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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 10

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

10 AMONG THE RAILWAYS Resolution on Paget Sound Rates Misinterpreted. BOYCOTT NOT SETTLED. Union Pacific Will Open No Gateways for One-Way Business. St- Paul and Chicago Lines Agree to Reduce Through Tariff's on Flour Notes. 1 DTbe resolution adopted by the trans-Missouri lines at their meeting Saturday to allow each road, including the Union Pacific, to issue individual rate sheets quoting sbort line rates to Pnret Sound points was misinterpreted by all the lines.

Some of the competitors of the Union Pacific construed the resolution to mean that all the trans-Missouri roads in their individual tariffs quoting these short line rates to Puret Sound would be allowed to route the business via Ojrden and the Union Pacific, which would mean the opening of this company's sbort gateway line at Ogden to its competitors for Portland business. Yesterday the Union Pacific gave notice that in agreeing to the resolution it was not its Intention to open its Ogden gateway to other and that in no event would this be done: )n fact, it would open none of its gateways for divided one-way business. Consequently the resolution was modified yesterday to make this perfectly plain. In addition to the individual rate sheets that are to be issued by the roads west of the Missouri sbort line rates to Puget Sound points via the Union Pacific will be shown in the Chicago and trans-Missouri rate sheets and a note will explain that they are individual and not agreed association rates. The short line rates via the Union Pacific will not be shown in the official rate sheet of the Western Trunk Line passenger committee.

The Union Pacific is satisfied with this concession, if it can be called a concession, and the Northern Pacific cannot protest to individual rate sheet. It is not clear, however, bow the Union Pacific is to be benefited by this arrangement, as it will still be unable to ticket paKwngerk to Puget Sound points on tickets with a Northern Pacific coupon, but it will have to continue to sell Puget Sound coupon tickets, taxing up the entire ticket at Portland and furnishing Puget Sound passengers with local tickets from Portland north. Neither will the Union Pacific be able to get this short line rate representation in the tariffs of Central Traffic or Eastern Trunk Line associations, as roads of these associations do not recognize the rates of Western lines when quoted only in individual tariffs. The Pusret Sound short line rates of the Union Pacific may. however, be used by Eastern roads not members of the above associations, or by such roads of these associations as may care to violate the association rules on this point.

The new rate sheet of the Central Traffic lines was sent to Washington for file last nigh, but short line rates to Puget Sound points via the Union Pacific were not shown in it, but only the agreed rates of the Western Trunk Line committee. The adjustment of the Puget Sound controversy does net settle the boycott question between the Burlington. Bock Island, and Union Pacific. The Union Pacific, however, is now negotiator with the Denver and Bio Grande and the Bio Grande Western for an arrangement whereby round-trip business will be interchanged between the Union Pacific and these two lines. With such an arrangement in effect the Union Pacific will be independent of the Burlington and Bock Island, and will tend to force these two roads Into interchanging round-trip business with tbe Union Pacific without forcing the latter road to open its Denver or Ogden gateways to its competitors in one-way business.

FLOCK RATES REDUCED. St. Paul and Chicago Uses Agree to Cat Cents Off the Tariff. At a meeting of the freight officials of the Chicago and St Paul lines at St Paul yesterday the representative of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul Boad introduced a resolution to reduce the rates on flour from St Paul and Minneapolis to New York from cents per 100 pounds to 30-f cents per 100 pounds. The resolution was seconded by the Minneapolis and St Louis and was adopted by tbe meeting.

By this reduction, which will go into effect as soon as tbe law allows, the rates on flour from St Paul to Chicago will be reduced to 10 cents per 100 pounds and the rates from St. Paul to New York, via lake and rail lines, reduced to 28 cents per 100 pounds. It is understood that the Eastern lines will be asked to prorate from Chicago on this basis in order to allow the lines via Chicago to meet Soo line competition on this traffic. Many of the big milling companies at St Paul and Minneapolis are pre Daring to resume operations, and it is presumed tbst one or two of the St. Paul-Chicago lines have contracted for big shipments from these concerns at a through rate of 90' cents, and that tbe other lines were induced to lower tbe tariff rates to this basis in order to allow the contracts to be carried out ANOTHER BIO WEEK.

Owing to Cut Rates East-Bound Shipments Continue Heavy. Total east-bound shipments last week amounted to 54,256 tons, compared with tons for the previous week and 43,722 tons for the corresponding week of last year. Out of a total of 30,612 tons of grain moved last week the Michigan Central led with 9.767 tons and Pennsylvania lines were second with 7,956 tons. The total shipments last week were divided in tons as follows: Michigan Central, $.734: Wabash. 4.590; Lake Shore, Fort Wayne, 8.40S; Panhandle, 8J07: Baltimore and Ohio, 7.327; Grand Trunk.

1.767: Nickel-Plate, Erie, 4.i; Big Four. The 20-eent grain rate of the Eastern roads went into effect yesterday, but several of the big grain shippers claim that they have bought large amounts of Western grain, hich is now in transit to Chicago, which tbey expected to ship East on 15-cent rate, and arc endeavoring to get the Eastern lines to protect these shipments. Some of the lines claim that they will not move these shipments at anything less than 20 cents, but it is quite probable that the grain in transit will be taken care by most of tbe roads. Kew Mall Service oa tbe St. Paul Owing to tbe demand for quicker mall service between Cbicaso and the North Paclfie coast the Chicago, Milwaukee and St Paul, which has the government contract for "carrying the fast mail between Chicago and St.

Paul, will shorten the time of Its fast mail train to eleven hours between Chicago and SL Paul, commencing next Sunday. Tbe train will leave tbe Union passenger station, Chicago, at o'clock la tbe morning, as heretofore, and will make tae run from Chicago le Milwaukee in one hour and forty-fire minutes, and make no stops oa tbe east end of the La Crosse division of that road, except for fn-i and water. At Portage, a coach will tnuached to tbe train to carry passengers, and slope will be made only at tbe principal point oa tbe west end of the La Crosse division and on tbe river division between La Crosse and St Paul and Minneapolis, but all mall will be thrown from tbe traia at stations in Wisconsin vraere stone of this train-have heretofore been made. This arrancement will greatly benefit Chicago and "Milwaukee business men, Kail way Kotos. At the meeting of the Chicago Bail road Association yesterday to insert the new advanced Western rates nothing was aoeomplisbed.

and the meeting adjourned until lOe'clock this moraine. i It Is no impossible for the new Westers pas senger rates to go Into effect Feu, IS. the date atroed epoa. on account of the tariff falliae to be on ale with the commissi oners at Washington today, and an extension of the time will probably be made until, Feb. SO.

