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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 12

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

12 RECORD OF THE COURTS. The City Files Lengthy Aniwer In the Exposition Building Cose, Presiding Elder and an ex-Bishop of the Evangelical Association in Court. Lawyer Copeland's Heary Damage Suit Partnership Qnarrela Varion Legal Notes. THE EXPOSITION BUILDIMQFIOHT. Answer ha been mad by th city and th Mayor to th bill for Injunction filed by th Inter-Sta'e Industrial Exposition to restrain the removal of the building on the Lake Front The Villi alleges that the bnilding was put np by a number of prominent business people.

not to make money, bnt for the interest of the people of Chicago. This is denied in the answer. It avers that the enterprise was for personal gain; that the exposition was a stock corporation with a capital stock of 1250,000 held by different individuals as an Investment. Oat of the net earnings of the scheme the stockholders received dividends. Whether the building originally ooat 1300, 000 and improvements to the extent of hare subsequently been made the eity is unadvised and leaves the oompany to make proof.

The permission granted we company to ereot the building and lease the premise for $500 a year was revoked Feb ruary, 1801, by the City Council as provided in the original grant. Notice was given the company to reniore the building within ninety days and not doing so the city took possession and began to tear it down as it had a right to do. An injunction was granted when the bill filed and veeterdav Judge Horton was to bare heard a motion to. diaaolva, but owing to the enuagement of Cur pot aura Counsel Miller the matter went over until Friday morning. A CLERICAL QUARREL.

A presiding Elder and an ex-Bishop of the Evangelical Association are at opposite ends of an 3,000 libel suit filed yesterday. Wil liam Ooessele, an offioer of the former rank, is plaintiff and Bandolph Subs is defendant As editor of a German, religious weekly paper called "Die Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung," Mr. Dubs is said to have maliciously vubUahed articles attacking Ooessele's char acter. The litigation will cause the airing of a longstanding church fight. In February 1800, said Attorney Francis woolley.

Da be was tried before committee of his churchmen and suspended from his office. Mr. Ooessele served on the trial committee. After his trial Bishop Dubs undertook to manage the editorial de partment of the Ztitung. The paper is said to liave charged Utat air.

uoeeaele was influenced bv "blood mouev" to sit on the committee and eonvict at all hazards. After this the Zeituntj is charged with attacking Elder Gaesole's management of a will in which John Klemme bequeathed his property to the poor optne taoonsin street Lauren. A bill was filed in court, and Dubs is charged with maliciously publishing the allegations, and causing their circulation among the church people. A LAWYER'S IDEA OF DAMAGES. Suit for 1100,000 damages was begun in the Circuit Court yesterday by Charle Cope-land, a lawyer, against the Chicago and Alton Railroad and the Missouri Paciflo Bailway June 18, 1890, Copeland boarded an Alton train at Chicago to go to Kansas City.

When within five miles of the Utter plaoe a train of the Missouri Paciflo clashed with the Alton sleeper in which Mr. Copeland occupied a berth. The ear was smashed to pieces and ths lawyer- was thrown quite distance. As a result his knees were injured and to-day, his attorney says, he is at Mercy Hospital unable to walk. When the case is called for trial Judges ahd Shepard and John Mattocks will be called as witnesses to prove that the injured lawyer was making from 110.000 to I15.U0O a year from his prac- tice; that he was perfeotly healthy before he Chicago, and that he will never be able to walk again.

PARTNERSHIP DIFFICULTIES. Samuel Cole was yesterday appointed re- ceiver in the ease of Charles Stelnbock, of Sew Tork, against Leopold Bros. A to take charge of the mortgaged property. Henry Leopold executed a mortgage Stelnbock to secure payment of 900,100, but at the request of Leopold it was never recorded. Meanwhile Leopold executed other mortgagee on the same property, and Steinbock filed a bill to have the subsequent mortgages set aside, and to nave ma ueciarea a nrst lien, tie nas been receiving rents from the Incumbered property on an individual debt dne him from Henr) Leopold.

In a till filed by Kelson G. Van Deventer against his partner, George 8. Carrington, the Circuit Court asked to appoint a receiver for the Cnicago Trading Company at Ko. 882 west Madison street van Daveuter says ne contributed (15,000 in the businees against his partner'e S7.U00, and that- Carrington has drawn out mucn more tnan ne la enuuea to. The stock is estimated at JO, 000, but under the defendant's loose management, it is leged, the firm will become insolvent It is euarged that bis method of keeping books is very bad and that the business is now being oonduoted at a loss.

Besides an accounting It is asked that defendant be enjoined from disposing of partnersnip assets. Adolph Heile was yeaterday appointed receiver of James Denham A Co. 'a estate. The firm doee a retail shoe business at No. 203 booth Haiated street James D.

Biohardson, Junior partner and manager, filed the bill. tin alleges that the firm's asset are 97,000 against debts or SlU.uuu. CONSERVATOR WANTED. Mrs. Jane E.

Balcom, residing, at No. 9027 Miohigan avenue, filed a petition in the Probate Court, asking the appointment of conservator to take charge of the aetata of her husband, Uri Balcom. The petition seta forth that Mr. Balcom is suffering from mentis, and that he is demented and unable to take care of his property, said to be worth 1 A similar petition was filed by Mrs. Kellie McAvoy.

the wife of fed ward i. MoAvov. saloon-keeper at No. 156 South Uaiated street Bhe says he is insane and the Court is asked to appoint some one to manage his affairs. The bnsinees is worth 13,500 and they have tnree enuaren.

FIOHTINO A STREET EXTENSION. Judge Adams yesterday heard evidence in the city's condemnation suit to gain land for the opening of Springfield avenue. The new thoroughfare runs between Madison and Lake streets and just east of Ysrkes' West Sid power-house and ear barns. These buildings extend in an almost continuous line from Madi son to Lake streets. Property owners who are objecting to the street extension say that Ysrke is trying to use the city to further his intereete.

Already an aiiey rum vaca irom aaoisoa street to l'ark avenue and the street oar oompany ha iaiu eutuuuia atnoaiieviaae teen feet wide, while the street will be lira ion. Avnii yivyvrtj vwun Will loot the Dili. A veroict assessing damages will be returned to-uay. TRTINO TO EVADE TAXATION. The Bennett Medical Institute, ooe spying valuable property on the West Bids, was represented in Judge Scale court yesterday afternoon by attorneys, who are fighting the entrance of a judgment on delinquent taxes.

Ths school occupies the property in question on a ninety-nine year lease, covering expenses lis officers are trying to avoid payment of taxee under the act providing for the exempUoa of ehureh and school -property. The County Attorney claims that since ths title remains in other handa the property can not be exempted. Judge Scale held the matter open tor argument DEMANDS HIS CHILDREN. A petition for habeas oorpu was filed in the Circuit Court yesterday, by Charles W. Pritohard, who seeks to recover his two children Arlin and Norma from George M.

Beamish and his wife. Pritohard represent that June 17, 1885, he was married to Marie Beamish and the children mentioned are the fruits of the union. The mother died May 8, 18911, and at that time they were living with her parents, the defendants. Pritohard says he has procured another home, and when he demanded his children from their grandparent they refused to give them up. Judge Clifford granted the writ, and will hear what the parti ee have to say on Thursday morning.

LEGAL BRIEFS. The Circuit Court Clerk will not prepare any new law calendars this vacation. Ths call of the old common law docket will be be resumed in the falL Chanoery calendars. however, will be made in September. The will of the late Mrs.

Julia f. Craft, of Austin, was admitted to probate yeaterday and lettera teetamentaiy issued to the hus band, Males a. Urartu, residing at so. 817 South Park avenue, ia bond of 1 100.6X1 An eetate of 150,800 is bequeathed to the baa- Dana ana be la named sole executor, xne will is witnessed by Clayton E. Craft and Thomas Carroll.

In the estate of Henry J. Milligan the Probate Court yesterday authorised the ad ministrator to continue buainese at No. 819 Wabash avenue, and to extend for several nun a nt fttfl (Y (W aaAnrail tha (lava Hotel Company from Mr. Milligan. The co ro pany ia unabls at present to pay the debt and new notes guaranteed by Alt Gage were given.

'ihe fight between the Alley Road peo ple and the repreeentativee of St Francis Xavier School property at Twenty-eighth. street promise to be interesting to the end. During the two days spent in seleoting a jury the lawyers roundly abused eacn other, ana yeaterday Juryman Gundennan eame in for some of the excitement He eita at the end of the box and near one of the road's attorneys. jeeieraay sirs, zoung. assistant superin tendent of schools, was called to testify.

