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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 5

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Dabs-Eisber faction waa renewed with vigor. Chief Justice Bailey, of the Supreme Court, in upholding a decision of udgs Shepard, which waa that a conference held in Indian a polia was the legally authorirsd body to act in all of the church atlaira, gave toe faction a victory so far aa the right to the pal pit was concerned. At the above conference Bishop Bryfogle, who represented uisnoo Jher. wno is now in Japes, appointed the Rv. OU minis or of the Thirty-fifth Street Church.

The Dabs faction retained their old minister, the Rev. O. Berth, and the result was that each tried to take possession of the church. Bisnop toners lawyers obtained an injunction April 17 from Judge Ewing. restraining the Dubs faction from intruding on their property or remov.

ing any furniture or any other belongings of the church. Notwithstanding this fact, it la claimed that the Dubs faction entered the church and removed the organ and forty chairs to the shop of Weller, who is a mem ber of that faction. Here they met yesterday morning and afternoon and held services in the harness shop. The Esher faction, at the hour for church service yesterday morning, went to the church building, only to find the doors and windows securely locked. Some of the members broke in the side door, de stroying the lock and splitting a panel of the door.

At this juncture a policeman appeared on the scene and threatened to arrest them if they did not desist, and they promised to do so. 1 he policeman went away, but shortly afterward they forced an entrance by break ing reveral windows on the south aide of the church, and entering, held services with an attendance of about twenty-five. By this time quite a crowd had congregated about the churcn corner, and when the officer appeared again be went into the church. When an explanation waa made of tbe facta in tbe case he again withdrew. Tbe E-ther faction say they will now keep a guard day and night until the right to the church property is proved in the courts.

The case will again come up before (he Courts in the course of a few days to determine to which party the real estate belongs. Tbe Bav. C. Oct, said to be tbe legally appointed minis'er on the Eher side, said after tbe meeting "I was appointed minister of this church by the Indianapolis conference and intend to bold tbe church, with the help of my congregation. They have been loyal to me and I arprecia'e their help in tha struts to gain ttm which is our by law." The Rev.

Georgi Berth, tbe new pastor for the Dubs faction, made tbe following state ment: "I was the o'd pastor before the present trouble presented i self. I took tbe aide of Biehoo Dubs, believing mm to be rurnt. ana i sun oeiieve so, tnouga ine decision so far baa been against us. ythe eou She xoe courts' BROKE IN THE DOORS Lively Scenes at a Thirty-fifth Street Church. DUBS AND ESHER FACTIONS Each Is Again Trying to possess, the Other.

Northwestern Branch of- the Clan- na-Cael on the Home Rule Bill. -J A vat expected there woe a lively time at the Thirty-fifth Street Evangelical Church yesterday morning. The old war of the It besaa Sataaday eveninsr when the Dubs faction quietly removed forty ebaira from the vharch at Thirty-flftn ana XMaroora streets and look them to the harness shop of John Weller et No. 3529 State atreet. Yesterday morning (he Eisbe rites broke into the church and, despite the removal of the seats.

held services herein. The di possessed Dubs people held exercises three times during the day in the harness s'top, Three years ago at a conference held in the Sheffield Avenue Church, the Ether prople were barred out of the church without the proper authority, it was claimed. A donn or -more suits followed, and the decision of Should the courts finally decide agiinst us as to the church property, -we wilt then start a subscription list and build new church, probably near the present one. Bishop fcsher eon called on me recently and said that if we at tempted to bold services in tbe church Sunday he would have us arrested for contempt gation paid for both. Besides we left sufficient number for the other parish." Tbe 1 CLAK-MA-OAEIa STATEMENT.

of court. After his call I held a consultation with reveral members of tbe church, and we decided not to use the church, bat to secore temporary quarter. We then went to the church and took a sufficient number of chairs to accommodate our crresa tion. I thin we had a perfect right to the chairs, as well as to the organ, as the money of our con- Northwestern Council's Attitude Toward tbe Boms -Bale Bill. A secret meeting of the Northwestern Council of the Clan-na-Gael was held st the residence of a prominent Nationalist in this city yesterday to discuss the borne rule bill snd the question of amnesty for the Irish political prisoners.

Tbe council is composed of representatives of branches in Illinois, Michigan. Wisconsin" Minnesota, the two Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska. Montana and Washington. The result of their deliberations was embodied in tha -following address. which was forwarded to the branches snd ordered published.

Chicago, April tX 1891 Brothers: At this.erit-feal stsgsof the movement for Ireland 's freedom we cannot afford to allow the position of our organisation to be misrepresented or misunderstood. We have never aesuroed to be more than active friends and allies of oar brothers at home and have always contended for the right of tbe people of Ireland to decide for themselves as to ine settlement or toe national question we never sttempted to dictate to tbem, or to nndnl Interfere with their action in a matter of srhiel they alone are competent to judge, and we have never aaniea tne rurnt of any body men out side of Ireland to do We therefore wish the people of Ireland eoe-cess in their efforts to so amend tbe bosne rule bill as to make it entirely satisfactory, or. at least, the basis from which a perfect system of eel f-eovern meat msy in time be developed. uo tne question or amnesty oar position is equally clear. We bope to see The New hen Merchant Loves to bans; on to his goods.

He's been a clerk and his fat shelves-full are like the boy's new top. That's natural enough. But just note the old-timer no romance in his Gorged shelves mean some -one's over buying locked-up money. Watch him' sail into the public's pocket through shrewd advertising watch those cloth -dollars turn into sQvcr-doQars. CAUTION If yu'tt2lr Irvt te tee mJUtiert fern sj ysir fJt, dem't dvertite.

rule accomplished and preceded by a sraeeful and aenevona act of elesaeeer that will remove all eansefor til-feeling. Oar friends should pi fr nnt on lAeieal teohnicslitiae or thst ars really injurious to the prisoners raa-ardiag tba incidents of their trial, bat oa the round of broad and liberal statesmanship. Bat wa mast not forgot that those unfortunate vie elms of Triangle treachery were almost oa tne Mint of Uu released whea an Infamous and cowardly dynamite exp'osioa in Dublin, planned by miscreants who sou Id not afford to see them liberated, eame to close tbe orison doors and to arouse new English prejudices that were fast drius our. The New York a most untrustworthy son roe of Irish news, bos recently been made the medium of eirealatinw thran.h tha country a statement that this organise' ion had resolved aisoaira so aa to merge with tns iris a National Federation? that a Baotland Yard detective had been introduced into its convention, and that its funds had been spent in barine Pinkerton detectlres to hunt dawn tha murderers of ir. cronin.