I Tbe meeting of the Indiana and Illinois coal roads In Chicago yesterday accomplished -nothing, and an adjournment was taken until this morning. It has developed that several of these lines have entered into long eontraets for coal shipment at cut rates, and that no advances can be made antes it is arranged to take care of this business. The central passenger committee of the Central Traffic Association will meet in Chicago today to consider the position of the Ntckel-Piate regarding the right of differential roads to sell special rate ticket on the differential basis. It Is reported that one or two of the east-bound line are not only paying ticket commissions, but are making an open second -class rate of Chicago to New The continued cold weather has caused a blockade of perishable freight at the warehouses of tbe Eastern roads at Chicago. HundreA of ears of perishable freight have arrived here during tbe past week which could not be.

taken from tbe ear and hauled through the city on account of the cold weather. The Erie Line now has twenty cars of lemons and oranges housed In its Fifty-First street roundhouse, and lis engines are forced to stand on tracks outside. This line Is also providing warm storage for hundreds of cars loaded with fruit at country roundhouses waiting for warmer weatber to be moved to Chicago. Chairman Caldwell, of the Western Trunk Line passenger committee, returned from St. Louts yesterday, where he went to induce several of the Southwestern lines to become members of tbe new association.

Th Missouri. Kansas and Texas and tbe Missouri Pacific practically agreed to Join the new association, provided a Southwestern committee is appointed to look after business from St. Louis So thwest. This will undoubtedly be done. With tbe Missouri Pacific, the -Kate." and Union Pacific in tbe association tbe work of organization can be easily completed.

HOPS BUSTS 05 PB3VXH0 BLIXT A LIAR. Trend of the Cross-Exam In at ion for the Defense In the Hay ward Case. Minneapolis, Feb. 4. In the trial of Harry Hay ward for murder ex-Deputy Coroner Nippert resumed the stand this morning and was cross-examined by Mr.

Erwin. The morning was spent in a technical recital of the condition In which Miss Ginr's body was found at the autopsy. County Attorney Nye asked if the defense claimed that questions as to the condition of tbe viscera formed a material part of the defense. Mr. Erst in replied that tbey did.

as showing the cause of death. He added that tbe questions were not Intended in any way for an attack on character. It developed that tbe vital organs were in a normal condition, the kidneys slightly fatty, the nterus enlarged, and the ovaries abnormal. Tne cross-examination as to the fracture of the skull and the wounds in it were" close and technical. Dr.

William Bussell, the physician who was summoned when the body was found in tne road, was the next witness. He told the familiar story again, and was subjected to a long cross-examination, tbe purpose of which apparently was to show that death bad occurred in a manner different from that related by blixt in his confession. Tbe questioning of tbe defense appeared to be toward establishing that Miss Ci in died from tbe blows on her skull which produced those fractures, and that the shot which penetrated her skull, while necessarily of a fatal character, was tired to hasten the end or to divert suspicion from the actnal conditions surrounding the crime. This would tend to show that Blixt has from tbe start made false statements. The State is.

busily searching for additional evidence. Ex-Sheriff Ege has been in Iowa Falls looking up tbe bundle of bloody clothes- found there shortly after the murder. Erickson, tbe roustabout at the Ozark flats, who went to Iowa Falls after the murder, may be rearrested as a precautionary measure. When first arrested he established an alibi and was released. The attorney for Blixt, whose point of view since the case opened has been exactly that of tbe State, and who occupies a position in court bandy to tbe Bute's Attorney, made a statement this afternoon that a dealer In green goods would be placed en the stand as a witnesa by the Stale.

AKXBTJKST FEVER IB OMAHA. Folleemea Vf no Have Become Capitalists Will Be Asked to Explain. Omaha, Feb. 4. Special Telrgrai.

A grand Jury for the alleged purpose of Investigating municipal corruption, and incidentally of proving that New York is net alone in her position, has met here. Judge Scott, of the Criminal bench, today delivered a characteristic charge to tbe Jury, telling them tbe "respectable" class sbould be scrutinized closely. One of the chief matters to be brought before the grand Jury for investigation will be the alleged corrupt methods adopted by the police in dealing with the saloons and houses of prostitution. A committee of six, with Rev. Alexander F.

Irvine, formerly one of Dr. Park hurst's chief lieutenants in the New York fight with the Tammany tiger, has been busy collecting evidence relative to tbe alleged crookedness among certain police officers. While none of tbe committee is willing at this time to furnish for publication anything regarding what has been done, enough information has been obtained from an indirect source to Justify the statement that the efforts of the committee have been rewarded beyond its most sanguine expectations. Among other disclosures tbe committee of six have made are that several of the policemen who have served long terms on tbe force are reputed to be worth from $50,000 to 100.000. Many officers who upon entering the department were comptrauvclv poor now nave nauo- some bank accounts.

SHOT HIS I1STEK-IB-LAW AHD HI MILT. Peculiar Circumstances la a Marder and Attempted suicide la Peoria. Peoria, UL, Feb. 4. Special Telegram.

Frank Atkinson, a railroad brake mao, shot and instantly killed his sister-in-law, Lena Zippcrvaged 16, and then put three bullets into himself. One went above and another below his heart and a third went into his bead above the right car, but be may linger for several days. Atkinson had betrayed his sister-in-law two years ago and his wife had left him. This morning they agreed they would get a divorce so Atkinson could marry the younger sister. They went to the courthouse together and asked for a divorce, evidently thinking they could get one at once.

When matters were explained to them they went away and bad a bill drawn up by a lawyer. Then thev sought tbe police matron, rs. Wonder, and asked her to go with them to the girl and see if she would agree to the plan. She went and after some remonstrance the girl agreed to tbe marriage if the divorce could be secured. As tbey were about to leave Atkinson asked permission to whisper a word to the girl and the tragedy followed.