The respondent claimed that Gundennan and petitioner's attorney was talking about the evidence. Then there was a fight to have the juror oismissed, but Judge Tnihill thought no harm bad been done and the case proceeded. ueuoea iiouingway. a colored boy. is years of sge.

was run down by a Miohigan Central train Sept. 1 last on the Lake Front and had his left arm crushed, neceeaitating amputa tion, lesteroay ne sued the company in the circuit uourt lor damages. THE CALLS FOR TO-DAT. TOtTCD STATUS OOUBT. Jndf Greaham On circuit.

Judge Blodgeit General bosineaa. SUFEBIOB COUBT. Judge Shtpard Cair Koa. U. Is.

It. U.n.13. 7a, Jb, n. mo caae on eg. jndge Anthony Motions and submitted Judge Altgeld No conrt cibcvit corUT.

Jadse Tuley ierated caie. aad eity ease. juatreiionon verbryck va Warner. Jsdge Tntbiil No call. Ko.

69.H48 on trial. Jndice Clifford Motions and submitted oaae Judge DriKir Shepard va Gamble eatale.and term aoa. and Judge A dam a Com! calr, ciUr Koa. 80, 70, Tl, 71.

to, 76, eu, al. SJ, snd s. No cases on trial. Judge Brentano rtranch Ko. 1 Ko.

1.986. l.IfM, twin. Judge McConnell Branch Ko. Koa. lMt.

aja, ia, iieu, 1,001. couMTT covrr. Judge Scales Cicero Buecial No. lu. City Bne- ciai iu.iuv.

ana noa. jai. FltOBATS COUBT. Judge Ko alia at General bnalnesa. bill of exe ex'd da 13,787.

Sheffner I A nj; iv to nie addnl Dies inatr 14,43. Brow va tteading; oemr to narr wltbd, iv plead ia 10 da. nrl (zirijtn I A fMl a XI fn Vln jnogt on aent ruua. geui ano spi sxee. THE COURTS U.

8. CIRCUIT. BBroBB iuimi iLODam. Chancery Tarlor et al va Franklin uanx at ai: equitiee witn aomplt and dee Craw ford va Union Mutual Life Ins Co: ex to mas rept ovid and den ia eonf mtv with rent witii right or delt to redeem Lawudale prpty Eagle Mfg Co. -va David Bradley Mfg Co; dee for eomplt Katl Sheet Uetal Booflng Co vs Henry Bmeton: bill dia want aaniiv Am Box liehv Cn va neiiaa: arc lor compit Alaaia Herngorator co va mis net co: deo tor compit McUill vs Unlveraal Faner Faatener Co: bill dia want equity Hiram Bailey vs Thos.

McCulloch deft to acct zor and dec SUPERIOR, xiv surra. 134,006 James D. Bichardeon vs James Den ham. Bill (or receiver. J.

S. Huey, solr. U4.0O9 W. J. Sanoderaoa vs George B.

Good' all. Aset.fl.ftuO. C. B. Pickard.

at. v. 134,010 Frank X. Tieriing va Bachel A. Harria.

S8U0. G. A. Grant, atty. 134.0U Ferdidand Mea.ka vs Pari otto Meslka.

Bill for divorce for daaertion. Gentlemaa A Cornell, soirs. 194.012 Emms F. Biley vs Thomas Biley. Bill for 'divorce for drunkenneaa.

Frank Oroeby, aolr. 134,019 Arthur J. Cooke vs Thomas B. Spence. Conf of Jndge, $118.81.

Hofheimer A Zeisier, axa 1M.01 Albert A Beeves vs M. J. Corcoran. Same, tljou, H. W.

Nolan, atty. lai.oia Wm. Goeaaeie va. Bodolph Dubs. Case.

noouey mxnie, attya. U4.U1S Chaa. B. Webater va. Cbaa.

E. Chonln. Conf of ludgt. jea 79. Tatbam A Webater, attya.

134.017 Chaa. B. Wagner va. John Paywtpki and G. W.

Gulck. Same, F. J. fart- ridge, atty. 1M.018 James Eaat vs.

Anna Eaat Bill for divorce tor cruelty, Gary, aolr. laija G. W. Sbelooa Co. va.

Gnilloume Co. and Frank Sayro Oaborne. Aaat AMO. Shermaa A Defreea, attya 1st ,0 Frank Banman and Jeremiah K. Cody va.

r.uwin ana ita 4. 4onear Aaat gaua. jtianae cnytrana. attya. 134.011 Tn Hintse-Baker Co va Samuel M.

niddtaon. aaat. siw c. r. raraon.

atty. 1S4.US1 Otto Dekaoner va Cbarlea A ttrtUow, Ulll to remove cloud, lleap at Whitneld. aolra. 1S4.02 Joaeoh Bohr va Same. Same.

Same soir. lai.Ol Kate F. Nye vs Harry 8. Kye. Bill for aivoree lor leiony.

u. u. uoyaen, eolr. John Krnegar Cbar.ea M. Wohlleben.

Bill to forodoae trust deed gt.000. Cutting A Aantin, aolra. 134)6 Caroline Adams vs Maieppa Lodge ana oi nouoi. appi. 134.037 AsaC SuDDreaaed.

134.0S8 Uillard Hickok vs Matthew Fredericks. Bill to foreclose chattel mortgage tits. G. F. white soir.

CHAHCKBT SHirABD, sale and diaio eonf 044, Q. B. and Aaa'a vs yer: dent Angoat and Margaretba Gayer snd Henry S. Dietrich 6.854, Bouno va Haoaaner; deflt Antonia Doveren aad Cbaa. Huuur.

Weber vs Hedler; ref Koyea Glos vsMcaey, ret same vs ua- knowa. ssme law. Mason va Jrerguaoa maa reft ieonf Brown va Brown: rl deft how cause juiyjuior taiinre to pay air JK. Baarava O'Neill; rl on F. W.

Tourtellotte ana petn of recr July 17 .038, Alley vs Haraea deflt Cbaa. B. Harnes 4.634, Safety B. and Ama vs Moore; rl Willis aad Mary H. Moore, anss in 1 days 5,544, Nye va Bulloch; ret Noyea 4,86.

Schwan vs Schtele st al mo to eonf aale rten, sale vacated, causa irsu circuit cv otsiBor jli i qcib Iv abff. and return Geraty va Druiaing ref Stevenaon l.HH, Oiaoa va Olson; rl deft ahow causa Juiy 3U (or fai.ure to pay aiy and aolr Im (.811 Martin va Helpmate Co; ord as prepared Bichardaoa va Denham: ord as prepared va Tinnerholm; deflt Stewart vs Wells: iv eompl snd bll I.W7, asms va aame; asm a 6,033. Grundy vs Me-Farqubar; rl abow causa, ref Stevesaou Second Cbl A A Aasa vs Bhodee; ord as prepared 143, Weat va Stltsman: ord aa prepared ,77. Peterson va Sbeldoa: time file bond and cert of ev extd to Sept. IL mo to aaaess das eontd to Sept.

Malcolm vs Jones: ord sbff release rood oa paymt of custodian fees Weitcamp vs uenry: waiter dt liowdea wltbd appr of Geo. Birkboff A Frederick W. Proudfoot ,986, Same va Same; aame S.IM6. Same va Same: aame .473. Ha Ten va Havea ord aa nreDored eosa.

Cox va Turner; cause redocketed, flnar rept of wxir rwi Bi-Teneon fertam va -eriam: deflt Mi. Woodruff vs Mitchell: demr ovld 10 da to ana ft.404, Hodge vs Fraaciaoo; demr ef Vanscbouck to bill, and bill of O'Laaghlin A vuBBsii, oiiei ana cnicago otone and Intva peta ef Garden City Sand Ce evld, 10 da to CIRCUIT. aona. SS OtS AttcK Bnonressed. W.

Keraia vs Bobert Eesg, van, aoir. luTvciuve mortgage lot sew. lavid DUlil Chicago Building Supply Co vs 8. A aaet, aijuu. James A.

Fullsa wider, soir. 83.04ft-Reuben Holli way va Mich Cent Co. vase, sammaji. Aononne or iavid, atya. 93.041 Martin Ditsnr va i.

