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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 22

Logansport, Indiana
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CHAPTER1 -Vladimir Saradoff, a EuBBlan, tjclnif heir tr the fortune of his nephew, rice Hammond, an American, in of bis nephew's efltn. conspires to have him sent to Russia in order to KCt him in his power. I Hammond and his friend, Philip Danvera arrive at 8t Petersburg, and SaradolT lays plhCB to have them arrested as conspirators anainst the government. IU and IV-Hatrmond at a review saves the life of ColonelJarosiav. Pro- oeedinp to Moscow, they are arrested and sent to Slbera.

On the way the boat on which thoy iravelcatcbesflre, and they, with two other convicts OBcapt In a skift. VI and VII-Hammond and i anvers pursue their way with the two other prl-oners. who utuck an approaching waicon. Hammond and Dsavers defend an officer in the wagon. A troop of Cossacks apr-tars and recaptures all the prisoners.

The officer tolls the Americans they will be shot, butln view of their RCrvlees uini Uo will do Ail he can for them. V1I1, IX They are sentenced to be shot. Ihti sun- to kiss Lora MeltkotT, ai Hammond knocks him down. Daiomrn orders him to be shot. Lora saves him, and uaroman discovers thut eho is i be daughter of Oolof'el lleUkoff: XIV.

XV, XVI. XV11 ucd XV111- liora furnishes Hammond with tools and a plan of escape. Hammond. Danvers and atoff escape and work up the river Kara, reaching a cave to which Lora has directed them. start on their journey to the Pacific CHAPTER XXIX.

CONCLUSION. But there was no reply. A few passed in silence. Then a flash of light lit up the darkness of the cab, a iharp report echoed through the gloomy street, and the horses, rearing in the air, made a desperate attempt to break loose. The police dashed forward, surrounding the cab, and a crowd, sprung from no one knows where, quickly blocked up the street.

A lantern was hastily brought and a surgeon summoned to the spot, but it was too late for medical aid. Vladimir Saradoff had evaded arrest and punishment. He was taken back to his stately residence and borne through the startled group of servants to his chamber. There they left him alone, and an officer guarded the entrance. The police took possession of the house and drove curious spectators from the door all night long, for the news had spread rapidly.

The morning journals uunonnced in startling headlines the crime and death of Vladimir Sara- doff, and St. Petersburg from the highest to the lowest circles was wild with excitement. That day the boys were brought be-' fore Count Brosky, minister of the interior. Tho proof aud testimony that Colonel Jaroslav was prepared to offer were uuueedcd. Ivan, Vladimir SaradofTs servant, who had been arrested while escaping from tho rear of the house, came forward with a full confession, made on condition that his punishment should be mitigated.

He toid all, how tho plot had been laid, the false passports aud nihilistic documents substituted for the boys' papers, and how finally, by bribing an assistant at the morgue, the genuine passports had been concealed ou the persons of two unfortunate wretches found in the Neva. At the closo of the examination the boys were freed with a most profuse and elaborate apology from Count Brosky aud went off iu a carriage to the residence of Colouel Jaroslav, whose guests they intended remaining for a few days. The colonel had promised to do all in his power for promise which he kept to tho letter. Vladimir Sara- doff's affairs were at once taken in hand by the government, aud through Colonel Jaroslav's influence the fortune of $200,000 of which Maurice had been robbed was preserved from the wreck, subject, of course, to legal formalities connected with the lad's guardianship. Colonel Jaroslav advanced him as much money as he needed, aud Maurice's first act was to pay the fiiio of 80,000 rubles that had been imposed ou Nicolas Poussin and to write that worthy merchant a long and grateful letter.

Phil meanwhile wrote home to his father, fearing the shock that a cablegram might produce. During their stay in the Russian capital Maurice met Miss Melikoff, who hud just returned with her father from tie mines of Knra. They had a long and interesting interview, but the pun wbich that youug lady played iu the boy's escape was kept a rigorous secret. "Why, my father might actually seud ma back to work iu the mines if he knew what I had done," said Lora. "He is so awfuliy strict, you know." Aud the old general confirmed that opinion on mooting Maurice.

