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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 1

Cincinnati, Ohio
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THE Ml E.EB EATER Fair Thursday Fridajr fair and warmer. Tempermtar yoeterday Maxlmau, mlnlranm, 88. yoL XXXIIL NO. 83 -THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 23, 1916 PRICE FIVE CENTS PAGES TC-DAY NQU I J6 War lis eel Who Revoke -WMi th Call For 50,000 "'k' I i NEED i Of More Men Is Great, Illinois Senator Says. Nation Is Trifling With Its Honor, Soldiers' Lives and Border's Safety, Solon Declares in Pointed Speech.

Draft of Protocol With Carranza Approved By Polk Battle Ship Sent To. Tampico. mui. mppatcb to rmm Hqrnn. WaihlnHon.

March 22. Senator Sher- Itun. of Illlnoli, to-day Introduced a Joint resolution thtt will have the effect of ealllng the attimttoii of the country to the fact thai many public men bellev th. mere handful of Anwrlcan soldiers now la Mrxlrsn territory win not bo 'to accomplish th task they hav aet out Id do. the resolution follows: "That th President 'ba and la hereby trthorlsrd and directed immediately to ll for volunteer, and to onllat In the of the'tTnlted Bute a fore of "WO, llvma Breforenna imnliri mllttlt of th.

several autea. the term ot rvlce to continue untll'peace la raatored nd cirll government auffleJent to protect tni Property la eatabllahed, and den sely maintained In Mexico; and. Limitation aa To Operation. It further reaolvad. That tba uaa web armed i- "nctly to operating wlthla tha terri- Lrlal limit, 0f Mexico aa an auxiliary to facto Government of Carranaa, permitted; otherwise thaf uch Iww.

be used In the capture of Villa hi. hand, lately committed out- at Columbua. N. M.i and to male. order in the northern m-ovinees of and safeguard and nt h.

Utkn border, of the United States: It further reaoived. That tK. purpose, bay. tMM. the President shall wtlhdr.w military and nav.1 fnM.

United State. from Mexican nd Mexican watera" IIHnol. Senator believe, that there troop audlrtant for'th. Job u- them and warn th. eountry not the danger and national bumllia- 7 of American, en- th of Mexico a.

Gordon, the Rni.k er. at Khartoum. vL Upon th Ubl ZT 8ntor 8hn. who 111 -rai the Senat upon tha aubjeet Hay leopan Diacuaaioo. probable that thia reaolutlon wiu' of r5'" th entire mor.

in-the Sen- iubmiUIn, the reaolutlon In the Sen. Mr said: Immedlauiy available la appar- tm 'PPrehenslv. that Congreaa tkt appreciate condttkma on "order and In Mexico. We "STlNxniD OH SECOND PAOE. Storm Fatal To Five Persons; Indiana Property Loss Heavy; Streams Rise Rapidly in Ohio racial, mn ro txi bxqvibbb.

March 12. Five paraona are known to have been killled In a tornado which awept acroa. Northern Indiana early thia morning-. Several ware Injured aeverely, whll. tba property loaa waa heavy.

Tha reported dead MILO RICKETT8. II year. old. of Logaoaport; cruaheu to death when a roof waa blowa against bouae. SILAS WILLIAMS.

71. of Jalapa, Orant County; killed In collap.e of bouaa. JAMES RECTOR, of Monon; buried In wreckage of houaa blown fifty GERTRUDE ALBPACH, i. daughter of farmer living near Montpeller. CLARENCE WILSON.

11. of Harriaoa Townehlp, Caaa County; burned to death In wreckage of houaa. BENJAMIN RICKETTS. of Logans- Dort; auatalned a cruahed akull and pvooBBiy win not recover. Aa Infant child of Arthur Erwlna, Monon, waa blowa 100 yarda and I.

expected to dla of Ita Injuriea. Tha following aleo were aerloualy Injured: A. H. Netheroutt, of Trimmer, who waa buried under a atova. receiving aarlobj burn, and' when her home waa blown down.

