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Butler County Democrat from Hamilton, Ohio • Page 12

Hamilton, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BUTLER COUMTY DEMOCRAT, TtiURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1896, B. SANDERS DENIES HE SIGNED A BOND HELD BY THE NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE CO. AGAINST HIM. A Mollon for IJustily Frtmi Itio 1 flVmj'U- of ol i lie Norwich Union Tiro lilsni iuh'0 vs. lien iJ.

Mncko et of Sunders has bci'ii Hied, ik-iiying thai on May lie- lugclhi-r with Ihe other defoti- and delivered lo plaintiff a bnnd linn dnlo in Ihe sum of and bivanu- Lionud to plaintiff in raid Mini oilier sum whatever. This is the ease in which it is alleged thai Mr. name was Alin'd .1 Welliver Miles II, hind- ley, S. l.mdley, Paul J. frirg, S.

Jennie Sorg and Carrie milt for the parliiion of certain real cs- laic in Campbell's addition to Hamilton, ad real trails The grand was announced wicks ago, Monday began its labors. At IHVIoi-k, Judge Win. S. (lift- en charged tin-jury, pointing out its duty in the investigation of all crime and offences against law. Ho referred pointedly lo I lie various offences committed and urged upon those making up tlio jury that no guilty ono escape, uo matter whom ho or she might be.

A.SSH1SM K.NT3. Tue following aro tlio court assignments for ihe remainder of tills week '1'UKSUAV civet- A Co. vs. W. II.

et al. George P. Burnt vs. George Ausporgcr Cincinnati Brewing Co. vs.

Eva Keys. Sarah J. Daugherty vs. John Daugherty. Anna Armstrong vs.

Edgar Armsliong. Ijilali McCafferty vs. Frank McCaffor ty- G. tiould vs. W.

T. Albaugh Sons. Isabella liarnctt vs. Martin Raal: ext-r. Trulock Snnpp vs.

Charles Cotes coimly commli-BloiiPra for last month: Sliolov, SllUiOj $10785; Mc- Laughllu, jail hill $215; infirmary directors, Tuliior, 105j Frederick, 537.50, and Hoal, $37.50. ASSWKIIS. Mary K. (i va. Joseph Sloneker, treasurer, ol defendant's answer filed, averring tliat plaintiff was liable for the taxation assessed ou certain properly in llio I'iflli ward, of UIIB city.

W. JyfcOy et al. VB. Charles T. l.cmg et defendant's answer filed.

C1U.MINAI. TIIAKS01UPT. State vs, I'. .1. cox and Joseph Peters, on appeal from 'Scpulro Stevenson's criminal docket.

A Htato of Ohio vs. Harry Hosier, transcript from the criminal docket of Mayor Bosch, nhooling to kill. PATRIOTIC OroiTB Theodore lluuk, lu WrltloR to lion, II. Fornkcr. Tho following, addressed Joseph n.

Foraker, appeared day'n Cincinnati Commercial lo Hon. inTliurg- HAMILTON, December, 27, '02. Ohio ex rol. BOiier. Norah Hannah vs.

Fro Joseph W. Slonekor, treasurer, vs. Jonry liardiimhaua, ot tho do- jtidants Tlio 'Seal cfc Urban Safe C. Urban A J. Donald Mc- "eal have demurred to plaintiff's potion.

JUnOBMEST. John IT. Shuhort vs. Henry Iloib, ot plaln'iff ordered to pav Maria Heib, with interest from December 31, rom: CLOSURE. First Nations 1 bank, of Hamilton, )hio, vs.

Anna E. Niedorman ot a uit for tho foreclosure of mortgage ou claim of A NEW SUIT. Wade-MkuMlllon vs. John C. Jacobs and wife, a suit for the foreclosure of mortgage.

JUWOMEST. Jfrcd Cramer vs. J. J. Kichardson et judgment for plaintiff in the sum of $100.

Daniel Schlangen vs. MIddletow I'uinp Co. Fin M. 'V Flantiagan vs. Goo.

AugBporgei ct C. F. iuuckel vs. Clapp et nl. C.