At the time she was sitting in a chair holding her babv in her arms. He fired but one bullet into her, placing the revolver to her left temple. HATI0NAL ALLIAHCE OKI T0DAT. Farmers at Raleigh, K. Will Lay the Coreer-Stooe of to Polk on enseal.

Raleioo. N. Feb. 4. The National Farmers' Alliance meets here tomorrow.

Secretary Dunning, Congressman Stroud, and many other Alliance leaders are here. There will be between 150 and. SOO delegates present Senator-elect Marion of the unlonwill preside. During tbe session the corner-stone of the monument to the late president of the order. Colonel L.

L. Polk, will be laid at Oak wood Cemetery, where be is baried. CAU1-QBXIA, FLORIDA. Illinois Central to Pacific Coast via New Orleans To Florida via Holly Springs Route, Buffet alee per with through reservation to Pact no Coast every Tuesday sight Through tourist sleeper, Chicago to Xos Angel.every Wednesday night Through sleeping ear reservation to Jacksonville. Fhv, dally via Holly Spring.

inning bim, and Atlanta. Call at 1111-aoia Central City Ticket Ofnos, 1M Clark street THE DMLTt 'iNlEB OCEAN. MORNING FEBRUARY J3, 1895, MARCH GRAND JURY. County Board of Commissioners Selects Men to Serve. DIET QUESTION UP AGAIN.

Four Hotels Enter the New Com-. petition. Legislative Committee Is Appointed-City Hall and County Notes. At the County Board meeting yesterday the following names were down to compose tbe March grand Jury Peter Paulson. Proviso.

A. Brady. No. SM Maxwell street. Lemont Klttering.

Lemon t. Chris Malnne. No 23f South Halsted street. Louis H. HebeL No.

Cbeslaut street. William Krus. Schaumbeag. Fred Kosener. No.

lose Wert Fiftieth street W. H. Campbell. No. ISS North Western avenue.

Fred Hen lie. Bremen. Henry Kolze. Leydeu. Fred Deltmering.

Town of Rich. A. M. Morrison. No.

MBM Sangamon street B. Hulltngswortb, No. 1147 Fifiy-Eighth street. Louis N. Fox.

Austin. James N. Comstock. Evanstou. Martin Ellickson.

No. Fifteenth street C. Abt. No 21R Market street Frank Fredericks. Riverside.

J. H. Kumsfeld. No 143 Oak street H. Hersihneld.

No. IS Brown street Andrew Anderson. No. SIS Market street Fred Broscb, No. 39 Larrabee street The County Board yesterday afternoon put in a long, tiresome session reading the new rules for ISWu Although these rules have been adopted section by seetlon in the committee on pnblie service, tbe greater part of the afternoon was devoted to the reading of them bv tbe committee clerk.

When tbe last one was finally read Commissioner Struck man moved for tbe adoption of tbe rules, but the point of order being made by Commissioner Allen tbe rules were laid over one week for consideration. Coaaraltte on Legislation Appointed. A committee consisting of Commission ers Cunning, Struckman, Jones, AfcXichols, and Bitter was appointed, to be called a committee on legislation. This committee i to visit tne capital in the interest of several bills that are to be prepared pertaining to county affairs, tbe chief one of which will be for the change of tbe time of tbe Judicial election from tbe uneven to the even years. After this committee bad been selected and named.

Commissioner Allen offered the following resolution, which was referred to the committee on publie service: Kisoltrd, That tbe committee on legislation are directed to use their Influence to procure legislation placing all appointees in county institutions other than the heads thereof under ciril-service rules Bids were received from the management of four hotels in response to an advertisement for the dieting of Jurors. The Tremont House offered to lodge, furnish meals, and also furnish meals when required in Jurv-room, for tbe sum of S3 per day. Tbe Hotel Le Grand, at No. 39 Wells street, offered to contract for the feeding and lodging of Jurors at 85 eents for meals and beds. The Severe House's bid was 45.

eents for the lodging, 85 cents for meals and 50 eents for tbe meals served in tbe jory-rooni, while the Clarendon outdid it, own former bid by 1 cent on meals and lodging, offering to serve tbe Jurors at 35 cents for lodging, meals, and meals in Jury-rooms. The bids were referred to tbe committee on publie service. Bids, with Inclosed cheeks, were also opened for tbe work of improvement to be done In. tbe sheriff's office. following are the rms offering to accept contracts for tne proposed work and the amounts which they propose to do the work for: William Fallow' At E.

F. GobeL WUliam Flcklen, S097; A. Moteh-man, 93U: John IW74; John T. Mr-Boy, and Christian C. Bnsse.

IV50. Tbe contract, upon the motion of Commissioner Struckman, was directed to be let to the lowest bidder. William Fickleo, and tbe superintendent of publie- service instructed to prepare a contract with him. Tbe report of the finance committee was submitted and adopted, and showed tbe following items taken from the various funds: Supply fund, miscellaneous fund. building fund, $7,934.04: contingent fund, $4,439.33, and salary, making a total since the last report of the finance committee of City and County Notes.

Comptroller Monagban yesterday paid tbe county employes their salaries for January. Tbe town collectors made it possible by paying In the various amounts owing to the county treasurer. Chief Urennan said yesterday that the report that pugilism had been one feature of an entertainment at whicn Lieutenant Place 1c was presented a diamond star was unfounded. He said tbe presentation bad been allowed by him and was not in violation of tbe orders of the department A meeting of the Council committee" having under consideration tbe elevation of the Northwestern track waa Indefinitely postponed yesterday on account of the lllaeas of Chairman MeGillen. i Inspector Filrpa trick suspended Polieemaa H.

p. Johnson veaterdav and preferred charge against him for being intoxicated. Johnson Is carried on tne roll at tne narruoa sum station, but ha been assigned for duty with the health department It is claimed that, la company with two friends, he entered a restaurant In Caihoua place Sunday, and after ordering three suppers failed to pay for the service. ALL BUT TWO OTFICXU SM-XL1CTXD. Meeting ef the MUwauke Merchants aad Manufacturers' Association.

Milwaukee, Feb. 4. Speritf Telegram. At the annual meeting of the Milwaukee Merchants and Manufacturers' Association this afternoon resolutions were introduced wbieb have for their object a direct railway line to the State fair grounds. At the annual election the following officers were chosen: President, John Spencer; treasurer, David Adler; secretary, H.

a Wllklns: directors, T. L. Kelly, John Black. A. B.