These infamous falsehoods are tbe concoctions of Ireland's worst enemies, the mon wbo had Cronin butchered in cold, blood to cover up their own treachery and theft. Iod by the villain wi brought LeCaron into the orcaniastton, who auDoiied him with bis information, ana whose tool, Barfcley, forced the spy by means of fili. credentials into the "onion eoaventioa in 186b, in spite of the strong protest of Cronin snd bis eollea uss, their purpose is now te sow distrust and dissension in our ranks, so that their chief employers, the Tones, msy be brought back to sower and Ireland's' noose blasted. It is a renewal of the sinister work which ended in the Carlson cottage butchery. Oar organization is in a flourishtna condition its treasury has recovers from the wreck brought by tbe thieves and murderers whom we expelled, and not a dollar of our funds was ex panded in connection with the Cronin trial, although our members contributed liberally from their own Dockets to sustain American lew and defeat a murderous conspiracy that disgraced tbe Irish name.

Stand toe-ether, broth ers, as of old, and be on your guard acainst sensational newsDSner renorts. Trust to the Jnda-ment and firmness of our brothers ia the old land, and keep clear of demagogues who would trade on your sympathise and the prejudices of the unthinking. Uod save Ireland. Tba above address ia aimed by repre sentatives of districts K. Ll M.

N. O. P. B. S.

and V. II FA YOB OF THE XOBE BItX. Brighton Fork Xaaproyeaaemt Club's dress to Speaker Crofts. morgue, Found Dead In the Street. Hood's Baraanarnia ia aa m.nui bilaeasaess, headache, and lose of aVpeUteT Ad- Tbe Brighton Park Improvement Club of the Twenty-eighth Ward held a meeting yes terday at Ward and Archer avenues, at which the following letter was approved and for warded to Clayton E.

Crafts, Speaker of the House of Representatives We. tbe undersiraed voters, convenes at a reo-nlar meetinx of tbe Bria-htoa Park limrovs- ment Club of the Twenty-eighth Ward, Chicago, aa nereoy respectfully con your attention to the manner in which the Nohe bill has bsea treated by this session of the Legislature. Be ing res'deits of a railroad community and many of us employed by vsrious railways, we fully SDDreciste tns neeasaitv for tns Droteetioa of cur lives, and we furthermore desire to ex. press our cordial disaDBroval and condemnation of tbe infamous measure now oa the statute books. limiting the value of human life to sS.MXX We shall do all ia our oower.

both bv our vote and icnaenee, to secure farther protection. Therefore we do earnestly nrsv raa to nse your oniaiat position, so far aa possible, to wipe oat the unjust law now ia force, st this session of tbe Lee tela tare, end to secure, if possible, the passage of a measure that will a-oarantee to tha heirs of any person killed through the careless-nets or neeliawne) of others tha anm ef SV00O and leave the jury ires tt award such additional payment for carnages as the nature of the case may warrant. BRIEF MENTION. The Question Clab Favors Sua day Work Darlag tha World's Fair Season. Tbe Chicago Quest ion Club, at its meetinc yesterday, et No.

337 South Hslsted street, di enssed the question. "Should We Work Sun days, and Not Saturdays, That We Hay Attend tbe orld air!" After a diseuskm participated in by D. W. Crooch. Smaller Geora-e Wright, J.

Mullins, Mr. of gin. W. Harris, and J. J.

Eagles, ths following resolutions were adopted Retotrcd. Tost duty to nosteritr sod ourselves impels us to garner knowledge the World's Fair now affords, and hHp dispei ths ignorance and superstition that enthrall mankind iMOlvea. That wa therefore should work Bob. days and not Saturdays, that we may attend the Fell from Window. The bed of John McAllister was found on the stone pavement in the rear of the dwelling at No.

bit Twenty-third street yesterday. Me-AUister roomed in the bouse and it is thought that he fell from a second-story window. He was 29 years old and waa employed as sales man for the uarden Ulty feather (Company. Tha remains were removed to Sigmand The body of Valentine Seblits. a German, who lived with his sister at No.

408 One Hundred sad Sixth street, was found near tbe corner of One Hundred and Seventh street and South Park avenue yesterday morning. An epileptic fit is supposed to have been the cauie of his death. 1 he body was removed to Norlie morgus. Boy Killed by a Train. Ernest Truemsn was run over and Instantly killed by a Chicago and Eistern Illinois freight train at Sixty-third and Wallace streets yesterday afternoon.

Hi attempted to board the train, when the band-rail broke and he was thrown under tbe wheels. Trueman was 14 years old and lived with his parents at No. 622J South Hslsted street. Tbe body was removed to Hois ton morgue in Hyde rark. Address by Mrs.

BaUlsfisa sirs. Ballington Booth addressed tbe students of the University of Chicago last night. She spoke about Salvation Army work in general. and told her hearers in an interesting way what that organisation ia doing ia the great cities of America. Anamaneements.

Ths People's Church Literary and Social Club will bold its closing meeting this evening in the church, corner of Monroe end Laflin streets. A musical programine wilt be given by Lily Hanals, assisrea oy miss orousii, tne nonemtan violinist. ur. nomas will a silver aa aaaresa. At Western Avenue If.

K. Chureh. Western avenue and Monroe street, there will be given IOBlDt SB SttrUtlTS mtUmiMBI I han. lain Losier entitled, Yoar Mother's Apron otringv' roiiowea uy a general farewell recep tion to Ur. K.

B. Fettriohn. who ia about to leave for Alma, Mien. Miscellanea ua. Fifteen photograrh in three styles for 13 at Stevens' studio, McVicker's Theater Building.

Gustavo Havin. of No. 248 North State street. died yesterday afternoon after a protracted ill- is. lbs peuee were notified ana removed the remains to the morgue at No.

141 East Chicago avenue. Officer Lahe. of the Central Station, arraatad Samuel Kaffia. 17 years old. on La Hails atreet.

near Madison, last nieht. Raffle had a nnantitv of goods in his possession that bad been stolen from a oaroer ehop. C. Card, a colored Barter emnloved at No. 11 tt'i State street, was found dead in bed yesterday morning.

