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Alton Weekly Telegraph from Alton, Illinois • 2

Alton, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ALTON TELEGRAPH AND DEMOCRATIC REVIEW. Mruu. Emrona Hiving had oecaaion to ravel aoine KK) mile within tlm last two weeks travel Mme 3(10 miles within tlm last two weeks be adopted, Ipriets in it provided most liberally forby tlie original bill. Another amendment pending is, that the land shall vemsin inalienable ami its enjoyment be be adopted, there li far more justice pro thin Him ia in Boino of Hie enw -v 8. Mist.

Tlie ainonnt of n.imZT-"-ived at tha Mint in IiladriphMLSSl.y to tlm 2Iat inat. was Bi BIITO other gold bullion during same penod aiXsif that wlien Mr. Soule and his friends have fallal making a total of JlllUOU. The in this experiment, limy Will recede to the com- prid lor tliw same timo was 91 fitiflin tL" promise. I hare no expeelaUon of mch a Rig tlm sum period BJJXU iu ulVerWerai chance, reasoning from tlicir past course.

But eotved, and 10,800 coin, l- change, reasoning llmepowdera, wherever there tawatef. Trwrikri nd HijYri hone Rod Ihni molt coereetanl, rhiiMb and nirfuL Bold by itmiibr aid nnfiil sold bv trough this State, I wss forcibly impressed with vast chinra which hava keen effected, ALTOV lUTD Foil MALE, and others to lease. The uniWnignrd ortin to Mil i portion of Mi Mi hi Hudljral A Km. ml to Imm loll or Inlf Him) for any imoniMi lom or jure. 1 her ire nested la dilKmnt puli of the city targe oiuilar of them la what bu been knows Hustezs Addiluxb I alio propose to leasfc for loar tom of years, few laitl Incti of unfanpravad land, Kljoioini and mar IK city.

ABRAHAM BREATH, Koq-, limy It, to contract either uln or binding on bi If mg( WILLIAM RUBBELL. JU HOLTuNA nbder Concert Hall, .1 isltodx Miouorr Britannia pel Ain. Scott, i. m. ml of Hart1 qnuiM Britumia Want which wa of- fer at srhoiaaal er retail, at a slight aitvnea abov oanufccUreii prices.

Jolt H. M.llINTONfcCU 1 Lo's-E Xl-AnGK BR All KKY. The (baler will cootar Livor by tear ins it tba Trfagnph print- lag olUce- jueeT-ia-tf rjICHORY STRIPE. Apron Chwki, 1 bleached end brown Clooiis, at prices to iqk; by mylt BLAIU, WKKLKK LT. IcEOEWM IN Till AtLAXTIC IbI.II; ha been received at IJoyd's hud, of an enormous field of iee! one hundred and fitly miles in in tlm Atlantie, the par i 48 di.

Bevarnl vMeIa were bewt 2l! 1 feereilthat the ice liea in the direct Si? Lwu fcLS! Eft.1!!' i favorable to the run ROAD. Tlie most valuable improvement, nays tlie It. IL Journal, ainro 31c Adam's, and out superior to hie in many ioealiliex, ie the recent invention of covering roods with planks. Plank roads were intniduced In Canada, by tlm Coventor (icnerxl, Lord Kydenltim. who hail lean their utility ui Buraia.

In 1834, tlw first one wax tlie re constructed, (leading from Toronto eastward.) and silica then MM mites of them have been there built. In tha United Rules the one from Kyracnse to Central fhpiare, New York, led tlm way, being finished July, 1H1U; anil its groat success tins already caused tlie construction of four or five hundred miles in this State, and ilia projection of twice ax many more in it, and in new Jersey, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, etc. In tlw most generally approved system, two slid rows or small aticka of tirnocr, (called never wm witnessed. Wheat, every where uu- "c7 IT'T tmlilfercntly, sleepers, stringers, or sills,) are usually fine, present! a golden appearance far 1 daily exertmn lie bus to pot forth imbedded in the road three or fonr feet apart more beautiful than tlw Sands of cidifornia. ,1 vc 1 iln rnutilation frotn open Flanks eight feet long, and three or (bur inches 'hie extensive fields of Corn, Oats, and mea- I1B, redneed him to a state or are laid upon these sticks, across them at dow Grass, with their dark green hue stretching deMdy that is to be seen, as well in bu step as right angles on their direction.

A aide track of out in many place for sometimes as far in hi languid countenance, lie has nerfunued exrth to turn out up luiinuitu. UULUII M. -I 1 ly fettled country. 1 The aona of IuduslrY have within a few yearn wr0Mfrlit chances in our State, which in other countries require ices to seeumpliah. Where tlie bark canoe otme einlcd noiselessly over Ilia rtenn, As 1 eImer plonshs tlm flarhine wave What waa than tha buntinc SSSStilffiU ml "nnw'Mrif 5 ground of the red man, ia anw the aite of a Springfield, a Jacksonville, or a Chicago.

Where tha war dance waa held, and where tlm smoke of wigwam eured ap through the tall tree of the wood, tha church hell now lend out her deep notes, calling to the worship or God, and the 'glittering spire poiutslhe way to heaven. In the twelve counties through which I P-1 ed n- I' publte lsnda to actual rtllen, and which ta in tended to accuro to every person a homestead free from tlie or losses or the ordi- nary eosualliei of lile. 1 was in lypes that in this letter I could hive anno 1 announced (tie suecea through the Senate at hast, But the uni tinaci.y of member, in ofllwing amend- tor pertinicity menfs, has prerented that action which ail lonln-J for Ilia early art of tliu week, Umlcr a preriom arraiigruicnt, Hie Scimte ad- joumed over from this alternonn until Monday next, with a view of having the dumber put in a comfortable condition row tlm atimmer aession. Thmttrm" and opjiremire heut, aihled teethe FAIHIONABLB BOOT fc IHOK MAKIKIL M. Dana having enanMucrd businra ie the above line, infbrmi the citinni of AKoa and vicieily Unt ha Intends keeping on hand tn snort ment of gentlomnPe lirht amt heavy hoots and shoes of sit kiadsi alio, giilen of superior qnilityt all of Ida owa Bumibclnre, which ba wttldiapnae of at reasou-bH prices.

Work of all kinds mads to ordar. Repairs neatly necuted. BtiqiraBtata street, oat door jhanBeeamL msjSI-n-Saa M. DAVIS. iwnoiwi liexsbrrs of property company it treasury, expeditions in stirrli Julm Franklin and his brara companion Daxoxm or THR Plaiks.

The Independence, says the Bt. Louie ceutiy lie Ul an immense hum meeting a memorial lo Congress was protection from Ihe Indians along UiTlnilJ? Santa Fa trail. A large amonntbf eaffiM vested in this trade, and thapreceeiuLrft: consequence to Um jmople of VYcatera Probably sales to tlm amount of (wo dollars is not too high an estimate to nuTV it, and tlm trade is constantly and ruUi?" tlm increase. Unrely Congri wilffi' lrcJ s-ongresa will i. ll.

