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The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • 3

The Baltimore Suni
Baltimore, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


iiy jtiosTmaus do. PACKAGE SALE OF BOOTS. SHOES A1VD TN FORMATION VANTEDof WILLIAM SIN CLA1 from Edinburg, Scotland. Any information of him will lie th a nk filly received by his brother, JAMES SINCLAIR, Stone-Cutter, at 417 Tenth street, lietweeu avenues A and New York. When last heard lrom Jie was in Baltimore.

WANTED A COACH SMITli71ogo tT tne country. Inquire at No. 180 BALTIMORE STREET. It ANTED A smart, intelligent LAD, about 16 years of ae, to learn the Gilding Business. He must come well recommended.

One having some knowledge of the business would be preferred. Apply to W. S. PHI I -LI PS, 1P4 Hroadwav. It AN TED HA i DS TO MAKE OVERi OATS.

None but irootl Workmen nfipil tr. ASflUR JARRETT SON, Nos. 10 and 12 E. Baltimore street, corner f.f Front. ltr VlANTED Several respectable young LADIES to learn the Fancy Alillinerv business.

Apply at 49 Hanover street, adjojmng Rev. Dr. Hamner's church. ol3 3tfl Yt' ANTED. A WOMAN, who can give a Ro-kI rel- erence.

tt Cook and do Housework in a small fam ily. Apply in Est Fayette street, south side, 2d door from Little Aisriuith. olU-lt. ITJA TE A respectable White WOMAN, to Cook. Wash unit Iron for a small family.

No one need inquirethat canrotcome well recommended. Apply at215WEST FAYETTE ST. It UTANTRn TO HIRE bv the vear. or purchase for a term of rears, COLORED WOMAN, of midd ase. who is a emwl emv.

ran come w11 re commended. Apply to GIBSON No. 7 West tiarles street. oia-toatji FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS WANTED! A Dremium ot five hundred dollars will be sriven for a loan of for two or three years. Security, a Ground Rent or Mortgage upon City Property.

Address O. Sim oilioe. It EN DOLLARS PER WEEK Wanted 2 MEN of gentlemaniy address, to solicit subscribers for a New Work, beautifully illustrated: a laree Steel En graving given to each subsoriber. Apply iiefore A. the Oihee of TALLIS, W1LLOUGHBY 1 North street, Baltimore.

WANTED A neat, plain SEAMSTRESS. Also, a steadv Colored WOMAV to (ook and do Kitchen Work. None need rddIv without reeoinmen- dttjon. At No. 51 Saratoga near St.

Paul. 'It A situation as Store Keeper, byare- soectable man. in anv business connected with Shipping. He reads and writes the English and Ger man languages. Address Sun Oriioe.

oll-3t. WANTED A WOMAN to cook, wash and iron-none need apply unless tbfy can c.mie well re commended. Apply in GOUGH ST door from Hroadwav. TH, J. WARRliMl 1 Ui oll-3t WANTED, a good HORSE-SHOER, and an assistant TRIMMER, to go South, to be employed in a Coach Factory.

A trimmer preferred, who could make Harness. Also wanted, a LATER and a CO.A.CH PAINTER. Good wages given. Apply immediately, at 2i2 BALTIMORE ST. oll-Stt WANTED A middle aged WOMAN, to cook for a moderate size family.

Literal wages will be given. Apply at the Sun othce. oll-St COOK WANTED. Wanted in the family of a gentleman residing near the city, a Colored Woman. capable of cooking and milking two and th-ee cows.

Wages, six dollars per month. Inquire at No. 61 N. CALVERT opposite the City Spring, 11-4S, WANTED. A gentleman about declining housekeeping, offers las entire HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at a bargain.

Also to rent, a very comfor table Brick DWELLING, with Baok Building, on Baltimore 15 minutes' walk of Crroil Hall. Audress "HOUSEKEEPER," Sun itice. oll-st" Br a Mait'Tid his Wife.having but one child, a SITUATION as Gardener and Farmer. who is practically acquainted with the business for several years: has a perfect knowledge of Hot Beds and Forcing Frames, and has been employed as Mauager in Prince George's county, Aid. Virginia for some years: has a goon knowledge ot every connected with Gardening and Farming.

His wife ws'uld be willing to Milk and take charee of a Dairv. Bst re ference given. Please address GARDENER, Sun office, stating where to have an interview, ll-2t WANTED THIS DAY Clerks, Book-keepers, Bar-keeners. Overseers. Teachers.

Farm Hands. Laborers, Coachmen, Ostlers, Traveling Aeents, Waiters. 20 Cooks. Nurses. Seamsrresses and Cham bermaids; also a number of situations now open too numerous to mention.

Also, Slaves for life and a term of rears, ot goiKt nliaractor. always for sale. APPlv to SCOTTl'S I NTELLIGENCEand SLAVE AGENCY OFFICE. 13 E. Lombard over the Bridge.

opposite Brewery. ollSt 1VANTED A good COOK and WASH ER One that can come well recommended will hear of a eood situation and rood waces. bv oDnivintr to JOHX OGIER, East Monument street extended, east of the Maryland Hospital. ol0-3t': A RARECHANCE. A PARTNER WANTED IN fHE TYPE-FOUNDING BUSINESS.

One-half of the Type Founderv belonging to E. Starr 1 i i to Baltimore. Norfo k. Portsmouth or Richmond. ia iui octitr.

j'li a. i toi I is niiijK tu win! For part culars address E. STARR SON, Type ouuders, 118 cnestnut street, Uiuiadeiphia. oio-st' W' ANTED. Four single gentlemen can be accommodated with elegant Lodgings; Breakfast and foi can also be eiven.

AddIv at No. 87 NOR'r'H EUTAW STREET. o3 et3t TINTED A WHITE GIRL, as Nurse and Seamstress, to go a short distance in the country. Apply at Airs. TOY'S, Charles street, one door above Centre st.

10 3t WANTED-Six or eight Young LADIES, to learn Dres-Alaking. Applv immediately, to Mrs ODAN, No. 113 St. Paul street, North of F-a'-nin street. 10-St COOK WANTED In a good situation, near a a.

Railroad, in the countrv. Liberal wases will be liven to a white or colored woman, who can gives roofl rrvimmflnrlnTmn- rsonthprs ann at. Paul's st-, fromS to '2 o'clock. olo-3t 7EA VERS Vnfed, 40 gtxid Power-loom WEA-' VERS, to eo to Linester. Pennsylvania: shall 'iare good wages and constant employment.

Passage paid to the Mills, to all who are good hands nni -will nsr'-se mi eo at oroe. 10 1 on 1.117 o. ijo.i r. i ij uci iiau stiee. w-ql 1 i ITE ADVERTISER has a Female SERVANT that she would be glad to give the services of -iny person of family, going South, that would de jver ier to Messrs.

OAJiEV at xiAv on their arrival it New Orleans. Apply at the Sun office. of 6t rtTANTE1. Bythe undersigned, a number of FIN-W ISHERS. To competent workmen and men of good habits steady empjoymentand shkJ wnges will be nven.

Apply to S.M1TH FERKixS. Virginia, imofiye and Car orks, Alexandria, Va. s2fa-tt i ITANTED TWENTY-FIVE mora expenenoeu CANVASSERS, to dispose of a business work. which they can imke from S70 to ioo per month. This will command the services of first class Aeents.

such esclusive districts will be given in Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and Souta Carolina. Apply 'o PUUL1SHER," No. 211 Baltimore street, tiura floor, from 7 to 9, A. or 3 to P. AL N.

A ii enters to receive attention must be pre-paid. sl3-lm BUTCHERS, HOSTLERS, BLACKS vil lHS. HAK-V a few strong, healthy LABORERS, wanted immediately, for the United States Sei--ce. Offf at the corner of ALBEAIAK EE and FAWN STS. 02-lmt WrSTOAP-MAKEKS, ATTENTION ANTED IAIMEDIATELY Two Hundred iANDS on Cloth, Glazed, Plush and Velvet rau hands, the highest prices, and from twelve twenty-five cents more per dozen will be given.

anT other establishment in the cirv oars. Also, a fw Youns Ladies, first ratesewers, to learn the above lusiriess. P. S. To rood Cap-Makers, our employment will be wiiBtant.

G. ROSENUERG i. No. 16 South "banes street. al-7ro LOST AJVD FOUND.

LOST In Centre Alarket.on Saturdav morning, a bunch containing eight or nine KEYS. A liberal reward will be given if left et tne Sun office. It! 1 Sunday r.ight, 12th in T5 J- stant. a POCKET-BOOK, containing three dol lars in Baltimore notes, and about two dollars end halt in silver, and also sundry papers. It was dropped either on Lexington street, betweflp Eutaw and Pine in Pine, between Lewvton and Fayette streets.

The finder will receive fte above reward on leaving it at No. 194 LEXINGTON ST. It OST-A MEMORANDUM BOOK, containing thre iVotes of Hand, drawn by B. Philips in favor if S. P.

AIcGrew. for five hundred and twentv five dollars each, dated Aug. 4, '51, at Cincinnati, payable it different times. A liberal reward will be given to the finder on leaving them at the Eutaw House. ot5-'3 STRAYED AWAY FROM THE on th 10th instant, a b'indie and white W.

about 4 years old. with a hole in eaoh car, A reward of TWO DOLLARS will be i veil tor the return said cow to WiLLIAvi Mc-H EfDI Lexington a few doors west of Shroe- derBtrcet. LOT, on Friday morning, in Franklin street, be tween Eutaw and Park streets, a pair of GOLD SPECTACLES. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving them at No. 100 Park st, oli-3t TWO DOLLARS REWARD.