John L. Alapach and wife, pa real, of aracist trT'a to t. sxeoi.aa. -Nashville. March 22.

A bell of yarn, lighted and thrown by a boy Into dry graaa In a vacant lot. started a conflagration In Nashville at noon to-day which waa not under control until late thia afternoon, after 3S realdence block, had been by the fire. The los. is estimated at One negro la known to be dead, and there are reports or a number of other peraona missing, but reports of their deaths could not he verified until a thorough aeorch la made of the rulna. A twisting, oolllng wind driving st SV miles an hour, fanned tha burning grass Into a torrent of Ramea, which quickly caught a planing mill and leaped trm building to building until at least GuO residences had been destroyed, the East Nashville subpostofflce burned the big Warner public school and several churches reduced to To-night it I.

e.tlmated that at leant 8.000 persons are homeless aa a result of the conflagration. National guardsmen called out by Gov. ernor Rye went on duty In tha fire sons late this afternoon, and will remain there for several daya to aid In relief work and prevent looting East Nashville Is separated from'th Nashville business section by the Cumberland River. ad la largely a residence section. Over brick and frame JEALOUSY Leads Young Girl To Slay Rival, She Says, When Bloodhounds Lead To Her Home.

sevnt aipriTca ro raa xoss. 'Leltchfleld, March a flt of Jealousy because, sh said, a roung man of her neighborhood waa paying too much attention to another girl. Delia Monro. 24 ysara old. to-day etopped bar rival.

Iva Gregory. 10. as tha Utter waa on her way home, horsehect. and shot her to death." Th young victim's fatlwr heard the report of tha shotgun and when the rider-las bora approached the horn the parent rushed Into th road to And his daughter had been killed. Bloodhound trailed directly from the scene of th shooting to th Monro home, where th authorltlee beard "th confession of th gto.

Gertrude, who were burned and brulaed when their horn waa blown down, th wreckage taking fire. Mr. Jerry Carber, of St Louie, Ho, who waa a paaaenger on the Clover Leal paaaenger train that waa blown from the track into a ditch near Marlon. The line of the tornado, which waa from 10 to 20 mile wide, waa from Morocco ioutheaat, Monon, Lo-ganaport, Marion and Moytpeller. From Montpeller tha tornado turned to the northeaat and pa.aed over Adam, and Allen Counties.

Part, of Wabaah and Clay Countlea were touched by the atorm before It disappeared In Ohio. Following the tornado a bliaaard awept Northern and Central Indiana. Four paaaenger. were Injured when a Clover Leaf faat train bound for Toledo waa blown from tha track near Marlon. The tornado waa aevera In Caaa County.

Logan.port practically waa cut off from outaide communication today. The Weatern Motor Work, and th Penn.ylvania were damaged by the wind at Logan.port. The property damage In Blackford County will exceed $100,000. Tha Christian Churcb at Montpeller was destroyed. At Gary to-day th wind waa ao tar-1 CONTINUED ON TENTJI PAGE.

Nashville Is Swept By Fire; Flames weeping August a. houaea alike the flames awept like an avalanche. The home of tha Little Sis ters of th Poor, an Institution for the aged, waa one of the first buildings to go. The ocoupanta were rescued with out Injury. Pitiful scenes were everywhere In evidence to-night The fire spread with such auddenne.a that members of many families have been aeparated.

Several wives, and parents were seeking therl children. It Is believed that moat of the missing will be located In homea of Nashville residents, where tha homeless people were taken after the fire. Thrilling rescues were made. Sev eral women were saved by men who risked their lives by rushing through the flames. Eight hundred children were at reci tation at Warner School, hta second largest grammar school of th city.

when the flame, leaped into that block. The teachers continued the lessons, and not until after had aet fire to the window aashea and the cupola of the building were the children dla-missed. They made their escape safely, but, many of them had to paaa through the fire sons in order Io get home. Later the school building waa burned to the ground, Two women were aeriousty burned In escaping from their realdence through tha flame. Another waa struck on the CONTINUED ON TENTH PAGE.