"Arid so you are the fellow that an officer." he said gruffly, "aud rescued my daughter too? Well, youug man, I would have shot you for the CLIO and rewarded you for the other." And then he graciously shook hands with him. Tho boys greatly enjoyed their stay in St. Petersburg, "for Colonel Jaroslav was a most delightful host, but their hearts yearned for America, aud late iu July they parted from their kind friend and" the many other acquaintances they had made in the Russian capital aud started by rail across the continent, from Havre a week later. It was a clear and beautiful Anpust morning when the Grand Mouarque majestically up New York harbor. LATEST MILLINERY.

CORRECT STYLES IN HATS, BONNETS AND TOQUES. papers hacl proclaimed far and widt their expected arrival. Off the Battery a tugboat put out to the steamer containing a tall, gray bearded man, whose actions evinced great excitement. He was hoisted on board the Grand Honarqne, and a moment later Phil was clasped in his father's embrace, to the manifest delight of the passengers. "My poor boy, my poor boy!" was all he could utter for a long while, but presently he became more composed and extended Maurice an affectionate greeting.

"Your guardian is not here, my boy," nel Hoffman could not come. You will know all later." Maurice detected the strange embarrassment in his manner, but before he could ask an explanation the steamer was at the wharf, and they hurried across the lauding to a cab that was waiting. A wild cheer burst from the crowd, and half a dozen reporters sprang forward, notebooks in hand. Turning a deaf ear to the representatives of the press, the boys gained the cab, and Maurice already had one foot on the step, when a strong hand seized his shoulder, and he turned half angrily to meet the honest, tear dimmed face of Paul Platoff. With a cry of joy he staggered back and would have fallen, but the sturdy Russian caught him in his arms, and they wept together, unmindful of the excited spectators, who cheered again and again and pressed forward so impetuously that the indignant policemen could not drive them back.

Between the mingled embraces of the two boys and the jostling of the crowd Platoff was well uigh suffocated, but finally they were all bundled into the cab and were soon rattling up noisy Broadway. In husky, broken sentences Platoff related how he had gained the shelter of an American sailing vessel on that terrible night of his escape, and how the noble captain, on learning his story, hid him so securely that the Russian soldiers failed to find him. Two days later tho vessel left for home, aud after a long voyage arrived safely at Boston. "I knew yon were safe," he said, "and I saw afterward by the papers that yon were coming home on this steamer." "I knew it," said Maurice. "I knew you were not dead.

What did I tell you, Phil?" That night Mr. Danvers' up town residence was brilliantly lighted in honor of the boys' return, and many friends called to offer their congratulations and to shake hands with the brave Russian whose heroic conduct was now being discussed throughout the city. One thing marred Maurice's pleasure. Colonel Hercules Hoffman had been thrown from his horse in Central park a week before and died two days later, leaving a sealed packet for his ward. This Maurice opened ou the first opportunity and read with sorrow tho confession that threw still more light ou Vladimir Saradoff's crime.

The story of the malachite bos of jewels, the interview at the Hotel Bristol iu Paris, the later correspondence of Vladimir Saradoff, all was told without reserve, and the writer ended by expressing a hope of forgiveness and willing his fortune to Maurice as a partial restitution. It must be remembered that Colonel Hoffman, at the time of writing this, knew that the boys had been rescued from their fate, arid it must have been a great relief to his burdened conscience to discover that they were not dead, as he, no doubt, had believed. Maurice generously determined that his guardian's reputation for honesty and uprightness should not be blotted with this foul story, so he burned the confession and locked np the secret in his own breast He was now possessed of a handsome fortune, for Colonel Hoffman had been worth nearly $100,000 himself. With great difficulty he compelled Paul Platoff to accept a sum that would make him independent for life, and, indeed, it was ouly through the most dire threats that the brave fellow could be induced to listen to such a proposition. Platoff was, as we have stated, a man of education, refinement and ability, aud these attainments, which his own government spurned, he now devoted to his adopted country, becoming a true American at heart.

