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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 7

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 .1 Ti faablonebl audience At th Orsod Houm tut nlglM erhe hear! the voice of Mies Louis Royee, donna in "Th Wlsard 'Of th IimI dreamed that bar heart ll I down with A frttt grief. I iiirl- olnclrtental Is tb fact that the peat week two awabtn of com-plarlric at th Orand bare racelrsal 1. amaannounclns th death of -near rla 1,. rvm while they were on the stags. lam Friday nlsrht that' the wires 10 Julian Ksed.

a mmtxr of th Company, a. mMf statins hla wife waa dead. A th tetesraui shown to Actor Read until after fall on th laat scans, he shared nih- tha good forutns of know 1. of Ms affliction until tha play Cut laat nl-hl. Just before tha arnu on the first act of "Th Nlie," Miss Royce.

whits In her rimm. received a mmagt statins 1 l.alf brother, to whom sha was was dead. Ha was Captain 1 of Milwaukee, a prominent ..11 Mer. who servaxl under Oeneral Kr a fw momenta Miss Roycs was i- oni by tha sad news, but she composurs and there waa in her demeanor on tha stage to Innermost thoua-hts. Captain under a surftral operation r-nival of a tumor.

He waa much the singer, she belns almost a 1 hrn ha waa a young" man. but their Kinship were dear. Royre hsd him for soma yrsn, but has been Miiriant correspondence with hint all th'lr sepsnttioB. Tha fpneral i ur at uf a time as to render It to attend, although last night i partial preparatlona to do so. In ji'lnn nf tx-lns able to reach Mll-n' 111 time for the ceremony.

HIGH Ti' in mada a damonetnuion at tha Co-. In Chtcaso Sunday alsht asalnat f. Th hlaare and yells amounted to a rjr.uii Thry rnmpallad every wiMnaa who was ,.1 the Drat night of Bouea'a CapKaa" inn-hraVd through the performance all in iho txiaea-and one woman in the In pplta of the yeHa and catcalla A.n. doan at her from the balcony and gai-k'frf tier wide-nrtmmed headgear on aH th iera. Tiim ao4ay demonstration be- th curtain want up for the flrat not.

nnt-d till after tha opera had begun. 'Hit th muale and for a few mlnutee in break up the perforniance alto- 11 waa quieted by the a ah era whan practically ne more harts te coma ni in- play wnt on smoothly. The theater wiirn rha trouble began from the lop xmirr to tha feent row of the or- an1. but for tha noaaa. the audience ap-.

1 i.ltfiilr rpctabla. Nobody knnara who 1 'ii Umonjrtra Hon. rwn the auddnnaa jii.ur 11 misht have ausvetad Itsatf to 1 i-niiii at tha aama Inatent. It organ "Mata if." thai ware Interaperaed ami tnana as eoma of the woman 1 not to obey. When the hlaaaa lia.ia th parquet and draae clrola if 1 hey had tn causht by a gala iid Kvry woman who atitered tha iHi her hat on made a narvnua grab at a Mm aa aha divined tha I nip.

art at 1. nr TPiri I. mi. Nvar did beta coma off ao fonilnlne haada aa thay did for the hcfire the parformanca began. down tb alate with hair dteordared 1 withdrawal of bat pine, and with ir ril than lha ptuah upholatcry of the in th fourth row from the front of the Mni'hr woman wHn a wlila-brlrumad .1.

1 ir inr alth dm-lta" fathra. aat wHh a rr.1 mi thnmsh th parformanee. Phe 11 In the theater, outside of 1 1 a I tat threughout." EE NEVES WHI8TLED AGAHSr. i1 that K4 Coyne, the erephamY keeper fraroene, has never wbiatled night leat auiiimer. when the etat-- n-nJnninta were being given at tha a.

i--ir orf that particular night the keeper of it them down lo the ravine op-, 't iar pita to grace on ecsne of the fine The camel, having eaten her BM, arid lav down on the walk in front of yrne had to paaa the bear pits in. About 13 o'clock, when all the I- i- H-rt the gsrdena, he waa going along of hla favorite tunae. whan ail at r-ii mrr It frightened him op and ran aa faat aa be cooid t. hvuae. where be met Hill Meyers, the Imian.

t'oyne waa breathleee and could At lenerth li recoveratl hlmaelf auf- 1. Mj-ara. the big grossly bar Mvar lauahad and told him be waa l.ui Kd InMatfxl upon the watchman and going down to the bar 11 to eea. Meyere took the lantern gut a big coM of rope with which Mr Itruln. When they sot within too tM pitu f.vne purled Meyers by the arm 1" a alhilant etac whiapar: ieyra.

-r- that blark thing in the road I- up tha hurtem. threw the light on 1 nd thn buret out laua-hlng, and 1 I -anas. Kl? That a toe oCd Coyne -j. hut aiarted for fvn anawcrlng Mfym'l cheerful good- kepra In the gardena aay that nr heard Coyn whlatle alnoe that nlctit.

CINCINNATI GIEL MARRIED. M. Saturday tttra Edna Holbrook Baa-1 a. at the R. hi Iter, was married Aii-rt Marshall, the sdvartkting agent of that nan the two were strangers.

Last Tues-Mia Haaaaett waa given a rebeeraat at the with a view to her entering upon vaude- rk. She had hardly sung half a doeen hn Manager Blel turned to the Secretsry aaylng: "She'll do; make out 'r pcme queatton sroee about, the arapha an.t lrthotrrapha of-the actreae. and r-trv thought heat to refer It to -the ait'nl. au he want through the form of Ir rrvnlu. tion: Bassett.

this Is Mr. Msr 1 Hi an hour later the co pie could have been r'irriina on toward a photoarapher'a to nefentary plcturee prepared. It was "it ihe hi.l.lrn afrlnltlee ahowed themaelvee. morning Mr. Maraball strolled into his hoya he aald.

'Tm going to marry Ha-eti la 21 years and has been a rr and opera alnser for almoat Ave yeara. la in Clnrlnmil. Mr. Marshall, who la yeni old. is ronatilered one of the beet 1 ad-ertialng agents la the country.

BUILD DTP A GIAST. the Illusion of a real giant on the has alwara baffled, more or less, the most --1 atage managers, bat the quaatlon seems l-avr been astiafactoHly solved la tha prodoc-'n "Jack and the Beanstalk" at the Boston lj-um. Henry Mora, who plays tha Olaat 'tu In thla extravaganatu baa saoondad in himself up to a height at ever (set. -'runt tbe anatomical proportions of a Btaa ti height, sad Is described aa a huge, per-f ahaped and very eoarlaeing Colussus. la r-ifT do thla he carrlee aboot a burden of aad--lothtng.

wbteh would stagger men. Kven the hands, which are enraaed In ao deelgned that ao vaatbye tha article used la dsarernible by the atadlence. a in which be makes bla first appearance pronounced In most admirable keeping with a 6iie 11 is of the maaaiva order throughout. sprawling fireplace would hold three or four comfortably: the wainscoting and door and the scrollwork ernameatatlea are of "i ikme gigantic pro portions. There ia a chair "'W seat ia as hi a-li aa an ordlnarr man' a head.

the riant lounges coearortSDiy. am '1 in. with his bst towering 14 feet la the ni surroundings are I atature. WILL IT 80LYE THE PROBLEM? Mrs. nalnforth.

wife of tha manager of tbe Urand. ia seriously thinking ef putting Into of. an idea, which. If adopted, wOt smdoubtedly He the high hat tuijuuca Mrs. (talafoeth's plan Is for the house to furnish very lady patron attending a- convenient n-'a and hats will be cared for by" a competent atteirfsnt, they to recetv la return, if sen red, a simple, neat bead covering or knitted stuff.

