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The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • 4

The Baltimore Suni
Baltimore, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

iT PETERS' BAKERY. DR. JOHNSTON PROCLAIMS TO THE AFFLICTED, That he has discovered the most certain, sneedv. and PUBLIC SAI.KS. THE SUN.

"fiALT IMC RE THURSDAY, JUNK 13, 185L Shocking Accibesi. A Catholic priest was thrown from his carriage at Worcester, on the 5th, and had one lea broken and so bent under him that the fractured 'bone protruded through the flesh. Ordination- On the 9th in St. Matthew's Church, Boston, the Right Rev. Bishop Enstburn admitted Rev.

John T. BurrUI. late of the Methodist Church, to the holy order of deacon. A Proter Regard for the Press. The selectmen of Haverhill, have otlered are-ward of S50 for the detect ion of the miscreant who hurled a stone into a printing otliee there.

To be IlrxG. James Jasper Oreutt, convicted It FOR SALE AND REST, OTS TO Lease eral a ya kc es 1.3()0 feet in the immediate vicinity ol MADE. Mount Clare Depot; swi feet on Wyeth, between M. Peter's and Columbia streets; 250 feet on St. Peter's, Scott WO feet, on East Pratt 230 feet on Walker, corner of Columbia GO feet on Choptank, Pratt 50 feet on Joppa road, adjoining Broadr -ov iniifi'pton Towson street.

locust Point. Also. Houses and Lots for sale or trade. Apply to C. JAR- WV Ino.

econrt street, (up stairs;) or WM. BULL1X, 171 S. Paca street. apl4-'(im i OR STABLES and COACHHOUSE. Apply at No, 74 North GREEN 1-corner of Saratoga.

jel0-6t FOR SALE The STOCK and FIXTURES Si of an excellent Stand lor the Confectionery or jrJUL Fanny Dry (X)d8 Apply at J. K. HALLOS. io. 147 xianover streei.

jeiu-ni l.1'!'!? HTlint ln.rirA nfl pmnmIimifl fVf.t T1V1J in PdinfiAn strppt. rmn flnnr rnst nf JLiiLSharp, the best order. Appiy to uit. uuijim, Hanover street. ii row A 1 The Rood-Will.

Si oc-k. Fixtures and License of an old-established TAVERN iaiSTAND will be sold cheap, if immediately ap- died for. A pply at 117 Long Doct. jen-bi" FOR SALE The unexpired tenn of a lease on I nwnnl. Willi SIOKL 1- LiiiiTURES, with or without stock of Groceries 1.

VAX. Ci) Centre Market fpace. 1 1 1-1 1. FOR RKNT-On the Hookstqwn Koao, just tlx fjL 1-JI1 me nwaiuu lgh the second toll-gate, for the summer by the month, a new HOUSE, containing is and passage. Inquire at the 1 oil-gate.

throug son or five rooms jel0-3t a i m.i,nCTriCK onfl RAOD-WILI Wot a Grocery 'store, on the corner of Biddle mid itiU-Tessicr streets. 1 lie tioous are new mm for Bllinir nut. will be made known it re- nested. jlO-eoot FOR SALE Two two-story and attic Brick HOUSES, with two-story Back i in tho maiinor. with mar- front steps and iron rauiues.

on toanK pireui, ctsi i V.rofulwav. Annlv to JOHN STEWART, N. Calvert street, opposite City Spring. m22- eotl "ii SALE-An APOTHECARY STORE tS situated at iie corner of Eden and Orleans streets nmiiialiln l.iisiness is doine both at retai i ia si rinp. and otiers a line inducement to any onedesirousol engaging that business.

Terms casii. jcl0-3l 3IT1'0 BLACKSMITHS. Will be sold at publio auction, on WEDNESDAY next, at 10 o'clock, in iilLCATONS V1I.I.E, Jiallimore COUIll ill ll'C ramoii of'T Tiisrinsr. llie Lease of a very valuable iBLACK-sVl'lTH SHOP and Dwelling, besides all the Tools anil a lot oi iron in Mmui'f. 'iTFOirRKNT- That tiirce-story Brick DWEL live, Xo.

Loin bard street, ncti iLiiiiLl ioertv forinerlv occupied bv the late John VI on a anil'lv tn AXBERSON JEr SOP.eorne'r of Light and Pratt streets, or to Russeil Weedehansth corner of Baltimore and Sharp Bts je9-Mlawtl a pidVi t.v. 'riiAunliKcrilier offers tor AT ii rum wltioli lift resides, on the Old road. se'en miles from Baltimore. It contains lietween 50 and 611 Acres, in good cultivation is abundantly supplied with pure Spring Water am choice Fruits, and will be found, on examinat ion, to pre sent advantages equal to any Piacoi os i same distance of the city. M.

MOSHLR. lQe.06 )T AB fE BWELLIXO-FOR EXT OR FOR SALE. That, new DWI.I.L 1Y1: nni- finished, on Madison street, third honsi westi'f Charles, and nearly opposite Mount ernon Place Tiie front building is three stories hinh, with a back buildinaof four stories, replete with all the modern improvements. I or particulars enquire 01 VimtVl ua.ini.ui,. Charles, ir on the premises.

jio-eoot SUf.l.lVli OFF. CORNER Or HIUH and PR ATT STR F.ETS. In consequence ol contin .,.,.1 lit tmniiii. I amohlis'ed to abandon my tmsi n.a I therefore offer mv STOCK OF DRY GOODS together wirli rhe FIXTURES of the store MvodnetTon from first cost. To a responsible person ti pavments will be made very favorable as to time, -j, a )i on Ross under renl at per month lor 3 Years, for r.

lot 20 by 12n, cost eronnd rent corner House 111 Aisqiuth street, lot 1.5 bv 7t feet, ground rent. at i2 o-: three erades of Houses. 67.5. 50f, -S'475 011 Eii'aw si 1 one-third note at 4 months, balance in 1. 2.

.3. 4 and 5 vcars; -story House on China street, for S-725: also. Oronnd Rents, t-arms anil Lots tor sale WAR FIEI.D X. E. corner ol Fn vt-rte Rtreets.

Paul and te7-tt. r-i, l'tt 1 1 lie VjUI 1 1 a ff flnrnlll fur tlie Inst tnlir 1 It ls'situated on one of the highest aronnds the city, and is not more ttinn littecn miliums a Ik from the whan or uammore Mreei. 1 ne nonse 3 la rste, liavinzivreive rooms, ic auj-unis uib mi Anthonv Mann. There are tonr antl a tin it acres 01 ground attached to it. Therentwill bemaue low.

Apply l- ETKK AN. An. 83 iianover sr.jji -m IiflOUND RENTS. A Ren of Sr5 011 Penn- r.t iter tiv iihi. ar iter iiia" Rent, well secured: 3 permanent Rents of ,0 eneii on Favette 3 of each on V.

Lcxing--1 st cich lot "(If feet bv inn. with others. For Lease, i.t of Ground front ine S2 feet on Canal by 80 feet on to a tcet alley, paveo aio 4 iiri 01 14 oet each by sn, adjoimnc the aliove. to l.oan on wort Ease. 1 .1.

1 eciuiu ti i 1TR" SALE Five "permanent and well-seen le-i iTP-nn-i 1 1 in il FOR RF.NT Formerly the COT. TR F. of C. R. Carroll.

sirnated on the orrerof Y. 1'aitimore and Smallwood streets. The louse is Iavre. and cttaae style, with several acres attached, enclo-e-t lncliniinR larze vtarucn. lr is approaciiea at present irom me ved-ri-i entrnnce opposite Cattle Scales.

FOR SALE OR LEASE A Square ot Ground, in whole i-r pnrr, near the Uuter L'etx-t ol the IJalrmiore arm ttuo li.iilrono. lyinir one square wt-si nn-i ininres ot 1 ninn Square, rmunneil liy.Moimi, Fulton. Mc Henry and Ramsey (streets. Also, lots on Pricker and Fa vette streets, near quare; 'aratoca. near OrcK'nn: near Brune.

and l.den i.D'-.nsire F.sstcrn Fountain. F(JR SAI.i: OR RENT A desirable DWELL- lfi Wot Hi.llinsi street, near opposite I inn-ire. 23 cet tront. anft three stories nisrli. wun oounie ck-luildinss.

Imth-house. Also, for sale or lesse. adiomme. a -od Lf IT. icct iront tn fit! tcet iteep to a feet alley.

Apply to C. SillPl.Li ini-ti. K.Y LI LAN rs 1 HOTTSES. r.OTS and GROUND FN I FOli tiJ SALE, by K. ii.

YARD EN, No. S7 Auquith st. 7 ecst- FOi? RENT FRANKLIN HALL, corrcr of Nort and Baltimore streets, sdmirably suited PnnoMH. Ic.iiet!. 1 hi'usions.

rrtrs. For BS'ticaiar apply at ut.nia. p.r7f ftv STOKE. No. ill Haltimore etcr ol J.

fa. wnnij. No 21 Ra-cet strfet. j6 6t D-. iiiTitnr.

i-oiTMTII SICA'F AMD 1 nil 1. FARM FOR ALE The subscriber orTers for ae his vai liable tHHJjvxK auai-Aitw. citirai: ib Acres 01 ujLt Riiuain n.ui trnls I'om HSitinore on ine ni-iumu. a-Jj HPi" the lards cf S. C.

