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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 8

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8 TO DATO' AHtSEXEXTg, Ezrosmoir bctldixo Miehia ev lOOLXra THZATZK Kaodolph M.MM Ulrt Th Panic aaffa." IDELPHI OorMr Psaitera and Moaro at. JUtlfi Mlastrele. CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY. ACQUST 1.

177. CITY BREVITIES. Boland. the well known druggist at So. 63 Tlark streak baa xnaOe ncraat hit lathe Aromatic tutor Win of Ire n.

We advise Ioom suffering nervous debility, Impoverished blood, and mpoveriaQoO digestion to try lb Goods recehred at Chicago customs July .11. If 77: Union Boiling Mill Com pup r. BO tons tpiegel iron. Amount collected. Si.81 'A.

3 revolver: money poo red in, bat no guns flowed out. tome auu letters, mostly inquiries lor guns or money, are now awaiting the order of the firm at the postofflce. Debts amount to some; assets, 104 aampie revolvers and 40.000 cart ridges. iKvo rnrnirKKTS. A.

M. Delight will conduct the services at The Oospel Mission. 302 Clark street, between van tfuren and Harrison streets, this evening. The Chlcasro Academv of HomsonsUila Physicians and Burgeons will meetattheTremont House on Thursday morning. Aug.

2, at 8 clock The Ladles Flower Mission meets this morning at Mo. 65 Washington street. Person having basket belonging to the mission are requested to send them la at their earliest opportunity. The regular monthly meeting of the Chicago Cnion Veteran Club will be Held this evening at 8 o'clock at their rooms. Urand Pacific Hote.l All member are expected to be nresent.

and any ex soldiers desiring to unit with the club are invited. The coal receipts for July 31 were as follows: Schooner Ellen Spry. Buffalo. J.T. Hart well.

l.lOs) ton bard! schooner J. 8. Bichards. Erie. Munger tt 6JO ton hard; schooner Favorite.

Ashtabula. Keliey. Moriev 874 tons soft: schooner H. A. Kent.

Cleveland. Kobert Law. 1.470 tons soft; schooner 8. J. Tliden, Cleveland.

Keliey. Morly A Co t.l ton soft: cbooner M. B. Bacon, Cleveland. Chicago Gaa Company.

1.20Xtons sort; schooner Ahira Cobb, Cleveland. Chicago Gas Company. 1.300 ton sot t. PEBSOHAIj. The Be v.

Leander T. Chamberlain baa resigned the pastorship of the Mew England Con srregationdl Church, a position which ha ha held for the past eight years. ha received a more lucrative offer from a church la Norwish. Consu. and ha accepted it.

His Excellency the Governor General of Canada arrived at the Palmer House at 7 o'clock last evening. He was accompanied by bi wife, the Lady of Du fieri Lady Helen Blackwood. Lieutenant Colonel Hon. Littleton. Uie Hon.

Mr. Littleton. Captaia Hamilton. A. D.

Captain bsnyth. A. D. C. Immediately after supper the party continued tha journey toward Manitoba, via bt Paul.

Com ercial. Th a Hon. W. W. Ketch am.

Wiikeabarre; F. F. Marahalt: Erie; J. C. Young.

Clinton; W. b. Callahan. Buffalo; L. 8.

Strook. New York: J. H. Crouder. Missouri Valley: L.

Meisner. Oshkosh; O. M. Horton, Buffalo; L. ii.

hanford, Frairt City; F. E. SusweU. Grand liaven. Palmer HouacJ.

W. Clark and J. D. Clark. Black Hills: Geo.

A. Fellow. New York: A. O. I Lary.

Piusburgi U. W. Lye a. Cedar Rapid) O. THE DAILY INTER OCEAN.

WEDNESDAY ilOKNXN GJ AUGUST 1 1 877. D. Thomas, Gallatin. Hon tan J. Hill.

Jackson. OTC. airland. Philadelphia: 8. C.

Cook. bcraai; w. u. usno. ft air urisans.

Aaaistant General rliiDerintendent A. Kimball, of tba Hock Ialand and Pactno Kaiiroad. Davenport; F. Oraa ea. Davenport: B.

D. Pulerbaugh. Peoria: Josiah Crfttty. Peoria: H. Wilaon.

1 aribanit; M. H. Josly. warasn; tne Hon. miietus hawyer.

Wisconsin; itsgorald. Milwaukee, Skrmn IIove. H. 8. Lorinj, Bong Kong; H.

B. Mann. Waahlncton: Levi llanooek. Lowell. Edward fills bury.

Orleans: J. B. Howe. Clinton. Iowa: A.

J. Stoke. La Croaae: N. W. Dean, Madison.

T. Wa.tarb.ouaa. Cdr Ranid: Potter. iun Kaw York: J. Htloknar ttoaa, Denver.

Trrmont Ho. The Hon. A. H. Morrison.

Bt. rroressor A. A. Urimtri. rree port: Colonel Kobert Elliott.

Haunibal H. barman. O. LovlL and O. D.

Adams. IloUon; tha Hon. D. H. firtdan.

LouU; tha Hon. Jam J. Lindly. Judge Circuit Court. St, Louis: O.

T. Uarrieon. bt. Lout: tha Hon. U.

M. Kvan. Ualanu Colonel a. M. Aldenu gan rraaciaoo; Colonel L.

T. V. Bandolph, Kaw xora. WHO TURNED THE CRANK a Gatlio; Gun A Youaj Man Shot Dead. The Antecedents of the Victim iJome Carious Keminiaoenoee of Kim.

elf and ZXis Family. A sad accident, by which a young fellow bearing the club and badge of the Chicago city police, aad named Guatavus KoL. lost his life, happened last evening in the camp of the regular troops on the lake front. At the foot of Jackson street, juat south of tne Exposition Building, there Is planted a Galling gun. ufder charge of Sergeant James O'Conner.

of Company of the Ninth Begiment. Major Burke's command. The piece of ordnance proved a source of great curiosity to the numer ous sight seers and'vlsltors to the camo. and. al though the order were that a apace of ten yards waa to be kept around It, the entries, without actually using violenoe.

which they very creditably refrained from doing, were totally unaoie to seep tne people oacK. tne hours of lO and 11 o'clock ia the forenoon the Sergnant. by orders of his commanding officer, worked the gun for the edification of a number of prominent citizens visiting tne camp, and the ex ercis passed off favorably. The gun. which ia a 45 ealitier, Hailing, has ten barrels, and the cartridges are fed into a feed case forty at a time, a fresh supply being put i a before the first Is quite used up.

so tnat as long as tho crank ia turned tne fire is endless. Only forty rounds were placed In at the morning salute, and these the Henreant la positive were all uned.aa be afterward attended to the piece and turned thecrank completely round, as was customary, to make sure tnat all the eartridgee were expiooea. inuring tne afternoon a number of cilixens and other gathered around the son and asked the Hsmsnt toexnlmm in. working of It to tbem. He courteously complied, explaining it thoroughly, turning the crank to illustrate every movement.

