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Cassville Republican from Cassville, Missouri • 5

Cassville, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Awarded gjjvhest Honors World's Fair. The Irrepressible Scott Reno I now charged with selling mortgaged property, i Nicest line of tobacco and cigars fn the city is to be found at the Cassville Gro. Co's. The second nine did not get even with the the pick-ups Saturday on account of no game. Mrs.

Li. G. Brown who has been confined to her home for many months past, is improving. Billy Beadles has successfully passed through a siege of bilious fever and is again able to be out. W.

K. P. Dow of Berry ville, stopped over a short time, Friday, while on hi 9 way to Springfield. Mrs. Dora Talbert anticipates spend- ing next week in St.

Louis, where she will purchase a stock of fall millinery. Don't you know thai Hood's Sarsa-parilla will overcome that tired feeling and give you renewed vigor and vitality? The latest advices from Recorder Wear are that his father is in a critical condition and may pass away at any time. Married, Moudav, Sept. 30, James Henbest of Cassville to Miss Julia Garrison of Aurora. Eld.

R. G. Mitchell officiating. The 18-months-old child of Mr. and m'mm eceive JUST The Newest in assortment of all the LEADING NO VELT1BS, Only One Pattern of a Early and Secure Your Choice.

BAYLESS COMPANY. MOST PERFECT MADE. i pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fre 'jom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. Frisco Time Card.

Kxktek Station. south ItOUNJJ. 1, Kxprews, (hut 0:15 p.m. 3, Kxprens, duo a. 111.

5, Texan Limited, due 7:27 a. 111. No. No. No.

No. 33, licai n-lKHl. a. m. NOHTH BOUND.

2, Express, due 6:07 a. 111. 4, Kxpress, due p. m. fi, St.

lAiuit Limited, due p. m. No, No. No. No.

Local rclxht, uue 4 p. m. CONSKCTIONS. No. 1 connects lit l'aris, Texas, with G.

O. 8 i iitnl T. I', for jmints in Texas. Has Ue-riin'iiii; hair Cam (seats free) and 1'iillmaii Huffett Drawinjf Room to Pallas, VoTi eoiineets at P.urrton, with A. T.

for point in Colorado, Wyoming, I'tiih, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, New and old Slcxico, Arizona unci California. Hint Reclining Chair Cars (neat free) and rullman Ruffct Urawing U00111 Sleeper to St. Louis. Reclining Chair Curs (seats free) Monett to Burrton, anil Anthony. rullman Drawing Uoom Sleeper Monett to llurrton, Kan.

Through 1 '11 11 1 it it Sleepers llurrton, to l'ueblo, Denver, Kl l'uso, Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco. Connects at St. Louis Grand I'n ion station with all lines for the Kast, North and Southeast. So. 3 eonneets at Van Iluren, for mints on L.

It. F. K'y. Has coaches to t. Smith, Ark.

o. 4 eonneets at Wichita. with A. T. A S.

F. for points in heroke Strip and Oklahoma. Connects at llurrton, with A. T. S.

F. for points in Kansas. Has Heclinlng Chair Cars (seats free) Monett to St. Louis, rullman PalaceSlccperSeligtnan toSt. Louis.

Heelining Chair Cars (seats free) and Pullman Drawing Room Sleeper Monett to Wichita, and llurrton, Kan. Connects at St. Louis Grand Cnion Station with all lines for the East, North and Southeast. No. 5 Texas Limited (Vestibuled).

Has Reclining Chair Cars (seats free) and rullman lluffet Drawing Room Sleepers through to Galveston, via Paris and Dallas without Change. No. tiSt. Louis Limited (Vestibuled). Connects at St.

Louis Grand I'nion Station with all lines for the Kast, North und Southeast, lias Keclining Chair Cars (seats free) and Pullman lluffet Drawing Room Sleepers tli rough to St. Iuis without change. Through tickets on sale to all points. Kor further Information call on or address, C. V.