Emit, tclw'U. Kuier. anu ninrt. Koa. it can bs either by the York Rna-is.

and is within fcve minutes' ride of "Killer's Switch." whire the cars stop several 1 mMiiiirmv f.h pot ror The ImprovemntK are new ara and the Farm well siippliod with water. Thrre it- als a sclli- c-ict ot lor in? iie vi me arm. reverai hundred Fruit embracers almost every variety, (obtained lrom the fNottnern lNnw nave tn Dlnnted within ti lart 3 years. The situation is ar.d the ni'rbborho very respeclsb'e. i-rr twitn'T nt No.

BALTIMORE ST. j7-6t I IPHOLSTICKY OOD3. ta nr iTis'jintl on hand a FMif-ra asortrei of UPHOLSTER GOODS, CSS UTAli ATERIALS, Jbrocstsis una f4an up liames I jtcti 5-id Embroidered Cartaini Crnii'ca. Pins and Ornaments "White Linen Window Stitsdea V.oti 'Holland do ao rsusf-arent Painted do do Git-p, lords and Taesieli Talle and Piano Covers Plush, Gi-npa and Hair Cloths Furniture Chintz and Covering a RlattiEe and Oil Cloth. 'So whioti a invite the feiicEboa parchsatr.


WHITE Z1ISC FAllti Aneio.iua:ity,rround in ei.ner on, rpirits tur fives the beautiful porce in whiter thm the unrest foreiin impurities, and destitute of the unpleasant and poisonous properties 01 ieaa The JNos. 2 and 3 usuries sre ail respects r.tethe Nn. I. MofBttlipy are not ao wiute: tney come at lower crione. and are well adapted to outside work.

The dry white oxide of zinc, mixed with water and a little size, makf a brilliant and lasting Trluto ooaiirs Jor walla and ceilings. A dryer is prepared for tha saint, and itis in ell othsr respects uswd like white lead, except that it should n-'t be uit no ranch thicred down wi oil. DARK. BB.O IV SS and jtSL.AU A. ZilHV FAINTS Tlmfrn sre furnished at a low price, and are undoubted ly ths cheapest and bsat paints in the market; tht are invaluable for tin roofs andiron surfaces of all tinds.

cs-uit ft upon wooa- en urlaoes ttiey also a yaiuaoie proieciion ajainst are. ThRa Xinc Paints, having; a pure metallio base, era warranted not to turn yellow, and will retain their ori ginal brilliancy mach lons-sr than wliiJe lead or any of use eertny pijirnents cow in use. Tha of dealer is by the Comp ny'ssEentir, liAHKK ft. rfflHK COM ItfWK.n VAPOR EN GINK. 1 tiennr.

soribrT, havisj obtained from the United States Government a palnnt for hi invention of the CO BIN ED VAPOR ENGINE, ia now presared to sell the right to upasaid invention cn reasonable ternig. The invention of tha subscriber i.t applied either to a sir.glrt eniine, with two cy linusra and pistor.R, or, a is UBiisi ior rnaritime purposec. two uisimot erigines with a cylinder ar.d D-ston each. In either ctsc. c-rt of tho puton is acted upon by steam, and the other by hih 01 percnioriue, ur ui nuy onici vapor izfd liaiiid.

The steam powar in generated and ns in tha ordinary engine; but upon the escape of the steam trotr. itie nri altar navies exerted its expao-give force tharoin. it Pf.Mes into an air-titht eaJa.term ed a vaporizer, contaiKisg a number of small tubes charted with psranlor ide, or seme easily vaporized li tiiid, penetrates into tha space between, snd oomes in contact with tha entire surface of the tubes. The fa culty cf absorbing caloric, possessed by of iho so powerful, that immedi at a 7i No, loi THAMES STREET, 3 Near the Market, and corner of Pratt and f.aen streets, where mav be had the articles named be low, of the best quality and on the best terms. Pilot and iavy isuiiAD; Soda, Sugar, water miu Rntter CRACKERS: DvsDeDsia.

Rfedtbrd. I-emon, Wine and Family Pilot. BiBciiitj Cakes, Ixiaf Bread; Tea Biscuit, ana MALT iresn every afternoon. jy20-tf rfS BRASS AND BELL FOUNDER, No. 52 HOLLIDAY BALTIMORE.

The undersiened, to whom the Maryland Institute awarded the first premium in October for the best BELLS, are constantly manufacturing BELLS of all sizes, which they warrant to be equal to the best in the country. Also, Mineral and Soda Water Fixtures; Steam, Water and other kinds ot BKASS COCKS. Thev execute daily every variety of BRASS CAST- IN (t. All orders by mail Promptly attended to. 1120-tf CLAM PITT KritiLS'.

TER REMOVAL. DR. CHERRY re- MSsspectfully informs his friends and the public HXXi vvncrnUi rhr he has REMOVED HIS OF FICE to 41 HAN'OVER where he may be found all times, and will perform any operation in DEN- ih.KV in a manner mm. ne iiuoers 111m- self will give entira satisfaction to all who may patro- niseimm. jeo-im- CARRIAGES.

The subscriber has on Ss2tliana ol his own manufacture, an a.sson utiiiu, ui iiitinuiautui -1 ment of OAI5RIAGF.S. that he will sell low. Persons wanting will find it to their interest to give me a call betore purchasing. Jjs. iueuurtL.r, i ap20- tjyl No.

31 North Liberty street, E. LANE COACH-MAKERS. 471 Baltimore near Pine, and cor. Cal- ICtlcOlt EISi. 1ICJ van HJUH.l large assortment of CARRIAGES, such as Busies, uofit wagons, Kockawavs, and Waeons that will suit pedlers or business of any description.

Second-hand Buegies and Carriages for four persons. Carriagkr built to order, and repairing neatly done. mh4-5m FIRST PREMIUM GRAND AND SQUARE PTANOES, i JTTf IViA FACTORED BY KNABE Sr GAEHLK. Ttnltinmr. MJ The reputation of our Instruments being established, we only state that we warrant their durability Tone ana uencacy 01 loucu oem.

sucn asrosuitanv performer. We offer them on tiie lowest terms, and gna rantee satisfaction. nll-tf CHICKERING'S PIANOS. The sub- 'nf Chick-erin-r'K celebrated pranrt and smarn new scale PIANO-FORTES, and ia constantly re-ceivine, from the Factor Vj superior 6, 6k, 6i and 7 octave PIANOS, with full Metallic Frames, in Rosewood Cases, of various patterns. The subscriber deems it unnecessary to make anv remarks in reference to the excellence of Mr.

Chiekerins's PIANO-FORTES, their reputation Ixung fully established throughout the Union. For sale by F. I). BENTEEN, m5-tf. 137 Baltimore street.

GAY ST. CHAIR AND SOFA WARE-ROOMS, A'o. 27 A'. (iA war Fay.tte st. The proprietors of the GAY STREET CHAIR WARKROOMS, having rebuilt their large and commodious Warehouse, areaeain prepared to exhibit a stock of CHAIRS, SOFAS, ROCKING CHAIRS, made of mahoanv, walnut, cherry, birch, and all the various kinds of wood with haircloth and plush covered seats; also, willow, cane, rvsk and wood seats; presenting such a variety as can be found in no other establishment in the United States.

Purchasers wiil please call and examine their stock before supplying themselves. Tbey would also inform the ladies they have on hand a beautiful variety- of French and Italian style RECEPTION CHAIRS. ap 24-8m A. J. B.

MATIIIOT. Si NO. 240 FAYETTE STREET. fSrTifil TEAS, WINES, ANT GROCERIES, liLM CHEAPER THAN EVFP. Fine Green and Black TEAS from 4n cents to SUGARS 6, 7, and 8 cents "Crushed 9, 10 and 11 cr-ts: Scbanlv and Baltimore Sugar-Cured HAMS; Superior Old Port, Clnretand Maderia AVINr.S;fine Biandies and Old Whisky; H.

Gin. tosether with a large and well selected stock of fresh Family Groceries. For sale on the most pleasing terms. H. AY.

DUNCAN, S. E. corner of Fayette and Pine sts. TO THE LADIES OF WEST BALTI-'MORE. I invite attention to mv stock of BOOTS and SHOES the most extensive in this citv.

Ladies', and Children's GAITERS, find Jenny I.ind BOOTS and SHOES, of Franeev's Italian Cleii, Lastinss, Patent Leather, tec, black and colored. LEVI PERRY, ml4-tf 2l West Lexington street. OLD HORSES, COAVS, AND Silu, 'S, boueht at the BONK AC-; TORY, iwlow Hip Kaee Conrip. nt. Canton, or at the Low Building on ALICE ANNA STREET, near the Railway.