I Um depredations and outngea of fluT to goon unavenged. siilfor diani Gold News, Discoveries of to be made in Indiana. Gold has' Jackson, Monroe, Drown, Greene, (hraTli Cloy counties. lit Brown county, tho praelom stuff not lo be confined alone to Dm beds of ersibu ravines, but tlm veins lead hack into th. Ml where, it ia said, it ia found in great h-l Companies are preparing to tions in tlm hill under flattering proipreiT Tho Hloomington Reporter, framVLi.

glean the above information, has tha toEL. announcement or the latest direorery tomE at tlm tium lha paper was put topraiK a. ffoingto press, mart hdon' by Mr. Collins, that ho bu found -oVjLX' north part of this county, on Bryant cnskT "yrtu of quart, in great elite Conner. Decision or tiir Mktiiodut Cuuacii Caul The suit between the I not entitled to be made parties to this safl.

further deciding that JL Wheat, and otlim. I complainants in Um ease, were the Iras trait- entries of tlm trust, and entitled to its i- ate possession. Lead Mike in Maine A lead tala to been recently discovered in Prospect, Ux Tho Dellast Signal says that ths veia fl makes its appearance in a ledge beiualk to water mark, on Um shore of the Penobmt. er, and from thence runs under ground follnfa: Um direction of the ledge. An analysis if w.

eral samples, differing from rich other ia nto hai been made by Dr. Jacluon, of Bottofowkir gives a mean, 73 par cent, of itad, lalUt' silver. nud confined to the grantee and hit Icgta heirs, Jtol subiect to debt or become transferable provi- 7 Patrureh of iipwsnla of three eeore yesrn sml is- hen mdlinaui tl.l. I L. fane Ie ten, hss endunxl wlmt he has is iucomireheiisi- pie to rasijrinan whom I have heard xpeuk upon tlie snnject.

I here are fienntora mneli jorrnger Ilian Mr. -I- I controversy, and let lie enh tlist would flow therefrom tall upon the hewls ol those who for weeks ami weeks have sxhauxted the intumceuf till country by oliering impracticable smend- ments and rreolutions, some of the Uttor of winch have been withdrawn after the debate was closed, and tlie Senate just ready to vole. But Mr. Clay, ss does any statesman of national reputation whatever, on either side of Urn Senate chamber, who has expressed an opinion, feels, 1 I till Rdijiwtmcnt does not take place at thb session of Congress, the controversy never will be settled upon national principles, and that a separation ol' tlm States will certain! follow, as Let Dm setting succeeds Dm rising of Ihe sun. who will then abandon his iust iu thii hour of danger to tlm country, Mr.

Clay will never cease in well doing, uutil be ia overpowered by numerical nnuibcra. The ultra Soul hern men expect much from their Southern press, which made ill advent on Monday of lliu week. Here it has not coine up to public expectation, and Dm impression lias gained a strong foothold uwn the community that It is not hing more than a temporary uakt-to aid Die Calhoun men of Dm South to carry oat Ihe plan of defraUngnll measures looking to compromise, and limn to expire. It was a matter of aoine surprise here, that the first number or this disunion paper contained, is ex-lento, the entire sjmerh of Col. Hcnton attacking Air.

Clay, Dm cninmittco of Thirteen, mid Die Compromise proposition altogether. Hare the lion and Die lanili at last been lound lying down together? or docs the editor of Dm disunion j-per think their publishing Col. Denton's speech approvingly, will do more to kill him olf in Missouri, whole people are undivided upon Ihe subject of Die preservation of the Union, than to open itsbatteiy upon him? Dy some it is insisted that this was Dm olij ct llio Southern press had in view when it republished Cul. Denton's sjweeli but whether, such ia tlie fact, or nut, each reader must detrrmirfa for himself. Waxiiixutox, June 23, 1830.

The laxt card of lim opposition, like most of those which are usually issued just ou the eve of an election, ix characteristic mid false, ll is now charged by tlm lueofuen press, far ami wide, that Col. Monroe lias issued a rail for a Conven tion lo form a Stale Constitution, iu New Mexico, upon Dm authority of fresh instructions from Washington, nnd although no authentic intelligence is produced lo verify this tlaleinrui nothing more in fact, Ilian loose rumor, accoin- K'ing Die return nf a rertnin Mr. No gli-, from his recent expedition lo Kjnti l'r Dm charge is assumed to it true, and denuiiria-tions ng.imst Dm President arc already hunming Tar and wide throughout the Houtliern Slates. The locofoco organs do not care tu inquire into Ihe truth or falsehood of an accusation. All they desire is Die weapon nf assault.

Now, I have taken sumo pains to inquire into tins subject, and I find iliat no such orders nr instructions have been issued by tho Pi esident nr Die Secretary of Wnr. Nor indeed is there any official information here, verifying the reports which are in circulation nf Die call for a Convention. If such a notification has been given by Col. Monroe, as Ihe acting Governor of Ihe Territory, it must hare been in obedience to some jwpular rcquisiion, whicli lie was bound to resiert. Tim last instruction in relalinn to Dm civil affairs of the Territory, were issued on the lUth of November, 18 1'J, lo Col.

George A. McCall, when he was about joining his regiment at Santa Fe. They are published in the Congressional documents of Die present session. All that the President then said, through Dm Secretary of War, was, that inasmuch as Dm Constitution of the United rilates, and Dm Ireaty of peace with Mexico, guarantied the admission of Die people of New Mexico into the Union, subject only to the discretion of Congress, if Mry thought proper to lake the necessary steps for organizing a elate Government, Die military officers iliould not thwart, but rather advance their wishes. 'Um same instructions remained in force during Dm command of CoL Washington, and are now in force, under the command of Col.

Monroe. They have not been changed, modified or enlarged iu any manner, and tlurns fore, all the charges of Kxcculivo interference I I Episcopal Convention. The Coanafineff 1 Ism TIiimmr war f-A-AA a A Diocese of ui Kinuuen mu man, uw hum nmnniuavi gr tiluiie snd idmiration. II faet too woitliv i ISO 1 of remark, that every town snd village through improving, both to which 1 passed is rapidly the number and character of its buildings. I confess to you, Mcsm.

Kditore, thatleoiild -j as to the wisdom of adopting a system of Sofa fallABIVB IW1 III VSIIMII MfallVIl WS A UUiNIMHIBs JM il road, Mid Canals witb a rich and inexhausti- Ido supply of mineral wealth and favorable points ou our rivers and lakes fur large commercial cities ill units to make tlm future destiny of Illinois, under proper system of Stale policy, bright tnd glorious. Judging from the past, who can estimate fully, our condition in the next fitly yean? Illinois, then, instead of being a frontier territory, will be in the centra of tlm Union, the admiration of nil who may live to witness iter glory. Kdwsrdsville, Jum 24. K. M.

W. tUasIjington. Corrcipondt-xee of Ihs Dslttawre Sax. Waiiiixotox, Juno IP, 1830. Before anything else is done, the subiiere nf the wtr of 1812 will bo provided with land warrants.

It ia nothing but just that they who re-sreign aggression should fere as well as those who sided in onr conquests. Tim bill will undoubtedly pus both Houses, and diminish tlie revenue pro lanlo. If tlm slavery bill ia got out of tlm way, we shall hare substantial river nnd harbor hill, which will arid some ten millions to our expenditures. Four millions 1cm revenue, and ten millions adilltionalnpenditures, will require additional taxation, and we shall jiresently be obliged to look lo tlm articles that can bear a higher duty, with a view to increased revenue. Cool ami iron are among them, certainly.

Tim message of tha President, in regard to the Texan Commissioner at Santa Fe, has crested quite a stir in the 8enatc. Texas is amply able lo take care of herself, and will insist on her rights. When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war." Gen. Taylor does not seem to bo very fond of the Texans, though some of them, like the late Captain Walker, l-ave rendered him considerable eervire. There is the old difficulty between tlm regulars ami the militia, between tlie lluyal Nary itriil tlm Kant I mlkA xABUUSA Kra4tfSAAI 1 Iaai.Il India service, between l)r.

Jacob Tuwnsend, and 8. I. Townsend, jr. The Texas hoiuidarv question will be Milled in Hie compromise bill, and that will end the mailer. Mr.

Websters speech of Monday, has produced an immense moral rifect, wliiili cannot lie effiaerd from the Senate or tlm country. And it wnx delivered nt a proper time, too on the anniversary nr tlm bailie nf Uunkers Ilill when Hie great Mcnator from Mnssachnselte could not but feel Ilia heart swell with pride at the memory of tlie departed heroes and patriots, who sued llieir bluod to nuke our roiintry free. It was a fit time for the reiteration of national sentiments for strengthening the eorenaut which had liecn sealed with New Kngisml blood. And Daniel Webster wax Hie rery man to speak on that occasion; he adilrewnl himself not only to hia cotemporaries, hut to the latest posterity, that will draw inspiration from his classic efforts. Let iis hope that some Patrick Henry from Virginia, if not in Dm Senate, at least in the House of Representatives, will soon reply to the cannons roar from Boston.

