday. Dec. 15th. A covered dish luncheon was serv ed at noon to 11 members and one visitor, names as follows: Mrs. Maud Osbom.

Mrs. Burton, Bess Summey, Mrs. N. P. Anderson, Mrs.

J. D. Mc-Glothlln, Mrs. Bennett. Mrs.

G. C. Trice, Mrs. Duke Sunimey, Mrs. T.

A. Branaugh, Mrs. H. C. Still, Mrs.

niwl MiMHrfn mwl Mm Gene mshop. As our president, vice president and secretary were absent, our business meeting was short and evening was spent making quilt blocks for the hostess. We had a Christmas gift exchange. A birthday gift was drawn for Mrs. Earl Mitchell.

Also the hostess was given a shower. Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. T. A. Branaugh, January lath.

Reporter. OBITUARY Sarah Frances (Maples) Ash, was born June 7, 1S53; departed this life December I), 1937. age S4 years. 6 months. She was born near Cumberland r.Iltl TeTlll ii(li lii.r ii'ir.

ellts wm, a smaU rll( an(, near Clever, where she spent her lirt, sle na(1 0l er 1 sisters and two brothers, she professed faith in Christ in life in membership with the Missionary Baptist church. At the time of her was a member at the Mt. Olive church about three miles east Grandma had been sick for sometime but bore it with patience as she waited upon her Lord to say "Well done, enter now into the joys of thy Lord." She had made her home, mostly wllh her son, allhotiL-li she would spend weeks visit inu her otli- (r children, but. she would ahvavs say take me home. Today we realize' tli Blessed Lord has taken her home forever.

to be with him Sarah Frances Maples was united in marriage to Irvin Ash in 187S. To this union 4 children were born; Charles dying in infancy. Marion of Cassville; of Springfield; and Cattie Holloway of I'urdy. She was also survived hv two sten-sons. being present except and 11 great I grand-children, all present except 2.

Funeral services were held Pah'vieu' enndneted Itv Kd 'own and Verilnvne Dntlqnn liurial in the Horner cemetery the side of her husband who iy lire- ceeded her in death 12 years ago. Horine-Culver Undertakers were in 'rhart-c -Contributed Two nersclllK were killed on KmIiii- av niirht nne week iun noiir the State line, south part of McDonald county. The car in which the men were riding sido-swiped a truck. Gl'AHPIAX'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that Let-terest of Guardianship on the Estate of Edgar Paul Maiden, a person of unsound mind, were granted to the Undersigned, on the 15th day of December, 1937, by the Probate Court of Barry County, Missouri. I All persons having claims against said Estate, are required to exhibit them for allowance to the Guardian within 6 months after date of said i letters, or they may be precluded if such claims be not exhibited with in one year from the date of last in- sertion of this publication, they will be forever barred.

Attest; D. B. Meador, Judge of Probate Mrs. H. I.

Bradford, Guardian First insertion Dec. 23, 1937 28-31 Flno light, crlso. winter weather after the heavy rains. The Sunday school gave a bhnrt Christmas program Sunday by me smaller members, after which a nice reu I of candy, oranges and apples were given them. The attendance was ll3.

On next Friday evening a program will be given at the church by the Seniors of the Sunday school to which all are Invited. The hlh school will give a Christmas program at the auditorium on Thursday evening of this week. The school will dismiss on Friday of this week for the Christmas holidays. Work will be resumed on Monday, Jan. 3rd.

We presume that the out of town teachers will spend the week at their respective homes. Next Sunday will be Rev. Wul-len's last appointment for 1937, bo why not surprise him with an unusually large attendance. Also it will be a good time to start the church going habit, just as we are about to begin a New Year. Wayne Rubow, a student In the K.

C. school of Dentistry, is home on a two week's Christmas vacation. Amos Williams and son, feed and grocer dealers, report that thus far in December they have handled tons or iced stuir. A large part or this was sold to those engaged in the broiler Industry over in Benton County, the leading broiler county in the United States. Remember this column is open to all that desire to make reports on their business.

