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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 5

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

trtan. and 1- Pin monev WOMEN 4'. Conspicuous in Court At the Trial if the Sen an Di-raree Cue. Crimination and Recrimination Freely Indulged in. Testlmonr of a Voit fia.atioaf Character Eagerly Absorbed By a Carions Tnront.

TTia Divorce Court waa thronged ytT-'a iy another Urea crowd, drawn thara hv ih- hearing of another racy la i. th. ces waa of character to pro ilia publication of much of tbo testimony In detail. It was Vila In Its charactar, ai.l ihrr aa Elimination and raerfmlna nn l.y ih- wlf- and tha husband. Aa uaual ilia rai majority of tbo crowd war omm, anl ihey llatcned with afparant iu ih alacloua datalla of too storlos from the wltn-as tand.

Tha caaa Is bo ixnn iMTaoiis who axa raaldenta of VU-imk- whera nearly a vary oao knows tbo l.ualiu-a ut nearly everybody alas. It Was nut urprtln. thfrafors, that tbora should many omn i-alled aa wllnaasas, for It a writ-known' fact of social Ufa In vU iiist tha woman rasldanta ara awara ut i in- iroublaa of all tba famlllaa thara I tm plslniirf In the caaa la I.ydla. 0chu. tha d-frndant Chnrlas H.

Scbu- She a-tnted that she had wm4 eucb Cri. This ws wb--r rn of sr was evld-nt U4 the niunl uuer-r-H ensued between those worsen, who b4 been friend. Messrs Bkllltnea u4 frank ielftd la win Hr, ariiMiM s-ra-'t ber kM4 with a ran an4 him ami nil hint vll Mmri. A men named Irwt 14X4 of Mr. akrbuBaaa going saloon aad asking If hevnueoend there.

aK tm see went a war aeylng aba weald mm boa-, get a revolver end abaot htm, at the hbi t' anpiylns site epithet to hf husband. There will mere iNtlawsr hear. otru wtvoavr cm Judg Wilson heard ana granted 'Ha divorce mil ef Asm Mueller eaalnat MuMIr, Tbe rhfl waa tnai bi am abused Her a sr-t deal ami drank. te ex com ami failed pre Id. lie nied a vroaa partition, but failed to enoear.

K. J. Frank and rruk lnahr Imir aiunwri. Jan Kra. a the am ad loamaMI beard the suit of H.

Whlppey against Adlie Wbltme. Saw left, hiea In IMUI. saying ha' had caaaa4 car for bin, and despite bla efforts to dissuade bar from her paryoee aba want and bo bad net seen ner i or a long lima, lie waa gran Nichols A Nichols, attorneys. haa. Morra haa s-jed for divorce from Martha V.

Morra. They waro married In 174. Willful absence ia I ha chars Cop- pock, s-amxael A C'oppeck. attorneye. taOM TYPOS'.

MONEY RnacBwr's Bank, mud In Browcbt To RoooTsr It. sonsiai. tsrae to aaooraan. IsoiAV.roua. Jannnrr 29.

An acho of tba famous tailor of Lbs Indinnspolto national Bank and tbo sabaaqnent eoorlctlon of its norsbls Frssldant. Tboo. Haushay. who Is now In lbs Prtana Hortb. baa bran ratal lad br brief Alad In tha Snprsms Court.

Tb Intrnatlonal TTpompblctl Unioa lost te ily br tb failara of tb ban. hrtni mocb money on deposit, and William rrssiiaoni. is sows; nun arr i aoshay ora for dsmasrs bars a for lrnirt bars AT kXCntujS DIVOHCB TRIAIiJ, niHn lln Is a contractor, with an oflloa. In tii Perln Building, at' Fifth and Race ttrt. The couple lived at Lockland.

She sued for divorce last July, charging that he had bren auUty of cruelty. Bba charged that at time he beat and abused bar and pointed a loaded revolver at bar hand and thrnti-nil to kill her. At another time, h- thrmtened to cut her throat. 8h rhaxifetl that he did not provide, and sirnt his munvy on other women and tn rsmMlnjt. 8he charged that ho bad.

boon i.nfatthful to her. and tbat a Miss Kennedy his. companion- She charged that ho had loand her the money to buy goods for a millinery store on Raoa atreet, and bad a 1ln on that property. lis tiled an answer and croas-patlUOn, IB vhi. ii he denied all tho charges made axainM him.

ami aaid they worn fate and aarlalou and made for th pnrpOO Of nimtiK him In his business. He charged that had abused him and ttad beaten Km. and that she generally mad llf miser-sit for him ao that be could hardly on- HUMAN ON TBI STAND. He was placed on the witaoa stand first to stuv. in accordance with his cross-petl-tion.

lie said that she waa. continually eiiuTtMnig with him about all sorts of tor which there was no oooasion. iir said she waa Intensely and not consent that be even speak to a Kotnan. Hne mould gwt angry If bo spoke to tii neighbor women and then would up-bra him. when waa not tb least r-axtn tor it.

This sort of. thing continued until about two weeks before they aep- ara't-u, which waa. last July. During tbat period or two weeks he said abo frequently stnu and abused him and drove him from ti-ir hviine Thev quarreled about bla re-tusai to imv a piano from her mother for he tohl her tie would not have his She became angry, and threw niie NkjRs at htm, and then broke hht cane over his head.

rA few day a later Bh met him in front of their house when ah trom the city in th evening, and him with a cane and drove ail over their boose, striking and abus- ln mm. On the of last July they had break-f st and when bad been In tho ity a couple of hours he was Served with the aummons In her suit for alimony. That the rim i be knew, said, tbat ah had any su. Intentions, aa ehe bad not complained any more than usual, and had not ai 1 she Intended to leave hiea. Ho detailed, th' tunes and tbe occasions when his wife.

claims, averted maternity with tbe assistance of her said abo gave a reason for doing ao tbat her another told her she must not have any more children He told of deeding bla bouso to hi MM at the Instance of bla wife, wheat he had refused to deed tt to her aa abo do-fired. He also aald he deeded MM Iota- to his mother-in-law after his wife bad bothered him about doing ao for a long tlmos ALWAYS ROVtDBD JBllAlJ.T. i He asserted very poaiUvely the ho al-yi provided for bia fsjnsilv thasbest. and I nder cross-examlnatlOn bo admitted that I he had been to Dr. RavDgira omc to con-1 uK him.

and aald bla troubl wms a brukea from th kick of a horse. Tho bruise waa on his side. He denied that be had re-' reived any medicine or a prescription from doctor, but later admitted that had received a box of rowdera from him which was for a cold. He denied tbat bia wife had iTeivea a letter addressed to him. in wnicn he was either addressed aa "Baby or that thara was any such signature to such lt-tsr so far as he knew.

He admitted taking Mhw Jewnle Oa-laaher to lunch with him. at Williams's en Sixth atreet. aad that they bad their lunch in tbe dining room upetairs. He denied specifically that- he bad ever had any relatione Miss Kennedy other than of a buainaes eharacter-. He admitted i ois wire aad taken Mian Keauaeoy to his home aad east fronted hint with her, and accused 111- i i he heard- that Miea Kennedy would ioulara.

cease speaking to him and keeping hia ocm- "'o his wife assaulted bia and Kennew av OK w-ein And Shearer testified to Tiavinr attended Mrs. Scbumaa on several occasions. Jut could not tell whether her Illness was aow her own or not a nels-hbor. teatifled that she ii Mrs. Acbomsn waen aho waa and waa told by her -tbat obs did not want any children.

