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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 35

Louisville, Kentucky
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A CENSUS STORY. trv John S. BlUlngs of the Army Makes Some Startling i GHASTLY REVIEW OF DEATHS. 1 Single Jy Recori a -Gleaned From tie Newspapers How Tnls Awful Deata Rate Caafce Prevented. 513 BUT WTERESTK3 FIGURES, Jofin 8.

Bllllnirs of the armyln a before the Academy of Md- New Tor, gives some statis tic of consumption taken from the last 1lM which are simply appalling, iajrlri that year there were to, this country 101.45 thi. dls- 0mattm if we assume TTi- vti.tricU where the registration kept is the same as the districts where it la correctly mnelnde that the mT rf.aths from this malady dorm the census year was fully we estimate the average duration of the disease aa two years, we the rutted States alone SOjOOO eases of consumption. To show 7Z. nrevalence of the disease, and that tt. terrible mortality still continues.

present below the record of sin-le day's havoc as reported In a few enlr the thousands of newspapers published In this country: H. CabiH jr. ro William Kabar 4ted ttia inii. r-. jr fc rfi ir W1 Kale I.

ft a-. i it aar tmmm-Tllf" watt. wWm a d-d at aaaa-- Hjli JT i i fni fcba. BtpUr, AM L. Tfc j- 1 1 n' OmwfnrA.

wke kaakaaa Mcia Pnik Kaj i jter-Dr. a VaOngor dies a jr. WltT am mkftatMM aiiiainnin iw.tnto-tU at Mrttn nHHMill 1 jr. X. BvmU Frmawa J.

JtaConaaek 1 Wt, rt-. Baa-CMw-Aiaaaa Haaisaah, tan ymn, aim I nw jr. aw ml SI Fmmm, Taxaa. froa fm sin i. Ak.

JTm Klmar ArktmiAt diad ana a aaianii iubib srwmm ammm- mvaW. Om. Caartra Kiw acad ms Satsrdar awiig faaam lajnanwa, III, jr. T- Ol Wcrd vaa t.aarwd tats mainflln Iiii-H tTm bat yan.i rt.y af aw, jr. Jfaaa Miaa Mmmmim Kmtamxi, a yaan 4.

mm last aaaawc at aamaajapuoa, luaii. JK raiaaMMMiM Ehaar Shai an ttmi at ka tuiaiaoa. aaaaardar. aftar a ba niilrnaai rtilti, kirn. TlmmMr Pnohia V.

Paaaa. SMam-ald daacktac at Jan. Waaaaw 4m laat Ot mm, garah J. riaieW aiad 7tar SwalaMuaaiattas. tax, Ja.naal BabeH H.

Ji Two facts will present themselves to the reader as he scans the above sad liat: the youth ot the victims and the sony of their sufferings. When the see Is mentioned It will be found to be between 'JO and 40 years, a time when, after years ot study and. they were ready to enter upon life's duties, and make a name for themselves in the various communities In which they Uved. This la the saddest feature of consumption; it spares the very young and the very aged; those whose usefulness has not besiuiu sr is well nigh ended. It mows down Jboee In middle llfej at a time when We is worth the living; when the present is fair and the future bright.

But the saddest fact In connection vita this awful list of deaths. Is that many cases the lives of the victims JWfht have been saved. Consumption not an incurable i disease. No con-. ious malady bs better understood; Soa for which we have a more certain fus.

The germ wntch causes it has wn found and studied. We know exactly how the disease is conveyed from person to another. Scientists have aiwovered germicides which will kill tjttse germs and thus cure the disease. Tbese agents are and Guaiacol. Combined with pure Norwegian cod lirer oil they form Osomulalon, a preparation that will cure consumption and all wasting diseases! Just so sure as It i taken.

It acts on sclentiflo It Is a food as well as a medi- c'na. The oxone and the guaiacol kill germs: the cod liver oil repairs tee waste. This is why It not only alleviates, but Cures. There Is only one to cure consumption, and that Is destroy the verms which cause It. There la but one remedy that will do thl.

and that is Osomulsion. It can be sad of your druggist, who will tell Ten all about the good It la doing, and present yon with a little pamphlet which will describe what osone and ualacol are. and why and how they mts disease. The Wonderful Ozomulslon. Is not only a fat producer, but a Wider of firm.

hard, velvety flesh. re from all pimples, blotches and Vlemiahes; It does I not drive disease through the skin, disfiguring the ce and other exposed parts oi tne y. but aids nature lu gently ex- filing It through the natural channels. This kv kuliM like it. It Is for Colds.

