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The Dixon Telegraph du lieu suivant : Dixon, Illinois • Page 3

Dixon, Illinois
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FARM ASP GARDES. Cattle the easiest managed farm manufactory that I CHII suggest is nrst-c horses, mules and hogs. With, these for machinery, corn gnun for oor The Republican The Credit Mobilier venality of Uie ssnieuisthe country m0ot jfcpublicnu Congres ffntAfcut shame to which the TM ever been subjected. The corruptions of the Taniinany King by which the city and intelligence for convert'our com profitable and mar-1 of mt will give us cui? I nnrt nnn onrrimtious of tho carpet- imposed by which the llepubliean forces-- no pour little Brigadiers, with. a detached column of knavery, like Tweed no scrubby captains corporals, tlie carpet-bag frv, buttiievcryforcinostmen iu tho ranks of what has assumed to be the party of orld.

dollar per bushel for our corn, fa for our hay, and I arpel- upon the thejr Hii stalk--shock corn, TUO gram w. and io morc main article of diet, hay or com fodder fo products that will give us oue corruptions relish, instead of tile I -TM rlverseS order, that makes the gram a plan is said to haveTeentobed the cattle down with cont This otherwise wasteful, method becomes tsittle are two to the uic I we will luid tnat corn aim i dcau the waste a l- pru fi tu ble crops, but do not feed jour lcnden of ie Republican party, nxoU entirely; ivud all agree, I behove, com aud to scrub 1Vetfd WU8 a prominent Democrat a that tlie hogs do better with this system wc Farmer, UK i municipality. He grasped at than any other. We grind corn for cat- er in tho statef the Democratic tie and steam it for hogs; this plan re- aeujed to him moves the necessity for either. As a nile, ditches or ower in the city, and by the purchase We grind corn for cattle that they may than twen TM u.e venal great moral jVew York World.

twenty dollars per ton The position of Colfax grows worse continually. Every time ho opens his mouth he puts his foot in it. Vt hen his case was closed, or supposed to have been closed, a few davs ago, his friends were quite sure he had accounted satisfactorily for his 81,200 deposit by the queer donation of a bank note from thr Foreign. TIIK Khedive paid 360,000 just for, the laces on his daughter's trousseau. SBfcBCTJoss from Mr.

Greeley's correspondence, edited by Whitelaw Eeid, uru to be published. THE value of agricultural produce imported into Euglaud during 1872 amounted to $150,000,000, of -which nearly one- half was grain of various kinds. PRESIDENT THIERS refuses to accept the Emperor's hospitalities for his stay in Vienna while attending the Exhibition. He has hired the palace Leiteu- bnger, and will there abide with the French Commission. Mu.

NATHAN, Assistant Surgeon of the in 1SG8, at intervals of three namely, iu April, July, and October. There is no evidence as yet to show what disposition Mr. Colfax made of i they void is" ready 1cooked for the CXC eption the ditch described ui.glit a principles or policy ISedthemselvJ. A great Sll vingL ori pretty well for a fewyears but on jraiu fIf aboriVtiiiis effected; shelling com hauling to and from the mill, to say nothing of toll, cooking for hogs, and feeding them. Every man can estimate the cost for himself; but many a little makes a muckle," and the economy is important in proportion to the extent of business done.

In conversation with alarge farmerand figuring up the cost of all the work catheriug materials included, it will mostlikely be found to be equal to a good tile draiu, which worn years, and might last fifty, tile is evidently cheaper. party in the city ercised no influence. He wore tho Dem- in New York. the South were deposit. It will be remember that this testimony went to show that Xeshitt was a comparative stranger that be was anxious to have the $1,000 remittance kept secret; that he had probably tlou must be perfect possible.

