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The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • 3

The Baltimore Suni
Baltimore, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

port op Baltimore, sk 13, lssi. WANTS. AMUSEMENTS. AUCTION SA1.ES. AUCTION SAX.ES.

AUCTION SAL.ES. San ns3 4 3 Sun sets. 7 23 CLEARED. Brir CofTm. Kirsiand, Chase Camet, (Er.l Rum-ling's.

Trmuiaii, Jos. C. Yates; schrs. H. N.

Gmbrili, Wnorl, Sauumh, Oirviu; C. Bartlftt, llopkiti, New York, M-innm A; Aun Lttza, Jones, Richmond, ppi irth; Knlghi, ElmliHg, Petersburg, via Norfolk, A.l YVocUy, RpahAoiiOi ARRIVED. "Er. fchr Tinie, Gould, 7 frum Nassau, N. tuJes, in.l fruit, to T.

Montell. Er, ketch Commerce, Soutrbtes, 10 Jn from S.irtia frr-tnle, si.trar and molasses, to Pearre. Tl LKOR.AFHi.D-A full t.ri-MEMORANDA? Ship Maine, Freeman, for Baltimore, entered fur loading at Liverpool 2jth nit. fisip W. A.

Cooper, Lincoln, for Baltimore, uh despatch, was advertised at do. 3lsl. Ship Realm, Stephens, from Baltimore, arrived at New Or-leam 4th mst. Ship Emerald, Ji.gger, from Baltimore, arrived at Harbor Ilih inst to fit fur whaling-; destined to the Arctic seas. Eariurs Lowell, Loveland-, Appletou, JUr Stamen, Rrder, from Ealumore, amTl-d at Boston Kith lust Fer telegraph.

Helen Maria. Howea, and schr. Spray, Do, from iitimcre, arrived at llifc in.l. Erig Palo AltO; Woo4, from liiltimore, arrived at Charies-tan Hh t-hrs arih Fierpont; E.

Merrill, Strong-, and from Eahim.Te, arrived at New York l'2ti. JVOK. SALE AXD KE.VT. -s rOR SALE OR That valuable i DW i. 1.1.1 G.

on the corner ol St. Paul ami Reed i-streets. Apply to A 1 KK.NStb isc jel4-4f! No. Tit Fay ere street, Baltimore. FOR RENT Avery desirable DWEI.Ll.NG Pratt street, above Howard House: stands Imek.

LEnniitrpori the premises, or of A G. FI TZ- SLMMOAS, I'M Elltaw at. ,14 A HOOD BUSINESS STAN b'OK KENT Thar STORE and DWELLING, at the of Fremont sud McIIenrv streets, near the outer depot of the Baltimore and Olito Railroad. Apply to CALEB KELLY. i'l tt'V.

desirshle two story Bn-k piS DWELLING, -with Parlors. Back- a-i-Building and Hvdnint. -with a gnxl A aru, 1'raiiklui street, first house east of Pino street, north side. It is now hems completely papered and painted. ami out in superior order, rossessioii tueu in a i- days.

Apply at 4(5 SARATOGA ST. JAzViil FOR SALE The STOCK and TOOLS of a LOCK SMITH and BELL-HANGER, tocetner nd GOOD WILL of the Stand which Im-s "0..1 run of custom, will he disposed of low ii early application bo made. Apply at the office of the Sun. STOKE FOR KENT, and if required, a part '-Toft i DW ELLIN U. on west Baltimore thud il-door of Caleiuler alley, near Poppleton st.

Tiie si ore is 15 by S2 feet, Tritn two larce lxv -windows. oiuiiiter and slielvmi, siiifitbie lor a ilry gtnxi or ciotu nte store. Enquire on the premises. FOR SALE. A desirahle and attic Brick DW ELLIN G.with two-story back iHiiliiing ami hnedrv Cellar under the whole, on the west side of Ann street, fourth house north of Gongh street Theahove property is in a healthy and pleasant Ii-onfslj feet on Ann sl'reer.

depth of lot mi It rent only $1 25 per front foot. Apply on the PRE.MISES. je 14 St ja, FOR SALE A first class Dwelling HOUSE, situated in the west side of Eden street, opposite iif-f he Eastern Fountain. The house fronts .0 fcf. three stories hizh, with two-story and atric douhle Back Building, -ftith Bath'IIouMe.

six gooal chamlxTs. ne iaree pantrv, dining room and kitchen on the Moor, with two trivod stair ways. 1 or particu-hirs inquire of J. C. street.

Ijc- ween Fratt and (rough. jci4-stuji PROPERTY ON SHORT NEAR OR-LEANS ABOL'T No. Occupied by Mrs. i-Donecan; a gootl front and depth; it is a two story Knck. and giol rooms, sroou cenar; it is a cooti sninu fora store.

Terms of sale cash. Applv to -MARY NK MILLER. No. 17 Pitt st. FOR PRIVATE SALE An excellent two story Brick DWELLIN on Canal near E.

Baltimore sf Jl4-gt: BEACH HILL FOR spleiahd T- TTTsuhnr nan RES ULNCh. ol tlie late KODert UU Aavmore is offered for sale, with two Acres of Ground Attached, bounded by Saratoga. Fulton and Mullierr. streets. Al.

a Lot of Ground on Mount Vernon nlace. adioininf the liKinsion of Dr. Thomas. AppIv to A. D.

CLEMENS. Real-Estare Aeenr, Fa.etfe street, adjoining jeUStj (HfOUND iRKNTS. HOI SES. COUNTRY SEATS. FARMS.

LOTS. FOR SALE. Money to loan and lots to lease. Annuities cf .60. 35.

5 of :33 each, 6 ot 21, 2 "4.5i, 60 of .22 each, and otliers ar low- rates. Lots to Lease 1X feet on E. Pratt. near Washington Btreet. a beautiful site for fashionable iaie'Imtrr Ki feet on Chester: 60 feet on V.

ashinston: feet on Castle, near 4ki feet on Ross, "near I Anva'e: 44 feet on Franklin, near Court land loO 1 on S. Howard. Advances in cash would be made on some. 2rt Houses for sale throughout the citv. Apply to GEO.

GELBACH, Real Estate Broker, 56 Second St. je-4-jf ji, VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. The sub-scriier ori'ers f.r sale his FARM, situate and ing in PatapscoNeck. five miles from Baltimore, nr. th Canton road, and adioinins tho lands of Daniel Stansburv and John H.

Randolph. Esq's. Sid Farm contains 5il acres of LAND: about 10 acres ot whien is in wood and timber, the residue in a pood state of cultivation, havins been all (except 10 acres) well limed and manured within the last two years past; tne soil is well adapted to the early growth of all kinds of vegetables for market, as well as all kinds of erain and grass. The improvements axe a Frame DWELLING, wnh the necessary out-buikHnss, and an excellent well of water at the'door; also, a variety of Fruit Trees, pro-ducin? excellent fruit. Persons wishine to purchase can view the premises by calling on Mr, J.

WARD, residing thereon. For further particulars inquire of tt.e subscriber, residing in Pratt street, second door lrom Bethel. Baltimore. jeu-ivvcat THOMAS GALE. LOST AND FOUND.

LOsT, on the 12th instant, on Baltimore street. le-rween ami Front, a Black Enameled BREASTPIN, with hair The finder will fat a suitable reward, and the thanks of the owner, bv leaving it at ADAMS CO'S EXPRESS OFFICE, 162 Baltimore street. jel4-3T XTOTICR. WAS FOiXl.Mi Mondaj li 1 Reservoir House Gantenn, A cvMALL AMOUNT AlUi-. careiuny wrappeu up.

me owner can have it by proving the monov, pay ing for this advertisement, and calling at the Reservoir House, of Mr. JOHN FRIEDRICIL lt.J FIVE IjOLI.ARS REWARD. St ra.etl jiv'Ti awav on the evening of the Intii a large --SfiRREL MARE, with white face and three white feet, about nine years old: earned on ner haifer. The above reward will be raid for her recovery and re turn to .1. Philadelphia Road, near Patter son ills, a uuti4mi les ou ei4-3t LOST On Tueslav evening, l'Mi instant, between Calvert street and Brnadwav.on Baltimore street, a LAUY'S GOLD WATCH, with the minute hand broken.

A suitable reward will be given, if returned to the Sun office. TWO DOLLARS REWARD. Strayed fiSr-swar on the morning of the 12th instant, a large -A BRlNDLE COW. She is a springer. and expected to calve every day.

The above reward will be paid for information of her wherealiouts, or Iter recovery and return to JOHN DUNN, Calverton Road, near the Cattle Scales. yrrZ WAS FOUND TRESPASSING on the WSfM premises of the subscriber, a SOW AND SIX SHOATS. Three of the Shoats is marked with a hole in the right ear, the others without marks: none ol them spotted. The owner is requested to prove property pay charges and take thern away. Apply to KlCnARD HUCI HNS.

near Franklin Town. jl3-3' -V CAME TO THE SUBSCRIBER'S: on jT the 5th a blight BAY MARE, wifhdark mane and tail, about twelve years old. hands high, with a star on her forehead, one whitehind foot, blind in the left eye. barefooted behind, switch tail, trots and canters. The owner of the aliove-de- Mare is requested to come forward, prove pro- i li-rc i v- e1 pa cnarKes, ana rnKe ner a a u.

URsLER. living on the Deer Park Roait, near the Patapsco Falls. jel3-3f? BUARDIXG. BOARDING. Seven or eight Boarders can be accommodated with BOARD at No.