Straved (XSy3 away Wednesday, tha 1st a middle sized 5 I 1U ,.1 V. 1 anl,lm I 1 white face, and white under the belly: tips of ho-ns turned back: leathercollar with a Bell attache around ipr neck, with a piece broken off one side of the Bell. Any person who may bring said Cow to No. 93 Cross T-deral Hill, shall receive the above reward oll-t. LOST OK rOLE Vi Three boxes and one bale of DRY GOODS, marked Hughes Smith, Glou-jester county, which were sent to O'Donnell's Wharf, on September 18th, to be put eboard Schooner Alexander.

A liberal reward will be given for the -ecovery of the goods if stolen, and any information as to their whereabout, if miaslnpped, will be thnnkful-'v received by HARE, PEIRSON, HOLLIDAY No. 1 Hanover Baltimore. o2-tf: REMOVAL. MISS M. J.

ATCHISON, FASHIONABLE DR ESS-MAKER, respectfully in-'brms her friends and the public generallv the. she has REMOVED to No. 59 South PACA one door North of Camden, east side, where she would be pleased to see them. Her MODELS are now ready for Two or three APPRENTICES WANT ED. W- DRAWING MATERIALS.

M. MINI FIE Sc 114 BALTIMORE directly opposite Iron Building." have inst received a fiesh snpplv, comprising a general assortment of DRAWING AIATEK1ALS, of the best uua itr. We name in part MKT HEAJATICAL INSTRUMENTS: Scales; Rules loose Instruments; Water Colors, Sable and Camel-hair Pencils: Stumps; Crayon; Porte Crayons: Drawing Pencil, of all grales: Porcelain Slabs and Pallettes; Rubber, Sketch and Drawing Books; Studies, in grent varietv. AND AlrfOHANICAL BOOKS, and a general assortment of MISCELLANEOUS bOOKS and STATIONERY. ofi-Mwytf PIIAPPELL'S FERTILIZER FOR SALE, in quantities to suit, at the office.

UNIVERSITY BUILDING, 153 LOMBARD STREET. Price 3 per bottle. From hundreds of certificates on hand, the two following are presented, as showing the value of this manure, if used upon what when seeded Cecil Couxtt, Aug, 4, 1851. Ma. P.

S. CHArpEi-i. Sir I used a few barrels of your Fertilizer on my wheat land last fall, at the rate of abont two barrels to the acre. The reult has satisfied me of its utility. The crop has exceeded my most sanguine expectation, for although I have not yet threshed out any part of my crop, yet, judging from the general yield, it will te at least twenty-five bushels, and may reach thirty bushels to the acre.

Amasa Chbkchmas. 'BaiCK AIeeTING HoCse," Cecil county, August 3, 1851. P. S. Chappeli.

I used a few iarrels of your I- ert lizer on my wheat last fall, sav about two barrels per acre. The efl'eot wassatisfaeiorf, the crop being quite equal to that upon ground of like quality in the same field, on which was put about fifteen loads of liarn-yard manure to the acre. I have tkreshed a part of the crop, and have no that the yield will he between twenty-five and thirty bueheis to the acre. Sir fiover, VALUABLE VACANT LOT ON BROADWAY AT IN FEE. I will sell, on THIS (Alonduy) AFTERNOON, October 13tb, at 4 o'clock, on tie premises, the following very valuable VACA NT LOT, viz: situated on the east side of Broadway, beginning for the rne at the distance of 130 feet south from the southeast corner of East Baltimore and Broadway; thence running south, binding on Broadway 68 feet; thence east, varying in depth from t8 feet 6 inches to S2 feet.

The above Lot has the advantage of a 10 feet alley on the nortft side. Icall the attention of capitalists to the sale, as it is seldom so favorable an opportunity offers for a profitabiei nvest-Mient. Terms and particulars at sale. 1- or further information, inquire of SAAIL. H.

GOVER, Auctioneer, 7-ts No. 9South street. FEE SIMP Lfi PROPERTY ON SOUTH LIBERTY" STREET. NEAR LGERAIAN, AT AUCTION. I will sell on TUESDAY October Hth, at 4 o'clock, on the premises, the following very valuable FEE SIMPLE PR O- PERTY.vis: A very desirable LOT OF GfiOUNB a-nd IMPROVEMENTS, situated on the east.

udeSf. South Liberty street, a lew doors south from German street, fronting Liberty street 24 feet 6 inches, with a depth of 85 feet 8 inches. The improvements consist of a very superior built three-story Brisk DWELLING, wit" large two- story and attio brick Beck Building, No. 15, (which has lately been thoroughly repaired, (covering the entire lot to the rear, built iu the most superior manner, of the best merial and workmanship, with every possible convenience for a lium- i eaii the attention of persons wanting a desirable and convenient residence, being in the immediate vicinity of the business part of the city. Terms One-third cash, one-third in 12 months, and one-third in 24 months, with approved security and m- teret from day of sa'e.


October 15th at 4 on the premises, a new two-s-ory 1 Bric' DWELLING, stuatedonthe enstBide of Hap- py alley, 2d House lrom ixirnhard street, fronting on Ha-DDV allev 13 feet, wnth an nllov nnd depth 55 feet; subject to the small ground rent of 10 on tne wnoie lot. ior ftho a year, rossession given immediately Term? one-nail cash; balance months, with in terest and security. Sale positive. SA-u ii. (iOVEK, 013-tsJ No.

9 South BL a VAT.UA tL ro AND" DWELT ING' STREETS AT AUCTION. Will be sold on THURSDAY AFTERNOON, October 16th nt 4 o'clock, on the premises, the following very valuabla property, via: All that Ixifc of Ground and situated on the north-west corner of Ixmibard and Coicord streets, fronting Iximbard street 14 feet. yith a depth on Concord street of 47 feet 4 inches. Tne lmprovemenre consist 01 a large two-srorv aua arwc Brick BUILDING fnow occuriied as a Grocery and Liquor store, and considered one of the best stands in the neighborhood) with large back bui dines, and hr- drant in the yard, with many her conveniences. 1 ail the attention of persons wanting a good stand for the Grocery business, being in a rapidly improving section of city.

Further parfif-alars st saie Terms One-half cash: balance fi months, with in terest and approved security 11. buvtit, Auctioneer, car oor I No. 9 South street. flWELhinu Ui. WOLF STREET (Fell 8 Point.) AT AUCTION Rv virMm of nriwrnr to sell Property conta ned in a deed of mortgftge, bearing date on or about the first ilnv of Aorit. asid recorded in Liber A. W- No. 433. Jcc, oneot the said record books of Baltimoreledun-' fru'in I nomas BeerB to theundersiined Alorteagee. in puristiance of the act of Geflerai Assembly of Alary-laud, parsed at December se s.

1856. ch. 249. entitled "an act relating to mortgages in the city of Baltimore;" thesfiid having failed to pay the whoie ef then.ortgage debt due by him, and intended to lie secured bythe said mortgage according to the tenure hereof, by reason of which there was due on the first day of October, 1351, the sum of three hundred, tliir- mx aoi tars ana ten. cents, iu.

Th'! underiicned gives notice to nil whorrfit lrnr cone rn, that on the first day of November net. at 4 o'clock, P. AL, on tife premises. I will proceed to foreclose the said mortgage, by at auction, lor cash to the highest bidder, all ihe residue of th3 mortgage Props rtv, (a poition of slid mrirtsiage proper-v l.avii mrbHuy wen soi'i 11 oeing me uttrq. Lot and premises referred to in the said mortarace.

acd described as follows, to wit: Beginning for he sntue on the ea side of street, at the southwest cor- r.r cAnAnl a 1 .1 1 111c ecudim uut I.5nrilt 11, HitJ IIA mortgage, whice is a'oout 159 feet south from Aliee s.nna ana running thence, landing on oil sreet, eoutneriy la leet to tne Lot latefe- owned by Win il. Travers; then birding on that Lot, and parallel lo Alice Annn easterly inu leet; tnenee northerly, Parallel to Woif 15 feet, to the second Lot refer red to in the said mortgage, and then binding thereon, westerly 100 feet to the beeinninar. Subiaet to the an nual sround rent of twenty-five dollars, (2S) payable ha'f yparly on the first days of October and April respectively. 1 he microvements coiist ot a weM Bin and com fortable two stosy pnd attic Brick BUILDING; with a brick kitchen and a summ er kitohen, with a pavfd yard. This property being convenient to the wharves 01 f- en 'sroiniancwj s-nion, wtju Title nnqupstionaole.

WAX. DAWSON, Alortgagee. GOVER, Aupt. By jmL' A FEliEAIPTORA7" AND SPLEJUDID irtxiON consisting of the entire stock of one of oor largest Baltimore manufacturing establish- merits. Also, an tne unhmshea worK, tjock.

Tools, Lumber, orK Benches, blacksmith Bellows and Tools, I lie esiio iiuw uiitiei I aeicu.t-ui, uuuuc will be given in a future sid vertisftrient. olO-ts A. C. A1AJTHE Auet. TO FAAIIUES IN THE CITY AND COUN- TRY AND THE TRADE GENERALLY.