TWO DOLLARS will tie paid at the actor tor cows or Horses; they will be removed by the subscriber, if required. JUW1UA itUK. LK TO THE PUBLIC. ii5 ine simscriner, lareiy 01 tnev neatnela tar es. having dun- cliased the STABILES occupied bv Cornelius Cole, on the corner of GERMAN and EUTAAV STREETS.

which will hereafter be known by the name of theEU-TAW STABLES, would respectfully inform his friends and former patrons of these stables that he will alwavahave on hiin.l for hire a number of beautiful COACHES, for family use; Itehr BUGGY WAGONS, witn one or two Horses; small A.MIIil CARRI AGES, with one Horse, and eentle SADDLE HORSES, for Ladles and Gentlemen, which can bo in eatuness at a moment notice. Anv orders sent lo he Srahles.ortothe Office of the Eiiraw House, wi'l lie promptly attended to. Thankful for past favors, he would respectfully solicit a continuation of the same. JUM. MANLY.

N. B. Horses and Carriages taken at Liverv on the most accommodating terms. Particular care will be taken to have the niosi competent firooms. mlO-tlr' 1 1 1 1 TVT7T TJTjl 1 1 1 nrrDnAm OF PACKETS To sail from Phii.a- delphia 011 the and from Liverpool on the 1st 01 efteii monin.

Ship SHENANDOAH, W. P. Gart.TNER From Philadelphia. From Liverpool.

April 15th June 1st, Aug. Oct. 1st. Dec. 15th Feb.

1st. Ship new, )Capt. P. A. Decax.

rom ftuiarielptua. rom Liverpool. May 15th Jnly list. Sept. loth Nov.

1st. Jan. March 1st. ShipSH ACKAM A XON 1 new, Capt. AY.

H. West From Philadelphia. From Liverpool. June 15th Aug. 1st.

Oct. 15rh Dec. 1st. Fell. 15th April 1st.

Ship ARY PLEASANTS, Capt. K. R. Dsoan. From Philadelphia.

rom Liverpool. July Sept. Nov. 15th Jan. March 15rh Mav 1st.

Persons wishing to engage passage for their friends from Liverpool can obtain Certificates, which will be gi-d lor months. Passage io Liverpool in the Cabin. orward Cabin 20 steerage 12 Children under 12 years 6 Passage from Liverpool in tlie UK) Forward Cabin 2T- Peerage 2n Children under 12 years 12 Those who wish to remit rr.oner. can be aeeommoda ted with drafts for jl sterling and upwards, payable at sight, without discount, by any of the Bankers in the United Kingdom. Applv to GEORGE McIIENRY St S7 Walnut street, Philadelphia.

And in Baliimore to SPERRV PLEASANTS, iri31-tf Exchange Place, PASSASE TO AND FROM 6R.EA1T m-BKlUXm AMD IRELAND. Tha Shi SCO trniil i-i a. J. Misseily, undertone ex-tansiya repairs, is tow eual to her best days havice eo.T.nier.ced Ibsdinf for ldverpwji, presents very oomfortabla and economical conveyance for cabia, 66- cond OAbin ana passensera, ouicr noma. For tetia without to robert Leslie son, ml2 lm xl No 6i Sjnth Gsy tret.

A DIES' DRESS GOODS are selling cheaper at Ij port. W. DRYDEN'S. No. C7 Baltimore st.

than anv where else in Baltimore. Call and see for yourself. je9-tf Qftn nnn segars imported, medif? bUU.UUU AND LOW PRICED, SiTlTARLE FOR ANY MARKET. FOR SALE AT LOW RATES AND LIBERAL CREDIT, BY J. D.

A TiTS TRO THORNTON, COR. OF ILANOVER AND BALTIMORE STS AO. La Viotoria La India La Luna La Damabir.eeo El S---1 Ia3 Fidelidad Iiu des Hcrrrianos La Patents La Niool is 11a Rionda A. 1 Barnnco La Palma 11 upmann Napoleon Kama Rosa Sans Steamboat Star Habanna Britannia. TOBACCO, VERY SUPER I OS El Dorado Anti-Nervous White Webster Marshall lar rove McCreadv Two Brothers Smoking Turkish S.

and Cuba Thomas anu ol ncrs SNUh FS-SNUFFS-SNUFFS. Garrett's Jars loose Bladders Bottles KNIVES. Papers andothera. PIPES, fee. feSrt-fim Ia.

dRtUb. La. JJ. ITlit-fctt II. 1 1 1 1 1 1 rv ivt a nailun in BKCOND-HAND FURNITURE highest cm!) price for S.A.6S.OLD IRON, COPPER, BRASS, PEWTER, LEAD, EMPTY ROTTfRS.

k. Ill 19-lffiO Stovea Boujht.SoId ssd Esoh.rped- Corcer OI rjAST anil oiu itiu TTA! 11 Healer in HARD WAJ8E. CFTLEIIY and Cast irr. ofi'ar for sale. or.

the aiaaaiiit terms, a nhoica nrtaiiut of in his line, and would be pleasad country merohanta wouia fiva turn a call. JAMES VVHITINS, feT2-tf Mo. 113 1'ratt street. "PECKER'S FARIN in boxes of 1 and lb papers JBaiibitt'a sua ana Yeast Fowasrs Clarke's Corn STABCH, for puddir-es, SAL SODA and Bi Carh. SODA, EDflish Shtppirjjr, Family ard Fancy SOAP3 Ind Rehned Saltpetre is kegs Starch, Crude and orennd Spioc.s, For sale by je2-tft C.

F. Pf XT, No. 12 Comnierre st. EW BOOK AND STATIONER STORE. WALHi Sc.

MKilAlttfi. io i 1 riMTtnTCVr NKAR LIBERTA'. Would refspectiully call the attention ot Citj tr.d County Trade to f.heirextensiYeassoitmcntof BOOKS and STATIONERY, which will be sold on the best Unas. jvslf RECEIVED. Rlsckay'tMytiiaTK, I Crattsnisn, Maaonio Chart, reemson's MoniUr, frefctie Beard, I Moons Massime, andMasoraoMiaceHany.

1.0 goree very superior FAM ILY BIBLES, ele tantly bound, at very low prices. Caa and Iielter papers of evsry scanty ar.d price. Bohset Bc-arda, Paaar, is Iinue, Oil Shadas, liLAiJS BOOSS is tlie la r). nd at th W4rl wia- LAST NOTICF. Ths disinterment of the remains cf parsons buried on the Lot, corner of Lombard and Paoa streets, hs been commenced and will bs prosecuted to with all the dispatch eompatibl with their ea-eful removal to tha Lota at Mt.

Olivet Cemetiry, selected by the Trustees of the Chnrch for their reception. uou friends of parsons buried on the said lot as desire to have them removed under their own supervision, will pltaa call upon tha ground, where one of a committee of tho tresiees may be found at all timas, and communicate their wishes. Without such intimation from friends, the committee will proceed to the re-mtcrment of ail the remains at Mt. Olivet, over which a suitable monumentwiil be placed, alter enclosing the lots witn iron railing, aa ordered by tha members of the church, JOHN REESE, THOMAS FRANCE, CommiUea, j5 60it Ir DAY ID E. of POSTPONED oh hhji SAI.E OF v.

the 13th dav of June next, nt 5 ooloek, P. the following described property: 1 Ai THAT LOT OR. PA KCliL OF GROUND Htusteu omne norm siae oi bikh at the corner of Aisuith and Baltimore aca ruiinm.T thence eastwardiy, binding on Bjitunore street, lilty toe' thenoe one ci and lorty-two feet; thence south-wostwardiy ten leet; thence Eorth--wetwaruly eight feet; thsiice forty leet, parallel vnth Baltimore street, to Aisuitn Btrwt, thence smith westwu-dly, panilil with An i una one hundred and fifty feet to the place of be? liminK. 1'he improvements erected on this lot consujt of a three afery bnclt dweilinr HOUK and tnk buildnsr. rf Hiihfttfintis! manner, and L'tim.

ill kilo i the most modem Biyle, and is well tmted for a ri the decree, sra one-fourth on the (is.j of eale. and the remainder equl iniallmen of ux. twelve and eighteen 1 tvr unniDTfd endorsed notes. biriir 'interest, or cash, thni option of the purchaser. MALCOLM, Trustee, No.

27 Lexmeton street. tilBSON n.22-Stau-.7! fpl Anot.ionfmrg. Tftl'STKE'S SALK OK AliU A i KTV ON NORTH HOWAHH ND WKLL-SSSCUE S5l ANN UI OF VALUABLE P- UITIKS. By i oi a 1 ci uau or nity, th undersiscsd '1 jn.on tiie premises, on A -n L- 1' trrjirn 'P Oil" r. hnitr ci Baltimore.

ttiusdeeciiid: MrSftlWh rre-t, 1CT feat to an called Lrw'UeT: theuee sotitb, oind.ns on raid fa-ttoCnmnAl and Tnmble lot; md. thence west, birdins on eaid loJ, to the pxa of lpnmti. The Southern riinetjr cf tew inirovd by a Two Story Ib'lCIC DW ELLINvt. AIiD bfORE, wna exterBiV iKriok Baok-BuUdinc The Sfcre is ItOii1t1rf "the inoietr or the Lot iireserTed irotudTor 3S2Sa. jMe on the lir.t of in every r.o bur.MictlT acoured.