14 New Church gtreet. 'It A CARD. That large and comfortable House, No. 85, at the comer ot" Saratoga and Liberty streets, has Iieen put in complete repair, and is now open for the reception of BOARDERS. Those who wish a delightful situation, pleasant Rooms, and attentive servants, are requested to make early application.

rnlS-lm BOTRDLNTTMRS. II. F. HOOK is prepared to receive permanent and transient BOARDERS on the most accommodating terms, in that large, convenient and desirable House on the southeast corner of Baltimore and Eutaw streets, opposite the Eufaw House, entrance on Eufaw street. Strangers will rind tms location the most healthy and desirable in the city.

mao-lin 35, Til TfXE LARGE. AND COMMODIOUS BOARDING HOUSE, No. 4S Hanover re-' ii "centlv occupied bv Miss Pease, having been thoroughly whitewashed and painted throughout, is now open for the reception of genteel families, and single jifentlemen. The rooms are spacious and airy, and the location pleasant and convenient to all the great marts of the city. B.C.

EASTMAN. maim" RS PHARNUM'S COUGH CANDY. 1 He that hath an ear to tfur Irt fti11 Ufar." Baltimore, Novemler In, Dear Madam: The duties of my business have ex-po-ed me to coughs, colds, asthir.a. and pulmonary affections. I have been deprived of the power attending to the duties of inv profession, and should have Keen, had it not have been lor the benign effects of your MEDICATED CANDY.

1 tried but a few hours before I to reap Ih- advantage of its effects. My cough and liixirseness MY LUNGS ARE HEALED, and inv appetite greatly improved. therefore, have no hesitation 111 adding my testimony to that of the manv who have experienced the lienetits of your valuable Cough Candy. William Mercer. For sale bv the following Agents: At J.

W. BOND'S, 44 Baltimore S. S. fiance's, I118 Baltimore and corner of Charles and Pratt (. V.

Barry's, corner of Baltimore I-arI: E. II. 'erkms', cor. Baltimore and Green; Perkins corner Green and Frriiiklin; J. F.

Perkins, No. 144 North Howard B. Rush Roberts, corner of Hanover and Baltimore S. K. Fleming, corner Euiaw and lxmgton J.

M. cor. of Baltimore and Harrison Thos. J. Pitt, corner of High and Pratt J.

W. Reid, 112 Broadway, F. T. C. Hopkins, corner of Broadway and Canton avenue, and bv Druggists throughout the city, Stare, and District of Columbia generally.

It proprietor, Imving cured himself and many friends, is induced to prepare and otl'er it lo the public. I have yet to hear of the first failure. Among manv tealinio-malsof its efficacy, I cive the following extracts uf letters from gentlemen of hizh respectability: J. Y. Barber Dear Sir: As yon 'desire an expression of my opinion as to the ctiicacy of your preparation for the cure of Pups, I will state that I suffered greatly from that disease lor several years; used very many remedies without any Bienil benefit, until, about two ears ago, I tried your preparation, and after using it for two days I was able to walk about without inconvenience, continued its uso some days, wasentirely relieved, and have had no recurrence of them down to this time.

Very respectfully, your friend, Calvert County, Mav7th, 1850. J. Y. Barter Dear Sir: By the rieadvice of my physi cian. Dr.

Councilman, I called 011 you for a bottle" of your preparation, and it gives me pleasure to Bay that, alter using it a few days, I was entirely relieved, and I believe radically cured. Yours, respectfully. Thomas V. Blake, CalvSrt County, April 8th, lasn. Calvert Cot'nty, May 15,1851.

Mr. J. Y. Barber Den Sir: This will inform you that the eight ounce bottle of your pile specific, which 1 bought of you some time ago, hrvs entirely relieved rue after using it for threeor four days. 1 suffered greatly with the disease for upwards of eighteen months, but have lemained entirely well since 1 uaed your specific.

Very respectfully servant, TUKOnORE IlonGKi-vs. For saleby the Agents, SETI I S. IIANCE.No. 103 Baltimore street, and corner of and Pratt Baltimore, and ROBERT S. PATTERSON, Washington, IXC.

jl4-AVSMtS4r "DINE TaPPLES fine condition, and foaie By Chance Ss Green. No. 100 Baltimore street. FURNITURE, IIOU SEKEEPI ARTICLES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, On THIS (Saturday) MORN ING, June 14th, at 10 o'clock, we wiil sell, at our Store, a variety of Housekeeping Articles, Liquors, as Solas: Tables; Chairs; Carpeting; Glasses; Beds and Bedsteads; Bed Clothing; Trunks; Clocks; Valises; Carpet Bags, Also, LIQUORS, as fine French Brandy, in demijohns; Gin, Also, CIGARS, a very choice lot of assorted brands, cash. CHANCE GREEN, je 13-ts 100 Baltimore street.

LEXINGTON STR PR OPE AT fill AUCTION. Will be sold on the premises, on -TUESDA AFTERNOON, the 17th June, at 4 o'clock, a handsome two-story and attic BRICK' DWELLING, fronting on Lexington street 13 feet, and'ruuiug back 70 feet to a feet allev, and first house above Amity street. The slove property will be sold sutiject to a. mortgage of 5314: one-half to be paid 3d July, 18.51. and the other on 3d July, 1852 otherwise tree ol all incumbrances up to day of sale.

Purchasers tlisposed to examine the property can do so any tuna previous to sale. Sale positive. CHANCE GREEN, loo Baltimore street. liy Adrtun No. 22 South Charles strket.

-fj, TWO SNUG TWO-STORY HOUSES ONI SPRING STREET TO BE SOLD POSI-iaLTIVELY FOR CASH. We will sell on THIS. (Saturday) AFTERNOON. 14th at fiveo'clock, on the premises, for cash, two snug two-story Bride-HOUSf'S on Spring street, the 3d and 4th Houses North of Jefferson street, fronting 12 feet, and running 6.5 feet deep, more or less, subject to a very small ground rent; now occupied by good tenants, and will most positively be sold, as the owner is about to leava the city. ADR EON Auct'rs, jell-tsj Ger.

Cor. 22 South Charles streets. 9nn staplit CJJ AXD FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. On MONDAY MORNING, 16th we will sell by catalogue 200 lots Fresh Seasonable, Staple and: Fancy Dry Goods, commencing at 10 o'clock, at our warehouse, No. 22 South Charles street, consisting in part of black, blue and medley Cloths; black and fancy' Cassimeres; Satinetts; Cassinets; Tweeds: DeCheins.

Also, Papplems: I olard Silks; fancv Berage: Iawiis; M. de Laines: Alpacas; Serges; Merihoes. Also, plain, and dotted Swiss Muslins; plaid Cambric Bishop. Lawns; Gro de Rhine: Tarleions; Dress Silk: Illusion; brown and bleached Muslin; Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; Gents, Ladies and Gents, brown and whito Cotton Hose and Half-Hose; black do. Child's do.

Suspenders: Silk Handkerchiefs: plaid do. Also. 150 lbs. black Italian Sewing Silk; col'd Sewings: fancy Dress Silks: in connexion with a large lot of handsoma Dry Goods not enumerated. Terms cash on delivery.

ADREOX jel2i.ts Auctioneers. GROCER IES, On TUESDAY MORNING, 17th instant, at our Warehouse, No. 22 Sonth Charles street, we will sell, without reserve, a large lot of Fresh GROCERIES, embraeingr 33 bags Rio Coffee: 17 sacks Ground Allum Salt: Sugar; Rice; Tolacco; Segars; Indigo; Blacking; Pepper; Alspicej ALSO 5 eighth casks dark French Brandy J8 quarter pale Otard, Dupuy Co. 3 pipes Gin; Old Rye Whisky; common do. Rum.

Spirits. ALSO QUEENSWARE, as White Enameled. TeaiSets: Raised Figuredo; Chamber and Toilet Setsr Cups: Saucers; Bowls; Gravies; Boats; and a general variety of Glassware. Terms cash on delivery. jel4-3t a ADREOX Aucts- FURNITURE, CHAIRS.

STANDS, BROOMS. TUESDAY MORXIXG, 17th at ten o'clock, at our warehouse. No. 22 South Charles we will sell, without reserve, to close consignments, and cover advances, in part, the following 19 rnarble-top Dressing Bureaus, Baltimore make 42 plain and consol front do do do 11 fine carved-back mahogany Bpnng-seat Sofas 14 do plain back do do do 3 second-hand do do do 11 carved-back spring-seat 19 plain mahogany do do 7 plain and carved mahog. Nurse Rockers; walnut d.

42 high-post cherry and mahogany Bedsteads 60 low-post do do do 17 French do do do 16 dozen Washstands 20 do Boston scroll-seat Rocking Chairs liij do do do Nurse do 11 do cane-seat Xurse: 22 doz. Children's Chairs 9 do Astor Cottage, a beautifuf article 15V do Children's Hole and High Chairs, "Rough and Ready" Italian and common wood-seat Chairs. All parties interested in the above sale will please take notice. Terms cash in bankable money. jel4-ts? ADREOX CO Auctioneers.

PROPERTY ON THE X. E. CORNERS Tif CHASE and CATHEDRAL STREETS FOR. -isfc-SA LE. The subscriber will sell at the Exchange, on L.DNESDAY, June 13th, at lo'clock, F.

AL, all that LOT OF GROUND, on the X. E. corner of Chase and Cathedral streets, fronting one hundred and thirty-one feet, or thereabout, on the north sideof Chaso street, and running to the west side of Decker street: thence northerly, on Decker street, forty-seven feet and eight inches; thence westerly', one hundred and forty feet or thereabout, to Cathedral street: thence southerly, fronting on Cathedral street forty-eight feet, to the beginning. Improved, in part, by six two-story BRICK DWELLINGS. About 60 feet of the ground, running from tha cornpr of Chase and Cathedral streets is vacant, except.

a Carpenter Shop which is thereon. The whole premises are subject to a yearly ground rent of 534. Title indisputable. Terms of Sale One-third cash: one-third in four months, and one-third in eight months the credit payments to bear interest and be secured to the satisfaction of the undersigned. E7 H.