Coiurhs. Consumption. wonchlUs, Pneumonia. La. Grippe.

Ailhma and all nulmonarv complaints rofula. General i Debility. Iss pf iieah. and All Wasting Diseases. ammB.IT.

aZ-U jr. i-RmrM as- iimna alliaineiiliaiT' aaaMin 'b, Jaaaph Thewa Maiaaiatl jr Tm I TWb BjJ-WW Stajj. ir iimftiitr Tilm-rn C. Xr SKS Mmui fi ifitHff mww H.a nlwiil in Mmfalt, jr. tmmim Mr.

Brtmm jMMndar ammtmt naaiaa IWCaaSr.jr. Jmmmmi Etta Bta4a aiad Uria i trial aaad lyaaa. jr. Ammrmm Mi Sartba F. BasaaU S4 SMaaltataaaa fl nai coa iyli turn.

ftlm) Mmm KcUwriaa 3C. Ctmtt Swd at ast aaaa jiwatl tram aaaasurtan. ad amktmy, KIAmmrmitmr Mtm. Short diad at mam-Saaaa day. rtalinlni tiaai fl il i a.

Jimtmrn g. MoHasa dieda bai amaim a mm naidiaia, at aoaMialina a Saar. jr. r. jr.

a. Caaia MUU diad yaata. St af aaaaaaatiaa, aaad JSjraan. Is ly In it It a TKE RESULT. CF EXPCSUP.L Many Lives Lost Throajh Wantoo Carelessness.

A changeable climate is the most ex- cttlnc cause -of pneumonia. The mild to-day. cold to-morrow. weather Is a prolific breeder of the disease. It Is contracted by exposure to wet and Inclement weather, from standing or sitting with cold feet; by going from hot and overcrowded rooms Into the keen night air.

and by sitting in draughts. The proper way to treat pneumonia to prevent its development. Have a care that you are sufficient clad to meet 'Inclement and changeable weather. See that the wet feet and exposure to draughts do not result cold. a cold Is contracted.

enecK at once before pneumonia Is devel oped: for It is a well-known fact that protracted cough may suddenly ae- elop Into pneumonia, with a slight ad ditional cold. Don't let the di make any headway. Kortiry tn sys tem against It by rich, nutritious. Mould food. This can be accomplished In no" other way so well as by the liberal use of Osomolslon.

an osonlsed preparation of Cod Liver Oil wlta nna.iaroU nreoarea or 1. a. eiocum Co, New Tork. and sold by all drug-ists. Taken early, when first vmntoms of the cold appear.

It cures promptly and prevents the develop ment ot pneumonia. it a run. imwu food, and It Is a well known fact that strong food is the moat formidable foe of nnmmonlt. It keep the blood well nourished and puts the tissues in such condition tnat tney in row on cold and thus resist the disease. the "Dxone has been found of great value In destroying the germs ot disease.

Paul Grossman. M. XX. Omaha. Neb.

SUGGESTIONS OMALUE. Bow Health and Happiness May Be Attained. Secrets Disclosed By Which May: Profit. All Kave you ever seen a ray of sunlight pass across a darkened room; vc you noticed the-mlllioas'of particles of fine dust which Its rays disclose? Some of this dust is taken into the lungs every time you breathe. 'When it con tains the germs of disease, as' it often dees.

tley find lodgment in system. This is how, the consumpUon germs enter the lungs. Theyi are contained In the expeetara-tlon of the consumptive patient, and are thrown oft by coughing. They soon become dry, mix with the air and are then ready for their deadly work. Now after the germs have been Inhaled, lit the conditions tre favorable that Sis.

if by reason of cold or cough, or a nyi hereditary cause, the lungs or air passages have become Inflamed, or their tissues or sir cell abraded, tnd thus a suitable soil prepared for the reception of the germs they lodge In stantly, develop ouicxiy ma unuuyij with raddity. If. however, the lungs ana air pas- urM are In a healthy condition, ana the constitution is strong and vigorous, nature, unaided, destroys the poison ous germs ana expeis uem irem ip The way. thn, to prevent and cure consumption Is to put the body in such m. rendition of oerfeet health that the rerms of disease cannot And lodgment, or It already present, that they will be destroyed.