Men. from a masculine point nf View, appears Something like fluted pancake. It te argued "at this arrangement weald consist ef several frs, which would salt tha complaxiea at the fearer aa well as bee taste. The idea seams to "fa clever aba. and Is par ha pa the moat practical attempt at a solution of a mystery, aulsance and which appears ta be aa cat the moat siucborn obstacles in puhUe view.

1 EsooRED nr iba viLArrEit hM night asrlac the rua ef "Toe Lady Blavey" New Orleans there was quits a noisy arena la the Academe of Mwslt. In wkieh tbe aadl toast a prominent part. Miss CshlB. and Mr. Daly bad fimbad thetr acrobatie dance la tha second act.

bad repeated It many times with asaay varla-Uoas. but the audience continued ta recall them, raised sueh a bubwab that the' play could sot 1 Cjoaaa. The actors on the stage could not be sears rt ik. nikaVS Wte aW24-BaUuri, Xrnai 3 at las cams aw tha st. wat as Miaa CaalU was not alaa fcn in mu wtn the had Wfun a cnense of IHsst and aai4 eot appear.

Is delicate at which fhe etas bib wared am af tear salrto from Um araaipWi atos ef tlx xa aa IndU-atlPia that she bad pen lei) Uarit4. Tata had an JaaplrtUas. ruwt than a quiet in molt oti tha asrtasaa. radnutile tbetr SMMnai. Mtaa Cahtll a raw aneanents earns to tn ImiKiliU In anal-amMolM.

half mown in a wrapper, to sow bar sracetai knowMmimit and rraeafvlty Siaa- her band, after wnica um appuMtea mUrmlr Sled a natural oaatn. aaa to play waa allowed I GOT THEM MIXED. rrank Uaniele has aa Beglisb govarnaee at bis aoms la Rye. X. sad eae sight iaac summer.

when the seatimeatal sad aJIsrtng eonlnass of the temperature had induce Mr. Daniels to warble for the benefit of bis ssee tabled family spea the ptasaa sad in the mooallgnt. with the aid of a "light guitar." at one of the paueee la the bursts imainr, in a aval nea aaio "Oh. Mr. baniaia.

won't you sing that charming Amarnaa aiog, rne uttie Blue Pltcnarr "Never heard of It," aald tmnlala. "(Mi. but It a sr. Aatericaa aoaig. and was eery popular in rnglano.

"More the It was here then." aald Uanleia. "Kaocv emld tha ravartwM ''Hiw 01M Mrs. lMBlela. who la sa Kngllah woman, but has baa many years in this country, was as much pusslad aa bar husband at flrat. But being more apt to remember tbe dlffarancea 4n espreeaione In ttie two eoaatriaa, waa auddanly poaaaaeed of en esplanatloa of the matter, and aald to the gov- Voa mesa The Little Brown don't you'! "Oh, yea." said 1 ha govararae.

"how eilly of to forget the eolor." 8 EE WAS5T 8ATI8HED. There never wss a lime when Frank Bush could not mske an audience laugh. An Inimitable delineator of character, be made ail people the subject of mimicry, a ad Jew and Oenttle euffered equally while gurgling their delight. SaM Otti wanted. Is Ihs ery heard throughout the nomas le woriq.

tou get nerend tor eome tnes-plleabla reewm you don't keep her. Recently one of rhee creatures gave warning. "What le tha matter. Mary71 "Tha matter la that I ain't aatlaned." responded Mary. "la the work too berdT" "No.

It's aaay." "You have no complaints to mske of your room or mes la "Nona: Ivs sained five sounds. I find time to sleep, and the magazines well, they'll do." "What le the matter, tnenr "Well. If you'll have It the family In this bouse ain't popular enough." "Popular "That'a It. Things are dead alow bars, and I must nave more life." D0W5 WITH THEATER HATS. DSMVER.

Cotxy-. January IS. A bill has been Introduced In the legislature by Kugene Bngley which lays an embargo on the high theater hat. The bill provides a penalty of $10 for the violation of th law la each case. AMD IM tOW A.

Ids Moutas, Iowa. January IS. By a unanimous sots tha six Aldermen present at the City Council meeting Instructed the City Solicitor to draw up an ordinance prohibiting and punishing the wearing of large hats at theaters snd public entertainments, where such ha ta obstruct tha view of others. The ether Uire Aldermen favor eorh a measure. It la proposed to Impose a line of from $2 to (IP for each offense.

The ordinance will cvme up at the nest Council meeting. MELBA TO QUIT AMERICA. racial, aiararcw to tbs Bsarjiasa Niv Ton at. January IP. Mm.

Melba has asked to be released temporarily from her engagement at the Metropolitan Opera House, and will ssll far Parts on Saturday. This wss ths decision reached by the prima donna to-day. after oonsultlng her physician. lr. H.

Holbrook Curtis, and Mr. Maurice Oca u. Managing Director of the Metropolitan Opera Company. Her condition la by no mean alarming nor such aa 19 caua her many drlende to fanr that ahe meat withdraw from the-, stage for a protracted period. the contrary.

'It is her hope that ahe may be bark In America In sis weeks or two months st the most a hope which every music lover here will desire to see realised. THE DAMROSOH PRICES. Ths following prices hss been announced for the coming grand opera season, when Dam-roach and hla stars will hold, the boards: Main auditorium, bark to posts S3 00 Main auditorium, back of posts S60 Ureas circle, first three rows 300 Lh-ees circle, bsrb of first three roars 2 Oenersl sdmlaelon 1 AO Admission ta gallery 1U0 BOUSA 8 ALE 0PE3.8 TO-DAY. Ths boa sheet for the sale of seats for ths great Bouse concert opens to-day. and those who propose to enjoy the grand imaucal treed should be In line early.

The concert will' take plsee at Music Hall next Tuesday evening, the Seth. The programme will be of tbe beet, so Bouse promises. MME. MELBA BETTER. Kgg January IS.

Tha condition of Una Melba waa reported to-day to be mueh Improved. singer refused to ssy whether or (not her lllneee-would necessitate her retlremenv-from the operatic stags for tbe remainder of llwta- 8H0V GOSSIP. Augustus Cook, who ptays Napoleon la tbe production of "Mme. Baas Oene," Is aa actor of un- questloneed abUlty. Before eemlnaT to America 12 years age he was a leaning cnaraeter aotor in tk.

WorM'e met rnnnl 1 Mr. Cook hss won distinction In America tbrougtt Ms i.w rmhaian a I.vaaHRl Tha. ater Company, together with K. H. Sothern company, creating many parts in these two organisations.

Edlnon's vltaacopa eoatinuss to attract tremeeid-eus crowds to Heck and ATery's Museum. Ths aaak are aapsrially eatertalalng. nartlcularty the one showing Niagara Flails from f. .14. .1 ih lii.njma a a 111 a tne Ainrt m.

train. No buslnsss man who la doing any business at 1- he ha cannot afford to taks at least one 10 book of tickets for the Zoological Gardena. II every Duwrsesa man -thia arm year, tbe Quest loo of main taining the Oardane would be solved. There are many who could altars te ten ww. iiuiitstlins in Cincinnati to in eicia.