DIVORCE AND ALIMONY At Awarded To Wife of Charlaa J. Iteoaa, of Xaaaillon, Ohio. sracuL pisrATca ro ras asotrsss. Canton, Ohio, March XL Mr." Pauline Vandervoort Steese, wife of Charles 8teae, son of th lata Chart ea J. Steese, wealthy Mass! I loo banker, baa' been awarded a divorce, (23.000 cash alimony and 'monthly payment of 1135 for th care of her two children.

It waa announced to-day the decree was grantsd at a session of Court held Tuesday evening, at th do of regular work, when attorney, unexpectedly appeared and asked that th case be taken up. Steeaa did not conteat the case. Mrs. Steese ssked the divorce on grounds of areaa neglect oi edty. On the stand Mra.

8 tarsi testified that bar husband gave Improper parties, at which many of the guests were women, at hi horn Maasllion while ah was absent, Bh. told of his alleged Improper Intimacy with women hi Maasillon, Canton and other Ohio cities. -Several Cento business awe) were called to testify. Americans By Heirrera 2,000 SoMi A Kaiser Reported To Be at Verdun Front. Russians Capture Three Lines of Trenches.

Austrians Have Abandoned Capital of Bukowina, Report Says. i Galloper Lightship Sunk sraciAL csbls to ras bnqi'isbs. IssiM, Hairs Tt Ts Galleper Lightship, at the taenia at tha Thaasea, baa been torpedoed and saak, neerd lag a Lloyds report. Th Dateh ateasser Aaastellaad, fros. Baeaee Aire for Asaaterdaaa, repertm according to a Renter dispatch frees Yaaaldea.

that aba aet ber re arse for th Galloper l.lahlsklp, but found th spot only a saast above the ear. see of th aca. CBI.K TO TSB BKQI'lRBB. London. March a bombardment carried on with great violence for an entire day the German army of the Crown Prince this afternoon stormed and captured Trench po.ltlons on Haueourt Hill In Its flanking movement against Le Mort Homme (Dead Man's Hill).

The German advance on the slope, of Haueourt la admitted by the French War Offlre which, however, report that the attempt to debouch from Avocourt wood, captured on the previous day, were repulsed. Th latest German move mark, an at-tempt to cut the Verdun-Paria Railway, and win positions for' a flanking lira against th French In th Dead Man'a Hill region. The Importance of the hill is explained by Lieutenant Colonel Roua-set, noted military critic, aa followa: "In order tfiat their success (the capture of Avooourt woods), which we by no mesne seek to belittle, shall not prove to be startle, there must be 'a sequel In the hap of a further advance, ending with th capture of one of the dominating hills encircling th A voeour wood. "If th Crown Prince's objective In attacking In this sector I to endanger our position at Mortez Homme by a flank-big fire, "roust push hi attack to the aatward, storm. Hill No.

X0 between CONTINUED ON F1TTH PAGE, eirs in AMERICANS TESTING MACHINE GUNS OS. POSITIONS Taken By Germans In Movements Against Dead Man's Hill. T3 1, 1 Tk a i va 5 kht axjwaaawr 0bnm. zi 1 't 1 Jfar- Before starting Into Mexico American oldier carefully overhauled and tested their machin gun to prevent a repetition of their xperieoo at Columbua, V. when the piece becam Jammed during tha battl with Villa outlaw.

The lower picture present a view of th nw portable field "buzzer" outfit adopted for th use of the army. It can ba attached to any telegraph or telephone wire ao th operator can oommu- SEARCH nicate with headquarter. China Abandons Monarchy; Change Is Caused By Revolt rsrUI. rBIJI TO TBS BIOJ'IBBB. reklng, March 23.