He was 43 vaara old. Hn de th is supr osed to heve been ceased by heart lease, us remains were taken to Sigmand'e morroa. In attempting to board a State atreet niivaf at the corner of State and Randolph streets yesterdsy afternoon, H. A. Fielden.

a colored in, lsii, ana was slightly bruised about the ft a. He was removed to hia ksau as 71 State street. BIO AMUSEMENT VKNTURE. AadlfoKam Balldlaz at St. Paul to Be Devotee te Theatrical Farpoees.

St. Pacx, April 3. Tbe monater Auditorium Building with Its 6,000 seating capacity, which is now In process of erection, is destined to posse's an interest to the ioveri of opera for which it was originally not destined. The perpetuation of the bags, well-arranged Auaitcrium sad its for theatrical purposes are pro posed. Everything points to tbe success of this venture.

A. Johnson, late. Clerk of the Minnesota Hocse of Representatives, has been chosen manager, and last night concluded the deal for the first entertain ment, which will be the dedication of the great hall. May 9, by Fran Materns. Plunkett Cresn.

and others- Fran Materaa will open her American season in this city on tbe date named. Af er tbe dedication concert the Auditorium wi 1 be naed tnr tha Miila revival meetings, the grand recep ion to President 4. J. Hill, of th fiMt Snrik.n. Bailway, and for the numerous National conventions to be held here during- the aum- mer.

The amusement company will inter. perse tbe conventions with "So use's Con-' grass of Nations," the Vienna Band, and other attractions THE DAILY INTETt OCEAN, MONDAY MOniOKO, APBll 24, 1803; THINK IT IS WRONG. Mass Meeting: In Opposition to the Russian Treaty AT CENTRAL MUSIC HALL. Judge Tuley Makes a Stirring: Patriotlo Address. Bishop Fallow.

Dr. Hlrach. Other Speak Text of the Resolutions. crime or political crime, Is entitled to a fair and lal trial ia an ooaa court, ena tea wbat aa accused persoa ia Jiaasia haa no eertainitv of n-attiaa. 1 do not know whether, at this stage ef the proceedings, tbe treaty can be defeated or not.

out i aa xaow mil it can not ne aereeiea it can be rendwea worthless and inoperative by the organisation of public opinion arainst it and that it mav be wholly abroa-atod and an nulled by a higher authority than that of tha Senate which carelessly and ixnoraatly ratified it. namely, tbe authority of tbe American pie. To that people we now appeal. Bishop Samuel Fallows. Bishop Fallows was ths next speaker.

He said, in parti My father was a deseendsnt of one of the iada-ea who seateneed (Jharlae of Ena-laod. Tbia treaty, as we now understand it. would compel this country to give np every one who bas at any time, le any way, cnaaaea uessian dosnotism. Yon misrht as well try to wed to death aa to wed a land et liberty to tbe imsr of Jtussta. ray suaaaa 97,000,000 for bar domain, bat never, never, never prostitute America by throwing her into she arms of the worst of despot Isms.

F. O. Brown snake next. He said In secrecy and executive session ths United Btatea haa enacted a fas-itive slave law. Te men.

unless they retrace their a tens, will find that they have committed DOlitical suicide. otherwise the people will iaaasarate a process which will make Bosnian treaty nucatory. Is this country to be made a convention for the return of criminals The people wbo msks these lews ars mere committees, sad we are told that a elark or commissioner of the United Ststes Court is to decide wbo shall be delivered on tha dees suds of Russia. Their decision will be made the evidence of oolicemen. detectives snd spies, i promise ail nay energy, aaa physical, to resist the execution of the msndatee growing oat of that treaty.

Ihia thing would Usui oa uprising of tns people. The Bev. O. P. OlObrd.

The Rev. Dr. said i What America Bronooea to-dav. noat lanreafa Tennyson told in his poem "JLoekslsy HsJL" Hia sweetheart married another. Thee be resolved to msrry a savage and rear dusky children.

But in a sober moment be resolved otherwise. Bat this coo airy proposes to marry Itself to Hnaatn OT this inlamona treaty. Tbe time has not come thst it can be said of tha American nublia that it ia tba creature of tbe onranised despotism beyond the sea. It is joggling with words to say that we meat aire back the man whs ia stream fling in his blind wsy to shake off the yoke of oppression, must we thrust men into the jews of Russian despotism! No, aad it will not be done. Let Russia lift Siberia to the level of tome of oar dog kennels and stables before the eiamora lor reiua-sea, lot her make herself a country that other countries will respect, and beore thst time I promise not to raise my hand to make the United Btatee the alave-cateher for Dr.

K. O. Hlrscb. Dr. EmUO.

Borsch said The treaty la against the spirit of American liberty. In oil International treatise America ia treated as a baby. Treaties ore adopted behind dosed doors and ought to be colled ooa-piracies. 8. Dsrrow said, that Hassia wss a eoantry thst is only known to respect because of the actions of its outlaws.

He thought the United States had SS wall mako a treaty with On Airioaa Prison, At tha doss of Jdx. Darrow's remarks the tnd It was a repreeentatave meeting that as sembled in Central Moaio HsU yesterday afternoon to protest against the notion of the United States Senate in ratifying the extra ditioa treaty with Russia. The audience was enthusiastic snd every seat ia the hall taken, though there was no rush or Jam. Judge M. Tuley, of the Circuit Court, was announced, snd when be stepped upon the stage there was loud snd prolonged applause by ths 2,000 people present.

He wss introduced by State Senator Edward T. Noonaa- as presiding officer of the meeting, snd the following vice presidents of the meeting occupied seats on the stsget The Rev. Ok P. Gilford, Frsnk Brown. Bishop Fallows, Dr.

Emil O. Hirsca. Edward F. Be. mis, E.

Mayer, DeWitt Cregier, Henry D. Lloyd, George Schilling, Lister Hubbard, Mrs. A. Stevenson. Adalia Saislsski.

Ltw renes Lsnghlia, F. O. Brows. Mrs, Corrine S. Brown, 8.