Aueiv whom th K00 la such benefit that they could easily afford to taks many books of tickets every vear It should be no trouble to raise a largs sum of money, sufllclent to eWae n- rsetlvrCommlerSnr. th. best 71-tractlona attainable. the, Ptka Onsra Hint Tne troupe thla week are conceded to be the raost wonderful a nanabldiraa Uld trTTJnlfl lKllMMa TC ly from anymioa Shannoo of She wHI be the matsase bill at Heoek's to-day. No matinee a the Uraad or Walnut, am tne tespsai- Heaca a.

Two performances sdajr are now gt-rea at the btar Tbeatsr. aa-ariehoi. was was last at the Grand la "Rob Bouare Opera Company, eae rnCa of Paul Joats, r. rhaa. ooera stngera! The sight Oeaa m.

to hla raaaaser that be had nramptlT aacured Herr Kallh. 1J1H Uet asms taw heard went up. Mr. Oras stu There la what to -a-- as tha Cuba cMmas Ip i. run Piekers." xna imam aa thriUtns.

and calla for a JrVrforbSaS laua in innm r- u.aui aaa raariened bis Position sir. aa aw aa business aienager of Keater and BalTa. A pecallar parfortwa-c. of ReaelnTSOi-ru-rhs Barber at 8erlUe.Jwaa rscaatry rreen at fenos a Tt male cnaracxers es brwwM1Xtb.fe tore nrere sung ay. than arusue.

a asstlnnal feat la Tsaerasat at tbe laeaa Hoyai AQuartum. where a xsa. totted Jhei ZHLVyZrZi a oTwater. look, very m-eb Uk. ta.

Batb -Ilhert Baad wO be temt at the HaabvUle We nave tbla from prrenm aa i. C. Myroa. wb hv'ewf--. baaaoa tm tn7camic epere stage.

Is to appear with Francis Wllaon la "Haifa naj." The- report that Mlnam Dapras was to reUre from the stage and marry Cbk mlUlon. for as rumor first had tt Iro-lP which, by the changed to a retired eea V-" Sently arrtroe. sa Vies r-. tt sttl at tftts.uil b.

iws TIIE EyQUIBERs TTEPyESDAT, JAXlTAnY Slih 18D7a bag sppeeraae ia this etty waa la of -I lainrth wttb Ma4 sad win ka 'Liaaartn, S. OU beet, aa acter playing with "laved rreae tae aaa at tag tisisa Tbeeter. Cbiease. was tae siesta, eg aa a widest tne other atgbt. Oisbeet, Stied wttb wind are ths a erase thai gatae gran atsHuaa.

tirade a I be tbe notice, raaa ewt aa the bridge 9 trot sheas lae aaa-e. tbe betdge eoi- topase. and tbe svotor ia suppuseg a save fa nan tale ea asms, Otnaart bee bean hi tbe ha bat fatltng ansa tbe aaaitrass. rsSeusding like a ban. and tbea walking sarwa ta the drsaetag rsaea smlnjara.

The metal saniajia aass aanuaa Nivpa sa the nignt ua asvanea. aaas tne air Otlbert laniiad as a anal, baa same ad tae with tbe bard Sar. bat wlta unmet eni attendance be limiied through tttensstace as umias inrnagn ine ress at ptny. The mishap aid set intai saewa ta Tbe raw ef SeUka. watch MTa.

Catve bee do st to rraa Lent psfled her le retire from the stag. She leaned It sa a very few days, and that was said at lbs time te nave 1111 tae cause or ine suddenly it irnsias bar. Fraa CectUia Mobor-iUvsnst ern. the nsatbt soprano waora Waltsr Dsmroar bi ought ta Asnerica this inns to take the piao of the hue rraa Xsafaky. has restgned fram bte sav hartzsf aaTeetea nar ths Psnatssrh baa been able en sing only tares times twice ta fTnladelpble, wpeee ens sppenred In "Die wTemure," eod as OA rod In "Tannhaosar." gad once la Baltimore ia "Die Warkure." The agent of lonosrt eompan- was at Ut.

aHar-nag asm lie bad bargained with the proprietor ef a ball for the ass of the place one Bight. After the negotiations had closed It oucaiiod ta tbe agent to ask: How are tbe se sea tics ta that heHT" "Lemma tall you." said the hall proprietor, looking serious. Injured and somewhat Indignant. Thar wua aigger-mlnetrul eomp'ay beak, 'bout three weeks ago. In my place, an they stole 'bout evahfhlng tnejr enuid lay thae baa's en.

I hain't aaed them eeo-etkrka srnce tbem dratted mlnetrule lef. aa bit wouldn't 'epriae me sf they hain't gone aa' tuck 'am." The Romas Catbotlg priests of Paris bars been forbidden to so to theaters. Horace MeVlcker wlU become mans gar ef tbe fifth A vrnua Theater, under Henry Miner. Mr. MeVlcker Is a son of the lata veteraa Chicago mensger.

sod waa for several years manager of Abbey's Theater, now known as the JLatcker- backer. Leon Herrmann, nephew and sue as as or ef the lata Alexander Ilerrmann. will try hla fortunes with an audience at the Metropolitan Opera House January VI, and on that occasion AdeWde Herrmann win et a squad of soldiers about at her with seemingly rent but 1Mb. a trick which her husband used te make much of. TAXPAYERS To Take a Hand In the Spring Elec tion With a View To Seeuring Better GoTernment About 200 property owners attended a mass meeting of the) Cincinnati Taxpayere' Association st Wtthlng-ton Platform last ntarftt.

A number of speeches were made, tha general sentiment being that in order to secure good city govern men t. with hon est, economical officials. It is necessary for tha association, and In fact sit taxpayers to take a hand in potMIca, especlsJJy ax the nrimarv elections and conventions. Inde pendent of party affiliation. Tire Secretary staled that the eaaociatlon already numbers almost 2.000 members, but that It was to hava shout A.taSI before It could wheld the power It anotaia in tne uiianaiia or tsinarers.

ana dv a every one peasant agreed to eerve aa a com- at Anal la nnnar in nav mnniiria Whllo no nennrte action iai- wre inrllpatea that tne asewation win ha (mir In the eiectlon next no ring. Tha Secretary, Fred Tuke. read a paper, which ho conaernnea tne a. or tor uiu hlrh-prieed tortcK for paying aucy ana UA aaiil' "inatesul or ODOOSinB combinavtiona and truwta and thus aecurlna: low prices for improving pur street nun alleys, city omciaw nvip sun ihen ha liemamllne brands of material handled exclusively oy ireae cmnoiMiraii. nhrn they raised the prices ao much on nrbv did not the B.

of A. wait for lower prices and better times be-hi. eAine ahaail with ImDrovements. or else use other material? if they should do thla, tha Brick Trust would soon eome down In Ms prices, in oro to rerny mici m.i taka mrt in the primary elections and select taxpayers aa delegates to n-venttone. and In selexHhia; caeidTdates politics should not be considered, but only honesty and fitness for the positions." reported a cash reeerve of iSI In the treasury, and that 218 new mem hers had joined elnce the mat roeetins.