W. Fischer aad Cal Cbl 0 A Co. Appeal. KMv Charles C. Copaiaad vs Cht and Alton THE DAILY rNTEH OCEAIT," TUESDAY HOl.TTTN'G, JULY 14.

161. ll and Missouri Paciflo Co. Case, $100,000. Brandt and Hoffman, attya. W.Oal James Darlow vs Angle Traeger, Coaf indgt, em 94,06 tBrnno Plnkert vs Adam and Baoette Trapp.

Coat of Judgt, John D. Casey, LttT miss-Josef WeJclechowsM vs Joaef and Jose-flna Keuler. Coaf of ludat. loe.i&. Max A Dreymal.

attv. w-flame vs Same. Same. teM. Same atty SM-PeoDle.

ex rel Jacob Eastman, vs Charles Kara. Peto lor Anight Brown, solrs. W.0M--Jaflob Plekel at al vs Frederick H. Brammer aad Howard O. Grey.

Petaformschs Uee.lAl.4a B. M. Shaffner. solr. 3.0A1-Ia re eat James M.

Oamblcdeed. Appeal from tha Probat. Conrt. W.0fle Hintse A Baker Co vs James L. Campbell.

Coaf of judgt Chaa. T. Farroa, aa oae Llnle M. Richards vs T.

T. Brown and Jobs Monigban. Aaat $4 ooa. B. A Wigat atty.

M.oao Wiihelm Giaret al vs National Turn Terein, of Cbt Aait M. Salomon, atty. ftUMl-Charles w. ntcnara va uor BMtniah and wife. Prta for writ of habeas eorpoa.

w. w. cariiae. atty. M.usa jona 4.

trowa vs viaceui rwonui Appeal. Nelson G. Tsa Deventer vs Georre 8. Carrington. Bill for acetg sad receiver.

Flower, Smith A liaagrave. solrs. Htan lard Fnel and Barasr Co vs wa. H. E.

Smlin. Appeal. 3.0S6 Albert I. 8 tone vs Dsalel Callahan. Coaf of Judrt t34.CS.

Frank J. Crawford, atty. rerainana uauana-r ti unari x- bm-eehel. Ca, liu-ouu. F.

J. Franklin, atty. M.06T Lohis Pfaelier va John C. Cbriatmaa, Jr. Treapaaa, aloovo.

Kraus, Maysr Stein, attys. M. a. Bcboneta vs Hstaan vtaitman. Appeal.

KMwe n. vernateia nun unioaao, siur- lingtoa snd Qaincy R. K. Co. Anneal.

SoODreaaed Saturday M.0a James W. Shel don vs Joseph Melbie. Bill to remove cloud. Wiisoa A Zook, sola. 9J41 Martia B.

Boblnaou va Caaadlaa Bank of Commerce and Alex Laird. Asst 1,000. Mon roe A Stratum, attya. iiAW tVOOM TvTHTXXj. Ordsra 7.184.

A.len vs Grand Lodge A time to file bond and bill of exe extd di Forter et al va City et al; dsaa to City of Chicago and lv and by filing addnl cts to narr, rl on defis to lead to smd narr te SO ds 8. 94. Bryan va Greenwood dia S.17T. Converse vaClty; motor new trial anstd 4.68S. Wilke et al vs Lowe et al dia 10,849, P.

Ft and 0 By Co vs Hogaaetal; peta dia pe. UV-4UDO! CLIFFORD. Orders O. B.

Millar A Co vs Hutchin son et al; lv Natl Bk of burling on, Iowa, and C. W. Band, trustee, to interplead, rl alt-ad ia da, Uoaawiukle va Brant; mo to aet aside Indgt den and appld. 4 nagment inters vs neon jaagt on fdg. gMi, and appld.

L1W-JUDOI DBIQOA. Orders 9.168. Pond Engineering Co vs Thomp son; dia 1,841. reltenateta vs Aaunmana; time te Die bond and btli of exe exid to Aug la. Judgment 11 M.

Stevena va Daluth co: adgt on deflt $483.79 and spl sxec, eondnl ludgt vs J. H. Swits er gars. LAW JUDOB ADAMS. Orders (0.187.

Cl.y va Vf astern Stone Co: ver Peta oi city tor Openlog Kvergreeo av; eomra distbid. Cbaa is. Wilsun. shrank 1. Ben nett, and Fredk.

K. Boot apptd new eomra to make new aaamt 88,444. Falkenstera vs Van Deabergh: lv opt a dep 87,121, City vs Dickey; mo a by cat ano btrna, CMAaCBax TJDOa TULXT. Orders I Ml. Munaon Baiting Co vs Lehman: deflt orrt defts 3,043.

Hoff va Hog rl ahow caase uy inars tor a paymt or aiy ana aolr lees lis, Batea va Parkhurst: ref Windea. lv onen den Oaklaad Bldg Aaaa va Holland; ord apptg recr, aia aa so iora a- tuoxiea, iv max a noo Con ley deft 4.933. Stevena va Martin: ref set aside, mo to set aside ord apptg recr aad dia ini placed on cair Be. del va Herdei ord tor Ml par mo aiy 3.62S. Corbie va Boiei; rl file exe maa rept by Tbura Ifiret.

Giobe va Greene; aiter W. Boat sneaa aolr for eompl. ri E. J. i and B.

W. Ulll ahow cause by Mob why ot turn over papers, etc 3.223. Vihe va Cu.rer; demr withd. da to plead or 10 da to ana 3.324. Utbe vs Culver; ssme 3,234.

Utbe vs Cutver; same, 4.281. Joloe vs Uagga; mo to dia ini and hg of demr aet for Monday a.132, Adams vabebree; ri deft flie exca to maa rept in 3 da 164. Mitchell vs aept of John W. Batdorf taken before Bernard A. Smith be anp uaieae deft be ptodncedin 9u ds for further croaa exam 3.48V, Milla va Porter: lv verify olea of Weatover xr.

Dlea aet for he. bi I dU as to Weatover exr Dunn. vs Earl: iv amd bill, rl aaa la 20 da 3.S04, BarreU va Field-house: demr conf. lv amd bill iostr. 10 ds to ana Sv, Calia va Lindauer, demr austd.

lv ama by mating uuie cann eompi, ans in 10 as 4,916. bhsidou vs iswssabury Oemr sastd. lv file amd bill 1,119. Gibheva Green; demr ovld, so da to ana AMI. Smith va Smith; mo eontd to mob 4,480.

Brack va Brock lv witbd appr snd ans Svigert va Bep 1 Co; demr to niton peta of smith austd. 30 da to amd. CRANCBBT JUDQI HO1T0X. Sioau vs Wells rl dia 8.048. Cloud va Cloud; lv amd bill by Wed.

without pre), mo Tor atf aad aolr Teea eont to Wad without notice 414, DoBoie va Elder Pub Co; Iv amd tnatr by making ti Elder Co. addnl party deft srithout pre to lnl 3.S04, Grace va Hirsb ri defts Jos. and Paulina Hirah ahow canae by Friday why not pay rent to recr, ord writ of poa a. 134, Herake va Her she; lv amd bill by making Jroeeaa reta to September term 1.S61, Heary vs oh aeon; rl deft pat cause st issue by first day of Asgust term 3,739, Williams vs Thwiag E.eetrie delta Charles E. Piper, Charles B.

Thwlng, Wiiber J. Andrews aad George A. Baae sign ass ia person ia twenty ds or sns to be atrtckeu from files 34, Yorkshire Co vs Bicke; bill dia want ee, for noa eompl with rl 3.H83, Albrecht va Tolman: demr to 2d amd to bill ovld, lu da to plead or ana. ret Windea 2,213 Livingston va Allen; mas rept. sale and diataeonf 3.494, vs rept sals not conf, ssls sat sside, ord maa proceed to sell pursuant to terms ot orig dee of aale 4.468 Keideab.uth va Brandt; demr ef Elisabeth and Henry Brandt to amd bill ovld, rl said defta plead, etc by Sept.

1 Ms, Hatterman vs Henderson rl def ia Edward aad Sarah E. Henderson flie exe to mas rept in la da or rept to be conf 2,834, Walker va First So Pros Church: dema of Adam E. Dunn to bill as amd anatd. Iv eompl amd bill aad amd bill la 10 ds. death of Benjamin K.