ed 4tl tlt rtain- farm in our section of country. iiiuau know of anybody who is using them, it 1V ladies of Boston have costs so much, with labor at twenty to i icucver ft dinner or other elite: twenty-five dollars per month, to grind meufc giv(m houses, some of for a large lot of stock; and, besides, us ie pllp ii a will be admitted to witness feed, the cattle grind for nothing, thc r0 nra tious, culinary 1 "TM tn -and orua- vc iucLi mu and we get all out of the corn theie is mon fa iu or dor properly to understand iu it--if a little less beef, a little more fl ir futliro business. They will be pork, usually worth about the same, so tllu lt to execute thoroughly the cook- we lose nothing after all, you iug of Qjjmer, um i to market under 1 J. 1 1 I I I DFti- aielcorolosy In The value of the barometer to the fanner in hay and grain harvest has frequently been demonstrated. Xovr we are to have an important branch of the public service employed in aid of agriculture.

The powe-rs of the Siguiu Office have been enlarged by thc act of Congress of June 10, 18713, and extended to the more immediate interests of agriculture. Appropriation is made by that act for the expenses of storm signals, by telegraph, announcing the probable approach and force of storms throughout the United States, for the benefit of agriculture as will as commerce. To aid in the accomplishment of the object, the Chief Signal Officer has issued a circular to agricultural and horticultural societies, inviting any suggestions or recommendations to perfect the system now established, and 'to render it more directly useful to tlie agricultural interests, and suggesting that the best mode in which such societies can operate with the Signal Officer in tho matter is by the appointment of permanent committees to confer occasionally with the Chief Signal Officer, and to take, iu conjunction with him, such steps as may be desirable. A large number of societies have already responded to the request of the Signal Officer, and appointed the committees as proposed! It is not to be understood that these committees are to take meteorological observations or make reports for the signal service, their only object being to obtain their practical cooperation through correspondence and conference. an experienced supervisor.

Ihe pared food is to be sold at cost to the working women in shops, replacing their present cold dinners with cheap, warm and excellent rneids. The girls in the institution will be taught to wash in the best manner, and the poor workers in shops will be permitted to supply the material, thus getting their clothing washed at cost--one-half or one-third the present price, which it is hard for them to pay. from rich New lorK oy uie IUUB, the stole from tlie devastated, disordered, impoverished South. But even thouch negroes vote, all men imposed upon those States by the votes of the Republican party in Congress, it denial of power that section ignorant its use use as emolument. Their plunder times the sum stolen rich New York by the Ring, for the tated.

But even though negroes know that the time of the carpet-bagger is short. The foremost of them are running for snug quarters in the Senate, but they do not expect to keep their hold on their States, they do not grasp after the combined political power of their section. They do not figure in Federal politics, aud will not attempt to figure, except as they will sell their votes for every land-grab, every subsidy for internal improvements, every slnp-buUd- job, and every runt if all internal entries for the last ten heart disease appears to be on the increase in the royal naval service. ULATIOS has been made showing the conversions of the clergymen Established Church iu England Catholics continue to increase in lie ratio as of late years, by the. this century all the clergy of tlu- Church will have become Ito- Catliolics.

CAWIZ, Spain, a city of 1:8,000 inhabitants, must be a slow place. The great- art of the water used there is pro- from the springs of La Piedad, brought by rail aud by sea from Puerto Santa Maria in largo barrels, tho water-carriers about S3 per cubic them at an aver- and AT Knipp'B establishment iu Essen, rigorously kept could nothave received so large lion to his income as 31,200 without remembering it very distinctly. How does all this tally with the now sired that one out of four of hi tions of equal amounts should in a peculiar aud special manner secret. Ho would not have been likely to adopt an extra-hazardous mode of sending while he was making other remittances, both before and after, in a perfectly safe manner. It could not have been a surprising thing to Mr.

Colfax that Mr. Nesbitt should send mm 000 a mouth. There are consumed MX) tons of coid daily by 75 steam en- the works. Tho anvil of the weight requires but tci bv 800 men, who are immediately after allowed two hours rest, because of the extreme heat to which they are necessarily exposed. A Scraping Match.