A State Depart ment, -mjindate Issueo to-nigni announces the abandonment of the mon archy and resumption of the republic. th. mandate says the revolution shows that the demand for a monar chical form of government la not unani mous and that therefore Yuan Hhl-Kal rejects the Emperorship and reaumea the Presidency. The imperial documents, the mandate adds, will be returned by Vuan Hhl-Kal to the Stato Council, which lll recon vene as the Kenate, preparatory to th resumption of th republic. Hsu 8hlh Chang, who left the Cabinet because of the monarchical Government, sinned the mandate as Becreiary oi Btate, bavin's re-enlcred the Cabinet.

escul. piertn to th. sumsks. Washington, March rj. In the downfall of Yuan Shl-Kal's plan, for making himself Emperor, hope Is seen In ofllotal and diplomatic circles here for early restoration of In China and maintenance of the ststus quo In tho Kar East during the European war.

Press dlspalcliea announcing the abandonment of the proposed monarchy occasioned no great surprise, allhbugh there hid been no report of the action I Of Twenty-Four 'Years Ended When Indiana Woman Learns Daugh- ter Elves in Missouri, srsrui. Disrswa to tb. bqbibbs. Bedford, March search of 24 years for her daughter wa ended today when Mrs. John Wlthman learned that Mr.

l-r Brook. Hannibal. I the llltie girl she was aeparated from tooi after her divorce from her first husband. The mother left for Hannibal to-night. n.

Nearly an years ago the mother waa di- vorceo From" William" Henry Tumr whom ahe had married when In her 'teensJ One day when ah wa absent from tb horn th father. It is alleged, returned and carried their little girl away, he never again heard of th daughter until to-dar, when Mra. Brooks wrote to. Bedford ettlsens, asking about the whereabout of ber mother. either to the Btate Department or to the fhlncae legation and recent official dispatches had not Indicated that the atop waa Imminent.

The province of Yunnan, rebelling against th of the Republic, for months haa been maintaining Ita Independence of the Central Oovernmrnt and reports of discontent and revolt have come thick and fast from th Southern districts. In addition in this state of affairs at home, Yusnh.s faced powerful opposition to his plsns from the outside. Greet Britain, Japan and hav exerted presaurc to prevent any governmental change at thi. time. Yuan had expected to proclaim th monarchy and ascend the throne before the beginning of the new year.

When the time came, however, It was announced that the proclamation had been poat-poned Indefinitely, and unofficially It waa stated that there would be no change In the government until the war was over. It ass undemtood that the prospect of having China barred from the pace ne gotiations. In which the nnal disposition of Klaochow will be determined, waa an Important factor in Influencing th poet- ponement. Since Yuan dissolved th Assembly he CONTINUED ON TENTH PAGE. PICKPOCKET Hired By Employees To Rob Appll- cants For Licenses, Qffl- i cial Says.

ourinn ro ras skqckib. New York, March 22. Seven Inspectors and two clerks In tha Department of Licenses to-dsy were accused of participating In system of graft In a report mad to Mayor Mltchel by Commissioner of Accounts Wallsteln. One of the charge. I.

that a pickpocket waa hired by persona In the, department to -rob applicant, for license as they stood In line at th window. TTh disclosure isaahls Instance are said to hav come about through a detective posing aa a pickpocket and entering Into agreement by which he wa to divide what he stole with the Insiders. Ho la said to have given them money he represented aa having been stolen and to have seen It divided among those In th plot. Cmlmallioa; Yolmteeirs Uirgedl By Shermain Ousted Carranza General Takes Field To Support Villa Day After He's Divested of Power. Grave Concern Is Felt For Safety of Uncle Sam's Forces in Interior.

Funston Receives Only Meager Reports From Pershing Regarding Progress. Disaffectionof Garrison in State Capital Is Expected To Make Impossible Sending of Sup-. plies To Expedition's Base By Rail Steps Taken To Prevent Aggression By Mexicans Along Border Line. Ominous Situation at 1 Paso arsrt.i, eiirAtca re tas Bl Paaa, Tegaa, Mare tO-Marnrd' Herrer. brother mi Lai Hewers, wesf arrested ber s-lrht by Ctala Mall, of tb Belle.