DOCWRA, Xo. 64 Fayette Attorney for the owner, a non-resident. ADREOX a Auctioneers. T.TLTTJ I'l" I T7 X-Ol Tl TT T-. 1 Ml I 1 .1 I 1 V.

I 1 I -1 I I IN" 1 1 1 lYr 1 1 1 1 -iAT We will sell, on THURSDAY! 19th June, at 4 o'clock, on the premises, three two-stoi Dwelline HOUSES, situated on the east sideof Caro line street, adjoining the comer of Caroline and Orleans streets. Each House tronts on Caroline street thirteen feet, with adepth of 55 feet. The above property is in good condition and under rent to good and punctual tenants, ana will be sola without reserve. Ground rent 61 50 per loot. Terms One-third of the purchase money cash, one-third in 12 months, and the remaining one-third in 1R months, from the day of sale, to bear interest and secured to the satisfaction of the owner.

ie 14-ts ADREOX Aucts. By IT. W. Bool. No.

4 Baltimore street. si, SUPERIOR IMPROVED PROPERTY OX i i id 'rn cirir nr i cTorrT on the premises, improved by a two-storv and attio Brick, a nne passage and oacK miuuing, a tine tront, 8G fet deep to a 10 leet alley. ntii the above for private sale. Terms liberal. jelO-TUTHSitM H.

W. BOOL, Auctioneer. FURNITURE SALE. At my store on THIS (Sat urday) MORXIXG, a vast quantity of Goods belonging to a neighbor who is leaving the city. TO FRUITERS and CONFECTIONERS On same morning at 11, the Stand and Shelving, S.W.

corner of Gay and Baltimore streets. jel3-2t H. W. BOOL, Auct. TO HATTERS AND OTHERS.

Immrdiatelv afterwards I shall sell on the premises. Second street, near Tripolet's allev, 1 large Cherry Top Counter: 1 ui renowns Lrtciiiiic; a untie quauiiiy oi xow lor Hatters; a lot of Sash, old Lumber. It: Jrl, V. BUUL, AUCt. REFRIGERATOR.

BOOK CASES. MAHOGA NY FURNITURE. will be added to THIS MORNING'S Sale, at my store, at 10. The Refrigerator is of modern make, one of Browning's; Card Ta bles, inaKes it interesting. Additions received.

IGHT SALES, as usua verv attractive, en riched by some sterling and beautiful goods. Country dealers and others please notice. jei4-2ts n. v. booe, Auct.

TO TIIE TRADE ATTEND MY AUCTION THIS EVENING. BEAUTIFUL ARTICLES at. auction without reserve, on TlITS (Friday) AND SA-SURDAY EVENING, at half past 7, the stock of a dealer, who imported his Goods direct fine shell back Hair and Clothes Brushes: Tooth Shell and Buffalo Combs; Silk Parasols: fancy Satin and Silk Ribbons, very superior; Lubin's Genuine Extract, pure, seldom at a'uction; Colognes, Oils, Extraots, Calicoes, feiiKs, lancy articles, iorming a neat collection. Alter which commences a large sale of Go and Silver WATCHES, JEWELRY, Sales every evening. H.

W. BOOL, l3-2t: Auctioneer. stt I OSl J. 1 M-KlAli GAK- -June 18th, at five o'clock, on the premises, I shall ill ii-ttliNiif monrvo t- rfi iral I L- -rs -1 TAVERN and PLEASURE GROUNDS, known as ROCK SPRING GAliDE.NS." situate on West Baltimore street, about one mile from the city. The lot fronts on W.

Baltimore street 119 feet, with a depth of 600 feet. Improved bv a TAVERN, TEN-PIN ALLEY and a BRICK BUILDING, used aa a Candle Manufactory. The Gardens are laid out in a superior stvle of taste, and for speculators, or persons wishing a desirable public or private conveniently situated residence, this is a chance rarely brought before the public. Terms at sale. H.

W. BOOL, Auctioneer. GerCorsTW A ROPE WALK AND ALL ITS CON- ilTsf TEN IS, WITH HEMP, RIGGING MATE- i ri.i i .1 Him i.i.jjrx jr i.j i i RI ALS. order of Trustees, on TIIF.S DAY AFTERNOON. 24fh instant, commencing at 4 o'clock, at the Rope Aralk of BROWNING, 386 LIGHT on the westjside of the street: 3,800 lbs.

Russia Yarn, in bobbing. 3,400 lbs. American, and 600 lbs. Italian, in do. 3 hauls, lbs.

American Yarns. 500 lbs. American Band Stuff. 2,300 lbs. Manilla Yarn, in bobbing.

7 coils, weighing 1,250 Manilla Rope, 3,500 lbs. Russia Tippit Tarred Yarns. 3 winches, 600 Russia do. do. 1 reel of S'Kl lbs.

Russia Yarn. 6 hauls, 4,500 lbs. do. Taw and Tier Tarred. 850 lbs.

Russia, 1,000 lbs. Country, 250 lbs. Hackled Hemp. 26 bbls. of Tar.

Also A Baltimore made Carnage; Cart and Harness; Horse; Brackets: 2 Wheels; Scale Beam and Weights; Oakum Picker; Winches. Also, at 4 P. two COLORED BOYS for a term of years, and a COLORED GIRL, slave for life. Also, two small FRAME HOUSES, and a good white ROPE WALK. Terms announced at the sale.

H. W. BOOL, Auctioneer. DWELLING NO. 208 EDEN STREET, AT fW.

ATtr-riON. T1F.TAVF.F.N MprrnPRPV ivn MONUMENT on MONDAY" AFTER NOON, June 16, at oclock. It is a two story brick lot 15 feet, a good depth, to a 15 feet alley. Convenient for a small family. Terms at sale.

Night Sales on this and every night, of the best possible collection of goods in the market. Sale without reserve. H. W. BOOL, Auct.

jel3-St LARGE BRICK DWELLING, with Baclc Building, on Edward street, tor Auction, on MONDAY AFTERNOON, June 16th. at five o'clock, on the premises, being the first house from Canal street front 14 feet, depth 75 feet; subject to a ground rent of SI 25. Terms at sale. jel2-tsf H. W.

BOOL, Auct. By Hamilton. A SPRING DRAY AXD HARNESS. On MONDAY MORNING, the 16th instant, at 10 o'clock, at mv store, No. 177 Pratt street, between Charles and Hanover streets, will be sold for cash, a Spring Dray t'ST'CARRIAGES TO CLOSE AX will sell two new City built Square carnages, anu one a ew Kockaway frt' Drvntor.

A. lU'ranfed for si-s- monrho jel2-ts WM. HAMILTON7, Auct'rs. AXCE'S MEDICATED.HORE For Coughs, Colds, Spitting of Blood, Asthma, Sore. Throat, Clearing the Voice, Consumption, Bronchitis, Croup, Invented, prepared and sold bygETH jell-Sin? 108 Baltimore street, Baltimore, BALTIMORE MUSEUM AND GALLERY OF FINE ARTS, Con.

Balt. axd Calvert sts. THIS EVENING, June 14, SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL sir Peter Teazel, Mr. lAgan; Lady Teazel, Mis Logan. DANCE, by Miss EVELINE.

CHLOROFORM Aminidab Slocuni, Mr. Logan. Admission 2.5 cts; reserved seats unaccompanied by ladies to parquette 12 crsextra: "iKAXD EXHIBITION OF WAX SCRIPTU-mi! AiND MORAL FIGURES. 1MRS. PEI.BY, of Boston, respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of this city, that her Exhibition is now open at WASH IXGTONHA embraces Seventy Figures, the size of Life, viz: Christ Blessing Little Children; The Trial of Christ; Christ Dead; The Intemperate Family.

Also, three Miniature Groups, viz: Christ Praying on the Mount of Olives: The Last Supper; Our Savior on the Cross. Open every SUNDAY EVENING, from 5tol0 P. M. Admittance 21 cents; Children 12.1 cents. Open from 10 A.

to 1(1 P. M.J jl2-J' AT -TIMOR LYCEUM, Corner of Baltimore and -M Charles streets. Positively the Last Week of the Panorama of Mexico, Caliiornia and the Isthmus, by Russell Smith: Sketches bv Wm. Mcllvaine, Description by A. McCane, one of the returned Volunteers of the Mexican War.

Open every evening at 8, Wednesday and Saturday afternoons at 3. Admission 25 cents. Schools reasonable. MERRITT Jt GRIFFITTH, MERCHANT TAILORS, NO. 127 BALTIMORE STREET, Resoectfullv inform their friends and the iiMl public that tliev intend keeping an assortment of line CLOTHING.

Also, Cloths, Cassimers and Vestings, which they will be pleased to make toorder as heretofore. N. B. Also, SHIRTS, COLLARS, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, etc. jlO-tf fijrzz-tf COWS FOR SALE.

Just received from jjfYoTk county, four as tine MILK COWS vi as have been offered for sale in this citv for years. Apply to GEORGE RHINEIIART. West Baltimore street, west of Franklin Square, jal2-3t! FOR SALE TWO BUGGY WA- ipoieand shafts, the other witn shairs onlvl and made bv Ford, of New York. Apply at li.N'b COACH FACTORY, Holliday st. jl3-Stj NO, "240 FAYETTE STREET.

RrTOl TEAS, WINES, AND GROCERIES, 1 THAN EVER. Fine Green ami Black TEAS from40cents to SUGARS 61, 7, and 8 cents; Crushed 9, lOr.nd 11 cents; Schnnly Son, and Baltimore Sugar-Cured HAMS; Superior Old Port. Claret, and Madcria WINES; fine Brandies and Old Whisky; H. Gin, together with a large and well selected stock of fresh Family Groceries. For sale on the most pleasing terms.