We learn that our Frisco section foreman, Jess Baker, will soon go to I'urdy to act in the same position there. We are sorry to seu him and his family leave hut wish them much prosperity and happiness in their new home. We understand that Jess Corn, formerly foreman here, will succeed Mr. Baker. C.

W. Bashe and family of Cassville were here Sunday visiting relatives and friends. We are sorry to lose Walter Northcutt and famil)' from our town. They are now located in Rogers where ho has been operating a gro-cerv store for sometime. Waller is Riieepssfol business man mill nne I of the oldest merchants in this area.

He has been in business in Seligmun at least twice and also in Cassville, Exeter and other places. We wish the entire family much success wherever they may finally locale. One of Seligman's oldest landmarks was removed some days ago, when employees of the State Highway Departmnt cut down the I'ara-dise tree in front of Osborn's drug store. This tree was undoubtedly 50 or more years old and was set, it is claimed, by the late Mr, Hicks House, later known as the Bobcock Hotel, the Linden Hotel and now as I the Gladden Hotel. More bills were posted upon it than perhaps any tree! in Southwest Missouri, so you see' Its history was quite instimalcly linked with that of the town.

Once again the Grim monster has invaded the sacred precincts of a home in our community and taken I therefrom a devoted wife, mother and grandmother in the personage of Mrs. Laura DeForest, beloved wife of W. D. DeForest. She leaves to moun her transition from the phy-; sical to the spiritual realm, a hus band, one daughter, two sons; an aged father and mother, Mr.

and Mrs. W. T. Tuck, some brothers ami sisters, besides a host of more distant relatives and friends. Funeral services were held at the church by Rev.

Chas. Vanzandt, assisted by a local choir of singers composed of Mrs. Maggie Northcutt, Mrs. Carl Larson, Mrs. Dr.

C. R. Brown, W. A. Stapleton, Floyd Fawver and Donald Reed, with Mrs Tom North cutt at the piano.

Interment was made in the local cemetery under the direction of the Horine-Culver Fuu-ral Service of Cassville. She professed faith in Christ as her personal Savior early in life and lived a consistent Christian life ever afterward, so the bereaved need not mourn about her future destiny. rUMPKLV CENTER, Lola Smith visited one night last week with Sue and Lily England. A nice crowd attended prayer meeting at Fairview Sunday night. Herbert and Onis Wilson attended church at Oak Grove Sunday night.

Thelma Schrlener visited over SEVEN STAR Last Sunday Rev. Burks filled hht regular appointment hero. John Snook did aome realr work on Fred Bacon's car last week. There baa been more than SO at Sunday school for the past two Sundays. Mr.

and Mrs. Herman Casto and little daughter were at Seven Star Sunday. Mra. Sol lie is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. llertha Shocklcy and family.

We are having services all this week. The crowds are large. Rev. Bean and Kev. Bean are doing the preaching.

Mrs. Fred Bacon will be In Cass-vlllo for sometime where she can take medical treatments from Dr. Chandler. We hope she soon recovers from her illness. The "Assembly of God" Sunday school will be at the Cone Springs now school house from now on.

That is the location of the church and Is more convenient for most people. GREASY CREEK Merry Christmas to all. Walter Uruton was successful in capturing a red fox one night last week. Edmon Lytle roofed hs new house Monday. His new house is a nice improvement.

Charley Stinecipher and Fred Branum made a business trip to Cassville Saturday. George Henry is able to be out again. He made a business trip to Seligman Saturday. Most everyone is planning on a good time Xmas. if nothing1 but company and a big dinner.

A Xmas tree and program is being arranged for the school at Measle Prairie Friday afternoon. Mrs. Eunice Brooks was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Charley Stineci-pher and family Tuesday night of last week.