And now we must leave our happily freed from their enjoy the new life that opens before them under the shadow of the stars and stripes, a flag unstained by tyranny or despotism. To Paul Platoff. who has passed through the furnace of oppression, our government will always be all that is noble aud just, while Maurice and Phil, who have seen and realized for themselves the oppression and misery that lurk beneath the flag of autocratic Russia, will, we venture to think, be enabled more and more to reach and realize the truest ideal of young American manhood. THE EXD. HoTeltlcB In Materials, and Garniture Popularity of Ortrich Plttniei.

Feathers Stand High at One Are Tilted to the Left Side. Recent New York openings of trimmed millinery afford the latest styles in headgear. The usual extremes which accentuate to a ridiculous degree leading features are represented, for absurdities are always present in every advance display. Fortunately, however, they rarely tarry long, but make way At the foot of the narrow street which opened on the wharf a motley aged were recently mameO crowd was gathered, curious to see the Xeivburg, "vTis. The srroom.

John two young Americans who had tasted I Scherer, 77 years of aee. mud the the horrors of Siberian the llrg, Anna Zeltinjrer, BLACK VELVET HAT. for the modified styles which remain throughout the entire season. Of these latter there is EH extensive array, which includes hats, toques and little bonnets. As there ie an endless variety in each class, every woman is likely to find just she wants.

The most important difference between the late autumn models and the muamer ones is perhaps the way they tilt up on the left side. The tendency, too, is to wear the hat well back on the head, not tilted over the eyes. There is quite a diversity in materials. The hats are mside of velvet, felt, chenille, silk, beaver, plush and a new- fabric which resembles nothing on earth but a bird's neat. This is to be seen in, various colors.

Coming to garniture, this is emphatically a feather season, long ostrich plumes leading, with a close following of wings, quills and whole birds. Glittering ornaments of all kinds are in great request. So are chiffon, lace and jet ornaments. Paradise plumes and cock's feathers are also waving their influence over our millinery, and the which continues to be indispensable at the side of the hats, is frequently covered with roses of silk and velvet. The dominant idea in millinery from Virot's and other Paris houses appears to be large toques of plisse velvet, with upstanding feathers of a great height on one side, flowers or bows appearing beneath the brims of hats and toques, apparently tilting them np a little 'on one side, but there are many dainty little bonnets made of white satin and covered with gold thread and jewels, trimmed in the front with bows and ends of the satin edged with fur and intermixed with blaok and white lace.

Hats are made of shaded velvet on the cavalier outline. A black velvet hat deserving special notice is adorned with black ostrich plumes, and a couple of roses are tucked in under the brim to impart a dash of color. ATI attractive little toque is made of the new plisse velvet in a delightful shade of blue, with a bow of emerald green terry ribbon and blue and green wings at one side. This toque may be got in any color or combination of colors. A pleasing combination of materials is expressed in a stylish hat composed of rose and black velvet and chenille.

It is trimmed with ostrich feathers. A quite new and smart felt hat has a slightly turned up brim and a frilling of velvet. It is further adorned with blue and green parrots set at one side. There are many charming little bonnets for women who prefer the becoming addition of strings. These THREE DISTISCT STYLES.

are made in the same materials as are the hats. Bonnets are considered more dressy than hats and usually are more becoming, but they have a serious drawback, for they are less youthful in appearance than are hats. In a general wav bonnets are advised for all occa- Bion? when elaborate apparel is worn. ALICE Coffee Blanc Dissolve a box of gelatin in 2 cups of milk Pour over it a pint of strong coffee, boiling hot. Have a pint of milk over the fire in a double boiler, and when it is at boiling point pour in the coffee and gelatin mixture.

Meanwhile beat 3 eggs light with a cup of sugar and stir in with the other ingredients. Remove from the fire and tarn into molds and pat into a ccel place to become set Serve with rvreetoned cream. CAKE BAKING. Common Scnue Which, It to. Lead to SnceeM.