1 ruuety astrJ the sale of th PMfsJ wi.l en-d, mi trie prem-MX, iu ANNvlli OK taa until the i-t jnnarT. A. x-' mi iji ri c-f reserved out tne Li'-i iu same on t'-'e north Bide ot KniEklm Prte- 153fe-t 6 inches vest from the corthwist intrr- theno west on Sr r. k'm etree-. 14 feet; thence nortu, p.del witU "sea street.

81 thf-nce aat, bir.d-i -g ca i ic-r' to JohaP Wild. feet; thence south, bind -e on Wild's hi 81 feet t- tiia begmainr. This a ini it? r.fnlio aifu-dtly seeured. prenuaes are ooduased bv Wm. Buohler.

tqbasoonwt. Terms ofreie. asareaonbeabr the 1) o-ttf, on-third nih l.hira in 9i oce-cnir" 111 iwri.o tiie err.d;t pijma: riiy secured. Wil. F.

FHIOK. Trustee, Na. MrohfiH Bciid'iE. OiBsON Auctioneer. F.O.

F. SLOAN. VKT'lil ST- MV i.l'i f.rAUt--;Xs AND FLOVll. am resh tests" KC'Lli BUT riJR irom H.n yiyrfjia. uc-f kinds aHUUJEaiES-r hnr.

Eter, Bffig- S. E. career of I asestft ard Pine cts. RIP 4 nU I LD aig nsion BridseVor-ss the MosctgsheiRKtwr batwesn Fa Mvwn conr-fy, Td be tbrr-fsii tn-Pt Oificeat Jren ot of tne TENTH mv iF JUijV next. fee of the Bridge wi hM the The to EsJCP3rt 8 ti Rf si nt Wti.Zfii of i mi Tue t- ho tier Buca KB per il -rectors vui r-uairci to ruirsnrte tcei rvf5r to arn po-j-a p-rod of twelve ivnilis n'ter its comic-tioa.

jus s-ork aud superstructure iil be let out. I- sriiier nriiioiraeiT. aa the my deem benl upanc-p- enins tho Ma. 1 be meets be rrde riorlnlr i-i ins fi-s pus re'ervstioa of per serf, nich wiiTbe en tt.e "it i th be cora- tb.3 ct3d bT tlis lt of Februa IB-2. p.etsa uj Preri'Jett 'f C--rinpT-y.

i i MOrCE 1 XCH M-K, CitfalBEK OF OF TILAVE." MT 13, 15.51. At r-estiiis i mar i.eiviiii i hi-i (1st. rri In! Were-iB. The Flour Merchants ol this ciry have lor rir? labored unrif-r sc: Mits riisscwtafs ana tr oi s-torin? lor moriths 'ehsrse of n--d, r.erca-, acenmaia v'ovx'Lt rt h've. we teiisv.

tin? cpuse, producn-s o.wwittmee condition of r.e mn-ket by forc-r-jr vpon tne Trsne flour unfit for ii-'kels; ard" tf esrd the Bullioc flr.iiri'ini' imurioiis i.r,ii Foreign -i inc.tin to ns tneirntatl-et, lo i bf-efioiallT m'vad of ipiuriously aiieoted by cr-ncert-td pon ai.dai we alrefd.r tha ft silth-? liiiilcra flitiiwhoi-t we have advised; ti-r frotn and tl-e 1st of July oat, we wiil ciisrge a Storars of 2 cents pr per from the uiy'of its rectis't, on all Fiour fceid eu Stor-c'a ten t'-t'Ji. 'R Wved. 'i' ht on aifFionr. when the a'e is left wit a us, vr nll cbsrsr no rtors. FeW.ved.

That tne bmitata of St-jra on ai prior to Tdaj 1st, shall be on the lsiUa- That of vn tzv. the Re'olutioas, SLd pieij' Oiirifllvrl Iu S. K. P-crtholder, i iur ixtoui SOEi John W. Ross Co.

Tibb. Shiciey Jt Ford, it ia'tiifw H. Ciaric, c. l. Kinks Si FL N.

J- Wiiltf, J. H. Warden, W. S. Scull.

Rutisds. rV'FfCK OF THE BALTIMORE C7 METF KJ ilY, Jon 1. 13-51. 'i' irio rvjSLiv. ike Us of fUr.cit-usfs eelatiishfi co trtm r-ir-e fir the of ot toMera, he-ns icenicoicnt to no oouai.r.ate.

(resaiar ireaucns ciap.r..ment. cs-ticulariy to trion in uy th3 crowded.) tne CusTipnny liavea idert a fplcr.UM Coach. Thawill the line to to sn-J rrom the Cemetery r.f nit atioat two w.ikjm. Tit" tuns" affoided 1 pt of vl-dt ne their Lots, at any time ol the day, anu tor the trarur.e-tion of business, render Lots in tin Cemetiy, inde pendent of its other attractions, more valuable and -a-airble than in any oiher place ot tne sirs in tho city. Tne nmpsn Lave oeen oumpeiieu.

wun reiuciar.e to adojt wine restriction upc-n tna freedom of vimi-in? the dIacs. tisretoiore a iows-j. in conseeneiice of a few ho sometimes enter, ana wno ee-ni to that orow-ity c'larctenzfl cvtt- where. The manarers are mum Dound those viititic tfcei'facsFnouIa beem; those who enter, br courtesy, ino aa devcteu to the of the aes. will rw r-idr for Tot Eo'dftra rrt IVIordar next, Uich viil admit tbtt fiTr-iiy ci me owner.

For the jrowrit thtte tiekctHwui uoeded cu San "Visiters who arsnnt let bolder vdi still be adrpit ted vritr.fjiit escpt on and r.r.n can be obtained lor that tiay by application the office, at offica hours, eay fro-a i 9 A.M. to 7 P. M. dating tis wn k. unit en ut-aare mm to J'l A ftl.

The fsornpnty have yielded to frequent soiicita- tious maic to tr.Ki iota in otlier t-nrial grounds in pirt amnt of tw.a in tha Cesnerry. l.ota in all the burial grounds the urmts will be taken at five dollars per ion eupcracm met, Fiyab in lots or raiiii-e or other embellishments in tnia t-ernetery: and arr.tuaom-iits will be mace iy tua oom patsy, villi the irious s-iatons ot their grave yroa, for the removi of remains at the leasi poshiois coat to Ihesurnvk re-itiTts. HTfT, effort vill b-? mirts to renner tne claae worthT of tlis patronage it ra rcceivd, by rnakir-f it not only an ornnreer.t, our. a nuiny oencnciM lastuii tioi to tha Dublin. BEN.

A. LAVENDER, Prea't. mftt ia' rcoaacoTpsi CEDAR "XA.K, MRS. B. fi.

NOXKIS, No. 3-411 BALTUVLOR.E STREET. iUl.TIKOXs. Which mar be taken with Beriect M.fcty by all gss. and in disoaaes of the Laijr, Throat and Kidney: its cures are for the lotioiftn; mwsmh.

vl Dyspepfiia, indigestion, Los tn Appetite, Uearthnm, Asi-hma, uostiveneBR, wma on ins ciornaon or tor-els. Influenza, Colds, Copshs. Icliammation of the Chwt or dice, NervonaaridSsrofuloijs Aifaotiona, Uiesrs. So Anncti'ins of the Skin, Seid ail oiae oiaeaes arisine from impure blood, t-ntits object is more for t-prtiipE oi jrriooa, ConBumotiou of tfa Sivnes, aaa tries ftr tami asi. 2.1 Mr.

E. IS, Norris: Dsar Madam AUoHt nine ygri ISO I wse al'ucted witn a very severe cough and p-ia in ths breast, followea witri shears, and com menorrd tikiEt your preparation ot enr.ireiy currii; anu ihai. wit Bronotnrix: i-7 usire thn Tar I found relief in a fw days, and whenever f. taxe cold I isr, a ftnii lrrineoiate renci. Wiih sreat reapsot I rmRin your ob't ss rYBt, Ma ia IjOUWa Nobii.

1 ha niad res of the Ci1t Tr.r in my fiir-itr the direction nfDr. Thca.H, find itayary VRiuoi meuiciTie in coiu, crms-'is, o. ot my oiiildroii was attaoked vith caau-rn tevcr, whieli aM- tied on ths i sr. ads use id the ldr.r Tar, and ha vencnuj rcauiroa. xsiatiia joiiNsoH, Hew Mills, Ealtaus r.iareh 24.

181, Mrs. Morris: My eldest was tlliifiti-d wifJ ecald neftd. and 1 tried medical sfeiil lor a Ions time, bal iriiu H.i oiioocBB, wium-sr i naa rwj yonr ceaxr im It roafeltcu in a peneci euro. Yoerfnend, Jasa 'Svrrrrt. BHTltflM.

27. 1351. Kra. B. B.

Norm: iSsyuie Wrsn allucted about tyro t-r tnrss years aso wua a very eevere coia, atrnncei with a I by anetilibortntf in Ciar Tar prepared by yea. Atter tvo tt i stuna sresi rsnin. ntirs. rerpsnrtMiiy, i. ii.