H. W.DUNCAN, S. E. corner of Favetteand Pine sts. BOAT RACE.

The Baltimore Yacht ok S4-Club give notice, that on MOXDAYAjX 3Snext, June Itith. a BOAT RACE willSfeSa. take place between the Sail Boats "Rosalie" and "Ben Bolt," lor a Bet of 500, making the Purse -S 1.000. They will start from Kerr's Wharl, lower end of Bond street, at ten o'clock, A'. and sail to the White Rocks and back.

A STEAMBOAT, to accommodate those who want to see the Race, has been chartered, and will be ready at the time lo receive Passengers. je 13-2t TO EMIGRANTS. There will be a train of SECOND CLASS CARS leave LOCUST POINT for CUMBERLAND DAILY, except Saturday and Sunday, at, 3 o'clock, P. M. Fare to Cumberland by this train is $2 50.

jel2- 2w P. DICKERSON, Agent. tzr ivn TrvrT-nrriNr rnr. TRRTOWXl bv the GRAND BAND sof the I. O.

U. on lioard the com modious steamer COLUMBIA, on June 19th, on which occasion no pains will be spared to make it one of the best Excursions of the season. Fur-ther particulars in a future advertisement. jel3-2t GRAND FOURTH OF JULY EXCURSION. The Colored Indies and Gentlemen of Baltimore are respectfully informed that the fine and commodious steamer PORTSMOUTH has teen chartered for a grand EXCURSION to West River.

Full particulars in future advertisement. jln-xJt 1851 EXCURSIONS TO FRENCH- TOWN DAILY except Sundays.) The steamboat GEORGE WASHINGTON. Cap- mill llippc, iraira .1 linn, iiiui ui ciutll daily, (except Sundays.) at 12 o'clock, noon, for EKE.CliTOv., and returns early in the evening; touching at Ford's Laxdixg. OPFamilies, parties, and individuals will find this a very pleasant and healthful excursion during the warm weather. Passage for the round trip to either place, (meals not included.) 75 cents.

Children over 3 and under 12 years, haif price. A. CRAWFORD, pa Agent. rpw-. FIRST GRAND f.SiLw COLORED EXCURSION of THE aaairi On MONDAY, June ISth, on board the large and commodious Steamer RELIEF, Captain Sanner.

The Boat will leave Commerce street wharf o'cioek, touching at the County wharf going and returning. The best order will lie preserved on lonrd. Refreshments furnished 8t moderate prices. SUPPER will be provided on board. J.

T. RICE'S Celebrated Military and. Cotillon Band is engaged. Committeh OF Arrangement: EMORY BOND. BEXJ.

HARRIS. Tickets .50 cents each which can be iiad at Emorv Bond's, corner of Saratoga and Davis streets, (Saratoga Hall); Benjamin Harris' Barber Shop, No. 20 Howard srreer: Air. Hutehins, Saratoga near Charles; James Dickson's, Post-office cellar; John Bailey's, corner of Gav and Baltimore streets, and at John Brooks', Wine street, near Charles. jl2-TSM3t fr.

"NOVEL AND INTERESTING-gtr-fr EXCURSION. r--Vs The excursion advertised for June 5th. and which was reluctantly postponed on account of the weather, will be made on MONDAY, ihe lijth instant. It is hoped that the additional attract ion given to the trip, bv an extension ol it to the beautiful village of CAMBRIDGE, will amply compensate to the public for an disappointment that may have bccii oeensionsd to hem. The commodious and elegant steamer MARY WASHINGTON, Captain Myers, has again been chartered, and will leave the intersection ol Eight and Pratr streets, 011 MONDAY, June 7 o'clock.

A. M. After arriving at Cambridge, those desirous of witnessing the interesting and astonishing test of WALKING ON THE WATER, by Mr. M1XIFIE. will be taken on lioard.

and the boat will then proceed a short distance from Cambridge, when the above novel experiments will be made. Returning, the boat will remain a few hours at Cambridge. The Boat will reach Baltimore again at an earlv hour in the evening. Meals and Confectionery furnished on lioard. pinner 37j; Supper 25 cents.

CFare from Baltimore, for the round trip. 75 cen's; from Cambridge, 5) cenrs. The boat will stop at the count wharf, going and returning. for sale by Messrs. Stephens Is.

Cockrill, Light street wharf, and at the Boat 011 the day of the excursion. Barrett's celebrated Military and Cotillon BAND will be in attendance. jl3-3t. CAPON SPRINGS, Virginia. Through 1 One Day from Bnltnnor-, Washington 'it'i an'l This deliirhrfnl 1 ifitjlS 1.

linn reeenr tmr ut known its secluded mountain vallies, except to the invalid, has recently been improved by the erection of Buildings scarcely surpassed, either in elegance or magnitude, by those of any similar resort in tlie world. The extensive scheme of improvements, having been arrested by the early arrival of a very large company last season, was resumed 111 the autumn, and is now complete. Except the great medicinal value of tne waters, (in cases of dyspepsy, genera! debility, tenia, and all kindred diseases.) nothing contributes so much, perhaps, to the attraction of the CAPON SPRINGS, as the delightfully pure and bracing atmosphere of the mountains bv which thev are surrounded. The "BATH HOUSE, a beautiful brick edifice, recently erected under the auspices of the State, is about feet long, with convenient Dressing Rooms attach ed, and all the modem improvements of Cold, Warm, Shower and Plunge earns, aim is uenevea roequalany building of its class in this country or in Europe. Billiard and Bowling Saloons, Shooting Gallery and Archery, have not been omitted.

An abundant supply of pure ICE has been. secured. A superior Band of Alusic isengagcuauii 111 ue 111 ai 1 ne lne Cellar has been supplied with choice WINES and T.Tf iTTORS. many selected from private stocks in tl.u Nort hern cities, without regard to price. To the disciples of "Walton," or the lovers of the Chase, the adjacent mountain streams and mountain forests afford abundant sport.

OMNIBUSES will be in readiness at. the Mountain House for Pic-nics, and to convey parties to the Lake at Waddle's Retreat, where will be found Baltimore built Boats, a supply of Fishing Tackle, an agreeable host, and first class accommodations. The extensive Stables, Omnibuses. under the management of Charles Goddard, of Baltimore. A Daily Mail during tne season, ueaaing-room supplied with leading journalsof the day.

The MOUNTAIN HOUSE will be opened on the 15th of June, under the management of competent persons in ail the departments, and 110 exertions will be spared on the part of the Proprietors and Managers, to render a lio'ei 01 ine mn hum, ROUTE. Visitors leaving Baltimore. Washington Ditv, or Cumberland in the.Morniiig I rain, on arriving at Harper's Ferry lake the Winchester Cars, dine at Winchester, ami arrive ar tne springs uie same even ing. Ill rough ficKets win oe issiieii uiiring me season from Baltimore, Richmond, Norfolk, Washington City and reaeiichauurg, ai reiiuceo intcs. jea-eotiowj; ADIES' TURKTSII GF.RS.

Fashionable Dress and Habit Maker. No. 13 S. HIGH STREET, is fully acquainted with the style of making the Ladies' Turkish Costumes. Ap- prent 1 oes wanted.

jeu-eoat AJICHOLAS BREWER. COLLECTOR AND IN PROPERTY A GENT, nas REMOVED his office from 28 Second street, to his Dwelling, 57 East LOMBARD STR EET, and informs his friends and the public, that he continues to attend to the collection of house rents, ground rents, billsand accounts. Forsaje 4 two-story and attic Brick Dwellings with brick back hnil dings. For information apply as above. jj ROBERT W.

McHENRY, Attorney at Laav, No in I.AW BUILDINGS, (UP stairs.) devntes particular attention to the pract ice of his profession, and will attend to the prosecution of claims coming before the several Executive Departments of the Government at Washington. In the prosecution of claims against the United States, he has engaged the services of James G. Herret, Esq. jen-wsM8tJ DISEASED EYES, IMPAIRED SIGHT, NEAR SIGHT, DEAFNESS. Persons not over 65, on receiving instructions, can renew their eyes by their nmu hintt.

n.nt lav aside glasses. No one whose siirhr is beginning to fail need use glasses at any period of life, if ho will take instructions and apply tliein. The near-sighted can open to their own view a new world of delight! The cost in these, cases is trifling compared with their value. To see witnoutgmsses during li(e is worthv of consideration. Deafness can now be enrerl.

or helped, in cases that have Iieen deemed hopeless. tie expense 01 a rrim is smun, mm me imnenr. mav De great. DR. HARRINGTON has revisited this citv, wrl ha consulted, free of expense, dnrinc- KhoVt- stJtTatMRS.

Baltimore s1. 3 LIFE INSURANCE. ENX MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Guarantee and Accumulated Capital over Charter perpetual. All the profits divided amongst policy holders every year.

Local Board of Directors for Maryland: Samson Cariks, No. 133 Baltimore street. Roerrt Hooper, Commercial wharf. Samuel Toyvnsknd, 208 West Pratt street. Horatio Whitridge, 12 Bowiy's wharf.

Henry W. Hiser, corner of Fayette and Howard sts. Israel M. Parr, 87 Bowiy's wharf. illiam c.

carpenter, 4 Eight street wharf. Medical tiers at, Baltimore John Whitridge. M. No. 53 North Gay street.

1LL1AM n.ibti,.n. 17., ivKsir avctle st. Pamphlets explanatory of Life Insurance, -with nnv other information, can be had by calling at the office of the Company, No. 22 est Fayette opposite the Post-office, Baltimore. A.

A. KENNARD, myn-sviwlnr uenerai Agent tor Maryland. 1 on noil FOR subset iuU.UUG her liegs leave to inform his nH the public, that he is now prepared to furnish them wit oi ica oi an cjwuiicni. 4.iiij i tin 1 ne erry Road. JOHN G.

