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The Windsor Review from Windsor, Missouri • 2

Windsor, Missouri
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

wizlstidsoir, 'Weekly EEyiew: AMONG OUR EXCHANGES. ITHIS CQUNTY. --Keep a full and complete stock of al! hinds of FRESH (illOCEHIES. matter that they read cannot be selected with (00 great care, as there is so much trashy "blood and thunder" stuff now put out that a little carelessness on thepaitof the parents may allow their youthful minds to-become dreadfully warped before they are aware what is taking place. We carefully examined this publication before endorsing it and.

find it filled with pure, wholesome, yet interesting, matter, now have no hesitation in most highly recommending it. It is a Western enterprise peculiarly fitted to meet the wants of Western youth and we hope to see it attain a large circulation. To the Holden Herald we are indebted for the following neat compliment: No old shelf-worn goods Consisting, in part, of SUGAK, COFFEE, FLOU ICANNED GLA SW-A. El, The ablpdked. Windsor Review has grown to dpuble size and is now a neatly gotten "page ifive column tquarto.

Miller County Autogram. Boonville. has organized its Board of Trade and the Advertiser says that it has a two-milliorirdollar board of directors and officers, chock full of enterprise. to be congratulated. El Dorado must have an enterprising man as themanager of its opera house.

He cancelled an engagement with a h'om company because he had a personal difficulty with some of the members. The B. at Archie has 'been in operation fifteen months and its shares' are now worth $25. Having a -friendly interest in that institution we are glad to know that it is succeeding so nicely. The Banner' thinks that the Southwest should have a Normal school and wants it located at Carthage.

In our opinion we already have too many Normals, Agricultural Colleges and other things of that kind. The pushing little town of Windsor is building a system of water-woiks. What QXJBEITSW IB, 'HUNTER'S -BACON, 3 HI BOSTON SUGARS.BS CHEESE, -And, wat is best of all, they sell everything at TIMES COLBOW fc LEWIS, )DEALERS IN( HARDWARE! Stoves, Tinware, iron, Nails, Agricultural Implements, Etc, mm. 6Saer 2 'Urich wants a britkj-ard. A.

Board of tor be orgahijedLat of -frozen 'fish have been -taken from Grand River at Urih -this winter. The is getting ihungry. He wanjs the ladies to organize a Cooking Club. From a card, published the Herald we presume that the lid is soon to be removed from sjzed in the tvicinity of Jlontrose. M.

B. Colt, of Clinton, -has "started a ishoe store at 'Montrose and shows iis ood bubiness(judgemertt 'by our 'fiiends of other days, 'Campbell i in charge of it. Some kicking on ithe waterworks. They won't let any one have a -particle Of water. unless'they become yearly customeis.

Clinton better move down heie where there's too much watet to get iiip a corner on. Boonville organised a Board of Tfade week. By applying to Clinton, they might have procured one already organized, officered and little worn by use. Clinton Democrat- We would have given them a good 4rade in a second-hand article of the same kind. An indignant parent had Prof.

Reynolds, principal of the Clinton school, arrested for assault and battery because he had given his boy a "licking" in school. The was last Saturday and the acquitted. The general trouble with the boy is that the. teachers "sfferethe rod spoil live child." Geo. Shelton.

of Windsor, representing iC H. Lacy Tobacco factory at Wentz-ville, was here last Friday night. He says that he thought.he could beat anybody prevaricating, but he turned the belt xvert to Henry Boles and left town weeping because he had been beaten. Windsor Review please copy. Br-owhington Boomer.

George authorizes us to say the is not correct. is in the not haying been even slightly disfigured in -iheceuieiit spoken of. Dr. Sam Milton on Tuesday of last -week January zothcelebrated the -that he. had been Iruhning his for i years in the rooms, with a reception.

We received a neatly -printed invitation -to attend and, had it possible to do go, would probably lave enjoyed it, though our memory of to digital offices do not couple them with mucb. of pleasure. One is cer-itajn, though, the doctor has either kept rent pretty well paid up, orlias a. landlord easy to stand off. THE STATE AiT i-AKGK.

Every paper is lull of railroad talk. Scarcity of water is the complaint all over the state. -uoia is saia 10 nave uecn discovered in county. 'Great improvements. are being made about the -Sweet Springs.

F.l Dorado wants a Normal school. It probably don't to want. A. building and Loan Association has foeen organized at Boonville. Bolivar voted recently on water-works, resulting four to one in their favor.

Belton's mineral spring boometh with a ibooniful boom, so says the Leader. All the Sedalia papers are filled with reports of the great revival now going on (there Scarlet fever is raging at California. The public schools have beeji closed on of t. Knob poster is to be included in the telephone circuit between llolden and Warrensburg. Boards of Tracl? ruff evidently becoming popular.