This can oe done. py me use tt Oinmulalnn. EutJ vou xsk. what is Oxomulslon, and how does it prevent and cure :4 Wm will tell osomulsion is a scientific-preparation nf e. mi liver oiL with aruslacoL It is a rich.

Unuid food. xowerful as a nutri ent, and the only remedy (which con uitih oxone aim a ujimw. Oioai Is a condensed form ot ox gen. Oxygen, as is well known. a gaseous elemen helps to support me, and forms per cent, of Phereiln which we live, oaone, or con densed oxygen, when taken into the blood la kills the germs of consumption, and thus cures the disease.

Guaiacol Is a chemical product made from the resin of pine and beech trees, and it Is the volatile principle of this agent! which makes residence in the wood so invigorating to tho consumptive, jit increases tht appetite, lessen the cough, lowers the traprature and heals the Injured surfaces ol tne iuna. Osomulsion cures consumption be cause) it strikes at once at the real causei of the disease the poisonous germs which produce it. It la the remedy above all otbtrs which, should be taken for colds, coughs. consumption, bronchitis, pneumonia, la grippe, asthma, and all pulmonary complaints: scrofula, general debility, loss ot. flesh and all wasting diseases.

mAi a germicide to destroy tubercle bacilli a-ualacol has been found of vaat Importance. I use it In my practice with Cod Liver OiL' H. H. Carter. M.

Lecturer on Klectro-Therapeutics in Creifhton ileJlc! College. i 1 i .0 "0 Most 0 0 0 0 Potent 0 0 Remedy for Colds, Cough Consumption Bronchitis, 0 0 and all Pulmonary plaints; Scrofula; 0 Loss of Flesl 0-0 0 iseases Asthma, Coin General Debility, Anaemia, VJaJfa i Wasting -v S) ii I RATIO DIE." So Wrote a Brooklyn Man Before He Sent a Bullet Through. His Heafc SUFFERING FROil DISEASE. His Life Miffht Hare Been Saved Had He Not Given Way to a False; Taeory Regarding His Complaint. TEE LESSM CF HIS DEED, On the third floor of an ordinary lodg ing house, in the city of Brooklyn; N.

the police found the body of a lodger with a revolver by his side and a bullet in his head. He had been. dead over forty-eight hours, and in his pocket was found a book in which was written the following: "Imtiwdrf hr I a awiat ttom earn, mxxnptiom. I voald irr ma trasl asaia and vork, bo hi ip bla fbr mam do aa wbU mm mUk mmd wtthon uw alioktaa bopa ot tUmm ktar. I waald Mtac dia; baar siad ahaU ka wiaaa.

I aja aad! Laatbaettybny I am tired of life because I in suffering from I would try to struggle! again and work, but it Is impossible for me to do so, while" I am isick aad without the Uf test hop of getting better. I. would rather how glad I shall be' when am dead! Let tha i city bury my body. -r Vt What a commentary en our boasted civilisation! A wretch, suffering from what he supposed to be an incurable disease, snuffs out his flickering life with a pistol bullet. Upon whose head shall fall the blame for this deed for his life? Where did he get the Idea that his disease was incurable? Simply from a generally -accepted old-time theory, which is still regarded by soma as considered incurable, but that does not make them so.

hat we tnougnt to oe a fact, but which modern investigation has exploded. Many diseases may be impossible ten years ago, is esiy complished to-day. "lnis is not-an ass Of impossibilities. During the past ten years scientists nave tnh.H.nln.1. Eml.

-the CSUSO Of COS- sumption. Their InvesUgaUons and ex periments have rouna a cure ni.ii. in Osone and GualaeOL These agents destroy the germs which produce the diiwaae. tjompounaeu wiui pw Norwegian Cod Liver Oil. they form a preparation call-sd Osomulsion.

which cures consumption and aUi lung troubles. The reason it does this is plain. It Is both a medicine and a food. It first destroys the cause of the diseasethe poisonous germs "hlch produce it and then restores the patient to perfect health. TheOsone and Guaiacol kill the germs.