When he bad finished. ne turneo nis oaca on tne run tor a moment, and at the minute some curiously disposed mortal manipulate! tne crank, upon wbich a snarn crack, resembling the explosion of a to torpedo, was heard, and a young man who had been standing close up to the muzzle of the piece. oroppeu upon me araas. sioue ueau. SHOT TBRODOH THI HEART.

He never moved, but lay as he fell upon his back; not a drop of blood waa to be aeeo, but a powder stained hole through doming and flesh, just below the left nipple, tcld what had baopened. Some member of the Armory police force were quickly on the spot, and Hergeant Conner, alter explaining what had baupeited. i companled Officer Sbaughnessy to the atatlon. where he was detained to await the action of the Coroner's Jury. An 1st sa Uczas reporter then returned with the officers to the scene of death, to see the body prior to l's removal to the Morgue, and there, down by the waters of the lake, lying on the grass, with eve unturned to the sky, was the body of a vouns man.

over whose faa th. ghastly hue of death had settled, supplanting the nun oi neaitn and spirit wnicn nad irradiated hi features but a few minutes before. Curiously enougn. tne reporter recognized tne corpse, and was sorry for It. having only met the man once in life, on which occasion the meeting was not a pleasant one.

The body was taken to the Armory, tin re several officer thougnt they knew Uie lace, JJeatenant ber sold had aeen the deceased aovMrtnre. out could not daee hiso. Tia lsrxa Ocsax reporter then stated that be recognised the corpse as that tOMOt THgWctf Willi. who were charged a few months back with stealing considerable clothing from Kobn clothiers of Lake street: tney were arrested from 26 Michigan avenue by Detectives Steele and ttyan. and neia over to tne Criminal Court in considerable sum.

The reporter did not see th prisoners there were three of them, the father and two son at the time of their arrest or trial. Aut was sabsequenti: addressed by the deceased, who Introduced him eir and complained of the notoriety given him self and relatives by the published accounts their deeds, and threatened dire vengeanee on all newspaperaom. me interview terminated; the matter bad passed entirely from the noorur's mind till he scanned tne feature of th dead man on tne iront yesterday. The remains were partially searched at the Ar. mory, and from a few lotte brought to lignt, the luenuncation was proved beyond doubt.

In a pocketbook were found the re marcs Uustavu ivocs, j'iH Micbigau avenue removed 171 Bandolph street, while pasted on a leaf In the book was a cutting from one of the mornln paper an nouncing the arrest of himself, father, and brotber ror tne alleged robbery rererred to. A lot of other unimportant memoranda were also found. Laur it was learnt that deceased had for ome time past been sleeping on tne steamer John Beam, lying at the foot of Dearborn street, where he was employed as watchman. It Is not known where be was sworn in aa a he did not belong to the Armory lot. and was consequently off his post on the lake front.

Tis sad to have to write such things of a young man. nut true it is tou tne vu tnat men do. lives alter tnem. The occurrence was a pure accident. It is for tunatethata number of good and true citizens were around at tne lime, and many of tbem followed the Heriresnt to the station to testify for him.

Sergeant Conner is a fine, soldierly loosing fellow, and a man of good address and bear ing Laat evening he gave a representative of this paper a full description of the gun and Its working, and expressed himself as positive that when he turned hia back on the gun there waa no charge in it. How one aomato be in. and who turned the crank he did not know. There were a few spare charge around lying on the ealsaons. and It must have been that somebody droDned one Into the feed case.

That waa the only way it could nave nappenea. He had noticed that very many foolishly care less persons had com around during the day, but he had always been oa the alert to avert danger. He endeavored to prevent anyone touching the gun, but found it hard work. In the fore noon, just as be had done explaining the piece and Its workings, a well dressed young fellow remarked: Yes. I think I see bow it done." and.

stepping dropped a cartridge into the "feeder" and et'izeii be crank. He i he Sergeant! reproved the idiot, anal, after sending sum away, removed the cartridge. go the matter stands. The occurrence is a sad one. indeed: but It must be said that no blame Is attachable to Sergeant Conner, who is vouched for a being, and is.

to all appear ancea. an effi cient and truatworth soldier. A PLEASANT SOCIAL EVENT. BsssptlBS ss Uve Kv. Jr.

Owwa. Pas tar mt Use Ual varsity Flam Baptist a. arete. Last evening the member and congregation of the University Place Baptist Church united in giving a most cordial recaption to their new pastor, the Be v. Owen.

D. late of the Lafayette Avenue Church. Detroit. The reception was given at the hospitable home of Mr. H.

A. Bust. No. 1 Aldins square, and a nleasanter place for such aa occasion eould not be found. The square itself Is beautifully kept, its Terdure of emerald hue gay with flowering plant, the eool splash of Its bubbling fountain yielding a pleasant murmur to the ear.

The house was thrown open, being so conveniently argangedas to afford ample space for the throng who gathered there during the evening. Exquisite flow ar adorned table and mantel, aad the brilliant light displayed to advantage the rare paintings and articles of vertu that were scattered about iV'ik'few and aim pie worJ.but with much warmth and feeling. Dr. J. B.

Jackson, oa behalf of the congregation," welcomed their new pastor. Dr. Owen responded, expressing his appreciation of the kindness with which be bad been met. The remainder of the evening was spent In social chat, ia listening to music both vocal and instrumental, by some of th gt. and in enjoying tn refreshment furnished by th Ladie of th church.

nr iw.ii hrinn wltn him hi wlfaadtwo young daughter, all of whom wr present and most heartiiy included la the attention and respect shown by th company, wnicn the following list will show to be a fairly reoresentaUv one the church: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burgess. Robert icolss, Mr.

James T. Myer and family. Mr. and Mra. AXJ.

baker, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Short.

Mr. and Mrs, 8. KtiiwalL Dr. and Mr. Cole.

Mrs. Jessie Clement, Mr. and Mrs. A. D.

Heyward. Mx. aad Mrs. li. Wi'tlatn.

Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bench.

Br. and Hr. f. B. Ben air.

Mr. and Mre.W. F. True. Mr.

Thomaa Boner. Mr. L. To I man. Mr.

J. T. Raid and daughter. Xr. and Mtaa Itokeron.

Mr. R. a. Trint. the Misaee Hey ward.

Ha Annie Shaw, the" Misses My era. the Miaaea llriggs. the Mlaaea nuouimoii, jar. ana Mrs. i nos rsarton.

Dr. and Mra. liurrouarna. Dr. and Mm.

PL C. Mitchell. Mra. Cam bell. Mlaa KnrtnrnpJ mra.

u. u. rose, tn nev. ana Mr, u. r.

i oiman, Mr. and Mr. U. H. Hildreth.