1 shall esll, without reserve. White Granite. Toaand Dinner; sts, eorrplete; Ewers and Basins; Cimmbers; Toilet ets; gpittoosB, Plates; Dishes; Muffins; Salads; Custiinls, exirs; bmad gold lnd French, Cam- Ir a. Sorres and Greek Tea and Dinner Services Hawthorn. Victoria and Jenny Lind China Tea and Dinner Sets, complete pieoes of eack serviee extra; eased and lined China lea ana sets pieces ektrR; Cut and Pressed Preserve Dishes; Ncppiee; Sugar and Butter Bowls; Egg Cups; Wine Glasses: Goblets; Fluid Iiips; Oil Ijamps; Tutu- ii ers: Co store: Girar.dolee: Alolasses Jnw: Candle-" Salts: Pitcher Glasses: Cream Jugs; Decanters; Jelly Glasses; handle AIups; Bohe-t min.n Y'ases, of all sizes and patterns; Perlusae Sh- es.

c. Doors open for inspection day before the sale. Ladies particulsrly invited to attend. a list -Ol A. O.

ATATTHEAVS, Auc. PEREATPtoRV SALE OF THE REAIAIN- l'G STOCK OF CHINA. CUTLERV AND QULENSYVARE, contained in store No. '4 Baltimore street, four below Holliday street. On TUESDAY AlORNING, I3t atlOo'cl'k, I shall sell, without reserve, at the above named store, an excellent assortment of China, Glassware, I name in part: Rich Gold Band China Dinner Sets; do.

White French China, Iron Stone and ether Dinner- I I i 'T- r- L. 1 1 edged, beautiful sets and very richj Embossed White Blue Figured Lustre ir iured do Gjeeri Hawthorn arid Green Grape French China Tea 44 pieces each; Rich Coffee Cups end Saucers: do. China Yrases and Ornsments; Card Receivers; Fruit-Baskets: Clura and other Pitchers; Yv hite Iron Stone Toilet Sets; Flowing Blue, MosTs Rose, Alulberry, do 10 pieces en eh. Alsin- PiiTlms uml Tpnja: Plflt.p.H: Dishes: How! Crii moa Tet Sf ts; Stoneware; YYraiters, Water rT- ters: Spttoons, Also, Glassware viz: Cut and Pressed Goblets; Champagnes: YVines; Tumblers; Decanters; ftc'lleries; Dishes. Bowls; Ethereal Oil Lamps; Rich Bohemia N.

B. The ladies are particularly invited te this sale, as the goods will be sold in lotFthsuitfamilyuse. olO-'ts A. O. MATTHEAVS, Auat'r.

rAIUA 8 LE PR ATT STREET PROPER-ti TY IN FEE SIMPLE AT AUCTION. -On fcud-TflURSDAY, Ocrober 30, at one o'clock, at the Exehanee, I shail sell that valuable piece of property, on the southwest oornnr of Pratt and Patterson This eligible Lot is so well known that it needs no i L. i' i ness mart, and very aear our test wharf, described as follows: ALL THAT PARCEL OF GROUND od the southweBt eorner of Pratt and Patterson streets, binding on Patterson street 62 a' oh Pratt street 24 feet. Tiie improvetrents consist of a Krick Ulil J- Lean, Esq. The attention of capitalists is oailed te this sale.

The Htle ia indisputable. Terms cash; one-third in six mouths, and one-ii twelve months, with intereft. A. C. MATTHFAVS.

Xxurs uy il. W. Baoi. SALE ON SOUTH HOYVAR CORNER OF DOVER THIS MONDAY AlORN ING. Ociober 13th, at 10 o'clock, I wiil sell 1 Sofe; 6 mahogany Chairs; Rocking Chairs, a large Gut Alantle Glass; high post cherry and Parlor; Tubs: Buckets: Crockery; China; Knives and Forks; and Kitchen iaffeets.


IS, at 10 o'clock, at the store situated on the northeast corneryof" and Douglass, streets, all the stock of GROCERIES in said store, viz: Sugars; Teas; Coffee; Sop; Staroh; Snjoesif all kinds; lot of Crocltery and Earthen AY'are4, some verv suoerior Peach and Frenoh Brandv: Old Rye: Gm; Rum; superiot Port and otiisr AVines; with a -variety of arlic'es of Groceries kept in a retail grocery store. Also BEDSTEADS and STOVES. Terms cash, ia bankable funds. H. AV.TBOOL, ol3- ts Auotioceer.

EXTENSIVE SLE KKStl FAWi GROCERIES, OLD ash SUPERIOR SEGARS, Will be sold on THITRSDaY -MORNING, October lGth, instant, at 10 o'clock, at the "People's Store," No. IfiO Broadway, between Eastern and Canton avenues, ihe large well se 1. i I 1 rl i i .1 oi 1 1 1 leCLCU SlOCft. Ul Jlt.i;i ic. wmtw rwt cur, propner.or uBcuiiiug unpor.

i iloid it ipir-, a and part bags of assorted Coffee; burnt Coffee; 17 Hliis. prime Sugar; Loaf Sugar; 10 chests of Gunpowder, Imperial, Y. Hvson and Biaolr Tens: terge lot old an'd superior Lienors, vi: Brandy Wine, of superior kinds; Gin; Rum: old -Whisky, glai and wood: also Cherry Brandy; Gordials; 6 Dlws. superior o'o vvma-k; 20,000 assorted Segars; Sonp; Candies; Alolaeses; Syrup; Citron; Chocolate; Oils of -various kinds; Rice; Sweet Oil; Picklps and Preserve of -various kinds, ko.f together wfffi every article apertain-ing to an extensive Retafl Grooerv Wore, every article of which has been selected with grwtt eare and judgment; the Liquo particularly is of the most superior kind. Also, elegant Tea and Snioe Cawstei-Kj S'and Casks; Oil and Molasses Tin Canp; Ethereal Oil Cans; Block and Tackle; Counter Scales; Measures; Liquor Pump: a large assortment of Cluna kjA Glassware.

I call the attention of the Irade to this safe, as every article wil! positively be sold. Terms cash, in Bankable money. olO-tsf H.WBOOL. Auet. HOT TIATTCf a MnnDPFV-H-flHSK.

PLANT? -Surplus part of the Stock of Zebnioi AY at mj (i.uuLioii store, uii -r -lV- ll Oct. IS, at 10 o'clock, embracing Five Hundrpd PLANTS, such as'Camelia, Japomca, Acacia, fcfg-mia Pitesporum. laums Stmus. Metrio Ctjderes, Yellow Jesssmine, AVbite Jessamine. E' genia Jan Josia, Myrtle Roses, a large Camilla Japonica Lelnaous Lantana.

Apple, YVinte Cornelia Japonioa, Cape Jessamine, Night-R irxing i nnd other Trors. 1- rom the We known reputation of Air. AY'S ttrs, the pnbllo can. jtiHi nijnrfifi are LUC Cllttl '-I'-i t.i ui hi i ooib, nnu in I i 1 I lieSL UlUCJi iiinw iiu.i, iv- i jonce. H.

YV. BOOL. Auet. oio-eots PRESfrPEACHES, TOAIATOES, OYSTERS, S- preparedand put upin Tin Ons, hermefionlly sealed, and warranted to keep in any climate. A large asRorment on hand and f'' io-! fit.

iia ijgtu tive 4-tjwrf. a rlttt, 24 Sun mu, 34 CLEARED. Ship Albert, (Bre.) Reichel. Brtmen, A. Schumacher Co Vmrques Baltimore, (Brem.) Kb ricks, Trieste, F.

L. Brians fieltimnre. Cooper, Rio de Janeiro anil a market, Kirk land. Chase E'liaheth, Jonea, New Orleans, B. Buck Sons; brigs Extra, Long, Barrmdoes, S.

Phillips Iris, ISr.f Card, St. Lncia, JSpence ft Reil; Shackford, Coombs, Boaton, Ketaey Gray; i-noch Pratt, Nickerson, Fall Riier, K. Priu ft schrs. John Clark, Fnxweti, Crab Island and St Thomsea ft Co Wootibrirtge, Bradford, iaa. trtmn: Aurora Wilson, Charleston, O.

Pendergfsse; -Laurenc Waterbury, Cranmer, KeUej Gray; Murray, Postlethwavte, Norfolk and Peters-bnry, T. Hooper. ARRIVED. Brtf Thorns i R. Stewart, Hooper, 20 dsvs from Pry Harbor, ia aiontejo Ba.

to A.R. Wallace it pimento, mm, lime juice, er. to R. ft H. R.

Tucker. Auj. lieorge tn-u, ierain fell erbo.Trd and was drowned, -Sap't 2'jih I t. 25 it lou. 79 4U, 8.

steamer John Hunt-nck, a Ja.i Saranoah; on a cruise, engine working ba.Ky. aueen Victoria, 3r.) McKenny, 16 days fromTnrk Inland, ilt, to R. ft H. R. Tucker.

6chr. (looming Youth, Collins, 5 days from SaTnnshr salt nd cotton, to John W. Brown ft Son. Schr. Mary Isabella, Maruo, from Charleston, cotton, rice and salt, to Pender jfast, Schr.

Chss. Colgate, Seaman, days from New ork, indst. to John Ruse. Schr. Pitlestine-, Andrews, 6 day from "Wilmington, N.

mdse. to J. W. Canon. Steamer lleraid, Sutton, from Norfolk' Reports oil James' Point, sr ship.