The spirit of discord is far more dangerous to our national grandeur than the despotism of George III. with all his myrmidons. The bill is now out of ail danger in the House. If any one doubt it, let him watch the long faces of tlm Frce-soilera, ami a lew or the impracticable Southern nitres, and ha will be that tlm Union is safe. It ia not trim as ha been stated, that Mr.

Clay, immediately alter the passage or tlm compromise bill, will rcaign hia seat in tlm Senate. If any resignations taka place, it will be on the oilier end of the avenue. If any Senator resign it must ba Mr. Ilaie, whose occupation will be gone forever. Other Senators terms expire on Dm 4th of March, 1831.

Mr. Clay and Mr. Webaler will apply their energies io other topics which require aiQust-uieut, and which cannot be touched till the ala-very question is disposed of. Among these are the tarilf and tlm improvements in our rivers and harbor. They intend to settle them in the true spirit of compromut between the North and the tNiuth, instead of agitating the country by a panic.

Senators and Cabinet ministers must be judged like other men, not by their professions, but by their acta, lt'is absurd to s'prak of lhe re hi a a 1 vision of Die tariff, without mentioning the names riy or WrMer- Whr these idiatl have ICrlll 1 of high protrclire duties, ia aa Mr. Webster aaul of Die United Males Rank an olnolrle idea. Mr. Duels report on Dm French apoliatinn claims, is an admirable Stale paper, and justly entitles him to Dm high reputation as a lawyer and legislator which he hai acquired during Dm short period of his profrsiional career. Mr.

JL Iiax discovered new arguments in I'avor of Dm claimants, nut yet contained in any previous report- X. Cormpoudne of ihe LmU Intellijraerr Waiiitnoton, June 20, 1830. In considering Die bill that for two days pst has been under consideration, granting bounty lands to tlm ofiiren and men of the war of 1812, Gem war, tho Seminole war, another brilliant effort was produced by Col. Dissell, of Illinois, in support of Dm same. There were those uncharitable and envious enough to urge tint Dm reputation he won throughout tlm length and breadth of the land, by his reply to Mr.

Hcddon, and otheri from Die South, in tlm early part of tha debate upon the California bill, would never be sustained by any subsequent effort that he might make. 8uch ill-omened Ilia Connecticut, adjourned oaM day last, after a session of three days, life Drownell, in hia annual addraai, axprsistato. elf in strong terms against certain trsdnor towards tha Church or Home, which tUriMo earnest and somewhat excited debate; sad fe result was, that the views of the Buboe am sustained by a rota of 39 to 3 of tba clcrer, 52 to 1 of the laity. Nxw Wheat. Tha first which has market this eeason, arrived yesterday bythsitrv mer Whirlwind from Willarda landing, to river below.

Two snail loti were shinpsLio of 29 and the other of 74 sacks, in all iboatM bushels the smallest by Willis Willard, nt Dm latter by Messrs. Lisbon fc Promt, a nr-chants at that point. Tha sample before as loos well, the kernels being full, ainooth and soort free from smut or oilier imperieelions, itad a bright red. We are told that harvesting is to southern portions of this State and Illinois k. fully commenced, and with a week more of voralda weather tlm entire crop will bank; secured.

'Hie weather thus far has been as as could be desired, and the farmers arc tari-rf good ne of i. In nuny sections north of I city, the Wheat harvest is over, or nairly mure than a week since whole fields were shock in Dm lower counties boniering cart Illinois. In St. Charles and other counties sit Alisnouri, Die work lias eommeneed, and fnat cry quarter we hare the most liatteriug sees not only of quality, but forwardnen of them; Tliis was much earlier than new lVhnts; received last year, and in anticipation of' event. Dm old stock on hand has gone off A ly, and at a rery considerable decliDe.

and choice samples are not now worth onr ILUSOIKfIbE 1XBEB- BENJAMIN F. IMHO, FaEiiDCTT. O- Atwood, Jtar. L. Ku.nsnon, nB.

w. w. otwikvo, l.VKRY peraoa wbofaaeiea In tbl. company be-, mlf of it, eMail tho pnvilep. ta-1 uw hum cx loa rill! ra wu.1 in I-1 1w mli ta nvenci.

Wo thither payment ia rrquirwl, 1 umis tosses should orcur, during Urn period of lim. brin the term lir which potato! ate lssu-1 ed, it which UmeeMMsmenU ere mails eo aU the notee.euBIcieol to cover Insure bu'WkM the best clw. of rta to Uw insuro building of the best class or ruse, uw mount of pi ,000, the enured 2 1 al um Pnii would caka 'flnt i osvmenL Aa' MieyroH for sU para, amch! trout 4e and enxiriy an eave I to tha aasaied uoune no naw are lemisded, that in ell rase ofthente knurad, notice shnild be given to the i and if it is wished to have the Mlcy raa-rrlled, should be forwarded to the olhra of Uw company, otherwise the pre situm note remaining in Uw will be Habit to HieasmanU. Tha cancelling of Policies been the dale of their nceptfoo at the orUroef tlw company. When an Agent ie requited by any one to make ippllcslkn Uw insurance, he ia the Agent of the person rudojingbim Kir that porpoaei ud Uw applicant la bound by Uw application by him lined, Uwt contains true lepreaeBlrtioa of Uw property ud hie inters st therein.

tJ-AUcornmuntratkioi with the Office, owy he ad dies aed to the Berrctary, it AKan. The citiseni of ny county or tom in Uw Mile, who may wish to avail ibcmselves ef the beoedls of toaunero to tail Uompany, are requested to appoint Aqeala fas their leaoertire i-taree, sad commuxinie Uwir aamei to the UUce. Blank Applications wiU he sent wherever requested. July, 41 M. G.

ATWIXJD, Reg. IUI.IHDU (U.) INHTHANCE CO. CAPITAL 00,000 (140X10 PAID IN. A Afcnte for the xbovs CMaiwny in Ibis city, the DaOersifoeO sro pread to toko risks saixsi Ion by die Uxm baUdiiqw irsl other i-roiierty; in marine risks on tlw western wilon.sod by canal, or by sea, to and bum tha eastern ritiesi also upon cargoes ty flst or keel boels: Uoa the matt ferorsMe terms. The tsigs mount afreptlel eetusllypiid, eoslilei (hie company to meet any loss that ouy occur, in Uw east prompt nairner.

AU kiiief will be adjusted sad paid la this city. Feb 44 BOWMAN fc JOHNSON, Agents. KNOX FINE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO CATITAL, rJUO.UOU. vixcft-nxKS, rxi-isxA. 1' HIS Company havin ben duly orxenised, amt the rspilsl stork properly scuiie-l.

an no prepared to receie applications for Insure ars sfaisst hue or Oinnee hyUre, oo buiklinqe.nwronsnilis, machinery, edits, manuficloiisa, sad all descrli-liona of property! also, mmhsntlire and produce ia (lie qoursa of inland transportation, Uw liskaoTUw seas and upon the lien of individuals. The rates nf prriuhini wMrli wiU govern this instil ulino, will rotiKxai 10 the established rates of Uw Kilters efflees. All toe see will be libcully ud promptly adjusted, and paid. LIFE IXKl'RAXt'E BY THK KNOX INSURANCE COMPANY. rpHtl Cnaqany is now piepared to iasure Uvea, J.

grant endowment and simuitirs. Tht usderiigned, having been appointed Agent of the above Conanay, is prepared to receive aiqilin-tioas for insurance. T. SUUTHEJt, Jaalh-4-tf Agent for Alton and rieinity. EXTENSIVE Fl'RNlTt'RE KSTABLUH-NENT IN ALTON.