Matthews, Julius tioldscbmidt. and H. M. Mendel. Mr.

Ad ler takes the place of C. M. Cottrill as treasurer, and Mr. Wllkins sneeeeds A. Meinecke, as director.

Mr. Wilklns continues as general manager. HAD CATSB TO OPPOSE Ell ELZCTI09. County Attorney Touag After Law-Breaking ladiaaa salooa-Keeper. Coixmbcs, Feb.

A Special Telegram. During the last campaign the saloonkeepers of Bush County made a hard light against George W. Young, the Be publican candidate for prosecuting attorney, bat he was elected by a big majority. Soon after taking office Mr. Young began turning his attention to violators of liquor laws.

A special session of tbe grand Jury waa called at the December term of court, end as a result 181 indictments, majority of them against saloon-keepers, were returned, 6beriff McFarlan began serving warrant on these indictment last 8aturdar. Fire saloon-keepers were arrested, having over thirty indictments against them. WATCHING THX CAT. Did yon ever study the family cat? Ever notice how perfectly shaped aa animal it is, how graceful, how quiet, how intelligent? Do you know from what rare she is descended aad bow ear a relative she is to the lion, the tiger, the Jaguar, and other aero beasts Part I of "The Animals of the World" (BrehnVs -Life of tells about Pussy, her progenitors and kinsfolk, with a most Interesting account of tigers, Hons, wild eat, aad the like. It is extremely interesting, full of Information, but told la such a manner aa to delight every reader.

Are you taking this series through Tn Ijrrxa Ocbas" If not, you are making a great mistake. The parte are only 10 cent each. The day for aa ezeuraton from alt -western point to tbe Bear Elver Valley, Utah, will be announced definitely within a abort time. T. la advance notice will allow more Urn for prepare Y- ro A Ml tZUt.

a-nnnaaaasannssm LUeola Park Board-SfaJtse the Award to Frees a) ChaJasera. f' Tbe Liacola Park "Board yesterday took np tbe question, of awarding the contract for the new pump, which It Is proposed to provide at the Lincoln1 Park Pumping Station. The fortunate bidders were Fraser A Chalmers. whom President Crawford, to whom had bsen referred the entire matter, recommended to tbe board, not only by v4rtue of the quality of. their machinery and tbe fact that tbey were tee lowest bidders, but because of a desire to patronise home Industry.

George K. a Japanese landscape gardener, submitted to tbe Commis sioners sketch or a Japanese garden whieb he proposes to. lay out on a prat of ground east of the intersection of Pine street boulevard and North The sketch is in water colors and represents an ezeeedingly attractive garden, with lagoons aad lily ponds, these to be sufficientlv shallow to admit of per sons walking through them by means or stepping stones. The design is altogether unlike anything heretofore laid out in any of tbe parks, not excluding Jackson Park during tbe World'a Fair year, and abound in sham rock" work, tbe highest point of which wilt be, according to the figures of the plana, twenty feet above elty datum. From tbe peak of this a waterfall descends, feeding the small lagoons, which are to be three feet abdv the lake surfaee to provide against overflow.

Tbe shallow ponds are to be dotted here sod there by small pavilions of bamboo. Most of the commissioners seemed much Impressed with Mr. Sbimoda's preposition, but no action waa taken regarding it and tbe matter waa referred to tne committee on horticulture. Tbe board directed its secretary to advertise for bids for the various eoneessions within tbe gift of tbe commissioners for terms of one and three years. U0S TAf ClTJIBHII A HAX.

Fierce Fight to tbe Death la a Meaagerle at Kew Orleans. New Orleans, Feb. 4. SpeeW T'e grini. An attraction not down on the programme was presented at Wombwell's Menagerie last nlgbt after tbe performance was over and the keepers were feeding the animals.

It was a fight to a finish between the lion Nerd and a huge bear, in which the king of tbe forest fully sustained his claim to tbe title. "The two beasts were in a cage with only a partition separating them. Big chunks of meat were thrown in to them. Tbe bear was )riven the smaller share and finished his meal first Then he glanced sullenly through the bars at tbe lion and made a sudden lunge to get at him. Tbe partition gave way and soon tbe two animals were engaged in a life-and-death struggle.

It lasted, however, but a short time. The two brutes swaved backward and forward for a while, when snddenlv Nero disengaged himself from bruin's embrace and with a powerful blow of his huge paw came squarely down on the bear' back, breaking tbe 'spinal column as if it had been a twig. The bear fell over dead and bia conqueror walked sedately back to where he bad been eating. Lying down be calmly resumed bia meal, at the same time keeping one eye on the carcass of bit enemy. nrVOLTlJ 4,480 ACKZS OF TIafBIX.

Case of Homesteaders Against the Keystoo Company Is oa Trial. Madisox. Spxlil Ttltgrnm. Tbe case of Telford and twenty-seven other homesteaders near Ashland against tbe Keystone Lumber Company came up before Jndge Bunn in tbe United States Court today on a motion by tbe plaintiffs to overrule the demurrer of the defendant to the complaint Tbe case Involves tbe ownership of 4,480 acres of timber land near Ashland, worth, according to estimate of plaintiff, about Keystone Company clafms title 'tbroagb a' eon tract it secured from the -Wisconsin Central Company for tbe timber on tbe lands, which the company claimed carried tbe land with it, and Seerwtarr Hoke Smith baa sustained tbia claim. The plaintiff claim that tbe Keystone Company's title ia invalidated bv the fact that tbe Central's grant of tbe land was reverted back to tbe government Tbe Keystone Company secured its contract before tbe grant lapsed, and claims tnat its right is not affected.

United Slate Senator William F. Vilas and John H. Knight were formerly principal owner in tbe Keystone Company, but have disposed of their interest to Eastern men. GOLD lUCX TICTIX ATEB0ZD. I'pland (lad Maa Devote Tear aad Money to Cnptaring the swindlers.

Wabash, Feb. 4. Special refeoram. James Johnson, a banker of Upland, near here, today received a photograph of two men in custody at Richmond. charged with swindling him out of $7 000 by means of the "gold brick racket" in 1892.