8 barques, and saieral herm. bnj and abose tht poiht, 4fntl brijs all bound up. Pilot boat Yrx-lr, 'ales. from a crntss. Report ta the bxy, Br.

schr. Elizabeth, from South America. MEMORANDA. Ship Thornd1ke, Perkma, andbuk Eutaw, Matthews, hence arrived al Bosun, lOlh inst sailed from da. im day.

tiirks teoriana, (uew,) Reynolds, and Justice Story, Ryder, fur Baltimore. Ship Juou'ttaV Buniham, eld at Ne York, Utli for Baltimore. Ship Tropic, Smith, for Baltimore, eut'J for loading at Lierpool 23d ult, Ship Pioneer, Child, sailed from Deal, 20th for New-York. Pernambnco sdvices to the 30th August, received at New York, state that the balk W. H.

C. VV right is utl at arat-ba, wxitm a wind to come up. Brig Mary Eleanor, lor Rio, ailed 4lh Anjust. T. Ship Miri ilale, Rollins, for Baltimore, siiled from Liverpool 21th ult.

Ship for Philadelphia, cleared at Liverpool 2iJ Bit- Ship ArtCuion, Stubbs, for Baltimore, entered Tor loading at Liverpool -2tHh Ship Schiller, Bahr, for Baltimore, sailed from Bremen Barq. Hadley, Kent, and htig Emily, Youn, from Baltimore, arrived at Boston inst. Baro. Johannes, Heldt, from Baltimore for Bremen, passed Brie- Helene, Hachtman, for Baltimore, sailed from Bremen Urn ult. Schr Win.

Tyson, Jones, for Baltimore, cleared at New-York 9th inst. MISS SMITH, daughter of the late Prof. S. Smith, of St. Mary's Col will resume her 'Classes in DRiWlSG and PAINTING on TI LSD AY AFTERNOON, Oct.

14th, at her residence, STREET, corner of Pine. o13 'ftt- CHERWOOD ACADEMY. rrT NEA ti COCKE YSYILLE, Baltimore Md. The-Fall Session of this institution will commence the FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER. There re a few vacancies.

None but boys of unexceptionable character admitted. Terms, S2 50 per session five uths. For particulars address the Principal, Rev. J. ti.

LF.ASON. REFERENCES Bishop VhittinRhann Jas. M. Buchanan; Jas. Giiniore, No.

Aisquirh Or. Brown, Charles st Sam I. ts Mer rvman. uocKevsviue.

"VflGHT SCHOOL. I wilt re-open my NIGHT 1 iTOvn I 1 "tK armv Rest- dence, Northeast earner of Front an i n-3t" JOHN GAL VAN. ANN AH MOKE ACADEMY. This Institution wit! be re opened ior the Winter Session for Young Indies, nnderthe Buperviaion of Mrs. Lv ON, assisted by comoetent Teachers, on the hrst MONDAY ta November.

Number limited. All communications addressed to Ms ETON, P. Reisters-town. Baltimore eenntv. AW.

8-eot8th TXJREST SCHOOLTOWINGS AIILLS. Balti-v- more CorsTT. The Rector ean accommodate yet FOUR BOYS, from ten te fifteen years of age. Apply at once, as the 2d Session opens on ednesrisy, 15th, Address Kev. J.

J. Nicholson, Omnss' Mi'ls. Refer to Bp. Whittingham and Dr. and Rev G.

F. Wortlungton, Washington, C. FRENCH TUITION. ONS. LEOPOLD I.EFEBVRE will eive m-Ptmctionin the FRENCH LANGUAGE, either Schools or to Private Classes.

He imv be found, from 9 A.M. to 2 P.M., at MR. ASHUR CLARKE'S SEMIN RY. adjoining the Atbenceum. Restdei-ce, No.

12 Btrnet st'eet. References: Messrs. Ashnr Clarke, Tbos. Batrd, Edward Larcque, Rev. N.

Mo JLlton, Jaa. Moore. 06-eoSt. MADEMOISELLE ALMA L'AIGNOUX w.Ii oontmne, like the preoedmir years, to give LE PONS in MUSIC. GUITAR and PIANO, at her Residence, No.

47 CENTRE 2 doors above St. Psal, or at the residence of tha pupil if required. Alad'lle L'AIGNOUX respectfully lrtforms the parents and yonn? ladle sof city, that she will organize a FRENCH CLASS at her resideiJe, for ladies who wish to obtain knowiedze of tins ian-fiiasre. She will also ao to the houses of the parents who prefer forming the Classes at theirown residence. aily Lessons in classes of 4 to 6, $3 per quarter: a week, jeTjjuarter 3-rtl wft.eof.Qlg -tl FOH.

BOYS AND YOUNG MEN, SrRAS-BtTRs, lAnoastertOUEty, Pa. The 25th Semi Annua! term will comnience on the First Monday of JSovember. Terms, coverin? tne whoie expenses per session of 5 months, jseo. For circulars, oontamuig full particu lars, references, A. Odf Princrsl an-i PT-pnetor.

"rkKLAWARE OOL.LE'jE. The duties nf this Institiiuon will lie resumed on tJie tfent-nintk of October. In the cifi.MiFic Schooi. new onaeoted with the ColIeRe, yq.m: men in ad vanoeofour academies enjoy rare facial ss inK3-paring lor practical life. In the Mekcantil Ds-Farimsnt athorough bnsiness education may bonaa.

Inthe AGRiCTtBiURALDtPAKTMBST special attention isnveato Aenculrnral Chemistry. There Uaisb a Teachers' Depaktxbst, ada of AIodess LassnAsss, NSWARKACADEMY, Within 2k ride on the. Phtla.Mpnia, Wil iningtim ami Baltimore Kailroad, Open ontna sajie Oct. a. Applications shoiiic be made earlv.

Tm bill For oiroulars oon-tamins full RAHAM, -1 President of the Colleee, lm Newark. IViaw-ftre. MAR La i ftU Lit I AH. OXFORD, TALBOT COUNTY, MD. This Insuiuticn viii be opened for the admiasion 01 0iet8 on the 1st ci October next.

Circulars oan bt btAlned at the Book store of John Aacrpht BaitiTnortr -street, by eieioato the Siipennten-ievi. JOHN H. ilo-tm Superintendent. KILBGURN fcHJEAL 'S ACADEMY FOR YO UTfG LADIES, tio, 3 LixiSttTo 2d toor Wssi of Nor MO nhmir.ed.-- It will be well foi arents or guardians de3irous of entering their ohil- fiirewise highly imjortant to the pupils, that they 00- King. ITJIL.L.1SEKV.

FRENCH PATTERN HATS. AIRS. YOUNG, m-m rrT i iir jc rr MtLLwkRTwith PATTERN BONN ETS and Caps of the latest Paris styles, either imported or of he own manufacture, from imforteb pattdrss. fl Show Rooms will always be kept supplied with lar assortment, so that persona can suit themelve the delay of ordering. o13-tOiar irut: DVi han Itfsvp Ia )nt rm 1 hn lAfiii-K tunc.u thatsae njsjustretnrneu iroiii ijew i wa wun 1 aF A 1 i.

Mill I vml MuUBt'inc twiJituiCA; a n.ttu jujuwihaj ana wiii cnaiuiuc s.rcy ci -ci ail the different sty les ei the on, a 53 Hanover street, oll-'St 2 doors from Rev. Mr. Hrrmerys Church. 11 Km vtm oiinn ion nr it t. T9 No.

'35 E. STREET, Has iust returaed frmn INew Y01K, ana is now pre- 1 .1 knr f-iantia rl With Dared lOSCWni'lRIMIUOilci iucuul- uu wu.i...iii-..d T.i l- 7 I lilt Mfl VM KTS. inn on the most pieasint terms. Old Bonnets altered and Time nrTiivirW- I PfO. 110 nVAU A oittltmtrr, aw.ll FAI.I.

Ml I.I.I KRY. on SATLR DAY, nth instant, at oo'ciock. A. M. QQ-4t BOARD INQ.

BOARTdTNG. A few persona can 1 very pleasantly accommodated. ifen-lT application is made, at TkT- MKn.tkl'1 Oll-'Wt VPTfiSiSN Vl 1 NG BOA can ue acoommo- 'd no nm'totreet Terms mo- aerate. oll-St ISRAEL, 1S0. ISUKIU si a I vr 1." 'V Kq.

I raa r. wrrk tnr fPtlt. Nil 1 hie for a Darlor. vita bed room attached. Also, desira- Yilfit mrirt rooms for gentlemen.

08 o3t OARDl few gen'eel pers-DB, either single nrfimiiim ho upMimmodafed with comlorta- or lamiiies, can ne ocumrauuaieu nu wranuiio-ble BOARD and LODGING by applying at 42 t'" 1 1 im 1 ir cm UtvnAn l' i of to artfi I 1 17 iviii nuirai oi.t wdwi i'-j vrw UVA i 1 AAm in rvirhoililP lllf, ItKJU. iniKO 11 Jill. I AIM J-i IHWW'- A good CoOh. would find a fiituUtm by applying as anove. 'Utt BALK ASD KKAT.

-u. DESIRABLE TWO-STORY BRICK DWEL ML1NG. By authority of the owners, the subscriber offers at private sale, that desirable TwOrSlo- ry BRICK DWELLING HOUSE on the west side of Front street, four doors north of Fay cite street, and in the immediate neighborhood of Saint Vincent de Paul's Church, me iot nas a iroiuoiii leer, running back IWfeet, more or less, ta Jones' FaMs. and binding thereon. The House is one of the most in that cart of the city, with handsome Parlors.