One of the most novel matches ever witnessed in Chicago came off recently-- At last authority we as is Intemperance I are to have a recognized to what constitutes the iuteinperato use of intoxicating liquors or drugs. It has been a mooted question in society, among physicians, and in the courts for many generations. But now Congress proposes that the filial standard shall be affixed by the Secretary of War. The House has passed a bill declaring that no officer of the army addicted to the intemperate use of intoxicating drinks shall bo entitled to promotion, and consequently the Secretary of War to decide the question. We may then have an inny standard of just how much liquor nay be consumed without reaching the intemperate degree.

Whether fortunately or unfortunately, it is probable that tlie standard will be an extremely liberal one. Mr. Roberts, of Now York, made a suggestion that the bill should include members of Congress, but it was not received--whether because the army standard would still be too illiberal for Congressional guidance, or for some other reason, was not Kjn'h iug tanfl scheme of the protectionists, like the repeal of tea and coffee duties and abolition of all internal revenue. But the Credit Mobilier Congressmen are the foremost men in the whole Ke- publican party. Nofto dwell upon the fact that Thaddeus Stevens, the most venal and prostitute politician of Ins time, who sold his vote and influence to these same Pacific railroad men for 380,000, was the first among these 1.1.,, in most Eepublicaus, the loader House of Representatives during the the this if he was sending him checks for that amount frequently, linally, his transactions with Nesbitt, or iSes- bitt's with him, were so numerous, and amounted to so largo a sum in the aggregate, that he would have remembered them in the first instance when the.

dispute arose concerning the SV-00 deposit. The South Bend Union recently took for the text of a pretty caustic article on tliis subject, the following words from Mr. Col fax's September speech i -1 ii IV e- being nothing less than a contest tween two rival tonsorial artists to the question of superiority. The stake was 8100 aside, each man to shave nine entlemen, the one getting thiough with us nine customers to bo declared the The contestants were William whole war period--here is the chief i Iteliitivc of Wlit-at, Onts, and Barley. Tn the States east of Ohio and north of Maryland, the growing of wheat has in most localities given way to thc raising of other crops, the sale of which will buy more flour than the land will produce.

This is of course less the case toward the western odge of the section mentioned, and very notably increases toward the coast, where, as in Massachusetts, tho annual yield of is only a fraction of the quantity consumed by the population. But it is witnewliat surprising to find that California, with its vaunted advantages for wheat-growing, should show a decided tendency tin 1 same direction. From published statements before us, it appears the area in wheat in that State yields only an average of nineteen bushels to the acre, while barley gives thirty-five bushels, aud oats forty-five bushels per acre. The cash value of the yield per acre for each of the three crops is set down respectively at and from which it will be seel that barley vields in dollars nearly ouc- iiftb, and "oats nearly one-half more than wheat for a given average. Six-sevenths of thc of harle; from California is.

to Pern, tlie Orient British Columbia. Chili, aud Tho export of outs is chiefly to Aus tralia, British Columbia, Japan, China, Mexico, and New Zealand. These facts are sugge.stivo not only with reference to the future of agriculture on the Pacific but with regard to the probable direction of that commercial enterprise which sooner or later must dot the South Sea with tlie ships aud steamers of a great and varied traffic. HAIIAKIKI is appears be going out of fashion in Japan, not- ithstanding the Parliament three years go refused to prohibit thepractice, only hree members out of two hundred and line voting in favor of the proposition When a member of the two swordei jlass, or Samurai, commits a crime, i message'is sent that to till himself by disemboweling, which custom is called or oc It seems that tho practice was considerei so honorable that many men committe without waiting the imperial permis sion, and this was considered highly im ortieth Congresses, tho presiding officer the Senate and Vice-Presideut of the United States, Schuyler Colfax, proven have had share in the Credit Mobilier orruption, to have published a false enial of the fact, to have attempted a neakhig concealment of his crime, and vhen confronted with unexpected and onclusive proofs, to have retreated into flat perjury, silly, useless, obvious per- which doea not even throw dnst in he eyes of his best friends. Here is Henry Wilson, long a Senator from Massachusetts, just elected Vice-1 resident of the United States, as much as my man responsible for the policy of his party, engaged actually in the same vile jobbery, and only seemingly innocent because MH trafficking was carried on behind tho name of his wife.