CaptaJa all sal arrested Herrer after the Mealeaa bad swtaraed froas a tvr bear' eeafereae with Clraeral Gavlra at Jaares. He refused te aaak aay farther atateaaeat la waeetlea with th arrest. lo arrest waa aaad shortly after Brigadier tieaeral Bell aaaoaaead that be waa tatestlsatla re Berts that the Jaare garrlsea bad deserted Villa. It waa believed Marard Herrera waa taken lata easts to car) kla agltatloa. It waa ast leaned whether he had aeeeeded la swerving Gavlra fros his loyally arraasa.

Th street ear service betweea I'as aad Jaare wa atepsed ta-nlgkt at goa a the reeeasaseadallea th Military siathsrltle. Th asaaager th street ear eeaspaay aald that the erews were getting aerveaa aad that did aat ear to take any risks, altheaak he knew of as aerial trewhle. Uraaral Bell to-alaht ntsaded eeasorahlp to Basra dispatch seat ever rosasaerrlal wires aat ot Kl Pas which, ba said, were aa "laeea- dlaary General hell aald be did aet tetrad to hav Inform-tloa of "prrparatlsaa" was ataklag glvea aat la advance their Denies Truck Drivers Are Missing sricui. enrtra to ras sunis. rolasabua.

N. Mn March 3X -Major leauM. aadlag th military baa her of rk American aaltlea eapedltloa lata Mexlee, te-alght aa-therlsed a denial of a re pert frea. Deaitag that aateaaehlle traeke bad keea feaad la tb C'blhaabaa Dasert aad that their driver, were Balaalag. Major Sample ala slated that there wasa trath la a report tha two Aaierleaa areata bad been hilled Bear Naaslaalpa t-day.

arsritt. Burma to tb. angtiiaaa. flan Antonio, Texas, March 2Z-Oeneral I.uls Herrers, commsnder at Chihuahua, h.s revolted aalnt the Carranaa Oov ernmrnt, declaring himself at war agalnat the United States and taking ths field to support Villa, according to Information received here from a source regarded a. reliable llerrera's strength In the city of Chi huahua wa.

placed at 2.UW men. He had been relieved of command by Carranaa ye.terday, according to information here, hi. revolt taking place ftr he had been relieved. Thia new. was received with grave concern bx Major General Funston and hi itaff.

Th long Intervals between General Perahlng's report already had keyed th. tension to a high pitch, although fjenerel Fun.ton and hla chief of staff continued to profess the belief that all waa well with th troop below Caaa Grandea, but the report from Chihua hua mad Inalgnlflcant any anxiety they might hav felt concerning Perah-Ing'a operational Officially and unofficially the opinion her wa that It Herrera ha. Joined Villa the International alluatlon might be made ao complex that '-br comparison the purault of Villa would be regarded i incidental. Conaul Beltra'n, of Carranaa'. Gov ernment, received no report of tha re ported revolt of Herr.ra.

and h. wa Inclined to laugh at It a a -border rumor." According to tb version reaching here Herrera wa removed Monday from command and Immediately took atepa to alienate hi garrison. Tfcat Carranaa, ha enough loyal troop In Northern Mexico to hold th elty of Chihuahua agalnat him was believed by military men here, but It wa feared that retention of Chihuahua would not hli plan. Military observar her see a possible connection hi Herrera' revolt with th Interruption of wire service between Casas Grande and Jus res yesterday and tli wire-cutting to-day between Torreon nd OJInaga. opposite Presidio, Texas.

It wsa suggested that the persons who cut th. wire between Csa Grande and Jus res might have thought that they w.r being used br General Pershing for communication with General Funston. 4 If Herrera desired he could embarras greatly tha I'nlted State. In Ha effort to run down Villa and hla follower, aay three Cutting ef the Mexican Northwestern Railway at certain point would make It Impossible, they said, for the American, to use it for forwarding uppllea for th army, even If the Carranaa Government decided to grant General Funston' request. Another move that It wa.

feared he might make waa to go north and east along th tmil to OJInaga and emulate VIII by attacking Presidio. A small American force Is there now and this probably will bo strengthened..

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