Trybrack and Mary A. Trybeck extrx aub 2,960, Eeya vs Keys; ans to ri to show cause held insufficient, ord stteh 1.469, Bliss Shafting and Co vs Bira dis a 831. Pmnev va Darts at al deflt H. Darts and Byron H. Eleon.

ref Baas 4.79, Eaat Dubuque snd I Co va Alley; demr anatd, 1 ds to amd 1,616, Shoemaker va jotmeon; demr or v. i. Johnson Co conf. lv eompl amd ia ltele 88.677, Mutual va Mfg iui urg recr. Decrees 2,253, Kehla va Kehls; dee 173, Big geman vs Lehman; final dec COUNTT.

1 nvtun. 2,374 Peta of Jamea M. Laae for re'eaae under laaoivency mn. eawia st vaaderpfog, attya, SBFOBB JUDOB idlLU. Orders Ia re applioatioa of County Collector for Indgt on dellnqa nt prop; rl flie obi by Wed, 17 is aswu u.sw ex Co; for July 34 8.896.

In re Cnicago Can Co; ord of July 1 made abs 9,310, la re Walter Hill Co; peta ot aaag to pay labor aims as preferred and tor iv to pay uivtaead or 10 per cent slid nisi 3 da. notice to era la re apple of County Collector for ludgt oa delinquent prop; kg oa gee obi No. 3 coot la re Peter O. Olaen; temp ord ot eomt to Jefferson vacated, ord et coat to Eankakee In re Charlotte Bivet; ord ver of inaauity etc aet aside, ord of restoration. PROBATE.

BBTOBB JTTDOB KOBTU4A1 Wills Estate Thomas halloa; will proved, lettera to Harriet S. Whal. on, bond 1 18. duo Es tate Julia F. Crafts; will proved, letters to Miles B.

Crafta, bond aiou.eoo Estate Johaa Schramm; will proved, lettera to Sophie Schramm, bond ngw-Mww nioagiii rfeoer.wut provea. let- ww. 1 mil Adminisiratious Estate Meliaaa Bscs; tetters 40 xucnara 1. rtacs, oona uv Haute Christian Schreiber; lettera to Wit tiam Bchreiber, bond 3400 instate Cbaries T. Race; letters to Bichsrd T.

Bace. bond $600 Eetate Kitt E. neinnarut; tenera so tternnarat tt-lnhardt. bond Bsl liyi A Aa a I a iuv asuii aia m. ueieener; lettera to Cath erine aa.

Metaaner aad Grutavua Branna. aoud S3ov Ji.iaie ajunariaa tiarunaa; letters to John P. Hartman. bond $2,000 Bstete Brigham T. Ban torn; lettera to Sadie Sanborn, bond jtartia u.

neuarietaon: lettera to inner 4. nana rice ton, oona a3w Estate Cath. anneaemn: lettera to John kimn an.i jhn Hopklna, bond $16,000 Eatate Thomas Collins; lettera to Kate E. Colline, bond (6,000 Eataie Catherine E. Weiler letters to Barbara E.

Herb. saer, oona tstaie Bridget Sullivan: let tert to Mary A V. Enright, bond Eatete creuenoa 4, Diaeiy, letters to doha H. Staair. bondao.

Guardianships Eatate Herman Bugs; letters iv vame sage, oona soov Kobert T. Meiaaner et ai lettera to Catherine Keisansr and Gnstavua Braana, bond 7.uou.- Ordera Sat E. Henry Sodt; aetiled Est Keeler et al; individual accts appvd Est aouswniii oiu.amea Is. aiBBgdon $160 sun-nit saus' aisra: a-Hiteq mat Fredrick ttenningsmtier: settled Kit Marie Zich; first annual acct appvd Eat Otie M. Wattles; aame Eat B.

A Lutes; claim- Josephine Hoe sen a a-v'-eo sun-ess B. oullivan: aale conf Kit Aagust Tachtenbagea; lv eompclm hi a rf a a lor aoov Mtm IjOUtaa la Moore; following ms slid: M. C. Bragdou Clifford Mltcheil $6, C. E.

Eregeto $Ju, W. W. Jaggard $00, Edward H. Wabeter $124, J. A.

Eby r. uuumiwaiis aii 10 jrrancla a. uiseaiguaruuiscnga mat Sarah McLaugbit. nrst annual acct appvd Eat Walker M. btraaa: aect appvd tit William J.

Bolaa; aale coot ajouiaa bv owier: elm Uilam ti. Bradley alio aiat Alios WUkersoa: first aect appvd a atieaael Want; dee Est tut; aettied tst John G. rareeworth; settled-Est Catharine aaiiy; acos appro an loaiaa B. Moore; 1st aect appod Eat James Eitaon; of damea Tracy. S6.0-J, alld Eat William Stewart et si: acct appvd cat cnartea wetebbrodt et al; final acct of iiira wiw vuariea neicnoroat appvd Est Fetor r-sut renoiat; rpt aaie nera nron annrrf annual acct apprd Eat Thomas 'fully, adjientd uniiii enra jest Anaatatla niuDHi auj enio ast Lute Waters: adi entd Ast Barbara Biers; cun Haddock Valletta A tlckords for a slid Est Thomas Whal-loh prf braup Kat Meltsaa Baro; prf hrsiip Est Bertha Gebauer: prf hrsbn Est Catherine E.

W-iler; pt tarat.p Est Christian hrshp Et Kate M. Metaaner: prf hrshp Ext Kate U. nrsop ess hrshp 1 hrat.p Est James H. Marshall; prf Cbaries H. Dunuara; prf hr.hp Et Kaihari Hartmaajprf hrsha E-t Henry W.

Bankwil arlna its: prf brsbp Est Jou Bailey; prf hrshp Eat John Schramm; pr hrabp Eat Charles I. Race; prf hrshp. TUM. 'Au expert ha a reporter of the Cinclni natl Commercial how to make burgoo. Ho said, and hi lips trembled as memory brought back the taste of that suprem dish, which he mad with his own band on a certain occasion: "Well, I took a big caldron, put som red pepper pods in the bottom, added aome potatoes, tomatoes, and corn; then put in half a dosen prairie chickens, aa many more tender "yellow legs" aad a couple of dosen asof t-ehell crabs.

IM have added aome young squirrels, but thsy could not be obtained." He remarked by way of comment or eulogy that when the first spoonful begins its downward Journey the only word which can fairly represent the consumer's delight and satisfaction 1 the tender, pathetic, but all sufficient word, "laml" THE BET. FLUE FLTJHK OK W0MAH. Kew Tork Herald: Woman am de greates puzzle in de worl', dear breddern; an'de mo' we study her de less we seem to find out about her. My experience, however, La taught me dat shs is de crankieat, teaaineet, aggravatineet, wilfuileat, scrappiest, expen-sivest; an' at de same time de eunninest, sweetest, dearest lovliest, indispensibiest creatnre in de bull wide worl. HELP WANTED MALE.

Ssiewmeav WAWTKD TRAVK INO RALCSMEIT lit Illinois can And a'trsctlrs aide line; no books or sood pay mediate returns. Address praall 317-3H Manhattan Building, Sii Dearborn at. A.NTEII-l.OOU HALK8M ION TO ht.lX. aaveruslng cards and norelttea on coram i-aioa direct troiu manufacturer. You ran make Pr Addreaa Advenlaing Spcelalty Co, Buf.

Islo. N. Y. Haleamea. TO TFJtVKL FOR OtJR ynrarifw Klone a Wlllnnton.

Msnion. Wis SITUATION WANTED MALES. Saleamaa- CITUATIOJt WtMTEO-I WOCLD LlKfC A poaitioa aaaalesmaa or clerk: hare four rears exttertenoe. 'n turniaa rbe beat ot rwtrrrncea. Please addreae lor latorriew iL.

SIMON. 61'J Wabash avenue. ITCATION WANTIr.I YIIIINI) If AM Cwants position aa aaleman. Can furnish refer ence ana security. UAUiiX BAitSH.

ley sr. Book-keepers and Clerks. CITTMTION WANTED-HT VOCNO HAN AS tj bill clerk or assistant book-keener: can lur-Blsh best of reterewa. til. Intrr Ocean.

Boys. ClTrATIOX WATM)-A KRHAXD BT or stripper boy. HJALMKB UOUDE 117 Hey-monrt orHl7 yorth Csmtcll sr. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. -LARGEST SIOCK OF PIASOS IS THE WEBTJ WT8TERS HOUSE OF bO.N A Intending purchasers of Pianos are cor- inriieu to examine law Aew fccale CHASE BROH.