She also told of finding amount of food in the house when he w.Dt lDlo afUf. tna Wlfe had left, and On crossxamlnaiion admitted that she and Mrs. 8c human bsd quarreled before the latter- left her bua- becaase Mrs. Sohuman accused her "JrcuUiicg derogatory reports ut her. Prueotl, and former IM- rvoiora ass.

aa al- br wblcn by wblcn lad. ol lalas rspo ta. tb trna ditkin of tbe bans waaeoneaalsd. Thaaironf- sat point aliased Is tba eialia thai tor war warned I bo Ilrae- tv tha off tha by tb Comotrolli inrythattb bank was unaoand lKt year bator It failed, and that they look an acUve In decs-trine tba Comptroller into IU belt I tbst Ibe bank was soivent. It I alen charred that tba Pliertor themselree bad money borrowed and oerdrsrta.

wMcn tusy conotaied In maklnc tbetr rcpons. DEAD MAN'S "SIQ" Forged To a Note For $10,000 Inter esting Bait KndcHl. srnoiat. ntararcn to tsb nnqciasn. South Bcxd, January 29.

In ths Mit ball County Court to-night Judge Capron decided tbat a note fur $10,000 ia Ben New man's favor, and which, was alleged, bad ba aignsd by tba lata Wjm Miller, was a forgery. Millar became uiM wealthy in th livery business, nnd associated with hint his friend, Ben 'ewman. who cared -for him during sickness and attandod to hi business affair. It waa expected tba wherr sillier died be wonld remember Vawraan handsomely In bis will, bat groat was tho surprise when it was found tbat he baa left him nothing. Shortly afterward James Brown, an employe of Newman, brought to light tb not which baa )at been doalarod a forgery, saying Miller bad signed tt.

alone being a witness. Brown aaid Be mad it payable ro wmea after bis death and loft th not la Brown' Pearls nnd red witnesses were ex am (red an tb Miller estate had experts from Chi cago and other piacos to aaciar jtuiar signature bad beu iorgd WHOLE TOWN Almost Destroyed By Flro Albany Had No ProtectloB. raoiaj. ntsrarcst to tbb uqdiua Atbsts. Ohio, January 29.

Tba town of Albany, this county, was almost destroyed sy Or last night. Tba names oroke out clothing store of A. or Use's Sons, tbo ding merchants -of tb town, consuming building and contents, entailing an animated loas of $12,000 on atora buUding and Tho Bra rapidly spread southward, tvaxt licking up tb meat abop sad contents of L. T. Roo-iter.

loss aboui $500 on building and contents; T. W. Coi. hardware. $V000i Odd Fellowa Building and own tents, gl.000: 8.

Vorbea. cUers and tobacc, Ji.tJ0: Luther Cooner. poolroom. gl.tXWi Bd M. Vorbea, building occupied by olsar atora and poel-room.

A- O. Whaiar. hotel building. $Ou0t K. I.

Cross A Son, furnitanand t.xe Whale Hakel. ftmiO. Tb luaeee on all estimated, and may reach a much higher ngur. teverai oiner ouiioinss were misu with much difficulty. Tbe town is without rm nWM4lnn.

ftml ottCO the flr STOt BDOH headway all thoughts of saving the frame buildljig were beyond question. Tbo tnenr- gnoa i vary light on ail lu nropany "Tr." -n Tisi Alfred Cunningham, Trigg vunnium ana personal espeniiea, uu saw 7 i "i ww her County i 4. T. Jau-vls. knoi h.

left hom. VT ii- T-ial Madias rlCottntv: Mu Martha fctlaon County; I alia. T4 A. AhbOtt. TnBlsW 'CKIiaiTI StlsB Katio Oreor.

Hopalna Ooemtyt Mies Boealle Uanrw riauntec. hira. J.C Kama. bolbV County i -J, taTla. Hop Sine ouniVt H.

T. ParrMi. tolon County: County: b. Uldbaau JdadiaoB Ooanty. bornod.

XEHTUOXT EDU0AT0B3 TESTED. as, nssBvaTOBt eans TaAXKroBT, Kt. January J. Tbe axamina- Uoq of candldataa' lor tb offioa of County School Superintendent was bold Lere to-day by Stat Suparlntaaaabs TJavidson, asd tba following were jcamlued: w. H.

Hannah, Bracken Countyt B. J. Hooo. Boya twnnty County; Hi ran andler. Mason Conntyi P.

M. Holbrook, t. La rAYERWXATiTES BrQTttSTa. Kgw Tom. January YaTarwaathor bequasts to college over th country ara tied nn aaaln bv an order tba Court of Ap peals.

Tb order directs tho parana to tbe aowsiTaRiuejiir IT denied thaTrWe was any rromia7 so far boold not bo uCunntri J. C. Hair. Clay Cossty: F. Montgomary.

Adair County U. M. Jessamine County i J. HZ Stombaagh, Lawrence County W. J.

Lacy. Bath County; 1 i- 1js rvonntvr rt insvi vay tt. asAioany.osr ivi i. ixvi -i m.iI tar of tbia Coart amsil'iew asi aw- TSACTI05 C0AjsTvTOICT22X Jfgw Toaxu January ga-Tho MtliopaltUn TraeUoa Company was fndlcted so-day tor maintainga dangarfua enrv at roorsscnth tract and To MeviT and CsJlfbrwU. Mound trip excursion rvkota fchoic of routes) at city.

Hear 01i)iiC- Double trai rtajiroad. vine daily train, eervioe. leana. in connect iouisvUl. id Arcade.

rinnetl to Jtew or-j. U. and O. 8-W. to CONTRAST Of Cause and Effect Feared Bj tbe? Republican Managers.

They Fear the Result of Still Talking Gold. General Osborne Talks Abant the I-farm tian Baresn. Senator Tarair Haa Zaoufh Vote. General Trend of PolUleaJ Erenta. oiseaToai CXbtsXamd, Ohio, January 28.

"That re port eonoarnlnc tbe closinf of tb Republic an Kntlonnl Baadqunrters and tba discontinuance of nltoUon aions; the Unas of tbe ateaTl gold standard, as pursued darina; tbe lac eaJnpaUsrn, wms entirely premaxura." said OeneroJ William McKlnley Osborne. co us la of tb President elect, and Secretary of tba Republican National Committee In chre of the recently established head quarters at Washington, tbla afternoon. QeneraJ Osborne cam to tbla cKy to-day from Canton, where be haa been In oonaul- tatloh with Major McKlnley. He called on Chairman Hanna. and tb subject of tbe Information Bureau'' was discuss id.

Gen eral Oetoorno wan vary Indignant to think tbo story concmuuMO his bcbbab Had been sent broadcast over tbe country. Ho declared that It waa the Intention of tb party lead era to let the aaVtatton of the old standard gradually wear away and drop out of pplrtlcs default. Although General Osborne did not even hint such a thing. It can be easily read be ween th lines that It waa tb intention to operate the bureau In cursory sort of as until after the incoming Administration was firmly installed, and-then finally allow It to cloae up ita quarters QCUCTLT AMD VgXOTICKD. It haa evidently dawned upon th Repub lican leaders that to continue tbe agitation of the gold standard, upon which they a on their victory last fall, and with the main tenance of which they promised a revival of prosperity, in the face of tha preaen condition of business, would not be a first rate thing for the party.