Darrow, Mies Starr, A. Bort, Charles Kocminaki, Dr. A. Norden, Joseph Errant, and Miss Mary Eenneyt Address of Judge Taley. Judge Tuley.

advancing to the rostrum. said in parti "The inquiry naturally arises, why is it have interested ourselves in behalf of Russian refugees? It it because eternal vigilance is slwaya essential, and a wrong done to the humblest Russian peasant is wrong done to yon, to me, and ths 60.003,000 people who profess allegiance to the Ameri can flag. A law affecting liberty of any citizen of this country is wrong. The purpose of this treaty is to deprive some one of his or her liberty. It is the settled law Of nations that there is no moral obligation upon one nation to another to surrender criminals, and a refusal is held to be no offense.

Tbe law of extradition has risen within the last fifty yesrs, but within my knowledge it baa ex isted only with countries like Mexico snd Canada, whlcb are contiguous to Ihia country. and the law waa created for the punishment of criminals snd the protection of society. But the conditions should be that the criminal so extradited havs fair hearing. I ask why it ia that the United States should surrender cnminsl to Russia Civil law has no say there monarchical law has been snd is to-day the rule. Weald Dishonor tha Xatlon.

The fact is the criminal laws of Russia are such as to dishonor any nation that will make with it an extradition treaty. Thomas Jeffer son told Spain when she sought similar extradition law: ''If you punish the innocent the United States will be an accomplice." Later tbe United States refused such a treaty with China. Now. I would like to know why Chinese justice is sny worse than Russian justice. But if we must have aa extradition treaty with Russia why must we have it with new and unheard-of provisions I It says that it devolves upon this country tbe deportation of criminals.

Our present President, Grover Cleveland, is a msn whose heart beats with all good people's. I don mean to criticise ma acts, out par ties change and met die, and treaties live forever. 1 be great atimouity ts that ex tradition provides no means of iavestiaratioa ss to man's guilt. The best authorities have held that if thera ia one role Of law that is bad it is extradition. This is stl being done for tbe personsl protection of tbe Jm.

peror of Russia, snd I ask yon why should Russia be permitted to make tbe President of the United States snd those subordinate to him bit policemen to arrest Russian crim inals? What interest hss a Russian, who ia an American citizen, in the Czar, the effete monarens and a bsolut despotism of the old world? This country is tbe asylum for the oppressed of all nations, snd is the land of the free and shall ever remain so. Should extradition of Russian eitixtna be sttempted we wilt a peal to a higher powerthe Con stitution of the United States. We will whether President and about thirty United States Senators can cast a stigma of dis grace upon our country." Letter froan Georga Keaaaa. Judge Tuley then read letter from Georga Kennan, the Russian traveler, expressing bis regret at being unable to attend the meeting. and announcing bis unalterable opposition to a treaty of any kind with Ituss.a.

1 am opposed to tbe pe ding treaty npon the broad ground that it would send back accused, bat not necessarily gui ty, Russians to a country where the fundamental principles of civilised Jurisprudence are disre garded, where personal rights areoontemntously ignored, and where official anthority and administrative caprice have usurped, to a great extent, the places of jasttce and law. Every person accused o( enme. whether it be common following resolutions were read and adopted by a riaing vote. ThafUswlntloaa, J' Smolvtd, That the unprecedented haste and seereey with which the extradition treaty with Russia has been negotiated, ratified, end executed, are altogeth inconsistent with the principles and prosperity of gevsrnntent by the people. Betotoed.

Thst a psopls wbiob beasts thst it is the ref age of the oppressed of sll nations esnaot without lots of ss If -respect withhold its shelter from those voluntary exiles against whom no other offense is charged thaa that they need tbe assumed names and netixjoua pa as ports by which they alone eoeld as ease to as from a government which at pleasure denies the right of any sabject, however innocent, to free move-meat and change of domicile. RmAvtd, That we cannot consent that officers of American justice be. used to retarn presumably innocent refagesa to a government which will try them under the martial law it has main, tained over tbe principal part ef its territory for twelve years ia time ef Deaee. and under tha provisions of a penal code by which merely to praise our Djclarstlon of Independence end the Constitution of the United States, can be held to be en accomplished crime against tha life of tbe Chief Hnler, trisbe witboat jury, counsel, publicity, or appeal and paniahab.e by death. torture, ana exue, not uy ir the principals, but for any brother, wife, friend, or child who knew and aid not tell the polios.

Impassible aWelprswity. 'Jtemlved, That aa extradition treaty is reciprocity treaty, and. tha. share eaa be no reciprocity without equal services aad equal ben- en ts, ana toeee ara mnaasiom oy a treaty which gives ths extradition all tbe rights of Anglo-Saxon justios, and a nation which asks as te ase oar police, in tne woras i nomas jenenoa, as aeeomplieej therefore, that whilom inequalities eoatiaoe there eaa be no-proper extradition treaty between Bosnia and the United States. Rr soloed.

That a comparison of number ef assassinations of tbe chief ruler of America and Russia daring the past thirty years. Indies tas that there exists no orgaaisMt society of swasu. nation ia Baasia. and that no axtraorJiaary peril, aesaanaing xtroorainarr threatens tha rular of that country, and Betolvtd, That ths demand for the extrsd tion to Kassia of persons msds to appear guilty of aa accomplished crime against tha life of the Csar, has evsry appoaraoee an attempt to obtain the essistanee of she go venomous of this eoantry in condemning to death lb. se whose only crime is to have endeavored to do for their brethren what Washington and tha other founders of American ladependeaee did aa.

JUtoloed. That to return persons so aceassd to a power which will try them by military spd summary courts, unknown in the Jariaorndenee of any other nation of Europe or America, ia contrary to the principles of intornatioaal law, American liberty, and modern progress, is a violation of tha unvarying practice of onr govern. meat since its foundation, and will never be eeioosly consented to by ths people of this country. Trial by Jury. Jtetolved.

That we eaa hot forget that we ara descendants of those who in 177e daolared the government ruling them to be an "absolute tyranny," and overthrew among other reasons jr depriving us in many eases of the benefit of trial by Jury, and for transporting an beyond ths seas to be triad for pretended offenses; and that a decent respect for tbe opinions of mankind eompeia as to refuse to deliver -man end women wbo are at oat-merer to a similar tyranny; snd lirtol ped, Thst no American, whether he be President. Secretory of State, Jadge, or court bailiff, can be considered a gentleman if be runs as a blood bound after those who have fled to as as a city of refuge to catch them for a fate to which he would never surrender himself or his countrymen. Xetolved. Thst when we abandon the rights of tbe foreign brother wbo claims onr protection we begin the abaadonment of our own tights, and that the eternal vigilance which is the Dries of liberty, rooting by the mistakes of past civibsstions, if it wishes to ins are that the institutions of America are never turned against the freedom of Americans, mast see to it that they ara never turned against the freedom of nay one, great or humble, at bosne or abroad. Slaves of Tyranny.