Ursr it jivea rrs gracl in rcK-mtcwnug to puniio yocr vaiav eie uie-iioice, (iaF.r i sr.i r.n ezcjunt reTenna er ourairve in the hrpt ttarcs of brorchiBi ao'eotionn, sr ci i.ic -iu isiKD ii very vtictL-jd luiiic oars, very 3isec-raii7, H. M. n. st ba-snb, wiih jleasars and i'uli eonliiirace, to tba food ePots of t5e 'rar, as sreparea and sold by Mr. in rrany casts of discatB, pvils yreMnb- ta it ana aiwsys witn goon Mnri-hirJ.

13M. A.Krrw. M. T. Afrs.

B. 13. Noiria: Midam It sives me recommend to the fa vorabl notice of the pubiioyoar Tsluable medicine, (Cedar Tsr.) inbrcnotiial saections ul liaera of the lwt. Whom Owinh, M. Halumors.

ftjarnb 11. For bT Dr. Joa. B. htmea tre6t; MoPhersoa A Marshall, tsoorsnor to H.

Keh Rob-ru, aoniar Haccvar mi Baiiioir 44, MtJuil fe eetsr ef m4 8orttt ets, PROPERTY ON EAST liAb-TIM ORE ST Virtue of Deoree ol Court of Chanofry, th eubsenher, an Tnig- tB ft lurRlil're Biora. uroiiwi'i by a Uncle crr-ntw' Shp, on Ure ahey, ooeu-pisd by John Tb! gi'rt deptu of the lot, "nd I i Wabla businesa loeaiioa, wike it valuable. f-1 a BU LO A Ard on WES KN VK, of riiW hKtu lua Abutments inn aucui ao feet huh, vita tne nocesjw t. V-ufcenw feiid towers to bs of th-j ct rock- th wails to bs of rtibye m4olrV PffWs.B pncj per perch, fr weYwrV wui for the tbattcetW, tlis to-xersad wVrs; the pnoe p' tnj mv.or.rj iwitil a near near VIS i'1 I in errioacious plan of treating ShUKfil that, has ever yet been presented to the world. By his i-iiiu, luunuKiion ouserv ar.ion mane in tne Hospitals Ol Europe and America, he will insure A CUKE IN TWO No Mercvry oriXauseous Druits Used.

Diseases ol the Kidneva. Pin tho Tinu oil those secret affections arising fromacERTAix habit vouth, which destroys both mind and body. Those dreadful symptoms of the Head, Throat, Nose" especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps 10 an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect. who migui ouieiwie iiaicriiumraii listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstaoy rne living ijre, mav can wun inn connuence. MARRIAGE.

Married Persons, or those contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, should immediately consult Dr. ana be restored to perfect health. OFFICE, No. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK on the left hand side going from Baltimore street, 7 doors from the corner. Be particular in observing the nama and numiier, or you will mistake theplace.

DR. JOHNSTON. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Graduate from one of he most, eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose life has been spent in the Hospitals of Ixmdon, Paris, and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and bashlalness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes) withaeraugeniei.tcf mind, were cured im-mediateiy. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE.

Dr. J. addresses all thos-e who have injured themselves by private and improper indulgences, that secret and solitary habit, which ruins both body and mind. unfitting them for either business or society. are some of the sr.d end melancholy eifects produced by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of j.oss oi luuMiuuu iower, raipii3uon 01 tne Heart.

Dvspepsv. Nervous Irritability. Deran of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symp toms ol consumption, kc, ifce. Mentally. The fearful eiiects on the mind are much to be dreaded; Ixjss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Foreoodmgs, Aversion of oeii-uisirusi, iove oi oontuae, Timidiry, zse some 01 uie cviis preuueea.

fc-ucli persona should, before contemplating MARRIAGE, consult Dr. Johxstox, and lie at once restored. Let delicacy prevent, but apply immediately and save yourselt from the dreadful and awful consequences of this ternlile-maladv. WEAKNESS OF TIIE ORGANS nnmediately cured, and fuil vigor restored. A CERTAIN DISEASE.

It is a melanolioly fact that thousands fall victims to tine rai M' TO STRANGERS! The many thousands cured at this Institution within the last ten years, and the numerous important burgi-cal Operations perlormed by Dr. witnessed by the Reporters ol the papers, and many ot her persons, notices ol. which have appeared again and again before tha public, is a sufficient guarantee, that the afflicted will hnd a skiluulaiid honorable phvsician. rT? UVr i EKS 0i5 -PAID-REMEDIES A. BY MAIL.

a21-tJe26' CURE CURE, OR NO PAY, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. At this establishment may be obtained tha MOST PEF'T REMEDY FOR SECRET PJSEASES, eakness; Ix)ss of OrearjPowers: Pain in fbo Disease of the Kidneys: Arfecrions of the Head, Throat' Nose and Skin; Constitutional Debility, and all those horrid affections r.i from a Certain 'Senret Ha hit-nf 'outh. that solitary Practice, more fatal than the sons of thebyrensto themarinersof Ulysses uiiuius men iiiusL Miiuictui, iiojjesoi marriage, iny-ussiiiie. A CL ltr, V.AtlHAATfcn TWO DAYS. A'o Mercury or Nauseous Drugs Used.

DR. JOHNSTON. theonlv regular Physician who advertises, nrnnori nn derstandm? the numerous atfections of this terribla Aiaiativ. lie alone can restore vou to health and visror. OFFICE, No.

7 S. FREDERICK STREET, on the leu hand side going from Baltimore street, seven doors from the corner, (up the steps. Be particular to observe the uanieand number, or you will mistake the place. 5ia not enticed lrom this olhce. For ignorant and trifling Pretenders, attracted by tha reputation 0) Dr.

JoAnsIon, always try tolocatethem- seives near, expecting to entice the noor afflintpd tranger. ui- TliL Si STEM. AATeakness of the System. Nervous inH mature decay generally arise from the destructive habit of youth, tnat solitary practice so fatal to the healthful existence ol man, and it is the young who are most aor become its victims from wn unorance of the dangers which tnev subject themselves. rPTlt a find cuar.

dians are often misled with respect to the causes or source of disease in their sons and wards. Alno' hnw often do they ascribe to other cause, the wasting of the tion, and ianrnt Eiiects. such as Los-s of Memory. DeDression or peculiar Fits of Alelancholy, when the truth is they nave neencausea uy mauigins in pernicious but allur-lnz uractices. destructive to f-orh Rodvaiiii Th are swept from existence, thousands who might have ijeeu i-i use i-u uieii a pleasure 10 tneir mends, and an ornament to society.

DR. JOHNSTON'S REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS. By this great and important Remedy, weakness nf the organs is speedily cured and full via-or restored. Thousands of the most Nervous and Debilitated indi- viouais wno naa lost au nope, nave been relieved. All impediments to IUAKK1AUE, Physical or Mental Disqualifications, Nervous Irritability, Tremblings and AVeakness, or exhaustion of tha most fearful kind, sppeedily cured by Dr.

Johnston. uc iiiii rmii-u 1 ruin una unice ny impuaeni uacks. ignorant Boasting Imoostors. Plfers. makers, who advertise themselves as Physicians.

By peculiar and cunning modes of imposture they obtain your money and trule with your health. N. B. Br. J.

shows no Great and AvonderfuI Certificates from Persons who cannot be found, snoh ridicu lous things are easily obtained ior a lew dollars. He who places himself imderthe care of Dr. John-stun mav reiiaionslv oonfide in his hrmnr. a-a pontic- man, and confidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. ALL LEil tKS Ml ST BIS JTOST-PAID, Remedies sent by mail.

m26-linj HARRIS' INFIRMARY, No. 31 SOUTH GAY STREET, BETWEEN SECOND ANT LOMBAUD STBFFT5. Is" A SAFE AND SPEEDY CURE EFFECTED OR NO MONEY REQUIRED. Over twenty years experience in the treatment of all forms of PRIVATE DISEASES, enables Dr. Harris to insure a sound and speedy cure, in any of these complaints.

His remedies are free from disgusting Oils, Jjaisam, potsonons Compounds of Mercury, and injurious Drugs, which so often lead to exposure, rendering the unhappy sufferer an invalid for life. TUTS INFIRMARY, celebrated throughout the Union for the effectual cure of all classes of Secret Diseases in the shortest time ever accomplished by proper and safe remedies, was established in this city over 13 years ago as a refuge from Quackery. No public notice of this Institution would be required, were if. not for the number of strangers in a large city exposed to Imposition' from the inr baits of Mock Doctors, who will promise any thing to entice patients to their wniTEn Sepulchess. ENFEEBLED MANHOOD may here find a certain restorative.

The remedies of Dr. Harris in renovating the mental and physical powers, and removing all organic disability, with other evils entailed by a certain' secret habit, are innocent in action, certain in effect, and unsurpassed bv any discovery of the ase. TO FEMALES, Dr. H. has given particular attention to female diseases.