GKJKKN, Agent. Church Directory. Methodist Kpircopal (South) services at the Union church at 11 o'clock a. m. and at 7-30 o'clock p.

011 the first Sunday in each month. Rev. K. J. Ktle, Pastor.

Cumberland 1'HKsjiYTEKlAN Services at the I'nion church on the fourth Sunday in each month, at 11 n. m. and 7:8 p. m. also Suturday uight before.

KEV. K. W. Mt'CRACKEN, Pastor. C'HIUSTIAN Services at the I'nion church 011 the third in each ironth at 11 u.

m. and 7 H0 p. also Saturday night before. Kl-D. J.

T. Iiixes, Pastor. Union Sunday School Conducted at Un ion church each Sunday, beginning at a. in. Jos.

lluosox, Sup't. T. s. Khokt, Sec'y. llAl'Tlsr Services at the Baptist church on second Sunday In each month and Saturday night before." Sunday school at a.m., K.

llaylcss, sup't. Kev. J. II. Amackeh, Pastor.

MethoiIST Kl'Ist'Ol'AL Services at the M. E. cburcb on the llrst and third Sunday in each month, at 11 a. in. und 7:30 p.

111. Prayer meeting Thursday night following each lirst and third Sunday. Sunday school at 9:30 a. 111., 31. C.

Messer, superintendent. Kev. J. W. Haymes, Pastor Lodge Directory.

I. O. O. F. Cass vi lie Lodge No.

238. 1. O. meets on Friday night of each week at o'clock, at their hall in the odd Fellows Building Association block. All visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend.

M. W. Wooton, X. G. A.

IIETHEL, Sec'y. I). of H. Lillian lodge No. 20, D.

of meets at the Odd Fellows' hall at 7:00 o'clock p. on the lirst unci third Wednesday nights in each month. Visiting brothers and sisters welcomed. Jessie iiurton, N. g.

Ali a Goodnioht, Sec'y. Wheat, 50 cents corn, 20 cents. The best only, in axes and saws, at R. Li. Bright of Monett spent Sun day the citj Burton Price are now located in the Rogers block James II.

Box 19 nursing a catarrh, which disables him. Born, Sept. 29, to Mr. and -Mrs. inos.

VolZjiasou. Died, Sunday, Sept. 29, infant son or. Mr. and Mrs.

Thos. Volz. Mrs. W. II.

Martin is visiting her brother, Perry Evans, at Crane. Z. L. lloberts purchased Thos. May ers' 40-acre tract Friday, for 500.

There was a basket Sunday school picnic at Hickory drove, Sunday. Mrs. II. MoHatt of Washburn is vis iting friends in the city this week. You don't need to be hydnotized in order to appreciate Norby's stoves.

Mrs. Belle Hailey is the guest of ij. Hailey. Her baby is quite 111. Barrels of Kraut and Pickles will arrive at Cassville Gro.

Co's this week. B. J. Norby and W. E.

Wallen ex pect to attend the St. Louis lair next week. If you love vour wife a9 yourself. get her one of those Michigan washers at rsorby's. Prosecuting Attorney Davis has heen ill this week, but able to receive pieas or guilty.

Hank Martin and John F. Larecy pent Saturday in St. Louis, witnessing the festivities. A. M.

Drinnin of Dakota has tur chased the interest of Bam Trolinger in trie meat market. State vs, Johu Burton, disturbing peace of Jim trial; ver- ict: guilty; fined $1.00. Mrs. Smithy and Miss Minnie Graf- ioru visited at M. Pur Saturday ana Sunday.

Mrs. Bert Talbert and son. Virll and Ward Socks are quite ill. Bert says the new baby is doing nicely. The 10-year-old daughter of Mr. ana was buried at iriarks Thursday A splendid B. II. Ingram of Sedalia, represent ing the Missouri Trust was look ing alter the foreclosure of a deed of trust on the Morton Shoal Creek prop erty. He was enjoined and the sale did not occur Saturday. Clarence McClure was bruised on the head Sunday night at Mineral Spring by one ot the tent poles of the tabernacle falling on him.