From tha statements by Chairman Hanna and other members of ths National Com mlttee that it would bo bad policy to continue political agitation, and tbat a deter mlnatlon has been reached to let the ver dirt of the American people and the In oming Administration stand on their merits, la eonatrued by business men and silver advocates to mean that the "advance agent of prosperity" has taksn more or ders than he can All for some Mm to come. E08ELLE Propone To Have a Proas Aaooclatloa To Hia Uklng. Sr. Lom. January 29.

Humors of a still further split In th ranks of ths Populist party war rifled to-night when A. Hoselle Secretary and Treasurer of tb National Reform Press Association, Issued a numerously lgnd call tor a meeting at Kansas City. Mo February 22. This meeting will be in direct opposition to on which President Vander- rortbas called for the asm da at-Mamphia, Ttnnesse. Rosalia's call raouesUd all oditors or pub lishers of Popl' vorty.

agricultural, timet Hie and Independent reform pa Ders to meet at tb Hotel Ashland in Kansas City. ou tb morning of February 22. for tb purpose of organizing and perpetuating a rai reopi frees Association. Following this paragraph Is a atatemant that tb present National Reform Proa Association has diminished in membership until It has ceased to be a representative body and Is run by men who bar been repudiated by th party. Tbla last ia taken to be a sldsshot at Coxey.

BTIOKISG DT UTAH. Salt Lakx, Utah. January 29. Tb result of thro senatorial ballots to-day was a loss of on each for Thatcher and Raw Una and a gain nf on for Henderson. Senator Martha Cannon received four votes on th second ballot.

Tb result of tb last ballot was Thatcher, 19; Henderson. IS; Rawlins, 15 Anderson, 5: Klshlo, Si Harris. 2i Powers. Chambers, 1. IDLE THREE WEEK8.

6 alxm. January 29. Thr fa no ma terial change in tba lagialativ deadlock Tb Senate has adjournad until Monday, which will be tbe beginning of tb fourth weea oi toe session wusuui uriauixauun uit ing been completed. TURIEK ELECTED 8EJAT0H. OLYktrtA.

January. 29. Oeorge V. Turner, who last night recelveU tb caucus nomination for United States benator, was to-day elected in Joint session of tba Legisla ture, receiving OS votes, 11 Eton than sary to elect. COMPANY IaIABIjE For Coaanmers'' Diacomrort When Fwol Us Faile BrosMl OociaioBU arnotaA araroai to tax Baooiaaa.

IsptASiArous, January 29. Tba gas com panics throughout tba slat ara rltally In terested In a decision banded down by tb Supram Court to- day. Tbo opinion waa fllod ta tb caaa of James B. Coy vs. tb lodianan- olia was Company.

Th Supreme Court holds tbat where a gas company, having a monopoly of tarnishing natural gaa to tb peopl of a town, nndar-tak to furnish gas to a ooaaumar and aftar-ward. through lta.negllseace. and withoot any sofnclsnt legal oxeoAa, fails to rarntsh be gaa at a urn wnew use vcturv mesas a are necessary and tbeconooaaaT is nnaaie to obtain fuel, and this fact oausea tbo consumer' children to sicken and die. tbe gas com pany llama tor oamagee sur ta aaaw oi Mr. Cow lived" In Haaahvill In and bo contracted witn to xnaianapoit company for natural gaa fuel.

tbe snppiy gave owe fled tha company. him. and bis child. Drwv During cold weatber aitooqga coy non- no attention waa paid to died laraely because of ex. posor.

Ii orongnt sail ror nam ages in toe tower Cenrt. but waa knockad oat. Then he appaawd. BLACK PERTAINS. ra Over the Eyeo of Oarralaad's OfBolaJs) Who Foatgat- arscxAa.

oiaeATCW to tbb snisMrixuBBw Cursuis, Osno, January 29. PttrtnaT tba meeting to-day of tb Council aommluaos delesated to look into garbaga snaUara. Cooa- cilmaa Morra Bhrek. Chairman of tho Joint comaaittee. and Dr.

John L. Heas. of theCUy Sanitary Departssent. be cam engaged in a qoarroi over a remark? asad by Ir. Baas eoa- cernlng Mr.

Black's father. Th Utter saw At to reeent mis remark, a no ine neaiea eaarr wnictt atkuowoa uoa oeveiopsa ibso a ana Hard blows vera axehanawd trr tst two officials with iitU regard to a bare they were landed, tbea tbo two oombatania ciinahad and rolled to tbo floor. With cocnuderab. Olfflealty frsands auccoadd ta se Berating the helUawrenta. who bed both received blaok res.

and every mis. nee waa take to keep UMSnttf quiet, hut without avail. EOAD OEDEEED SOLD. SittTiui, Ttri, Jaaaary 28. In Chancery 'Co art at CooksvUla.

a decra bsasB awtarad for tb aat of th Tan Central Railroad within 8U days. This "THE EKQUmElt. CFKTC DTK ATI. SATIIUDAY. JAXUATtY 30.

ISO tba i baa 1 ta mures n4 BanrthnliaUuB aad tb acqntrimsnt of kho Brooarrte, by a Px. Lonta ayndicat which promisee to complete the road to a eonoec--ioa with tbo Cincinnati Knit hern, gi'log ash ill a aaw ouuet to thast. BmXA Tmxo Impure air canss Impure Mood. Clear your system by taking Hood's aars pa rlii a. IN A CORN SHOCK Degisrtr'iW Man Vm Fow4 By Karaeetsv.

rawta. oisrsTcw tm asejc LMtmyioat. Kr, Jan era employed on tbo farm MDIna Vrasv. 13 miiee frees Leslagtoa. urn tbo Wlaebeoter road, went oat haul fodder ibis and dJonsaattod shark to nrhsrb they found tbe body of an vnfcnoww negro.

It sreeunted that be ao tight shelter a mo the cent stalks from tbe chilling blasts and was rosea to death. As yet ao 41 position haa been made of tbe aoreoa. Two Mrs Krcssen. KJUtTOV. Onto, January 39 Two suppoaod to be tramps, were foond (rosea along th tracks of tbo Plttsaearg.

Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, near Tm kirk, this county. They worn pot off tb train at North Washington last night and triad to walk to Dunkirk, but froao before getting half way. Bteamer Iccboautet. sractaj, aesrarcat to saa rwnn, sox ills.

January Ivott stcamar on tbo Tennessee Hirer above Cbatta-aooga Is losbooad, sad somoof tbona aro at mall landings mils from any etty or town. 1 bs river st this point Is froien over fur first time In four years. Al US HSUb momins th thermometer resistered zero in tola city. Found at tbo Threabotd. raoiaA nisrATca to tii svnciaza.

DOiOW POBTUtno, January 29 Toung Arso Green went sleighing and on his return bom was completely overcome with cold. He managed to get to tbe bouse, but fell on tbe door step, unable to gat In or open the door. was found til era. carried In Anally thawed out. ghat Down Railroad Bhopo.

vsnu aiar-ATca so ran nanoraan. Colcmbcs. Onto. January 29. Inability to gat waxar to run tb machinery caused a sus pension of work at tb Pait-bandJo shops this morning.

Tb freezing of water in the main in au parts oi to city caaaaa use UOUDl. GOBBLED Up All the Contracts, And Then President Ingalls Waa Very Amiens For Uarnonj in Coal Matters. svactAi. DiarATcn to tbb ananiasa. Phiuliiphia, January 29.