Speeches were also made in favor of modifying the homestead exemption law of reducing the coats of bringing aulta In Squires Courts to 2 and he mrenors rrr nirv.jiv. have their attorney draw up a petition to the in twgnru The olol wins new mem t-i jvuiau i night: Dr. Oust Brume. Key. m.

n. jonn-son. John Bprinerer. Nath InrfeUow. Jaa.

Dalton. Nickels. Fred Albere. Barn Shaw. Geo.

EgsTers, 1- itiugeuer. joe. Schmalstlg. Jos. Connora.

Oeo. Hardke, LeOUlS ScbultS, JS. STILL KICKING Are Members of the Police Force Oxer the Latest Order. vnh fsvbraM comment waa heard In police circles yaatorday over the stand Ths Exqcutxa has tasen in reierencw to tne order which has recently been promulgated In reference to members of tha force signing giips as to their whereabouts.

The con-senaus of opinion is that tbe order will be a failure, as stated yesterday, and that a trial of it la not necessary to show It. It fact, tha members of the department and those familiar wltn pottos nustnesa regain the order aa backward step. It will reduce the work of tha police teiepnone operators. snd soma of tbem may be dropped from the pay roll to make room for more patrolmen. Thla rumor ta current, but It to denied by rwloneJ neltach.

It la claimed by the. Su perintendent of Pol lea that the new order will van ail ni nam aau osi "vro whs an annosed to It do not understand it. Tha change Is that patrolmen must algn their names on paper slips la patrol boxes and then call up tne police leiepnona ope rator. aa ta the custom at present. The aaaratar.

however. Is not compelled to keeo a record of these calla. and the object of tha men calling: up to to see If they are wanted. If the men are not at the various boxes la time to algn these slips they must write out ths reasons why they were unable to oa so. An Kkqctbsk reporter- has talked to a large number of police men LJeu tenants.

Sergeant a and patrol roan end they are a unit In their stand that tha new rule wlU never work. It will bring more work of a olerice.1 nature an tha men. and soma will claim that the wearers of the blue and brass are trying to shir this extra work. nm tasra munt be some cooecleot ious men In ths department, and when they ara opposed to the aaw rule to a man it must be Impracticable. A number of ueuteaanta, and natmlsHB have been aeea In reference to the new rale, sad not one man la la favorer 1 I art II wtapa thai anile a month's trial.

SaM Colonel liettsch yesterday. "Than If It doesn't work we can sa back to ths old aratasL Tha nnin nnarht aot ta be con demned before it baa been given a fair trial." y-- v- TOTICim) KM. HIS TOtlglECla Th tnldnlsTht balls were rlngJns" when NlchoJaa Karr. of SOU Wbitnsaa atreet. strode across the polished floor the baU-room at Workaaen's Halt.

A. moment later ha fait for bla gold watch, but the tlme- pteoa waa gone, as waa sua goad enaun. im pelica ware nocined. A HEAYT PCSS. Oeorgs Duffy, tr well-known local crlm-mai.

who was arrested some tuns ago at Geonre and Central avenue, charged with earrytrter concealed' Wasapona, waa before Judra tregr and a jury In the Poiica Court ve.rdar afternoon and wag found aad. aos.a. II, WHT JfOT tB A TTPEWWTEB CLEVERLY Captured in Cleveland Was Abraham tf Baildia tad Lo Fine. Saji tae Trouble Wu Settled Long Ago, and That Hell Clear lliaaell. Abrahaun WefJ, formerly Vice President of ths Shermaa Loan sad Buildlns' Asao- elation, is under srrest ea the charge of unlawfully obtaining the sunt of CMS 43 Croat lbs Shermaa on August 23, 18M.

Hs wss captured at Cleveland yesterday morning sad brought le this city Last night. His srrest vras tha result of soma clever work on the part of Con stables Al C. Bailey and Henry Pfetffer. of Magistrate M. O.

Davies Court. Ths wan-airl. sworn out In Justice Ds vice's Court try Eugene W. Menta, manufacturer of bags and sacks at No. el Vina street, alleges that Well unlawfully pretended to ths loan company, through Its officers, that bs wss authorised by Annie Oott fried to bb mea aosvt And collect from ths company the sum of K.VC4Z, which was on deposit there pay able to her.

lie aecured the money. It la claimed, and, accord Ins to tbe warrant, cost, verted It to bis own use. The Constables left Cincinnati last Monday night for Cleveland, arriving there at 15u a. m. over ths Big Four.

le. terday morning they started out In sesarch of their man. whose address. according to the directory, wee No. 1H Van Buren street.

They went to that number and found hs hsd moved. They scoured the town over, snd finally succeeded In locating Weirs residence at No. 1117 Central. In the various place visited the officers were told by neighbors and small storekeepers that they would like to aee Well very much to collect Mils he had run. Messrs.

Bailey and Pfetffer did not find him at home, but they lay in watt for htm sev eral hours. THET nXAUT CAVORT MIM When he returned and hustled him off to the Hollenden. Ilia family at once heard of the arrest and started to secure a writ of habeas corpus for his relesae. but ths officers gave them the silo by taking an electric car for He re a. where they later boarded a Big Four train for Cincinnati.

Well Is well Known In Hebrew circles of Cleveland and Cincinnati. Ha lived here 15 years, first at 20 Grant street and later on Hackberry atreet. Walnut Hills. He was for seven yeara Vice Presi dent of the Sherman Ixan and Building Company. He went to Cleveland two yeara ago.

Ho waa in tne Business of purcnasing tailors' trimmings. When Questioned re garding his alle ed crime he aald the whole trouble was settled long ago, and that he would je aDis to clear nimseir. judge Fred Spiegel is nis attorney. Well will be arraigned before Squire Da vies this morning on the charge of obtain. Ing money under false pretenses.

ANNETTE AHEARN Was With Billy Jones When He Killed Himself in St. Louis Sensational Story. The later developments In connection with the suicide of William E. Jones In St. tesula are of the sensational order.

It seems that Annette Ahearn. the young- woman with whom Jones waa Infatuated, waa with him at the Mme he took his own Ufa, and wit nessed tbe fatal act- Monday night Jones wrote a note and sent It to Miss Ahearn by a colored man. It read: "Amxik: Come to me for the last time, at Ridgeway'a. Tours, Tbe St. Laouis police learned of this note and officers were Instructed -to find Miss Ahearn.

They succeeded early yesterday morning. She told a thrilling story of the suicide, sue said mat ene and Jones had quarreled, and ahe had left him. They met Friday night in a resort, and Jones took a large dose of morphine, but hts life was aaved by the physicians. Monday night ahe met him, as she says, accidentally, and went with him to Kidgeway's Hotel. He pulled a revolver and said he was going to sin ner ana nimseir.

ne tola mm to snoot, whereupon he turned the weapon upon himself ana fired. She then ran from the build ing, telling Rldgeway on her way out what had happaned. Her story was not satisfactory to the police, and she was placed under arrest. The remains of William E. Jones, the theatrical man who ended his life in St.

Louis on Monday toy shooting himself, as detailed in yesterday's ENOtiRxa. will arrive here this morning st 7:20 o'clock over the Big Four Railroad. Undertaker J. J. Sullivan will take charge of the body and convey it to the home of Mr.