BrsofordL That aniens the Conatitntion af tbn United States is a heresy, people who live under a government which rales them without consent, taxes them without representation, da-Drives thorn of life, liberty ead property without the process of law. aad denies their riaht to think, speak, or even pray for a redress of grievances, are bLsvm: that those wbo mast Or bm. oa nse they asked for freedom are fugitive slaves that a law to retam thorn by force is a fugitive siave law ana tnat any attempt to eaforee another fugitive slave law in this eoantry will result aa before in a terrible conflict between the lew and tha conscience of the people, aad in the re-establishoaoot of that regret table but glorious illegality, the underground road for fugitive slaves to Canada, where under another flag the oppressed will find protection if it is denied nodes- the eta re anat at bubs. Kemttved, That weabhwr assasslnstiosw murder by surpriss and treachery, aad the gieelss the aasssaia tbe greater our horror aad, Bcnlvd, That as between a government which murders its subjects by treachery end surprise and aa individual who retaliates the government is tbe worse, bees ass the greater, and that a sense ot justice for bias as to interfere to help sua greaior sanww, American firsoteed, Thst none can be trus Americana wbo forget that America is America, and that we are free, pros peronj and happy because ear great forefathers nravea tne allows, tne auageon, ead tba battlefield to win for us the rights of men. ana tnat oar innsntea weaiia or uoerty moves us to the deepest sympathy for the lovers of lib-erty in Rossis, sua anywhere, who arc seeking to opsn the way te freedom for their conn try at en, and tbe smaller their number the more reverent the hr.mage we pay to thair courage end self-sacrifice.

Rrtolvrd, Thst we extend onr grateful thanks for its warnings snd information to tba American press, which hss been in this affair the only re present tire aaa friend of toe people. Jfrsoiord, That we request onr administration at Washington to ando tba dishonor of this treaty by giving immediate notice to the Bosnian Government of determination, after the necessary formalities have been fulfilled and, KemUvtd. That a committee ot five be ap pointed by tbe chairman of this meeting to transmit copies oi tnese resolutions to the resi dent of the United Ststes, the Secretary of State, the Legislature of Illinois, and tha repraaenta. tires of this State in the Senate of the United POLICE ROUGHLY TREATED. Kossna People Kill One of the Draft team.

5 A Ons load. 28 horses, One load. 30 horses One load. rO korm tl7 -horses, sold at Taos 1M horses sold at SataF- asy aactioa for TV aorsss at private sola 1 ion 1X in 16 16 IB lot 16 16; IBM ia 16 18V 16 16 16 ISh 10H in IB; 16 1.1001 1.000 l.OftO 90U I3.10O l.xOOl 1.1! SO 1.800 1.8SOI 1.1 WI 2,850) 600l l.oool I. Via 1,4601 1.4SOI 1.BOOI i70 U476 1.700 1.O0O 1.6O0 1.760 laiool Bahamas Constabulary.

Xxw Toax, April Nassau advices, un der data of April 17, say i Soma months sgo ths Bahamas Government seat to Barba dos for a company of men, sixty strong, who wars pat through military drill by Captain Learmouth, late of ths Linear, Tnasa men were brought to Kssssa and called tha Bahamas ooustabulaxy. For a month or so tba psopls have com plained of tba brutality of constabulary. Bo idcsTbseci re re tbs people of Grantotown- that on tha night of April 1 they barnad tha guard room, boat tha constabulary and stoned Captain Learmouth. To-day a constable had hia brains beaten in in tha centre of tba city of Nassau, Whan tba tost of tba force heard of thia oatroga they rushed out with fixed bayonete, cleared the streets sod wounded several persons. An attack of tba people from Grsatstown is expected momentarily.

Tha force has been kept in the barracks, for if they venture out they will surely bo murdered. CHICAGO BORSE MARKET. F. J. wry A Co Union Stock Tarda, say that the hard wether wa hare been bavins-for some days past has bad a 11 Us depressta- eflect ea the market, especially for drivsrs.

bat there is every reason to think that with p'easaut weather wa will have a rood drmaad aad stroaa prices durtfls com ing week. Weauota: Btreetars sailing from 085 to S11U.1.1O0 to 1,800 pounds! chunks, SOB to ISO: expraseers, 180 te 0206, IfiOO to 1.700 pounds 8139 to S3sa These prlese are for soand horses, ia rood flesh. wall brokaa snd from to 8 years old. Kisht hon ored to lCO-poanaV chunks are celling from 860 to ooa The following Is a resort ot sales mads by F. J.

Berry Oo. daring tha past weekt Bond horse, pseer, Boad norsa, Road horse, spdy. boh norsa. arsr Spaa road horses. Coach horse, sorrel.

Coach horso. sorrol Coach horse, bay loaca noree, Coach horae. Coach horse, bar Coach team, roan uenrs anver.rray Gent 8 driver, bar Oant's driver, Oeot's driver, Express noree, a-rsy. Jtxprees horse, Express borsa, eray nzprese norae. Day Eznress norae.

Express horso. lrsft horse, gray Draft horae, fray Draft horse, brown Draft horse, bar i 9190 00 170. 00 182.60 167.60 980.00 SuO.OO 910 00 160.00 182-60 l7.0O 870.00 10 KJ 12600 isaoo liooo 170 00 160.00 16iR0 67.60 16.00 inaoo sou.oo 1K7.60 160.00 40.00 iao3 8.906.00 iai7J 1.A3000 1B.TO2-M sUlAW TWOHEINOUSCRIMES Lizzie Brookbank's- Startling Two Story of Her Abduction. LOCKED UP FOB FOUR DAYS. Men and Two Women Placed Under Arrest. Reynolds. Roofor, Victim of an Unknown Assassin. ins Under the care of ths matron st ths annex of tbe Harrison Street Polios Station is 13-year-old Lixzis Brook bank, of No. 163 West Polk street. She is is a precarious condition as tbe result of an assault committed upon her last week, and aba hss told the polios a story of daring sbd action which bos led to ths arrest of two men and two woman.