SPIES. N.B. Orders will lie promptly attended to. at his reaidence 164 Light street, My CaiAiton, Bennett Si Nos. 23 and South Charles street.

VAUArJL.1:. W.HJIAN ST. PROPERTY 1 AT THURSDAY, June 19th, a---nt o'clock, P. on the premises, we shall sell a LOT OF GROUND, situated on German street, linlnroun HiHmril aiiH T-ittftw ut.ft.i.n Cn l.Dl TT MUCO, IIUIII11IK ainJtlb feet on German with a depth of about lfio feet to Cider allev, improved by athree-storv and attic Brick DWELLING, with two-story back "building and stable and carriage house subject to the ground rent of $12. The house is well and substantially built of best materials, and worthy the attention of persons wislung to obtain a fine residence.

Terms i cash, balance in 3, 6 and 12 months, with interest. CANNON, BENNETT jel3-ts Ip Auctioneers. EXTENSIVE SALE "OF "CIGARS, MANUFACTURED AND LEAF TOBACCO. On THIS (Saturday) MORNING, the 14th at 10 o'clock, we shall sell, on first, and second floors of our storeR, 28 and 30 Charles street, a large and choice lot of Tobacco, embracing 90,000 choice Cigars, of the following brands: Steam-lxat and Thomas Hamas' Principle; Vara: Havana, and araSmall Havana; Imported Baeo, a very superior article; Regalia; Cuba; Maltese Cross and Fixed Star Brand, Havana: Regalias; Large and Small Plan tation; Cazedores; Cherroots comprising a general assortment ol choice Cigars, being the entire stock ol an I inanufacturing establishment. MANUFACTURED AND LEAF TOBACCO.

Bales of Vara, Porto Rico and Leal Toliacco. Cases and barrels of St. Jago and Havana Stripped Filler Leaf Tobacco. Boxes and half boxes of J. W.

MorganvRochester, Esmerald and John Nelson manufactured Tobacco; Tobacco Cutter, Also, Scales and Weights; Patent Balance, 1,500 iron beams, a very superior article. Counters, Chairs, Desks, Cigar Cases, Tobacco Hooks well worthy the attention of the trade. The sale will lie peremptory lor cash, in bankable monev. ALSO. BRANDIES; MADEIRA.

SHERRY and PORT WINES, in Glass; CHAMPAGNE, 5 pipes 4th proof Pale Brandy, represented as being very tine l.atayette. 19 qr. casks 4th proof Brandy, grape brand. 100 cases of Old London Dock Port, Madeira and Sherry Wines, in glass, said to be very choice. 11 baskets Champagne, grape brand.

32 do. do. Bousey do. 100 boxes Brown Soap, in cakes, of Philadelphia josepn superior article. 62 eases of Imperial Bath Brick.

.50 dozen wire bound Brooms. Together with manv other goods inthe line N. B. The sale will be made without reserve of which all parties interested will take notice. CANNON, BENNETT i-o a iitiac 'ts Auctioneers.

FAMILY HORSE. On THIS (Saturday IN inlront ot our stores, we sha a valuable SORREL HORSE, 8 years old: a valuable lamuy oeasr. Terms cash, in bankable monev. CANNON, BENNETT ltij Auctioneers. COUN sitV' SEAT FOtt SA EU.

Under jii! iwcrc'. 01 tiAi'imore iooriij toin. in ui sigried, Trustor, will noil on THIS DA ths 14'h dar of Jtins. 1851, at the hoar of ore o'clock, P. a part oi SURitY FARM," belonging ths estfcte of ths late Captain Dungan.

This pirt lies about half a mile from ihs city limits, on tua north idaof the road leading to Mr. Sinclair's Nurs-try. and adjoins hi? and tliat of Mr. Kegisfer. It 3 tains about 2C ACRKS, ai is covered with che-nut, osk, and hiokory.

It cat? be ap-roanbed in three ways by the iieisir ro-, which ia picked, or by MonysnsEt utrest and Loney's Une, or bythePhiia-oeipnia road and that ln3. It vrould euit for a eum-mar-sest. Mrs. Dungm, who re-idfu at ths home place, will show tfcs to or.e der-irin; to see, and a plat may ba tstn at No, 3 CHKi-House L-e. JOUN GLENN.

W. B. FERINE. CANNON, BENNETT Anotre. By Samuel Soper Co.

No. 36 S. Charles street. FURNITURE, GROCERIES. On MONDAY MORNING next, the 16th instant, at 10 o'clock, at our Auction Store, 35 South Charles street, we shall sell a variety of new and second-hand Furniture, viz: Dressing, Consul and plain Bureaus: Sofas: mahog.

AA'ardrolies: walnut Bedsteads; mahog. Workstandsj mahog. Chairs; Centre Tables; mahog. frame Ijookinsr-Glasses; Carpeting; Rocking Chairs; Office Desks; Traveling Trunks; Feather Beds; Mattresses. Sic.

ALSO, a general variety of Groceries. Glass and Queensware. SAM'L J. SOPER 14-ts Auctioneers. OKA LOTS OF FRESH AND SEASONABLE.

OOU IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS AT AUCTION. On WEDNESDAY MORNING NEXT, June 13th, at 10 o'clock, on 2d floor of our warehouse. No. 36 South Charles street, we will sell 350 lots of Fresh Summer Foreign and American Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, consisting of black and fancy Cloths, super black Doeskin Cassifnere. fan cy Summer Cassimers.

super black Cashmeretts. super Color'd do. fine Tweeds lor Coats, bl 'k Summer Cloths, Oneens Linen Drillings, fine Irish Linens, super Fancy Vest ings, super Coat ings, plaid Pant Stuffs, Do mestics, rsiieeuiigs aiiu winnings, etc. ALSO, super Barege de Laine, Silks. Changeable Lustres, Linen Bareges, super black and blue Alpaca, Lawns, superfine Swiss Muslins, plaid Muslins, super English and American Prints, all styles; super Silk Suspenders, black Silk Cravats, Silk Handkls.

super New Style Bonnet Ribbons. Chemisetts, Linen Hdkfs, fine Muslin Shirts, Chinlz and Calico Silk and Cotton Under-shirts. Terms in bankable monev. SAMUEL SOPER je 14-ts Auctioneers. liy i.

Gover. No. 9 South street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE OF A PRIVATE FAMILY AT AUCTION. I will sell on THURSDAY MORNING, 19th instant, at in o'clock, at the Dwelling.

No. 214 Franklin street, west ot Pearl the superior Furniture of a gentleman removing to the west, the Mahogany Furniture manufactured bv Mr. Reuwick, in his best manner. I name in part Elegant Brussels Carpet: mahogany spring seat Sofa; mahog. Rocking Chairs; Parlor Chairs: Egyptian marble top Pier Table, mirror back: French Plate Mirror; miihog.

Hat Rack: small slat Venetian Blinds: Ladies mahog. Work Stand; Solar Lamps: mahog. Dining and Breakfast Tables: Rout Table, with a number of articles of Parlor Furniture not enumerated. CHAMBER FURNITURE. High and low post maple Bedsteads: superior Feather Beds and Mattresses; marble top Dressing Bureaus; Consol marble top Wasbsfand; Wardrobe; Bookcase: Secretary; mahogany Crib annd Cradle: Chamber and Passage Carpeting; Bath Tub, and with Chamber Furniture generally.

Also Cooking, Parlor and other Stoves; China and Glassware; Kitchen Furniture, together with a variety of good Furniture not enumerated, ail of which will be sold without reserve. pp, Also SUPERIOR PI VNO. 1 very su-gperior mahogany case Piano and Stool, 5 'snnerior tone. Terms cash in bankable funds SAM'L. jl4-WTH: GOVER.

No. 9 South street. I FEATHER BEDS, MAT- TRESSES. Sua. On TUESDAY MORNING, 17th at 10 o'clock, at my store, No.

9 South street, a variety 01 Housenoiti urnicure, consisting 01 1 sup. mahogany AVardrobe; mahogany Washstand; French Bedstead: low post Bedstead; Feather Beds; Mattresses; Tables; Chairs; Venetian Blinds; Looking Glasses; Pictures, Also, 1 superior Radiator; Air Tight Stoves, a lot of Furniture not enumerated. AVill be added, 20 dozen cut glass and other Tumblers. S. H.

GOVER, 9 South st. FAMILY HORSE AT AUCTION. I tXT will sell precisely at 10 o'clock, at mv store, a wA.verv superior FAMILY HORSE, bright bay, 16 hands high, and about 8 years old, ami gentle in any-kind of harness. S. H.

GOVER, jl4-3t No. 9 South st. DWELLING ON EDEN STREET, AT AUCTION. Will be sold on TUESDAY AF-i-ihi-TERNOON, Juno 17th, at 5 o'clock, on the premises, the following described property, viz: one new and superior built two story and attic brick DWELLING, with back building, and dry cellar under the entire building, situated on the east side of Eden street, third house from the south-east corner of Madison and Eden streets. The Lot fronts Eden street 14 feet, with a depth of 70 feet to a 5 feet alley.

The house is built of the best materials, for the owner's use, with manv conveniences. Rents for 6100 per year. half cash, balance in 3 months, with interest and security. SAM'L H. GOVER, je14-3tf No.

9 South street. LANDLORD'S SALE. By virtue of a Warrant ef Distress, issued at the suit ef P. McKENXA against the Goods and Chattels, Lands and Tenements of STEPHEN .1. VAN LILLE, to me directed, I have seized and taken in distress all the estate, right, title, interest, preperty, claim and demand at law and in equitv, of the said S.