The quiet but efTectlv work of President Ingalls. of be Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, has to ail appearance coat a bomb into the Bituminous Coal Trade Association, tbe full eTecta of which have not yet appeared on tbe surface. According to tbe reports which have gradually leaked out during the last few days. President Ingalls caught his fellow Presidents napping, and made contracts for a year and a half ahead at prices almost unheard of heretofore, and then turned up at the meeting in Now York Thursday smiling and ANXtore ron harmont. The tidewater trade aeeraS to be the only portion mo far affected by President Ingalla'a coup, which was the direct effect of loas of tonnage sustained by the Chesapeake and Ohio rh rough the action of the B.

and O. receivers In bringing the Fairmont or West alrglnia gas coal lOast to tidewater. In order to make up for this lost tonnage Mr. Ingalls has aince last Saturday secured the cream of the tidewater contracts, not only for the current year, but aa far ahead AS juvt, 1N98. These contracts are said to Involve several million tons of coal, which will greatly Increase the tonnage of his road, while the Pennsylvania, Beech Creek, Baltimore and Ohio and the Norfolk and Western will suffer corresponding decrease In tonnage.

The agreement of Is at spring having been broken. President Ingalls evidently considered himself a free laaee to do aa he pleased, and while the other Presidents were trying to arrange a conference for tbe purpose or renewing Ine agreement, aa was busy making- hut contracts for 18 months ahead Then be slipped over to New York on Thursday aad met the oher Presidents in conference, ready and willing' to arrange rates tor tbe coming year. COULDN'T REAHZE On Road Eautte tbe Troable With Knox Ttlle Ixmui Associations. stbciai. DisrATca to tbb surdoiaan.

K.xoxvillx, January 29. The only building and loan association In this city now which is not in th hands of a receiver is ths People's, and it is not po rely a building and loan association, but does a banking nasi with tba building and loan as a aid lasu. Captain k. V. Burrows waa to-day named as receiver for tbe Citizens' Bnlldins and Loan Association, The Citizens' Association doee business in Tennessee, Kentucky and Yir- ginii The causa given tor tba assignment was th nic and and psnlc a lallur to rvalue on real estate.

Th stockholders of tbo Knoxvilie held a Bi satin a todav. and a reed to have tbe Ism. Krary receiver made permanent, and that Instructed to close the affairs of tba as sociation at once, mis is ine oioest on tn Knox villa, bavins been organised liil872. A feature of tha manr failures which baa not been previously mentioned is that the associations owe to th city of knoxvilie over H.uuu taxes, which must paid nrst oi aJi. CowrC Dectaloo Cawsed It.

Kkw Tok. January 29. Eastern share holders of tb Southern Building and Loan Association of Knoxvilie, which sns-pended a few days ago, ar to meet in this city on Monday to tafc concerted action for tb protection of their Interests. Th assets of th Southern on ana 30, 189ft. were re ported a $5,218,374 and tb annual Income was nearly si i ns lauure sscnoeu to a decision In Tennessee supreme Court that such loans as th com nan mad were usurious, which caused a panic aanoag tb Qepoaitorsy COimOT'S STOBY Proved Appaureatly By Use Rewords of Iiwcae CosMity i Cotcktaca, Ohio, January 29.

Tba flrmation of tbe story told by Hsber Stewart. a convict in tb penitentiary, tbat is tb of B. B. Ward and a half brother of Princes Da Chimay. tld to Tax Xsoutstxx last Sunday come from Luce Couaty, In 1878 a rait was herun In tbe Xacas county vomnon rieaa onn oy an it.

laninf vs. n. f. riau. saiuiniaraior.

tbe records on His in tbe Coart it seems tbat Msrver Piatt waa tbe adnainistrator for Ohio of the estate of B. B. Ward, at Detroit, ward's Ohio property consist ea oi acres land consi Jem! Jerasa located nar em. In tbiaeeonty, valaed at about Tb petiuon of th plaintiff reel las services, and annexed totttoaniilof costs.

WDtcn read as io hows: Estate of K. B. Ward. to Jan M. Dom ing, trr.

i SeDtrmbar. 1887 To SBPPort main ten aaoa. snedicinea and nursing of Mies Kate Moran during boroonBnwnent. and lor clothing and bami ad vanned lor trass line I three w-v at th reqaes ox aaia a. d.

ara, aouu. To aiDBon aoei bhudssisbss. bshk and tnedsreJ stteadance. xpenee of nersea. aursing aad etotoing.

noara ana education of the child of said Kate Moran. Heber Prank- tbe child lin Ward Stewart, December 7. 1847. to otsw Itini, so date, nine years, el' annuo SV.Mtt times tths. at XI tar m.

at the rsqaeet of said S. B. Ward, o7 1 credit byeasb at divers i from LS67 so 1871. $800: balance. ai -its -r i is suit waa artcrware snusa, us anmin- trtrstor basing Investigated tb case and I Banco aim self that tna niaiwtirr etaiaa aaainet the eatat.

These tacts sum to pro th story ef th eonvtct and saay attract tba aitentlo of aoas of bia raUlIre. Oravatast Fosxr FsutemUaurr wtota By Ooveaaiosr Baahaxill. CoLOBrsrs. Osuo. January 29.

Cmauoi Baahnell gianted pat dotal ta tba icJIowtng BBSs rernm mended by the Board of Pardons! Tbosnas Mortoa, Bntler Ceataty. two years. poeaset picking. Pardosi was rsnim saaa it art by tb trial judge aad prosacntur oa tb groonds of pmbahla taannaaaa. BJa fasallr needs bis care, otto I heimiich.

ef Cuyahasra n.h aa- teneed ia April. ISbG. tor on year for forrina im order xor grots nea to keep htsa trom was pardon at th reauest 5' dye eiaoa iiuroa. raoeieeo. trot La wren County, sentenced Febrnary.

i94. mn. hery. fof years, te pardoned in order that be may leer the state with his parents. 7 Tea dayar stop over la the XatJonal r-s.

Hot oa Baltimore and Ohl Swithstsi. ticket readisa; pocnt east of Waahtng- IOS. am tlsSlI New Tor. Is only Sia, Oaiir train. wiUi dinlna" car.

For Murderer Frantz, The CnTift4 Slater ef Bessie 4 i Utile at Dajrtti, I Deny He Contemplated Cheat ing tlie Elec.Chatr. Colonel Sofia Make a ia Bekalf of tke dentnea! If an. Statement Cob- Th statement mad by Judge O. B. Brown, of Dayton, Ohio, at the BC Nicholas Thursday.

th effect that Murderer Al bert J. Fraats waa ha at sb ad trom tha Jail ta th penitentiary annex to prevent bla from coaarattting acacide. haa created sldavabU excitement la th Oeea City. Despite the fact that Judge Brews nar rated tb details of tho ptaa Fraats to take his Ufa, th prassaer'a attorneya seek to deny tho statesnent. and aaciar that at ta calculated to injur tb prospects of Fraata for a nsw trial or a commirtatloa of tanca.

They assert that enemies rants onabsatad tha story for tha peirpoao of haw ing tt appear that there waa a doubt of bis guilt, and that hia case era ao boost aa to prompt him to eontampteto th pr- at act. Judge Brown, oa tax that 8 ben ft Andertaa discovered positive evidence Lb Fraats' cell of bla plan to com mit aolcide, th principal feature which waa nothing lees than a memoranda written by Frantx blmseU. telUng erbat bo in tended to do aad leaving a farewell maasag to hi relative. Fraats intended to poison. There can be no doubt of tbJa, as Judg Brown hs to well kaowa as a ttasnaus and a Jurist to permit of bio word being doubted, and ia too familiar wish th case of Fraats to make any mistake oa his part at all possible or probable.