Experts in cakemaking very often say that the whole secret of success lies in the baking. There is a good deal of troth in this, and it applies specially to rich, solid cakes, which are not diffi- salt to make, but are rather difficult to bake. The following rales are well worth remembering: Light cakes require a rather brisk oven to raise and set them. Cakes raised with chemicals, such aa baking powder and its equivalents, also require a quick oven. Cakes that have much sugar in them are apt to burn quickly.

Therefore for them the oven must not be so hot. Large, rich cakes require long and careful baking. Small sugar cakes require a Blow oven. Gingerbread, too, excepting the light, thick kind, should be gently baked, A slack oven is more dangrrons than one that is a little too hot. With the latter one can adopt expedients to regulate the heat.

The cake tin can be lined with double paper, or it can stand in the oven on sand or salt, or if the worst comes to the worst and the cake gets burnt some of the burnt part can be Scraped off, but with a too slack oven the cake is almost sure to be ruined. The oven door should be kept closed until the dough sets, and it should be opened and shut as little as possible daring the process of baking. Cakes must not be shaken while baking, and If id is necessary to turn them they should be turned as gently as possible. Slamming the oven door even to shut it may make a cake heavy. Inexperienced persons should always test a cake before taking it out of the oven by putting a skewer or knitting needle into the center.

If this out clean, the baking has been sufficient Experienced persons, however, can generally tell by the look or by lightly tapping it whether the cake is done. Large, rich cakes should have a piece of paper laid over them when put into the oven to prevent scorching, and they should also be allowed to remain till cool before being removed from the pan. They will keep best with the paper ia which they were baked left round them. Even after a skewer leaves them dry they need to be left in the oven for a few minutes to "soak," as it is called. When taken out of the tin, cakes should bs laid on a sieve till cold to facilitate the escape of the steam.

Art Art cabinets are no longer restricted to palatial residences, bat are finding their way into every home where any pretensions to artistic furnishing are entertained. These cabinets are the re- CABINETS FOR ART BRIC-A-BRAC. ceptacles of various objects of virtu, whether these be of porcelain, ivory, gold or silver. The cabinets are works of art, being frequently inlaid and mounted in finely wrought brass or silver 'gilt. Hand paintings appear on the panels of the ro.ore costly cabinets.

Practice. Thoro exists a diversity of opinion as to the number of-hours a pupil should practice each day. Here is what a writer in The Etude says on the subject: Concentration is absolutely necessary to the successful student, and if you find you lack in this particular then pull yourself together and work with the determination that you must and will gain concentration. When this is gained, you will discover that you can now accomplish in two hours what you could not accomplish before in a whole day. Four hours now will be sufficient to tire you mentally, and the rest of your time may be profitably spent in the open air, perhaps on a bicycla After a sufficient amount of technic is gained, very little time should be devoted exclusively to it, most of the four hours being spent in memorizing pieces and keeping up a repertory.

If you have a fine grand piano, take pleasure in playing on it, listen to the tones produced and enjoy them. Do not merely sit there from a sense of duty, compelling yourself to play just so many hours. Enjoy your practice, and yon will find yourself improving musically and mentally. More than four hours a day is injurious to the average pupil and should not be countenanced. Practice should be a pleasure, not a duty, and should not exceed four hours a day.

Mock Cream For Coffee. When cream would be conspicuous by its absence, the following is worth trying, as at least one clever cook maintains that nobody would ever suspect the difference: Heat a quart of new Tajik. New milk is essential to success. Mix a dessertspoonful of sweet -butter with a teaspoonfnl of flour, thinning it with a little of the'hot milk Add the mixture to the milk and beat ic con! stantly for five minutes while boiling. i Then remove it from the fire and con- I tinue to beat it for five minutes longer.