FIKSO. chake i Hoa. piano CHAABltOH. PIAS A strictly hrat-claaa piano at Ant hands. SEW 0CALB.

SEW CASES. 5 FATEXT COXVXXuFSD13tO BOARD. Doubts Bepeating Action. We bam MM an rt.n,lM a tK celebrated piano lu Koeew xi. MaBo- asny.

a)nut. t'berry and Oak. THE brJiT-PKlCES THE IO TtKMSTHKE S1EST. CHLDUTrJD Ul'AkANTKt wuh every HtaM. PIAK).

A full line oi tb- famona hickering ft: A Wlaaner. and Itltlin.nek Hnn. a L- wars In stock. Casta or monthly payments. OI plain, taken in eacsnxe: new plsnos: rent.

fcnt allowed If percussed. Aa im-: atock of aecond-band piano at: from gVi.S upward. CHICKAHIK-CHAE BROS. OOw 8 Vitaud 1 Wabaab ar. rews vaj idi bic.

rtu A. rt ana, Mmrr BUT OF THE MAJtCFACTPEltS jYON A AAtUXk CAIU- The exeemiotlal adraetaaea afrered nr aa 4m second handa last week enabled as to dispose of the larger nert of oar stock bar tlie orunine nmr awmi to bare increased the growth oftae parent stem, as ths following aew Ut will shows 1 Znabe. 9 Fischer, Klaiiwir. Pease. Lna a Healy.

Lester. 1 stand a rd ia rosewood, eboniaed aad wa.nut cases. dvUARFa I Ballet ft Deris. 9 Haines Btelnwav. 1 Bauer.

1 Cbickennc. 1 Voee, 1 Kuramaa, 1 'ng' lUilbert. ana others. UKAnias. 1 Decker 1 groeger.

we are Belling these instrument at anmmar pncea ana te rta-can nae one to adranuga now la the time to buy. an yon eea not obtain them at such low BStuae latev ih the year. Ia new plaaesrmr stork comprises the rKKKLKSS KSABE. FOPI'LAK FICHKB. KXW ENC1, AND A5B ii8E.

Coneapoadence Invited. Kew pianoa tor rent. Pianos tuned snd moved. L.YOX ft HEALY. State and Monroe sta.

rjjHJ. KAM11.4LX col Have received ma ny gratityi ng assurances ef the great rvaard in which thir instrnmenm are held. They have been tendered numerous compliment npoa tne snierioricr ot rne KEW HCALE KIMBALL PIANO la tone.artioB aad attracuveneas ot caae. Their superb uprtgbta are MtRVELB OF BEATTTT aad their darsbiltrjr is guaranteed. The Kimball vo.

aav oeen aataouanea Ktno 1HS7. and' their ii-stnrmenta are knows and welcomed by muaicianaana an lovera oimas.c in utetr ware-rooms can be found a large stock ot the celebrated HALLETT A DAVIS and KAIERSON PLANUM. Soldlorcasn or on monthl' becond- nana pianos sold orexenautea. LOWiiSI PKICAS1. EA8T TERMS.



all dualities, all aiaes. all prices. EXTRA I A fine, well-preserved teinway ft Sons upright, 3u0. TanlinT. BenalriuK.

Moving. ate ete. Sole anents or Green's "Acme Piano and Kornlr tara fouah. Ans onty eaie ana warranted article SSslt-H ft CAMP. $33 State at.

43. 61. and S3 Jackson at. L'tKaT-CLABsPlANUS AT LOW FK1CKS 17 We hare la atock Decker. Voae.

Kroecer. and Schaaf pianoa ia all styles of eaainca: also a large hUnn. l.ila we are ofleritu at greatly reduced prices. Term Lean or ume, to sou purenaaere. Kew pianoa to rant, aad one years rant allowed It purchased.

Pianoa tuned, eenelred. exebaued. moved, and stored at low rates, aalearooms open Haturdaya nam tf p. m. juam hlhaaj, 2YO ear jnaqieon corner morgan, BAliAK 1'IASOS--tlPEBA" ft JACOB BROS.

PIANO. A splendid stock of these favorite instruments In walnut, mahogany, oas. eto at ausnulscturenr prices and on terms to euiv Heeond-haad squire piano at from 3n up. I'prtgnt pianoa at 10. iat, and upward.

Mew ana eoond-hand pianos for rnt at lowest rataaione years' rent allowea In ease of purebaae JULIUS BaVER ft OO- l.W-lftH Wabash sr. TOyfBK AFK IU TO TRV 1TI WK ISH mj it on our new pianoai it ia just aa aaie tor you una trial will oonrtnee yon inaiireen a Acma Piano and Furniture Polish has no equal. ESIfcY a CAMP, sole agenu. viabtate at. CAN VASttEKa ANTED.

SHOMACKatR GOLD 8TIUNU PIAMOHV-146-147 Wabash av. Cash or time paymenta: new pianoa to rank VV L. THOMPSON A B59 WABASH. MnthUHhfk Pianos snd Untied WtstesOrasns. INSTRUCTION.

a RITHMET1C. MOOK-KEKPntO, WRIT-A ing. grammar, spelling, short-hand, tbor-ouglr Unaht at the Metropolltaa Bunineaa Cellrge; experienced teachers, pleasant rooms, and a thorough coarse of study. Powers Building, Atiohiaaa ar and Monroe st." SCHOOL OK MASSAGE AND tWKl.DISrt Idovaments. JUL lam.

Office, 38. 76 East Mad- lon et. HOTELS. NEW HOTEL PARKER, B51 CLAKK ST. nearly opposite Postomce absolutely first-class iso to per day, rj ana ap per wee i a.

j-. r.ii in I w. 13 A LaCK IlllTKL CLAKK AMIM1ANA Rooms 4.1 weekly; transients. 60c: lsdieaand (ents Turkish baths 6 guote' open allnigbt. fCKN RIDOK Ulll'HK -l OKNWAUAIJl VJ Hudson.

N. Modern improvements, besntifa gmnnos an 1 acenerr. Mo-l-raie ratea. Clrenlarfra STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. STOCKHOLIrBKS MKKTINO-A FECIAL meetins of tbs fctockbolderM ot tne Freeman ft Scott Co.

will ba held st thoir office In Chlcaaa on July 16 at ths hoar of 4 o'clock p. m- to consider tne advisability i-ebangiug tne corporate liyoMfr nf the President. PHOTOGRAPHS. ILSON'S SrlllllO. 3M BIT ITK aA'SUhasA.

l'aeaDineta aaa i nil 13eabmeuand 1 Ute-sue crayoa. Flowsrs sod lacs tor ths toliaw i FOR SALEREAL ESTATE. OB gLE- North side. MEAD 001.

li Lsoalle at. MZAX ft OOn IHHTIBLB AT. ADD1TXOH. Freatlngi on 1 DidOltAT. BHArgxc a it.

i WILTON AT. snd Frlees from S4o fees, newer. Water, Oas, Macadam Roadway, Oesssst Walks, Stone Curbing. Boulevard LAmpa, Shade 'frees. Standing Bestrietlens.

Butldlag Line. Terms to suit. Mosey tossed te build. MEAD A OOK. Branch offlee h.B.Cor.

Clark and Addiseu sts. Opea every day and evening. jT'OBSALC- BT aTXAP ft COE, 14gLaaltot, Fine 9-story pre seed brick bid gs.STra aged la Ista, oiiaTit, ovar as: xiin-aiaea It; sll buildings detached: llahton all sidesiwell- built houses with all modern Impmvementai atreet paredewer.water. and (aa la: prioe.S4.40us eaan. oaianoe moaiaiy.

MEAD ft oog. 149 LaSalle as. Asent at the Houses gvery r-; Weet Rid. P0KSAIJE-0X MONTR LT rATMeifTS BtH.W. Hi no.

1OT Waahtnatoa St. Lots on Harding sr. bet. Uuroa and uhlceeo av. One lot on Hamlin av, bet.