The pole was loosened by someone who desired to disturb the meeting. Mrs. C. A. Howard of Mineral Spring returned Sunday from where she hal been visiting her daughter, Mrs.

Zora Foster. She reports the advent of a new grandson that is the finest on earth. Dr. Mitchell was called to Mineral Spring Tuesday to see James Martin of Eagle Rock, who had been in an unconscious condition since Monday evening from a congestive chill. He reports Mr.

Gore's baby very ill. Frank Boling of Aurora, who was wanted for stealing from Jay Sallee's boy, during the reunion, a vest, was captured at Aurora Thursday, and Friday plead guilty before 'Squire Manley, and was fined 10 and costs. C. A. Howard of Mineral Spring brought in a pumpkin vine, Friday, that besides growing a 68-pound pumpkin, also grew two branches which measured 40 and 50 feet respectively, and a lot of medium sized pumpkins.

J.M. Bayless went to Detroit, Sunday to serve as a witness in a fraudulent land case. The defendant conveyed land described as being in this county which hedid not own, and further no such land lays in this county. W. M.

Loyd of Mineral Spring entered a plea of guilty in 'Squire Man-ley's court, Tuesday, to the -charge of assaulting Albert Becket. He is serving his time in jail. Loyd is also charged with obtaining goods under false pretenses. Miss Flossie Charles of Monett and Miss Myrtle Boren of Bolivar are visiting Mrs. W.

K. Bayless and other friends about town. Miss Boren is an accomplished musician and may consent to teach a class here sometime this fall or winter. I). J.

Smith and John Ferguson of Corsicana were in the city Sunday after a burial outfit for William Stamps, who died that morning at 11:15 a. aged 35 years. The remains were interred Monday at Concord; services conducted by Eld. J. T.

Brattin. State Bank Inspector Austin has been in the city looking over the business of the banks of Cassville. It is unnecessary to add that he found two institutions safe in every respect and worthy of the confidence that the people so generously place in them. Messrs. H.

B. and F. B. Kelly of Elk City, have opened a business in the Frost block under the style of "The Big Racket." The elder Kelly has rented the Lee Brown residence in Pharis' addition which he will occupy upon the arrival of his family. Purdy had an exciting time Friday morning over the discovery of two burglars in the depot.

The posse tried to effect their capture but failed though succeeded in securing the plunder, which consisted of two suits of clothes and an overcoat belonging to Elmer Smith and Ethel Williams; also about half a bushel of cutlery that had been taken from the hardware store of G. W. Gurley Sons. A number of shots were fired by pursuers and pursued but no one was injured so far as known. Mr.

Gurley and J. F. Eyler are reported as the best marksmen, one succeeding in filling a wagon bed pretty full of shot, and the other perforated the lumber yard. fa'- Call Mrs. John Wisdom of Rock Creek died Tuesday morning and was buried luesday evening.

The 18th anniversary of the birth of Miss Alta Haukins.of live miles north east of town, was celebrated last night bv a social dance. W. H. Brown has a Texas White sweet potato that measures twenty-two inches in length after two inches of it had disappeared. Elder W.

C. Willey of Exeter per formed the rite of baptism by immersion upon Miss Orpha Bay less, Sun day, at the usual place near town. To make your house cleaning swiftly Always use Sapolio. At Cassville Gro. Co's.

Mrs. Maud Jordan, nee Trim, who had been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Nan nie Hudson, departed for her future home in Minnesota, last Wednesday. TrtVin KriiLhlofiiM rf Tvuncna firv spent last week visiting his brothers, W. of Exeter, and Clay, of near Cassville.