J. Vanlille, in and to 1 mahogany Bureau; 1 cherrv Table and Cover; 1 doz. Chairs; 1 Rocking Chair; 2Stoves; 1 Clock; 2 Looking Glasses, and other articles appertaining to housekeeping. And 1 hereby give notice, that on the 16th day of June, at 10 o'clock" in the forenoon, I will offer for sale the said property, so seized and taken in distress, by public auction, to" the highest bidder, for cash, at the corner of Dover and Columbia streets. II.

B. GRAY, Bailiff. Baltimore, June 11th, 185L je12-eo3t LANDLORD'S SALE; By virtue of a warrant of distress, issued at the suit of George Muth, agesit of estates of P. Muth, against the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of STEPHEN J. VANLILLE.

to me directed, 1 have seized and taken in distress all the estate, right, title, interest, property, claim and demand at law and in equity, of said S. J. Vanlille, in and to 21 pair Sheep Skin SLIPPERS; 13 pair nssort- ed SHOES; 9 pair SHOES; 38 pair LONG BOOTS: 61 pair SHOES, Bovs' and Men's: 13 pair Girls' SHOF.S: and a lot Scraps and Upper LEATHER. And I hereby give notice, that on the 17T1I DAY OF UN at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, I will offer for sale the said property, so seized and taken in distress, bv Public Auction, "to the highest bidder, for cash, ut Pratt street, near Charles street. II.

B. GRAY, Bailiff. BALTIMORE LOCK'FACTORYrXo7l24AV est Fayette street. The undersigned, to whom the Maryland Institute awarded the first premium in October last, for HOUSE LOCKS, keep constantly on hand, and make to order, LOCKS for Banks. Prisons, Dwellings, and Ships; Railroad PAD-LOCKS of all kinds.

A Iso, for Stores. Cemeteries, N. B. BELL-HANGING done toorder. mv 6-TUThs3m CLARK HART.

COPARTNERSHIP. We have this day associated ourselves for the purpose of transacting the FAMILY GROCERY AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, in all its branches, and have purchased the stock of J. A. Warfield 108 North Howard street, which Store we wiil continue to occtiDy, and by attention to business hope to merit and receive a fair share of public patronage. J.

H. HAGAX, J. A. WARFIELD. Baltimore, June 9, 1351.

jel3-3t, NOTICE. I have this day sold the Stock contained in the Store No. 103 North HOWARD STREET, the business of which has lately been carried on by me, under the firm of J. A. Warfield to Messrs.

HAGAX WARFIELD, to whom also persons indebted to the late firm nro requested to make payment; and I respectfully solicit lor them a continuance of the liberal custom extended to the late firm. June 9, 18M. ieia-atf WM. II. McLEAN.

D1 ISSOLUTION. The Co-Partnership existing between the subscriliers, under the firm of DOL GH- GAUCHER, having expired, by limitation, is by mutual consent, ''svnERTY, K. II. BAUGHER. Baltimore, June 11, 18-51.

CO-PARTNERSHIP. THE SUBSCRIBERS having purchased the interest of E. II. BAUGHER, in the firm of Dougherty have formed a Co-Partnership under the style of DOUGHERTY, ORNDORF CO for the transaction of the WHOLESALE GROCERY AND 1 COMMISSION BUSLN ESS, at the Old Stand, SE. CORNER OF BALTIMORE and HOWARD STREETS.

The business of the old firm will be set-tlod I the new. CHAS. M. DOUGHERTY, SAMUEL ORNDORF, P. II.

ROONEY. Baltimore, June 12, 1851. THE SUBSCRIBER having disposed of his interest in the firm of Dougherty Baugher, to DOL GH-TY. ORNDORF respectfully solicits lor them a continuance of the patronage so libera I extended to the old firm. H.

BAUGH ER. WAN TED-A CI 1 1 Il TO WET NURSE. Ap ply to Mrs. MAR No. 22 Johnson street neiween ross an.i est streets.

It ANTED A LAD from 12 to 14 ears of age. ol irhitAlHlitl induct Knlut. V. llllfl learn tneKetail Dry (roodsBusiness. ANT, al the Sun oihce.

TANTED An elder) White WOMAN "to take chaise ot three children. Best recommendation required. Enquire at "il N. Green street, east side, alive Sara tm st. It': BOARD WANTED.

Wanted, plain (permanent) BOARD for two small children, (within six miles of this city, or at Ellicoit's Mills, ages 7 and 4 years, where there are no other small children preferred. Address (stating residence and terms) S. M. IL, Sun office. It tlieB7MrL7 SCHOOL, (6 miles from the citv, near the Washington turnpike.) 3 SERVANTS, (from the country preferred,) one to do plain cooking and two to do housework generally and attend to a small dairy.

Applv to the sutiseriber on the tin in, or on Tuesday next. at A. at BARLOW it I.AW RENCE'S. Paoa street, near Lexington market. Reference as to honesrs.

industry, ifce. required. 1 4-ut NJ ClI OLSON VANSANT. WANTED THIS DAY two Clerks, one B.7k- Keeper, 2 Bar-keepers, 4 Porters, 3 Overseers, 2 Teachers, 4 Farm Hands, Ijilwers, 2 Coachmen, 3 Ostlers, 3 Travelling Agents, 5 Waiters, 1 Wagoner, 20 Cooks, Nurses, Seamstresses and Chambermaids; and also a numlier of good situations now open too numerous to mention. A ppl.

at SCOTTTS I-GENCE OFFICE, Removed to No. 11 IIOLLIDAY Iierween B.iifimore and Fayette sts. jel4-St A EST II AN DS. Several good Cradlers. Mow- Si.c.

wanted uiimediatelv. AppIv at IfUKE- iiak i siAiLh, iNortii sr. jel3-at OXEN PAIR of Toung "OXEN WANTED, Apply at the office of the Baltimore American. jet2-4rr 7AXTED Two Colored EN and a WOMAN, to it. housework.

Apply to E. R. PET HE K- BK I D( i E. No. 4 South High street.

jll-tl: WAXTED-A WET NURSE, to take charge of an Inlant at her own house. To a healthy and respectable person a fair compensation will lie given. Address J. ti, at the Sun office. 12-'3tJ bv a single Gentleman, in the neighbor h.vod of Moniimeiif street, a SITTING-ROOM and BED-ROOM, furnished, with partial BOARD.

Address A. Box 84, Post-office. jel3-2t READ Ml'LLERj WANTED At the OUAX MILLS. Application may be OCCO-made to John II. Jannev, Alexandria, or JOSEPH JANNEY.

jl2-eo3t Occoquan P. Prince William Va. A DESIRABLE SITUATION for Breakfast and Tea. with all the comforts of home, can be had bv two or three GEXTLEM EN, of moral, steady habits, within twenty minutes walk of the Exchange, by applying at the Sun office. jelO-'eoSt rPO DRUGGISTS.

AYanted "by a Young Physician A from one of the lower counties, a SITUATION ina retail Drug Store. He understands the business, and could influence considerable trade. Address R. Sun office. jet3-3t! "I 7 a TEDTin a' Retail DrYTroodsSr ore, on Baifi- tiiore street, a smart, active, YOUNG MAN, about 17 or 18 years old one that can come well recommended will hear of a good situation by addressing the Sun office, jn handwriting of applicant, 12-3t a young American WOMAN, as Nurse and to assist in doing plain sewing.

Also, one white or colored, to do house-work generally. None but persons fullv competent need applv. Inquire at the N. E. corner EUTAW and LOMBARD STS.

4, COACHMAN WANTED. A colored MAN ii wanted to take charge of three or four horses. He must be a first rate groom, good driver, and well ac quaint ed with the duties of the stable. Toasuitabh person lileral wages will be given. Applv to MOFF1T.

I.ilierry street. 13-31: "XTURSE WANTED. An American or Colored -Ll WOMAN as mtant Nurse. She must le caua ble of doing plain sewing, and be well recommended for canacirv and integrity. A so.

a steady middle aged Colored WOMAN." as Cook. Apply at No. 8 WA TERLOO ROW, N. Calvert street. jel2-3t tTAXTED.

SIN' HUNDRED MEN, ON THE LINE OF THE MANASSUS GAP RAIL ROAD, VIRGINIA. This road runs through the most health section ol the State. Applv at the Office. KING STREET. ALEXANDRIA.

or to the Division L.iigineers, on ine une 01 tne roati. a7-tft ITANTED. STONE-CUTTERS, on the line of the BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD, West of Cumberland. Wiil find steady employment. at good wages, upon the Company's Work, on Sections 1,30 and 77.

I are to cumneriann, nv lramtrom iai- cust Point, .2 Vi. Apply at the ENGINEER'S OF FICE, at Cumoeilaiit, lor lurtner airecnons. fe21-tft WM. H. SMALL, Engineer, BURGESS CO'S ROACH, RAT AND MOUSE EXTERMINATOR, nas neen successiui tesieu 0.

rno Drin- cipal Iloreis in tne eounrry.anu naa proven useii me only r'liaoie aesrrncrive to vermin. 1 escirnoiuais 01 the efficacy of BUKGESS COS E.V1E Al I A Ti iR hsve heen chcerlnllv given bv the oronrietorso Tamrnany Hail, Western, Florence's, and I.ovejoy'8 More s. New ork: and a so. Columbia House and Jones' Hotel. Philadelphia.

Be sure and ask for BURGESS CO'S EXTERMINATOR, as there are counterfeits in the market. Sold, wholesale and retail, nc.iki 1 a 1 iun, lii SLreei, jl4-tJe22r -Clearly opposite the Post-Offiee CARRIAGES CARRIAGES. Thesubseriber has justooened his XETY -C 4 RRlAlrK Rh.fUfil lOKl.inS.UAY nn.tntit ths F-rr ttnttzi'-where the largest and lies! assortment of AKKIAiri.s can re lounu in tne citv. Persons -a-i find it. to their interest to give me a ca 1 as I am determined to seil low for cash, or approved pa per at six months.