Huron and Chicago sv. LoU oa Krdzle av, bet. Van Bursa and Congress. Two-etory gata oa Columbia pl bei. Laae aad Klaaie. block went ot Garfield Park. nbsulMaav. pOB BALE SCBCKBAW TEST DESntSBLE MOSEEkT BESWTHI FOB SALS AT. BERTFTXt tHmlJea (3 minutes rtde) from Union Depot eu o-eixi v. p- ni tareoniT seeam: maeadamiaea atreeu: building anrronaainaa.

lawncm loaat eiaan. haalthiul Six. sevea. sight, and nine-room boose, tnlehed In hardwood, at from to UKM1. Xsrma.

ooa- suth cash, balance oa MM 416 SliMl smt lOHo1 O'JAo 4XI Pllhl X1MO EAST MOSTHLT FATMEBTS, These honasa era built tsw woramanahip warranted. feet will eompriaa 4 SO V4 2 18 15 11 10 a a baain eonnaetlona. tBch ewraalve, aad al) When desired we bnlld Banana 4a ardav. easB P-ena anbmioad by purchaser. ANDREW! ft PIPFJL Owuers.

IM Dearborn at. Booms Wtett pUEE fcACUKblON OAILk FARE BXDQE, At 1 p. m. CTAiaan anat KnHh 41 na.4 FREE tranaportatlon wilt be fnralahad te arutuna wne wisn to nalt PARK 111 DOE with a view to purchasing, upward. Terms A to SIO eaah.

h.l.n. as ta ana war month at a per cent. CAL4. row TICKETS. j.c MAonxftco.

Madison and La Salle Streeta. Olt HALK-BEAUllHJl. UUHl.s AT eatio Lawii; Bl Oial ay4Aii auiaial an ahl 4 A u.A&i: luuto Aoo cash snd SIS te 5o a mo Jtn usee are the cheapest aeairabte Bowses ta the city: noeaioona: fare: good school pleasant aociety ready fcr occuiisncy: shown free. Utl I fctlfcKUAKl. 181 OK SAL UL, Hi KLLtM rl ALF-ACKat lots -451 a) ears one-Atui eaah.

halanea al percent. Tula property la hiah. rolling, aad pie-turesque. hariag a elerailoa of feel above the lake: pau and partleulara faraiahol. Will ahow property uee orerv Saturday.

n. at a. ruiDMUfiB. IIS Dearborn st. Booms VCt ana 1st.

FOH. 8ALA ryinwirwe at a bargalB. 4xi2S. MQ, st boclerard aad Viator. "'a'- I'tb at bonlersrd and Bishop atLlU'HX a LOIUMEB.

Room AS Major Hawk. B. E. cor. Laaalle and Madlaoa ata FOa LuTn 7A.

KKAK Kew Emeraoa at- depot, on eaav monthly par- menu: streeta graded; aidewalka built; 1' trains per day tn-e fare to re property: abstract witb every lot. CULVER, 61 LtSalie at. a. a. oor Randolph Conn try.

FOR SALE IRMjatu acres aolld located la TaJaaimanaa Val ley. Florida. Part of tlit a tract ia good aogar or rive land, or would make a first-olaaa esuie sad abeeu ranaw. A grand chance for caDltallsta te torm aeompanr. Addresa 4 am ruKKr.

Tiiasimmee tntr. fib. OH MALE MARGKNT COTTAGE. tlMI- lna'a lalanir: Caaro bar. Portland Harbox.

Ma. All modem cotreenicDcea terms reasonable. Par-ticnlsra and vtewaen appllcatioa to N. S. 6AHDL Real "ttr trt.

Middle Portlsnd, PROPOSALS. QTICE TO CONTRACTORS Healed BroDoaala will be rwoarvad at the ofBea of t. r. Barrett. Cltr clerk of tha city of Rterling.

1111-noi'. opto atx o'clock p. July JOth.lWl. for lurntKning massnaia ana aoiug in wore lor tne construction ot tne are una sewer aratana. in cluding all connections and appurtenances tbere- lor.

The work following approximately tae 4-i ni.uini.a.u.d brick sew pys for catch B00 8 foe Ump uuiri. S6 maa holea. Al natch baalna. The wnole ot the work ia to be eemplessd oa er oeioniivo.1, imfl. Plana can he seen and aiiaiilneeHana anS T1aaV forms forlbluaean be obtained apoa applioatioa to r.

riiun, aiwiiHitnaBDeill, Each bid auuat he aenomnanied Ken a I Check for the ran of Are aundre. dollars, payable to tne order of A. H. Harsher. Mayor, waleh check will be forfeited to the city of ttlerling In caae any bidder or bidder shall fail to execute properly a contract with good ant sufficient sureties, it awarded the contract; otherwise to a returned so the bidder.

Each bid most also be aeeomBanled tnr at leaat two a amples of pipe and two samples of bnos. soon aa tn sioaer proposes so Use under tae Paymeat tor the work will be made ta part by scrtij Rearing six (ti) percent Interest after July The bide will be presented and read publicly at tha meetins of the City Council at eight o'clock v. -nth. ibwi. The Citr conocil reserreethe rishtto reject anv or an tuita sur any reason may may deem By order of the City Council of the eity of mer- uua.

aiuooia. 4 Ba1 F. ILaATX. Chairman Streets and Allay Com. Starting.

111.. July 0. IHl. PKOfOS.ALS POB COAL AUM set CAta-cago Park Commissioners, Sesled propoxate will ba recetwd by toe Board of West (Jilcaao Park p. m- oa Tuesday, July 14.

IrtUI. at OlTlna Wl TTninn Vaa foe fnmlah. ing tha green-honaea. rateotorlea. offices, stables, police etationa aad employe of said commissioner trom Jnly .5 lev.

to July 14. 189A with LtaHl tons ot large and a nail egg tons nut aad range anthracite and loo tone of bituminous cost each more or less. Tha Board raaerva the risui io r-joc; any or all Did. WEST CHICAGO KAKK CITHPEHT McABTrtfR. eecretary.

SEWINQ MACHINES. LOB SALE TH STANDARD ROT ART Shuttle Sawing Machlae retailed at wholesale prices. Two drawee. mi Pour drawer bit Closlna out sale. Come at once if you wish bargain.

CBAS. F. STOKES MFO. CO. Wholesale Dealers.

vy nd ySV abash av. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. OA8H PAID FOB USKD FUKJf ITDRK. CAR Avpeu, etc; entire furniture ot hotels aad pri' vste WKidences a apecislty. T.

VI Part ar. FINANCIAL. r'nUUUlBUsATJM HONH- ItAheSaA LOANS MADI ON CHICAGO RKAL ESTATE HfhEY TO lJA.V UN CHICAUl MEAL estate at lowest rat-a. Money adranoed te bulla. PETER VAN VUHr.lNUkN.

waahinaton. BUSINESS PERSONAL. AW OU I'vit BYtw rinroi nraMownsi Dontttall togetone. Aoomplets atock ot diamonds at importer's prioaa. Trade terms.

Oood sue live red va nrsi payment. OKO. a. aiiunAU. TTTiporter.

lio-l i-j Wshanh av. BICYCLES. KPK.nar. aale. tinvr ta AJ your chance to aet a hara-ala.

New Ordin. sries at oue-hs it their ralwe. A lame lot ot aecond- asna urdinsriea and sice les at auout your owe price CHAn. F. hTOKEri Htfi.

and abaah ar. Branch Uounes Cor. Oakland sv and Preiel bird, bu Wa st Madlaoa sr. eo7 aad kV49 sit. TO RENT.


WANTED TO SENT. V' ANTEI TO Rt- VT-HOCSE OP OB 14) a rooma at or near Woidlan: atata ami and location. AddrewH 9t. Inter Ocesn. BUSINESS CHANCES.

LOR SALE-LIVKKT STABLE. NEAR Flt- A tranca ta kurid i Fair around: 'M boarder palm shop tn connection. 4-i. Inter Ocean. ANTKl) A.

MtN OK WOMAN WITH mamt or a winnlna (area canadT. addnaaa ii. in'erucraa. pAbTNi WAMK HlTH W.OOO TO a. tWjMtl In a food manaiacturlg Duaineaa.

a Hi. anterijcesn. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. 'OK SA CK AT ONE-HALF COST, PORT an cart, ans pair ot norsea. aoree and Boggy.

CLUB BlAhLE. Kl IS Wsbaah av. MONTHLY fAt Mt.NTK ON ALL KINDS of carriagea coupes, buaglee. wagons, aaraeaa an hordes st i4' to 74A W. Like.