1-.'-l vs, G. N. Clapp ot aL H. I), K.jior vs.

Jtimed Wilson. Ohio ex i-L'l. Win Murphy sr. vs. Frank X.

1 Auditor iuc. David Piernu, assignee of Oustav StetTe, vs. Cnstav SletTu, sale roiillrmt'd. In Le mutter of the assignment of J. C.

Slay back, assignee. has liei'ii ordered to sell chattel property at pi i l' 1 sale. A. (i. VP.

Margaret Hancock et ctistL'ilmtitm ordered. Caleb A. Slu-rn luis hecn appointed of Philip I). Mnlnon, an imlje- cilc, nnd lias ftiven bnnil in Ihe sum ol himself as principal, wilhT. Kinulcr, (J.

C. Munns, G. C. Wollii-er, C. 11.

W. M. Shora and John Sht-rn as sureties. TO TII r. Shcrift-clci't Win.

lirncks took Mar- glmll lo tin- Ohio pen, at Colum bus, t'jdtiy, on sentence foi cullinu (ini- a year ago at a country dance. In the case of Ihe slate of Ohio Ek-azor Braini, chargi-d with seliinj: liquor in violation of the local option laws, tiilfi'U has overruled Iho tlfifemlan t's TiKitii.n fur a new trial, has fined him ifM and costs and fontenced him to :50 days in jail. The jail sentence however, been Hiispc'tidrd lo give the tlefendiitit opportunily to appeal the case to the circuit com I. Ndl.l.ii:!). Prosecutor C.

.1. Smith has nollied the indict ments against Henry AVilmore, Martin I'oast, Martin Elmer Kendall nnd Ilotnor Nesror. A Home Loan tV lluilding association of Hamilton vs, Mary Hojian ct plaintiff asks for the appointment of a receiver, AN ANSVs'KR. I.evi Gould vs. William F.

Albright. iliLnl 1 answer filed. The Indictments against John Casey, Harry Sondon and Jas. Brady have hecn nollied. A -MOTION.

In the case of David Bell, Israel Williams, defendant has filed a motion to strike plaintiff's petition from ho files because it is not veriiied, as required by law, THE OIKCUIT COURT. The circuit court was in session. In this cilj- today. JUI1GK JtiniFHY ILL. Judge ClarcMico Murphv, of the pro hate court, is ill at his homo on North Second street, Din NOT MEET.

The members of the board of agrioal- luro failed to meet the county commissioners today and consequently their differences have not been adjusted; SUBSTITUTE JUROItS llonry Hobunmyor, Lew D. Murphy, J. Porter and George Po'ter w'ero on the grand jury to fill vacancies caused by tho excusing of the rog- jurors. 3UDOE MURPHY ILL, Clarence Murphy, of the probate seriously ill at his home on North Second street. JUOGMKNT.

D. n. Bundy, guardian of Hannah Leslie, vs. James W. Rogers and John R.

et K. U'ulf vi--. Wolf k-i'd for real estate l.y arid Margarot Wolf eel HKidu and ivon possession of liie eL the du' invol iru.d to the ijlttintij'f lantt fco ftiinplo, A KNTUV, Stisati H. Wocxlrrmuh vs- plctuii cl T. H.

Kuinlor, S. and rijiposntcd BlotHTH toil'vjrl" rcnl inro TIIK I Tl ItM.N JSY HOA Leslie, judgment for plaintiff in the sum of. £51247. A MOTION. Catherine M.

Mullen vs. William B. Hoar, el defendants have filed a motion to sot aside iho appraisement. I'KTITIOX F.ltltOR. A.

L. S. Campbell vs. Henry E. Norman, petition in error filed on an appeal from the court of 'Squire Me Groovy.

KKAL ESTATE TRA.SSFKBS. Frank Hastings and wife to Maud Sponsor, lot 18, Walters' sub-division, J. Schwartzcndruber ot al. to Olillia ImhofT, lots SSOO-3801, Hamilton, A. G.