COI.OB'BX. hbvim TAUta At Dayton yesterday, Caxonel R. M. Nevin, chief eouasea for Fraata, ssM to aa Elf- qtnaxm correspondent: "Be far aa the trial ia concerned, we have no complaint to make. Judg Brown waa entirely fair and oourtaoua to ua, as war also Mr.

Kutnler. Proaecutlng Attornaar. and Mr. Paueraon, bis ssslslant. got along so nloely that we regret exceedingly that anything aubaequent happened to mar our pleasant reoollectioa ef it.

In view of Judge Brown's holdings during th trial. war not disappointed at his overruilDg our motion and hia sentencing Fraata to death." It was then the sudden and unexpected taking away of Franta that you coanplain of. is It?" Tea, wo did feel in that matter that had not been treated courteously by some one. without a word of warning or any thing to lead ua to believe tbat Frants would be treevted differently from other per- he was eoliiled awsv. In fact." said Mr.

Nevin. "the first inti mation I ever had from any source was hen my son told me thst as he got off of Bia Four train comlnsr from Anciaaall be aaw Sheriff Anderton and hia Deputy get on ine train witn rrasu. sir. van Bkalk and 1 were takjng dinner together at the Beckel House and we could hardly believe It. We could scarcely realise that we had been treated so discourteously, but oa in-veetlgstlon we found it to be true.

ax- pressed ourselves very 'plainly about It aad atlil think It an en heard of proceeding! Cn-dm stand sow that hia removal did not effect our legal rights one particle. It la a mai ler ox utter inamerenre bo rar as our ruture action hi eonoerned whether Fraata is In hs Darton Jail or tbe Columbus Annex. But, of course, we had many matters wa wanted talk ta him about and some business arrangements to make. If Bhariff Anderton had aakl to us tbat be waa liable to take him away at any moment, as he tad a rtgnt to no, ao mat wa count nave gone and talked to him pertiape aa hour, would have had no cause to complain, ilAD TO UO TO aptiCMBCa, Aa It waa. we were eomoelled and did ao to Columbus the next day to see him, and by permission of arden Coffin we did see elm tho Aanex.

Vtalnk to addition to this, that tha ireat relatives waa tmkfn tx and-hie reatttMM. ot. -r ran I nkmdIo say the I ywsrs 'ef a of. -Fran fa.ther. who ta o-verri Vsa rverr permanently crtnpledThat at was wit gi i at difficulty thajt he uould com upon crutches into me couruiouse to teetiry in nis son a behalf and tbe weather had been such recently that he could not get out at all.

bad Intended coming over in a few days to see hia boy, his baby, for a few momenta. Why. rhavt poor consolation waa denied him and arby thas privUeg wms denied se-hia ae vot ed aiater, those responsible alone caa tail. "What about the intimations that be waa a-olrur commit sukeider "Bo fares we knew, there ia not an word of truth in that. We cam down on tb same train witn nnerin: Anaerton tne aey we were tn Oolumbua.

and ta bia explanations and eposo glee to aa there waa no th eiigJat-est intimation of anything of tb kloL If that was tbe reaoa surely be would have mentioned It to ua, SX.SPX, rate. This story of his attempted or enntemplaiad suicide seems like a gooo many atones in ton oaae. It ia to give the public the idea tbat Fraats, being guilty and having been ao found, now aeeka to make awav with himself. We want to say here and now for oureelT and or co-counsel. Judge Krettser.

that not one ef na has ever heard a word or Been an act of hie that in the least- degiee even intimated atieh a Durooae oa his nart- or that be bad ever dreamed of each an act. Fraata has always quietly, modestly, but firmly, as serted nis innocence, tie insists now mat the time will come whoa all this public darner and nasal on shall have eaaussd aad died away, that he will he vindicated and hi innocence maae clear. JACKSOBT ASTB "Another report. equally untme, and started for an equally Improper porpoae, era that Franta had visited Jackaoa aad Walling, or bad attended their trial during Its progress. It le an absolute falsehood.

made oat of whole doth. He either Jackson or Wall or waa avr a day at tne tnai or eitnee- or tnean ia ass lire. A resort waa alas started thai ha tad a cousin in tbe penitentiary of the name mt enana. na ta equally untrue, tt reiattv there In any dears whatever. ail nut tnai aotn a an bbs counsel kept the strictest silence, aad we think that now these asortea, started for peeper pwrpoeae to arenas paaaiaa aava ijudlee, are worse than cruet, and shoo Id stooped at once.

Suretr aetata aksnld be done from thie time en to Brnjadiee bias either to Court or the vo yew expect tne t-ircuK or a Court to grant a near trial we no certainly Believe taax tne re pi manif est error tb record to th nreiu- dic of the defendant, but aa tbo gentlemen representing tne state ainer rrom that proposition we caa only wait and what the outcome will he. rou intend, do you, to tag to tbe ma Court Yea. sir tar. yon matter will be passed last resort, if it ta a rest assured that thia tore Sqalre Mowwn. He Bar hi Richard Bragg, and aaid be had ban attead- tng rnllssni at Ixxurse.

KyM bnboBfA AdrssskMhaWas am raaaett ef snoaey la CtneiBaaU and wasssallnghts way hara. Be wa wail di eawd and gentlemanly, and a bscycieeod trunk a had He waa released aXMr areas JusUc a deUar. Apply tk THE ALMS a. OOIPKI CO. iTkti Fit Um Fesrt.

th price--bot your feet. I Tan. HIVES John, Jr. thiak alroaald shape! ltgr jmt recglrad a SPLENDID HifirLCLAgg aunt ron LAOICS THE ALMS DOEPKE CO Kaln, Canal aai Bant Sts. M'lONLEY'S NIECE Make Hew Fir Appearvo aa VocaHet Will axwdy Abroevd.

araciAX sesrasoat to raa BwaarBaa. JTw Toxx, January 59- Miss Mabel Mc Klnley. daughter of Mr. Abnor MoKinWy. god Blsoa of tba Praaldent elect, atada bar flrst appearance In pa bile last aranlng at an organ recital given by br teaeber.

Mr. Prank Q. Dosaert. at Praabyterian Assembly Ball. Miss McKlnley took tb plans of Mm.

Des sert, who was unable to sing, owing to Indis position. Tb young lady has a mesxo to-, I Brui so rrrano voice of a most sympathetic quality en ny tn court or to go mat GOT BROKE IN (JINCY. fteol Rid ausd Wa Area rara bbW-ssf -jf: Wdett BsTaaxaaaw Lrxu, ObitxJanuary 39. Wbo aortb-boaad smsgsr train So. IX.

doe at ta 'otock. pulted Into the ClBctnaari. Haasfltoa Dayton depot last night Detective Bases a yoang wh waa xeallag a rid oo the front end of tb bbsbU ue was beany iroaee, gad wag locked ua antil thia sBertung wbaa a waa takaa bo- rsmia. wen n. bad reeeints fer CoLtrBTsca.

Oario. Jaamary Ja. TTaa iaasi Coart to-day ta tbe eas of tbo State sspxinat Joseph Entehtnsoai fa which a bOl of as. doae waa Sied by th PioaeentiBg Attor ney ef Fraakliai County, svsiTlsd theax- ooas. iBSCoartoaaiUd tha "asateef a a food, aneitainine aa! VvMe aeM le aerr eoanuty.

wiLheoa a ia. 1 oa toe Baeaee. neciiytns too parch aaat tost tto aa ingredent. ia. BaentNailsie rr tn bisii a by ta coo lndarcruaiaas nsa, en mrimt pure food laws ml UMBtaxe.

ta. sac taO CnxmtMMtoB. W. Ta Jaa-aary 29. At Pea- body Mines.