John Havlin, a brother-in-law of the deceased, on West Fourth street. The funeral services will taks place at Mr. Havlin'a residence to morrow morning st ciocx, ana only the relatives snd Immediate friends of tbe family will be present. Interment will be in the family tiurylng lot In the cemetery at Madisonville. The pallbearers will be Messrs.

Charles H. and Harry Jones, brothers of tbe deceased; Mr. R. W. Barber, a brother-in-law, and Mr.

R. 8. LONGED To Emulate tbe Wild and Woolly Terrors of tbe West. They had read of Wyatt Earp. the bad man of Tombstone, and became fired with an ambition to follow Horace Greeley's advice and go Wast- As a result.

three comfortable homes In Georgetown. were deserted and three lads of that thriving Blue Grass town turned their facee In tbe direction of tbe setting sun. But a telegram waa sent to Chief taeltsch aaklnc bUn to Intercept the trio, and Officers Ellis and Stevens found them at the H. and D. Depot yesterday morning.

Tne kvle were taken to tne Fourth Dis trict Station. They registered as Flurry BlUe. Jottn Sinclair and James Fowld. all of Oeora-etown, and cave their ages aa 18. The Eui boy bad a "cannon" in hla hip.

and was th carrying concealed weapons. Trie others win be neia ror their pa rente. Eavch had a 1.00O-mile book and plenty of money. They epent Monday night at a touch hotel on Elm street and were about to leave for Cblcags when arrested. SKIPPED, When Called oa To 'Settle Did This ta est of the Palace.

A man registering; as 3 H- Levy and claiming to travel for J. H. Rhelnstrom, a haberdasher of New Tork, cleverly worked tbe Palace Hotel for several days board. The hotel people sot uneasy about him sad requested him to aettle. He said he could 5fX money a 7 rcnvuuia waa a- ri Ir.

Gardener, tha cashier, went with him to the Fifth -atreet place of business, but rvtii rachhelmer waa out. Lenf ex cused hhneelf for "a minute," and baa not tzvatertaiisea since. larr Ts. oa years of age, baa black hair and mustache. slender and would weigh a-boot 140 pounds.

He has aa aquiline none sad a pronounced scar from the neat to tha left Hla eoenpiexion la sauddy and he walks wlch a stoop. The hotel peopie tKtnir ka la a reerular hotel fraud, and have sent out a description of him. LIFTED The Child To Her Coach u4 Death Cauate Qwtetly. Death came la most startling yet merci ful guise to Uxxie Woods st the City Hospital yeaterady. Llxxie.wbo was only years old.

waa a homeless colored waif sand by ths sneers of ths Humane Society, being temporarily cared for by a waataa st 51 Iaodga alley. The little ene waa placed In ward and her patient endurance under dreadful Buffering, endeared her to the Bars in at-teatlaace. Afflicted with heart d'aease. the poor child battled for breata and aa numerous ooca skins was believed to be la the throe of death. Tassterday morning the nurse took the child out of its cot to change the aheet and laid her on a reclining chair.

Tha chang waa autcklv made and she was as tenderly returned to her coach. For an Instant mei nurse turned her baca ana whew ahe looked again the child waa dead. v. mUCX BY A CAB. Rnvmoad Kunlist.

tha unAartake-r af Elm- ssaanil Plaea. Waa aavtaesT be am. alaal.l ta last evening: whll ha waa crossing- Church street, la St. Bernard, and received a scalp wound. Dr.

pulakamp attended him. TYTOGfrnPrTTa 102. ass a Ths annual ajatertainmeat and faacy dress ban of German Typoerrapjua. No. 3 will bs held at Workmaa'a Ball (both WITHOIIT aliiLOY.

'lamaetee um-'- at aaw beta sal sa CM-TT- wMca ass send ta be ewel wera af art. ss serfactry taey rsssssM ta asvsaraaea tbe ass la awaetln Tbay gas easts sag af seech- aad taeaawsnwtsty to Cxejaaysaav Mlea, s-sas tha aaa saww ta street ears are assaad sad I large lelsn ar sssaaeiraia CM nans are 4J aad a jiaiisgir enrrteS ansa aaw s. y. The nssaasiiarlsa Leagse af tssasa saw to-stsas leadsr Sssrtad an-rtons. saisalts af erwai-ty te absaata fraas tartee anaaa, kstlig ar beaUe laiaur.

crab, arasd set aad per, walasar they know for fact tee Che i fore taey were pal sa cook. Isaiarslag ta the railway let as a fee last year ST.TSS.ess ssllisaa af aaaa sears sisasat i nra sa IS tins saor th wrnat laaarvslT ef BeUevtlle. wkieh three years ss escsaslvely awjaptied th north Sh si a sary wttb esAtas water Tae fruit an ear af Cbttfarala have eacVaad sassnd ( ta saauntalnrng a sobby la Wi tmm atssrtna tbe tariff agftertoo. la ths hope sf tasveby aaeartag higher taruT taxes so laaport- ed fratta It kaa baaa a saain intai sat Aretie sapiorars sad anck saaattttss ef alagtag atraa wttban the Arctis ctrcia. They are abaadant lniisaS baiVaf.

Xs tbe nxuakeass crops of asrles. eaeabs tries aad eioeanberrle that ripen ta the nortbern sarampa account for ths pitsiaes sf the birds. Snawballlag ia aavaK Ste. Marl. Vicb-.

le ta boos, and the small bey will nave te ssoa a lira t. tsa ratare. The aa. tf eanght. Is gao.

aad tbe alternative I as says la tha sop. Children are large patronlaers ef tbe aeetal sav tags banks of France, Oat ef over eoS.OM aepost. tors In these naMltutloe. aceordlag tbe reporti of the Minister sf Posts aad Finance Telegraph, SO. MS are miners.

A "proaslaeat Balsas ir of the Players' Oub ef Kanr Tork" laAaraaa a Philadelphia reporter that Mark Twain received ia Xasedon recently a letter mailed te him ta Hew Tork, and aavorssseo enry "Mark Twaia, Oed Kaows Where." PaetrtdsTee are aa thick at Tawaa City. that two bare bean caagbt ta tbe seboolhous. baring flowa ta tha windows. Pmbabtv the moat aahsppy woman la Ties afntnas la tha teacher who whipped a little boy. causing heart trouble, which resulted In death.

Ansona convicts have baaa teased for 10 years st TO cents each a day. their labor to be utilised la cona tract ing aa Irrigating canal that will make productive 1OU.0OS acrea ef arable lead. If roo wiU set down your atla and turn to rha man of Missouri, snd Then hb in tne as ma southeast corner, you wW And a lltrre dot ni the man with tbe name of New Manna at tacbad thereto. That la tbe ecsne of tha play of Pndd'Bbead WHsoa." Mark Twain causa it Dawson's Leading, but anybody who has haan in Madrid. Boott or Mississippi County would recognlss tbs place.

missis ii tnteties, a patarh of which have flour. lahad f.w sums Htne near Whipple. A. have overgrown wen-trodden paths there and made them linuaaaari sltbsr for rasa or animars. iw tttlstles of Oils ptot are said to be ths only ones in Art aona.

and tbe people, urge that tbay be avterminated before they become a pest every where to tbe terrtltery. The average orange tree of Mexico raise 1,000 orangee a year. Women vote oo various terms for municipal or achol oncers In Australia. New Zealand. Cap Colony, Canada and In aoms parts of India.