Johnson identified tbe portraits and the criminals will be brought to Indiana for trial. The men were one day seen by Johnson, who Is 70 years old, on his farm near Upland carefully examining tbe soil. He inquired what tbey were in search of, and tbey replied that the grandfather of one of them had buried a gold brick near that spot fifty years before and tbey were looking for it Tbey dug at tbe foot of a tree, found the brick, aad proposed to give Johnson half of it, be to pay them $7,000 and take the briek. Johnson hurried to Marlon, borrowed the money, got the brick, and the swindlers decamped. Tbe briek proved to be made of clay covered with gold leaf.

Johnson swore to run tbe swindlers down, and be baa spent several thousand dollars and over two years ia doing so. ADYAjTCX A0XIT HAI 50 AUTHORITY. Court Kale That His Coat tract Do Hot Bind HI Employer. IXDiaXArous, Feb. 4.

Special Telegram. The Superior Court in general term today affirmed the decision of Jndge Winters in special term in the Bhea attachment Some months ago M. B. Leavitt, of Denver, instituted proceedings in attachment and garnishment against Mme. Bhea while she was performing in this city.

Leavitt claimed $3,000 damages from the actress for failure to fulfill a contract to appear at Lesvitt's Theater in Denver. Judge Winters dissolved the attachment, holding that Bbea'a agent, who signed the contract with Leavitt, bad no authority to bind her by a contract. It was this decision that was affirmed by the full bench of three Judges today. xtsoi w. bud a hh rcvmirc Pre eke ow "Am Kefraia fret Amartcaa ftoepel, but Dextev, Cola, Feb.

4. Be v. Myron Beed delivered the first sermon at hie New Temple' yesterday morning at the Broadway Theater, tne house being packed to the doors, Be announced that he would resume tbe aeries of sermon, which wae Interrupted on June 8, continuing them indefinitely. His subject waa "An American Gospel," and the sermon waa a brilliant but in no way flavored of the sensationalism which, marked tbe closing Sunday of his pastorate at the Congregational Church. HAQ0MT XAXXI A mxlXU Says Armilrsa Bat 1st the uppers of at.

the Canadian- Oovrm ToEoirro, Ontario. Feb. A. Hon. John Hsggert, Minister of Bailways, gives absolute denial to the statement that C3.

N. Armstrong has any guaranty of the Canadian government in placing on tbe London money market securities of bis company to build a railroad from Gaspe to the Paeifie parallel with the Canadian Paeifie Bail-road. Minister Hsggert considers It utterly Improbable that Armstrong will be able to float his enterprise on the London money market or any where else, ---i BiicKAix'a basket Japan tea lOSMadlson 60s FOR PUTS AND CALLS. i 1 i 1 1 1 -r 3: Board of Trade Members Vote to Continue Trading; HUSTLE LIVELY FOR VOTES Ninety-Nine Majority Against the Amendment President Baker and Several Directors Sore Over the Defeat and Talk of Resigning. Trading in puts and ealla by Board of Trade operators is to continue a hereto fore.

The members decided that way. by their votes yesterday. There was hustling for rotes on both sides. Tbe opposition were out In carriages and scoured the city for members who seldom come oa tbe board and carried them np to rote. The result was that out of 1.109 rotes cast there were 505 for and 004 against the amendment, a majority of 99 rotes, so that trad ing in privileges hereafter will not be "regarded as dishonorable eondueL" as the proposed new rule read.

The tight was tbe bitterest that has been witnessed on the board in years. Operators were so deeply Interested that many did not have time to trade. Sharp discussions were numerous and many pointed remarks were frequently made. Some favored tbe amend ment because they believed that privilege trading was a menace to the markets that it was against tbe statutes of this State, and was favored by President Baker as a reform measure for tbe general good of tbe board. The opposition was based on four important factors.

First, that it was poor policy to put the board on record aa having to vote whether tbe members would support an obsolete law. Second, that it had been forced upon tbe members by President Baker despite numerous protests. Third, that privileges create fully 25 to 50 per cent of the business, aad an insurance to traders, and fourth, that their living depended upon them. In some instances one member of a firm voted for the amendment from principle and tbe other from a business standpoint. "The hoard has never recognized privileges," said aa old member, and why sbould we force ourselves to go on record and do it at this late day!" President Baker's Chagrin.

The defeat-caused chagrin to President Baker and his followers. The former was seen when tbe rote waa announced in tbe secretary's office. He expressed great surprise and deeply regretted that tbe members bad aeen fit to turn djwa tbe administration. 'What have I to say?" he said; "why what can a man say under such circumstances I I cannot aay anything at present, except that we are It has been tbe talk of the board for a week that tbe defeat of tbe privilege rule would cause President Baker's resignation, and be Intimated It to personal friends who called to condole with him in tbe afternoon. It is said that be wrote a letter to aa old friend a few day ago asking that be vote for bis amendment, and at the same time said tbst he would resign if defeated.

Tbe gentleman, it is said, voted against tbe amendment, be believed it to be for the board's best interests. "President Baker's desire to resign." said a member who held a long conference with him ia the afternoon, "is doe to the fact thai at tbe annual meeting the board unanimously voted in favor of suppression of privileges. As tbev have defeated bis first attempt at reform, be feels that it ia useless to hold on." Director George B. Nichols, who waa in consultation with- President Baker, said late yesterday evening: "Mr. Bake would be foolish to resign.

The privilege question did not come np when be was elected, and there is no good reason for his resigning, as he can do tbe board more good by continuing In Director John Hill, says that be will resign, and a few others are also aeriouslv considering it Tbey attribute their defea't to Mr. Armour and the elevator men. John F. Barrett, who was one of the active workers among tbe opposition, in accounting for tbe victory, attributed it entirely to bustling. "Just straight bustling' he said, "the elevator men had nothing to do with it, and some of them I know voted for tne amendment It waa said that an effort will oe made to induce the Legislature to pas a law legalizing puts and calls.

The present law was passed twenty years 'ago to try to injure tbe Board of Trade. It has been a failure, and opinion is that it should be repealed. THUS AKX SXAD. TXJT IHJTOXD. Bollorof aa Icebeas Kaplodea, wtth Fright, fal KeaaJta.

Pbovidixcs, R. Feb. 4. The boiler at Earl Carpenter At Son' icehouse at Masha-pang Pond, 1 wood, exploded today, killing two men outright, Injuring a third so that he died within an hour, and wounding ten others, some of them seriously. Tbe names of the deed: Patbick HxHia.