His experience enables him to relieve safely and spefdily ail Irregularities, Nervous Derangement, Constitution al Weakness, General Debility'. Prompt attention given to letters, and treatment marked with skill and delicacy Communications sacredly inviolate. Distant persons cured at home bv addressing DR. GORDON HARRIS, Baltimore, letters post-paid. Medicine sent in any direction by mail.

jell-lm8 XTO CURE NO PAY. IN DOCTOR HUET, A MEMBER OF THE MEDICAL FACULTY of PARIS, Licentiate of the Medical Faculty of New Orleans, recorded on the Medical Register, folio R5th, of the said Faculty. Also, a Graduate of the MEDICAL and CHIRURGICAL FACULTY of MARYLAND since the 3d of April, 1339, as can be seen by his Diplomas, which are framed in his office, and also proprietor of the celebrated FRENCH MEDICAL HOUSE. 16 South Frederick street, Baltimore two trees before the House west side of the street. Thirty odd years of experience in Paris and America have enabled Dr.

II. to cure any form or stage of secret diseases in a very short but reasonable time, on guaranty or forfeiture. Slight new removed in a few hours by a single application. Strictures thoroughly cured without bougee. To all those suffering the evil effects of improper intercourse or secret indulgences, thereby afflicted with a train of diser.sesalike ruinous to both body and lr.iiid, with loss of memory, declining energy, impaired pro-creative powers, and afraid to enter inlo the matriino-niil ststG To such Dr.

H. pledges himself to restore them to frime vigor, on guarantee, if desired; for he is the only 'hysician who understands thoroughly these peculiar nervous disorders, and who also makes the only medicine, extracted exclusively from French flowers, which will cure these complaints. Again, Dr. II. repeats that he is theonly one who understands those disorders thoroughly.

Again, he tells you, with a loud voice, that he makes the only msdi-cine which will restore you to prime vigor, on written guarantee and forfeiture, if der.ired. His medicines are free irom Mercury and all mineral poisons, put tip in a neat and compact form, and may be taken ma public or private house, or while traveling, without exposure or hindrance from business, and warranted to cure all cases, and that in the shortest possible time, without the inujry to the system, or fear of detection by friends. A.nd for proofs of unequal success in tha treatment of the most desperate cases, he refers to numerous certificates (substantiated by oath) tendered him by grateful persons, afflicted with diseases that were considered absolutely incurable. It needs little discernment to perceive thatoNK well-established cure is worth all the PUFFING. AUCTIONEERING, and SELF-LAUD A.

-TION in the world; leaving the patients speak for themselves, who stand living evidences of what they set forth. See my sworn cer tificates in the Baltimore Clipper. t3rStrangers, be on your guard before vou pay enormous fees to those boasting advertisers. Recollect that Dr. HUET is the only regular physician of Baltimore who advertises.

Apply personally, or by letter, (postpaid.) Address Box 3S0, Baltimore Post-office. Ma-dicmes sent to any part of the country. EGROES WANTED. I will pay the highest prices, in cash, for any number of NEGROES with good titles, slaves for life or for a term of years, in large or small families, or single negroes. I will also purchase negroes restricted to remain in the State, that sustain good characters.

Families never Eeparatesi. Persons having Slaves for sale will please call and sao me, as I am always in ine maraei witn ine casn. com trees before the door. ma-tf TROYEAU'S TRICOPHEROUS. OR HAIR INVIGORATOR, For Preserving, Cleansing and Beautifyins tna Hair, completely eradicating IScurf, Dandruff, and other Diseases of the Skin, and will change the hair into a soft, glossy and healthy state, and impart to it a darker color.

Prepared by AUGUSl lNCKt IOYEAIJ. ITl Bal ti mnrn Rtrf-pf. je 9-tf between Light and Calvert, Baltimore. GENUINE FRENCH CAPSULES, or Copaiv BALSAM, for sale by SETH S. HANCE, 103 Bal timore and corner Charles and Pratt sts.

m22-1m KENTUCKY TOBACCO-" Wo have just received 23 hhds. cf selected Grean River Kentucky TOBACCO, suitable for aetata and efcttmt, a4 ef rsi pii weoj. flavor, for sale by iMtt BJvhf fc munications promptly aiieuueu iu, anu iiiiemi commissions paid, bv JOHN N. DENNING, No. 18 South FreHsrie.k street, between Baltimore and Second rcoresrpontience of the BMlimore Sun.

Washington, June 11, 1S5L Warm Weather-SaUs of Real Estate Pic-nic, c. The weather towards noon became decidedly warm. Our city is remarkably quiet; and the general health never better. fter the cars of last evening leit, the following sales of real estate were made by Mr. A.

Green. sales ot real estate were The companv was larsre and the Lot No. 1. squre 63, -Mr. Barry.

square loot: No. 20. square 534, 7 ami me iiiuuui-4 sjjiiiic-j. at 1 cents per cts. Dr.

Van Pat ron- nnrt lot Xfl.2. SQiiare 14i, li. uane, lot h-k square T3'2, 3 cent. Dr. Van Patten; lot vq 67.

13 cents, the same; lot 25.sq. 5. Manning: lot 6, square 14, '2 cents, the same; lot square 37. 3 cents, S. P.

Franklin. West hall lot 14, square 37, 3 cents, S. P. Franklin; lot 11. square 7-2, 1 cents.

Dr. Van Patten; lot 14, square 73-2, cts, G. Bailey; lot lo. square 730, 3t Mr. Mallady: lot 17, sq.

73-. Dr. Van Patten: West front. No. 2.

square 731, cents. J. F. Cal-lan; No. 17, square Id.

cents, Throcmor-ton; No. lt, square 5 cents. Mr. Dnnennson; 2o. 7.

square 616, 2 nulls, Mr. Bayliss; No. same square, 2V mills, same purchaser; No. same square, 2 mills, same; No. 10, same square.

2 mills, same; No. 1-2, same square. 3I milts. No. 13, same square, 3 nulls, siiine; iS'o.

14, same square, half cent. Mr. La ton. Vn 13 mi s.same; No. m.

'24. SOUarc J-, fame; No. square rents, same; No. 13. square 732.

4 cents. Mr. Edely; No. 14, square b. 24 cents, Mr.

Bayliss. 'the congregation ot the Enchsa Lutheran Church aviII on morning leave the city on a p.e- Tiie, to Arlington. Mercury. Correspondence of tha Baltimore Sun. At June (night.) TA Alexandria Water Co.

Break-ins Ground Salts of Real Estate Military ibbath School Celebration Ladies'' Fair Gas Council Pro-cedings Fire Warden Jj-e. Havin? taken quarters at Sanders' Cty Hotel, -where iie illustrious Washington frequently sojourned. I proceeded at once to learn the passing events of the dav. In the afternoon the president and directors ot -the ''Alexandria Water Company had. in tae pre sence of a number of their fellow citizens, per--formed the important and interesting ceremony of r-reakins: the first ground towards that nobie work.

This took place on the lot recently purchased of Peter Tressler, in the rear of Sinner's Hill. The -venerable Benjamin Hallowell, spade in hand, and -with a decree of vigor and enthusiasm which would have reflected credit on a more youthful operator, took the lead, in which he was speedily and spiritedly followed by our excellent townsmen. Phineas Janney, Hugh Smith and others. JM r. Hallowell made" a very neat and appropriate address, and at the conclusion the whole eompany walked to a house in the neighborhood, where they partook of an agreeable entertainment in shape of ice-creams, lemonade.

May each and all who were there present long live to enjoy, in their dwellings, the pure streams of water from Car-Teron's run. At auction, Mr. George White sold the following jeal estate: Two story brick warehouse, southeast corner of King and Payne streets, lot extending to Commerce street, building very old and out of repair, for SS0O. to Mr. James Roach.

Small dwelling house and lot on Wolfe, between Washington and Columbus streets, to Mr. Samuel Beach, tor S415. Two storv brick warehouse, with dwelling in the rear, south side of King, neir Payne street, buildings antiquated, also to James Roach, for S530. JLof, wiih brick dwelling house, fronting on Pitt, and runninsr back to Duke street, (hi-ersection of Pitt and Dake streets) to R. C.

Vio-iett. for SS00. Our fine volunteer company, the Mount Vernon Ouards, Capt. Robert Taylor, held a meeting this evening at their armory, and resolved to appropriate a good portion of the approaching annivers.iry American Indepemlecet.i a visit to.M. Vernon.

The congregation and Sabbath school of the Protestant church, having obtained per--lnission from Major Scott, comma tidint of Fort "Washington, to spend the Fourth of July ot that healthful and picturesque post, have chartered the steamer Salem, Capt. Baker, to Convey them thither and back. The ladies of St. John's Parish. Prince George's county, are holding a Fair a Mount Welby: r.r.d a large party of ladies and gentlemen from Washing ton spent tne dav tliere.

ana chart eren me ste-'mer Collver, Captain Grednev, this evening, to take inem home. Considerable regret is here expressed at the departure of Professor Sciieel. who has So lonsr and successfully led the fine choir of Christ Church. That gentlerann is now in a similar position r.t Trinity Church, Washiusrton. I am informed that the new Gas Company lias xeJ the price at seven dollars per thousand feet.