The Cod Liver Oil provides the nesh and strength. That is the principle on which the med-i i- hoth raUonal and reasonable. This modern wmedyls do ing more for tne cure ot and aU lung troubJesthan any other nirered to the public. Vourself. or have dear tha clutches of this ter rible disease, you an learn all about the wonderful power of Oaornulf.lon and the good it is doing by calling upon youdrugglst.

give you any uuormauwu The death of that poor, misguided man to Ue Brooklyn lodging houso, will without its lesson. If it teaheV yo this terrible disease is curabte. and that the med wMc will care it can be found within your own city. i Pertinent ParajTaphs. have tested Osomulsion.

an can vouch for -ts wonderful 1 healing Dr. Black. Colorado Springs, Col "I Indorse Ozomulslon as acarefully and scientifically compounded tmeuy for lune troubles." Dr. Corwln, Glen- wood Springs, CoL "I regard Guaiacol as a very valuable remedy in the treatment of consump. W.

Marley. M. Chicago. XU. "There la no question in my mind as to the value of Guaiacol in the treatment of disease, of the throat and lungs." W.

S. Rowley, M. D-, Chicago, Hi. "There can be no doubt In th4 minds of Intelligent physicians but tBatJ.he Ingredients of Osomulsion are highly prized in themselves as remedial ancles in the treatment of aU forms jf lung troubles." J. Wallace bite, it.

Chicago, 111. A "I am a great believer In the- use of Guaiacol In the treatment of diseases or the lungs, chest and throaL" Fanlt Montgomery, M. Chicago, III-, affusticx A Brief Outline of; a Sad and Thril-lins Strussle. 'V- Does this -little picture recall sad tntmories? Does it carry you to the almost forgotten past? -To! the days when a ipved one was-the Joy of your home? sou remember the happy hours when the childish prattle jof the sweet little wee tot" was thet sunshine of your existence. How you watched It as It budded Into youth and blossomed into utaiuntYl Then, yon remember the' clouds eame How the blight of disease struck your idol? how it withered and passed away.

Again you see the faded cheek, I the lustreless the -wasted form. Tou remember how Skillfully the doctor labored, how kindiyf he ministered. You recollect how tenderly you nursed, how anxiously you watched, how beseechingly you prayed. But without avail. The fatal morning Idawned; the doctor whispered those agonising words, "no and with the setting of that day's Sun the light of your life went OUt.

I You have a faint recollection of the scene at the church4-the flowers, the casket, with its lining of snow-white satin, and the cold.1 sad. wasted face within; You stand again at the open "grave. Tou see the loved one. lowered Into the cruel ground; you hear-the awful sound of falling earth upon' the rough box. the minister's solemn, "Earth, to -earth, ashes to ashes." and then Rut what a charure! The sunshine, the Joy its very life had gone, and the darkness -of despair.

of sorrow and grief had settled like a pall upon It. -1 Such. Is a brief outline of the sad picture that will come rushing noon the memories of the majority of the tatbf" and mothers whose eyes tail upon this little Death- from consumption, with its at tendant horrors. Is not a pleasant subject for contemplation. It Is only made use -of here as a warningto the living.

Look carefully after the health of your dear ones, 'do not let mis Krnuw ease get a foothoio. waxen ior mv-pearance of the first symptoms, as you as aia aistss siHl n. would tne approa -r Uke him. It.steals upon his victim na- mtninar. If DOSSlDie, by fortifying thej system against it- ix It has ireiT struggUng with the disease.

TWn bm cured. That which was impossible ten vears ago Is easily accomplished to-day. Scientists have discovered the cause of and how it can be prevented, and cured. Their Investigations have proven It is a germ disease, and that Jt Is contagious. Their experiments have demonstrated that Osone and Guaiacol will destroy these germs, and thus cure the disease.

In Osomulsion these two life-giving and germ-destroying agents have been combined with Cod Liver 1 Oil. so aa to form a highly scientific preparation 'Which will cure Consumption. We make this i assertion boldly, because we believe It to be true, and because our friends tell us it has cured them. This is the best possible reason, Why then wilt you trifle with this terrible Why will you hesitate, and treat symptoms with remedies which, perhaps. Snay llevta riUv not cure? Thousands are dying djlW whose lives might have been saved had this remedy beenj used.

The annual death rate from consumpr tl-m is simply astounding, it has been that it mows down more than 3.000.0UU Of the earth inhabitants every yeari Stop a minute and try and grasp the awful- significance of them Jures-oti niuiniu .1 human beinxs every year! Over eight thousand every day three hundred en xoriy-iuu hour. No wonder people are spellbound at this unnecessary tribute to death. Why let the awful work go Mmiir which will cure. have testified to its marvel ous power over this terrible disease, in three inxredients rvw u'ver OIL Osone and Guaiacol have been separately prescribed by physicians for this disease. Oxomulslon C.l tno-t cordial receptim.