All of exchanges are rrying for them. The El DoraJp Democrat speaks of a young lady late of the "controversy" of Music, of J'pper Iowa. Whst kjnd of place is Helton, anyway? The citizens of the ton have invited a New York infidel to come there and lecture The Cedar Coun'y publican, a neat five column at Simkum W. I'lnpps, of El Dm ado, 4 Jjie additu.i.i to out txJi.mgc fist "Sometime ago a certain class belong ing to an organized club of anti-progres sionists and indefatigable kickers, of Windsor, directed their fire, elevated their noses at the Bevie7v of that city, That they have ceased and allowed the Review the gracious privilege of existence is evi dent from the appearence and tone of that paper, which continues to enlighten the public through its columns of the strides Windsor is making, the town seems ih a fair way to enjoy a boom de spite the croakers and penny-wise indi The Review is a good iper and has unceasingly labored for the welfare of the town in which it is published for the last ten years, and we believe that tr day, without its presence, Windsor would only be known about 20 mile from its cor porate limits and then only a whistling station and a post office on the M. K.

T. railroad." Court House Committee. Messrs. Gantt, Day, Hacknew and Tan-hehill, the commissiou appointed several mouths ago to consider plans for our new Court House, held a meeting this afternoon in Gantt Casey's law office. Quite a formidable array of plans and specifka tions were before, them for consideration.

Five firms were represented R. Jungle field St. Louis, who were represented by Mr. Fred Widnian; Jams II Brown, our fellow townsman, now of Texas, submitted a plan, which was noticed in this paper several months ago E. Meyers of Detioit, Michigan, had a finely executed design Eciwaids Burnham, the Chicago architects who have, visited Clinton several times having in view the erection of oureourt house sent their plan; 'but was un able to' bc'pYesaiit in person Herman Lemm, architect' and superintendent.

No 2719 South Ninth street, St. Louis, was before the commission in person, with hi contractors and bricklayers, Messrs. H.irt- man Dubus. Clintun democrat. Active, Pushing And Reliable Shadourne Wall can always be relied upnn to carry in.stock the purest and best goods and sustain the repution of being active, pushing and reliable, by reccomim-nding articles with well established merit and such as are popular Having the agency for the celebrated Dr King's New Discovery for consumption.

colds and coughs, will sell it on a positive guarantee. It will surely cure any and every affection of throat, lungs, or chest and in order to prove our claim, we ask you to call and get a Trial ttle Free. Trustee's Sale. Whf reas, on the day ot January. A.

1E81. I.eorfcc Holhday by hu. certain deed of trust of mat uatu, recorded the Kccoraer's olTu.e of 7en- ry county, Mate ot Missouri, in Hook 32 uf Deeds of 1 ium page in ami loiiou-iiig did convey to the unit- I'kignrd, as uiiMccs, the following described Kcal situated in the 'onntv of Henrv .111. 1 Mate of Missouri, to-wit The south half of the north-west quarter, and the noilh-wrst quarter ot the north-west qumtcr, and the soutli-west uarlcr ot the south-east quarter, and the oast hall ol the iouth-west quarter ofscction twenty-seven (37), also the south-ebst quarter ol the north-east quaiier of section twenty-eight (18), all in township lorty (40) and twenty-live makine 111 all cording to the II S. Government survey, 280 iuiih, or order, of the sum ol tweiitv-two hm.rlr.a dollars (Jj.soo), as represented by the said Cieoige a.

rioiuuays io certain notes, one for the sum of two thousand dollars and one for the sum of two hundred dollars (.001. of een dale wiih deed of trust, and payable live ears after dale, and ot the interest thrron at the rate of eight per cent per annum, payable semi-annually as. evidenced hy 10 interest Notes or Coupons attached to each of said principal notes accoiding to the tenor ul said Coupons. And, whereas, default aas been 111 the payment of both the piincipal and the interest due January 31st, A. i8loand of all inteiest which nas slime accrued; and whereas the said Mary a.

Smith has been compelled in redeem from back lax. es and pay current taxes at a heavy expense to her nu imiciuiB me ucui uas aneauy accumulated so as to render the sftcu ilv ut tl.juhtlul sultinency, and wheieas, lh legal tioiflur ol said paper has fur the teuton i.lated ejected to t.eclure tii whole debt due and payable now,, public tiotics is hereby fc.veu that at me rqus.t ul the legal ilder ot saiu i.otes anil coupotis and tax receipts, and by virtue suihontv in us vested by aaid deed of trust, wc will on the ajdoay of February, A. 1). 1167, at the east door ot tnc Com House in tne city ot M. t.ouis, in M.