AOLCOTT fc CO. would mperifotly invito tha attention nf tha citizens of AHoa sml of the surrounding towns ami counties, to their very Urge suit extensive assortment of FUUNITUHK, meuulkc-lured expressly to their order, or selected ia perron by one ef the firm, who has hid king exiierienca in Uw business Imlh ss manubrium1 tnd dealer. Having Isrgely extended their tmeiueci, nd taken additional raws, they feel ronHdent that they ran suit the wants and bney of alb both in variety, style, end prices. Our very extensive Furniture ntsldishawnt comprtsoe several Inge rooms, 110 feet ta length, tn tlw two ilorasontlw corner of Second and Slate-ill, extending from Second-it to Uw Levee. Bntiness men visiting (he cily, Hotel proprietors, Aisoeialiona and Lodges, Mervhajds, Marina ici, Fu xjera, end all who are wishing Furniture, sonikt do well to call at tliiaexleiirire estaUishnwnl be tors purchasing elsewhere.

ty Heme in her ttw locathmt lire taiga trainings on Uw comer of (erond and Ktate-sls entisnrn on Se-roud-st. may to, MB A. OLCOlTfcCiL ATTENTIONFAHIIFIIN rpci THK ARHERB of Jettey, Greene, Nacoopto, nd xljiliilng rnimties: Ttw umterilpied, pro-lirietnra of (he Alim Ktouiing Mins, would urge upon Uw farming community, the nrcessily of srefig Ihll their Wheat properly and Ihorouglily ilraneil; as in Jualtre to Ihoro win do ctrin their Wheel propcily nud In onrarlree, we shall Iw under tlw necessity of discriminating much mom strongly inttdr than we have Iwretofon done. LEA, RIIOWN, CO. S.

fc P. WISE. MITCHELL fc CARRIER. Alton, June '50-21-tm WM. R.

THOMAS, CARRIAGE-MAKER, a vu ALTOS, ILL Fuurfo-staeet, in Uw rear of M. Diritsotii new 0 buil'ling. hate oo band numlwr of new BUO-G1EB end intend keeping a constant supply. Iso wUI stlen-l to Ihs repairing of Cariisges, nf every daimptioo, it short notice; sn.1 hopes, by hia itricl 1 Kent inn to bostons, tnd desire to gin to obtain a share of ttwpuhiic patronage, apt IT N. B.

He hu on hand Fishkinslde CARRIAOKB, of Uw hint style and finish, equal to any in the nur-kel. He now has every facility for carrying on his business, tnd ran do liw work in Ihs beat nod most expedilioui Banner. He has experienced workmen. Ilul thoroughly unde re land their boiioeas. He has also Uw very best material to build soy 11)11 of Csrri-ages that may he desired.

RRKPAIItlNG, of all kinds, dmi with neilnesi inddiipatch; snd he era reitmeold Carriages to their ortrinal lieanlysnd ilunhilily. YFFOR SALK -He keew on hind good nilety of new snd second-Iund Csnfagea, which he salt very low. Old Carrizges taken in cnrhsngn for new ooce. ITHe Invitee the attention of thou wanting Buggies, to nil si hia manufactory, snd Jiufat for Uwatalves. jia shop ta near llw comer of Mata ud Fourth sis, in Uw rear of Dicksons new building.

JOUSK FURNISHING HARDWARE We am now in rrei4 of the kigeit snd mml roaq-lete ortmenl of Bsi Umt Hurl were, ever UouglA to (lie piece; consisting nf imperial (rant donr locks; bens, mineral, end plated knob, novel ly locks; Hare door locks, Skio inches; mineral sud argiile knnb locks, ill sizes; rim lift lacks; run! rot lags locks; cupboard lock Ixlcbri; mortise locks; chain loHs for heary doors; square snd round huHs; brass flush brills; mineral and silver plated bell shutter strews stubs snd plates, end lifts' Hue llniskicg and cssing taailn bnifipiil ratlin Ifiiidu. rart irimii'hli Ualiiurl Mils; bnpsrtal curtain hands, rery splendid; sliding and Warn Dimming. wUh nuraeinus olher sr- Dries ia ihe above line. Also, tobacco halves; twine hones; cosrhtail monkey wrenches; ntofassei gates; hoxes; cosrhuil monkey wrenches; ntofassei gates; bsefaleak poundfrij grtodiione crsnki, sail rallersi poreehta kutifas; curtain racks and roller rads; dinner and lex brill. xry 2t, TOPPING fc BIU).

would respecifolly inform nur Irtends sod rnt- loBwn Ilul Dm recent overflow damaged only small portion of onr wooden ware, and we are prepared to fill sny orders for liucitrls. Into, fcc-ny Sl-lJ H. BI. HINTON fc CO. TAR JL Iras, kegi; Juat mtired per steamer Orduin- (ot tale low.

myll U. TRUMBULL. 1 1 lt)E Two tierces aew rice, (nrials Inw Li mylT C. TRUMBULL. D.

D. RYRIE Cfe, WHOLESALE Grorers, Fotwirding lid Cnronii-eioa Merchants, Front sod AHoo. Itatx nr iLLixoii, I ltadiroo Orenit Court, Madtaoa county, i Augiut term, ISM. llaomzs Flradng: Jsipav Comini, (andenoo Itnhert, nd Use unlmown Hein of Chsrira Mclulire, dec sued. Kill It shato mn to Hal EXsI.

ippesrtog by sWdsvU oo flic to Urn tlerVi offire of ths Circuit Court ef Usdiroa county, tforeoxid, to the xbovs entitled cause, that Jasper Coming snd Ss rulers ou Rutin two ef Ihe elxnre drtkodnta, ere uga-fteidenlf ef Um Kata ef Illinois, beyond the reach of premie of this court, and Uni Ihe names of the heirs of Cbarios McIoUre, deceased, an unknown, sod dm said complainant having Hied hii bill at a plaint herein, to obtain (Kioto reel estate, xad asuh-panelo Chsoctiy having beta issued hereta, sccereling to law: Now you, the Slid deftodnie, are hereby not Hied that uetas you shill he end appear bison Ihe raid Ciicuit Court of Madison county, oi before the Ikst day of Urn osxt torsi Utareoi; to to hnhtex it Um coort-hnuia In lira town of Edwards-viUe, on Um thM Monday la (hs mouth of August, A. 1B40, and ptsxd, demur or except to or answer the complxiiiaiits bill, according to the rules lod prsc-UceefaiM court, Um uu wiU tatakeo as renlesi-ed, sale decree will to aide according lo Uw prayer thereof. Dated et Kdwirdiviik, June 12th, ISM. Attest! WN. T.

BROWN, Clk. Parte ELrarte, soPn for inupTs. I we shall eariinrrn lurn-ruii iracs ucsiuc ll or twelve feef will in almost nil eases be siiflieient. This give', twenty feet for the least width necessary 1, ibe Jnsido top lines of tlm ditchea, tlm width of which is to be added, nuking about (WJ ou level grouud. If extra cuttings or mlnirej; the wMlh occupiuj by their slopes must lie added to this.

An earthern road of cigtit feet wide, on cadi aide of tiro plank traB bu lolnctiutci been adopted. Tha JNew York general pisnk roail law fixed four rods, fiSt,) the least permiuible wulth that migllt out- provuiun Las since been repealed. Wider plank track were it first employed. In Canada single tracks were mode from to 12 lent wide. Dut it wa found on the 12 feet Toronto raid, after seven yean use, that the planks were worn only in tlm middle 7 or 8 feet, and Dint Dm remaining 4 or 3 feet of Die aurfaee had not even lost the marks of the saw.