Here is Henry L. for bo many years 11 Congress from the same State, and the successor in the House of Thaddeus Stevens in its premiership, being the fore most man in the financial questions which have succeeded the reconstruction issuo, just as Stevens was foremost in tlie reconstruction days--he, too, bought stock at corrupt valuation, paid for it, drew dividends thereon, and then under oath denied ownership in the but admitted that lie held on Let me detain you a few moments, my townsmen, wltllu touch falHchood with the. war of truth, exposing the so-called Credit Mobilier scandal, that you may sue of what worthless stuff campaign charges arc It must be admitted now that a fabrii of falsehood bus been touched with the spear of truth, and that it has tumblei ibout the ears of the Vice-Prcsident Mr. Colfax can hardly expect even tht office-holding newspapers to stand by limmiy Trlbuw. tho "Ukraine (Russia the women court moro generally tha the men.

When a young woman fall in love with a man she is not in tho leas ashamed to go to his father's house an reveal her, passion in the most tendn and pathetic manner, and to promise tl most submissive obedience if he will a cept her as a wife. Should theinscns blc man pretend any excuse, she tollt him she is resolved never to go out the house till he gives bis and accordingly, taking up her lodgings, remains there. If he still obstinately refuses his caso becomes exceedingly distressing. The church is commonly on her side, and to turn her out would provoke her'kindred to revenge her honor so that he has no method left but to betake himself to flight till he is otherwise disposed of. proper.

One. member, defending th practice, said The commission of the seppitku is owing to a natural sense of shame being deeply rooted in the heart. It is a national custom founded on what is due to the national sense of jubtu-e and to Japan as a nation." Another declared: "By death thc criminal barely restores himself to his position as a human being. If he lives, he is a scoundrel; but if he dies, he for the first time manifests a senbe of shame. To prohibit the seppuku would be to close tlie public path of honor, and throw open the paih of scoun- drelism." A third asserted that so far from being prohibited the seppuku should be eiiconraged, by this means a sunbe of shame fostered, and the custom bo made famous throughout the world as an example of devotion to principle.

OF A flour mill is reported to have exploded at Glasgow, Scotland, recently. The cause of the explosion is stated to have I3t 1 1 to his bargain till there was danKcr the light would strike it. Here is Patterson of New Hampshire, lending strength to the Republican boast of culture and morality by his saintly walk and convcr- and the learned aroma of Jus MOSSTEB GKAI-EVINK--A little way from Windsor Castle, the ont-of-twno residence of the Queen of England, and belonging to the royal domain, is probably one of the largest nnd most 'inner. etillon, of the South Side, and lill, of the West Side, and was won by ie latter by iimt one minute, according the decision of the referee. Iho uickeat work was minutes aii seconds, one by Hill; the longest was IU nun- ites, achieved by tho same individual.

Petition's best time was minutes .111 seconds his longest, 10j minutes. A Luminous ibout hoelH, rather ludicrous incident connected therewith occurred, at the Illinois reception the other night. Ihe all room floor at Willard's WUH newly waxed, and badly done at that, BO that the fair ladies aud gallant beaux found their feet sticking to the floor. While the weaker wore held fast, tho stronger and more energetic produced a noise like unto shooting-crackers, as they moved about or attempted to dance. Ilus got to be such a nuisance flint tho proprietor was called in, and active measures taken to remedy tho trouble.

Meal from the kitchen was procured and sprinkled over the floor. Young ladies had to bo lifted bodily out of their tracks, in some instances leaving their heels on the floor, wliile others were pried up with pokers, uttering little shrieks as if it hurt. Several enterprising Illinois beaux went to Milburn'B and purchased pieces of chalk, which they rubbed on the soles of the young ladies' shoes. It presented a beautiful picture to sec an Hlinois gentleman with his knees stuck fast to the floor while he whitened the soles of his love, she balanced most gracefully on one foot and smiling audibly to the tickling process. One maiden lady of a certain ago went into hysterics, and from that'into a hack.