15 Bailee above bora, to-day. tha axis ear Inns pad tb track, upsetting and tnraing over en Warren fUmpUm. Larwst Cnnnirrbsm and Albert Terrv. antne-v. AU ax taw aiida it is iroitJ, u.ij tu 1, ana aamirani aiction.

on sewn wj fully RuMiieteta's "oed Sight." and as an enoor gar Rodaya J'My Dream of Ton." Miss McKlnley expects to go abroad to oon-tino ber studies with Marcbasi. but say that tbe haa ao idea of cultivating bar art ether tbea aa aa amateur. IvOCAI. MOTICXS. C7Dtspel your beadacbe.

weal wtth Parker's qingr Tonlc. i la life te Sae aaar. rfoa Cocens, Astbka ax TtntOAT Dtscm- TeL am. sJ 111 and llJ West Fifth. OM anraJtrht WhsskJee.

lO CFR. J. Mciraa, grocer, eth A sTycaxnore. (TTar th Horn Bteam Laundry, 42 Arcad a DEATHS. CLARK Emma Mabel, fourth daughter of Samuel W.

and Emma E. Clark, on Thursday, Jan. 28. 1D8T, at p. as.

Funeral from Allen. Temple A- M. E- Chureh on Baiaday. Jan, lt7. at 1 p.

sn. beloved eon ef John aad Catherine Ulajes. Thursday. 8:20 p. bla Slat Funeral rrom late dance, trrn-yonviile.

kaat walnut Suadar. Jan. XI Hurh Baaaa at 10 at Holy Angels Church. Burial at Joseph's Cemetery. HTJBER la Ceolngtan.

Jan. M. at he home, cot uer ef Nancy aad Patton sta. Carrie Huber, aged a years, jruaarai tomorrow from residence at 1 p. m.

Inter ment at Cemetery. DIAHON OS. AC. 1IICHIE BROS. trzzzzzs, r2Tczs, jmiitf, SPECIAL NOTICES.

r-jxoa by ta Aaoura. iarina-tl. PV'BIOXg far OI.rvrr9g sa 11 (ea tor a miim. lli. TTTTVTWg PATf.

MTW TR ment. TKAMBHIPaV. AUCRICAN LINE. e-t si to arw-rH a r-mw uui ucMOtt twu Kkf kiiirruiuMirii at as IS a.

ss. Langdo LATEST rr. A n. rav tared by oao of tb sn sat reirataht cost-1 fBiPAftsgsptjaiTaA eras ta ta cattea atascs. we bust also laywr in priot- bat WlWrw thia win ia tb tear raa nror ta cbapt hoc.

Ifg quality aot price tbat testa I ont foot. S0.233B Li Nva sn an ism ir BML CW ToaXo.a-, a aKKrrrrairttrse to slupe rT. the boK. 1 asBes SJanVaf Msrv aaBsay WW Wt klOWl BTaTW TtsW to ABrTWKBaN that we coct nVt aTsT I Hair Mattresses i 1 in i it ITT BOX CXxnp I Bxwes. usssa, a -IhjlntiMt CravUr Mtie.

Lancdon Bakert Oveaet atHSriekac a icBosst. FINANCIAL. a parsasnt furnished ta I Uierewtth aforeasld. i January -i A- Tr. 1WI.

A. I Ml HLSKBAAB. total Charles a. Bates, w. side Cunsmi Jar.

Cit3 wd at i Oaraiall Vtlt SSasS. StA aue Wat, BssBeTf. W. Tfcirs sc. Wssisia Oerasaa Tsairia aad Vsse sta.

CbscUumU. FINE WEAR cpeasd to-day assaafac- FREzN OH LINE. tsve rknaaaa ml awe arable Tmkm aXtO I A roFoarr usaerai Agaax. saw nee we ptac oa aai to-oay. ta atw aaumwai naaaw pier a.

ae I Sd st, P. Dejaieaora. IS W. fraatal. la, tar tm hh ai I sues.

i Look at thU Sho-if. as fd aa th I VV I tf StIT I IH. sraiBfa gaiss omnm. YoatlU LittU Aft Sfrir Httt LkXt SlMtt, Skoa. n4 from best garo Uatbar, mtaaal 92.0O soles, soft sad aerviceabee.

Pair. Erery pair warraatad. Sixes Youtkt atolL lieAI.BOaPair Sttim CmlfUmtm 8 hoes, aolid ole aad couatara, ptra tip. Six 11 to. Price.

l.85 a Pair Sasna Bbosts la sis to Price ai.BO a Pair YeuthtBtsi Quality Caliki Lac Shoe. heavy aolea, aaala or cola toe. six 11 to 1.75 a Pair Same Shoes ia sisaa SJ, to 6 J. aa.00aPirl Our CtomJk Salt is mom mmaW mil frtur price liar baea badly crashed. II yea a cod a Cloak, mrk or efVa of aay kind, here ia aa opportunity that yoa cant afford to paaa by they're just aa advertised this week.

Tho Fine English Curl Jackets at IO.OO mwt grtat bmrgmimt. Some of the Jackets we ar eellia; at S3.B5 can't be matched elsewhere aader $10.00. We stilt hare a fair stock of Golf Cape advertised thia at a rain-shedding garment, in size 32 to 44, Black. Blo.Browa, Costa nothing look at them. The Children' Clothing advertised yes terday met with a liberal res pons at ill tome left.

Boyi, bow do you like your brand-new Watch. Isat a Daady? Mew Terb sTatalaJltC, hatrPAhTISC. AaVaseATK. Bis a miiasg CaaTssAea aak. eaa be el rraaa ear the lasaia ateeaiBbH ageai aiaaa.lL ar aa aspliaaiioa sa a.

BiajrraaJla at aaw. esaaasaaai Aa a Bin Sway. NesT JAPAK-CM ih a pacific MAiLaarxxrvj a OrianiaJ gg.Ce. saaasr laave Pea Tr rtsy ag rsaaa, sa aSaasaayaar. raa.

sa. m. mm. ajlssj Sfsi mvLmmmr asaraavue AWelse-Aa. Caraw attdi LANQDON'S.

UTlOHRk MFIYETTE BflHK Moa, 18 aad SO W. Third Street, cnrcrjnuTT, onTa. u. o. eovos.

CINCINNATI BON DO. aa iibbis cumaiartial an Tianslstr Creaits la CUT RATE TICKETS rat C. POAQE. Ta Tieket Bfshar. la aew leeateg at sssS te so his side Oil bert it.

on- wW. A. Athright. a. eM Uddail hat, an.

i caret Kelly, aged 48 years, at her real-1 ssent. XM.mi. deaiee. 1 xa. Firta at.

miner si rnaa ree-tdenes Bator-day. Jan. SB. Requlasn wigb aaaaa at at. Ja-er-a enwren at a.

IXJYJE Friday. 2th. p. aa-. Mrs.

Mary oaa dt aimsroTiia, jsary Assy, w. osuasnF a hot. Ptmaral fro-n astaiuce. MadinoB villa, I Lawrence and Vincent av fron feet, S1-0-," ameur see- front foot. $OJ5Kt4: tetaj AtsngsuaM ax aaaaa a usaw wfay vi mmwwM a a mj lsb I Jpg gi IM.