Uim-third of Dm jilanking waa therefore useless, and one third of tho exjicndituro wasted. A double plank track, will rarely bo necessary. No one without expericneo in tho matter can credit the amount of travel, which oao such track can accommodate. Orvr a single track near Syracuse, lti 1,000 teams passed in two years, averaging over 220 teams per day, and (luring three days 720 passed daily. The eartlien turnout track must, however, be kept in good order, and this is easy, if it slope on projmrly to Die ditch, fur it is not cut with any continuous lengthwise ruts, but is only passed over liy the wheels of the wagons which turn off from tha track and return to it.

Thui they move in curves, which wuuid rery rarely exactly hit each other; and thif travel being apread nearly uniformly over Dm earth, tends to keep it in shape rather than lo disturb it. If, however, there is much (rare, that the earth will not remain in good order, then this travel will jy fn Dm double track wliieli it requires. Dut this should be made in two separate eight feet tracks, and not in one wide one of 1H to 23 feet as was at first Die practice. On a wide (rack Dm trarcl will be generally near the middle, and will thus wear out Die planks very unequally, besides depressing them in the centra, and milking tlm ends spring up, and when it pusses near one end that will tilt up and loosen Die other. Derides, wlien a light vehiile wishes lo jnss a loaded one, moving in tho centre, as it naturally will, the former will be greatly delay-mi in waiting for tlm other to turn aside, or else will Iiave one wheel crowded olf into the dilch.

lint where there are two separate tracks, the whole width of one is at Dm service of the light vehicle. On a Hi feet track near Toronto, the ilanks haring become loose and unsettled were sawn in two in the centre, and tliis imperfect double track, even without any turn-out path between, worked belter limn in ill original state. An cxiwricueod enndruclor states that if he were desired Iu build a roi 50 feet wide, be wivilil nuke it in 'prate 8 feel tracks. A wide track of Hi feet plank lias sometimes bean divided into 2 of 8 find, by spiking down icanlling 2il feci long, and inches square, along tlie iniildle of a road, nt intervals of IlK) feet in Die dear, between each S'-aiilling. This, however, only partially remedies the objections adduced.

Wlien Die ground is of such a rery unsettled and yielding nature, such as Innse land, marsh, Dut a solid turn-out track of earth cannot be made, plunks 18 feet lung, may lie used, resting on 3,4, and 5 inch sleepers, crowning in the middle 3 or 4 inches, and tlm ends sprung down and pinned to the outer sleepers. Impost axt Invkxtiox. There is now exhibiting at Die office of Mr. Ware, No. 63 Second-street, Die model of a recent invention, for propelling various kinds of machinery, wliirh we regard as a most important one.

As well as we can describe such machines, it consists of a circular railroad track, of any desirable diameter, in the centra of which is placed an upright shaft, supporting a cog wheel and pinion. At Dm upper end of the shaft a wrist formed to which is attached, by means of a si rap, such is as is used in piston rods, a lever, which is tier-milted to revolve freely. At tho further aide of the lever, where it crosses Dm rail, but not quite at Dm end, a truck wheel is attached to Dm ahaft, which is designed lo run on Dm circular track slili further out on the lever, a fly-wheel ia fixed, and at its etui a tongue ia attached for the horses. Tlm wheel on lim trick sustains Dm weight of Ihe fly-wheel and almft, and causes incrcascl spend and Dm immense leverage obtained. The sjieed ie made greater lhau that produced by Dm common horse power, in the same proportion that Dm diameter of the email track wheel bears to Dm diameter of the circular road.

The inventor of tlm machine, Mr. D. Russell, of Knox county, Illinois, is gentleman long experienced in the milling business, and has I fully driven liy two horses only, borne timo i I ilAAA tkM I A. 1 aabIaK I invention. St.

Louis Intel. S3 Tlm steamer Silruia arrived yesterday iiioriiing from Council DiulTswith a very heavy cargo, ronsisling in part of hales' of huf- fid" robes, consigner! to JL fc W. Camnbell. fain' riihes, consigner! to JL'fc W. nnd which were laken from six Alackinaw teats 1 out of the Yellow Stone.

The entire contents' of Die boats with their crew, numbering nearly forty men, were brought down by the Saluda, From From the men we could learn nothing of inle- pzny, and laden with rotes and furs, are on llieir way down. Mo. Pep. 7 7T Jlr- reszci, no- ted ou ths 6ih June, eighteen miles bejrond Fort Kearny, which represents that the ehofera had broken ont among tlm emigrants and wits making terrible ravages. In tlm short distance between Fort Kearny and ths pises where Dm letter was dated, he passed many companies encamped, to take care of tlm tick.

Ihe letter wu brought to SL Joseph by tn emigrant whose company of four jmrsons had died. KJIatilicw L. Davis, the oldest politician in Ymk, FARM FOR BALK, WOWING I hi vilbfr of Fayette, is Greene eonn- ty, eoufatlng of out bandied end listy acme, eighty seme ia cultivation! dwelling nd sloro boan oa it. Ttm store bouse sod fine will be wM separata ertoattbar, aa ttany aalt puninten, ns tenu, call at ml J. fc L.

i. METCALF1, MEDICAL NOTICE. Doctor j. a. alderman.

k. wright, bavini uiodatad Ibemielres in tba pisclie of Mtdicinos, Suipevy, and Utmetrici, would reaps cUut-ly trader tbetr proimioiiil aarviccs to Urn chiseai of Carliovilla, and vicinity. Oporattona ta Sorry parfimed wttboot pain, and with perfect esfety to tba paltont, under Uw iollueneo of ehiuraform. All pmwi IztM try under chronic diieurs are iu-eitad to IP re them call, with the usatsnee, that they wilt ba treated upon the moet succuifal method! of practice. Family Medicinal prepared, acroidin to Ibo U.

B. IMipenntory, and prescribed to aecordanca with Ibi truo principles of meilfcal science, to Urn nduaioa of It the noairums of quackery. Cvtiarillc, may 'So-lS-li JHOUE.tX fc Ron EU1S, JVihn In Drays, UrdklMS, Mala, Ofhand Dye-fimti, Jkmksviau, lumoii, A REJutopeebar one of the hugest essmtmenla ef n. puis nd gnubm lledicinee. Drugs, ever brought brio this eouetyi purrhued in the Kaateni nuriat, and eriected with greet can! which they otthr Ibr sate at entramely low prices, comprising an iiUclea la (ha Dnw and Hedtcina line: Pstnt, oils, and vsraiihes of 11 Undi njmotuBk of every dtacripUm Whitawssb, psiot and varniah brasheo ewIliiwasLu and perhsmsry In gnat variety fancy articles ibr tha Udiee toilat Ksaencea of every dcacrlptioa Anti-bilious, end all binds of other pitta McLcaaa, FshneatncVs, and other reradfllgei Wumsioiu gsnulae patent nsmlirian Hottons, Bun, TowneemPi nd other Bmrparll-tsa, AU Dr.

Jayoria celebrated fk rutty medicines fitlabnled GiarFmbageoeqiuiva aiediciaei eye water, graec emontain oiutawnt, vegodihli ullbiUoui nd agin pills, dysentery lynsp, heillb hilliri Dm ImUri nnequM lugrr coaled India reaa- tshti pilli. Oagmdiehotagoguei Dr. Msckinzies tonic fcbrifugli Wi starts balsam; liniments, Ac A variety nf cough eyrajia end eandiei; opodeldoc! Biltish oil; No. atovs poUeb; paUshing powder hr brsvsi hair, tooth end naU brushes, Ac. AU the eriebrated BnFmklio mtdiriiiM, which nead but a trial to raeoramand them to graoral use.

ltrary descriptkm of school hooka nd fkocyela-liooery; choice isamtawai of Jewriqr, compelling Ungsr and ear rings, breail pins, and etuilsi thirty hour and sight dtp brass docks, wsichtsi fins select loo of Spanish and uiher dgsra. The public will do well to give ns call, as we intend to keep oa hind every thing oonaacied with a drag and apothseary ators. Jeracyvilla, IEXIIIOTOW FIRE, LIFE AND NARINE INIU-J RANCR COMPANY Tha uiulvnigiied, Agent of Uw sbova eampany, wiU take risks oa (norabio raw. Lmaeo adjualad promptly. msySt, IUO B.