All wors soin at my Repository warranted for twelve months. Old Carriages rf paired at short notice, or taken iti exchange lor new ones. ti jr a VF.SSF.LS FOR SALE. The undersized. desirous to close his i late) wharf business, offers -for sale his VESSEL PROPERTY, viz: The Schooner ROBERT FRANKLIN, measures 55 tons, carries 2.50 busheis grain measure.

and hasde livered. under the corder stick, oi cords ot wood flung jib and gart topsail well known as a very last sailer, a verv lucky boat, well fitted and in prime order, al. The Schooner GOLDEN EAGLE, of Oxford. rS.ii. I i-Kel hr.s neither flvine jib or tODsail is a liahf.

draught, rising tons mea-snrenient is said to carrv 33 cords of wood, is a staunch, well built boat, and is too wed known to need lurtner aescription. n. it these vessels win be sola verv low. ana on a long credit for a greater part ot the purchase money, if satisfactory security be given, or terms apply to 14-sw2tr cornpr Styles and Gough Bait. TMPROVF.T) SUMMER FURNACE.

The atten A tion of ladies is respectfully invited to a new and beautiful article which we have just received at our stores. No. 6 Sharp ana 5 Liberty streets. lor heanna Flat Irons. Preserving.

Baking Cakes. B01 liig, ace. wtucn win rje lounu 10 te an excellent article during the warm weather, aa it can be set out doors, or moved at pleasure. A so Constantly lor saie as anove, luum.u STOVES, with water backs, of the most approved patterns; Summer Bakers; Waffle Irons; Water Coolers, A. WORLEY 112-St': I PR I u.

Agent. PAPER HANGINGS. The subscribers would call the atrenrion of purchasers to their new and choice Stock of FRENCH AND AAIEKIUAA.N PAPER HANGINGS, embracing a hue assortment ot trench Emiiossed Gold Parlor PAPERS; PANEL, STATU ARY AND LANDSCAPE VIEWS, ior Halls, and a large assortment ot tine ana low pncea American Pa pers, Borders, Our French Papers being of our own direct importa fion -e are nrenared to seil them at low prices. Paper hanging uone ty goo-a workmen intne nest manner. molu.

a a d. ml7- Im 87 Baltimore opposite Holliday. PARPET CHAIN! CARPET facturers of CARPETS, and Dealers in CARPET fll A I are informed that we are now making a supe rior article of the aliove, and for sale on accommoda- ing terms, at omce ol ernon company, 94 Lombard street. EDMUND J. WEBB, secretary.

CITY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, Baltimore, June 10th. 1851. Pursuant to application, notice is hereby given, that the City Commissioner and Surveyor will meet on TUESDAY the 17th at 11 o'clock, A. if fair, if not, the first fair day thereafter.) to establish the grade of Fulton alley, between Howard street and Tyson alley. All persons interested are requested toartendonthe premises with theirtitle papers.

or uruer, .0. vui.n, jel2-4t! Clerk to the City Commissioner. The public hereby cautioned not to negotiate a note drawn bv ABEDNEGO TAYLOR, in favor of GEORGE WHER RETT, and en dorsed by PATTERSON, FENDALL DALBY, said note having been lost or mislaid, whereby pa yment has been stopped. TO THE BUSINESS PUBLIC. WHIG AND FREDERICK COUNTY ADVERTISER," published in Middle-town.

(established August 2nd, 1844,) will 1 found an excellent medium through which the public may make known their uaiiy wants, commission Aier chants and others will find it to their interest to make known their places of calling. through its columns. Address Editor tug and Advertiser, i.iuuuetown, Md. 1 1 REAVAP.D FOR HIE APPREHENSION A' Ot OF THE Til I EF. Stolen from my farm in Montgomery comity, about equi-distance on the red erick roa-i- Lefween Georgetown and Frederick City, on Tuesday meht, loth instant, supjtosed to be bv a (ieriiian man, aiiout twenty years 01 age, one Double li-irrel tiliN.we finished, with stock broken under the barrel and mended neatly the left hand-hamnier can le taken oil, as the head of the screw is broken otl; Double Snot Pouches and Powder lask the havmz niv name scratched on Ihe brass, near the chtir- ger; Saddle and tiiacs Dress coar; two pairs of White Linen Pants; one Blue Satin Cravat, with yellow stripe: one White I.inen Coat: summer Vest, with large figure.

The above Dutchman has been living with me about three months, and left my house in the night, leaving his old clothes behind, and issuppssed to have ridden some person's horse in the neighborhood, bv taking saddle, bridlennd saddle He is supposed to have returned to Baltimore, or gone to Frederick. jei2-3f. JOSEPH THOMPSON. A TEST NEWS FROM CANADA. From the i-i Montreal Gazette, June, 19, 184M: "Our readers will have observed the freanent notices which have appeared in our advertising columns of the benefits resulting lrom the use of WTSTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY inthe cure of diseases of the respiratory organs, catarrhal affections, liver complaints, oi me cei iiiivrixico wuu iiou 111 at.rong lan guage, and may be inougni 10 oc mere caicn-ponny notices, for the purpose of drawing attention to a quack medicine.

Such, however, Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry is not. We -can ourselves vouch for the good enVo.sthis Balsam has had on diseases ot" the nature of those above mentioned, whenever we have known itre-sorted to, and that when every other remedy has been tried and failed." From the York Evening iuaren 00, isiFJ: rnvnrrl the wild cherry free as one of nature's own physicians, a sort of good Samaritan of the forest: for its 'medicinal gum hai relieved the sufferings and saved the lives of thousands. The Balsam prepared by Dr. Wistar is a pure and perfectly reliable preparation of the real Cherry essence, and it is a remedy by 110 means 'bad to We speak confidently and strongly 111 its praise, from having witnessed its renovating influence consumptive cases, when all other prescriptions had proved of no etrect. The only genuine is always signed I.

Butts on the wrapper. For sale by the genera! agent, SETH VV. FOWLE, 133 Washington street, Boston, and bv his sub-agents throughout the United States and British Provinces. For sale by Casby artlett. corner of liornhard and Light streets: also, by Smith and Atkinson, 288 Baltimore E.

H. Stabler 12' Pratt Dr. E.H. Perkins, corner of Baltimore and Green Reese Conlson, Baltimore J. F.

Perkins Green and Franklin streets; Seth s. Uance, 108 Baltimore and corner of Pratt and Charles Geo. H. Keerl, Si3 Baltimore street; Jas. 11.

Perkins, Howard Baltimore. Also, by K. Patterson, Washington, D. John Pierpoii4A exanilria; Gayna Wood, Richmond. G.

J. ischer, Frederick. R. D. Johnson, Cumberland, L.

P. Harman, Winchester, Stansbury, Annapolis, and Druggists generally every where, geU-tiui" Jiy Gibson Co. JVo. 7 Nobth Charles street. SALE OF HOUSEIIOLD FURNITURE.

Im- mediately niter the sale of the house on East Baltimore corner ot Aisquith street, advertised to take place on the pienuseson WEDNESDAY, 18th June, at .5 o'clock, P. we will sell a variety of Household urnitiire, contained in said house, Brussels Parlor Carpets; Hall, Oil Cloths; Pier Glass and Table; Curtains and Cornices; Venitian Blinds; Stair Carpets and Hall. Solar, and Astral Lamps- 6 Ingrain Carpets; Straw Matting; ShowerlBath; Wardrobe; Bedsteads; Crib; 8-dav Clock; Stoves; and an assortment of kitchen utensils. Terms cash in bankable money. jel3-ts GIBSON Auctioneers.

EXECUTORS' SALE op VALUABLE PRO-f 3PKR.TY ON GREEN STREET. The under- in pursuance of the powers vested 111 them by the last, will and testament of Thomas Maybury, deceased, will sell by public auction, on THURSDAY, the 19th instant, at 5 o'clock. P.M.. on the premises, that valuable I.OI. OF GROUND situated on the i east side of Green street, between Lexington and Fayette Streets, fnmtintr laat I rc.tiix ctropt mill nin- ning back a) out 143 leet to Diamond street, subject to a ground rent of $-125 ner annum.

i ne improvements consist ot a two-srorv ana aiuc Brick BUILDING, with Basement, a brick Stableand two brick Lime Houses in the rear of the lot. The stand is considered one ol the very best in the city for the lime business. Terms One-third cash, one-third in four and eight months, to be secured by bonds bearing interest from Ihe day of sale. The sale-will be a positive one. ELIZABETH MAYBURY, SAMUEL HARRIS, jel3- ts GIBSON Aucts.

A PAIR OF HANDSOME bay HORSES AND CARRIAGE FOR SALE AT AUCTION. On TUESDAY MORNING. 17th at 10 o'clock, we shall sell in front of our store, No. 7 North Charles street, a pair of handsome North ern Bred, bright Bay HORSES, well broke, of fine style and action, and accustomed to go in harness. They are sold for no fault, and only 011 account of the owner's going to Europe.

ALSO. A CARRIAGE for four persons, with moving top. bum to order oy ord. oi iew fc-York. and a ser of double Harness.

The Horses, as well as Carriage, can be seen at Woodward's Stables. Sale positive terms cash in bankable money, 13-ts GIBSON Aucts. VALUABLE DWELLING AND HIGHLY fiffSI IMPROVED LOT IN CAREY NEAR FRANKLIN SQUARE, AT AUCTION. On MONDAY, HUh instant, we will sell at. the Exchange, at 1 o'clock, the eiegnnt and convenient DWELLING at present occupied bv Mr.

A. D. Kelly, Jr. The Lot fronts 44 feet, more or less, on Carey street, and runs back IfiO feet to an alley. The property is open to the inspection of persons desirous of purchasing.