They are responsible, s'm says, for her condition, sad ons of tbem, Charles Johnson, has been identified by her. Tbe girl is large for bar sgs, snd is axeep. tkraally intelligent. Her father, Robert Brook bank, waa fonnsrly a painter, bat bis health failed snd for two rears be has been confined st home an invalid. Mra.

Brook-bank, however, has brought in a moderate inoome by dressmaking, sod ths boms hss svsr been happy one. Threatened to Kill Bar. It was lost Monday evening, about 7 o'clock, aooording to ths girl's story, whoa sbs was walking up sad down Polk street ia ths immediate vicinity of her homo, She was with several friends nai play matte, bat bad for a moment st roiled a abort distance from thorn. Suddenly sbs was sooosted by swarthy-look ing man, who was accompanied by a woman. Sbs attempted to so ream, but waa prevented by the man, who pot ons hand over bar mouth and with ths otoer seised her roughly by tha should er.

"Coma with as. little girl, or 111 kill you," be said, as ha attempted to drag her with him. But lizxie straggled vigorously, whereupon tha woman earns to tns man'a assistance aad tha two dragged ths girl along West Polk street to Despiaiaea, thanes north to Harrison. Hera she was takea ap a dingy stairway sad rocked in a room alone. The girl declares thst it wss Charles John, son who throttled her snd that tbe woman with him was Mrs.

Maud Erinkie, his sister. Tba bouse where sbs was taken, she alleges, was that of their mother, Mrs, 1. Burnett. The trio' lived on tbe second fljor of ths frame building on tba northwest corner of Desplalnes and Harrison streets, occupying too poorly furnished rooms. Toe girl says that soon after she was locked, la ons of theas Mrs.

Barnett snd her daughter entered aad threatened her with death, if aha should make any outcry or attempt to eeoape from tba house. Then, according to her story, the two women were rejoined by Johnson, and they ail started to tha Northwestern depot and boarded aa outgoing train. it this point tba girl's story becomes revolting in ths extreme. She ssys that they left the train at Calvary and proceeded rapidly to tns house of Ous Miller, who lives near tba cemetery. Johnson remained with her, sbs claims, and tns woman returned to too city.

According to her story sbs wss kept at Miller's hoaea for foar nignta. Wound la Miller's Howoe. Ia tba meantime tha parsnts of tha girl. alarmed by bar prolonged abeeaos from home Monday evening, tba Max wall Street police. Mr.

Brookbxak told tbem ha had seen Johnson and his sister speak to tha g.rl oaos or twice, and although ha had warned her to have nothing to do with, tbem, ha feared they were responsible for her disappsarsno. Oa tha strength of Mr. Brookbank's sus-picioa. Detectives Golden snd Harding went to Mrs. Barnett's bouse.

There they found tha mother and daughter, but John sou bad not been there for soma time. For foar days tha officers worked on tba ease, aad Friday they determined upon placing the two women under arrest. This was dona, aad tha sams day they learned thst tba girl hsd been tskea to Calvary. Friday evening they went there snd found Lixxie locked in sn upstairs room. Sie was removed to bar home and Millar was brought to tha city and locked ap at tha Maxwell Street Station.

Tbe same night, fearful lest tbe girl would be molested st her homo, her parents consented to bar removal to tba Hsr-rieon Street Annex. The police then eonUaed their search for Johnson, and early yesterday morning they found him in Joseph Blouse's aalooa, at No. 368 Clark street. He wss arrested and taken to tbe Maxwell Street Station. Ha refused to ssy anything about tba alleged abduction and bis mother, sister aad Miller also mam.

tained tha strictest silence. Johnson is 24 I years old snd does nothing, so far as is known, to gaia a livelihood. Hit sistar, Mrs. Kriakia, is 25 years old. STABBED THREE TIXES.

George Reynolds, Roofer, Kurds) red by Unknown Xis. Shortly after A o'clock yesterdsy morning tha body of Georga Reynolds was foaad lying in a pool of blood en tha sidewalk at tha cor-nsr of Loomii snd Rebecca streets, A bloody knife lying within ten feet of tba body told tba story of his death. There was every indi. cation of murder, three wounds, two on tha head and on just above the stomach, being ouad on tbe body. QTha discovery was made by James Donahue, a gatemsa on tha Chicago, Burlington and Qaincy Railroad.

Donahue sum mooed tha polios, snd tha body was removed to tha County MorsTaa by tba Maxwell street oatroL When tba body of Reynolds was discovered it lay oa its right side, ths right arm raised above hia hood aad hia left hand, clinched by hia side. There was no avidaaos of a struggle, tba circumstances pointing to hia having been struck down from behind, aad thaa stabbed while falling. Either of the wouada would have been sufficient to have killed tha man, aad it is doubtful if ha mads aay resistance. Tha position in which tba body was found and tba location of tba woaads eoatradict tha theory of suicide. It would have been in.

poasibla for tba man to hava inflicted tha wound oa tba back of tba bead himself. Tha knife found near the body ia short and aharp, and ia similar to those used by roofers. There was nothing of value in tha Kckets of tba dead man. sad as ha been seen drinking in a number of aa-loona daring tba night, with considerable money In his possession, tha theory of rob. bery is entertained by tba polios.

Tba floers at work on tba osss msde five arrests yesterday, aad they ara confident they hava captured tba guilty man. Goorgo Reynolds, tba murdered man, was tar-roofer and was shout SO years old. Ha waa known as hard drinker snd waa frequently under arrest for drunken nees. Ha waa unmarried and lived at No. 1112 Wast Twelfth street.

WITH PITCHFORKS AND HATCHETS. Aagast Crsss Badly Weandeel la for-oll rigaa, Aagast Cross was badly woanded in a free- for-all fight at tha borne of Joha Caadoa, Ho. 89 Tildea avenue, yesterday aftornooo. Cross sad Candee ouarrelei over tba posstation of a borse blanket and tba former finally called Caadoa a liar. Caadoa and hia wife thereupon attacked Cross with a pitchfork aad batchet.

ihflietingsovaral wounds aboat bis bead aaa back. TTbe police removed tha woaaded maa to bis borne, while his assailants were looked op at tba Deeplaioea 8 tract Station. All tha parties ara Italiona, Omaha Scltoolmaatar Omaba, April tL Special Telegrams The trial of Profeeeor A. B. Carroll, ef the Bheuandoah (Iowa) schools, closed lost night In a complete vindication of hie course.