Wykoff, administrator, to Martha acres, Roily township, Martin L. Conway and wife to Eaton Loan Homo Aid lot Hamll- lon, $100. Peter Schneider to TJ. P. Clawson, parts of loU 111 and 112, Hamilton, Martin W.

Cunningham to Andrew Cunningham, undivided one-eighth interest in ICO acres, Wayne township, $400. 'Elizabeth I). John Mo- Caun, lots 203IJ and Martha Ann Collctt ot al. to Sylvester Meyer, parts of lots 2 and 3, Monroe, $fiOO. Peter G.

Thomson, trustee, to Geo. Fischer, lot ssr.r, Hamilton, iffiOO. David Pierce, assignee, to Robert II. Mari-hall, 20 lots, Hamilton, Ella K. Clark and husband to Jerome 11.

Hobinson, lot Monroe, $MOO. F.lmer C. Sill and wife to Jennie 15. Sill, four tracis of land, I.emon township; Albert A. Weiss lo Joseph Weiss, Madison township; John H.

Budiker anrl wife to Dallas A Dodiker, Mlddletowu, Hiale of Ohio to P. J. Faber, lot UKS, Mr. Foraker: I see lu this morning's Commercial Gazollon letter from a young CanneK "bravo" and the inclosed c-lTiisiou is tho remit. I suppose yon know enough history to iho melody of thb one (bu'ing an ex ihe other Is a par- odv on the poem in his letter.

Hoping you will read this with us much pleas- iire as Iho ulher, and hoping yon will remember that llio Yankee boys aro no pcior aitiulo, either, I rcinftiu Yours respectfully, I'll HO. liOOK. 42 North Sixth street Hamilton, O. Ago 10 years mon ha -1 days, A 11AKINU OP BAKINdS! Oil A REVIEW Of In my Yankee home 1 sit Th nking, Canuck, dour of you, And your Ijright and nappy homo so far away, And the le.ars they nil my eyos, Spito of all that I can do, To think that you'll Uo "taken in" some day. Chorus: Tramp, tramp, tramp, I hoar them marh- Foar not, Cainick, they will como.

And Ihe Blue-coats' Eta ry flag Will supplant tho crimson r.ig That Is waving now o'er every Canuck's home, In tho battle front they'll stand When your liercest charge is made, By your blustering British lions from abroad, they'll make you rue the day For you'll fall back in dismay, For the Bine-coats as soldiers aro no fraud. -Chorus So within my Yankee homo I am waitnig for tho day When tho British try to open wide our doors, And my hollow eyes grow bright, And my poor heart quite fiay, As I hear the Yankee vict'ry cry once more. Of hist'ry you claim to know, Yet there's others not so slow, Know you tho lalo of Iho Delaware? Spito of the glassy ice and snow, Tho Blue-coats met tie foe, And then their roar of viot'ry rent the air. In your glass homo don't throw stones, Do you. know of John Paul Jones, Who beat the British, "rulers of the wave" ITar away upon the Writo this in your memory, That the Yankee tars, too, can he brave.

Or a later time than that, Not tar from where you're at, On the lakes that border on your conn- try's shores, Perry and his Yankee crow Made a regular hash of you, In spite of a whole ilcet of lions' roars. lift my Yankee homo I I am waiting for the day, D. W. FITTON fi CO. SPECIE THINGS AT SPECIAL PRICES.

We will sell all our Capes, Jackets and Fur Capes at lower prices than were ever named for Scime quality. It is important to buyers to know that all capes and jackets tbat we show at such lovv prices, are all new, this season's styles and shapes, the jackets with the large sleeves and ripple and coat back The cloths of the capes and jackets are the fashionable Beaver and Boucle weaves. The garments altogether are perfect, and a buyer can get a garment for the balance of the season and for next season at about half the value The Fur Capes in Coney Seal and Wool Seal are the fashionable lengths and are sold at prices that it is a stroke of economy to buy them now. A line of Shuler Benninghofen's famous Blankets, white and fancy plaids, at less than regular prices. A few copies only of Webster's complete Dictionary, pocket edition, foreign phrases, Synonyms, Tables, Weights, al 7 cents.