Mia Addle Gill, I Ketnma ton. Mr. and Mra. Kreoch. Mr.

Bo well. TkrJ ana ara. oamwin, jar. J. w.jjean.

Mr. joi. ar Howe. Dr. B.

Y.Baker. Mia Stone. Mra. M.A. Pavenpnrt, Mra.

W. F. Beid and danghter. Mrai L. B.

Wisht. Mr. and Mra True. Mra. Melfm Clark.

Mr. Henry Tolman. Mr. and Mra. WjF.

Smltb. Mra. Hired Grteire. AMUSEMENTS. zxpoainoH covcxsts.

Tha second eoneert la turn 'aeries at tha Expoaltloa Baildlnc occurred last nlxhi. Tha proarraiama lnoloded the followlatr nnmberss Foot aelacUonaJrom the noals to Ooeths's "Ijr mont." the overtare. the entr aotes. the deserfc ire moale to Clarcben a death, aad tha finale; two equal for four trombone; "Adelaide;" the Sjrav. Caatablle.

arranged by Lisst, and tha allegro eon brio movement from Prometheus." The three principal compositions were the music to Goethe' ragen y. the "Two Equal and the svm. phony. The "Egmont" was composed in the year lsio. and is founded upon the great German poet a work.

Besides the overture the ar nine movement in the work. The "Two Eanale." for four trombones, waa played by Messrs. Capua. Boeher, Dei, and Lawack. It is composed after the antique style, and ia remarkable for the suc cession of mnsaive chords and it original harmonies.

Tne symphony waa the center piece of the eoueert. It is divided into four movement allegro and ante eon moto. scberso and fin Hie. This symphony, which was composed in leto7. Is the sixty seventh of Beethoven' numbered work.

The four movements giv the hearer an excellent idea of the composer in dif ferent grades of feeling. The first movement reveals ll' ethoven in one of his loftiest mood. The movement I not so retnarkaol for its melodic figures as for tha ricu and elaborate effects in instrumentation. It nut in the leastof the emotional type which is to so great a degree a enaraoi eristic of Boetnoven style. The second movement 1 mors melodic than the first.

The motivo is a maiouy that is not unfamiliar, and it charm by It grace and exquisite expression. The moualations are beautiful and strange in their effects, and aome of the rhythmie passages are brilliant and full of a dreamy tenderness. The scherzo and and finale ar very impressive parts of this great composition. The scherzo is pervaded by a sort of solemnity and sadness, wilii in the finale the instrumentation again becomes grandiose and impressive We must not forget to mention the song Adelaide, which waa aitiendidlv aunz by Mr. 11.

Hischoff. This song Is one of the most perfect musical forms tbat adorns tee art. and I th embodiment of all that is pure and ideal. To night th testimonial concert tendered by Uie ciueus ol Cnicago to Mr. Thomas will take place.

It is hoped tbat the people will recollect what ne has done lor their amusement ana cultivation during the season of summer garden con cert, and testify their appreciation in a very substantial manner. The programme is as follows: (Adapted for orchestra by J.J. Choral. Abort Bach Fugue. I Concerto, for suing orchestra Handel Two solo violins and violoncello.

Larghtto affettuoso. fugato. musette, allegro motto vivace, finale, with a eadensa by Ferdinand David. Messrs. Jaoobsohn.

F. Hemmann. aad C. Uhdidid. Adantlno.

(Cradle song and serenade) Symphony "Consacration March Tempo. I of bounds Spohr Overture. I Scherzo. Finale. Erkiing Schubert Mr.

A. H. Biaehoff. 8ymphonle poem Liszt Tassu iLamento Triompbale). Fantasia Caprice Vieaxtemp Song "Ceberall Du" Lachner vioun ODiiiraio dv r.

u. Hemmann. Ballet Music "itlenzi' Wagner In his reolv to tha letter from the citizens, ask ing Mr. Tnoniaa to name some evening for tkas testimonial. Mr.

Thomaa states: "Alter eleven consecutive years of summer night concert I have been obliged to leave New Yore for want of a suitable ball ia which to giv them. What New korfc offered I retased. and whatl wanted 1 could not have. That metropola not having supplied my need. I was Induced to try the West, and I gladly confess I do not regret the experiment.

I od the people hern open hearted, generous, aad enthusiastic and in thanking tbem through yea for their kind appreciation of th labor myeol leagues aad myself have done here during the last months, it would giv me pleasure circum stances permitting, to return here next summer. Th support we hsve received justifies me in saying that Chicago is the only city on the continent, next to New York, wnere there la anfilolent musi cal culture to enable me to giv a series of fifty successive concerts." To morrow night the Wagner Dro gramme will be repeated, and on Friday night, besides other attractions. ma. ulia Bi ve King will play Liszt's Fiat Concerto "with tne orchestra. WANTED, A BRIDGE.

Citizen Wast Harrises treat A rata Vrgm th Aatherltias ta ridge lis Jtlrer far Thaws. A meeting was called last even! ng by the citizens interested in the West Harrison street bridge. At 13 West Harrison street the meeting was called to order, ex Alderman W. B. Bate ham in the chair.

A letter was read by Aid. Lawler from the President of the American Bridge Company, in reply to a communication from the Secretary of the Board of Publio Works. The let ter stated tbat they were ready to resume the work of the substructure. The Aldermen thought the bridge would be completed before next fall. The Chair said that amid much opposition they had kept ud tha agitation so persistently that they would soon see the bridge finished.

When this was accomplished then the question oi a viaduct would have to be considered. Mr. John Garrett. Secretary, then submitted the following, which were carried: Jittoiced. Tnat we must urgently renew our earnest petition to the city authorities to finish tne bridge ana its anproaones.

He to Let d. Tnat this improvement is an absolute necessity, and that any furthei delay ia actually criminal and unjust toward a large part of a tax burdened community. Kemolced. Tbat urge noon the Mayor and the Common Council not to swerve from the settled purpose of finishing this much needed prise, and we protest In most unmistaasvble terms against diverting any of the funds appro priated lor this purpose lor any otnr cause whatever. Ketolemd.

That we thank th press of Chicago for favors snown previously, ana tnat we nope they will all help us to agitata the subject to Adjourned. THE LATE PROFESSOR JACKSOX. A meeting ot the Chicago alumni Tot Union' College, Schenectady, N. was held yesterday morning at th offioe of Wm. H.

King, in relation to th death of Professor Isaac VT. Jackson. LL D. Mr. King was appointed Chairman, and Xr.