-9 Ii). Aefs. fort. OnclmMj-, a 1 sa. for Madlaoa-1 uoorg Vehr.

w. etda Assvdesay ar. ville at i. mm. tor Bgrlag Ureve.

1 07: a -ii a-aiXk I at. AAawrenc and incent an arWirTn Huaag. side Academy ev hwi 01 ata, at mJO a. av I rVJf, wren east -tOClCHCLJ The ndavy afterwaea, Ka- taaalei Jtorhhntd. Jr son ef th late Na- uaaai nonuwn, si nujsuo -o.

um. avaan- aus. nana inanm, aaeu sw i sycamore ana saeu yeauns, aaun. ua, ax xz-sw a. aa.

SI win be held Barardav. Jan. mn at I anamaL 1 p. sa-. at aha- realdsnte mt her eon in-1 sctiae, aad via sent freest feaa.

I aa-ouat per front loot. $03kO4, total i aa.a and Main front feat. Funeral from has vtf'a family reeidenco. 1 an-ount per ironi toot. vas; iotas 7 rnfirth mt aii-ta aa Intent.

I Powers sSde Wanal ai KM feet. Aw f. Borrxuxs-B-tv CJea-a. NOT ICC. tetal law, Wmiaaa O-asuxy.

No, m2 Pewter I verty as. aad Frederick ec. front fee, go-, east of yyeensaa as. Iatermsnt at Spring I axaount per front toot. 80231: total am Cl iii all I I 1 1 A.

Mugae ex irs-nee, neeaaaaaa hat-- Wuoea City v. and Tremoot sc. re- nfaPal TM TPPJX. STBsaHai aiiSan.sSi.. Iieeal as.i.annnl sasg.

I I IH I mi I Cl CmBtnt oTVn. 'barer aa-f 'arVVi Tl. 4. OuLUIAai rOTfTTrt Vr ta aaaounts by the sa-rermilr TUiit trS. lALLA.

gns ta that behalf te Mr. B. 1 hCUer. een- I '-aeoe wlthia twewty day frsea the date UNDEstTAICE I TL? 'h evdaaaoa. ar he eaa- Wew enusani awBaaas.

1 a a Wa raan-raj a aaia akwa I 1 1 la aad penalty allowed by kvw upon tha wa. sect loo That tbe Board of Admlnlaira-, tbla wSinaai te the said H. L. Mtmcn. eouneae bea'e of thta I paid mm aad after aald saaa ta tjeuw aA-V-i-TS I NaiAonal baak of Ciar-saal.

Ohia. Stuns asBtrneoaiaTy sa aaa a- a a ax m2asT-masamm aTFAT A WAX CU-uVAJ(T. REUOIQUE. B--BB-BBBBXBB rfCT Peeaod Pesarr-aa-a-i g-arna-o. F-gMb WOTtCE.

aL and lua etreaaa. TT-s Bv. E. Trwmh-tn la. IX nts.

i -w rtilsr il a. uL TZL ci-ri. mnSSSatmWS2SSBas-SBam a. t-y. PENSIONS.

1 IOtea pa awveawirwaani-aiani nn I ra- -aswaaaasirjl-. aa I a akMiria-aiaa ro 309 CENTRAL AVENUE. I ow Wear Third, where he Wl0 Be ansae ana the BokMe ta THS JOHN SMILLfTO COMPANY, Ski Hit i Urn rrien AJwsr, Ktrp SJUlUti sTVeWn. Special Prices For 30 Days. ait.

lull ubee ak. at. Lenta. itnaa tba eaaae wrtdtn deep, balna sets a ent cwaatr qo rrT- S-aroel No. 1 Mew Ttekla laXAWB Ox? BERMUDA mmmmSqrsmffmmwmsmmmmmWm saaajad la ssvty elipi aeea feaas Ssw Terts, THE technical schoolA TTjr mzlxzripz: I NEXT TERM OPENS I lmJfSlF FEB.

1ST. saaswT1 TAFE WORM. i caariaaATi tajAMurs Liaeeiaaa Coart. SIS Mala sc. I EXGLISH.

CLABHirAL AJi hCfEBTIPTC. Per Have and reane llaa. rmWmtjM OKXslAs and Bf AM ISM by astivs ffaw smarter aaeiiu Betnr4ay ORDINANCES. A If ORDINANCE No. A MM ta I -A a.

a aoecial tax for aidewaik te erealBM by the Board tratloo of the City of Cincinnati aauon nai a spaciat IBS UrVteg ID abutting upon the streets I tow. to pay the cost and expanse ef Ins-proving the sidewalks by the City Cowtrae- ir. ear. a. aauier.

ana aaniai itina tn fna estimate of the Chief biflater ef the Board or jaununistrauoa en nie ut ale entce which reference la hare made: Castles y. Ban, side Caanmma winvai ami vni nvnt xi ami vani amount per troi ae save sate sbmumss is reatnrsi. Saa a fcB. M. pgy ahUTu.

Saevei ate. LEOAL NOTICE. Ajeuaaxtara salb. tete bcndlnV sad I Caaaad Aoa 1-. mat S.S aa Oaols-nated be-1 rsagastyi AAse, a TaeanBS fcea, rtTtStAWT to an order of the Court of a lastarsacr VT naaaim in Cause No.

JOT hs aaid Court. will eir. ir. a auMia aaetlan oa HONDA the Sth day of February, xkUt at o'clock a en anon the premises, the fei tewing de aerlhed real aetata, tew; parcel pituate ana a -aa, wit Crncan natl, Haasllto ce-iaiy, ne. earog I Port ef Last Me.

sAavaa) 11 I- fi. I sTbdsvisiea, a reewrded fca 1 a. AN a nan, riaaS tli-aa OA I -1 lsa -n. Haaautaa oewry tcraiot sianeiBs, rest. I "i -e-i I Winnlo at a point la th east mmm mt HUls.

I t-i. a ICoUraia pike, at th northwest eoraer of a. m. I rr aid Oil bert thenee southwardly aJang Bt. e- av.

sosbi rsrs, xreat xaet. BOI I artv-tkn-e tWM feet, a at. S11.7-. drard LarvTL a- be-t. Sixth St.

aad Rdest Park, front feet. rk. fiunt faae if. Andrew, a. a.

aid Oirnert bet. I I Bl.n, M.n I -1 amount Ban- freac torn. miXtmWi total aa-1 ZZltTujmJoi mmmrmmTmmimVmt "Vermin TxSke. w. side AcadMy av ta L-Sf-suw.

Love, aged 78. True aotloa mt fansraX IBt. Iswrene and Visoent frost feet, I last- vw Vennt rA S.1 I Adasa Mann. Jaa. 3S.

at I aae-nsmerrt gag.taj. at no rallai hsHsdra (Han feet two hundred rtr t270 and two hundred aad seventy. 71l E. Knowlton's subdivislo ef ZZVJUtlm mm i scei Sad fas Plat Book one (paja, Im. meiii-i uvsi iv-oso mkmMitr-mtmm Knowlteer eub- CaBaaWsxrville.

as record la frooUag wef Cese-ardiy th width one buaared tVJUt feat ta and x-rtag th eaaae 'AVTTVTJT ESefie-VllTh aad Aadisw deeerl estuaie an th Teeati-fth tkve city mt cinctanavu. eeaiaty mt nmtmw- Itrntrn mt Oka. Beta aaaaa. a was any ae. I 9nA g.atg-iantl sa Last hie.

oa hw-a rreat I arsdaadtrty-STO MS ea th ptat ef 1 SlvilwosrB by the emecert-r yTcharte. WlUisaa. aee-asaa. an rm ah oaniOh Pagas VU aad Um, of tb aslrtaa Co-Maty (Ohio I IWerda. asad lot Comn VI rial front feet, I n.

neat, I l. av-uiaui tAvferty CJtn it aai ta ease naving a iib as mm HuTaSnhe. m. at sfoust hex. I tSTiZZt ra aa aiWy, being- tb trom Jaw Sw bv ChsrVre W.