There are on dosen wild deer la Connecticut. according to th recent rtport of th Gams com mission. TOUQH SQUAD Of Supposed Pickpockets Ran In By the Police. Shortly sfter 4 o'clock yesterday aft ernoon. when Offlcer Palmer, who guards over surging crowds at iounn and Race streets, noticed two tougn looking orTouag fellowa acting In I siisoli-iena manner.

He decided to watch them more closely, and soon he became con vlnced that they were not hanging about tbe neighborhood for any rood purpose EMarlnar over to the two men Palmer col lared one, but the other ran. um- cer Palmer grave chase, and was gaining upon his man when a crowd stopped the fellow in front of Gerders Hotel, on rinn street, snd a bla man, evidently another cnnfarieVata. broke Into the throne and manage "butt his pal out of danger. The policeman then took charge of his one prisoner ana orouiui tlon, where he registered as Harry Miller. 30 years old, or Akron, onto.

At almost ine same time that Palmer brought In hla prisoner Special Officers Weasels and Batsche walked into wniei oi 1 Bee with four tough-looking men whom ha arrested at Fifth and Race afreets for actlna rather suspiciously in the crowds. at he ata tlon house they registered at vt.rtin 31 veara old. a nrinter. Itv Ing at 410 Bmirn street, inia rnj, uAmaa veara old. of Philadelphia.

Harry Allen. years om. or nic a- go. and Eddie nogcra, ii jrsra wu, a- ron. una The men claim tnat tney raewn onu ucii iu the city one night, and tnat tney put up at Rim-atreet house Monday nlgbt.

Col- iMivriv thev are a decidedly tougn- Ing squad that might bo able to take care 1 1 in an In.naiira. or any stray vum An rnwn In police circles tne capriar- iu ana is conendered a very good one, and re-cia credit udod the arresting officer ColonI Deitsch wU have th crowd "mugged" ror tne roauea 11117 umar, and has also fcesued lnstrucoone to na men in airt tne case to tne wnroro. effort will also be made to-day to appre-haw rhe felhvw who escaped from Officer Palmer. His hat I at police haadquartara. POIICW liaauilUBTieia, slm promptly should and srIU be returned ro he decide to call for It.

LOCAL. MOTICES. CFMothers win find Mas. WranoWi goonnxa Strdp ths best remedy for their children. -5o bottle.

I7R. j. McCombs, grocer, th A Sycamore. CTTrt the Home Steam Laundry. 45 Arcade.

DEATHS. a aHT-n After a Bna-erina alckness. Alex snder Aasur. la th 77th year or nis age. Burial from his lis late residence, no.

tja v. tri-Kih at at o'clock Wednesday. Services at chapel Walnut Hills Cemetery at 3:30 o'clock. Please omit flowers. BAfER Elisabeth, beloved wife of Dan iel Bauer, at ner rate rvanjean, ett.

Jan. 19, 1807. aged JM. Funeral Thursday morning. o'clock.

RlVHAT'B At St. Bernard. Ohio, aMrs. Catharine binnau. au neral laolemn requiem maaa at St.

Clemens Catholic Church, at St. Bernard, Thursday. Jan. XU 1. at 8 a.

m. Burial at St. Mary's Cemetery. FAUJ8 At her home. -190 E.

Second Covington, asooosay niam. Ana Fsllls. wife of D. J. Fal is.

in the 87th year of her age. Funeral Wednesday. Jan. 20. at 2 p.

m. Burial private. Kindly omit flowers. GRAEFINO Kate suddenly, Jan. 19.

Burial Tnursoay rrom ner sisters nvme In IdlewlKL JOKESWra. Monday avag. Jan. is. lWi, IB nta SHtB year, famrsi irsm oh w.

Fourth at- on Thursday, at 9 a. aa. Burial private. KRITHAtT At 4 a. Jan.

19, a. Au gust Krutheup, after a saon liinraaa, agroi 28 year, at the parents' residence, n. a. cor. Pearl and Butler eta.

High mass Thursday, a. at St- PhUosaena's Church. METCALFE Entered Into rest Tuesday. Jan. I.

Harota uuasn, twin soa of Evan P. and Hannah E. Metcalfe. Funerai Thursday. Jaa.

21, P- from family residence. No. 1198 Fairfax v. East Walnut HlUa, MTLLKR-On Monday. January IS.

17, at 1 ao p. tn. Mchola Mulier. is bb xuty-second year. Funeral service st St, Xsvier's Church Wednesday xoorniag.

at 830. Burial private. O'DOWD John Jan. IS. beloved son of t'atnex ana Kate iswt, in in sua year of his age.

FanoraJ wfll taste place from th residence of parents, 61 Daytoa Dayton. at JO o'clock. Jan. 21. Requiem high mass at 9 o'clock at St.

Anthony Church. Bellevoe. Ky. Friends ara cordiaily Invited. RIGDON Mrs.

Orae beloved xaother ef Lee and Roland Rig don. Tueoday 1 sajTsias, arna resrasac, na o. amiwi LAdkrw. Kr. sow.

ivy. uncrai imrais), ai a from tha First Preabytariaa B. from Ludlow. BHAFER Oliver Bhafer.v,axed St yeara. Tueeday.

Jan. 1. at tbw faoese af his pej-eots, T24 Lam are! s. Ihs rat Lamarei wUl be given. not ice of fuaersl nCW MENTS OOOatAlJ.

UNDERTAKEN JTZZJ isira r. wixaras-ss. SOCIETY NOTICES. GRTlali jriarrvjfCI. KHarrrmlna- Chapter Ka 7.

jv a- Wedaei-iay. January January S. aa. aa-k aa. i -W, 1-1 Jaa i Il.i.aj.rT.

an la aaUIS ascreuu. luaaiassa wera Seas ba THE ALMS ours are single The sort want we and soace for anything excepting correct merchan dise in every particular our customers, as well as all there is to it. $10.00 for What do you $35 and $35 einnintr with to Jackets. have disposed 150 garments in all we give Curl Jackets in our store for. An lined beantUnll ftT tn T.ariW Cnrl of $15 and $17.50 Latest shapes, in black, bine and green.

Jackets. Represent good values at $15 and 17.C0. We have about 200, which we $3.95 for You know a $10.00 Well, these Jackets at the regular price are wortn Jackets. 10.00. ve have them in all All well and aoorooriatelv lined.

Take your choice from about 300 gar ments at $25.00 and $35.00 We have sold all but 25 of our finest For Coats worth Imported Coats. Those on hand in from $75.00 up this lot to $150.00. prices earlier in the season ranged $150.00 a garment. We have made only two lots of them and they are marked at prices that should quickly transfer their ownership $3.50 for Not a Golf Golf Canes lu than IflO.OO some valued higher. A worth $10.00.

rain-sheddintr Blue. Black. Brown and Tan. to make a selection at New Skirts Our Buyer in this Department caught a man from $1.98 ufacturer short. to $10.00.

anci must have it out boutrht all the Skirts he which means that competition ritrht early. Here is a great centage above net cost You Skirts until you have seen them. Ot some we nave plenty to meet a heavy demand of have calls for. They comprise: One Lot Black MohairSkirts, at $1.98. figured, 4 yards wide $1.98 saSMeasured by our low prices, these Skirts are worth $2 50.