MEDICAL. OPirjM HABIT CI RED AT BOMB PAIN leasly. ao latarrustion ot business or Dleasora book lrae. MEDICINE OO. ISCELL A SOUS.

tag Btwboleaale prieea. Add reea S. B. CORN. sonnwBMniT, Minra nexnienera.

n. FOR aJONTRBLAIa it" B.Clark St. WANTED CLOTHINO: WILL EXCHANGE real estate la cltr at Caieata for men's eloaa- Via Niagara Falls, Toronto. Kingston. Thousaad isianas.

leave oar oocsa every nday is m. Extra Tha Elewant Klectme Uahted tueaaaar CAMPASA teams uesdaya Ki a. July IM. Aug. 11, aug.

Zi. LiCKINnON HROS. ft KJNO. Agenta, lias Market KORTllEEN MICHIGAN LINE. "Tit Crwaf LaA-e AficAig-aa RouU." SATLINOS PER WEEK, so nnCKs to atAtKJNAC la.Ain via Trararsa City, CTbarleruix.

rWtoakay. and Harbor Bprtaga. Bteamer laare Toeadays and ttaturdare at 8 p. bs- Wedaeedara and Frtdaya at sua. aa.

For folder or eopy ot Ths ttreet Lake." giving full lat ormau oa.adiiras aawiua age at. omea ini dk. toot ef Mlchlgaa st- two blocks eaat ox Hush et. Tale oh one 47a. laks llcUgas aal Uts traasnsr Traaspirtaliea Ca UKE SUPERIOR STEAUERS.

THE CREAT LAKE ROUTE. waxfi. Train a. Cblcaae ft NewOrleana Llmi Cblcaanaad Mempnia NewOrleana raetatsu Ht I nla anA Teaaa Kxnra Cbl ForWsciiaartilseit.aeeJtate.UarVMaiusataii.HaaceA Bswgblaa. Dulaia.

aad ail milling noialai Wed- neri aad aarardsra. 4 JS P. For Ladinrtofi. Maalaie, Prukfart, Ctseileeoix. pa.

anakey snd Harbor apringa, etc i Tnssnaya laWF.M. Fridays MSS P. M. tUc sad Satka, task sal I. Water Its CMrar.

noonmrrr rtea heba. Twice Daily for Racine ft Milwaukee Deiiy'forl'uflVnanoa'ft' 0am Iwily for Sheboygan and Manitowoc at. Spat lorvnn oarea. WBSsattaa. Ulaoa aap- 'Ida.

TBJ pm ForOraea Bay. Escenaba, Maniatlqna and way porta, lleadsy. Inuraday.aad oatur- day. TOO pm wondareTC. OfBce and TWvk foot Michlran sr.

RAILROAD TIME-TABLES. ILLINOIS CENTBAL DB-pou Lake. SJd. and 88th eta. Ticket office.

194 Clark at. Trains for the West most be takes at Lake at. depot. Ft.L ft NewOrleana Fa.t Exl Biremew lx Kankakee and aUooea'gtonl raasenaer Kankakee ft Oilman Paaa'r. tiuriiuTBeld UaM-ktord.

Dubnaue. rloax City ftmoax Falla Ptlane aBoektord. Iwbeone. aad Monx city r.xpress. Boekford ft Per port Korklord a rreepoi Dubnqne ft B-cktor ft-OO pra I3AIO am a mi ami 18:40 HmttaJ 1:19 pm 4 -JVt n.4iipm nOpm' iCtly A Daara VeetibaM Lbaital citr.

txaaraae at rtas Da AavaM mmimr, taaanes et St. Laea, Dar Ipriarlulta ywiwi I iiali i ill Daily. DsUy exeaet ftaaJsy Wabash Railroad. Arrlre. 14:43 pm I a "SatSaaa NSS tlB II SOO vat aatiirdar alabt rnua to Dubnone anlr.

41 la i tr except Monday. cDaily exeeot auuday, Sionx City to Irabuqne daily, trom Dubauoe to Chicago. many. uaiiy exoeps oanasy. CHICAGO AND ERIE EAILE0AD.

(tat Ckleage aad Atlaatte.) Ticket omces Ma BouUi CiarA at aad Dearbora Station. Pol au. corner Fourth av. New Tork. Bostoa.

and Phil- Leave. celphle New tork and Bostoa Veatl- bale Limited. xl aa Lima. Marion and Colnm bono? a SB Jamestowa aad Buffalo Vssu- bule North Jadaea Aceommoda- Uob Colnm baa. Jamestowa, aad huffs Daily, Except Arrive, 8uaaas xStMpBi 04:40 X8)m xSi0aas sSSaat Caics) A Alt firais.

Fasasagsf Desst. panal Street, betweea Madhton aad Adams Sta. TRAINS. Ilia learwri iv. iicni omc.

'Ail Vliri II, Daily. iDaily except ounday. I Leave. Arrira. u.aoTt'a nt et pa it a 7 st ut at nt at 4 at sa pa urn pm) ea aa I PM't 41 4A1 Trains leave trom Dearborn station, eoraer Folk Arrive.

ILClty.p-orla Splngll'ld Ex 15K)pm bt. A Peoria Vestibuled pm 7 KM) am cuater Park ft Essex 4:) am et. Lonia. Peoria ft Tex am 6ms) pm Worth Aocomodatiou.MMMJt am tll.tam worm accomodation pmlt pm WircHIQAN CFNTRAL, ft R. a-, BBd B.

7 "an rails itoute. Detroit, i7 a. m. fit a. m.i tor Grand Mir Buffalo, ta.m.

p. m. raud hapida. via Kalamsaoo. il awtroit, niagra rails, Buffalo, hew York and Boston, ia.20 p.

m. 10 p. Trains arrive WO. City Tlrkst Offloe.

No. 87 Clark at, btaUoa. toot of aaase as. OCX. Bond ay.

ucx. Saturday. tXx. Monday. CTaiesgo.

MUsrankaw, aad St. Panl Kallwmy. Trains leave Union Station, Oanal aad Adams streets, ror atiiwsukee. rt. PsuL and Minneapolis! 5JUP.

jli P.M.: A.M. ForMilwau- kee: 8i AM- mmiP.M.i '5JO 7-Ji P. 11 0 P. M. For Omaha and olonx City 6ru P.

1 P. For time to otber points apply at City Ticket otnee. -JO" Clark street. ratUaioaSUUea. "Daily.

tDaily. sxeapt bandar. pHICAOO AND WEST TnlCBlGAN BAIL. vway touraad Kapioa, rtu Bsainaw, Manistee. Trarera City leave too.

of Lake-et-veek-dsTS. a. D. erery II.U, nffiM .1 K7 tllirtHlt "olMUCll to Grand ha'pida and Mukeon. IParlor care io Grand Rapids.

tPexiet to bxaad hAHioai aweiwr te Aiarsra vw. Chicago North Ticket ont Bnn. and depot, comer Hells and kauaie tu Council Bl'ffs Omshs In- rer. laiDrnii HlouX Cltr, aad Paclae Coast peiaia Omaha.i ouncil Blfffensr Dead wood and Baack Billa Omaha. Couocil bluHa.

Lin Lesre. r12Spra 1 i0 pra i)i pia Blacg Sins and Wrom ng 6hJS ht. Paul, MianeapoUa, Eaa Ki pia Claire, puiutb I ill pm a-ierre. aoeraeeo. Winona a -ui Mad ison aad Jaasariiia Milwaukee aad Mllwaukea.wauksshs sad jasaisoa Fond Im, Oshkoah Meenab.

Menoeninee Ripoa. Oreea Laae, aad Princeton Oshkoah, Neenaa ft Applta MarqoeUe ft L. Ashland Hurler. ironwo'd Jassemsr aad wake Held UkeOaaevaft WU' Lake Genera Freeport JockfordACaTla Dm :0 aa IHxipm IOjini pea 7sJaiu 8:) am IIam JSati pm 1 1 SMI am Illiaipm 1 1 aia 3 rO pm aiu pm 1H Kl tlUMNI pm am pm 4:15 pm Roc kford and Furl 7 ft an Bockford via 'am Roekfordi'lJltaJ'naavlle -0 pra IDailr. 'Ex.

bandar. lEx. balurday. day. sSoaday ealv.

coln, and McCoek tlOtSOpi Ka asaa Ci tr Kt, Joaash. Atch- te Dally. tEx-bunday. lEx. Saturday.

iXx 5:4 'I 6: 7:1.. 0 2:4.. 1 1 Vi A. txx. CHICAGO BrKVNOTerff acvajnay a aa.

aa. at. Berths and tleteto st til Clark a 4. Oaleaburg and tsosm 18:1 Bo.

ktordsnd Forreaton KMta Council Blufla and Local "Bariiagtoa's No. lM to Daa- Reebella and Hock Fallssnd Mreator aad KanaaaCity. bt. Joasph. aad Banuibal.