Jno. I). Tate of Kings Prairie re ported Tuesday that wheat sowing is progressing nicelv in that section 01 the county. The reason why some people didn't see the frost in the valleys Monday morning was because they didn't get up in time. The Cassville Gro.

Co. has received a large invoice of canned goods, pack of 1895, that were bought right and will be sold right. It. J. Kyle has been appointed as supply on this circuit for the M.

E. (South) church for the next year, and K. 11 j. Jarvis tor Monett. Have vou Lands or other property to sell or trade? See W.

D. Manley Son. The grading of the court yard will be quite an improvement when completed, and will make it look less like a goose pond after heavy rains. Foit Sale. A good residence in Purdy.

Good home, good location. J. BIKKES, 41-tf. Gainesville, Tex. Sparliu returned from Mineral Spring Tuesday, where had been at tending camp meeting.

He reported interest good in Bpite of cool weather. You had better go to Norby's hard ware store and get a pair of strong hi nges for your front gate if that young man persists in coming every night. Miss Daisv McPherson of Roaring River returned home last Wednesday after a year's absence at Sappington, Montana, where she had been school. Miss Alice Ragsdale, who was in Oklahoma, near El Reno, during the past year, improving a claim, returned home Saturday for a few months' visit. Mrs.

D. P. Pharis and Mr. and Mrs. W.

Li. Martin went to Kansas City Monday, where they will attend the lair and visit the lamily ol c. C. Mar tin during the week. Bertha, the 14-vear-old daughter of Air nnH Afrsa um Ulanlroneh in nf Hat Creek died Thursday.

The re mains were interred in tne cemetery near Mr. Blankenship's, Friday. The second trial Monday of Wm. Dotscm for trading mortgaged proper ty, Judge Lohmar prosecuting wit ness, resulted 111 acquittal of defend ant. If you have anything to trade for Kansas property, list it with W.

D. Manley Son. Died, Thursday, Sept. 26, at 11:00 o'clock p. Elizabeth, wile ot John Laidlaw, of McDonald Township.

The remains were interred in the Arnhart cemetery Friday. The iurv in 'HrmirA Manlev's court Friday, thought L.on George guiltv of uisiuroing me peace 01 nis sisier-in-law, Dolla George, and assessed a fine 01 ne appeaieu. Dr. E. J.

Lee will start for near St. Louis the latter part of this week, to be gone about a month. He will be ac compauied by his sou, Lon, who will remain lor tne next year. To Farmers: We would likb to exchange you Groceries (all kinds) lor com, oats, potatoes, turnips ana all kinds of country produce. Let's swan.

Cassville Grocery Co. Judge Stubblefield of St. Louis is visiting his sons. Clay and Pen, and otner relatives. He reports tne mar riage of his son, Scott, the 13th ult.

to Miss aiattie l.acy 01 St. Juouis, and tneir removal to Auburn, is. where Scott is studying theology. Mr. Stubblefield's many friends in Barry will wish him the fullest meas ure of success in his good work.

County Court Proceedings. Bond of James Falin, constable of Shell Knob Township, approved. Bond of Vanllook Scott, dramshop keepers, approyed. Bond of W. F.

Decatur, same. Dramshop license granted S. W. Pierce of Monett. Ordered that voting precincts of Kings Prairie remain as at present.

Pierce Western ordered released from road work. Bids for rent of county poor "farm and keeping paupers opened as follows: S. B. Feland, $60 rent, $5 per month for keeping paupers, including wash ing and mending, county to lurnish uecessary improvements and repairs. A.

King, $50 rent and keep up water gaps, repair fence and clean out fence rows, $5.50 per month for paupers. E. M. Hutehens, $50 rent, and $5.50 per month for paupers. Contract awarded to A.

King. Bids for county medical practice opened as follows: Dr. C. M. Sparkman, $100.

Dr. E. J. Lee, $100. Mitchell Wooton, $100.

Resignation of V. T. Hensou, constable of Mountain Township, accepted, and L. M. Pannell appointed to fill vacancy.