XoConaeL Secretary. The following preamble and resolution, introduced by the for mer, was unanimously adopted: Whkbbas. we the Chicago alumni ot Union College, nave learned with profound regret of the death of Professor W.Jackson. Is. who.

up to the time of his decease and for half a cent ury prior thereto, waa one of the prominent and tie loved instructors at our venerable aima mater. and who by hi unvarying fairness and impartiality, hi superior learning and excellence. endeared himself In aa eminent degree, both prolessionally and person all v. to the elamal of our reapeetad college: an 3. Wnvaa.a ant aniv tha eolleo wherein, ha la bored long, acceptably, and with distinguished I f.

1. I ix In. lia i death of r. Jackson on of the best and purest Of men: Xmoitd, That we tender to the bereaved fam flrof tha dsaoaasd our heartfelt sympathy and condolence; and to the college, among whoa brightest ornaments was. our ameer regrets that it ha lost so pure, so srooa.

ana so aisun suifthMl a amfeaenr. RaaaUad. That the proceedings of this meeting be aigned by the jnairman ana the tteeretary. and a copy there! be sent to th family of Dr. jackaon.

and also to th faculty of Union Cwi tha conversation that followed these resolu tions. nim.rki war made la thelhlirhest degree eulogisuo of the character and abiiitl of Dr. Jackson by Stephen A Goodwin. Oeorg M. Ho i conneu jeian s.

wuiver. nn.a. king, ana several others. UNICIPAL NOIES. The licens reoelDt yesterday vara S4.UOO.

Three deaths from scarlet fever have eurred this week, July pay to day. aboot The Cltv Hall ercDloyea will receive their Th Comptroller yesterday Issued $300 six Der cent, revenue warrant. Detective Heinsemann haa In his nossession ft chsok zor a targe amount oz money on a ht. Loul satrliiirs bank. The owner may bare It by ealllDtj at the Central Station, aaa pro fluff property.

The Committee on Markets will meet at 2 :30 o'clock Friday afternoon. The Committee on Licenses failed to secure a quorum yesterday afternoon. The contract for' Darin sundry unimproved portions or Wabash avenue has been awarded to I. St. Dyer.

The Treasurer's receipts yesterday were 4.370 from the City Collector; from the water department; 3,232 from tne Comptroller. Aid. podding will Introduce an ordinance Imposing a license fee of $150 on breweries; $10 on brewers' wagons, and $23 on aeons belonfrtna; to brewers whose establlstunente are located outside of the city. The bids for constructing a sewer on South Haieted street, between Twenty sixth and Twnty eiffbtn and between Twenty ninth and Thirty first, were opened yesterday. There were thirteen bidders, the lowest of whom was John McXIchol.

The Committee on Police, with the Mayor ana Bupenntenaent o. jrouoe. were in session about two hours yevterday eonslderlnjr Aid. torfni A ratal Ardent BetnlU from Pooling with mlnon overture in Andante tSautmei lThm0mittteePw1ir2 force to about 800 men. The committee were promised, the Stock lard employes will strike today.

The first batch of rioters arrested by Lieutenant Veaey'e command will be tried at the West Hide Police Court, before Justice Morrison, this mornins. The Police 3 ustices have been very alack as rea aida bualneaa lately. It la ejtpeeted that tradvwlll kick up In a day or two. now tbat tha "speciala" aad "cavalry1 have bewn disbanded. George Turben.

20 years old, living with lis parxata at 07 Samuel atreet. was dmwnil at o'clock laaK evening while baihins in the NiTth Branch, haif a mile north of the city limit. Body tot yet recovered. Matthias Sontag, German. 80 years old.

living: with Dis son at 17tf West Polk, suicided yesterday morning by drowning himself in the river at the foot of Bunker street. Body recovered and Coroner no tilled. Before Justice Morrison: Michael Hogan. $3,000 to the Criminal Court for attempted outrage on a 5 year old child. John Macbard.

SoUO tt the Criminal Court for larceny as bailee of 70. W. J. Brien was fined sou for assaulting an officer. Some West Side prisoners: J.

C. Little, for obtaining SloO worth of goods on forged order, purporting come from M. K. ttortree. of Mar ket etrteu D.

t. Dunn, iareeny of B. Maaon'a bat. Annie McUeenie. larceny of aome loose cash from W.

F. Moore. All members of the late volunteer compa lea having in their possession borate. adUle. or othor property belonging to the city of Chicago, are requested return such property to the Central Police Station immediately.

By order of the Cnlef of Police. A still alarm to engine No. 28 at 1 :35 o'clock yetrday morning waa caused by the diacovery of a bed tick on P. re in the unocenpiea two story frame builoing No. Laurel atreek owned by Jamea Egan.

Damage nominal. InHured in Uie Bo yai Canadian of Montreal, for SOU. Missing since July 20. Georgo Wolf. 29 years old.

feet incbea higb: licht hair and complexion. Waa last seen on Larrabee street, near Center avrnue. wnen he wasdreaaed in dark coat, light vest and pants, and blank felt pant. Please give information at Larrabee Street Station. A late dispatch from Twelfth Street Station, received at police headquarters laat night, savs: "All quiet along the lumber district.

Men went to work this aliernoon. The proprietor of aboiMt and yaras do not want any apecial guard at their places to morrow only a good force patrolling the streets. Armory continuances: John Curtis and John (Jurran. to the 1st. for burglarizing the premiss of i W.

Martin and J. Kadigan. James Dunn, larcenv. 3oo to the aih. Patrick Ha krt a "special." held to to aay for boating people oat of money.

John Kelly and Mark Devine. 9500 each to the 7th. for riot. While some officers were dragging the North Branch last evening for tee body of Georre Turber. the body of John Jnbnaon.

a youth residing at 447 Weotworth avenue, was recovered and removed to ueceased's late home. Jobnson. who waa 11 years of age, was drowned While bathing in the forenoon. The alarm from box 347 at 1:30 o'clock yeaterday afternoon waa caused by Ore In th rwo story frame building at 274 West Lake street, owned by S. F.

iiale and occupied a a grocery by 8. Kpier. Damage to building. i5; atock and fixtures. S150: fully insured.

Supposed caused by rats meddling with and igniting matches. When Officer Shaughnessy'eonjeyed the boay of young Koch to the Morgue last evening, an excited crowd gatnered around the express wagon at Eighteentn and Arnold streets, thinking it was the boay of a rioter being takes in. and threatened to take it away from the custody of the law. but on perceiving that it was only tne remains of a "special" on ita way to a resting place, they allowed the wagon to go ahead. One of the students in the Law School who failed to pass his examination and obtain the necessary certificate to practice law.

attempted suicide yesterday morning with a revolver. Fortunately hia plans were not successful. The young man is very well connected in this city, and on account of hia family hia name is withheld. Be succeeded in injuring himself severely, but it is.beiieved that his wounds will not prove nortai. One Adler.

a lawyer and a relative of the Koch family, was at the Armory last night Inquiring into the manner of the death of young Gub iavua. Be came to the conclusion that it was uo accident, but tesmted from gross criminal care essness, and expressed his opinion loudly. This is a way lawyers have got. and doesn't mean anv thing. Adler was around awhile back threatening big suits against Kobn who accused A.s relatives of robbing them, but nothing has been heard of the matter lately.