It has been equally successful to thto country whenever and wherever it has been used. It las tne rvwtrf- nreacribe ir. ne -ZZ: ir vou. or any of your friends, are struggling along day after day. passing a miserable existence.

yw owe it to yourseiyes mw. xemedy to-day. I' -1 1 i a poisoned; Sad Experience of a Distinguished Eastern 1 Savant. MICROBES IN LABORATORIES. Dr.

John IL Byron of New York City. Wnfle Experimentinir Witn Bacteria Becomes Infected. YRATEIS EXPER1EKCE TEACHES. If any further proof were necessary as to the infectious nature of consumption and that the disease is cajised by a specific germ, the recent sad experience of Dr. John M.

Byron, director of tha bacteriological department of the Loom-is Laboratory in the- University Medical College in New York, certainly fur nishes it While experimenting with some tuberculosis germs he became careless and Inhaled them. Two weeks later be discovered that he bad fallen victim to the disease. In relating His experience Dr. Byron said: -I have been making culture of disease germs for twelve years, and suppose familiarity with them made me careless, just as a surgeon, frequently cuts himself with his knife. was do.

Ins- soma exnerimenting with tubercu losis bacteria last February, and I suppose that some of them had been allowed to dry how. I don't know. About firtv din after the sxperlments I be gun to feel very weak. I coughed con tinually, and then it flashed across me what might have occurred. Well, i ex-ininM mvneJf.

and found had con nmntinn. and there was nothing to do Ki.t- t.k. nr. of mvseif. Both my lungs are very badly affected, but hop to get well again." Tha experience: of Dr.

Byron proves aimir that tho theory or or. Koch and other bacteriologists as to the cause of consumpUon is correct. These learned scientists have taken tne vuuri-cle bacilli from the sputa, or expectorations of consumptive patients, have produced cultures in kind, and from these inoculated animals, which have developed bacilli and consumption. In Dr. Byron's case we have tho same striking example ot cause and effect, but fortunately for science and the good of humanity it is in this instance demonstrated In the human species.

The Doctor's experience leaves no doubt as to the soundness of the germ theory of consumption. This much is settled. Its advantages to Humanity cannot be overestimated. For years the medical profession has, been groping in tho dark, fighting this terrible disease on theories which were false and With remedies which did not cure. Now that the real cause of the disease has been determined, its successful treatment Is simply, the application of the right remedy.

The great value of oxone and guaiacol as germ destroyers is admitted by scientists the world over. These agents have been employed In the consumption hospitals of England and- Continental Kurop with the most gratifying suc- Coea. in tnis country gwmuuwa, sclentiflo preparation of osonixed cod liver oil with guaiacol. has been equally as successful In the cure of throat, chest and lunar troubles. Its use in thou sands of cases, where the most satisf ac- torv results have been obtained, proves tba't these wonderful medicinal agents, as scientifically compounded in this preparation, not only kill the poisonous rerms which produce consumption and other pulmonary troubles, but also destroy all effete matter, increase the ap petite and supply tne nutrition wnicn the system must have to build up the wasted tissues, and make firm, hard.

healthy flesh. a "Osomulsion is the modern David that will overcome and defeat the consumpUon Goliath." Or. McDonald. Olorn do Col. of I i BUILD HOSPITALS.

Efforts Being Made to Stamp Out Consumption by Isolation. THE DISEASE INFECTIOUS, New fork aai PhilafleipMa Will Bafti Special Hospitals for tie: eatment of Coasnmptloa Pltleats. KEW FACTS ASO'JT THE DISEASE. It Isi now generally understood among Dh-rsiolans whoi have carefully studiea the subject that consumption Is an infectious disease. Fo general is this belief, eyen among laymen, that hospitals for thie treatment of (consumption are being I built in various cities through- out the United 'States, with the idea of isolating, patients The State of Michigan has already inaugurated a a llnut consumption.