Chambers. Entry, fhe garden is large, and un- fnut tre-s and shrubrv. The property is in fee, and well worthy of persons desiring an azreeabie residence mthe Eastern irt. of Hi' I Oil tne city. ba.u i 1.

jjunAiiucu.i, m. i Paul street. Hit 1 1 -r aT. 1 1 1 Bfvnn a fTHa story and attie DWELLING, with Baok Buiid- fcjLiog and Hydrant. Apply at l.

vi nin st. ia a DWELLING, ON WEST LOMBARD STREET, FOR A I.E. Th nbsoribr will mil. on li'oeral credit, the very oirnh: DWELLING Nn.901 West Iximbard street. This property should command the attention of gen tlemen aeairing an agreeaoie resilience, me ctcniui-and tieautv of the location nannot be surpassed in the city.

The improvements in the neighborhood are all of the bestjlass the house is conveniently ar- fdiren, ana oontin an me reoemi improvementa 111 xiarli PiTtiiTes. Oiokinc Apparatus. Ac. A handsome Carriage House, Stable and Harnese Room cover the rear of thMotA SnsMN; ALTIMORE STEAM LAUNDRY, LOW NKA subscribers. hn-ing gone to great expense in fitting up a LMj NDRY, for the puFpose of WASHING STARCHING, and IRONING on ad extensive scale, in superior style end at reduced prices, are now prepared to execute all Ofderi left at MR.

WPC HESTER'S. 165 Baltimore or at Mr. II. N. HURRT'S, 183 P'att wrnmptly attended to.

We collect and mjpn Vy Ciiioi, ti timet Co rf-TBj VERYr SUPERIOR ROSEWOOD AIAHOGA FURNITURE, i 'FRENCH PLATE GLASSES. ROVAl. VELYTET CARPETS, ROSEWOOD Pf 01? a FAMILY DECLINING HOUSEKEEPING On TH IS i Mondav) AlORNING. October 13th. at 10 o'clock, we shall sell by catalogue, at the dwelling 92 Fayette street, between Charles and Liberty streets, all the splendid Furniture contained therein we name in part Royal Velvet Carpet, for two parlors, ngs to match: one suit very richly carved Rosewood Furniture, all made by Williams, consisting of large Sofa; 2 Tete-a-Totes; Library Chaii; 12 parlor Chairs, ail to match, covered with crimson velvet; richly carved Sofa Table, marble top- Centre plated RocUng Chair; inlaid Quartette Tables; YY'indow Curtains sinds Cornices; rich Ornaments; two gilt Mantel Time Pieces, running three weeks.

ALSO Two very superior French Plate Pier Glasses, with brackets complete. Two Centre Chandeliers for gas, with prisms. One very elegant Rosewood PIANO, 6 octaves, made by lse stool to match: very superior Library Case and Secretary, very complete; mahogany Extension Tables; mahogany Lounges; do. Pedestal, marble top; do. Sidebonru; Brussels ad ingrain Carpets; mahogany and cane seat Chnirs, SUIT OF HALL FURN'TURE Two large Oak Chairs; TfdIe and Umbrella Stands.

Very choice collection of fine Oil Paintings; fine French Engravings: Marble Ornaments: Vases, CHAMBER IFURNITURE 2 very superior high post mahogany Bedsteads; 2 very extra size French superior curled hair Mattress; Feather Beds: marble top Washstands: rich Toilet AVare; mahog. Wardrobes; ladies' Dressing Cabinets; Chamber Curtains; do. lasses; do. Chairs; one set mahoganv cane seat Chairs, with extra covers, covered with satin; together with a large collection of other costly Furniture. Also, a large assortment of rich Cut Glass; China AVare; plated together with the usual quantity of kitchen urniture.

N. B. We ask the especial attention of families to the sale, as every article is of the best quality, made uy vy imams, caie without reserve. N. B.

Catalogues wid Furniture can be seen early on the morning of sale. Terms cash, in banknble monev. CANNON, BENNETT o9-ts Auctioneers. ftfe HOUSE AND LOT ON FAYETTE ST. tsila FOR SALE.

Under an order of the Orphans' s-Court of Baltimore Count.v, the subscriber, administrator, will sell on TUESDAY, the 14t.h day of October next, at the hour of 4 o'clock, P. upon the pr mises THE VALUABLE LOT at the Northwest corner of Fayette (formerly Pitt) stieet and Carolme street, fronting abont 25 feet on Pitt street, with a depth of 170 feet, to an alley. The improvements are a two-story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with Bnek Kitchen, The Lot is subject to a ground rent of 20, payable in January of everv year. Upon this ot four houses fronting twelve and a half feet on Pitt street, and on the alley, oan easily be erected. Texps for 1R51 will be paid.

The property will be sold free of all incumbrances, and the title is believed to be indisputable. Possession will be given on the 1st of November, or sooner, if desired. Terms of Sale One-third cash, and the rest in six and twelve months, with interest and bonus, with security. A plat of the property can be seen ft mv office, and will be exhibited W. B.

PERINE. CANNON, BENNETT o4-ta Ia 1 -A uctioncers. 10 flfXl LARGE SEINE LJ)JJKJ at our Stores, 28 aim 80 Charles strtet.on WEDNESDAY AlORNING next, 15th 10,000 large Seme Cords. Also, 25 bags of Wilmington PEA-NUTS. 100 Counter SCALES.

4 Platform do weighing 7W lb. CANNON, BENNETT Terms cash. pRj Auctioneers. HAARLEM FLOWER ROOTS at AUCTION. On WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, Oct.

15tn, at three o'clock, we shall sell at our Stores, one case of Flower Roots of the most exquisite kind, from the celebrated Nursery of R.Van Der Schoot Sons, Florists and Nursery men, at Hillegen, Holland. Cata'ogiies are ready. Also, 10,000 Antwerp Rasrberrv Plants. Terms cash. CANNON, BENNETT 5c CO 0 13-ts Auetioneerr.

FURNITURE. On WEDNESDAY AlORNING, the 15th instant, at 10 o'clock, at our stores, Nos. 2R and 30 South Charles street, we will sell a variety of New and Second-Haod FURNITURE, viz High and Low Post Bpdsteads; mahorany Spring Seat So fas; Alabogany Rocking and Parlor Chairs; Beaded do; Wardrobes; Dressing Cabinets; Consol and Plain Bureaus; Book Cases; Sideboards: Cane and Wood-Seat Chairs; Office Looking' Glasses; Carpets: Stoves; Andirons; Fenders: Shovel and Beds; Hair and Husk ATattresBes together with a large lot of second-hand Furniture. Alo, 10,000 Havana and Principe SEGARS, mi, and Kith boxes. Also, will be added 10 doz.

wood sent PARLOR CHAIRS. 5 do. can" OFFICE CHAIRS, S. Terms cash, i bonkahio Trwr.pv. CANNON, BENNETT Ipr Auotioiieere.

FURNITURE OF A PRIVATE FAATfLY, AT AUCTION, AT No. 48 SPRING ROW. On THURSDAY" AlORNING, Oct. 16tii, at 10 o'clock, at No. 48 Spring Row.

opposite the gate of the Eastern Fountain, we sf13.ll sell the Furniture of a family deci.ning house-keeping. We name in psTt, surer fhree ply Carpets, for parlors; Inerain and Tenitian ATatrines: mahog parlor Sofa; Sideboard: marble top Centre Table: Dining and Breakfast Window Curtuns; Girandoles: Alanfei Ornaments: China and Glas Vvare; Feneh Plate Alirrors; high end low post Bedsteads: Feather Peds: Mattresses: Bedding: Bureaus; Washstatjds; Chairs; Ewers and Basins, LUr ALSO, -Frff ONE piano, 8 of excellent tone. Terms cash, in Bankable money, CANNON, BENNETT ol3-tsf Auctioneers, rr, ADAIIN5STR ATORS' SALE OF HOLD PROPERTY ON AISQUITH AT AUCTION On TUESDAY AFTERNOON, 14th instant, at 4 o'clock, the premises. we shall sell, by order of the Orphans' Court, for account i the administrators, fill tnat piece 01 Ground situated on the west ride of Aisqaith street, southerly 61 feat 6 inches from the southwest intersection of L'ftie Stirling street fronting on Aisquith street 15 feet, by a depth of 82 feet 10 inches; subject to a ground-rent of 22 50. Further particulars at sale.

Terms One half cash, baisnce in 6 and 12 months, with interest and approved security. FURNITURE. At the same time a portion of the Furniture contained insaiddireliina Terms cash. MARY HAUEISEN, DAVID ALL, Adm'rs de bonus non of G. R.

Campbell, dee'd. CANNON, BENNETT Ir) Auctioneers. ch. 132. will sell at the Exchange, in the city of Balti more, on SA TU RDA Nov.

1, 1851, at 1 o'ik, P.iM., A LOT OF GROUND, situated on the not th wcsli Tomer of Thames and Bond fronting on Thames street 61 feet 8 inches, and running back to a width in the rear of 6 feet 10 inches, being 130 feet doe? on one side and 162 feet 8 inches on the -other; the improve ments consist ola large tnree stirr UOLSE. fronting on Thames street, and a one and a hilf story Hous in the rear, naftl as a brewery. A Piat may be seen ax the sunecriber's c.nice. Terms of saie One-third cash, the balance at three and six months, with interest; the credit payments to be secured. Title indisputable.


FOWLING PIECES, LIQUORS, On THIS (AIONDAY) MORNING. Oct. is, at 10 o'clock, at our store, we will sell avarictv of Furniture. as Tables: parlor and chamber cane and wood seat Chairr; Bedsteads; Rockers; Clocks; Glasses Trunks; Vsl ces; Carpet Bags: Floor Oil Cloth; Table do; Bed Clothing; Shovels ana i ones, so. ALSO An invoice of Parlor Carpeting.