She has not been heard of Waxhinnton Capital. I thc Crnin 3Inrr Krnfllnhlc. But how are we to so utilize the ducts of onr farmn to rentier them profitable and aid in their fertilization To sell corn at 23 cents a bushel, and haul it to market, will not pay very large profits. We must then adopt some economical and easy transforming process, by which we maar higher prices for and 1 twlti collegiate connection and chair and he too swears the thing that is not, and has his sign manual on half a dozen occasions called up to controvert his oath. Here is Harlun, another of the same kind lacking tlio culture, the indefatigable exhorter, the reformer of othermen sins' thc proclaimer on all occasions tliatKepnblicnnism was sort of theology, of itself--he, too, is shown to Imvc received hire, and that by no subterfuge, but in cash paid down land aw if his purchasers knew him to liave'as little sham and a painted harridan in the street.

The darklv frowning Logan, a Bon Diego of chiviiiric. loftiness and perfect. truth the Ku-Klux hunting Stevenson the bitter 'Binghain; Protectionist Kelley, happy "when putting up prices so that his ring" might profit blv one 01 uiu iiuguaii prolific of the valuable fruit-bearers on the globe. In the first place, it is eghty- threo years old-- yet vigorous and thrifty as in youth. The trunk, large and rank, divides into two branches a few feet from the ground, which are trailed in different different directions for rods.

One entire glass-liouse is given up to this protection of 'the veteran, which was reputed to have fifteen thousand of bunches, plump, full and inviting, when we saw it in August. In green-house chronicles that vine is without a parai- been, that two of the revolving millstones, "on account, of stoppage'of the supply of gr against each other and threw out sparks. These sparks ignited the fine of dust diffused through the air in the exhaust conduits, the rapid of-'-whieti Vanaed a high te combustion and expansion, plosion. mperature which resulted in an; ex- MR LORENZO Sxow, the Mormon mis- sionnry, has discovered that tho Parisian school-boy does not wlu'ttle his desk. visited a school where a hundred or more of these remarkable' youths were assembled, and was so astonished at the unuotched desks that he satisfied his curiosity'by asking whether tlie boys had knives.

HOTTOB informed that two- thirds of them were possessed of that useful adjunct to any well-regulated lad. Of course," it is a beautiful example to American boys; but like to know whore those French urchins imprison captive flies, they save their 1 pencil sharpening to blow into each others'eyes, if, they don't make chronicles that wio iaKil tiiers eyes, 11 uun lei Thc annual yield is equal to a pna-. i prison-pens or powder magazines of their lanx of ordinary vines iu their best con- "A "RATLHOAD CoKDCCTOIl'S GOOD LUCK makes i --The thousand-dollar bill which Con- rcnnblV of Europe. The took from i I illlVtMl oldest in the world, is San Marino, by the increased money our 40,000,000 of people must of necessity pay-- great lights these, bright and shining lights, luminaries one and all of tho Bemibhcaii heavens and yet not a man of them but traded.more or less in Credit (Mobilier and is raorp.or less attainted, according as under fear of exposure lie drew out soon 'or late. BecojjhijsetnwidJrs nil 1 of perched away up in the Alpine country.

It is only 22 jnifes square, and as it con- aists chiefly of a 2,200 feet high; the Governor standing at summit can survey his whole country. 400 years it gone.quictly on its wnv, its silk-weaving peasauts happy and contented, and protected by its standing array," of 80'men. Its Presidents are chosen every six months. I i I soon 'or these, Generals and. Lieutenant erals, Admirals and Gen- Vioe-AdnuraUi, of IT on tlie owl train, between Haven and this city, over a year ago, 1 is still on deposit, Mr.

McKinneys. credit at one of the city banks. Tlie interest has amounted to over SlOtV remembered that tho conductor, when the bill was handed him, passed on, saving; he would change it when ho hud gone tiironghthetraSV When he denied, having -presented AT Pine, a used for fuel. mahogany is night's Courant. IK- SPAPFRf fSPAPERI.

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