HOS- pltals ijto cost hundreds of thousands of dollars are being erected in New Tork and Pennsylvania; and puDuc senu ment seems, at last, to have awakened to the! necessity of- doing something to stem the: tide of thlsi terrible scourge of the human race. i But Idesplte man's noblest efforts the frhchtful mortality still continues. Be entlsts estimate that Ithere are fa IhU country over three hundred thousand cases bftconsumptlon. what an- army of wretched beings, daily dragging out a- miserable existence! statistics how that the annual death rate among im mm than SO per cent. What' an unneceasary) tribute to deathl This is a sad fact; but worse man au the truth that such deaths were largely unnecessary, and could have been prevented.

Scientists have discovered the cause of consumption he tu berculosis germ which proouoes i-Thelr investigations have slsoi found cure for the disease in oxone ana Guaiacol: the greatest iue-giing. trer-m-destroying agents in nature. These two product have been com-, Wned wit Cod Liver ou a scientific! preparation called Osomulsion. This remedy cures- consumption ana all lung troubles. It does this because It reaches the seat of the disorder and! destroys! the poisonous germs, which cause the.

disease. The Osone and Guaiacol do this. JNo otner rem edy contains these ingredients. me Cod XJver Oil supplies ine irainuon necessary in all wasting diseases. That Is all it doe, but it aoes ms wen.

i is the prince of fat-makers ana tissue-builders, but It not kill the germs. It Simply alleviates and enables, na ture to struggle on a few years longer. Building hospital a wormy cnar- tty-Hworthy from instincts of humanityworthy from. reasons of sanitary safety. Lntortunateiy.

au sunerers canivot have the. benefits of hospital treatment: but every one can enjoy tne benefits of Oxomulslon. It cure peo ple at their homes. It brings the oxone of the ocean, and the balsamic odor of the oinv woods, to their bedside. It is the! greatest germ-destroyer, th most potent healer, the most marvelous fiesh producer In nature.

It can be had hers in Your city of your druggist. who will tell you all about its wonderful i properties, and the good it Is doing among the sick and afflicted, i foxomulslon is proving of great advantage in. the treatment of consumption and other tubercular diaeasea." K. A. Gunn.

M. New York city: i ne wona or. loaay is progressive. The demand jis for lew ideas and better methods Dzomulsion, the new aire, fo: Consumption, is a product 6: o-day. It is made of ozone, udiacol and cod liver oiL jThesf ire.

not new; separately Tajve been bsed for years forth reatment of disease. It's the nethod of lapplying that's r.ew compounded in Ozomulsior. hey forjn a positive medicim irw arerfect food. Physician. vesenbe.

All, druggists Bavilaometr JUUMtrmtcH jBtxnt JrJEJJJT. 1- staatifasared by T. A. 8LOCU3S COMASrY, rearl Street. Kew Tork city.

1 111 tllC i Physletame C0115timpti0tl anrA f-n te fw! fi a bu tu tii4 li 1 wives -1 yiyzoiiinlsiOai Xhwgriste jy DOCTORS TALKd Professional Opinions on an Inter-esting Sufcject. Unanimous and Emphatic In Taelr Impressions. regard Osomulsion as a perfect-remedy for consumpUon." Dr. Baldwin. Trinidad.

CoL "I should regard a combination et Oxone. Cod Liver Oil nd Guaiacol as a most valuable contribution to our Hats medicines for consumption." W. Harris. M. Beatrice, Neb.

"Osomulsion contains the proper elements for the successful treatment of lung troubles." Dr. Wilcox. Pueblo, CoL "Guaiacol Is- valuable In preserving the whole digestive tract from fermentation, and is good for holding up the ptient." J. H. Tyndall, m.

Lincoln, Neb. "Osomulsion is one -of the greatest discoveries of this century, and I predict for It the greatest' possible success." Dr. King, Glen wood Springs. Col. i "A combination of Cod TJver Oil.

Guaiacol and Oxone would, in my opinion, be a very valuable remedy for tho treatment'; of consumption." W. N. Knann. IS. Lincoln.

Neb. "In Guaiacol. Osone and coa uver Oil you have a valuable builder up of -waste tissue, a valuable anUseptie end the life-giving principle represented by Oxone." -J. L. Treynor, M.

Council Bluffs, Iowa. "Osomulsion is ncn a preparation as aU liberal-minded physicians are forced' to Indorse." Jtrr. joioraao Springs, CoL "I have tweti coa um ou anu eol with good results." F. A. Graham.

M. Lincoln, Neb. Osomulsion Is. valuable In all canes of consumption because it contains both heeling and food properties." Dr Arnold. Manitou.