Jons Besub. MAjma dkjcbt. Those injured are: WuxxaJt Monro v. office boy; back and right arm brokea and internally injured: will die. Hxrbkkt Smrn, Injured about the head.

Thomas Caset, Internally. Cbahxes Bratom. slightly Injured. Thomas Nelson, the engineer; blown through the building and scalded, but aot seriously injured. Hirm Rtaji.

Injured sbout the head. Bbhbt BTJTLEK. colored, 37 Salem street; Injured about the head. Phojp Lynch; right leg brokea below the knee and injured about the head. Mich A ax Tiebubt; scalded and injured about the head.

Geo hub M. Daxuto, fore maa; Injured about tbe face. zuaurx tixld oh txxal -nr it. louij, Not tbe, Maa with the Trumpet and Oram but a Freight SeOleltor. St.

Loos, Feb. A Eugene' Field. Milton Knight, Samuel B. Knight, George B. Sprlggs, and Abraham Fella, railroad officials, were put on trial In the United States District Court today oa the charge of violating the interstate commerce act, Field is agent of the Traders' Despatch, Milton Knlghtts freight traffic manager of the Wabash, and Samuel B.

Knight it general freight agent of the Wabash. Sprlggs and Fells are New York officers of tbe Lackasranna. They were indicted in October, 1890, on the charge of making a rebate oa tbe interstate commerce commissions Joint tariff rates on flour shipped from Eaat St. Louis to New York ia favor of theKehlor Brothers Milling Company, of this elty. in violation of the Federal statutes.

Tne nour was anippea oy way oi the Wabash, Nickel Plate aad the Delaware aad Lackawanna. aTXnfLXT JT0T A7TXXTHX iXIATOUHZP Authoritative Oeaml of the Statemeat That Ho Would Meeeia Brtee. Connors, Ohio, Feb. A Special Telegram, Oorernor MeKlnley denies the rumor that he will be a candidate for the United States Senate to succeed Calvin Briee. "I am not now, nerer bare been, and do aot intend to be a candidate," he says.

MAU statements to the contrary are purely imaginative. No one has any authority to speak for me ia this matter. It I bad been a candidate, I long ago would hare stated so publicly and bare entered actively into the canvas." The assertion that the Governor waa desirous of succeeding Mr. Briee has been made repeatedly and positively by some of his closest friends, aad A Terrtbt Ylatsaas. Pals Is slway a terrible riaitaat, aad often omieiles ttentf with, oae for Ufa 'This la-i Mctloa Is preventable, la eases of rheum- tuna, by a timely resort to Hostetler's Stom- aeh Bitters, which cheeks the eaeroaeanieau of this obstinate aad dangerous malady at tts outset.

The term used advisedly, for rheumatism always liable to attack Um vital enraas aad terminal Ufa No testimony I more eooeluslv aad ee current than that el phyaieiaa wh testify to the excellent effect of the Bitter in this die- esse. Persona Incur a wetting ia rainy or snowy weather, aad who are exposed to draught, should use the Bitters a a preventive of ill effect. Malaria, dyspepsia. liver and kidney irouole, nervousae aad debility are also among thtTalimente to which this popular medicine is adapted. For the -ioOrmitie.

soreness and stiflnessof the aged It la biebly beaedeiaL i men whose Intimate relations with him led tetue in fere see that tbey spoke ex cathedra. This authoritative denial by Governor MeKlnley tonight settles the discussion aad apparently leaves the Held clear for ex-Governor Foraker. COTirS UJTAlJfXD. Thro St, Louie Follreasen Meet Take Mhasoat for Ceateaspt. Sr.

Lecia, Feb. A Tbe Court of Appeal today decided the legal easabble which baa been on for some time between the chief of polled and Judge David Murphy, resulting from tbe assault by three officers on a prisoner Immediately after his discharge by Judge Murphy. Tbe confinement of the three officers for contempt of court, by order of Judge Mnrpby. is decided to be solely witnin the jurisdiction of that Judge, and tbe officer, under the decision, were this afternoon recommit tea to jail to set vj their contempt sentences of ten davs each. nw AJMonrTXAToa yaxid.

Lstest Step la the MUlleoair Darts' Will UUgatteav Borro-i, Feb. 4. Another step in the litigation over tbe will of tbe late Andrew J. Davis, of Butte, Mont, wa taken today, when, after many continuances, Jndge McKim, of tbe Probate Court, appointed Charles A. Hellier, of this city, administrator oa petition of Erwla Davis, of New York, and other.

Mr. Hellier bond wa placed at Tbe estate left bv Andrew Davis is valued at 17,000,000 to Jasper County Has a New Sheriff. Nxwto. TIL. Feb.

TtUgrmm. The Jasper County central committee met today aad canvassed the votes east to tfca-primary Saturday to aomiaate a candidate for sheriff to All the unexpired term of F. X. Andre, deceased, the result show in- the aeieetioa of Mttuo Matthew by a plurality of S7. The special ejection will be held March 9.

TOR SALE BEAL ESTATE. Went SMa. SALE 2-STORY BRICK FLAT AID baaemoal: all modem imDrovemrata: lam barn: on M. near wleaer Park: aju cash, balance 4V, per eeui. Address 1.

Tbe In lt-r Ocean. Cooatry. QUXCHIXG EVIDENCE ABSOLUTE PROOF OP our claim that Xortbwew Arkansas Is tbe for tne bomeneesvr uf little nwan. mar ba had at laisvfflre by seeinr tlie product of ibe country ana mectluc persons who bavn bouent land tbera: loo acre frea lo eark settler: colony Wares Cbl-caro rVb. 12.

For Ir booklet. How Colonists Are Dolus There. write to or call on JOH K. K.iIS. Ueneral Agent Land SI.

I. Mt and Rooms 3 and 199 Clar Clitearo. 111. Farm Praawrty. 7 FOR A 5-ACRB FARM.

COVERED WITH i wood, tn aonlSem lie Jersey: close to railroad: finest markets la tbe world: enperially adapted for small fruits, poultry, vevetablea. ete.s blyh and dry: heal by neighborhood: sold oa installments of SI down and SI per week: title In-turrd. Send for particulars. I). L.