Every house and every scholar in the county should have a copy of this Dictionary. Ladies' Black Moire Duck Skirts, with flounces and finished with drilling (Rustle Skirts), at $1 50. Ladies' seamless all wool skirts, with borders, black and colors (Shuler Benninghoi'eii), the best skirts made for the money they cost. D. W.

FITTQN CO. A RELIC OF YE OLDEN TIME. A Si-ir Made Man. An Invitation to RossvlUo Ovnr Forty-Throe Cotillion 1'arty Held Years Ago. While A.

C. Morgan was engaged, recently, In making repairs on his residence, at Venice, an interesting rolic was discovered. It is an old invitation to a cotillion parti and had in somo way slipped between the woather-boardiuy and plastering. Following is an exact representation of Iho card, as to size, and as near as can be represented tj'pographically: Tho pleasure of your company is respectfully solicited at a COTILLION PARTY, to bo ciyen by FKHX STIIAUU, at Odd Fellows' Hall, Hossville, on MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 23ril, 1852. W1LK HEATY, J.



LEiarr, J. B. K13LSEY, J. H. PIIAftES, D.

W. IIAI.SEV, WM. MILLS, JOHN Jt'OKE. When from Greenland's ice to the Gulf's shore; Tho flag of stripes and stars, And no more those British bam Will wave triumphantly forovermoro. THEO.

BOCK. Should the war-whoop then be sounded O'er Canadian soil somo day, We will take your hallowed precincts, And your Wolfs and Brocks we'll slay; And the British rag we'll tear down, Many a British hero fall; There Americans will march, sir, There they'll plow with rifle ball. They'll fight for Yankeo freedom In a brave and knightly i Nor allow a British despot To touch our starry banner. Ronso not up Ihe Yankee eagle, Better lot him in his nest; Once aroused above yo soaring He will never lot you rest. The lion's king of boasts, Though ho never can rule menj With his crimson banner's feasts Ho had hotter seek his den.

'Bettor lot tho eagle slumber, not his youths attack, For you might a snag encounter; Youug America hits back. THEO. BOCK. hope this has not taken too much of your valuable time: no doubt you're studying "geography and history" pretty diligently now. Ono thing 1 know, you are a patriot.

(All republicans arc.) "A man's a man for a' that." T. B. The hack of the card bears, In bold cuirography, the name Wils Dowty." In 1852, the date of the card, Mr. Dowty was a resident of Venice. His son Wils is now a resident of Hamilton.

Of the many whoso names appear on tho card hut very few are now alive; in fact, as far ns known, T. V. llowoll is the only one. MIRACULOUS Tom- Hirhoy ommis- FINISHED Has Been tlio Ttacr or I.lfo, tlio Vlclnr. With Death Was the Escape of Kdwiu Huegton From Death This Morning.

"Deadnian's crossing," at the intersection of Third and Sycamore stroets, came very near securing a. victim shortly before 11 o'clock this morning. About tho time mentioned, tho belated east bound express train No. 31, dno hero at 10:15 o'clock, came thundering down Sycamore street. The alarm bells at tlm crossing above, were mute and frozen up by the severe cold.

Edwin Hues- Ion, a farmer, living near PloasantKun, reached the crossing abont this time with his team of horses and farm wagon. Ho was almost frozen, and stood at tho rear end of tho wagon, unawares of Ihe approaching express train. His team had hardly been driven onto tho tracks when it was suddenly struck by tho locomotive. Hneston was hurled backwards, and struck tho ground a few feet troni the track with a sicken in" thnd, and lay there unconscious The wagon bed and ono wheel were thrown about seventy feot northeast of the scene of Ihe accident, thereby freeing. Iho horses, which ran away with Iho front wheels, and were captured on High street.

One of the rear wheels was carried abont fifty yards on the pilot of the engine and thrown against a telegraph pole. The injured man was carried into tho oflico of A. Coinpton it Son, where he soon recovered, after receiving medical attention at tlio hands of Dr. Trebel. The Now Year's Greetlue.