ALSO An invoice of double and single barrel Guns. sonne of celebrated makes. ALSO An invoice ol Liquors, as rench Brandy, in eighth casKs. ALSO An invoice ol Boots Shoee, hats, ALSO Two very fine 1 car at gold Watches, to cover advances. Terms cash.

CHANCE GREEN, lt in!) Baltimore street. FARAT WAGON AND LEER YYrAGON. On THIS (Mnnday MOB NING, Oct. 13. 1851, precisely nt 10 o'clock, will he sold in front of our store: One nearly new Farm vv agoa suitable lor hauling wood, manure, stone, neini very strongly bunt, ne sorter, ie or rseer uui goou oraer.


RICH AS-' SOKTA1ENT OF GIRANDOLES, CANDELA-BRAS, PRISIAIS.HALL AND PARLOR LAA1PS, BRITAIN IM 1 A Ah TbA 1 1,11 iVAKll, BO HE Mj AN AVARE, AVill be sr-ld on YVED-NESDAYr AlORNING 15th, '851, commencing at 10 o'clock, at No. 106 BALTIMORE STREET, the Entire Stock of a AYHiolesale and Retail China, Glass and Queensware Dealer, consisting of rich French China Dinner Sets, Tea ditto. Toilet ditto, Ts'e-a teteSets. Basins and Lwers, White Stone China AYrare, China 7ases, Cnina Afngs, Cups and Saucers, Twifiers, Bowis, Cliina Cake Baskets, Fruit ditto. GLASf-YVARE: Cut Pressed Glass, Preserves, AATines, Jellies.

Lemonades, Tumblers, Decanters; Fluid, oil and other Glass Iamps; Cup Plates, GIRANDOLES, LAAIPS, Rich Gilt and Silvered Candelahras Girandoles, Prisms Hall Passage Lamps, Boquet Holders, very Rich Costly Mantel Vases Ornaments, Images, Cigar Holders, Bohemian Vases, SILVER PLATED AND BRITANNIA WARE: Plated Castors, Britannia ditto. Plated and Britannia Coifeeand Tea Sets, Table ana Tea Spoons, Ladles, PitoheTS, Alugs, fThe attention of Dealers and Heads of Families is particularly invited, as the whole stock will be sold without reserve. Terms cash, in Bankable money. CHANCE GREEN, Gen'l. o9-ts Aj ltift JJaltimore-st.

POSITIVE SALE, OFAlTlJABLE WEST PRATT STREET PROPERTY. Will be sold ssS-on the premises, on THURSDAY' AFTER- NOON, Oct. 16th, 1351, at 4 o'clock, ALL THAT VALUABLE LOT OF GROUND, beginning lor the same on the south side of Pratt street, west of Green street, at the dis ance of fifty-four and a half feet westerly from tlie corner formed by the south side of Pratt street and the west side of Emory street, and running.thence, bounding on Pratt street, 18 feet; and thence southorly, parallel with Emory street, L.5 feet, to Dover street; thence easterly, bounding on Dover street, J8 feet; thence northerly, parallel with Emory street, 125 feet, to the place of beginning. The improvements consist of a fine, newly-built three-story BRICK DWELLING, with STORE ROOM in front, ard two story Brick Back Building, built of good materials and workmanship; fbjet to a small ground rent, and under rent to a permanent tenant. This property will be sold free of all incum brances up to day of sale.

Terms at sale, which will be liberal. t- CHANCE fc GREEN. Auct'rs. o9-f a No. 100 Baltimore street.

By Wm. (Iamlt.o. THIS (MONDAY') AlORNING, the 13th at 10 o'clock, at mv auotion room. No. 177 Pratt street.

I will sell a large stock of Goods consistin of Cloths; ti'aniceis; tjiotning; oots; cnoes; uountry Half Hose; Comforts; Kentucky Jears; Long na wis; Dress uooas; winning luusiin, ana a variety of Shop Goods, ALSO, YY'atches; Jewelry; Guns; Furniture and Housekeeping Articles; Traveling Trunks; Carpet Carpeting, N. Sale THIS (Monday) EVENING, at 7 1 o'clock. fjierehr.Rts and dealersaie invifeilto.alfend. YVirL Hamilton, ahpl FRONT STREET THEATRE. OPENING NJUHT! WEDNESDAY, October 15th, FIRST JJ1GHT OF MAX MARETZKK'S SPLENDID ITALIAN OPERA COAIPANY, Combination of the Inte Havana, Astor Place and Castle Garden Troupes, (one hundred axd twentv in xtjmber.) -A.

Grand and numerous CHORUS, A complete and unenualed ORCHESTRA, under the direction of AIAX ATARETZEK AND SIG. ARDITI. Only night ol Domzstti's famous Opera of EUC.M I LAMM RMOOM, with an Unprecedented Caste. First Appea-ance of the Great Vocalist, SIGiNORA ANGELINA BOSIO, Prima Donna Assolut a of the Italian Opera of Paris, Aladrid, See First Appearance of he renowned S1GNOR BETTIM, First Tenor from the Grand Operas of Tarisand the San Carlos, Naples, First appearance of the Unrivalled Barytone SIGNOR CESAR BAD1AL1, from the Grand Operas of Atilan, Vienna, Rome, First appearance of the fa vorite basso SIGNOR COLETTE WED NESDA VENlNG Oct. 15, 1351, Will be performed, for the ONLY TIHK THIS SEASON, Donizetti's celebrated Opera (in 3 acts) of LUCIA DI LAAIA1ERMOOR.

Lucia di Lammermoor Signora A. BOSIO. Edgardo di Ravenswood. Signor BETTINI. Sir Henry Aston Signor CESARE BADl ALL Raiinondo COLETTE Normanno BA RATI ML Flora.

Signora AVOG ADRO. GRAND and POWERFUL ClIORUSof Hunters, Lords, Ladies, e-Tne UNItlVALLED ORCESTR selected from aiiiong the best Prfesors of ew York, led by AIAX AIARETZEK. A CARD. The Director, in presenting himself to the citizens of Baltimore, thinks it superfluous to dwell on the merits of the Artists who compose the company. Without alluding to the fame they have acquired in the Opera Houses of London, Paris, and the principal cities of Italy, he begs to call the attention of the public to the immense strength of the Troupe, in point of numbers, and to the perfection of the castof both principals and auxiliaries.

This perfection in all the departments will form the leading feature of the entertainments he is going to oiler, and he trusts that the patronage extended to him during his short stay will warrant him in making, in future, such arrangements as will insure to the city of Baltimore a regular season of Italian Ooeras. The Director regrets that engagements previously entered into do not permit him to produce all those great operatic mssler-piwces which have been given, during the last eight months, in New York, Boston and Philadelphia. He has, however, selected from among them FOUR OF THE BFST GRAND OPERAS, which will afToru an opportunity ol presenting, in succession, he (till'erfnt eminent PR1AIA DONNAS, TENORS AND BASSE in such roles as are particularly adapted to the display of their vocal and histrionic powers. UsTNO OPERA can possibly be REPEATED. JO In conclusion, the Director begs to refer, with some feelings of personal satisfaction, to Ins successful endeavors in reducing the prices of admission to Operatic performances requiring so many expensive Artistes, to a standard much below that adopted by many a single artiste now in this country Desirous of carrying out the Bam' system in this city, and to make the Opera accessible to all respectable classes of society, he has established the followire SCALE OF PRICES: Dress Circle and Parquette 61 50 Family Circle.

75 Tuird Tier 60 SECURED SEATS. The Box Office will be opened on TUESDAY, Oct. 14th, from 10 A.M. to 2 from 3 P. AL to 5 P.AI.

NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR SECURED SEATS. The arrangements with regard to iioorkeepers, Ushers. Sec, are perfect in every war. AN EFFICIENT POLICE FORCE HAS BEEN ENGAGED. 13 3t t3? Doors open at 6J to commence at 7 oclock.

AW BUI LB I NOS. Li The PANORAMA OF THE ALLEGANY MOUNTAIN painted on a canvas a little less than a miie long, will be open for ON WEEK only, commencing on THIS (Alouday) EVENING, Oct. 13. Perhaps this is the onlv truly American Panorama ever exhibited in the United States, a production of gTeat originality, and differing bolh it-arrangement, and artistic execution from every thing of the kind that has preceded it. Not indebted to any "combined talent," or to any of ilthe masters''' for a sing'e tint, but Jiurely and emphatically tne production of a real Native American, Itctintaiiteer, who challenges the world to produce "-like effects from like causes." It embraces many scenes of Historical interest, including Washington's Expedition in 17i5; Braddock's Campaign; Fort Necessity: Monticello; Jefferson's Grave.

is.c. Artists and connoisseurs are invited to iu- pect it Doors open at 6t, to commence at 7 o'clock. JSfAd mission russiou 2j cents cnuuren ii cts, oia-ai- BALTIMORE AIUSEUAI AND GALLERY OF FINK ARTS. Cor. Baltimore and Calvert sts, THIS EVENING.

Oct. 13 commencing at 7i o'clk. 1 RALD Gil Air. Owens; King, AIr.Nag!e; Queen, Miss Morgan; Girakhi, Airs. Gia Jstine.

UA.Ni;i.Ml, PV iMISS THE TURNPIKE GATE Crack, Alr.Owens. Admission 25 cts; reserved seats 12J cti. extra; sentle-inen unaccompanied by ladies to pargettel2 HOLXiIDAY STREET TH EATRE. THIS EVENING, Oct. 13.