F. (ARGENT. R. WOODS, JUSTICE of tha PMCfi Agent of tha following lo-aacaaco Omapuiem AWerfian nra and Jikrfaik of Hirifbrd, Chom Marie UJt lanraict Gmapny, of St. Louis, Mo.

Arm Lire Utrdt fan Cowpsny, of Vincennes, la. Km fori Lift lanmet Ctmpny, nf New York. Amt Honorary leery at tha daaerina Art train, N. Y. ba found during buiiueea hours, at bis Of-Ilea, over Read fc Many maily to attend' promptly io any application in Ida Una.

mis to litDIES' FANCY SHOUT RUOtlgj rAsmosASU hillixki fc nnaas hauio. MRS. A. IU rCLIFFE raipectAilly eetuiu thanks to Ihs ladles of Alton and vicinity, for the vary found pstronaga that has heretofore been extended to ler in both the above branchea, tad eootlnoance ia nvpectfutly noUeited. Stoe also keeps on hand b-Ihlnuibla stock ef Hall and Bonnria of all kinds; such i silk brocade, bney, atraw, Engtiah end Ftorence braids.

Alio, choice variety at diets capes and lace rapai French worked collars of all kimisi thread anil lUlt broil edging end laaerlingi taro vails; linen cambric hanlkerehiebi psrasolsi craiws of aU kinds) combs andhraalsni fancy buketai wort-tad, and pit terns of every description ter working gtnqw and Cringes twin and book uuislini; silk and rollon taeoi for mint tan corded ikirtii ladica' end rhlklreui hoetaryi a good assortment of fury silk and kid glares; also, mita of various kinds) tcg-Uwr with I flea aeiected stock nf ribhotw, French aitidriil dow-rra, at low prices ia can be found in the city. For bale and alyls, they will oqutl anything I have heretofore offered. N. B. Bonnria bleached, I tiered and pressed, in tyb not surpassed ia Uw city.

Mu. A. SUTCLIFFE, Wriest, Alton, opposite tha Franklin Honso, up stain, over Mr. Hoeglani store. GRAIN CRADLES.

rpHE subscriber would giro notice to the brnwra J. of central Illinois, that ha two pordwacd the stock end materials (including targe n'lmbar of Grain CradlerJ of Join ErAna, lata deceased, tad that ha rill keep Diem for eala it hia Manufactory at Bunker Hitt, sad will also deposit them, previous to tbs Cuming harvest, at Uw following pieces, vizi Alton, apringfleH, CnritorUt, HiUehoro, SUuntoe, and Etl-wwdeville. From Uw long experience of Mr. Error in making Cradles, the gnat cam he took In aeleeting Me mate-riali, end tlw bvoralde opinion formed ef them by Carman who hava ased tlwm, tha autucrlljar has no hesitation in raeommendieg Uwm an moat superior article, and equal, if not auperiafe to any cradla ever of-fond for lab in Illlnob. JUNA W.

CUNNINGS. Bunker Ui ilscouptn county, Hay il-M-dm. FIABA FOENDEHY. ST1GLEMAN, JOHNSON fc GUILDS Ihankfol for past pstroosge, continue to carry oo the Fouwlery bushiMS in (U Hs vtrioue parte, wtsr Building Ka-gtnes, and making all kinds of law and Grist NU1 Ma-chlaary, turning LaUwa, Horae-Powara, ke. They are now engaged in building several a null Engines for Circular gaw-Nilla, which pattern waa got ap tx-prmaly for that purpose, lognlher with alt Uw machinery, complete, fog Circular Naw-MilM.

AU kind! of Repairing end Job week dune. Bran Casting! and Ccppcr Ftpe work inada to order. AU kinds of Pit-tarns mods to wden and rack as ran ba ksd to St. Lonia, log mill purposes, wiU he made without charge. AU the above work will be executed with dispatch, and in Uw beat of order, and on acrnwmodrting terms as ran ba bad in tha Western country.

N. Tha highest market pries paid for old Iran, Copper and Rraia. kb 11-1 irm klowb, A GENERAL as sort ment, of nitons styles, on hand end for isle at cash prices. ipM-dm L. W.

STRATTON. BETTER fc EGGS, NTT ANTED. The idgbeil marital price paid for hot terandegM Always oa hands! No. cask star. Juns 24 KKADfcCTARR.

LUZENGEB Lemon, Peppermint, Winter-green, Roes, BasialUe, ml Ibocotal Dtopa, at 14 HOLTON fc GOA. IA FOIl RRNT. A brick House, oa 2d jkL Hunters addition to Alton, coolahueg rooms, Hietu-ttng kitchen, with prdn ud out-taiuses, win bs rented to a raspactabh family-ALSO Two emtU Frame Dmtlinj Housei. tn-qoirq of Uw auhscriher. Jiltwl-aa CHAU.

W. HUNTER. 1 AND FOR SALE. ioo acres bod near Marina, I vis aw qr sections, town 4, range sec, 0, town 4, range ahfraqraec. tows 4, range i.

SO eens timber on Fiasa creek, via: a hf aw qr ace. 7, nags 10. wyll BOWMAN fc JOHNSON. PR RENT. A Store on Alton, to icuL myl740 Apply to BOWMAN fcJOHNBON.

'iIGAli2po abort Sixes, extra rnttote; for aabhy mSI4t BLAIR. WHEELER fcttA Root, Jockey Club, JT Muck, Roquet, Heiiotrope, Orange Flowers, Va- aUla, West Med, Jssssariat) Cologna Wsbr of various qaalitm ia boitisi of suawrous liaes andatyiesi Pu. riUed ud Fsifumcd Ox Marrow various kinds Hair UU Rswo Waltr CuMCktam; GodanPi Lo. liOB, Cosmetics, nd Lavender Wster; FreacX rua-adi Toaik Powder Old Windsor, Military, ud TlnupswatUoaiw, Ckalk BaUe) Toilet Powder Lip Bairn, iw. Fur sail try W.

A. HOLTON fc CRN, June under Concert HaU. YfclllMTIES Ptok saucers, wldtOila Ink, liwtli bruabes, apothrciiks scolas, Unger hrosh-a, btsck end bln ink, lueu rabbet binds and waUeta, cowt plaster, Chinese vcmuliino, whitawuh bnisb. s. Sponge; Rinqies magnesia, siwlalas, i hamomile tower laiMx arrow rout, erases tartar, soda, town ryi up, wtmo wax, blistering tissue, for sale by Jo 14 W.

A. HGL'i ON fc (XL, Third llrest. 1'Uli KALE 1 second band Ptalfora leak. sudy to Ijc 14 NARK PIERSON fc CO. VTUUli CARDING.

THE Wool Canting eatiMiiluneuI nf the aubjcil-be having undergone comjdete end thorough re-peir, la now, and wiU lie for the annul, under the -articular and eaprebl care rad dim' lion of that auperi-or ranter. Nr. John HiAbn.lata of Graenllriil, Greene county, Illinois. All wool tntiualed to hia erne will ba carded promptly India auperior manner. Hia Inng experience Itiuy JualiUee (he assurance that calm sitiafoclioa will he given ia ell run.