A blithe Isew Year I gic ye a', An' inony may yo see; Wact sorrow ne'er to ye befa' Nor lenrs bedim your e'e. Jlut yet, I wadna liae your path Frac Ktanc an' thorn be free Man maun e'en cross Sorrow's fitratbei Ijifo shoulclun 3io a' glee. Wisdom's no learned in bltssfu' Bleep' by summer EGA The e'en tire clearest that nmlstwecp; Ilk his aln weird maun dree. Nor wad I wish ye tearless Vour life, uue enrtloss Bang; O' Grief ye maun hae some alloy, Your life wad else gang "Wad I could wish yo jjeaccfu' life wl'oot ano mar; What God ordains Tor ye IB best, For ye Is better far. The year alane can this Its Joy an' eke its pain; It treasures hands for yo 1 sunshine an' o' rain.

Then I will wish ye courage, frcen, To bravely face the strife, An' win tho vic'try that I ween, Yc'll uo hand dearo' J. TJ. Gotroii. Otlen Conic WHS firntHr.v Ttio-dfiv, Iho peniifiitiary i ad to tho In- II relensnd from 'ioiii two ngo, A 1-1 K. for a dl- i-haiul, Hpi- of dofirrtlon.

nnd niinic.s Flor- Mn Sjiik vorro from I kt-r on tho mrni Slio nlli'iic-H in Qc ohfio LVnly TH f'iOI 1-UtS. Ilorrnnn and MHX rmil Val Fields hiivf 'Lien (1 Tom jail hy order of On? I'ommirnioiu'rs and aru mifiposod lo luivu reiuriujcl to 'Tlif ctom sallow- the mom lily hlllri nf (or noon Ainonp tucso wore the fallowing of the THK GOLDl'IKI-DS OP THH WK8T Are now attracting the attention of tho whoio world, and llio results of the pliiwr and mining nro fully etui ul to the finds of miggels in iho early California Color Montana, Idaho, Washing- Irin and Unlisli Columbia-vie wilh ciicn other the extraordinary inducements offered lo prospectors, pracl leal miners and Jiy IM-XC spring the gold fever will Imvo taken porsnssion of thousands of pwnplo, and iho western roads will linvc nil they can do to transport tho fortune hunters. Tlio Chicago, Milwaukee and Si. Tnnl railway, and its r.nntn-i'tlng lines, is the be-t ro'nt' 1 lo nil HIM-UOIIM of Iho fur west, Kur im informal ton address ii.

ICversi, Truv. 1'nrS. III. decMmon-wcdAweok-amo The infant child August Ivo, of Grccnwooil avenue, died, Tuesday oven- ing, of brain fever, aged 4 months. The funeral look place, Thursday af- tornonii, from -St.

su-phen'sclmreh. Interment Ht. Stephen's cemetery. Unexpected Attention. A young man who was walking along Dearborn street tho other day stopped in front- of an engine house and looked in.

"Have many flues in this town:" he inquired of one tlio firemen standing in the door. "Wo liavo "em pretty often," replied tlio other. "Do yon have to go to all of them?" "No; not unless they're iu our district, or unless there's a general alarm." "Ever try to seo how quick you can hitch up?" "Oh, yes!" "How qnick can you do it?" At that instant thero cauio an alarm. At tho first stroke of the gong tho men ran to their pasts, the doors of tho stalls opened, tho horses ran ont and wore quickly hitched to tho hose cart, and within a few seconds men, horses and cart were out of tho door and speeding down the street. The interested young man watched tho performance with undisguised admiration.

"By gum," ho exclaimed, "that's Chicago all ovor I Thoro ain't another town iu tho United States whero they'd go to all that trouble to show a stranger what thoy can Tribune. AFIRE On the ninudy Farm, South of tlie City, SuncTny Morning. The large burn and cow sheds on Iho dairy farm of Charles Warwick, below palrol wapron had been summoned in (ho lilmlenwnlcl on tho old Jlondy farm, meanlimc and soon apimsirecl on Hie destroyed by flro lielwoon llic scene. The unlucky man this lime hours of 12 and 1 o'clock noon, Sunday. was ablo to sil up and af'cr being wrappcd llio Harriot Hazel, infant daughter of Peter and Lena Mc-Iiuosh, died Tuesday evening of pneumonia, aged months, Tho child was a grandfbilil of C.