1-slory frame. 1M Hudson sv. 12-story frames. ISS Mohawk at. 2-siory.

part brick and part frame. 137 Mohawk st 1-story eottare. 43S See-w ics (rear), staole. with tenement over. 1418 School 2-story frame houses, froot sad rear.

l.V) Center T-slorr brick. 13 Town 2-slorv frame. 87 Best rear only, frame eottare. 1418 Montana S-story and basement eriek. l.0 Montana S-story aad basement brick- 1 7 Oak 1 -story brick.

173 Oak B-sutry briek. ITS Oak St. s-atory fraaw. SI Locust sc. 1 -story frame.

81 LoctuM M. irwark ataMa. 83 Loeirat S-story frame. 14 Chestnut St. smalt frame.

159 Chestnut S-story brick. 1W Chestnut St. frame collars. ItiO Chestnut S-story frame. ItW Cbcatant M.

(rear). S-atory frame. 35 Wendell 4-tory bnck. 97 Wendell sc. S-story brtek.

44 Hill -story brick. 45 Hill -story frame. HiU at. (tcsta. 3-story frame.

Apply to L. -W. PERCE. Bichl of Way Area i29 Rookery, Or F. V.

DUNHAM. 829 Rookery. TO HINT HOUSES. Mlsrellsaeoue. rpo EXT FLATS AND HOOSRS ALL OVER the city; aend or call for priated list.

H. O. STONE a 90S La Salle St. TO BXJTT ROOStS. Xorth Side.

QOI B. OHIO ST. FRONT ALCOVE; ALSO tY. front and back parlors and other room: aewiy furnished: hot aad eotd water: well bested; fine table. 436 1 NORTH STATE ST.

NEWLY frCRNISHED room: select nrivaia famllv: aeniinmen only: referencea. stk Sloe. TO BEST FOB THE BALANCE OF THIS winter will rent pleasant, ateam-beated rooms weit iurniaea ana strictly nrat class, witbla three block of Palmer House, at low rates bv toe week: bo transients: rood table oa top floor: Si per wee, a ano nast wssninytoa st. rpo RENT OZAR APARTMENT SATH X. aad Wabash Parlor and bedroom.

S3. 60 to 10: rooms 11.60 to steam beat, electric liaht; eafe. 76! 8TH ST. THREE STEAM-HEATED FRONT nmc eomnletelv fnrn I hoi lor hn isekssn Inct pnee iti per month. 1702 MICHIGAN AV.

DELIGHTFUL FRONT room for two people: excellent table. 2118 INDIANA BOOMS Wlta ooara; steam neat, running water. 2351 MICHIGAN AV. ELEGANT FRONT room and ether; with er without board. Of SV? PRAIRIE FURNISHED aVxvrv) front alcovet gentlemen; private famuy.

QrUJ' LA KB AV. HANDSOMELY FUR-OmjO Blsbed room; convenient to Illinois Central suburbaa servte and ether ears: beaauful location, oreriooainc para: noaao eoauort! sonable rates; board If desired. 5127. WABASH A SND BELL ELEGANT suite of south eonneetlnr Dsrlor. with kite ben; heated; modern; near elevated aad eablei very cneap.

5338. WASHINGTON AV. HYDB PARK a ue viryiHiiii! riMmn, iniw ana flra suite, with board; reasonable; near suburbaa BO ARC IX (X flOO ONTARIO ST. REFINED. DESIRABLE OOO home la private family; steam beat: rei- yS KQ WABASH A V.

LARGE, LIGHT. HEAT-XKed ro-Miia with eacellaot boaru Si a week; parloreutertaiument wevkty. wtretrit. IklUTUIIU I MTU. fcWPAW 1.

iij CLE A EIN A LK SLiG HTX tT'cSED nr piaeos. We have small sum her of piano that have had very little aae te fast meet of tbem woe id readily pee for new. We eSTje taeee ladivtdeai Inetrumeuts at the follow! ne cleans- ate prtesa a eroer ejapoee ei am Mew York Piano Co. uprtyM. Meed A Soae aprteat, eeoey Colby sorts SL lrwM sue Stoddsrt parlor rraod.

Stelnway parlor frmnd Fischer uprurbt, ebony Ira ball nprlxtal lirkl fancy ease. Sterllnr anneal, rosewood i.udwl. enrtxhi. maaoraav. hh 175 160 oo Waaboura ourlrht.

mabosaay Enabe nnnfbL walnut Henry F. Mulee aprtebt, ebony Siseoer upnrai. nabe uprurbt. Stelnway uortt-bt. rosewood.

Ballet a Devta, mhcy MeaUa aprlrht, nprrtal SECONDHAND SCARES. Llndemaa square li bail square Gilbert square Y7i S7 1 IBM 81 as 114 lo 160 IV Hallet a Unvl aq ateiaway square arw. sqi Mo eeouoaileally dispose pert as see aheeld fail te make aa early vtatt ef Inapeetua. Very easy term of payment may be arraaeed. A handsome stool aad cover included with every pi iio wltboat additional eaarra.

LTOJf 4 HEALT. coraev um av. aoa aub s. Bol-4jur factories prudoe over 1OU.000 alcal tatr.naent per aanneu MAVCTACTCRKRr FIASOCa 34 Waoaakar. THE BIG FOUR." EBi 'tL -WKBaJt: EKiOCK PIA BrOSMLl' Ma" af; "STtTYVESA NT: rSTUYVESANT: 3TUYVKSANT: THE BIG monthly tantaUsnaata.

Flaaaa Buedl ranted, snd eachaneed. MAMUFACrCRVRS PIASOCO. 24 WABASH AV. BOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. We are effertnr all ally used piaaes" at extremely low price.

Yoa esa now get a choice baryaia. aad at tk right agar, too. Installment ptaa If yoa Ilk, or we'll tax tka ease. Doe't miss this sale. LYON.

POTTER 4 CO. 174 Wabash sr. TAX EM IN EXCHANGE. have a Bomber of standard mskes ef alaaee that we have taaea la esrhanm. Soms Off them Instrument are almost equal to new aad eaa be bought at Joe laaa OMaVHALF their original nrtec ONE LYOU 4 HEALY AT SIM.