Galveatoa. and St. Paul and Minneanolis Uiidfam 14 iio isoa.aad Onlner. IW)pw Paul aad Minneapoiia liOOpm 'sily. Daily except Sunday, i Daily axoapt bA Brdsy.

1 llw a Chicago, Rod Island Pic. Bwwtiter butuon. Van Bang one block sou Lb Board of Traa City IVket OfWce, VH Clark Pt. Uiiuoiaaotaaowai lacara. 1 i as mit tt15 toAIJl amf Pru laake and Dafeot Kipreeejt 1:10 pm 1:16 ps vosaoi auuua at Minneapolis sir Asa pmai' 1:14 evens v-ivy.

Of. rfosapa, ale eon. LearMsworta, Deer VolorBdo Bprtnga Bad eoitd vaatiiMiie Omaha Limited Joliet AaeoamodatAoa Perm Aocommodatioa Coancil Blags Nurht Knrrees inn Si Mlnoaapolia and Bptrtt laake Sx. Peoria night Express Kan. City, Ht-Joa.

A Atrhleon Ex. mt Ma SKltan Srxupai-ioioa) MhtOnssVtrltsn CMteas u4 Paaleia IHl la startread. TtbIbs Leave. rssma 1 Eransrille NiabtlAne aa Chicago ft Seshvlile LlBV.4:le Cbleafoft UieaLlne aa Daily. IRxeeptSaadayT wt 4Lr7 atooda 17:.

SB BALTTMOBB A WD em Twin 10.44 a tviM i aeraeiii Cewtrat Una nt. P. B. B. tim.

rai m. li I rf 'J ao rroiasa. urn. p. p.

Ash, ad Iroa towns, 's rt p. sa Duluth. -too p. taue Chippewa Falla and EauCTaiy HliOi -smi 'ill-ax a Fmd da Lac. Oahkosh.

and kaeaaa. you a ml 2222 2- m- 10 I MBnlBttoii undsy excursion to ei a. -ara at. asasa AaaaTlaoa and if la ar.

-wily, uaur assent Ba A EE hHOKE. SlTHIlllJi iITH 1. Fl ni Xj VOKK AND HUDSON BOSTuH AND ALBANT RAJLBOAlJBWIraiBa liaeLak. pnora ran nuiwn aa. op pool te aooard ci Trade Blocks locket olll.

Uark St. de aat, Tweatr aecoad as. Chioaga No. 6a, Ohlcajro A Boffalo Accom 17:10 am N. l.Faet Mail.

(Old Boad) UMia Boston a New Tork apeeiaU10 a New Tor Fast Ei Vratlbale Limited 'iOpa Atlantic Ex. -N. t. ft Boston. 7 ta N.

TABotflaxivia01dR'dill Arrlre. Vu a 0 SAalw a 9 :43 a re 7 Aiatn 7 a EikLart and (Toahan aorom. HdOaat til U0 a Dally, tanadar excepted. is man 3 uepots uii gront, toot ef Monroe st. foot of Tweaty- toad at.

ThlrtT-e! nLb at aad Hyde Park, day otaoaa. ao. ws uarx sr. Laava. Arrlaa Loci.

fSkiam Mjuibi atwivri ftWssh- ingtea Vestlbn- eilLim'dlOilOam asdM aaal Sew Tork. Maahlagtoa ft Pitt. 1 'o mm 1 1 r. aw. PlttAbors Lamitad.

790an, iabtExprea "84 v. I No axtra farss are charged on BAO. limited traiasi Fro at Peaas jlvaata Btatlea. ennsylvaniaynesl MadlBou ft I aaal Stav, Ckloaxe, i li.iaai OAeaa. tS Clark 8A and at tha Station.

rt, worta ana uaiveavoa in. ioais nea a.x ureaa. California Fast aansaa Dally. tEaoept Bundav. TnroLk Local Kxpreaal I Will II IB Pipilt Bl 1 June vl, insl.

IndisnspoUs aad Otaclaaatt, "The lUaAiaaaU. Iaeave. Tftam :4 am awpoi aWBm KMlpm (WtlPB 1 I Train! laava for New Tork, Philadelphia. Baltl- Maa. WaahlnHn, ana mitaltRM.

.1 EI7'U I P-M am. 110:45 am. pm. Vs'MJ pmj pm. Fl I i3 m.

For Lent -villa. CtBoianaU, tha aouth, am. pm I kxpresa trainaarrlvs at Chicago F7lu am, am. Taj paa.Et4aa pm. pm.i imion.ijniwa, annneama ahvllr.

tuauy except aaaaay. Mute St. Joawpls svwel gjsatsw AlaiBas. Of Bjaav ul ail Hortlsan Aaletaia-wa-43rwham MostraB TrnaiapartaXlwai C). Elagwa "City of CkfaraMrar ul -Purltaa Leave

i Bandars exoe ptsd giro a dat) excursion, returning back ta the city at p. im Tsre.Sl the ronnd trip. 10 a. m. (Hnndara onlyl, returning 1 p.

aa. Far. $1.60 tha rouaa trip. i li aj m. m.

every nignv. m. Bawxranyv enrv. i :.) a. m.

bee apodal train direct forUraad kar tdalietroit. LaBsing.Trarerse City, Petoskey.Mact inac lelands.8aginsw.and all Intermediate atauoi. ea the Chicago ft West Mich, and Detroit. Cannu. ft Northern Bra.

Fare lower tha a any all-rail roue. Connect at Ben to a Kerb or with the Cincinnati. a-. aasa MicaigsB sty. xorau pointa aonta andes-Docx loot oa Wsbaah aa.


TOPEKA AND SANTA FS RAjLKOAr Traina leara tram Dearbnra atation. Mrn, Dearbora aad Folk ate. Ticket office, six Clark si. eor. Adam a.

Bt. Lorrla a Peoria Exoesaa Galesburg ft Ft. Madison F.ip... rexia ana mni a. pre as Joliet aad Btreator Expraas aansasuty Denrrr Limited 7- pre ft TtiUpni 1 tispru tiliin 7:50 nm 7an I B-Jian ruawpmr 7 wan Wahetali Nlaararw Pan arhort Ume.

Trains leave from Dearbora tatioa. aormer Bad Dearbora eta. Office. il Clark st. DAU.T.

Detroit. New Tork. Boston Lias. Detroit. New Tork.

Bostoa Et-. Leave, I Arri 1 ira 10 aa pml 7:14 an WabasrB aad Caaadlaa FaeJJI Now Llw- Train lesre from Dearbora Station, eoraer Folk and Dearborn sta. Office, Clark at, X.Ui.T. Toronto ft Montreal Exoresa, Leave. I Arrive.

Arri HW pi 10:30 pm ml Don Uon. mjlOilS 7:16 street. Leave. tdOaaa I "1 Eiectrto" Uf.yermandLoulavia. laatayetta and Loni.nlie lis Lafayette OA Stav flMll.

Irtcket office. No. 71 Clark Arrive, 6 30 pm "Ail sraiaa aaaar Chicago and Graad Tronk Ratlwray. 1 Depot, Dearbora and Polk at. Ticket office, ln-S C.sra at, snd st depot.

Apply at Ticket Olfioe torSuburbsa Train lime-tables. Dally. 'Except Sunday. I Laare. 78 a ra -7 iSS a loualaui Arrive.

Mail and Pad Be 8:40 a 7: a Limited Eipreaa Jm Day Eiorea a ml Atlanuc and fd Pact He I 8: IS pml Sj.Jti. ft dagin'w; Funeral BIO FOUR ROUTE. I Depot foot of Twesty-eeeond, sad Thirtr. Blnth eta. TieketOlhoasatDepota and iliAClark at.

All traina daily. Leave. Arrive, IaBfareita, Indianapolis. Cln-cinnstl ft Louiartlle Day Do Niaht twtu CHICAGO, HT. PAUL ft KA.N9A8 CTTT RTTrs.

leara Grand Central htation at IJti a.111. aaU4il DaJa. AxXiVS 8 ilJ AH.

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