Mr. Holden Invttu hia oklAirodiand all other I who wait good roUa to give him a rail. The charges will baa low oa any other good aalabliahmeut. Rot la eoulaotly on hand and Uw as la low. The bdoiy ia illuateU our Uw Flau Houao and Fonndary.

auyl, eti-ID-lmoa J- BTARR. NETT KFKING GUO DM. Ijng. K. Morgan iufornu her rotinowri and blends, Ihatiho baa ariteted, Ikom Uw biga end handsome eisortmeot ofBpring and xmnawr IlgEH aaonn of every deeiiitioii; ell kiwla of lhawb crape, Ihll-ri, end lice; Bun-nids, coneietiog of Imi-li, gimpi nd Miiwg, of aU kinds! Cspi, Rilibnni, end Flower Laccn Kdgiugi ud Worked Trimmings Gtorro end Hoar, of aU kiadsi tare Capea, worked muslin do; Nark lies worked Collin, every variety! dress Bilksi Psrasnts; Trimmings; rad a general mixlment nf sti-le Goods: 11 of which will lie acslsl cheap for cash, ttabatn-ri, opposite the Franklin House.

apt 13 EMU A The mlacritier I atm (hia mrihtk! Li at infonuin Ms uld friewla and cuatomers, tlut ha baa rroiowl hn ntensin FURNITURE WARE RUO.1l By To the new building on teennd-slteri, dpi mails Mr. N. W. Csrroll'a to, Idlers Shop, where he will be hap to see them, ud show them many new rticlra in its ttne, which he wiU sell very low. Thankful for pest (Ivors, he respectfully solicili contlntitnca of ha lime.

majM K. BKALL Wo have thin morning received a few ilnei pain of Ihoae Cincinnati Boots, which wa will warraet (o be equal in style and workmanship to any manuftriartd hate oreliewhera. We roiicit a ciU. myll E.


view at a change fa my store (hr Ihll trade I will tell off my present retail si nek vary low. I desire to praps ra for a magniUeeat fill stock. Those wish-lag ilapte or fancy dry goods, grocer iel, or boots and alioea, will pleiao eaU at mynj I. SCAKKITPO. Calicoes, new ty test vu do Muslin Dealnes 1 10 do Gin glume, Lewns.

keg blearhod Shilling, Drilling, Crash Ftannrii; Une lot of Hlhboiui I ttiaw Hall of all kinds, ftu aaon and boys waar; cheap fog cash. tpVI CHARLES TRUMBULL. rMiOlliMiiE IIOtlE MANCFAC- TUUES. THK lubsaihen are prepared with first rata Looms for Csrwt Waiving, end wHI guarantee ntisbrtien in all worii In that Hne. Wa will ahm buy Carpet nags, or exchange Carpet for them.

We are prepared to execute all orders with promptness sod dispatch, si (he lowest rates. Wo respectfully salirtt shire of pubUe patronage, and may ba burnt at Mr. Bfsrrti Wool Canting Uw Pbii Hntne. Carpels for sals. Jmw ltlhj'eo-ti-im HOLDEN fc FORTUNE.

BOTTLED rahsniber n-perlfully informs the riliiene of Alton, entl vicinity, that he is now prrparrd to till alt orders for his superior hotlled Buds, at tt. Louis pi ices I June 14, 40-24 J. F. IIUFFMKHTKR LOSING IT. ALL peramii indelded In Iks.

Got such or Knapp, by sirnunl nrntheiwise, ere requested tncsll on It. K. Hart at the Puaa House, he ia folly authorised to sellie the same. Alton, ine 1 1 o-i 14m Dr. M.

GORAUCII. A. K. ntRIIY fc CO.j Yy IIOI.KkALE and RETAIL DEALER in Drove, Medicines, raints, Oils, Dye-Xlulth, Wimkiw Glass, Glassware, Patent Pnfomei ire. corner of Second nd Btsle riieeli, Alton are now racetvtng tlicir Spring uppUvs, puichase-l by one o( Uw Una perssaoPy, tn whii Uiey would reti-erifolly invite the silent Ion of physicians, country merchants.

Our arrangesaents fur keeixng with bash nd pm articles, me equal to sny house West) tnd sn eximination of our stork end prices will, we think, convince any one that we ars its termined to sell as low is iny house can do. Our stock consists, in part, ss follows cues ssKctklat I do selected gum srabk'i too Ihs sactliaw stues; too ttw gum myrrh; (0 Ihs gum opium) 20 lbs chlorufocmi 100 Uw refined borax) too Uw African cayenne) loo Ihs iqua smomaisi MO lbs spirits nitre) IM Itw ralptiurle ether) 00 tlw cream tartar) (kegs (Cental 10 bhti Epscen ssHi I hue Flo sulphur, 200 llw Eng fc Am ntnmcl) loo lbs red peerl pi tale; llw cor sulifiiuatoi 2B Uw Eng blue mass) BOO ounces quinine; to Iodine) 10 hyd potaese; ioo the powM red Imk) 200 do do rhutwriq Milo do tpecee) do do Jslspt do do Colombo: BM do do ha bulq do do bey berry; casee tartaric acid. PAIXTS, OILS, AXD DVK ITCm. 21 IiUls lintsed oil) i hbli fornHum varnish; tt turpanUnei 1 cosch do blesched whsis oil) 1 esse Indigo) 10 10 to tanners oil; lard oik putty; Venetian red; ground logwood; casks best madder; Utils slum; copperas; 10 rases chrome green; I bids Nicaragua; hesidee ny qiwutlty of while Iced ia oil, nd leal, lilh rge, blue vilrinl, ext logwooil, verdigris, fcc. We srould call iwriicubr allenUnn to our indigo end adder, we srs detormtoed to merit Uw usnie of keeping the very Serf.

musnra. IOO dos paint brushes; rluz whitewash brushes; dux tooth do dos hsir do doz shoe do I dim feather dusters. Also Hone brushes, scrubbing, paltut scrubbing, done, hearth, snd counter brushes; sit of Adams msn-ulsclure, Boston Uw best to the United Males in cm, stc. 10 bags black 1 hags pimento; 10 boxes ground pepper) 10 rare gingers 1 casee nutmegs; BM mats cassia 10 casks sakciatufj IB gross blacking; 4 Mils ground ginger; SB rases exits phi ginger; 1 cask cloves; BO gross blue fc Mack ink. WIXOOW CLASS AXD OLAMWAXE.

HO boxes glass, fiuai (n 10 to B4MJ0 heat Pittsburgh brands; MO pkgs glass wits -comprising jars, tinctures, bottles, vials, fcc hr. UXEH AXU BOTAXIC WEntriXXf. A foil sujqily of sit kinds, direct foam Uw Bhsken, to Csuteibury, N. IL wsnsaled fioslq put up ia ss-rorted psetugee- SATXXT NXDiriXKS. Osgood's Cholsgqgue; Balsam Cherry; Mmuie Medocloes; Blakes Bitten.

WiigtHe, maiPs.Moflats ud Brsndreth's Pills; F. Imrstock-s Medkines; Grattenbuig dq Nerve and Bout LinimenL Ws an propfictora' agents for the shove, and many other medicines not enumerated, snd are enabled to supply denlen at msaubeturan prices. RecoRsct llw Alton Drag More, directly ra the corner ef Bute sad Beeosd streets, fob 22 A. S. BARRY fc CO.

BRING to yR Nutter, Eggs nd etiickeui wa pay cash sad Uw tasrint raleo. Bo rare sad call at READ fc STARKS. JUB0M4S $3 REWARD. STRAYEDbOta Uw subscrilwr, liv ingene mile west of CarUavitle, lUiaoie, mw ry desk brown home mull, three yetrs aid, end shoal fauitaea hsmta high, with largo sear oo the kit side of Uw nose, mans vary short- Said sails has been worked, ud ta very gratia nd eaeily handled. When he was kit seen, he waa to ihs neighborhood of AHuo.

I will giro the bora reward to any one who will eooUue thio stole, nd ixAxxi mn Rumedixtety that I may eel him. Juns M4S4I. HENRY MAOIBON. GROCERIES A Uu apply coxetaatly on hasd for ilia si aniformly low nlem crU it Uw "Cheap Cash More. jetfeM READ STaRH.