We have had few vulgir specimens of the Turkish costume, but the intelligent and beautiful ladies of Alexandria will, in respect to dress, adhere to the example set them by the women of the revolution. To the politeness of Mr. James C. Goode. I was indebted for a visit to the lately renovated Museum, in the third story of the Town II til.

There I saw the first flag taken during the Revolution by Genernl Washington, from the Hessians, at Trenton. It is composed of silk, beautifully embroidered in needle-work the crown appears prominent, and the ate 1775 on the front. Also, the identical Ha? surrendered at the battle of Yorktown. It was the ting of the seventh regiment, and now bears this inscription: --The surrender of Lord Cornwallis. being the crownins plory of the complete success of the American arms." The flag is of rich silk, well perforated with bullet-holes.

General Washington's body-guard iiasr is there silk, with the motto. '-Conquer or die." I must resume this part of my lerter The Board of Council assembled this eventns in their Chamber, Town Hall. The president being absent from the cirv, Mr. William Veitch was chosen to preside. Reuben Johnson, clerk, was in his place as usual.

A letter from Ex-Governor Sprigg, president of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, identical with that which appeared in Monday's Sun. from Georgetown, suggesting a plan for increased supplies of water in tne canal by mei-ns of steam eneines, ic, and asking each of our three corporations to aid, by an issue of bonds to an amount of was read and referred to the committee on revenue. The mayor returned, with his objections, an ac, passed on the 3d entitled act to repeal in part, the act respecting assessors' The views of the mayor were concurred in. and. upon reconsideration, the following bill was ssub-sornuted therefor: Be it enacted, Ac, That as much of the act (above referred to) as renders any merchant, shop- Keeper, niecnanic, or otner person naving in Ins employment or service any tythabie, not being a housekeeper, over the age ot twenty-one vears.

responsible lor the capitation tax. which mav be levied on such tythabie, be end the same is herebv repealed." This law to be in force from its passage. A letter was received from Wm. H. McKnight.

complaining that the conduct of Burchell, col lector ot taxes, had, in certain cases, been oppressive. Referred to a special committee, consisting of Messrs. Violett, Massey, Smoot and Simpson. Communications from the several fire companies ri the town showed the dates of their organization to be as follows: Friendship. 1771: Sunr 177-3; Relief, 25th Star, llth Marc II v-draulion.

6th 1---27. The following named gentlemen having been nominated as Fire Wardens, by their respective com panies, were duly confirmed. Friendship, Thomas JJ. Creighton and Washington Bodkin; Sun. Hugh Latham and George Du.Tv; Relief.

George McClish and Samuel H. Devaughn; Star, John 'Ladbetter and J. Lewis Kinzer; llydrauiion, James P. Smith nd John Tatsapatigh. The sum of S'22-3 was appropriated for repairs of ineoiaoricK nouse.

lately purchased on (Jronoko street, above tne Fish wharf. The Superintendent of the Market House reports mat ne nan usei every means to keep it cieim and fit for service, but was unable to do so. Re ferred to tne appropriate committee. This is the nuisance complained ot mtlie Sun two years ago. iiougaiioue Bishop Ives.

We copied, in the proceedings of ine episcopal convention lately held at Favette-ville, N. some matter relative to the complaints agaiust Bishop Ives, in regard to an alleged Romish tendency in tne teachings and practices of the Bishop-and some of the ciergy from other States. The Bishop made to the Convention a full ami most emphatic retractionof alt those offensive doctrines and practices, which lis attributes mainly to violent diseases, which prostrated his mental and physical system. The subject was settled in an amicable and satisfactory manner. ot Coddisgton v.

Webb. In the Superior Court at New York, on Thuesdav, having been made by Mr. Clark, on affidavit, for against Mr. W. for alleged violation rti injunction as to the letters, it was granted, but no action was had in relation to that, or the motion to open the default.

The Vikgisia Coxvextiox on Tuesday rejected propositions to have evening scssions or to limit speeches to or thirty minutes. The Teports on county courts was adopted, with an amendment wmch ests the power to determine the jurisdiction of the court the Legislature, instead of defining it by constitutional enactment. AS L'XGRATEFrL Augusta county, Yj iabout 16 years of jrr ler, a 70rthv citizen Harvev Coursev, of ran 01T with a sir! of daughter of Mr. Daniel Mil- coursey is a married iind has left a wife at home. Fatal Camphixe Accident.

The wife of Mr. 31- Shultz was dreadfully burned on Monday niiht" sit Richmond, by the upsetting of a caniphine lamp. The unfortunate woman" lingered until Tuesday, when death terminated her sufferings. Ati-Secession. Mr.

B. C. Pressley is about -Hsuinir a daily paper in Charleston, in favor of a Jionthern confederacy, bnt against separate secession. The News says these are the sentiments of a majority of the citizens of the South. Cathabink Hats.

The New York Day Book states that Mr. W. F. Broush, as the friend of Miss Hayes, the Irish vocalist, is authorised to transact all business connected with her proposed visit to this country. Miss Bremer leaves Charleston this week, and after passinsr through Tennessee and Virginia, will Trroced northward, and in August go to trie World's Fair.

She will then return to Sweden, from which, the will hava beea absent nearly two years. 5 nulls, same; IS- square -Mr. Caton; No. 20. square IT, 4 mais.

Mr. is.i 21, -24, -25 ami 4 miUs, same; JSo.6, square 53d. 4 cents, same; No. 1-. square of on 1, arson in the first degree, has been senrem death HtUtiea, X.

Friday, the first day ol August, is appointed for the execution. KxEcrTiox. Damon, who killed his master, Tilghman Hunt, was hung at Fayettevilie, A Friday last. He was penitent, ami acknowledged the justice of the sentence. Mtrdkr at Pittsburg.

An Italian named Pie-iro Davadu was lately murdered near Pittsburg by unother Italian named Liugi Cosla. Provoking. Maltlms, the great British writer against the rapid increase of population, has a son who has a wife and 14 children. Brit. Faper. Found. The bod of one of the men drowned by the destruction of Miuot's Ledge Light House, oii Boston, has just been lotind iTT-Gov. Johnston lias aiwointed Charles M. Wiikins. of Pluladelnhia.

a commissioner to the World's Fair. fTrA benefit is gettirg up forllamblin, the great mniwipr in Kw York, with tickets at and first nb.nk road in Florida was com menced about six montiis since by the citizens ol Wakulla unit Leon counties. JTTA ladv bv the name of Bowen was killed by liirhtmns' on Siindav. at Pontine. Michigan.

Her husband was also badly injured. C7Coi. Samuel Pickens, an esteemed cit.zen of Alabama, d.ed latelvat his residence in Dallas eounfv. C7 Two young ladies have appeared in Newport in the new eostume, as we learn from the Mercury. ifyit is said the Erie Canal has paid into the trsasurv of New York, the enormous sum of Cj-A Fair lately held in Charleston.

S. for the benefit of a new Cathedral, realized the sum of 54. Madame Anna Bishop arrived at New York drThere is a good prospect for the peach crop around Boston. 017 Mrs. George Vosburgh drowned herself at Sackett's Harbor while under aberration of mind.

CIrArchbishop Hughes is expected to arrive in the next American steamer from Europe. CURich. Sweuey died of sun-stroke at Charles" ton. S. on Friday.

CU Peaches have already been produced at ich-mond. this season. Commercial Simniiai-y. Reported for the Baltimore Sun. BALTIMORE MARKET Wednesday.

Floi'3. There were no sales of Flour to-day. Holders were asking 4 25. and buyers unwilling to give more than .4 trin Saies of Whpnt at 9" cents a and red at OatsSta 41 cents. PieG7a65.

Corn is une'tnised, with small sales of white at cts. and yellow at 57. (ip.ocERiKs and Provision are quiet. Sales are small, and to the resii'nr trade. Whiskv.

We quote at -2 cents in hhds. and 23 in at which it is dull. New York Cattle Market, June 9. At Washington Yard 17(ii beeves were oii'ered. Demand lair.

Sales of good retailing qualities at from 7 i to ii lit a net. About 120 head left over. At Browning's. Offered. sheep and iambs, and S-t cows and calves.

Prices of sheep from 75 to 2 75 a S' 25. Left over, 2-Vt. Cows and calves Sales at from S3 to 32 Si a 45. All sold. At Chamberlain's.

Beeves l.TO offered. All sold at 7 5'i to a .8 5l. Cows and calves 125 sold at 25 to a 5-5. Sheep and lambs 22sut otlered. Sales of sheep at 2 to 3 in a 4 Lambs 2 to rj a 6' SALES AT STOCK BOARD YESTERDAY.

Md. quar. 5's 5n shs. rime. .77 i.i'dUxOt! b'ds, 25 do 2.i y.ttKi 4-1 hs.

in L4 i no do YiCRR. do .94 Bk Median. TRADE AND M'lXETAST AFFAIRS. At tiie Boston stock board, on Tuesday. Read ins Railroad advanced i per and Canton fell off d.