One Lot Mohair and Sercre at $3.50. Skirts Choice of Black or Blue, 4j4 yards ar wiae p.v by our low prices, these Skirt are worth $5.00. These Garments are all rijrht as to SOFTVICI KID. ISN'T IT A BEAUTY? Price $2.48. let our knife slip into the of the Shoes.

All of our Ladies $3.00 als to toe last, Kid and Cloth tops, heavy extension sole, in all sizes and widths. Cut $1.85 For Shoes Ladies Button Shoes Welt and Turn worth Soles, Opera or Common Sense last all $3.00 and $3.50, sizcSf A and widths, other dealers are getting 1J3.00 and $3.50 for Shoes not any better in quality. Cut $1.25 for Ladies Cloth Lace Shoe, fleece-lined, leather Shoes trimmed, solid soles, warm, durable and corn- Worth $1.75. fortable. All sizes.

Good value at Vi Cut to $1.25. $1.35 for All Quilted Satin and Leather Slippers Shoes worth and Buskins, i Heavy fleece-lined and $2.00 out. Were none too high at L75 and 152.00. Cut to 01.35 Satin and Special lot Quilled Satin and Velvet Lin- Velvet Slippers, brotdered Slippers. Warm linings.

Worth a dollar if they're worth anything. 1 Cut to 69 Cents. Infants Infants Black and Tan Soft Sole Kid in Shoes lace or button. We offer you a chance at "them 19 Cents, apair The Dtiiplce Co. MAIN, CANAL AND HUNT OTO; DIAMONDS.

MICH I BROS. Its West rsart Sen. aTsw Sa. S14 Wast iTeaxth DOCPKt CO. When It Comes To Thinking It Over Your meditations and ideas and just about tne same.

of stufT that you dont don't care to deal in knowingly will not give it a moment's thoughtnor even look, it in the face. As to providing either shelf or counter well, we won't do it we, know it, ana tnat iktnk of these ofiermzs? Bc- day, and continuing until we this lot comprising some choice of Ladtes Finest English iiu.uu throoghout wltn 6ii, isnets, and Boncle Tackets. All sizes. will sell at 57. DO for cnoice.

garment when you see it $3.95 are principally Velvet. The at which we marked them all the way from $75.00 to $25.00 and 9dD.OO Cape in this lot that is worth earment. sizes 32 to 44, in About 200 Capes from which He needed money at once at a sacrifice. We helped him had at about our own figure, will be lost in the background layout marked at a small per can't lell anything about these others not as many as we will One Lot Fancy Mixed, Wool at $5.00. Skirts, 4yi yards wide $5.00 S9Mearel by oar low prices, these Skirts are worth One Lot Black Brocaded Silk at $10.00.

Skirts, 44 yards wide $10.00 sMaMe.asared by our lew prices, these Skirts sre worth. Material, Style, Finish and Make-Up Our Ladies' and MissesShoe Dep't Presents a brilliant com bination of style, shape, fit, elegance and fine materi all associated with low prices. Hard to beat such an array of talent. We're not in the business take a second place wouldn't think of doing it We have cut -into the an ask prices or some or our shoes in the cutting we have been careful not to leather, nor the quality Button or Lace, Vici Kid, needle UNDERTAKERS. A CAMJ to rcan.ic ttm asaf fter to aar sssr sa sues .11 a aa fottoara: aiitnsa 1 4 rrarerT 1 19 hsarae i.M Kaaniir ss low pidiss a aJ saajar i Us DDVr; TiXTE7'17! TA a k.

t.KM, I -rs la lar" i i si3. TMI JOHN MILLfTO COMMNV. SkiUASs Uw Price- AJwmr AW? BE-Dfl HPT1 Special Prices Hilr Mattresses Halrlkaearalratnn1lS rsaqas. iar ucaUanT. Box-Sprier Mattresses rt0 JZf cu For SO vt viQ rt-ceei old faraitur- i 08 regular jkficev Thi redactioa cm labor aad iadisx otOy.

Omt stock oi Fornhara Covrriap i Urrcr sad mor compkts thaa rrer, cad prices ara more JsJiasTy and Fcbraarj being ear dn3 moatlxa, art make tas offer to keep tfca epholstema btwy at mmr Uctoty. Aitkles wiU ka called tor aad delivered vhooat ertra coitA within ottr city aad suberbeLB rms. Out-of-tomi costoaar mSl mt taomty by kaTiag their old peace of omit are aad martreue. doae over mom. We tsakt ckarg for baling or delhreriag good to depots.

1830 Race. Seecatk AUCTION SALES. The Era-faTT. Bejui heim Co, ArcTiosKKma. a aaa Absolute Closing-Out Sale or THE WEST TICE ENTIRE STOCK Finest Imported Decorated Porcelain TABLEWARE, Elegant Cut Glassware, Artistic Ornaments, riarble Statuary, riagnlflcent Brioa-Brac, Cutlery, Silverware, AT AUCTION, 0a Accawat aC acttrlag froai Scslaes, COMMCNCINQ OTThis Day, Wednesday, Jan.

20, 1897. 10 a. m. and 1p.n1, Ceattaafnar fraca aav aar mx II th a ttt-a aUxh. la a t-s el artery ta Ike Ms-beat bMajers, vtlhoal limit ar ri asrve.

cata laarue. la hxa ta salt Barctiaarra. N. B. Tills la aKhasI aouax th Isrsavt and Sneaet teek of thta ena raster ever saves at aaettoo la thss retr.

aaea 1b worth) ta attention ot all tasss In want ef flrat-claa THE FTFXTEL RE RK HEIM CO, Aitctiooearav. RESOLUTION, a RHOUTION daciartos It atV te tznproxr Haa aeeaua. frsta Osaa rsr aseaias M'sra a Keaalaad. That la ta htraa at the mamaarm asn rena tsa ef 11, thlrda at the asseaaars srtsal te tin Board of La1slatto of tha City at Cineiaaatl it la necessary ta rmprer news mm, rresa seaway areea ta Warsaw asaaaa, by Sra4lnT. aattlne; cartas aad a vine the read-way with brlek taneh tampr areata Hns receaaeaiM bf ta Batrt of Aasilalairt.

ttoa), la aooardaar with aamaa aad seoAas en ft I In tb Ofne of th KninN of the Danra of Aanimnriuan an ssr-Beatlon. an file la th eOsc af tha Itoard of AdsalatatraUnai. The aipeas af tae lmiaieeiBat saa aaaaaavs te abuttlna property owners, if say, laa aa assail tr aSutthisT foot aaaa the saoperty aaaiadlac and absattlaa; thsrs am. nooordisas ta th saw and ardlaaa aa the aubjex ef assasaniaata; tn assa tharsror ta Dayaai la taa nuai tnstallmenta. If deferred, sad the earn col tooted aa arorlded by law and la th as 11 us ordinance harsaftar saesed.

Honda a nan an issusn ta astaci pause at the eallectloa of the ansa ssrna nis. unlena th property ewaara pay tnajte ass.aaaisnts bafor th bum ara laajd and wit hla th time pr airload la aald assssaina; artUnaaoa Preatdeat Heaard af Iellatloa. Attest: Kowia HaapaaaoM, tity Clerk. Psbttehed oy oroer el in Koars as ACT. HERBMAJfW.