Whktler Post, No. 7. G. A. held last evening the first of a series of own meetings, to be beld the last meeting night of each month, for social converse, literary entertainment, and refreshments.

General Herman Lieb. being present by invitation, madp an impromptu speech, in bis usual felicitous Vein, referring in a most happy manner to the "latest unpleasantness." which was followed by music, recitations, etc, intersneroed with ice cream and accessories, prepared by the ladies, who were present in number to exceed that of the sterner sex. Armory sentences: L. Goldstein, larceny of directories from the office of W. 8.

Brawler and E. A. Sherborne. 300 to the Criminal Court on each charge. James Johnson and Margaret Wilson, foo each, and E.

M. Hart 23. for vagrancy. James O'Leary. the crippled newsboy who shot an annoying loafer named H.

C. Smith, was bound over to keep the peace in S200. Mary Davis, robbing David Wanzer. a rustic from La porta. IntL.

was beld to the Criminal Court in 3O0. George and Eliza McGrall. destitute cniiaren. aged atul to years respectively, were sent to the Catholi Asylum. It is rumored that Silas P.

Sanborn and rbaron P. Keator. comprising the firm of Sanborn A Keator. proprietor of the Westei Gun Works, the offioe of which was located at 46 McCormlck Block, corner Bandolph and Dearborn streets, have quit town suddenly. Tne firm don't appear to have ran on a very aolid basis.

It advertised a. almost unanimously In favor of the passage of the but took no decided action on the subject. A second meeting will be held Friday afternoon. The Mayor states tbat av number of wealthy citizens have agreed to advance the 4110.500 to defray the expense of such an increase, on the understanding that the sum shall be included in the next appropriation bliL JThe evidences of indebtedness to be given to these gentlemen have not yet been agreed upon, but the Finance Committee will meet and determine their character Immediately after the passage of the ordinance, if not earlier. The certificates must necessarily differ in form frr both the old certificate and the revenue time warrant now In use.

THE COUNTY BUILDINGS. Eight marriage licenses were Issued yesterday. The Committee on Publio Buildings and Service will meet this afternoon. Mr. W.

H. B. Gray, the South Town Assessor, will probablv return his rolls to the County Clerk to day. Several affidavits against the Protection Life Insurance Company, to obtain a wrjt of ouo warranto, were filed yesterday In the Criminal Clerk's office. The Finance Committee of the County Board beid a meeting yesterday and examined the semi annual expense account of tne County Clerk.

County Treasurer, and Coroner. The PiDer Brmum rDe ease continues to occupy the attention of Judge Farwell in the Criminal Court. It is probable that the argu ments will be made, and the case given to the Jury to day. The next case on the criminal docket will be tne Brooks' abortion cue. Commissioner Coniy states that it is the desire of McNeill A bon that the Citizens' Association shall appoint the arbitration committee to decide their claims for extra work on the Court House.

If this were done some conclusion could be arrived at which should please the public. In the County Court yesterday the following letters were granted: In the estate of E. Holmes to Sarah L. Holmes, under $44. VOO bonds; in the estate of frsm Schwartz to Mary Schwartz, under $0,000 bonds; in the estate of F.

W. Wischendorff to Alex Boorne. under 917.2O0 bond; in the estate of Wllhelmina GaUinger to A. W. Murray and Nicholas Uatzinger, under $4,400 bond: in the estate of John Lochner to M.

Scheldt, uuder $3,600 bonds. A grant of guardianship was issued to Alex. Boorne over Julia Wis cheadorff. under $4,000 bonds. The Board or county commissioners Is a singularly able body.

Probably ita counterpart is not known, either in ancient or modern history. It passed a resolution last February in substance that no work to cost over $300 should be let without inviting proposal. Nevertheless, in spite of this fact, at it last meeting the board, upon a vote, and witnout any proposals or coin petition of any kind, gave Mr. P. J.

Sexton a contract for work on the Court House amounting to about S14.UOU. wnen tne members were pressed on this subject by the reporters they innocently declared that tbey had forgotten all at out the resolution! Whether it is cupidity or ignorance the publio can judge for itself. The idea of aboard forgettiug what rules it had passed for ita own government is oerfectlv'alisurd. If the proper course bad been pursued, and the eon tract issued in the regular manner, then the county might have saved two or three thousand dollars. The object of the board, however, seems to be to expend rather than to economize.

TKE TACMT CLUB. At a regular monthly meeting of the Yacht Club at the Sherman House last night Commodore Bradley presided, and a good deal of routine bnslnsss was transacted. The treasurer reported a balance on hand of $239.20. The committee on improving the harbor ot the club reported progress, and was given further time. The committee which had been directed to close up a little ac count with Mr.

Frank Wentworth reported tbat "Brindle Frank" was not in town: In fact, that he was chasing the firing hour off at Oshkosh, Committee gives further time. Th provision of the constitution regarding measurement was amended by tne following important clause: "The draft of water at which all yachts or hosts shall be measured shall be that at which they hall sail at A number of unimportant amendment were also mane. On motion, it was voted that th next regatta be held on Aug. 9. wives in good humor.

One way ot doing this, at trifling expense, is to subscribe for Aadretes Bazar, price tl. This admirable household mag azine is desirable as a literary treasure, and. in addition, furnishes all tha society and asBJonable information regarding the art of the toilet, ln eluding euts and patterns, with lull descriptions and directions. Send 10 cents to Cincinnati tor specimen cosy. Iarrtraa Blood.

In morbid conditions ot the blood are many diseases; such as salt rheum, ringworm, boils, carbuncles, sore, ulcers, and pimples. In this condition ot the bldod try the Tegetlne. and cure these affections. As a blood purifier it has no equal. Its effects ar wonderful.

BUSINESS NOTICES. Yhtsiciaks or btoh STAjronro usHkaiTA tingly give their Indorsement to the use of the Oraefenberg Xarshairs Catholicon tor all female complaints. The weak and debilitated find wonderful relief from a constant use ot this val uable remedy. Sold by ail druggists. $LoO per bottle.

DIED. Nbalaw Intbt city. Mr. baloviMl wife of Thomaa Aealan. Mary Nealan.

the a. died July 31. at Hi io o'clock, aged S3 year: born in County Kerry. Lreland. Funeral from her late residence.

81 Walton place. North bide. Aug. st. at 1U o'clock: sharp, by carriage to Calvary Cemetery.

Vriends nf tha famiiv ara invited to attsnd. Tocib July 30. at 9:20 a. William E. Tucker, aged 2V year, son ot Hanuel and Aaa trucker.