There was no change in other descriptions. Bosto-v Market. June 9. Flour. Demand fair.

aiosof Baitiniore Howard street at .4 cash, and common at tne same. 4 ami months. et- crn superfine and fancy 4 12; a i4 37 per cah. iram. Yellow corn 62 a and white and mixed iiit a i i.

Rve a Oats 45 a 47. The New York evening Post, of Tnesdav, says: Specie continues to go nut of lie t-mmrn "Tiie S'liithampton packet ship fir Luiidon. wiudi to-day. takes in stiver. ia sold.

and saver bullion. "The fiailia packet lor Havre, also sailed ro-dav wi' ii in silver; and tiie Merlin with Ail nutkius a total of "A eoiiiiiiitfee appointed bv tiie creditors of Messrs. Austens Soicer, to exanuite into tiie propriety tf ac- ceprms 31r. I- Hoi lister oner oi arranaeinent for ins if iitetiness. is unfavorable.

Another has lieenapptuntetl confer Mr. liollister, to endea vor to ormar aixir some nrranieineut. "We learn that three lare failures aiiN'n the eotton manufacturers at Providence have occurrei.1 within the ir We make tiie following extracts from a Xew York lerter, dared on 1 nesdny concerning tiie trade and mo netary affairs of ihar eity: "Smthern flour is lower, wifii more niTerins: the is limited. Sales of l.tu.t ar 4 'rrl a for mixed to trood straight braials. and 4 a 37-; for ncy.

Cotton is doins bprrer: bales have been sold at a turtner advance ol ic. on the better snides. Tiie iower irrads are less buoyant. "Oils are dull. Linseed commands 72 a 73c.

from ountry buyers for small lots, and wiioiesa-e, from slip, at 7 a 72. 'irocerief are nor very active. Coffee is dull; 5n ba-s choice Java sold at 13c: I isi Rio at a 2.iji Sr. Dounno at 3. Moh-sses is quiet, Init stead v.

A irio of clayed Cuoas sold ar 2ii a 21 and sold at 27 a Snjars are in lair request: iiiids. Ciiisa sold at .5 atjtc: i boxes brown Havana, at ii a and 5" hhds. Porto Rico at 5i a g-e. "Rice is not very active: prices are tlian at 'i-arieston: tierces sold ai 3 ij.3 tii'-. Freiahts are rather heav enaaiteme'iits of 15.0( bushels corn at bbis.

fiour 1.5d.; ciead weialit 12s. corri.iii 5-32d. To I riasitow 3. i bushels corn To California there is not mucii ilomif. "Sales of 55i bfils.

Crude Turpentine ar -c'3 per 2-: ami Lino bbis. Wilminston Rosin at 45. Spirits is wirh sales of 253 bbis. "Iron is very dull, with sales of 25i tons Scotch at 13 a 2-5, cash, and 7.5 a -iTJ, 6 months. KnglishBars are dull at 6 months.

"sales ar the Stock Exchansre. lij.nim U. States 5's. 3.5;! shares Canton Com-any "Second Hoard. -SI, (mil States? 1 IiV.j 3ki shares Reading RR frjt a C3: United States' 6s.

ll''." iUiirict or Ouliunui AUTtrtiumtau. TT BV DYER MrGFIRE, Auctioneers. ERV SIPERIOR AND OLD RRW-I)V. IN" TFESDAY AFTERNOON. 17ui, at six o'clock, we shall sell, at our Auction Rooms, fifty dozen choice WINKS, b--itis the residue of the private stock of the late J.

L. M. Smitii. ('' H'lStiinore. selected.

ininseif, with care, at Madeira, in 1341. viz: OLD MAD F.IRA, a very rich Wine Sup. old Madeira, a verv lisht Wine. Sup. Maijdaiena.

Bual, and "laimsev, rare a-u vt-n ueu- AI; six botries Martel's BRANDY, very mid, of a bnsnt iruieira coior, viritate of J8114. acknowledged reputation oi Smith, as a mi lie v-etvti-i ieiuia oi as a connoisseur and importer, ia a sufficient guaranty for the genuineness of the above, witiiout'anv iii'riher Terms jeUMsr DYER Mr-QUIRE. Auctioneers. ATAUNIFICENT SCHEMES," FOR JU.XF. VIRGINIA STATE' LOTTERY, J.

V. MAURY Maxagkhs. Class No. to lie drawn at Alexandria. Va On SATURDAY, June 141 7a Numoer Lottery 12 Drawn Bid hits.

PRIZES: 4 4 of 63.01)!) 5 015 200 ol Sie. Oof .37,000 Hiioie iicacts tti-: naives Eighths Class No. 69. to be drawn at Alexandria, Va On SATURDAY, June 21st, 75 Numiier Lottery 1.1 Drawn Ballots. GRAND SCHEME: P6.180 6'2-2-ii 2of5y2.ia 25 of QV0M Sic.

Whole Tickets only $10; Halves Quarters 52 5n. Class to be drawn at Alexandria. On SATURDAY. June noi. 15 Drawn Numbers out of 78' BRILLIANT SCHEME: .10 275 6 of, 8 of 1 20(1 9 of jSt, 0o 15 of P700.

Whole Tickets only Halves jyio; Quarters Eiirhths A 2 50. ty Orders for Tickets and shares and Certificates of Packages in the above splendid lotteries will receive me niosr: prompt attention, and an orlioial account of c-. .1 alter it is over to a who order from us. Address, i- C. Agents.

oO-lm A 1 exandria, Virgin ia. j3sif Ci sii O.MN ititte, nearly new, having been used CAME TO THE SURSCRTRKR u.i:u ii stray JIJV sne is Ifiree. witn r. white strme down lu, and belly: her sides are a sort of a brindle; has larce drocpsn? horns and marks on her ears one has been cropped and lmo a slit in it, tho other has a piece cut out, with a silt; her head is speckled white and red: she is very gentia. JACKSU-i' CARROL, Buzzard's ic-inu J10-3t IT" A 1 1 'I- a r.

7 TDRIA BOAT. The Steamer THOS. sCOLLYER will depart at the hours named. A coacn connects wun tne in aelung- loii. uoat litre.

i uenis. Leave Alexandria at 7,9,111, 1L3, 4tand 6 o'clock laya ashingtonat 1221.3. 6i o'clk. Aivi t.ij ut.uM uaptain LATHAM'S O.MNIBUSES leave it. ijivi.a.

daily 1 runoavs ex Zceereil 1st "rt iii a oi ''i-i yi nmt 111 A.M., and 3 it i iiiouu-y mat connects with the nine ctock Crrs lrom asriinsrton. Fare between mv othce and Penns lvama avenue, 18? cents; orf the rouie vt-ina. r.v ciiarsre. fe22-4mt HUG IT LATTIAM. C.

PHI LLI PIS fc No. a CHAKtBH ar KorriSm 'J. HKASS WKIUHT and BPRINti -LO(JtiS: i OCElnr rn-o m.tur, rueiit; Clock lTuiiirirtu; Woo-leo and Willuw Ware; Broom; Pfiptd Piotar iiumiuMviuiiMi mil lit n.ict, ui iur iiiomns. i ne subscriber having no use fpr it will eeii it a great bargain, if applied for Inquire at the corner of 2rh s-lP-lt at tlie Viur 0'7iue, for JOSEPH in in ately upon the stesitn cominc in contact with the aar-fice of the tnbs charged therewith, a Iarg-n portion of ilia caloric of the steam is avrbed by he liquid in the tubas, which becomes hereby vaporized and the steam being thus deprived of its caloric, is imrt.fdiately coti-dansfd and is then returned into ihe steam boiler. The vapor tuns obtained by the action of the steam, or perohioride, or.otber liquid ia tha tubes, is conducted mto ths snnond cylinder, and afler exertirEits elastic force (which is greater than stetm) upon the piston the second cylindar, is condensed, Mid by means cf a force pump is returned into the vaporizer, which it thus keFsrerularlv supplied, and ia alternately vaporised and condensed.

Th savins efleoted by this enjin8 is in the small tnantityof copls required for the steam, tha smaller room occupied by it, and the avoidance cf incrastationa ia the boiler, tha water beics ootspetey distilled by tha reiteration vnoorization. and condensation. Th8 parshloride is a very eheso miid; whan once charted, the quantity in tha tubes will last a considerable time, the alternate cotttsiisation and vaporization occasion-in? a very trilling: loss in the bulk or uMitity empioy-etL A model and sectional diagram, llluiitratins this invention, can be 011 apniioation to tha subaori-br. I or particulars as to tarms of apply to ths subscriber, at the office ofLaohaise aaoha, No, 43 Broad street, city of New yrk. M-wl int OyPKB IIU gHKMBLEV.

ZTNC PAINT. Tha eubsenber-, Agents of tlie New Jersey Exploring and Mining Company, have now a full supply of their pure White, Brown, and Black ZIN PA I NTS. The entire freedom frotn all poisonous effects, remsrkaWa brilliancy lasting properties of these Paints render them unquestionably superior to ail other pismenbJ. AH Paints sold by tlii Uoinpaoy art VftriiUitd fare. For sale by j3AKER BROTHER, rA15 ii mi S4 Btitiwore sareet.


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