A. P. BuTTKaaux, -Clark. a BrsoLUTlON skeclartnar tt I as pt see t'ers not street, fraas Heat. rn aeenu to Lavsoeii sirs.

KMOIved, Tnat. ia tne opinion or iw third ef the aseaber elected th Board af Iesialateaa of th City af ciaelnnatl. Is S'fiairr ta laa pro Pssnpaey a treat from tern arenas ta unaau btj aai. ny siailssr aetUas eartas Bead Barms the I way wltk bowlder lw-h linpeoa hsliir lajoBnndd by th Board af read. mlnaetratkoeo.

la accordsanea With plaas and pranlas a oi ia ta emee or tne -a-rlnesr of th Beard of AdnalnkstratWa. aawS anafteatlens oa Ale la the af the Board ef Adaeialstrettee. Taa as pen of ta eaio iinasu.asn.nt ana aaaa. as ta tbe efewttlas property aaaia. If aay.

to be asaeass par SMnasf toot upas taa Msasnr aouaniaa aaaa aauttinar on. aorordlnc to tha law and ordlaa an th aabact at sssiaasaanta; tb snenta taawsstar ta be sayabae la tan lnatailiwsita. If deferrad. aad the asms lsela aa pi arreaa ay aaw aaes sa taa lna- ordtaaaee nraatr Basoned ahall ba taaiaail la aaUci aatloa af th setion of the ass as sweats, nalssa the prop. rty owsasrs pay tbsar sssaaian ints bafor tha auM are rsaasd and wlthla tbs Uas pt at i iti ad la said assassins orrtinsaaa, a a a a a aaCaeT a a ajor 11 aside at Board of LeHrialatsoe.

Attest: EBn HsaMaaosi. City Clerk. Pabllabod by armor ot tae Board of Aa at-O. HERBMAXK. Trsaldant.

F. Bi T-t an rtaua. Clerk. row SALS. FC3 ZLU-lZol flZKZl.

rrafra LKM HOS cosrAri siaat. iaeai JaaT Or-Hla. taa. ma illae a nstaiaa. Staca.

Sits a insai ir faaa bm, aad uraa's aaaaasj aiaisinery ail aesa. and ta Sao mania asues il neant ay tne an Ji baoeivsr, as to sTelsaa. aooa. JsssatT IWT. a Uas Blaaat TailiaaJn iaOTM.

tl. c. a. FINANCIAL. r.iorJCY TO LOAN rasteea CspUs! ss Basi XUtate tsearltj St kissal rata.

TZZZ'Z Aa ZZTZZT, 114 ZlA T.ZTVllX aSaoSS annual ro4- AWtlSSES For 30 Days. $3.25 Each tad SkSIito Place Ut7. AM USC MSN TO. THE RIKE ttx-Valaan TTOeVaTAf A TCXilf A f4U oft a 1 sN.uarrsiisii I MSIS. TTJ laa SIlBCCS aVaiir.

i re (Seat sra larsa Tnsa WALNUT i MME. SANQ QtZNtZ, WITH 1 la ran ims ma ttmm area ttsaas tlsann Ssmtea. ansa tea 'Ina GRAND Oai Matisse TMI FRANK DANIELS NILE nsr.Eiu.1 mm rmum ELI 1 ana Tit Sf ass, atAVtrixa fOMrr.i"i Sale at sssis era us at Th 0awi SVi Siiaaitay. lata, fat PEOPLE'S THEATER Inrli trti.tir1ni.tri nl ti "Taan I)sKt rvsatar feaf. Suwssr smsimaa ill, i 25i star nam Centra I last.

1U 4tS areS Ma, Rnssell Bros. Comedians. Pallf ntatiii is. tr.r JatsM. Wsaat is Beats aaa, Ea ssstar Matas-a.

aat aisaaasr ttam 9fm 19 KitnTaiaass Caaaasr tUw IN. I a aea MR. sr. II tvaa V.n ta tns 141 of nae nant BMMMMOM Of reear mMTM. Masnlaeant ata ranee a rrtcea Se, as, tae.

Mast tatlrta ro.iHi i a a. aiTmn faa-SB. avsaa a O- oX- KIDNAPED SMoetHsa lS yeasn a.tao. retsre faemt. ei aeea ss saaa.

FOUNTAIN TtTiw FRANK ftUSM ia -GIRL VkKTZb." OOIMI RKSKMVKIB SSAr 9 CKNTS. Kest a eeS-Hyt -A Tessa aaaar." I IJ.l.c..N..,mMrH: irtWl I f. Hstyat S. sa. Mai a Kasensja I ef nerfoeea.ns I aa.ea.

3 Cutlsis oauaar. Sasasaiatliea. K. LA NO DON'S. RECfrriON FLAKES th V.

S. RegUtereti Trade -snark as snd ota biscait that Is so gone) Inst mrmvld fee Imitated If it were lawful to do s. langdon bakert. wintch eoT. rum mow wiLMJWta ibxsid or WrTaf riVLI is i TT i i a sailieay aair.

laa MaUa sf aooth as? ta Omit saraaaa S'saasis M. -erf I sad tea asm oaeai im ml ii -VtSTs MaLaKIA. lavas alsaa sasaaas atiaiais are Slam ail eeeey tan ae aeo fjSna. aad taa siaaoUaal WasM lodaa lalsaa. ml-liUlad a sasiia UIllS tt st aa ef abeajt saor eVwtara pae r.

Tar i al -m as. My to alTMtS A fT Beorsaor. until. Fnnaaa. A.

BV OCT V-H Ja TTV, a a (y'i SS Hi nlaif, es Tea. IlsCaS, COOSt A bust, S1 ata-sr Tsa. POR IALI. Fixtures For Sale Show Caaea, Coaotera, Shelrin iix.

Inquire at Battaa Stora, W. Cor ner Srrenth aad Central mr or 2T. W. Corner Twelfth and Vfala sts. LEGAL NOTICES.

NOTTCC Is bereby creee that la sate, aei fber baa been aaaalata) anal snaaU- a4 a Esseatrla sf tbe Batata af Mrs, Throat a (eacttnaaith. deceased. mahi u. kM arai it. Kseeains.

Onelnnatl, January la, I -a. 7. STOTICK la Hereby sla laal taw uaaee-alsnod baa been duly aiflnted bmI uaUf.4 aa the Aanainmtratria af tn ara- late or tteary vsrnase, siaiaais. aaaa sintaaaa.wsi a.anaaaa, e. IU.U.' r.

CoT Si Aluaraay t'lnrmnatl, January la. 1 7. NOTifK Is be rt. a that a- sa-riuer has ba aluiy ai-iwtaie-l a. I Jualifie't aa A.imUiiairatrii ii, -1 una W.

N'aeaei. asosaaaa. lata si j.eau..- ton Counr. t.ftH. I AKii I MKUCb, AaaatniBtratMx.

January 1 1, 1.7. ytTTTf'I: I bareby arlTj that ia Xl n.4 haa leaa ys in I aa i.irm er i e- 1 i nae. a. lat Of j. an.

mi C.o S-' rl I- I Si. a.t-. -f. raHsrtasal enaw al anieie a arr a a oan. laa 1 aa aaea ISO aia-w.

at ra r-aasaa, Nra Taea, S-ea ea josr 1 test.

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