HRST A AAt'K Or MtvS WARNER. KING HEN RY THE VUl-Queen Karhenne, Airs. Warner: Cardinal Woolsey, i1r. Oxlev; Cromwell, Mr. Mel- King Henry, jjuii.

HOUSE DOG Dust, Air. Chnrrnan; Melpomene, Airs. Carman: Betty Buncle, Airs. Stephens. Doors open at 64- o'clock to commence at 7 o'clook.

Boxes, PaTqnet'ta ami Balcony BP cer.ta; 2-1 aid 3d Tier Boxes 25 cents; Colored Gallery; 25 een8. BoxOmoe open from 10 A. AI. till 5 P. Al where jeats can be secured.

Ht CARROLL HALL THIS (SATURDAY EVENING. Oct. nth, THE GREATEST ATTRACTION Op THE iffE GRAND NATIONAL PANORAMA OF THE HUDSON RIVER COMPRISING FIFTEEN LARGE CITIES AND TOWNS, and painted upon THREE THOUSAND FEET OF LINEN CANVAS. AT A COST OF 32,000 The Exhibition will be accompanied each evening with a CONCERT by tb? distinguished Sorgstress, AI ADAM THERISINA GIOVANI, who has been expressly eneaged for the occasion, and will sing in Italian, Spanish, French mid English. new programme every evenmi 5mgie ncKeis Saturday Afternoons .25 cts.

...12 cts. .25 cts. All Schools .10 cts. Performance to commence at 7 o'clock. o7-tf RONT STREET THEATRE.

ITALIAN OPERA. AIAX MARETZEK Imi; the honor of informing the oublie of Baltimore that he will give, nil is way to the South, FOUR GRAND OPERA GALA NIGHTS, in which his IMMENSE ITALIAN OPERA COAI-PA consisting of the combined HAY AX ASTOR-PLACF AND CASTLE GARDEN TROUPES, 120 IN NUMBER, WILL MAKE TIfTTW PIH APPEAB A NCV. THE OPENING NIGHT will positively 'ke piacaon WEDNESDAY, October 15th, 1851, on which occasion wib be given LUCIA DI LAMAIERAIOOF3 in a s'yle of unequalled splendor. popart I on lars in future advertisements. oS-ffH the a nTsh DWARF, a Gentleman of Distinction, lately from the Philadelphia Museum, now at Til LYCEUM, CORNER BALTIMORE ir HA HLES STREETS, will be.

seen from 11 till 2 o'clock, and from 7 till 10 P. AL, THIS DAY, October 11th. This zet'tieman is thirty years of age, and measures but TWENTY-NINE INCHES IN EIGHTH. His beard is a great being very heavy and beeufiful in the extreme. He is well-formed, and has vhe appearance of a perfect man in miniature.

His voice is strong and pure. fi dances several characteristic Spanish Dances. O-Tickets TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; Children haZ- price. CIRCUS. ELSII, NATHANS Is.

BANCKER'S NATIONAL DRAMATIC EQ EST til A FSTA-BLISHMENT, and the LARGEST COAIPANY IN THE WORLD, will be-open in Baltimore Oct. 17th, for a few days only. GREAT EXCITEAIENT AT THE HERRING RUN RACE COURSE. Agreat BUFFALO and ELK HUNT will come oH on VV hVi h-JJA Oct. 15.

1851. at 2 o'clock. P. AI. The Ani mals can be seen at the Course previous to the Hunt oo-fit DICKEY fc VOSK.

Managers TJROF. J. R.CODET'S DANCING ACADEMY, SARATOGA A To tf.e overs ot fashiona bie Dances, he has the honor to first introduce to the B'ltiimre public the new and fashionable Dances LA GORLITZA and LA TEAIPETE, as danced in Paris and 1-ondon, and the KW HOSSUTli WAI.T. which has been received from his Euro pean correspondent, and several new Dances will be brought forward in the course of the season. Air.

C. guarantees that those desirous of learning the Dances n-ill ronoivn the rtorrfip.t tvlfi. as dnnced in Enrone. Private l-essons every morning WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, from 3 till 5 o'clock, for Ladies, Alissesand Masters. Gentlemen's Class, TUESDAY and FRIDAY EVKfN IIUS, lrom 7till in o'clock.

S. The first HOP will take plaoa on SATUR DAY EVENING, Nov. 1st, and continue through out theseason w-eoim tKaTVCING AND WALTZING ACADEAIY. yJ SARATOGA of Calvert and Saratosa J. R.

CODET hs the honor to announce that he wi commence giving Lessons on SATURDAY, September 27th, in all the new and fashionable modern styles, viz: REDOWA LA POLKA. MAZURKA POLKA, SCHOTISCH, WALTZES, two steps, five and six steps. The new German fjiuirfriiinsn.i several entirely new Dances will be in tToduoed. Davs of Tuition adies and Masters, WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, lrcin 3 to Gents Claes TUESDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS, from 7 till 10 o'clock. Practising Soirees every SAT RD A NIGHT.

Strictly private as heforft. P. S. Air. can be seen every day and evening at the Saloon.

The Saloon can be had for private Balls or Soirees. sl4-eolmr A CARD. MR. HLASKO begs to" inform his friends, and the public that his DANCING SCHOOL will be Re-opened on the first of November at his usual Hall, No. 11 LEXINGTON STREET.

Alore partieulars hereafter. 07 '6t MRS. WRIGHT will relate the past, present and future events, to the great astonishment and satisfaction of all that visit her, by meansof her researches in Astrological science, at No. 40 BAR RE between Hanover and Charles streets, second door from Hanover street. SSNo admittance to gentlcmen.

ol-lm IDDLE'S IMPROVED SK LIGHT DAGVERRIAN GALLERY. The undersigned having recently introduoed several very important improvements in the process of Da-gii3rreotyping, is now prepared to execute piotures of peonliar firillianey and effect. His likenesses are celebrated for their expression, richness of tone and artistical arrangement. His late facilities will enable him to produce pictures of unsurpassed beauty Gallkrt-163 N. GAY STREET, over William Rrm's J)ry Goods Store.

sSlm. A. J.3IDDLE, Artijrt. VKITCRS TO THE STATE ITHE STEAMER FARMER WILL LEAVE BRISTOL, at tneead of heT'atuxent river, at 8 A- M-, on TUESDAY te 21st, touching at the usumI landings; arriving in BaA.more same evening. Returning, will leave Baltimore on KIDA MORNING, at 6 o'clock.

Tiekts for the round-trip, at reduced prices, and artielexta tended for exhibition earned free of charge, J-Kt FUEEIND HALL, Agffil. BROGANS. On THURSDAY, Oct. 16, at 10 o'clk, we will sell 500 packages of Boots, Shoes and Brogans, eomnrisinir a general assortment of fresh and seasona ble goods recently received direct from the manufac turers, and suitame to tne coutnern ana western rTrms of sale Under Sion. cash: 100 to S300.

four months; $300 and over, 6 months credit. 13-ts Auctioneers. iiy Aflreon fc Co. OCERIES TTUCTIONOiT TUESDAY AlORNING, 1 4th instant, at 10 o'clock, at our warehouse. No.

22 South street, we will sell a largo lot of Groceries as follows 37 bags Green Rio Coffee 1,700 lbs. Cuba, Loaf and Common Sugar 9 chests Imperial Text 7 Gunpowder do l'J Black do 4 Young Hyson 7 boxes Patent Soap 7 kegs Soda 72 lxixes Pepper 1,500 lbs. canvased Hams boxes Burnt Coffee 19 1 casks Brandv 4 i Port Wine 16 demijohns do. and Brandy The above sale otf'ttrs great inducements to Country merchants, hs the sale will be positive. Terms cash, in bankable money, oil-tsl ADREON Ancts.

FURNITURE AT AUCTION. On TUESDAY AlORNING. the 14th at 10 will sell at our warehouse, a variety of NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE, as follows: BUREAUS. SIDEBOARDS, SOFAS, ROCKERS, SETTEES, DINING, BREAKFAST, AND CENTRE TABLES. TOILET Wash Stands, Offioe and other Chairs; Alnhogony, Ala-pleand Beach Bedsteads; also.

Cribs, Also, FEATH ER BEDS AND BEDDIN Husk, Straw and Hair AIaitresss. WINDOW SASH, to close. '1 erms. cash, in Barkab'e money. oll-ts.

ADREON Auctioneers. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF LETTER, CAP, ILL, CONFECTIONER'S aND TEA PAPERS, BEING -THE ENTIRE STOCK OF A STATION ERV STORE I will sell on TUESDAY AlORNING, the 14th instan: at 10 o'clock, at the warehouse of Adreon No 22 S. Charles street, the ENTIRE STOCK OF A STATIONERY" STORE. A valuable lot of Letter, Cap, Bill, and Confectioner's Paper, of which the following is a schedule: 5 reams blank Foolscp; 18 reams Root; 5 E. AT.

5 D. O. Ames: 5 Goodwill 5 do. white ruled 5 do. E.

AI 5 dj. G. 5 do. S. 5 do.

S. Son; 5 do. Blue Letter, Carew Manufacturing 5 do, Goodwin 10 do. do S5 do. Duraht 5 do'D.

7 Co. L. Brother; 7,3 reams White ruled Letter, C. AL in do. Goodwin 25 do.

O. plain; 17 reams Ixmg Bill Paper Cap 7reame colored Cap 16 reams Wute flat Cap 11 reams white Crown do. The above papers are all in good order, and will be closed without reserve, for cash, in Bankable money, to close the business. JESSE WELSH, oll-ts. a ADREON Auctioneers.