i Have ready well beaten, very light, the yolks of 2 fresh eggs and add them to the cream while hot, mix well, strain through a fine sieve and afterward beat 1 tt until very light BLUE JEAX PLAY TROUSERS OR -BROWNIE BREEKS," TO TKCT THE SCHOOL OK BEST SUIT. Of special interest to mothers are the new- devices for protecting the stockings and clothes of thn smail boy. The play trousers or brownie breaks," which arc made of blue jean or denin and drawn over the clothes, are reproduced from The Delineator and are certainly among the most practical of recent pirnient designs. The front of the overalls is extended to form a bib or apron and straps of the material sewed underneath to the upper edge of the back at each side are passed over the shoulders and attached at the opposite ends to the upper corners of the bib with a buckle slipped over a button so that tlif is complete and the adjustment The ample pockets will please small boy and his appearance will be quaint and picturesque if a neat uiiite collar appears at th? neck. ftpedaUy prepared for its ly Tiie Butlericl; PubLishiiig Co.

(Limited). A. COVERT COAT. AND SEVEX- GOKED SKIRT OF PLAID CHEVIOT. Somu rather dashing combinations are seen in the new plaids and for the young these bright colors seem altogether appropriate.

The skirt in the sketch is of very gay plaid. Hie cover d'at and skirt illustrated are both reproduced rom The Delineator. The plainest and most absolutely stylish tailor jacket is the coat ily front known as the covert coal and made of any of thu pliiu or fancy aoatings in vogue. The back of die coat in loose sack shape, but is made to follow the lines of the ligurc by center and side that are terminated" a little above the lower edge to form the back into two large, squart tabs. Darts curve the loose fronts to the figure at the sides and comfortable and stylishly shaped sleeves aud neat pocket-laps complete the garment.

The seven-gored, skirt, has the fashionable fan back. Specially prepared far us by Tlie Butlcrick Publishing Co, (Limited). The laundry till of' the Atlantic during their stay in Portland amounted to over $500, so another local iadustrr waa Herald. Particles of the glass from an Incandescent light bulb which collapsed entered the eyes of Mrs. R.

D. Hookina, wife of a Supreme court clerk of Bismarck, N. and destroyed her sight. In Letcher county, Kentucky, grows a great walnut tree which just tas been sold for 5400. The tree la nearly sixteen feet in and about ainety feet high to the limb.

Commercial Traveler (to cannibals) then, if you have made up your minds to roast and eat me, let me at least entreat you to try our brand of mustard on this Blatter. Hon. Horici Ohapmah, flubernalorial candidate lor to have remarkably big voice. A Ohio politician said reeentlr that no one could confer with Mr. Chapman, because, "his voice could all over the state." Do you scratch, and scratch and wonder what's the matter? Ointment will Instantly relleTB and permanently care any Itchy disease of the skin, no matter of now long BABY'S SKIN In all the world there is no other treatment to pare, so sweet, so so speedy, for purifying, and beautifying the skin, icalp, and hair, and eradicating; every humor, as warm bathi CfTicvu.v md gentle anointings wiUi (ointment), tlie great skia cure.

It thronchnut tV vnrld- PoTl Dura Jt CUKM. Hnt.t"Ti. All About the Skin, Scalp, and Hair," five. Id-ISA. PECK'S COMPOUND Nervousness.

Nervoos Nervous and Sick Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Scrofula, Scrofulous Hamoro, Syphilitic Boils, Pimples, Constipation, Pains in the Costivenesa, and all diseases arising impure stnte of low condition of the System. by Ben Fisher, Busjahn Schneider, W. H. Porter. J.

F. Coalson, B. F. Keesllng. THE NEW WOMAN Pennyroyal Pills SAFE, SURE AND RELIABLE Eiipeclallvrecammendedto Married Ask yuur druggist for PtnaiNMl PHM and take no other.

Thej are the oafy MNt Sure Md Relltbli Female Price, box Sent by mall upon receipt of Address all orders to advertised PERRIN MEDICINC NtW YOBK. Bold by B. F. ANTAl-MIDY TbesetrnyCapraleti to Balsam of Ccpaibaj Cnbebs or Injections and I CURE IN 48 HOURS the same diseases inconvenieiw. Sold by till FffiLDAFLOWERS I.

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