The terms, which are lilieral, will be made known at the sale. GIBSON Aucts. jlO-ts VALUABLE PROPERTY ON DOCK, WILLS AND BLOCK STREETS. AVill be offered at public sale, at. the Exchange, on MONDAY, 16th at one o'clock.

P. TWO LOTS, situate at the South-East corner of Wills and Dock streets, with a water front ot 36 leet each on Dock street; depth 153 feet, to an alley 20 feet wide. Also TEN LOTS in thetear of the above, fronting on Wills and Block streets width from 12 to 14 feet 6 inches, depths to 69 feet. Terms of sale Tcash, the residue in 1 and 2 years, with interest. A plat rnav be seen at, the Exchange.

jell-'ts GIBSONCOAuctioneers. SALE OF HO FURNITURE WEARING APPAREL, MONDAY, 16th instant, at 10 o'clock, A. we shall sell at our store. No. 7 North Charles street, a variety of Household Furniture, the property of a deceased gentleman, consisting in part of 1 mahogany Sofa, Wardrobe, Bookcase, Bedsteads, Washstands, Rocking Chair, Music Stand.

Looking Glasses, Mattresses, Feather Beds, Beddin. Venitian Blinds, Also, 1 of Cortlan's Patent Refrigerators. Also, a a uftntitv of good carina Apparel, superior Leather Trunks. Terms cash in bankable, monev. Will be added 1 handsome white Italian MARBLE mantel, old style.

jel2-ts; Auct'rs. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS ON EAST BALTIMORE STREET, CHESTER CASTLE STREETS. On TUESDAY', 17th instant, we will sell, at public auction, at 1 o'clock: P. at the Exchange, the following very i-iuta. .11., Al lilc desirable property, viz: 12 LOTS OF GROUND situate on the south side of EAST BALTIMORE STREET, between Castle and Chester streets, and within two squares of Pater-son Park, each lot fronting 15 feet on Baltimore street, and running back 90 feet.

9 LOTS on the east side of Castle street, each fronting 13 feet, with a depth of 80 feet. 8 LOTS on the west side of Chester street, each fronting 15 feet, with a depth of 100 feet. The above lota are situated upon the heights of Mount Washington, from which there is a commanding and beautiful view of Fort McIIenry, the harbor, and sur-roundiiiir country for many miles. We shali filso sell, at the same time and place, an ANNUITY" of ,90, arising out of and payable on the lot of ground situate on the west sideof Chester street, fronting 45 feet thereon, and running back 180 feet to Castle street, secured by two three-story brick Dwellings, each 15 feet front. Terms at sale.

ll-ts GIBSON Aucts. Also, a well secured GROUND RENT of 44 62, on a lot on Fountain fronting 51 feet, with a depth of 77 feet, improved by four new two-story and attic Houses in front, and two new Houses in rear of the lot. jel3-ts GIBSON" Aucts. SALE OF A TWO-STORY -Li ON ORCHARD STriKET. On the 16'-! Juije, we will sell, by pub'ia auction, at P.

on premises, ths des new t-sro-story Brick DWELLING, ei'uateJ oc rne atie cf Orchard street, rU tha distance of 2 9 fft nortV-aatwardlY from Ron st. Th Lot rronis 12 ou truli srd street nd ruus bck 70 fVel, -d in gnh-isnt to the Hl jrund rf 'f rrnm ea'e 5: GIBSON AT unders gr.s wi! tell hi nan las.tiutic ii.on rri8 arpmises. on muimija 1 t' "6th ds- r- 1 mmo. m.nt 5 P. a LOT OF GROUND, siunto, birg ard beii inthecityof Ba'tinaore, Irontius 25 feet rn a lot uion the r-o th nil of Pierce ard U-ick 60 feet to Sunhu-rr a lay.

Tina iot 1 vntzw ccd iac.p.t leof birig tii-virfe i arnoii owrrrs thereof, tfcs risAfon of its a yiiioe ivecn oi" eru-d, ii Ivgn in huproving part of the city. The tiLe Ludiepui-tbie. Terms at ea S. H. TAG ART.

Attorney tor B. v- A. GORVH'N, I Ex'coi Ge H. MOALE, A. Kiilusa.

'airs Co Auctj, MARSH.1! L'S SALE. By virtu cf a decree of oointe imiVion andosdjr of ris rJias'Hi by the Coa cf the Uriitd States in nd for tm District, notice hereby given, that on S.a iVh 17A 2ist day of June. I will ci-ior for Fain at ruoiio nuotion, at Skinner's ehip yard, south si.i oi the 12 o'clock. for cash, ths SGHO(NfcR WILLIAM TRADER," her Tacilf, Appare' Furnitufn, tow line ut paid yird condtfiuiisd end ordered to to said order. ll-or.

ii. I Jor l. rtai. a iji je7 ts S. Ivirrhrl MarTlanrt GIBSON fc A nets.

By A. C. Matthews. No. 36 Baltimore street.

TF.U STEK'S oi- PEP.F VYsE I NTE RES FUKNII'URE, fca.if vin u-; rf a feners! O'der cl Ba'titiiore County issolvt-vt the nr.ria-sigued, as p'l iuaneRt trustee -f F. an irsa.vsijt -sill asU on Tills KY, -he I4 ii of t-t 1 u'cl -w k. A. at tli6 S. W.

c-- n-r Madtsu Uown tli the stock in trade of the satt! GuiHistiig oi Drug', Nltn'icittfla, Perfmry, I'an-c Articles, sn 'In Tip C.tun'ets, Scales, Bot Drawers, no beii. cheeiitirg Fixtures of a Re'sal D'Ug Store, togethci with FuTiturr S.c. At tr ume lirr.e wiu be Id tnie leasehold Itterest cf F.C. Hadel irj tne bjve St-e and Prcmi.ieo the term of fiva years, from 1st, 1844, jient $2i0 per annum S1I3 positive. To ue sU 1.1 1 -ts to euit the trads.

Terras cwh, W. M. LAiNING, Permanent Trustee. C. MATTHEWS, tr23 lwrVds.

Auctioneer. ONE CENT REWARD. Ranawav from thesubseriber on the 3nth of RACHEL SUSAN FIPS, Indentured to the subscriber). I forewarn all persons from harboring or trusting her on rny account, as I will pay 110 debts of her contract ing. i3-2t HENRY FRITZ.

"VTC)TiCE. All persons are herebv cautioned against IN harboring or trusting my wife, CATHERINE ROWE, she having letl my bed and board without iust cause or provocation. je 13-31 WILLIAM ROWE. rpilE "CELEBRATED 1 OXYGENATED BITTERS, COXTA IXT(r AG ALCOHOL. A SURE REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, IN all its various forms! Such as Pains 111 the Stomach, Heartburn, Habitual Costiveness, Acid Stomach, Headache, l.ossof Appetite, Piles, Night Sweats, Asthma, or Phthisic, Flatulence or Wind in the Stomach, Nervousness, Coldness of the Extremities, Weakness of the Limbs, General Debility, and all the indescribable symptoms of this universal disease.

They are also the best Tonic known for the prevention and cure IFEyER ND AGUE. ever offered lo the public in favor oi any Medicine in the world, and are approved by some of the lest Physicians, yvho use them their practice. For the most SATISFACTORY PROOF of the success of his remedy, see pamphlets, containing full particulars and certificates from MEMBERS OF CONCRESS. and other parties well known to the public. niong the numerous and highly respectable certificates, we refer to the following Prof.

A. A. HAYES. M. State Assayer.

FITZIIENRY HOMER Boston. Hon. MYRON LAWRENCE, Ex-President Massachusetts Senate. Hon. L.

II. ARNOLD, formerly Governor of Rhode Island, now member of Congress. Hon. WM. WOODBRIDGE, formerly Governor now II.

S. Senator. Hon. J. T.

MOREHEAD, formerly Governor of Kentucky, now V. S. Senator. Hon. f.

V. SIMMONS, U. S. Senator from Rhode S.M'L. PHELPS, U.

S. Senator from Vt. Hon WM. UPH AM U. S.

Senator from Vermont. Hon. SOLOMON FOOTE, Member of Congress frTlon.eH.,pt.' FOSTER, Member of Congress from HJoiiJm! Delegate in Congress from Wisoonsin Territory. Gen. A.

C. DODGE, Delegate in Congress from IORP. STOWE, Clerk in the House of Repre- 6TROWBRIDGE, President Micliignn Stare Bank, Detroit, aiich. GEO. W.

JONEs, Surveyor General, Du- bToSEPHailOXIE, No. 76 Wall street, X. Y. Many other individuals of the highest respectability-can be referred to, who will confirm all that, has been said in favor of this invaluable medicine. DR.

GEO. B. GREENY Proprietor. Windsor, Vt. REED, BATES AUSTIN, Wholesale Druggists, No.

26 Merchants' Row, Boston, General Agents. Price SI per bottle, six. bottles for 5. H. STABLER No.

12o Pratt st. wharf, and ANBY cor. Light and Lombard streets, Wholesale Agents, Baltimore. And for sale by J. V.

Barry, corner Baltimore and Pearl streets; E. II. Perkins, cor. Baltimore and Green 1. J.

Grahame, cor. Baltimore and Eutaw B. Rush Roberts, cor. Baltimore and Hanover John M. Laroque.

cor. Baltimore and Harrison G. W. Jones, cor. Baltimore and High J.

L. Polk cor. Favette and St. Paul streets: Dursec. N.

W. corner Gough and Caroline Thomas G. Hopkins, Fell's Point; James Stansburv, Z. D. Gilman, W.

H. Gilman, Charles Scott and R. S. Patterson, Washington, D. Purcell, Ladd Richmond, A-n IT.

Roser. Petersburg. Dr. James Cook. Fredericksburg.

and Druggists generally hrough- out tue United States. nih m.iiinn' J.CKUSH. SON, 1 bj jo -If by Charles aueet..

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