Poneral from his late 335 Wart Adam street, to the Second Baptist Church, from there by carriage to Koee Hill. Bowtao Hathias Bon tag. father of J. XU J. and Henry Bon tag.

aged b2 rear. BOARDING SCHOOls, TTTJtST KD rNSTITTTTE. Mrs. 8, L. Csdy's Boarding ticnool lor yonns isnies.

mv nsven. vonn. STJBTJPtBXN REAL ESTATE. FOR BALK S100 block from depot, at Lsjcrmntrs. only 7 miles from city SlSdownsBdsa monthly; ensauas property la market, aa ahewa tree also a us tract tree isoorsrs' traia a ready on: tsr 111 cents.

Iiu liuOO.V, it Lsaslls st. huom 4. XTANTED SITUATION. chant of 17 ye eiparienee. mm and good trad BoBtaara uuu Amman.

si mumw ACEDXCAX. The following remarks appeal to every one who desires to mitigate la a rational way th evils of intemperance. They were suggested by the method of cure practised by the largest hospital for inebriates in this city. lehieU rcognizB confirmed inUmtrmne as a diitms. They ar ex.

tr acted from Dr. Santord's treatment on the medical prODertle of th true Jamaica Ginger. The habitual exeessiv use of Intoxicating liquors day after day destroys the' sensibility of tne mucous linings of the stomach and bowels, and produce that ritating or gnawing sensation which causes the Inebriate to return again and again to the glass until the nervous system is completely upset and the man is transformed into fiend, traatle in his efforts to destroy him selL Tou cannot stop him at this stage of the disease, for disease it Is. by word of mouth, nor can hs resist the temptation to drink any more than he can "fly. Withdraw the stimulant suddenly and he will have delirium tremens, ft is therefore difficult, almost impossible for him to save himself.

He must have a stimulant. At this stage of this unfortunate habit. recommend Santord's Jamaica Ginger. I recommend it with a confidence in its power to do good, greater than I have in any other medicinal eorcponnd. Give it In strong, hot doses, well sweetened.

It produces a warmth all over the body, quickens the circulation, and does not in the slightest degree affect the head. Give the Ginger as often as it is asked for. At the first sign of a desire to sleep, or even before, give Bromide Potass, thirty grain dissolved in water, two teaspooufuls at one dose. Bopeat every hour until sleep Is produced. Let him sleep as long as possible.

When he awakens, some nourishing, easily digested food should be ready for him. If the craving for liquor continues satisfy it with my Jamaica Ginger, and quiet him with occasional doses of Bromide Potaaaa. Continue this treatment until the effects of the liquor hsve disappeared, when moral suasion and due attention to his health may accomplish the rest ran and ezpltelt duaetton aaooapsny saeh hottl of this elajrant and affasUv mxilnns. which Is sold by all Wholesale and Betail Drusgiats. Oreears.

and Dealers la Medicines. Prica. 60 cents. n.iri tra. 1'sslsrs shonld purchase original paefcagss ot eae doraa to obtain tha trial bottles for tree alstrlbotjaa.

WEEKS A PUTTaB. Oaaaral Agasa and Whnlaala Dragzlsa, Doston. Price. Iz COLLINS Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Cramps, St Vitus' Dance, Sciatica, Hip Complaints, Nervous Pains, Spinal Affections, Ruptures Strains, Weak Muscles, Kidney Complaints. Lame Back, Shooting Pains, and all Pain's and Aches.

Exposition Building. 25 and SO Cent. Hcsbawps who desire to keep peace In their LAST CONCERT households know now important It is to keep their 1 VOLTAIC PLASTERS A CONSTANT ELECTRIC BATTERY IMBEDDED IN A POROUS STRENGTHENING PLASTER. SSoemts. lbs vata ot Electricity a curative agent in di resist all other icodas treatment ran ant be over turn ated.

Its constant aad eonttoaons applies turn by mans of highly medicated atrsnjrtfcwolnz piaster, as la Conine tal tai Plater, which is unto two medical laments ia on torm at osa pilca. a positively th tniml medical triaapa of this century. la eara tdv action begins th mo aant of application, aad accqaplishas mora Is tea days tha the old plasksn lata COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTER by sll Drogrlsa. Bant by mall oa rereint of SS tot one. SI Jto tr lx.

or JrVi'E''' wrapped and warranted, by WEEEB rvAULH. rta Vetiav TnTlrr Vu BrBsaek. Stevenson tr CHICAGO I Beid. Lord. Stoatenbnrch Co, Trtlraan A I mcr Co.

DR. KEAN, ITS MOUTH CLABK HTKEET. CHICAGO, warrsna cores, or no pay. in all csass. Msdicslad bstha administered when necessary.


THOMAS But 4 TO NIGHT. 46th Concert. Citizens' Testimonial to MR. THOMAS, wbea tickets to all para ot the, esrden win be aold at So Ct TH. lmaenaely pepnlar pra trtsua.

hUCHorV alnsirur the JUiL XlXii." TOJ10UKOW 47TII COCEttT, LAST WAGNER NIGHT. FRIDAY LAST NICinT bat sac. First anpearsncs la Arosrir with to TBOUAsOhV CHXSTBA of the eminent Pianists, Madam JLLIA Who wftl play Liszt's Grand fiat 4, oaaerto. wno wiu pisy i JEW. Last Coacart.

UTrttOAV. vs. when, bv ra itiv I nm at nf SHiMireds nnsbls to nesr it. ow lne to last vwtS disiorbaoces. MB.

TdtMAift will rancat tralTRlkT. HX4VUILV carasaisr At SMdon, McVICKER'S THEATER. Bocera. Boiiitmtna in the beststrisoi boom W. W.

fetroBg 1 nrmture Company. BamlltOB. Tuna, atea Fnniitnrs and an asahuid art froath ADELPHI THEATER. J.p.

HAVEELT arer and Proprietor jaSi Weea Ol OW pirw awn. mm i runerar from rewuence. vt est oia. suwvt. XvV liiTvi mi siKaLs kUTVliTK Wedneaday.

Aug. 1. to 8t Franeis Church, wher I 5 wa sa Kios! tiao nr. Wl solemn high maas wtU be held at o'clock a. sn? ir'Riolr lri7 HsvToodTwj, T' i 1 1.

arwood. BiJv I 1 1 II V. VJ i I rtg Tn IV i'i. yvinvwil yi HOOLEY'S THEATER. MOIVDAT, Jnly 30.

avT eve iiev and Wednesday anS Saturday Matines, by sanaral dVaira. One HsatMurs a tava Orasll'ia. M't i i ftJMXO rl ll 'JE'S, With Ita Crsaqaaled Csa. Ia order a accommodate those who hare been debarred daring the past weea of seetnv this great performance. THK DAJ iCHU rs will ne coaiauea xor tnia weea oaiy.