26 3 P. BTTTIJtnV April tt. at her residence. Kn. 823 sfarsa- aeid avenue, sirs, eennta a- nee ffnosonvwire of William t.

batter, ranerat needs 7. st 10:40 noeo. or carrioses to nose urn. BABRT At htr residence. Me.

1077 South Leevltt street. Hstle. be In red danf nter nf Mrs. Patrick Barry. Funeral Toesdsr, April 2a, at 0 o'clock sharp, to feu Pine Chorea for hisa mass, thenee to Morthwastsra depot aod by cars to IMaoa.

1U. for banal. BAEBETT April S3, af bar late reridsnee, Wv oast nny-aita street, bus. story nu. wile ef Barrett.

KXXIS April S3, at the residence of her son-in-law, the Bev. Joseph Bowler. Irvine fsrk. Coleaso, Mra Marr C. relict of ths Bev.

B. T. ed 78 yeare. Funeral at the Baptist Uaorca, Wsdnos- TAULKHEB April S3. Joha Faulkner, seed 07 years, beloved of Toomas, Bamnel.

Joseph. William, snd Kittle Faulkner and Mrs. Ward. Funeral from rssld mce. No.

south Fark STsnue, Tuesday. April 84. at SUM a. B. to bt.

saanos vanrca. inwuce dv cnieaso. Mil aamsq and bl nu rauwsy si valvar? uometory. BABLAJSD Sprll st ShermervtUa. (sm uausnter oi tows ana a is laeta ttsrlaaa.

unernj uneasy, at 1 a a oca. at ooermerville. BALL April t1, Aaa lea BstL seed 07 years. Fuaerai all s'sloek to-day, from her lass rael- aeaes. mo.

a.a aisueia street, sssisvooa. HOeaH At her late real denes. No. US Sooth oroaawsr. oil el.

ill. Mra. Joha Hitfia. mither of the Bev. J.

K. Hons, of Bsrv.rd. Funsrel Wedaaeday. a lOufO o'cloca. a At.

ret race a uma eoues. glSPrxLA-At bis parents' residence. Ho. ISO We Ohio street, Jsme yonns-eet son of Joha and EUs Klneella. raneral to-day at 11 o'clock, by BODES April X.

at his home. Ho. 108 Washburn wpwo svonen. area 1 years. Mls-h mass will bs held at 1040 o'clock to-day at Holy x.anf vnrea.

riwii oy cerrtares to tavary Omotery. Boston papers please copy. 8TAN At his reetdsnce Ho. Ullmea street. Lawrence, beloved bneband ot tha lats Catharine Brao.

and father of Mrs. liana Cannulas, snd n.rr, anna inn in, ua Kyan. native of the parUh ot fcoUbead. County Tlppjrary, Iro-lsnd. ssed 64 yesrs and 10 days.

Fun -ral Wed nse. dy al 8:30 o'clock, to St. atrldfel'. Charrh whore voiemu a ib a bbm win ee eelstirsted, tbeeee by 5V'' Calvary. Baneor Ba.

aod Cbateans-ay (AT. y. papers oieass copy. BOBEBT6 April S3, st her home. Ho.

75 Ssera. msato street. Marairat Willi. as Bobsrto. wife of the Bev.

JLbls Bobs its. But Ice of I nasrsl hereafter. SCLUVAW4-r1, W. o- 1613 Rtsts street, Elisabeth, w.fe of F. H.

Bulttvaa. seed 26 rears. Fuuersl Tsesdiy by rarrlsses to St. Jonas Charcb. thence ta Morthwesiera Depot, by ears te Oslvary.

The oeaisas ca misu ilovus- Any at aa hour's notice st Oall Aay a. ia oolaia. Tel. SSM. pOB SALE BACEXABP CEBKTEBT.

SoO sessrs feet, eeatrslly located. atEBCU AST, PIT Chamber nf Oommerce. Cor. LaSalle and Waahlnston GRAND OPERA BABBT I. BAaTLnt HOUSE.

ataaarsv tost Week of ths XarareaBent of MRS. POTTER and MR. BELLEW FrsasuMog at the evealaa THERESE And at tbe Wednesday and Saturday Matinees THB MARRIAOQ 8PEOTHK, Brxt Weck-BOL SMITH BCASZXL. THE HAYMARKET Will I. Davis, West Modleoa aad Hslsted Ms.

The Foremost Amsricaa Trogedlaa ROBERT I I RICHARD DOWN1NO I The Uon -Hearted. and Bat-THS GLADIATOR. Friday Mleht-VlBGIKIUa. The oaly lesttuaate attraction In tha city. HkXT.i Tbe Bomaatls Actor.

KOBT. MAWTELL, BCNoATlprosentlne First Time here the tin way, TBI rikt ia iui bioouiit." HOOLEY'8 Last Woek. NIOBE AAA vnv mwj Abbott At Teals Comedies Company, MATllfEES WEDNESDAY AMD SATUBTMY. Tnesday. Msy Opsnlne World's Fair Seai i tsi-oavi la seats Thuisdsy.

ACADEMY B. B. eAOOBS "CLKOFATBA." bale of OF Musia Sole Maaarer Hie SOUDAN Wert sjenday Mr. Totter ef Texas. THE ALH AM BRA TeL H.

B. JACOBS ALX II THIS 8. 142. POWER OF GOLD Xsxt Sands Was. Barry In McKsnna'e Flirts tloa HAVLI N'8 Teletkent Scutk tj.

The Home Theater ef the Boats Side. GUS IIAPRIL wiLLiAMsll IIfool. Best Sandiy Br. Carver In "The Sooutr" -THE COLUMBIA ssoeiree ajsUOaaraorsi. TO-NIOHT.


Beat Sondoy TBB BKW DEVIL'S A0CTI0H, A HIT THA5 i HoKW.f.'CoPY rer Sees. Pfftitf Prteei K6Mrti Itii rar SlceiU. iflttker Soli 23cetU BUFEALO BILL'S WILD WEST "THE OPBJf SESAME TO THS WORLD'S FAIR SCBJECT." CONGRESS OF ROUGH RIDERS OF THE WORLD. A MONSTER INTERNATIONAL Musical Drill. 103 vivid realistic aad bbtorical tableaux.