Luuis county, in the state of i is.vun, at the hour of 1 1'. at Public Auction, to the highest riddci (or cash, in ore parcel, all the lat.fls 11. the atoroatd titial deed descuned. being the lanes hereinbefore' menlioLed, together wnh all the Internet. ts and hcrroitjiiients thneuntu hi loiiiinc, and all the richt, interest and en n.

ty ol ledenip leu tf the said lienrge Holli'lty act tit Weil and asstjtt.a, to ike the ueht tee on day ana (lie costs ol ihi- se, II )l I ClSiR hi. HuMi 't-Sl bb Windsor lacks in population she makes up in enterprise; Holdtn Herald. The enterprise will bring population in the course of time, friends. We understand that the editor of the Journal-Democrat had an interview last week with an irate party, incensed at something that had been in that paper-It is said that the editor, contrary to the general rule, got the worst of it. The Miller County has en larged to a six-column quarto.

Wonder if the hill upon which the court-house sits is as steep as it was when we used to "set type" in Tuscumbia, in the.Helmet. office, just opposite the court-house gate? A local newspaper is a photograph of the town it represents, and is the only evidence its foreign readers have of the town's prosperity. In order to make the impiession good every business firm should be represented by a standing advertisement, be it large or small. Warsaw Enterprise. Mr.

Samuel Hays representing the Colorado railroad, is in our town. He says the road will be pushed rapidly to 'He is here to learn the feelings pf our people in reference. to arid' also to work up the right of way, and other matters pertaining to the immediate construction of the road. Versailles Messenger: Gazette. The Windsor Review says they have eleven groceries that one has a standing ad, in the paper and one deals in locals We have three in Warsaw, but either of them would go out of bustness if there was no.paper to advertise in.

War saw Times. We put our "specs'' on and hunted up the and your three don't take as much as our one, so we fail to see where you have any bulge on us. Holden's fine college as burned to the ground last Wednesday morning. All the inmates, fortunately, making their es cape. A large portion of the furniture was also saved.

loss on the building was about $15,000, with only $5,000 insurance. Five piamis and two organs were destroyed. Holden showed the grand quality of energy thai her people so abundantly possess by immediately calling a meeting and taking steps to raise money with which to rebuild and the call was liberally responded to. In a short time the building will be put in better shape than it was before The local papers say it was a pretty strong argument in lavor of water-works. An important decision was recently rendered by the Kansas City Court of Appeals.

The Normal school at Warrens-burg has a rule prohibiting pupils from attending parties without the consent the principal. Miss Rosa Clark, who resided with'her parents in the city, attended a party by her parent's consent, but without that of her teacher. She was expelled from school and upon suit beingf brought to reinstate her, the court decided in favor of trie school An appeal was taken and the hig'icr court reverses this decision, holding that the control of the teacher ceases when at the close of school houi the pupil is under the care of parents. The Western Young Folkr. published at Independence, is just such a paper as wc would be glad to secant into the hands ofeve-iy boy and niil in the land.

We believe it) encouraging love of litera-iwe in t.iindto of ymn'i- Uj -(Cut draft and construction of MAIN STREET, r-CTmK9Dtpithortft. Ortop, Aath I.IK nwt fMM l.lkH. T. .1.1 Dutrrhute, Kiancy yJnibiptD, K'JiMA rT sX. tlM Ell 111JII II II 111 tne celebrated feona Wood Htater WINDSOR, MO.

FEMALE TONIC! Is prpareA nolely tor th CTJHE of complaint -whtch afflict nearly every woman in all elasses of society. By giving tone and tHrengtb to the AtAplnn fll rvflnna. fle MrM all AiihuIa oomplaints and eorreeta all daf(erotu uiarutKCMcnis no imccuutv.TiEa, It la of great value in choiiRo of life. ItK nno during nitMimnrv will mill rollcvo the pains of labor, and insure a tepeetly recovery. Pleuant to taste and may be taken at all times with safety.

BOCTOUamSCKIBE ITrTl HI DISEASES PECUUAR TO WOMEN. Mh 4r nn.V..mMlu Tl. 1. --rf tijuu, ViUI. lUTB won rsiug it in iae for mt 15 yenni.

I tnjiuo cat oi pterin Memorrfatvra o' j-oars stnndioit, pnd nra sattctind patient Is itni aiuwnuy ouroa. loo macn eiumot bo lnit praim. YonrF, Dr. in Q. BtATTIUE WW, OwenerlUo.

Mo IjOttGrcdnierieiicalnthotreetraenf rf tmm tioin1n me thpt nothimi In xitui aiaaieexoQiiimZTeu erwumo Tonic iu jnetxlBd. I ob Rrnrriirrruotloenndeiin hiitblT Ko, BTHfilteBtrt, 8. Louis, "Vo Bold fey all Omnlete and Ooalert. 'fifwywM V-- 'h router MAKE KSW, RICH rntOTi tao owl of or II PILLS II III I 111 El tf 151 I ft MVP fiIBtfc I nifSPTr? vut-j u.c 0-li HSj I Iff itv" Kotlunti.

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