Moaday.Aag. tt, tba xstat wxuea aqcare aaocesa, usuiani Wllsoo, Add Carter, and in he Programme. Including Barlaaqas JoLlUa In Tl a SAWl.aH. mcr ot vimisuou coeaper uiaa muy other Srst elsa tkeatar la this city; all ladla' nicbta. Madosas Wennesdaye snd tiatnrdaya at HUM).

Monday. Aug ohn Di Ion and tiombinatioa. BANKRtiKi'C to. rpHTS 13 TO QITB 7trllCB THAT OH THI t'lH DAT 1 of Jnlv. 4.

D. 1K77. a arrsnt in bankroptcy wa laaned aeainat the wtai of He nrv H. Honor, of Ciilcaro, in lis county ot txoa ana otaxe ox iiiinwis. uw wwu a indited a bankrupt ob hia owb paoiaa: tha ti par w.

of ut data snd deliver ol any Broperty ba to each buxraoi to him or for bib i ss. so i tha tranafer of anv propnty by him are torbiddea by law: tbst a roaetiwS of tbe creditors cf aaJd bankrupt a prove toeir ta, acd to cuoose ous or mors essunesa rf bis rstste, will be held at a co ot bankrni to be buldea om.w m. s.i Lasa straet, clu cuo. Ul, hefor flomar Hibbard.

tag, hSwlaar. oa to ttn i auiriiat, i 1 1 at iv cioc. m. wta B. nii.uitt w.o.iar.iisi.

vm WHi Leav. 8 lSO m' Lssv. 1 dNipi OPENING OF THE 2 1 ST SEASON. SS8; lssvs. am 9Hi am pu 8:15 mt SHMlpmi: Lssvs.

72B M. a. il BAIIWAT TXltX TAjOjUB. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS ceioago, BTOLnraToi aid qutict. JVpetFoot of take atrra.

Indiana aveaaa and Mx Uaeii Ho.tutltfi muet and tu oepota. 7 14 mJ 10:00 10:30 4:14 piu Xl0sai opm 4hl ml ittopmi 10 OOP Mail and itrsstor Bxkund. JJubaqus, Lsks Forest sad 4 Siou IJIV Pscihe Express tat Omaha and sauaas Anrarm Psssenrsr. MeaUvta. Ottawa, ana eusator I Downer's Orove Accomnioasuaa.

AnmrA nrsr ABnin WIWBJ.MM ft jrd. iMbaaa. ai Aioax fjltv Psciae Mrht Exvress for Oiaana. Kansas Ctf and Is ess Kiprt. bownar's (irava teliisoa, fee Jos.

sad Isxas PPPassy a as a a Keooshs I Miniums i tVsnkersn 1 Lsks lorest 1 JU m'jHignlsnd srx Depot corner Canal and Kinxis atraets. 30 a orsLn lisv t. vnwn ca irrwtmm 10 AM) a Fsm and Mlnnaspolis Express WosiastocZ Fa.M'aser irasLaks Eiire 4:5 pu' Eoud do Lae :40 pm irMplmine. PuMnv.r....nM., m' Bsrrinstoa fasseno ar. 8 AM ml at.

lsul and nlnoaa llxpreas H.ilOpDI aCross Impress 8 HS! mi Jma Bay and aisrqnette Express! I WisioBsln snd Minnesota. Ureau Dar. atcnana 1 oint, acd aahlano tbroaxhniKlit exp.sss 1UuinsiiS) so 8pnnrnsid snd a. Loola rpraa Iviasta a iu. Pakinud sklOPBVtiSpringtieid.

bt. Loula sud I'sxasi I Tat ICxpreaa by Main Line I 9 HS) m'lchu ago aad laducah Kailroad trastwr, uoiia, I Waeningto txpress Sals of Scats for th first week wOl commence Thwra 1 600 Iohet urn Dw day. An, i. at 9 e'eiock. aocorsvag to locaaoa, 1 78 i 6 cts, IA cts.

M. B1.y. Any. snd eerysvvmlnydBrrtvthewv will be produced nrvt Uirsia Amencs iciorien a eard i brilliant bociaty Comedy. KitAPaI la which tha tollowing artists will appear: kate Mcsk.

CeraJdiii Msye. taarv frice.tjara wiioaui, vi iawr. L. Wheelock, w. K.

Fi.vrer.TUao. ley. al srrv Pearson. as. rasnural bcerery oy.

rt. 'srv bv H. J.aMcMcia.B. General SnpeHogadeat. wAJtaa Wllirai rmam.

HICHIQAT OEVTSAL, Mail, via Mala and Ah? Line Day Ailxpresa idnmBOdlUlA.Ni.Mi AUanuc txpresa MKUt up) Mall, vis ataiB i nn wi.i Lidism. via Air Atlanuc uprvtos, osiir. vis ui waa. ut axpuna, via stain rvUilinur Colstacur AoocamodauoB 'o Acooiumoosiioa Coishour Aocommodatloa Arrive. 7 a "i i ra 'zjttpin flO :10 am pi at Ms.

rSesm CHICAGO AMD sTOKTH WEST aM. Xlckst offices 0 dark straet. sbsraua Boa, sad at depot. ComrciL BLVTka XD OMAHA LTX. Depot corner of Wells snd Kinxis street.

Lssvs. 10uOin 10 utn a ni i m. evi Koui City sad Tsnkton umuu ana A.g 8inxCity sua 10 a mOaboau sUprass :1 ft no If Do. uojus Ixor 45 BB'Hterluur llmmrn Arrive. 3 8 .41 9 express to sm ini ton rtirm.

ti vis A via uwton 1 a sm Pnllmsa Hotel Cars srs ran Uirong h. between itticaga and Omai a. aa turn trsia leaving Ciiicsgo at a. u. He ether road rasa these celebrated can wast of hlcaco.

7:30 a m' Msywood Psssenir.r.. I 7:45 U. 9:15 a m'Jr'ieeport. Kockoi rt, sua Du bonne loiispsa liiaw 4 4. nop 8 :15 pm suiu pro reeorx, itocszora.

sad 1noaqu Elnibartt Passenger Boraiord snd i ox Klvar oaoevs Lake Exnrsas M. Charles and xJkib Js action 1'Kt.. Lm bard rsasengsr Depot eoroer faaal and Kinxis etrset. bsw a mt'Miiwsakc sst atsutasiiyj. 04XISDit ktilwsokee i wo Muwanaas sapiens vu ncsimwutruxaiKr luuri Saw aulMilwsukee itit Ixpress Jdslly I 11 4M a 4:10 pm su Jet 'IflttB 8:13 sra 10 8:16 a in 1 tsrwysa I 7 a sm I Bi I A) a 7 9 a 8 a a 7 liia 10i0 sa 730pm 4 AH) a tlltu.

aiSia ar 7Oa a Kora. On tba (ialaoa IX vision a Sandar pssse age' tram win IsavaElg at 7:50 a arrivlag InCtdoago at 10 s. m. Eeturulas. will lesv raucano at :15 p.

m. CHIOAOO, 8T. PAUL ABD XIIFEIPOLIS LUTE. Ticket oAces, 82 Clark St. aad at Kiads St.