Miss Annie uaklry aad Maalrr Jofcnay baker ia marksmanship. Scenic splendors. The Cllsnas la Ceaa-btaed I a tercet ml All KshlMttano, JtcmrsnKer Opening Pay WEIKRDAY, AfS.SO 8 p. m. Twice Dailr, Itain or Sbloe 8 and 8 p.

us. 18.O0O Urals Covered Crsal Mand. Admlssinei 60 ants. I hi 1dm 8ft cents. Grand Ktectnc hipSt ninmiaotiona.

HLRD8 or BUFFALO. WILD bTtXR. Ana BCCklNU BRONCHOS. Alloy Illinois Control. Ortp, Boctrtc and Hot Cars an stop at 63d Bt.

entrance. BETRAYED BY A LETTER. Balsa City Clothing Merchant Arrested a Charge of Cansplraey. Boisn Cm-, lows. April 23.

A. W. Early who baa been running a clothing store hero, is under arrest oa a charge of conspiracy to defraud. A latter from Los Angelas, addressed to Early bos fsllsa into tha haads of tba authorities here, giving ths details of tha schema to secure credit sod purchasi largs quantities of goods, Tbsas goods were tone shipped to Hoiss Uity, then roaaipped vis Portland to Southern California aod Ari- sooa, where they would be disposed of before tba creditors could attach tbem. Tbe latter says that $100,000 Ouuld be cleaned op oy tns operation.

eBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBmBBBBBBBSnWanaWannHSBBBBBSaaSam DEATHS. rnwrHlT. TK1IX-Dalle at Chleaaa and Oraaa Trunk Ball war, Poik Street depot, to atooot Greenwood aad Mount Hop -9 st IX bb. Mount Hope Cemeterr Mr nfflce. 90K ramalx Bandies', corner or ana season air sets.

AnMiind and CaJvarv Funeral train of Chlcae-n, liwaokee aad St. Psnl Railway leaves talon depot I Mad man sad Canal etraatsj dally at uha TATTER8ALL8." loth, 17th. and Peerbora sts. reciter. MILITARY 0 --u NOTOl and ja Tnrining A Wax Boena.

rr Flrat "T'l ww sh -Mm- "7 A America rr CfclCsgO "An Bacompmeat of arose." fOST3 1SI USTIIES If II! UUVl HIT. DARI.NO HOR3EMAN5HIP. First performsnee stur1sr, April 29, SI 6 p. m. Oeneral Admission, MR.


I. Ill) tyra CrhiH Co, afATDTEES WtDJfrSDAT AMP SATI BOAT. McVfCKER'8 THEATER 2 1 Eaift. BOth year andeetheesme msasyrment. Tha Bam Old Story.

Houses Crowded with Dallghtod Poo pie. Ballet. Bpoctacla, bpooialtloa -the: BLACK CROOK THT! ORSATFST BPFCTACULAR PRO. OUCTION VEB SEEN IN CHICAQO. Beery Ifirbt Matinee.

Wedneeday aod Batae. day. Meata hold Tws Weeks la Advsaca. THE AUDITORIUM. Xvary Klght.

Matlaees WsJaesdsy sad Saturday, .8 1MBE KIBALFI'S OBAKD PECTACL- Stage AMERICA AMERICA ABBtTT. SCUOEFFEL A QUO, Fvtmrlators aad Manas-era. Reat. W- VKe Si. ai BO tluaaa.

ainV Breach oAis, later Ocean. CENTRAL MUSIC HALL. MOXOAY, A PHIL P. M. TJader the Aesplsos ef THE CHICAGO PRESS CLUB.

First apnearanr In the West ft At.Bs.nT VAnatn, ia ewsaatam avn, iojv Mil raTepissy rmw ei Bl The 1-all Mall Oaswtrsarst Tr.he la ih. ertma dna. of Seeii.a n.ita Th Inter (mas r. "Ths voles ef bird." MB4.CLABA Ml BBAV. t.hlisv t.seV Ins harp s.tlol.t.

Oiee, hanl an.l Ma-do-II a Clubs of the Kortftweetern Dntversity, 7 memOers. HEX AIM. In hi. knlmitabls) Imltallons. The Artoa Lady tin itM.

MISS SABA COBKtLltM. EvanaW.n FsTotits Koprann. Fr-f lORSIo AFT, Art aad Artists of ths fcspoailton lll'et rd I CENTRAL MUSIC HAH Concert. rtro. Paaals BtaoaafleleVZelaerr, Ptonhrte, Assisted by Mrs.

Clare Murray, Herpsste. tiae electa uinara, apvaaa rn1r A n.plrss ef Woman's Hneplts'. FRIDAY EVEKIKO. ArBIL iW a. so.

TSc and SI 00. bos Office opra Btnoday. Ai Kaate bOe, A WONDERFUL CYCLORAMA OHIOAGO fire tt Shows ike Itv Darlns the Ores! Fire. Michigan a v. and M.dlaon.

ttp-q fav and Fee. DON'T FAIL, TO. VISIT THE LIBBY PRISON TBI GKKAT RATIO Al WAR MUSEUM. The meet Intereetlnt- and wonderful evhtblt la America. Opaa from s.

so. to IO p. m. daily ana Kunday.Waha.kar between l.ta end BATTLE OF GETTY8BURQ, Wabash sv. aad Pswim place.

CHICAGO'S GRANDEST SIGHT, THB Panorama of the Battle of Gettysburg. From 8 a. m. till 10:30 p. Sonde T.tnr'adM 8AM MADISON 8T, Bet.

State aad Dearborn. TeL LUVtLT VISIONS AMIO THE BCENCS Of7 'AIRY RCALM8I OP6A HOUSE Every Day at a. Every Nlsbl at a Beauty and Pleasure bore la mirth untie The furls be tea srs i Frieosi MaUaee-Slaa. boo, f.0e. Tne.


TUB SBBATE8T fcuUV IM TOWM, BROTHERS BYHNE in 8 BELLS Wert Sunday THE POWgq OF ttOl.U. HAVERLV8 CASINO Eden Muse. Vibt'h lr ssr JirtHi ft BAYKBXY'S MIKeTHCLH AND WAX WOKE a. OaoersJAdmla.lon.roe. Fortormanraa daily Mtuiu sad -it p.


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