M. Horine, Z. L. Roberts, and J. J.

Wallen appointed commissioner of county poor farm. Grand and petit jurors drawn for November term as follows: GRAND JU Name. D. G. Bennett, J.

F. Hutehens, P. L. Dodson, William Warren, N. G.

Baird, Geo. 11. King, Thos. Wilder, P. L.

Snuffer, W. A. Lewis, Warren A. C. C.

Fawver, J. M. Johnson, RORS. Township. Monett.

Creek. Creek, Exeter. Flat Creek. Mountain. Pleasant Ridge.

Roaring River. Shoal Creek. Creek. Washburn. PETIT JURORS.

Reason Monett. Ed Wilson Monett. Fletcher Wormingt.on,. Creek. M.

C. Lucky Exeter. Peter McNally, Exeter. Geo. H.

Meador, Flat Creek. S. R. Reynolds, Flat Creek. John D.

Tate, Kings Prairie. Joseph Robbins, Pleasant Ridge. J. E. Obanion Ozark.

Boone Haddock, Roaring River. Sidney Antle, Liberty. Marion Spawr, McDonald. Geo. Houston, McDonald.

Robert Bailey, Mountain. Chas. A. Howard, Mineral. U.

G. Blankenship, Shoal Creek. Abe Shoal Creek. Adam Herd, Sugar Creek. S.

I). Thompson, Washburn. E. M. Dent, Ash.

II. E. Morro, White River. C. A.

Prentice, White River. F. A. James, Shell Knob. Warrants ordered: Samuel Riddle, overseer No.

Thos. Latham, overseer No. 2,. 7.01 Monroe Burkett, roadcom'r, 2.00 Walter Strother, same, 2.00 James London, same, 2.00 Joe Hudson, mdse, 5.40 A. C.

Farley, report, 40.00 J. W. Hemphill, per diem on Board of Equalization, 6.00 S. G. McCracken, 6.00 P.

M. Frost, same, 6.00 Clay Stubblefield, same, 6.00 E. A. Marbut, same, 6.00 L. Atkisson, same, 6.00 B.

F. Lamar, same, 4.00 Land Tor Sale. 80 acres of strictly first-class land, clear of rock, unimproved, 7 miles south-west of Rocky Comfort. Will sell for part cash and time given on balance. No incumbrance.

Charles Earle, 24-8tf. Cassville, Mo. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Graduate Missouri Dental College. O.

H. THIBLE, D. D. S. Dental Parlors Hailey's Drug CASSVILLE, MO.

UP TO DATE Yes, that is what we say, and that ISWHATWE MEAN If you want pure drugs (and if you want them at all you certainly want them pure), if you want a patent medicine, if you want a perfume, if yoit want a toilet soap, if you want a haircloth, flesh, shoe, tooth, paint or varnish brush, Dr. Speece's Drug Store is the place to get it. If you want to paint your house or' your barn, Speece has the paint ready mixed (all colors), cheap for cash. If you want to paint your buggy or your hack, he has the paint ready mixed-ready to put on (don't have to varnish after using this paint). It only cost you $1.00 to paint your buggy with this paint.

Speece will sell you pure linseed oil. If you want a mixed oil he can sell it to you at a reduced price. If you are going to paint anything you had better call before you purchase. W. SPEECE.

In Your Blood Is the cause of that tired, languid feeling which afilicts you at this season. The blootl is impure aud has become tliiu and poor. That is whv you have no strength, no appetite, cannot sleep, l'urify your blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla, which will give you an. appetite, tone your stomach, and invigorate your nerves. Hood's Fills are easy to take, easy in action and sure in effect.

25c. Licensed to Wed. Geo. W. Coatney, 28, Pioneer.

Crelia Weston, Pioneer. James H. Henbest, 22, Cassville. Julia Garrison, 18 Aurora. John Nelson, 22, Madry.