SMITH. Manufacturer Bradbury Piano. Salesroom a. s.d and 257 Wabaeh av. THE REI 4 SONS KEW SYSTEM Piano wtftw the only Ameneaa Instrument at Ibe WORLD'S COLUMBIAN ElfOSltlON tea received the honor of bPKCJALMKNTtOM wlta blrh praise I tbe official report made to the GERMAN GOVERNMENT by MaRR MAX BCHIEUMAYKR.

memoer ef tne COLUMBIAN PIANO JURY, and a celebrated Piano aiaauf- lurcr in Muur art-Circulars atailed free. A. REED 4 SONS. aad Adams war Michigan av. ADAM SCH A A ESTA BLISH lu 1X7S NEW IMr ROVED Maao.

unexcelled ta sweetness, power, and staring quality ef tene; aoae but tne best material aaed: in workmanship tbey are Bret claae; la dnrsotlii they are guaranteed equal to aay bum tn the worn: la deelga they are oeantiful: do not fall to call and examine tbeeematehleeel-tetraamata: tqnauty eoaaideiedl oar prices are lower aad li rais eaeler tkaa aay etberhoaae. Piano to reaC ADAM fCHAAF. Me. FTSWet Madlsea sc. corner Morgan.

anfj I So SECOND-HAND PIANOS AND ORG A PTT AWAY UNDER VALUE. PRICES From SIS upward. 1 ERaS-Froai S3 month pward. RENTING SI i er moot aod upward. Rent to apply If bought.

Toning free. SOLE RH PRESENT ATIVRs of tbe DECKER PIANO CAMP CO. aad ARJON piano aad E4 TRY ORGAN CO. orgaaa, ESTEY 4 CAMP. -T the Icediag hoase.

--FSS State 4Q-SS Jaeksoa at. CBASS BROTHERS' P1AMO COL. Piano makers, are closing out the elegant stock it tedium aad doe grade puut of Chlekeriag Ctiaee Rros. Z1P-2U Wabaah av. eeare some ef tbe nargalss Opea evening.

SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS BY the followina- makers: Matbaahek. Chleker- inc 4 Son. B. Mtomlaaer. Voee 4 Sone.

Decaer 4 Son. Colby, aad other; prtcea. Ssa, Sluu. S14S. tlaa.

aad SIS each: eaay parmenta te suit customer: established 1873. ADAM 8CHAAF. No. 27S West Madlsoa sc. corner Monrsa.

BEAUTIFUL UPRIGHT PIANOS TO RENT -ex S4 aad S6: Wegtaa. Need Sam. Bryant, ay. Emerson, and others; 100 apt S. te Sl per moat, i.

A. BRIAN T. i Wabash av. eoefluht. THE FAMOUS WISSNEB PIANOS BOW oo'.

sale- anrirhta and eraada: Bonolar pnee aad terms. aVW. CROSS 4 xM Waoaah BTJSTNXSS PERSONALS. PERSONAL HOW SPECULATE SUCCESS-fully; we will aend yoa oer plan telUcg yea how to speculate safely sad soceesefuily: our business placed on regular Board of Trade. A W.

BAKER 4 353 Riaito OtlearoL -ZUIDB TO 9CCCESSFCL SPECULATION VY How to trade successfully oa limited margin Oa grain and stock markets: mailed free. COAXES 4 Riaito Bug. Chicago. HI. BTJSrSXSS CHAJJCI3.

FOB SALE-ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR restaurant, with bar. dow town: elegant fixtures: lew rent aad choice locality? thi I a rare ehaaee to ebtaia a awnev making bnulaee at a lew price: rood reason for selling. For part leu-Urseall JOMM M. Colnmmm IKS Stale at. JTKANCLIL.


cat- seat mooer. fii wjbi st current rates, cao property H.O. sTONk ACJL.2U Lasaile i WOMAN'S BOSPrr AI. XfRS. DR.

SCHWARTZ'S PRIVATE HoSPirAt. ill for alt tenuis 41 separate room for ladle before aad daring eoeftnemeot; have ea-taxged aad arranaed my noma to suit net and peer; aiioosuM-ss strictly eonddeattal. 27 W.Adam st. PRIVATE MATERNITY HOSPITAL-EXPERT phyalclan: safe, painlea treatetenu beet eare: price reasonable: infant adopted: saue-f action guaranteed. Offle.

SOS Maaonte Templa RS. DR. ZARA TAKES LADIES DURING eouSnemenL Thoee who hare ne means eaa work for their expense. 419 W. Monroe at.

BOOKS, STATXOKXHT, ETC IYDOABTxJoKlNir better yourself, the '-Werner Cniversal Buaea-. tor" wUlglTeyou tne opportunity: thl wort lea complete cyclopedia of general Infonaatlon. treaung ea every aubiect la man' kaowieJge: KM imperial pasts, luat iromi tne prssa. so to only oy Often ptloe. Tn 160 to lifAdama sl Room 4IV DKSOLUTION CHICAGO, FER.

4, lfWS-NOTICB IS HEREBY give that Riffle 4 Benter. of aid aoth sc. have dlseolved partnership. A. J.

Benfer will conduct a I Mil tllMhtM. Alt K. nf ta a. A. 1.

BENFaB. INSTJRAMCX. WANTED THE AGENCY OF SOMES FIBST-claa Are Insuraaee eotapaalea. aa I am la a position te write a rood buatue. Adores CHARLES S.

CLELA3D, iit Strata First aa. JaaasTiiie. Wis. fr-eMOSLEB, HALL D1EBOLJV.AMY MAKB or pnee. W.T.

SOOTX Dearnora. SALB-eBOOND-HAND BANK SAT) Call at Ata we wrtta tor particular. HOTELS. HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS AT PRIVATE family prices: table the beat; everything new; steam heat. -Tbe Grey lock." S437 Mleiugaa av.

Boorntr. WILL REPAIR YOUR OLD GRAVEL roof Drommlv nd toll you eont ef renal ra tree. FORD RoOFIJia CO 17 Washington at. HOP.SKBOLn GOO Da. fIA8H PAID FOB USED FORNrTURE, CAB Vy pm.

etc eaure rornirure of hotel aad pnvat iwlil am' spar Ity. T. P. JU Para a. WANTED TO RENT.

YVNTED-THBEB FURNISHED OB FIVE CN-II ruralabed room on Soutn Smhs UHwee 291 aoo Slat sis. Allures tii. TUe luter.

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