22 South Charles street, a large and general assortment of Fall snd Winter Dry Goods, and namoinpartas follows: Block, blue, brown, olive and mixed Broadcloths; black, mixed, plaid and fancy Doeskin Cassimers; black, mixed, til ue, grey and fancy colored Satinets; Kentuckv Jeans; Kerseys; fulled Cloths; Flushings; Beaver and Pilot Cloths; Cashmere, Siik and Swacsdown fancy colored Siik Serges; black Sarin. Alio DRESS 4-4 Plaid Chenile Lama Cloths; rich Paris Silk striped Cashmeres; and figured rich style plaid and printed De Laines; fancy new style Jenny ind figured Cashmeres; rich style fancy figured De Laines; French colored Thibet Merino Cloths; sup. black London high-colored Lustre; sup. newstvle high-colored etntossed splendid quality silk warp London colored figured Alpacas: sup. ti-4 london colored Canton Cloths, for oity trade.

Also, fancy colored Prints, comprising 175 pieces; farcy Sonnet Ribbons: Kid Gloves; super French Linen ambric Handkerchiefs; plain and figured Swiss Muslins; Cashmere and Cotton Hose; fc.Ugrags ana lPPernDsrs. aiso. DOMESTIC GOODS. 40 pieces assorted Brown Alusiins 150 do do Bleached, 11-4, 8-4, so oo nue xsieacnea una 72 do Brown assorted brands loo do Assorted Bed Ticking 25 do Washington Canton Flannels 10 do Alarine rhirting Stripes 20 do A proa Cheeks Also, will be added, to cover advances: 50 cases Hoots, Siioes and Brogans 10 do Angola Cassimer and Silk Hats 5 do sup. Silk and Umbrellas 10 dozen' Valises 60 do Wool Comforts; 100 pairs Blankets.

Terms cash in bankable tnortpy, oll-ts ADREON Aact's. IMPORTED HAVANA SEGARS: CHAMPAGNE, PORT, MADEIRA SHERRY" WINES. AT AUCTION. We will sellon THURS DAY AlORNING, 16th instant, at our Warehouse. No.

22 South Char ics street, an invoice of Havana. Imported Segars, as follows, in part: 31 tiavana actars, to cover axivanees 119 to close sales Also, 95.750 assorted brands Domesiio Segsrs Alno, 12 baskets Cimmpagne Wine. Crown brand. Avize. Also, 7-1 dozen Fort Wine: do.

Madeira do. 16 do Sherry Wine. Terms cash, in Bankable mouev. ADREON 013 tst ap A auctioneers. Sy SauiTxel .1.

goper. fc Co. nnn volum es books, to be sold yjXjUU AT AUCTION, on THIS and TO- WMKUW st 3'to Baltimore I he stock- consists ol History, Chemistry, Biography, Surgery. Poetry.

Theology. together a ntt.ntity ofWriting Papers, of the best quality; Pens, ink; Blank Books, a variety of Fancy Goods: all of whicii are new ard in perfect order, and wiil be sold to the highest bidder. 07-M-T St Auctioneers. FURNITURE, GROCERIES, On THIS (Atondaj MOll.NlNG, iSlh dtlii o'clock, at Hit auction erore, io. poutn tjnaries we snail sell reaerai variety 01 r.evr anu second-nana urniture.

-'iz: tsilas: consol ana Plain bureaus: (-sola Tobies: Centre mahogany Cha'rs; Office Desks; Work-stands; mahoCTnv Dinin? Tables; cane-seat Chairs; -nanoany Rocking Chairsj Looking Glasses: Feather Beds: 100 pairs Whitnev RlanketB: and husk AIattresse3; too pcroU seat Rocking Chairs; 100 VVaflhstandsj-Srhii-eniliFs Chairs; Nurse Set- rpw Suives: Grato. liliUUhUlLS, viz: l-i canks tfrandy: 5 bbls. Do mestic 4 co. G111; 10 baes K10 Coffee; 6 chests fine H. Teas; 50 boxes brown Soap; Rice; Starch: Segars; Tobacco; Herrings: Cheese, kic.


at 10 o'olonk, on second floor of oor warehouse, S6 Sonth Charles street, we will sell a large as- iortmentot seasonable VKl oonsisiing of super black, blue and brown Cloths; super black doeskin Cassimers; new style fancy super blk satin Vesting; silk and cashmere do super black, blue and grey mixed Satinets: super Kentucky Jeans: Kerseys; super twilled red Flannel; bleached, unbleached and colored Canton Flannel; Irish Linens; hrown Hollands and Linens; brown and bleached AIus- lins. nUKSS GOODS tuper black and lancv JSilks? figured silk Lustres; super Pilk and worsted Poplins; French Cashmeres and De Laines; fancy col'd Meri- noes; colored and bl v.k Alpacas; Fall Plaids and Ginghams; new style Prints. Also, super niaoK ana irava sanu kid and merino Gloves; super black cashm -re Hose; country knit half Hose; children's i-uspenders; new atjie Bonnet niooons; r.iacK anu rora inreaa. Also, super Whitney Blankets: Alarseilles Quilts; super white and col'd Shirts; merino and wool Undershirts and Drawers. ask the attention ol city ana country merchants.

Terms cash in bi-nkh le money. ol3-ts SAM'L-J. SOPER By liojk 7 N. Charles Street. No SAIiE OF A DESIRABLE THREE-STORY AND ATTIC BRICK DWELLING on AIAD I SON ST.

On THIS DAW 13th we will sell by public auction, at 4i o'clock, P. AL, on the premises.that desirable and well-built new three-story and attic Brick DWELLING, No. 211 Aladison above Biddlo street. Lot fronting 16 feet and running back 90 feet to an alley. Terms at sale, oca- ts GIBSON Aucts.

SALE OF HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CHICKERING PIANO, 215 Madison street, above Biddle street. On TUESDAY AlORNING, 14th at 10 o'clock, we will sell at No. 215 Madison (north side) between Biddle and PrestoT superior and well kept FURNITURE of a family declining housekeeping, consisting in part of Mahogany and Parlor Chairs; Rocking and Fancy Chairs: 1 mahognny Lounge; 1 elegant Rosewood Centre Table, with marble top, made by Ren -wick; 1 walnut Eturgere; Rout Tables: 1 large gilt frame French Plate Pier Glass; worsted Damask Curtains;" Girandoles; Alantel Ornaments; 1 marb'e Etruscan Vase; Oil Paintings and Engravings Also.1 superior mahogany PIANO, made by Chick-nrincr i lanro oytwsirai Dmins Table, made bv Wil liams; 1 Sofa and extension Table: 1 white French China Dinner Set; 1 fancy China Tea Sat; rich Cut Glass; walnut Hat Rack, with glass; niahog. French Bedstead: Spring and best Curled Hair Mattresses; mniii vtTnrrinhA: Dressinz Bureaus: Washstands. with a variety of Kitchen Furniture; one Cooking Stove, Terms cash, in bankable money, oclO-ts GIBSON Aucts.

SALE OF SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNI TURE. Sh.KVIJ Or FLA IE, On THURSDAY' AlORNING. Oct. 16th, at ten n'nlnnlr. -or will-sell at No 71 North Calvert street.the Household Furniture contained therein, belonging to I the Hon.

John Barney, who is about visiting Europe. i YVe name in part Alahogany Solas: parlor Chairs; pier anu centre I able; one i.iige nmuogany oecreiarv ami Book Case: Sideboard; ete-a- i etc; ottomans; lancy limitlirA A rinh and valuable serviceof Silver Plate. bv the cities of New York and Philadelphia to CormnrvWo DecAtur. in and 1815. consistineoi 4 Butter Boats; 2 Soup Tureens; 1 large Urn, and one Goblet or Pitcher.

Also A lot of fine old bottled Madeira, Brandies, Terms cash, in bankable money. 10 ts GIBSON Auct'rs. OF A DESIRABLE WEE K'S LING ON SHARP STREET. On THURS-DAY, lfi instant, we will sell by public auction, at 1 o'clock, P. AL, at the Exchange, that desirable two-storv nnd ef.t.ic Bnck Dweliinz HOUSE, with back building, No.

149 Sharp street, east side, between Barre and Lee streets- now occupied by Mr. S. S. Stevens, at. the animal rent of 225.

The lot fronts 20 feet, and runs back 78 feet, and is subject to a grouna rent oi ou per annum. The sale will be a peremptorv one. Terms cash. oll-5tl GIBSON Aucts TSJOTICE. I hereby forewarn all persons from trust- i ing or crediting in any way my wile, Amanaa ivi.

Clefford, formerly Amanda AI. Jones, or any-person on my account, as am ueiermmeu to pay no ueuis oontraoted lrom tnisuate. olft-3t SAATUEL FORTY. hereby warn all persons from trusting or giving credit to my vy lie, Amanua lYi.tjienoru. (formerly Amanda AL Jones,) sh having left my bed and board without any just provocation; anu am uo termined to pay no debts contracted bv her from thi date.

SAMUEL CLKl-TOffD. oil St. Citairs; rush satin damasK curtains; Brussels carpeting; French Plate Glasses: Lamps; mantel Ornaments; mahogany dining and breakfast Tables; rich cut Glass; India China; plated Ware; French mahogany Bed-sreads; Feather Beds; Alattresses: Bureaus; AVash-stands, together with the usuij variety of Kitchen.

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