Ellie Brown, 10 Valentine I ten son, 28, Creek. Doshia Erwin, 24 Flat Creek. Merchants' Assessments. The Merchants' assessments for 1805, are as follows: Town. Monett Valuation.

31,050 Taxes. 718.83 644.46 lOT.So 303.72 lHt.35 108.11 317.30 34.21S Seligman, 11,300 Washburn 13,850 Exeter, Purdy I0.S0O Miscellaneous, 20 Total, 130,323 We Thank You Again. Once more we are under obligations to the people of Cassville for services rendered in time of need, and we take-this method of returning our sincere thanks for your kind assistance Sunday morning in not only removing our stock of groceries from danger but also in replacing them. That the-building was not destroyed renders our obligation no less, nor does it diminish our appreciation of your kindness. Very respectfully.

Cassvii-xe Grocery Co. F. O. Anderson, alias Lauderbalk, who was arrested at Harrison, recently for murder in Tennessee, caught his guards napping at Imbo-den. and though handcuffed, leaped from the train and escaped.

A few cool da3s in succession will make you feel like going to Norby's for a heating 6tove. J. T. Dixon recently sold a February calf for $15. He says it is the best calf in the county There is one thing that money cannot do: buy more hardware for a dollar anywhere than at Norby's.

S. L. YVarf, who is at Garfield, conducting the mercantile business of Dr. Wooton, spent Sunday at home. A number of cases of whooping cough are reported about town, the most pronounced being those of Horace, sou of Mr.

and Mrs. T. M. Allen, aud Reba, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

O. P. Murphy." The dry goods store of C. A. Nelson of Monett was burglarized Friday night and a quantity of goods taken; also about $8 in cash from the drawer.

Entrance was effected by breaking into the cellar and boring a hole out of the floor large enough to admit of the entrance of a man. Collector Downing will start out Monday on his annual tour to accomodate the tax payers. Monday he will be at Shell Knob, Tuesday at Golden, AVednesday at Eagle Rock, Thursday at Seligman, Friday in Ash. He will be assisted by A. D.

Smith, who was with him last year. We are requested by Messrs. Kelly Bro's, proprietor of the Big Racket, to return their sincere thanks and express their high appreciation of the prompt and generous assistance given them during the fire Sunday morning in the preservation of their stock of merchandise. It is accepted as a token of good will that will be gratefully remembered. Financial circles were a little ruffled Monday by the report of the Bank of Purdy "and the Bank of Monett being placed in the hands of receivers.

The Westbays of Monett are the heaviest holders in both banks, and in the former O. L. Rose of Purdy holds a large slice of stock. Thos. M.

Allen has been appointed receiver of the Bank of Purdy and H. C. Pepper receiver of the Bank of Monett. The cause 6eems to be irregularities in the manner of conducting the business, rather than any weakness in the institutions, aud it is stated by interested parties that the banks will pay all indebtedness in full. No people suffer so much from physical disabilities as those whose business requires little or no muscular exertion.

The lack of exercise causes the liver to become sluggish and the result is constant Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness and Sick Headache. To prevent this, take Simmons Liver Regulator; it keeps the liver active and makes one's condition as comfortable as those who have much exercise. Eureka Springs thinks she has gold and silver in abundance. The Fountain says: About a mile north of this city in a ravine known as Livingstone's Hollow, there is a cave on the land of Gip Taylor, circuit clerk of Carroll County. Two residents of Eureka Springs named Thomas and Fields have leased the cave and are now building a small 6melter to extract the mineral from the crude ore.

Another citizen who is felicitating himself on the possession of untold wealth, is Col. John Scott, a one-armed union veteran. He is another man who counts himself a millionaire, believing he has a gold mine back of his house. The rock Col. Scott digs out is of a grayish color and quite heavy.

Frank Badger, a well known citizen, sent a sample of It to Denver, for assay, and says that when the returns come in he will know precisely what there is in it..

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