H. it I)i Baggage-master Charles Kggooreuht. Mre. Kmma SI nrkcy, wife of Prof. P.

Shnrkc.v, of Kulon, nnd a sinior ot Charles (Irierfmer, of Hits oily, died nt 7 o'clock, edncflday morning, at Katon, of dlaboica, 40 yoarf. A InishHiid anil ihruo children Hiirvivo her. in blankets was luken homo of vSpcncer Compton Wood street. Tliero is no doubt but that be lias sustained some inlernal Injuries, but it is believed thnt tboy aro not of adanijeroiH nature. Mr.

Warwick discovered Ihe nro in am- lo plo limn to remove the horses on from Ibo barn and tho cows from tho sheds. Mo suslniued some painful luirmi on the right hand during the rescue of llio slock. Owing lo tno lack of Jlro protection It was Im- This accident another warning to possible lo extinguish the fierce (lames the city coun.ill lo attend to tho duties and to save tho dwelling house, bo Biun- dovolved on them and huvo tho cross- moncd Iho Urn engine which is kept, at the Ii'ourth ward engine house. The origin of tho flro is a in lory, hut it Is believed that tho tramps who congrc- Abcnt tho Same. Tlioy mot on Woodward nverinb, near Stulo Kircet, tlio utlser oveniiigSvlien tiia wind had whipped around into tho north and brought chill with it.

"Ciui you tell mo what time it is?" politely queried tho first. "Ciin't possibly do it by my watcli," was tlio roplj-. "Bcciuiso it's up tlin spont?" "Kxactly. whcro your winter overcoat is. Let's sliakp.

Yon nro chilly nnd I niu timeless. Wo slant! nbont even, 6h?" And (hey shook hands nud lifihtwl tho stubs of tlioirnickel cignrs by tho sumo Iciin, lonely match and said it wiis wonderful how curious coincidences cmno Frao Proaa. protected wilh safety paceo or HUB men. Onn Cure Is a popular remedy for croup, Snlo for children nnd Dr. Mcyoru it Uo.

Ono Mlmilt? ('nro is rigiiily nainorl. Tl nffords LnHtnnt rellof from (UifTi-riiif! wren Klllieinl with ft severo or cold. It xcts Iho Iliroul, lironchial tuhrn, tiTiil mid nMvor falls lu mvo inirncdiui" relief. Dr. A Co.

KOR OVBU k'UTi'Y VKAKS gate in the C. H. A- I), gravel pit had Mrs. Wlnalow'f. Soothing Syrnp m0 to do with Iho tiro.

BSXrmoSerJ.or "arn.sheds and land lo Tra toeti ing, with porioc' success. It Millikln and PoU-r llcnntngh ifon. Tlio soothes thochlld, softens the gn lays all pain, cures wind colic, on Iho buildings is estimated to bo at least fully insured. The contents of tho barn consisted of nniB, and is inV liest remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relievo tho poor little snfforo iminodl ately.

Hold by druggists Inovory of tlio world. Twenty-five cents a ool- Warwick and valued at fsbu and partly or kind insured. grain, Iced, hay and farming fn monls nnd wore tho property of Mr From Sluc'p to Dcnth. Jn coiiGidoriitioii of tho ropoTtssto the effect thsit electricity menus of executing ramlcinncd criniinnls is hnvsh, linrbnrniiH in.d uncerinin, it is KiifjRcsted tiy Dr. Andrew Wilson London mams mid merciful would ho thnt of cliamlicr invented by Hir JJ.

W. liiclmnkon. It is employed ut in tho diftposul of lioinolr-su nnd owiicrlcMi dogs which are valueless nnd wliosn niuiiiioiiniico ia nnrtosirnhle Tlio death prodococl'by iho iiiliulsilion of carhonio ncid gnu, ns far us miy record of (he action of tha giia ran inform, is certainly jiaiuln.iH. It really sleep wliieh deepens inicuei- bly iuto.

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