1 ucn Ground Alum U.H, Jurt rartd. 1 jKAJyJ Jest IL PILUSON fc 81 10, exclusive of sacks. We have heart jjn 1 1 4 1 A BAXial aluAAil dlu 2 1 f- I Jy delivery i veral tliousand bushels of new aoutliera Er at 8te. and of wiiirb tho 74 sacks receive) the Whirlwind yesterday ia a part. Tha ler lot was sold on private terms hut aa? noil lo Im at 61 10, exclusive of the sach Mo.

Rrp. tlm shaft lo revolve, so that by means of wheels upon (ho horizontal and vertical ihafts as rapid are so many deliberate fabrications designed for Bl0tln i wished can be given to tlm latter political effect. That the President looked The advantages of these combinations Tv UKCoxnzcTKn, Enormous Eaaoas .1 fl lima of Dm meeting of Um Chicago Cnredie -some gentleman produced a statiriirsl tabfc-' Western steainboals, in which it wa ilkfc that there was then running 1,190 bosticf futons burthen each Dmir value was ettioriri tlm annual expenditnni ne $3924,194. On this, or some aianiiar ito ment inula to Um 8nate, the ralua sfriM' boats in tha West in Um 1619, ia said iota 56L800, as appears from tha foilowiMi By a document lately ordered lo by tlm Senate, we find tnat the net vileiof-commerce or the Ohio and Mississippi rud end tlicir tributaries, for the you ted at 8256,23320, and Um value cfnx' ployed therein, is estimated at 8I88lA llte Editor of the Western Boatarn, labor, compiled Um statistics of Westers i for the year ISIS. He named each boat ai ded the tonage of every one running hot emptying into tlm Gulf of Mexico.

He to the ultimate admission of New Mexico as a Slate, whenever tlm requisite population should be obtained, as a means of avoiding the slavery agitation, by leaving Die people to regulate tlicir domestic institutions for lliern selves, is not lo Im denied. He knew rery well, as every body else must know who pretends to knoiv any tiling of the sentiment nf Congrrw, that bills fur the cs- tablisliment uf territorial governments could not aiNnt P31 Kven in perfecting hi probe passe because the IInio would insist upon power. He has it now in such a state, that attaching Dm Proviso, while the Senaio would witl1 or three or their equivalent in be equally firm in resisting it. Under this ron-! "team, aided by hia machinery, im can produce viction, he did not urge territorial gnvermneuts, 1 power epial to eight or ten hones. A flouring and preferred Ihe oilier alternative as Die more ml" 'n Knox eounty; running a pair of burr I I.

I a as. i a fillip fsajai in ilasamsalroti aa at sMAasml aaaa IShOlil All jrn 1.4 aAd-AA -I mBU A P. four feet in at prettntbcingQceesJ Dr. practicable, and tlie one likely to Iw aUcmlrd with tho most repose and saiisfactiun lo the country. dent tlm mitted lion.

We sre likely to hare another Congressional exhibition to-morrow. Gor. Doty gave notice on Friday, that he would introduce new bill euperaoling tlm rlelay in Dm committee of the whole, where Die first one is now pcmling, and of gelling a direct expression of the purpose of the House, in some tangible form. As tins trial of strength must necessarily have come mine time or ullicr, it is quite as well Dint it should be for the ailiiii.ssiuli of Cslifornin, with view of superseding Dm delay in Dm committee of trie moiie noVj as at any other period. Wliat course Tliey lied been detained and were several the minority will pursue, may depend on rir- i weeks making the voyage.

The Upper Miasou-eunisl slices. Tlicy ere res-ilute in opposition lo ri was in fair boating order, and it is thought California, as an indqiendent mraure, but have neither the steamer El Pa-o or St. Ange! not decided wlnit form the opposition tlizll take, i will experience any difficulty in going up or re-! Tlmy have urci tained tint the excess of appro- turning. The former may be expected down in prialum for pay and mileage, umler the last a few days. Tim river was on stand at Conn-! "Tg iTfL-ii, Mnnsllt is sufliemnt to maintain Congress until Die eil BliiK, on Dm 26th iust.

and tlmnce down jjjj QfhiaM forhrir8 1 rest I L. 1 Liquor Trade in New cent Temperance celebration ia tlm Dev. Mr. Twichell made a speech' MW MET, Mlt AMTIvllCII DMU fuLm itey. some startling facte were bronght broxsiTj lie.

lie stated there were faxsydfewe1 (iMHitvf Limufl in (JrM offered, and yet continues the offer, et mvto jfw reliable sum, that there was not a error boats in Dm srhole lisL ITier was this KT.i s- A a tak Mde 5T boats, averaging 211 ton house uieasuremeut. He ihows the IIAA.IaI! ...,1 Msffi fflM SL Ionia 77swi. 7 Wool, nAmed Buen Wax Horse Dexxr.n. llie fawn at T.r0J a 7 pBPf7? jgri BB loffl n0 TtJL I On tlm.daypf tM wj n' H'amooaUSfr couUnuous hours, without dismmnriufe estimated at $i2KX)J)lX)-fet' Anotiiee Hteamee on LMRfcft amilKK DTMJIKR MN The Iaike Bnperior Sim, of the i. Jfc-.

'The propellrr Msuhatlan wusiifaJJ, evening for tlm launch into tha end Falls, and to-day tarn will bo perior. Wcfniuierstand slm wiU leave FridayevroinORher inl lake. Mirage Jew nuL That We are informed ir tofiirere hfet Dr. of the it earner J. M.

Niles, thta p. or Hodmster, N. Dm fortunta Pr, tho forty-six pound lump of TTut: hibitnl in New Orlesns, wu JlllltlT. city in Dial steemer yesteruiywwj-r Doctor hu other vilrtmW large amount of the dust, snd it- I f- e-l liuring tlm last year. 'hi Ufa PL predictions, however, were dissipated yesterday.

1 dog-days, and therefore, one obstacle, or niter there was 7 to 8 feet on the principal bars. 8e-by Dm attention and warm plaudits he received wliat was so considered, is removed. If Gov. ren boats belonging to the American Fur Com- wimn speaking to the queatum under debate. All wlra attempted to reply to, or refute his po- sitioni, acknowledged the eloquence and liril- lianey of his speech, and many who before .1 AAA 1 1 A A 1 AAAA-re A I A A L.

A aa re L. 2 Sit debater doubtcl, now admit, that a ho is with-1 eontinne in eommittee. Various influences are out a rival in tlm House, if Gov, Me Dowell, of it work to imiiieo the mover of this notice to Virginia, is excepted. Illinois hu reason to be yield temiiorarilv, and he is not auilici-nlly de-proud of him one of her representatives, termined himself to enable me tour wteUier he while the West will always find in him con- will consent or resi-d. 3 I aa4.

'll aa jioty persists in his announced moremenl, we shall get at tlm beginning of tha end, and have (he struggle forced directly, which may new ke i postponed, while the discussion is allowed to Mr. 8011U is rxpectid to hring feraanl tomorrow, (be ultimatum of Die pulitiral interest which be represents, and Dm Nashville 'er Dm State of MuuehraeH, ha, of iitcnt, firm and undevisting friend, so far her great local interests are concerned. In addition to theboantiei provided tut in the original bill, an intendment bu been offered, Convention, which he rcllvrN, in Dm shape of a granting to each officer that eenred in Dm Mex- proposition to extend Dm Miesonri compromise lean war, who is of ttm grade of a Major or to the Pacific. There fa little uie of distuning Brigadier General, tout pent of land to the a point which is doomed in advance. Thai pro-Coloneis, Lieutenant Colonels and Alajors, 640 nutation has no more chance of going throii-h RRMR Mfl In rittteinfa HRlI Mft SS ll.rere re aa.

A A I I 'AMIfRflllM re.liialA La l1 A 9 screL This ameudmeu, I have no doubt, will I -A retfamUrreVto.

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