Several from this community are planning to attend the meeting of the wildlife organization at Monett the 29th. John Brannum is expected home from a visit In Oklahoma Christmas day. His health has improved in the week or so. Ruby Towler who has been staying in the Mell Fletcher home for some time returned to her home Eagle Rock Sunday. She was accompanied by Virgil Fletcher.

OAK GROVE We are all proud to see the sun shine. i Sunday school was well attended Sunday. Naomi Jinks visited Josephine Womack Sunday. Juanlta Bowsher spent Sunday with Rosella Starkey. Mrs.

Christena Bowsher spent Sus-day with home folks. Grace Henbest, we are sorry to say, is on the sick list. Kathryn Hosack visited Monday with Mrs. Wilburn Tucker. Mr.

and Mrs. John Starkey were Cassville visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R.

G. Jinks visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. A.

Starkey. Virgil Beck Is improving his home by building an addition to his house. The Oak Grove school is planning to have their Xmas program Thursday night. Kenneth Hosack who is employed at Monett spent the week-end with home folks. Josh Starkey of Cassville spent Sunday with his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. C. R. Starkey. Mr.

and Mrs. Wilburn Tucker spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Henbest. On account of being sick, Bobby Jerrie has been absent from school for a couple of weeks.

We are sorry to report Loyd Hosack and family are going to leave Thev will be sadly missed In our community. The Oak Grove better homes club will meet at the club house on their regular day, Friday 31st. We hope to see all the members present, and all visitors will be made welcome. i John of Cannon, and Joe of I'urdy; a step daughter, Betty Dan-jiels, of Galena, Mo. She also had 20 grandchildren, all ivev.

jtaymonu uueu business matters. Mr. Walker for-regular appointment at the Baptist merlv lived In this ennnnmiitv Mcdowell (For Last Week Hen Swafi'ar who has be with his father, Sim Swaffar and wLic ina.ra itiumeu 10 anioi- nia, Monday, where he has been )Kai, Mr. and Mrs. L.

11. Walker of Sunnyside, Washington and visiting lin this r.nmni null iittAtiitlmr in Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Moudy spent Tuesday at the J. W.

King home. Mr. and Mrsr. John King and son and Mr. and Mrs.

Dale Hilton and son were in Pierce City on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. B.

Walker of Sunnyside, Washington, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Herman Hemphill and Mr. and Mrs. Burl King spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

E. H. Thomas and daughters. Mrs. Ida Hemphill, who has been ill for several weeks is slowly im- 'Dr0vlnc Mr.

and Mrs. Glenn Clark were par- Sunday guests of the latter's ents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mr.

and Mrs. Gene Northcutt or Purdy visited awhile Sunday morn- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Wil liams and family. Mr.

and Mrs. Burl King visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. R.

Vanzandt and family. Mrs. John Jackson, who has been seriously ill, is improving. 4--r-l-t4FF-l4'4-'l Mr. and Mrs.

Paul Murphy of near Stella spent Sunday with Mrs, Mur- phy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dopp. Mr. and Mrs.

J. H. Thomason and granddaughter, Helen Bidding went down to Arthur Belding's Sunday evening to see the new granddaugh ter. The Basket ball teams from the high school drove to Midway Friday night for a game. The Midway Seniors and the Rocky Comfort Juniors were the winners Rex Lauderdale, small son of Mr.

and Mrs. Dennis Lauderdale, was brought home Saturday evening after spending several weeks at the St. Juhu'a Hospital. He is very much improved. The Help One Another Club met Thursday at the home of Mrs.

J. W. Stalcup for nn all day meeting with 13 members and three visitors present. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Clifford Milllgan, Jan.

6. Monday evening the members of Thomas Abstract Company Abstracts- of Title nuvde by experienced mid efficient abstracters. OUlotit Abstract Finn in the Comity. Thirty-two years in the Abmi-net ItiednesM. Our are fowled "1 to lite bites t- iiilnute.

Notary Public in the Office Office second floor in Courthouse, west sldo in Surveyor's.

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