Coi. "Guaiacol I regard as a good remedy. have given it almost universally tor, the past two years." J. Winette, IX, Lincoln. Neb, I have used Cod Liver ou and anaia- eol.

and have bad excellent results from' them." Deetkann. JA council Bluffs, Iowa. "I give cod uver oil ana uuaiacoi in my 'practice, ana nave naa gooa re sults." A. Jrlerce, jo. ja.

Hastings, Neb. I a "I regard Ozomulslon as tne best moderns remedy for the treatment of consumption." Dr. Allen. Grand Juno-' tiori. CoLt "nuaJaooI ts Deuisr largely nsea in tne treatment of consumption by the mod- era D.

Wilkinson. M. Lincoln. Neb. "Guaiacol has recently come into use for the treatment of consumpUon.

The, clinical results obtained seem to ne aiu, that Is necessary to recommend Its use. H. B. Jennings, M. Professor of th Practice Of Medicine and Physical.

Diag nosis in the Council til una jaeaica -oi I have used Guaiacol with very good results." G. H. Simons. M. Lincoln.

Neb. "The use of Guaiacol as an annaeptio together 'With Cod Liver Oil la a great help in the treatment of consumpUon. Thomas B. Lacey, M. Professor of Surgery in the Council Biurxa xaeoicaH College, Council Bluffs, Iowa.

"I believe that Oxone. Guaiacol and Cod Liver Oil in combination would bo. a valuable remedy tor consumption." Frank W. Brand. M.

Beatrice. Neb "As at builder up ot healthy Osomulsion has no equal." Dr. Van-tlne. Salida, CoL "Guaiacol is a great antiseptlo and irerm destroyer." Victor H. M.

Omaha, Neb. "Ozone la destined to play a greati part as a remedial agent In the cure of! consumption." IX. A. Waldon, M. Beatrice, Neb.

"My knowledge of Osomulsion leads me to believe that It Is the most successful cure for consumption ever ifitro--, duced." Dr. Paulsen, Idaho Springs. "I have had excellent results from the use iof Cod Liver Oil and Ouataooly In pulmonary diseases." J. Bow--man. Mj Kansas) City.

Mo. "Guaicaol is one of the best germl-cidea In existence." Dr. Castle, Kansas' City. Mo. "I give Cod XJver Oil and GoalacoLi with good results." T.

H. Woodward, M. Lincoln. Neh. "Guaiacol is the great anU-tubercular, remedy." Dr.

Senn. Chicago, IlL "Osone Is one ot the most remedies that we have for checking the rapid destruction of luug tissue." H. Hanchette. M. Omaha.

Neb. "If Oxone could be brought Into imme-. dlate contact with the tubercle badlll I have no doubt but many a case of con-sumption, might be cured." Charles Rosewater. Professor of Obstetrics in- reign ton Medical College. Neb.

"The effect of Guaiacol is- to Improve the digestive power, and consequently th nutrition of the consumptive pa tient." B. F. Crammer, M. Professor of Physical Diagnosis ana utmnmmvm the Chest In Crelgbton Medical College. Neb.

"Osomulsion reacnex tne root to nw- disesse.i It kills tne oacmi. anrauus- cay and promotes nutrition," Dr. Vaa Ness. Denver, wv "Osomulsion is tno oniy- mneur would ears to Indorse as a cure ior consumption." Dr. Smith.

Glenwood Springs cou vi consider Gutlacol one of the best remedies for the treatment of consump tion." 8. An gun, voaiH, Neb. I- "If It IS possiDie to prepare av oobdi. nation of GuaiacoL osone ana. -o Liver OiL we not only have the most: theoretical, the most practical, but tha most natural remeay ior me m' 'ur-mon malady in existence." E.

W. Lee. M. Omaha. Neo.

1 Scientific Ccspcsatf, -t of Ozone, GtiAiaccU and Cod mer on. Cares 1 Colds. Couzfas. Coo-: sumption. Bronchitis and alt Pulmonary Cotn-: plaints Scrofula, General Debility, I Loss of Flesh, Anaemia, and all'.

Wasting Discosca. Because Kills Germs i Gives Appetlto Stops Waste Makes Fleslu' I -I Ozone and Gxulacol kin germs and pre 1 appetite. Cod Liver OH puts on the Physiclaas AU Drags ists San. TTni1irs CTiisliatirl PouUaj. mm x.

tusuxxm cow i laj Peart faw Tart!.

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