Depot. Leave. 10 ou a 8 9(M ml St. fml and Mlnaeaoolla at. Paul and Minneapolis JLxpi Arrive.

on a a .8:30 am CHICAGO, BOCK ISLAID AJTD PACIFIC Depot career Van Bnren sad Sherman streets. Ilekat and xnagnt omes. pt uiara street, anermsa ixowse. Laa7a. i I Arrive.

10:14 am, Omaha. Leavsnworta and Atchl I son uprsu IMtam' Prm Ax comnodaxioa rO 5 aa 10 AM) mt Kigat Exprava ..1 J0 a a jtLVXVSLASn ASH WASBISQ TOS MSIGa TS. :65 a mi Acrommodatica. Mm' 4:15 pm' ni' 7:10 a a' 1 Mtdi llHIp ma AeeommodsxluBu Ac am icwnmo AerommedatinB Accommoda' lAccoms BIB 7 :45 a 10 a 4 ailASlpa ThroBzh Bleeping ear oa 10 p. a.

traia for Jackson vUia, m. A Kimball. Gen. Runt. A.

M. Smite. Oen. Pasaearer Agt. ttaLSval ottces ia a iasnpar Dspoc.

loot ot Isnaltest. ILUKOIB CXXTBAL 'i. Ticket offlet. 121 Kaadoiph etrset. Bear Clark.

DspetSt foat of lass sag toot ot xwenty sacona atiast. Leave, i 8 a mSt. Ixmls Express pmi'bt. Lhs Fsst Mi m'tcsiro and Ksw Orleans aK) yntCura, Newurieana sad Taxsa riz. 8:40 mbpnmrneld snd rtona trprsas prlniraeld lirbt ii sons, Barlimrtua and Kknk.

rla B.hoiu. BarhnstoB Slid aeokak 10 SO ml)nla4ineandtS3oax City iipn.i juii outioe ana moui uif iprsss aw in fOaji woods mud I. rmXi'A Croim ti'i'l 7 rin m'k ak woods snd Urand Croasinwv. 11.10 mroakwooda snd Urand imynr uatvowi sua l.ttwbic..h 4 m'Hiakwoods aad Orand Croasing. Irlfin BKltlMMli snd tirsod Croinif 9 Hyds Park sad orsnd Crtiswnr.

m'furaoa ctosius aaa iyeo.innwjn.... it 9 n'Miuauwiuw sua mmmihs. 6 mt ranoc Line BAXTIKOKE AID OHia ut 10:00 aaNwisconsa and Minnesota, brecn; fay ana ains.ns iiimsu wr I HMSS Iowa, aad Minnesota Arrive. rTS aa HO a pa IT :5 a 4J0(B 3:1.1 par sm 8 :60 a "3 pm 7 JOB at t'idlX W. P.

JoHsaoa, 6en. Pass. Ageat. CHICAGO, DA1TILLE AID TlfCSIIES. Depot comer Clinton and Carroll stream, freight aad ticket eroce.y7 DaarBora street.

I oaTa Am vs. HA) mFan vlUs sad Terr Bants Ex US a 7 KX) m' vsnoiiie sad Terr Hana Ex.t.... a aa zITT8BT7SS, TOW "WATTE AST) CHICAGO. Depot corner Canal snd Madison streets. Ticket offlea.

oo casrm straet. inier now, anq unw rsani Tava. Arriv. 18 oo a mlXafl and Xrpraa, 7rfsiprr aa las)am PITTSBtJEO, CIKCnriAIT AID ST. LOT7I8.

Depot corner of Uinton aad CarroU streets. West ttida licket odicea, lil Handjiph atrest. and at depot. Leave. I a i fi in HO al Kight Axprcsa daily I Arriv.

a 7 Jo a a Itains leave from Expoaltloa BuUdlng, foot of xTonroa street, iicsetomces. um iuwi, nw aa, Orsnd Paciac, and depot, ExposiUon tlnllAiDg. Leave. I 8o Morning Fipraaa. 9 :40 mi i at Arrive.

48 BI Pullman Baspiat aad Parlor Cars oa all trains. CHICAGO, Mil wATJXEB AJTD 8T. PAUL. CUioa Depot, somer ITadisoa and Canal sis. Ticket omasa 4 ciara si, opposite cnerjiaa Hoasa.

and at depot. Airlva. iuva 1B UH a a t7KK)pa All trains run via Uilwanses. Ti' keU for St. Pant and Minneapolis are rood timer via Ma liana or Prattle da Cmaa.

or via Watertowa. LaCrosss. snd Winona. CHICAGO, ALTOS' 8T. L0UI3 AID CHICAGO.

XAVSAS 4 DEBTEB SHOET LUTES. Union Depot. West Side, nesr Madison street bride, aad Twanty tulrd at. Ticket ethos at I'll iiandoiph at. City and Denver Fist Ex i pcvM ia, jscasoavuia, aixaaa AKXVSt jrtopa rro am sa nOpa Depot foot ot Lsks street, and foot of Twenty second iw xioketnrtioes B7 Clark street, eoutheaat corner aundolph at, tirsnd Pacinc Hotel, aad si Palmer Hobs.

Arrtva. 7 a a a tSHNi am a T.tTTR gHOEB AID KICHIGA5 SOTJTHEE. Twwa Vu Bared street, head af LsBsue street. Ticket rS Ksedol i. and Oark atraa.

SBd BtBWSSl corowr w. www Arriv. od a is 6:40 am SO am 1 6 Jto "ShmsaTTO or BrEBSCEa Daily except Bondavs. I tuaily. Itxrept Mondays.

ticspi k.tjiosvs snd Sundays. tiExoept BnncsT. and Mood aoondaya anly. Sinursdsya ana aaturaaiS only, caatu days onir. GOODRICH STEAMERS.

OOODRICffS STEiaEPuS! Tot TrHlwBwkee and a Wast fchor Ports, daily, bunoay excepted. ya.lra Baioraay'a boat uou't go anal sp.B frlday uiorxuna'a boat goes tnrouyb to Ahnrpes for orsnd haven. Oranu hapkis, and MBsaairaB, excepted 7p. a. yor StanUtee, LnoinKioa, and Pent star daily talulOy auo bundsr eaeepted ate o'clock.

tot at. Joseph dally (bandars excepted) ai 10 a. baturoax'a boat Qoaa uot leave uutilUM 11 MJ p. TOT llrauu lis Ascauaba. etc, ndsj 7 p.i cilice sua docks, foot tin iu.b avmiua..

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