Bleaa. by deed ris.rSsd as rk 7a7Page BsS. UvmkXUm Cawoty (Ulslof Psroai Mo. 3 avsaed at Siieaia. Pareat No.

1 atpraaen a i-T awia One third cash fax iku-d ta aa pear and owe third tn two InnlnVatk. day Bale, wtth taSAara, aafarred pajimini he sasurad by a asert- gag oa the waak-si aol -a'r'rf THEOLOR1S HOWJrTMAN, XaatsTiee hs Trnat far th IleaaOt ef rh eadiura mt Osavse Waas.iaS irger. 3. t. f8 awad ansaii: ikertna- Haildiaaj.

Fll aa-a. rt aaajll gnla. J. )ltw, tTlaM A iMsted Jaswaary M. U0I.

I sawed has bee July Ae by the Ceawt ef fas- sjbb an rgt mt th erwditer mt -A Cm. editors will BV ssent claims pi ou a 1y FKbU Fleke Fifth and I -a-vrrtr w. ta haislir a1ea tx-at tne sixoed haa bnaei eteiy appstalaj a-ad auaiined AilailsaaUfa tor eS the eeiala eg I hi uiar Ber Jaaaary TZ, 1ST. Crn. aeasr.

MoaajAxf 4k Vaaal. sBCrrDaTJI. slated as A4inuai af tmm eatate mt Fred-rrv-h laoeraoa. 1st en Haeviw Cewn-y. sraty ass enoh Inl.k..IXHF.

Atiarwr. Carl bb-s ANNUAL SSEETINO. THE aaaaal aiittn aa the ateckho'-tere mt J. A. Vmr A C-awpaany wni be ba4 at tbe in seal aiueae mt toe waiaar, twinswt csar Fremt end i aa anraaMs, (iseinui-l, tile, aw TCIaiiAI, roary 1.

at ji ecaaek a. xa far save pari ed saseusg a luoard mt Ilrartoes to sarve foe tne en.uinv year, and for te traaaactw. ef a her kaaiasa aa xnay aeeperi com bef'- -e t. lH ta--TA-J. Secretary.

d0 IZ c--u air thoroof hly raptehed aad iTJ iTj a bUvel I roavejed-hewTteklB-i. sr 1 i Box-Sprinj: Mattreades 6 tZ ar-Hair shoe- fJJ II iaUCU eaeda) reaoTSUedaA was war -vaa. pies ed 4 oughly re I aV FUTUl Ver days will ra eooar 4 Paraitar oE refmlar prWeo. Thia extra is i labor aad fiadiars only. Oar stuck of Earattar Carver lags ia larjer aad more coax plate than erer aad wrsco ar more asedsrste.

Jaaaary aad Feus-nary a lag- oar dail saoatb. snake this esTer to kaep the aphoistaeers bewy at oar factory. Artacie will called for aad delivered wlthot atra coat If withla oar city and aabarbaa ruaa, Out-of-lowa customers will sav ntoarv by hsTiag thslf old pleee mf FBraitars aad Mattress do ever sow. Wa saaka ao chaff a for ballaf or delreerlaf govds to depots. lUOlUeo, Sgreath and ShiUito PUco 1S97.

THt JOHN $MllLITO COMPANY. SkilMtSi Lrw Prttes Alwyt Keep SkillilJi Crtwitd. ManTX 7 ri. aUk Onr A.Tcrtlcincat ef. sanl aXCil Tapestry Curtain Sale.

1830 Racr, Seventh and ShiUito PIac 1897. THE JOHN SHILLITO COMPANY. Skillte't Low Price Always Keep SkiUitSe CremJed. Watch For ThU Shoe STYLES. ,1 an in i i 1830 XUce, Seventh and Shiiito WINTER REOrTT.

MUSIC HALL, WEEK COMMCMOBtk Moiutr, rr.aai'gav is, 0ALIB9SCB OFERi FESTIUL urkaad Waarnse's Meala fH Wtth Braaa, OeaeM. e. UiMSlliSIt, PIS is kna SteaflM i asr. hmwnmmm Taesdar IH sT A I tkK, sa a. So najaslis-B.

TAB Vlllaur, ra-a ail. Starts haen aa. Tn BfAI-Bgl, Kane. B. Oaaekl.

SHek tiifiakaslL. Rlahiae. rik BlaltreM. Thaday ftVeenla. Of ROPaUPf.

Vetknar. Braaa. luiaam Ii Blarla Trrtdar rv-au. rt Ti ao utTrarsltx. Sae, aaaaaneaa.

oaaaai. Bsa. Bta-ifai. rday Afieraasa. aaa) la 1.171 aMkaeta, DeresieV Jki.Mev.

ia avassavB, LT. Sr-takaar firtkittrt---lru Ciartt Se, 88, $1 AO aad 4 setaaa araaa a. gig. 8S it. awrlng laaauna.

TMB JONM ChUI-t-a1 (XX I08s-CTLAaa TTSB PA HI Oat. rArDKriixjc. abue bissort. Bra see Teas Waaai LYOIA YEA MAN TITUB. Tb Pearl sae CaanSisaa.

th Weris-s 'Iriiliil fUieillts-aa. laS a Spina. Imlliin Canvads krfm sinew! A la Aaaaa Binasrs ef AVas- Lsurolerg's nurrcleaxs C-aaataJocrape. SAhVOAia MtATIBES DAILY. rash Wshc RtrUerd aad GRAND I Va-aVrVl- the Mew Tarb t.

aaane I TMB LADY BLAVkXY, WALNUTl nsTs Pay awnd TawVl-4 THE SION OP TME CROSS. Waal Wes.a I-A raad UNITY CLUB 8unday Afternoon Locturoa, tmi firi liist, tnitj, Juixry It H. W. J. HA Mm IS a Per sele at (be aaar mt n-n ttwmm SHars.

Masdey-e neve tAssea and ah t-e a. inn a at mm aa. Slsst OanSar Was, t-rala I. MeaOy. PEOPLE'S THEATER HZ? CITY 5 PORTS CIO SHOW.

MATTNaxi TO-CaAT. TO-eTioaT. Mitksis twin FOUNTAIN trrvrs EOTT'S MA ITXAS STLJuL mono stgerasan aaa to as rartrvx. nu Wsab US war aa I nasi a ''xtaasarg I Mil. jobb dsuprrra a i O-sa- SS Raw a-sst tArsns.

HEUCK'SJ "ATisa'TxLiA Tta Bread SIBERIA MM Csa I a. music I VmZlita ItUzli VzzzziHti PI ALL-. IfMakTaaasr L1 EVAN WILLIAMS. rSrHAT AVa-uaJSOOSt. Jaa.nir SB.

at, t. avaTTTBroar avgjrrwa. ir aa iS mmmtBomZl VeaiL" u9mmtm On Mini ata-k-ei e-e-a-j Panek aaa) a. i 4 a. nx:" all, a toiirT-j cj..

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